IXIAKA POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD. Lot-l: Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 7 nos. new 132133 kV GIS Sub-stations at CharSayedpur, Fatulla, Jigatola, Kazla, Motijheel, New Ramna and PostogolaonTurnkeybasis. [Invitation for B id No. DPDC/PSEEIIP/AFD ' Date : 06/0 8/20 I 5] Addendum No.1 Memo No.: DPDC/PSEEIIP/AFD sl. I 20 I 5 139, l2}l5l 166 Date: D5l11 12015. Amendment Stated in the Bid Document Reference No. 1 Volume-3, Schedule-E Replace max. Break time "30 ms" Max. Break time 30 ms By KV Gas Insulated Switchgear, Sl. No. 9 132 oo65 ms". 2 Volume-2, Section-25 Drawings Char Sayedptr 132133 KV Substation Insert Single line drawing of Madanganj l32kY S/S after page-31, Section-25: Drawings as Annexure-L. J Volume-2, Section-25 Drawings Postogola 132133 KV Substation 4 Volume-3, Schedule-E Technical Requirement and Insert Single line drawing of Hasnabad 132 kV S/S after page-l0, Section-25 Drawings as Annexure-2. Insert the quoted item at the end of the mentioned GTP "S1. No. 36: 132 kV straight through Jointll32 kV plug in type termination kit for 132 kV 800mm2 Copper XLPE cable shall be supplied from Pfisterer, Guarantee Schedule 132 KV Cable Germany". 5 Volume-2, Section-12 Appendix 12.4.2 Replace the existing "Appendix 12.4.2 Page-24 Communication Network with Communication Network with services to be Transmitted" By new "Appendix 12.A.2 Communication Network with services to be Transmitted" as shown in Annexure-3. services to be Transmitted 6 ,7 1.2 System Electrical Parameters Volume-2, Section-l Scope of Work Page-l/15. 1.2. Volume- 2 of 3, 4.9.2: Oil/SF6 Gas Bushings 1 System Conditions Delete the clause 004.9.2: OiUSF6 Gas Bushings". Section 4 Clause-4.9.2 8 Insert the below quoted line at the end of the clause 1.2. I "Symmetrical short-circuit current (3 sec) at I I kV level is 31.5 kA". Volume-2 of 3, Section- 12, Clause Replace para "The battery capacities shall be 48V battery rating: 200 ampere hours atthe l0 hourrate" 12.8.4 e by Volume 3 of 3 Appendix A10 "The battery capacity shall be 250AH at the 5 hour rate" in clause 12.8.4 e, Section 12, Volume-2. Replace the following words"400 Ah at the 8-hour rate" by '250 Ah at the 5-hour rate' in page SAlT & SA22 of Schedule-A, Volume-3 K tilt) u 3'9- I st. Stated in the Bid Document Reference Amendment No. 9 Volume- 2 of 3, 5.14.1 Standards Section- 5, Clauses The equipment shall conform (for testing, performance and accuracy) in all respects the relevant Indian/ International metering standards with latest amendments thereof unless otherwise specified 5.74, page sl38 10 Delete the word "Indian/" Insert elevation drawing of GIS building for bid purpose only at the end ofthe section-25 Elevation Drawing Section- 25 Drawings 11 (A) Volume- 2 of Clause 12 3 1.3 Volume-3 of 3, Schedule-B: Price Schedules Schedule No. The Seismic factor is 0.2g as shown in Annecxure-4 Replace Seismic factor o'0.29" by "0.1g". 2. Transformer Replace quantity "2 set" by "3 set" Climatic Conditions 2.02331fi kV,28/35MVA Transformer with Accessories 82 of F. NEW RAMNA I32 KV GIS,33 KV GIS & I1 KV AIS SUBSTATION 13 Volume-3 of 3, Schedule-E, Technical Requirement And Guarantee Schedule 132 KV Gas Insulated Switchgear 14 7. Gas compartments: max. Gas losses per gas compartment and year Volume-3 of 3, Insert following new items at the end of the schedule No. Bl &.82 for each substation of this bid " A.1x300 sq-mm 33kV Cable with Schedule-B: Price Schedules Termination A1.33 kV Cable for connecting 33 KV side of 80/120 MVA Transformer with 33 kV side of 33/.4 kV Auxiliary Transformer: I Schedule No.B1&B2 for all 7 nos. Substation. 15 Lot A2.33 KV Cable Termination at Transformer ends: I Lot". Insert quoted words after the words Testing Volume-3 of 3, A. Schedule-B: Price KV GIS & Instrument. "Country of origin: U SAff ranch/German/UI?Japan/Austria/ Sweeden/Finland" C. Jigatola 132 KV GIS, 33 KV GIS & 11 KV AIS Substation C. Civil and allied works at Jigatola 33111 KV Substation. Item l. Temporary arrangement of maintaining 33 KV source to the existing Transformers including transfer of protection etc. with the Insert "Item 1.1 Demolishing the existing residential building of DPDC (5 storied building) for 132 KV GIS Building with basement and other top floors: I Lot" after Item l. Schedule, Schedule No. 16 Replace "As per IEC" by less than *0.1o/o which shall be verified by Type test reports from STL member laboratory." Char Sayedpur 132 KV GIS,33 11 KV AIS Substation 21. b) Testing Instrument Bl & B2 Volume-3 of 3, Schedule-B: Price Schedule Schedule No. 84 /r huU 4r" ,?p\b,) () -+-- Reference SL Stated in the Bid Document Amendment No. cooperation of DPDC: t7 I Lot. Prices payable to the Contractor, Section-9, Volume-1 