Codebugs – Farnell element 14

Ings Primary Students Learn How to Code
We believe that embracing technology at an early age can help children gain a competitive
advantage by developing in-demand skills in an increasingly tech-driven future. We recently
received a batch of Codebug development boards from Farnell element14, designed to provide
a hands-on introduction to programming and electronics.
Codebug is wearable technology that features a quirky design with six touch-sensitive ‘legs’, two
push-button ‘eyes’ and an LED display on the body. Using wearable technology to learn about
coding and technology provides children with a hands-on experience with coding and
electronics in a fun and collaborative setting. Codebug activities involve hands-on, creative
problem solving while encouraging children to explore what their role might be in an increasingly
tech-driven world.
Farnell element14 is a leading electronics distributor that specializes in a range of components
and hardware such as development kits, circuit boards and capacitors. They are a supplier of
education-focused devices such as Codebug, Raspberry Pi and the BBC micro:bit, which will be
distributed to over one million secondary schools in support of coding and digital literacy in