Competence Matrix in academic breadth and depth (technology

The PERMEVET project
The exchange between the Norwegian bachelor and German crafts master.
Competence Matrix in academic breadth and depth (technology subjects
and general subjects) of the BA in Vocational Teacher Education in
1: Student can explain the basic A: Student can explain the basic topics such as
B: Student can C: Student
courses in chemistry and be
nuclear structures and the periodic table, chemical
describe and
can describe,
able to apply to problems in
bonding and energy, nomenclature rule, acid, base,
explain the
explain and
technical areas as well as an
pH and precipitation reactions and the reactions and
basic courses
apply the
account of the environmental
electrolysis. Furthermore, student can describe the
in chemistry
basic courses
technical questions and issues,
basic ecological issues, life cycle analysis and ecoand the
in chemistry
and show good attitudes to
labeling, pollution of air water and soil, waste, energy
and the
improve the environment. (3
use and energy conservation and environmental
2: Student will acquire
A: Student can use basic mathematics in the
B: Student
C; Student can apply
knowledge in basic subjects in
areas of Algebra, Equations, Formula
use basic
more advanced
mathematics and gain insight
Calculation, Units, Geometrical shapes, Vectors,
mathematics mathematics in the
into the application of
Graphical number of materials, Trigonometry
in the
areas that used in the
mathematics in the technical
and Functions used in the technological
technologica technological
disciplines. (5 credits)
l sciences.
3: Student will acquire
A: Student can use the SI
B: Student can apply and
C; Student can apply
knowledge in basic courses in
system and have basic
calculate the fundamentals of
and calculate more
physics and gain insight into
understanding of Statics,
Statics, Power and straight line
advanced physics in
the application of physics in
Power and rectilinear
motion, Energy, Physics in bags
the basic areas that
technical fields. Each section
motion, Energy, Physics in
and gases and thermal physics
are based at the
shall, as far as possible be
bags and gases and
used in the technological
directed towards Student's own
Thermal Physics.
field. (3 credits)
4: Student will
A: Student can communicate B: Student can use language as a
C; Student has very good
develop skills in
orally and in writing, using
tool in oral and written
understanding of grammar,
using language
word processing and
communication - orally as lectures, linguistic, stylistic and graphic tools,
as a tool in
presentation applications,
presentations, tutorials, debates
as well as historical, cultural and
written and oral
and other relevant computer
and meetings, written as letters,
language development and the
programs and acquire
reports, proposals, reports,
mass media's influence.
(5 credits)
information through different
debates, reasoned presentations,
Student have a good understanding
channels. Student can use
instructions and descriptions as
of the importance of good
the target and receiver
well as documenting
communication for work and social
interdisciplinary projects.
5; EntrepreneurStudent should be familiar with the
Student should know
Student will be able to set up the current
ship 1 (5 credits)
strategic work in a company and
the basic factors of
account for different business types and
how this can be expressed in the
importance for a
could make profitability calculations,
plans for the entire enterprise and be company's value and
monitoring and assessments from the
stated in measurable economic
profitability in a
applicable provisions.
variables. They should be able to
competitive society,
Student should be familiar with how a
see the connection between plans
and it manages the
company is being established and
and ongoing registration and use
recreditsonsibility that
terminated, they should be familiar with
knowledge of financial planning,
comes with.
various types of companies and be
analysis and calculations
familiar with the relevant legislation.
6; EntrepreneurStudent should be familiar with
. Student will conduct simple market
Student should know
ship 2 (4 credits)
the overarching goals that
and understand the
control a company or
Student should have knowledge and
concepts of service
organization's choice of
overview of the most important laws and
marketing and
business and corporate strategy. ethical principles that apply to marketing.
interactive marketing.
Student should have knowledge
Student should know and understand the
They will be able to
of the market’s different
concept of marketing strategy including
assess how service
characteristics and composition.
marketing strategy decision areas. Student
and internal marketing
Student will conduct a situation
will be able to prepare action plans with
can affect customer
analysis of working conditions
goals, actions, responsibilities, time and
service and employee
and information needs that may
budget. They should be familiar with the
self-satisfaction in the
affect corporate decisions
development and use of various forms of
workplace and
internal control.
