Indian Jo urna l of Fibre & Textile Researc h Vol. 16, Ma rch 199 1, pp. 100-115 Nature of crystals and their influence on fibre properties a V B Gupta & J Radh akrish nan Department of Textile Technology, Ind ian Institut e o f Technology. ew Delhi 11 00 16, India Received 15 J an ua ry 199 1 Some impo rt a nt structura l and mo rph o logica l as pec ts o f crys ta ls in po lymeric fibres a nd thei r inf"l uence on the mecha nica l, thennal and optica l properties of the crysta l a nd the fibre are considered. These include the role o f mo lecu lar arch itect ure, crysta l defects, nat ure of crysta l-a morp ho us coupli ng, crys ta l content , crystal size and crysta l o rientation o n the stiffness, strength , melting point. therma l expansio n, birefringence. etc. o f the c rys ta l and the fib re. Some important aspects of crysta l forma ti o n a re also discu ssed . The emphasis th ro ugho ut is o n poly(c th yle ne te rephth a la te) fib res. Keywords: Ax ial modulus, Ax ial strength, Birefringence, C rysta l defec ts, Entanglement. Molec ular architecture. r M o lecu lar co nfo rma ti on. Polymer crys ta l Introduction The most successful po lymeri c fibre s, both na tura l and ma nufactured , are semi-crysta lline in which th e c rysta ls are rela tively sma ll in size (2-20 nm) a nd a re, therefo re, often refe rred to as c rys ta llites. Th ey ma y fo rm a nywhere betwee n 20% a nd 90 % o f the to ta l mass o f the fibre. Th e crys tals a re known to ma ke a predom ina nt co ntributi o n to th e macroscopic stiffness, strength , durabi lity, therma l resistance a nd sta bility of the fibre. Howeve r, the effec ts of th e fine structure of the crystals (mol ec ular architecture a nd o rientati o n in crystals, lattice defects) and their m o rph o logy (crysta l size, crysta l-a morph o us co upling) o n the mac rosco pi c prope rti es o f the fibre are not so well understood . The present contributi on is a n a ttempt to prese nt a n integra ted , thou gh bri ef, acco unt of the nature a nd role of crystals in po lymer-ba sed fi bres with the emph asis being placed o n po ly(e th ylene terephtha late) (P ET ) fibres. The fo rma tion of crysta ls is of obv io us impo rta nce in such a di sc ussion a nd thi s aspect has a lso been brie fl y considered with particular emph asis o n some deve lopments in the current thinkin g on thi s subject. 2 Nature and Role of Molecular Architecture The nature a nd ro le o f mo lec ul a r architecture will first be considered with reference ·to axial modulu s "A condensed ve rsion of this pape r was presen ted a t Polymers ' 9 1, an in te rn a ti o na l co nference o n Po lymer Science: Co nt empo ra ry Themes, held at Na tio na l Chemica l Laboratory, Pune.lndia, 1-4 Ja n. 199 1. 100 a nd ax ia l strength of th e crystal a nd th e fibre respectivel y and la ter a bri ef reference wi ll be made to thei r effects on some the rmal pro perties, viz. th erm a l ex pa nsio n a nd meltin g behaviour. These aspects have acq uired signi fica nce as a result o f the rece nt deve lo pment s in the fi eld of high-modulus, hi g h-strength rigid a nd flex ibl e po lyme r fibres whic h a re visua li zed as agg rega tes of hi ghl y extended mo lec ul a r chains in a hi ghl y c rysta llin e state and co nsequentl y have axia l moduli close to th e th eo re ti ca l crys ta l m oduli in the ch a in d irection a nd ve ry high a xi a l stre ngth s. 2.1 Axial Modulus The es timated va lues o f crysta l modu lus in the chai n direction for three well-known polymers are: 324 GPa (3745 gjde n) fo r hi gh de nsity po lye th yle ne (Ht>PE), a n a lipha tic fl ex ible c ha in po lymer l ; 11 0 GPa (903 gjden) for P ET , a n a liph atic-aroma tic semi-ri gid chain polymer 2 ; and 194 GPa ( 15 1~ gjden) fo r Kevlar, a who ll y aroma ti c ri gid cha in pol ymer 3 Th e highe st meas ured mod uli a re fo r so luti on o r ge l- spun fibres ma de from these po lymers: 288 G Pa for HOPEI , 30 GPa fo r PEpa a nd 125 GPa for Kevla r49 (ref. I ). The moduli of the melt-spun HOPE a nd PET commercial fibres a re a bo ut 5 GPa a nd 10 GPa respecti vely5. Apparently, the geo metri c structure of indi vidua l mo lecules has an important ro le to pl ay: in melt-spun fibres, a significa nt a mo unt of chain foldin g may occur which co uld a ll ow only limited chai n co ntinuity in the axia l directi o n. C onsequently , the numbe r of tie mo lecu les, pa rticularl y the ta ut tic mo lec ules, which co nnec t the GUPTA & RADHAKRlSHNAN : NATURE OF CRYSTALS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON FIBRE PROPERTIES crystalline blocks in the fibre in the axial direction , will be relati vely small. Moreover, there will be entanglements a nd the overall orientation of the molecules will not be close to the ideal. As a result, the axial modulus is low . In gel:spun HOPE and PET fibre s, the molecules are more likely to be highl y extended like the molecules in Kevlar fibre and, therefore, offer much higher resistance to deforma tion . It is noteworthy that in the above illustration , the polymer with the most flexible chain has the highest estimated and measured modulus. The ph ysical basis of this was explained by Fra nk 6 as follows . "The Young's modulus for diamond in the [110] direction is 1160 GPa . In the [110] direction di a mo nd is composed of full y aligned zig-zag chains of carbon just like th ose in po lyethylene, utili zin g half the neighbour-to-neighbour bonds in the crystal, while the other half of the bonds are at ri ght angles to thi s direction , con tributing nothing to the Young's modulu s In this direction , just as the carbon-to-hydrogen bonds in fully aligned polyethylene contribute nothing to its longitudina l Young's modulus. The cross-sectional a rea per chain in di a mond is 0.0448 nm 2 , four times small er th an polyethylene, 0. 182 nm 2 • Hence, from thi s analogy , we could expect a modulu s of 285 GPa fo r fully aligned pol ye th ylene, well a bove th a t of steel". There are two noteworthy fea tures of HOPE which may contribute to its hi gh crystal modulu s in th e chain direction . First, the cross-sectional a rea per chain of HOPE is the smalles t (HOPE, 0.182 nm 2 ; PET, 0.217 nm 2 ; Kevlar, 0.205 nm 2 ), which ensures that a relatively la rger numbe r of chains per unit cross-sectional a rea take the load . Second, the HOPE molecules in the crystal are in the ex tended tra ns conformat ion, as shown in Fig. I, whereas the PET molecules ma y no t be exactl y stra ight. The Kcvl a r molecules, though in the ex tended tra ns conformation, a re believed to aggregate in the form of a radial system ofaxially pleated la mellae as shown in Fig. 2 (ref. 7). Th e angle betwee n the adj acent components of the plea ts being a bo ut 170°. Thi s results in a variation from linea rity of 5" (ref. 8). Th e recently introduced Kevlar 149 fibre is repOrled 9 to have a modulus of 170 GPa (1343 g/d en) whi ch has been achieved by producing a more perfect hi ghl y oriented fibre without pleated structure I o. Tha t chain conformation