JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 97, NO. E7, PAGES 11,623-11,662, JULY 25, 1992 AtmosphericEffectsOn EjectaEmplacement PETER H SCHULTZ Departmentof GeologicalSciences,Brown University,Providence,RhodeIsland Laboratory experimentsallow the investigationof complex interactionsbetween impacts and an atmosphere.Although small in scale,they can provide essentialfirst-orderconstraintson the processesaffecting late-stageballistic ejecta and styles of ejecta emplacementaroundmuch larger craters on planetary surfaces.The laboratory experimentsinvolved impacting different fine-grainedparticulatetargetsunder varying atmosphericpressureand density (different gas compositions).During crater formation, ballistic ejecta form the classiccone-shapedprofile observedunder vacuum conditions. As atmosphericdensity increases(for a given pressure), however, the ejecta curtain bulges at the base and pinchesabove. This systematicchangein the ejecta curtain reflects the combinedeffects of decelerationof ejecta smaller than a critical size and entrainmentof theseejecta within atmosphericvorticescreatedas the outward moving wall of ejecta displacesthe atmosphere.Additionally, a systematic change in emplacementstyle occursas a functionof atmosphericpressure(largely independentof density):contiguousejecta rampartsuperposing ballisticallyemplaceddeposits(0.06 to 0.3 bar); ejectaflow lobes(0.3 •to 0.7 bar); and radial patterns (>0.8 bar). Underlying processescontrolling such systematic changesin emplacementstyle were revealedby observingthe evolutionof the ejecta curtain,by changing target materials (including layered targets and low-density particulates),by varying atmosphericdensity,by changingimpact angle, and by comparingthe ejecta run-out distances with first-order models of turbidity flows. Three distinct ejecta emplacementprocessescan be characterized.Ejecta rampartsresult from coatsetclastssorted and driven outwardby vortical winds behind the outward moving ejecta curtain. This style of "wind-modified" emplacement representsminimal ejecta entrainmentand is enhancedby a bimodal size distributionin the ejecta. Such "eddy-supported flows" are observedto increasein run-out distance(scaledto crater size) with increasingatmosphericpressure.By analogywith turbidity flows, this scaleddistance should increase asR1/2for a givenatmospheric pressure anddegree of entrainment. Ejectaflows with •nuch greater run-out distancesdevelop as the turbulent power in atmosphericresponse windsincrease.Suchflows overrunandscourthe innerejectafacies,therebyproducingdistinct inner and outer facies. The degreeof ejecta entrainmentdependson the dimensionlessratio of drag to gravity forces acting on individual ejecta and the intensity of the winds createdby the outwardmoving curtain.Entrainmentincreaseswith increasingatmosphericdensityand ejection velocity (crater size) but decreaseswith ejecla density and size. The intensity of curtaingeneratedwinds increaseswith ejection velocity (crater size). The dimensionlessdrag ratio characterizingthe laboratoryexperimentscan be applied to Mars since the reducedatmospheric density is offset by the increasedejection velocities for kilometer-scale events. For a given crater size (ejection velocity) and atmosphericconditions,a wide range of nonballistic ejecta emplacementstyles could occur simply by varying ejecta sizes even without the presenceof water. Alternatively, the onset crater diameter for nonballistic emplacementstyles can reflect the range of ejecta sizespossiblefrom the diversemartian geologic history (massivebasaltsto fine-grained aeolian deposits). Scaling considerations further predict that ejecta run-out distances scaledto cratersizeon Mars shouldincrease as R1/2;hencelongrun-outflows dependenton crater diameterneed not reflect depth to a buried reservoirof water. On Venus, however, the dense atmospheremaximizes entrainment and results in ejecta flow densities approachinga constantfraction of the atmosphericdensity. Under such conditions,ejecta runout distancesshoulddecreaseas R'1/2. 1. iNTRODUCTION impacts on planets without atmospheres[Gault et al., 1968; Laboratory experiments have been used to establish fundamental processesand phenomenology associatedwith Copyright 1992 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Oberbeck,1975;Gault and Wedekind,1977, 1978].Not every detail observedin the laboratory,however,can be directly applied,that is, laboratoryexperimentsrarely provide direct simulationsof planetary-scale(10 kin) collisions. Yet, such experiments providean essentialperspective for the complex Paper number 92JE00613. processesoperatingover a wide range of scalesin time and 0148-0227/92/92JE-00613505.00 length in three dimensions.This advantagenot only allows 11,623 11,624 SCHULTZ:ATMOSPIIERICEFFECTSOF FJECrA ,F3itn_•• testing first-order interpretationsand computationalcodesbut also revealscontrollingvariablesthat can be then incorporated into testable physical models of selected processes or phenomena. With this philosophy, a wide range of experimentsallow the exploration of the possiblerole of an atmospherein modifying the emplacementof impact crater ejecta. Earlier studies of ejecta dynamics focused largely on explosion craters [Sherwood, 1967; Wisotski, 1977]. Large backpressures createdby chemicalexplosionsdrive early-time excavation,therebycomplicatingdirect applicationsto impact cratering[Herr, 1971]. Impact craters,however,are produced by the mechanical transfer of energy and momentumto the target. Melt, vapor, comminution,and crater excavationare all in responseto shocks created by the collision. This is the basis for using particulate targets to investigatelate-stage crater excavation:passageof intenseshockwaves transformsa solid target into a particulate assemblage[see Gault et al., 1968]. Introductionof an atmosphereshouldnot significantly modify this fundamentalaspectof crater excavation,except under extremeconditionsleading to projectiledisruptionprior to impact [Melosh, 1981; Schultz and Gault, 1985] or interactionswith the trailing wake [Schultz, 1990a]. Atmosphericinteractionsseparateinto early- or late-time processes. Early-time interactions reflect the energy partitionedto the atmosphereprior to and just after contact during the compressionstage of crater growth. Late-time interactionsconcern the final stagesof crater formation (2/3 complete) and ejecta emplacement.Early-time processesmay affect late-time interactionsif shocks during first contact temporarily heat and drive away the atmosphere. Such interactions are often modeled as an intense cylindrically expandingshock associatedwith the impactor [lvanov et al., 1986] or a point source explosion [Jones and Kodis, 1982; Vickery, 1986], both of which contain an assumedfraction of the original impactor energy. Both approaches,however, exaggeratethe early-time atmosphericresponseby ignoring the role of the early-time crater cavity in containing and redirectingwake-heatedatmosphericgasesor impact-generated vapor into an upwarddirectedjet, rather than a hemispherical explosion[Schultzand Gault, 1979, 1982, 1990]. Experiments exploring the more complex early-time couplingbetweenthe collision and atmosphereat high impact angles(>45') reveal that only a small fraction of energy availableactuallydirectly coupleswith the ambient atmospherearound the crater, even for easily volatized targets[Schultz, 1988]. Consequently,this paper emphasizeslate-time interactionswith an atmosphere, which is assumed to resemble ambient conditions; a future paper will explore this assumptionin more detail. Late-time interactionscomprisemost of crater excavation and ejection:one half of the ejectedmassleavesthe cavity after the crater has achieved 85% of its final excavation diameter. Schultz and Gault [1979] exploredthe responseof ejecta to an atmosphere by incorporating a first-order model of crater growth with aerodynamic deceleration of individual ejecta. Such an approachpredictedthe unrealisticconclusionthat most ejecta below a critical size for a given crater diameter (and atmosphere) never leave the crater. Consequently, they concludedthat ballistic shadowingduring ejectionmust lessen the full effect of aerodynamic drag. Hence calculationsand predictions based only on trajectories of isolated particles [e.g., O'Keefe and Ahrens, 1982] will not reproduceobserved phenomena;nevertheless,they provide a useful upper limit for aerodynamicdrag effects.Additionally, a distinctionwas made between ballistic ejection and nonballistic emplacement. Nonballistic emplacement represents a two-stage process involving aerodynamicdecelerarionto near-terminal velocity and then entrainmentin atmosphericturbulencecreatedby the outward moving wall of ballistic ejecta. Consequently, conditions leading to nonballistic styles of emplacement dependon a critical ejectasize that dependson cratersize (i.e., ejection velocity), ejecta size, and atmosphericpressure(i.e., density).Schultzand Gault [1979] comparedthis critical ejecta size for cratersin the laboratoryand on Mars, Earth,andVenus. A subsequentstudy [Schultz and Gault, 1982] explored atmosphericeffects on ejecta dynamics in the context of a major terrestrial impact. Laboratory experimentsprovided a basis for assessing phenomenathat would stressthe terrestrial environment, possibly leading to massive extinction of life species. While Alvarez et al. [1980] emphasizedlofting and long-term suspensionof finer ejecta fractions, Schultz and Gault [1982] proposed that such ejecta would be largely entrainedin near-rim ejecta flow and deposition.More critical to global environmental stress would be the effects of hypervelocity ejecta (particularly from oblique impacts) that escapesignificantdecelerationat early times due to the finite scale height of the atmosphere and ballistic shadowing; nevertheless,enormousquantities of thermal energy will be depositedin the upperatmospherefar from the impactduring teentry. Although such laboratory experiments were performed to investigate complexities of ejecta dynamics, they also produced distinctive ejecta depositswith striking similarities to Martian craters [Schultz and Gault, 1982, 1985; Schultz, 1986, 1989]. The presence of an atmosphere, then, was proposed to be an essential ingredient for diversity of emplacementstyles on Mars [Schultz, 1989], in additionto the presence or absenceof water [Carr et al., 1977; Gault and Greeley, 1978; Greeley et al., 1980; Mouginis-Mark, 1979]. With this perspective,fluidizedejectalobesdo not necessarily indicate the presenceof water but only that the flow properties resembleda fluid. Becausesystematicchangesin eraplacement style with atmosphericpressureparalleledchangesin cratering efficiency and crater shape, energy lost to crater excavation appeared to be expressed in the complexities of ejecta dynamics and ejecta emplacement.Such energy lossescould reflect a variety of early- or late-time processes. Hence companion papers first emphasized atmospheric effects on crater scaling [Schultz, 1990a, 1992] and crater shape[Schultz, 1990b;Schultz, Atmospheric Effects on Crater Shape, submittedto Icarus, 1991] before addressingstyles of ejecta eraplacementin greaterdetail. This paper first reviews the effects of impactor,target,and atmosphericenvironmenton ejecta facies morphologyin the laboratory. The effect of these variables on ejecta curtain evolution next allows correlationwith the dynamicsof ejectaatmosphere interactions. Ejecta dynamics and ejecta morphologyare then consideredin termsof processes of ejecta emplacement, thereby forming a basis for physical models (analogousto turbidityflows) developedin the final discussion section.Analysisof the laboratoryresultscan then be applied to ejecta emplacementstyles on Mars where the range in lithologiesand atmosphericconditionsallows a uniquetest for the derived models. 2. EreCT^ MORPHOIX•Y Impact environment. Ejecta morphology systematically changeswith increasingatmosphericpressure.For compacted pumice targets, a contiguous ridge or "rampart" begins to appearabouta craterradiusfrom the rim for pressures aslow as 0.06 bar and becomesvery well deftnedat pressures of 0.25 bar (Figure la) The rampartbeginsto break into individualejecta lobes above 0.4 bar, and these lobes can extend over 6 crater radii from the craterrims (Figure lb). In severalexperiments,a scoured,faint rampart can be identified about a crater radius from the rim even as other characteristicemplacementstyles dominate.A narrow moatlike depressiontypically encirclesthe SCHULTZ.'ATMOSPHERICEFFECTSOF EIECTAEMI'I.ACEMENT Fig. 1. The effectof atmospheric pressure(density)on ejcctacmplaccment for hypervclocity impactsinto compacted pumice.(a) At 0.25 bar, a distinctive ejecta rampart(arrow)encircles the craters.(b) At 0.5 bar,lobesof ejecta(arrow)extend over four radii from the crater rim. A narrow scouredmoat often developa adjacentto the raisedtim. (c) Near 1 bar, a radial patterncharacterizes the inner 11,625 ejectadeposits with distalejectathinningwithoutidentifiable boundaries. Targetsin Figureslb and lc had a thin veneerof dry temperasprinkledon the surface.All impactswere0.635cm aluminumspheres impacting from5.0 to 5.4 km/sunderan argonatmo6phere. Scalebarscorrespond to 10 cm. raisedcraterrim for pressures above0.4 bar. Impactsundera 1 ejecta lobes. At higher pressures,the surface was visibly bar atmosphereproduce an extensive,radially scouredejecta scoured.Nevertheless,containersplaced at different distances depositwith a morepronounced rim depression (Figurelc). In from the crater collectedonly minisculeamountsof ejecta all cases, the amount of ejecta fallback and fallout is minor fallout [Schultzand Gault, 1982]. since remnantsof the projectile and sinteredtarget material The use of different gas compositions (helium, air, remain clearly visible on the floor. Subtlelineationsin the nitrogen,argon,and carbondioxide)allowedthe atmospheric preimpact target remain clearly preservedat pressuresbelow density to be varied while a constantpressureis maintained about0.6 bar up to the continuous faciesandeventhroughthe (seeTable 1). Figure2a summarizesthe dependence between 11,626 SCHULTZ:ATMOSPItERIC EFFECTSOFEJECTAEMPLACEMENT ejecta morphology and atmosphericpressure.The onset and formation appears to be transferred to turbulent ejecta emplacement.Table 2 provides a listing of empirical data style of ejecta emplacement did not appear to vary significantly with density. Impacts into a helium atmosphere shownin Figure 2. A seriesof experimentsexplored the effect of a stratified at 0.06 bar, which correspondsto an atmosphericdensity 0-01po(Pois thedensity of airat 1 arm,1.293x 10'3 gJcm3), atmosphere.It was not possible to create a gradient in produceda faint contiguousrampartthat wasnot enhancedby a atmospheric pressure,but it was possibleto producea gradient CO 2 atmosphereat the same atmosphericpressure(0.12 Po). in density. Sublimation of dry-ice blocks surrounding•the The much denser CO2 atmospherealso did not affect the targetcreateda high-densityvapor layer abovethe surfacethat transition to more complex ejecta morphologies at higher was containedby a 5 cm barrier enclosingthe taxget.The pressures.Nevertheless,ejecta rampartstended to persist to presenceof the higher-densitylayer of CO2 in air (factorof 1.5) enhanced the production and size of the contiguousejecta higher atmosphericpressuresof helium. Separate contributionssummarize atmosphericeffects on rampart.This trend was less evident for high-velocityimpacts cratetingefficiency[Schultz,1990a] andcratershape[Schultz, producinglarge cratersrelative to the CO2 gas layer thickness. Shadowgraphs madeduringimpactdemonstrated that the CO2 1990b]. Figure 2b correlatessuch atmosphericeffects with layer was neither removed nor appreciablydisturbedby an ejecta emplacement style. As ejecta emplacement style becomesless ballistic and more turbulent,crateringefficiency impact-inducedair shock at late times [Schultz and Gault, relative to vacuum conditions is reduced. In addition, the crater 1982]; consequently,the importanceof the density gradient diameter-to-depthratio is reducedas the atmosphererestricts appears to decrease as the scale of the crater appreciably late-stage lateral crater growth. Hence energy lost in crater exceedsthe scaleof the CO2 layer. In summary,ejecta morphologybecomesincreasinglymore complexwith increasingatmosphericpressurebut is relatively TABLE 1. AtmosphericProperties independentof atmosphericdensity for a given pressure.A contiguous rampart characterizes impacts into compacted ConstituentDensity* Viscosity*Sound Speed Ratio of pumicefrom 0.06 to 0.25 bar. The developmentof the rampart (P/Po) (g/Po) (C/Co) Specific Heats is enhanced by the presence of a density gradient in the Air 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.4 atmosphereprovided that the thicknessof the higher-density Hdium 0.138 1.06 2.915 1.66 layer is not significantly less than a crater radius. Extending Nitrogen 0.969 0.97 1.009 1.4 Argon 1.38 1.21 0.964 1.66 these empirical and phenomenological observations to Carbon dioxide 1.52 0.80 0.782 1.2 different planetaryenvironmentsrequiresfurther understanding *Density andviscosity values aregiven withrespect toair:Po= 1.29x 10'3g/crn'3; of the underlyingprocessesrevealedby varying impactorand go = 183micro-poises; co = 331m/s. target propertiesas well. + 0.635 helium Radial cm aluminum ' into compacted pumice ß air (nitrogen) • i 0.635 cm aluminum into compacted pumice O argon 1.0 [] carbon dioxide ß + helium 0.8 Flows -_ ß air (or nitrogen) 0.6 O argon [] carbon dioxide Rampart Ballistic 1.5 -2.2 km/s [ 1.5 -2.2 km/s ] +[] Radial Flows (©) -I• 0.02 z 1.0 • 0.6 + • ß i a 0.1 O:2+ Rampart Ballistic (©) I 3-6km/s ] LU i i i i i 0.04 0.06 i i i 0.1 i 0.2 i i • i • , 3-6km/s 1 0.4 i • 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.81.0 © + ((9) ATMOSPHERICPRESSURE(bars) Fig. 2a. Effect of atmospheric pressureandcomposition on ejectamorphologyfar 0.635 an aluminum spheresimpacting compactedpumice at low and high velocities.Atmosphericdensityat a given pressuredoesnot appearto be as important.Transitionalor exampleswith both facies are positionedbetween categories.Ballistic facies representgraduallydecreasingejectathicknesswith distancefrom rim, characteristicof vacuumconditions.Rampartejecta facies indicatesthe formationof a contiguous ridgeon top of ejecta.Long run-outflow lobes(flow style)andradialscouting(radialstyle)occurunderhigheratmospheric pressures. Radialfaciesdo not appearto developundera heliumatmosphere. Use of a thin layerof dry eggtempera(parentheses) appearsto enhanceflow andradial ejectamorphology. 