Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Item 7 Gwydir Shire Council Technical Services Monthly Report FILE REFERENCE DELIVERY PROGRAM GOAL: 5. Organisational Management OUTCOME: 5.1 CORPORATE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY: 5.1.3 Administrative functions - GM - internal AUTHOR Technical Services Director DATE 15/02/2016 STAFF DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Nil IN BRIEF/ SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION The monthly Technical Services report details the activities carried out by the Technical Services Department during December/January. BACKGROUND The monthly Technical Services report has been identified by Council as the process of reporting the activities carried out monthly by the Technical Services Department. COMMENT 1. TECHNICAL SERVICES AND ADMINISTRATION Technical Services infrastructure, planning, design and surveys were carried out in-house. The Technical Services staff continued to provide customer service to the Gwydir Shire residents. 1.1 North West Weight of Loads Committee Minutes from the North West Weight of Loads Committee meeting held in the Narrabri Shire Council Chambers, Maitland Street, Narrabri on Monday 6 July 2015 are attached (Attachment 1). 1.2 Emergency Services Local Emergency Services Meeting (LEMC) Minutes from the LEMC meeting held in Bingara on Tuesday 10 November 2015 are attached (Attachment 2). NSW RFS - Service Level Agreement Attached is a copy of the minutes from the meeting held on the 9 December 2015 (Attachment 3). RFS - Fire Hazard Reduction This is page number 99 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Gwydir Shire Council Specified locations around the townships of Bingara and Warialda continue to be maintained by Council’s Parks and Gardens and Technical Services teams. 1.3 Contractor Management Technical Services has taken over the coordinating of Council’s Contractor Management. Contractor Insurance Management Systems (CIMS) continues to be monitored. Contractors are encouraged to supply full disclosure of all relevant documentation requested. 1.4 Warialda High Productivity Vehicle Route Technical Services has submitted the High Vehicle Safety and Productivity application (HVSPP) for the Warialda HPV Route to the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development. Work has begun on securing the land required for the road corridor. Aboriginal land claims have been identified across some of the parcels required for the corridor, requiring the NSW Aboriginal Land Council consent to enable acquisition by Council. A draft design of the alignment has been prepared and work continues on the preparation of detailed design plans for the project. 2. ENGINEERING SERVICES 2.1 Construction/ Rehabilitation – Local and Regional Roads RR63 Warialda Road Heavy Patching Heavy patching is nearly complete on proposed reseal sections. SR14 Mosquito Creek Road Construction Construction is complete on Stage 3 with the final seal scheduled for March 2016. SR285 Cranky Rock Road Construction Construction is complete on the entire length of Cranky Rock Road with the final seal scheduled for March 2016. SR43 Buckie Road Stabilisation All works are now complete on this section of Buckie Road from Croppa – Moree Road intersection to the western side of the village. SR3 Elcombe Road Reconstruction Stage 1 is complete with Stage 2, which is 1.78km long, well underway on the southern end of the project section. Expected completion of Stage 2 is the end of March. This is page number 100 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Gwydir Shire Council Figure 1 - Stage 1 - showing Dingwall corner on Elcombe Road SR7 Croppa Creek Road Heavy patching is complete on proposed reseal sections north and south of Myola feedlot. 2.2 Maintenance Works – Local, Regional and State Roads Maintenance Grading SR33 Forest Creek Road, SR39 Allandale Road, SR265 Innesvale Road, SR10 Yallaroi Road, SR204 Dunrobyn Road, SR291 Pump Station Road, SR65 Munsies, SR67 Agincourt Road, SR11 Horton Road, SR30 Caroda Road, SR21 Terry Hie Hie Road, SR38 Adams Scrub Road, SR17 Back Creek Road, and SR66 Reserve Creek Road. Gravel Resheeting SR13 Oregon Road,SR243 Bells Creek Road, SR243 Avon Downs Road, SR204 Dunrobyn Road, SR10 Yallaroi Road, SR95 Bangheet Road, and SR102 Noumea Road. Figure 2 - Gravel Resheeting on SR10 Yallaroi Road Bitumen Patching This is page number 101 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Gwydir Shire Council HW12 Gwydir Highway, RR7705 North Star Road, RR63 Warialda Road, MR462 Bruxner Way, SR4 Baroma Downs Road, SR13 Oregon Road, SR14 Mosquito Creek Road, SR8 Gragin Road, SR7 Croppa Creek Road, MR63 Cobbadah Road, MR63 Allan Cunningham Road, MR134 Delungra Road, MR132 Macintyre and Gulf Creek Road, MR133 Killarney Gap Road, SR2 Bingara Road, SR1 Copeton Dam Road, and Bingara town streets. Pipe/Headwall Repairs Pipe and headwall repairs on RR7705 North Star Road, SR10 Yallaroi Road, SR42 Mungle Road and Riddell Street, Warialda. Culvert