is of primary significance ha s been adequately demonstrated by a study of the crystal moduli of around 25 pol ymer-ba sed fibres and film s!l . Fo r crystals with helica l molecules lik e iso tactic pol ypropylene with 3/1 helix , the cross-sectional a rea is about twice that for HOPE, the I (0) I (b) (c) Fig. I- Skeletal structure of a mo lecule in the crystal of (a) polyethylene, (b) po ly(e th ylene terephthalate). a nd (c) Kevla r Fig. 2- A schematic sketch depicting the radiall y arranged pleated morph ology of ' Kevlar 49' fibre (ta ken from ref. 7) force required fo r I % ex te nsion is a round one fifth a nd the axial modulus 30 GPa. Crystal s with more loosely packed helices ha ve sli lll owe r ax ial moduli : 7 GPa for 7/2 heli x a nd 4 G Pa fo r 4/ I helix. I n a heli x, various combinations of tra ns a nd gauche conformations are possible due to which bond rota tion beco mes the predv minant deformation mec hani sm on C1 :\i :l! loadi ng. It needs to be 101 INDIAN J. FIBRE TEXT. RES., MARCH 1991 emphasized that even for extended trans structures, the presence of bulky side groups can result in a large cross-sectional area. In this context, an interesting observation has been reported for polydiacetylene single crystal fibres for which a plot of the Young's modulus in the chain direction VS. the reciprocal of area supported by each chain of the crystal gave a straight line passing through the originl 2. This suggests that the product of Young's modulus and chain cross-sectional area is a constant if the hack bones of the polymers are assumed to have the same stiffness. The large side groups on the polydiacetylene crystal molecules result in a relatively low modulus of 50 GPa for this polymer crystal. The Youn g's moduli of the crystalline regions of a number of polymer-based fibres and films in the chain direction, mostly taken fro m reference II, are plotted as a function of the reciprocal of the cross-sectional area of the corresponding molecules in Fig. 3. The data points appear to form three broad gro ups. Th e polymers with a carbon backbone in the planar zig-zag o r nearly planar zig-zag conforma tion are seen to fall on line C. Polymers with a carbon backbone in a helical conformation tend to fall on line B. Polymers, which, in addition to carbon, contain oxygen in their backbone and have a helical or planar conformation, have lowest moduli for a particular cross-sectional area and fall on line A. PET (marked as number 7 in Fig. 3) wh ich also contai ns oxygen in the backbone, however, does not fall on line C; it has a relatively higher modulus apparently due to the stiffeni ng of the structure due to the presence of the aroma tic ring. The a. form of poly (ethylene oxybenzoate) (a.-PEO B which is marked as number I in Fig. 3) has relatively low modulus though it has an aroma tic rin g in its structure. This is apparently because the chains are believed to be greatly contracted in the a. form which results with a conformation different fro m that of an extended type. The development of rigid-rod , aromatic heterocyclic ordered fibres with extended chain molecules 10 has made it possi ble to extend the stiffness range still further . An example of such a system is the high performance poly (p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) (PBO) fibre with a density of 1.58 g/cm 3 , a theoretical tensile modulus of 730 GPa, measured crystal modulus (by X-ray) of 477 GPa and measured fibre modulus of 318 GPa (ref. 10). 2.2 Axial Strength Like modulus, the axial strength of the polymer in the chain direction would also be expected to depend predominantly on the area supported by 102 l~ "~ >'01 1140 11 ~ '" ,80 16 w ,00 :; ~ ~ ~ 160 '" liO 80 40 n 'jCH AIN CROSS-SECTIONAL i3 AREA (nm-') Fig. 3- Plot of measured axial Young's moduli of some polymer crystals vs the reciprocal of their molecular cross-secti onal area [I - Poly(ethylene oxybenzoate) (IX-form); 2- Polypivalolactone IX-form (heli x 2/1); 3- Pol y(iso butylene oxide) (distorted planar zig-zag 2/ 1); 4-Poly(ethylene oxide) 5-Polyoxymeth ylene (helix 9/5); (helix 7/2); 6-Polytetrahydrofuran(planar zig-zag); 7- Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (nearly planar); 8-lsotacti~ polyvinyl tertiary butyl ether (helix 4/ I); 9- Isotactic poly( 4-methyl pentene-I ) (helix 7/2); IO--Isotactic polystyrene (helix 3/1); II - Isotactic polybutene-I (helix 3/1); 12- Isotactic polypropylene (helix 3/1); 13- Poly[ I, 6-di(N-carbozolyl)-2, 4-hexadieneJ (planar zig-zag); 14-Polytetrafi uoroethylene (helix 15(7); 15- ~-Polyvinylidene· fluoride (slightly deflected planar zig-zag); I6-Polyvinyl alcohol 17- Polyethylene (planar zig-zag); (planar zig-zag); 18- Diamond (extended) each chain. Since the limiting value of the load is defined by chain rupture, Ohta 13 esti mated the ultimate axial strength of various polymer crystals a long the chain length assuming that a t the breaking point, the carbon-carbon bonds a re ruptured . The estimated ultimate strength values of the crystal along with the highest reported measured values and the values for commercial fibres for the three cases considered earlier are given in Table I . There are two noteworthy observations. First, the values of crystal strength in GPa are quite close for the three polymer crystals, unlike the moduli . This is obviously due to the very approximate nature of the model used in calculating the theoretical strength. Second, the reported axial strength values are much less than the crystal strength unlike in the case of modulus where it has been possible to achieve values which are much closer to the theoretical maximum. The highest reported 14 strength (80 GUPTA & RADHAKRISHNAN : NATURE OF CRYSTALS AND THE IR INFLUENCE ON FIBRE PROPERTIES Table I- Ultimate axial strength along the chain direction for some polymers Polymer HOPE Kevlar PET Estimated axia l Highest strength reported axial GPa (gjden) strength GPa (gjden ) 31.60 (372) 29.74 (235) 28 . 13 (232) 6.80 (80) 3.50 (27.66) 1.9 (IS .O)(ref. 4b) A ve rage axial st rength of commercial fibre GPa (gjden) 0.76 (9) 3.16 (25) 1.15 (9 .5) gjden) is for a ge l-spun ultra-high mo lecular weight HOPE; it is less than one fourth the esti mated theoretica l max imum value for this polymer. This is primarily because in considering the axia l st rengt h of fibres , account must also be taken of the flaws that are present in the fi bre such as microvoids, particulates, microscopic cracks , chain ends and othe r sources of stress concentration. Th ese flaws have little effect on axial modulus, which involves very low strains, but ha ve significant effect on axia l strength which is measured at the lim iti ng strain of the material. The effects offlaws a re best considered in terms of 'the Griffith theory of fract ure 15 accordi ng to which the breaking stre ngth is proportional to the square root of the elastic mOdulus, E. To assess the potential of the various processing routes for producin g high strength HOPE, Ohta plotted the measured axia l breaking strengths o f a number of