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J. Eur. Math. Soc. 8, 585–609
c European Mathematical Society 2006
Valentino Magnani
Characteristic points, rectifiability and
perimeter measure on stratified groups
Received November 11, 2004 and in revised form June 10, 2005
Abstract. We establish an explicit connection between the perimeter measure of an open set E
with C 1 boundary and the spherical Hausdorff measure S Q−1 restricted to ∂E, when the ambient
space is a stratified group endowed with a left invariant sub-Riemannian metric and Q denotes the
Hausdorff dimension of the group. Our formula implies that the perimeter measure of E is less
than or equal to S Q−1 (∂E) up to a dimensional factor. The validity of this estimate positively
answers a conjecture raised by Danielli, Garofalo and Nhieu. The crucial ingredient of this result is
the negligibility of “characteristic points” of the boundary. We introduce the notion of “horizontal
point”, which extends the notion of characteristic point to arbitrary submanifolds, and we prove that
the set of horizontal points of a k-codimensional submanifold is S Q−k -negligible. We propose an
intrinsic notion of rectifiability for subsets of higher codimension, called (G, Rk )-rectifiability, and
we prove that Euclidean k-codimensional rectifiable sets are (G, Rk )-rectifiable.
Keywords. Stratified groups, characteristic points, perimeter measure, Hausdorff measure
The project of developing analysis in metric spaces is receiving remarkable attention in
the last few years, with several monographs on this topic [7], [18], [35], [36], [64]. The
class of Carnot–Carathéodory spaces provides good models to be studied in this perspective. They are characterized as connected differentiable manifolds with a family of
smooth vector fields X1 , . . . , Xm which satisfy a Lie bracket generating condition. Under
this assumption the “Carnot–Carathéodory distance” can be defined [33].
We will focus our attention on stratified groups, also known as Carnot groups [25],
[59], which form a special class of Carnot–Carathéodory spaces. An important feature of
stratified groups is the existence of a family of intrinsic dilations which scale well with
the Carnot–Carathéodory distance and define the Hausdorff dimension of the group.
Stratified groups and Carnot–Carathéodory spaces have been thoroughly investigated
in several different areas of analysis including optimal control theory, differential geometry, harmonic analysis and PDEs. Some relevant books are [10], [25], [34], [53], [66].
The systematic study of geometric measure theory on stratified groups has begun only
V. Magnani: Dipartimento di Matematica, via Buonarroti 2, I-56127 Pisa, Italy;
e-mail: magnani@dm.unipi.it
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): Primary 22E25; Secondary 22E30, 28A75, 53C17
Valentino Magnani
very recently with a continuously growing literature and it is now the subject of several
contributions: [1], [5], [8], [12], [15], [17], [26]–[30], [32], [41], [45]–[48], [54], [57],
[60]–[62], [67], and this list is certainly not complete.
The leading theme of this paper is the role of characteristic points in the study of intrinsic notions of rectifiability and in the expression of perimeter measure for open sets
with C 1 boundary. In the area of PDEs, characteristic points have been widely studied in
connection with boundary regularity of solutions to equations with nonnegative characteristic form [11], [13], [21], [24], [38], [39], [42]–[44] (see also the references therein). The
solution to the Dirichlet problem for the Kohn Laplacian in a smooth domain may not be
smooth up to the boundary due to the presence of characteristic points [38]. Characteristic points play an important role in connection with metric properties of domains suitable
for Sobolev–Poincaré inequality, Ahlfors regularity of hypersurfaces, intrinsic measure
of hypersurfaces and trace theorems [8], [12], [15], [16], [22], [31], [48], [55], [56].
W now give a detailed description of the content of the present paper. The first section presents all the basic material that will be used throughout the paper. Section 2 is
devoted to characteristic points of submanifolds and their negligibility. Negligibility of
characteristic points with respect to the Euclidean Hausdorff measure H|·|
was proved
by Derridj for (n − 1)-dimensional smooth hypersurfaces [22]. Recently, Balogh through
a remarkable construction of functions with prescribed gradient has proved that there
exist C 1 hypersurfaces in the Heisenberg group such that the one-codimensional Euclidean Hausdorff measure of the characteristic set is positive [8]. However, he also
shows that if we consider the Hausdorff measure HQ−1 with respect to the Carnot–
Carathéodory distance, then the characteristic set of C 1 hypersurfaces becomes negligible with respect to this measure. The covering type procedure adopted by Balogh has
been extended by Franchi, Serapioni and Serra Cassano to all stratified groups of step
two [29].
Our approach to the negligibility of characteristic points in arbitrary stratified groups
relies on a Sard-type theorem [47], where characteristic points are properly interpreted
as intrinsic singular points of the submanifold. This characterization works for submanifolds of any codimension and allows us to find an analogous notion of characteristic
point. In this general case, we call these points “horizontal”, because the tangent space to
the submanifold at these points has a sufficiently “large” intersection with the horizontal
space (see Definition 2.10). Note that in submanifolds of codimension one the notion of
horizontal point coincides with the classical notion of characteristic point.
The main result of this paper is given in Theorem 2.16, where we show that the set of
horizontal points in a k-codimensional submanifold is HQ−k -negligible. The key observation is to look at horizontal points as those points where the defining map of the surface
is “intrinsically singular”, namely, it has a nonsurjective P-differential (Definition 2.2).
Once horizontal points are regarded as singular points we construct an ad hoc argument
in order to apply the weak Sard-type theorem proved in [47], due to which a.e. level set
of a vector-valued Lipschitz map contains an HQ−k -negligible subset of singular points.
The negligibility of horizontal points in stratified groups immediately extends the validity
of Theorem 2.3 in [48] to any C 1 hypersurface. Let 6 be a C 1 hypersurface 6 and let
S Q−1 be the spherical Hausdorff measure with respect to a homogeneous distance. Then
Characteristic points, rectifiability and perimeter measure
Theorem 2.20 gives an explicit formula for the density of S Q−1 6 with respect to the
Riemannian measure restricted to the hypersurface.
In Section 3 we present other consequences of Theorem 2.16. We first introduce the
notions of (G, Rk )-regularity and of (G, Rk )-rectifiability (Definitions 3.1 and 3.2). These
notions for k = 1 have been first introduced and studied by Franchi, Serapioni and Serra
Cassano in the cycle of papers [27]–[29]. As the classical notion of differentiability is
used to define the smoothness of a manifold, we observe that P-differentiability naturally
defines (G, Rk )-regularity for every codimension, introducing a vast class of new geometrical objects to be studied, where (G, Rk )-regular sets play the role of “intrinsic regular
submanifolds”. However, those groups G whose Lie algebra G does not contain any kdimensional commutative subalgebra in the first layer cannot have (G, Rk )-regular sets.
Clearly, an (Rq , Rk )-regular set is exactly a C 1 submanifold of codimension k. On the
other hand, as soon as we consider a noncommutative stratified group, things can dramatically change. A recent paper by Kirchheim and Serra Cassano [41] shows a remarkable
α (S) > 0, where | · | is the Euclidean
example of an (H1 , R)-regular set S such that H|·|
norm and 2 < α < 5/2, where H is the three-dimensional Heisenberg group. This
interesting hypersurface cannot be 2-rectifiable in the Euclidean sense, although there exists a 1/2-Hölder continuous parametrization which makes it a topological submanifold
of topological dimension two. Recently, (Hn , Rk )-regular sets, with 1 ≤ k ≤ n, have
been studied by Franchi, Serapioni and Serra Cassano [30]. In the terminology of [30],
these sets are called k-codimensional H-regular surfaces. Note that there are no (Hn , Rk )regular sets when k > n.
