ICEM 2010, XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines, Roma, Italy, 6-8 September 2010. Complex Dynamic Model of a Multi-phase Asynchronous Motor Roberto Zanasi, Giovanni Azzone Abstract— The paper presents a new complex and reduced dynamical model of a multi-phase asynchronous motor using the Power-Oriented Graphs modeling technique. The new reduced model is obtained in the state space using a complex and rectangular “congruent” transformation. The model describes the electric motor using a reduced number of complex state space variables. The characteristic polynomial of the new model has complex coefficients: its roots and the complex conjugate of these roots are exactly the eigenvalues of the considered asynchronous motor. The complex steady-state equations of the new reduced model are given and discussed. Some simulation results end the paper. I. INTRODUCTION The main topic of this paper is the dynamic modeling of a multi-phase asynchronous motor with an arbitrary number of phases using complex state space variables. The steady-state model of a three-phase asynchronous motor is well known in literature, see for example [1], and its extension to the multi-phase case is an interesting research topic, see [2] and [3]. The dynamic equations of a multi-phase asynchronous motor using the Power-Oriented Graphs (POG) modeling technique has been given in [4] and [5] using “real” state space variables. In this paper a new “complex and reduced” dynamical model of a multi-phase asynchronous motor is obtained using a “complex and congruent” state space transformation. The electrical part of the motor is modeled using a “complex” second-order linear system: the eigenvalues of the motor coincide with the roots of the reduced system and their complex conjugate values. The paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the basic properties of the POG technique in the complex case. Section III shows the details of the POG modeling and the expression of the system eigenvalues. Finally, in Section IV some simulations are reported. II. P OWER -O RIENTED G RAPHS BASIC PRINCIPLES The Power-Oriented Graphs technique, see [6] and [7], is suitable for modeling physical systems. The POG is based on the same “energetic ideas” of the Bond Graphs technique, see [8], but it uses a different and specific graphical representation. The POG are normal block diagrams combined with a particular modular structure essentially based on the use of the two blocks shown in Fig. 1.a and Fig. 1.b: the elaboration block (e.b.) stores and/or dissipates energy (i.e. springs, masses, dampers, capacities, inductances, resistances, etc.); the connection block (c.b.) redistributes the power within the R. Zanasi and G. Azzone are with Faculty of Engineering, DII Information Engineering Department, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Via Vignolese 905, 41100 Modena, Italy {roberto.zanasi, giovanni.azzone} a) elaboration block b) connection block - x1 - K - x2 x1 x2 ? G(s) y Fig. 1. ?-y y1 K ∗ y2 POG basic blocks: a) elaboration block; b) connection block. u- B-- ? L-1 ? 