Inductive technology for battery charging Stefan Milchev Nikolay Madzharov Anton Tonchev TUG Webinar, Tecnalia, Spain 09 October, 2014 Inductive Power Transfer Technologie By its physical nature inductive method of energy transfer can be defined as "Open transformer with resonant magnetic coupling". This is a commonly used definition of the process, despite its application. The primary side of this transformer is defined as “Transmitter” and the secondary (one or more than one) “Receiver” or “Pick up” Typical IPT construction Basic concepts of IPT Small air gap:5-10mm (SG-IPT) Large air gap:7-300mm(LG-IPT) FastInCharge IPT concept for charging of EV Development of fast static charging station; Development of on-route charging infrastructure; Static and on-route solutions to be based on identical IPT modules. Technical specification of FastInCharge IPT modules Parameters of IPTM Input HF voltage to the primary coil 600 V 2000 V Input HF current to the primary coil Input HF power to the primary coil Output FF voltage of secondary coil Output HF power of secondary coil Output HF current of secondary coil Air gap between primary and secondary coils Operating Frequency Efficiency Weight of the secondary coil Dimensions of the secondary coil 80 A 300 A 32 kVA 260 – 380 V 30 kW (at 380V output voltage) 80 A 60 mm 10 mm Dimensions of the primary coil Charging time Maximum misalignment between coils 80x70x9 cm 20 – 30 min In direction X(L): 15 cm ; In direction Y(W): 10 cm 10 – 50 kHz 80 – 92 % 18- 25 kg 80x70x6 cm The first step, of the project development is choice of the location of IPTM in a EV The second step is to determine main electrical and mechanical parameters of IPT module - Numerical simulation of electro-magnetic fields, electrical calculation and some preliminary electrical measurements; - Specified electrical parameters of IPTM are base data for development of all primary and secondary power electronic modules; - All specified mechanical parameters and air gap dimensions for static and on-route charging mode are basic data for development of mechanical moving system for positioning of IPTM. • IPT TRANSFORMER – PRIMARY COIL Dimensions 800mm 700mm Volume 56 dm^3 Weight 28kg (incl. AL shell) Note For the first Prototype 100mm Simulation of magnetic field distribution between primary and secondary coils Magnetic field dissipation without Aluminum shield Simulation of magnetic field distribution between primary and secondary coils Magnetic field concentration – effect of Aluminum shield implementation Simulation of magnetic field distribution between primary and secondary coils Magnetic field dissipation – effect of misalignment between coils “On route” – primary coil construction Components: 1. Basalt fiber concrete cover 2. Epoxy protective layer 3. IPT Litz coil 4. Ferrite bars with Aluminum supporting frame 5. Bottom concrete base Special basalt fibers will be used for enforcement of the concrete structure and improving the strength Picture of developed primary coil Dimensions: 816/716/80 Weight: 33,5 kg Magnetic shield Ferrite core Litz wire turns Inside view Matching primary electrical circuit to the coil Matching transformers and Capacitors Secondary EV’s electrical circuits Secondary IPT coil + AC / DC Module EV side – Design of AC / DC Module FastInCharge concept of on-route infrastructure In red are marked sensors for switching primary coils in a charging mode “On route” – primary coil distances and power distribution Terms: EPT – Efficient Power Transfer area CS – Coil switching section Lcoil – Length of each coil Dcoil – Distance between coils Laboratory prototype for investigation and demonstration of contactless charging of EV, developed by TUG Charging coils for static and on-route mode Charging station- static and on-route mode INVESTIGATION OF DEVELOPED IPT MODULES WITH REAL BATERY LOAD OVERAL VIEW OF Testing Battery Bench DEVELOPED BY CRF Overall view of testing equipment Test bench TTC 90 COHDA START, STOP, Uset ,Iset Umeasured, Imeasured Measurement technique TTC 90 Impedance Analyzer IPT primary Current probe 100A, 100kHz IPT secondary AC/DC module Agilent 1 GHz Thermo vision camera Charging station modules Charging station Charging station body TTC 90 COHDA IGBT inverter and Control system Matching capacitors Matching trafos Conclusions • • • • Redesigning and optimization of some elements value, for example IPT secondary turns and capacitance of secondary matching capacitors are implemented. The new optimized elements not deviate the specified electrical parameters in FIC Technical specification. The revised operating modes of all elements ( currents and voltages) are in accordance with their catalog electrical data. All electrical and temperature tests guaranty reliable operating mode of all charging modules. Thank you for your attention