Our negligibility result applies in comparing (G, Rk )-rectifiability with Euclidean
rectifiability in the Federer sense (3.2.14 of [23]). In the papers [27] and [29] Franchi,
Serapioni and Serra Cassano have proved that Euclidean rectifiable sets of codimension
one in stratified groups of step two are always (G, R)-rectifiable. As application of Theorem 2.16, in Theorem 3.8 we extend this result to any Euclidean rectifiable set of any
stratified group. Note that horizontal curves or more general Legendrian submanifolds
cannot be (G, Rk )-regular. In fact, from the notion of horizontal point, one can check
that any k-codimensional Legendrian submanifold coincides with its horizontal set, so
Theorem 2.16 proves that it is HQ−k -negligible. In other words, a k-codimensional Legendrian submanifold is invisible in a (G, Rk )-rectifiable set in the same way as Euclidean
(q − k − s)-rectifiable sets are invisible in a Euclidean (q − k)-rectifiable set, where
s > 0. It is certainly interesting to investigate which couples (G, Rk ) possess nontrivial
(G, Rk )-regular sets and to check whether these sets have Hausdorff dimension Q−k and
topological dimension q − k, where q is the topological dimension of G. Presently, this
question has been positively answered for k = 1 and arbitrary G in [28] and for k ≤ n
and G = Hn in [30]. Expanding our perspective, it is natural to replace Rk with another
stratified group M, getting the general notion of (G, M)-regularity (Definition 3.5). We
introduce this notion of regularity to illustrate its potential in connection with future developments of geometric measure theory on stratified groups. These notions of intrinsic
regularity provide several types of rectifiable objects modelled with respect to different
geometries. This shows how the geometry of stratified groups is rich and is still far from
being well understood.
Valentino Magnani
Our negligibility result can also be applied to study the relationship between the
perimeter measure of a set with C 1 boundary and the spherical Hausdorff measure of
its boundary. In the more general case when a portion ∂E ∩ U of ∂E is a (G, R)-regular
set and U is an open subset, the formula
xU = θQ−1
(νH ) S Q−1 x(U ∩ ∂E)
can be found in [28] and [49]. Due to HQ−1 -negligibility of characteristic points this
formula holds for any set E with C 1 boundary and any measurable set of G. As a consequence, we can positively answer a conjecture raised by Danielli, Garofalo and Nhieu
in [15]. A detailed discussion of this application will be given in the last part of Section 3.
1. Preliminaries
We will mean by measure on a metric space
P X a set function µ : P(X)
S → [0, +∞]
with the properties µ(∅) = 0 and µ(E) ≤ j∞=1 µ(Ej ) whenever E ⊂ j∞=1 Ej . Every
measure µ naturally induces a σ -algebra Aµ ⊂ P(X) where it is additive on countable
disjoint unions. Recall that B(X) is the smallest σ -algebra containing open sets of X.
Elements of B(X) are called Borel sets and a measure µ such that B(X) ⊂ Aµ is called
a Borel measure. The push-forward of a measure µ under the map F : X → Y is defined
by F] µ(E) = µ(F −1 (E)) for every E ⊂ Y . The restriction of a measure µ to a subset
A ⊂ X is defined by µ A(E) = µ(A ∩ E) for every E ⊂ X. The following elementary
change of variable formula will be useful. Its proof can be obtained by approximation of
measurable functions with measurable step functions.
Proposition 1.1 (Change of variable). Let X, Y be two metric spaces and let N be either
R or a finite-dimensional space. Suppose that F : X → Y and u : Y → N are Borel
maps, where µ is a Borel measure over X and u ◦ F is µ-summable. Then for every
B ∈ B(X) we have
u ◦ F dµ =
u dF] µ.
F −1 (B)
Definition 1.2 (Stratified group). Let G be a simply connected Lie group and let G be
its Lie algebra of left invariant vector fields. Let H 1 be a subspace of G and suppose that
the inductively defined sequence of subspaces
H j +1 = [H j , H 1 ] = span{[Z, Y ] | Z ∈ H j , Y ∈ H 1 }
has the properties:
(1) H j ∩ H k = {0} whenever j 6 = k and j, k ∈ N \ {0},
(2) there exists ι ≥ 1 such that H ι 6 = {0} and H ι+1 = {0},
(3) G is spanned by all the subspaces {H j | j = 1, . . . , ι}.
Characteristic points, rectifiability and perimeter measure
We say that G is a stratified algebra and that G is a stratified group. The integer ι is called
the step of the group. A left translation of the group is a map lp : G → G defined by
s 7 → lp (s) = ps, where p, s ∈ G. As a consequence
P of (1) and (3) every vector Y ∈ G
can be written in a unique way as the sum Y = jι =1 Yj , where Yj ∈ H j . This enables
us to introduce canonical projections pH j : G → H j defined by pH j (Y ) = Yj , where Y
is written as above. For the projection on the first layer we also write pH = pH 1 .
Conditions (1) and (3) of the previous definition can be briefly stated by writing
G = H 1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ H ι,
where the symbol ⊕ indicates the direct sum of vector spaces.
Recall that the exponential map exp : G → G associates to any left invariant vector
field W ∈ G the value γW (1) ∈ G of the curve γW : R → G which solves the Cauchy
γ (t) = W (γ (t)),
γ (0) = e.
We will use the fact that the exponential map exp : G → G of a simply connected
nilpotent Lie group is a diffeomorphism [14].
Definition 1.3 (Graded metric). We say that a left invariant Riemannian metric g on G
is a graded metric if all subspaces {H j | j = 1, . . . , ι} are orthogonal to each other.
The left invariant scalar product between two vectors V , W ∈ Tp G will be denoted by
hV , W ip or hV (p), W (p)i. In the case X, Y ∈ G the scalar product hX, Y ip is independent of the point p and is simply denoted by hX, Y i.
Definition 1.4 (Graded coordinates). We define the numbers nj = dim H j for any j =
1, . . . , ι, m0 = 0 and mi = ji =1 nj for any i = 1, . . . , ι. We say that a basis (W1 , . . . , Wq )
of G is an adapted basis if (Wmj −1 +1 , Wmj −1 +2 , . . . , Wmj ) is a basis of H j for any j =
1, . . . , ι. We say that (W1 , . . . , Wq ) is a graded basis if it is an adapted and orthonormal
basis with respect to a graded metric. The graded coordinates with respect to the basis
(W1 , . . . , Wq ) are given by the diffeomorphism F : Rq → G defined by
xj Wj .
F (x) = exp
j =1
The degree of the coordinate xj is the unique integer dj such that Wj ∈ H dj .
Let X, Y ∈ G. The Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula (briefly BCH-formula) allows us
to obtain an explicit polynomial P (X, Y ) with respect to the nonassociative Lie product
of G such that exp(P (X, Y )) = exp X exp Y (see for instance [37]). The BCH-formula
and graded coordinates allow us to view the group operation in Rq as a polynomial operation (which depends on the fixed system of graded coordinates). We will denote this
polynomial operation by x ·y, where x, y ∈ Rq . In case the Lie algebra G is commutative,
i.e. [X, Y ] = 0 for every X, Y ∈ G, we simply have x · y = x + y and all coordinates
have degree one (see also Chapter XIII, Section 5 of [65]).
