CIRF Circuit Intégré Radio Fréquence CIRF Circuit Intégré Radio Fréquence Lecture I Lecture I •Introduction •Baseband Pulse Transmission •Digital Passband Transmission •Circuit Non-idealities Effect •Introduction •Baseband Pulse Transmission •Digital Passband Transmission •Circuit Non-idealities Effect Hassan Aboushady Université Paris VI M.H. Perrott Hassan Aboushady Université Paris VI MIT OCW M.H. Perrott MIT OCW 1 M.H. Perrott MIT OCW M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Multidisciplinarity of radio design M.H. Perrott MIT OCW H. Aboushady University of Paris VI 2 References CIRF Circuit Intégré Radio Fréquence • S. Haykin, “Communication Systems”, Wiley 1994. • B. Razavi, “RF Microelectronics”, Prentice Hall, 1997. • M. Perrott, “High Speed Communication Circuits and Systems”, M.I.T.OpenCourseWare,, Lecture I Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003. • D. Yee, “ A Design methodology for highly-integrated low-power receivers for wireless communications”,, Ph.D. University of California at berkeley, 2001. •Introduction •Baseband Pulse Transmission •Digital Passband Transmission •Circuit Non-idealities Effect Hassan Aboushady University of Paris VI H. Aboushady University of Paris VI Digital Baseband Transmission Matched Filter Linear Receiver Model Major sources of errors in the detection of transmitted digital data: ISI : InterSymbol Interference The result of data transmission over a non-ideal channel is that each received pulse is affected by adjacent pulses. • g(t) : transmitted pulse signal, binary symbol ‘1’ or ‘0’. • w(t) : channel noise, sample function of a white noise process of zero mean and power spectral density N0/2. x(t ) = g (t ) + w(t ) , 0 ≤ t ≤ T Channel Noise y (t ) = g 0 (t ) + n(t ) • Filter Requirements, h(t) : • Make the instantaneous power in the output signal g0(t) , measured at time t=T, as large as possible compared with the average power of the output noise, n(t). Detecting a pulse transmitted over a channel that is corrupted by additive noise. H. Aboushady h (t ) University of Paris VI H. Aboushady University of Paris VI 3 Matched Filter for Rectangular Pulse x(t) hopt (t ) = k g (T − t ) h(t) for a rectangular Pulse: h(t) = g(T-t) g(-t) g(t) T Error Rate due to Noise t T t T t Filter Output g(t)*h(t): 0 ≤ t ≤ Tb , the received signal: In the interval + A + w(t ) , symbol '1' was sent x (t ) = − A + w(t ) , symbol '0' was sent Tb is the bit duration, A is the transmitted pulse amplitude g(t) • The receiver has prior knowledge of the pulse shape but not its polarity. • There are two possible kinds of error to be considered: (1) Symbol ‘1’ is chosen when a ‘0’ was transmitted. (2) Symbol ‘0’ is chosen when a ‘1’ was transmitted. Implementation: H. Aboushady University of Paris VI PDF: Probability Density Function • Gaussian Distribution: University of Paris VI BER in a PCM receiver Normalized PDF µY= 0 and σY=1 ( y − µY ) 2 1 exp − fY ( y ) = 2σ Y2 σ Y 2π H. Aboushady Pe = p0 Pe 0 + p1 Pe1 Pe 0 = Pe1 p0 = p1 = • Symbol ‘0’ was sent: µY = − A , σ Y2 = Pe 0 = P ( y > λ symbol '0' was sent) N0 2Tb Pe = Pe 0 = Pe1 ∞ = ∫ Pe = fY ( y 0) dy λ • Symbol ‘1’ was sent: µY = + A , σ Y2 = Pe 0 = P ( y < λ symbol '1' was sent) 1 2 Eb 1 erfc N0 2 N0 2Tb λ = H. Aboushady ∫ −∞ f Y ( y 1) dy University of Paris VI H. Aboushady University of Paris VI 4 Why Modulation? CIRF Circuit Intégré Radio Fréquence • In wired systems, coaxial lines exhibit superior shielding at higher frequencies • In wireless systems, the antenna size should be a Lecture I significant fraction of the wavelength to achieve a reasonable gain. •Introduction •Baseband Pulse Transmission •Digital Bandpass Transmission •Circuit Non-idealities Effect • Communication must occur in a certain part of the spectrum because of FCC regulations. • Modulation allows simpler detection at the receive end in the presence of non-idealities in the communication channel. Hassan Aboushady Université Paris VI H. Aboushady Message Source Transmitter • mi : one symbol every T seconds • Symbols belong to an alphabet of M symbols: m1, m2, …, mM • Message output probability: • Signal Transmission Encoder: produces a vector si made up of N real elements, where N ≤ M . • Modulator: constructs a distinct signal si(t) representing mi of duration T . P ( m1 ) = P ( m2 ) = ... = P ( mM ) pi 1 = P (mi ) = M T • Energy of si(t) : Ei = ∫ s (t ) 2 i dt , i = 1, 2, ..., M 0 • si(t) is real valued and transmitted every T seconds. • Example: Quaternary PCM, 4 symbols: 00, 01, 10, 11 H. Aboushady University of Paris VI University of Paris VI H. Aboushady University of Paris VI 5 Examples of Transmitted signals: si(t) Communication Channel • The modulator performs a step change in the amplitude, phase or frequency of the sinusoidal carrier • ASK: Amplitude Shift Keying • Two Assumptions: •The channel is linear (no distortion). • si(t) is perturbed by an Additive, zero-mean, stationnary, White, Gaussian Noise process (AWGN). • PSK: Phase Shift Keying • Received signal x(t) : 0≤t ≤T x (t ) = si (t ) + w(t ), i = 1, 2,..., M • FSK: Frequency Shift Keying Special case: Symbol Duration T = Bit Duration, Tb H. Aboushady University of Paris VI Receiver H. Aboushady University of Paris VI Coherent and Non-Coherent Detection •TASK: observe received signal, x(t), for a duration T and make a best estimate of transmitted symbol, mi . •Detector: produces observation vector x . •Signal Transmission Decoder: estimates m̂ using x, the modulation format and P(mi) . • The requirement is to design a receiver so as to minimize the average probability of symbol error: Pe = • Coherent Detection: - The receiver is time synchronized with the transmitter. - The receiver knows the instants of time when the modulator changes state. - The receiver is phase-locked to the transmitter. • Non-Coherent Detection: - No phase synchronism between transmitter and receiver. M ∑ P(mˆ ≠ m )P(m ) i i i =1 H. Aboushady University of Paris VI H. Aboushady University of Paris VI 6 Coherent Binary PSK: • M=2, N=1 s1 (t ) = 0 ≤ t ≤ Tb Generation and Detection of Coherent Binary PSK 2 Eb cos( 2πf c t ) Tb s2 (t ) = 2 Eb cos( 2πf c t + π ) Tb • To ensure that each transmitted bit contains an integral number of cycles of the carrier wave, fc =nc/Tb, for some fixed integer nc. • One basis function: φ1 (t ) = • Assuming white Gaussian Noise with PSD = N0/2 , The Bit Error Rate for coherent binary PSK is: Pe = Eb 1 erfc N0 2 Binary PSK Transmitter 2 cos( 2πf ct ) , 0 ≤ t ≤ Tb Tb • Signal constellation consists of two message points: Tb Coherent Binary PSK Receiver ∫ s11 = s1 (t ) φ1 (t ) dt = Eb 0 Tb ∫ s21 = s2 (t ) φ1 (t ) dt = − Eb 0 H. Aboushady University of Paris VI Coherent QPSK: • M=4, N=2: H. Aboushady Constellation Diagram of Coherent QPSK System • Assuming AWGN with PSD = N0/2 , The Bit Error Rate for coherent QPSK is: 2E π cos 2πf ct + (2i − 1) , 0 ≤ t ≤ T si (t ) = T 4 0 , elsewhere π 2E s1 (t ) = cos( 2π f ct + ) T 4 π 2E s 2 (t ) = cos( 2π f c t + 3 ) T 4 π 2E s3 (t ) = cos( 2π f ct + 5 ) T 4 π 2E s 4 (t ) = cos( 2π f c t + 7 ) T 4 2 cos( 2π f ct ) , 0 ≤ t ≤ T T 2 φ2 (t ) = sin( 2π f c t ) , 0 ≤ t ≤ T T University of Paris VI Pe = E/2 1 erfc N0 2 with E = 2 Eb Pe = • Two basis function: φ1 (t ) = H. Aboushady University of Paris VI Eb 1 erfc N0 2 Identical to BPSK H. Aboushady University of Paris VI 7 QPSK waveform: 01101000 Generation and Detection of Coherent QPSK Signals QPSK Transmitter Coherent QPSK Receiver H. Aboushady University of Paris VI H. Aboushady University of Paris VI Power Spectra of BPSK ,QPSK and M-ary PSK • Power Spectral Density of an M-ary PSK signal: 8-PSK S B ( f ) = 2 E sinc 2 (Tf ) = 2 Eb log 2 M sinc 2 (Tb f log 2 M ) S B ( f ) = 4 Eb sinc 2 ( 2Tb f ) BPSK Lecture I •Introduction •Baseband Pulse Transmission •Digital Passband Transmission •Circuit Non-idealities Effect S B ( f ) = 6 Eb sinc 2 (3Tb f ) QPSK H. Aboushady CIRF Circuit Intégré Radio Fréquence T = Tb log 2 M • Symbol Duration: S B ( f ) = 2 Eb sinc 2 (Tb f ) Hassan Aboushady Université Paris VI University of Paris VI 8 QPSK Receiver φ1 (t ) = Receiver Circuit Non-Idealities 2 cos( 2π f c t ) T Threshold = 0 T T Circuit Noise (Thermal, 1/f) Decision Device ∫ dt path I Gain Mismatch 0 011011 Binary Data Multiplexer Phase Mismatch antenna path Q T DC Offset Decision Device ∫ dt 0 Frequency Offset T φ1 (t ) = 2 sin(2π f c t ) T Threshold = 0 Local Oscillator phase noise 01 Q 11 I QPSK Constellation Diagram 00 H. Aboushady 10 University of Paris VI Circuit Noise H. Aboushady University of Paris VI Gain Mismatch Q A(1+α/2) Circuit Noise: • Thermal Noise • Resistors • Transistors I A(1-α/2) 2 Q 1.5 • Flicker (1/f) Noise • MOS transistors 1 0.5 I 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2 H. Aboushady University of Paris VI H. Aboushady -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 University of Paris VI 9 Phase Mismatch DC Offset offset I Q 2 offset Q 2 Q 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 I 0 I 0 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 -1.5 -1.5 -2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 H. Aboushady 1.5 2 -2 -2 University of Paris VI Frequency Offset H. Aboushady -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 University of Paris VI Local Oscillator Phase Noise 2 Q 1.5 1 0.5 I 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2 H. Aboushady -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 University of Paris VI H. Aboushady University of Paris VI 10 Reciprocal Mixing CIRF Circuit Intégré Radio Fréquence Lecture II •Introduction •Negative Resistance Oscillators •Integrated Passive Components •Phase Noise in Local Oscillators Hassan Aboushady University of Paris VI H. Aboushady University of Paris VI References CIRF Circuit Intégré Radio Fréquence • M. Perrott, “High Speed Communication Circuits and Systems”, M.I.T. OpenCourseWare,, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003. Lecture II • T. Lee, “The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits”, Cambridge University Press, 2004. •Introduction •Negative Resistance Oscillators •Integrated Passive Components •Phase Noise in Local Oscillators • B. Razavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, Mc Graw-Hill, 2001. Hassan Aboushady University of Paris VI H. Aboushady University of Paris VI 11 QPSK Receiver φ1 (t ) = 2 cos( 2π f c t ) T Threshold = 0 T T Decision Device ∫ dt path I 0 011011 Binary Data Multiplexer antenna path Q T Decision Device ∫ dt 0 T φ2 (t ) = 2 sin(2π f c t ) T Threshold = 0 01 Q 11 I QPSK Constellation Diagram 00 H. Aboushady 10 University of Paris VI 12 CIRF Circuit Intégré Radio Fréquence Lecture II •Introduction •Negative Resistance Oscillators •Integrated Passive Components •Phase Noise in Local Oscillators Hassan Aboushady University of Paris VI 13 14 15 16 17 CIRF Circuit Intégré Radio Fréquence Lecture II •Introduction •Negative Resistance Oscillators •Integrated Passive Components •Phase Noise in Local Oscillators Hassan Aboushady University of Paris VI 18 19 Vertical Metal Capacitors H. Aboushady Lateral Metal Capacitors University of Paris VI Vertical Mesh Metal Capacitors K.T. Christensen,”Low Power RF Filtering for CMOS Transceivers”, Ph.D. Denmark Technical University, 2001, H. Aboushady University of Paris VI 20 21 CIRF Circuit Intégré Radio Fréquence s Lecture II •Introduction •Negative Resistance Oscillators •Integrated Passive Components •Phase Noise in Local Oscillators Hassan Aboushady University of Paris VI 22 QPSK Receiver φ1 (t ) = Local Oscillator Phase Noise 2 cos( 2π f c t ) T Threshold = 0 T T Decision Device ∫ dt path I 0 011011 Binary Data Multiplexer antenna path Q T Decision Device ∫ dt 0 T φ2 (t ) = 2 sin(2π f c t ) T Threshold = 0 01 Q 11 I QPSK Constellation Diagram 00 H. Aboushady 10 University of Paris VI Reciprocal Mixing H. Aboushady H. Aboushady University of Paris VI Phase Noise in Oscillators University of Paris VI H. Aboushady University of Paris VI 23 24 25 26 27 28