6 Fig. 2. L ẋ = −Ax + Bu y = B∗ x 6 - (1) ⇓ (x = Tz) A 1 s y B∗ ?x ( Lż = −Az+Bu ∗ y=B z (2) POG block scheme of a generic dynamic system. system without storing or dissipating energy (i.e. any type of gear reduction, transformers, etc.). The c.b. transforms the power variables imposing the constraint x∗1 y1 = x∗2 y2 . The e.b. and the c.b. are suitable for representing both scalar and vectorial systems. In the vectorial case, G(s) and K are matrices: G(s) is always a square matrix of positive real transfer functions; matrix K can also be rectangular, time varying and function of other state variables. The circle present in the e.b. is a summation element and the black spot represents a minus sign that multiplies the entering variable. The main feature of the Power-Oriented Graphs is to keep a direct correspondence between the dashed sections of the graphs and real power sections of the modeled systems: the real part of the scalar product x∗ y of the two power vectors x and y involved in each dashed line of a power-oriented graph, see Fig. 1, has the physical meaning of the power flowing through that particular section. Another important aspect of the POG technique is the direct correspondence between the POG representations and the corresponding state space descriptions. For example, the POG scheme shown in Fig. 2 can be represented by the state space equations given in (1) where the energy matrix L is symmetric and positive definite: L = L∗ > 0. When an eigenvalue of matrix L tends to zero (or to infinity), system (1) degenerates towards a lower dimension dynamic system. In this case, the dynamic model V1 V2 V3 V ms 1 Vrr Rs 9 Ls Ir1 ? Ir2 ? Ir3 ? Ms12 Ms23 Ms3ms Mr12 Mr23 Mr3mr Vs0 Vr0 τm 5 4 3 4 6 Fig. 4. 3 2 7 Lr Msr ωm 8 Irmr ? 5 Multi-phase asynchronous motor with ms = 9, mr = 5 and p = 1. bm Jm Fig. 3. 1 Rr Is1 ?Is2 ?Is3 ?Isms ? 2 τe Basic physical structure of a multi-phase asynchronous motor. (2) of the “reduced” system can be directly obtained from (1) by using a simple “congruent” transformation x = Tz (matrix T can also be complex and/or rectangular) where L = T∗ LT, A = T∗ AT and B = T∗ B. If matrix T is time-varying, an additional term T∗ LṪz appears in the transformed system. When matrix T is rectangular, the system is transformed and reduced at the same time. The POG schemes maintain theirs physical meaning even when the dynamic system is described using complex variables. III. C OMPLEX DYNAMIC M ODEL OF THE M OTOR The basic structure of a multi-phase star-connected asynchronous motor is shown in Fig. 3. The system is characterized by the following parameters: ms : number of stator phases; mr : number of rotor phases; p : number of rotor and stator polar expansions; 2π γs : stator angular phase displacement (γs = m ); s 2π γr : rotor angular phase displacement (γr = mr ); θm : rotor angular position; ωm : rotor angular velocity; θs : stator voltage angular position; ωs : stator voltage frequency; θ : electric angle (θ = p θm ); Rs : stator phases resistance; Ls : stator phases self inductance; Ms0 : maximum mutual inductance of the stator phases; Rr : rotor phases resistance; Lr : rotor phases self inductance; Mr0 : maximum mutual inductance of the rotor phases; Msr0 : maximum value of the mutual inductance between stator and rotor phases; Jm : rotor inertia momentum; bm : rotor linear friction coefficient; τm : electromotive torque acting on the rotor; τe : external load torque acting on the rotor. All the electrical parameters of the motor have been obtained connecting in series the p polar couples of the motor. An example of a multi-phase asynchronous motor with ms = 9, mr = 5 and p = 1 is shown in Fig. 4. In this paper the following matrix notation will be used: R11 R12 · · · R1m R21 R22 · · · R2m i j |[ Ri,j ]| = .. .. .. . . . . . . . 