Valentino Magnani
Proposition 1.5. Let F : Rq → G be a system of graded coordinates with respect to a
graded metric g. Then F] Lq = vg , where Lq is the q-dimensional Lebesgue measure.
Proof. We know that F : Rq → G is a smooth diffeomorphism. Let A be a measurable
subset of Rq . By the classical area formula and the left invariance of both vg and F] Lq
we have
c Lq (A) = vg (F (A)) =
Jq F (ξ ) dξ
for some
R constant c > 0. We have denoted by Jq F the q-dimensional Jacobian of F .
Then A Jq F = c for any measurable A. By continuity of ξ 7→ Jq F (ξ ) we infer that
Jq F (ξ ) = c for any ξ ∈ Rq . We know that F = exp ◦ L, where L(ξ ) = j =1 ξj Wj
and (Wj ) is an orthonormal basis of G. Since the map dF (0) = d exp(0) ◦ L = L has
Jacobian equal to one, we have c = 1 and the assertion follows.
Motivated by the previous proposition we will also adopt the simpler notation vg (A) =
|A| for every measurable subset A ⊂ G.
Definition 1.6 (Dilations). Let G be a stratified group. For every r > 0 we define the
dilation δr : G → G by
δr p = exp
r j pH j (exp−1 (p)) .
j =1
Consider a system of graded coordinates F : Rq → G. The coordinate dilation 3r :
Rq → Rq associated to F is defined by 3r = F −1 ◦ δr ◦ F and can be written as
3r (x) =
r dj xj ej ,
j =1
where (ej ) is the canonical basis of Rq and dj is the degree of the coordinate xj .
In view of relation (2) it is easy to see that Lq (3r (A)) = r Q Lq (A) for any measurable
subset A ⊂ Rq , where we have defined
dk =
j dim(H j ).
j =1
Thus, by definition of coordinate dilation and by Proposition 1.5, for any r > 0 and any
measurable subset E ⊂ G we have
vg (δr E) = vg (F (3r (F −1 (E)))) = Lq (3r (F −1 (E))) = r Q Lq (F −1 (E)) = r Q vg (E).
Finally, the left invariance of vg yields the formula
vg (lp ◦ δr (E)) = r Q vg (E)
for any p ∈ G and any r > 0. Observing that Bp,r = lp (δr B1 ) we have in particular
vg (Bp,r ) = r Q vg (B1 ).
Characteristic points, rectifiability and perimeter measure
This implies that the number Q defined in (3) is the Hausdorff dimension of the group
and that the Q-dimensional Hausdorff measure HQ built with respect to a homogeneous
distance is finite on bounded sets and it is proportional to vg .
The horizontal subbundle H G is defined by the collection of all subspaces
Hp G = {X(p) | X ∈ H 1 }
where p ∈ G. These are the so-called horizontal spaces. We denote by H  the subfamily
of horizontal spaces Hp G where p ∈  and  is an open subset of G. Another way to
introduce horizontal spaces is the following:
dlp (He G) = Hp G
for every p ∈ G, where e is the unit element of the group.
By definition of stratified group, the Lie algebra spanned by H 1 coincides with G,
so the well known Chow theorem implies that any two points of G can be connected
by at least one absolutely continuous curve a.e. tangent to the horizontal subbundle [10].
These curves are the so-called horizontal curves which permit us to introduce the Carnot–
Carathéodory distance. Let p, p0 ∈ G and consider the infimum of the lengths of all
horizontal curves connecting p with p0 , where the length is computed with respect to the
graded metric of the group. This infimum is the Carnot–Carathéodory distance between
p and p0 and it is denoted by ρ(p, p0 ). The left invariance of the graded metric implies
that the Carnot–Carathéodory distance is left invariant, that is, ρ(p0 p, p0 s) = ρ(p, s) for
every p, p0 , s ∈ G, and it is also homogeneous with respect to dilations, ρ(δr p, δr s) =
rρ(p, s) for every r > 0.
Next we will use the usual Euclidean norm on G. To do this, there is not a unique
choice and we will refer to a fixed system of graded coordinates F : Rq → G. This
choice will not affect our arguments because if G : Rq → G is another system of graded
coordinates, the change of variable F ◦ G−1 : Rq → Rq is an isomorphism, hence the
Euclidean norm with respect to G is equivalent to the one with respect to F . With this
convention we state an important relation between the Euclidean distance and the Carnot–
Carathéodory distance on stratified groups:
|x − y| ≤ ρ(x, y) ≤ C |x − y|1/ι
for any x, y ∈ K ⊂ G,
where K is compact and C is a dimensional constant depending on K. Note that ι is
the step of the group. Estimates (6) can be proved in more general Carnot–Carathéodory
spaces [58]. In particular the Carnot–Carathéodory distance is continuous and it induces
the same topology of G.
Definition 1.7 (Homogeneous distance). A continuous map d : G × G → [0, +∞) is
a homogeneous distance if it satisfies the axioms of an abstract distance, it is left invariant, d(p0 p, p0 s) = d(p, s) for any p, p0 , s ∈ G, and it is homogeneous with respect to
dilations, d(δr p, δr s) = r d(p, s) for every r > 0.
Valentino Magnani
Clearly the Carnot–Carathéodory distance is the foremost homogeneous distance, but
also other useful examples of homogeneous distances can be considered. For instance,
in Proposition 2.19 we will study the symmetry properties of the homogeneous distance
d∞ introduced in [29]. It is worth observing that any two homogeneous distances are
biLipschitz equivalent in the following sense. If d1 and d2 are homogeneous distances,
then there exists a constant C > 1 such that for every p, s ∈ G we have
C −1 d1 (p, s) ≤ d2 (p, s) ≤ C d1 (p, s).
This fact can be seen using the classical argument used for norms of finite-dimensional
spaces, which actually is a particular case. In what follows we will always refer to a fixed
homogeneous distance.
Definition 1.8 (Metric ball). The open ball of radius r > 0 and centre p ∈ G will
be denoted by Bp,r . If we wish to emphasize the particular choice of the homogeneous
d . Open balls with radius r and centred at the unit element of the
distance d we write Bp,r
group are denoted by Br . We use similar conventions for closed balls Dp,r of centre p
and radius r.
Definition 1.9 (Hausdorff measures). Let d be a homogeneous distance of G and let
a ≥ 0. For each subset E ⊂ G we define the a-dimensional spherical Hausdorff measure
diam(Dxi ,ti )a E
S a (E) = lim inf
xi ,ti i
and the a-dimensional Hausdorff measure as
diam(Fi )a
Ha (E) = lim inf
where {Fi } are subsets of G and diam(A) = sup(x,y)∈A×A d(x, y) for any A ⊂ G. The
dimensional constant ωa is defined as follows:
Z ∞
π a/2
, 0(s) =
r s−1 e−r dr.
ωa =
0(1 + a/2)
Remark 1.10. Note that we have used the dimensional constant ωa only for the definition
of the Hausdorff measure Ha . In fact, our formulae involving the spherical Hausdorff
measure S a will contain the metric factor θQ−1 (Definition 2.17) that naturally replaces
the constant ωa .
a and
When we want to specify the use of the Euclidean distance we will write H|·|
and for the case of the Carnot–Carathéodory distance we will write Hρ and Sρa .
Throughout the paper the symbol  will denote an open subset of G. We will denote by
0(H ) the space of smooth sections of H , i.e. the horizontal vector fields. The symbol
0c (H ) denotes the family of horizontal vector fields compactly supported in .