0.1 b , Ballistic i i I Rampart Flow Radial EJECTA MORPHOLOGY Fig. 2b. Relationbetweenejcctamorphologyandcratex4mg efficiencyreferenced to the expectedvaluefor the sameimpactorundervacuumconditions. Increasing atmospheric pressuredramaticallydecreases crateringefficiencyin particulate targetswith small(or low density)grainsizes[seeSchultz,1992].This reductionin craterexcavation is expressed in increasingly nonballistic ejectamoxphologies from rampartto radialstyles(Figure1). Empiricaldataaregivenin Table2. SCHULZ: ATMOSPHERICEFFE•S OF EJEC'rAEMPI,ACEMENT 11,627 TABLE 2. EmpiricalData for Figure2 Impactor Velocity Atmosphere Pressure Type Crater Ejecta Morphology (M/m)/(M/m)v B/(Rmp) B/(Rmp) Rmp Rmp Rmp Rmp Rmp 0.343 0.283 0.230 0.228 0.20 0.195 0.158 N/A Round 821121 821209 821123 821204 821128 821126 821205 Vo 2.33 2.22 2.05 2.21 2.15 2.13 2.21 vi 2.33 2.20 2.02 2.21 2.14 2.11 2.20 821125 2.04 1.94 air F 821207 2.13 1.98 0.50 CO2 Rmp 0.151 821206 1.98 1.96 0.84 helium F 0.133 0.0632 0.063 0.125 0.125 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 air CO2 air helium helium air helium 821124 1.99 1.81 1.0 air RA 0.144 820509 1.97 1.79 1.0 air F 0.160 810511 6.09 6.09 0.0006 air B 1.0 890504 871205 2.00 5.04 2.00 5.04 0.020 0.033 helium air B B 0.356 0.558 890509 1.52 1.51 0.0474 CO2 B 0.325 890506 1.9 1.9 helium B 0.326 890508 1.77 1.75 0.078 argon B 0.260 890505 1.70 1.69 0.088 air B 0.294 871212 810509 810531 820516 820521 810214 810505 871211 871210 871221 810212* 810532 810211* 871209 890933 900904 890932 871213 820518 810506 5.24 6.09 5.44 6.00 5.54 6.50 5.34 5.06 5.13 5.52 6.5 6.09 6.8 4.95 5.40 4.67 5.41 5.47 5.86 6.09 5.24 5.99 5.36 5.80 5.34 6.28 5.16 5.04 5.09 5.25 6.07 5.73 6.15 4.89 4.86 0.131 0.118 0.160 0.250 0.250 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.48 0.50 0.50 0.64 0.75 0.76 0.789 0.888 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.95 helium argon nitrogen argon CO2 argon argon helium helium nitrogen argon nitrogen argon helium argon nitrogen nitrogen nitrogen helium argon B/(Rmp) B/(Rmp) Rmp Rmp Rmp/F Rmp/F Rmp Rmp Rmp Rmp F F/RA F Rmp F/Rmp F/RA F/RA Rmp/RA Rmp/F F/RA 0.335 0.468 0.247 0.255 0.220 0.287 0.327 0.302 0.327 0.286 N/A 0.245 0.194 0.251 0.182 0.197 0.240 0.278 0.169 0.174 810213* 6.6 5.84 0.95 ar•on RA 0.149 4.95 4.97 5.78 5.37 0.078 All experimentsgiven in Table 2 used 0.635 crn aluminumspheresimpactingcompactedpumice;launch (Vo) and impact(vi) velocitiesare given in unitsof kilometersper second. Atmosphericpressureis given in bars. Ejecta morphologiescorrespondto ballistic (B), rampart(Rmp), flow (F), and radial (RA). Cratering efficiency is given by displacedtarget mass (M) divided by projectilemass(m) and is scaledto expected valuesundervacuumconditionsbasedon derivedscaling[seeSchultz,1992]. Asterisksindicateimpactsinto targetswith a thin veneerof dry tempera. Impactor variables. The style of ejectaemplacementfor a 30' from the horizontalat 0.25 and 0.9 bar. At 60ø, the ejecta given environment and target does not change significantly morphologyis visible at both atmosphericpressures.At 0.25 with impactor size, velocity, or density. Figure 3 shows the bar (Figure 4a), the rampartis slightly offset downrangewith formation of the distinctiveejecta rampart at impact velocities considerable asymmetryin the radialclumps.At 0.9 bar (Figure of 0.2, 2.0, and 6.0 km/s. The other characteristicpatterns 4b), however, the rampart borders a butterfly pattern of shown in Figure 1 also develop at higher atmospheric continuousejecta, a patternmore characteristicof much lower pressures,but the ejecta rampart tends to persist to higher angle impacts(i.e., 5•) undervacuumconditions[seeGault and atmospheric pressures for lower-velocity impacts (same Wedekind, 1978]. The crater in Figure 4b also displays a projectilesize). Suchresultsfurtherindicatethat the distinctive downrange flow-lobe. Projectile fragments commonly are ejecta patterns are not the result of a projectile-induced air strewndownrangeon top of the emplacedejecta.At 30ø impact shock but must reflect a responseof ballistic ejecta moving angles (Figure 4c), ejecta depositsform a complex deposit through an atmosphere. fanning downrange at both atmosphericpressures.At the Nonvertical impacts result in a similar pressure-dependent higher atmosphericpressure(Figure 4d), the ejecta is more change in ejecta morphology for compactedpumice targets. restricted along the downrange axis. As was illustrated and Figure 4 contrastssuch changesfor imvact angles of 60ø and discussedby Schultz and Gault [1982], ejecta from oblique 11,628 SCHULZ: ATMOSPHERIC EFFE•SOF•A EMPL•CEMENr Fig. 3. The effectof impactvelocityon theformation of theejectarampartfrom aluminumspheres wereusedin Figures3b and3c. Hencethe formationof the (a) 0.2 km/sto (b) 2 km/sto (c) 6 km/sundera common atmospheric pressure of ejectarampartis not controlled by shockwavescreatedin theatmosphere. Scale 0.25 bar.The projectilein Figure3a is a 2.5 cm nylonsphere,whereas 0.635 cm barscorrespond to 10 cm. impacts are drawn by strong atmospheric flow trailing ricocheted projectile material. It should be noted that the cratersformed at 30 ø exhibit an oblong shape,perpendicularto the trajectory. Again such a shape is more characteristicof lower angleimpacts(~100) undervacuumconditions. Target variables. Significant effects of the environment on ejectaemplacementoccuronly for targetswith grain sizes sufficiently small to be aerodynamically decelerated at laboratoryscales[see Schultzand Gault, 1979]. Table 3 lists the different characteristicsof various targets used in this study.Pumiceprovidedthe smallestmodalparticlesize (80 gm) but had to be compactedin order to minimize porosity.Without compaction air pockets and cohesion resulted in ejecta clumpingwhich resultedin decreasedaerodynamicdrag effects. For comparison, sand targets with different characteristic particle sizes were used. Particle size ranges were selected through use of U.S. standard sieves with mesh openings denotedby number. Sand passingthrougha U.S. no. 24 sieve are hereafterlabeled 24 sand, and sandpassingthrougha no. 140 sieve but blocked by a no. 200 sieve are labeled 140-200 SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERIC E•S a OFEIECrA EMPLACE• 11,629 b Fig. 4. Effectof impactangleon ejectaemplaeement under0.25 bar (left) and0.9 patternsarepartlydestroyed by the effectsof residualdownrange airflowcreated bar(right).Figures4a and4b contrast theeffectsat 60øwiththeeffectsat 30øfrom by the obliquelyimpingingwakeandricochet.Nevertheless, an ejectarampart thehorizontal shownin Figures4c and4d. At highimpactangles,thecontiguousexistsat 0.25 bar. Both low and high pressures resultin oblongcraterswith rampartis slightlyoffsetdownrange at 0.25 bar (Figure4a). Undera 0.9 bar maximum dimensions perpendicular to thetrajectory. Thisresponse toimpactangle atmosphere, a butterflypatternemerges with maximumaxesperpendicular to the is more characteristic of lower angleimpacts(10ø) undervacuumconditions. impactor trajectory (Figure4b). Sucha pattern is typicalof muchlowerangle(5ø) Impactvelocities at thetargetwereapproximately 4.7 km/s(Figure4a) 5.5 km/s impactsunder vacuumconditions.A rampart-bordered lobe also extends (Figure4b), 5.6km/s(Figure4c), and5.5 km/s(Figure4d). Ambientatmosphere downrange. At 30' impactangles(Figures4c and4d), the characteristic ejeeta wasargon.Scalebarscorrespond to 10 cm. TABLE 3. Target Properties In•rnal Type Grain Size, [tm Pumice (compacted) 81 (25) Density, Porosity, • Angle of •cm3 Friction •ercent , 1.52 39 -80' angles of internal friction. The irregular particle shapes of pumice resulted in friction angles sufficient to preserve the postimpact crater profile, whereas the much lower internal angles of friction of sand and microspheretargetsresulted in rim collapse, particularly at higher ambient pressures [see Schultz, 1990a, b, 1992]. sand. Size distributionsof these target materials are illustrated in Schultz (1992). Targets composedof 140-200 and 24 sand exhibited larger modal particle size (125 gm and 450 gin, respectively),thereby providing a wide range in drag effects due to particle size. Since particle density also should affect Figure 5a illustratesan impact into 140-200 sand only. In general,the developmentof distinctiverampart-borderedejecta facies persists for impacts into sand to higher ambient pressures,but at 1 bar, the radial scouredpattern of grooved inner ejecta is clearly established.Experimentsperformed at equivalentpressuresof both 0.25 bar and 1 bar but contrasting demities (helium and carbon dioxide atmospheres)produced virtually identical ejecta patterns.Thus the trends previously described for pumice targets also occur for slightly coarser grained sand targets.Impacts into 24 sand, however, failed to produceany significantchangefrom near-vacuumconditions. Aerodynamic drag force relative to gravity increases if either particle size or particle density (for given impactor conditions)is decreased.Figure 5b illustratesan impactcrater aerodynamicdrag, targetsof low-density(0.7 g/cm3) formedin a targetcomposed of low-density (fie= 0.7 g/cm 3) Micro, heres 100 0.5 -40 20' 140-200 sand 24 sand 125 457 1.55 1.70 40 35 32 ø 30' i * Grain size issizeofejecta where cumulative fraction Coy weigh0 iscoarser than50%; pumiceexhibitsa bimodaldistribution (seeSchultz[1992]for complete distribution). • Density ofconstituent grains forpunflee is2.5g/cm'; microspheres, 0.7g/cm'; 140-200 and24silica sand, 2.6g/cm •. microsphereswere also tested.Table 3 revealsthat the pumice, microspheres(median size of 100 gm) with a carbon dioxide microsphere,and 140-200 sand targetsall exhibit comparable atmospherenear 0.9 bar. Such a target and atmosphereshould porosities.These three targets,however,exhibit very different exhibit aerodynamicdrag effectsgreaterthan even pumice.The 11,630 SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERICEFFECTSOF EJECTAEMPLACEMENT resulting ejecta depositsexhibit a very well defined rampart similar to but extendingto greaterdistancesfrom the rim than for sand(Figure 5a). In addition,the distal ejectaare deposited in lobes with splayedtermini extendingmore than 10 crater radii from the rim (Figure 5c). The craterrim in this example was lost through rim/wall collapse immediately after formation. Particle sizes in pumice exhibit a bimodal distributionwith the greatestfractioncenterednear 81 gm and a secondarypeak near 25 gm. Hence the pronouncedcontiguousrampart might reflect differential sorting during emplacement.Mixtures of pumice with coarse sand (16 and 24) enhancedthe bimodal distribution and resulted in a distinctive modification of the crater with exaggerationof the ejecta rampart(Figures6a and 6b). A pumicecomponentassmallas 8% by weightmixedwith 24 sand produced progressively smaller craters and larger ramparts with increasing atmosphericpressure.In contrast with pumice-only targets,however, the rampart-stylepattern dominatedthe emplacement styleto a pressureof 1 bar andwas evidentat pressures as low as 3 mbar. Sievingthe ejectafacies revealedthattherampartwascomposed primarilyof thecoarser 24 sand fraction, whereas ejecta emplaced uprange was a relatively unsortedpumice/sandmixture veneeredwith pumice (Figure 6c). Furtherdissectionof the targetbeyondthe rampart revealed that the red coarse sand fraction formed a distinctive deposit thinning with distance and resembling unmodified ballistic deposition.Consequently,it appearsthat a wide range or bimodal distribution in ejecta (target grain) sizes enhances the development of the ejecta rampart over a wide range of environments. The limiting atmospheric pressure and the minimum pumice (fine-grained)componentrequired for onset of this style, however, remainsto be established. The effects of layered pumice and sand further help to identify processes responsible for the distinctive style of ejecta emplacementbut may have limited relevanceat broader scales. Impacts into targets with pumice overlying sand b producedcratersresemblingimpactsinto sand alone, even at 1 bar atmosphericpressure.Impacts into a 1 cm layer of sand overlying compactedpumice, however, produceddramatically different results.At pressuresof 1 mbar, a bowl-shapedcrater was formedthat resembledan impactinto pumicealone(Figure 6d). Impactsunder increasingatmosphericpressures(above30 mbar) produceda nestedcraterappearance:a raised-timcraterin the pumicesubtargetsurrounded by a ridge of sand(Figure 6e). The sand layer between the crater rim and sand rampart was removed during impact with radial grooving evident in the exposed pumice substrate.The diameter of the sand rampart relative to the pumice crater increased with increasing atmosphericpressure. The process responsible for the sand rampartwill be examinedin more detail in subsequent sections. A thin veneerof dry egg temperapaint on the pumicetargets appearedto enhance the developmentof ejecta flow lobes at higher atmosphericpressures.The temperaprovided a useful stratigraphicmarker but also appearedto ignite when mixed with the hot wake gases.Consequently,carbonatetargetswere also used in order to examine the possibleeffects of impact vaporization. High-frame-rate imaging clearly documented Fig.5. Effectof changing particle sizeandparticle density in thetarget. (a) vapor release and allowed the estimateof the energy in the Characteristic ejecta rampart created byimpacting 0.635cmaluminum spheres into vapor cloud [seeSchultz, 1988;Schultzand Gault, 1990]. 140-200sand(125p. m)at2km/sunderO.5bar(air)formsclosetothecraterr Undervacuum conditions, thereleased vaporclouddid not part ofwhich has collapsed during the final stages offormation. (b)Results ofusing (100 avery lowparticle density (0.7g/cm 3)relative create any of the ejecta flow patterns. Under modest microspheres 3 gm)exhibiting to sand(2.5 g/crn ). The low angleof internalfrictionresultsin extensiverim/wall atmospheric pressures (0.25bar),neither therampart northe collapse after crater excavation. For this target, the ejecta rampart develops at flowmorphology wasparticularly enhanced. Henceimpact-larger distances from therim. (c)Basal flows create much longer run-out ofthin generatedvolatilesalone will not createejecta flow; ejecta lobes with distinctive splayed termini. Theregion shown inFigure 5cis atmospheric interactions are necessary. The enhancement of beyond theboundary ofFigure 5b(indicated bythearrow). Hence both rampart run-out resultingfrom powderedtempera,however,appearsto andflowemplacement styles wereobserved. Theuseoflow-density microspheres reflect added turbulencecreatedby its fine size or exothermic increases theeffects ofaerodynamic drag. Impact velocity inFigures 5band5cwas reaction. 4.8 km/swithan ambientatmosphere of carbondioxideat 0.94 bar. SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERICEFFECTSOF EJECTA -EMPLACE•T 11 631 . EJECTA SORTING 2.0 1.5 _ - rampart SAMPLE BULK 1.0 0.5 ...................... ?.?:.:• ........................ _buik• •rejecta_ 1 lO lOO 1ooo SIZE (microns) Fig. 6. Effect of mixingred-stained 24 sand(mediansize of 450 gm) with 8% pumice(mediansizeof 81 grn)by weight.The development of theejectarampar,. is enhancedwith concentrated coarsefractions(darkerred component):(a) low-angle illuminationenhancing the rampartand (b) high-angleilluminationrevealing distribution of lightercolored pumice.Dissection of ejectafaciesrevealsa mixture of pumiceand sandinsidethe rampartwith a dustingof pumiceon the surface. Beyondthe rampart,the coarsersandfractionsdominate.(c) Sortingof ejectasizes as referencedto the preimpactbulk particlesize distribution[seeSchultz, 1992]. TABLE 4. Effectof TargetTypeand Atmospheric PressureonEjecta EmplaeementStyle in LaboratoryExperiments The coarseningin the rampartis believedto reflect terminaldepositionof larger clastssuspended by windscreatedduringcratergrowth.(d ande) Effect of layered targetsin the presence of an atmosphere for 0.635 cm aluminumspheres launched at about2.2 km/s.Impactsinto pumiceoverlainby a layerof 20 sandunder1 mbar (Figure(mr) and 30 mbar (Figure6e) producecontrastingresultsdue to scouring actionby impact-generated winds.Experimentsusingpumiceoverlayingsanddid not createthispatternevenat a 1 bar atmosphere. Scalebar corresponds to 10 cm. 3. EIECTA CURTAIN EVOLUTION The contrast in evolution of the ejecta curtain under a vacuum and with an atmosphereis illustrated in Figure 7a Pumice (compacted) -0.05 0.06-0.3 0.3-0.7 >0.8 througha paired sequenceof high-frame-ratephotographs (400 Pumice(compacted) -0.01 0.04-0.4 0.4-0.7 >0.7 framesper second(fps)). Both impactswere producedby 0.635 with dry tempera cm aluminum spheres impacting at about 1.6 km/s into Microspheres <1 mbar >2 mbar >0.1 * compactedpumicewith the left andright sequences occurringat 140-200 sand <0.09 >0.1 ->1.0 24 sand+ pumice(8%) <0.02 -0.05 .... less than 1 mbar pressureand 1 bar, respectively.The ejecta 24sand allP1r ...... curtain for the impact at 1 bar remainsrelatively undisturbed throughout crater growth, although a small disturbance is * Atfullatmospheric pressures, radial pattern ismasked bythinveneer from basalejectaflow. observedto move progressivelyup the curtain with time. The • Pstands for_pressures. ejectacurtain under 1 bar (right side) progressivelyincreases from 57' at 2.5 ms after impactto 66' at 10 ms. In contrastthe In summary,the characteristicstylesof ejecta emplacement ejectacurtainunder 1 mbar (left side) decreasesfrom 44' to 40' were most affectedby targetparticle(ejecta) size or particle overthe sametime interval.At latertimes,the curtaindevelops densityfor given impactorconditions(Table 4) but could be a distinctivebulge at its basewith a flared uppercurtain.The enhanced by increased entrainment or turbulence. only significant difference for impacts at much higher Ballistic Pumice (uncompacted)allP• Rampart ...... Lobes, Radial 11,632 SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERICEFFECTSOF EJECTAEMPLACE• velocities (6 km/s) is the enhancementof the upward moving kink in this curtain at early times [see Schultz and Gault, 1982]. This kink reflects an eddy exhibitingoutwardairflow at top and inward flow at bottom. Impacts into mixtures of sand and pumice (Figure 7b) graphically demonstratethe effects of differential air drag on different size ejecta. At high atmosphericdensities,the coarser size fraction retains the undistorted funnel-shaped curtain profile, whereas the fine size componentcreates a separate curtain characteristicof an impact into this componentalone or equivalently under vacuum conditions.The two curtains merge, however, at the base. Consequently,aerodynamic sortingduringballisticejectionand flight may not resultin aerodynamicsortingduring deposition,exceptfor very late stage fallout. In order to directly compare the sequentialgrowth of the ejecta curtain, individual frames from the film record were digitally imaged. Digital subtraction of successiveimaged frames through a computer left an image for only those portions of the ejecta curtain that changedthroughtime. Two approaches were used.First, individualframes(•) were selected suchthatJ•+l = 2J•in order to enhancedifferencesat late times when relative motions decrease(Plate l a). Second, changes over a constant time interval of 5 ms were examined at the end of eachJ• in order to examinevelocity changeswith both time and position. Different colors were assignedto different time intervalsfrom cool colors (black, blue) at early times to warm colors (yellow, red) at late times (Plate lb). Consequently, continuousgrowth of the curtain is depictedin Plate l a for the intervals 7.5-15 ms, 15-30 ms, 30-60 ms, 60-120 ms, and 120-240 ms, whereas changesin growth at 7.5, 15, 30, 60, 120, and 240 ms over the 5 ms interval are shown in Plate lb. Additionally, crater profiles taken after impact were scaledto the film record and digitally superimposed.The successive sequenceshownin Figure7 can now be comparedmoredirectly over a wide rangeof atmosphericpressures. Plate l a reveals the