1:n 1:m Rn1 Rn2 · · · Rnm and symbol Im will denote the identity matrix of order m. Let us denote t Vs , t Is , t Vr and t Ir as stator and rotor voltage/current vectors in the external reference frame Σt : Ir1 Vr1 Is1 Vs1 Ir2 Vr2 t Is2 t Vs2 t t Vs = ... , Is = ... , Vr = ... , Ir = ... . Vsms Isms Vrmr Irmr where Vsi = Vi − Vs0 for i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , ms } and Vri = Vrr − Vr0 for i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , mr }. Using the following generalized state vector t q̇ and extended input vector t V: t t t t Vs Is Ie Ve t t , V = t Vr = q̇ = t Ir = ωm −τe ωm −τe and applying the “Lagrangian” approach discussed in [4], one obtains the following dynamic equations of the multiphase asynchronous motors: t t d t Le 0 t Ie Re + t Fe t Ke t Ie Ve =− + t T 0 J ω − K b ω −τ dt m m m m e e {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | t t t t L(t q) t q̇ R + tW q̇ V (3) The structures of energy matrix t L(t q), dissipating matrix t R and power redistribution matrix t W are the following: t t t Ls MTsr (θm ) 0 Le 0 t t t t 0 Msr (θm ) Lr L( q) = , = 0 Jm 0 0 Jm t t 0 Rs 0 Re 0 t , R = 0 t Rr 0 = 0 bm 0 0 bm t T 1 ∂ Msr t 0 − 21 t ṀTsr I r 2 ∂θm t 1 t 1 ∂ t Msr t W= Ṁ 0 Is − sr 2 2 ∂θm t ∂ t MT − 21 t ITr ∂ ∂θMmsr − 21 t ITs ∂θmsr 0 tV Ē ωm 0 ω e @ - - @ K̄e Re(·) 6 @ 6 6 6 1 ? Jm ω V̄ e ω - Re(·) -- t T∗ω - - e ? 1 s ? ω R̄ ω Ω̄ e e ω L̄-1 e tI e ω Ī t Complex/Real conversion Electrical part (complex variables) Σt ↔ Σ̄ω 2 1̄ i where: j Ls = Ls0 Ims + Ms0 |[ cos((i − j)γs ) ]| , 1:ms 1:ms i j ω 1:mr j ω Msr (θ) = Msr0 |[ cos(θ + iγr − jγs ) ]| , 0:mr −1 0:ms −1 t Rs = Rs Ims , T̃ω (m, θ) = r 2 m Rr = Rr Imr h k ej(θ−khγm ) 0:m−1 1:2:m−2 t where γm = 2π m and let Tω denote the following matrix: t T̃ω (ms , θs ) t Tω = 0 0 0 t T̃ω (mr , θp ) 0 0 0 1 where θp = θs − θ. It can be easily shown that all the columns of matrix t Tω ∈ R(ms +mr +1)×(ms +mr )/2 are orthogonal complex vectors. This complex matrix can be used to perform a state space transformation from the original frame Σt to a new complex rotating frame Σ̄ω . The dynamic equations in the new complex transformed frame Σ̄ω are: ω ω R̄e + ω F̄e + ω Ω̄e ω K̄e ω Īe V̄e L̄e 0 ω Ī˙ e + =− 0 Jm ω̇m ωm −τe − ω K̄∗e bm {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | ω ω L ω ω R+ ω W ω q̇ ω V (4) ∗ ∗ where: ω L = t Tω t L t Tω , ω R = t Tω t R t Tω = t R and ∗ ∗ ω W = t Tω t W t Tω . The complex vectors ω V = t Tω t V ∗ and ω q̇ = t Tω t q̇ have the following structure: ω ω ω ω V̄s Īs V̄e Īe ω ω V = ω V̄r = , q̇ = ω Īr = −τe ωm −τe ωm q̈ V̄s= ω and Ls0 = Ls − Ms0 , Lr0 = Lr − Mr0 . Let t T̃ω (m, θ) denote the following rectangular “complex” matrix: t Īs= ω Lr = Lr0 Imr + Mr0 |[ cos((i − j)γr ) ]| , i t 3 Energy Conversion 3̄ τe τm τr Mechanical part Complex/Real conversion (real variables) 4 5 POG graphical representation of a multi-phase asynchronous motor in the complex transformed rotating frame Σ̄ω . 1:mr t 1 s e where: t bm 6 6 6 Re(·) t Tω ?- - - - - - -- ω K̄∗e -- Re(·) - - ? 1 Fig. 5. 6 @ω @ F̄e @ 6 ω ω I¯s1 I¯s3 . . . I¯s(ms−1) ω ω V̄s1 V̄s3 . . . " = V̄s(ms−1) # ω¯ Is1 ω Īsx " = ω ω , # V̄s1 , ω V̄sx ω Īr= ω V̄r= I¯r1 I¯r3 . . . V̄r1 V̄r3 . . . ω ω ω I¯r(mr−1) ω ω V̄r(mr−1) " # ω¯ Ir1 , = ω Īrx " # ω V̄r1 = 0. = ω V̄rx A POG graphical representation of system (4) is shown in Fig. 5: the connection blocks present between sections 1 and 2 represent the state space transformation Σt ↔ Σ̄ω . The c.b. defined by function “Re(·)” represents the “complex to real conversion” of the input vectors. The elaboration blocks between sections 2 and 3 represent the Electrical