ENGINEERING BRILLIANT SOLUTIONS MV ring main units HV metering units LV transformer cabinets Package substations LV distribution pillars LV substation fuseboards Multi service pillars Multi service distribution boards Heavy duty cutouts Domestic service cutouts Street lighting cutouts Pole mounting cutouts ABC service boxes Connector boxes Fuse links Weatherproof housings SABRE Vacuum Circuit Breaker Ring Main Unit up to 15.5kV with automation and remote control options A division of W Lucy & Co Ltd Contents 1 SABRE - at the cutting edge of Ring Main Unit technology 2 SABRE range - total flexibility in the design 4 SABRE - for maximum protection and operator safety 5 SABRE - for compact package substations 6 SABRE with automation - a safe investment 7 SABRE and GEMINI - the powerful combination 8 SABRE diagrams 9 SABRE electrical performance SABRE - at the cutting edge of Ring Main Unit technology Key Features 12kV A ND 1 5 . 5 K V IN D OOR AND O UT DO O R IS OL ATIO N I N C L E AN S F 6 GAS COM M O N S W I T C HI NG C HAM B E R VA CU U M T E E O F F C I R C UI T B R E AK E R The SABRE range of Ring Main F U L L RAT I NGS W I T H Z E R O GAS P R E S S UR E Units combines the most advanced EN H A N C E D DUT Y, I N E X C E S S O F I E C Vacuum and SF6 technologies to meet the requirements of UK IN TERL O C K E D F O R S AF E O P E R AT I O N Regional Electricity Companies, IN TERN AL AR C P R O T E C T I O N overseas utilities and industrial organisations. Compact, flexible, PA D L OC K I NG FAC I L I T I E S easy to operate and install, SABRE F U L LY EXT E NS I B L E also ensures reliability and TEE OF F P R O T E C T I O N O P T I O N: T L F operator safety. A U X IL IAR Y O R S E L F - P O W E R E D R E L AY S ID E A N D R E AR C AB L E AC C E S S F O R M A X IM U M O P E R AT O R P R O T E C T I O N SABRE Options The SABRE range has been designed to be fully weatherproof ROBU S T S HE E T S T E E L HO US I NG R E MOT E OP E R AT ION OF R IN G for outdoor use, to have a long SWIT C H ( MOT OR A C T U AT OR S) service life and to require R E MOT E OP E R AT ION A N D T R IP P IN G OF C IR C U IT B R E A KE R minimum maintenance in the most R E MOT E P OSIT ION IN D IC AT ION extreme conditions. IN T E RT R IP P IN G N E ON IN D IC AT ION C A ST E LL IN T E R LOC KS IN T E R LOC KE D T OFF C A B LE T E ST FA C ILIT Y T OP E N T RY C A B LE B OXE S ( IN D OOR ON LY) 1 SABRE range - total flexibility in the design The SABRE ring main unit is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. It can be used as a free standing unit or for transformer mounting to E.A.T.S. 35-1. The unit is fully extensible and highly flexible; suitable for use in a wide range of applications including distribution switchboards, transformer substations, ring distribution networks and for HV connections to industrial and commercial sites. A wide selection of product derivatives including extensible SABRE VRN Free standing ring switches, circuit breakers and air insulated metering units can be directly coupled to form multiple panel switchboards without the need for additional cabling or access to gas insulated chambers. SABRE SSE Extensible Ring Switch System Specification 2 Sabre Type Description VRN Vacuum Ring Main Unit - Non Extensible VRE Vacuum Ring Main Unit - Extensible VCE Vacuum Circuit Breaker - Extensible VCN Vacuum Circuit Breaker - Non Extensible SSE Single Switch - Extensible SSN Single Switch - Non Extensible DSE Double Switch - Extensible SABRE VRN TM SABRE VRE