systematicchange in ejecta curtain evolutionfor four different impacts,all at about 1.5 km/s but with progressivelyincreasing atmosphericpressure(top to bottom). As the crater forms, the ejecta curtain retains its conical shapeat all atmosphericpressuresas indicatedby the base of the undistorted curtain tied to the raised crater rim (superimposedprofile). After crater formation, however, the base of the curtain bulges outward while the upper portion converges inward. At 1 bar, the curtain evolves into a basal ejecta flow clearly revealing the nonballistic style of emplacement.The companionsequence(Plate lb) documents the effect of pressureon the velocity of the curtainat a given time as indicatedby the width of eachcolor slice. During crater growth, the outward velocity of the curtain rapidly decreases until only a sliver remainsat the base.Justprior to the end of crater formation,the width of the color slice correspondsto an outward curtain velocity of about 50 cm/s. After crater formation under vacuum conditions, the color slices increase in width with time, thereby indicating an increase in curtain velocity due to higher velocity ballistic ejecta comprisingthe Fig. 7a. Comparisonof impactsby 0.635 cm aluminumspheres(.2 kin/s) into (right)conditions. Each curtain. With increasingatmosphericpressure,ejecta curtain pumiceundervacuum(left) andfull (1 btr) atmospheric conditions producea •teeperejects velocities at the bulge not only increase but appear to be frameis 5 ms apart.Impactsunderatmospheric greater than under vacuum conditions. Additionally, these plumethat evolvesinto a bulbousprofile at late timesowingto aerodynamic images reveal the inward flow well above the crater at late decelerationof ejectaparticles. times. Hence the presence of an atmosphere appears to decelerate and redirect the curtain above, but enhances advance near the surface. Comparisonsof ejecta curtain growth for pumice and 140200 sand targets are shown in Plate 2. Here, constanttime intervals (at the same successivesample times shown in Plate lb) permit focusingon the rate (as well as the form) of growth. Plate 2a contrastscurtain evolution at 0.25 bar for sand (top) and pumice (bottom) under atmospheresof helium (left) and carbon dioxide (right). Impacts into fine sand produce a slightly less bowed curtain with less irregularitiesat the same atmospheric pressures. The former phenomenon can be attributedto the slightlylarger ejecta size for sandtargets;the latter, to the narrowerrange in particle sizesfor sandrelative to pumice. Plate 2 demonstratesthat the observedatmospheric effectsare not theresultof someuniquepropertyof pumice. The effect of gasdensityis illustratedin Plate 2b by the use of helium and air. For reference,ejecta curtain evolutionfrom SCHULTZ:ATMOSPtIERIC E•S OFEJECTAE•CEMENT 11,633 Fig.7b.Effect ofdifferent particle sizes ontheevolution oftheejecta curtain. A under a vacuum andatmosphere, respectively, asshown inFigure 7a.Resulting mixture of coarse 16sandandpumice undera 1 baratmosphere (air)resulted in crater resembled example inFigure 6a.Scale barscorrespond to 10cm. bothundistorted anddistorted components of theejectacurtainresembling impacts Fig.7c.Effectof a layerof coarse 20 sand overcompacted pumice onejectasame undisturbed conical shape, whereas thefinerpumice fraction resembles the curtain evolution under vacuum (leftside)andatmospheric (rightside)cortditions. shape produced by impacting intopumice alone(right).Resulting craterunder Undervacuum conditions, theclassical conical ejectacm•ainadvances wellafter vacuum conditions isshown in Figure 6d;crater at 1 barresembled example in craterformation(left).Undera 1 bar atmosphere (air), the coarsesandformsthe Figure6e. impacting140-200sandundervacuumconditions is shownin pressurecan neverthelessbe seenby the relative sizes of the the upperleft. Ejectacurtainangleand curtaindistortionare final craters,as discussedby Schultz [1990a, 1992]. At early times (within 7.5 ms) the conical ejecta curtain generally unchanged, but more detailed examination shape typifying vacuum conditions remains evident at all pressures,but higher atmosphericpressuresresult in higher comparable ambientdensity.Althoughnot shown,impactsin angles(with respectto the horizontal).Figure 8 documentsthis a CO2 atmosphere producethe oppositetrend.Thusair drag, evolution as a function of both time and atmosphericpressure revealedhereby the effectof atmospheric density,controlsthe for sand and pumice targets.The curtain angle for both sand growthof the ejectacurtain.The separate effectof atmospheric (140-200) and pumice targets under vacuum conditions demonstratesthat curtain growth under high pressuresof helium (~1 bar) resemblesgrowthin air at lower pressurebut 11,634 SCHI•TZ: ATMOSPHERICEgFEC-'rsOF EJECWA•CEMENT a b Plate 1. Computer-digitized fdm recordshowingevolutionof ejectacurtainunder (red). Atmospheric conditionsrangefrom 0.125, 0.25, 0.50, to 1.0 bar of air with differentatmospheric conditions. (a) Overallgrowthbetween7.5-15ins (purple), impactvelocitiesof about1.5 km/s(0.635cm aluminumspheres). Widthof color 15-30ms(blue),30-60ms(green), 60-120ms(yellow)and120-240 ms(red).(b) slicesin b indicate theoutward velocity of theejectacurtain thatdecreases during Incrementaladvanceover a constanttime intervalof 5 ms endingat about7.5 ms cratergrowthbut increases afterwards. (black),15 ms (purple),30 ms (blue),60 ms (green),120 ms (.veliow),and 240 ms SCHULZ: ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS OF•A He s EMPLACEMENT 11,635 co 2 s C• He .\ P P air Vac S P S P Plate2. Comparison of atmospheric pressure, density, andparticle sizeonejectaunder a pressure of 1 barof air(right,topandbottom) andhelium (left,bottom). curtain evolution. (a) Effectof atmospheric density ata givenpressure (0.25bar) Topleftsequence shows theevolution oftheejecta curtain for140-200 sand under for 140-200 sand(toppair)andpumice (bottom pair)bytheuseof a heliumvacuum conditions asa reference. Thecolorcoded stages ofcurtain evolution are atmosphere (left)andcarbon dioxide atmosphere (right). (b)Effect ofatmospheric thesame asinFigure 8.Scale barcorresponds to10cm. density onejecta curtain evolution forimpacts intosand(top)andPumice (bottom) 11,636 SCHULZ: ATMOSPHERICEFFECTSOF F_JEC•AEMPLACEMENT 90 I 90 i I I I i i I I I I I - /- P/Po =1 •.) 60 60 - _+ .... ...... © Helium ,,,._ P / Po=0.12 30 30 (9 Vacuum , _ Air + Helium No. 140-200 Sand No. 140-200 I lO Sand I lOO O.5 Time (ms) 1.0 Pressure (bars) 90 90 I I I i i I I i i i I i 60 60 Helium 30 (9 Vacuum ß Air Pumice + Helium I Pumice I I a lO lOO Time (ms) I I t I I I I 0.5 b I I 1.o Pressure (bars) Fig. 8. Contrasting ejectacurtainanglesasa function of time,atmospheric pressure,evolution.Moreover,curtainanglein pumiceis greaterthan in sand.Both atmospheric density,andtargetparticlesize.(a) Time evolutionof the ejecta responses shouldbe expected if atmospheric density(aerodynamic drag)controls curtainfor 140-200san:l(top) and pumice(bottom)targets.Undervacuumejectacurtainangle.(b) Evolutionof ejectacurtainangle25 ms (+2 ms)after conditions, thecurtainanglefor sandandpumicegradually decrease fromnear50ø impactasa function of atmospheric pressure for air andheliumusingsand(top) to43ø.Asatmospheric pressure increases, ejection anglealsoincreases. Comparison andpumice (bottom) •rgets.Ejectacurtain angleismoreaffected in pumice thanin of a heliumatmosphere at 1 bar with air at 0.125 bar revealsa very similar sand.Useof heliumhaslitdeeffect.Impactvelocities wereall about2km/s. decreasesonly slightly with time (from 50ø to 42ø). The drag. Under high atmospheric densities,a basalejectasurge additionof an atmosphereincreasesthe curtain angle. Use of develops and advancesoutward at velocities that exceed the helium allows the comparisonof the effect of atmospheric ballisticejeetacurtainundervacuumconditions. pressureand densityand revealsthat atmosphericdensityis the 4. •A EMPL•C•M•r I•OC•SES controlling variable for both pumice and sand:helium at 0.84 bars exhibits the same curtain evolution as air at 0.125 bar, both conditionsresulting in nearly identical densities(0.116 and 0.125 air at STP, respectively). Figure 8b further The preceding descriptions focused on the variables controlling the observed ejeeta patterns and ejeeta curtain establishes the difference between helium and air at common profiles in different atmosphericenvironments.This scction times (25 ms). At high atmosphericpressuresthe curtain reviewsspecificobservations and experimentsthatcan provide continues to move outward at the base after crater formation but clues for possible processesproducing contrastingejeeta ceases above the surface. Comparisonsof the vacuum and emplaeementstyles in the laboratory. Possible processes nonvacuum eases (Plate 1) reveal that the base of the curtain unrelatedto craterformationare consideredbeforeexamining under high pressuresmoves outward at a velocity higher than the originsfor the contiguous ejeetarampart,ejectaflow lobes, the curtain under vacuum conditions.Consequently,a base- andradial scourpattern. surge-like motiondevelops afterthecraterfinishes forfi•ing. Nonimpact processes. Could the various ejeetapatterns The nature and cause of this motion will be discussed in a and ejeetacurtainmodificationsreflect disturbances createdby subsequentsection. launchdesign,the preimpaetpassageof the projectilethrough In summary, an ensembleof ballistic debris composesthe an atmosphere,or the release of gasestrappedin the target? ejeeta curtain during crater growth even at high atmospheric Several procedures and observations minimize or constrain pressuresand densities. Both particle size and atmospheric such possibilities. densityaffect the shapeand evolutionof the ejeetacurtainafter Muzzle blast by gasestrailing the projectilecan occur in crater formation, thereby indicating the role of aerodynamic both two-stagelight-gasguns and conventionalpowderguns. SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS OFF3F. CrA EMPLACE• This effect was minimized in theseexperimentsby the use of thin mylar diaphragmsmountedboth at the exit port from the launch tube and at the entranceport in the impact chamber.A mylar diaphragm is necessaryfor experimentswith the light gas gun in order to prevent atmosphericgasesfrom entering the launch tube. A further benefit, however, is the containment of muzzle blast. For example, the self-luminousionized wake left behind the projectile at high velocities(>5 kin/s) exhibits fine-scale turbulencethat remains unmodified (see Schultz and Gault, 1982), thereby confirming the absenceof a launchrelated blast disturbance.Failed experimentsproducing large muzzle blast break the mylar and producevisible effects; such occurrencesare excludedfrom this analysis. Turbulencecreatedby the projectile air shockrepresentsa secondpossiblenonimpactprocessthat might modify ejecta eraplacement. Several observations, however, indicate that this effect is minor. First, air shock effects did not modify a dry-ice vaporcloud suspended abovethe impactsurface[Schultz and Gault, 1982]. Second, air tracers (threads) showed the passageof the air shockwell abovethe impactbut alsoshowed rapid equilibration.Third, the characteristic ejectapatternsand curtainevolutionoccurfor impactsat subsonic(30 m/s) as well as supersonicvelocities. Signatures of the projectile shock wave and trailing wake appearto exist in early-timeturbulence in the ejecta curtain [Schultz and Gault, 1979, 1982], in crateringefficiency [Schultz,1990a, 1992], and in cratershape [Schultz, 1990b]. Such signatures,however, do not extend to late-time evolution of the ejecta curtain when near-rim eraplacementoccurs. Compactedpumice exhibits nearly the same density (1.5 g/cm3) andporosity(-40%) as 140-200sandbut haslower permeability. Consequently, sudden-impact-released gases trappedin pore spacesmight play a role in modifying the ejectionprocess,but severalobservations do not supportthis suspicion.Normal procedureinvolvesslowly evacuatingthe impact chamber(20-60 rain) prior to introducingdifferent gases.Slow evacuationpreventslarge contrastsin pressure betweenpore spacegas and ambientpressures. The effective removalof pore-containedgas is believedto be demonstrated by the closesimilarity in ejectaplume evolutionfrom earlytime to late-timebetweensandandpumiceat low atmospheric pressures. The effectof impact-released gasesat low ambient pressures shouldbe more pronounced than at high pressures owingto the largepressuredifferential. Any possibleeffectof gassuddenlyreleasedfrom the target shouldbe amplifiedfor impactsinto volatile-richtargets.Lowdensitystyrofoamspheresof varying sizeswere placedacross target surfacesof volatile-rich carbonates(dolomite) and pumice. High-frame-rate photographsrevealed that these tracerswere blown away for impactsinto carbonatetargetbut remainedin place for pumice targetsuntil entrainedin the ballistic flow of ejecta. In both experiments,impact occurred under similar ambient conditions following evacuation at comparablerates. The use of carbonatetargets did not, however, result in enhanced ejecta entrainment. Finally, pressuregaugestraversedby the expandingejecta curtain indicateda decrease(not an increase)in pressureimmediately behindthe ejecta curtain. In summary,the distinctive ejecta eraplacementsequence and curtainevolutionare believedto reflect a processrelatedto ballistic ejecta interacting with the atmosphereand not phenomena relatedto muzzleblast,atmospheric shockwave, projectilewake,or sudden releaseof gastrappedin thetarget.If atmospheric gasfilling targetporespacedoesplay a role, then it mustbe expressed asviscousdragactingwithinthe cratering 11,637 following observations. First, contiguous ramparts are most pronouncedfor a limited range of atmosphericpressures,above which ejecta flows are observed(Figures 1 and 2). Second,the expression and maximum radial extent increases with increasing aerodynamic drag controlled by the atmospheric density, drag coefficient, target particle size and density, and ejectionvelocity (i.e., crater size). Third, rampartscan develop even without significant modification of the ejecta curtain shape (i.e., at low densities, Plate 2). Fourth, impact into targets where grain size radially decreasedfrom the impact point did not produce the rampart pattern. Fifth, impacts into sand-over-pumicetargets (Figure 6d) produce sand ramparts outside a sand-clearedzone in a manner analogousto rampart formation.And finally, off-verticalimpacts(Figure4) produce a rampart-bordered,butterfly ejecta pattern. The first three observations indicate that entrainment of fine ejecta plays an important role. Too much entrainment resultsin the onsetof more complex ejecta morphologies;less entrainment suppressesthe complex ejecta morphologies, even at high pressures.Mixtures of relatively small fractions of fine-sized pumice with coarser sand produce analogous rampartlike ridges at very high atmosphericpressures(Figures 6a and 6b) but not in a vacuum. The fourth observation indicates that rampart formation is a late-stage processand requires finer fractions. The fifth observation suggeststhat impact-related,outward moving winds may play a role. The sand rampart in sand-over-pumicelayered targetsdevelopsby accumulation of the coarse sand rather than uplift of the substrate. This interpretation is consistent with observations of the basalejectasurge(Plate 1). The low-shearstrengthof the sand permitted its radial displacementwell beyond the rim of the crater formed in pumice substrate.Finer pumice ejecta were piled on the crater-facingside of the rampart.Finally, the sixth observation indicates that rampart formation is tied to eraplacementof ejecta,not to vapor releaseor wake effects. While Plate 1 suggeststhat outward winds result from impacts in an atmosphericenvironment,the formation of the rampart in pumice targets appearsrelated to a depositional process.Profiles of the ejecta deposits(Figure 9a) show that the rampart occurson top of the continuousejecta.The rampart can be seen to crossejecta clumps, and obstaclesplaced near the rim were found to suppressthe developmentof the rampart downrange(Figure 9c).Thus the rampart doesnot result from preemplacementscouring of the preimpact surface but from deposition. Figure 6c revealed that coarse ejecta are concentrated in the ejecta rampart with finer fractions dominating the inner continuous deposits. This pattern of deposition is consistent with ballistic ejection and eraplacementof the coarsefraction but modified eraplacement of the finer fraction. Moreover, it is consistent with the onset of rampart formation without significant distortion of the ejecta curtain (Plate 2). Although perhaps counterintuitive, the ejecta rampart increasesin distancefrom the rim with increasingatmospheric pressure.The rampart typically becomesmuch more subtle, however, as the turbulentejecta overrunsand scoursthe inner facies (Figure 9b). Thus ejecta ramparts and ejecta flow morphologiesare not exclusionaryprocesses. Ejecta flow. At higher atmosphericpressures(0.4-0.7 bar), the contiguous rampart developed in compacted pumice increasesits diameter and commonly breaks into tonguesof ejecta (Figure lb). Ejecta rampartsmay be brokenor over-run by these flow lobes under transition conditions.The ejecta lobes extend as far as six radii from the crater rim and reflect depositionfrom a ground-huggingflow witnessedin the film record. This turbiditylike flow behavior can be illustratedby Ejecta rampart formation. Contiguousejecta ramparts the effect of topographicbarriers on its advance. A cratercharacterizecraters formed under lower atmosphericpressures facingscarp2 cm high constructed in the targetwasovemm by over a wide range of ambient gas densities and impact individual flow lobes. Consequently, the ejecta exhibited velocities. The causative process must account for the fluidlike behavior even in the absence of water. flow field. 