fibres against the square root of their axia l moduli . From these linear plots, he concl uded 13 that the tenacity of the fibre is a function o f the processing method; the limiting tenacity values were obtained by ext rapo latin g the experimental data to the theoretical modulus of 2775 g/den. The fibrillar crysta l growing or ge l fib re drawing of ultra-high molecular weight HOPE gave the highest limiting tenacity va lues of 59-93 gjden, hot drawing or zone drawi ng gave a limiting value of36 g/den while the solid state extrusion resulted in a limiting va lue of 7 gjden only. In a set of elegant experiments, Matsuo and Ogita 1 6 too k HOPE of molecular weights 1,3 a nd 6 million respectively and studied the concentra tiondependence of draw ratio for the three dried gel films . A draw ratio of350-400 could be obtained at a concentration of 1.6 g/ IOO ml in the case of the lowest mo lecular weight (I million), 0.65 g/ 100 ml in the case of intermediate molecula r weight (3 million) and 0.4 gj lOO ml in the case of the highest molecul a r weight (6 million) HOPE. Higher and lower concentrations than these optimum levels were found to lead to lower draw ratios and, therefore, inferior mechanical properties . The a uthors concluded that most of the chain molecules in the regime of low concentration are random coils having coupling entanglements that wi ll be predominantly intra-molecu la r in nature. On the other hand , solutions co rresponding to the regime of high concentration a re thought to consist of interpenetrating random coils which form a large number of coupling entanglements that a re both intra- and inter-molecular. For specimens prepared from sol ution s with critical concentration, which is different for different mo lecul ar weights , it may be expected that there exists a su'itable leve l of entangled meshes that act as in ter- lamella r crosslinks a nd effecti ve ly transmit the drawing force, a nd therefore the possibility of polymer cha in s slippin g past each othe r without interconn : ctio n is very low . T he sh ift of the critical concentrati on to lower vC;!.lues with increasing molecular weight is probably due to the fact that the number of the co uplin g entanglement meshes of HOPE with very high molecula r weight (say 6 million) increases drastica ll y with increasing concentration. 2.3 Thermal Expansion Polymer crystals like those of HOPE, PET, polyvinyl alco ho l, Kevlar and nylon 6 with extended chain structures exhibi t negative thermal expansion a long the chain direction and positive expansion in the transverse direction 1 7 . The latter reflects the weakness of the interchain interactions while the fo rmer is postulated to arise from the strong elastic anisotropy in a polymer crysta l due to which torsiona l and bending motions in the chains are more highly exci ted than the stretching modes and thi s can lead to a n effective reduction in the interatomic distance a long the chai n axis. An a lterna te model 1 postulates that internal stresses are responsible for this negative thermal expansion . 2.4 Melting Point At the melt ing point, eq uilibrium ex ists between the liquid a nd crystal ph ases . Th e equilibrium meltin g point ofa crystal, Tm o' is given by the !1H m (enthalpy of melting)/!1Sm (entropy of melting). Th is definition would only a ppl y to crysta ls of infinite size (no surface effects) which co ntain only equilibrium defects, if any. The crystals in the fibres are metasta ble and contain non-equilibrium defects. The melting pointof a fibre , T m , may, however, also be considered in terms of the thermodynamic relationship given above. The simplest approaches identify large heat of fusion with strong in termolecular forces l 8 . ]t has been pointed out by Mande lkern l 9 that attempts to 103 INDIAN J. FIBR E TEXT. RES., MARCH 199 1 correlate the melting 'points of polymers with intermolecular interacti ons utili zi ng the co hesive energy density o f the repea ting uni ts as a meas ure of these interactions has been notabl y un successful si nce no simpl e correlation is o bserved between ~11 and /j,H m , as is clear from the ex tensive da ta ava ilable in the litera ture. It was, therefo re, thought th a t it is more lik ely th a t tlSJ11 may be o f prime importa nce in esta blishin g the va lu e of TJ11 . Do le and Wunderlic h 20 emphasised th a t in the thermodynamic eq ua ti o n th e heats and entropies of fusio n represent the d iffe rences in e ntha lpy a nd entropy between the liquid a nd crysta lline sta tes; it is, therefo re, necessa ry that both these sta tes of ma tter shou ld be cons id ered in any inte rpreta ti o n of the meltin g point. They furth er s ugges ted that th e hi gh melting point of poly ami des is due to the low ent ro py of the liquid phase (perhaps due to the prese nce of hydroge n bo nd s) while the low meltin g point of a liph a tic po lyesters res ults chi efl y from a low hea t of fusion. So me interesti ng thermal st udi es 21 have been recently made on two liquid crysta l po lyes ters (po lymers A and B) with mo lec ular we ights in the range 10,000-30,000. Po lyme r B had a stiffer c hain than polymer A a nd both were, in turn, stiffer tha n the PET chain. The X-ray c rysta llinities of the polymers were determined and were co mbined with the a rea of the DSC melting peak to obtai n the va lues for the heat of fusion ofa unit mass of three-di mensio na l crysta ls (/j, H F ). Res ults based on data fo r the sa mples prepa red by slow coo lin g, ta ke n fro m re ference 2 1, a re li sted in T ab le 2 a lo ng with the value fo r the convent io nal P ET. The ta bl e a lso lists va lues for th e entro py of fusio n /j,SF = /j,HF I Tm . Th e data ha ve bee n discu ssed with the he lp of a schem a ti c representation of the mo rph o logies below and above the crystal me ltin g points (Fig. 4). As show n in T a ble 2, /j, H F for the liqui d crysta l polymers is signi fica ntl y less than that for P ET. This has been attrib uted to the imperfections with in th e crysta l la tti ce causing poor cohesio n of cha ins. Th e rea son for the imperfec ti o n is stated to be th e non-regular nat ure of the chain in which th e probabilit y of lo ng runs of reg ul ar sequences is low. Sin ce th e melting po ints of th e two rigid cha in pol ymers arc no t ve ry different to th at or PET. th e low e nth a lpy of fu sio n a lso renects a mllch lowe r en tro py of fusio n than in PET (Tahle 2). The reduced /j,S" is a direct conseq ue nce or the extra stiffness of the chai ns a nd as show n in F ig. 4, th e melting process is very dilTerent in the liquid crys ta lline and th e co nven tio na l polymer sys tc ms. It is conclu ded from this stud y that cha in stiff ness is th e mam property that will determine whe th er th e 104 Below Tm a Above Tm i \ IiiI \ WI ~ Fig. 4-A schematic diagram depictin g the mOll' ho logies above and below the crystal melting poi nt for (a) ri gid chain nematic polymer a nd (b) conventional polymer wi th chain fo lded lamellar crystals. The thicker poi nt s of the lines represeni regions where the chai ns fo rm three-di mens ional crystal lattice (ta ken fro m ref. 21) Table 2- T he hea l a nd entro py of fusio n for some polymers (ref 2 1) Polymer Till (K) Po lymer A Polymer B PET 5 13 563 530 X- ray I1H,. I1S" crys ta llinit y (k Jkg - ' ) (kJ kg - , K - ' ) (%) 17 21 T ypica ll y 50 40 20 135 0.08 0.04 0.25 po lymer melt will exist as a mesoph ase or as a conventional iso trop ic melt. Now if the enthalpy of fusion is no t made low, the po lyme r will have a very high TJ11. Thu s, to'make processa ble liquid crystal po lymers, o ne must introduce irregularities in the cha in to limit the effec tive bonding of the crystals. 