\X/ [M\TCp in Equitation Lodge Horse Show Sunday at. BayVV IIMMLIV port is Paul Hickm an of Sayville. Paul took Under 14 title. Joan Fischer, Bayport, took Under 18 award. At a horse show held Sunday on the showgrounds of Equitation Lodge ¦ of the Thomas School of Horsemanship, Spence Avenue, Bayport, Miss Joan Fischer of Bayport was pinned local Top Rider Under 18, while Paul Hickman of Sayville took the Under 14 title. Miss Fischer also won the Under 18 Top Rider award at the same show a year ago, and now $— has two legs on the Challenge trophy. If she should win again ision , while John Luhrssen rode in 1961, she would retire the his Gingerbread in hunter and jumper classes. Michael Johnson trophy. Second to Miss Fischer was of Equitation Lodge, rode Thomas Bernard Gaiser of Sayville, third School's thoroughbred mare Misin hunter, juniper and John Luhrssen of Bayport, fourth demeanor Miss Linda Hickman of Sayville, horsemanship classes, placing in fifth , Miss Susan Quimby of Bell- all t h r e e o p e n horsemanship port , and sixth, Paul Mottl of events. Michael was second in the important ASPCA horsemanship Sayville. Bernard Gaiser also showed his class which qualifies for the final horse Trigger in the Jumper div- event at Madison Square Garden in November. A special feature of the show Advertisement was a mock foxhunt in which competitors followed the Smithtown Hunt hounds over the cross ii »t •* ? * v ^s^ ^ ^ t^ ^^HJ^ H^^^W country jumping course. In this event Michael Johnson rode Misdemeanor to a perfect score for a faultless performance. In the Under 14 Local Horsemanship, second to Paul Hickman was Miss Lola Zinser of Bayport, third . Miss Patricia Kinsey of Sayville, fourth , Miss Jean Lerner of Sayville, fifth, Miss Barbara Litz of Sayville, and sixth, Miss Beth Canning of Bayport. Tiny Mary Lou Kinsey of SayWmmWm ^ ^BHBK^^^Lj ^^Bk^^ ^B^^HL^^^B^HP^PiaffliH ^^^^^^k ville won the blue ribbon in the Under 10 walk-trot horsemanship; Kenneth Johnson and Beth Canning, both of Bayport, tied for fifth place, while Kathleen Kinsey was sixth. i Ted Pilger PATCHOGUE — Even though a boat is as safe as it is humanly possible to make it, there are times when the unexpected happens. Boating hazards exist no matter how careful an owner may be. These hazards involve the possibility of loss or damage to the owner's boat or his legal liability for property damage, bodily injury and loss of life. These and numerous risks are covered when the owner of a pleasure craft purchases complete Yacht and Motorboat Insurance . . . In addition to this broad protection , there is available to all policyholders without charge, the services of our Marine Safety Engineers and Inspectors. These services have been of inestimable value in helping boat owners to minimize the danger to life, limb and property . . . So, if you are taking to the water this season it would be a good idea to look into the insurance aspect before you cast off . . . Give me a ring at GRover 5-6151 or stop in at The Pilger Agency at 218 Medford Avenue, Patchogue . . . I'll be happy to give you a complete rundown on boat insurance. No obligation , of course . . . P. S. Be sure and listen in to our FM radio program "An Evening at Marchiony 's". The broadcast is direct from Marchiony's Restaurant on South Ocean Avenue in Patchogue. Broadcast time is every Thursday evening, 9:30 p. m. to 10:30 p. m. over WPAC-FM , 106.1 on your dial. .. j .. \[ The Patchogue Fire Dept. V¦&$*$ '*{ <£j% C tf j S 5 Drive u p . . . DRIVE I N . . . drive on! j CHIEF'S CORNER By Chief Winfield Corston and Batt,Chief Daniel Gillette CONGRATULATIONS — Mr. and Mrs . Robert Albrecht became the proud parents of a little boy, Saturday night. Mr. Albrecht is 'a member