x = 7 S T A I R W E L L M A N A G E M E N T . When x = safety, there are a lot of variables to consider. Slick or slip- pery surfaces create the kind of problems businesses like to avoid. Smart organizations invest in keeping their people safe and grounded. They look to Johnsonite’s complete system of stairwell solutions: Treads. Risers. Tread and riser combos. Plus the landing tiles, nosings and accessories solutions intended to keep people on their feet and you out of the courtroom. stairwell management s tairwell m an agem ent 148 Rubber Stair Treads with Integrated Risers 149 Rubber Stair Treads 150 Striping Solutions for the Visually Impaired 151 Vinyl Stair Treads 152 Stairwell Accessories 7.14 6 | solve for x s tairwell m an agem ent Stairwell design. We know that safety is the number one variable in stairwell design. That’s why we’re committed to providing stairwell solutions that are safe for the people who use them – even those who sprint up the stairs two at a time, or wear high heels. But solving for safety doesn’t have to mean throwing design out the window – or down the stairs. We believe that stairwells can do more than securely move people from one floor to the next. They can elevate the aesthetics and productivity of the organization. That’s why we offer the most complete, integrated stairwell management system in the industry. joh n so n ite . com Take inspiration up a level. 100 solid c o l o rs or P HO T O - MicroTone™ L U M INE S CEN T S P EC K L E D IN S E R T with rubber m e tall u r g y ™ or TREAD or or riser without R UBBE R 10 textures i n s e rts or or RISER pr i ma ® g r i t tap e mar b l e i z e d IN S E R T S o r o l i o® Then there’s an entire world of textures to explore. With the Johnsonite portfolio, you can design safe AND aesthetically satisfying stairwells. It starts with choices. Do you want rubber or vinyl? With or Or would metallic be better? s e l e c t pr o d u c t 2 or grit tape. Pick your preferences in the pages that follow and make “taking the stairs” a little more appealing. without risers? A solid color or a marble look? 1 You can stop there or wrap it all up with rubber inserts mak e c h o i c e s 3 7 c o l o rs vinyl vinyl TREAD i n s e rts 5 tr e ad st y l e s or g r i t tap e IN S E R T S P HO T O or L U M INE S CEN T IN S E R T Rubber Stair Treads C h o o se f r o m stan d ar d trea d s o r trea d / riser c o m b inati o ns . R u b b er T rea d wit h I ntegrate d R iser R u b b er T rea d wit h I ntegrate d R iser f o r t h e V is u all y I m p aire d Raised Round Tread/Riser (rtr-rd) A B z ❋ ▲★ Raised Square Tread/Riser (rtr-sq) A B z ❋ ■▲ Hammered Tread/Riser (htr) A B Z ❋ ■ ▲ *Hammered Tread also available in 14" depth. Bamboo Tread/Riser (BMTR) A B x ❋ ■▲ Cubis Tread/Riser (CUTR) A B x ❋ ▲★ Fast Lane™ Tread/Riser (CFLTR) A B x ❋ ▲★ Diamond Tread/Riser (CNTR) A B x ❋ ■▲ Rice Paper Tread/Riser (FRPTR) johnsonite.com A B x ❋ ■▲ Raised Round Tread/Riser Visually Impaired (virtr-rd) A B z ❋ ▲★ ✚ Raised Square Tread/Riser Visually Impaired (virtr-sq) A B z ❋ ■ ▲✚ Hammered Tread/Riser Visually Impaired (vihtr) A B Z ❋ ■ ▲✚ Bamboo Tread/Riser Visually Impaired (VIBMTR) A B x ❋ ■ ▲✚ VIRTR-Rd. VIRTR-Sq. VIhTR VIbmTR Cubis Tread/Riser