Amplifier Basics OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, the student should be able to: • • • • Describe the purpose of an amplifier. Identify the three basic configurations of transistor amplifier circuits. Identify the classes of amplifiers. Describe the operation of direct coupled amplifiers, audio amplifiers, video amplifiers, RF amplifiers, IF amplifiers, and operational amplifiers. • Draw and label schematic diagrams for the different types of amplifier circuits. Amplifiers are electronic circuits that are used to increase the amplitude of an electronic signal. A circuit designed to convert a low voltage to a higher voltage is called a voltage amplifier. A circuit designed to convert a low current to a higher current is called a current amplifier. See accompanying CD for Amplifier Basics examples in MultiSim, Chapter 28. AMPLIFIER CONFIGURATIONS In order for a transistor to provide amplification, it must be able to accept an input signal and produce an output signal that is greater than the input. The input signal controls current flow in the transistor. This, in turn, controls the voltage through the load. The transistor circuit is designed to take voltage from an external power source (Vee)and apply it to a load resistor (RL) in the form of an output voltage. The output voltage is controlled by a small input voltage. The transistor is used primarily as an amplifying device. However, there is more than one way of achieving this amplification. The transistor can be connected in three different circuit configurations. The three circuit configurations are the common-base circuit, the common-emitter circuit, and the common-collector circuit. In each configuration, one of the transistor's leads serves as a common reference point and the other two leads serve as input and output connections. Each configuration can be constructed using either NPN or PNP transistors. In each, the transistor's emitter-base 267 SECTION 4 LINEAR ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS FIGURE 28-1 FIGURE 28-3 Common-base amplifier circuit. Common-collector amplifier circuit. Q + -=- 4rl -=- Vcc FIGURE 28-2 VBB the output leaves from the collector-base circuit. The base is the element common to both the input and output circuits. In the common-emitter circuit (Figure 28-2) the input signal enters the base-emitter circuit, and the output signal leaves from the collectoremitter circuit. The emitter is common to both the input and output circuit. This method of connecting a transistor is the most widely used. The third type of connection (Figure 28-3) is the common-collector circuit. In this configuration, the input signal enters the base-collector circuit, and the output signal leaves from the emitter-collector circuit. Here, the collector is common to both the input and output circuits. This circuit is used as an impedance-matching circuit. Figure 28-4 charts the input-output resistance and voltage, current, and power gains for the Common-emitter amplifier circuit. junction is forward biased, while the collectorbase junction is reverse biased. Each configuration offers advantages and disadvantages. In the common-base circuit (Figure 28-1) the input signal enters the emitter-base circuit, and FIGURE 28-4 Amplifier circuit characteristics. CIRCUIT TYPE INPUT RESISTANCe OUTPUT RESISTANCE VOLTAGE GAIN CURRENT GAIN POWER GAIN COMMON BASE Low High High Less than 1 Medium COMMON EMITTER Medium Medium Medium Medium High COMMON COLLECTOR High Low Less than 1 Medium Medium I 269 CHAPTER 28 AMPLIFIER BASICS FIGURE 28-5 FIGURE 28-6 Amplifier circuit input-output phase relationships. Common-emitter amplifier with single voltage source. AMPLIfiER TYPE COMMON BASE COMMON EMITTER COMMON COLLECTOR INPUT WAVEFORM =. OUTPUT WAVEFORM + + -i+ + three circuit configurations. Figure 28-5 shows the phase relationship of input and output waveforms for the three configurations. Note that the common-emitter configuration provides a phase reversal of the input-output signal. 28-1 QUESTIONS 1. Draw schematic diagrams of the three basic configurations of transistor amplifier circuits. 2. List the characteristics of the: a. Common-base circuit b. Common-emitter circuit c. Common-collector circuit 3. Make a chart showing the input-output phase relationship of the three configurations. 4. Make a chart showing the input -output resistances of the three configurations. 5. Make a chart showing the voltage, current, and power gains of the three configurations. OUTPUT INPUT o--+------iH + Vcc ..=.. GROUND ':" AMPLIFIER BIASING The basic configurations of transistor amplifier circuits are the common base, the common emitter, and the common collector. All require two voltages for proper biasing. The base-emitter junction must be forward biased and the base-collector junction must be reverse biased. However, both bias voltages can be provided from a single source. Because the common-emitter circuit configuration is the most often used, it is described in detail here. The same principles apply to the common-base and common-collector circuits. Figure 28-6 shows a common-emitter transistor amplifier using a single voltage source. The circuit is schematically diagrammed in Figure 28-7. The voltage source is identified as +Vcc The ground symbol is the negative side of the voltage source Vcc The single voltage source provides proper biasing for the base-emitter and basecollector junctions. The two resistors (RB and RL) are used to distribute the voltage for proper operation. Resistor RL'the collector load resistor, is in series with the collector. When a collector current flows, a voltage develops across resistor RL.The voltage dropped across resistor RLand the voltage SECTION 4 LINEAR ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS - FIGURE 28-7 Schematic representation of common-emitter amplifier with single voltage source. ....----- FIGURE 28-8 Common-emitter amplifier with collector feedback. - ..... +Vcc OUTPUT INPUT o-------4----H OUTPUT INPUT 0--+----+-1 dropped across the transistor's collector-to-emitter junction must add up to the total voltage applied. Resistor RB'connected between the base and the voltage source, controls the amount of current flowing out of the base. The base current flowing through resistor RB creates a voltage across it. Most of the voltage from the source is dropped across it. A small amount of voltage drops across the transistor's base-to-emitter junction, providing the proper forward bias. The single voltage source can provide the necessary forward-bias and reverse-bias voltages. For an NPN transistor, the transistor's base and collector must be positive with respect to the emitter. Therefore, the voltage source can be connected to the base and the collector through resistors RBand RL.This circuit is often called a base-biased circuit, because the base current is controlled by resistor RBand the voltage source. The input signal is applied between the transistor's base and emitter or between the input terminal and ground. The input signal either aids or opposes the forward bias across the emitter junction. This causes the collector current to vary, which then causes the voltage across RLto vary. The output signal is developed between the output terminal and ground. The circuit shown in Figure 28-6 is unstable, because it cannot compensate for changes in the bias current with no signal applied. Temperature changes cause the transistor's internal resistance to vary, which causes the bias currents to change. This shifts the transistor operating point, reducing the gain of the transistor. This process is referred to as thermal instability. It is possible to compensate for temperature changes in a transistor amplifier circuit. If a portion of the unwanted output signal is fed back to the circuit input, the signal opposes the change. This is referred to as degenerative or negative feedback (Figure 28-8). In a circuit using degenerative feedback, the base resistor RBis connected directly to the collector of the transistor. The current flowing through resistor RBis determined by the voltage at the collector. If the temperature increases, the collector current increases, and the voltage across RLincreases. The collector-to-emitter voltage decreases, reducing the voltage applied to RB. This reduces the base current, which causes the collector current to decrease. This is referred to as a collectorfeedback circuit. Figure 28-9 shows another type of feedback. The circuit is similar to the one shown in Figure 28-7, except that a resistor RE is connected in series with the emitter lead. Resistors RBand REand the transistor'S emitter-base junc- CHAPTER 28 AMPLIFIER BASICS FIGURE 28-5 FIGURE 28-6 Amplifier circuit input-output phase relationships. Common-emitter amplifier with single voltage source. AMPLIFIER TYPE COMMON BASE COMMON EMITTER COMMON COLLECTOR INPUT WAVEFORM -4J-4J{\ V =. OUTPUT WAVEFORM -i-4J- three drcuit configurations. Figure 28-5 shows the phase relationship of input and output waveforms for the three configurations. Note that the common-emitter configuration provides a phase reversal of the input-output signal. 28-1 QUESTIONS 1. Draw schematic diagrams of the three basic configurations of transistor amplifier circuits. 2. List the characteristics of the: a. Common-base circuit b. Common-emitter circuit c. Common-collector circuit 3. Make a chart showing the input-output phase relationship of the three configurations. 4. Make a chart showing the input-output resistances of the three configurations. 5. Make a chart showing the voltage, current, and power gains of the three configurations. OUTPUT INPUT O--- ..•... ---+-f + Vcc GROUND -=- ":' AMPLIFIER BIASING The basic configurations of transistor amplifier circuits are the common base, the common emitter, and the common collector. All require two voltages for proper biasing. The base-emitter junction must be forward biased and the base-collector junction must be reverse biased. However, both bias voltages can be provided from a single source. Because the common-emitter circuit configuration is the most often used, it is described in detail here. The same prindples apply to the common-base and common-collector circuits. Figure 28-6 shows a common-emitter transistor amplifier using a single voltage source. The circuit is schematically diagrammed in Figure 28-7. The voltage source is identified as + Vcc The ground symbol is the negative side of the voltage source Vcc The single voltage source provides proper biasing for the base-emitter and basecollector junctions. The two resistors (RB and RL) are used to distribute the voltage for proper operation. Resistor RL'the collector load resistor, is in series with the collector. When a collector current flows, a voltage develops across resistor RL.The voltage dropped across resistor RLand the voltage SECTION 4 LINEAR ELECTRONIC FIGURE 28-7 Schematic representation of common-emitter amplifier with single voltage source. CIRCUITS - FIGURE 28-8 Common-emitter amplifier with collector feedback. - .------ ...• +Vcc OUTPUT INPUT o----~----H OUTPUT INPUT o--4----H dropped across the transistor's collector-to-emitter junction must add up to the total voltage applied. Resistor RB'connected between the base and the voltage source, controls the amount of current flowing out of the base. The base current flowing through resistor RB creates a voltage across it. Most of the voltage from the source is dropped across it. A small amount of voltage drops across the transistor's base-to-emitter junction, providing the proper forward bias. The single voltage source can provide the necessary forward-bias and reverse-bias voltages. For an NPN transistor, the transistor's base and collector must be positive with respect to the emitter. Therefore, the voltage source can be connected to the base and the collector through resistors RBand RL.This circuit is often called a base-biased circuit, because the base current is controlled by resistor RBand the voltage source. The input signal is applied between the transistor's base and emitter or between the input terminal and ground. The input signal either aids or opposes the forward bias across the emitter junction. This causes the collector current to vary, which then causes the voltage across RLto vary. The output signal is developed between the output terminal and ground. The circuit shown in Figure 28-6 is unstable, because it cannot compensate for changes in the bias current with no signal applied. Temperature changes cause the transistor's internal resistance to vary, which causes the bias currents to change. This shifts the transistor operating point, reducing the gain of the transistor. This process is referred to as thermal instability. It is possible to compensate for temperature changes in a transistor amplifier circuit. If a portion of the unwanted output signal is fed back to the circuit input, the signal opposes the change. This is referred to as degenerative or negative feedback (Figure 28-8). In a circuit using degenerative feedback, the base resistor RBis connected directly to the collector of the transistor. The current flowing through resistor RBis determined by the voltage at the collector. If the temperature increases, the collector current increases, and the voltage across RLincreases. The collector-to-emitter voltage decreases, reducing the voltage applied to Rw This reduces the base current, which causes the collector current to decrease. This is referred to as a collectorfeedback circuit. Figure 28-9 shows another type of feedback. The circuit is similar to the one shown in Figure 28-7, except that a resistor RE is connected in series with the emitter lead. Resistors RBand REand the transistor'S emitter-base junc- CHAPTER 28 AMPLIFIER BASICS FIGURE 28-9 Common-emitter amplifier with emitter feedback. .------- .... +Vcc OUTPUT INPUT 0---- .•.... ---+-1 tion are connected in series with the source voltage VccAn increase in temperature causes the collector current to increase. The emitter current then also increases, causing the voltage drop across resistor REto increase and the voltage across resistor RB to decrease. The base current then decreases, which reduces both the collector current and the emitter current. Because the feedback is generated at the transistor's emitter, the circuit is called an emitter feedback circuit. There is a problem with this type of circuit because an AC input signal develops across resistor RE as well as across the load resistor RL and the transistor. This reduces the overall gain of the cir- - FIGURE 28-10 Emitter feedback with bypass capacitor. cuit. With the addition of a capacitor across the emitter resistor RE (Figure 28-10), the AC signal bypasses resistor RE. The capacitor is often referred to as a bypass capacitor. The bypass capacitor prevents any sudden voltage changes from appearing across resistor RE by offering a lower impedance to the AC signal. The bypass capacitor holds the voltage across resistor REsteady, while at the same time not interfering with the feedback action provided by resistor RE" A voltage-divider feedback circuit (Figure 28--11) offers even more stability.This circuit is the one most widely used. Resistor RBis replaced with two resistors, Rl and R2·The two resistors are connected in series across the source voltage V cc- The resistors divide the source voltage into two voltages, forming a voltage divider. Resistor R2 drops less voltage than resistor Rl. The voltage at the base, with respect to ground, is equal to the voltage developed across resistor R2. The purpose of the voltage divider is to establish a constant voltage from the base of the transistor to ground. The current flow through resistor R2 is toward the base. Therefore, the end of resistor R2 attached to the base is positive with respect to ground. Because the emitter current flows up through resistor RE' the voltage dropped across resistor RE Common-emitter amplifier with voltage-divider feedback. .----OUTPUT INPUT - FIGURE 28-11 .. +Vcc OUTPUT INPUT SECTION 4 LINEAR ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS is more positive at the end that is attached to the emitter. The voltage developed across the emitterbase junction is the difference between the two positive voltages developed across resistor R2 and resistor RE. For the proper forward bias to occur, the base must be slightly more positive than the emitter. When the temperature increases, the collector and emitter currents also increase. The increase in the emitter current causes an increase in the voltage drop across the emitter resistor RE. This results in the emitter becoming more positive with respect to ground. The forward bias across the emitter-base junction is then reduced, causing the base current to decrease. The reduction in the base current reduces the collector and emitter currents. The opposite action takes place if the temperature decreases: The base current increases, causing the collector and emitter currents to increase. The amplifier circuits discussed so far have been biased so that all of the applied AC input signal appears at the output. Except for a higher voltage, the output signal is the same as the input signal. An amplifier that is biased so that the current flows throughout the entire cycle is operating as a class A amplifier (Figure 28-12). An amplifier that is biased so that the output current flows for less than a full cycle but more than a half cycle is operating as a class AB amplifier. More than half but less than the full AC input signal is amplified in the class AB mode (Figure 28-13). An amplifier that is biased so that the output current flows for only half of the input cycle is operating as a class B amplifier. Only one-half of the AC input signal is amplified in the class B mode (Figure 28-14). An amplifier that is biased so that the output current flows for less than half of the AC input cycle is operating as a class C amplifier. Less than one alternation is amplified in the class C mode (Figure 28-15). Class A amplifiers are the most linear of the types mentioned. They produce the least amount of distortion. They also have lower output ratings and are the least efficient. They find wide application where the full signal must be maintained, as FIGURE 28-13 Class AB amplifier output. INPUT OUTPUT FIGURE 28-14 Class B amplifier output. INPUT OUTPUT FIGURE 28-12 FIGURE 28-15 Class A amplifier output. Class C amplifier output. 06 L----~----r\ \ OL--------------INPUT OUTPUT INPUT I ' OUTPUT I / CHAPTER 28 AMPLIFIER BASICS FIGURE 28 16 Push-pull amplifier configuration. o--ll--~---iH %INPUT 1 C1 in the amplification of audio signals in radios and televisions. However, because of the high powerhandling capabilities required for class A operation, transistors are usually operated in the class AB or class B mode. Class AB, B, and C amplifiers produce a substantial amount of distortion. This is because they amplify only a portion of the input signal. To amplify the full AC input signal, two transistors are needed, connected in a push-pull configuration (Figure 28-16). Class B amplifiers are used as output stages of stereo systems and public address amplifiers, and in many industrial controls. Class C amplifiers are used for high-power amplifiers and transmitters where only a single frequency is amplified, such as the RF (radio frequency) carrier used for radio and television transmission. 28-2 QUESTIONS 1. Draw a schematic diagram of a commonemitter transistor amplifier using a single voltage source. 2. How are temperature changes compensated for in a transistor amplifier? 3. Draw a schematic diagram of a voltagedivider feedback circuit. 4. List the classes of amplifiers and identify their outputs. 