Transformer Mounted Extensible SABRE VRE Motorised for Automation and Remote Control SABRE VCE Extensible Circuit Breaker 3 SABRE - for maximum protection and operator safety Safety SABRE has been designed to ensure maximum operator safety. LIVE PA RT S A R E C ON TA IN E D WIT H IN A N E A RT H E D STA IN LE SS ST E E L E N C LOSU R E A SIN G LE LIN E D IA G R A M ON T H E FR ON T OF T H E U N IT IN C OR P OR A T E S ME C H A N IC A L P OSIT ION IN D IC A T OR S P OSIT IVE SA FE T Y IN T E R LOC KS ON A LL SWIT C H P OSIT ION S P R E VE N T IN C OR R E C T OP E R A T ION PA D LOC KIN G FA C ILIT IE S FOR A LL SWIT C H Application Guide A N D SE LE C T OR P OSIT ION S • TLF protection is generally utilised on smaller distribution IN T E R N A L A R C T E ST S A R E C A R R IE D OU T IN A C C OR D A NCE WIT H IE C 6 0 2 9 8 A N D E AT S 4 1 - 2 6 FOR 1 SE C ON D transformers where the normal full load current is low and discrimination with the LV circuit can be achieved by Protection fuse co-ordination. • Relay protection provides a range of time/current All options provide transformer overcurrent protection operational settings that can be adjusted to suit the for phase to phase faults. Earth fault protection covering transformer circuit. The protection is more precisely phase to earth faults is also available as required. set than with TLF. Therefore discrimination with the LV T LF ( T IME LIMIT FU SE S) : SIMP LE D IR E C T A C T IN G SYST EM protection system is more readily achievable. WIT H A FIXE D T IME /C U R R E N T C H A R A C T E R IST IC • Self-powered relays are particularly useful for outdoor SE LF P OWE R E D R E LA YS: D IR E C T A C T IN G SYST E M WIT H substation equipment where no auxiliary power is available. A D JU ST A B LE T IME /C U R R E N T C H A R A C T E R IST IC S A remote trip facility can be provided. AUXILIARY POWERED RELAYS: SEPARATELY SUPPLIED CONTROL SYSTEM WITH ADJUSTABLE TIME/CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS • Auxiliary powered relays provide operational security as they function independently from the circuit they are monitoring. Remote trip and fault trip/alarm facilities can be provided. System Voltage 11kV Transformer rating KVA 315 500 800 1000 1250 1500 1600 2000 Current 16 26 42 52 65 78 84 105 Protection A TLF • Relay • • • • • • • • • • • • • System Voltage 13.8kV Transformer rating KVA 500 800 1000 1250 1500 1600 2000 2500 Current A 21 33 42 52 62 67 84 105 Protection TLF • • • • • • • • • • • • • Relay 4 • SABRE - for compact package substations For single Ring Main Units or complete package LUCY Switchgear is a single source supplier providing high substations with fully integrated communication systems, quality package substations and fully integrated automation Lucy Switchgear offers you the ultimate solution for systems tailored to your specifications. maximum customer benefits: S IN G L E POIN T OF C O NT R AC T HANDL I NG Our SF6 insulated ring main units, circuit breakers or single switches can all be supplied for direct transformer mounting. In combination with the LUCY Switchgear's extensive range BETTER F OL L OW -U P AND I M P R O V E D C O - O R DI NAT I O N BE T WE E N S U PPL IER A N D CU S T O M E R IMPROV ED S U PPL Y C HAI N M ANAGE M E NT of distribution feeder pillars, we can offer complete indoor or outdoor package substations incorporating oil or dry type transformers, delivered fully assembled and direct to site. E XT E N SIB LE A N D N ON E XT E N SIB LE SA B R E