11,638 SCHULTZ: ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS OF•EJEC'FA EMI:q.ACEMENT P-0.25 bars (Ar) b rampart P-0.94 scour bars (Ar) zone .. Fig. 9a. Comparison of ejectaprofilesfor impactsintocompacted pumiceat 0.25 bar and 0.94 bar of argon.The ejectarampartat 0.25 bar developson top of the eraplaced ejecta(top).At higherpressures, scouring createsa moatadjacentto the rim (bottom).Ballisticallyejectedparticlesare entrainedand transported to large distances, thereby producing a thinned ejectadistribution. Profiles havea twofold verticalexaggeration. Ejecta flow did not develop in either 140-200 sand or in sand-pumice mixtures. Moreover, it was not particularly enhancedby the use of easilyvolatizedtargetmaterial.The use of low-density microsphereswith comparable ejecta sizes, however,resultedin both an inner ejectarampart and distal runout lobes (Figures 5b and 5c). The distal ejecta lobes form a distinctive divergent pattern resemblinga cauliflower (Figure 4c). Consequently,the developmentof ejecta flow seemedto require only a sufficient ambientpressureand a target having small (<80 Ixm) or low densityconstituentgrains. The developmentof ejectaflows thereforeappearsto reflect a three-stageprocessof ejecta deceleration,entrainmentwithin turbulent vortices, and run-out as a ground-huggingdensity flow. Such a descriptionmirrors the observedbasal flow of ejecta that outpaces ballistic ejecta for identical impactor conditionsin the absenceof an atmosphere(Plate 1). While the formation of the ejecta rampart reflects a broad-scalevortex pattern trailing behind the wall of ejecta at lower pressures, ejecta flows representejectakinetic energybeing convertedto atmospheric convective turbulence near the rim and the formationof a turbidity flow. Ejecta scour (radial pattern). At the highest ambient pressurespossiblein the vertical gun (i.e., 1 bar), material is still ejected in ballistic trajectoriesduring crater formation, thereby indicating response to the collisional shock and rarefactionin the target. Emplacementof ejecta, however,now is severely modified by an intense, tight eddy forming an Fig. 9b. Comparison of ejectarampartformedin compacted pumiceat 0.25 bar (top)and0.9 bar (bottom)of argon.The ejectarampartat 0.25 baris closeto the craterrim andrestson ejectadeposits, asshownby theprofilein Figure9a. At 0.9 bar, the rampartextendssignificantlyfartherbut is mutedby scouring.This scouringalsoproduces a distinctivenear-rimmoat(innerarrow).Impactvelocities were5.0 and5.4 km/s,respectively. Scalebarscorrespond to 10 cm. preserved beyond the ejecta rampart at lower atmospheric pressures,thesetexturesare muted or lost at high pressuresdue to the intense scouring action witnessesin the film record. Thus high atmospheric pressures do not prevent crater formation but result in nearly completetransferof energy from ejecta kinetic energy (arrestingejecta curtain advancesoon after crater formation) to turbulent power within the atmospherewhich scoursthe surroundingsurfaces. Crater and ejecta dimensions. The changein emplacement style with atmosphericpressureappearsto reflect increased entrainment of the atmosphere with ballistic ejecta at interparticle scales and increased intensity of turbulence at broaderscales.In order to extend theselaboratory-scaleresults to kilometer-scalecraterson Mars, ejecta entrainmentand the expandingdonutlike toroid. This vortex scoursballistically emplacementprocessneed to be quantified. The diameter of the ejecta rampart relative to the crater emplacedejectanear the rim, therebycreatinga characteristic moatsurrounding the raisedrim (Figures9a and9b). Entrained diameter appears to increase with increasing atmospheric ejectaarecarriedanddispersed manycraterradii fromtherim by pressurefor a given compositionand for the same impactor this process.The long run-out lobes in Figure 5c further conditions (Figure 9). The specific physical processes underscorethe process.Such distal ejecta deposits,however, affecting crater growth during excavation, however, are are characteristicallythin and principally composedof very different from processescontrolling ejecta emplacementafter fine grained ejecta. While subtle preimpact textures remain excavation. Consequently, observed crater dimensions SCHULZ: ATMOSPHERICEFFT. L•S OF FJECrA EMPLA•• 11,639 the impactortrajectoryand perpendicularto the cameraliterally bisected the cratering event. Such configurationsare termed quarter-spaceexperimentsand reveal the pattern of circulation inside the ejecta curtain. The quarter-spaceexperiments graphically demonstrated ballistic ejection and unobscuredtransientcavity growth well after passageof the shockwave (Figure 12). The impact point is necessarily offset from the window (about a projectile diameter away) and results in ejecta streaming along the plexiglass without atmospheric distortion. Nevertheless, the sequenceof views revealsthat the baseof the ejectacurtainis carried outward by the rolling vortex inferred from stereo photography. Once the vortex no longer can mobilize and supportthe ejecta,it collapsesto form a rampartwhile smaller ejecta entrained in the rolling vortex help to identify its continuedoutward advance.After the ejecta curtain dissolves, suspendedejecta above the crater simply fall directly to the surfacewithout evidencefor any thermalbuoyancyeffects. The pressure-controlledonset of different emplacement stylesyet the density-controlled run-out distancessuggestthat pressure differential created in the basal vortex controls the onset of a particular emplacementstyle while the degree of entrainmentin the vortex controlsthe run-outdistance.Ejecta entrainmentdependson the relative role of aerodynamicand gravitational forces: d/g= (3/8)(CDp%2/tSga) (1) where d is the decelerating force, g is gravitational acceleration,CD is the drag coefficient,and ve is late-stage ejection velocity for an ejected particle of density /5 and diameter a. The abscissain Figure 10, then, can be viewed Fig. 9c. Effect of obstacles on ejectarampartformationin compacted pumice.A vertical barrier placedin the preimpacttargetinterruptedthe advancingejecta cuecainand suppressed the formationof the rampart.A small scarp (top) also affectedrampartformation.Impactvelocity (0.635 cm aluminum)was 5.2 km/s with an atmospheric pressureof 0.25 bar (argon).Scalebar corresponds to 10 cm. Illuminationis from the upperright. equivalent to equation (1) with all variables constant, exceptingdensity. At laboratoryscales,the small size of the momentumof the impactor. relative viscosities listed in Table 1 reveal that such a case ejecta(<80 Ixm) and low velocityof ejectaat late stage(-50 cm/s)resultin low Reynoldsnumbers(Re) approaching unity wherethe dragcoefficientvariesas (1/Re)•ø.For givenimpactor and target conditions,the range in densityand gas viscosity controls the variation in CD. The complex conditions and principally serve as reference. Crater size under vacuum distributionof shapesprecludeestimatingCD directly.In the conditionsactuallyprovide a more relevantcomparisonsince limiting casewhereo• is unity, the role of (d/g) reducesto a this dimension can be related to the initial energy and dependence on only viscosityof the ambientatmosphere. The Figures10 and 11 permitcontrasting the effectsof ambient wouldstill remainconsistent with the trendsin Figure10. pressureanddensityon the diameterof the ejectarampartand The onsetof nonballisticejecta emplacementalso can be crater for two different impact velocitiesbut identicalimpactor viewed analogous to conditions necessary for aeolian size. Although the data are not shownin dimensionless form, transport.Greeley and Ivcrsen (1985) examinedthe threshold pressureand density representthe only remainingrelevant friction speedsnecessaryfor particle motion on Earth. For controllingvariables.Atmosphericpressuredoesnot appearto particle sizes comparableto pumice, the thresholdfriction affect rampart diameter for different constituentatmospheres speedwas20 cm/s,a valuecomparable to theoutwardvelocity (Figure 10a). Increasingatmosphericdensity (Figure 10b) of the ejectacurta.;n as it advances beyondtherim (Plates1 and systematically increasesrampart diameter with decreased 2). Entrainmentin a vortex, however,was found to be scatter. Since atmosphericdensity affects aerodynamicdrag, independent of viscouseffects(i.e., particlediameterand wind entrainmentof ejecta in the atmosphericresponseappearsto speed); rather, the pressure difference created in the vortex control the observedrun-out. Parallel effects of atmospheric lofted and entrainedparticles.Wind velocitiesare createdand conditionson rampart and crater diameterfor sand targetsand controlledby the pressuredifferencein front of and behind the more complex stratigraphiesand mixtures are shown in Figure ejecta curtain;consequently atmospheric pressurerather than 11. Table 5 providesa listing of empiricaldata usedin Figures densitycontrolsthe onsetof rampartformation.As notedby 10 and 11. Controlling processes. The film record provides critical information about ejecta emplacementprocesses.First, highframe-rate photography from cameras positioned above the impact reveal that the region inside the ejecta curtain is visible throughoutcrater growth. Only after crater formation does the crater cavity become obscured.At this time, ejecta well above the impact surfacerapidly convergeinward and appearto be drawn downward. Second, stereo imaging by a side camera further reveals an upward motion behind the leading wall of ejecta. And third, a thick plexiglasswindow placed parallel to Greeleyand Iversen[1985], however,viscousdrageffectsdo becomeimportantas particlesizeanddensityincreasebeyond a criticalvalue, that is, as the laboratorycratersare scaledto much larger Martian craters. Different ejecta emplacement styles in laboratory experiments,then, reflect different processesthat largely dependon the atmospheric response(turbulenceor winds) and the degreeof entrainmentof ejecta into this response.The variousstyleshave not been placed into a taxonomicmatrix, as is commonlydonefor Martiancraters,in orderto emphasize underlyingprocessesand to acknowledgethat suchprocesses 11,640 SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERICEFFF. L•S OF .EJECTAEMII•CEMENT 2.0 2.0 I 0.635 I cm AI 0.635 w 1.5 cm AI . air Pumice Pumice I- I v-2 km/s i+He I +HeI v---2 km/s - w w x 1.5 _RAMPART w x • [] 1[]0021 + RAMPART x I -2.0 + 1.0 CRATER •-'-- I I -1.0 0.0 -; .0 1.0 2.0 km/s 0.635 cm AI I -1.0 2.0 w--5.5 CRATER 0.0 I 1.0 I +He Pumice RAMPART RAMPART • CO2 1.5 1.5 • + ß • © ¸ CRATER 1.0 - 1.0 i -2.0 a -1.0 •• CRATER - I 0.0 i 1.0 LOGPRESSURE (bars) -2.0 b -1.0 I 0.0 1.0 LOGDENSITY (p/Pair) Fig.10a.Comparison oframpart andcrater dimensions asa function ofpressure Fig.10b.Comparison of datain Figure10abutasa function of atmospheric for different gascompositions at 2 km/s(top)and5.5km/sCoottcaxQ. Althoughdensity. Therampart diameter nowexhibits a consistent increase withdensity, crater dimensions show littledifference asa function of gascomposition, rampartthereby suggesting thatentrainment resulting fromaerodynamic dragplays a role. diameter exhibits noapparent change buthasincreased scatter withhigher-density Linesrepresent visualfitsfor datafor reference. gasesresultingin largerramparts. may not scaleto muchlargerdimensions in a simpleor direct ballisticejectacurtainandentrainment of ejecta.A fundamental way.Moreover,differentcombinations of processes canleadto assumption mustbe madeat the outset:the crateringflow field multipleemplacement stylesarounda singlecraterresulting in andeventualballisticejectionfrom thecratercavityreflectthe differenttaxonomicclasseswithoutchangingthe underlying mechanicalresponseof the target to the impact shockand cause.Table 6 summarizes the variousemplacement styles consequent rarefaction waves from the free surface as observed in the laboratory, specificexamples citedin the text, summarizedby Gault et al. [1968]. In other words,material is observed processes, controlling variables, andinterpretation. ballistically excavated,not simply driven by explosive 5. DISCUSSION The variousstylesof ejectaemplacement bear striking similaritiesto ejectafaciessurrounding Martiancraters.Such similarities havegreateruseif theycanbe incorporated into a testablemodel of the emplacement process.The following discussiondevelopssuch a working model and explores possibleimplications for understanding ejectaemplacement on Mars, Earth, and Venus. backpressures. Suchan assumption can be justifiedby the observedevolution of the ejecta curtain, an observation discussed in previoussections. Althoughbaclc•essures created by the impingingwake trailingthe projectilemay augment cratergrowth[Schultz,1990a, 1992], thisprocessis assumed to be a second-order effect modifyingearly-timeejecta. Consequently, growthandejectionis a systematic, not chaotic processunder atmosphericconditionsjust as it is under a vacuum. Interactionbetweenejectaand atmosphere can be divided Emplacement model. Threedifferentstylesof late-stage into two time scales.Early-timeimpactprocesses occurwhen ejectaemplacement with increasingatmospheric pressurecan the crater has achievedonly 40% of its final diameter. As be recognized fromthelaboratory experiments: rampart,multi- reviewedpreviously[SchultzandGault,1982],a complexair lobed, and radial. These styles correspondto processes shockmustdevelop in response tojettedmaterialandanearlyreflecting the increasinglyintenseatmospheric responseto time supersonic ejectaplume(Figure13a). Suchinteractions crater formation resulting in increasedmodification of the appear to berestricted to withinthef'trstmillisecond of impact, SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS OFEIECTAEMPLACEMENT 2.0 i i 0.635 cm AI /' air I Sand (No. 140-200) l []C02 J •c w 1.5 w • _x- --•" ..... • •_x- __•- --RAMPART • CRATER 1.0 11,641 front of the ejecta curtain, thereby creatinga strongprecursor wind. Low-density styrofoam spheres placed across the preimpact surface documentedpassageof this vapor cloud front. Most of the vapor, however, is partly containedin and redirected by the growing transient cavity [see Schultz and Gault, 1979, 1982; Melosh, 1982; Schultz and Gault, 1990]. Consequently,the early-time vapor cloud resemblesan upward directedjet exhaustfor high-angle impacts [see Schultz, 1988]. In the presence of an atmosphere,this upward moving and expandingcloud is retarded both by the ambient gas and the incoming wake trailing the projectile. Such processes, however, are all early-time phenomenaand do not appear to affect later-stageejecta eraplacementprocessesat laboratory scale. At low impact angles (<30ø), the early-time jetting component and vapor cloud travel rapidly downrange,thereby I becomingdecoupledfrom the initial ejectaplume and growing 1.o -1.o o.o -2.0 transient cavity [Schultz, 1988; Schultz and Gault, 1982, 1990]. Under low atmosphericpressuresthe resulting cloud expands hemispherically while traveling downrange. Under 2.0 I I high atmosphericpressures,the vapor cloud, early-time jet, v --- 2 km/s and ricochetedprojectile fragmentscombinein a tight fireball 0.635 cm AI that scoursthe downrangetarget surfaceprior to eraplacement by late-stageejecta. o mixture: 92% No. 24 and 8% pumice The evolutionof the later stageejectacurtainand subsequent • layered: No. 20 sand over pumice ejecta emplacementare illustrated in Figure 13b. Becausethe •c w evolution of the late-stagecurtain is similar from subsonicto 1.5 hypersonic impact velocities, the observeddistortion of the w RAMPART ejectacurtainis interpretedas a responseof the atmosphereto the outwardmovingwall of ejectacoupledto the effect of drag on individual ejecta as they leave the cavity. Specifically, a partial vacuum develops behind the outward moving curtain, but recovery to ambient conditionsoccurs as the atmosphere CRATER rushes through (and over) its thinnest upper portion. Moreover, airflow respondingto the inclined ejecta curtain is b I I analogous to a well-known hydrodynamic problem of flow impingingon an inclinedplate. In the frame of referenceof the -2.0 -1.0 0 1.0 moving plate, the redirected airflow develops compressed streamlines as it passes over the top, thereby producing LOG PRESSURE (bars) augmentedvelocity and pressure.If the curtain is viewed as a flexible plate, then a bowedprofile shoulddevelop.Behindthe Fig. 11. (a) Comparison of rampartandcraterdimensions for 140-200sandas a functionof atmospheric pressure. Craterdiameter increases at higheratmosplseric curtain, a rolling circulationpatterndevelopswith inward flow at top and outward flow at the base. The intensity of this pressures due to cratercollapseand the effectsof projectilewake blast. (b) Comparison of atmospheric effectsonrampartformedin sand-pumice mixturesand circulation(wind velocity) shoulddependon the velocityof the layercdsandtargets,examplesof which are shownin Figures5b and 6c, outwardmoving curtain at late times, which in mm dependson respectively. the ejection velocity. As depicted in Figure 13, then, these recoverywinds entrain and mobilize ejectalandingbehindthe a small fractionof the 100 ms requiredfor craterformation]n ballistic ejecta curtain. The circulation will be sustained, laboratory experiments.The wake trailing the projectile however,only as long as a pressuredifferential exists. With increasingatmosphericpressures,turbulenceincreases becomescontainedand compressed within the transientcavity. A short-lived ionized ball of gas (<0.5 ms) evolves into a and sustains long run-out distances of individual flows. toroid that interacts with the ejecta plume (0.2-0.5 ms). Eventually, the intensityof the entrainedatmosphereat higher Sufficientlysmallejectabecomeentrainedin this toroidandare pressureserodesthe crater rim, scoursballistically emplaced drawninto the cavity, therebypartly obscuringthe craterfloor. inner ejecta deposits, and dispersesthe distal ejecta. The of this processcan be inferredfrom the deepscour At later times (0.5-2 ms), vortices develop along the ejecta effectiveness curtain.Suchvorticesdependon atmospheric densityandmach annulussurroundingthe rim and the reducedejecta thickness number and are interpretedas drag-inducedflow analogousto shownin Figure 9a. Erosionalscouringis further indicatedby turbulence created by relative air flow (created by upward the basal ejecta flow, which exceedsballistic velocities (Plate moving ejecta in the plume) moving acrossa flat plate (the 1), the radial grooving characteristicof the near-rim (<2R) outwardmoving ejecta plume). This summaryof early-time ejectadeposits,and the roundingof the inner facies. The scenarioin Figure 13 depicts two different modes of interactionsin the context of inferred/observedphenomenais provided for completeness.It is emphasizedthat such eraplacement.After the crater has finished forming, ballistic interactionsat laboratoryscalesoccurover a time representing ejectaform the inclined, outwardmoving curtain.Near the rim only 1% of the timefor craterformation;hencethereshouldbe (<0.5 R), impactingejectacreatea debrisflow that is limited in advanceat laboratory scalesowing to low potential energy. litfie effect on late-stageemplacement. a Early-timeimpactprocesses also includeevolutionof any impact-generated or liberated vapor. Vertical impactsinto volatile-rich targets(dry ice and carbonates)under vacuum conditionsreveal that a portionof the vaporcloudexpandsin This first phase, however, resembles qualitatively experimentalsubaqueous debrisflows [e.g.,Hampton, 1972]. Flow separation in thelee of suchadvancing debrisflow creates a turbulent cloud of debris mixing with the ambient fluid; 11,642 SCHULZ: ATMOSPHERIC EFFE•S OFFJE•A EMPLA•• TABLE 5. EmpiricalDatafor Figures14 and 15 Atmospheric Impactor , Environment Target Crater Roun d 2r,cm Mass, [• Vo vi Pressure Type Type DC ER 821121 0.635 0.376 2.33 2.33 0.0632 air P 14.5 21.6 821209 0.635 0.376 2.22 2.20 0.063 CO2 P 13.2 18.9 821123 821214 0.635 0.635 0.376 0.376 2.05 1.92 2.02 1.90 0.125 0.125 air air P S 11.6 18.0 20.9 21.9 871212 0.635 0.376 5.24 5.24 0.131 helium P 17.7 29.8 810531 850611 850609 850615 820516 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.376 0.376 0.376 0.376 0.376 5.44 5.35 4.73 4.40 6.00 5.36 5.18 4.38 4.08 5.80 0.160 0.24 0.25 0.25 0.25 nitrogen argon argon argon argon P P P P P 17.5 17.5 14.1 17.4 16.9 31.7 32.7 28.1 29.1 29.5 820521 0.635 0.376 5.54 5.34 0.25 CO2 P 16.9 29.5 810214 810505 0.635 0.635 0.376 0.376 6.50 5.34 6.28 5.16 0.25 0.25 argon argon P P 17.5 15.6 27.1 30.9 821128 821126 0.635 0.635 0.376 0.376 2.15 2.13 2.14 2.11 0.25 0.25 helium air P P 10.9 11.9 23.8 821127 0.635 0.376 2.24 2.16 0.25 CO2 P 10.4 20.9 821223 820508 0.318' 0.159 0.149 0.0056 5.08 1.92 