VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Question Bank Programme Subject Semester / Branch Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 : ME :PS7202 Flexible AC Transmission System :II-Power Systems Engineering Question UNIT I – INTRODUCTION : PART - A Explain reactive power. Discuss about significance of power factor. Explain the need of FACTS controller in modern power system. Propose the objectives of reactive power compensation. Discuss conventional control mechanisms for voltage control. Choose the suitable FACTS devices to control the line power flows. Discuss about Thyristor controlled reactor. Justify the components used in Thyristor controlled reactor. Classify the conventional control mechanisms for voltage control. What is meant by Thyristor switched capacitor Propose the fictional requirements of reactive power compensators. Choose the suitable FACTS controller for modern power system. What are thefactors which limit loading capability? Discuss about Thyristor-Controlled Series Compensation. What is meant SSSC? What is meant by real power? What is meant by Flexible AC Transmission system? Differentiate TSC and TCR. Classify the FACTS devices to control the line power flows. Define Static converters. UNIT I – PART - B Classify the various various types of conventional control Mechanism of voltagein electrical transmission network and explain. Discuss about the analysis of uncompensated transmission line. Discuss the various basic types of FACTS controllers in detail. Classify the FACTS devices in reactive power compensation and explain their role. Describe how themaximum amount of active power flow will change using power flow curve. Describe the effect of series and shunt compensation at mid‐point of the Line. Write short notes onreactive power compensation at the sendingof thetransmission lines. Blooms Taxonomy Level BTL4 BTL2 BTL4 BTL6 BTL2 BTL5 BTL2 BTL5 BTL3 BTL1 BTL6 BTL3 BTL1 BTL2 BTL1 BTL1 BTL1 BTL4 BTL3 BTL1 BTl3 BTL2 BTL2 BTL3 BTL1 BTL1 BTL1 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 Compile expression for active as well as reactive power flow in a lossless transmissionLine? Draw necessaryphasor diagram. Explain the various basic types of FACTS controllers in detail. Justify the way by which the transient stability is enhanced due to static VARcompensator. UNIT I –PART - C Explain by using power angle curve how by changing the value of line impedance the maximum amount of active power flow will change? Justify the reactive power compensation at midpoint and receiving ends of the transmission lines. Propose efficient type of conventional control Mechanism of voltage in electrical transmission network and explain Formulate FACTS devices in reactive power compensation and to reduceLosses. BTL6 BTL4 BTL5 BTL4 BTL5 BTL6 BTL6 Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 Question UNIT II - STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR (SVC) : PART - A Analyse the characteristics of SVC. Discuss the two types of SVC. Discuss load compensation. Classify the various types of compensation. Identify the factors to be considered for designing SVC to regulate mid‐point voltage. How thesystem compensation is made in power system. Examinethe characteristics of SVC. Formulate the objectives of SVC. What is meant by shunt compensation? Propose the basic circuit of STATCOM. Classify the components STATCOM. Analyse V‐Q characteristics of SVC. What are the advantages of TSC‐TCR type SVC over FC‐TCR type SVC? What is meant by UPFC? How to achieve the series compensation. Discuss the objectives of SVC. What is meant V‐I characteristics of STATCOM ? What is meant V‐Q characteristics of STATCOM? Distinguish between TSC‐TCR type SVC and FC‐TCR type SVC Define TSC‐TCR UNIT II - PART - B Discuss the modelling of SVC for stability analysis. Evaluate the transient stability enhancement of SMIB system using SVC. Write about the performance of SVC in controlling voltage in a power system. Compare and contrast STATCOM and SVC. Write short notes on operation of STATCOM with an aid of block diagram. Explain the basic operating principle and the control capability of UPFC. Write the operation in detail about SVC‐SVC interaction. Discuss the SVC with respect to the following aspects. i. Diagram