U P T O 1 5.5KV M IN IM U M TIM E F O R I NS T AL L AT I O N AND C O M M I S S I O N IN G IN D OOR A N D OU T D OOR TR A N SFOR ME R S U P T O 2 5 00 KVA RED U CED PU RCH A S I NG AND L O GI S T I C S C O S T S LOW VOLT A G E FE E D E R P ILLA R S U P T O 2 4 0 0 A A U T OMAT ION A N D R E MOT E C ON T R OL SOLU T ION S 5 SABRE with automation - a safe investment With today's increased focus on operational efficiencies and capital budget constraints, the level of interest in automation technology has significantly grown. Lucy Switchgear can provide you with effective integrated switchgear automation solutions yielding maximum benefits in terms of enhanced network management. Our new generation SABRE responds to the changing customer demand for modern, fully automated and remote controlled switchgear. Our SABRE comes pre-wired for automation as standard. Both ring switches are supplied ready for motorised actuators with OPEN & CLOSE status indications. This allows you to retrofit and upgrade SABRE installed ring main units at a later date to meet your evolving operational needs. Options REMOTE OPERATION OF RING SWITH (PLUGIN TY PE M OTOR AC T UAT O R S ) REM OTE OPERATI O N AND T R I P P I NG O F C I R C UI T B R E AKE R REM OTE S TATU S I NDI C AT I O N L U CY S W ITCH G EAR GE M I NI - RT U ( O R T HI R D P AR T Y RTU S) Retrofit actuator solutions F A U L T PA S S A G E I NDI C AT O R S IN TERTRIPPIN G To address customers' requirements for remote monitoring and control, Lucy Switchgear has developed a reliable retrofit kit for the ring switches and circuit N EON PH A S E IN D I C AT I O N breaker of ring main equipment. The microprocessor driven rotary actuator is designed Automated SABRE benefits: for non-intrusive installation. Single or double actuators can be easily and rapidly fitted to the ring switches on EX TEN S ION OF S A B R E P R O DUC T L I F E C Y C L E site while the unit is in service, (no access is required to the internal workings of the RMU), thereby maintaining IM PROV ED QU A L I T Y AND R E L I AB I L I T Y EN H A N CED S Y S TE M P E R F O R M ANC E RED U CED OPERAT I NG C O S T 6 the integrity of electricity supply. SABRE and GEMINI - the powerful combination GEMINI-RTU D N P 3 P R OT OC OL A S ST A N D A R D – OT H E R S ON R E QU E ST: IE C 8 7 0 - 5 - 1 0 1 , WISP + For full automation and remote control functionality, SABRE can be equipped with our GEMINI-RTU controller. The GEMINI- LOC A L OR R E MOT E OP E R A T ION RTU is fully expandable to meet future network requirements FLE XIB LE C OMMU N IC A T ION S IN T E R FA C E - and compatible with existing systems. The control logic of RADIO, RS232, PAKNET, GSM, PSTN, PILOT OR LE A SE D WIR E S A N D FIB R E OP T IC the GEMINI-RTU can control up to a maximum of three switches via three sets of open/close push buttons and indications. 3 PHASE MONITORING OF VOLTAGES AND C U R R E N T S U SIN G A N A LOG U E IN P U T S Automation sequences can also be embedded within the GEMINI-RTU to perform user defined automation functions such as Auto-Changeover or Auto-Open. The schemes can be ISOLA T E D D IG IT A L IN P U T S D IG IT A L C ON T R OL OU T P U T S initiated by loss of HV or LV voltage, fault current detection or by combination of both. The status, following the initiation of an automation sequence, then being reported to the Control Centre for diagnostics and analytical purposes. FAULT PASSAGE PROCESSING EMBEDDED AUTOMATION SEQUENCING, IF REQUIRED ( I.E . A U T O- C H A N G E