works on SR3 Elcombe Road. Installation of three sets of pipes on Thornleigh Road and into driveway accesses in White Street, Bingara. Vegetation Control HW12 Gwydir Highway, SR20 Gravesend Road, MR462 Bruxner Way, SR13 Oregon Road, SR14 Mosquito Creek Road, RR63 Warialda Road, SR8 Gragin Road, RR7705 North Star Road, SR4 Baroma Downs Road, SR64 Gournama Road, MR63 Cobbadah/ Allan Cunningham Road, and MR134 Delungra Road. Slashing RR63 Warialda Road, HW12 Gwydir Highway, RR7705 North Star Road, SR6 Getta Getta Road, SR9 IB Bore Road, MR462 Bruxner Way, SR7 Croppa Creek Road, SR5 Croppa Moree Road, SR1Copeton Dam Road, SR2 Bingara Road, SR3 Elcombe Road, SR19 Whitlow Road, SR11 Horton Road, SR12 Upper Whitlow Road, MR63 Allan Cunningham Road, and MR134 Delungra Road. Private Works for Councilors and Staff Nil Report Self Help Program Worungil Access Road. 2.3 Roads Maintenance Council Contract – Works Orders issued by RMS All Work Orders issued by RMS are quality assurance schedule of rates projects carried out by Council staff under the Roads Maintenance Council Contract with Roads and Maritime Services. RMS resealing work has commenced with completion due in March 2016. The MR63 Alan Cunningham Rd ‘Mt Rodd’ construction project is programmed to commence in late February 2016. Heavy Patching has been completed on MR63 Cobbadah Road. An extension of the 50 km/h area on MR63 Alan Cunningham Road north of Bingara Bridge for a further 40 m north was implemented as a result of a review carried out by RMS. This is page number 102 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Gwydir Shire Council 2.4 Rural Roads 2015-2016 Capital Works Program This is page number 103 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Gwydir Shire Council 2.5 Other Services This is page number 104 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 3. Gwydir Shire Council Street services continued to be maintained for vehicular, pedestrian and public conveniences. Stormwater drainage facilities continue to be maintained. Aerodromes at Warialda and Bingara continue to be maintained and inspections are done monthly. Existing quarry sources are continually being utilised and future sources are being investigated as time permits with other competing projects. The radio and television towers continued to be maintained. DESIGN AND ASSET SERVICES Survey, design and soil testing is continuing for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 works programs. Progress is as follows: RR63 Warialda Road Boundary Gully culvert - survey of existing causeway and design of replacement box culvert to provide all weather access RR63 Warialda Road Kia Ora culvert - survey of existing causeway and design of replacement box culvert to provide all weather access RR7705 North Star Road Postman’s Gully culvert - survey of existing causeway and design of replacement box culvert and alignment correction North Star Road – preliminary design complete for 5km of road north of Cox’s Creek construction MR63 Mt Rodd Road RMS works – design finalised and approved by RMS for construction Warialda HPV route – draft design for grant applications completed. Works are currently underway to secure new road corridor. An updated Transport Asset Management Plan has been prepared for adoption. This plan reflects new asset values, depreciation and lifecycle costs as per the 2015 roads revaluation. The plan will be presented to a future meeting and demonstrates sustainable delivery of transport infrastructure in the 10 year planning period. GIS activities this month include: incorporation of asset data with GIS data continued maintenance of Rural Addressing and mapping databases continued assistance with interdepartmental enquiries maintenance of Name and Address Register. This is page number 105 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 4. Gwydir Shire Council ROAD SAFETY PROGRAM 2015/2016 Road Safety Campaigns Title: Grant: North West Heavy Vehicle Breakfast Forum $1,000 from RMS $3,000 from Moree Plains Shire Council Description: To host the 2015 North West Heavy Vehicle Breakfast Forum in Moree on Tuesday, 18 August 2015. It is anticipated that 50 people will attend the forum on the day. Timing: 18 August 2015 Completed Status: Title: Grant: Slow Down $5,000 from RMS $4,000 from Moree Plains Shire Council Description: This project aims to reduce the percentage of vehicle including trucks speeding at 6 locations during October and November and again during May. These time periods were identified using the RMS supplied crash data. It will also provide information about sharing the road, driving to conditions and travelling on gravel roads. Timing: 01 September 2015 to 30 June 2016 Unfunded Status: This campaign was unsuccessful in obtaining funding from RMS for the 2015/2016 financial year. Title: Grant: Free Cuppa Program $18,000 from RMS (includes $3,000 for Moree Plains & Gwydir Shires) Description: This project will be implemented in Bathurst, Blayney, Cabonne, Dubbo City, Forbes, Gilgandra, Gwydir, Lachlan, Moree