of 3, Appendix 2 in with the Contract, shall be subject to adjustment during performance of the Contract to reflect changes in the Price Escalation accordance Replace the word "during performance of the contract" by ooafter completion of full work" cost of labor and material components, in accordance with 18 the following formula: 132kY Gas Insulated Switchgear 3. Electrical Data: Busbar material: Copper Volume -3 of 3, Schedule-E, Technical Replace the word "Copper" By "Copper/Aluminum". Requirement and Guarantee Schedule 19 Volume-1 of 3, This guarantee is subject to the Section- 6, Uniform Rules for Demand Form ofPerfornance Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 458 security & Form ofAdvance security 20 Volume I 30.Limitation of Liability of 3, Section -8 scc 30.1 (b) 2t 22 30.1 (b) The multiplierof the Contract Price: Not Applicable Volume-3 of 3, 12. High Speed Earthing Switch Schedule-E, l32kV Gas Insulated Switchgear Electrical Data: Rated current 63 Volume-3 of 3, Schedule-B: Pricc Schedules Schedule No. B 1. 82, B4 "Not Applicable" By "1 (one)". Replace the following words 'oRated current 63 KA" by "Rated current/Short circuit KA In the event that the Employer fails to make any payment on its respective due date, the Employer shall pay to the Contractor interest on the amount of such delayed payment at the rate of J ZJ Replace following words current 20004/40 KA". Volume-l of 3, Section-9, Appendix I - Terms and Procedures of Payment Replace "ICC Publication No. 458" By "ICC Publication No 758" Delete the quoted paragraph "In the event that the Employer fails to make any payment on its respective due date, the Employer shall pay to the Contractor interest on the amount of such delayed payment at the rate of I percent (_%) per month for period of delay until payment has been made in full percent (_%) per month for period of delay until payment has been made in fuII". Control, Protection, Insert the following words "Control, Protection, Substation Automation & Metering 7.01 132 kV Overhead/Underground line Circuit 7.02 132 kV 7.03 132 kV 7.04 132 kV 7.05 132 kV Transfiorner Circuit Bus Coupler Cilcuit Spare Bay Busbar Protection Panel Substation Automation & metering ofl'at the beginning of 51. No. 7.01 to 7.06for A. Char Sayedpur, B. Fatullah, C. Jigatola, E. Motijheel and F. New Ramnal32 KV GIS, 33 KV GIS & I I KV AIS Substation Insert the following words "Control, Protection, Substation Automation & metering of' at the 3 /r Lilb t-i $9- st. Stated in the Bid Document Reference Amendment No. 7.06132 kV Tariff Metering Panel beginning of Sl. No. 5.01 to 5.06 for D. KAZLA and & G. POSTOGOLA 11 132 KV GIS,33 KV GIS KV AIS SUBSTATION Insert new o'item 7.12 Control, Protection, metering and SAS for 11 KV AIS: 1 Lot" after item 7.11 for A. CHAR SAYEDPUR, B. FATULLAH, C. JIGATOLA, E. MOTIJHEEL and F. NEW RAMNA132 KV GIS,33 KV GIS & 24 ll KVAIS SL]BSTATION Schedule-B: Price 7.0 Control, Protection, Substation Automation & Metering Delete Item no. 7.07 & 7.08 from Schedule Bl, 82 &B3 of Fatullah & New Ramna Schedules 7.07 132 KV Control Panel for Substation. Schedule OHL Line at Madanganj S/S. 7.08 132 KV Relay Panel for O/H Volume-3 of 3, No.B1,B2,B4 Item no. 7.07 to 7 .08 for Fatullah & New Line at Madanganj S/S. Ramna Substation. 25 Volume-2 of 3, Substation Automation System Section-S Substation Architecture end of the section-5: Substation Automation as shown in Annexure-S. Automation 26 Volume-3 of 3 Schedule- A, Appendix 43, 132133 Insert the 132 kV SAS architecture and 33 kV &1 I kV SAS architecture at the kV Power Bushing insulators or cable boxes on line and neutral terminals: 1) HV Line :GIB termination (Oil/Gas Bushing) Replace the following words "GIB termination" by "Oil/Air Bushings" Transformer 27 Volume-2 of 3, Section-5, Page-5/38 5.15132 KV Metering Panel Specification for Class 0.2s Static Trivector Energy Meters 5.15.1 Application b. The meter shall be complied with Indian Companion Standard (ICS) of Category B for DLMS specification. 28 Volume-2 of 29 Volume-3 of 3, E. Schedule-B: Price GIS 3 Motijheel 132 KV GIS, 33 KV 11 KV AIS Substation & Schedules Schedule No. 84 * w ) 4-9- para "b. The meter shall be complied with Indian Companion Standard (ICS) of Category B for DLMS specification" by o'b. The Country of origin of 132 kV energy Replace the meter shall be USA/France/GermanyAJK/Switzerland/ Sweden/Austria/Finland/Japan. The meter shall be complied with relevant latest IEC". Insert new "Section -26: Nitrogen injection & fire protection (NIFPS) system" after the section-25 as shown in Annexure-9 Add item "16. Nitrogen Injection & fire protection (NIFPS) system for 132133 kY Transformer &33111 kV Transformer: I Lot". 