VOLUME 24 JANUARY 2002 Prominent Hill Cu–Au discovery New diamond field discovered New zinc discovery in the Flinders Historic Native title agreement Gemstones New diamond field discovered in SA Steven Cooper (Senior Geologist, Orogenic Exploration Pty Ltd) Introduction 6 MESA Journal 24 January 2002 750000 6400000 Sugarloaf Dam # Port Augusta U% U% Streaky Bay Kyancutta U% U% U% Whyalla 6300000 Kimba Flinders Island Elliston U% # Mount Hope Wallaroo U% 6200000 U% 6200000 Basement outcrop on the island is Hiltaba Suite Calca Granite (~1456 Ma), a holocrystalline coarse-grained, red-brown, strongly feldspathic granite which crops out on the wave-cut platforms and rarely on the interior of the island. Most of the island is veneered by Pleistocene Bridgewater Formation calcrete, which forms spectacular coastal cliffs (Flint, 1992). There are some Ho lo c ene coas tal sand dunes (Semaphore Sand) and minor lacustrine mud (Yamba Formation) in Gem Pan (Fig. 2). The island lies just south of the east–west trending Polda Basin which contains Neoproterozoic to Jurassic sediments. Sixty kilometres east of Flinders Island, on the Eyre Peninsula mainland, Stockdale Prospecting Ltd (now De Beers Australia Exploration Ltd) discovered a number of Jurassic kimberlitic intrusions (Mt Hope 01 to 08) close to Elliston (Mitchell, 1992a,b). Their locations were suggested by the distribution of anomalous kimberlitic 650000 6300000 Regional geological setting 550000 6400000 The Gawler Craton has, for some time, been known to have potential for kimberlite discoveries, Recently, Orogenic Exploration Pty Ltd found a complete range of kimberlitic indicator minerals, and five small diamonds, on Flinders Island, ~40 km offshore from Elliston on western Eyre Peninsula (Fig. 1). While no source kimberlitic bodies have been located to date, the presence of fragile indicator minerals such as diopside, olivine and phlogopite suggests a local source, and confirms the existence of a new diamond field in SA. This paper discusses the exploration techniques used, and compares the suite of kimberlite indicator minerals from the island with the assemblage of minerals from the known barren kimberlite field near Mt Hope on the adjacent mainland, east of Elliston. 450000 Cummins U% Port Lincoln 201126_006 450000 550000 650000 750000 Fig. 1 Location of Flinders Island, and kimberlite occurrences on the mainland. Monroe anomaly Point Malcolm Flinders anomaly Gem Pan anomaly Flinders Paddock Gem Pan Gem Paddock indicator mineral collected from surface samples, along with magnetic anomalies defined by detailed aerial magnetic surveys. Their presence was confirmed by drilling. No diamonds were recovered by Stockdale, and this was later confirmed from drilling carried out by Diamond Ventures NL (Cooper, 1998). Tenements Dunstan’s Paddock Seal Point Groper Bay Dunstan’s anomaly 31 Bryants Bay 0 2 KILOMETRES Pyrope counts 0 187 Chromite counts 0 Diamond site Fences 201126-012 Fig. 2 Pyrope and chromite diamond indicator counts on Flinders Island at end of December 2001. Flinders Island (~38 km2) is owned freehold, with the exception of a thin coastal strip (3.59 km2) managed by the Department for Environment and Heritage, and a 234 m2 area around the lighthouse owned by the Federal Government. The island is currently an active sheep station with over 5000 sheep. Orogenic Exploration Pty Ltd, a small private diamond exploration company bas ed i n Mel bour ne, ho l d s t wo exploration licences over the island, one Gemstones covering the 800 m wide coastal reserve (EL 2875; 24.19 km2), the other over the remaining central area (EL 2577; 15.55 km2). Orogenic has in place an option agreement with listed company Tawana Resources NL, which in turn has an agreement with De Beers Australia Exploration Ltd. Exploration methodology Traditional heavy mineral kimberlitic indicator mineral sampling has been the main exploration tool used on the island, with 607 surface samples collected to the end of December 2001. Early samples comprised two bags (~30 kg) of surface material screened in the field to -3.2 mm. Most later samples, including the five sa mples recover ing diam onds, comprised one bag (average 15 kg) of -1.6 mm material. As there is no drainage developed on the island, surface sampling has