5. List the applications of each class of amplifier. AMPLIFIER COUPLING To obtain greater amplification, transistor amplifiers may be connected together. However, to prevent one amplifier's bias voltage from affecting the operation of the second amplifier, a coupling technique must be used. The coupling method used must not disrupt the operation of either circuit. Coupling methods used include resistance-capacitance coupling, impedance coupling, transformer coupling, and direct coupling. Resistive-capacitive coupling, or RCcoupling, consists of two resistors and a capacitor connected as shown in Figure 28-17. Resistor R3is the collector load resistor of the first stage. Capacitor C1 is the DC-blocking and AC-coupling capacitor. Resistors R5and R6are the input load resistor and DC return resistor for the base-emitter junction of the second stage. Resistance-capacitive coupling is used primarily in audio amplifiers. SECTION 4 LINEAR ELECTRONIC FIGURE 28-17 RC coupling. CIRCUITS - FIGURE 28-18 Impedance coupling. - INPUT INPUT Coupling capacitor C1 must have a low reactance to minimize low-frequency attenuation. Typically, a high-capacitance value of 10 to 100 microfarads is used. The coupling capacitor is generally an electrolytic type. The reactance of the coupling capacitor increases as the frequency decreases. The lowfrequency limit is determined by the size of the coupling capacitor. The high-frequency limit is determined by the type of transistor used. The impedance-coupling method is similar to the RC-coupling method, but an inductor is used in place of the collector load resistor for the first stage of amplification (Figure 28-18). Impedance coupling works just like RC coupling. The advantage is that the inductor has a very low DC resistance across its windings. The AC output signal is developed across the inductor just as across the load resistor. However, the inductor consumes less power than the resistor, increasing the overall efficiency of the circuit. The disadvantage of impedance coupling is that the inductance reactance increases with the frequency. The voltage gain varies with the frequency. This type of coupling is ideal for singlefrequency amplification when a very narrow band of frequencies must be amplified. In a transformer-coupled circuit, the two amplifier stages are coupled through the transformer (Figure 28-19). The transformer can effectively match a high-impedance source to a low-impedance load. The disadvantage is that transformers are large and expensive. Also, like the inductorcoupled amplifier, the transformer-coupled amplifier is useful only for a narrow band of frequencies. CHAPTER FIGURE 28-20 Direct coupling. 28 AMPLIFIER BASICS 4. What is the disadvantage of transformer coupling? 5. What coupling method is used for DC and low-frequency signals? SUMMARY INPUT When very low frequencies or a DC signal must be amplified, the direct-coupling technique must be used (Figure 28-20). Direct-coupled amplifiers provide a uniform current or voltage gain over a wide range of frequencies. This type of amplifier can amplify frequencies from zero (DC) hertz to many thousands of hertz. However, direct-coupled amplifiers find their best applications with low frequencies. A drawback of direct-coupled amplifiers is that they are not stable. Any change in the output current of the first stage is amplified by the second stage. This occurs because the second stage is essentially biased by the first stage. To improve the stability requires the use of expensive precision components. 28-3 QUESTIONS 1. What are the four main methods of coupling transistor amplifiers? 2. Where is resistance-capacitive coupling primarily used? 3. What is the difference between resistance-capacitive coupling and impedance coupling? • Amplifiers are electronic circuits used to increase the amplitude of an electronic signal. • The transistor is used primarily as an amplifying device. • The three transistor amplifier configurations are common base, common collector, and common emitter. • Common-collector amplifiers are used for impedance matching. • Common-emitter amplifiers provide phase reversal of the input-output signal. • All transistor amplifiers require two voltages for proper biasing. • A single voltage source can provide the necessary forward-bias and reverse-bias voltages using a voltage-divider arrangement. • A voltage-divider feedback arrangement is the most commonly used biasing arrangement. • A transistor amplifier can be biased so that all or part of the input signal is present at the output. • Class A amplifiers are biased so that the output current flows throughout the cycle. • Class AB amplifiers are biased so that the output current flows for less than the full but more than half of the input cycle. • Class B amplifiers are biased so that the output current flows for only half of the input cycle. • Class C amplifiers are biased so that the output current flows for less than half of the input cycle. SECTION 4 LINEAR ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS • Coupling methods used to connect one transistor to another include resistancecapacitance coupling, impedance coupling, transformer coupling, and direct coupling. • Direct-coupled amplifiers are used for high gain at low frequencies or amplification of a DC signal. 1. Briefly describe how a transistor is used to provide amplification. 2. Why is the common-emitter amplifier the most widely used transistor amplifier configuration? 3. What factor affects the gain of the transistor, and what must be done to compensate for it? 4. How does an amplifier's class of operation affect the biasing of the amplifier? 5. What factor must be taken into consideration when connecting one amplifier to another? 6. How does the frequency of operation of an amplifier affect the coupling method used in connecting amplifiers together? r