1598 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 48, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 Switched-Capacitor-Cell-Based Voltage Multipliers and DC–AC Inverters Ke Zou, Student Member, IEEE, Mark J. Scott, Student Member, IEEE, and Jin Wang, Member, IEEE Abstract—In this paper, several modular converter topologies based on a switched-capacitor-cell concept are introduced for high-power applications. Two types of switched-capacitor cells, including the full cell and the half-cell, are discussed. The full cell can be used for dc–ac inversion, and the half-cell is utilized in both dc–dc and dc–ac applications. A rotational charging scheme is adopted for the half-cell-based dc–dc voltage multiplier to eliminate the large output capacitor that exists in many traditional switched-capacitor topologies. A soft-switching scheme, which does not require extra components, is adopted to reduce the switching loss and electromagnetic interference. A variable switching frequency control scheme is proposed to realize soft switching for dc–ac inverters. The experimental results on a 2-kW prototype are presented to verify the proposed topologies. Index Terms—Soft switching, switched-capacitor converters, variable frequency control. I. I NTRODUCTION S WITCHED-CAPACITOR converters contain only capacitors and switching devices. The absence of magnetic components helps to shrink the system volume and cost. For this reason, they have been extensively used in low-power applications. Various topologies and control methods have been proposed and applied [1]–[5]. However, many classical switched-capacitor topologies, such as the traditional chargepump circuit, require either large voltage stress on components or huge input/output capacitors. Moreover, the traditionally uncontrolled capacitor charging current generates large current stress on semiconductor switches, reduces the efficiency of the converter, and introduces a large amount of EMI noise, which makes most classical switched-capacitor topologies and control methods unsuitable for higher power applications. Several topologies have been developed in recent years to solve the aforementioned problems. For dc–dc conversion, a switched-capacitor dc–dc converter based on the generalized multilevel converter topology was presented in [6]. The 1-kW prototype introduced in this paper can realize bidirectional power conversion between a 42-V battery and 14-V or 42-V Manuscript received June 18, 2011; revised November 9, 2011; accepted February 9, 2012. Date of publication July 19, 2012; date of current version September 14, 2012. Paper 2011-IPCC-357.R1, presented at the 2011 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Fort Worth, TX, March 6–11, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Industrial Power Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Project 1054479. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 USA (e-mail: zou.35@buckeyemail.osu.edu; scott.585@osu.edu; wang@ece.osu.edu). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2012.2209620 loads. In [7], a 3X (i.e., the output voltage is three times of the input voltage) dc–dc multiplier/divider was proposed, and a 55-kW prototype for hybrid electric vehicles was built. In [8], a multilevel modular capacitor-clamped dc–dc converter (MMCCC) topology was proposed with many benefits, including its modular structure, low current, and voltage stress of the switches and its bidirectional operation capability. However, the aforementioned topologies all require a large number of capacitors, which can significantly increase the physical size and the cost of the converter. Moreover, normally, only one fixed output voltage can be achieved for these topologies. Although special control methods [7] can be adopted to realize several output voltages, the controller complexity will be increased, and the time response of the output voltage will be affected. Charging current regulation is important for improving the efficiency of switched-capacitor converters. Several methods have been proposed to regulate the charging current by using soft-switching methods. In [9]–[11], the quasi-resonant switched-capacitor converters are investigated, where an extra inductor is added to form an oscillation loop with the capacitors to achieve soft switching. In [12], a soft-switching scheme that does not require extra inductive components is proposed. Since the charging current can be controlled by using soft-switching methods, both the conduction loss and switching loss can be largely reduced. This soft-switching method has been successfully applied to the MMCCC switched-capacitor topology [13]. Peak efficiency of over 97% for a 630-W prototype has been reported by further adopting an interleaving scheme [14]. For the dc–ac inversion, in [15], a Marx inverter was proposed, which is based on the Marx generator concept in highvoltage engineering. A Marx cell structure was generalized from the Marx generator. By connecting several Marx cells in series, multiple output voltage levels can be achieved. A similar structure with the benefits of common input and output grounds was presented in [16]. The benefits of Marx-cell-based inverters include its multiple output voltage capability, the small number of required capacitors, and its equal voltage stress on the switches and capacitors. In [17] and [18], two other topologies are provided that can realize multiple output voltage