part of the system. This part is composed only by complex matrices and complex variables (see the lightly shaded section of Fig. 5). The Mechanical part of the motor is described by the blocks present between sections 4 and 5 . The c.b. between sections 3 and 4 represents the energy and power conversion (without accumulation nor dissipation) between the electrical and mechanical domains. The expanded form of system (4) is shown in Fig. 6 where: ms Ms0 , 2 √ Msr0 ms mr Msre = , 2 Lse = Ls0 + Lre = Lr0 + mr Mr0 , 2 ωp = ωs − ω, m̄s3 = (ms − 3)/2 and m̄r3 = (mr − 3)/2. It can be easily proved that in (4) the two terms ω Ke ωm and ω F̄e ω Īe simplify each other. These two terms have been left in the POG scheme of Fig. 5 and have been eliminated in eq. (5). Putting ω q̈ = 0 in system (5), one obtains the following complex steady-state equations of the asynchronous motor: ω V̄s1 = (Rs + jωs Lse ) ω I¯s1 + jωs Msre ω I¯r1 ω V̄sx = Rs ω Īsx 0 = jωp Msre ω I¯s1 + (Rr + jωp Lre ) ω I¯r1 (6) ω 0 = Rr Īrx ∗ ω¯ Ir1 ) = τe + bm ωm τm = Re(jpMsre ω I¯s1 Msre 0 Lse 0 0 0 0 Ls0 Im̄s3 0 Lre 0 Msre 0 0 0 Lr0 Im̄r3 0 0 0 0 {z | ω L Fig. 6. ω I¯˙s1 jωs Msre 0 Rs +jωs Lse 0 0 ω ˙ 0 Rs Im̄s3 0 0 0 Īsx 0 Rr +jωp Lre 0 0 ω I¯˙r1 = − jωp Msre 0 Rr Im̄r3 0 0 0 ω Ī˙ rx 1 ∗ ∗ Jm j p Msre ω I¯r1 0 0 − 21 j p Msre ω I¯s1 2 } ω̇m {z | | {z } ω ω R+ W ω q̈ Im ωp =0 1 π+βr v − 21 ( 1− 21a ωp =0+ βr 2βr r φs1 βr ) v φs2 Re 2βr βs φs v (1− a1 ) φs ωp →∞ tan βs Fig. 7. Phase displacement vector rφ s as function of ωp (ωs = cost). From the third equation of (6) one obtains the following complex relation between the currents ω I¯r1 and ω I¯s1 : ω¯ Ir1 = Msre r ω ¯ φs Is1 Lre (7) where the phase displacement vector r φs is defined as: r φs = − cos βr ejβr , βs = arctan Rs . ωs Lse V̄s1 = ωs Lse v φs ω I¯s1 Fig. 8. (8) (9) ωs cos βr j(π+βr ) e−jβs +j e φs = j cos β a {z } | {z s} | vφ s1 (10) vφ s2 Lse Lre . a= 2 Msre p Rr ω ¯ 2 | Ir1 | . ωp rx r rx which represent two linear systems of m̄s3 and m̄r3 dimension, whose eigenvalues are λs = − LRs0s and λr = − LRr0r , respectively. From the second equation of (12), it follows that ω Īrx = 0 if the initial conditions are zero. Without equations (12), system (5) reduces to: " # "ω ¯˙ # Lse Msre 0 Is1 ˙ ω I¯ Msre Lre 0 (13) r1 = 0 0 Jm ω̇m#" " # " # ω I¯ ω V̄ Rs +jωs Lse jωs Msre 0 s1 s1 ω I¯ jωp Msre Rr +jωp Lre 0 0 =− + . r1 1 ∗ − 1 jpM ω ¯∗ −τe jpMsre ω I¯r1 ωm sre Is1 bm 2 2 Supposing the mechanical dynamics slower than the electrical one, i.e. assuming a constant velocity ωm , from (13) one obtains the following complex second-order reduced system: # " ω ω Lse Msre ω I¯˙s1 I¯s1 Rs +jωs Lse jωs Msre V̄s1 + . = − Msre Lre ω I¯˙r1 jωp Msre Rr +jωp Lre ω I¯r1 0 {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | ω L̄ (11) Vector v φs links the stator current vector ω I¯s1 to the stator voltage vector ω V̄s1 . A graphical representation of vector v φs as function of ωp is shown in Fig. 8. From (6), (7) and (8) one obtains the following expression for the mechanical torque τm : ∗ ω¯ τm = Re(j p Msre ω I¯s1 Ir1 ) = as function of ωp (ωs = cost). and parameters βr and a are defined as follows: Rr βr = arctan , ωp Lre vφ s Re The same result involving only real variables is given in [4]. From second and fourth equations of system (5) one obtains the following uncoupled dynamics: Ls0 ω Ī˙ sx = −Rs ω Īsx + ω V̄sx , (12) L ω Ī˙ = −R ω Ī where the phase displacement vector v φs is: v Phase displacement vector r0 A graphical representation of vector r φs as function