Team Discussion Questions from the movie Woodlawn - 2015 Coaches, Below are some discussion questions you can use with your players after viewing Woodlawn. You might need to personalize some of the questions to best fit your team. One suggestion I have is to divide your team into smaller groups where there can be more interaction and discussion. For example: A baseball team may divide up outfielders with their coach and infielders with theirs or Varsity and JV separate. Some coaches are giving their team these questions before they view the movie. It is probably best to have discussion within a week of viewing the movie while it is fresh on the players’ hearts and minds. If your team or players conclude a major quote(s)/phrase(s) from the movie, have it printed or written on a poster on your wall as a reminder for your players throughout the year. Would love to hear from you if you do this. It is a good thing to bring your team to see the movie but it becomes a GREAT thing if you go and discuss it. God Bless you Coach. 1. How has the movie helped/motivated you since we went to see it? 2. What do you think is the major theme (message) that you learned from the movie? 3. What life lesson did you take away from the movie? 4. If you had to pick a favorite scene what would it be? 5. What do you remember and admire about Coach Tandy Gerelds? 6. What do you remember & admire about Tony Nathan? 7. What do you remember & admire about Hank Erwin? 8. What do you remember & admire about Bank's QB Jeff Rutledge? 9. Who was Billy Graham in the movie? 10. What do you remember & admire about Coach Bear Bryant? 11. Who are your heroes in your life and why? 12. What is the main controversy (problem) in the movie? 13. Have you ever seen or felt prejudice & racism? If so, what was it like and how could you address it? 14. How and why did faith bring two races together? Team Discussion Questions from the movie Woodlawn - 2015 15. If you were Coach Randy Gerelds, would you have continued to have devotions & prayer with your team? 16. What would you do if someone told your coach that he/she could not lead the Lord’s Prayer? 17. What is your God given talent & giftedness like Tonys ability? How can you use it for God’s glory? 18. What did you see & hear about faith, love and forgiveness in the movie? 19. Have you ever suffered for your commitment to something? 20. What do you think about Tony's girlfriend comment "Basically everyone is a Christian"? 21. What do you think about Coach Shorty Whites comment "championship rings only collect dust but those (his players) there last forever “? How can we apply that on our team? 22. Did Woodlawn "win" the game? 23. Do you have any questions or comments?