FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY AFORS - Autonomous FibreOptic Rotational Seismograph Design and Application L.R. Jaroszewicz, Z. Krajewski Institute of Applied Physics, Military University of Technology 2 Gen Sylwestra Kaliskiego Street, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY Outline • Way Fibre-Optic Gyroscope as RS ? • FORS – Fibre-Optic Rotational Seismometer – principle of operation • AFORS – Autonomous FORS (seismograph): - optic and electronic parts optimization, - calibration & accuracy estimation, - remote control. • Example of events recording in Książ • Conclusions 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 WayOFFibre -OpticTECHNOLOGIES Gyroscope as ? FACULTY ADVANCED ANDRS CHEMISTRY FORS--> FORS--> Recorded digital data smoothing by the spline function TAPS--> TAPS--> [L. Solarz, et all, Acta Geophys. Pol., 52, (2004), 198] min 9.8106 rad/ s Amplitude rel. un. @D Rotation - TAPS , FORS - I 2 1 FORS -> 0 a direct quantity from physical effect TAPS -> u -1 @ D -2 @D 26.5 2 27 Translation 27.5 - TAPS 28 t s Amplitude rel. un 1.5 28.5 29 calibration problem, sensitivity on linear motion FOG -> ∫ dt 1 drift phenomenon, dynamic range problem 0.5 0 - 0.5 -1 - 1.5 26.5 27 @ D 27.5 t s 28 28.5 29 2nd IW Go RS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY FORS – principle of operation FORS – Fiber-Optic Rotational Seismometer – FOSI optimized for RSE detection 1 4RL c So System optimization: 1.Optical unit increase sensitivity as well as minimization external influences 2.Electronic unit proper signal processing for long time operation as well as remote control 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY Optical unit: Ωmin in quantum noise limitation [Ostrzyżek, 1989]: min c 4 2 10 /10L /1000 VA2 1 4 k T / 10 / 10L / 1000 e S P 10 10 1 X I A2 L / 10 2 R0 8 R0 B 4 R L S J1 1.84 PL 10 where: B - detection bandpass, c- light speed in vacuum, - optical wavelenght, R – sensor loop radius, L – fibre lenght, - fibre attenuation in dB/km, total loss in optical part (without loss of used fibre in sensor loop), PL – optical power of used source, S – sensitivity of used photodiode, VA, IA – dark voltage and current of photodiode, R0 – photodiode impedance, e - electron charge, k – Boltzmann constant, T – temperature. Conclusions: 1.Sensitivity increase with the bandpass B narrowing, 2.Sesnitivity is linear function of bandpass, 3.The higher sensitivity is for shorter wavelenght but fibre attenuation growing) 4.Sensitivity increase with source power PL, 5.Sensitivity increase with radius of sensor loop R, 6.The total loss of system should be minimized for better sensitivity, 7.Increase the total lenght of fiber in sensor loop L increase sensitivity (but - fibre attenuation in dB/km). 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY Influence of SMF-28 fibre lenght on system sensitivity for constructed AFORS 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY AFORS optimized parameters: • L= 15 000 [m], 15 layers, double quadropole winded, • =0.436 [dB/km], • loop R=0.34 [m] contains permaloy particles, • d • cascade polarizers (46 and 55 [dB]), • depolarizer with 0.02 [dB] extinction ratio, • nm], nm], PL =20 [mW], • S=0.99 [ A/W], IA =0.06 [nA], R0 =163 [k. Output SOP from loop - simulation: min =1.93 10-9 [rad/sHz1/2] 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY Electronic unit: Application of the synchronic detection unit [Krajewski, 2005]: m (t ) 0 sin( mt ) 1 cos( ) J ( ) 2 J ( ) cos( 2 n t ' ) 2n e m 0 e n 1 I (t ) P0 1 cos m (t ) m (t ) P0 sin( )2 J ( ) sin[(2n 1) t ' ] 2 n 1 e m n 1 where: t’=t+/2e=20 sin(m/2), 2P0 – output optical power - time for light passing throughout sensor loop. 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY For proper choose of the m – as correlated with (AFORS 6.8 kHz), only first two harmonic of output signal are important: J A arctan 2 e 1 arctanS e u (t ), J 1 e A2 u (t ) A1 A2 So arctanSe u (t ) AFORS communication scheme: 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY So arctanSe u (t ) AFORS – calibration o /h E ASPU: u (t ) N-S E=9.18 o/h N Warsaw o W-E E=0.00 /h A1 J1 (e ) tan A2 J 2 (e ) hence S e A2 tan A1 Based on well defined Earth rotation and data from 7280 DSP lock-in amplifier: LA EA J ( ) 2 A2 S e 1 2 Z w ; Z w 2 e J 2 (e ) | 0 e 1.63199 J1 (e ) 2 P0 LA2 EA1 ” Se = 0,0144, So = 0,00433 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 re FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY AFORS – accuracy AFORS directed in W-E and measurement with modulation switch off A ( A1 , A2 ) S 0 Arc tan S e 1 A2 1 , 2 2 1 2 A1 A2 are mean values of noises recorded for amplitude A1, A2 in given detection bandpass 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 2 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY B= 1.66 [Hz] 5.1 10-9 [rad/s] Accuracy 21.2 [Hz] 1.7 10-8 [rad/s] 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 106.15 [Hz] 3.9 10-8 [rad/s] FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY Remote control 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY 2nd IW Go RS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY 2nd IW Go RS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY Conclusion This work has been made under financial support the Polish Ministry of the Science and Higher Education grant No N N525 2166 33 as well as Key Project POIG.01.03.01-14-016/08-04 „New photonic materials and their advanced application”. Acronyms: 1. Fiber-Optic Rotational Seismometer FORS 2. Fiber-Optic Rotational Seismograph FORS-II 3. Autonomous Fiber-Optic Rotational Seismograph AFORS 4. Two AFORS AFORS-two and AFORS-one 2nd IWGoRS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010 FACULTY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND CHEMISTRY 2nd IW Go RS, Prague, 10-13 October 2010