
November 2011 SCID RELEASE The following revisions have been made due to identified risks of false negatives. Consequently, the interview questions that assess current and past mania have been changed. Also a second interview question has been added for the assessment of social phobia. Screening Questions – 2 pages (Patient and Non-Patient Editions)
1) Page 1: A screening question has been added for Social Phobia, “Have you been especially nervous or anxious in social situations that involve people that you don’t know very well?” This is because the existing screening question is geared primarily to fear of doing things in front of other people which works well for performance anxiety and certain aspects of social interactions but is unlikely to capture cases where the primary focus of fear and anxiety is social situations involving unfamiliar people. 2) Page 2: With this Social Phobia screening question addition, the numbering for the subsequent screening questions beginning with seven has changed. For instance, Specific Phobia was screening question number seven and is now eight. Module A: Mood Episodes – 7 pages
1) Page A.18: The lead interview question for mania has been modified in order to make it appropriate for both mania and hypomania. The evaluation of mania and hypomania starts with the same set of questions. The current wording includes phrases that are more consistent with a manic episode (i.e., “were you so hyper that you got into trouble?”) than a hypomanic episode. Yet, the question must be broad enough in include both types of episodes. Thus, changes have been made to exclude the wording, “or you were so hyper that you got into trouble?” Similarly, the parenthetical phrase, (Did anyone say you were manic?) has been removed under the follow up question in the “IF YES” section, and the parenthetical phrase, (Did you find yourself often starting fights or arguments?) has been replaced with (Was that different from the way you usually are?) under the follow up question in the “IF NO” section. 2) Page A.20: The interview question has been modified to include, “potentially” to better reflect the wording of the criterion. 3) Page A.25: In the current hypomanic episode section, the interview question, “Were you so active that your friends or family were concerned about you?” has been removed because this is not characteristic of hypomania. Moreover, the following three parenthetical questions have been added as these are typical manifestations of increase goal‐directed activity in hypomania: “(Did you find yourself more enthusiastic at work or working harder at your job?)(Did you find yourself more engaged in school activities or studying harder?); (Were you more sociable during that time, such as calling on friends or going out with them more than you usually do or making a lot of new friends?); (Did you find yourself thinking more about sex than you usually do or being more active sexually?). 4) Page A.24: The layout of items has been altered as a result of the text insertion made on page A.25. 5) Page A.28: [See rationale for change on item 1) page A.18 above]. The lead interview question has been modified to exclude the wording, “or you were so hyper that you got into trouble?” The parenthetical phrase, (Did anyone say you were manic?) has been removed under the follow up question in the “IF YES” section. The parenthetical phrase, (Did you find yourself often starting fights or arguments?) has been replaced with (Was that different from the way you usually are?) under the follow up question in the “IF NO” section. 6) Page A.30: The interview question has been modified to include, “potentially” to better reflect the wording of the criterion. 7) Page A.34: [See rationale for changes on item 3) page A.25 above]. The interview question, “Were you so active that your friends or family were concerned about you?” has been removed. The following three parenthetical questions have been added, “(Did you find yourself more enthusiastic at work or working harder at your job?)(Did you find yourself more engaged in school activities or studying harder?); (Were you more sociable during that time, such as calling on friends or going out with them more than you usually do or making a lot of new friends?); (Did you find yourself thinking more about sex than you usually do or being more active sexually?). Module F: Anxiety Disorders– 5 pages
1) Page F.11: Screening question seven for Social Phobia has been added to the diagnostic criteria. Specifically, the skip instructions have been modified to assess whether both screening questions six and seven have been answered no. A yes or no box has been added to the right column for screening question seven. An “IF YES” follow up question has been added that reads, “You’ve [also] said that you have been especially nervous or anxious in social situations that involve people that you don’t know very well.” 2) Page F.16: The screening question for Specific Phobia is now number eight due to the addition of the social phobia screening question. As such, the skip instructions, the follow up if yes question and the screening question box in the right hand column have been updated to replace the Specific Phobia screening question number from seven to eight. 3) Page F.20: The screening question for OCD is now number nine due to the addition of the social phobia screening question. As such, the skip instructions, the follow up if yes question and the screening question box in the right hand column have been updated to replace the OCD screening question number from eight to nine. 4) Page F.21: The screening question for Compulsions is now number ten due to the addition of the social phobia screening question. As such, the skip instructions, the follow up if yes question and the screening question box in the right hand column have been updated to replace the Compulsions screening question number from nine to ten. 5) Page F.31: The screening question for Generalized Anxiety is now number eleven due to the addition of the social phobia screening question. As such, the skip instructions, the follow up if yes question and the screening question box in the right hand column have been updated to replace the Generalized Anxiety screening question number from ten to eleven. Module H: Eating Disorders– 2 pages
1) Page H.1: The screening question for Anorexia Nervosa is now number twelve due to the addition of the social phobia screening question. As such, the skip instructions, the follow up if yes question and the screening question box in the right hand column have been updated to replace the Anorexia Nervosa screening question number from eleven to twelve. 2) Page H.4: The screening question for Bulimia Nervosa is now number thirteen due to the addition of the social phobia screening question. As such, the skip instructions, the follow up if yes question and the screening question box in the right hand column have been updated to replace the Bulimia Nervosa screening question number from twelve to thirteen. 
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