ii. Operation iii. V‐I characteristics. Classify the two different configuration of SVC and explain. How to evaluate the performance of SVC in controlling voltage in a power system. UNIT II - PART – C Explain is shunt compensation classified. Explain in detail.. Compare and contrast STATCOM and SVC Formulate with SVC, the transient stability margin can be improved by enhancing the synchronic torque. Derive the necessary equation for it. Blooms Taxonomy Level BTL4 BTL2 BTL2 BTL3 BTL4 BTL5 BTL3 BTL6 BTL1 BTL6 BTL3 BTL4 BTL1 BTL1 BTL5 BTL2 BTL1 BTL1 BTL2 BTL1 BTL2 BTL5 BTL1 BTL3 BTL1 BTL5 BTL1 BTL2 BTL3 BTL6 BTL4 BTL5 BTL6 4 Propose the steady state and dynamic characteristic of SVC (FC+TCR). Explain how the SVC is able to regulate the HVAC bus voltage. Derive the formula used. BTL6 Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 Question UNIT III - THYRISTOR AND GTO THYRISTOR CONTROLLED SERIES CAPACITORS :PART – A Select the suitable Thyristor controlled series compensator. Discus the need for variable‐series compensation. Originate the causes of TCSC losses. How to reduce TCSC losses. What are the different types of variable‐series compensation? Evaluate the constant angle control of TCSC. Discuss the factors to be considered in the placement of TCSC. Discuss the V‐I capability characteristics of single module TCSC. Choose the limits which define the capability characteristics of TCSC How to perform open loop control of TCSC. What is meant by close loop control of TCSC? Identify the factors to be considered in the location of TCSC. What do you meant X‐I capability characteristics of multi module TCSC Classify the method of control of TCSC. Discus the applications of TCSC. Define V‐I capability characteristics of multi module TCSC . Define constant angle control of TCSC. Define various limits which define the capability TCSC. Examine the advantages of GCSC Propose the basic block diagram of close loop control of TCSC UNIT III - PART – B How to Demonstrate the analysis of TCSC with neat sketch. How to Illustrate the modelling of GCSC for load flow studies. Describe in detail the sub synchronous resonance. Classify the various modes of operation of TCSC. Write short notes on how the system damping is enhanced with the help of TCSC. Examine how the of power angle curve explain how transient stability is improved with the seriescontrollers. Explain with a neat block diagram the closed loop control of TCSC Write why present transmission system with capacitive series compensation in prone toSSR Discuss the modelling of TCSC for load flow studies. Discuss how the system damping is enhanced with the help of TCSC. UNIT III - PART – C Explainin detail the phenomenon of sub synchronous resonance (SSR) with an example. Why present transmission system with capacitive series compensation is prone to SSR. Propose the mathematical modelling of TCSC for power flow analysis Design: Consider a SMIB system in which the synchronous machine is generating 0.8 p.u. MW and 0.25 p.u. MVAR. The infinite bus voltage is 1∟0°. The machine transient reactance is 0.32 p.u. and transmission line Blooms Taxonomy Level BTL5 BTL2 BTL6 BTL4 BTL1 BTL5 BTL2 BTL2 BTL3 BTL4 BTl1 BTL4 BTL1 BTL3 BTL2 BTL1 BTL1 BTL1 BTL3 BTL6 BTL6 BTL5 BTL1 BTL3 BTL1 BTL3 BTL4 BTL1 BTL2 BTL2 BTL4 BTL5 BTL6 BTL6 reactance is 0.65 p.u. Calculate the value of net reactance offered by the TCSC and the voltage that has to be injected by TCSC to enhance the power transfer to 1.0 p.u. Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 Question UNIT IV - VOLTAGE SOURCE CONVERTER BASED FACTS CONTROLLERS : PART – A ‐I characteristics of STATCOM Draw the V . Evaluate the functions of STATCOM. Discuss the various applications of STATCOM. Analyse the various functions of SSSC. Define SSSC. Construct the basic control scheme of SSSC. Discuss the applications of SSSC. What is the use of UPFC? Discus the basic block diagram of UPFC. How the phasor diagram illustrating the power flow control capabilities of UPFC. Justify the significance of sub synchronous resonance. What is the salient features of UPFC? Discus the objectives of NGH‐SSR damping scheme. Draw the the basic block diagram of UPFC. Distinguish the UPFC and IPFC. Design the salient features of UPFC. Study the functions of