and can be used for dc/ac inversion. However, since the capacitor charging time in an inverter changes from cycle to cycle, the softswitching method aforementioned cannot be utilized. Therefore, the capacitor charging current in a switched-capacitor inverter has an extremely large peak value, which generates large power losses as well as electromagnetic interference (EMI). To solve the aforementioned problems, this paper extends the Marx cell concept and proposes two different cell structures— the half-cell and the full cell. It can be seen that the Marx cell 0093-9994/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE ZOU et al.: SWITCHED-CAPACITOR-CELL-BASED VOLTAGE MULTIPLIERS AND DC–AC INVERTERS Fig. 1. Structure of switched-capacitor cells. (a) Full cell. (b) Half-cell. (c) Series connection of switched-capacitor cells. is equivalent to the half-cell. The half-cell-based dc–dc multiplier adopts a rotational charging scheme and a soft-switching scheme. As a result, the large output capacitor can be eliminated, and the efficiency can be increased. For dc–ac conversion, both the half-cell-based and the full-cell-based inverters are presented. To realize soft switching over the entire operation range of the inverter and reduce the peak charging current, a variable switching frequency control scheme is proposed. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. in Section II, the proposed half-cell and full-cell topologies are introduced. The half-cell-based dc–dc multiplier, including its structure and control scheme, is presented in Section III. Section IV shows the half-cell-based and full-cell-based dc–ac inverter topologies. The multicarrier pulsewidth modulation (PWM) control method and the variable frequency control method are also presented. Finally, the experimental results on a 2-kW modular converter prototype are presented in Section V. II. BASIC S WITCHING C ELLS A. Cell Structure The full switched-capacitor cell is shown in Fig. 1(a). It is a four-port system consisting of four switches and one capacitor. The half-cell (Marx cell) is shown in Fig. 1(b), with only three switches and one capacitor. The final converter is a series connection of these cells, as shown in Fig. 1(c). Each cell is charged by the cell of the previous stage and discharges to the cell of the next stage. Here, the voltage source is placed before the first cell, whereas an alternative method is to put the voltage source in the middle of the series so that the current stress of central cells can be reduced. Fig. 2 shows the switching states of one full cell. In this figure, C1 is the capacitor from the previous stage and has a voltage of VC . Port 2 is assumed to have a voltage potential of V2 . Among the four switches in Fig. 2(a), S1 and S2 form one group and are switched together. S3 and S4 are independent switches and cannot be turned on along with any other switches. As a result, there are three switching states. i) S1 and S2 are on [see Fig. 2(b)]. The two capacitors are connected in parallel. Port 4 has the same potential as port 2. The potential of ports 1 and 3 is V2 + VC . 1599 Fig. 2. Operation states of a full cell. (a) Full switched-capacitor cell. (b) State I. (c) State II. (d) State III. ii) S3 is on [see Fig. 2(c)]. Ports 1 and 4 have the potential of V2 + VC , and port 3 has a potential of V2 + 2VC . iii) S4 is on [see Fig. 2(d)]. Port 3 has a potential of V2 . The potentials of ports 1 and 4 are V2 + VC and V2 − VC , respectively. In switching state I, two capacitors are connected in parallel, and the one with higher voltage charges the other. In states II and III, the two capacitors are connected in series; therefore, various voltage levels can be achieved. For one single full switching cell, there are three achievable voltage levels for port 4: V2 , V2 + VC , and V2 − VC . Port 3 also has three achievable voltage levels: V2 , V2 + VC , and V2 + 2VC . By connecting N switching cells in series, there are 2N + 1 achievable levels between port 3 or port 4 of the last stage and port 2 of the first stage. If port 2 of the first stage has zero voltage potential, then for port 4 of the last stage, the achievable voltage levels are i × VC , where i is an integer between −N and N . Since both positive and negative voltage levels can be generated in a symmetric manner, the full switched-capacitor cell is suitable for dc–ac inverting applications. For the half switched-capacitor cell, there are only two switching states: State I, where S1 and S2 are on, and state II, where S3 is on (see Fig. 2(b) and (c), respectively). The number of achievable voltage levels for port 3 or port 4 in a converter with N stages of half switched-capacitor cell is N + 1. If port 2 of the first stage has zero voltage potential, then for port 3 of the last stage, the achievable voltage levels are (i + 1) × VC , where i is an integer between 0 and N . The dc–dc voltage multiplier can be realized by connecting the load to port 2 of the first stage and port 3 of the last stage. For the half-cell, negative voltage can also be achieved by connecting the previous stage between ports 3 and 4. This way, the dc–ac inverting operation can be achieved by employing half-cells, which is the Marx inverter topology presented in [15]. B. Component Selection of Proposed Cells For a half-cell, the diagonal switch S3 only conducts forward current and blocks forward voltage. For the other two switches S1 and S2 , however, in