Physics 227: Exam 2 Information! • • • • • • Exam 2: 16 questions covering chapters 25 – 28! Thursday, Nov 17, 2011, 9:40 PM - 11:00 PM! Room assignments:! • • • • A-I ARC 103! J-M SEC 111 (may start late)! N-R PLH! S-Z Beck Auditorium, Livingston Campus!!! (NOT Hill 114)! Anyone with a conflict should contact Prof. Cizewski TODAY!!! Bring pencils, one formula sheet w/ anything you want ! NO calculators, NO cell phones, NO electronics needed or allowed!! Outline Lecture 20 • Review of Lecture 19 & Faraday’s law • Self inductance and inductors • How a time-varying current in one coil can induce an emf • How to relate the induced emf in a circuit to the rate of change of current in the same circuit • The R-L circuit: how to analyze circuits that include both a resistor and an inductor (coil) • Magnetic field energy – how to calculate the energy stored in a magnetic field Lecture 19 Review! • Maxwell’s equations • Gauss’s Law for E • Gauss’s Law for B ∫ qenclosed E• d A = ε0 → → → → ∫ B• d A = 0 (no magnetic charges) € • Ampere’s Law (conduction + displacement currents) € dΦE 1 ∫ B• d = µ0 (iconduction + ε0 dt )enclosed where ε µ = c 0 0 → → • Faraday’s Law € ∫ dΦB E• d = − dt → → Physics 227: Lecture 20! • Faraday’s Law:! dΦB EMF = − where dt → ΦB = → ∫ B• d A = BA cosθ (if B is uniform over A) • If change in magnetic flux, then EMF is induced! Note minus sign (Lenz’s Law): self-induced EMF opposes change in current Faraday’s Law PhET Isolated circuit ! and induced EMF! Induced EMF! • Previous assumption not quite correct: When switch closed I≠ε/R immediately! • Faraday’s law prevents from happening! • Rather, as current increases vs time, Isolated circuit: switch, resistor, source of EMF! ΦΒ due to this current also increases! • This increasing flux induces EMF that opposes change in ΦΒ => opposing EMF means gradual increase in the current! • This effect = SELF-INDUCTION! € dΦB d EMF = − = − BA dt dt Isolated circuit ! and induced EMF! • When switch closed I≠ε/R immediately! • Faraday’s law prevents from happening! • Rather, as current increases vs time, ΦΒ due to this current also increases! • This effect = SELF-INDUCTION = L! Isolated circuit: switch, resistor, source of EMF! dΦB di EMFinduced = −N = −L dt dt NΦB L= i Assume same flux through all N turns! Inductance depends upon geometry! Inductors are circuit elements! • Purpose of inductor: oppose any variations in the current through the circuit; ! • Unit of inductance = ! #Henry = Volt-second/Ampere! • Examples:! • Inductor in a DC circuit helps to maintain a steady current despite fluctuations in the applied EMF! • Inductor in an AC circuit tends to suppress variations of the current that are more rapid than desired! Circuits with EMF and Inductor! Resistance = ! #measure of opposition to current! Voltage drop across resistance depends on current! Inductance = ! #measure of opposition to change in current! Voltage drop across inductor depends on change in current, di/dt! Circuits with EMF and Inductor! a. Voltage drop across resistor: Vab==Va-Vb=iR > 0 b. Inductor: constant current i; no potential difference! #Vab=L•di/dt=0 c. Inductor with increasing current I! #Vab=L•di/dt>0! d. Inductor with decreasing current I ! #Vab=L•di/dt<0! I-clicker A current i flows through an inductor L in the direction from point b toward point a. There is zero resistance in the wires of the inductor. If the current is decreasing, A. the potential is greater at point a than at point b. B. the potential is less at point a than at point b. C. the answer depends on the magnitude of di/dt compared to the magnitude of i. D. The answer depends on the value of the inductance L. E. both C. and D. are correct. I-clicker A current i