of the Euclid Hose Company and his son is a future prospective member. The North Patchogue Fire Department held its annual installation dinner and dance Saturday night at the Mcdford Brau Haus. All the ladies were gifted with corsages. A roast beef dinner was served and dance music and entertainment was furnished by the Cordsmen. The officers installed were Chief Richard Boddy, Deputy Chiefs Francis Gillette and Jack Blaum , Captain Robert Cristman , First Lieutenant James Deedy, ¦ Second Lieutenant Donald Rothe. These men were installed b y one j of the department's trustees, Jules Wyllins. ^ Peoples ! ^fssrv ¦ i$-3 2§Sk. S (fcSSSOft \ CPigfeSj y | 'QRtfta SJ£gy ! ^SSSSJCS^ ! 410 West Main Street GROVER 5-4200 ! INSTALLATION leSS. TLti GRover 5-470O H5 EAST MAIN STREET MID-ISLAND OFFICE ROUTE 25 SELDEN, N. Y. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System i . . ^ ¦ . ¦ i i i . . » i i n » i . . . l American Social Club of Suffolk County was conducted at its clubhouse at I I S South Ocean Avenue, Patchogue, May 7. Benny Halsamo, president, is shown giving attorney Archimedes Cervera honor membership card as counsellor of club. Honored guests and witnesses to event were Thomas D. Browne, former I'atchogue village assessor, and Salvatore Itomeo, I'atchogue village clerk. Directors in first row, left to M right , are Herminio Sanchez Marin , sub. treasurer Miss Mary Lebron , treasurer; Frank J. I.oran , secretary and former organizer of LASC of Suffolk County; and Joe Del Valle, sub. secretary. Second row, left to right , Afortunado Aponte , voter; Faustino Del Valle, voter; Nicomedes Mendez , vice president , and Jesus Rodriguez, voter. Th ird row , left to right , Mr. Browne, Mr. Cervera , Mr. Balsamo, and Mr. Romeo. —Photo by Nigro i i Patchogue ^& S^J=3 $% \ J 4rC^=l J « i. .. » ii i . i » . . ii . J .. i k ii .l . l .a a . B> . B "X ] &$ 0@ffTD@@£ ^ ( £/¥fN§ NEEDS&fexff® j I Dkmmfa@ff£iP9nt$ J ^s^ Nfyttfor lewArieetf >r ! l 'z.< /j v 'w S '*f& > if - < &.2rs%„* f. * \ ' !^ > ^ ^J! </ ^ 4«^ V-^W^SilLs^f^k |JUST TOUCH AND GO... GIANT jj -=^ WTS 22~ J NCH ROTARY I I HAS CHOKE-A-MATIC 1 CONTROL HANDLE | x • 2'/2 HP , 4-cycle ^ Brigh t sJton * * u y.9a "9e , s*eel decl( VI Wide 22" Cut — I I 1 1 1 1 mm A H ** I BSf!I£9 fl 1 I . j , 54.88 0 C/l oo Regular *?* VL >\ ^A ^&L >\ I - HeighTodjusts from I 1'/j" io2 3/4 " \ T\ Jl Infill ¦ VM ¦ ^^%0 More mowing power w i t h WTG ... from the extra horsepower in Kriggs. & St ration engine... to the wide t'linch cut. it's a snap to run . . . the Choke-a-Matie I'ontrol chokes , runs, slops engine. Front discharge chute. "Charge-/," . . . 1.25 weekl y, no money down of 6-foot frame highly polished 1-inch Alcoa aluminum tubing^ S S B I Hi I 1 ADJUSTABLE ALUMINUM I 1 CHAISE CLOSELY WEBBED /fj ¦ WITH STURDY 'VELONV 1 I II M H M gal O^ 044 I Hero is the 'buy' you have been waiting for . An automatically adjustable 5-position chaise with lightweight , easy-fold a l u m i n u m frame and weatherresistant webbing in choice of green or blue with fresh white. Ot yours now! II Just S H H H W, say "Charge-It "...No money uown, 1.25 a week m ALUMINUM fC^TID 1 FOLDING CHAIR .4Ci#{ I n ^%Y7 \\ V-»——3L1 I Reoufar 3.98 ^ ^ aluminum Lightweight frame, covered in washablo vinyl. Red or green Rose on a white ground. pi |1 M %M m ill \ "Ofj f \ ¦ II ^"^"iBBfiS Snr ^^^J // U // <3> II jM $~\ . | l * OUTDOOR CHEF'S DELIGHT... 