Half-Bridge Converter Based VAr Compensation of Single

Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Educational Technologies
Half-Bridge Converter Based VAr Compensation of
Single-Phase R-L Load
K.Subramanian1and M. Kowsalya1
Power Electronics and Drives Division, School of Electrical Engineering
VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India, 632014
ksubramanian@vit.ac.in; mkowsalya@vit.ac.in
VAr required by the load continuously. A half-bridge
converter is shown in Fig.1 is considered for STATCOM
operation. [5]
Abstract -The paper explain the operation of a half-bridge
converter working as a STATCOM that is used to compensate the
reactive volt-ampere (VAr) required by a single-phase R-L load.
Single-phase p-q theory based control technique suggest and
implemented to compensate the lagging VAr required by the load by
STATCOM operation of the converter. The number of solid-state
power switches (IGBTs) needs to construct a STATCOM is reduced
one- half of the H-bridge converter and cost also. In order to
validate the proposed technique a single-phase power system along
with STATCOM and its controller is rigged in MATLAB /
SIMULINK forum using built in libraries of power system toolbox
of the software. Simulated results show the voltage and current is
time in phase (unity power factor) at source side. Performance of
this system studied with a step change in the load.
Key words – Half-bridge converter, STATCOM,
compensation, single-phase p-q theory, simulation
At present, the use of solid-state switching devices are
increases in various applications such as adjustable speed
drives, energy efficient lighting and switched mode power
supply (SMPS) that behave as nonlinear loads and challenge
the quality of power supply. Power factor improvement is one
of the issues in power quality assurances. Obviously, addition
of capacitor across the load will improve the power factor.
Thyristor switched capacitor (TSC) and fixed capacitor
thyristor controlled reactor (FC-TCR) are most popular
scheme for power factor improvement of the system [1]. Each
scheme has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Development of advanced power electronics devices are take
care on the input power factor by the advanced controllers.
Series and parallel connected static VAr compensators
comprised with self-commutating switches are used to
eliminate the power quality issues caused by the non-linear
loads either dynamic or in static nature. STATCOM is one of
the advanced VAr compensator used to regulate the terminal
voltage, to compensate the VAr required by the loads and
working as an active filter. The control technique used for
STATCOM operation based on instantaneous reactive power
theory well established in a three-phase system [2]-[4].
Disadvantage of system comprises with STATCOM is more
expensive. The research is going on how to optimize the
overall cost of the system.
The aim of this work, develop a STATCOM with reduced
number of switches that are used to compensate the lagging
ISBN: 978-1-61804-254-5
Fig. 1 proposed half-bridge converter based statcom with single-phase power
Shen -Yuanou et al [6] explained a single-phase half-bridge
converter design and analysis of for power factor correction of
employed in AC/DC converter both continuous and
discontinuous current. W. Y. Choi et al [7] presented a halfbridge converter topology for high power factor operation with
single stage. Power quality improvement in electric drive
using a half-bridge converter and personal computer power
supply is discussed in detail [8] and [9] respectively. bi
direction power flow of the half-bridge converter explained in
detail [10].
The main objective of this work, selection of convertor
topology and a brief review about half-bridge converter design
is explained in subheading-I, subsequent paragraph i.e subheading-II, discuss about the configuration of the proposed
system and its operation and its limit. Analytical based
controller derived for VAr compensation of R-Load and it
changes. Implementation of proposed control algorithm along
with R-L load powered from a single-phase supply is
Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Educational Technologies
described in section -IV. Simulated results are presented in
section – V, Conclusion given in section -VI.
controllers are developed in different applications [14] – [15].
The subsequent headings explain the individual block in
Figure 1 shows the proposed system comprises with singlephase power system with R-L load. Two solid-state IGBTs
with d.c capacitor working as a STATCOM connected in
parallel with load at point of common coupling (PCC) through
the inductance , where is the internal resistance of the coil.
As STATCOM has inherent characteristics for real power
exchange with a support of proper energy storage system,
operation of such controller is possible in all quadrants of Q P plane [11]. The power flow relation in a single-phase system
A. D. C. Voltage Control
To maintain the dc bus capacitor voltage of the STATCOM
at a reference value, it is sensed and compared with reference
value and then obtained voltage error of the STATCOM
sampling instant is given by
are the reference and measured
dc voltage of the STATCOM. In this present investigation, the
dc voltage reference is set to 204V.
The output of the PI controller for maintaining a constant
sampling instant is
dc bus voltage of the STATCOM at
given by
Where SA is the apparent power flow, P is the active power
flow, Q is the reactive power flow, Vpcc is the system phase
voltage(rms) at PCC, Vinv is the STATCOM fundamental
output voltage (rms), X (=2πfL) is the leakage reactance, f is
the system frequency and α (alpha) the phase angle between
Vpcc and Vinv. Variation in α control the active power where as
magnitude of voltage for reactive power. For lagging α, power
(P) flows from Vinv to Vpcc, for leading α, power (P) flows
from Vpcc to Vinv and for α = 0, then P is zero and Q is derived
from (1) as:
is the active power component of the current,
which is supplied to meet the losses in the STATCOM by the
are the proportional and integral gain
constant of the dc bus voltage PI controller respectively. The
source should supply the power loss component of the
B. Estimation of Lagging / Harmonic Current
Considered a single-phase system having voltage and
the current drawn by the system as:
The magnitude of the ac output voltage (Vinv) of STATCOM is
controlled by dc capacitor voltage (Vdc) and it is controlled by
varying the phase difference between Vc and Vs and also
modulation index of the PWM control.
