Observation of Teaching and Learning

Adult Community Learning
Observation of Teaching and
Policy and Procedures
August 2014
July 2015
Observation of Teaching and Learning (OTL)
1 Introduction and aim ........................................................................................... 3
2. Management of the observation process ........................................................... 4
3. Internal Moderation of the observation process ................................................. 4
4 Moderation meetings: ......................................................................................... 5
5. Appeals and Disputes ........................................................................................ 5
6. Observation of Teaching and Learning process ................................................. 5
7. Appeals and Disputes ........................................................................................ 7
8. Monitoring and review ........................................................................................ 9
Quality Assurance Process for Teaching and Learning ........................................ 10
Quality Manager’s responsibilities ........................................................................ 11
Observation Team responsibilities ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
A tutor’s responsibilities ........................................................................................ 13
Observation of Teaching and Learning (OTL) Record .......................................... 14
Notice of observation of teaching & learning form ................................................ 15
Observation Record Form .................................................................................... 16
Introduction and aim
The aim of Lesson Observation:
Routine observation, both formal and informal, of teaching and learning is an integral part
of our Quality Improvement and Self-assessment process. It is a key factor in supporting
continuous improvement in the delivery of teaching and learning:
to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs and interests of learners
to demonstrate the quality of learning and teaching across all programmes
to create a culture of reflection
that good practice is identified and disseminated
to identify trends in staff development needs
to evidence the quality of teaching and learning to inform the SelfAssessment Report
to ensure evidence and support is provided for tutors/assessors linked to CPD
and performance and development processes
to ensure that tutors/assessors and learners are familiar with Inspection-like
procedures within the supportive ethos of Adult Community Learning
to ensure the standards of the Common Inspection Framework are
understood and practised by all teaching staff
to support professional development
to provide evidence for appropriate formal procedures such as performance
Observation will be:
Supportive to tutors/assessors and to learners
Focused on the learning outcomes within the session and how they contribute the
overall objectives
Conducted in a spirit of mutual respect between the observed and the
Carried out in accordance with the agreed protocol
The starting point of a development process, aiming to be supportive of tutors I
assessors and should be a positive experience.
An opportunity for tutors to reflect on their teaching.
Observation will result in:
A written record of classroom performance for every tutor
Identification of areas for development/sharing of best practice
An evaluation of the process to inform our self-assessment review
Observations will focus on the effectiveness of the learning process and teaching
techniques will be judged in terms of the learning that is taking place in the
The main focus of an observation is to gather evidence against aspects of the “Common
Inspection Framework for Further Education and Skills 2012” and “Recognising and
Recording Progress and Achievement in non-accredited learning” (RARPA), particularly
relating to teaching and learning, assessment and achievement.
Observations will be completed for all new tutors, tutors whose observation has been
graded at a 3 or 4, centres causing concern or if there are any changes in
circumstances. In addition, all tutors will be subject to routine no notice observations,
carried out on a rotational basis carried out throughout the year.
Management of the observation process
Overall responsibility for the Observation of Teaching and Learning Policy lies with
RMBC’s Adult Community Learning Senior Management Team, which will co-ordinate
with members of the Observation team to carry out the day to day operation function of
the processes. The observation team will consist of appropriate members of RMBC
Internal Moderation of the observation process
The purpose of carrying out internal moderation is to ensure a consistent approach in the
process of lesson observations and grading and to share good practice and areas requiring
improvement. In order to complete an effective moderation the following documents are
OTL Report- with tutor's/assessor's comments
Performance Notes
Any other relevant documentation.
The first stage of moderation will be to carry out joint observations, to establish a
standardisation process. A risk management process will be used to determine the spread
and proportion of observations by tutor. Observation reports will be standardised with
another member of the observation team, prior to being sent out.
Moderation meetings:
The membership of the Moderation Panel will consist of the Observation Team, an external
provider (providers to participate on a rotational basis) and a Chair. Moderation meetings
will take place on a termly basis. All staff who have been involved in conducting
observations will be required to attend meetings of the Moderation Panel. All observation
records produced will be considered at the meeting. The Chair will be responsible for
ensuring that an overall Moderation Report is produced at the end of each meeting. These
records will form an important element of evidence for self- assessment.
Appeals and Disputes
If a tutor/assessor feels that they have been treated unfairly during the observation process,
they have the right to appeal. Procedures in this policy will be followed.