Characteristic points, rectifiability and perimeter measure
Definition 1.11 (Horizontal divergence). Let (X1 , . . . , Xm ) be a basis of left invariant
of H 1 . The horizontal divergence (forP
short, H -divergence) of the section
ϕ = i=1 ϕ Xj ∈ 0(H ) is defined by divH ϕ = jm=1 Xj ϕ j .
Notice that this definition does not depend on the choice of the basis of H 1 . Now we
recall the notion of “image” of a vector field through a diffeomorphism. Let f : M → N
be a C 1 diffeomorphism of differentiable manifolds and let X be a vector field on M. The
image of X under f is the vector field on N defined by
f∗ X(p) = df (f −1 (p))(X(f −1 (p)))
for every p ∈ N. A vector field X ∈ H 1 is viewed in Rq through a system of graded
coordinates F : Rq → G when it is defined as X̃ = F∗−1 X. We will use this notation to
denote vector fields of G with respect to graded coordinates of Rq . With this notation the
horizontal divergence can be written as follows:
(divH ϕ) ◦ F =
X̃j ϕ̃ j ,
j =1
where ϕ ∈ 0(H G) and ϕ̃ = ϕ ◦ F . Another useful formula involving left invariant vector
fields in Rq is
W̃k = ∂xk +
akj (x1 , . . . , xj −1 ) ∂xj ,
j =mdk +1
where W̃k = F∗−1 Wk with k = 1, . . . , q, the integers mi and dj are introduced in Definition 1.4, the maps akj are homogeneous polynomials with respect to coordinate dilations
and the graded basis (W1 , . . . , Wq ) of G is associated to the system of graded coordinates
F (see also p. 621 of [65]). Note that in formula (8) we have used the standard representation of vector fields as first order differential operators.
Let u :  → R be a C 1 map, p = F (x) ∈  and ũ = u ◦ F . We consider the map
y 7 → ũ(x · y). By left invariance of the vector fields W̃j on Rq we have the useful formula
∂ ũ = W̃j ũ(x) = Wj u(p).
∂yj y=0
In the following definition the symbol | · | will denote the norm induced by the Riemannian metric on tangent spaces. We will use this notation whenever its meaning is clear
from the context.
Definition 1.12 (Perimeter measure). We say that a measurable set E ⊂  is of H finite perimeter on the open subset  ⊂ G if
|∂E|H () = sup
divH φ dvg φ ∈ 0c (H ), |φ| ≤ 1 < ∞.
If E has H -finite perimeter on every open subset U compactly contained in  we say that
E has locally H -finite perimeter in . We will denote by |∂E|H the associated Radon
Valentino Magnani
By the Riesz representation theorem there exists a measurable section νE of H G such
divH φ dvg = − hφ, νE i d |∂E|H
for any φ ∈ 0c (H G). We say that νE is the generalized inward normal to E. By the
standard polar decomposition (Corollary 1.29 of [3]) we have |νE (p)| = 1 for |∂E|H -a.e.
p ∈ .
2. Horizontal set of C 1 submanifolds
In this section we introduce the notion of horizontal point for a k-codimensional submanifold and we prove that the set of all horizontal points is HQ−k -negligible. The symbols
G and M denote stratified groups and  stands for an open subset of G. We will show the
relationship between the intrinsic notion of P-differentiability and the notion of horizontal
point. Recall that P-differentiability of maps between stratified groups was successfully
introduced by Pansu in order to study rigidity properties [59].
Definition 2.1 (G-linear map). We say that L : G → M is a G-linear map if it is a group
homomorphism and L(δr p) = δr0 L(p) for every p ∈ G and every r > 0, where δr and δr0
are dilations of the stratified groups G and M, respectively.
Definition 2.2 (P-differentiable map). Let f :  → M, where M is a stratified group.
We say that f is P-differentiable at p ∈  if there exists a G-linear map L : G → M
such that
ρ 0 (f (p)−1 f (s), L(p−1 s))
ρ(p, s)
as s → p,
where ρ and ρ 0 are the Carnot–Carathéodory distances of G and M, respectively. The
unique G-linear map which satisfies (11) is called the P-differential of f at p and it is
denoted by dH f (p). Via the exponential map exp : G → G we will also view the Pdifferential as a linear map between the Lie algebras of G and of M. In this case we will
use the same notation dH f (p).
1 map). We denote by C 1 (, M) the class of maps f :  → M
Definition 2.3 (CH
which are P-differentiable at every point of  and whose P-differential p 7→ dH f (p) is
1 ().
continuous. In the case M = R we simply write CH
In the present paper we work with C 1 maps and C 1 submanifolds, but mainly using the
notion of P-differentiability. The next proposition ensures that this is possible since C 1
maps in the usual sense are also CH
1 (, Rk ) holds
Proposition 2.4 (P-differentiability). The inclusion C 1 (, Rk ) ⊂ CH
and for every u ∈ C (, R ) and every p ∈  we have the formula dH u(p)(Y (p)) =
du(p)(pH (Y )(p)) whenever Y ∈ G. The map pH : G → H 1 is the canonical projection
introduced in Definition 1.2.
Characteristic points, rectifiability and perimeter measure
Proof. Let us fix a system of graded coordinates F : Rq → G with respect to a graded
˜ Rk ), where 
˜ = F −1 (). We define
basis (W1 , . . . , Wq ) of G. Define ũ = u◦F ∈ C 1 (,
x = F (p) where p ∈ . Using graded coordinates together with coordinate dilations
and the notion of P-differentiability our proof boils down to showing the existence of the
ũ(x · 3r (y)) − ũ(x)
uniformly as y varies in some bounded neighbourhood of the origin. Let us define the
r 7→ ũ(x · 3r (y)) = ũ x ·
r dj yj ej
= ψ(r, y).
j =1
Since the map ψ is
we can write
ψ(r, y) − ψ(0, y)
= r −1
∂t ψ(τ, y) dτ,
hence formula (9) implies that
q Z r
ψ(r, y) − ψ(0, y)
= r −1
dj τ dj −1 yj W̃j ũ(x · 3τ y) dτ
j =1 0
Z 1
W̃j ũ(x · 3rτ y) dτ +
dj r dj −1 yj
τ dj −1 W̃j ũ(x · 3rτ y) dτ,
j =1
j =m+1
where the degree dj of the coordinate yj is greater than one if and only if j > m. By
the continuity of W̃j ũj for every j = 1, . . . , q, formula (9) and the last equality we have
proved that
ũ(x · 3r (y)) − ũ(x) X
yj W̃j ũ(x) =
yj Wj u(p).
j =1
j =1
This expression yields a G-linear map with respect to graded coordinates y,
dH u(p)
yj Wj (p) =
yj Wj u(p).
j =1
j =1
The explicit formula for the P-differential and the continuity of Wj for every j = 1, . . . , q
yield the continuity of dH u(p) with respect to p. Finally, observing that
j =1
yj Wj (p) =
yj Wj (p) ∈ Hp G
j =1
for every Y ∈ G we obtain the relation dH u(p)(Y (p)) = du(p)(pH (Y )(p)).
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Proposition 2.5. Let u ∈ C 1 () and p ∈ . Then there exists a unique horizontal vector,
denoted by ∇H u(p) ∈ Hp G, such that dH u(p)(V ) = h∇H u(p), V ip for any V ∈ Tp G
and ∇H u(p) is the orthogonal projection of ∇u(p) onto Hp G.