Plains, Narrabri, Orange City, Parkes, Warrumbungle and Wellington. The program will be implemented in conjunction with local businesses to encourage travellers to stop and take regular breaks from driving. The program will include; a 'free cuppa for the driver' scheme, a prize draw for drivers who take part in the scheme, erecting roadside banners, media coverage, promotion in caravan parks/motels and tourist information centres. Timing: 31 August 2015 to 30 June 2016 In progress Status: Expressions of interests have now closed. Four (4) businesses have registered across the two shires (two in Moree Plains and two in Gwydir). This is page number 106 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Gwydir Shire Council Merchandise designs and printing will now commence as will updating of the Smart phone apps. The campaign launch has been scheduled for Tuesday, 1 March 2015 in Parkes. Title: Restricted Access Vehicle (RAV) Route Assessments Description: Access to the road network for heavy vehicle combinations and controlled access buses is subject to specific route assessment using the NSW Route Assessment Guide. The Road Safety Officer with the assistance of the Technical Services Department is responsible for undertaking such assessments and preparing the necessary reports. Timing: When required As required. Status: Inspections have been undertaken on a further three (3) roads. These being an eight kilometre section of Oregon Road (SR 13), a further section of Gil Gil Creek Road (SR 63) up to Alma Lane (SR 258), and Alma Lane (SR 258). Assessment reports will be completed in the coming weeks. Other Activities: The Road Safety Officer continued the coordination the Child Restraint Hiring Program. Currently the Road Safety Program has a total of 14 child restraints in the hiring program. The quarterly hiring rates (YTD) for the program are: o September 2014 Quarter – 25% o December 2014 Quarter – 29% o March 2015 Quarter – 21% o June 2015 Quarter – 22% o September 2015 – 32% o December 2015 – 31% o March 2016 Quarter (QTD) – 10% The Road Safety Officer presented at the Traffic Offenders Intervention Program. This is an ongoing commitment with regular presentations being given once every six (6) weeks. This is page number 107 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 5. Gwydir Shire Council FINANCIAL REPORTS This is page number 108 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Gwydir Shire Council This is page number 109 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Gwydir Shire Council CONCLUSION The activities carried out by the Technical Services Department are in line with the 2015/2016 Management Plan and otherwise as directed. CONSULTATION Consultation is carried out within the Technical Services Department during the monthly Technical Services team meetings and other relevant persons. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Policy implications are those relating to the 2015/2016 Management Plan and the Technical Services Policies of Gwydir Shire Council. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The activities carried out by the Technical Services Department are in line with the 2015/2016 Management Plan. SUSTAINABILITY IMPLICATIONS The activities undertaken by the Technical Services Department regarding social and environmental factors are targeted for best practice in line with the 2015/2016 Management Plan. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION THAT the Technical Services report be received ATTACHMENTS(Moved Cr Pankhurst, seconded Cr Egan) AT- Weight of Loads minutes AT- LEMC minutes AT- SLA minutes COUNCIL RESOLUTION: MINUTE 14/16 THAT the Technical Services report be received. (Moved Cr Pankhurst, seconded Cr Egan) This is page number 110 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 1 Weight of Loads minutes This is page number 111 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 1 Weight of Loads minutes This is page number 112 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 1 Weight of Loads minutes This is page number 113 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 1 Weight of Loads minutes This is page number 114 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 1 Weight of Loads minutes This is page number 115 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 1 Weight of Loads minutes This is page number 116 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 1 Weight of Loads minutes This is page number 117 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 1 Weight of Loads minutes This is page number 118 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 1 Weight of Loads minutes This is page number 119 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 1 Weight of Loads minutes This is page number 120 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 2 LEMC minutes This is page number 121 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 2 LEMC minutes This is page number 122 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 