, Y \jIY'- /' OG.2/07.2 M.Sc. DEGREE II SEMESTER EXAMINATION IN OCEANOGRAPHY, MAY 2007 OCE 2202 OCEAN ATMOSPHERE INTERACTION Time: 3 Hours Maximum marks: 50 SECTION -A (Answer ALL questions. All questions carry equal marks) (5 x 1 =5 marks) 1. Choose the appropriate answer. ~ 1. Flow in the ocean mixed layer is generally (a) laminar (b) turbulent (c) wavy (d) laminar and turbulent 2. Rossby radius of deformation (a) is larger in the atmosphere than in the ocean (b) is smaller in the atmosphere than in the ocean (c) is equal for the atmosphere and ocean (d) is not applicable for the ocean 3. In barotropic (a) the fluid (b) the fluid (c) the fluid (d) the fluid flow speed speed speed speed increases with depth decreases with depth remains constant with depth can increase or decrease with depth '-../ 4. Increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can possibly (a) increase the sea level (b) decrease the sea level (c) increase or decrease the sea level (d). has no effect on the sea level 5. Waves are present in the ocean (a) only at the surface (b) only near the coasts (c) only away from the islands (d) at surface and sub-surface depths (Turn n11opl II. Write in a sentence or two (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ( 5xl =5 marks) Atmospheric window Friction Velocity Richardsons Number Turbulent heat fluxes Indian Ocean Dipole SECTION - B . Answer ANY SIX questions in about 300 words. (All questions carry equal marks) (6x4 =24 marks) III. What is mean sea level? What are the various factors which influence sea level? IV. Give an account of wihd driven circulation in the oceans V. Describe how salt balance is maintained in the oceans. VI. Define Reynolds and Richardsons Numbers. numbers in air-sea interaction studies. ? VII. Describe Prandtl's mixing length theory and Kolmogoroff's similarity theory. What are the applications of these VIII. How upwelling and sinking proces~es are caused in the ocean? Descri13ethe effects of these processes on local weather and climate. IX. Describe the wind profile in the marine frictional layer. X. Give an account on the remote sensing of oceans. SECTION - C (Answer ANY TWO questions in about 1200 words) (All questions carry equal marks) (2x8 = 16 marks) XI. Write an essay on the heat budget of the global oceans. XII. Write an essay on El Nino-Southern Oscillation XIII. Describe various methods of measurement of fluxes across the air-sea interface.