3 Crystal Defects 3.1 "Ia ture of Defects It is ge nera ll y believed th a t crystals in fibres are hard a nd und eforma ble 22 • Bueche 23 has, howeve r, emphasized th a t "the crystallites ca nn o t be as perfect as to impart grea t ri gidit y to the polymer, however, o r the m a terial will be too brittle to be useful. It is important neve rt he less that th ec rysta lli tt:s be stabl e to rather hi gh tem pera tures so th a t they wi ll not melt GU PTA & RADHA KRI SHN AN : NATU RE OF C RYSTALS A ND THEIR INFLUENCE O N FIBRE PRO PERTI ES o ut during norma l ha ndling o f the fibre" . C rysta lline polymers a re much less perfect fro m the po int of view o f crysta l regularity th a n simple substa nces 2 4, the possible impe rfecti o ns ra nging fro m poi nt de fects in the la ttice to a trul y a mo rph o us phase. Amo ngst the de fects within the la ttice, the cha in end s represent a di scontinuity tha t ca n lead to d islocatio ns whose density has been repo rted to be of the o rder of 10 3 1m2 (ref. 12) . The fo ld surface, pa rticul a rl y the gross crysta llinity defici ency a t the fold surface, represents a significa nt so urce of imperfecti o n . It is no tewo rthy th at ri gid cha in po lymers usua ll y crysta lli ze as ex te nded m o lecules whil e fl ex ible cha in pol ym ers often fo rm fo lded c ha in crysta ls 25 . Fro m the po int o f view of defects, po lyeth ylene has bee n studied in detai l. So me la ttice defects in po lyethylene a re illustrated in Fig. 5 (ref. 26). Kinks, jogs a nd Reneka r de fects a re co mforma ti o na l defects. As sho wn in the fig ure, in the case of kinks a nd jogs, a pa rt o f the cha in is di splaced perpendi c ula r to the lo ng axis. A combined study using wide-a ngle X-ray di ffraction and sma ll-a ngle X-ray di ffraction of a Fig. 5--A schematic rep resen ta tion of some la ttice defects in pol ye thylene crystals. From left to ri ght: all-trans co nfo rmation series o f po lyethylenes, mostl y lo w density, with a (defect-free), Renekar defect, kink a nd jog (taken from ref. 26) wide ra nge o f cha in de fect conce ntratio ns (0 . 1-7 %) ( b) crysta lli zed fro m the melt has been re po rted 2 7 . The co nc urrent unit ce ll expa nsio n a nd lon g peri od decrease wi th increasing cha in de fect co nce ntra ti o n (a) lead to a picture o f cha in defects (bra nches, un sa tura ti o ns) being distributed between the crysta lline la mell ae a nd the surface layer. Based o n a 7SA. model, which assumes inclusio n o f defects within the la ttice by mea ns of genera ti o n of kinks, a n estima tio n o f the concentra tion ot cha in de fects inco rpo ra ted into the crystal la ttice « I %) is a ttempted . The density of defects in no n-crysta lline regio ns turns o ut to be muc h la rge r tha n their concen tra ti o n in the crysta lline regio ns a nd s uppo rts the view of a cl uste ring of defects. F ig. 6 schema ticall y illustra tes ' the prevail ing exclusion of defects fro m the crysta ls of WllWllUl.U.WllWllWllWUJ. two samples of co nventi o na ll y bra nched a nd linea r Fig. 6-A schematic rep resen tation of the dist ribution of chai n po lyethylene with the tota l amount o f defects per unit defects between crystalline lamellae and amo rpho us laye rs fo r (a) volume being 0.17 a nd 2. 53 % respectively. It is seen low-densi ty polyethylene and (b) high-densi ty polyethylene (ta ken fro m ref. 27') that bra nchin g has a most dra m a tic effect o n the densi ty of defects in th e a m o rph o us phase; the average cha in sepa ra ti o n in the amo rphou s regio ns co mme rcia l P ET fibre, a cha in end is lik ely to be registers a n increase as increasin g numbe r o f de fects present in each vo lume eleme nt of 22A as a side- a very hi gh density o f ch a in ends. enter thi s layer . The effect o f crysta l defects on fibre properties will F o nta ine et al.2 9 have ma de a deta iled stud y o f no w be briefl y considered . solid sta te therma l trea tment o f isotropic PET sheets; they measured the degree of crysta llinity, the di sorder 3.2 Effect on Thermal Properties pa rameter a nd the average meltin g tempera ture. The During ra pid c rysta lli za ti o n o f po lymers, de fects results of their stud y a re s umma rized in T a bl e 3. It is suc h as kin ks a nd chai n ends are inco rpo ra ted in the o bse rved fro m thi s ta ble tha t the crysta ls become fi brilla r c rysta ls. It has been estima ted 2 8 that in mo re perfect with increasing a nnea lin g tempera ture i j T 105 INDIAN J. FIBRE TEXT. RES., MARCH 1991 Table 3- Morphological parameters for PET subjected to solid state the rmal treatment (ref. 29) Sample No. I 2 3 4 5 Thermal history C rystalli zed at 200T As for sample I and further heat treated up to 215' C As for sample 2 and further hea t treated up to 230' C As for sample 3 and further heat treated up to 245'C As for sample 4 and further heat treated up to 250'C Mean long spacing (.&.) X-ray crystallinity 126 125 Average melting temp. (%) Disorder parameter k 53 60 6.7 6.3 240 243 125 59 5.7 248 128 58 5.7 252 129 63 5.4 256 a nd the melting point also increases. However, the increase in the degree of crystallinity occurs by heating from 200 to 21YC but not beyond 21YC. Hence, the increase in melting temperature for samples treated at the higher temperatures is ascribed to a n overall increase in crystal perfection. On the basis of the above results a nd low angle X-ray intensity, Fontaine e t at.29 proposed a mechanism for the reorganization at the crys tal-a morphou s bo undary laye r as·a result of the an nealing treatment (Fig. 7). The crystal imperfections inside the crystal (not shown in the fig ure) are considerably reduced on annealing as they ap parently migrate out of the crystal. The crystals with high defect density have been shown to have very low melting points while drawn fibres annealed for long durations have relatively higher melting points 3 0 . 31 ; the difference being of the o rder of IOoC (247'C to 257'C). When the fibre is constrained in the DSC cell so that it cannot shrink, the melting point of lhe heat-se t fibre can go up to 264°C (ref. 32). The crystalline density of PET originally calculated at 1.455 glcc (ref. 33) is now believed to be closer to 1.5 15 glcc (ref. 34); it appears to be morphology-dependent. 