Proof. The linear map dH u(p) can be represented by a vector W ∈ Tp G such that
dH u(p)(V ) = hW, V ip for any V ∈ Tp G. We first prove that W ∈ Hp G. Observe
that Tp G = Hp1 G ⊕ · · · ⊕ Hpι G where we have defined, for any j = 1, . . . , ι,
Hp G = {X(p) ∈ Tp G | X ∈ H j }.
Then we can write V = jι =1 Vj and W = jι =1 Wj , where Vj , Wj ∈ Hp G. By Proposition 2.4 we know that dH u(p)(V ) = du(p)(V1 ) = h∇u(p), V1 i, hence
h∇u(p), V1 ip = hW, V ip = hW, V1 i.
Since we are using a graded metric the subspaces {Hp G | j = 1, . . . , ι} are orthogonal
to each other, so the arbitrary choice of V implies that Wj = 0 for every 2 ≤ j ≤ ι and
h∇u(p) − W1 , V1 i = 0
for every V1 ∈ Hp G. The last property characterizes W1 as the orthogonal projection
of ∇u(p) onto Hp G. In particular W1 is the projection of W onto Hp G. Thus, defining
∇H u(p) = W1 completes the proof.
Definition 2.6 (Horizontal normal). Let 6 ⊂  be a C 1 submanifold of codimension
one and let p ∈ 6. We denote by ν(p) a unit normal to 6 at p with respect to a fixed
graded metric. We say that the orthogonal projection of ν(p) onto Hp G is a horizontal
normal of 6 at p and we denote it by νH (p).
Remark 2.7. Note that the horizontal normal should be considered up to sign, because
we do not require oriented submanifolds in the definition of horizontal normal, and the
functions depending on the horizontal normal do not depend on its sign. In more rigorous
terms, one should identify νH and −νH in Hp G and consider the corresponding quotient
Lemma 2.8. Let u :  → R be a C 1 map. Suppose that u−1 (0) 6= ∅ and assume that
∇u(p) 6 = 0 for every p ∈ . Then for every p ∈ u−1 (0) and every Z ∈ Tp G we have
dH u(p)(Z) = |∇u(p)| hνH (p), Zip
and νH (p) =
∇H u(p)
where νH (p) is the horizontal normal of the submanifold u−1 (0) at the point p.
Proof. We observe that ν(p) = ∇u(p)/|∇u(p)| is a unit normal to u−1 (0) at p. By
definition of horizontal normal, the orthogonal projection of ν(p) onto Hp G is νH (p),
and Proposition 2.5 concludes the proof.
Characteristic points, rectifiability and perimeter measure
Definition 2.9 (Horizontal gradient). Let u ∈ C 1 (). In view of Proposition 2.5 we can
define the horizontal gradient of u as the unique C 1 horizontal vector field ∇H u such that
dH u(p)(Y ) = h∇H u(p), Y ip
for every p ∈  and every Y ∈ Tp G.
Definition 2.10 (Horizontal point). Let 6 ⊂  be a C 1 submanifold of codimension k
and let p ∈ 6. We say that p ∈ 6 is a horizontal point of 6 if
dim(Hp G) − dim(Hp G ∩ Tp 6) ≤ k − 1.
The horizontal set of 6 is the subset of all horizontal points and it is denoted by C(6).
The last definition is inspired by Lemma 2.11 and Theorem 2.13 below, in the following
sense. Let 6 be a submanifold of codimension one defined as a level set of a C 1 map
u :  → R. Theorem 2.13 singles out a class of “intrinsic” singular points of 6, corresponding to the subset of 6 where dH u vanishes (this subset is well defined due to
Proposition 2.4). In view of Lemma 2.11 this subset exactly corresponds to the subset
of horizontal points of 6. The singularity of u at p ∈ 6 can also be expressed by the
condition dim(Hp G) = dim(Hp G ∩ Tp 6), that is, dH u(p) vanishes. For submanifolds of
higher codimension condition (14) amounts to the nonsurjectivity of dH u(p) : G → Rk ,
because dim(dH u(p)(Hp G)) = dim(Hp G)−dim(Hp G∩Tp 6), although the map u does
not appear in (14). In the case k = 1, one can interpret inequality (14) via the inclusion
Hp G ⊂ Tp 6, which coincides with the condition dim(Hp G) = dim(Hp G ∩ Tp 6). It is
clear that when k > 1 condition (14) means that the horizontal subspace Hp G is allowed
to intersect Tp 6 without necessarily being contained in it. Thus in higher codimension,
a point p such that Hp G ⊂ Tp 6 is a horizontal point, but the horizontal set C(6) includes
a larger class of points.
Lemma 2.11 (Singular points). Let O be an open subset of G containing the unit
element e and let u ∈ C 1 (O, Rk ) be such that u(e) = 0 and the differential map
du(p) : Tp G → Rk is surjective for any p ∈ O. Then, defining 6 = u−1 (0), we
represent the horizontal set of 6 as follows:
C(6) = {p ∈ 6 | dH u(p) : G → Rk is not surjective}.
Proof. We choose p ∈ 6 ⊂ O. Since 6 is the level set u−1 (0) we have Ker(du(p)) =
Tp 6. Define the subspace
S(p) = {X ∈ H 1 | X(p) ∈ Hp G ∩ Tp 6} ⊂ H 1 .
We wish to prove that
Ker(dH u(p)) = S(p) ⊕ H 2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ H ι .
We will use the formula
dH u(p)(Y (p)) = du(p)(pH (Y )(p))
for any Y ∈ G,
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proved in Proposition 2.4. Let Y ∈ S(p) ⊕ H 2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ H ι . By definition of S(p) we
have pH (Y )(p) ∈ Hp G ∩ Tp 6 and by (16) we obtain dH u(p)(H j ) = {0} for every
j = 2, . . . , ι; thus dH u(p)(Y (p)) = 0. As a result, we have proved the inclusion
S(p) ⊕ H 2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ H ι ⊂ Ker(dH u(p)).
Conversely, assume Y ∈ Ker(dH u(p)). By (16) it follows that pH (Y )(p) ∈ Ker(du(p)),
so pH (Y )(p) ∈ Hp G ∩ Tp 6. We have proved that pH (Y ) ∈ S(P ), hence Y ∈ S(p) ⊕
H 2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ H ι . This implies
Ker(dH u(p)) ⊂ S(p) ⊕ H 2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ H ι ,
and (15) follows. The equalities (15) and dim(S(p)) = dim(Hp G ∩ Tp 6) yield
dim(dH u(p)(G)) = dim(G) − dim(Ker(dH u(p)))
= dim(Hp G) − dim(Hp G ∩ Tp 6).
Now assume that p ∈ C(6). By definition of horizontal point we know that
dim(Hp G) − dim(Hp G ∩ Tp 6) ≤ k − 1,
therefore formula (17) implies that dim(dH u(p)(G)) ≤ k − 1 and dH u(p) : G → Rk
cannot be surjective. Conversely, if dH u(p) : G → Rk is not surjective, then by (17) it
follows that dim(Hp G) − dim(Hp G ∩ Tp 6) ≤ k − 1. This concludes the proof.
Proposition 2.12. Let 6 be a submanifold of G. Then for any p ∈ G we have
lp (C(6)) = C(lp (6)).