flows through an inductor L in the direction from point b toward point a. There is zero resistance in the wires of the inductor. If the current is decreasing, ⇐ EMF A. the potential is greater at point a than at point b. € B. the potential is less at point a than at point b. C. the answer depends on the magnitude of di/dt compared to the magnitude of i. D. The answer depends on the value of the inductance L. di EMFinduced = Va − Vb = −L > 0 E. both C. and D. are correct. dt Example: Inductance of Solenoid! • Given: uniformly wound, air-filled solenoid with ! #N turns and length , where >> radius r! • What is the inductance of the solenoid?! N B = µ0 nI = µ0 I • First calculate B of solenoid! • Then calculate flux through each turn! N ΦB = BA = µ0 IA • From definition of €inductance: ! NΦB N NIA N 2A (n) 2 A L= = (µ0 ) = µ0 = µ0 = µ0 n 2 A I I € • Inductance of solenoid proportional to volume of solenoid! Solenoid image: Example: Inductance of toroid! Given toroidal solenoid! A=cross sectional area! R=mean radius! N turns! Non-magnetic core! What is self-inductance?! Need Φ first, calculate B! B (B≠0 when inside of windings) ! Calculate L! 2 NΦB µ0 N A L≡ = i 2πr ΦB = BA = µ0 niA N n= 2πr µ0 NiA ΦB = 2πr Example: Inductance of toroid! Given toroidal solenoid! A=cross sectional area! R=mean radius! N turns! Non-magnetic core! What is self-inductance?! What is magnitude and 2 NΦB µ0 N A L≡ = i 2πr direction of induced EMF when di/dt>0?! 2 di µ0 N A di EMF = −L = −( ) dt € 2πr dt Opposes EMF that gives rise to i! R-L Circuits! Circuit: resistor, inductor, battery! Close switch at t=0! Current increases! How does I increase vs time?! Inductor produces back emf = opposes increasing current! € dI εL = −L dt Apply Kirchhoff’s loop equation! ε − IR − L dI = 0 € dt € R-L Circuits! Circuit: resistor, inductor, battery! How does the current increase as a function of time? Solve for I! ε L dI −I− =0 R R dt Choose variable x so that! ε x = − I and dx = −dI R Then loop equation:! dx R = − dt x L € x R integrating : ln = − t x0 L taking antilog : −Rt / L € −t / τ x = x 0e = x 0e where τ = L /R R-L Circuits! Circuit: resistor, inductor, battery! How does the current increase as a function of time?! Solved for! x = x 0e−Rt / L = x 0e−t / τ where τ = L /R at t = 0, I = 0 Recall variable! € € ε x = − I ⇒ x 0 (t = 0) = ε /R R ε −t / τ Current vs time: ! I = (1− e ) € R € dI ε − IR − L = 0 dt R-L Circuits! Circuit: resistor, inductor, battery! Current increase as a function of time?! −t / τ ε I = (1− e ) R τ = L /R € Final current does not depend on € L, I=ε/R as if no inductor in circuit! Rate of increase of I, dI/dt, is maximum at t=0 and falls of exponentially as t=>∞ dI/dt vs t I clicker: time constant of R-L circuit An inductance L and a resistance R are connected to a source of emf as shown. When switch S1 is closed, a current begins to flow. The time required for the current to reach one-half its final value is A. directly proportional to RL. B. directly proportional to R/L. C. directly proportional to L/R. D. directly proportional to 1/(RL). E. independent of L. I clicker: time constant of R-L circuit An inductance L and a resistance R are connected to a source of emf as shown. When switch S1 is closed, a current begins to flow. The time required for the current to reach one-half its final value is A. directly proportional to RL. B. directly proportional to R/L. C. directly proportional to L/R. D. directly proportional to 1/(RL). E. independent of L. I= I ε ε (1− e−t / τ ) = f = R 2 2R (1− e−t / τ ) = 1/2 e−t / τ = 1−1/2 = 1/2 et /τ = 2 t / τ = ln2 t = τ (ln2) but τ = L /R t proportional to τ = L /R Time constants τ are short in R-L Circuits! Circuit: resistor, inductor, battery! Time constant τ=L/R! L= 1 Henry, R=100 Ohms! τ = 10-2 seconds or 10 ms! #I clicker example: time to get to ½ Imax ! t= τln(2)! τ=10-2 s => t=6.9 ms! € Inductor produces back emf = opposes increasing current! Recall Lecture 7! Capacitors, Capacitors, Capacitors! • Defined capacitors and capacitance: Q=CV! • Calculated energy stored in capacitor! 