Visually Impaired (VICUTR) A B x ❋ ▲★✚ VICuTR Fast Lane Tread/Riser Visually Impaired (VICFLTR) A B x ❋ ▲★✚ VICFLTR Diamond Tread/Riser Visually Impaired (viCNTR) A B x ❋ ■ ▲✚ CNTR VICNTR Rice Paper Tread/Riser Visually Impaired (viFRPTR) A B x ❋ ■ ▲✚ CNTR VIFRPTR B = Color Palette B. Reference color guide in back. ■ = MicroTone ™ for details. Speckled colorways. See page 36 page 28 for details. P h t h alate , h alo gen and ch lo ri ne free = Can be special ordered in Prima® Marbleized and Prima Olio® colorways. Visit johnsonite.com. See page 26 for details. S tring er S ta ir T read ★ = Can be special ordered in Speckled colorways. See page 36 for details. Riser si z es / availa b le lengt h s x = 3', 3.5', 4', 4.5', 5', 6' Y = 3', 3.5', 4', 4.5', 5', 6', 7', 8' z = 3', 3.5', 4', 4.5', 5', 6', 7', 8', 9' 7.14 9 = Can be ordered in Metallurgy colorways. See ✚ | I n d o o r A ir Q ualit y Low Emi tti ng materi als EQ 4.3 F lo o r S co r e c e rti FIed and meets C A 01350 S TA I R T R E A D I N S E R T CO L O R CO M B I N AT I O N S = See chart on page 150 for recommended contrasting color combinations. Hinged nose for angled steps. = ❋ te x t u res p g . 19 a d hesives p g . 192 L anding T ile stan d ar d R u b b er T rea d s stan d ar d R u b b er T rea d s f o r t h e V is u all y I m p aire d Raised Round Tread (rh-rd) A B Y ❋ Raised Round Tread without Riser Visually Impaired (virh-rd) ▲★ Raised Square Tread (rh-sq) A B x ❋ A B Z ❋ ■ ▲ Service Weight Smooth Tread (S) A B x A B x ❋ ■▲ Heavy-Duty Smooth Tread (GS) B B x Rice Paper Tread (FRPT) A HMT HMTD A B x ❋ B ■▲ x ▲★ ✚ ■▲✚ Hammered Tread* without Riser Visually Impaired (VIHMT) A B Z ❋ ■ ▲✚ Service Weight Smooth Tread Visually Impaired (vis) B ✚x Heavy-Duty Diamond Tread Visually Impaired (vicN) A B ■ ▲✚ ❋ Heavy-Duty Smooth Tread Visually Impaired (vig) A Sur-Grip Tread (sg) A ❋ A Heavy-Duty Diamond Tread (cN) A B Y Raised Square Tread without Riser Visually Impaired (virh-sq) ■▲ Hammered Tread (HMT) 12 1/4" deep (HMTD) 14" deep A B ✚x Sur-Grip Tread Visually Impaired (visg) A B ✚x Rice Paper Tread Visually Impaired (viFRPT) A B ■ ▲✚ x Service Weight Safe-T-Grip Tread (sa) A B x Heavy-Duty Safe-T-Grip Tread (G) A B x s o lve f o r x CO L O R PA L E T T E AVA I L A B I L I T Y A = Color Palette A. Reference color guide in back. Scan with your smartphone to order samples, view case studies, see more photos or find specs and warranty information. Striping Solutions for the Visually Impaired Without question, Johnsonite stairwell solutions focus on safety. We offer stair treads and stair nosings in many colors with contrasting insert options to increase visibility and reduce liability. Choose from several functional and design options including Grit Tape (preferred for entryway applications), solid color rubber inserts, Prima® Marbleized rubber inserts or photoluminescent inserts. When safety is factored into your space design formula, Johnsonite rubber stair treads with contrasting inserts protect people and the bottom line. V is u all y I m p aire d C o l o r S o l u ti o ns grit ta p e C O L O R Black L an d ing T ile All tiles available in 24" x 24". Smooth is also available in 12" x 12". B ▲Smooth (C) A 47 Brown Grey 55 