Proof. The left translation lp : G → G is a diffeomorphism, therefore lp (6) is another
submanifold of G. In view of (5) and using the chain rule it follows that dlp (s)(Hs G) =
Hps G for any s ∈ G, hence
dlp (s)(Hs G ∩ Ts 6) = Hps G ∩ dlp (s)(Ts 6) = Hps G ∩ Tps (lp 6).
As a consequence, for any s ∈ G we have
dim(Hs G ∩ Ts 6) = dim(Hps G ∩ Tps (lp 6)).
By the definition of horizontal point, the last equality implies that s ∈ C(6) if and only
if ps ∈ C(lp 6).
An essential tool to prove Theorem 2.16 below is the following Sard-type theorem, which
corresponds to Theorem 2.7 of [47].
Theorem 2.13 (Sard-type theorem). Let G and M be stratified groups of Hausdorff
dimension Q and P , respectively, with Q ≥ P . Let A ⊂ G be a measurable set. Consider
a Lipschitz map τ : A → M and define the set of singular points
S = {p ∈ A | dH τ (p) exists and it is not surjective}.
Then HQ−P (S ∩ τ −1 (ξ )) = 0 for HP -a.e. ξ ∈ M.
Characteristic points, rectifiability and perimeter measure
Remark 2.14. Due to the general Eilenberg inequality proved in 2.10.25 of [23] the fact
that the points where u is not P-differentiable are negligible implies that they are HQ−P negligible in HP -a.e. level set. In other words, for HP -a.e. level set of u the subset of
points p where dH τ (p) exists has full measure.
We will apply Theorem 2.13 to the case M = Rk , P = k and τ ∈ C 1 (U, Rk ), where
U is an open subset of G. Due to Proposition 2.4, any map of C 1 (U, Rk ) also belongs
1 (U, Rk ), so it is everywhere P-differentiable, with continuous P-differential. The
to CH
everywhere existence of the P-differential allows us to divide the points of τ −1 (t) into
two disjoint subsets for every t ∈ Rk . The first one is the subset of points p ∈ τ −1 (t)
such that dH τ (p) : G → Rk is not surjective, and the second one is the complement.
1 maps are locally Lipschitz with respect to the Carnot–Carathéodory
It is clear that CH
distance, therefore Theorem 2.13 can be applied to u|K , where K is a compact subset
of U , yielding
HQ−k ({p ∈ K | τ (p) = t and dH τ (p) is not surjective}) = 0
for a.e. t ∈ Rk . If we take a countable family {Kj } of compact subsets with union U and
we apply (19) to any of them, it follows that for a.e. t ∈ Rk we have
HQ−k ({p ∈ U | τ (p) = t and dH τ (p) is not surjective}) = 0.
This proves the following corollary of Theorem 2.13.
1 (U, Rk ) and (20) holds for
Corollary 2.15. Let τ : U → Rk be a C 1 map. Then τ ∈ CH
a.e. t ∈ R .
The next theorem is the main result of this paper.
Theorem 2.16 (Negligibility). Let 6 ⊂  be a C 1 submanifold of codimension k. Then
HQ−k (C(6)) = 0.
Proof. According to Definition 1.4, we fix a graded basis (W1 , . . . , Wq ) and the associated graded coordinates given by F : Rq → G. Let us fix a point p ∈ 6. By definition of
C 1 submanifold there exists an open neighbourhood Op of p, a map up ∈ C 1 (Op , Rk )
and some integers 1 ≤ j1 < · · · < jk ≤ q such that for any s ∈ Op the vectors
(Wj1 up (s), . . . , Wjk up (s)) are linearly independent and 6 ∩ Op = up−1 (0). Proposition 2.12 permits us to translate p to the unit element e ∈ G.
We define O = lp−1 Op and u : O → Rk as u(s) = up (lp s) for each s ∈ O.
The left invariance of the vector fields Wj gives Wj u(s) = Wj up (lp s) for every s ∈ O
and every j = 1, . . . , q. Thus for every s ∈ O the vectors (Wj1 u(s), . . . , Wjk u(s)) are
linearly independent. We define the translated submanifold 6p = lp−1 6, the open set
Õ = F −1 (O) ⊂ Rq and 6̃ = F −1 (6p ) ⊂ Rq , observing that ũ−1 (0) = 6̃ ∩ Õ where
ũ = u ◦ F : Õ → Rk is C 1 . We have
∂xj ũ(0) = du ◦ ∂xj F (0) = du ◦ Wj (e) = Wj u(e)
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for any j = 1, . . . , q. Then the vectors (∂xj1 ũ, . . . , ∂xjk ũ) are linearly independent in an
open neighbourhood O1 ⊂ Õ of the origin. Let us define the subspace
5 = {x ∈ Rq | xj1 = · · · = xjk = 0}.
By the implicit function theorem there exist an open subset A ⊂ 5 containing the origin
and a C 1 map ϕ : A → Rk such that ũ(ξ, ϕ(ξ )) = 0 for any ξ ∈ A. Our notation
precisely means
(ξ, ϕ(ξ )) =
ξi ei +
ϕ i (ξ )eji
i ∈{j
/ 1 ,...,jk }
i∈{j1 ,...,jk }
where (ej ) is the canonical basis of Rq . The map 8 : A → O1 is defined by 8(ξ ) =
(ξ, ϕ(ξ )) ∈ 6̃ for any ξ ∈ A. We introduce the C 1 map 9 : Rk × A → G,
9(t, ξ ) = exp t1 Wj1 · exp t2 Wj2 · · · exp tk Wjk · F (8(ξ ))
for every (t, ξ ) ∈ Rk × A. We have used the dot to denote the group operation. We have
∂ti 9(0) = Wji (e) ∈ Te G and ∂ξj 9(0) = Wj (e) +
ϕξji (0) Wji (e),
for every i = 1, . . . , k and every j ∈
/ {j1 , . . . , jk }. It is easily seen that the vectors
(∂t1 9(0), . . . , ∂tq 9(0))
are a basis of Te G, hence there exist ε > 0 and open sets A1 ⊂ A and U ⊂ G such that
9((−ε, ε)k × A1 ) = U , 0 ∈ A1 , e ∈ U and the function
9 : (−ε, ε)k × A1 → U
is invertible. Let us consider the projection p : Rq → Rk defined by p(x) = (xj1 , . . . , xjk )
for any x ∈ Rq and define the C 1 map τ : U → (−ε, ε)k as τ (s) = p(9 −1 (s)) for any
s ∈ U . Then Corollary 2.15 implies that for a.e. t ∈ (−ε, ε)k we have
HQ−k ({s ∈ U | τ (s) = t and dH τ (s) is not surjective}) = 0.
As 9 is invertible it follows that dτ (s) is surjective for every s ∈ U , so the subset St =
τ −1 (t) ⊂ U is a C 1 submanifold for any t. We can apply Lemma 2.11 to obtain
C(St ) = {s ∈ St | dH τ (s) is not surjective}.
In view of (21) we get HQ−k (C(St )) = 0 for a.e. t ∈ (−ε, ε)k . By definition of τ we
know that
St = τ −1 (t) = {s ∈ U | 9 −1 (s) ∈ {t} × A1 }
= exp t1 Wj1 · exp t2 Wj2 · · · exp tk Wjk · F (8(A1 ))
= lst1 (lst2 (· · · (lstk F (8(A1 )))) · · · ),
Characteristic points, rectifiability and perimeter measure
where t = (t1 , . . . , tk ) and sti = exp ti Wji for every i = 1, . . . , k. For t = 0 ∈ Rk the
previous equations yield S0 = F (8(A1 )) ⊂ 6p , so
St = lst1 (lst2 (· · · (lstk S0 )) · · · ).