Observation of Teaching and Learning process
Prior to the Observation
the Quality Manager will inform providers/tutors that an observation may
take place this half-term.
Visits will usually be for a minimum of one hour and, if the session runs for a longer
period, the observer and tutor should negotiate which part of the lesson is to be
The observer may feel that they would prefer to stay for the whole session to ensure
that the learning goals have been achieved and the tutor should be informed if this is
the case.
The observer should spend enough time to enable them to make valid and reliable
judgements on the standards of learning and teaching.
Providers/tutors will also be sent copies of the following documentation, prior to
o Observation of Teaching and Learning Record,
o Ofsted Grading Criteria
o Judging the Standard of OTL grades
Tutors should ensure that learners are aware of the purpose of the observation.
During the Observation
 The observer should arrive before the session so that the tutor can explain the
lesson and describe the learner group.
 The observer will request to see a copy of documentation used to support the
 The observer should sit in a part of the classroom arranged with the tutor and should be
as unobtrusive as possible. .
The observer and tutor should discuss how the observer is to be presented to
learners so they are not intimidated by the experience.
 Tutors should be aware that the observer might wish to speak to the learners and
see their work.
 On leaving the session, the observer should give some verbal feedback, but not a
judgement grade. The observer will inform the tutor of the date of the next
moderation panel meeting where the assessment grade will be discussed and
confirmed. Written feedback of the judgement will be made within 7 working days of
the Moderation Panel meeting.
The observer should ensure the tutor receives effective feedback. An appointment will be
made by the observer with the tutor, within:
7 days for grades 3 and 4
14 days for grades 1 and 2
of the observation taking place to give verbal feedback and a written report of the
observation with the judgement outcomes.. The report will highlight any development needs
or areas of best practice to be shared. A copy of the development plan will be shared with
tutor’s employer/line manager.
In the event of the moderation process reducing a tutor’s observation grade to less than
Grade 3 the tutor will be re-observed within an agreed time period.
Verbal feedback should take place where there are no interruptions.
The Observation of Teaching and Learning should be a positive, affirmative experience and
tutors are encouraged to give feedback on the experience, as this is helpful for future
development of observations.
Appeals and Disputes
All tutors have the right to raise an appeal relating to their Observation of Teaching
and Learning.
Adult Community Learning recognises the importance of establishing a mechanism
by which individual tutors can raise an appeal so that disputes can be resolved at
the earliest possible opportunity.
The appeals process
All observation grade outcomes will be moderated through the Adult Community Learning
Moderation Panel, prior to the observation feedback meeting between the observer and
tutor. However, if a tutor feels that they have been treated unfairly during the observation
and moderation process, they have the right to appeal. Any dispute between the observer
and the tutor should be referred back to the OTL Moderation Panel. The tutor needs to
provide positive evidence in writing to support the appeal and may request another visit by
a different observer. If the appeal cannot be resolved it should then be passed onto the
Senior Management Team of Rotherham School Effectiveness Service. If they are not able
to resolve the matter, tutors will be advised of further steps that they may take to pursue the
dispute in accordance with the Appeals Policy at the earliest possible opportunity by
following this procedure and at the latest within one month of the OTL moderation panel
7. Monitoring of Development Needs
The line manager/contracted provider is responsible for ensuring that a tutor’s development
needs are addressed and any subsequent targets/actions are met. The Quality consultant
will monitor the process and clarify with the external provider how they intend to support the
tutor’s development needs. Non-compliance will result in the provider having to replace the
Informal OTL Appeal
Initially, where a tutor believes:
that an observation was not fairly conducted according to the protocols
or an observation record and grade do not give an accurate picture of the observed
The tutor should attempt to settle their OTL appeal informally with their line manager/their
employer within 10 days of the meeting of the moderation panel by initially exploring in
discussions as follows:
Where observation has been conducted by an observer the tutor should ask for a
discussion with one of the members of the OTL Moderation Panel, stating why they feel the
observation did not follow the protocol or the record was not accurate.
Internal tutors: Where observation has been conducted by a manager who is also their
line manager, the tutor should ask for a discussion with one of the members of the OTL
panel, stating why they feel the observation did not follow the protocol or the record was not
accurate or the action plan was not agreed. They will allocate another member of the team
to deal with concerns. If agreement on a way forward cannot be reached, the tutor may
request that the OTL Appeal procedure is followed.
