Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications ISSN 1842-6298 (electronic), 1843-7265 (print) Volume 11 (2016), xx – yy TITLE OF THE ARTICLE Author(s) name Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to ...... 1 Introduction This is ........ 2 Section 2.1 Subsection Algorithm 1. This is an algorithm Axiom 2. This is an axiom Case 3. This is a case Claim 4. This is a claim Conclusion 5. This is a conclusion Condition 6. This is a condition Conjecture 7. This is a conjecture Corollary 8. This is a corollary Criterion 9. This is a criterion Definition 10. This is a definition Example 11. This is an example Exercise 12. This is an exercise 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46L05; ...... Keywords: Keyword one; keyword two; .... This work was supported by ......... ****************************************************************************** 2 Author(s) name Lemma 13. This is a lemma Proof. This is the proof of the lemma. Notation 14. This is notation Problem 15. This is a problem Proposition 16. This is a proposition Proof. This is the proof of the proposition. Remark 17. This is a remark Solution 18. This is a solution Summary 19. This is a summary Theorem 20. This is a theorem Proof. This is the proof of the theorem. Acknowledgement. This is an acknowledgement. Please, use the commands and 2.1 to create a reference to another part of your document (such as section, page, theorem, proposition, figure, equation) Following is a short bibliography. References in the body of your paper should use the [] command. The papers include links from the bibliographic entries to the reviews. Please, add the reviewing numbers on both MathSciNet and Zentralblatt. References [1] C. Anantharaman-Delaroche, J. Renault, Amenable groupoids, Monographie de L’Enseignement Mathematique No 36, Geneve, 2000. MR1799683(2001m:22005). Zbl 0960.43003. [2] W. Arveson, An invitation to C ∗ -algebras, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1976. MR0512360(58 #23621). Zbl 0344.46123. [3] L.G. Brown, P. Green, M. Rieffel, Stable isomorphism and strong Morita equivalence of C ∗ -algebras, Pacific J. Math. 71(1977), 349-363. MR0463928(57 #3866). Zbl 0362.46043. Affiliation Address line 1, Address line 2. e-mail: http://www.... ****************************************************************************** Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications 11 (2016), xx – yy Short title 3 License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. ****************************************************************************** Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications 11 (2016), xx – yy