This formula and the HQ−1 -negligibility of C(St ) for a.e. t ∈ (−ε, ε)k yield
0 = HQ−k (C(St )) = HQ−k (C(lst1 (lst2 (· · · (lstk S0 )) · · · )))
= HQ−k (lstk (lstk−1 · · · (lst1 (C(S0 )) · · ·))) = HQ−k (C(S0 )).
In the third equality we have used Proposition 2.12 and in the fourth one we have used
the fact that left translations are isometries with respect to any homogeneous distance.
Note that S0 contains the unit element e and it is an open subset of 6p . We know that
6p = lp−1 6, hence defining Sp = lp S0 we see that Sp ⊂ 6 is an open neighbourhood of
p in the topology of 6. Thus, reasoning as before we obtain
HQ−k (Sp ) = HQ−k (C(lp S0 )) = HQ−k (lp (C(S0 ))) = HQ−k (C(S0 )) = 0.
The arbitrary choice of p implies that we can find a countable family of open subsets
{Spj | Spj ⊂ 6, j ∈ N}
such that 6 = j ∈N Spj and HQ−kS
(C(Spj )) = 0 for every j ∈ N. Finally, the conclusion
follows from the equality C(6) = j ∈N C(Spj ).
A first important consequence of the previous theorem occurs in codimension one, where
we obtain the representation of the (Q − 1)-dimensional spherical Hausdorff measure of
C 1 hypersurfaces. To see this, we will use the notion of “metric factor” [48].
Definition 2.17 (Metric factor). Let B1 be the open unit ball with respect to a fixed homogeneous distance d of G. Consider ν ∈ H 1 \ {0} along with its orthogonal hyperplane
L̃(ν) in G and define L(ν) = exp L̃(ν) ⊂ G. Let F : Rq → G represent a system of
graded coordinates and define
θQ−1 (ν) = H|·| (F −1 (L(ν) ∩ B1 )).
The map ν 7 → θQ−1 (ν) is called the metric factor of the homogeneous distance d with
respect to the direction ν and the graded metric g.
With a slight abuse of notation, it will be useful to define the metric factor also for horizontal vectors. We define
θQ−1 (v) = θQ−1 (V )
where v ∈ Hp G and V ∈ H 1 \ {0} is the unique vector field such that V (p) = v. Note
that a more rigorous, but unnecessary formulation should consider the metric factor θQ−1
as a function on the tangent bundle T G and which is constant along left invariant vector
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Remark 2.18. As we have seen in Lemma 1.10 of [48], the above definition does not
depend on the choice of graded coordinates. So the number θQ−1 (ν) depends only on the
homogeneous distance d, the direction of ν and the graded metric g. By the symmetry of
Euclidean balls, taking two of them Br1 and Br2 such that Br1 ⊂ F −1 (B1 ) ⊂ Br2 , we
notice that the intersection F −1 (L(ν))∩Bri for i = 1, 2 is independent of the direction ν.
As a result, for any ν ∈ H 1 \ {0} we have
ωq−1 r1
≤ θQ−1 (ν) ≤ ωq−1 r2
so ν 7→ θQ−1 (ν) is uniformly bounded from above and from below by positive constants
which depend on the homogeneous distance and on the graded metric.
In Subsection 2.1 of [48] a class of stratified groups where the Carnot–Carathéodory
distance yields a constant metric factor is singled out, namely, the class of R-rotational
groups, which encompasses Heisenberg groups and more general H-type groups. In the
appendix of [29], Franchi, Serapioni and Serra Cassano have constructed a general homogeneous distance d∞ for every stratified group. Its explicit formula is stated in Rq with
respect to graded coordinates:
d∞ (x, 0) = max {εj |(x mj −1 +1 , . . . , x mj )|1/j };
j =1,...,ι
it has the left invariance property d∞ (x, y) = d∞ (x −1 ·y, 0), and εj ∈ ]0, 1[ for every j =
1, . . . , q are suitable dimensional constants depending only on the group. The integers
mj for j = 0, . . . , ι are introduced in Definition 1.4 and the dot between x −1 and y
denotes the group operation in graded coordinates, according to the discussion following
Definition 1.4. In the next proposition we prove that the metric factor with respect to this
distance becomes a constant function of the horizontal direction ν.
Proposition 2.19. Let θQ−1 represent the metric factor with respect to the distance d∞ .
Then there exists αQ−1 > 0 such that θQ−1 (ν) = αQ−1 for every ν ∈ H 1 \ {0}.
Proof. For any couple of horizontal vectors ν, µ ∈ H \ {0} we can find an isometry
τ : G → G such that τ (ν) = µ and τ (L̃(ν)) = L̃(µ), where L̃(ν) and L̃(µ) are the
orthogonal spaces to ν and µ, respectively. We view these orthogonal spaces in G by
defining L(ν) = exp(L̃(ν)) and L(µ) = exp(L̃(µ)). Let (W1 , . . . , Wq ) be a graded
basis of P
G, let F : Rq → G be the associated system of graded coordinates and define
I (x) = j =1 x j Wj ∈ G for every x ∈ Rq . By the expression of d∞ it is easy to see that
the unit ball B̃1 ⊂ Rq with respect to d∞ is preserved under the family of isometries τ̃ ,
i.e. τ̃ (B̃1 ) = B̃1 . Thus, taking into account that F = exp ◦ I and that τ̃ = I −1 ◦ τ ◦ I :
Rq → Rq is a Euclidean isometry, we have
F −1 (L(µ)) ∩ B̃1 = I −1 (L̃(µ)) ∩ B̃1 = I −1 (τ (L̃(ν))) ∩ B̃1
= τ̃ (I −1 (L̃(ν)) ∩ τ̃ −1 (B̃1 )) = τ̃ (I −1 (L̃(ν)) ∩ B̃1 )
= τ̃ (F −1 (L(ν)) ∩ B̃1 ),
Characteristic points, rectifiability and perimeter measure
so by Definition 2.17 it follows that
θQ−1 (µ) = H|·| (F −1 (L(µ)) ∩ B̃1 ) = H|·| (τ̃ (F −1 (L(ν)) ∩ B̃1 ))
= H|·| (F −1 (L(ν)) ∩ B̃1 ) = θQ−1 (ν).
This concludes the proof.
In view of Theorem 2.16 in the case k = 1, the statement of Theorem 2.3 in [48] holds
for any C 1 submanifold of codimension one. As a consequence, the relation between the
Riemannian measure σg induced by the graded metric g restricted to a C 1 submanifold
6 of codimension one and S Q−1 6 is established on arbitrary stratified groups.
Theorem 2.20. Let 6 be a C 1 submanifold of codimension one in . Then
σg x6,
θQ−1 (νH ) S Q−1 6 = |νH |σg 6,
S Q−1 6 =
|νH |
θQ−1 (νH
where σg is the measure induced by the graded metric g restricted to 6.
3. (G, Rk )-rectifiability and perimeter measure
In this section we present some applications of Theorem 2.16. We start by introducing
families of regular sets with respect to the geometry of stratified groups.
Definition 3.1 ((G, Rk )-regular set). A subset 6 ⊂  is a (G, Rk )-regular set if there
1 (, Rk ) such that 6 = f −1 (0) and the P-differential
exists a map f ∈ CH
dH f (p) : G → Rk
is a surjective G-linear map for any p ∈ 6.