OVE R, A U T O- OP E N ) 24V BATTERY FOR CONTINUED OPERATION U N D E R P OWE R FA ILU R E C ON D IT ION S B A T T E R Y C ON D IT ION MON IT OR IN G G E MIN I- RT U SU P P LIE D ON A FLOOR MOU N T E D ST A N D OR WA LL MOU N T E D A S A N A LT E R N A T IVE GEMINI-SCADA Based on our GEMINI range of automation products, we can offer either a cost effective stand alone secondary control system or integrate with most existing SCADA systems for remote reconfiguration and real-time data analysis. Lucy Switchgear's bespoke systems, which are based on open software architecture and modular type GEMINI-RTU, can easily be upgraded and expanded as the customer adds secondary automated points to their Network Management System (NMS). 7 SABRE Diagrams VRE typical arrangement 1111 936 558 2078 1114 495 Front view 8 Left hand side view VRN VRE VCN VCE SSE DSE Non Extensible Extensible Non Extensible Extensible Extensible Extensible SABRE electrical performance SABRE Transformer SABRE Feeder RMU Sectionaliser RMU 12kV (15.5kV) 12kV (15.5kV) 75 kV (95kV) 75 kV (95kV) Ring Switches 630 A 630 A Circuit Breaker 200A 400 A Ring Switches 50 kA 50 kA Circuit Breaker 50 kA 50 kA 20 kA RMS 20 kA RMS Ring Switches 20 kA 20 kA Tee to Circuit Breaker 20 kA 20 kA 50 kA 50 kA 3.15 kA 50 kA Freestanding 20 kA 1 sec 20 kA 1 sec Transformer Mounted 20 kA 1 sec - Rated Voltage (kV) Impulse Withstand Voltage (kV Peak) Rated Current Short Circuit Peak Making Current Short Circuit Breaking Current Circuit Breaker 3 Second Short Time Current Earth Switch Peak Making Current Ring Switches Tee to Circuit Breaker Internal Arc Rating Gas Pressure Filling Pressure at 20º C 0.4 Bar G 0.4 Bar G Minimum Operating Pressure 0.05 Bar G 0.05 Bar G IP33 (IP54) IP33D (IP54) Height (on standard support legs) 1658 mm 1658 mm Width (with cable boxes) 936 mm 936 mm Depth (with cable box) 1111 mm 1111 mm Weight (approx) 410 Kg 410 Kg IP Rating Dimensions Protection Time Limit Fuse • • Auxiliary Powered Relay • • Self Powered Relay • • BS EN 60265-1 BS EN 60265-1 Testing Standards IEC 60056 IEC 60056 BS EN 60129 BS EN 60129 BS EN 60694 BS EN 60694 BS EN 60298 BS EN 60298 (Ratings in brackets are optional) 9 utilities uk Our major customers include: AQUILA NETWORKS 24 SEVEN EAST MIDLANDS ELECTRICITY NORTHERN ELECTRIC NORTHERN IRELAND ELECTRICITY SCOTTISH POWER SEEBOARD SCOTTICH & SOUTHERN ENERGY WPD industry uk A global network CEGELEC KVAERNER In association with industrial partners and contractors, Lucy MINISTRY OF DEFENCE FORD MOTOR COMPANY S E V E R N T R E N T W AT E R Switchgear has established a global network operating in over 50 countries. Currently its 50 agents, joint venture associates A N G L I A N W AT E R and trading partners represent Lucy Switchgear products all export worldwide Delivering Lucy Switchgear products worldwide: CLP • HONG KONG over the world from Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, Africa, Australasia, Central America, the Caribbean to South America thus strengthening the Lucy presence globally. With headquarters in Oxford, UK, and a main regional office ADWEA • ABU DHABI MEW • KUWAIT MEW • BAHRAIN in Dubai, servicing the Middle East, the Lucy group is constantly looking to develop further partnerships. DEWA • DUBAI JEPC • JORDAN ENERGEX • AUSTRALIA NEPA • NIGERIA UEB • UGANDA ECG • GHANA K P L C • K E N YA CODENSA • COLOMBIA Walton Well Road • Oxford OX2 6EE • United Kingdom telephone +44 (0)1865 311411 fax +44 (0)1865 310504 email internet LS00002 SABRE RMU 08 2002