5.08 1.73 0.25 0.25 helium air P P 12.2 3.6 24.4 5.8 821218 0.635 0.376 2.10 2.09 0.25 helium S 17.4 22.4 821217 0.635 0.376 2.02 1.95 0.25 CO2 S 17.0 22.4 811151 0.635 0.376 1.94 1.89 0.25 air S 17.7 22.5 871211 0.635 0.376 5.06 5.04 0.25 helium P 16.5 29.8 821213 0.635 0.376 1.92 1.83 0.50 air S 16.8 23.3 810210 0.635 0.376 3.20 2.99 0.50 argon P 13.3 21.8 821205 0.635 0.376 2.21 2.20 0.50 helium P 10.4 19.3 821207 0.635 0.376 2.13 1.98 0.50 CO2 P 9.9 18.5 820507 0.159 0.159 2.14 1.74 0.5 air P 3.4 5.8 871221 0.635 0.376 5.52 5.25 0.5 nitrogen P 14.9 29.2 871210 0.635 0.376 5.13 5.09 0.48 helium P 16.6 29.2 871209 0.635 0.376 4.95 4.89 0.76 helium P 14.0 27.9 840501 840502 0.635 0.635 0.376 0.376 6.04 5.98 5.34 5.29 0.92 0.92 argon argon P P 14.2 14.6 34.4 33.8 820518 0.635 0.376 5.86 5.78 0.94 helium P 14.0 26.8 871213 820552 0.635 0.635 0.376 0.376 5.47 2.10 4.97 1.82 0.917 0.99 nitrogen CO2 P S 15.2 18.5 27.0 23.8 18.9 820553 0.635 0.376 2.19 2.16 0.99 helium S 19.5 25.4 811149 0.635 0.376 2.04 1.85 1.0 air P 18.0 23.2 860822 0.635 0.376 1.68 1.68 0.029 air PS 17.4 21.7 860821 0.635 0.376 2.00 1.95 0.25 air PS 15.6 21.6 860825 0.635 0.376 1.92 1.74 1.0 air PS 11.2 21.6 820551 820550 820548 0.635 0.635 0.635 0.376 0.376 0.376 2.20 2.22 2.19 2.19 2.17 1.99 0.062 0.25 1.0 air air air S/P S/P S/P 12.4 8.5 6.9 21.7 21.2 19.3 In Table 5 the impactvelocityvi has beencorrectedfor dragthat reduceslaunchvelocityvo. Pressureis in bars. Targettypesinclude compactedpumice(P), no. 140-200 sand(S), no. 24 sandmixed with 8% Coyweight)pumice(PS), and and layer over compactedpumice (S/P). Rim to dm crater diameter(DC) and "rampart"diameterare (DR) in centimeters.Asterisksindicateimpactsinto targetswith a thin veneer of dry tempera. enoughturbulencegeneratesa turbidityflow. In the laboratory impact experiments,recoverywinds createdby the temporary vacuum behind the ejecta curtain enhance an analogous turbidityflow: the greaterthe pressuredifferential,the greater the winds,the greaterthe powerin the turbulence. This analogy permits exploring the various modes of emplacementand factorscontrollingejecta run-out in the contextof a physical model. Run-out by flow of emplacedejecta in the absenceof a fluidizing agent(e.g., entrainedair, water,or releasedgas) can energy created by the ejecta curtain moving through the atmospheregoes to zero and where St is the run-outdistance following this turbulent influx. Here the effect of basal shear drag on the run-out is ignored. Under limited turbulence,So shouldcorrespondto the distancewhere the suspended load is suddenlydeposited,therebyforming the ridge of coarserejecta on top of the ballistically emplaced ejecta deposit. Under enhancedturbulence, run-outwill be extendedby a distance(St) until energyin the flow has fallen below a critical value. As discussed in more detail below, this distance could be further augmentedby an autosuspensionprocess [Bagnold, 1962, 1963; Pantin, 1979] in which the moving ejecta cloud creates S = So+ & (2) more turbulence,therebyincreasingits power. The distanceSo dependson the wind velocities(w) generated whereSOis the distancetraveledwherethe supplyof turbulent by the ejectacurtainmoving at a velocity, Vc(X/R). At a given be divided into two components: SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERICEFFE•S OF •A E•CEMENT 11,643 So= (l/2)(w2[g)= kR (3) This result predicts that rampart distancescaled to crater size should be approximately constant.BecauseR is calculatedon the basis of late-stage gravity-controlled growth, it is implicitly assumedthat it refersto craterradiushad it formedin a vacuum(i.e., material flow createdby the impact without any modification due to presence of an atmosphere). At low atmospheric densities (low Reynolds numbers) turbulence generatedby the moving ejecta curtain shouldbe minimal, as graphically illustrated in Plate 2b for impacts under an atmosphereof helium. Ejecta rampartsneverthelessform above a critical pressure,and Figure 14a revealsthat equation(3) is consistentwith this model of entrainmentand depositionfrom curtain-generatedwinds. As atmospheric density increases, turbulence increases (Plate 1), and the distanceto rampart formationor run-out of individual lobes increases. In the absence of continued influx, the headof the densitycurrentcreatedby ejectaentrainedin the turbulentatmosphere behindthe ejectacurtainshouldinitially continue to advance outward at a horizontal velocity u (if frictional forces along the surfaceare considerednegligible). Under these conditions, conservationof energy gives the following relation: 1/2po u2=(Pe- po)gh Fig. 12. Quarter-space experimentin whicha plexiglasssheetallowsonlyonehalf wherePois the ambientdensity,andPeandh are thedensityand heightof the turbulentejectacloud,respectively.This density cloudshouldtravel a distancegiven by of the craterto form and revealsvorticesbehindthe ejcctacurtain.Arrows indicate circulationpattern(left) and hollow coreof outwardmovingveerrex (right) created by windsbehindthe advancingwall of ejectafrom a 1.6 km/simpactunder0.5 bar atmosphere (air). Vorticestemporarilyentraincoarserejectathataredeposited in a rampartas vortex winds fall below a threshold.V-shapedpatternabovecrater represents scouringof plexiglassby ballisticejectaduringcraterformation.Scale bar corresponds to 10 cm. (4) St= (112)(u2[g ) (Sa) = [(pdpo)- 1]h (5b) The height of the turbulentejectacloud at any distancefrom the crater rim scaled to crater radius should increasewith ejecta thickness, whichin turn scalesas (gR)1/2 as discussed by TABLE6. Summary ofEjecta Emplacement Styles andProcesses inLaboratory McGetchin et al. [1973] and Schultz and Gault [1979]. Consequently,equation(2) now can be writtenas Experiments Style Rampart Figure Observation Contelling Interpretation Examples Variables* la, 3,4a,4b, reworked ballistic a,P eddy suspen5, 6, 9 cjectaby windsbe- coarscrclasts eddy-driven turbidity cur- surge rent of entrain- ed cjec•a over-rides inner ballistic facies (andramparts) Radial lc intense basalvortices a, p,Rv (6a) = [Fe(g[R) 112 + k]R (6b) sionof hind ejectacurtain Flowlobes lb,4c,5b,5c, deposition from a, p,Rv 9b ground-hugging x = {[(Pe/Po) - 1][g[R] 112 + k}R or scouringof inner facies, large run-out where F e is defined as an entrainmentfactor. The distance traveledbeforeforminga rampartthereforeis augmented by a factor dependent on the degree of ejecta entrained in the recovery wind circulation. The degreeof entrainmentdependson the decelerationof individual ballistic ejecta as given by equation (1). Two limiting conditionscan be derived.The first considersthe drag coefficientto be constant;the secondassumes thatCD ~ 1/Re: depositionof thin veneer in outer facies Fe- poRIbga * Variables correspond toejecta size a,atmospheric pressure P,atmospheric Fe~ PRø'Slõga2 broad range inR• density p, andcrater radius hadtheeventoccurred in a vacuum Rv. stage of crater growth (x/R = const),Vc(X) is taken to be a constant vc for a given crater size. Since the laterally advancing ejecta curtain simply reflects the horizontal componentejecta trajectories,w shouldincreaseas vc and narrowrangein Re (7a) (7b) where g is the viscosityof the atmosphereintroducedthrough the Reynoldsnumber(Re = pva/•t), anda andõ are the sizeand velocity of individual ejecta fragments.Velocity in equation (1) and in the Reynoldsnumberhas been replacedby the approximation ve2~ gR, as requiredfor late-stage gravitycontrolled ejection velocities. The eddy-driven rampart hence(gR)1/2,whereR is theradiusof thegravity-controlled transientcrater and g is the gravitationalacceleration[Post, 1974; Schultz and Gault, 1979; Housen et al., 1983]. If the rampart ridge representsdepositionwhen the wind velocities reducebelow a critical value necessaryfor suspension, then the distanceis simply given by: distancepredictedfor different rangesof Reynoldsnumbers becomes x/R~ (po/õa)(R/g) 112 ~ per1/2 for CD = COnst, (8a) 11,644 SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERICEFFECTSOF F,JECTAEMPLACEMENT EARLY-TIME PHENOMENA [? '••'••11onized wake '• • Eiecta cloud •- High-velocity \ •-'"• ..... • .... incandescent eiecta ................................... Fig.13.Processes affecting ejecta eraplacement atearlyandlatetimes asinferredballistic ejecta curtain. Targets resulting ina widerange ofejecta sizes (factor of fromhigh-frame-rate imaging, changing targetandatmospheric conditions, and 100)resultin a twocomponent curtain: largersizefractions define theclassic special experimental designs (quarter-space experiments andlayered targets). (a)At conicalprofLle observed undervacuum conditions; smallerfractions become earlytimestheionized waketrailing theprojectile fillsthegrowing impact cavity. entrained in anejecta cloud(seeFigure To).Theejecta cloudisturbulent atsmall Interactions between theionized wake andhigh-velocity ejecta create a turbulent scales butreflects anatmospheric circulation atlarge scales induced bytheoutward disturbance thatmovesup the curtain.(b) At latetimesevolution of the ejecta movingejectacurtain. curtainis largelycontrolled by response of theatmosphere to theoutward-moving x/R~ (l•p/•a)m(R i/4/Sa) ~ (l•p)mRU4 Figures 14b and 14c show the range of possibilitiesgiven by equation(8) for different Reynoldsnumbersand reveal that the proposed scaling of the rampart is generally consistent forCo ~ (1/R.)1/2,and with the observations.Figure 15 correlates ejecta run-out distanceswith formationof the crater cavity as revealedby xlR~ (I.t/Sa2)(1/g) 1/2~ I.t (8c) crater profile (diameter/depth). Greater run-out distances characterizesmaller values of diameter/depth,i.e. arrested forCO~ (1/Re)whereit is assumed thatF,•(g[R)112 >> k andthat crater growth. Consequently,energy expendedin reducing 8, a, andg areconstant. Equation(8a) accounts for theobserved craterdiameteris neverthelessexpressedin enhancedturbulent dependence betweenrampartdiameterand atmospheric density power of ejectaflows. for given impactorsize and velocity revealedin Figure 10. As atmospheric pressure increases, the intensity of Small residual offsets, however, for different atmospheric turbulencebehind the ejecta curtain increases.The resulting loadand compositionssuggestthat a viscosity-dependent drag eddy-drivenflow overridesdepositionof the suspended coefficient(introduced by a dependence on the Reynolds channelizes into individual lobes (Figures lc and 5c). number)alsomay apply. Divergent flow within the flow head createscontinuedvortical (Sb) SCHULTZ:ATMOSPH]•IC •S LATE-TIME OFEIF.C•A EMIx..ACE• 11,645 PHENOMENA Inwardfolding .......... .-:..,'-'-. -:-'--'...;•i -'?;...... -•i•i• air flow / '"•"•;-'-",•i?--'..:----...-'... -';,,f• ...... • • •,.. !•'"•"-'•"'•'••••••.,".;>•i!•.-'.'.-.:•'.--'.:-.::..-;.'-.-'-•'"""':•' ................... '•"•.-'• -' , ' - •........................... "•'••••••'"•½" --•'••"••':'''" .................. Z"-"• --' "•;•;-----•? cIosur. '•'"•i•i• , ""•••• ;';' •:"'""'" ' •' "•"••••:•;••l.'.'"• '"••"•''•" ............. ,,• ..... '•:;-::•:-'.'•. ....... • '• '" . •, ' ,,..•........ ,"•"-':•----:•:•••,.'•:' -";,•:"-.--:•.;.•.....•:•..:••• .......'•'•-:• "'I---•. -'"' Rampart Fig. 13. (continued) Pantin [1979] found that turbidity currents must either motion, mixing with local material; eventually a rampartdecelerate, thereby depositing their load, or accelerateinto bordered terminus forms as turbulent energy dissipatesßThe autosuspension. Conditions leading to autosuspension were observed ejecta lobes in the laboratory no longer grow proportionallyand perhapsindicatean autosuspension process given as described by Baghold [1962, 1963] and Pantin [1979]. Autosuspension is a feedbackconditionwherein suspended material causesmotion, therebyproducingfurther turbulence and more suspension. In rivers and certainavalanches,gravity andslopecontroladvanceof the densitycurrent.For impactsin an atmosphere, movement down the radially thinning continuousejectadepositspartly controlthis process.Gravity also plays an indirect (but perhaps more important) role throughthe impactingejectaat the baseof the advancingejecta curtain. Since the ballistic ejecta curtain increasesin velocity with increasing distance from the rim (Plate l a), autosuspension should be a natural consequenceas leading ballisticejectaadd kineticenergyto the flow. >1 (9) whereex is an efficiencyfactor,[3is the slope,u is the flow velocity, and vt is the fall velocityin the entrainedflow. The efficiency factor represents the degree of excess power available for suspendingthe load relative to the power expendedalong the base. As the overridingturbiditycurrent runs off the continuousejecta, • may be replaced by an effective-gradient factor reflecting the increased outward velocityin the ejectacurtainwith distance.Sucha factoralso would go to zero, however, as the ejecta curtain thins sufficientlyßThe basal surge observed at laboratory scales 11,646 SCHULTZ: ATMOSPHERIC•S 1.5 I OF EJE•A EMPLA• Degree of Entrainment i 0.0 (D c- -0.2 .,.,• •.0 -0.3 -0.4 i -0.5 o::: 0.5 o CD•, (1/R½) 1/2 nimal Drag x / Curtain-wind Driven Flow -0.6 0.5 J I 1.0 1.5 ' -0.5 -0.4 ' -0.3 ' -0.2 , -0.1 I 0.0 i 0.1 0.2 Log(•p)1/2 R1/4 Log CraterDiameter(vacuum) Degree of Entrainment 0.0 ,0.1 0.2 0.3 ,0.4 C D '" constant I 0.3 0.4 I i 0.5 0.6 i 0.7 I 0.8 i 0.9 1.0 Logp R]/2 Fig.14.Theeffect ofcrater size and atmospheric conditions onrun-out ofejectashould depend on(pp)l/2Rvl/4. Asshown, viscosity and density are referenced to ramparts. (a) Distance fromcrater rimtorampart asa function of crater diameterairatonebarwithcrater radius givenin centimeters. (c)Higher relative Reynolds hadtheimpact formed in a vacuum. DataareforverysmallReynolds numbersnumbers, allwithabout thesame value, thereby result ina constant drag coefficient withminimal drag(viscous effects). (b) Comparison of rampart run-out distance(equation (Sa)).Arrows indicate direction of additional corrections fordatawith scaled tocrater diameter (vacuum conditions) asafunction ofentrainment asgiven slightly lower Reynolds numbers, thereby having slightly higher drag coefficients. inequation (8).Entrainment depends onthedragcoefficient, which alsodepends on Density (p)isreferenced to•ir at1barwithcrater radius given incentimeters. See theReynolds number. Figure14bconsiders a rangein Reynolds numbers over Table5 forlisting ofempiric•l data. which itisassumed that CO~ (1/Re) 1/'2 . From equation (Sb), therun-out distance indicatesthat a large ex due to increasing turbulence, under 0.25 bar pressure at much higher angles (60 ø from entrainment,and small vt all can contributeto excessiverun- out. The possiblerole of increasedturbulenceis illustratedby the effect of addinga thin veneerof temperaover compacted pumice,whereasthe role of entrainmentandsmall vt is clearly demonstrated by the long distallobesfor impactsinto a target of low-densitymicrospheres (Figure5c). In the latterexample, the fanlike terminus characterizes sudden termination of channelizedautosuspended flow. Conversely,the absenceof flowlike lobesin coarsergrainedtargetsor mixtures(Figure 6) reflect fall velocitiesof coarseejectathat are too high to meet this condition. horizontal) relative to vacuum conditions (5ø). The ionized wake and point of impact clearly establishthat the impact angle has not changed [see Schultz and Gault, 1982]. The enhancementof ejecta asymmetry can be attributedto three causes.First, the developmentof an ionized wake trailing the projectileat higher atmosphericpressurescreatesan early-time turbulent barrier for uprange ejecta [see Schultz and Gault, 1982]. Gases within the projectile wake are observed to continueto impinge on the impact cavity even after contact. These two nonaxisymmetric processes result in an exaggerationof the eraplaced ejecta• pattern at modest Obliqueimpacts. The variousmodesof ejectaemplacernent atmosphericpressures.Second,despitea relatively symmetricshould not fundamentallychange with impact angle: eddy- appearing crater and ejecta distribution for impacts into suspendedand autosuspended flows resultingin rampartsor particulates between 15 ø and 60 ø, there is considerable in the evolutionof the ejecta•curtain undervacuum lobes should and do (Figure 4) develop. Nevertheless, a asymmetry distinctiveasymmetryand even the butterflypatterndevelop conditions[e.g., see Gault and Wedekind,1978; Schultz and SCHULTZ:ATMOSPtIERIC •S Diameter/Depth 4 i 0.0 ,0.1 0.2 OFEJEC•AFAVlln•ACEMENT 11,647 both the outwardmoving ejecta curtain and the ejectaparticle moving throughthe atmosphere. Scaling laboratoryresults. Impact cratersin the laboratory can be scaled over many orders of magnitude through dimensionlessscaling parametersas discussedby Holsapple and Schmidt[1982]. Their derivedprincipal scalingparameter can be viewed as Froude-scalingwhereinertial forcesare ratioed to gravity forces. An explicit assumptionis made that details of the transferof energyfrom impactorto targetat early times can be ignored at late times when gravity controls crater growth.The use of looseparticulatetargetsis implicitly based on this assumptionwhere the initial passageof the shockwave converts solid target material into broken debris. Shockbroken target material may be further comminuted by the shearingactionresultingfrom the redirectedmaterialflow field o -0.3 [e.g., Schultz and Mendell, 1978] or perhaps vaporization [Wohletz and Sheridan, 1983]. Froude-scalingpredicts that late-stage ejection velocities and time should scale as the O.5 O.6 O.7 square root of linear dimension and gravity as derived in various studies [e.g., Post, 1974; Schultz and Gault, 1979; Log Diameter/Depth Housen et al., 1983] and as usedin derivationsin the present Fig. 15. Rampartrun-outdistanceobservedin laboratorycratersscaledto the study. Table 7 explores the implications of this scaling observed craterdiametercCanpared with crateraspectratiofor compacted pumice principle on late-stage ejection velocities and representative targets.Compacte•pumicewas foundto preservethe final cratershape,whereas peak pressuresover a wide range of crater sizes on Mars. For craters in sand collapsed 'uhmediately afterformation. Bothatmospheric pressure anddragwerefoundto •ffect cratershape[Schultz,1990b].The correlation here reference, an impact producinga 16-cm-diametercrater in the suggests thatthedevelopment oftheejecta rampart isrelated tothesame proceaseslaboratorywith late-stageejectionvelocitiesof 50 crrdswould and that energylost to craterformationis represented in atmospheric turbulence correspondto velocitiesof 77 rrdsfor a 10-kin-diametercrater leadingto greaterran-outof the ejectarampart.SeeTable 5 for listingof empirical (apparent diameter of transient crater) on Mars in order to maintain the same relative radial distributionof ballistic ejecta (without atmosphericeffects). Interactionsbetweenejecta and the atmospherealso require Gault, 1979, 1985]. The downrange ejectacurtainadvances at a scaling inertial forces to viscous friction forces, that is, the higher velocity and •containsmore ejecta than the uprange curtain. Consequefitl•, bothejecta rampart andrun-out lobes Reynoldsnumber, in order to extendthe model. It is desirable shouldextendto greaterdistances in the downrange direction. to have the Reynoldsnumbermatchedat laboratoryand actual but this is not possible for impacts in the laboratory Third,oblique impac tsresultin