UPFC. What is IPFC? Study the significance of sub synchronous resonance. Examine the salient feature of IPFC. UNIT IV - PART – B Discuss the modelling of STATCOM and mention some applications Explain the detail with a neat sketch the operation of STATCOM Write the principle of operation of SSSC. Apply the modelling of SSSC for power flow studies. Discuss the the modelling of SSSC for transient stability studies. Analyze the modelling of UPFC for power flow studies. Explain the modelling of UPFC for transient stability studies. How to modelling of IPFC for power flow studies. Write different FACTS controllers used in AC system. Write the modelling of IPFC for transient stability studies. UNIT IV - PART – C Explain the construction and working of three phase full wave bridge type VSC Justifyhow VSC will act as an inverter or a rectifier in inductive or capacitive mode. Propose the steady state model of STATCOM Design: Consider a two bus system in which the STATCOM is connected at the midpoint of the transmission line. Assume that both the voltages are regulated at 1 p.u. the reactance of the transmission line is 0.8 p.u. Calculate the current that has to be injected by the STATCOM installed at Blooms Taxonomy Level BTL1 BTL5 BTL2 BTL4 BTL1 BTL6 BTL2 BTL1 BTL2 BTL4 BTL5 BTL1 BTL2 BTL1 BTL3 BTL6 BTL4 BTL1 BTL3 BTL3 BTL2 BTL6 BTL1 BTL3 BTL2 BTL4 BTL4 BTL5 BTL1 BTL1 BTL4 BTL5 BTL6 BTL6 the midpoint of the transmission line to maintain voltage at 1.01 p.u. The load at the receiving end bus is variedfrom 0 p.u. to 0.9 p.u. Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question UNIT V - CONTROLLERS AND THEIR COORDINATION : PART – A Propose the FACTS controller interaction. Discuss the term coordination. Validate the possible combinations of FACTS controllers on interactions between them in acsystem. Examine the local mode oscillation in the AC system. Discuss inter‐area mode oscillation in the AC system. What is meant by sub synchronous resonance interactions? Define EMTP. What is static synchronous generator? Discussthe use of EMTP in the study of SVC‐SVC interaction. Analyse the causes for SSR interactions. Classify the various control interactions of FACTS controllers based on the frequency ranges. Define SVC‐TCSC interaction. Define TCSC‐TCSC interaction. What is basic procedure for the design of controller? Propose the various methods of coordination of multiple controllers using non‐linear controltechniques. Explain any three factors to test the effectiveness of SVC. Discuss two locations in which the SVCs are placed in the transmission system. Examinethe causes for SVC‐TCSC interactions. How inter‐area mode oscillation in the AC system occurs . Analyze the methods used to analyse the SVC‐SVC interactions. UNIT V - PART – B Write in detail about SVC‐SVC interaction. Categorizeabout coordination of multiple controllers using linear control techniques. Explain the coordination procedure of multiple controllers. Explain by means of a block diagram explain the simulation of a generalised IPFC which can beoperated as a STATCOM, SSSC, UPFC or IPFC. Discuss various control interactions between the different controllers used in the ACsystem. Write about the interactions between SVCs in the ac power system withoutseries compensation.. How about the high frequency interactions between SVCs in the ac powersystemdone. Write the the effect of electrical coupling and short circuit levels during SVC‐SVCinteractions in the ac system. Discuss in detail about the additional coordination features of SVC in the ac power system Projectabout the interactions between SVCs in the ac power system with series UNIT V - PART – C Blooms Taxonomy Level BTL6 BTL2 BTL5 BTL3 BTL2 BTl1 BTL1 BTL1 BTL2 BTL4 BTL3 BTL1 BTL1 BTL1 BTL6 BTL4 BTL2 BTL3 BTL5 BTL4 BTL1 BTL3 BTL4 BTL4 BTL2 BTL1 BTL5 BTL1 BTL2 BTL6 1 2 3 4 Explain the coordination procedure of multiple controllers using Genetic Algorithm Justify,coordinate tuning of FACTS controllers using Genetic algorithm for damping power system oscillations How about the electrical coupling and short circuit level on the controller interaction between multiple SVCs that are located in power system Design and explain with the help of simulation of a generalised IPFC which can be operated as STATCOM BTL4 BTL5 BTL6 BTL6