APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 93, 143503 共2008兲 Common-emitter and common-base small-signal operation of the transistor laser B. Faraji,a兲 W. Shi, D. L. Pulfrey, and L. Chrostowski Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada 共Received 1 August 2008; accepted 16 September 2008; published online 9 October 2008兲 We derive analytic expressions for the transistor laser in the common-emitter and common-base configuration and compare the performance of the transistor in these two modes of operation. We show that the common-base operation results in a wide-band, small-signal modulation response. This effect is due to reduced carrier lifetime in the base. The bandwidth equalization and the suppression of the relaxation oscillation frequency are shown. A bandwidth of 48 GHz is predicted for a vertical cavity laser biased at 10Ith. © 2008 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2998267兴 In the transistor laser 共TL兲, a quantum well 共QW兲 is embedded in the base of a heterojunction bipolar junction transistor 共HBT兲 and acts as an optical collector. The stimulated recombination changes the characteristics of the transistor and the laser, e.g., compression in the I-V characteristics of the transistor,1 decrease in the current gain of the transistor 共stim ⬍ spon兲, and modified carrier dynamics. One interesting feature of the TL is the potential for an enhanced small-signal modulation bandwidth due to the reduced carrier lifetime in the base region. The reduced carrier lifetime is due to the reverse biased base-collector junction, which introduces a gradient in the carrier concentration 共as shown in Fig. 1兲. The physical parameter associated with this slope is the base transit time 共t兲, which is the average time an electron spends in transit across the base. In Ref. 2 the authors present a model based on the charge control method and laser rate equations, which predicts a large intrinsic modulation bandwidth in the common-emitter configuration. However the model does not differentiate between the bulk carriers and the QW carriers in the rate equation and does not include the effects of the capture and escape lifetimes in the QW,3,4 and significantly overestimates the bandwidth, i.e., a 3 dB bandwidth of 70 GHz for an edge emitting TL. By using the concept of virtual states,5 a useful amalgamation of the laser rate equations and the diffusion equation can be obtained.6 This formulation is needed to correctly predict the modulation bandwidth observed in experimental devices in the CE configuration.7 In this work, analytical expressions for the small-signal modulation of a TL in the common-base 共CB兲 and common-emitter 共CE兲 configurations are developed and their performances are compared. We demonstrate that the TL modulated in the CB configuration can have a bandwidth equalization, which significantly increases the 3 dB modulation bandwidth and its response has suppressed relaxation oscillations. We consider a npn HBT. The transistor is operating in its normal, active mode, i.e., the base-emitter junction is forward biased and base-collector junction is reversed biased. Figure 1 shows the conduction energy band of the base and the dc excess minority carrier distribution ␦N共x兲. The carriers injected from the emitter diffuse across the base and reach a兲 Electronic mail: 0003-6951/2008/93共14兲/143503/3/$23.00 the QW. These unbounded carriers may undergo quantum capture to the bound states in the QW with a lifetime of cap, or diffuse across to the collector where they are swept out by the reverse-biased base-collector junction. The carriers may escape the QW with a lifetime esc. The unbounded carriers at x = 0 are located at the virtual bound states. These states are localized at the QW but occupy energies higher than the conduction energy edge of the barrier material and aid in the conversion of carriers from the three-dimensional states above the well to the two-dimensional 共2D兲 states within the QW 共NQW兲 and vice versa.5 Considering that diffusion is the dominant mechanism for transport across the base, we solve the small-signal diffusion equation j ␦n = D 2␦ n ␦ n − , x2 B 共1兲 subject to the boundary conditions je = eD d␦n dx x = − WB/2, 共2兲 jc = eD d␦n dx x = WB/2, 共3兲 ␦n共0−兲 = ␦n共0+兲 = n0 , 共4兲 FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Schematic of carrier diffusion and quantum capture in the QW and the conduction band energy diagram of the base region. The emitter is at the left side of the base 共x ⬍ −WB / 2兲 and the collector is at the right side 共x ⬎ WB / 2兲. 93, 143503-1 © 2008 American Institute of Physics Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see ␦n Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 143503 共2008兲 Faraji et al. 