24" COPPERTONE BRAZIER WITH | MOTORIZED HOOD | 1 ¦ Regular 14.77 ¦ ¦77 ¦ ¦ Crank-stylo adjustment on chrome grid. 24" fire-bowl is guaranteed against burnoulforJiyears.ULapproved S " " electric motor and spit ox» " A/t vi full size hood. ^l . ** CIRCUS IS COMING — The Patchogue Fire Department will sponsor Hagen Bros . Circus June 9. The circus will be held on the corner of Sunrise Highway and North Ocean Avenue. There will be two performances, 3:30 and 8 p. m., but the doors will be open one hour earlier. ALARMS OF WEEK — There J was but one alarm this past week. ! A general alarm rang in Saturday * for the Brookhaven Town Hall on I South Ocean Avenue. There was no fire, A faulty automatic, alarm I system at the town hall caused the general alarm to go off. * SP'^ <A tB^1 ^ l S$iet&JP ^ ,< 1 Sm* flft f*^i*^& * *i^few» ^^^^^^s^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H TAKE COMMUNION — Sun; day morning, 15 Patchogue firemen attended a communion break¦ fast in Copiague. The men were transported by the Van Guard Company 's truck. NATIONAL BANK OF PATCHOGUE [ I Mo I W T^L VcS/Hl^^ ' *§Sll !m ! $^&§& \ ^HP^^m^^^^^^ ¦ 3 GUARANTEED WORK Re-Roofing — Re-Siding Insulation NOTHING DOWN . . . 5 YEARS TO PAY! JMcRAE BROS. #B j i 11 \\ \ I l\ u • Banking with us is especially convenient when you use our drive-in window . . . and you receive the same efficient , courteous service. The next time you are in a hurry to do your banking - I E j| Steeleout! \ [ B EAST HAMPTON — Special arrangements have been made by Gateway Enterprises, producers of the Gateway Playhouse in Bellport , to present a number of this season's plays at the John Drew Theatre here. In recent weeks a close association has developed between Gateway and the Civic Committee of the John Drew Theatre , a Gateway spokesman said. Already firmly set for East Hampton is the critically acclaimed, "Two for the Seesaw," produced by Gateway Enterprises. As announced last week in The Advance, Jeffrey Lynn and Lee Grant will be seen at the Gateway the week beginning July 4 and then move over to the John Drew Theatre on Jul y 19. Plans are now being made to have additional Gateway produc tions at the John Drew Theatre in association with the East Hampton Civic Committee. There is no substitute for Pat* eh»gue Advance advertising in Brookhaven Town.—Ad*. \ j \ ! S | Gateway to Present Shows at John Drew RIVERHEAD — S u p r e m e Court Justice Fred J. Munder , Monday heard arguments from both sides, and reserved decision on the question of whether Brookhaven Town or a private individual owns a three-acre parcel of land in Miller Place. The township, represented byPeter Snyder, applied for leave to serve an amended complaint substituting the present town board members in place of the former town trustees. Mr. Snyder argued that the property on North Country Road , Miller Place , belongs to the town and has since 1666. Stanley J. Fowler, attorney for Melville Warner , claimed his client has owned the property for 33 years , and still is the lega l owner. Mr. Snyder said the town has improved North Country Road , which runs through the land , and has improved a pond , situated on the property. Mr. Snyder also charged Mr. Warner on occasion has fenced off the property and has even threatened to fence off the road . Wteeze w, . . . ogue. This year's theme is "Radio —The Heartbeat of Main Street " Special certificates of appreciation will be presented to station C. representatives by Rupert Parks, president of the local Kiwanis Club. Certificates cite the stations for continued adherence to the highest principles of programming, active defense of freedom of speech , and for the role that the stations play not only in help ing Kiwanis and other organizations in their community service work , but in public service. Radio men who have been invited to the Kiwanis Radio meeting are: W. K. Macy, Jr., president of Suffolk Broadcasting Corporation and Lee Morrison , president of Patchogu e Broadcasting Company. Special Kiwanis awards will be made to both men on behalf of the