4 r7 sl. Stated in the Bid Document Reference Amendment No. 30 Volume-l of 3 2.7 Subcontractors Section-3, Evaluation 2.132 kV GIS Substation Erection : and Qualification Experience ofat least 03 (three) 132 Criteria kV Bay Construction within last 07 Replace "03" by '001", Replace "05" by'003" and Replace"O5" by "03". years. 3. Civil Subcontractor: They shall have experience in construction of at least 05 nos. of new l32l33kV 801120 MVA or higher v oltageI c ap ac ity S ub station. 4. Electrical Installation works Subcontractor: The subcontractor shall have experience for installation of at least 05 nos. of new l32l33kY 3 MVA orhigher itv sub stati ons. Section 25: Drawing 3 2.4.1 G eneral Experience 801120 3l v oltaeeI caoac Volume-2 of Section-25: Drawing. 32 Volume-l of Replace existing "2.4.I General Experience" Section-3, Evaluatiori and Insert "SLD for protection of 132 kV and 33 kV bay" at the end of Section25: Drawing as shown in Annexure-6. by Annexure.T. Qualification Criteria 32 Volume-l of 3 Section-3, Evaluation and 33 Qualification Criteria Volume- 3 of 3, Schedule- 2-4.2 SpecificExperience (a) Contracts of Similar Size and Size and Nature" By Annexure-8. Nature Drawings and Documents to be I Replace existing"2.4.2 Specific Experience (a) Contracts of Similar submitted with Tender Insert the below quoted paft at the end of the item no, 9 6.VIII) Type test report for Battery, BatlerS Charger and Auxiliary transformerd'trer IEC shall have to be submitted 34 Sl. No. 5: Tap Changer (HV side) Volume-3 of 3, Schedule-E, 132133 80/120 3 Phase Power MVA, kv ?om any independent laboratory". Insert a new item quoted below after sl. No.5 "Sl. No. 5.1 RTCC panel with TAPCON voltage regulator, MR Germany" Transformer 35 Volume -3 of 3, Schedule- I, Type test reports ol 132 kV,20004 & 33 kV, 20004 GIS breaker including CT, P'1. Disconnector, 132 kV 1250,4. Air Insulated Switchgear including C'I', CVT, Disconneotor, 132 &.33 kV Surge Arrester, 132 kV 1x800 mm'?XLPE Cu Cable, 33 kV 1x800 mm'zXLPE Cu Cable and 11 KV 1x500 mm'zXLPE, Cu Cables, 132 kV & 33 kV Plug in CIS End Termination, 132 kV,33 kV & I I kV Indoor/outdoor Cable Accessories and 1 1 kV 2500A Air Insulated Srvitchgear shall be submitted fiom any Testing Laboratory which is mcmber of STL. othenvise the bid rvill be rejected. Insert the below quoted paragraph after the last line "The type test repofts of higher capacity and/or higher voltage class for above mentioned equipment and cable shall also be acceptable for evaluation purpose only. However the prospective bidders shall have to confirm with a commitment letter with the technical proposal to conduct complete type test excluding destructive test as per latest version ofIEC standard from any Testing Laboratory which is amember of STL, on offered type equipment and cable which will be selected by DPDC nominated engineers at random prior to PSI, if any. All costs related to these tests shall be borne by the contractor", 5 K W U ;"9- sl. Stated in the Bid Document Reference Amendment No. 36 Volume 3 of 3, 9. (D Schedule I, Drawings and Documents to be submitted with Tender 80/120 (iD Test Report on 132133 kV, MYA Power Transformer Test Report on 33/11 kV, 28/35 MVA Power Transformer TYPE TESTS a) Temperature Rise Test Delete quoted item from existing Type Tests of item 9. (i), & (ii) "c) Noise level Test d) Vacuum Test". lnsert the quoted item at the end of Routine Tests of item 9. (D, & (ii) "j) Noise level Test f,l Vacuum Test". b) Lightning Impulse Test c) Noise level Test d) Vacuum Test ROUTINE TESTS a) Measurement of insulation resistance. b) Measurement of Voltage ratio test. c) Measurement of winding resistance at Each Tap position. d) Vector group test. e) Measurement of current. 0 Measurement no-load loss & of short circuit impedance and load loss. g) Induced over voltage test h) 5l Volume-3 of 3, Schedule-B: Price Schedules Schedule No. Power frequency (Separate source voltage) withstands test. i) Transformer oil test. 33 KV Circuits: Control, Protection, metering and SAS Insert the quantity "l Lot" for all 7 nos. Substations. for 33 KV GIS. Bl, B2, B4 38 39 Volurne-3 of 3, E. Schedule-B: Price Schedules Schedule No. 84 Installation and Other Services GIS & 1I KVAIS SUBSTATION 3. Civil Works, Control Building and Page 92 control building: MOTIJHEEL 132 KV GIS,33 KV by "xiv) Complete civil works for six storied control Foundation & office building xiv) Complete civil works for six storied I Lot Volume-3 o1 3, Manufacturer's Name Schedule-E Alstom (France/UK), ABB TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT AND GUARANTEE (Switzerland/Sweden), GE (Canada) and Siemens (Germany) SCHEDULE, (Each floor area from First floor to fifth floor is 933 Sqm, gnd floor area is 753 Sqm and basement for cable is 264 Sqm. These areas are approximate areas) : I Lot" Replace the quoted item "Alstom (France/UK). ABB (Switzerland/Su,eden), GE (Canada) and Siemens (Germany)" by "Alstom (France/UK). ABB, (Si.vitzerland/Sr.veden), GE (Canada), Siemens (Gelmany) and Schneider Electric l32KVPROTECTION, (France/UK)" Iten.r 1.1, 1.2, 1.5. 