been restricted to soil loam scrapes collecting deflation (wind concentrated) material. A detailed aerial geophysical survey was flown over the island in June 1999 for Orogenic Exploration Pty Ltd as part of the TEISA area A4 survey. Detailed magnetic, radiometric and digital elevation data were acquired at 50 m line spacing. Extensive areas of the island were recently covered by a 50 m spaced detailed gravity survey to aid in defining drilling targets. Sampling results Sampling on Flinders Island has shown that the dispersion of indicator grains is very restricted, and that more traditional wide-spaced sampling programs would probably overlook similar indicator mineral anomalies. It confirms the need for systematic sampling using closer spacing within this environment. A wide range of indicator minerals has been recovered from the island, including the traditional chromite, pyrope, diopside, and picroilmenite m ineral s , as w el l as f or s t er i t e, orthopyroxene, phlogopite and diamond. Four distinct indicator anomalies have been defined to date — Gem Pan, Flinders, Monroe and Dunstan’s. The highest grain counts are centred around Gem Pan, on the northwestern side of the island, covering most of the western half of Gem Paddock (Fig. 2). Covering the northwestern corner of Flinders Paddock, centred along the northern coast, is the Flinders anomaly. Like the Gem Paddock area, chromite dominates the grain counts. There are low but significant grain counts in the area between the Gem Pan and Flinders anomaly areas; these two areas may therefore be related. Further east, near Point Malcolm, is the Monroe anomaly from which three of the five diamonds were recovered. This grain anomaly, which contains more equal counts of chromite to pyrope, is very discrete. Located halfway down the island, near the west coast, is Dunstan’s anomaly. Counts here are low, but all the indicator minerals (excluding diamond) have been recovered. Further isolated recoveries of various indicator grains have been made across the island; some of these will require further sampling to define their significance. The chemistry of indicator grains recovered from the island is indicative of the presence of diamonds, which has been confirmed by the recovery of five diamonds from surface samples. Representative microprobe analyses are provided in Table 1 for two samples collected near Gem Pan. Chromite Chromite is the dominant kimberlitic mineral on Flinders Island; over 2500 grains have been recovered, and the chemical properties confirmed by over 2300 microprobe analyses. A significant number of grains fall into the diamond inclusion field based on MgO, TiO2 and Cr2O3 contents. N i net y- f our per cent o f t h e microprobed chromite grains have Fe +++ /Fe ++ ratios which indicate a kimberlite oxidation state favourable for diamond preservation. This is in line with the picroilmenite data. Chromite grains from sample FX-241. Grains are 0.3 mm across. (Photo 48401) Table 1. Representative analyses of some grains recovered in two samples near Gem Pan — chromite (CHR), clinopyroxene (CPX), garnet (GNT), ilmenite (ILM) and olivine (OL). SAMPLE (FIS) Mineral 12 CHR 12 CHR 12 CHR 12 CPX 12 GNT 14 CHR 14 CHR 14 CHR 14 CPX 14 GNT 14 ILM 14 OL SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Cr2O3 V2O5 NiO Fe2O3 Na2O 0.17 0.15 17.34 13.38 0.06 14.21 0.00 52.31 0.13 0.11 2.67 0.00 0.29 0.76 7.90 16.48 0.53 9.29 0.20 62.15 0.24 0.19 0.00 0.04 0.10 1.72 7.78 20.11 0.16 9.17 0.02 60.09 0.21 0.08 0.00 0.03 51.73 0.25 2.75 4.05 0.15 14.87 22.98 0.24 0.01 0.06 2.36 0.39 40.53 0.10 15.40 3.91 0.34 21.33 4.86 11.13 0.00 0.00 2.94 0.02 0.14 0.11 16.82 13.58 0.10 13.68 0.01 52.52 0.11 0.16 2.23 0.00 0.18 0.22 5.84 16.99 0.11 10.69 0.00 60.62 0.19 0.12 5.67 0.01 0.12 0.08 6.94 14.82 0.14 10.16 0.00 67.45 0.18 0.11 0.00 0.02 51.83 0.22 2.74 1.70 0.12 16.75 22.98 0.51 0.05 0.06 2.87 0.21 39.88 0.08 13.58 3.60 0.37 18.56 8.28 13.41 0.08 0.03 3.33 0.02 0.02 49.21 0.64 19.30 0.15 13.74 0.00 11.04 0.42 0.33 5.92 0.02 40.50 0.01 0.02 9.16 0.12 50.15 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.39 0.00 Total 100.53 98.07 99.47 99.84 100.56 99.46 100.64 100.02 100.04 101.22 100.79 100.44 MESA Journal 24 January 2002 7 Gemstones Pyrope Pyrope is the next dominant indicator mineral, with