2 LEMC minutes This is page number 123 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 2 LEMC minutes This is page number 124 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 3 SLA minutes This is page number 125 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 3 SLA minutes This is page number 126 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Technical Services Monthly Report.DOC Attachment 3 SLA minutes This is page number 127 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Item 8 Gwydir Shire Council Bora Link Road Update FILE REFERENCE DELIVERY PROGRAM GOAL: 2. Building the business base OUTCOME: 2.1 OUR ECONOMY IS GROWING AND SUPPORTED STRATEGY: 2.1.1 Plan for and develop the right assets and infrastructure - TS -external AUTHOR Design and Assets Manager DATE 15/02/2016 STAFF DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Nil IN BRIEF/ SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION Application to Crown Lands by landowner to close crown sections of Bora Link Road. This would land-lock properties. BACKGROUND Bora Link Road is under Council’s Road Asset Register as a gazetted road. It has come to Council’s attention that two sections of the road are classified as Crown Road. This road services four (4) landowners and is their only access. ISSUES AND COMMENT: Bora Link Road Bora Link Road is in the locality of Dinoga and is 4.5km long. It services four (4) properties, the last being at the end of the road. This road is included in Council’s Road Classification and the road name “Bora Link Road” was gazetted on 28 November 2011. An application to Crown Lands Department, from the owner of a neighbouring property, to close all Crown Roads within his property, was received by Council. After inspection of the affected Crown Roads covered in the application, it was revealed that two sections of Bora Link Road are classified as Crown Road in the application for closure. Council is requesting that the Crown Road sections of Bora Link Road be transferred to Council and the road be maintained as part of Council’s Road Register (Attachment 1). Bora Link Road in its entirety is currently in Council’s Road Asset Register. There would be no impact to Council’s Depreciation, Liabilities or Asset holdings if Council took ownership of the Crown sections of Bora Link Road. This is page number 128 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Gwydir Shire Council Not keeping the Crown sections of Bora Link Road will result in three (3) properties being landlocked with no access for the owners. CONCLUSION: Bora Link Road has sections that are classified as Crown road. An application the neighbouring property owner to Crown Lands to close all crown roads on his property has resulted in these sections being included in the application to Council. Transferring the land to Council control will ensure all landowners will have access to their property. There will be no impact to Council’s Asset Holdings or Depreciation and Liabilities as the Bora Link Road, in its entirety, is already in Council’s Asset Register (Attachment 2). CONSULTATION: Consultation has been conducted with the GIS Officer of Gwydir Shire Council and Crown Lands Representative. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION THAT Council transfer Crown Road Reserve on the sections of Bora Link Road to Council’s control and that Bora Link Road remain in the Gwydir Road Register. FURTHER that this report be accepted. ATTACHMENTS AT- Crown Lands map AT- Bora Link Rd COUNCIL RESOLUTION: MINUTE 15/16 THAT Council transfer Crown Road Reserve on the sections of Bora Link Road to Council’s control and that Bora Link Road remain in the Gwydir Road Register. FURTHER that this report be accepted. (Moved Cr Egan, seconded Cr Dixon) This is page number 129 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Bora Link Road Update.DOC Attachment 1 Crown Lands map This is page number 130 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Bora Link Road Update.DOC Attachment 2 Bora Link Rd This is page number 131 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Item 9 Gwydir Shire Council Plevna Road, Croppa Creek FILE REFERENCE DELIVERY PROGRAM GOAL: 2. Building the business base OUTCOME: 2.1 OUR ECONOMY IS GROWING AND SUPPORTED STRATEGY: 2.1.1 Plan for and develop the right assets and infrastructure - TS -external AUTHOR Technical Services Director DATE 15/02/2016 STAFF DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Nil IN BRIEF/ SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION To seek a resolution determining the sale price for the ‘Plevna Road’ road Reserve. BACKGROUND: Council has previously resolved to formally close Plevna Road and make the road Reserve available to PF and K Butler for purchase. An independent valuation has been undertaken, with the applicant subsequently registering objections to the sum presented. ISSUES AND COMMENT: The ‘Plevna Road’ road Reserve is approximately 7.8 hectares in area and 40m in width, situated in the