1.6. Replace the quoted item "xiv) Complete civil works for six storied control building: 1 Lot" 1.7,1.8&t.9 and 33 KV PROTECTION Sl. No. 1.7,23&33 Page 6-52 to 6-59 40 Volume-3 of 3, Schedule-E TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT AND GI]ARANTEE SCHEDULE SUBSTATION AUTOMATION SYSTEM Must be from Alstom (France/UK), ABB (Switzerland/Sweden), GE (Canada) and Siemens (Germany) Replace the quoted item "Must be from Alstom (France/UK). ABB (Srvitzerland/Srveden). GE, (Canada) and Siemens (Germany) by "Must be fiom Alstom (France/UK)" ABB (Sr.vitzerland/Srveden), GE (Canada) and Siemens (Germany) and Schneider Electric Page 6-60 (Flance/UI()". ,tr bLr) t\ C'n 4,M d-- 7 Annexure-1 Single line drawing of Madanganj 132133 kV S/S /f .f'9- "",3 -rl :-t - r-.l-il * 'BxrLlt 's/r-'-1r 1 lirg 1d f4t it ,,d 'E Ll. :j: t? ;i': i6 i = r TT-"] I r"? E14 iI Hit " " -l I rrl Irr r--l +-i $ii !a ili I ra S -tr -':-.. E: I *ri c iI E i ll -L) ..-: ! ,1. i 1- :iq n'it 'i iE L ;{', .\ __T_1 wi*E T ,+{ tiI >1dl ila1 -t <l 't .E ;iI i_J t- *P i-E \.r / a\ 2 ' .-.j \l EE :; $ :fi s* !. 1 tfi ;T r"! i /\ T .-- ti -u0 .r\ vt ---l '+. ---r rt I T ii iq* .a ! ; ;i i,lg .I::: .F. ifE;l'll. ll f TT I T l" - - " 'l , I t-it olilr-!t ':t411-r{ ,t A .i,D_ ,it l"u^ul {5 qi + ti 1 Annexure-Z Single line drawing of Hasnab ad 132133 kV S/S /r u .r,gL__ I ri I +r I t I n ! "t cI a J il c !f, a a a - .J 3 I I i c n g & l_' E n 5' fit d o i c d c E Sil na 'l E c rJ 7) f, i, = = ?- e I l t( I I f. I l I tlI ? m c 3. f, P "ui il f o a ii tu 6 : o ri L (] l{ 3 t I ! { ! 4 € ;a c 3 6 o 3 o \ a< D{ I o a U c ,dt r !t * F F t e r,i ?E] i/ 9_ t t: t, a. fi Fl x + i'l ri + 1 &IJ tr rp +<: n ,-.|. :,t " i l t u Z 1 ? o o 5*t( a f'r = L- i B 6 c r.j ;ii. 1L ) :.i, d '! ; tr ll n a t 3 R a ;, i!" o l f, rJ a g, r) ft ft 4,1 :, I il :o : ) :L] I o sr 3 3 tr .t = I rtrt oi il1 4i a( rl :l{l s! ol t 9l 5, at= ll Q q { Yt,u,-5rd ts rJ!d.._ H;r:J , I --t \ d' ,- / 1 s Fr-IJ ,+ I il = E I HyAt'lirllrl xfllr)ii)'-1 t. Ii.'--r .l-1r)f,r'1 o-l <r , rFl{'ii-.1Ucq,u1 -,--, | \'--'-,/ , = ll iil ] I a I l & ,, ; si cl a: o j d ;tl 5l g D 0 E & s : c 3 I { a) U wu :: \ .r kay\A\t l\. Hqi c I ' o ui \:r q 6 6 <: = X+FT\* 'l l. e ; a :. n K,iLL?,AN.}I]R $ llHHtl ',,11 Ni h ',$..! 4 r-__l "'i $ lr r xill-r* \':r . i, 8,,Q d-- 1"0 t' I 1il.fr rl) lt: "-; :iF'' I r! *,'" I ilp iu: lrq l.l lFi ::l I i> I t- , 1- ln=, l-++ trl I iJ I ./'| I( \ F,tl' l1T ll' ' -;r+l 'itl --l{t Il_.*1, 'l rll -:- - ll' ---E) I !r' Ere --"1 -r;-(r :,ri : f -t:,\ r*' --m*rg- 11. ,,? u I'B U CT\ 1W /- 3 ? n :i tf a) 'Fi :d .;- T ill ri n { zE] b a) d n 2C tt) H k il)J) L) S*e C- 12 7 7 Annexure-3 Appendix 12.A.2 COMMI.INICATION NETWORK WITH SERVICES TO BE TRANSMITTED Scope of this Bid Equipment Al (Duplicate CPU/PSU): Existing source Substation 12 x2 wire subscriber (FXS) 4x Differential protection 4x Distance Protection (G. 703) 4x101100 Base T for Ethernet switch ;B_- 13 Annexure-4 T E .Tt o o n I fa ,,' o vo -f + J tr @ m m = z -T SECTION A.A OF SUBSTATION CONTROL BUILDING k / ilLa 6#n Annexure-5 132 kv SAS architecture and 33 ut) kv &11 kv sAs architecture E,y1.4 7 {€{/* l** f llol-Stendtry ir t) .{,L 15 ':. t r\, t4.(lat ty {rp ,r ,AD U .Sr.sr- J 16 7 Es ;? @ tl.TI sI o vg 115 V!) U$ BE 9il Et :-i o =€ YO 1- eF (., NA (., ^ = t Ag YEql o-! o o x o x il oE 2J@ rNrN osos JN (,s aio; fE a; f E;E 6(,0,iof !EE ()ooio rN os E;.,. ON SE E?+ "=: a; =N;: =Ss; Ni ?3 Et: 8 gE =BBa:3i>TQ>P3 3 35ioEP fEfEsqEB qHqH"'S;l i? ()a P E; 1 I0rtr, 6=a 6 fi N o B2 :o6<o1.2 HE o !-. ID J. +o :i cL ,E= !H io ;e o o 5 tun rr eg- 17 a o .Tt 3u ;0, q6 rn 1' oo +{ (n (^ \j F r NJ ,:-l+: \j U] if, L! (_ 0 Oo z-t og 'Tlo rEi (^t -:. NCr T I -F Ln \J , tr6' Z5 mO ilq ma OE' rfl 1= ol- 0) cLO =' o. 3E ;(] 5c) o o 3 EE : x a z. C *j !.2 F :.-.: tr3 oGIA FI !-' Jq, ^ -- rC tr^ :jE -- IE TI II: r rla TI >" L7- I /- \l '-J --.I o C 17, F -.r UI Clrra -, ;-2 ilu) u A9-'18 7 U' o .Tt o vtJ ,n a O.1 .)O Uar <6 >\ Q!- i-o 'F\ n> dil mu e3 oq L, u! c) z oq -r1 E|'-o! ,- lBl I-l E]LE ^ri^- O SE -c = { rP 'rt Tl" Pt= tt: c (po c= U'O -lO m3 e- tp !, lm tl l* l+ t; lP l= l') t; li l2 u o q3 8-do. u .: o =' .tro GIA o-l O .J E 'I' dU ix .U N 89 af, o o J 3 ml 7t ilyt il cl 7. I\ rn \! I iI,E ul f,'] : /Y L) $,y 19 7 (, (}J x @ C a co o o o U' o .n 9o (,) ;e oll f :z= o ^< zla g6 MT oo od, == Z-:l a)tre ia,'H ai= JN N ;:N ;F 3E3HoH oE oYo=ri rEEE!E d=a;[; .