7: Student can
A: Student can explain the basic energy metabolism,
B;; Student can explain the energy metabolism as
explain the
as well as basic structure and function of current
well as building and operation of current energy
energy turnover
energy systems. Student can further explain the
systems. Student can further explain the basic
in our
basic concepts of thermodynamics with the first and
concepts of thermodynamics with the first and
environment and second main clause, calculate simple forms of heat
second main clause, calculate the appropriate
in technical
supply and heat exchanger, an account of power
forms of heat supply and heat exchange, explain
products. (3
needs and conditions change.
and calculate work, energy, power needs and
condition changes.
The PERMEVET project
8, Student will be able to
prepare technical
documentation for its
industry, according to
current standards using
computer-aided design
(CAD). (3 credits.)
9: Student will explain and
calculate the static creditspecific systems and power
distribution of an average
flat in a statically loaded
structure? and be able to
calculate stresses and
deformations in the
materials. (3 credits.)
10; Student will be able to
explain the relevant
materials in structures and
products (3 credits.)
11; Student must participate
in the planning of simple
electro-technical systems in
accordance with applicable
rules and standards, and
perform appropriate
troubleshooting affiliations.
Student can also participate
in the planning,
documentation and
construction of simple
automated systems out of
existing rules. (3 credits.)
12; Student will be able to
initiate, plan and execute a
project and prepare relevant
documentation. (4 credits.)
13; Student can explain the
work environment,
ergonomics and safety
work, to create a safe work
environment, plan and
implement systematic
measures to prevent harm
to people, materials and
Student can explain quality
concepts and be able to
assess and describe the
activities intended to
ensure quality in a
Student can explain the
quality of leadership and
how such leadership can be
exercised. (6 credits.)
A: Student can explain computerB: Student can prepare technical documentation for its
aided design (CAD) with relevant
business according to current standards by means of
work, assembly, event, and form
computer-aided design (CAD) with relevant work,
designs, imports and exports from
assembly, event, and form drawing, import and export
the current component library, prints
components from the current component library,
from various formats and drawings
creating prints from various formats and read
from related disciplines.
drawings from related disciplines.
A: Student can explain
B: Student can calculate the forces
C; Student can calculate
the equilibrium
and torques in static credit-specific
and assess the forces and
conditions and power
systems, explain and calculate the
torques in terms of friction,
distribution on a
friction forces, perform gravity
gravity, cross section
cutting surface, friction calculations of complex surfaces and values, tension and
forces, gravity and
bodies, and determine the cross
compression, cutting,
cross-section values,
section values to simple surfaces.
bending, twisting and
and do simple
Student can calculate the tension
buckling, as well as simple
calculations in relation
and compression stresses, shear
cases of complex tensions
to this
stresses, bending stresses, torsional
and security of a
stresses and buckling
A: Student can explain the most
B: Student can explain the material’s structure
appropriate structure and properties of
and properties used in technical subjects.
materials used in technical subjects.
Furthermore, student may account for
Furthermore, student may account for
solidification, deformation, heat treatment, alloy
solidification, deformation, heat treatment
systems and binary phase diagrams, as well as
and material testing, current standards of
current methods for material testing, material
materials, alloys, plastics, composites and
standards, alloys, plastics, ceramics and
corrosion and corrosion protection.
composites as well as corrosion and corrosion
A: Student can explain simple
B: Student can explain the current
C: Student
current electrical and electronic
electrical and electronic components,
can plan,
components, circuit diagram and
circuit diagram and relevant electronic
relevant basic electronic
documentation according to the
build and
documentation according to the
current standard, as well as the
current standard, as well as hazards
hazards that can arise from mistakes
that can arise from mistakes and
and work on the plant under voltage.
work on the plant under voltage.
Student understand Ohms law and
Student can simple calculations by
use calculations. Furthermore, student
ohms law. Furthermore, Student
may account for AC and DC circuits,
systems /
may account for AC and DC circuits,
and various energy supply systems
as well as different energy supply
and power systems. Student can
systems and power systems.
explain the components and the most
Student can explain a single
common systems for automation,
automated system.
control and management of systems
A: Student can explain and document
B: Student can explain and have initiated, planned
the key elements in project
and implemented a project. Moreover, Student
management as the need and
provides documentation of results and outcomes,
requirement specifications for system,
problem, theory based methodology and work plan.
subsystem and lower levels, use of ITStudent can prepare plans for the processing,
based project management, identify
manufacture, quality assurance, installation, tender
discrepancies and correct measures
and supply and prepare administrative and technical
and propose changes.
documentation, and service and user documentation
A: Student can explain
B: Student can explain, organize HSE- work in a
C; Student
important rules and
company including physical working conditions,
can evaluate,
regulations within health, ergonomic and stress diseases, action against
apply and
safety and Environment
bullying, stress and other psychosocial factors,
document the
(HSE) as well as basic
prevent and report accidents and injuries and
HSE Quality
working conditions and
make a risk assessment. Furthermore, student
and Quality
systematic HSE- work.
explain and quality circulation and use of quality
Furthermore, carefully
standards for quality maintenance and product
in companies
studied account of
development, using appropriate methods,
within the
quality concepts and
models and techniques for product and process
quality management.
improvement and problem resolution. Organize
and implement quality improvement measures
and groups and documenting internal quality
audits, able to explain and apply the
management theories of quality.
