A Common Straight Emergency Power System y Scenario Commercial Utility Power Emergency Generators Transfer Switchgear UPS System Network Computer Loads UPS Batteries Generator Paralleling g Control Switchgear Air conditioning, Lighting, Mechanical, Building Loads, etc. Normal Operation Commercial Utility Power Emergency Generators Transfer Switchgear UPS System Network Computer Loads UPS Batteries Cooling & Lighting Generator Paralleling g Control Switchgear T Computers To C t Air conditioning, Lighting, Mechanical Loads, etc. Utility Goes When Bus Power FirstBlack Fails Commercial Utility Power Emergency Generators Transfer Switchgear UPS System UPS Batteries Generator Paralleling g Control Switchgear Network UPS System Computer p Immediately Loads Assumes Computer Loads Air conditioning, Lighting, Mechanical Loads, etc. Generators Then When Utility y Feed Power Building Loads Through is Restored… Switchgear and Transfer Switches System Automatically Returns to Normal Operation Commercial Utility Power Emergency Generators Transfer Switchgear UPS System Network Computer Loads UPS Batteries Cooling & Lighting Generator Paralleling g Control Switchgear T Computers To C t Air conditioning, Lighting, Mechanical Loads, etc. AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES Definition: An Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is a, high speed switching device designed to safely transfer electrical loads from a power source to an alternate power source upon reduction or loss of voltage & to retransfer to the original source when power is restored. ATS APPLICATIONS Where does an ATS fit into a Building Distribution System? Unloaded Engine Load is fed Utility engine shutsgis down by y Utility emergency is y Restored cool down power system returned Simple One--line, One of ATS Transferring Between Utility & Generator Lost toperiod normal operation MAJOR COMPONENTS OF AN AUTOMATIC U O C TRANSFER S S SWITCH C 1. Switching Section 3. PLC Control 2. Voltage Sensing & Control Section • In an “over center,” (spring loaded design). The mechanisms which drive the contacts utilize a spring assisted motor operated concept. This design provides for a “quick“quick-break, quick quick--make” operation, with full arc interruption under maximum voltage and amperage interruption, amperage. Over O e Ce Center e Spring Mechanism Initial Point of Contact A Critical Component: Transfer Contacts Russelectric 2000 ampere rated movable finger contact assembly T Transfer f Switch S it h Controls... C t l Any PLC Controller should operate with an industry standard open architecture communication protocol for Windows compatible, high speed serial communications via multi multi--drop connection, fiber optic, or wireless to other controllers and/or to a master terminal. terminal System settings should be performed locally, through a menu driven touch screen or remotely remotely, to master terminal/s terminal/s. The Microprocessor (PLC) Controller is designed specifically to be the central operating system for Transfer Switches and will communicate with any open architecture hit t protocol t l device. d i It is integrated into the h d wired hard i d circuitry. i it O Opto Optot Isolators carry signals between PLC logic and traditional electroelectromechanical controls. FEATURES COMMON TO ALL RUSSELECTRIC TRANSFER SWITCHES •UL LISTED through 4000 amperes for 2, 3, and 4 pole configurations •Simple unidirectional motor operator •High-Speed transfer mechanism •Rapid arc quenching •Safe manual operator provides same instantaneous contact opening and contact closing speed as electrical operator (on all open transition transfer switches) •Positive mechanical and electrical interlocking (on all open transition transfer switches) •100% Continuous duty rated (6x for motor inrush) •The Industry’s Highest 3-Cycle Close and Withstand Ratings •Open Open type (switchboard construction available) Let’s discuss 4 pole (switched neutral designs)… Fully Rated Switched Neutral: Normal Source Neutral Breaks N L Emergency Makes Before Vs Overlapping NeutralE (One Line of Neutral Bus. or, 4th pole) (Same construction and withstand rating as the main power poles) Overlapping Neutral (Other Approach) Normal Source Neutral B Breaks k Before L Emergency g y Source Neutral Makes N N N E (One Line of Neutral Bus or, 4th pole) Switching inductive loads... Dual