1 Q2 1 U= = CV 2 2 C 2 • Energy density stored in capacitor! 1 2 u = ε0 E 2 € • What about inductors and energy storage?! € Energy in magnetic field! Back to example of increasing current! #Vab=Va-Vb=L di/dt>0! But power! P = Vab i di P = Li dt Energy supplied in dt:! di dU = Pdt = (L )idt dt € € dU = Lidi 1 2 U = L ∫ 0 idi = LI 2 I Inductor is a device in which energy is stored I-clicker A steady current flows through an inductor. If the current is doubled while the inductance remains constant, the amount of energy stored in the inductor A. increases by a factor of √2 . B. increases by a factor of 2. C. increases by a factor of 4. D. increases by a factor that depends on the geometry of the inductor. E. none of the above I-clicker A steady current flows through an inductor. If the current is doubled while the inductance remains constant, the amount of energy stored in the inductor A. increases by a factor of √2 . B. increases by a factor of 2. C. increases by a factor of 4. D. increases by a factor that depends on the geometry of the inductor. E. none of the above 1 2 U i = LIi 2 1 2 1 2 U f = LI f = L(2Ii ) = 4U i 2 2 Magnetic Energy Density! Recall: energy density stored in a capacitor, energy stored in E field! U 1 2 u= = ε0 E volume 2 € € Magnetic Energy Density in a Solenoid?! B = µ0 ni Earlier result for solenoid! B ⇒i= µ0 n L = µ0 n 2 A Energy stored 1in ! #solenoid! 2 1 B 1 B UL = i 2L = ( ) 2 (µ0 n 2 A) = (A) 2 2 µ0 n 2 µ0 € 1 B2 € UL = (volume of solenoid) 2 µ0 UL 1 B2 uL = = in vacuum volume 2 µ0 Energy density stored in € solenoid! 1 B2 uL = in material 2µ Demo: L-R circuit! Turn on circuit: light bulb lights up immediately! Magnetic field in solenoid is small! What happens if insert the following into the solenoid?! Wood, copper pipe, iron pipe, bundle of iron fibers?! € B depends on µ=K µ Energy stored depends on m 0! χm=Km-1 (see Table 28.1)! € UL 1 B2 uL = = in vacuum volume 2 µ0 1 B2 uL = in material 2µ Electrical Energy Density stored in a Capacitor vs ! Magnetic Energy Density stored in a Solenoid! Electrical Energy density stored in a capacitor from energy stored in E field! UE 1 uE = = ε0 E 2 in vacuum volume 2 1 2 uE = εE with dielectric 2 € 2 U 1 B € L u = = in vacuum L Magnetic Energy density volume 2 µ0 stored in a solenoid from 1 B2 in material energy stored in B field! uL = 2µ Summary Lecture 20 • Self inductance and inductors • • • • How a time-varying current in one coil can induce an emf dΦB di EMFinduced = −N = −L dt dt How to relate the induced emf in a circuit to the rate of change of current L = NΦ B in the same circuit i The R-L circuit: how to analyze circuits that include both a resistor and an inductor (coil) € Magnetic field energy – how to calculate the energy stored in a magnetic field ε I = (1− e−t / τ ) R τ = L /R UL 1 B2 uL = = in vacuum volume 2 µ0 € 1 B2 uL = in material 2µ Thank you!! On Thursday Nov 17: Review of Chapters 25-28! Reminder Physics 227 Exam 2 ! • • • • • Thursday Nov 17 9:40-11:00 PM! Exam 2: 16 questions covering chapters 25 – 28! Room assignments:! A-I ARC 103! J-M SEC 111 (may start late)! N-R PLH! S-Z Beck Auditorium, Livingston Campus!!! (NOT Hill 114)! Anyone with a conflict (≥2 exams) should contact Prof. Cizewski TODAY!!! Bring pencils, one formula sheet w/ anything you want ! NO calculators, NO cell phones, NO electronics needed or allowed!! • • • •