= !q <l> lUai vo\, Z.i ><; 7l<< )-1 :r Oco ts (, o@ Jq) (f o) x- oQ 1l< cr) l(JtD Acc xo l= dd'd ; d ;SF 3q-3qSs: !<9-uY!<o (,>>o>(,>> EI d3 I!' 50, ot- tr3 3d cL G! PE ;o 6C) o o 5 lry U A,,9-- H rilJArf lg PO 'iolO =' R .? EI El 7 @ o .Tt fl9 110, i.n tn rJ nx o!) ilB i{ .") <a c}> Ql. -)u Ot: 6g z- et (., ei tD a' {O u <a (l) ar PU <o oo o) :f b't (o x =' o o o fr9 si o -! P=: Ed fO. GIA lro u !.r -tr l, do ;O Be !] aJO ]- aJ O N C) o 3 ft {,).h u 3''-W- 21. a 0 'n o vv !d 6il B3 +{ J oq z o9 'flo (r+ *d :-o z. U! \) ;\) F F :]tr :++. i.\) LL (: (.() (r8 o)o -6clQ rfl' .TI O rflo rfl= o.= O AN 6 oP o) xi r;N ^N oP i!> oP o> r.\ oS o!.1 i- T G ) N r .) o q3 n x J lu -f cLo cL clA =' l- I n < l:: !o cT U t- 5 icl a9 !- o 5 rrl l-j >a v.^rri; o t:r -, :j ct r- Zt c^1l lr El -Z -'ll= \?_/l /,-\i r\l i3)l !-/l '-f o11 \ ./r I o (l C :l !z !+ tJE -ni ,.7 z bD U &"9-22 7 23 <t N o o C) ! (! 5 G I o .c) (g .9 +O. oo tr(! ooc(g o o o o o E o .= o a6) .g o o o o oI Gl oo) otr E0 'a= .o -E oo. C6 <o ol ol -'ol trl -o (E otr _o E Gl EE 9p oo EE o o !l 0.) o- o o -) tr. ol otr E0 HE IJJ G EP o E (r, otr E0 U' =o EE o OF EE a= 3(' a= .gg o E o o (E ! o -C b)o h)0) UJ EE ip",E:g;.= Hi 6t9l ..r .iEl 9l*l;l ;E iee : sE iiL o tr o o o o o. -E iD o) EEE fu EE E0 '6= #ooo C6 E EE iDo otr E0 l,u -g oq) o a= fo E) f (g E9 U) o o c o E o o o J x o tr C tf o ol: o x uJ .= 6 :a;aE=-rlF o N o EE ;=e 8rD c! o(! 'tr= Et ots E o) o F o J its' sE+Ee Ei e,=ciE?tlgE;Ec,ErEi E c IE Ett6+i E = ij i # gE gEgiiEHHE;E ;If;*€;EE;; c) o x. N @a EE EE.E;€ \ (s o =! 6) (! I EE otr EE z EE 1' ! o Ge iDO OF o6 2 xIrJ \ rG\ -{ tr606 -!u k€ CLtr -o ao t E;QE o o:*o f,-v,c a= lrJ -l Il ;l@l .=lel oOl ol :e- EE o (E orl .9 :o" ooc(E otr (E =r =l -g .c) 6 -o oo CG 9r oo F L)l ol ol ol .o !, o cl bl 5l bl * EgE; E o o. z <l E*]tlE| HgElElEl c! ol EI hl trl .=l El .El ! 6 TE C 3r 9l al =l - gggt iEg EggE rgggiig ( Pl Elel;1€lEl,c ;ril rl Elil=l bl bl Bl Fl .= ao alcl L! fl=,Elil s A EICtg6tEt it .E €o '5o o!s OE oE .; <) +6' EgEIEIHggH;I N 7 LN N orP okoo o o E o o o r6) HE IJJ (! o. o ? g. o o pE .g <Ef 8B E o o o o E ut (, E) U' EdglEI EI;I 9*l 6i .g (, EL o Ll EE ggE ol :l >1 Ct (, E 6' ol =l 01 Jl :El 6l -l-l ol 6l at o t ?ig gieggEgggEEEg ggf,fi|HHE Nl 3l mI f -1 ol Hfl fl fl tI HAf, ;|fl fl s./ .s -r l, or9 okoo o E o e 0, d o- '6 (g uJ (, a 0) 0o o6' o .g o z F o o o *l! cal -J 6: otr -o <(, E () -l G a) .: at o o> 6ts (/)uJ ,g 6I o xq) o E o tr (, E o .= ET o ggtggggEgEEE gagBglgBfl t f,;lHgflf,;|f,gfl HgBa tr (o N n Annexure-9 section 26: Nitrogen Injection & fire protection system (NIFps) hry 27 k lr{J) SECTION-26 4.16 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM 4.16.1 General This Sub-clause covers the design and performance requirements of: Nitrogen Gas lnjection Fire Fighting for the transformer l32l33kY, 50/75MVA, ONAN/ONAF 230 I 138 t3 4.5ky,225 t300NN4, ONAN/ONAF. It is not intended to completely speciff all details of design and construction. Neverttreless, the system design and equipment shall conform in all respects to highstandard of engineering, design and workmanship and shall be capable of performing incontinuous commercial operation in a manner acceptable to the Employer. The system design shall also conform to TAC/ NFPA 70 norms. The system offered shall comply with the relevant intemational Standards, conforming toany other approved intemational standards shall meet the requirements called for in thelatest revision of relevant international Standard. Ambient temperature for design of all equipment shall be considered as 450c. The system shall be reliable without making any mal operation. Even if undesirablenitrogen gas injection is made into the transformer tank under normal transformercondition without the intemal faults, restoration of transformer by vacuum oil purificationup to re-energizing shall complete as soon as possible after the undesired gas injection. ln case of an event of the control power failure, the system shall be able to be operatedmanually. Various equipment to perform the required fire protection shall be provided under thisContract. Reference of standards is listed below. Relevant lntemational Standards other than BSstandards shall be subject to approval by the Employer: BS Standards C 857629-l BS 381 Colours for ldentification, Coding & Special purpose Specification for 300/500 V fire resistant electric cables having low emissionof smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire. 8434-1 BS 5839-1 BS Methods of test for assessment for power integrity of electric cables Code of practice system design, installation, commissioning andmaintenance for fire detection and fire alarm system for Buildings. BS EN50267-2-1 Common Test Methods for Cables Under Fire Conditions 4.16.2 Nitrogen Fire Fighting (1) Nitrogen Fire Fighting The 230l138kv/33kv transformers shall be provided with Nitrogen lnjection Fire Protection System (NIFPS). The detail description of fire protection system is givenbelow. Accordingly the Contractor has U e9-. 