order to prevent the 1600 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 48, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 Fig. 3. Realization of switching cells using MOSFETs. (a) Half-cell circuit. (b) Full-cell circuit. shoot-through when S3 is closed, one switch has to block the forward voltage and another has to block the reversed voltage. As such, there are two forward-current-conducting–forwardvoltage-blocking switches such as an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) or a MOSFET and one forward-currentconducting–reversed-voltage-blocking switch such as a diode. To achieve bidirectional power flow capability of the converter, all switches can be realized by MOSFETs, and some MOSFETs operate in the third quadrant. For a full cell, when it operates in state II [see Fig. 2(c)], the diagonal switch S4 needs to block a voltage that equals to two times the capacitors voltage VC . Similarly, the diagonal switch S3 needs to block 2VC in state III. The other two switches need to block both positive and negative voltages during states II and III. As a result, the two diagonal switches S3 and S4 can be realized by MOSFETs or IGBTs with a voltage rating of 2Vc and a parallel free-wheeling diode, whereas each of the other two switches, i.e., S1 and S2 , requires two MOSFETs or IGBTs, with a voltage rating of VC . The realizations of the half-cell and the full cell using MOSFETs are shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b), respectively. III. H ALF -C ELL -BASED DC–DC M ULTIPLIER A. Structure For half-cell-based dc–dc multipliers, port 3 of the last stage and port 2 of the first stage are used as output ports to achieve the largest voltage transfer ratio. Although N + 1 voltage levels can be achieved between these two ports in an N -stage halfcell multiplier, it is not possible to have (N + 1):1 voltage transfer ratio since there is only one switching state to achieve (N + 1) × VC , and the capacitors in this state are all in the discharging mode. As a result, the output voltage cannot be maintained. With this modular switching cell structure, a rotationally charging scheme can be adopted to reduce the requirements of the output capacitor. This is achieved by adding one extra half-cell to the multiplier. By doing this, the multiplier has N + 1 stages, and two switching states are available to achieve an output of (N + 1) × VC . This extra available state makes it possible to generate a stable output voltage by charging the capacitors rotationally. At any time, except the dead time, there will be one capacitor in the charging state, and other capacitors are discharging to the load in series. The output voltage is Fig. 4. DC–DC voltage doubler based on half-cells. Fig. 5. Equivalent circuit when C1 is being charged. stable, and only a small output capacitor is needed to filter out the voltage ripple during the dead time. Another benefit of the proposed topology is that multiple output voltages can be achieved. For example, a three-stage multiplier with an input voltage of Vin can output Vin , 2 Vin , and 3 Vin . This rotationally charging scheme and multiple output voltage capability can also be found in previous studies such as [17] and [18]. B. Soft-Switching Principle One major problem of a switched-capacitor circuit is the unregulated charging current during the capacitor charging process, which generates large in-rush current and EMI noise. In [12], a soft-switching scheme is proposed by utilizing the stray inductance in the circuit to resonate with the main capacitors. This paper employs the same idea; however, due to the particular structure of the proposed multiplier, the softswitching scheme has some unique features. Fig. 4 shows a voltage doubler that consists of two half-cells. The dc source is placed in the middle so that the switches of the both cells experience the same charging current. In this structure, when S4 and S5 are closed, the charging current of C2 flows from the source to the drain of S4 , instead of the normal drain-to-source conduction mode. Therefore, S4 operates in the third quadrant. S2 on the other cell has the same third-quadrant operation mode. Other MOSFETs in the circuit operate in the first quadrant. The stray inductance values, expressed as Ls1 − Ls5 , mainly come from the stray inductance of cables, the package inductance of the MOSFETs, and the equivalent series inductance (ESL) of the capacitors. If the layout of each cell is the same, the stray inductance difference among different cells can be considered small; therefore, a single resonant switching frequency works for both cells. The equivalent circuits in the two switching states are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. To simplify the analysis, the load current is ZOU et al.: SWITCHED-CAPACITOR-CELL-BASED VOLTAGE MULTIPLIERS AND DC–AC INVERTERS 1601 Fig. 8. Charging current of capacitor C1 . Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Equivalent circuit when C2 is being charged. Equivalent circuit during the dead time. assumed to be constant as Id . The capacitor charging currents are named as IC1 and IC2 , which flow from the voltage source to C1 and C2 , respectively. It can be seen that S1 and S5 , which operate in the first quadrant, carry only the capacitor charging current. On the other hand, S2 and S4 , which operate in the third quadrant, carry both the capacitor charging current and the load current Id . The proposed soft-switching scheme involves choosing a switching frequency such that the charging current drops to zero at the time when S1 or S5 are turning off. As a result, zerocurrent switching is realized for S1 and S5 . For S2 and S4 , at the moment when they are turning off, the remaining current is Id . Due to the third-quadrant operation, their body diodes D2 and D4 will immediately take over the current. As a result, the soft switching of S2 and S4 is achieved. After the dead time, the current is shifting from diode D2 or D4 to the diagonal MOSFETs S3 or S6 ; therefore, there will be reverse recovery loss of diodes. However, if SiC diodes is used to replace D2 and D4 , this reverse recovery loss can be minimized. During the dead time, the load current flows through the body diodes D1 , D2 , D4 , and D5 . Assuming that the two half-cells are made the same and that the dead time is long enough for any oscillation transients to decay, the load current will be equally split into two parts, as shown in Fig. 7. The only voltage across these diodes is the diode forward voltage; therefore, when their corresponding MOSFETs are turning on after the dead time, they will experience a minimum voltage. Therefore, the zerovoltage turn-on can be achieved for S1 , S2 , S4 , and S5 . It should be noted that this soft-switching scheme only applies to the MOSFETs that are used to charge the capacitors. For the other two MOSFETs (S3 and S6 ), soft switching cannot be achieved using this scheme. However, since the main purpose of utilizing soft switching is to reduce the associated power loss and EMI noise due to unregulated charging current, this soft- switching scheme can still help the proposed topology in largepower applications. If the equivalent resistance in the charging loop can be neglected, the impedance of the capacitor charging loop can be represented by a simple LC circuit. Under this assumption, the capacitor charging current has a sinusoidal shape. The current profile of IC1 is shown in Fig. 8. The initial current −I0 is due to the load current conduction during the dead time before S1 and S2 are turned on. Therefore, the charging current has a negative initial angle −θ0 . The current reaches zero again at the angle π, which is the soft-switching point. This means that the charging process needs to be finished in more than half an oscillation cycle to achieve soft switching. After the charging process, the capacitor discharges to the load with the load current Id . Therefore, the capacitor current can be written as Ipeak sin(ωosc t − θ0 ), 0 < t < DTS iC1 (t) = (1) −Id , DTS < t < TS where D is the duty ratio of S1 and S2 , and TS is the switching cycle. Ipeak and ωosc are the amplitude and angular frequency of the sinusoidal part of the charging current, respectively. The relationship between ωosc and angular switching frequency ωsw is ωosc = π + θ0 ωsw . 2πD (2) Assuming that, during the dead time, the free-wheeling load current is evenly distributed into two branches, then the initial value of the capacitor charging current I0 is 1 I0 = ic1 (0) = − Id 2 (3) and θ0 can be found from the following relationship: Id = Ipeak × sin θ0 . 2 (4) On the other hand, due to the current balance of the capacitor in one switching cycle DTS π + θ0 π (Ipeak sin θ)dθ = Id (1 − D)TS . (5) −θ0 Solving (5), 1 + cos θ0 = 2(π + θ0 ) sin θ0 D 1−D . (6) 1602 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 48, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 S3 carries only the load current during the second half cycle. The three current can be written as 0) 1.75Id sin 2(π+θ t−θ0 , 0 < t < TS /2 T S IS1 = (11) 0, TS /2 < t < TS 0) 1.75Id sin 2(π+θ t−θ +Id , 0 < t < TS /2 0 T S IS2 = (12) 0, TS /2 < t < TS 0, 0 < t < TS /2 IS3 = (13) −Id , TS /2 < t < TS . Fig. 9. Current profiles for the switches in the left cell. Equation (6) gives the relationship between θ0 and the duty ratio D. For the dc–dc voltage doubler, since D = 0.5, θ0 can be calculated to be 0.29◦ or 16.6◦ . From (4), the peak value of the capacitor charging current Ipeak can be calculated as Ipeak = Id = 1.75Id . 2 × sin(θ0 ) (7) π + θ0 Tosc 2π 0 (14) = 0.833Id T /2 2 1 2(π+θ0 ) IS2_RMS = t−θ0 +Id dt 1.75Id sin T TS 0 The capacitor charging time Tch can be calculated using Tch = The RMS value of the three currents can be calculated as T /2 2 1 2(π+θ0 ) IS1_RMS = t−θ0 dt 1.75Id sin T TS (8) = 1.447Id T /2 1 IS3_RMS = Id2 dt = 0.707Id . T (15) (16) 0 where Tosc is the oscillation cycle of the charging current. The soft-switching frequency fsw can be calculated as follows: fsw = 2πD . (π + θ0 )Tosc (9) For the switched-capacitor voltage doubler, D is 0.5. Thus, fsw = π . (π + θ0 )Tosc (10) C. Power Loss Analysis on the Proposed Voltage Doubler The switching losses on switches S1 , S2 , S4 , and S5 of the proposed voltage doubler can be neglected due to their softswitching operation. The switching loss analysis on the other two switches (S3 and S6 ) is similar to the analysis in traditional boost converters, which is not elaborated here. There are three types of conduction losses: the conduction loss on the switches, on two main capacitors, and on the input capacitor. The conduction loss can be calculated from the RMS value of their corresponding current. RMS Current of Switches: Fig. 9 shows the current profiles of the three switches in the left cell (i.e., S1 , S2 , and S3 ). S1 and S2 only conduct in the first half cycle, and S3 only conducts in the second half cycle. S1 carries the capacitor charging current; therefore, it shares the same current as the charging current of C1 . The third-quadrant-operated switched S2 carries the capacitor charging current and the load current. The switch Due to the symmetric structure of this doubler, the three switches in the right cell have the same current profile and RMS values as the corresponding switches in the left cell. RMS Current of the Two Main Capacitors: The two main capacitors experience the same current, as the current shown in Fig. 8 when D is 0.5. The RMS value of the current on the two capacitors can be calculated as IC1_RMS T /2 2 1 2(π + θ0 ) 1 = t−θ0 dt+ Id2 1.75Id sin T TS 2 0 = 1.093Id . (17) RMS Current of the Input Capacitor: The input current is the sum of IS2 and IS4 . It has an average value of 2Id and an ac ripple. The ac part of the input current flows into the input capacitor and generates loss. The RMS value of the input current ripple is π 1 (1.75Id sin θ + Id − 2Id )2 dθ ICin_RMS = π + θ0 −θ0 = 0.387Id . (18) Table I provides the RMS current and the conduction loss of different components in the proposed voltage doubler. RS , RC , and RC_in represent the ON-state resistance of the switch, the ZOU et al.: SWITCHED-CAPACITOR-CELL-BASED VOLTAGE MULTIPLIERS AND DC–AC INVERTERS TABLE I RMS CURRENT AND CONDUCTION LOSS OF DIFFERENT COMPONENTS IN THE PROPOSED VOLTAGE DOUBLER 1603 In Fig. 4, the state equations can be written as ⎧ v̇C1 = 1 iLS1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ v̇ = C1 (i ⎪ C2 ⎪ C LS1 − iLS2 ) ⎪ ⎨ i̇LS1 = L1 ((iLS2 − iLS1 )R − vC1 − vC2 ) ⎪ i̇LS2 = L1 (Vin + vC2 − (iLS2 − iLS1 )R) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ i̇LS4 = 0 i̇LS5 = 0. TABLE II LOSS COMPARISON BETWEEN THE PROPOSED VOLTAGE DOUBLER AND THE T RADITIONAL V OLTAGE D OUBLER W ITH SOFT-SWITCHING CAPABILITY Then, A1 and A2 can be obtained as ⎡ 1 0 0 0 C 1 1 ⎢ 0 − 0 C C ⎢ 1 1 R R ⎢− −L −L −L L A1 = ⎢ R 1 ⎢ 0 −R ⎢ L L L ⎣ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ⎡ 0 0 0 0 − C1 ⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 ⎢ ⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 A2 = ⎢ ⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 ⎢ 1 ⎣ L 0 0 0 −R L R − L1 − L1 0 0 L (21) ⎤ 0 0⎥ ⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ 0⎦ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 C 1 C ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥. 0 ⎥ ⎥ R ⎦ L −R L This voltage doubler operates with a duty ratio of 50%. Thus equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the main capacitors, and the ESR of the input capacitor, respectively. Table II provides a comparison between the proposed voltage doubler and the traditional switched-capacitor voltage doubler with soft-switching capability [12]. Ploss_S , Ploss_C , and Ploss_Cin represent the total conduction loss on all of the switches, on the two main capacitors, and on the input capacitor, respectively. The proposed switched capacitor has a much smaller input current ripple and conduction loss compared with the traditional voltage doubler. This is because, in the proposed topology, the voltage source is always connected in series with one capacitor. Therefore, half of the power is directly sent to the load. D. Stability Analysis of the Proposed Voltage Doubler The stability of the proposed voltage doubler is analyzed using the state-space averaging method. The state vector for the voltage doubler in Fig. 4 is x(t) = [VC1 , VC2 , iLS1 , iLS2 , iLS4 , iLS5 ]T . A = 0.5 × A1 + 0.5 × A2 ⎡ 1 0 0 C 1 ⎢ 0 0 C ⎢ 1 1 1 ⎢ −L −L −R L A= ⎢ R 1 2⎢ L L ⎢ 0 ⎣ 1 0 0 L − L1 − L1 0 = 0.5 × (A1 + A2 ) ⎤ 0 − C1 − C1 1 1 ⎥ −C 0 C ⎥ ⎥ −R 0 0 L ⎥. ⎥ −R 0 0 L ⎥ R ⎦ R 0 − 0 L R L (22) (23) L −R L The following characteristic polynomial can be obtained from (23): λ6 + (6L + 4R2 C)λ4 + 14Rλ3 4Rλ5 + L L2 C + R2 (5L + 4R2 C)λ2 + 6Rλ + = 0. L3 C 2 L4 C 2 (24) Calculations have been performed on the six eigenvalues of A to determine their variation with changes in load resistance. In these calculations, L and C are set to be 58.8 nH and 47 μF, respectively, which is a value measured on the testing prototype. Fig. 10 shows the locus of the six eigenvalues as R decreases from 20 to 1 Ω. The real part of the eigenvalues stays on the lefthand side of the imaginary axis, showing the voltage doubler is stable in this load range. (19) To simplify the analysis, it is assumed that C1 = C2 = C and LS1 = LS2 = LS4 = LS5 = L. The doubler is modeled as IV. F ULL -C ELL -BASED AND H ALF -C ELL -BASED DC–AC I NVERTERS A. Full-Cell-Based Inverters ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) where A = A1 d + A2 (1 − d) and B = B1 d + B2 (1 − d). (20) From the analysis in Section II, for an N -stage full-switchedcapacitor-cell-based converter, there are 2N + 1 achievable voltage levels between port 2 of the first stage and port 4 of 1604 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 48, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 Fig. 12. Five-level half-cell switched-capacitor inverter. Fig. 13. Six sections for a five-level switched-capacitor inverter. Fig. 10. Locus of eigenvalues with a resistance from 20 to 1 Ω. C. Multicarrier PWM Control Method for a Five-Level Switched-Capacitor Inverter Fig. 11. Five-level full-cell switched-capacitor inverter. the last stage. As a result, to realize a 2N + 1 level of inverter, only N full cells are required. Fig. 11 shows one five-level dc–ac inverter consists of one full cell and four extra switches S5 −S8 . The extra switches are always connected to the load and function as current bypass routes. By adding these four switches, the total achievable voltage levels can be increased by 2. Therefore, only N − 1 full cells are required to have a 2N + 1 inverter. In Fig. 11, one full cell is enough to realize a five-level inverter. It should be noted here that this inverter has a good switching redundancy, which can help to balance the capacitor voltage and improve the fault tolerance capability of the circuit. B. Half-Cell-Based Inverters Due to the high switching component requirements for the full-cell-based inverter, half-cell-based inverters can be the alternative choice. To realize a 2N + 1-level inverter, 2N halfcells are required. If four extra bypass switches are employed, 2N − 2 half-cells are required to have a 2N + 1-level inverter. The number of stages required for a half-cell-based inverter is two times the requirement for a full-cell-based inverter. The capacitor count is doubled, and more current stress is added to central cells. A half-cell-based five-level inverter is shown in Fig. 12. This topology was introduced in [15]. It consists of two half-cells and four extra bypass switches S7 −S10 . The design of a high-power switched-capacitor dc–ac inverter is more complex than the dc–dc multiplier. The main reason is that the duty ratio of the inverter changes from cycle to cycle, similar with the capacitor charging time. Therefore, the charging current cannot be well controlled. Two methods are proposed to solve this problem: a multicarrier PWM control method and a soft-switching scheme using variable frequency control. The multicarrier PWM control scheme is used to eliminate unnecessary capacitor charging. The half-cell-based fivelevel inverter, as shown in Fig. 12, is used to illustrate this method. Based on the capacitor charging characteristics, the voltage modulation waveform for this inverter can be divided into six sections, as shown in Fig. 13. The angle θ1 in Fig. 13 can be calculated by using the modulation index ma as follows: 1 θ1 = sin−1 . (25) 2ma Table III shows seven switching vectors used in this control scheme. In order to minimize the capacitor charging loss, the capacitor charging and discharging only occur in Sections II and V, where positive or negative 2 Vin is needed. In other sections, where the inverter only output ±Vin or zero voltage, the capacitors are in the idle state, and there is no charging activity. The source is directly connected to the load to output Vin (vector V3 ) or −Vin (vector V5 ), and it is bypassed when zero voltage is needed (vector V4 ). In these regions, the inverter functions as a normal H-bridge inverter. ZOU et al.: SWITCHED-CAPACITOR-CELL-BASED VOLTAGE MULTIPLIERS AND DC–AC INVERTERS 1605 TABLE III SWITCHING VECTORS OF THE FIVE-LEVEL SWITCHED-CAPACITOR INVERTER D. Soft-Switching Scheme for Switched-Capacitor Inverters To realize soft switching at Sections II and V, a variable frequency control scheme is proposed. In this scheme, the switching frequency changes with the duty ratio to maintain a constant capacitor charging time. Therefore, soft switching can be realized for all cycles. The relationship between the charging time and the instantaneous duty ratio is Tch (t) = (1 − D(t)) 1 . fsw (t) (26) The switching frequency can be calculated from (8) and (26) as follows: 1 (1 − D(t)) × 2π × . π + θ0 (t) Tosc The peak capacitor charging current can be calculated as follows: π (1 − D(t)) Ich_peak sin(θ)dθ = D(t)Id (t). (32) π −θ0 Note here the instantaneous duty ratio D(t) is defined as 2ma sin(ωt)−1, θ1 < ωt < π−θ1 D(t) = (27) −2ma sin(ωt)−1, π+θ1 < ωt < 2π−θ1 . fsw (t) = The initial angle θ0 can be neglected at large duty ratio conditions, due to the fact that θ0 becomes negligible when the peak current is large; then, ΔVC _ max can be estimated as 2ma − 1 1 Id_peak Tosc ΔVC _ max ≈ . (31) 2C 2 − 2ma (28) Equation (28) provides a relationship between D(t) and the switching frequency. Since θ0 only depends on D(t), a lookup table of θ0 can be made for different duty ratios to expedite the calculation of the switching frequency in real applications. It should be noted that the switching frequency should have a low limit. Otherwise, the capacitor will be overdischarged. The capacitor voltage variation in one switching cycle is 1 1 Id (t)D(t) C fsw (t) π + θ0 (t) 1 1 − 1 . (29) = Id (t)Tosc C 2π 1 − D(t) ΔVC = It is shown from (29) that the capacitor voltage ripple increases with the load current Id (t) as well as D(t). The worst scenario is at unity power factor, in which the load current Id (t) and D(t) reach their peak value simultaneously. From (27), Dmax (t) = 2ma − 1. Then, the peak capacitor voltage ripple is π + θ0 (t) 2ma − 1 1 ΔVC _ max = Id_peak Tosc . (30) C 2π 2 − 2ma Solve (32) as follows: π 1 −1 Id (t). Ich_peak = 2−2ma sin(θ) (1+cos(θ0 )) (33) Under the condition where the power factor is large, the peak current occurs near the peak voltage point, and cos(θ0 ) ≈ 1; then, 1 π − 1 Id_peak . (34) Ich_peak ≈ 2 2 − 2ma Equation (34) gives the estimated maximum capacitor charging current of the proposed method. It can be seen that both the modulation index and the load current affect the maximum charging current. The third-quadrant operated switches (S1 and S4 in Fig. 12), which carry both the capacitor charging current and load