3.3 Effect on Optical Properties The intrinsic crystalline birefringence of PET which represents the limiting birefringence of its perfectly oriented crystalline unit, assuming it to be transversely isotropic, has been reported to be anywhere between 0.212 and 0.31 (ref. 35). It was observed that the lower values arose from studies on cold-drawn fibres while the higher values were based on studies on heat-set fibres. It was suggested 36 that if IOn -~ CC) o (T e =200C) ----ri~ ----tl~ ---~ ----+-I':Y I I -----------+i~ ----'-i~A _ _ _~i-::-'" \' ==-----+~? \) -----------fl~ Fig. 7- A schematic sketch depicting the ordering and smoothing effect at the crystalline amorphous interface of the lamellae (taken from ref. 29) a perfect crystal had an intrinsic birefringence of ~co, then a crystal with perfection index Pc will have a birefringence Pc !:lnco' assuming that an ideally perfect crystal will have Pc = I . The measured birefringence !:In of a fibre of crystallini ty P and crystallite orientation fc can then be written as !:In = Pc !:lncop!c + !:lnamo (I - P}famPam where Pam is the perfection index of the amo rphous phase, .1nam " its intrinsic birefringence and Jam its orientation. Since cold-drawn fibres have crystals with high defect density compared to the heat-set fibres, the dependence of measured intrinsic birefringence on sample morphology reported in the literature is not surprising. GUPTA & RADHAKRISHNAN : NATURE OF CRYSTALS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON FIBRE PROPERTIES The morphology-dependence of the measured values of intrinsic birefringence of the crystalline and amorphous phases of PET can be very approximately represented by the schematic diagram shown in Fig. 8 which is based on the data obtained on fibres with different structures and morphologies and on the assumption that the defects which get incorporated in the crystal can migrate out of it during solid state thermal treatment. Such an assumption is implicit in the model of Balta Calleja et al. 2 7 The wide range of intrinsic birefringence values reported in the literature can thus be traced to the differences in morphologies of the PET samples investigated. This model receives added support from the production of PET fibre with /).n = 0.26 by suitable combination of drawing and heat-setting 3 7 . Sheldon 40 had shown that PET film extruded at low rates showed higher crystallization rate than film extruded at a higher rate. He attributed this to the disruption of crystalline remnants in the melt at high speed of extrusion which can then no longer act as o-boiling waler (100°C) 60 / I I 40 . I I I 20 I I I Q In some recent work 3 8 on drawn PET films and fibres drawn to different extents under identical conditions, the films showed relatively lower shrinkage at 220°C compared to the fibres at draw ratios of 4 and above, as shown in Fig. 9. X-ray diffraction studies on a drawn film and a drawn fibre , both of draw ratio aro und 4.16 and prepared under identical conditions, had shown that the crystal disorder parameter, k;,is 10.31 for the film and 5.5 for the fibre. As shown in Fig. 10, the crystal disorder reduced on heat-setting of both sets of samples but the free-annealed samples showed marginally higher perfection than the taut-annealed samples. Since defects within the lattice reduce the energy for molecular motion 39 , it was proposed that the presence of defects can result in faster crystallization which would stabilize the structure, thus reducing shrinkage. (200"( ) • -silicone oil w 3.4 Effect on Crystallization FILM (0 ) 80 <t ~ 0 Z i'i I If) FIBRE 80 - ( b) 60 , I i 40 20 0 2 1 3 5 I, 6 DRAW RATIO Fig. 9-Shrinkage as a function of draw ratio for PET film and fibre (taken from ref. 38) 12 .0 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -PERFECTION INDEX FOR AIoIORPHQUS lHY HIGH - - - - MEOIUM - - - - - LOW 10 ·0 ...u 0 · 32 o TA Cold Drawn-Hot Drnwn -Heat-set o FA 8 .0 z '"~ 0.26 a: .... ....... ~ I.L ~ '"a: iii 6·0 ~QI:!trol Fi b rez « a: ~ ffi a Film 8 g 100 140 ~ 4·0 ~Fibrez a: a III o 0 LOW MEDIUM PERFECTION INDEX OF 2·0 HIGH CRVSTAL--- Fig. ~A.schematic representation of the dependence of intrinsic crystalline birefringence (I1n"o) and intrinsic amorphous birefringence (6.n amo) on the perfection of the two phases 0 0 HEAT - SETTING 180 220 TEMPERATURE 260 (C) Fig. IO--Dependence of disorder parameters of PET film and fibres on heat-setting temperature 107 INDIAN J. FIBRE TEXT. RES., MARCH 1991 nuclei. Since the film used in the present investigation was cast at 10m/min while the fibre was produced at spinning speeds of 1000 m/ min, the presence of incipient nuclei in the film was possible. PET fibres spun at low speed (10m/ min) were, therefore , produced and drawn under identical conditions to a draw ratio of 4.16. They were found to crystallize (as measured by increase in density when subjected to heat-setting at 8SOC) to a greater extent and approached the crystallization characteristics ofthe films, as shown in Fig. II. The shrinkage characteristics of this ma terial were also closer to those of the film . The higher shrinkage of the fibre spun at 1000 m/min and then drawn, in relation to that of the film cast at 10m/min and then drawn, may thus be related to the lower crystallization potential of the former. 4 Coupling Effects 4.1 Nature of Coupling In a fibre, a single molecule can form part of several ordered regions (crystals) as can be concluded from the following ohservation . The usual length of a molecular chain is, in general, far greater than the size of the crystallites. For example, considering only the extended molecule J the length of the zig-zag polyethylene mol ec ule of molecular weight 50,000 is about 4500 ~ (ref. 41). Acrystalline region, on the other hand , may be only 100-500 Along and hence one molecula r chain is considered to pass through many crystalline and non-crystalline regions successively. The ordered and disordered regions are thus coupled. The coupling may be in series or in parallel and the nature of coupling can have important consequences on fibre properties. The nature of coupling in a textile fibre can be illustrated with the help of Prevorsek's model 42 for 1.384 Film 1.380 C"') - E 1.376 u ( ]I > 1·372 t- iii ~ 1.368 o 1.364 1.360 0 0 .4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 '2.6 ) .2 . T I M~ (n ) , .' Fig. ll'-Density data for PE! ,nl~and fibres heat treated at 85"C for different time .periods 10 ~ PET fibre (Fig. 12), which is extensively quoted in the literature. Two noteworthy features of this model are: (i) the intercrystalline links in fibrils, which assist in load transfer, are less in number than the number of molecules in the crystal; and (ii) the interfibrillar extended molecules provide relatively more continuity. The former, i.e. intercrystalline tie molecules, provide series coupling in the fibril between the crystallites and the latter, i.e. the interfibrillar molecules, provide the parallel coupling between the fibrils . There has been quite a detailed investigation of the structural and morphological changes that take place in a conventional