Definition 3.2 ((G, Rk )-rectifiability). We say that S ⊂  is (G, Rk )-rectifiable if there
exists a sequence {6j } of (G, Rk )-regular sets such that
[ HQ−k S \
6j = 0.
j ∈N
The (G, Rk )-rectifiability turns out to have a “fractal nature” with respect to the Euclidean
viewpoint, since (G, Rk )-regular sets may have Euclidean Hausdorff dimension strictly
greater than their topological dimension, so they cannot be rectifiable in the Euclidean
sense [41]. In the following definition we recall the classical notion of rectifiability, utilizing countable unions of C 1 surfaces, instead of Lipschitz images.
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Definition 3.3 (Rectifiability). We say that a subset S ⊂ G is rectifiable of codimension
k or simply (q−k)-rectifiable if there exists a sequence {6j } of C 1 surfaces of dimension
q − k such that
[ q−k
H|·| S \
6j = 0.
j ∈N
Remark 3.4. Notice that (G, Rk )-rectifiability coincides with rectifiability when G =
Rq and q > k. Thus the notion of (G, R)-rectifiability allows us to state in a unified
way the De Giorgi rectifiability theorem in stratified groups. By results of [19], [27], [29]
we know that if |∂E|H (G) < ∞, where G is either a Euclidean space or a stratified
group of step two, then the H -reduced boundary ∂∗H E is (G, R)-rectifiable. Presently,
for stratified groups of step higher than two this result is an open issue.
In order to complete the picture, we briefly mention a further extension of the notion
of (G, Rk )-rectifiability. In fact, we can replace Rk with another stratified group M.
Definition 3.5 ((G, M)-regular set). A subset 6 ⊂  is a (G, M)-regular surface if
1 (, M) such that f −1 (e) = 6 and
there exist f ∈ CH
dH f (p) : G → M
is a surjective G-linear map for any p ∈ 6.
It is apparent that the notion of (G, M)-regularity in higher codimension leaves us a certain freedom in the choice of M, but not all codomains are “good” to be considered.
For instance, the family of (Hn , Hm )-regular sets is empty whenever n > m. This follows form the fact that there are no surjective G-linear maps from Hn onto Hm , as can
be checked by using the definition of G-linearity and the group operation in the Heisenberg group (see also Theorem 2.8 of [47]). As soon as we have a surjective G-linear map
L : G → M a canonical example of a (G, M)-regular set can be given by choosing the
subgroup N = L−1 (e) ⊂ G which is (G, M)-regular. In view of Proposition 1.12 of [47]
the Hausdorff dimension of N is Q−P , where Q and P are the Hausdorff dimensions of
G and M, respectively. These considerations lead to the following definition.
Definition 3.6 ((G, M)-rectifiability). We say that S ⊂  is (G, M)-rectifiable if there
exists a sequence {6j } of (G, M)-regular sets such that
[ HρQ−P S \
6j = 0,
j ∈N
where ρ is the Carnot–Carathéodory distance on G.
Theorem 3.7. Let 6 ⊂  be a connected submanifold of class C 1 and codimension k.
Then 6 is (G, Rk )-rectifiable.
Proof. By Lemma 2.11 we see that C(6) is a closed subset of 6, so 6 \ C(6) is a
countable union of connected pieces that can be locally represented as level sets of C 1
maps with surjective P-differential. Theorem 2.16 implies HQ−k (C(6)) = 0, and hence
the conclusion follows.
Characteristic points, rectifiability and perimeter measure
Theorem 3.8. Every rectifiable set of codimension k is (G, Rk )-rectifiable.
Proof. Let S be a rectifiable set of codimension k and let {6j | j ∈ N} be a family of C 1
submanifolds of codimension k such that H|·| (S \ j ∈N 6j ) = 0. By Proposition 4.4
of [29], for every α > 0 and every R > 0 there exists CR > 0 such that
HQ−q+α (E) ≤ CR H|·|
whenever E ⊂ BR . Using the estimate (26) for α = q − k we obtain
[ [ q−k
HQ−k BR ∩ S \
6j ≤ H|·| BR ∩ S \
6j = 0
j ∈N
j ∈N
for every R > 0, so HQ−k (S \ j ∈N 6j ) = 0. By Theorem 3.7 we know that 6j is
(G, Rk )-rectifiable for any j ∈ N. This concludes the proof.
Finally, we discuss an application of Theorem 2.16 related to a question raised by Danielli,
Garofalo and Nhieu in [15]. They prove that there exist constants c, C > 0 such that for
every relatively compact open set E with C 2 boundary the estimates
c S Q−1 (∂E) ≤ |∂E|H (Hn ) ≤ C S Q−1 (∂E)
hold, where Q = 2n + 2 is the Hausdorff dimension of the Heisenberg group Hn . They
conjecture the validity of (27) for arbitrary stratified groups. Due to Theorem 2.5 of [49]
(see also Theorem 3.5 of [28]) we have the formula
|∂E|H = θQ−1 (νH ) S Q−1 ∂E,
under the assumption that the characteristic set is S Q−1 -negligible. Then Theorem 2.16
makes (28) true for any set E with C 1 boundary. Thus, formula (28) immediately extends
the validity of (27) to any open set with C 1 boundary contained in an arbitrary stratified
group, yielding
θ Q−1 S Q−1 (∂E ∩ ) ≤ |∂E|H () ≤ θ Q−1 S Q−1 (∂E ∩ ),
where  ⊂ G is an arbitrary bounded open set and the constants θ Q−1 , θ Q−1 are defined
as follows:
θ Q−1 = inf θQ−1 (ν),
ν∈H 1
θ Q−1 = sup θQ−1 (ν).
ν∈H 1
In Remark 2.18 we have shown that the function ν 7 → θQ−1 (ν) is bounded from above
and from below by positive constants, therefore estimates (29) are nontrivial.
As a last remark, we wish to show that the constants of (29) are actually optimal. To
do this, we need the following definition.
Valentino Magnani
Definition 3.9. Let p ∈ G and let ν ∈ H 1 \ {0}. The vertical half spaces with respect to
ν are defined as follows:
S + (ν) = exp({Y ∈ G | hν, Y i > 0}),
S − (ν) = exp({Y ∈ G | hν, Y i < 0}).
The vertical half spaces with respect to ν and centered at p ∈ G are defined as follows:
lp (S + (ν)) = S + (p, ν) and lp (S − (ν)) = S − (p, ν).
Denote by O the family of nonempty bounded open sets of G and by E the family of open
sets with C 1 boundary. We easily see that
|∂E|H () g
θ Q−1 ≤ inf Q−1
 ∈ O, E ∈ E
(∂E ∩ ) |∂S + (ν)|H () 1
≤ inf Q−1

(∂S + (ν) ∩ ) g
= inf{θQ−1 (ν) | ν ∈ H 1 \ {0}} = θ Q−1 ,
where the first equality of the last line follows from (28). We also have
|∂E|H () g
θ Q−1 ≥ sup Q−1

(∂E ∩ ) |∂S + (ν)|H () 1
≥ sup Q−1

(∂S + (ν) ∩ ) g
= sup{θQ−1 (ν) | ν ∈ H 1 \ {0}} = θ Q−1 .
This proves our claim.
Acknowledgments. The author wishes to thank the referees for their precious comments and observations.
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