Motor Operated Transfer Switch Motor #1 drives the normal source contacts open N LL M1 M2 The load source is disconnected for an adjustable period to allow regenerative power to decay Motor #2 th d then drives i th the emergency source contacts closed Transfer Switches with Bypass Isolation Overview Bypass yp Isolation Switches Definition: A manuallyy operated p device used in conjunction j with a transfer switch to provide a means of directly connecting load conductors to a power source and of disconnecting the transfer switch. Standards The Applicable Standards are: •ANSI •UL •IEEE •NEMA Application: pp RTB(D) - Load Break Design: Where a bypass isolation switch is required and simplicity of operation is critical during an emergency condition Lets Talk Conceptually About Load Load Break & No Load Break Bypass yp Switches ATS ATS ATS ATS ATS ATS RTB(D) - Load LoadBreak design Break (Break--Before (Break Before-Contacts Make Bypass) RTB(D) - Load L d Break design (Break--Before(Break BeforeM k B Make Bypass)) NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM ISOLATE ISOLATE ISOLATE ISOLATE ISOLATE ISOLATE AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO BPN BPE BPN AUTO BPE BPN BPE BPN BPE BPN BPE BPN BPE Load Momentarily Disconnected BPN BPN BPN BPN BPN BPN BPE BPE BPE BPE BPE LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL LOAD BYPASSED TO NORMAL Bypass If the transfer Emergency Handle switch portion Power Switch & is bypassed Available Can rack back Bypassed isolated to in no Should Normal matter what position normal to and the thenormal ATS isl power in. Source return Emergency fails an engine switch can EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY start signal will EMERGENCYinitiate... EMERGENCY EMERGENCY still be racked in Benefits of the Load Break Bypass Design Power can be maintained to load during ATS failure Provides a means of bypassing the ATS for maintenance No elaborate system of electrical solenoids solenoids, electrical interlocks or mechanical interlocks Fast, Simple and Easy Operation Benefits of the No Load Break Bypass Design Power can be maintained to load during ATS failure Provides a means of bypassing the ATS for maintenance without load interruption Operation p – (Load ( Break Bypass yp Switch)) 1. Observe - that the source is available 2. Slide - the handle over to the desired/available source 3. Pull - the bypass handle down 4 Pull - isolating handle to isolate ATS 4. 1. Observe - that the source is available 2. Slide - the handle over to the desired/available source and d 3. 3 P Pull ll - the th b bypass h handle dl d down 4. Pull - isolating handle to isolate ATS Rack-out - Remove ATS if desired If Normal Source is lost while Isolated or Racked out - Engine start signal will automatically be given. When Emergency source is available, bypass to Emergency Slide Bypass Handle over to Emergency Pull Down Bypass Handle to Emergency Important p Construction Features 12-gauge steel enclosure 12Plenty of cable bending space No aluminum bus or components Bus connections - Belleville type compression washers Self--aligning ATS drawSelf draw-out Maintain Engine Start on Bypass to Emergency R Russelectric l t i ATS Ratings, R ti 3-Cycle Close and Withstand 100 - 400 Ampere 42,000 Amps 600 - 800 Ampere 65,000 Amps 1000 - 1200 Ampere 85,000 85 000 Amps 1600 - 4000 Ampere 100,000 Amps Additional Power Monitoring g ((Upgrade) pg ) AC P Power M Monitor it – Transducer Section – Protective Relay Section Current T Transformers f AC Power Monitor Power Monitoring g cont. AC Power Monitor Transducer Section +True RMS voltage measurement of each phase of both the normal and emergency sources +Frequency of both sources +True RMS current of each phase +Power factor relative to either voltage source +Phase sequence of each source +True and reactive power consumption AC P Power M Monitor it Protective Relay Section +Undervoltage and underfrequency sensing of each source +Overvoltage and overfrequency sensing of each source +Phase reversal protection of each source +Voltage differential protection of each source +Synchronizing check between the normal and emergency sources Power Monitoring cont. P Power M it i Monitoring Historical Data – Logs g the last 100 events – No more codes Serial Communications Power Monitoring & Control Screen ModBus Communications Amps Amps Amps KWatts