Where an observer is concerned about an observation:
If an observer feels that a tutor has not co-operated as required in the observation process,
they must make this clear to the tutor as soon as possible. If informal discussion at this
point cannot resolve any problems, the observer will make a written report to the tutor’s line
manager/the contracted provider of their concerns.
An allocated member of the OTL Moderation Panel will discuss the report with the observer
and tutor and resolve any misunderstandings about responsibilities. Engagement in
classroom observations is a normal activity for all tutors delivering Adult Community
Learning programmes and if a satisfactory outcome cannot be agreed, further action may
Matters not covered by the policy:
Some matters do not fall within the scope of this policy:•
Disciplinary matters, personal harassment, contract compliance, sickness and other
policies and procedures that contain a right of appeal.
When the OTL appeal procedure will not apply
In certain circumstances, the OTL Appeal procedure will not apply:
When the employee wishes to complain about an actual or threatened dismissal or
where a provider wishes to appeal against contractual procedure
When the employee wishes to complain about (actual or threatened) action short of
dismissal to which the standard disciplinary procedure applies, unless the OTL
Appeal is one that involves unlawful discrimination (including under the Equal Pay
Act) or is not genuinely on grounds of capability or conduct.
Monitoring and review
The Lead Managers of Adult Community Learning, the Observation Moderation
Panel and Observers are responsible for ensuring that this Policy and Procedures is
followed for all tutors. This includes monitoring of the Policy and its effectiveness
within RMBC Adult Community Learning in order to ensure compliance with The
Equality Act 2010 and any other relevant legislation.
Quality Assurance Process for Teaching and Learning
informal feedback
after observation,
no judgement
grade given
Standardisation of
judgment grades
Observations of teaching and
Judgment grades to be
standardised by 2 members of the
observation team within:
5 days of observation for grade 3
and 4
Observation of teaching and learning
Moderation panel
JJones to produce report for QIG and PMG, after
each moderation panel
Quality Improvement Group (QIG)
Establishment of priorities for:
Training programme in response to
OTL observations
 Future OTL observations
 Inform remit of tutor forum and
networking activities
7 days of observation for grades 3 and 4
14 days for grades 1 and 2
A copy of the development plan is to be
sent to the tutor’s line
manager/contracted provider/
. Judgement grades will also be
subject to agreement through the
termly moderation meeting
Performance Management Group
Monitoring progress and review of Grade 3
and 4 judgements
Non-compliance with development
plan/no progress
Internal Tutor’s:
Line manager
ACL Steering group
10 days for grades 1 and 2
Observers to give formal
verbal feedback to tutors and a
copy of the observation report
and judgement grade within:
Development needs
Development needs identified with tutors and
contracted providers/line managers. .
The line manager/contracted provider to be
responsible for ensuring that a tutor’s
development needs are addressed and any
subsequent targets/actions are met.
Progress against action plans to be
monitored by JJones.
Issues logged on Contract for cause for
concern database
Monthly progress reports to PMG
Observation of Teaching and Learning Procedures:
Quality Manager’s responsibilities:
Identify tutors who are to be observed according to the following priorities:
new tutors (OTL judgement outcomes by other providers, may be accepted subject to QA
tutors who previously have had a grade 3 or 4 judgement
tutors who have not been observed in the last academic year
Set OTL schedule for the term
One week before the observation cycle:
Inform the observation team who they will
be observing in the first half of the term
and where possible the second half of the
term (subject to confirmation of timetables)
with the date that emails will be sent to
tutors, to inform them of the 6 week
observation cycle
Put observation appointments in team’s
Monitor progress of observations against schedule
Monitor and log outcomes of observation judgements, after moderation panel meetings – RAG
rate tutors, according to findings
Monitor progress against individual development plans. Contact external providers as required,
as to how they will support tutors with identified development needs, through ACL training and
support or other.
Report findings to the Quality Improvement Group and the Performance Management Group
ACL Steering Group
Observation cycle procedures for the observation team
Quality Consultant to schedule OTL observations for the term
Appointments to be put in observer’s outlook diaries
Observer to check date, time, and focus of the observation and refer back to any previously
identified development needs (if tutor has been observed previously).