lowdownrange ejection angles scale since two interaction scales must be considered. The movement andhigh uprangeanglesundervacuumconditions. Introduction of an atmosphere resultsin verticalejectioncurtainangles, of the curtain of ejecta throughthe atmosphereestablishesone therebyamplifyingaSymmetries in emplacementdistribution. scale of interaction; the interaction of individual ejecta At high atmospheric pressures and low impactangles,the comprising this curtain with the atmosphere establishes emplacement proceSS becomesdisruptedby two additional another.In laboratorystudiesof dust avalanches[cited by processes:projectile ricochet and effects of vaporization. Melior, 1978], sufficiently high Reynolds numbers allow Impactanglesless•an 30øresultin ricochetof largefractions Froudescalingprovidedthat the relativedensityof the flow and of theprojectile at highvelocities [GaultandWedekind, 1978; ambient medium is maintained. For this scale interaction, the Schultz andGault,1990]Asgraphically revealed in highframe- laboratory impact experimentsprovide a reasonablemodel ratephotography [see.Schultzand Gault, 1982], the downrange sincethe Reynoldsnumberis typically well over 1000 and the relative densities approachwhat might occur in impacts. Interactions at grain-by-grain scale, however, are clearly ricochet createsa strongturbulentwake and wind that draws considerable ejectadownrange.Thermaleffectsfrom this wake and from impact-induced vaporization create significant thermalturbulencebehindthe downrangeejecta.As a result, projectileand targetmaterialare drawndownrange,even at late violated but can be accommodated to first order if such interactions are significant only in establishing onset of entrainmentin the flow. A similarapproachwas suggested by times.At laboratoryscales,thesetwo processes significantly Mellor [1978], and the relevantscalingparametercan now be given by the dimensionlessdrag parameter (equation (1)), disruptthe eraplacementprocess. which 6. PosSmLE IMPLICATIONS Althoughthe laboratoryimpactcratersare clearlyat a small scale,they neverthelessreveal phenomenaand processesthat can be scaledto the planets.Futurework will explorespecific aspectsin greater detail; the following discussionconsiders selectedtestablepredictionsfor ejectaemplacementstyleson Mars with implicationsfor the Earth and Venus. Interactions betweenlate-stageejectaand the atmosphere requireevaluating a variety of dimensionlessscalingrelationsdepictingrelative forces in order to maintain similarity betweenthe laboratory "model"and planetaryscaleprocesses [e.g.,Langhaar, 1951]. The relevantscalingratios includethe Froude(inertia:gravity forces), Reynolds (inertia:viscous friction forces), Euler (pressure:inertiaforces), and Weber (inertia:surfacetension forces) numbers.These scaling ratios must be consideredfor establishes critical conditions for entrainment as discussed by Schultzand Gault [1979]. Euler scalingrequiresmaintainingthe sameratio of pressure forcesto inertialforces(P/•v2) for dynamicandkinematic similarity. This scaling requirementis often implicitly used [e.g., Chabai, 1977; Holsapple, 1979] to argue that the advancingejecta plume overwhelmsambientpressureat large scales,thereby minimizing atmosphericeffects on scaling.If, however,ejecta sizesare sufficientlysmall, aerodynamicdrag can result in considerabledynamic interactionsthat require replacing static pressure with a dynamic pressure term. Increasing cratersize(i.e., •ve2) requires thatthepressure differential(and resultingwindsor turbulence)mustincreasein order to maintain the same scalingratio. Entrainment of ejecta by winds and turbulencefurther requiresreconsideringthe Froude,Reynolds,and Euler numbers at the scale of individual particles.These ratios are combined 11,648 SCHUL• ATMOSPHERIC•S OF•A •• TABLE 7. Effect of CraterSize (Relativeto 0.5 inn) Apparent Excavation Observed DiameterDiameter 1 Ejecta o.• 0.6 1.0 5.0 lO.O •0.0 100.0 1.2 6.2 17 •3 166 Maximum Median 1 i i 1.4 3.2 4.$ 10.0 14.0 1.6 4.6 7.4 22.0 34.0 ? ? ? ? ? Peak Shock Dynamic Atmospheric 1 'l 3 50 160 •00 s20o 2 10 20 lOO 2oo 1.0 0.7 0.$ o.oo2 1Observed rim-• diameter DOisderived from excavation apparent diameter DEbyassuming that DO--1.25 DE.For craters largerthan5 kin,rim/Wall failure(slumping) enlarges thecrateranadditional 33•, thatis,DF = 1.33Do. 2Scales approximately asDE1/2forcrater excavation diameter DE. 3Scales asDE2/3' 4Depends onUthology: aeolian dust (<16 !tm), loess (60Itm), moving sand (200 I•m), fluvial transport (~<10ram), shock-broken basali(0.1-20cm). 5Scales approximatedy asDE1'7forthe same stage ofcrater growth. 6Scales as(ejecta velocity) 2forgiven atmospheric pressure (nobaRistic shadowing). 7Assumes exponential decrease ofatmospheric density with altitude •esults inadecreasing atmmphcric effect as exp(-•DF/H)), wherek = 0.66,DF is finalcratersize(for33%erdargement of excavation crater),andH is atmospheric scale heightof 10 kin. i I i 100km • 10.0 I MARS ....... ..C.a.r.•.?. a.c.e.. o.u.s. ............... .•. ................................................ chondrite 10km D 1.0 • 0.1- •- 0.01 1 kin --Surface tension for i mm water drop =6Xi0bars 0.001 0.2 0.4 0.6 TRANSIENT RADIUS/CRATER 0.8 1.0 RADIUS EARTH VENUS i • 1000 i i i _•...0.1 •.•e2p• in•z.?• •rC.h•t• t•ri=t .e .......... • _ 100,000 •.Oiivine-bronzite chondrite ................ .•..... 100 km '•. 10,000 10km 1000 • lO • I .. - .,o. .:.:.:.e. ....... . . .......... I 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 100 1.0 TRANSIENT RADIUS/CRATER RADIUS Fig. 16. Dynamicpressure experienced by cjectaencountering an ambientMartian pressures. Shock-weakened ejectashouldbe furtherfragmented dtuingejection(or (top),tenmu• (bottomleft scale),andVenusJan (bottomrightscale)atmosphereduringreentryif theyescapethe impactregion).Notethatliquidwatershouldbe at diff•t stagesof cratergrowthfor diffe•nt diameterexcavation craters.This atomizedand dispersedas cratersexceedabout5 km in diameteron Mars. idealizedrepresentation is basedon scalingejectionvelocities% calculated frt•n Moreover,dynamicpressures experienced by ejectafrmn largecraterson Earth numericalcodesdescribedby Orphal •t al. [1980] to largercraterswith the (henceVenus)shouldexceedthe strengths of shock-weakened debris,thereby assumption that v• ~ (gD)112at the samestageof growth.Differentstagesof augmenting entrainment. growthprovidea measureof the fractionof ejecta subjectto high dynamic SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERIC EFFF. t•S OFFJF. t-'FA•CEMENT 11,649 TABLE 8. ParticleSizesThat CanBe Suspended in WindsCreatedby anOutwardMovingEjectaCurtainon Ma•s Crater diameter 1,km Critical Particle Sizefor Onsetof Eraplacement Style 4 Wind Excavation Final Velocity 2, (A•arent) (Rim-Rim)m/s 0.5 1.0 5 10 25 50 0.6 1.2 6 17 42 83 12 17 38 54 86 121 Suspended Particle Size 3,• 54 77 170 240 380 540 Rampart, Flow, mm ! 2 10 20 50 100 mm 0.1 0.2 1 2 5 10 Radial, •n 50 100 2OO 400 1000 2000 1Diameter isbased onapparent diameter ofexcavation crater. Final crater diameter requires a25%increase toprovide the observed xim-rimdiameterfor craterssmallerthan5 ]cm.Craterslargerthan10 krnincludean additional33% enlargement dueto rim/wall collapse. 2Values provide af'•rst-order rneasure ofrecovery winds and iscalculated onthebasis ofthehorizontal velocity component of ejectaascratarapproaches 80% of its final size. 3 Size corresponds toparticles withterminal velocities that match thecalculated wind velocity foranatmospheric density at thesurface(assumed CD = 1.5). 4 Sizes arebased ondirect extrapolation frcrn laboratory experiments (equation (10))and represent combined effects of dragdeceleration on ejectaandentrainment. TABLE9. Approximate Onset Diameters forEraplacement Styles inDifferent following crater formation serves to underscorethe fact that Lithologies large ballistic massesdo not overwhelm the atmospherebut can be aerodynamicallydeceleratedthroughturbulenceacting Onset Diameter Airfall Windblown Fluvial Basalt • on the constituentparticles. On the basis of such scaling considerations and the St•le (<100 tun) (100-300 •.m) (0.4-1 nun) crn laboratory results, processes affecting late-stage ejecta Rampart 50m 0.25km 0.75lun 5km Flow 0.5km 2,5km 7.5km (50kin) emplacement on Mars can be considered.Theformation of Radi•! 1km 5km 15km (100km,) ejectarampartsis interpretedas the least degreeof entrainment, Based ondirect extrapolations fromlaboratory experiments (equation (10)). and onsetof this style shouldbe constrained by equation(1). If t Atvery large sizes, firrite scale height oftheatmosphere becomes important; craters are too small, ejection velocities and curtain-induced derived onset diameters (inparentheses) areincluded onlyforcompleteness. vortices are too low to modify ballistically emplaced ejecta. Appearanceof rampart-styleemplacementshouldbe dependent when drag forcesdue to aerodynamicdrag are scaledto gravity on local substrate properties. Equation (1) predicts that forcesas indicatedin equation(1). In order to maintaina given comparableejecta entrainmentin the laboratoryand on Mars ratio of drag-to-gravity forces for larger ejecta particles, requires however,dragforcesmay exceedtheir internalstrength.Figure 16 provides a summaryof the maximum expecteddynamic Rst= (COr/COM)(pZJpSt)(aM/aœ)(Rœ) (10) pressuresfor ejecta encounteringan atmosphereat different stages of crater growth for Mars, Earth, and Venus. Such where the L andM subscriptsrefer to laboratoryand Martian conditionsare idealizedsincecomponentejectatrajectoriesand conditions, respectively. Equation (10) indicates that "attack angle" within the ejecta curtain changewith time [see substratesleading to millimeter-sizedejecta would have onset 0.5 km (CD.= 25; CD. = 0.8; Schultz and Gault, 1979] and since a dynamically evolving diameters(rim-tim) approaching to 60mbof air;aL = 80I.t).•As craters•exceed boundarylayer must developin the advanceof ejecta curtain. PLcorresponding Nevertheless,Figure 16 establishesthe possiblerole of further 1 km, gravity-scalingdominatesand minimum ejecta sizestend ejecta disruption and potential for entrainment in the to approachthe averagesize of the componentmineral grains atmosphericresponseto ejecta curtain. Since water is often in the impacted substrate, that is, the inherent flaw size proposedto accountfor the apparentfluidity of Martian ejecta discussed by Curran et al. [1977]. Impacted lithologies [e.g., Gault and Greeley, 1978; Greeleyet al., 1980; Carr et al., characterizedby windblownmaterials,however,shouldexhibit 1977], the ratio of inertial to surface tension forces (the Weber significantly smaller onset diameters of nonballistic number) also becomesrelevant during ballistic ejection. For emplacementstyles. illustration, ejected water dropletssmaller than 1 mm across Table 8 provides first-order estimates of particle sizes would be dispersedand atomized due to dynamic pressures potentially entrainedby winds createdby an advancingejecta exceeding theirstrength (6 x 10'4 bars)overmostof crater curtain excavationfor craterslarger than about 1 km in diameter.Such ejecta would subsequentlybecome particularly sensitive to aerodynamicdrag and entrainment.Moreover, volatization of this componentshould further enhanceentrainmentof solid ejecta. In this view, distantejecta run-out is enabledby water acting as finely dispersedejecta,rather than as a "splash." for different size craters on Mars. The outward curtain velocity is calculatedon the basisof the horizontalcomponent of ejecta velocities at late stagesof growth in a particulate target (see Plate lb). For this calculation,an ejecta velocity of 50 cm/s corresponds to late-stagegrowthof a crater 16 cm in apparentdiameter[seeSchultz, 1992]. Ejectaparticlesreduced to terminal velocities are readily entrained in winds and Theinteraction between an atmosphere andanensemble of turbulence, thereby producing nonballistic ejectaeraplacement ballistic particulatesor water at much greater scalescan be illustratedby airbornefire-fighters.Over 6 tonsof materialcan be droppedduring a singlepassat 100 m/s. Aerodynamicdrag actingon individualparticlesresult in rapid decelerationof the entire mass, and fire-fighting techniquesrequire low-altitude release of the extinguishing medium in order to lessen disruptionand dispersal.Delivery of water results in a similar response. This analog for a parcel of the ejecta curtain styles. Such conditionscan be met for 1- to 2-km-diameter craters only if the substrateis dominatedby airfall deposits with particle sizes less than 100 Such substrateswould resultin craterejectawith a radial scourpatternand basalejecta flow (Plate 1, bottom) based on extrapolation from equation (10). Craterssurroundedby contiguousejectaramparts(Figure l a) would be expected in lithologies characterizedby much coarserdebris (e.g., sand size). 11,650 SCHULTZ: ATMOSP•C EFFECWS OFF.JEC'•A•C'EMENT Fig. 17. Comparison of cjcctaemplacemcnt stylesaroundsmallcraters(<5 kin) in contrastinglithologieson Mars.(a) Three-kilometer-diameter crater formed in a basalticplain (13.8'N, 151.$'W; Viking frame 693A03) westof OlympusMons 0eft) and in an 0.8-kin-diametercraterin sedimentarydepositsnear the northern highland/lowland border(47'N, 346'W; Viking frame458B71). The craterformed in basalt resemblescratersof comparablesize on the Moon, whereasthe crater formed in sediments exhibits long ejecta run-out lobes (arrows). From extrapolationof laboratoryexperiments,the ballisticejectaernplacement style at left is consistent with modalejectasizesexceeding10 cm, whereasthe multilobed patternat rightis possiblefor a targetcomposed of fine-grained(<100 grn) debris. Scale bar indicates1 kin. (b) Five-kilometer-diametercrater in mottled phins (43.4'N, 134'W; Viking frame 9B35). The anomalouslylarge secondaries around such a small primary crater are believed to indicate a porous, fine-grained lithology.Impactsinto uncompacted pumiceproduceunusuallylargeejectaclumps that are relatively unaffectedby aerodynamicdrag. Such a lithology would be consistentwith gentlyaccumulated air fall deposits,whichalsocanbe inferredfrom mutedterrainsand craters.Scalebar corresponds to 10 km. Figure 6 revealed the importance of finer constituent fractions (less than 10%) entraining large ejecta. Consequently,in the absenceof other mobilizing substances, lithologies leading to bimodal ejecta size distributions(e.g., basalts over sediments) may produce craters surroundedby contiguousejecta ramparts. Substratescharacterizedby wellsorted finer material (wind, fluvial deposits) should exhibit craters with ejecta emplacement styles progressing systematicallyfrom rampart styles at the smallestdiametersto more fluid lobate emplacementstyles as turbulenteddies and, eventually, the autosuspensionprocess create greater run-out distances of channelized flows (see Table 9). As this process increasesin importance, the continuousejecta depositsnear the rim shouldshow increasedevidencefor scouring,including traversingradial grooves and near-rim depressionscreatedby the strongtoroidal winds. Further variety in ejecta morphology can result from variations in target porosity, as indicatedby impactsinto uncompactedpumice. SCHULZ: ATMOSPIIERICEH:EC•S OF E1EC•AEMPLA•• 11,651 Fig. 18. Comparison of ejectaeraplacement stylesat differentsizesfor impacted lithologieslikely composed of (a) lava and(b) sediments. Cratersin the ridged plainsof HespeHaPlanurnexhibitprogressively morecomplexejectafacieswith increasingsize (Figure 18a). The 10-kin-diametercraterat left (28.3øS,240.2øW; Viking frame418S39)is surrounded by a contiguous ejectarampartextending abouta crater radiusfrom the rim. The 15-kin-diametercraterat right (30øS, 241'W; Viking frame418S40) exhibitsan inner continuous faciesout to a crater radius with rampan-bordered lobes extendingto two crater radii. Although frequentlycitedasevidencefor increased volatilesexcavated fromdepth,thelarge ejecta run-out is also expectedfor increasedatmosphericentrainmentdue to ejectionvelocities increasing withsize• excavation of fine-grained debrisat depth. Scalebar corresponds to 10 kin. Cratersat highlatitudesexhibitgreaterrun-out distances withoutrampan-bordered terrnini(Figure 18b).Availableresolution often preventsdetailedcharacterization of ejectafaciesas around9-kin-diametercraterat left (Viking frame676B13) but scouringof preexistingterrainsout to 10 crater radii is common.The 8-kin-diameter craterat rightexhibitsbothscouring and multilobedfacies(73øN,232øW;Vikingframe676B33).The innerfaciesextendto 1.2 crater radii from the rim, whereasthe outer continuousfacies extend over three craterradii. Additionally,scouringextendsto nearly 11 craterradii with faint rampart termini. The inner continuousfacies is believed to indicate ballistic ernplacement (possiblywith posfformationHow), whereasthe multilobedfacies reHectsdeposition froma turbiditylike Howcreatedby atmospheric entrainment of veryf'me-grained (<100•zn)airfall deposits. Release ofnear-surface volati]es by frictional heating duetocolliding ejecta would enhance thisprocess. Theouter, scoured faciesmayreHectthe effectsof early-time vaporblast.Scalebar corresponds to 5 krn. Even thoughthe variousdimensionless scalingratiosmay allow extendingselectedaspectsof the crateringprocessto muchbroaderscales,the partitioningof impactorenergyat the 1-6 km/s velocities available in the laboratory might fundamentallychangethe atmospheric environmentaroundthe impactat the 10-30 km/s on Mars or Venus,therebyaffecting ejectaeraplacement. In the laboratory,energytransferredto the atmosphere eitherby the projectilebow shockor duringimpact was consumedduring the earliest stagesof crater growth as discussed in a previoussection.A first-ordercomparisoncan be made between the response time of the atmosphere and responsetime of target. Impactor energy is coupled to the atmospherethroughthe accompanyingbow shock,high-speed ejecta, and vapor cloud expansion.If it is assumedthat the specific mode of energy transfer to the atmosphere is eventuallylost at late times, then an analogycan be made with strong explosions in an atmospherewith a source energy assumed to be a fraction of the initial impactor energy. Analytical expressions have been derivedto treat this problem [e.g., Taylor, 1950]. The intenseblast with an energy EA rapidly expands hemispherically with atmosphericpressure returningto ambientconditionson a time tE given by: tE--(l'5x10' 6)E• 1/3Po1/2 (11a) 11,652 SCHULTZ:ATMOSPttERICEFFECTSOF F2ECI'AEMPLA•• Fig.19.Comparison of eroded ejectafaciesindicative of contrasting sizefractions.degraded faciesbmpreserved rampart. Thissurvival is alsoconsistent withlarger, (a andb) Ejectaramparts generally remain asthelastsurviving relictsof theejecta moreresistant ejecta clasts. (c)Craters in theCasius fractured plains(360N,2580W; facies. Figure19a(140N,159øW) shows survival of distalejecta rampart yetlossof Vikingframe538A04)wheretheouterfaciesarenearlyuniformly andcompletely otherejectaflow textures. Superposed pedestal craters indicatethatregiononce removed(arrows).This erosionalstyleis consistent with outerejectafacies mayhavebeencoveredby a surfacelayer,nowlargelyremoved. Contrastingcomposed of f'mergrained debriseraplaced asa thinunitfroma turbiditylike flow. survival of rampart is consistent witha lessmobRe fraction composed of coarserFinergrained ejectawouldbemoresusceptible to aeolian removal under present debris.Scalebar corresponds to 20 krn; •r•kingframe886A-11.Figure19b Martianconditions. Scalebar corresponds to 10kin. illustratesa smallercrater4 km x 5 km (7.4øS,313øW;Viking frame751A15) with the atmosphere,respectively,under ambientconditions.If it is with a distanceRE, = in t,) assumedthat the energyfractioncoupledto the atmosphere wherec andPo indicatethe ambientsoundspeedanddensityof such a blast is 10% of the initial impactorenergy,then the blastzonefor a laboratory experiment (mp= 0.376g andv = 5 SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERIC EFFF.