Norm Emer 480Av A -5.400 B 403 Date 07/04/02 Amps A Norm Emer 480 KVars B -11.76 C 411 38Av Time 12:15: Amps B 12.82 Norm Emer 480 v C A TSE Closed KVA Amps C 0.42409 A Norm Emer Freq#100 Event PF A B C 403 A 411 A 409 A Amperes Emer A - B 480 v Emer B - C 480 v Emer C - A 480 v Emer Freq Emergency g y Voltage Norm A - B 480 v Norm B - C 480 v Norm C - A 480 v Norm Freq Normal Voltage o tage KWatts KVars KVA PF Date Time TSE 5.400 11.76 12.82 0.42 07/04/02 12:15:38 Closed Event #100 KW, Kvar, KVA, PF First Status Screen Historical Data – Logs the last 100 events – In English; No more codes ATS Control Screens, Ethernet, Fiber Optic or Web Based Main Screen Example: Normal Real Time Trend (Shown flat flat--lining) Power Monitoring cont. P Power M it i Monitoring Historical Data Serial Communications – Plugs directly into Microprocessor Generator Control Switchgear Types of Systems E Emergency S Systems • Peak P k Shave Sh • Utility Parallel • Cogeneration g Prime Power Systems T pes of Operational Modes Types • Open Transition • Closed Transition Open Transition Mode An open transition mode of operation is a method of transferring a load between two sources with an interruption of power during the transfer. Load Control Load priority - The load priority scheme in an emergency system is based upon the number of engine i generators. t Load shed - Failure of an engine generator causes the lowest priority level load to be shed. Load shed bypass - Manually override the load shed control so that a previously shed load can be rere-added even though the emergency system does not have all of the engine generators available. available Load Demand - The number of engine generators required to be on line is based upon the bus kW kW. Closed Transition Mode A closed transition mode of operation is a method of either: 1) Transferring a facility’s load between the utility and generator or 2) operating a generator in continuous parallel with the utility service, without an interruption of service. Whyy Would ou d A Facility ac y Prefer ee aC Closed osed Transition a s o Mode of Operation? • Desire not to interrupt loads during transfers back to the utility after a power outage • Participation in a Utility sponsored load reduction program Advantages of a Switchgear Controlled Closed Transition Mode of Operation Active phase lock synchronization of generator to the utility Gradual transfer of load between utility and generator eliminating unwanted system transients Utility involvement and approval Protection of each source from the other while paralleled 2 Common Classes of Switchgear Manufactured • Low Voltage Switchgear 600 VAC and below • Medium Medi m Voltage S Switchgear itchgear 5 kV, 15 kV and 27 kV • Equipment Should be Manufactured to the following Standards: ANSI, NEMA, UL • All Equipment Should be listed and labeled in UL under the Manufacturer’s name Low Voltage g Switchgear g • Metal enclosed construction • Two UL Standards apply: • 891 • 1558 • Bus sizes: 1000 through 10,000 amperes • Two bus bracing ratings: • 100 kA • 200 kA UL 891 UL 1558 4000A Rated Bus - UL 891 Switchgear Bus Construction •Built To UL Std. 891 •Less Robust Construction •Rated (but not tested) For 65,000 AIC Short Circuit Withstand 4000A Rated Bus - UL 1558 UL 1558 Switchgear Construction •Built To UL Std. 1558 •The Most Robust In Terms Of Bus Work, Bracing, Insulation, And Short Circuit Withstand •Rated & Tested For 200,000 AIC Short Circuit Withstand UL 891 UL 1558 4000A Rated Bus - UL 891 4000A Rated Bus - UL 1558 More on Construction - Metal Enclosed • Voltages up to 600 VAC • Insulated main bus not required • Insulated bus joints not required • Circuit breakers can either be fixed mounted or drawdraw-out • Draw Draw--out breakers can have exposed p cradle stationary y contacts when the breaker element is removed • PT’s are fixed mounted in main bus compartment M di Medium V Voltage lt S Switchgear it h • M t l - clad Metal l d construction t ti • UL Standard for Metal Metal--Clad switchgear over 600 VAC DLAH Standard for Metal Clad Swgr over 600 Volts Swgr., • Bus sizes: 1000, 2000 & 3000 amperes • Bus braced for 1000 MVA More on Construction - Metal Clad • Voltages above 600 VAC • Insulated main bus • Insulated bus joints • Circuit breakers must be draw draw--out • Ci it b Circuit breakers k mustt h have shutters h tt tto barrier cradle stationary