locality of North Star. The formed road occupies 7m of the total width and 1.3 hectares of the total area. Council staff recently engaged Taylor Byrne Valuers, Inverell to undertake a valuation (Attachment 1) of the reserve at undeveloped market value. This valuation was a total of $40,000 based on an average of $5,000 per hectare. The prospective purchasers have advised they believe Taylor Byrne’s valuation to be “very unrealistically inflated” for the following reasons: It does not reflect the land use (the planned use upon closure is not primary production, but paddock access) Plevna Road was improved from an unused black soil road to an all weather gravel road at the cost of the Butlers The most recent valuation of the Butler’s land reflects an average value of approximately $1,300 per acre ($3,212 per hectare) The valuation used arable farming land as a benchmark This is page number 132 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Gwydir Shire Council The Valuer General’s 2015 assessment of land owned by the Butlers under valuation 3697140 (Attachment 2) gives a value of $3,307.52 per hectare. This is an average figure from a total of 2,104 hectares and includes arable and non-arable land. As resolved previously by Council, upon closure of the road the purchasers would be required to grant a right of carriageway benefiting Lot 32, DP 821268, immediately north of the reserve. This proposed right of carriageway is the only encumbrance on the future use of the land. The formed road occupies less than 25% of the reserve, with aerial imagery showing the residual largely cultivated (Attachment 3). The current formed road was constructed as part of Council’s self-help program, with the prospective purchasers contributing resources towards its upgrade. CONCLUSION: Due to the right of carriageway requirement upon closure, it is unlikely that the current formed road will be removed or used for any purpose other than property access and movement of farm machinery. As such, its value to the prospective purchaser is extremely limited. The residual land in the Reserve however, has been demonstrated to be arable, and as such can be valued accordingly. CONSULTATION: Feedback from PF and K Butler was sought following receipt of the valuation from Taylor Byrne. Their comments are noted in this report. FINANCIAL, ECONOMIC and RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS (including asset management) The current written down value of Plevna Road is $31,266.48. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION THAT the area of the Plevna Road reserve occupied by the formed road be excluded from the road reserve’s valuation FURTHER that $3,307 per hectare is adopted as the value of all residual land within the reserve FURTHER that this report be accepted. ATTACHMENTS AT- Consultant's Report AT- Plevna Rd Land Values AT- Prevna Rd map This is page number 133 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Gwydir Shire Council COUNCIL RESOLUTION: MINUTE 16/16 THAT the area of the Plevna Road reserve occupied by the formed road be excluded from the road reserve’s valuation FURTHER that $25,794.60 is adopted as the value of all residual land within the reserve FURTHER that this report be accepted. (Moved Cr Moore, seconded Cr Doering) This is page number 134 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 135 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 136 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 137 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 138 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 139 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 140 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 141 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 142 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 143 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 144 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 145 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 146 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 147 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 148 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 149 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 150 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 151 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 152 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 153 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 154 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 155 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 156 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 1 Consultant's Report This is page number 157 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 2 Plevna Rd Land Values This is page number 158 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman …………………………………………………………………………………… Ordinary Meeting - 25 February 2016 Plevna Road, Croppa Creek.DOC Attachment 3 Prevna Rd map This is page number 159 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………