In - coordinates, consider
Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the proposed singlephase synchronous d-q frame theory based control lock for a
single-phase STATCOM.
and as voltage and current of a
The instantaneous active and reactive power can then be
obtained as [1]:
Fig. 2 over all control block diagram
are the dc components in
corresponds to the production of fundamental voltage and
current is given by
The generalised instantaneous p-q theory [12] is well
established. However instantaneous theory on single-phase
circuit presented in details [13]. Based on this theory, different
ISBN: 978-1-61804-254-5
Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Educational Technologies
supplying power to a complex load i.e
is shown in
Fig.4 configured in MATLAB / SIMULINK software. Simulation
completed for 0.5 seconds and ode23t is considered to solve the
equation govern by the system as shown in Fig.4,
In order to investigate the performance of the controller at a step
changes in load an additional load power of
connected into the system at 0.2 seconds of simulation time using the
switch is shown in Fig.4. Two number of 500μf capacitors are used to
maintain the d.c bus voltage of 204 V. A proportional integral
controller employed to stabilize the dc voltage level. Therefore, the
output voltage of the half-bridge voltage source converter (HBVSC)
is controlled which in turn control the current drawn by the converter
as a leading or lagging current. An inductor of 30mH is connected in
series with the half-bridge voltage source converter. A transformer
replaces the inductor in a large-scale system.
are oscillating components in and , given by
Taking reverse transform of the equation (8) on
gives the fundamental component of the currents
given by
The required lagging current of the load obtained from the
measured voltage at PCC and load current. A single-phase P-Q
theory based controller will give the control voltage (Vc). It is
compared with ramp signal of 2000Hz will generates the
gating pulses for the IGBTs. Driver circuit and isolation is
necessary in practical system.
is the exactly the fundamental component of in real
system current .Therefore, the harmonic current obtained as:
C. PWM Pulse Generation
The single-phase reference source current is comparing
with the measured current and the error is feeding to a current
controlled PWM pulse generator for switching the IGBT
By using the equations (5)–(12), the control blocks are developed
in MATLAB / SIMULINK built in library power system toolbox is
shown in Fig. 3, to control the reactive volt-ampere required by the
Fig. 3 proposed controller of MATALB / SIMULINK diagram
Fig. 4 proposed controller of MATALB / SIMULINK diagram
In conjunction with the developed control circuit and half-bridge
converter are connected at PCC of a single-phase power system is
shown in Fig.4. A 230V single-phase source (with source inductance)
ISBN: 978-1-61804-254-5
Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Educational Technologies
source alone. By employing STATCOM, the necessary
reactive current drawn by the load is supplied by the
STATCOM by controlling the dc voltage level. Therefore the
source current is time in phase with voltage is shown in
Fig.5(c),where as load voltage and load current is shown in
The simulated results of the study system are stored in the
scope is shown in Fig.5. Those voltage magnitudes are reduces
with gain of 1/30 for comparing with current waveform.
Without STATCOM the voltage and current waveforms of
source and load is shown in Figs 5(a) & Fig. 5(b) respectively.
It shows both active and reactive power is supplied by the
Fig. 5 Simulated results (a) Extracted source voltage and current waveforms without STATCOM (b) Extracted load voltage and current waveforms without
STATCOM (c) Extracted source voltage and current waveforms with STATCOM (d) Extracted load voltage and current waveforms with STATCOM
(e) Extracted source voltage and current waveforms with STATCOM and additional load
ISBN: 978-1-61804-254-5
Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Educational Technologies
 it generates harmonics
 it can be extended to large scale system
 simple in control
 it can be working as VAr compensator
 it reduces the power switch
 it has low switch loss
 overall system efficiency improved
Properly designed passive filter could able to eliminate
the higher order harmonics generated by the half-bridge
STATCOM. Capability of the STATCOM working as a
voltage regulator and active filter is for further investigation.
It is a lagging power factor and needs reactive current, which
is compensated by the STATCOM current as shown in Fig.
(6). its magnitude changed as when as load current change.
The authors acknowledge the Management of Vellore Institute
of Technology University, Vellore, India, 632014 and Dean
School of Electrical Engineering, for the support and keen
interest in promoting the research and development in the
division by providing the facilities and time.
Fig. 6 simulated converter output voltage and current
Figure 6 illustrates the simulated voltage capture at PCC
and current flowing through the inductor (L) waveforms. it
show current is in peak magnitude while voltage goes to zero
at 0.47 and 0,49 seconds concludes that capacitive in nature.
The source current has harmonic components is shown in
Fig. 7 simulated converter output voltage and current
Attempt made in investigate the source current harmonics,
Fig.7. It shows third harmonic is predominant over others. It is
well known that 3rd harmonics are could be eliminated by
three-phase delta connected system and higher harmonics are
easily filtered by the passive filter networks.
Half-bridge VSC controller derived using single-phase P-Q
theory and implemented. The observation of the simulation
work is
ISBN: 978-1-61804-254-5
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ISBN: 978-1-61804-254-5