GUIDELINES IN FILLING HIR PROGRESS REPORT FORM All HIR funded projects will be monitored regularly and evaluated by an expert panel appointed by the Vice-Chancellor. The first progress report must be submitted 8 months after the beginning of the project. The second progress report will be 16 months after the project has started and the end of project report is to be submitted within 3 months after the completion of the 2-year project. Failure to comply with the submission of any report may result in the Principal Investigator being barred from making future application for university research funding. HIR PROGRESS REPORT FORM All information requested in the Progress Report Form must be completed. This includes the HIR Reference Number, HIR Account Number, Project Title, the name of the PI, the date and the amount of grant awarded. Reporting should clearly relate to the actual achievement of the set milestones and outcomes in the HIR Project Application based on the timelines. The PI should provide strong reasons for failure to achieve milestones based on the timelines. FINANCIAL REPORTING FORM Budget details for each of the vote must be completed in the Financial Reporting Form. You must fill in the original approved amount as well as the amount spent to date for each of the vote. If there is a discrepancy between the allocated amount and the sum spent, the PI is required to provide justification, and whether permission for this has been obtained. If movement of funds from one vote to another has taken place, the PI must state whether prior permission has been obtained and provide details. Under vote 35000-Equipment, please provide detailed explanation if equipment purchased is not on the original request list in the application form. 1 EXPECTATION In the Progress Report Form, it is hoped that the following have been achieved: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) There is an advancement of fundamental scientific knowledge The quality of the research is up to expectation The milestone and objectives are being met The research is on schedule by meeting set timelines There is capacity building and manpower development. SUBMISSION PROCEDURE Please submit hard copies of Page Title, Page Acknowledgement of the HIR Grant and Journal Citation Report (JCR) of each publication. A soft and hard copy of the progress report must be submitted HIR SECRETARIAT DOOR C6, LEVEL 1, HIGH IMPACT RESEARCH (HIR) BUILDING, UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA 2 Cycle _ / 201 _ - HIR PROGRESS REPORT FORM (To be filled by Principal Investigator) Objective of the form: To monitor research milestone, outcomes and financial progress. th Covering the period of th 8 month th 12 month th 16 month 24 month of the project period. [Please tick the appropriate box] A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date of this report: 1. HIR Reference No : UM.C/625/1/HIR/ 2. HIR Account No: J - - _ 3. Project Title: 4. Principal Investigator : 5. This report is from __________ 201_ to __________ 201_ (month) (month) 6. Starting date of project: __________ 201_ B. MILESTONE ACHIEVEMENT 7. Based on the original project schedule, please fill in each milestone and indicate on a scale of 1 to 6 the achievement status. Original Schedule Milestone Description Month Year Achievement (please circle the appropriate no) Did not achieve 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3 Achieved 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 8. If any of the above milestones needs elaboration or was not achieved, please provide the reasons. Milestone No __ : Milestone No __ : Milestone No __ : Milestone No __ : Milestone No __ : 9. Please state the changes (if any) you propose to the original project schedule. 4 C. FINANCIAL REPORT 10. Please report the expenditure of the project so far: Expenditure RM Approved Spent Project Cost Component Salary and wages (Gaji dan Upahan)(Vote 11000) Traveling expenses and subsistence(Perbelanjaan Perjalanan dan Sara Hidup)(Vote 21000) Rental (Sewaan)(Vote 24000) Research materials (Bekalan Bahan Mentah) (Vote 26000) Maintenance and minor repair services (Penyelenggaraan dan Pembaikan Kecil yang Dibeli)(Vote 28000) Equipment (Peralatan)(Vote 35000) TOTAL Percentage of usage ( %) 11. If there is/are variation(s) between the proposed and actual expenditure, please provide the reasons: 5 D. PROGRESS REPORT 12. Please provide in not less than 300 words the activities and progress of the project. Wherever possible, indicate significant findings made so far. (Please use additional pages if necessary) 6 To Be Filled By PI (Please tick appropriate box) Inadequate Acceptable Very Good 13. Research status 1 2 3 4 5 1. Achievement on project objective 2. Achievement according to time schedule 3. Utilization of human resource 4. Utilization of research materials/supplies 5. Utilization of research equipment/facilities 6. Utilization of HIR fund 7. Milestone achievement 8. Research status on timeline 9. Publication achievement 14. Publications achievement (please state the number of achievement and attach together the front & acknowledging page) Published Accepted In Process (please specify) 1. Articles in Tier 1 ISI _____________ 2. Articles in non-Tier 1 ISI _____________ 3. Research books/ Chapter in books _____________ 4. Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference papers _____________ 5. Patents _____________ 6. Other media (software) _____________ 7 15. Please state any problem(s) encountered which has/have impeded the activities and progress of the project and what corrective action(s) do you plan to take. 16. Please provide any information which you want the HIR Evaluation Committee to know during its deliberation on the continuance of your project. Signature : Chop/Stamp : Date : 8 * Please submit hard copies of Page Title, Page Acknowledgement of the HIR Grant and Journal Citation Report (JCR) of each publications . LIST OF PUBLICATIONS WITH IMPACT FACTOR OF TIER 1 ISI/WoS JOURNAL No Year Title Journal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 Impact Factor Previous Tier Status (no.of tier/year) Current Tier Status (no.of tier/year) No Year Title Journal 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 10 Impact Factor Previous Tier Status (no.of tier/year) Current Tier Status (no.of tier/year)