•S OF•A •CEMENT 11,653 . . .. .-.. .•?-.-'-:.:.... :'j it:;' •-•...ti.... Fig. 19. (continued) west of Olympus Mons. The mode of ejecta emplacementis essentiallyballistic with hummocky facies resemblingcrater ejecta on the Moon. In contrast,the right half of Figure 17a shows crater 0.8 km in diameter formed in distinctly sedimentarydepositsnear the lowland/highlandcontact. This smaller crater exhibits a nonballistic style of ejecta emplacementwith long run-out lobes. From equation(10) and Table 8, such an emplacementstyle at such a small diameter would require in situ particle sizes less than 80 [t m correspondingto loessor aeoliandust. Figure 17b illustratesa further possiblecontrastin eraplacementstyle characterizing lithologies at high latitudes. The bulbous inner ejecta facies with a near-rim moat suggestshigh ejection anglesreflecting affected. aerodynamiceffects. The ubiquitouslarge secondarycraters, Suchestimatesimplicitly assumethat the energyfractionis however, usually surroundmuch larger crater diameters(>30 coupledto the atmospherewithout any moderatingeffectsof km). On the basisof laboratoryexperimentswith uncompacted the growingcratercavity. Experimentsreveal that the energy pumice, the contradictoryinferencesof strong aerodynamic fraction coupled with the atmospherestrongly dependson effects yet large secondariescan be reconciledfor a surface impactangle.At high impactangles(>45ø from the horizontal) composed of a high-porosity, fine-grained lithology where a large fraction of the energy represented by impact large ejecta assemblagesare created.Impacts of suchclumps vaporizationis containedandredirectedupwardas a jet rather into poroussubstratewill producelargecompression craters. than as a point-sourceatmosphericexplosion [Schultz and The ridged plains on Mars are widely believed to be Gault, 1979, 1982;O'KeefeandAhrens,1982].At lowerangles analogousto the basaltic maria on the Moon and shouldresult kin/s) would be limited to about 8 cm in 0.04 ms. Hence a 30- cm-diametercraterin a particulatetargetformingin about 150 ms would be largely unaffectedby the blast during late-stage ejecta eraplacement. Early-time interactions with ejecta, however, should be expected and are observed[Schultz and Gault, 1979, 1982]. For comparison, a 10 km-diameter (apparentexcavationdiameter)crater on Mars would take about 30 s to form, but the atmospheric disturbance would last only abouta secondwhenthe blastfronthadexpandedto nearly100 km. Even if considerablevaporizationhad occurredwith 50% of the impactor energy coupled to the atmosphere, the equilibrationtime would increaseonly 23%. Consequently, late-stage ejecta emplacementshould not be dramatically (<30ø),the transferof energymay be coupledmoreefficiently in largest ejecta sizes for a given size crater. Rampartterminatedejecta depositsin the ridged plains of Hesperia but is offset downrangefrom the crater [Schultz and Gault, 1984, 1990]. A future paper will assessin more detail the relative efficiency of atmosphericcoupling as a function of impact angle and vaporization. Planum exhibit a general increase in run-out distance with increasingcrater size (Figure 18a). At the smallestsizes(<5 kin), the rampartforms a contiguous ridge on top of the inner ejectadeposits.At largersizes,the rampartsform the terminus Ejecta emplacement on Mars. Contrasting ejecta eraplacementstyles at small crater diametersin contrasting for lobesextendingover (Figure18a, left) andbeyond(Figure lithologieson Mars are shown in Figure 17. The left half of 18a, right) the inner continuousdeposits.In contrast,the Figure17a showsa 3-kin-diameter craterformedin lavaplains stippledplains at high latitudesmay be coveredby a fine- 11,654 •TZ: ATMOSPHERIC E•S grained sedimentarycover as indicated by the high erosion rates [Arvidson et al., 1979; Schultz and Lutz, 1988]. Figure 18b illustrates the more fluidized-appearingejecta typifying craters formed in this lithology. Insufficient image resolution commonlypreventscharacterizationof the emplacementstyle of distalejectaaroundsmallercraters(Figure 18b, left), but the bulbous inner facies and motfled outer depositsare suggestive OF•EJECTA EMIn.•CE• Figure20a (e.g., Figures5b and5c). If the effectivedensity(Pc) of the ejecta flow greatly exceeds the ambient atmospheric density, (P o), then the flow can be characterized as an atmosphere- or gas-entrained debris flow. This condition should apply to Mars. Figure 20b shows data for pristine craters on the ridged plains of Lunae Planurn and on the sedimentary northern plains. The upper limit of the ejecta run-out on Lunae Planurn of a nonballisticemplacementstyle. The 8-km-diametercrater D 1/2dependence for eddy-driven flow at right (Figure18b), however,clearlyexhibitssuccessive flow matchesthe expected Horner and Greeley[1982] found lobes extending to much greater distancesthan lobes around mechanism.For comparison, comparablysizedcratersin the ridgedplains(Figure 18a, left). that the diametersof the outerejecta lobes aroundcraterslarger asD 1-47.Whenexpressed as run-out Additionally, pristine examplesexhibit evidence for scouring than30 km increased and thin distal ejecta lobes extendingas far as 11 crater radii distance from the crater rim and scaled to crater diameter to from the rim (Figure 18c). In contrast with Figure 17b, match conventionin the presentdiscussion,the scaledrun-out increases asD0-47,againconsistent with eddy-driven secondarycraters are less frequent aroundcraters with such distance flows. Because considerable local variation in coarse fractions fluidized facies[seeSchultzand Singer, 1982]. The style and rate of destructionof their contrastingejecta can exist (basalt thickness, overlying sediments, etc.), facies are also consistent with the inferred modes of emplacement. The oldest rampart-bordered ejecta facies typically exhibit nearly complete removal of the flowlike textures yet preserve the distal rampart. If the rampart representslarge clasts(centimeterand larger)entrained in an eddy-drivenflow, then they would form a wall like barrier of erosion-resistant debris(Figures 19a and 19b). In contrast,the oldest craters in inferred sedimentary deposits quickly lose their outer facies (Figure 19c). At high latitudes, such craters commonly evolve into pedestal craters as aeolian processes first remove the surroundingwind-sensitivesubstrate.For surface wind velocities of 2 m/s, wholesale removal of the outer ejecta facies would suggestwell-sorteddebris with grain sizes between 50 and 200 Broad regions surroundingthe impact are more resistantto aeolianreworking,possiblydue to scouring from strong (300 m/s) vapor blast winds (Schultz, 1988), as well as depositionof very fine fractions(<10 Ixm) behind autosuspended ejecta flow closerto the crater. The proposed role of atmospheric effects on ejecta emplacement can be further tested for consistency by comparingthe observedwith the expectedflow distancesas a function of crater size and impactedlithology. From equation (3), wind-driven ballistic emplacementresultingin a near-rim, contiguousrampart shouldresult in a rampart distancethat is proportional to crater diameter. As turbulent eddy-driven entrainment becomes important (equation (8a)), rampart distance scaled to crater diameter (D) should progressively considerable dispersion should exist for craters in Lunae Planurnascratersizedecreases as shownin Figure20b. A factor of 2 in average ejecta size could account for the observed dispersionin rim-rampartdistancefor craterssmaller than 10 km in diameter. Because run-out distance should be scaled to the excavation crater, varying degrees of crater enlargementby rim-wall failure near the simple-complex transition (3-8 km) will offset data downwardto the right, therebyalso increasing scatter at smaller sizes. If some of the observed scatter indicates variations in atmosphericdensity through time, the observed run-out distances indicate that such variations did not exceed a factor of 2 or 3. Run-out distancesfrom craterslarger than 20 km in diameterin the northernplains at high latitudes closely match data for Lunae Planum, but smaller craters exhibit enhancedrun-out distancesindicative of ejecta sizes a factor 10 smaller in size. It is importantto reemphasizethat interpretationof Figure 20b doesnot requirewater as a fluidizing agentbut only ejecta entrained in a turbulent fluidlike flow with a run-out that increases withD 1/2.Impactcraters10 km in diameter onMars shoulddeveloprecoverywinds exceeding100 m/s, more than capable of transportingimpacting ejecta. Since the present Martian atmosphere generates20 m/s winds [Hesset al., 1977] and transportsfine-sizematerial, this scenarioshouldnot seem unreasonable. Addinglubricantssuchas atomizedwater,finely broken ice, and even devolatizing clays should (and probably does) contribute to the full range of observedmorphologies acrossMars, but these lubricantsare not necessaryfor craters increase asD 1/2,providedthatPe>> Po. If autosuspension occurs, then distal ejecta run-out will be sustained until in Lunae Planurn. equation (9) is no longer satisfied. For Mars, autosuspended A generalcomparisonof resultsfor differentatmospheric flow will be controlled by substratepropertiesthat enhance and gravitational environmentsare shown in Figure 20c. suspensionof debris in the flow (ex) or decreasethe fall Ballistic ejecta facies on the Moon and Mercury scalenearly velocity (vt). Degassingvolatiles within the primary ejecta geometrically,that is, the outer limit of the continuousejecta debris flow or entrainedby secondarymixing and turbulence increasesnearly linearly with craterdiameter.The inner ejecta illustrateprocessesthat could enhancesuspension. Decreased facieson Mars also scalegeometricallybut extendfurtherthan fall velocities in the ejecta flow will occur for very fine on Mercury, even though it has the same gravity. This flow due to grained,entraineddebrisand for flowscontainingdevolatizing enhancedrun-out could indicatepostemplacement fractions. For a given impacted target with essentially a volatiles as concludedby Horner and Greeley [1982] or to constantratio of ex/vt, autosuspension will be controlledby atmosphericentrainment. Under the extreme atmospheric the flow velocity(u) andthe gradientfactor([5),eachof which conditionson Venus,entrainmentis maximized,and the ejecta shouldscale as D 1/2 . If the ejecta flow is not furtherdrivenby flow densities Pe will approacha constantfraction of the atmospheric densityPo,whichis about0.1 g/cm 3. precursorimpacting ejecta, then autosuspension is largely surrounding controlledby the initial flow velocity,that is, the eddy-driven From equation(6a) suchejecta-entrainedflows shouldresultin mechanism. run-out distances thatdecrease asD'1/2if Pe= kpobutapproach Figure 20a providesa qualitativesummaryof the relative ejecta run-out distances expected for various modes of emplacement. A given crater could exhibit multiple emplacementstylesdependingon the ejecta size distribution and crater size: an inner continuousballistic ejecta facies can be overrunby eddy-drivenejectaflows, while sufficientlysmall (or low-density) ejecta may continue to be entrainedin an autosuspended flow with large run-outdistancesas depictedin a constant value as P e approaches P o (Figure 20c). Nevertheless,flow separationand autosuspension of finegrained ejecta with large run-out distancesbeyond the inner faciesalsomight occur(Figure20a). Modes of ejecta eraplacementon Mars. On the basis of experiments,ejecta emplacementprocessesreflect the degree of entrainment of ejectain a turbulentflow createdby the ejecta curtain moving through an atmosphere.Three emplacement SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERIC E .I2;F.L"rs OFEJECrAEM•CEMENT 11,655 lO MARS predicted slopefromlaboratory experiments N. PLAINS o -suspended flo 0 coCb 0 O_•e •o -'I,,o•ø o o o .•-. o 0 [•".••2.-" • D1/2 ß ee ee variation duetocoarse fractions in substrate ands•mplc-complcx transition Onsetof rampart formation, Do • •;_.•.a -. - (Gurtain-windsuspendedflow) Do • ! RIDGED PLAINS onsetof contiguous cjcctarampart 11 I i I I I I J Log Crater Diameter ,0 ...... 400 CRATERDIAMETER(km) 10 VENUS Air-Entrained Row "-.....Pe=kpA Eddy-Suspended Flow '-.D-1/2 •,• Pe>>PA / D "-.... outer eject.•..//• MARS inner ejecta • MOON MERCURY I I i I I i i J 1 I 10 CRATER DIAMETER i i I , , ! 100 (km• Fig.20.Predicted andobserved run-out of rampart-bordered ejecta controlled by smaller than20kmin diameter duetomuch finerconstituent ejecta. (c) Summary windandeddy-suspended eraplacement mechanisms. (a)Summary oftheexpectedofthecontrasting run-out distances expected fordiff•t styles oferaplacement. relation between thedistance fromcrater rimto rampart asa function of crater Run-out distance represents thedistance between therimandtheedge ofthecjecta diameter based ondiscussion in text.If themoving ejecta curtain creates strongfacies andis scaled tothecrater diameter. Theouter limitofthecontinuous ejecta windsthatremobilizc cjecta without extensive entrainment, thentherim-rampart faciesontheMoonandMercury representing ballistic eraplacement undertwo distance should beproportional to crater diameter (i.e.,a constant valuewhen different gravitational fields[fromGaultet al., 1975].Innercontinuous ejecta distance is scaled to craterdiameter). Theonsetof rampart formation shouldaround Martiancraters [fromHomerandGreeley, 1982]extend to greater depend oncjecta density 8 andsizea fora givenatmospheric density (p, i.e., distances thancontinuous cjecta around Mercurian craters withidentical gravity, ambient pressure). As aerodynamic dragincreases dueto increases in ejectionperhaps asa resultof continued outward flow.Outercjectafaciesdrivenby velocity (givensubstrate), e_n_trainment in turbulent eddies develop witha run-outatmospheric interactions maytakeontwodifferent relations. Turbulent eddy- distance proportional toD1.5(D0.$ when scaled todiameter). Atany diameter, thedriven eraplacement with ancjecta flow density (Pe) much greater than the ambient autosuspension process canenhance run-out. (b)DataforLunac Planurn. The atmospheric density (pA)should exhibit crater-scaled run-out distances increasing rampart run-out distances aregenerally consistent with eddy-driven run-out flows.asD1J2. Ejocta flows with maximum entrainment (asonVenus), however, should Between 3and 5km, however, variations insubstrate and crater widening processes decrease asD'1/'2 (equation (6a)) provided that additional turbulent energy (e.g., (rim/wall slumping) willresult inconsiderable scatter. Open circles represent datathermal effects) isnot introduced. AsPeapproaches PA' aconstant run-out distance for cratersin northernlowlandplains(35ø-60 ø) as in Figurel Sb (right).Their is expected. longerrun-outdistances areconsistent with an autosuspension process for craters stylesareproposed hereforMars,asillustrated in Figure21: [Schultz,1988]. Much of the impact-generated vaporis curtain-wind flow,eddy-suspended flow, andautosuspended contained andredirected upward bythegrowing transient cavity flow. All stylesbeginwith ballisticejection,emplacement of behindthe curtain,therebybeingpartly isolatedfrom the near-rim ejecta, andthedevelopment of recovery winds(Figure atmosphere except foroblique impacts asdiscussed bySchultz 21a). Impact-generated vaporexpanding in advanceof the and Gault[1979,1982,1990].Laterstages of cratergrowth, ejectacurtainwouldhavescouredthe surfacewith supersonicthen,are believedto takeplaceundernear-ambient conditions. winds,andatmospheric densities wouldhavereturnedto near Theadvancing ejectacurtainresembles a movingsolidwalland ambientvalueswell beforethe craterhad finishedforming createsa pressuredifferentialthat inducesstrongrecovery 11,656 SCHULTZ:ATMOSPIIERI½EFFE•S OF FJEL•A F_.MPLACEMENT shock front /. ballistic trajectories withincurtain .... i!:" ' L:...' ß I' ..... ß ' | post-emplacement -.'•.. • • ii•=--shear-driven vortices ß .[':ivpor winnowingand ejecta / drag-disruption • ( debrisslide •;'..:' 'J .'•:"/•'•'•• •.•._ CURTAIN-WIND eiec,,on ' '•?- v.,.,:,o, coarse rampart on ejectafacies rimuplift •..... supersonic winds over-ridden ß o.:: - . ...• .. :... - ..: ....' flow .. ba Illstic ejecta separation ."• recovery winds • air-entrained ß' ß :. •.--• •".'--- deceleratedfines • ........ • • inner ejecta '=••"•\ [bw EDDY-SUSPENDED •. ';:•.• dmiuS•t'all• ie •,,sduesP•)esl•løe• •foa rsefract ion• GENERATION lobes (erosion-resistant rampart) scoured ,• ballistic •_'•" • '•,;" fraction •;.'.. finesentrained •i'-':•'• inwinds andvortices ,•'.?l'.'..'•l •'•"-•'• "'-"' ejecta-entrained turbidity flow •l • scoured _ / \ / moat \.,......• AUTO-SUSPEND ENTRAINMENT ,•///••/'•/// '•FLOW [ enhanced run-out •, fromsecondaries. 