of ωp is shown in Fig. 7. Substituting (7) in the first equation of (6) one obtains the following relation between the complex vectors ω V̄s1 and ω I¯s1 : ω (5) The complex dynamic equations of a multi-phase asynchronous motor in the transformed rotating frame Σ̄ω Im −1 ωp →∞ ω ¯ ω 0 Is1 V̄s1 0 ω Īsx ω V̄sx 0 ω I¯r1 + 0 0 ω Īrx 0 bm −τe ωm }| {z } | {z } ω ω V q̇ c ˙ ω Ī c ω Ā c ω Ī c ω V̄ c The eigenvalues of the reduced system ω L̄c ω Ī˙ c = ω Āc ω Īc + ω V̄c are the eigenvalues of matrix A = ω −1 ω L̄c Āc . For the linear POG systems described in the form Lẋ = Ax + Bu, with L = L∗ > 0, the following property holds. Property 1: if matrix L is non singular, the eigenvalues of matrix L−1 A, i.e. the roots of polynomial ∆L-1 A (s) = det(sI − L-1 A), coincide with the roots of polynomial ∆L,A (s) = det(sL − A). Phase vector r φs Eigenvalues λi 60 0.2 0.1 40 0 20 wp =0 wp →∞ Im −0.1 βr Im −0.2 ωs = 0 0 −0.3 ωs = 10 −0.4 −20 ωs = 20 −0.5 ωs = 30 −40 −0.6 ωs = 40 ωs = 50 −60 −60 −1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 Re −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 Fig. 11. Re rφ Phase displacement vector Fig. 9. Eigenvalues s1,2 and s3,4 = s∗1,2 when rs = rr = r = 10, a = 1.25, p = 1, ωs ∈ [0 : 10 : 50] rad/s and ω ∈ [0, 50] rad/s. s as function of ωp (ωs =cost). Phase vector v φs 10 wp =0 Eigenvalues λi 9 60 βr 8 40 7 6 Im Im 20 0 5 4 3 −20 2 wp →∞ βs −60 −50 −40 −30 −20 rs = 0 rs = 2 rs = 4 rs = 6 −60 1 rs = 8 rs = 10 −40 −10 0 0 0 Re Proof. The following mathematical relations hold: ∆L,A (s) = det(sL − A) = det[L(sI − L-1 A)] = det(L) det(sI − L-1 A) = det(L) ∆L-1 A (s) If matrix L is non singular, the polynomials ∆L,A (s) and ∆L-1 A (s) have the same roots. The property is proved. From Prop. 1 it follows that the eigenvalues of matrix A = ω −1 ω L̄c Āc coincide with the roots of polynomial ∆(s): ∆(s) = ∆ω L̄c ,ω Āc (s) = det(s ω L̄c − ω Āc ) sLse + Rs + jωs Lse s Msre + jωs Msre = det sMsre + jωp Msre sLre + Rr + jωp Lre = (sLse + Rs + jωs Lse )(sLre + Rr + jωp Lre ) −(sMsre + jωp Msre )(sMsre + jωs Msre ) Using the following parameters a, rs and rr : Lse Lre > 1, 2 Msre rs = 2 3 4 5 6 7 Re Fig. 10. Eigenvalues s1,2 and s3,4 = s∗1,2 when a = 1.25, p = 1, rs ∈ [0 : 2 : 10], rr = rs + 1, ω ∈ [0, 50] rad/s and ωs = ω + r rad/s. a= 1 Rs , Lse rr = Rr , Lre Fig. 12. Phase displacement vector vφ s as function of ωp (ωs =cost). the polynomial ∆(s) can be expressed as follows: h r +rs ) 2 (a−1) s2 + a(r ∆(s) = Msre + j(ω + ω ) s+ p s (a−1) i a(ω rr +ωp rs ) ars rr + (a−1) + j s(a−1) − ωs ωp Note that the coefficients of polynomial ∆(s) are complex and therefore not necessarily its roots are complex coniugate. The roots s1,2 of the complex polynomial ∆(s), that is the eigenvalues of matrix ω L̄-1c ω Āc , are: s1,2 = − ω a(rs + rr ) − j(ωs − ) 2(a − 1) 2 s 2 ars rr a(rs − rr ) ω ± + +j . 2(a − 1) 2 (a − 1)2 (14) The complex conjugate values s3,4 = s∗1,2 of roots s1,2 are the other two eigenvalues of the original fourth-order electrical system. When rs = rr = r, from (14) one obtains the following eigenvalues: s ω2 ω a r2 ar ± − −j(ωs − ). s1,2 = − 2 (a − 1) (a − 1) 4 2 Current Re(ω I¯s1 ) Currents t Is 40 10 0 −10 −20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Currents t Ir Re(ω I¯s1 ) [A] t Is [A] 20 Tω = 0.236s 30 ω 10 Ta = 0.727s t Ir [A] 20 0 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Time [s] 0 −10 Fig. 15. −20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Stator current Re(ω I¯s1 ) in the transformed rotating frame Σ̄ω . 