Observe tutor for a minimum of 1 hour, check paperwork, make performance notes and speak to
learners. Give brief verbal feedback, but do not discuss the grade. Agree a time for formal verbal
feedback if possible
Write up observation using performance notes to make judgements, in order to grade lesson
Standardise judgement grade with 1 other member of OTL team, within
*5 working days for judgment grades 3 and 4
*10 working days for judgement grades 1 and 2
Arrange the date, place and time of a meeting to give verbal feedback within:
*7 working days for judgment grades 3 and 4
*14 working days for judgement grades 1 and 2
Feedback meeting, discuss any self-evaluation, judgements and development issues.
Send a copy of the identified development points to the line manager/contracted provider and a
copy of full observation report to the Quality Consultant
Grades 1 -2
Grade 4
Tutor considered to be unsafe
due to Equality and Diversity, Health
and Safety or Safeguarding issues
Grades 3 and 4
Re-observation timeline to be agreed
between observer and tutor
Observer to stop the class.
Quality Consultant to email tutor Post Observation Feedback Form, to evaluate the process after the verbal
feedback has taken place
Observation of Teaching and Learning procedures - Improving practice
A tutor’s responsibilities
Six week notice of the forthcoming observation sent to the tutor (with a copy to the contracted provider where
The tutor must check their timetable for accuracy and notify the observer of any changes. Note: if no
response is received within 7 working days (except in exceptional circumstances), a Grade 4 judgement
outcome will automatically be awarded. The tutor will then be notified formally in writing to attend a meeting
(notification will be sent to their line manager/the contracted provider). The process for dealing with a Grade 4
observation will be followed.
The observation will be carried out with informal verbal feedback given. A grade will not be allocated at this
For judgement grades 3 and 4: Tutor to be informed of date of feedback meeting by observer:
*Grades 3 and 4 within 7 days
*Grades 1 and 2 wihin 14 days
Judgement grades to be shared with the tutor
Development needs /areas of best practice to be shared, to be discussed with the tutor.
The grade will be discussed with the tutor. A copy of the development needs and the observation report will
be sent to the tutor’s line manager/the contracted provider after the feedback meeting.
Tutor to complete an evaluation form of the observation process, to feed into Rotherham Community
Learning’s Self-Assessment Report.
Tutors to discuss development needs with their line manager/the contracted provider
Observation of Teaching and Learning (OTL) Record
Tutor's Name:
Observer’s Name:
Internal Tutor
Tutor contact details:
Email and telephone
Name of Provider
Course Title:
Provider contact details:
Email and telephone
Observation Grade:
Moderated Grade:
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Notice of observation of teaching & learning form
Re: Observation of Teaching & Learning
The Observation of Teaching and Learning (OTL) is part of our Quality Improvement and Selfassessment process, whereby all tutors delivering Rotherham Adult Community Learning
programmes are to be observed. As a result of this, please expect me or a member of our
observation team to visit one of your classes during the half term …….(dates) to ……..(dates). In
order to address the requirements of the 2012 Ofsted Common Inspection Framework, all
observations are carried out without prior notification.
To help the observation process, please make sure that your course file is available during the
session. Where appropriate, I will refer to any previous OTL Action Plan.
Further information about the observation process can be found in the Good Practice Guide. Please
contact Maherun Choudhury for further details.
If you do have any other queries about the process, please contact me on the number below. I
look forward to seeing you and observing you and your learners in action.
For your information, please find attached a copy of the observation record and paperwork that is
used to support the observation process.
Yours sincerely
Observation Record Form
Tutor's Name:
Area of Learning:
Course Title:
Level being observed:
Observer’s Name:
No. of students on Register:
No. in class:
No. late:
Example of Initial Assessment Activity
Scheme of Work
Tutor Record of Learner Progress
Lesson Plans (up to and including observed
Tutor course review and evaluation
Individual Learning Records
Progression information
Student work
Summary of Observation
Areas of good practice to be shared?
Areas requiring improvement:
Areas of development for tutor/ or curriculum team
Equality and Diversity
Do learners feel safe?
Health and Safety
Links to everyday life and work
Use of ILT
Literacy, Language and Numeracy Support
Observation Grade
1. Outstanding
2. Good
3. Requires
4. Inadequate
2. Good
3. Requires
4. Inadequate
1. Outstanding
Observation of Teaching and Learning
Performance Notes
Strengths &
Outcomes for Learners
Strengths &
Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Strengths &
Management of Learning
Observation of Teaching and Learning
Post observation development points /areas of best practice to be shared
Name of tutor:
Development points
Areas of best practice to be shared
Name of observer:
Name of tutor: