Proc. Japan Acad., 30 7. Sakae YAMAMURA, (Communicated Abstract: some extent. saliency Almost theory. be As the rotor have been generator, M. J. A. 12, 1992) of electric industries is generated salient-pole synchronous generators inductances of the three phase of generator provided the spiral March energy rotates, analysis not In this paper synchronous all electric which are either and it makes simulations [Vol. 68(B), Spiral Vector Theory of Salient-Pole Synchronous Machine By nous generators, 68, Ser. B (1992) vector performance difficult. by the conventional method will be applied and adequate analytical winding Even theories, solutions by synchro- or have saliency vary adequate such to analyses to due to the computer as the d,q axis of the salient-pole and computer simultations will derived. Key salient-pole words: Spiral vector; synchronous computer simulation of synchronous machine; analysis of machine. 1. Introduction. The spiral vector method was proposed by the author (1)-(6). It can unify AC circuit theories of steady state and transient state. It is most suitable to analyses of AC machine transients. Analytical results obtained have led to superior control performances of AC motors. 1 4) The paper will now apply the method to analyses of the salient-pole synchronous machine, whose analyses have been exclusively made by Park's equations based on the d,q axis theory, but they have neither provided adequate analytical solutions nor computer simulations of the synchronous machine. In this paper it will be shown that the spiral vector method provides both of them. 2. Steady state analysis of salient-pole synchronous machine. Fig. 1 shows the model of the salient-pole synchronous machine for the analysis which follows. It is the permanentmagnet-excited type or the field winding type. Self inductances of the armature windings are functions of spacial angle e, which is the angle between the center line of winding of phase a and the direct axis of the where w is synchronous given by speed La=L+L' Lb=L+L' L,=L+L' (2) These (3) Then 8 = wt + cod [elect, (1) tween salient-pole. two inductances phases of the Then radians] self inductances of phases a, b and c are cos (2d)=L+L' cos (2wt+2cpd) cos (2d-47r/3)=L+L' cos (2wt+2~od-4,r/3) cos (26+4,r/3)=L+L' cos (2wt+2'pd+4,r/3) contain among rotor. we have three double phases Mao=Mav+M' Mbc=Mati+M' Mca=Mati+M' frequency a, b and components. c are similarly cos (28+) cos (2d+I'-4ir/3) cos (2e+ik+47r/3) Mutual given inductances as below. be- No. 3] Spiral Fig. 1. Vector Analytical Angle ip is phase difference (2) and mutual inductances flux linkage /2ga of phase (4) Theory of Salient-Pole model between of the Synchronous salient-pole double frequency synchronous variations of eq. (3) and is to be determined a is ~oa = - Laid- Mab2b- Machine 31 motor. of self inductances shortly in this paper. of eq. Main Mcaic +2 cos B The last term of this equation is flux linkage from the magnetic poles of the rotor, which are the permanent magnet or the field winding with constant DC current. For symmetrical or balanced steady state operation three-phase armature currents are given by (5) is=1I1aI cos (wt+So~) ib = ' IIa i cos (wt +cp, - 21r/3) i~=1/ G IIaI cos (wt+cp,+21r/3) Here Ia is circular vector of current eq. (5), eq. (4) becomes Aga=-(L-May) 4IIaI cos ((,t+cp)+(sl2)I'aI[L' cos (cot+2Sod-oi) +M' cos (cat+2co +Jr-cp,+2ir/3)+M' cos (wt +2cod+ -5o1+2ir/3) +(f /2)IIa)[L' cos (3wt+2wd+wl)+M' cos (3wt+2Wd+Sol+f -21x/3) +M' cos (3wt+2~od+cpl+fr)]+2 cos (wt+cpd) (6) Triple for of phase a. Inserting the frequency terms triple-frequency are given terms in the brancketed to L'= (7) disappear ill-', the term second following Inserting (9) M av=L eqs. the end are conditions cos (2,r/3)= -L/2 (7) and (8), Xga of eq. (6) now Aga=-(3L/2)f IIa cos (cot+~o,)+2 cos (cat+5o,) and in or der sufficient. ifr= -2,r/3 Salient-pole synchronous machines are constructed so that these From symmetry of the machine structure we have (8) from conditions becomes (3L' /2)4/f Ila cos (cat+25P-So,) are satisfied. 32 S. YAMAMURA Now variables are expressed (10) [Vol. 68(B), in circular vectors, and then eq. (9) becomes 2Qa=-(3L/2) T Ia~et(at+oj)-(3L'/2) / Ia~e~(at+c1+2~d-2oi)+Ae'(mt+td) _-(3L/2)ia-(3M'/2)iae'(2i -2rt)-Aejt+cd) Here ia= V l a = \/72 11 e3t+ ~1>is circular vector of current of phase a. Circuit equation of phase a of the synchronous generator is now given by (11) va=-Rlia-11pia+PAoa = -Rlia-(11+3L/2)pia-(3L' /2)&(2~d-2ca)pia+ea Here 11 is primary leakage inductance and ea is internal induced voltage given below. (12) ea=jc~Ae"°t+~d)=w2e'(mt+~), = Od+ 2 Equation (11) contains phase a only, being segregated from other phases. In order for phase a to represent primary three phases, subscript a is changed to 1 and eq. (11) becomes (13) v1=-R,i1--(l +3L/2)pi1+(3L'/2)ef(2~-2~')pi1+e1 In this equation inductance becomes eq. (14), which is a complex inductance. (14) ll+3L/2-(3L'/2)e'(2rP-2pi)=Ls-(3L'/2)e~c2~-24'1) Ld=t,+3L/2 Under steady states operator p becomes jw and variables are circular vectors, which are now expressed by capital letters with • on top. Then eq. (13) becomes (15) V1=-R1I1-jw[LS-(3L'/2) cos (2w-2W1)-j(3M'/2) sin (2w-2cpd)]I,+E1 = - [R1 + w(3M'/2) sin (2~o-2c1)]Il- jw[L8+(3L'/2) cos (2~o-2cp1)]I+EI Vector diagram corresponding to eq. (15) at t=0, is shown in Fig. 2. Resistance is increased by w(3M'/2) x sin(2q -2q 1) due to saliency. And motor torque is also increased due to saliency by (16) 3(P/2)(3L'/2) sin (2cp-2cp1)1I,12 [N-m] where P is number of poles. This is saliency torque or reluctance Fig. 2. Circular synchronous vector generator. diagram at t = 0 of the torque. salient-pole No. 3] Spiral Vector Theory of Salient-Pole Synchronous Machine 33 3. Transient state analysis of salient-pole synchronous machine. Under transient state there are plural number of characteristic roots, which are generally complex. Under symmetrical (or balanced) operation state variables of three phases are symmetrical. Under asymmetrical operation asymmetrical state variables are transformed by the spiral-vector symmetrical-component method into symmetrical spiral vectors. 6) Symmetrical three phase currents under transient state are assumed to be expressed by the following equations. 2a=y " I'a Ie-2t cos (w't+co1) 2b-~ u I'a Ie-2t cos (w't+Sol-2,c/3) ic =~ ~' IIa le-1t cos (w't+sp,+2,r/3) (17) Inserting (18) eq. (17), main flux linkage Aga--(L-Mav)e-2tV of phase a of eq. (4) becomes tal cos (w't+cp1)-(4 /2)I'al e-at[L' cos (2w-w't +2Sod-cp,)-M' cos (2w-w'+2cod-cpl+ ~+2,r/3)-M' cos (2w-w't +2cpd-coi+tfr+2ic/3)]-(f /2)IIal e-2t[L' cos (2w+ w't+2o4 +cpi) -M' cos (2w+w't+2cod+w,+~-2n/3)-M' cos (2w+w't+2~od+Pl +~)]+2 cos (wt+~o) In order for 2w+ w' frequency terms to disappear, the condition of eq. (7) is sufficient. And the Aga of eq. (18) becomes alga= - (3L/2)e-2tf -(3L'/2)e-'t4IIaL (19) Expressing (20) this in spiral vectors, it cos (wt+~o) becomes ' ga=-(3L/2)~IIaIe-ate'c~+~~~_(3L/2)~(IaIe-ate'c2wt+2icm-t+P1) +2e'tcmt+g&=-(3L/2)ia-(3M'/2)e'26ia +2e'° Here is = VH conjugate. Now circuit (21) equation (Ia I cos (w't +(Soi) cos (2w-w't+2cp-cp,)+i Ia J(oI+ ~i) is equation of phase spiral vector of current of phase ia* is its a is va = - Rlia -1iPia + p2ga = - Rlia - (l +3L /2)Pia - (3L' /2)p(e ) i282*) +p(2 e20) This equation contains only variables of phase a, which is segregated Changing subscript a to 1, eq. (23) becomes (22) a and from other phases. - (l~+3L /2)pil - (3L' /2)p(e'2ai*) +p(2 e'°) v1= -R,i is valid both for steady and transient states. When the generator is permanent-magnet-excited flux A is constant. Then eq. (22) becomes This e,-v, (23) where e1 is internal = -R1i+(1,+3L2)pi, induced voltage or its field current +(3M'/2)p(e of eq. (12) with i2gji) 1 replacing a. is kept constant, 34 S. YAMAMURA [Vol. 68(B), Let us write the general solution of eq. (23) as follows; (24) i, = i1t + 1I, ej (0t+Sid) The first term is the transient state term and the second term is the steady state term, which was obtained in the previous section. Inserting eq. (24) into eq. (23), we get (25) 0=R~i1 t+ (l +3L/2)pi1 t+(3L'/2)p(e'2c~t+~d)i*) The last term is a time function, which behaves as a forcing function. As a first approximation, let us assume ilt = Ae- for the forcing function. Then eq. (25) becomes (26) R1i1t+(11+3L/2)pi1t=-(3L'/2)p[Ae(-2+2l °t+j2pd] The forcing function is a spiral vector and general solution of this equation is given, as follows. (27) = Ae-~t _ R (3L' /2) (- 2+ J2cv)A 1+(-A+52w)(11+3L/2) ec-1+j2w)t+2rpd Here (28) ~= 1 R1 ,+3L/2 and A is an arbitrary constant, which is to be determined by an initial condition. We can repeat the process by inserting the solution of eq. (27) into the forcing function of eq. (26). And then we get the same general solution with A slightly modified, which contains an arbitrary constant A. And so eq. (27) is a transient solution of good approximation. General solution of eq. (24) now becomes (29) i1_Ae-~t_ R (3L' /2)(- 2 + J2w)A 1+(-2+j2w)(l1+3L/2) e(- +j2a)t+j2~od+4/~~I,~ejcwt+o1) The first and second terms are transient terms and contain A. If at t=0 the following condition is satisfied (30) i,=f iI,Ie'~' A becomes zero and no transient occurs. Eq. (30) is the transientless condition of synchronousmachine control. 4. Transientstateanalysisof salient-pole synchronous machinewithfieldwinding. When the synchronousmachineis of the field windingtype and transient current flowsin the winding,transient state analysisbecomesa little more complicated.Analysisin section3, whichwas madeabout the machinewith constant fluxlinkageof the fieldwinding,is valid up to eq. (20) for analysis in this section. Whentransient current flowsin the fieldwinding,the last term of eq. (20)becomes (31) 2=M1ife'a Thus eq. (22) becomes (32) v1= -R1i1-(11+3L/2)pi1-(3L'/2)p(e'2eii)+Mfp(if e'°) No. 3] Spiral VectorTheoryof Salient-PoleSynchronousMachine 35 The circuit equation of the field windingis in a similar way derived, as follows, (33) of=RfI f+(1f+Mf)pif-(3Mf/2)p(i* e'°) Eqs. (32) and (33) are circuit equations to be solved simultaneously. 5. Computersimulationof the synchronousgenerator. In the spiral vector method performanceequations are written in terms of original state variables, without any variable transformation. Thus the equations are very suitable to make computer simulation of the synchronous machine, which can be incooperated with ease into simulationof the power system. In the conventionaltheories, suchas the d, q axistheory or Park's equations, it seems that adequate computer simulationis not available. Computersimulationof the synchronousgenerator willbe given, as an example,of equations (32) and (33) in section 4. They are modifiedas below (34) i, = - (35) 2f- Fig. 3. vl - (l corresponding 6. Block salient-pole is shown has block Conclusion. synchronous that provided conventional The - diagram 2L, Rf if+Mf of f i f eye Ld 2f + 3 Mf p 2 if+Mf computer simulation (&oi*) of salient-pole generator. diagram of these spiral vector machine. Both analytical power computer simulations theories L8 p of f+Mf)p synchronous The ?~- 3 !-_ (e'2ei*)+ L8p based steady of the method on of the the equations method has is given been and transient is much synchronous d, q axis in Fig. applied to states better than machine, of the analyzed. It d, q axis method. It have the 3. which analyses been was missing in method. References 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) S. Yamamura: AC Motors for High Performance Applications. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, Basel (1986). Modern theory of ac motors. Proc. BICM, p. 887, TEE of China, Beijing (1987). ibid., ICEMD, Rumania (1986). Theory of ac motor analysis and control. 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