Nilsson/Riedel 7/e 12/23/2003 Selected Student Solutions for Chapter 2 Assessment Problems 2.5 First note that we know the current through all elements in the circuit except the 6 kW resistor (the current in the three elements to the left of the 6 kW resistor is i1; the current in the three elements to the right of the 6 kW resistor is 30i1). To find the current in the 6 kW resistor, write a KCL equation at the top node: i1 + 30i1 = i6 k = 31i1 We can then use Ohm’s law to find the voltages across each resistor in terms of i1. The results are shown in the figure below: a) To find i1, write a KVL equation around the left-hand loop, summing voltages in a clockwise direction starting below the 5V source: - 5V + 54,000i1 - 1V + 186,000i1 = 0 Solving for i1, 54,000i1 + 186,000i1 = 6V 240,000i1 = 6V 6 = 25mA 240,000 b) Now that we have the value of i1, we can calculate the voltage for each component except the dependent source. Then we can write a KVL equation for the right-hand loop to find the voltage v of the dependent source. Sum the voltages in the clockwise direction, starting to the left of the dependent source: + v - 54,000i1 + 8V - 186,000i1 = 0 v = 240,000i1 - 8V i1 = Thus, v = -2V. = 240,000(25 ¥ 10 -6 ) - 8V = 6V - 8V = -2V Nilsson/Riedel 7/e 12/23/2003 We now know the values of voltage and current for every circuit element. Let’s construct a power table: Element 5V 54kW 1V 6kW Dep. Source 1.8kW 8V Current (mA) 25 25 25 775 775 775 775 Voltage (V) 5 1.35 1 4.65 -2 1.35 8 Power equation p = -vi p = Ri2 p = -vi p = Ri2 p = -vi p = Ri2 p = -vi Power (mW) -125 33.75 -25 3603.75 1500 1012.5 -6000 c) The total power generated in the circuit is the sum of the negative power values in the power table: - 125mW + -25mW + -6000mW = -6150mW Thus, the total power generated in the circuit is 6150 mW . d) The total power absorbed in the circuit is the sum of the positive power values in the power table: 33.75mW + 3603.75mW + 1500mW + 1012.5mW = 6150mW Thus, the total power absorbed in the circuit is 6150 mW . 2.6 Given that if = 2A, we know the current in the dependent source is 2if = 4A. We can write a KCL equation at the left node to find the current in the 10W resistor. Summing the currents leaving the node, - 5A + 2A + 4A + i10W = 0 i10W = 5A - 2A - 4A = -1A Thus, the current in the 10W resistor is 1A, flowing right to left, as seen in the circuit below. a) To find vs, write a KVL equation, summing the voltages counter-clockwise around the lower right loop. Start below the voltage source. - v s + (1A)(10W) + (2A)(30W) = 0 - v s + 10V + 60V = 0 v s = 70V Nilsson/Riedel 7/e 12/23/2003 b) The current in the voltage source can be found by writing a KCL equation at the right-hand node. Sum the currents leaving the node - 4A + 1A + i v = 0 iv = 4A - 1A = 3A The current in the voltage source is 3A, flowing top to bottom. The power associated with this source is p = vi = (70V)(3A) = 210W Thus, 210W are absorbed by the voltage source. c) The voltage drop across the independent current source can be found by writing a KVL equation around the left loop in a clockwise direction: - v5A + ( 2A)(30W) = 0 - v 5A + 60V = 0 v 5A = 60V The power associated with this source is p = -v5A i = ( -60V)(5A) = -300W This source thus delivers 300W of power to the circuit. d) The voltage across the controlled current source can be found by writing a KVL equation around the upper right loop in a clockwise direction: + v4 A + (10W)(1A) = 0 v 4A + 10V = 0 v 4A = -10V The power associated with this source is p = v4 A i = ( -10V)(4A) = -40W This source thus delivers 40W of power to the circuit. e) The total power dissipated by the resistors is given by (i30W ) 2 (30W) + (i10W ) 2 (10W) = ( 2) 2 (30W) + (1) 2 (10W) = 120 + 10 = 130W Chapter Problems 2.30 To find the power absorbed be each resistor, we find the current through each resistor and use the equation p=i2R to calculate power. We label the voltages and currents in the circuit as shown below. Nilsson/Riedel 7/e 12/23/2003 We begin with the 22.5W resistor. Since we know its voltage, we can find its