Measurement of the Acoustic Properties of Acoustic Absorbers Ralph T. Muehleisen Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Director of the Miller Acoustics Lab R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Outline • Definitions • Measuring Macro Properties – Absorption Coefficients • Measuring Bulk Properties – Impedance, Wavenumber, Density, Bulk Modulus • Measuring Microstructure Properties – – – – Flow Resistivity Porosity Tortuosity Characteristic Thermal and Viscous Lengths R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Defining Acoustic Absorbers Absorbers are usually denoted as porous, panel resonators or Helmholtz resonators, depending upon the primary absorption mechanism. » – Helmholtz resonators are defined by their geometry – Panel resonators are defined by their geometry and structural vibration properties of panel – Porous absorbers are defined by their geometry and the acoustic properties of the porous material In this talk we’ll limit our discussions to the acoustic properties of porous absorbers R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Defining Acoustic Properties The term “acoustic” properties of a porous absorbers is open to interpretation. What is an acoustic property? • Macro properties of absorbers assemblies – Absorption coefficient and normal surface impedance • Bulk properties of the porous material itself – Characteristic impedance and wavenumber • Microscale properties that create bulk properties – Flow resistivity, Porosity, Tortuosity, Characteristic Lengths – It is at the microscale that the porous material actually interacts with the fluid • Great reference, “Acoustic absorbers and Diffusers” by Trevor Cox and Peter D’Antonio R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Rigid Frame and Poro-Elastic Media Porous media are usually broken down further into rigid and elastic frame • In Rigid Frame absorbers, we assume that the solid material (fibers, foam, ceramic, etc) is a rigid structure and only participates with the acoustic wave through viscous friction and heat transfer • In Poro-Elastic absorbers the solid material supports wave propagation and analysis and design involves coupled solid and fluid waves. This is really hard stuff. I think it is so hard that Rayleigh didn’t even work on it (Biot did though). Alas, most foams are best modeled as elastic frame media R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Absorption Coefficient, The absorption coefficient is defined as the ratio of absorbed energy to incident energy Ea Ei – Some people define as the ratio of all energy not reflected to incident energy, i.e Er Ea Et 1 Ei Ei – In general, is a function of the incident angle i . The normal incidence value is denoted N Er Ei i r Ea Et By Conservation of Energy Ei Er Ea Et R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Normal Surface Impedance, Zn • The reason energy reflects at a change in medium is because of the change in wave impedance seen by the wave. • In general, the impedance seen at the surface of an absorber depends on the porous media bulk properties, the geometry of the absorber and the mounting conditions of the absorber. • The surface impedance is angular dependent, but if the material is locally reacting, the effective surface impedance at any angle is related to the normal surface impedance, Zn by the formula Zn Z ( ) cos( ) R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Measuring n and Zn Probably the simplest methods for estimating normal incidence absorption and surface impedance, n and Zn , are using plane wave impedance tubes • Two industry standards – ASTM C384/ISO 10534 Standing Wave Impedance Tube – ASTM E1050/ISO 10534-2 Two Microphone Impedance Tube • Both methods measure the magnitude and phase of the pressure reflection coefficient, rˆ r , and then 1 rˆ 1 r 2 2 and 1 rˆ ˆ Zn 1 rˆ • For both methods, the upper frequency is limited to frequencies where only plane waves can propagate in the impedance tube ( f < 0.586 c/d where c =speed of sound and d = tube diameter ) R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties ASTM C384-04 • Measure the ratio of peak amplitude to min amplitudes of standing wave, the standing wave ratio called SWR • Measure distance from sample to the closest pressure min, L-x. • Use equations at right to get r and • This method is fairly foolproof, but it is also only applicable for single frequencies and is fairly time consuming – No microphone calibration is required • Lower frequency limited by tube length – you must be able to support a half a standing wave with at least one peak and one null A B SWR A B SWR 1 r SWR 1 2k L x 2 R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties ASTM E1050-98 • Measure the transfer function, H(f) between two mics, spaced s apart, and a distance l from sample to get r using the equation that is to the right and below • Frequency limited by mic spacing as well as tube diameter – recommendations are for 0.05 c/s < f < 0.45 c/s • If the microphone “switching” method not is used, the microphones must be calibrated for magnitude and phase and H must be corrected before computation of r . • Absorptive media put between source and sample to damp out the standing waves Hˆ pˆ1 / pˆ 2 Hˆ e jks j 2 k (l s ) rˆ jks e ˆ e H R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Random Incidence Absorption Coefficient • Since is a function of angle, selecting a representative value arbitrary incidence is hard • If we average () over we would get what we call the random incidence coefficient rand – For a locally reacting surface we can do that analytically and would find that rand=(55) • We