contacts when the breaker element is removed • PT’s required to be drawdraw-out with automatic disconnect means or fixed mounted in an isolated compartment accessible only after power removed More on Construction - Metal Clad More on Construction - Metal Clad More on Construction - Metal Clad Critical Facilities and Built in Redundancy Does Your BackBack-up System Have a Back Back--up System? Important Questions & Considerations Cost,, in terms of life safetyy or financial loss,, as the result of a catastrophic p power p failure. In the case of healthcare, you may be thinking: “One One can never put a price on life and limb”… Or in the case of protecting data, you may be thinking: “The cost of an outage would far exceed that of any price differential in emergency equipment, or maybe even the cost of an entire system”… Up--front cost of Original Equipment is a Major Consideration Up When considering the criticality of protecting facilities from power outages, it’s prudent to be aware of the differences in design philosophies between the various manufacturers of emergency power equipment. Depending on the facility, a power control system which provides full manual backback-up to insure a means for controlling the system in the event of complete PLC failure my be a wise choice. Digital Control Manual Controls Let us consider the importance of redundant Digital Control … Dual Redundant PLC’s, running in tandem (Hot Back Back--up) With Separate and Distributed I/O Rack in the Master Cubicle Why is Full Manual BackBack-up important? important?... In complex and critical applications, where you may someday be reduced to relying on pure manual control –as a result of a major failure, you really need an isolated, hardwired fully independent means to be able to perform all functions manually. It’s vital to be able to: •Be in a quiet area, away from engine noise to calmly navigate your system through a crisis period. •Be able to control engines… Start them, get them synchronized and paralleled to the Emergency Bus… Perform Load Shed, load add functions… •Be able to control the system as it relates to the Utility side of the infrastructure Utility paralleling, metering, tie breaker control, etc. Please be aware that: •Some manufacturers offer packages with no means of hardwired manual back back--up. up •Some offer full manual backback-up, but only outside of their standard package. •Some offer semi manual backback-up, where some functions and controls are hardwired, with metering remaining digital (virtual). Typical Control Package •Navigation Screen •System Oneline •System Legend •ATS Oneline •Transfer Controls •Transfer Control Help •Engine E i S Setpoints t i t and d St Status t •Engine Setpoints and Status Help •Engine Metering •Generator Demand •Generator Demand Help •Load Control Setpoints •Load Control Setpoints Help •Load Priorities •Load Priorities Help •System Information •Programmed g Alarms SCADA • SYSTEM • CONTROL •AND • DATA • ACQUISITION Consider anyy Existing g Site Criteria Before Developing the SCADA System An ac active eo one onee-line e for o sys system e ssimulation ua o and/or control. To follow are Various SCADA examples S t System One OneO -Line Li Fully Customizable to your Preference, Line Weights Weights, Colors & Graphics From Simple... T Complex To C l O More Or M Complex! C l ! E Example l E Example l E Example l Not All SCADA is the Same, so Our Designs g Meet all Requirements. q Active Alarm Legend Active alarms show Real--time High Real Priority Situations that need to be Rectified Immediately Al Alarm &E Eventt Hi History t Event History Configurable Log File stored on computer hard drive for 365 days, very useful for problem diagnostics diagnostics. Setpoints PopPop-up Screen Password Protected Setpoints are Adjustable Timers Give Actual Values Write Back to PLC Historical Trending Trending Files Also St d on Hard Stored H d Drive for Later R i Review 24 hour Load Demand Trending Display Priority Screen Communications Screen 1 Communications Screen 2 Switchgear Elevation Control Room Elevation Critical Distribution Elevation Substation Elevation UPS Elevation #1 Controls Zoom In #1 Controls are password protected and display or control plant status and operations. Real Time Functionality Web View for Remote Access & Operation of Plant -Password ProtectedProtected(Web Access Suite Voyager ) tm