over 260 grains recovered. These include mostly G9 lherzolitic (mainly olivine–pyroxene rock) pyrope, seven classical G10 harzburgitic (mainly olivine–orthopyroxene rock) grains, and minor low-chromium lherzolitic garnet. This would indicate a lower proportion of depleted harzburgite–dunite in the mantle xenolith suite sampled by the unknown kimberlite compared to lherzolite. The range of Cr2O3 in the peridotitic g a r n e t is encouraging, with a well-defined population between 6 and 15 wt% Cr2O3. The seven G10 pyrope grains have significant Cr2O3 (all over 8 wt%) which plot within the more restrictive G10 diamond field. The only known distribution of other G10 pyrope grains in SA is from the northern Springfield Basin (five grains around 6% Cr2O3), and one grain from the Sugarloaf Dam kimberlite sill, 20 km west-northwest of Port Augusta. Picroilmenite Over 120 picroilmenite (ilmenite with MgO >4%) grains have been microprobed from Flinders Island. The Cr2O3 wt% contents of kimberlitic picroilmenite generally range up to 7%. Significantly, 27 picroilmenite grains recovered from the island plot with >7% Cr 2 O 3 . The highest is a grain from sample FIS 24 near Gem Pan, with 22.8% Cr2O3. Similar individual high chromium picroilmenites are known from inclusions in the diamonds from Mwadui Kimberlite, Tanzania, with a reported 16.2% Cr2O3 (Stachel et al., 1998), and from the Venetia Kimberlite, South Africa, with 12.03% Cr 2 O 3 (Viljoen et al., 1999). Viljoen et al. believed that the very high chromium picroilmenites are from metasomatised peridotite xenoliths. mineral that does not survive and travel well in the Australian environment. Olivine Olivine is rarely used as a kimberlitic indicator mineral as it occurs in abundance in basalt and other ultramafic rocks, but kimberlitic olivine does have certain chemical characteristics that can eliminate many other olivine-bearing source rocks. Olivine also does not survive long near the surface and its presence usually indicates proximity to source. Over 60 olivine grains from Flinders Island have been microprobed, and most are close to the forsteritic end member and contain significant traces of NiO (average 0.32 w t %) . W hi l e not completely diagnostic of kimberlite, the results are very encouraging as the only known regional bedrock lithology is granite. Diamond Three small diamonds were recovered from the June 2000 regional 400 m grid sampling program from three individual, widely spaced samples. Follow-up sampling recovered a microdiamond in each of two separate samples located near one of the original diamond sample sites within the Monroe anomaly area. It is worth noting that a different laboratory was used for the follow-up sample and 48406) processing, thus eliminating the possibility that the first three diamonds were sourced from contamination. Diopside grain (0.3 mm across) from sample FX-212. (Photo 48402) Preservation index for diamonds is high to very high based on the Fe2O3, FeO and MgO contents of the recovered picroilmenite grains. Thus, the oxidation condition in the kimberlite would not have resulted in significant resorption of any diamonds present. Diopside Over 150 fresh diopside grains have been recovered from the island. Diopside is a 8 MESA Journal 24 January 2002 (Top to bottom) Diamonds from sample sites FX-003 (centre of island), FX-070 (Monroe anomaly), and FX-149 (south of Dunstan’s Anomaly). These three stones were in the 0.3–0.5 mm size fraction. (Photos 48404, 48405 The diamonds are small, but only the 0.3 to 1.0 mm fraction from the loam samples was examined for indicator minerals. No examination of coarser fractions is possible as the samples contain very little material above 1 mm. No samples have so far been collected specifically for microdiamonds from Flinders Island. Comparison with kimberlite from Mt Hope Olivine grain (0.3 mm across) from sample FX-210. Note the well preserved crystal edges. (Photo 48403) The chemistry of the indicator minerals from Flinders Island is very different to that of indicator minerals recovered from the mainland kimberlite occurrences near Mt Hope. Since both fields are located in close proximity on the Gawler Craton, it is important to observe the differences between the two mineral Gemstones Acknowledgements 2.5 This paper is published with the permission of Orogenic Exploration Pty Ltd and Tawana Resource NL. The project has been greatly assisted by the inputs of Tawana geologist Wolf Marx, and consulting mineralogist Lai Ho Seet. D r Si m on Shee f r om De B e e r s Laboratory Services kindly provided the photomicrographs of the indicator grains. 