The PERMEVET project
14; Student will be able
to evaluate the current
engine and powertrain
technical solutions for
light and heavy vehicles
with both traditional and
alternative forms of
propulsion and fuel. (5
15: Student will be able
to evaluate the design of
the extension and
improvement and repair
of bodies for light and
heavy vehicles with
respect to ease of use,
safety and environment.
(5 credits.)
16: Student will be able
to evaluate electrical
systems for light and
heavy vehicles. (5
17; Student will be able
to evaluate the structure
and function of braking
systems and chassis for
light and heavy
vehicles. (5 credits.)
18; Student will be able
to assess the
organization and
operation of vehicle
workshops, as well as
evaluate the market. (8
A: Student can explain current forms of
transmission, new technology and how the
body's design may be affected. Further
combustion engine technology and
alternative fuel in the environmental context.
Account of current engine management
systems and exhaust, catalytic converter
and particulate filter, further electric
propulsion systems and hybrid systems
B: Student can evaluate and justify the current
forms of transmission, new technology and how
the body's design is influenced, further
combustion engine technology and alternative fuel
in the environmental context. Assess function and
troubleshooting Pal current engine management
systems and exhaust, catalytic converter and
particulate filter, further electrical propulsion
systems and hybrid systems.
A: Student can explain the methods and
B: Student can assess the methods and
equipment for painting and surface treatment
equipment for painting and surface treatment in
in relation to health, safety and security, and
relation to health, safety and security, and plans
plans and deals for painting work. Explain,
and deals for painting work. Plan, manage and
planning, management and controls for simple
control work on different types of bodywork,
type of work, and know the different types of
frames and bodies, can use current damage
bodywork, frames and bodies as well as
assessment systems and carry out tenders and
tenders and technical calculations for this.
technical calculations for this. Assess security
Explain security structures troubleshoot and
structures troubleshoot and replace components
replace single components in relation to
in relation to the current regulations, as well as
current regulations, as well as accident
accident investigation and national visions in
investigation and national visions in relation to
relation to road traffic
road traffic
A: Student can explain structure and function B: Student can assess various sides of
of the most actual electrical and electronic
components and electrical systems and data and
systems and data and communications
communication systems used in vehicles so that
systems used in vehicles. Student may also
troubleshooting, diagnosis and repair is performed
account for troubleshooting, diagnosis and
in accordance with applicable laws, regulations
repair of these components and systems.
and manufacturer's instructions
A: Student can explain the structure
B: Student can assess the structure and function of
and function of different types of
different types of braking systems and components and
braking systems and components and
control and repair of these. Evaluate equipment wheels,
control of these. Explain reel
and the consequences of wrong choice, control
equipment and consequences of
systems, suspension and damping for the current
wrong choices, steering systems,
vehicle types advantages and disadvantages as well as
suspension and damping for the
repair of this. Evaluate new technologies in the field.
relevant vehicle types.
A: Student can explain the current markets for
B: Student can perform calculations to
industry and metrics to identify and report the needs
identify and report on market needs.
of the market. Student can explain the planning,
Student can plan, manage and control the
management and control of a garage operation.
operation of an agent operating under
Furthermore, an account of procurement strategies
applicable laws and regulations, and
and purchasing process and calculations in relation
perform appropriate calculations to ensure
to the material flow, account for the computer-based
an optimum material flow. Student can
control systems in logistics as well as laws,
use computer-based control systems in
regulations and conditions applicable to the industry.
19; Student will, based
on the study plan,
implement and
document a problemoriented development
project in cooperation
with a client. (10
Full credits
Part credits
This form shows what a German crafts master can get of credits at a
Norwegian bachelor's degree in Vocational Teacher Education
It is assumed that the student have a craft certificate and a minimum of two
years of practice after certificate and general admission.
The student will receive 30 credit points for their crafts master from Germany.