highly oriented, crystalline high-density polyethylene fibre or film as a result of annealing. The model of a conventional drawn HOPE filament 43 is shown schematically in F ig. 13(a); on heat-setting, considerable reorganization occurs and the poor phase separation of the cold-drawn filament may be replaced by a more distinct phase separation [Fig. J3(b)]. Fischer and Fakiroy44 also studied the reorganization that occurs in oriented crystalline HOPE on annealing under different tensions and temperatures. At low temperature and high tension, the phase separation was represented by the model shown in Fig. 14(a) while at higher temperatures and lower tensions, there was a very distinct phase separation, as observed by low-angle X-ray diffraction which is schematically shown by the model in Fig. 14(b). Ward 4s has recently considered the mechanical anisotropy at low strains in polymers and has pointed out that the various models fo r anisotropic polymers fall in two distinct categories, depending on whether molecular orientation or the composite nature of a crystalline polymer is the starting point. The two model hierarchies are then applicable to different polymer systems. On the basis of molecular orientation, the single-phase aggregate model 4 6 may be successfully applied to amorphous polymers, low-crystallinity PET, drawn low-density PE, Kevla!f a nd carbon fibre; the single-phase sonic modulus modd 47 is applicable to all oriented polymers and the two-phase sonic modulus model 4 8 is applica ble to polypropylene fibres and to a limited ex tent to PET fibres. If the composite model approach is used , the series-parallel unit cube model 4 9 can be applied to annealed drawn linear PE a nd PP and the lamellar 9rientation modep o to oriented sheets of PE, annealed PP and PET. If tie molecules are added to composite models s 1, they can be applied to all drawn polymers . For high modulus polyethylene, the addition of crys'talline bridges to composite model s I allows their mechanical anisotropy to be understood . GUPTA & RADHAKRlSHNAN : NATURE OF CRYSTALS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON FIBRE PROPERTIES ttti+H#Hl--.. CRYS TA LLiT ES EXTENDED NON-CRYSTALLINE MOLECULES DISORDERED DOMAINS ~/ Fig. 12- Prevorsek's model for PET fibre (taken from ref. 42) (a) ( a) ( b) ( b) \J ~ I UU U Fig. 13-Model for conventional drawn HDPE: (a) cold drawn with poor phase separation and (b) annealed ~ith distinct phase separation The short fibre reinforced polymer composite modeJ52 has also been applied to high modulus polyethylene. The above considerations suggest that there can be no unique model for a fibre since the structure and morphology of the fibre are so sensitive to thermomechanical treatments. The model 42 ofPrevorsek for PET is thus representative of a very specific Fig. I4-A model depicting (a) limited phase separation for low-temperature, high-tension annealed PE and (b) more distinct phase separation for high-temperature low-tension annealed PE (taken from ref. 44) morphology out of a wide spectrum of possible morphologies of PET fibre . 4.2 Effect on Mechanical Properties of Fibres Extensive studies s3 .s4 on heat-set PET have shown that high temperature (200°C and above) annealing of PET fibres and films results in predominantly series type of coupling with clear-cut phase separation 109 INDIAN J. FIBRE TEXT. RES. , MARCH 1991 occurring. The amorphous orientation factor drops fro m 0.6 to 0.2 a nd the elastic modulus a lso decreases by a factor of 4 or so . Annea lin g at low temperature, o n the other hand, reta in s significant a mount of parallel coupling and the samples have a relatively hi gher amorphous orientation and elastic modulu s. The samples heat-set with their ends ciamped have greater degree of parallel coup ling. It is interesting to recall that in industrial processes, the fibres a nd fabrics a re subjected to heat-setting treatment under considerab le constraint. 'eo .,.c: " 1/1 It has recently been reported 56 that the dynamic mechanical relaxations with peaks at around 50°C and 90°C in HOPE seem to a rise due to defect diffusion in the crysta lli tes with some influence of the amorpho us matter in the interfacial region . This type of interaction between the two phases would be expected if they are in tandem or are coupled in series. Series coupling is significant in fibrillar fibrous struct ures, as is evident from the following two examples. In six HOPE fibre and fi lm samples with crystallinity rangin g from 50 to 85 % the macroscopic moduli ranged from 0.7 to 15 GPa (ref. II), though the crystal modulus was constant (around 250 GPa). The resistance to initial deformation (stiffness or modulus) is thus apparent ly dominated by the more complia nt amo rph ous phase and , therefore, homogeneity of stress or series coupling may be assumed to be predominant. In another study 5 7 though the crystal modulu s of PET remained constan t a t 110 GPa from 25 to 21YC the axial modulus of the filament decreased from 9 GPa at 2YC to I GPa a t 200°C. This decrease is apparently due to a decrease in a morphous modul us; a series co upling is again indicated. 110 0 Series (AI 0 Poroll.l (~l 6 II( ... 1&1 1&1 1. Z "'~ II( .:I z :l 0-6 Q. ::;) 0 U ..J T o illustrate the a bove observations, the experimental data on series and parallel co upling parameters for free-ann ea led and taut-annealed P ET fibres and their Instron and sonic moduli a re presented in Figs 15 and 16 respectively. The correlation between modulus a nd couplin g parameter is quite apparent. In taut -annealed samples, the parallel coupling is hi gher and so is the modulus. In free annea led samples, the series co upling is relatively higher a nd they have low modulus. The recovery behaviour of these two sets of PET fibres from tensile strains up to 0.15 was also in vestigated 55 . The taut-annealed samples showed superio r recovery behaviour which was dominated by both the crysta lline a nd amorphous phases; the recovery behaviour of the free-annealed samples, on the other hand , was controlled principally by the amorpho us phase. Fno- onn4lol4ld 1&1 ......J "' Toul-onn.ol.d· II( ~ 0 Z 4 1/1 1&1 II( 0·5 1&1 1/1 0-2 °O~'~I~O~0--~~--~18~O~--2~2~0--~2~50~ HEAT-SETTING TEMPEAATUAE(OC) Fig. l5--Coupling parameters as functions of heat-setting tempe ratu re for PET fibres 1B O r - - - - - - - - ---, . - - - - -- - -----... (a) Sonic (b) Inst ron ~Qntrol ·....el--..._.I--_e TA "0 g; 12 0 U1 3 90,----- ::J o o ~ Fig. 16-Dependence of (a) Instron modulus and (b) sonic modulus of PET fibres on heat-setting temperature Wool has a ve ry compliant matrix reinforced by ex-helices, wh ich form the crystalline phase 5 8 . It ha s been quite convincingly shown that the helices dominate the axial defonnation of WOOP 8 and thi s is attributed to the parallel coup lin g betwee n the globular protein matrix and the helix; the stress is in fact transferred from the spring-like helix, as it deforms, to the m a trix. Takayanagi49 realized quite early that in fibre s both series and parallel coupling