Silver Grey Tan 49 Beige Yellow 75 Lemon White 85 Burgundy Black: Grit tape contrasts with colors 01, 05, 12, 21, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 38, 41, 43, 48, 55, 58, 59, 62, 71, 75, 84, 103, 106, 121, 129, 134, 135, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 150, 151, 163, 166, 190, 192, 275, 280, 282, 289, 291, 293, 470, 472, 476, 486, 590, 591, 592, 593, LA2, LA3, LA5, LA6, LA8, LB4, LB6, LC8, LC1, LC2, LC3, LC4, LC5, LC6, LC7, LD1, LD2, LD4, LD5, LD7, LE1, LE3, LE7, LF2, LF6, LF8, LF9, LG1, LG3, LG8, LH3, LH7, LJ1, LJ2, LJ3, LJ5, LJ7, LJ8, LJ9, LK1 40 Black: Grit tape contrasts with colors 01, 05, 12, 21, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 38, 41, 43, 48, 55, 58, 59, 62, 71, 75, 84, 103, 106, 121, 129, 134, 135, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 150, 151, 163, 166, 190, 192, 275, 280, 282, 289, 291, 293, 470, 472, 476, 486, 590, 591, 592, 593, LA2, LA3, LA5, LA6, LA8, LB4, LB6, LC8, LC1, LC2, LC3, LC4, LC5, LC6, LC7, LD1, LD2, LD4, LD5, LD7, LE1, LE3, LE7, LF2, LF6, LF8, LF9, LG1, LG3, LG8, LH3, LH7, LJ1, LJ2, LJ3, LJ5, LJ7, LJ8, LJ9, LK1 Brown: 09, 11, 19, 22, 33, 34, 42, 45, 49, 60, 80, 111, 112, 130, 146, 165, 285, 469, 473, 474, 475, LA1, LA9, LB2, LB3, LC9, LD8, LD9, LE2, LE4, LE5, LE8, LE9, LF1, LF3, LF4, LG4, LG7, LG9, LH2, LH4 47 Brown: 09, 11, 19, 22, 33, 34, 42, 45, 49, 60, 80, 111, 112, 130, 146, 165, 285, 469, 473, 474, 475, LA1, LA9, LB2, LB3, LC9, LD8, LD9, LE2, LE4, LE5, LE8, LE9, LF1, LF3, LF4, LG4, LG7, LG9, LH2, LH4 Grey: 15, 18, 20, 40, 72, 73, 85, 86, 92, 148, 162, 168, 294, 471, LB5, LB8, LB9, LD3, LE6, LF5, LG2, LG6, LH7, LH9 55 Silver Grey: 15, 18, 20, 40, 72, 73, 85, 86, 92, 148, 162, 168, 294, 471, LB5, LB8, LB9, LD3, LE6, LF5, LG2, LG6, LH7, LH9 Tan: 47, 63, 76, 101, 113, 132, 167, 284, 287, 548, 725, LA7, LB1, LD6 49 Beige: 47, 63, 76, 101, 113, 132, 167, 284, 287, 548, 725, LA7, LB1, LD6 Yellow: 70, 74, LB7, LF7, LJ4 75 Lemon: 70, 74, LB7, LF7, LJ4 White Grit Tape available by special order 85 Burgundy Insert contrasts with colors 60 B Diamond (C) All tile textures can be used as landing tile. R u b b er L an d ing T ile f o r Use wit h V in y l S tair T rea d s A Tiles available in 24" x 24" and in 12" x 12". B Smooth (C) All tile textures can be used as landing tile. s e c t i o n n o . 7 : S ta i rw e ll ma n a g e m e n t johnsonite.com s o li d c o l o r r u b b er insert 40 Black Brown Photoluminescent Tape available A ✚ Scan with your smartphone to order samples, view case studies, see more photos or find specs and warranty information. When safety is an issue but cost is a concern, solve for x with vinyl stair treads, a more | affordable stairwell solution. They are available with contrasting inserts to satisfy 7.1 51 California Title 24 requirements, ADA Recommendations for the Visually Impaired, and commercial requirements for slip resistance. V in y l T rea d s f o r t h e V is u all y I m p aire d V in y l T rea d s Heavy-Duty Square Nose (HD) A Heavy-Duty Square Nose Visually Impaired (vihd) W A Safe-T-Rib® Square Nose (HT) A W A W ✚ W Safe-T-Rib Round Nose Visually Impaired (viht) W A Service Weight Square Nose (ST) A ✖ Safe-T-Rib Square Nose Visually Impaired (viht) Safe-T-Rib Round Nose (HT) A ✚ W Safe-T-Grip Square Nose Visually Impaired (vivg) W A ✚ W Service Weight Round Nose (St) A W V is u all y I m p aire d C o l o r S o l u ti o ns R ec ycle d Co ntent P r e - Co n s um e r 14 %; MR 4 grit tape COLOR I n d o o r A ir Q ualit y Low Emitting materials EQ 4.3 Flo o r S co r e c e rti FIed and m e e ts C A 013 5 0 ✚ co - e x t r u d e d vinyl insert ✖ Black 40 Black Brown 47 Brown Phthalate free, except for recycled materials Grey 55 Silver Grey T VOC ≤ 10 0 µg / m 3 Tan 49 Beige Yellow 75 Lemon White 85 Burgundy Photoluminescent White CO L O R PA L E T T E AVA I L A B I L I T Y A = Color Palette A plus 15 Cabernet, 60 Taupe, 132 Espresso, 150 Wetlands and 167 Fudge. Reference color guide in back. B = Color Palette B. ▲ =Can be specially ordered in Prima Marbleized ® and Prima Olio® colorways. Visit johnsonite.com. See page 26 for details. Minimums may apply. S TA I R T R E A D I N S E R T CO L O R CO M B I N AT I O N S = See chart at right for recommended contrasting color combinations. ✚ ee chart at right for recommended ✖ = Scontrasting color combinations. si z es / availa b le lengt h s = 3', 3.5', 4', 6', 8', 12' W a d hesives p g . 192 s o lve f o r x Vinyl Stair Treads Black Grit Tape contrasts with colors 01, 05, 12, 21, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 38, 41, 43, 48, 55, 58, 59, 62, 71, 75, 84, 103, 106, 121, 129 Brown Grit Tape contrasts with colors 09, 11, 19, 22, 33, 34, 42, 45, 49, 60, 80, 111, 112 Grey Grit Tape contrasts with colors 15, 18, 20, 40, 72, 73, 85, 86, 92, 106 Photoluminescent 40 Black Insert contrasts with colors 01, 05, 12, 21, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 38, 41, 43, 48, 55, 58, 59, 62, 71, 75, 84, 103, 106, 121, 129 47 Brown Insert contrasts with colors 09, 11, 19, 22, 34, 42, 45, 49, 80, 111, 112 55 Silver Grey Insert contrasts with colors 15, 18, 20, 40, 72, 73, 85, 86, 92, 106 Tan Grit Tape contrasts with colors 47, 63, 76, 101, 113 49 Beige Insert contrasts with colors 47, 63, 76, 132, 167 Yellow Grit Tape contrasts with colors 70, 74 75 Lemon Insert contrasts with colors 70,74 White Grit Tape available by special order 85 Burgundy Insert contrasts with colors 33, 60 Photoluminescent Tape Insert available White Grit Tape available by special order Photoluminescent Yellow or white co-extruded insert available Scan with your smartphone to order samples, view case studies, see more photos or find specs and warranty information. Stairwell Accessories m e tall i c sl i ml i n e n o s i n g s ar e a v a i la b l e e x c l u s i v e l y b y j o h n s o n i t e . s h o w n h e r e : sl n - a i n 6 9 st e rl i n g s i l v e r . johnsonite.com item SIZE GAUGE Stringers 10" x 50' .080" Risers 6" x 4' 6" x 120' 7" x 4' 7" x 50' .080" .080" .080" .080" A Vinyl stringers and risers are available to coordinate with vinyl or rubber treads in your choice of more than 30 colors including ColorMatch. T actile W arning S u r f ace VIRCN-XX-B2 P h t h alate fr e e , e xcept f o r recycled mate r i als T VOC ≤ 10 0 µg / m 3 CO L O R PA L E T T E AVA I L A B I L I T Y A =Color Palette A plus 15 Cabernet, 60 Taupe, 132 Espresso, 150 Wetlands and 167 Fudge. Reference color guide in back. B =Color Palette B. Reference color guide in back. D =Color Palette D. Reference color guide in back. ▲=Can be specially ordered in Speckled, Prima Marbleized and Prima Olio colorways. Visit johnsonite.com. Minimums may apply. * = Also available in 50 White. ✓ = Available without contrasting strip. chart on page 151 for contrasting ✚ =See Grit Tape colors. ✖ =See chart on page 151 for contrasting solid insert colors. a d hesives p g . 