28 to make necessary provisiorrs in consultationwith supplier of NIFPS for satisfactory operation without affecti ng the overal lperformance of transformer. Oil filled transformer / reactor shall be provided with a dedicated Nitrogen lnjection Fire Protection System (NIFPS) for the ratings, mentioned in SLD which shall use nitrogenas fire quenching medium. The fire protective system shall preventtransformer/Reactor oil tank explosion and possible fire in case internal faults. ln the event of fire by of external causes such as bushing fire, OLTC fires, fire from surrounding equipment etc, it shall act as a fast and effective fire fighter. lt shall accomplish its roleas fire preventer and extinguisher without ernploying water and / or carbon dioxide. Fireshall be extinguished within 3 minutes (maximum) of system activation and within 3Oseconds (maximum) of commencement ofnitrogen injection. The fire protectionsystem shall have been in successful operation in for at least last three years forprotection pastsupplies of transformers of 2301138133 kV and higher voltage class. The list of in local market along with at least l0 similar tropical country successfuloperational performance certificates from users of the system shall be submitted forapproval. (2) Activation of the fire protective system Mal-functioning of fire preventioni extinguishing system could lead to interrLrption inpower supply. The bidder shall ensr:re that the probability of chances of malfunctioning of the fire protective system is practically zero. To achieve this objective, the biddershall plan out his scheme of activating signals which should not be too complicated tomake the fire protective system inoperative in case of actual need. The system shall beprovided with automatic control for fire prevention and fire extinction. Besidesautomatic control, remote electrical push button control at Control box and localmanual control in the fire extinguishing cubicle shall also be provided. The followingelectrical-signals shall be required for activating the fire protective system underprevention mode / fire extingr-iishing mode. (3) Auto Mode (a) For prevention offire: Differential relay operation Buchholz relay paralleled with pressure relief valve or RPRR (RapidPressure Rise Relay) Tripping of all circuit breakers (on HV &LV/IV side) associated with transformer /reactor is the prerequisite for activation ofsystem (b) For extinguishing fire Fire detector Buchholz relay paralleled with pressure relief valve or RPRR (Rapid Pressure Rise Relay) 29 tq - Tripping of all circuit breakers (on HV &LV/N side) associated with transformer lreactor is the prerequisite for activation of system. (4) Manual Mode (Local/ Remote) Tripping of all circuit breakers (on HV &LV TY side) associated with transformer lreactor is the prerequisite for activation ofsystem (5) Manual Mode (Mechanical) The system shall be designed to be operated manually in case of failure of powersupply to fire protection system. (6) Description Nitrogen injection fire protection system should be a dedicated system for each oilimmersed transformer lreactor.lt should have a Fire Extinguishing Cubicle (FEC)placed on a plinth at a distance of 5-10 m away from transformer / reactor or placednext to the fire wall (if fire fighting wall exists). The FEC shall be connected to the topof transformer/reactor oil tank for depressurization of tank and to the oil pit (capacity isapproximately equal to l0o/o of total volume of oil in transformer/reactor tank) from itsbottom through oil pipes. The fire extinguishing cubicle should house a pressurizednitrogen cylinder(s) which is connected to the transformer oil tank at bottom. TheTransformer Conservator lsolation Valve (TCIV) is fitted between the conservator tankand Buchholz relay. Cable connections are to be provided from signal box to thecontrol box in the control room, from control box to fire extinguishing cubicle and fromTCIV to signal box. Fire detectors placed on the top of transformer/reactor tank are tobe connected in parallel to the signal box by Fire survival cables. Control box is also tobe connected to relay panel in control room for receiving system activation signals. (7) Operation On receipt of all activating signals, the system shall drain pre-determined volume oflrot oil from the top of tank (i.e. top oil layer), through outlet valve, to reduce tankpressure simultaneously injecting nitrogen gas at highpressure for stirring the oil at pre-fixed rate and by removing top oil and thus bringing the temperature of topoil layer down. Transformer conservator isolation valve blocks the flow oil fromconservator tank in case of of tank rupture / explosion or bushing bursting. Nitrogenoccupies the oil drained out and acts as an insulating layer over oilin the tank and thus preventing aggravation offire. space created by Crn rt -is d30 7 (8) System components Nitrogen injection fire protection system shall broadly consist of the followingcomponents. However. all other components which are necessary for fast reliable andeffective working of the fire protective system sha1l deemed to be included in thescope of supply. (a) Fire Extinguishing Cubicle (FEC) The FEC shall be made of CRCA sheet of 3 mm (minimum) thick complete with the baseframe, painted inside and outside with post office red colour (shade to be ldentification, Coding and Special Purposes). lt in line with BS:381 C: 1988 - Colors for shall havehugged split doors fitted with high quality tamper proof lock. The degree of protectionshallbe IP55. The following items shall be provided in the FEC. Nitrogen gas cylinder with regulator and falling pressure electrical contact manometer. Oil drain pipe with mechanical quick drain valve. Electro mechanical control equipment for draining of oil of pre-determined volume andinjecting regulated volume of nitrogen gas Pressure monitoring switch for back-up protection for nitrogen release Limit switches for monitoring of the system Butterfly valve with flanges on the top of panel for connecting oil drain pipe andnitrogen injection pipes for transformer/reactors Panel lighting (CFL Type) Oil drain pipe extension of suitable sizes for connecting pipes to oil pit. Space heater Others if necessary (b) Control box Control box is to be placed in the control room for monitoring system operation, automatic control and remote operation. The following alarms, indications, switches, pushbuttons, audio signal etc. shall be provided. - System on - TCIV open - Oildrain valve closed - Gas inlet valve closed - TCIV closed* - Fire detector trip * - Buchholz relay trip - Oil drain valve open+ - Extinction in progress* - Cylinder pressure low * .,aE t - Differential relay trip 31 K - PRV / RPRR trip - Transformer/reactor trip - System out ofservice * - Fault in cable connecting fault fire detector - Fault in cable connecting differential relay - Fault in cable connecting Buchholz relay - Fault in cable connecting PRV / RPRR - Fault in cable connecting transformer /reactor trip - Fault in cable connecting TCIV - Auto/ Manual/ Off - Extinction release on / off - Lamp test - Visual/ Audio alarm* - Visual/ Audio alarm for DC supply fail * - Space heater - Others if necessary * Suitable provision shall be made in the control box, for monitoring of the systemfrom remote substation using the substation automation system. (c) Transformer Conservator Isolation Valve Transformer conservator isolation valve (TCIV) to be fitted in the conservator pipe line, betrveen conservator and buchholz relay which shall operate for isolating the conservatorduring abnormal flow oil due to rupture / explosion of tank or bursting of bushing. The valve shall not isolate of conseryator during normal flow of oil during filtration or filling orrefilling, locking plates to be provided with handle for pad locking. lt shall have proximity switch for remote alarm, indication with visual position indicator. (d) Fire Detectors Tlre system shall be complete with adequate number of fire detectors (quartz bulb) fittedon the top cover of the transformer / reactor oil tank. (e) SignalBox It shall be mounted away from transformer I reactor main tank, preferably near thetransformer marshalling box, for terminating cable connections from TCIV & firedetectors and for further connection to the control box. The degree ofprotection shall be IP55. ,{n 4,rg_-_ 32 (f) Cables Fire survival cables (capable to withstand 750" C.) of 4 core x 1.5 sq. mm size forconnection of fire detectors in parallel shall be used. The fire survival cable shall conformto BS7629-1, BS 8434-l and BS 5839-1, BS EN 5026'7-2-1or relevant international standards. Fire Retardant LowSmoke (FRLS) cable signal box / of l2core x 1.5 sq. mm size shall be used forconnection of marshalling box near transformer/reactor and FEC mountednear transformer/reactor with control box mounted in control room. Fire Retardant LowSmoke (FRLS) cable of 4 core x 1.5 sq. mm size shall be used forconnection between control box to DC and AC supply source, fire extinguishing cubicle to AC supply source, signal box/ marshalling box to transformer conservator isolation valveconnection on transformer/reactor. (g) Pipes Pipes complete with connections, flanges, bends and tees etc. shall be supplied alongwith the system. (9) Other items (a) Oil drain and nitrogen injection openings with gate valves on transforrner / reactor tank at suitable locations. (b) Flanges with dumrny piece in conservator pipe between Buchholz relay and conseruatortank for fixing TCIV. (c) Fire detector brackets on transformer / reactor tank top cover. (d) Spare potential free contacts for activating the system i.e. in differential relay, Buchholzrelay, Pressure Relief Device / RPRR, circuit Breaker of transformer/reactor (e) Pipe connections between transformer / reactor and FEC and between FEC and oil pitrequired for collecting top oil. (0 Cabling for fire detectors mounted on transformer /reactor top cover (g) lnter cabling between signal box, control box and Fire Extinguishing Cubicle (FEC)" (h) Butterfly valves /Gate valves on oil drain pipe and nitrogen injection pipe which shouldbe able to withstand fullvacuum. (i) (1 Supports, signal box etc. which are to be painted with enameled paint. 0) Technical Particulars Fire extinction period from commencement of nitrogen injection : 30 s. (max.) Total duration from activation of fire protection system to complete cooling ny : 30 minutes (Max.) 33 -\- temperature Heat sensing area per detector Transformer Conservator isolation valve setting Fire detector's heat sensing : 14loC : Up to a radius of 900 mrr : 60 liter/ min (minimum)mm Capacity of nitrogen cylinder hold10 m3 (minimum) gas at pressure : of 150 kg/cm2 68 liter (maximum) watercapacity and sha1l Power Supply For control box : 110 V DC For fire extinguishing cubicle for lighting : 240 V AC (11) Mandatory Spare Parts Cylinder filled with Nitroger-r of required capacity per Substation Fire detectors per transformer Regulator assembly per : 1 No. : 3 Nos. substation : 1 No. (12) Tests Reports of all test conducted at independent laboratories as per specification in respect of thesystem including test repofts for degree of protection for FEC shall be submitted for approval. The manufacturer shall have Live Fire Demo Facility and shall have TCIV testing facility attheir works. The supplier shall demonstrate the functionaltest associated with the following: - Fire Extinguishing Cubicle, Control Box. - Fire Detector. - Transformer Conservator lsolation Valve The performance test of the complete system shall be carried out after erection transformer at site. Detailed layout drawings, equipment drawing along with 4 of the systemwith sets ofOperation and maintenance manual along with soft copies (in CDs) shall be submitted by theContractor along with the consigrrment. ,1.16.3 Fire Wall The fire wall having suitable height shall be installed between transformers to prevent thehealth transformer from the spread fire. The wall shall be constructed by the reinforcedconcrete. ()^ r- o,/tr) 34 DHAKA POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD. Lot-l: Design, Manufacture, Supply,Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 7 nos. 132133 new kV GIS Sub-stations at Char Sayedpur, Fatulla, Jigatola, Kazla, Motijheel, New Ramna and Postogolaon Turnkey basis. [Invitation for B id No. DPDC/PSEEIIP/AFD I 20 I 5 I 39, Date : 06/0 8i20 I 5] Clarification No.1 Memo No.: DPDC/PSEEIIP/AFD|}}L11 sl. 166 Date:Oilll12015. Section/Clause Queries of Prospective Bidders Schedule'E Technical Requirement and Guarantee Schedule to be filled up by the 132kV Gas Insulated Switchgear: Employers Requirements of max. Break time for circuit breaker of GIS is 30ms. Please replace 30ms by 65ms The Break time is not specifically stipulated in IEC standard for circuit breaker. (refer to IEC 62271-100: High voltage AC switchgears and circuit breakers) Reply of DPDC No. 1 Bidder ., 3 4 Drawing Drawing Please provide single line diagram and layout Please refer to drawings for Madanganj l32kv S/S Addendum no.1, Sl. No.2 Please provide single line diagram and layout Please refer to drawings for Hasnabad 132kV S/S Addendum no.l, We have just find the drawing l Drawing Please refer to Addendum no.1, Sl.No.1. lkV switchgear of New Ramma substation but other substations do not have the drawings for l lkV switchgear in Employers S1. No.3 The drawing of New Ramna Substation is given as an indicative drawing which can be consider for all other proposed Requirements substations as a biddir-rg purpose only. You are requested to follow the GTP and price schedule. 5 Schedule Bl Page # Schedule B-99 1lkV Switchgear with relay & control panel: In Schedule 81, page # schedule B -99,there are Provided drawing is 3 Incoming panels for New Ramma substation but according to drawing, there are 2 panels. Jigatola substation also is similar. So will we make quotation base on your BM or drawing? Which one is more exactly? ilt\ D {rg__ indicative drawing for bidding purpose only. You are requested to follow the GTP and price schedule.