are prese nt and hi s unit c ube model has been very successfu l. GUPTA & RADHAKRlSHNAN : NATURE OF CRYSTALS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON FIBRE PROPERTIES 4.3 Effect on Deformation Mechanisms in Oriented Polymers Fourier-transfonn infrared (FTIR) studies made on oriented crystalline PET films prepared by heat-setting at elevated temperatures were made as the films were axially deformed s9 . It was observed that in the sample heat-set under constraint, crystal deformation commenced at a very low strain while the deformation of the slack-set sample was dominated by chain uncoiling in the amorphous phase. Only beyond 20% strain, chain unfolding could be detected in the slack-set sample. These effects are a direct consequence of the nature of coupling in the two samples; a strong parallel coupling in the taut-annealed samples ensures the participation by the crystallites in the defOlmation of the sample right from the commencement of the test while the predominant series coupling in the slack-annealed sample results in the dominance of the coiled amorphous regions in controlling the structural changes which occur in the first 20% extension. 4.4 Effect on Thermal Behaviour Heat-set PET filaments subjected to DSC tests for studying the melting characteristics, with the sample in the unconstrained and constrained states, showed some interesting features 32 ; the relevant data are summarized in Table 4. It may be noted that the free-annealed fibres , which have been annealed at the higher temperatures, have lower crystallite and amorphous orientation relative to the corresponding taut-annealed samples, as expected. The crystal disorder parameter, crystallinity and crystalli te size, however, have been shown to be quite close in these two sets of samples 3 2.5 3 with the free-annealed samples having slightly higher crystallinity, crystallite size and crystal perfection. It is interesting to note that in the constrained state, when reorganization of the structure is inhibited and the orientation is expected to be retained right up to melting, the melting point is enhanced by 6° to 9T over the melting point observed in the unconstrained state. Thi s enhancement was attributed to the en tropic retrictions on chain conformation in the amorphous regions. The coupling effects are quite obvious when the data are examined in detail. The crystal perfection, size and crystallinity are all slightly higher in the free-annealed fibres (annealing temperature, ·J 220-250·C) but their ' ·' melting temperatures are lower. This could be attdbuted to the greater degree of parallel coupling in these samples and is a reflection of the higher orientation in the taut-annealed samples . Table 4-Structural and thermal characteristics of heat-set PET filaments (ref. 32) Sample Crystallite Amorphous orientation orientation ( P2(9)c ( P2(9)am Control Melting temp. ('C) Unconstrained technique Constrained technique 0.940 0.582 254.7 263 .5 0.952 0.947 0.947 0.934 0.937 0.936 0.944 0.519 0.494 0.470 0.433 0.416 0.369 0.318 254.6 254.9 255 . 1 255.5 256.6 256.0 256.2 263.8 263.8 263 .8 263.6 263.0 262.4 262:0 0.944 0.952 0.922 0.912 0.87,7 0. 859 0.860 0.522 0.505 0.430 0.258 0.200 0.156 0.039 255.6 255.0 255.2 254.8 254.8 255 .0 255.0 263 .7 262.0 263 .0 262.2 261.9 261 .8 261.4 Taut-annealed 100·C 140"C 180· C 220"C 230·C 240·C 250·C Free-annealed IOO·c 140·C 180·C 220·C 230·C 240·C 250·C 5 Crystal Content and Size The most dramatic effect of crystallinity is observed for isotropic polymers in the rubber-like state . For example, the Young's modulus of raw rubber (smoked sheet) increases by a factor of the order of 100 by the presence of about 24 % crystallinity 60. The rubbery modulus of amorphous unoriented PET at 90·C also increases by about 100 times on crystallizationS . In both cases, the Tg also increases on crystallization . The sit uation for oriented, semi-crystalline fibres is more complex. For example, when commercial PET fibre is heat-set isothennally at temperatures between 100°C and 255T for 5 min , the Tg first increases with increase in heat-setting tempera ture (or with crystallinity), reaches a peak value at about 180°C and then shows a decrease 3l , as shown in Fig. 17. The dye uptake or diffusion coefficient of PET, say at 130°C, on the other hand, first decrea ses with increasing temperature of heat-setting and then registers an increase as shown in Fig. 18 (ref. 62); the minimum in dye uptakecoinciding with the maximum in Tg (ref. 61) as may be seen by comparison of Figs 17 · and 18. These observations have been expla'inedas follows : Up to heat-setting temperature of 180°C, new crystals ate fonned by coming together of. ' well-para\leliied chains in the amorphous regions which increase the number of small crystals in the fibre. As a result, at a 111 INDIAN 1. FIBRE TEXT. RES., MARCH 1991 160 1400~~----------------------~ M e-FA o-'TA " ~ .e 120 - 1000 01 >< ~ 0 UJ ~ 800 ::l SO 0 100 140 ISO 220 260 -J 0 > III ::l HEAT-SETTING TEMP. (oel Fig. 17- Variation of Tg of PET fibres with heat-setting temperature .. 1200 70 80r---------------------------~ 0 400 ~ '200 a ~ -< ~ 600 0 0 70 120 140 160 180 200 220 21,0 ANNEALING TEMP., ·C Fig. 19--DependenIX of amorphous volume per crystal of PET on heat-setting temperature (taken from ref. 63) UJ i5 It must be emphasized that the mechanical properties of extended chain fibres like gel-spun ____ ____ __ ____ __ HDPE, Kevlar and carbon fibres are very sensitive to 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 crystal orientation: In the standard melt-spun fibres , SETTING TEMPERATURE;C the mechanical properties are not equally sensitive to crystal orientation. This is because they are Fig. 1~Effect of setting temperature on dye uptake [:LuI. OISp." "" predominantly related to the amorphous orienta .. Fast Scarlet B 150 at lOOT for 90 min] for ' PET fibre (taken from ref. 62) tion. For PET fibres, the strain in the crystalline regions was shown 64 to be a factor of about ten less heat-setting temperature of 180·C, the fibre contains than the macroscopic strain for macroscopic strains a large number of small crystals so the amorphous up to l.8%. regions are highly constrained. Heat-setting at higher The orientation of the crystal or lamellar planes temperatures can result in the formation of crystals of can also have a very large effect on the Young's larger size. The fibre consequently contains a small modulus offibres. The earliest studies were made on number oflarge crystals and the amorphous volume low-density polyethylene films 50 which showed that per crystal increases; as a result, molecular mobility is inter-lamellar shear could make a significant enhanced. Fig. 19 (ref. 63) shows this effect very contribution to the compliance of the film, clearly. particularly in samples showing four point low angle Crystal size can have a significant effect on the . patterns with lamellar planes inclined to the fibre melting point of fibres ; larger crystals showing higher aXlS. melting temperatures than smaller crystals. 