192 2-3/4" 1/8" 1/8" material. 3" 1/8" A RCN-XX-B A VITSN-XX 1/8" material w/lip or 3/16" w/o lip. 3" Top set with 2" co-extruded visually impaired strip. 3" 1/8" A DTN-XX VIRCN-XX-A 3-1/8" 1/4" A 2-3/8" 1/4" or 5/16" material. 2" co-extruded visually impaired strip. RCN-XX-A A *✓ 2" 1/4" 2-1/4" 1/4" or 5/16" material. 3-3/16" 1/4" 1-7/16" 1/4" or 5/16" material for step and riser. 2" co-extruded visually impaired strip. 1-3/4" Top set stair nosing for residential use. 2" A * 2-3/4" VCD-XX A *✓ 1/4" 1-3/4" 11/16" 1/4" 1/4" or 5/16" material on step and riser. slim line S tair N o sing S A SLN-XX-A 1/4" material on step to 1/4" material on riser. A 1/4" 13/16" 1/4" 3-1/8" 3/8" 2" D A 1-13/32" 7/32" material on step to 1/4" material on riser. 11/16" 1/4" 1/4" 3/8" material on step to 3/8" material on riser. 3-1/8" 3/8" material on step. 3/8" A 1-13/32" 1" 3/8" D 3/8" SRCN-XX-C D SLN-XX-C A SVCD-XX-A 3/8" material on step and riser. SLN-XX-B A 2-7/16" 1-13/32" 2-1/2" I n d o o r A ir Q ualit y Low Emi tti ng materi als EQ 4.3 F lo o r S co r e c e rti FIed and meets C A 013 5 0 2-3/4" VDL-XX-SQ VIVCD-XX R ec ycle d Co ntent P r e - Co n s um e r 14 %; MR 4 1/8" A A *✓ 1/8" material. 2" visually impaired grit tape insert. 1/8" material. 1-1/2" 1/8" A Reduce potential accidents by alerting the visually impaired that they’re approaching hazardous areas. Detectable tactile warning surface meets ANSI A117.1-1986 design requirements and is available in more than 30 attractive solid colors. Permanently co-extruded contrasting striping can also be ordered. 2-1/6" 3" 1-3/4" vin y l S tringers an d R isers VDL-XX-RD VIRCN-XX-B 1/8" material w/lip or 3/16" w/o lip. 2" co-extruded visually impaired strip. 2-1/6" **Not available in Speckled or Marbleized. S o li d C o l o r Fle x i b le V in y l S tair N o sings ✚✖ 2-3/16" Stringers and risers are available in Color Palettes A and B. Speckled, Prima® Marbleized and Olio® are available by special order. Fle x i b le V in y l S tair N o sings f o r t h e V is u all y I m p aire d 1-9/16" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1-1/2" 6" x 4' 6" x 100'** 7" x 4' 7" x 5' 7" x 6' 7" x 50'** Take steps to protect flooring materials from wear in stair and landing applications. Choose from 13 popular nosing profiles in the ColorMatch® system or we can custom-match colors for your project. To meet stringent accessibility requirements, choose profiles with contrasting color inserts for the visually impaired. 2-3/17" ▲ B .080" 1/8" 7.1 5 3 A 10" x 6' 10" x 6' Fle x i b le V in y l S tair N o sings | Risers GAUGE 2-3/17" Stringers Solid Color Stringers Marbleized SIZE 2" item s o lve f o r x R u b b er S tringers an d R isers 3/8" For representation of actual size, enlarge CAD drawing 333 percent on a photocopier.