current using Ohm’s law: 90V = 4A 22.5W Next, we can find v14 by writing a KVL equation around the outer loop of the circuit. Start below the voltage source and sum the voltages in a clockwise direction: - 240V + 90V + v 15 = 0 i22.5 = v15 = 240V - 90V = 150V Next, find the current i15 using Ohm’s law: 150V i15 = = 10A 15W Now find the current i5 by writing a KCL equation at the right-most node. Sum the currents leaving this node. i15 - i5 - i22.5 = 0 i5 = i15 - i22.5 = 10A - 4A = 6A Then find the voltage v5 using Ohm’s law: v5 = (5W)(6A) = 30V Now write a KVL equation for the top loop to find the voltage v4. Sum the voltages in the clockwise direction. 90V - v 5 - v4 = 0 v4 = 90V - v5 = 90V - 30V = 60V Find the current i4 using Ohm’s law: 60V i4 = = 15A 4W Now write a KVL equation for the bottom loop to find the voltage v20. Sum the voltages in the clockwise direction. v 15 - v 20 + v5 = 0 v20 = v15 - v5 = 150V + 30V = 180V Finally, find the current i20 using Ohm’s law: 180V i20 = = 9A 20W The voltages and currents found above are summarized in the circuit below. Nilsson/Riedel 7/e 12/23/2003 a) We can find the power absorbed by each resistor using either p = i2R or p = v2/R. Just to be consistent, we will use p = i2R: p4 = (15) 2 ( 4) = 900W p5 = (6) 2 (5) = 180W p22.5 = ( 4) 2 ( 22.5) = 360W p20 = (9) 2 ( 20) = 1620W p15 = (10) 2 (15) = 1500W b) To find the power delivered by the voltage source, we must find the current in the voltage source, ig. We can find this current by writing a KCL equation at the top node. Summing the currents leaving, - i g + 15A + 4A = 0 i g = 15A + 4A = 19A Find the power associated with the voltage source using p = -vi. (Note that the current ig flows into the minus terminal of the voltage source). p240V = -( 240)(19) = -4560W Thus, the voltage source supplies 4560 W to the circuit. c) The total power dissipated is the sum of the power values associated with all of the resistors. pdiss = 900W + 180W + 360W + 1620W + 1500W = 4560W 2.33 First note that we know the current through all elements in the circuit except the 200 W resistor (the current in the three elements to the left of the 200 W resistor is ib; the current in the three elements to the right of the 200 W resistor is 49ib). To find the current in the 200 W resistor, write a KCL equation at the top node: i1 + 49ib = i200 = 50ib We can then use Ohm’s law to find the voltages across each resistor in terms of ib. The results are shown in the figure below: a) Our approach is to find ib first, and then use the known value of ib to find vy. To find i1, write a KVL equation around the left-hand loop, summing voltages in a clockwise direction starting below the 7.2V source: - 7.2V + 55,000i b + 0.7V + 10,000i b = 0 Solving for ib, 55,000i b + 10,000i b = 6.5V 65,000i b = 6.5V ib = 6.5 = 100mA 65,000 Nilsson/Riedel 7/e 12/23/2003 Now that we have the value of ib, we can calculate the voltage for each component except the dependent source. Then we can write a KVL equation for the right-hand loop to find the voltage v of the dependent source. Sum the voltages in the clockwise direction, starting to the left of the dependent source: - vY - 24,500ib + 9V - 10,000i b = 0 vY = 9V - 34,500ib Thus, vy = 5.55V. = 9V - 34,500(100 ¥ 10 -6 ) = 9V - 3.45V = 5.55V b) We now know the values of voltage and current for every circuit element. Let’s construct a power table: Element 7.2V 55kW 0.7V 200W Dep. Source 500W 9V Current (mA) 100 100 100 5000 4900 4900 4900 Voltage (V) 7.2 5.5 0.7 1 5.55 2.45 9 Power equation p = -vi p = Ri2 p = vi p = Ri2 p = vi p = Ri2 p = -vi Power (mW) -720 550 70 5000 27,195 12,005 -44,100 The total power generated in the circuit is the sum of the negative power values in the power table: - 729 mW + -44,100mW = -44,820mW Thus, the total power generated in the circuit is 44,820 mW . The total power absorbed in the circuit is the sum of the positive power values in the power table: 550mW + 70mW + 5000mW + 27,195mW + 12,005mW = 44,820mW Thus, the total power absorbed in the circuit is 44,820, which equals the total power generated.