radio stations they represent. The meeting will be held at the Patchogue Hotel. I 3 5 Years of Responsible ] i the local school chapter of the National Honor Society, has won an honorary National Honor Society scholarship award in a national scholarship competition held by the National Association of Secondary-School Principals, Washington , D. C, it was announced this week by Edmund W. Tuton , principal. This award was won in a competition of over 55,000 selected highranking students—all senior members of the National Honor Society, who participated in the Fifteenth Annual National Honor Society Scholarship Program. The award winner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Wassermann , 413 East Main Street. He plans to enter Massachusetts Institute of Technology in September and major in chemistry with the career objective in chemical research. At P a t c h o g u e Senior High School , Gordon was manager of the baseball and football teams, a member of the mathematics club, yearbook staff , and student council. He ranks first in a class of approximately 196 students. .... William J. K a 1 a n d, national progra m director for the Westinghouse Broadcasting Company, will be the special guest speaker at the Kiwanis Club of Patchogue 's meeting May 31. The affair is designed to honor Patchogue Radio Stations WALK and WPAC , and to pay tribute to them and the industry they represent for its continued stand in defense of the freedom of speech ideal. The Kiwanis radio meeting will come as a high point of local observance of National Radio month , an a n n u a l month-long series of events sponsored by the National Association of Broadcasters, with the participation and support of Kiwanis International and the Kiwanis Club of Patch- Starr Miranda , 11-year-old East Patchogue girl , won the Long Island Twirling Championship recently at North port Senior High School in Northport, sanctioned by the United States Twirling Association and sponsored by the North port Music Department. Others who won first place awards were : Juvenile : Kim Smith, 7, South Huntington; Rosanne Van Wyen , 8, Sayville; Gail Bush , 9, Islip Terrace; and Joanne Crudo, 10, Levittown. Juvenile champ, Rosanne Van Wyen , is the granddaughter of Otto Nagel, formerly of Patchogue, and now of Sayville. Junior: Starr Miranda , 11, East Patchogue; Bertha Nuener, 12, Baltimore, Md.; Diane Warta, 12, Lindenhurst; and Denise Magnetti , 14, Union City, N. J. Named junior champ was Starr Miranda. Senior: Helen Danforth , 15, Hempstead; Judy Asmuth, 16, Massapequa ; and Olida Coelho, 17, Amityville. Named senior champ was Olida Coelho. Boys' Division champ is Stev en Zucchi of Seaford . Grand Champ and Long Island champ is Starr Miranda. Sta rr competed against 350 contestants in which she won her title as Long Island Twirling Champ. She is now working for the New York State title at Jones Beach, June 11. Gordon Wassermann Wins Honor Society National Scholarship Parcel Ownership Gordon Seth Wassermann, 17, a senior at Patchogue Senior High School , and a member of Goes Before Judge ... ........ Patchogue's Kiwanis, Radio Exec to Honor Local Radio Stations Starr Miranda Champ Twirler Of Long Island S'v/7/e, Bayport Youngsters Gain Honors in Horse Show j. YOU MUST UK SATISFIED OR YOUR MONEY BACK ^ ^ ^ i ^H^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ USE ANY ONE OF GRANTS Charge Account with Option Terms 80-Day • • Credit Coupon Account — Fast as Cash to Use • Special Account for Larger Purchases R B H H NO MONEY DOWN...TAKE 30 DAYS OR TAKE MONTHS TO PAY H H a H H M M M M M H H a ^r^^^^rT M ^^U ¦ V^^^yQ^^^Mmm ¦ ^T» IBLJ|bjS|||3LHK3HbM ^^ t §J^A TC_ .HCJCI 9:3 J!" ^r f W fc r* ^m ^0M I^^Til1 0pln MB' Frida JVi(eH >r °