current, experience the highest current stress π π − + 1 Id_peak . (35) IS1 _peak ≈ 4 − 4ma 2 Given the peak load current and maximum safety current of the switching devices, the maximum modulation index can be calculated from (35). E. Simulation Results A simulation on a 20-kVA switched-capacitor inverter has been performed using PSIM to verify the control method proposed in this paper. In this simulation, the dc input of this 1606 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 48, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 Fig. 16. Photograph of the prototype cell. Fig. 17. Input and output voltage waveform of the voltage doubler. Fig. 14. Simulation results of the inverter. Fig. 15. Frequency spectrum of the output voltage. inverter is 300 V, and the modulation index is 0.8. The load is a constant RL load with resistance of 2 Ω and inductance of 3.5 mH. The power factor of this converter is 0.83. To realize soft switching at around 20 kHz, the loop inductance is selected to be 200 nH, and the capacitance of the capacitor is 300 μF. Fig. 14 shows the output voltage, output current, the current of S2 , and the switching frequency. It can be seen that, the switching frequency is kept constant at 20 kHz in Sections I, III, IV, and VI. In Sections II and V, where capacitor charging occurs, the switching frequency varies from 15 to 25 kHz. The peak current of S2 is about 426 A, whereas the peak load current is 197 A. This ratio of peak charging current over peak load current is 2.16, which is consistent with the estimated value of 2.36 from (34). Fig. 15 shows the frequency spectrum of the output voltage. Because of the variable frequency control, there is a band of frequency components between 15 and 25 kHz. V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS A group of 1-kW half-cell prototypes has been built to verify the ideas presented in this paper. The photograph of this cell is shown in Fig. 16. Three MOSFETs (IRFI4410ZPbF) are placed in parallel to form one switching device. To reduce the reverse recovery loss of the body diode, a power Schottky diode (STPS30100ST) is used. Ten 100-V 4.7-μF ceramic capacitors (C5750X7R2A475K) are used together as the main capacitor. The soft-switching frequency of a voltage doubler is measured at an input voltage of 5 V and room temperature. When the switching frequency is adjusted to 62.7 kHz, the zero-current turn-off is achieved. With the assumption that the capacitance of the capacitor under this test condition is 47 μF, the total loop stray inductance can be calculated as 117.6 nH. A. DC–DC Multiplier Test A half-cell dc–dc voltage doubler, which consists of two prototype boards, is used to verify the soft-switching scheme and the efficiency. The circuit topology is shown in Fig. 4. The dead time is set to be 200 ns. A small 10-μF film capacitor is added to the output terminal to filter out the ripples during the dead time. At an input voltage of 40 V, the zero-current turn-off is achieved for S1 and S5 at a switching frequency of 75.9 kHz. Compared with the case when the input voltage is 5 V, the soft-switching frequency is increased, which is because the capacitance of the ceramic capacitors decreases with the increase in voltage. Fig. 17 shows the input and output voltage together at a load current of 10 A. Fig. 18 shows with the drain–source voltage Vs1 and the drain current IS1 of S1 . It can be seen that IS1 drops to zero before the switching transient; therefore, the ZOU et al.: SWITCHED-CAPACITOR-CELL-BASED VOLTAGE MULTIPLIERS AND DC–AC INVERTERS 1607 Fig. 18. Current and turn-off voltage of S1 . Fig. 20. Breakdown of power loss at input power of 1000 W. Fig. 19. Efficiency curve of the proposed dc–dc multiplier. zero-current turn-off is realized. The peak value of IS1 is 17.2 A, which is consistent with (7). Fig. 19 shows the efficiency of the prototype from 200 to 2000 W with 40-V fixed input voltage. It is measured with a Yokogawa WT 3000 power meter and LEM IT 700-S highperformance current transducer. Fig. 20 shows the calculated power-loss breakdown among different components at an input power of 1000 W. The calculation on conduction losses is based on Table I. Since the converter is built on a printed circuit board (PCB) with 2 OZ/ft2 and a trace width of 300–500 mils, the loss on PCB traces contributes to a large portion (around 30%–40%) of the total loss. Therefore, in this power-loss breakdown, the resistance values of the capacitor and switches are estimated together with the ac resistance (at 70 kHz) of the PCB traces that they are connected to. The switches have an average resistance of 8 mΩ. The resistance of the main capacitors and the input capacitor is estimated to be 3.4 and 10 mΩ, respectively. The switching power loss of the two diagonal switches S3 and S6 is estimated using the turn-on time and turn-off time of the MOSFETs from the datasheet. The diode loss is the conduction loss of the four Schottky diodes during the dead time. Other losses include the conduction losses on the connection cables, the reverse recovery loss of the diodes, the loss due to charging the body capacitance of the MOSFETs during operation, and estimation error. Fig. 21. Input and output voltage waveforms of the inverter. The control power contributes to around 25% of the total loss. The conduction loss of the switches and capacitors consists of more than 45% of the total loss. The switching loss is only 12% of the