709 ISSN 0022-1120 25 October 2012 25 October 2012 1 Experimental study of particle-driven secondary flow in turbulent pipe flows R. J. Belt, A. C. L. M. Daalmans & L. M. Portela 37 Unsteady force generation and vortex dynamics of pitching and plunging aerofoils Y. S. Baik, L. P. Bernal, K. Granlund & M. V. Ol 69 Stokes flow near the contact line of an evaporating drop H. Gelderblom, O. Bloemen & J. H. Snoeijer 85 On the drag of turbulent vortex rings L. Gan, J. R. Dawson & T. B. Nickels 106 Subcritical transition and spiral turbulence in circular Couette flow M. J. Burin & C. J. Czarnocki 123 Hydrodynamic forces on steady and oscillating porous particles S. T. T. Ollila, T. Ala-Nissila & C. Denniston VOLUME 709 S 149 From travelling waves to mild chaos: a supercritical bifurcation cascade in pipe flow F. Mellibovsky & B. Eckhardt 191 Influence of flame geometry on turbulent premixed flame propagation: a DNS investigation T. D. Dunstan, N. Swaminathan & K. N. C. Bray 223 Feedback control of cavity flow oscillations using simple linear models S. J. Illingworth, A. S. Morgans & C. W. Rowley 249 Reduced-order Kalman-filtered hybrid simulation combining particle tracking velocimetry and direct numerical simulation T. Suzuki 289 Linear water waves: the horizontal motion of a structure in the time domain P. McIver VOLUME 313 Transmission of acoustic-gravity waves through gas–liquid interfaces O. A. Godin & I. M. Fuks 709 S 341 Impulsively actuated jets from thin liquid films for high-resolution printing applications M. S. Brown, C. F. Brasz, Y. Ventikos & C. B. Arnold 371 Transformation of a shoaling undular bore G. A. El, R. H. J. Grimshaw & W. K. Tiong 396 Transition to turbulence at the bottom of a solitary wave P. Blondeaux, J. Pralits & G. Vittori 408 Dynamics of m = 0 and m = 1 modes and of streamwise vortices in a turbulent axisymmetric mixing layer S. Davoust, L. Jacquin & B. Leclaire Contents continued on inside back cover. 25 Oct. 2012 SUBSCRIPTIONS The Journal of Fluid Mechanics (ISSN 0022-1120) is published semimonthly in 24 volumes each year by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK/Cambridge University Press, 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA. The subscription price (excluding VAT but including postage) for volumes 690–713, 2012, is £2812 or $5190 (online and print) and £2530 or $4432 (online only) for institutions; £803 or $1487 (online and print) and £785 or $1364 (online only) for individuals. The print-only price available to institutional subscribers is £2650 (US $4665 in USA, Canada and Mexico). Single volumes cost £120 (US $213 in the USA, Canada and Mexico) plus postage. 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Foresti, M. Nabavi & D. Poulikakos 593 Energy decay of vortices in viscous fluids: an applied mathematics view J. Nordström & B. Lönn 610 On flow in weakly precessing cylinders: the general asymptotic solution X. Liao & K. Zhang 622 Compound capillary rise M. M. Weislogel 648 Lift force reduction due to body image of vortex for a hovering flight model X. X. Wang & Z. N. Wu 659 Kolmogorov laws for stratified turbulence P. Augier, S. Galtier & P. Billant COPYING The Journal is registered with the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. Organizations in the USA which are also registered with CCC may therefore copy material (beyond the limits permitted by sections 107 and 108 of US copyright law) subject to payment to CCC of the per-copy fee of $16.00. This consent does not extend to multiple copying for promotional or commercial purposes. Code 0022-1120/2012/$16.00. 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