'entrained fines. wind/turbulence-driven inner facies volatile release deposition of suspended fines (erosion-sensitive lobes) turbidity flow Fig. 21. Generalscenariodetailingprocesses that may controlran-outof ejecta suspended clastsamdeposited in anejectaridge,thatis, a rampaxt. Withincreasing through atmospheric interactions. (,2)Starting conditions for alternative modesof utrbulence duetogreater induced windvelocities orenhanced entrainment of fines, eraplacement depicted in Figure2lb. At thefinal stagesof cratergrowth,ejecta turbulent eddiesoverrun andscourtheinnerejectasurfaces. Thisprocess canform followballistictrajectories withinanejectacurtain. Theprincipal contrast with multiple lobeswithtcnninal ramparts. Flowseparation maycreate additional, thin vacuumconditions is thedevelopment of a largeejccta-curtain angleandvorticesdistalejectalobes.Lithelogics composed of veryfine grainedparticles resultin createdalongthe curtaindueto redirected air flow. Experiments andtheoreticalgreaterentrainment and increased turbulentpower.The turbulentpowermay considerations suggest thatanyimpact-generated vaporcloudwouldhaveexpandedincrease astheflow travelsdownandoff theinnerejecta,asit picksdebrispe•aps to largedistances by thistimeandmayhavecreated a strong precursor scouring of alreadymobili•.edby precursorblast or secondaries, or as entraineddebris thesurface[see$cAultz,1988].As the wall of ejectamovesoutward,it cream a dovolatize dueto collisions. Theresulting autosuspended flow mayextendto great largedifferentialpressure, therebyinducingstrongrecoverywindsthatentrain distances, leavingbehinda verythinveneerof ejecta.The roleof volatilesin the decelerated finesintoa turbulent flow. (b) Threecmplacement processes discussedproposed scenarios wouldenhance ejectarun-out,butlongejectaflowsarepossible in the text. Curtain-windsuspended flow with minimal entrainmentresultsin fromlithelogicslargelycomposed of loessor silt-sizedeposits. temporarysuspension of ballisticejecta.As the wind-drivingcurtaindissipates, winds. Sufficiently small ballistic ejecta deceleratedto near The startingconditionsdepictedin Figure 21a can evolve terminalvelocitieswill be entrainedin the resultingturbulence into the three later stageemplacementstylesas depictedin and winds.The size of the entrainedejectadependson crater Figure 2lb. Curtain-wind flow is proposedto characterize size (Table 8). To first order, a 10-km-diameter crater smaller craters where the ballistically eraplaced continuous (observed) would result in entrainmentof ejecta fractions ejecta is reworked and entrainedin recovery winds trailing smaller than about 200 [tin. As the ballistic curtain thins, it behindthe ejectacurtain.As the windscease,largeclasts(>10 resembles a porous wall, and recovery winds abate. cm) are depositedto form a rampartsuperimposed on the bulk Ballistically eraplacedejecta near the rim of smaller craters ejecta deposits. In the laboratory experiments, differential (<10 km) shouldbe characterized by the invertedstratigraphy pressurecreated by the vortex appeared to control onset of observedunder vacuumconditions,but this orderedsequence rampart formation. At the scalesof Martian craters,however, will evolve into a more chaoticejectadebrisflow with distance both retainedvelocities(momentum)in impactingejecta and from the rim. Becausestructuraluplift of the rim createsan their larger sizes result in viscous forces controlling outwardslope,the eraplacedejectamay form an en massedebris entrainment,if laboratorystudiesof vortex entrainment(see slide that preservesthe invertedstratigraphy while creatingthe Greeley and Iversen, 1985) can be applied by analogy. appearanceof nonballisticeraplacement. Consequently, the occurrence and onset diameter of this SCHULTZ:ATMOSPHERICEFFE•S OF Ea-ECr^EMPLACE.MENT emplacementstyle depend on the average ejecta size. If the ejecta exhibits a bimodal size distribution,entrainmentof the finer fraction in the turbulent atmosphericresponsecreates a two-phase flow (atmosphere and fine ejecta) that further enhancestransport of coarser fraction. As a result, bimodal ejecta size distributions (e.g., created by layered lithologies with contrastingstrengths)will enhancethe developmentof the contiguousrampart. The net outward momentum of the ejectaand structuralrim uplift may resultin basalshearingand a postemplacementdebris slide within the inner ejecta, particularlyif a fluidizing agentis present. Eddy-suspended flow develops as ejecta entrainment increases.For small craters(<1 km) in fine-grained(<100 gm) substrates,this processcan extendthe continuousdepositsand ejectarampart.For largercraters(>5-10 km), it is characterized by overrunningand partial scouringthe inner continuousejecta depositsin its courseover the surroundingplains.As the eddy loses energy, the suspendedload is suddenlydeposited.In a well-mixed debrisflow of fine-grainedejecta,the depositforms a lobate deposit.The distal lobes of ejecta recently recognized at Meteor Crater [Schultz and Gram, 1989; Grant and Schultz, 19 8 9a] most likely reflect this process. If a significant quantity of coarse clasts (>500 gm) is present or becomes entrainedduring run-out, however, the lobe will form a rampart terminus.The inner ejecta depositsalso may continueoutward movement,due to either a lubricatingagent or simply residual lateral momentum. In general, however, this emplacement style shouldcharacterizea dry lithology. Both wind-suspended and eddy-suspendedflows should create erosion-resistant ramparts, since subsequentambient winds will not approach the intensityof crater-generatedwinds. As turbulent eddies run-out beyond the continuousejecta, they may entrain surface materials with the appropriatesize distribution. Material can be set in motion by a precursor atmospheric blast, by the pressure differential created in vortices, by preceding impacting ballistic ejecta, and by size fractions susceptible to saltation/suspension. On Mars, particles less than about 200 gm appear to be susceptibleto suspension[Greeley and Iversen, 1985], and curtain-induced wind speedsshould greatly exceed the necessarythreshold speeds.Consequently,regions on Mars that have been longterm sinks for wind-blown debris (e.g., high latitudes) may contribute a significant local componentto the ejecta run-out, thereby enhancing the appearanceof both excessive ejecta fluidity and a mass-balance paradox (ejecta versus crater 11,657 flows by obstacles indicated a slurry-like mode of emplacement, not a gas-supported ground surge. This conclusion does not challenge the interpretations here. Observationscited by Carr et al. [1977] referred to the inner facies where ballistic deposition(with possibledevelopment of a debris slide) is expectedas depictedin Figure 21. They noted,however,that ejecta flow associatedwith the outer facies commonlyoverrun obstaclessimilar in height to the deposit and thin inward from the flow termini. The emplacement sequenceproposedby Schultzand Gault [ 1979], observedin the laboratory, and generalized in Figure 21, therefore is completely consistent with the conclusion of Carr et al. [1977]. High-energy chemical and nuclear explosionsprovide a possibletest for laboratory-scalephenomenaat a much larger scale.Parallel aspectsof aerodynamiceffectson ballisticejecta (including aerodynamic sorting) can be documented [see Wisotski, 1977]. Nevertheless,the processof energytransfer and the degree of atmosphericcoupling are significantly different [Gault et al., 1968; Cooper, 1977; Knowles and Brode, 1977; Schultz and Gault, 1982], and this difference can significantly modify the processes affecting ejecta emplacementobservedin the laboratory. Comparisonof the evolution of ejecta cloud from a 0.5 ton (TNT) half-buried explosionfrom the Pre-Mine Throw IV seriesin desertalluvium (left sideof Plate 3) with a laboratoryimpactexperimentunder full atmosphericpressureillustratesthis point (right side of Plate3). A half-buriedexplosivechargetransfersonly about10 to 20% of its energyto the target,in contrastwith an impact which transfers about 80% [Cooper and Sauer, 1977]. Consequently80-90% of the released explosive energy is directly coupledwith the atmospherein contrastwith lessthan 1% for the lower velocity(1.5 km/s) impactshownin the right sideof Plate 3 and the 20% possiblefor muchhighervelocity (20 km/s) impactson the planets.Althoughan outwardmoving conical ejecta curtain developsfrom an explosion(Plate 3, left), the rising fireball carriesdecelerateddebrisupwardand creates inward flow at the base. The laboratory impact experimentshowsdeceleratedfractionssuspendedabove,but volume). Autosuspended flow can result from extremelyfine grained ejecta entrained by turbulence created in the ambient atmosphere. Impact-generated water vapor [Wohletz and Sheridan, 1983] or vapor released by mechanical friction created by impacting ejecta could significantly enhance this process as indicated by equation (9) and illustrated by experimentsinvolving powdered tempera. Additional studies are needed, however, to assesssuch processesquantitatively. Diagnosticfeaturesassociatedwith this style include a scoured inner rim creating a moatlike depression,radial grooving of the continuousdeposits,a bulbousroundedprofile of the inner ejecta deposits,absenceof secondarycraters (except for very poroustargets),and a thin, fluid-appearingouter ejecta with long run-out. Lithologies characterizedby a narrow size distributionof fine material (loessor silt) shouldproduceliule, if any, rampart-borderedejectafacies. The proposed scenario emphasizes the response of the atmosphereto the ejecta, thereby complementingthe scenario by Schultz and Gault [1979] that focusedon the responseof ejecta to the atmosphere. Nevertheless, both approaches distinguishbetween ballistic emplacementof the inner ejecta deposits but nonballistic emplacement of the outer deposits. Carr et al. [1977] concluded that deflection of martian ejecta Plate3. Time-resolved comparison of a largehalf-buried explosion of 0.5 tonTNT in dry alluvium (from the Pre Mine Throw IV seriesin Nevada)shownat left and a laboratoryimpact experimentshownat right (0.635 cm aluminumprojectile impactingat about1.5 'kin/s).As in previousfigures,time stepsprogress from coolerto warmercolors.Direct contactbetweenthe explosivechargeand the atmosphere resultsin more than 80% of energycoupledwith the atmosphere, whereasthe impacttransfersits energyto the atmosphere indirectlythrough aerodynamic deceleration of ejectaandturbulence createdby the outwardmoving ejecta curtain.This contrastin couplingproducesa contrastin atmospheric circulationwherethe explosiongenerates a risingfireballthat lofts (arrowat top) anddraws(arrowat bottom)aerodynamically decelerated fineswhilethe impact createsa basalturbidity current. 11,658 SCHULTZ: ATMOSPHERIC EFFE•SOFEJECTA EMPLACEMENT ' .:':" : ::-' .. .:. ß .. ... ... ß .: • .:;½. ,%: •- .. .:.: •:..-::::•........:::: :,:;:,::::•: ............. ....:....,.:?.....:•:..::.•.:::-,:•: ....... '½::::i:;-::;:::: :::.•!• ..... ::..:: ,:: •. .... . .....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..... ..j..::: ........... ...• ...... ... ,. ,...: Fig.22. Contrasting ejectaeraplacement stylesfor identicalsize,nearbycraters. (a) by morefluidizedejectabelow,all withinabouta •0 km instance in the Tempo Two 5-kin-diametercratersin the ridgedplainsof Hesperia(28.6øS,241.9øW; region (45øN, 60øW; Viking frames704B36 and 704B37.). Such contrastsin Vikingframe418S37).The exampleat bottomexhibitsa well-developed contiguous eraplacement stylescouldrepresent a changein aunospheric pressure, a changein a ejectarampart,whereas theexampleat topexhibitsrounded innercontinuous facies volatilereservoirat depth,and/ora subtlecontrast in in situparticlesizeoccurring with thin distalejectalobes.Scalebar corresponds to 10 kin. (b) Comparison of a oversmalldistances. Scalebar corresponds to 20 kin. craterwith rampart-bordered multiplelobesabovewith smallercraterssurrounded this debris fraction was ballistically delivered. Moreover, the flow field. As a result, some of the systematicsof emplacement hook-shapedprofile (yellow time slice) above the impact observed in the laboratory should be destroyed around an reflects a clockwise circulation, while the outward bulge at the base results from a counterclockwise circulation. Other explosioncrater.The comparison between2 x 1016erg explosion and3 x 109 erg impactnevertheless demonstrates experimentsinvolving higher velocity impactsinto easily the importanceof both the atmosphericdecelerationof finevolatizeddry ice and carbonates resultin a rising fireball, but grainedejecta and the atmosphericcirculatoryresponseto the such fireballs are restrictedto very early times (1% of crater event. It should be expected that the exaggerated thermal growth).Plate3 (left) revealsthatstrongatmospheric coupling effects shown in Plate 3 will occur to a lesser degree on the andthe risingfireballfrom an explosionalterthe atmospheric Earth (e.g., the suevitearoundthe Ries Crater [sdeSchultz and SCI-I•TZ: ATMOSPHERIC E•S OF•A EMPLACEMENT 11,659 ::: ..:::3.....•.• ß.,r,:'-:½,' ... .•'4:. X'.. .;;'.,::::."-i "::::.::;;!'!-' '-'--'½':': •5½ •.::;::.' -25.;;::;!&' . .?"-•:"' •':';•::::'* "**""":' '*;;;;i:•: ...... -•:%•... ...... .•:... ; .• , •:::..,:.. %: :'*:;:*:, ,:,.:•."-"-.a '* :.: •:::;.: ..... ., ....",.-,,•.. :.: - .... ,.,. .... Fig. 22. (continued) Gault, 1979; Newsom et al., 1991] and Venus where high planetswith atmospheres, increasingdistances from the crater atmospheric pressurescan constrainexpansionof the rising rim also must reflect increasing levels of the depositional energy field, but the mode of emplacementcan range from In general,different modesof ejecta emplacementwith ballistic kinetic energy to potential energy controlling a fireball. distance from a crater reflects the level of energy and ground-hugging debrissurge.The latter stylereflectsthe degree momentum associatedwith deposition. On planets without of entrainmentand the power containedin inducedatmospheric atmospheres, the deposifionalenergyfield (energyper unit turbulence,whether mechanically transferredby the wall of areaat a givendistance)is controlledby the ballisticrangeas ejecta or augmentedby storedenergy (e.g., releasedvolafiles underscoredby progressivechange from continuousejecta during entrainment). An important implication of the proposed scenario in facies to secondarycrater fields on the Moon [Shoemaker, 1962; Oberbeck et al., 1975; Oberbeck, 1975] and Mercury Figure 21 is that ejecta emplacementstyles could be used to [Gault et al., 1975]. As a result, ejecta facies should be characterize lithologies in the absence of other clues. separated into annular zones[e.g.,seeSchultz,1976].On Moreover, contrasting styles in a given lithology could 11,660 SCHULTZ:ATMOSPlt]•tlC EFFECTSOFEIECrA F3{r,LACEMENT Crater Atmospheric Volatiles Size Pressure size and size distribution) far exceed variations due to atmospheric pressurewith elevation. 5. Systematic trendsin ejectaemplacement stylesandejecta run-out distanceswith latitude could reflect latitude-dependent Ballistic lithelogicscharacterized by aeoliandepositionof fine-grained Contiguousramparts materialratherthanvolatilesburied at depth.Surfacematerials with adhered frozen volatiles (frost) or bound volatiles (clathrates)could significantlyenhanceejectam-out through the autosuspension processas these volatiles are released Lobed rampart within a turbulent run-out flow. (outer radial or thin 6. Unboundwaterexcavatedat impactmay be bestidentified by its role in reducingbasal shear within the inner ejecta deposits,therebycausingenhanced run-outof the innerfacies [seeHorner and Greeley, 1982], althoughgasentrainmentalso couldplay a role. Aerodynamicdisruptionof excavatedwater dropletswill producefiner sizesthat areevenmoresusceptible distal flows) to entrainment. Multilobed Inner bulbous facies Fig. 23. Schematic representation of the effectsof cratersize, ejectasize (lithology),atmospheric pressure,and presenceof volatileson different emplacement stylesof ejectaon Mars.Arrowsreflectsystematic changein emplacement styleasa function of increasing thevaluesof theselected variable whileholdingothervariables constant. 7. Variationsin atmospheric pressureexceedinga factorof 5 could changethe style of emplacementfrom rampartto runout flow for a given lithology at a given craterdiameterover the last 3 billion years. 8. The largenumberof asymmetricejectafaciesindicating obliqueimpacttrajectories(45ø-15ø from the horizontal)is an expectedconsequence of atmospheric modificationof ejecta emplacement. indicatepastchanges •n atmospheric pressure in additionto (or even instead of) the presenceof buried water. Figure 22 The extremeatmosphericpressureon Venus will result in flows entrainingejecta of nearly all sizes [see Schultz and Gault, 1979]. Extrapolationof laboratoryresultsindicatesthat aerodynamicdrag should create a near-verticalcurtain of ballisticejectathroughoutcratergrowthwith ejectaexceeding providestwo of manyexamples of thelatterpossibility where a factor of 5 changein ambientpressurecould induce the observed changes in ejectaemplacement style.Suchvariations 100 m across. As the ballistic component impacts the arepossiblefromorbitalforcingandthe globalredistribution structurally uplifted outer rim slope, it should resemble a of polar-trapped volatiles[e.g.,Fanaleet al., 1986]. massive air-entrainedrock avalanche.The high atmospheric 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING REMARKS A wide range of fluidlike ejecta emplacement styles is possibleon planets with atmospheres,even in the absenceof water or volatiles in the target. This conclusion does not precludethe possiblerole of volatilesin enhancingejectaflow run-out but raisesthe possibilitythat the morphologyof ejecta facies on Mars could reflect local lithology and past atmosphericconditionsas schematicallysummarizedin Figure 23. Mars, in fact, provides ideal conditions for recognizing atmosphericeffects since the present atmosphericpressureis sufficient to decelerate and entrain particles sensitive to aeolian reworking for craters larger than about 0.5 km in diameter. With this perspective, the following general conclusionsand implicationsemergefor Mars. 1. Ejecta flows around Martian craters may reflect entrainment of ejecta in winds and turbulencegeneratedin responseto the outwardmoving ejectacurtain. 2. Different emplacementstylesmay reflect the degreeof ejecta entrainmentin the dynamic atmosphericresponsewhich in turn depends on crater size (controlling ejecta curtain velocity) and ejecta size (controlling drag and sensitivity to winds). Consequently,increasedejecta run-out with increasing cratersize neednot indicategreateramountsof crater-excavated densityresultsin near-rimejecta flows that shoulddecreasein run-out distance(scaled to crater radius) with an increasein crater size, therebycontrastingwith ejecta flows on Mars as illustratedin Figure20c. Althoughdecelerated"finer"fractions for conditionson Venus could include meter-sizedblocks,drag forces and mechanical interactions should produce much smaller debris that will be entrained in turbulentautosuspended flows with much greaterrun-out distancesextendingover and beyond the coarse inner facies. The distal eddy-drivenand autosuspended flows shouldbe highly channelizedwith fanshapedtermini analogousto ejecta flows developedin targets of low-densitymicrospheres. Becausethe saltation-suspension boundaryon Venusoccursfor particlesonly 30 Ilm in diameter [Greeleyand lversen, 1985], entrainmentof local materialsby residualeddies(e.g., after flow separation)shouldcreatedistant but thin "secondary"flows around the most pristinecraters. Justas the coarserampart termini on Mars are more erosion resistantthan the outer facies, the extremely coarseinner ejecta around craters on Venus should persist over long times, whereas finer fractions in the distal facies would be more susceptible. From the experiments, subtledifferences in ejecta asymmetrydue to impactangleshouldbe accentuated. Experiments with easily vaporized targets (dry ice and carbonates)at different impact angles [Schultz, 1988; Schultz and Gault, 1990] provide additional clues for atmospheric water-rich substrates. effects on early-time processesperhapsuniquely revealed on 3. Onset diameter for nonballistic ejecta emplacement Venus.At higherimpactangles(>60ø),impact-generated vapor is partly contained within the crater cavity and early-time styles may indicate critical conditionsrequired for drag decelerationand entrainmentof ejecta rather than presenceof ejecta plume. In contrast with the later stage mechanically driven ballistic ejection, this early-time cloud of hot vapor volatiles. Under present atmospheric conditions on Mars, should resemble a short-lived gas-driven plinian eruption onset diameter may prove useful to characterize impacted column. At lower impact angles (<45ø), however, increasing lithologies. fractionsof the early-timevapor cloud and entrainedprojectile 4. Rampart-bordered ejecta facies are expected to characterizebasaltic bedrock lithologies with diameter-scaled become decoupledfrom the later stage processesand travel run-outdistances increasing asD1/2,whereas multilobed ejecta downrange[see Schultz and Gault, 1990]. 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