could also try to measure a by placing a material sample in a room and exposing it to a diffuse sound field. That is done in ASTM C423/ISO 354. This standard measures a Sabine absorption coefficient. R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties ASTM C423/ISO 354 • This method measures the change in the reverberant decay rate in a reverberant room from the addition of a sample. • Sabine equation is used to extract the Sabine absorption coefficient , sab sab – – – – – V 0.9210 d2 d1 1 CS V is room volume c is speed of sound S is surface area of sample 1 is absorption coefficient of covered surface d1 and d2 are sound decay rates (dB/s) with and without the sample R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties ASTM C423 and Sabine Absorption Many of us are familiar with the absorption coefficients listed on material data sheets measured by ASTM C423, the Reverberation Room Method. These are sab • sab rand i.e. it is NOT a random incident absorption coefficient, its only closely related. Numbers greater than unity given on data sheets are not mistakes. – sabis a measure of decay rate. It is only through the Sabine equation that we equate it to absorption. • sab is very useful measure if you want to predict the effect the reverberation time of a room with that material. • sab is a poor measure of absorption if you want to do other types of noise control (such as line an engine shroud) • There is no simple conversion from sab to rand or n R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties In-Situ measurement • For some absorbers (especially hanging aborbers), it is important or only practical to measure the absorption in-situ. • The most popular methods are free space variations of the impedance tube and can be used to measure angular dependent absorption coefficients • This method has been formalized in the European Standard ENV 1793 (part 5) R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Bulk Properties Bulk properties are those properties that describe the material/sound wave interaction but are independent of the material thickness and area (i.e. absorber size) – In anisotropic materials such as layered fiberglass, the bulk properties can be a function of direction so keep that in mind Among the important bulk properties are – Characteristic Impedance, Zc and characteristic wavenumber, kc or alternatively dynamic density, e and dynamic bulk modulus, Ke Z c Ke e and kc e Ke – Imaginary part of kc is related to acoustic damping in the material, the imaginary part of Zc is related to energy storage mechanisms R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Use of Zc and kc We usually use Zc and kc directly for designing absorbers. For example, the normal surface impedance of a layer of a porous Zˆ n material of against a wall with Zd is ˆ jZˆ tan(kˆ d ) Z c c Zˆ n Zˆ c d Zˆ jZˆ tan(kˆ d ) c d c For Zˆ d , Zˆ n jZˆc cot kˆc d Zˆc , kˆc Zˆ d d R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Measuring Bulk Properties • We can use the impedance tube to estimate Zn for two samples of differing d and/or Zd conditions to estimate Zc and kc this is the two load method – We need two conditions to solve for both Zc and kc • We can use the four-mic transfer matrix method of Song and Bolton to measure Zc and kc in one measurement R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Four Mic Method This is a variation on the standard impedance tube using two pairs of mics. • The mics measure both reflected and transmitted waves to get Zc and kc with only one measurement. • You can also estimate normal incident transmission loss with the same measurements • ASTM and ISO standards are currently under development • Works better for high porosity, low flow resistivity materials than the two microphone impedance tube R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Microstructural Properties The microstructural properties are the geometry details that describe the interaction of the sound wave and the material. These properties define the bulk properties. Knowledge of the microstructural properties is very useful for designing aborber with specific bulk properties. Among the important microstructural properties are – – – – Flow Resistivity Porosity Tortuosity Characteristic Length R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Flow Resistivity Back open to atmosphere • Flow resistivity is the ratio of static pressure drop P to a volume flow U for a small sample length, d P [Ns/m4 =MKS rayl/m] Ud • This can be measured using ASTM C522 – To maintain laminar flow, the flow velocity should be kept under 50 mm/s P Meter U Source R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Empirical Formula • Many empirical formulae have been developed that relate to Zc and kc The most famous is that of Delany and Bazley: Zˆc 0c 1 0.0571X 0.754 j 0.087 X 0.732 0.7 0.732 ˆ kc 1 0.0978 X j 0.087 X c Here we see Zc and kc are complex. The imaginary part of Zc represents stored energy and the imaginary part of kc represents damping in the medium. R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Porosity, Porosity is the ratio of interconnected void volume to total volume of a material and is surprisingly hard to measure. – Note: There is no standard variable name for porosity You would think you can just measure the volume and mass of an absorber sample but it is not that simple … • It is hard to measure in open cell foams because it is hard to determine which cells are really open and interconnected. • It is hard to measure accurately for fibrous absorbers because measuring the exact volume of a compressible sample can be hard • Porosities of 