2.0 1.5 Cr2O3 wt% assemblages. Direct contrasts can be seen between the chromite, picroilmenite and clinopyroxene compositions shown on Figs 3–5. Further differences in c lude the lack of diam ondinclusion-field chromites (see Sobolev, 1971) recovered from the mainland kimberlite occurrences. Chromite grains 1.0 0.5 (a) 80 0 0 201126-015 60 Cr2O3 wt% (b) 0 4 8 12 MgO wt% 16 20 80 Cr2O3 wt% 40 4 0 201126-013 TiO2 wt% 16 20 Fig. 3 (a) Plot of wt% Cr2O3 versus MgO, and (b) Cr2O3 versus TiO2, for chromite grains from Flinders Island (red) and Mt Hope (black). Mt Hope data is from Cooper (1998). 25 Cr2O3 wt% 20 15 10 5 0 8 12 plotted on Figure 3 show that the Flinders Island chromite forms a very different population based on higher Cr, and spreads of Mg and Ti contents compared to that from Mt Hope. Picroilmenites from the Mt Hope area differ from those on Flinders Island in that the latter have higher than average MgO contents and substantially higher Cr2O3 contents. Clear differences are also observed between the diopside samples recovered from both areas, based on Al2O3 and Cr2O3 content. 60 20 Al2O3 wt% Fig. 5 Plot of wt% Cr2O3 versus Al2O3 for clinopyroxene from Flinders Island (red) and Mt Hope (black). Mt Hope data is from Cooper (1998). 40 20 4 0 201126-014 4 8 12 MgO wt% 14 16 Fig. 4 Plot of wt% Cr2O3 versus MgO for ilmenite from Flinders Island (red) and Mt Hope (black). Mt Hope data is from Cooper (1998). No fresh olivine was recovered from kimberlite in the Mt Hope area. Conclusions Diamond indicator mineral grains have been recovered from sites with very poor sample conditions on Flinders Island. The range of minerals and the number of grains recovered have been outstanding. This, combined with favourable grain chem istr y and t he di s cover y of diamonds, make the project very exciting. It is now a matter of locating the origin of the indicator grains and diamonds, which is presumed to be a kimberlitic source and probably not too far distant, given the presence of fragile minerals such as diopside, olivine and phlogopite. This discovery now upgrades the overall potential of the Gawler Craton for diamonds. The stark differences between the Mt Hope and Flinders Island indicator grain chemistries illustrate that rapid lateral changes in diamond potential does occur. For further information contact Steven Cooper (mob. 0428 100 995). References Cooper, S.A., 1998. Exploration Licence 2151, Elliston, western Eyre Peninsula. Third annual and final report for period ending 23 December 1998. Unpublished report by Orogenic Exploration Pty Ltd for Diamond Ventures NL, Melbourne. South Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Resources. Open file Envelope, 9206 (unpublished). Flint, R.B., 1992. ELLISTON, South Australia, sheet SI53-6. South Australia. Geological Survey. 1:250 000 Series — Explanatory Notes. Mitchell, M.S., 1992a. Progress and final reports for Exploration Licence 1694A and B, Venus Bay, periods 9/1/91 to 15/7/92, for Stockdale Prospecting Ltd. South Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Resources. Open file Envelope, 8422 (unpublished). Mitchell, M.S., 1992b. Progress and final reports for Exploration Licence 1672, Elliston, periods 31/8/90 to 15/7/92, for Stockdale Prospecting Ltd. South Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Resources. Open file Envelope, 8527 (unpublished). Sobolev, N.V., 1971. On the mineralogy and diamond content of kimberlites. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 3:70-79 Stachel, T., Harris, J.W. and Brey, G.P., 1998. Rare and unusual mineral inclusions in diamonds from Mwadui, Tanzania. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 132:34-47. Viljoen, K.S., Phillips, D., Harris, J.W. and Robinson, D.N., 1999. Mineral inclusions in diamonds from the Venetia Kimberlites, Northern Province, South Africa. In: 7th International Kimberlite Conference. Proceedings, 2:888-895. MESA Journal 24 January 2002 9