冉 冊 WB = 0, 2 j0 = eD ␦n共0−兲 dx 共5兲 Parameter − eD ␦n共0+兲 dx 共6兲 , and the current relation of the transistor 共je = jc + jb兲. Solutions for je and jb are obtained. 冉 W 2 B eD WB cosh 2Ld sinh + j e = n0 Ld 2Ld sinh WB 2Ld jb = 2n0 冊 + j0 cosh eD WB WB sinh + j0 cosh . Ld 2Ld 2Ld WB , 2Ld 共7兲 共8兲 In Eqs. 共1兲–共8兲: ␦n共x兲 is the small-signal excess carrier distribution inside the base, is the angular modulation frequency, B is the carrier recombination lifetime, D is the diffusion coefficient in the base, je is the emitter current, jc is the collector current, WB is the base width, n0 is the virtual states carrier concentration, and j0 is the current to the virtual state due to diffusion. Ld is the modified frequencydependent diffusion length: L2d = 共DB兲 / 共1 + jB兲. At high frequencies the diffusion can be a limiting factor as the diffusion length decreases with frequency. The rate equations describing the QW current, virtual states, QW bound states, and photon concentrations are jqw n0 nqw = − , ed cap esc j n0 = 共9兲 j0 jqw n0 − − , ed ed S jnqw = TABLE I. Model parameter values used in the simulations. 冉 冊 冉 冉 冊 共10兲 冊 1 1 jqw − s− + AS0 nqw , ed ⌫ P S 共11兲 ⑀S0 s. P 共12兲 js = 共⌫AS0兲nqw − In Eqs. 共10兲–共12兲, d is the QW width, S is the spontaneous emission lifetime, jqw is the current from the virtual states to the 2D bound states within the QW, s is the photon density, A is the differential gain of the active layer with respect to the bounded carrier density 共A ⬅ vgdG / dNQW兲, ⌫ is the optical confinement factor, S0 is the DC photon density, ⑀ is the gain compression factor, and P is the photon lifetime. The numerical values used in the model are summarized in Table I. The values are chosen for a typical vertical cavity surface emitting laser. Figure 2 shows the 3 dB bandwidth 共BW兲 variation in the CE and CB configurations as a function of the bias current 共IB兲. At low bias currents both configurations show almost the same BW. As IB increases the BW of the CB configuration increases rapidly while the BW of the CE configuration saturates, as in the case of a regular separate confinement heterostructure laser.8 The BW enhancement is due to the different types of carriers used in the modulation of the CE and CB, i.e., holes in the CE case and electrons in the CB case. This difference can be understood from transistor charge control analysis9 where the small-signal base current is related to stored charge in the base region through S B cap esc P d WB D ⌫ A ⑀ Area Transistor laser Unit Source 200 200 1 10 4 10 100 26 0.05 1 ⫻ 10−5 1.5⫻ 10−17 16 ps ps ps ps ps nm nm cm2 / s ¯ cm3 s−1 cm3 m2 Ref. 10 Ref. 2 Ref. 8 Ref. 8 Ref. 10 Ref. 10 Ref. 2 Refs. 2 and 9 Ref. 10 Ref. 10 Ref. 10 Ref. 10 the carrier recombination lifetime 共B兲, while the smallsignal emitter current is dependent on the transit time 共t = WB2 / 2D兲, which is in the range of 10−12 s. Two mechanisms, carrier transit through the base and stimulated emission, work in parallel to reduce the carrier effective lifetime in the base region, thereby enhancing the small-signal BW in the CB case. Figure 3 shows the typical small-signal modulation response of the CB and CE configurations as the bias current is increased. There are three main differences between CE and CB modulation responses. First is the slope of the curves at frequencies above the resonance: the CE configuration has a −60 dB/ decade slope while the CB configuration shows a slope of −40 dB/ decade at frequencies ⬍100 GHz. This difference is due to the shift in the carrier dynamics-induced parasitic pole of the CB configuration transfer function to higher frequencies. The second difference is the dc gain value: the CE configuration has a higher dc gain than the CB configuration. Finally in the CE configuration curves, as the bias current increases, the damping increases and the peak corresponding to the relaxation oscillation frequency diminishes; at high bias currents, overdamping due to the gain compression is the limiting factor which saturates the BW. In the CB configuration, the peak corresponding to the relax50 40 Bandwidth (GHz) 143503-2 Common−Base 10Ith 30 20 1.1Ith Common−Emitter 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 IB (mA) 10 12 14 16 FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 BW variation in the CB and CE configuration in the transistor laser. The bias current for both configurations is varied from IB = 1.1IB,th to IB = 10IB,th. A BW of 48 GHz is obtained for the CB configuration at IB = 10IB,th, while the maximum BW of the CE configuration is 17 GHz. Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 143503-3 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 143503 共2008兲 Faraji et al. −15 −20 15 IB=3 mA Common−Emitter −30 −35 I =15 mA B 16.4dB −60 dB/dec Transistor Gain (β, dB) Transfer Function (dB) −25 16dB I =3 mA B −40 IB=15 mA −45 Common−Base −50 −55 −60 −65 1 −40 dB/dec ∆ IB=3 mA 10 5 14GHz 0 10 Frequency (GHz) 100 FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Transfer function for the small-signal modulation of the transistor laser considering both the CE and CB configurations. The bias current for both configurations is varied from IB = 2IB,th to IB = 10IB,th. ation oscillation is critically damped and the curves are flat; most importantly there is no gain compression effect in the CB configuration small-signal response. Figure 4 shows the small-signal current transfer function of j0 / jb 共the virtual states current to the base current兲, jqw / jb 共the QW current to the base current兲, j0 / je 共the virtual states current to the emitter current兲, and jqw / je 共the QW current to the emitter current兲 as a function of frequency. The very interesting feature of the CB configuration is the presence of the second resonance, which broadens the response. We believe that this resonance originates from the interplay between the base carriers and QW carriers. The dc value of the current ratio in the CB configuration is smaller than in the CE configuration due to the transistor gain available when the base is modulated. A gain-bandwidth product is observed, where a higher bandwidth is obtained with the tradeoff of a lower RF gain. 71GHz −5 1 10 Frequency (GHz) 100 FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 Current gain of the transistor laser 20 log共兲. A DC gain of 14.6dB 共=5.3兲 and f T of 71 GHz are observed. The device is biased at IB = 10IB,th. Figure 5 shows the small-signal transistor current gain 共 = ic / ib兲. This gain-frequency plot of the transistor shows a decreasing gain at high frequencies with a f T equal to 71 GHz. The dc gain is approximately equal to the difference of the base and emitter modulation transfer function. In conclusion, the small-signal modulation bandwidth of the CB configuration of the transistor laser can be much larger than both the CE transistor laser and conventional laser diodes reported thus far. However, the dc gain of the CB configuration is smaller than the CE configuration with the difference being the transistor gain. Adding a wide-band amplifier stage at the emitter 共the cascode configuration兲 could compensate the gain drop of the CB configuration. By engineering the device and epitaxy parameters, the BW of the CB configuration may be enhanced further. 0 1 Current Ratio (dB) −5 Common−Emitter −10 −15 −20 1 Common−Base 10 Frequency (GHz) 100 FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Transfer function of the current ratios for the CE configuration 共dashed curve兲 and CB configuration 共solid lines兲. For each configuration two plots are shown: one for virtual state currents 共blue curves兲 and the other for QW current 共red curves兲. 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