Serial No: 6012 Roll No . D. Pharmacy 1st YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATION, JULY 2016 (PHARMACEUTICS-I, PAPER CODE :- 01270101) Time : 03 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80 Instructions: 1. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper. 1. 2. Attempt any Five of the following questions. All questions carry equal marks. 3. Candidate should ensure that the question paper supplied to them is complete in all respect. Complaints in this regard, if any, should be made to the invigilatory staff on duty in the exam centre with in 15 Minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint shall be entertained thereafter. (a) In what proportion should 10% and 7% alcohol be mixed to get 5% alcohol ? 5 (b) What are the desirable features of a container? Discuss the 'glass' as a material for container for pharmaceuticals. 5 Write briefly on size separated by shifting. 6 (c) 2. (a) (b) 3. 4. Describe the following: (a) Washing type filter press (a) (b) 5. (a) (b) 6. 7. (a) Extraction by maceration. 8x2 Explain the functioning of fluidized bed dryer with neat and suitable diagram. 8 Discuss briefly the different types of compressed tablets and their properties. 8 5,5,6 (c) Meta filters. Briefly discuss the preparation of water for injection IP. Classify various dosage forms with examples and their relative applications. Write notes on the following: (a) Filling of capsules (b) Film coating G-6012 (b) Differentiate between sterilization and disinfection. Explain in detail the dry heat sterilization. 10 6 Give a brief note on evaporating pan. Discuss the following: (a) Isotonic solutions (b) Radiation sterilization (b) 8. Define size reduction. Discuss the various mechanisms of size reduction. Explain the construction and working of ball mill. 10 6 Discuss the working of double cone mixer. 8 8 6,5,5 (c) Vaccines. 70 Serial No : 6013 Roll No . D. Pharmacy 1st YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATION, JULY 2016 (PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY-I, PAPER CODE :- 01270102) Maximum Marks: 80 Time : 03 Hrs. Instructions: 1. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper. 2. Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 3. Candidate should ensure that the question paper supplied to them is complete in all respect. Complaints in this regard, if any, should be made to the invigilatory staff on duty in the exam centre with in 15 Minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint shall be entertained thereafter. 1. What are acids and bases ? Explain them with suitable examples. 2. What are important Major Intra and Extra Cellular electrolytes ? Write a detailed note on their importance. Explain combination of oral electrolytes powders and solutions. 3. What do you mean by the terms Radio Pharmaceuticals and contrast media. Explain measurement of radioactivity. Explain, what precautions will you take during storage and handling of radio pharmaceuticals ? 4. Differentiate Expectorants and Emetics. Explain any two compounds in detail belonging to this class. 5. What are antimicrobials and astringents ? Explain their mode of action. Give a detailed account of hydrogen peroxide. 6. What do you mean by the term significant errors? Discuss various sources of impurities in pharmaceuticals. Write limit test for chloride. 7. Give official identification tests with chemical equation for the following cations and amons : (a) Sulphate (b) Carbonate (c) Ammonium (d) Ferrous (e) Ferric (0 Calcium (g) Barium (h) Chloride. 8. Write notes on any two of the following : (a) Antioxidants (b) Official compounds of calcium Inhalants. (c) G-6013 70 Roll No Serial No : 6014 . D. Pharm. 1st YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATION, JULY 2016 (PHARMACOGNOSY, PAPER CODE :- 01270103) Time : 03 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80 Instructions: 1. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper. 2. Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 3. Candidate should ensure that the question paper supplied to them is complete in all respect. Complaints in this regard, if any, should be made to the invigilatory staff on duty in the exam centre with in 15 Minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint shall be entertained thereafter. 1. (a) (b) 2. (a) (b) What is Pharmacognosy ? Discuss in brief its history and scope. Give an account of collection and preparation of opium. 10 6 Discuss various ways of classify in crude drugs with their advantages and 10 shortcomings. 6 How drugs are classified on the basis of chemicals present there in. 4x4=16 3. Write notes on any four of the following : (a) Papaya (d) Shark liver oil (b) Honey (e) Bees wax (c) Casler Oil 4. Give the biological source, collection and preparation, morphology, chemical constituents, uses and identification tests of Digitalis. 16 5. Give (a) (b) (c) pharmacognostic study of any four of the following : Senna (d) Ginger Fennel (e) Liquorice Isphagula 6. (a) What is meant by Adulteration? Discuss various conditions of adulteration in crude drugs. 10 Discuss in brief the significance of pharmacopoeial standards. 6 (b) 7. Write isolation and identification tests of any two of the following: (a) Alkaloids (b) Glycosides (c) Volatile oils. 8. Give the sources, preparation and identification of Cotton and Wool fibres. G-6014 4x4=16 8+8=16 16 70 Serial No :~6015 Roll No . D. PHARMACY -1st YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATION, JUNE- 2016 (SUB:- BIOCHEMISTRY & CLINICAL PATHOLOGY; Paper Code: 01270104) 03 hrs Maximum Marks: 80 Instrutions : Time: 1. 2. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper. Candidate should ensure that the question paper supplied to them is complete in all respect. Complaints in this regard, if any,should be made to the invigilatory staff on duty in the exam centre within 15 minnutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint shall be entertained thereafter. 3. 4. Attempt all questions. Partsof a questions should be attempted in sequential order. Draw the diagram wherever required. Note: Attemt ANY FIVE of the following questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 a) Define Carbohydrates. Classify them giving Suitable examples. b) Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Q.2 Explain the following: a) Hexose monophosphate shunt (Pentose phosphate pathway). b) Glycogenesis & Glycogenolysis. (2x8=16) Q.3 Write short note on the following (Any Two): a) Importance of Biochemistry and clinical pathology. b) Abnormal constituents of urine. c) Immune mechanism in the body. (2x8=16) Q.4 Explain the following in detail: (Any Two) a) Urea Synthesis. b) Qualitative tests of carbohydrates c) Water Soluble vitamins. (2x8=16) Q.5 What are lip? How they are classified. Givebiological importance of phospholipids. Also explain diseases related to liqids. 8 8 16 Q.6 Discus the following in detail: (Any Two) a) Erythrocytes abnormal cells & its significance. b) Role of minerals in life processes. c) Clinicalimportance of enzyme. Q.7 What are amino acids? Classifydetail with suitable examples. Explain qualitative tests of proteins. 16 Q.8 Write a note on the followings: (Any Two) a) Physiological functions of water. b) Dehydration. c) Kwashion and Marasmus. ************************************ (2x8=16) (2x8=16) Roll No Serial No : 6016 . D. Pharmacy 1st YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATION, JULY 2016 (HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY, PAPER CODE :- 01270105) Time : 03 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80 Instructions: 1. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper. 2. Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 3. Candidate should ensure that the question paper supplied to them is complete in all respect. Complaints in this regard, if any, should be made to the invigilatory staff on duty in the exam centre with in 15 Minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint shall be entertained thereafter. 1. (i) (ii) 2. (a) Attempt any eight of the following : 1 each (a) Define blood pressure. Why systolic blood pressure is higher than diastolic. (b) What is difference between mitosis and meiosis ? (c) What is normal range of blood sugar level in human ? (d) What is normal value of Hb in human ? (e) Which cell organelle is known as power house of cell ? (f) Name the parts of conduction system of heart. (g) What is the function of platelets in blood? (h) Name the smallest functional unit of human excretory system. 0) Which hormone is responsible for production of milk in mammary glands? G) Name the enzyme present in saliva. Discuss structure and function of liver with diagram. 8 Draw a well labelled diagram of heart. Give a detailed note on blood composition (b) 3. 4. 5. 6. and function. Explain the mechanism involved in blood clotting. 8 8 Give a detailed note on gas exchange during breathing in respiratory system with the help of diagram. 16 16 Discuss physiology of urine formation with the help of diagram. Or With the help of neat and clean diagram discuss structure and function of Kidney. Write (a) (b) (c) short notes on any four of the following : Blood group (d) Cardiovascular Spermatogenesis (e) Cell division Diabetes 4 each disorders 7. Give classification tissues. Give a complete note on connective tissues with diagram and examples. 16 (a) Give classification of joints and discuss in detail about synovial joints with the help of diagram and example. 8 (b) Discuss the mechanism of muscle contraction. 8 8. Discuss in detail about Male or Female reproductive system. 16 70 G-6016 Roll No .............•.......... Serial No : 6017 D. Pharm. 1st YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATION, JULY 2016 (HEALTH EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY PHARMACY, PAPER CODE:- 01270106) Time: 03 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80 Instructions : 1. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper. 2. Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 3. Candidate should ensure that the question paper supplied to them is complete in all respect. Complaints in this regard, if any, should be made to the invigilatory staff on duty in the exam centre with in 15 Minutes of the commencement of the exam. No complaint shall be entertained thereafter. 1. (a) (b) Define physical health, mental health, social health and spiritual health. Discuss various indicators of health in detail. 2. (a) (b) 3. (a) (b) Classify foods. What diseases are caused due to deficiency of proteins ? How can these be treated? 10 6 Explain demography cycle with its different stages. 10 Describe behavioural and mechanical methods of contraception. 4. (a) (b) (c) 4 12 6 What are the objectives of first aid? 4 What is Shock ? Enumerate different types of shock. Describe first aid treatment of shock. 2,2,4 Write a note on emergency treatment of snake bite. 4 12 Discuss various methods of purification of water. 4 Write a note on solid waste disposal. 8 Discuss different types of fungal diseases. 8 Describe different types of staining techniques for microorganisms. 5. (a) (b) 6. (a) (b) 7. Give the causative organisms, mode of transmission and prevention of the following communicable diseases : (a) Hepatisis (b) Chicken pox (c) Typhoid (d) Malaria. 8. (a) (b) 16 What is Epidemiology ? Discuss descriptive epidemiology in detail. 8 Describe causes, clinical features and preventive measures of diabetes mellitus. 8 70 G-6017