total loss, which proves the effectiveness of the soft-switching method. B. DC–AC Inverter Test A five-level dc–ac inverter is built and tested using the switching-cell prototypes. The circuit structure is shown in Fig. 12. It is realized by four switched-capacitor prototype boards. The modulation index is set to be 0.8. An adjustable RL load with a constant power factor of 0.83 is used. In the experiment, the switching frequency changes from 48.6 to 83.3 kHz to realize the soft switching for all capacitor charging cycles. Fig. 21 shows the waveforms of input voltage Vin and output voltage Vout at a load condition of 17.4 mH and 9.4 Ω. The active power at this load condition is 272 W. The RMS value of the fundamental output voltage and current is 58.74 V and 5.38 A, respectively. The RMS value of the total output voltage is 62 V. According to IEEE Standard 519 [19], in which the total harmonics distortion (THD) is calculated up to 40th order, the voltage THD is 4.98%. The main reason for the harmonics is 1608 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 48, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 Fig. 22. Waveforms of the output current Id and the charging current IC1 . Fig. 24. Efficiency curve of the proposed dc–ac inverter. VI. C ONCLUSION This paper introduced two types of switched-capacitor cells: the half-cell and the full cell. Both the dc–dc multipliers and the dc–ac inverters based on these cells are analyzed. For the dc–dc multiplier, a rotational charging scheme is proposed; therefore, the large output capacitor required by traditional switched-capacitor topologies can be eliminated. For the dc–ac inversion, a multilevel inverter with voltage boost function can be realized by using either the full cell or the half-cell. To increase the efficiency, a soft-switching scheme without adding extra components is adopted, and a variable frequency control for the inverter is proposed to realize full-range soft switching. The proposed topologies and control methods can be used in applications with a power range from subkilowatts to tens of kilowatts. Fig. 23. Zoomed-in capacitor charging current of the inverter. R EFERENCES the large stray inductance of the current paths when the inverter functions as an H-bridge inverter. This occurs because four identical prototype boards are connected using external cables in this experiment, and unnecessary large inductance is present even if the capacitor charging is not required. An integrated inverter design can help to optimize the stray inductance distribution and solve this problem. Fig. 22 shows the waveforms of load current Id and the charging current of capacitor C1 . The peak value of IC1 is 21 A, whereas the peak value of Id is 9 A. The ratio between the two peak values is 2.33, which is consistent with the estimation result of (34). Fig. 23 shows the zoomed-in view of the capacitor charging current of C1 . It can be seen that the zero-current switching is realized for all cycles. Fig. 24 shows the efficiency curve of the proposed dc–ac inverter with an input power from 100 to 1000 W. 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Ke Zou (S’09) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Xi‘an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 2005 and 2008, respectively. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at The Ohio State University, Columbus. His current research interests include switchedcapacitor dc/dc converters and dc/ac multilevel inverters, battery models in high-frequency applications, and hardware-in-the-loop systems for power electronics and power systems. 1609 Mark J. Scott (S’09) received the B.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering from The Ohio State University, Columbus, in 2005. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at The Ohio State University. He has worked as a Field Engineer installing large industrial automated systems and as a Test Engineer validating power electronics for automotive applications. His research interests include utilizing wide-band-gap devices in new and existing power electronic topologies for renewable energy applications. Mr. Scott is the founding member of the IEEE Graduate Student Body at The Ohio State University and a member of Tau Beta Pi. Jin Wang (S’02–M’05) received the B.S. degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 1998, the M.S. degree from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree from Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, in 2005, all in electrical engineering. From September 2005 to August 2007, he worked at the Ford Motor Company as a Core Power Electronics Engineer and contributed to the traction drive design of the Ford Fusion Hybrid. Since September 2007, he has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus. His teaching position is cosponsored by American Electric Power, Duke/Synergy, and FirstEnergy. He is the author of 40 peer-reviewed journal and conference publications. His research interests include high-voltage and high-power converter/inverters, integration of renewable energy sources, and electrification of transportation. Dr. Wang was the recipient of the IEEE Power Electronics Society Richard M. Bass Young Engineer Award and the National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award, both in 2011. Since March 2008, he has been an Associate Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY A PPLICATION.