SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT Corporate Office: 9 Ah Hood Road #04-06, ESAB Building. Singapore 329975. Tel: (65) 6653 1233 Fax: (65) 6254 0704 Reg No: S80SS0146D ERF validity: 20/05/2014 to 19/05/2018 Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) Training Certification in Generic Manufacturing Skills (CGMS), Certified Operations Specialist (COP) & Certified Operations Professional (COP) Programe Schedule: February 2016 to July 2016 Updated as at : 15 April 2016 GST is at prevailing rate, GST Reg No:M9-0007819-Y FEES No WSQ COURSES WSQ Perform Warehouse Operations (WSQ-WO) 1 COURSE DURATION Full Fee with GST WDA Funding (Self Sponsored or Company Sponsored: SME or MNC) 17.5 Hours $481.50 Please refer to table on the next 2 pages Time: 09:00am - 5:00pm (Assessment on the last day, depends time slot assign) Time: 09:00am - 5:00pm (Assessment on the last day, depends time slot assign) 13.5 Hours $481.50 Please refer to table on the next 2 pages Time: 09:00am - 6:00pm Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm (Assessment on the last day, depends time slot assign) Time: 09:00am - 7.00pm (Assessment on the last day) 17.75 Hours $481.50 Please refer to table on the next 2 pages 17.5 Hours $481.50 Please refer to table on the next 2 pages Time: 09:00am - 6:00pm Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm (Assessment on the last day, depends time slot assign) Time: 09:00am - 7.00pm (Assessment on the last day) 17.5 Hours $481.50 Please refer to table on the next 2 pages Time: 09:00am - 6:00pm Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm (Assessment on the last day, depends time slot assign) Time: 09:00am - 7.00pm (Assessment on the last day) 17.5 Hours $481.50 Please refer to table on the next 2 pages Time: 09:00am - 6:00pm Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm (Assessment on the last day, depends time slot assign) Time: 09:00am - 7.00pm (Assessment on the last day) 17.5 Hours $481.50 Please refer to table on the next 2 pages 18 Time: 09:00am - 6.00pm (Assessment on the last day) 16 Hours $650.00 Please refer to table on the next 2 pages 25 Time: 09:00am - 6.00pm (Assessment on the last day) 16 Hours $650.00 Please refer to table on the next 2 pages Time: 09:00am - 6.00pm (Assessment on the last day) 24 Hours $850.00 Please refer to table on the next 2 pages Time: 09:00am - 6.00pm (Assessment on the last day) 24 Hours $850.00 Please refer to table on the next 2 pages SCHEDULE/DAY/TIME Time: 09:00am - 6:00pm Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm (Assessment on the last day, depends time slot assign) 25, 26, 27 May (Wed, Thurs & Fri) Time: 09:00am - 7.00pm (Assessment on the last day) 3 4 WSQ Perform Stock Control & Housekeeping Operations (WSQ-SC) WSQ Apply 5S Techniques (WSQ-5S) Certified Operations Specialist (COS) 2 Certification in Generic Manufacturing Skills (CGMS) 28 & 29 May 2016 (Sat & Sun) 5 6 2 & 3 Jun 2016 (Thurs & Fri) 4 & 5 Jun 2016 (Sat & Sun) 15, 16 & 17 Jun (Wed, Thurs & Fri) 18 & 19 Jun 2016 (Sat & Sun) WSQ Apply Quality Systems (WSQ-QS) Time: 09:00am - 6:00pm Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm (Assessment on the last day, depends time slot assign) 25, 25 & 27 May 2016 (Wed, Thurs & Fri) Time: 09:00am - 7.00pm (Assessment on the last day) 28 & 29 May 2016 (Sat & Sun) WSQ Apply Teamwork in the Workplace (WSQ-TW) 4, 5 & 6 May 2016 (Wed, Thurs & Fri) 7 & 8 May 2016 (Sat & Sun) WSQ Apply WSH Policy (WSQWSH) 11, 12 & 13 May 2016 (Wed, Thurs & Fri) 14 & 15 May (Sat & Sun) WSQ Perform Delivery Operations (WSQ-PDO) 7 18, 29 & 20 May 2016 (Wed, Thurs & Fri) 8 9 10 11 Certified Operations Professional 14 & 15 May 2016 (Sat & Sun) WSQ Supervise Work 14 & 15 May 2016 (Sat & Sun) Improvement Processes (WSQ& 19 Jun 2016 (Sat & Sun) SWIP) WSQ Supervise Quality Procedures (WSQ-SQP) WSQ Supervise Teams at Work (WSQ-STW) WSQ Supervise Workplace Safety & Health Practices (WSQS-SWSHP) 28 & 29 May 2016 (Sat & Sun) & 26 Jun 2016 (Sat & Sun) 4, 5 & 11 June 2016 (Sat, Sun & Sat) 2, 3 & 9 July 2016 (Sat, Sun & Sat) 7, 8 & 14 May 2016 (Sat, Sun & Sat) 17 & 23 Jul 2016 (Sat, Sun & Sat) 16, 1 Registration Closing Date Two weeks before course commences (*late registrations are subject to availability) 2 Cancellation/Deferment SIMM reserves the right to cancel or defer any course due to unforeseen circumstances 3 Enquiries * For more information on SIMM courses & membership services, please contact the secretariat at Tel : 6653-1233 Email:; website : Companies need to apply for Absentee payroll & Training Grant directly through skillsconnect before the course commencement, and claim to be done by companies within 120 days from the course end date. Please contact Kathy Fang at 6653 1233 (ext 116), email: WSQ-026-OA WSQ Course Schedule CGMS-Feb-Jul 2016 (15 Apr 2016)-bu