1 Time [s] Angular velocity ωm Currents ω Īs : Re(ω I¯s1 ), Im(ω I¯s1 ) and |ω Isx |. 20 Re(ω I¯s1 ) 5 0 0 0 Im(ω I¯s1 ) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Currents ω Īr : Re(ω I¯r1 ), Im(ω I¯r1 ) and |ω Irx |. 0 0.9 1 Im(ω I¯r1 ) −20 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 100 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Time [s] Re(ω I¯r1 ) 0 0.5 0 |ω Irx | −10 τm [Nm] 0 0.4 Mechanical torque τm 150 −20 Īr [A] 10 |ω Isx | ω Īs [A] 15 Stator and rotor currents in the original reference frame Σt . ωm [rad/s] Fig. 13. ω Iss 20 Fig. 16. Angular velocity ωm and mechanical torque τm . 1 Time [s] Fig. 14. Stator and rotor currents in the transformed rotating frame Σ̄ω . When r → 0, all the eigenvalues tend to the imaginary axis: ω ω ω ω s1,2 = −j ωs − ∓ , s3,4 = j ωs − ∓ . 2 2 2 2 Two examples of how the eigenvalues s1,2 and s3,4 = s∗1,2 move on the complex plane as function of parameters rs , rr , ωs and ω are shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. IV. S IMULATION RESULTS The simulation results presented in this section have been obtained in Matlab/Simulink using the following electrical and mechanical parameters: ms = 7, mr = 7, p = 1, Ls = 0.12 H, Ms0 = 0.1 H, Rs = 3 Ω, Lr = 0.12 H, Mr0 = 0.1 H, Rs = 3 Ω, Msr0 = 0.09 H, Jm = 3 kg m2 , bm = 5 Nm s/rad, τe = 0 Nm, Vmax = 100 V (maximum value of the stator voltage vector ω Vs ) and frequency ωs = 8π rad/s. The phase displacement vectors r φs and v φs as function of ωp are reported in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12: note how they tend to the theoretical steady-state paths given in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. The time behaviors of stator and rotor currents t Is , t Ir , ω Īs and ω Īr in frames Σt and Σ̄ω are shown in Fig. 13 and Fig. 14, respectively. The time behavior of current Re(ω I¯s1 ) is shown in Fig. 15: this transient is deeply related to the electrical dominant poles of the system located, when ωm = 2 rad/s, in s2,4 = −4.4 ± j 24.1. The corresponding settling time Ta and oscillation period Tω are respectively: Ta = 3 ≈ 0.7 s, |Re(s2,4 )| Tω = 2π ≈ 0.25 s. Im(s2,4 ) which are very close to the Ta and Tω periods obtained in simulation and shown in Fig. 15. V. C ONCLUSIONS In this paper, the POG technique has been used for modeling a multi-phase asynchronous motor. A complex and reduced dynamical model of the system has been obtained in the state space using a rectangular “complex” transformation. The dynamic behavior of the reduced complex system has been analyzed by exactly computing the eigenvalues of the electrical part of the motor. The simulation results have shown the effectiveness of the proposed dynamic model. R EFERENCES [1] W. Leonhard, Control of Electrical Drives, 3rd Edition 2001, SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork, ISBN 3-540-41820-2. [2] M. Jones, E. Levi, “A literature survey of state-of-the-art in multiphase AC drives”, in Proc. UPEC, Stafford, U.K., 2002, pp. 505-510. [3] E. Levi, R. Bojoi, F. Profumo, H.A. Toliyat, S. Williamson, “Multiphase induction motor drives - A technology status review”, IET Electr. Power Appl., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 489-516, July 2007. [4] R. Zanasi, F. Grossi, G. Azzone, “The POG technique for Modeling Multi-phase Asynchronous Motors”, 5th IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Málaga, Spain, April 14-17, 2009. [5] R. Zanasi, F. Grossi, G. 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