95-98% if fibrous absorbers are not uncommon R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Measuring Porosity • One method is to fill the sample pores with a liquid and measure that volume. But that can contaminate the sample and preclude making other parameter measurements. • Another popular method uses thermodynamics. – Sample is placed in a chamber which is compressed by V. The internal pressure will increase by P according to Boyles law. P0 P V0 Vt V P R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Tortuosity, q • Tortuosity is a measure of the “non-straightness” of the pore structure of the porous material. – The more complex the path, the more time a wave is in contact with the absorbent. – Note: there is no standard variable name for tortuosity • One method is to saturate the sample with an electrically conducting fluid and measure the electrical resistivity of the saturated sample, rs, and compare to the resistivity of the fluid alone, rf then q= rs/rf R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Using Ultrasonics • Fellah, et. al. have shown that by using ultrasonic time domain reflectometry to measure the complex surface reflection coefficient at ultrasonic frequencies. • At ultrasonic frequencies the surface reflection coefficient depends primarily on the tortuosity and porosity of the porous sample. R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Characteristic Lengths, and ’ Two more important microstructural properties are the characteristic viscous length and thermal length ’ which relate to viscous and thermal losses. – The thermal length ’ is the twice ratio of volume to surface area in connected pores. This is geometric and can be measured directly. – The viscous length, , is nearly the same, but each integral is weighted by the square of the fluid velocity in the pore. This cannot be measured directly dV V ' 2 dS S sample pore walls v 2 v 2 fluid dV 2 fluid dS R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Measuring Thermal Length • Leclair et. al. showed that ’ can be measured by finding the pressure, P required to draw a wetting liquid through the sample (kind of a liquid flow resistivity). – P is related to the surface tension of the liquid and the total surface area of the pores in contact with the liquid • Lauriks estimated both characteristic lengths via more time domain reflectometry and curve fitting R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties The Curve Fitting Approach • Probably the most popular way of finding out all these microstructure constants is through curve fitting. – One measures the bulk parameters and then uses non-linear multivariable curve fitting to get the best estimates of , , q, , and ’. This works best if one can estimate at least some of the variables (such as flow resistivity, ) by other means. – By working in the ultrasonic region like Fellah and Lauriks have it is easier to isolate individual microstructural variables or at least only have two coupled together in a particular measurement. R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties Poro-Elastic • Poro-elastic systems are even tougher to model as they additionally require knowledge of the structural characteristics of the porous frame as well as coupling coefficients between the frame waves and the acoustic waves. • All those extra variables make my head start to hurt so I’ll end my talk now. R. T. Muehleisen,, Measurement of Acoustic Properties References • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cox, T. J. and P. D'antonio (2004). Acoustic Absorbers and Diffusers, Spon Press. ASTM C384 (2003). Standard Test Method for Impedance and Absorption of Acoustical Materials by the Impedance Tube Method. ASTM C423-07a (2007). Standard Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method. ASTM C522 (2003). Standard Test Method for Air Flow Restance of Acoustical Materials. ASTM E 1050 (1998). Standard Test Method for Impedance and Absorption of Acoustical Materials Using a Tube, Two Microphones and a Digital Frequency Analysis System. European Standard EN 1793-5, Road traffic noise reducing devices –test method for determining the acoustic performance – Part 5: Intrinsic characteristics In situ values of sound reflection and airborne sound insulation. Champoux, Y., M. R. Stinson, et al. (1991). "Air-based system for the measurement of porosity." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 89(2): 910-916. Leclaire, P., O. Umnova, et al. (2003). "Porosity measurement by comparison of air volumes." Review of Scientific Instruments 74(1366-1370). Leclaire, P., M. J. Swift, et al. (1998). "Determining the specific area of porous acoustic materials from water extraction data." Journal of Applied Physics 84(12): 6886-6890. Leclaire, P., L. Kelders, et al. (1996). "Determination of the viscous and thermal characteristic lengths of plastic foams by ultrasonic measurements in helium and air." Journal of Applied Physics 80(4): 2009-212. Song, B. H. and J. S. Bolton (2000). "A transfer-matrix approach for estimating the characteristic impedance and wave numbers of limp and rigid porous materials." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107(3): 1131-1152. Muehleisen, R. T. and C. W. Beamer IV (2002). "Comparison of errors in the three- and four-microphone methods used in the measurement of the acoustic properties of porous materials." Acoustic Research Letters Online 3(4): 112-117. Muehleisen, R. T., C. W. Beamer IV, et al. (2005). "Measurements and empirical model of the acoustic properties of reticulated vitreous carbon." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 117(2): 536-544.