7 Crystal Formation The fibre forming polymers generally crystallize 6 Crystal Orientation The orientation of the molecules In the crystals when their melts or solutions are cooled, the with respect to the fibre axis can have important crystallization being induced by nuclei. For spherical consequences on mechanical and thermal properties nuclei of radius r, the Gibbs surface energy is of the fibre. The measured crystal modulus of PET proportional to r2 while the crystallization energy, reported in the literature ranges between 75 GPa and which is a volume effect, is proportional to r3 (ref. 26). 137 GPa. This wide range ofvalues has been shown 2 These energy terms are of opposite signs and so the to arise because the angle between the crystalline energy of nucleus formation becomes negative only c-axis and the fibre direction can vary in different above a critical nucleus size. The nucleus can then samples which, if not accounted for, can lead to an grow into, for example, a spherulite. underestimate of crystal modulus. When suitable When polymeric materials are heat-set, correction was applied, a value of 110 GPa was crystallization can occur either by the melting of smaller imperfect crystals at the crystallization obtained 2 . 40 JO~~~ 112 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ GUPTA & RADHAKRISHNAN: NATURE OF CRYSTALS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON FIBRE PROPERTIES temperatures followed by recrystallization into a new form or by solid state transfonnation in which molecules in the amorphous regions, which are not in exact register, can, with the aid of thennal energy, gain enough inobility to reduce their free energy by fonning small crystallites. In some interesting work on PET, Wu et al. 65 monitored the low-angle X-ray scatterIng patterns in situ as the films defo'rmed and concluded that the latter process predominates. Fakirov et al. 30 have also arrived at the same conclusion from DSe studies. However, Groeninckx and coworkers 66 •67 state that the samples heat-set at low temperatures have small imperfect crystallites, which reorganize by partial melting and recrystallization. In samples heat-set at relatively higher temperatures , no large-scale melting occurs; the crystal thickening which occurs without any change in long period is presumed to arise from crystal perfectio n at the boundary laye rs of the crystalline and amorphous phases, a process which has been briefly referred to earlier in this paper. Another process which has received considerable attention is the high-speed melt spinning process which involves uniaxial stress fields in the spin-line; the orienting influence of the stress field overcomes the disorienting influence of thennal relaxation process 68 .69 . During melt-spinning, the temperature at which crystal formation can commence is considerably enhanced at higher spinning speeds 70 ; however, it is not raised to a high enough level to prevent molecular relaxation. This has been a cause of disappointment to the fibre producers who had dreams of manufacturing oriented crystalline fibres in one step. A novel discovery reported recently71 holds a glimmer of hope for the revival of interest in one-step standard fibre production process·for flexible chain polymers. The studies reported are on high molecular weight HDPE which is unprocessable at l600C but was found to have minimum viscosity between 150 and l52°e in which range it fonned a highly mobile hexagonal crystalline mesophase making it possible to use the liquid crystal spinning with this flexible system which so far has been used only with rigid systems like Kevlar, aromatic copolyesters and cellulosc and perhaps which the silk worm has been using for ages to spin silk, the queen of fibre.S. The spinline crystallization of PET at high speeds involves significantly large undercooling; the 'melt temperature may decrease from 280 e to 180~C iJi 0.005 s. The nucleation rate is consequently very high and the cancent'r ation of nuclei is very dense. Tht critical size of the nucleus for crystallization to proceed is considerably reduced and app roaches the unit cell dimension of PET . This occurs because in an oriented melt, the entropy change on crystallization is small. At a given supercooling the free energy change is correspondingly increased. This has been termed as nucleative collapse 72 or as spinodal defect decomposition 73 and is also referred to as regime III of crystallization. The large number of small nuclei come together to fonn a crystallite and the crystallization is distinctly different compared to the usual nucleation and growth process that dominates the crystallization of a melt in the stress-free state or at low stresses . There is another type of crystallization that ha s received considerable attenti0I;l, viz. the crystallization of ultra-high molecular weight HDPE to give highl y crystalline, extended chain morphology (Fig. 20a) (ref. 74). A similar model has been proposed for Kevlar (Fig. 20b) (ret. 8). As discussed in an ea rlier section, these high performance fibres are produced from a gel or a solution. Mackleyand Sapsford 75 have made the interesting observation that high performance H D PE fibres had been earlier prod ueed by Ward and coworkers 1 and Wu and Black 76 also from the melt; in ( b) ( a) "I 0 •• ' '.: I " I. ::!:,,:: t..c • . ": ~., ':: .. I '.' . . , ; Fig. 20-(a) Extended chain morphology of a ..gel.-~P\ln ni gh , mq l.~~phH ,w,t;jiW-\.,liDP.I;: PR~~~ .Cry~t~llini~, >.j.O.% . (taken fr~ ~e~, ,(4) ~,.: '1.' I . ' . . , (b) Scnt;matic represeo.tation of llU"uctun: 'of Kevlar fibre '. ,(lake n from,ref. 8) 113 INDIAN J. FIBRE TEXT. RES., MARCH 1991 both the cases, high-strength, high-modulus fibres could be obtained by processing at the elevated temperatures of the order of 250°C and then rapidly cooling the filament to give an essentially isotropic fibre . The fibre is then subsequently drawn in the temperature range 80-12SOC and draw ratios of the order of30 can be achieved. Mackley and Sapsford 75 offer a physical exp!anation as to why these processing conditions should give such a high draw ratio. They believe that the processing conditions used resulted in a reduction in the entanglement concentration in the precursor melt and filament. As in gel drawing, this meant that the fibre could then be drawn to a high draw ratio. It is concluded that the polymer must be processed in a manner to provide an entanglement concentration high enough to ensure a connected network, yet sufficiently low to enabfe high draw ratios; whilst increased molecular weight provides enhanced strength. A structural model for high modulus polyethylene has been derived from entanglement concepts by Grubb 77. Starting from the concept that the entanglement network is a controlling factor in polymer deformation, a fibrillar morphology, rather than a crystalline-bridge type of morphology, similar to that derived from solution grown Shish Kebab material, is proposed. 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