Fuller Lake Arena Service Upgrade 2876 Fuller Lake Road, Chemainus, BC 1-16-015 RFP:2016-19 ELECTRICAL ADDENDUM NO. 01 Page 1 of 6 THE FOLLOWING ADDENDUM SUPERCEDES INFORMATION CONTAINED IN DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ISSUED FOR THE PROJECT TO THE EXTENT REFERENCED. THIS ADDENDUM FORMS PART OF THE TENDER DOCUMENTS AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE CONDITIONS SET OUT IN THE CONTRACT CONDITIONS. ALL CLARIFICATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN WILL BE CONSIDERED PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Part 1 Drawings 1.1 .1 SITE LIGHTING Provide additional exterior lighting along existing building as noted in sketch. Connect to existing exterior lighting control and circuits at North end of the building. Run wiring inside the building with local penetrations of envelope at the fixtures. Fixtures are: Lithonia HLF1 LED P1 30K WFL MVOLT UVB Bottom Visor, suitable for wall mounting. AES Engineering Ltd. 300 - 1815 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC Canada V8T 5A4 P 250.381.6121 F 250.381.6811 Fuller Lake Arena Service Upgrade 2876 Fuller Lake Road, Chemainus, BC 1-16-015 1.2 .1 .2 RFP:2016-19 ELECTRICAL ADDENDUM NO. 01 Page 2 of 6 PORTABLE POWER AND LIGHTING Existing portable building at north end of site is to be re-fed from main building. Install underground connection consisting of 1x 1" - future fire alarm; 1x2" - 3x#2 Cu + ground; and 1x 1" future comms. Power conduit shall connect to existing LB with mast connection at the portable. Mast shall be retained and rewired for use with powering pole mounted site lighting in this area; add contactor/timer/photocell and connect existing triplex to 2pole 20 amp circuit breaker; modify existing conduit to suit. Pole mounted lighting by others. Conduits at main building are to rise and terminate in accessible ceiling space. Adapt to rigid steel below grade and run up surface of wall. Coordinate civil work with existing gas line. Extend all conduits into mechanical room. Fire alarm and comms are to be terminated in accessible ceiling in a labelled junction box. Power conduit shall be extended into existing Commander Panel F and connected to new 100 amp, 2 pole circuit breaker. AES Engineering Ltd. 300 - 1815 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC Canada V8T 5A4 P 250.381.6121 F 250.381.6811 Fuller Lake Arena Service Upgrade 2876 Fuller Lake Road, Chemainus, BC 1-16-015 RFP:2016-19 ELECTRICAL ADDENDUM NO. 01 Page 3 of 6 .3 .4 AES Engineering Ltd. 300 - 1815 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC Canada V8T 5A4 P 250.381.6121 F 250.381.6811 Fuller Lake Arena Service Upgrade 2876 Fuller Lake Road, Chemainus, BC 1-16-015 RFP:2016-19 ELECTRICAL ADDENDUM NO. 01 Page 4 of 6 .5 1.3 .1 .2 AMMENDMENTS Drawing 6/E200. The compressor room walls noted below may be partially demolished and disposed of by the electrical contractor to facilitate removal/installation of electrical equipment. Note revised proposed location of electrical building below. Note also that this contractor is responsible for the underground work to connect BC Hydro conduits from the service entrance to the pole, as well as the pilaster. AES Engineering Ltd. 300 - 1815 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC Canada V8T 5A4 P 250.381.6121 F 250.381.6811 Fuller Lake Arena Service Upgrade 2876 Fuller Lake Road, Chemainus, BC 1-16-015 1.4 .1 1.5 .1 1.6 .1 .2 Part 2 RFP:2016-19 ELECTRICAL ADDENDUM NO. 01 Page 5 of 6 EXTERIOR WALL PENETRATION This contractor shall provide an appropriate procedure or methodology by a hazardous materials subcontractor to complete the work required for penetrating the exterior walls in this project. The contractor shall carry all costs and requirements to complete this work; North Cowichan cannot provide this procedure and it MUST be provided by this contractor. The walls are known to contain vermiculate which has tested positive for asbestos in the past. USED OR REMANUFACTERED EQUIPMENT The use of used or remanufactured equipment will not be accepted on this project. SHEET E3.0 Panel Schedule for Panel C should note Panel C as 'existing'. Revise Panel 4A to 72 circuits. Add the following loads from " existing Heating Distribution " to be relocated to new Panel 4A: .1 Heaters 1,2,3; 3 pole 20 amp .2 Heaters 4,5,6; 3 pole 20 amp .3 Upper Concourse; 3 pole 15 amp .4 Skate Shop; 3 pole 15 amp. Clarifications Question 1. Please define the removal and disposal scope for the existing three pole mounted transformers, existing trestle and two poles. Is this demo work by BC Hydro? Answer: The existing transformers, poles and overhead work will be completed by others. Question 2. Where are the existing heat loads from the 100A 277/480V 3ph 4w removed Heating Panel to be refed from (skate shop heat, upper concourse heat)? Answer: See Item 1.5 this addendum. Question 3. With respect to the presence of Vermiculite/Asbestos in the exterior walls and the fact that some abatement will be required, would the owner entertain a PC Sum for this portion of the tender till the full extent is known. Eg. $3000 Answer: Provide in the tender sum the required services of a suitable hazardous materials contractor for penetrating exterior walls. See previous item in this addendum. Cash allowances will not be accepted. Question 4. considering that the contractor is to run parallel 250mcm ACWU feeds from the electric building to a new JB in the existing electric room would the district entertain substituting parallel 4c4o cu teck cables in place of the 4-4” conduits to the MCC and PNL 2A. There is not much space above the existing MCC and Vent Duct to run 4” AES Engineering Ltd. 300 - 1815 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC Canada V8T 5A4 P 250.381.6121 F 250.381.6811 Fuller Lake Arena Service Upgrade 2876 Fuller Lake Road, Chemainus, BC 1-16-015 RFP:2016-19 ELECTRICAL ADDENDUM NO. 01 Page 6 of 6 conduit or room to enter 4” 90 bends into the equipment. Answer: The design had noted the use of conduit and a wireway to best enter the existing building around the existing piping. Using cable to make this bend would not appear to be practical or possible. The use of a conduit/pullbox solution as noted in the drawings with the Teck cable skinned and installed through, with Teck extending into the existing building only will be acceptable. The expectation is that a wireway or similar condulet would be used to enter the top of the MCC as required. Question 5. Is 3c500 and 3c1o cu teck cable acceptable to use between the main distribution board and the 112.5kva and 300kva transformers in the Electric Building. Answer: Use conduit as specified. END OF ELECTRICAL ADDENDUM NO. 01 AES Engineering Ltd. 300 - 1815 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC Canada V8T 5A4 P 250.381.6121 F 250.381.6811