IOP PUBLISHING JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 122002 (5pp) doi:10.1088/0022-3727/41/12/122002 FAST TRACK COMMUNICATION Comparative degradation of ZnO- and SnO2-based polycrystalline non-ohmic devices by current pulse stress M A Ramı́rez1 , W Bassi2 , P R Bueno1 , E Longo1 and J A Varela1 1 2 Instituto de Quı́mica, Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, CEP. 14800-900, Araraquara, SP, Brazil Instituto de Eletrotécnica e Energia, Universidade de São Paulo, USP, 05508-010, São Paulo, SP, Brasil E-mail: Received 5 February 2008, in final form 24 April 2008 Published 19 May 2008 Online at Abstract The degradation behaviour of SnO2 -based varistors (SCNCr) due to current pulses (8/20 µs) is reported here for the first time in comparison with the ZnO-based commercial varistors (ZnO). Puncturing and/or cracking failures were observed in ZnO-based varistors possessing inferior thermo-mechanical properties in comparison with that found in a SCNCr system free of failures. Both systems presented electric degradation related to the increase in the leakage current and decrease in the electric breakdown field, non-linear coefficient and average value of the potential barrier height. However, it was found that a more severe degradation occurred in the ZnO-based varistors concerning their non-ohmic behaviour, while in the SCNCr system, a strong non-ohmic behaviour remained after the degradation. These results indicate that the degradation in the metal oxide varistors is controlled by a defect diffusion process whose rate depends on the mobility, the concentration of meta-stable defects and the amount of electrically active interfaces. The improved behaviour of the SCNCr system is then inferred to be associated with the higher amount of electrically active interfaces (85%) and to a higher energy necessary to activate the diffusion of the specific defects. (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version) those having a SnO2 · CoO · Nb2 O5 · Cr2 O3 composition, named SCNCr) in the 1990s, which has also been extensively studied and it is suggested to possess some advantages when compared with the ZnO-based compositions. The advantages claimed by SCNCr compositions seem to be intimately related to its simple microstructure and relatively low concentration of additives necessary to attain electrical non-ohmic properties [5]. A special advantage pertains to the high refractivity of the SCNCr system [6, 7], which minimizes losses due to evaporation and is allied to a higher thermal conductivity (0.5 W K−1 cm−1 ), which is almost double that found for the ZnO-based varistors [8]. Finally, the SCNCr system presents excellent mechanical properties [9]. All these advantages justify the analysis of its degradation behaviour with pulses, 1. Introduction Non-ohmic devices (i.e. devices presenting non-linear voltage– current characteristics) have been employed in electrical and electronic circuits as over-voltage protection and surge absorbers. Due to their excellent non-linear electrical characterisitics, non-ohmic electrical ceramics, known as varistors, are often used as surge arrestors against switching spikes or lightning strikes [1]. The varistor protects a circuit by ‘clamping’ the voltage across it to a safe level [2–3]. The most studied varistor system, being currently used for commercial purposes, is based on a ZnO composition, as initially developed by Matsuoka around 1970 [4]. Pianaro et al [5] developed a SnO2 -based varistor composition (specifically 0022-3727/08/122002+05$30.00 1 © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 122002 Fast Track Communication a phenomenon already sufficiently studied in ZnO-based varistors, but still lacking for the SCNCr system. Therefore, the main purpose of this work is to study degradation behaviour of the SCNCr systems and to compare them with traditional ZnO-based varistors. The voltage of lightning strikes is very high and when it reaches electronic or power circuits, a great amount of damage may occur due to the burning of devices and/or the interruption of the electric energy leading to great economic losses. Due to this fact, the study of the degradation mechanisms of new varistor compositions is justified to improve the devices. Generally, the degradation phenomena are studied under stress using alternating current (ac), direct current (dc) or pulse electric fields, thus giving rise to changes in both the nonlinear coefficient and the leakage current [10,11]. In this work, the degradation of the ZnO- and the SnO2 -based varistors (particularly the one referred to as SCNCr) is analysed by applying 8/20 µs pulses. This pulse behaviour represents an atmospheric lighting discharge well [12]. Several mechanisms of degradation for ZnO-based varistors have been suggested such as electron trapping, dipole orientation, ion migration and oxygen desorption [13, 14]. Among these, the ion migration mechanism finds strong support in the light of experimental evidence [2, 15–17]. Many techniques have been proposed to investigate the degradation mechanisms of the varistors, including deep-level transient spectroscopy, thermally stimulated current, impedance spectroscopy (IS), C–V characteristics curves and so on [13, 18–19]. In this work, J –E measurements and C–V characteristics were used in order to monitor the electrical degradation of the potential barrier in ZnO- and SnO2 -based varistors. Figure 1. Oscillographs of the current and voltage wave used in the degradation tests for ZnO system (a) before and (b) after degradation. a predetermined number of pulses was applied until either degradation occurred or the voltage wave fell to zero (short circuit), as shown in figure 1(b). The total energy absorbed by the samples was calculated according to the equation: t vi dt, (1) E= 2. Experimental procedure The ZnO system has a composition corresponding to 95.4% ZnO + 1.5% Sb2 O3 + 1% NiO + 0.1% SiO2 + 0.5% (Bi2 O3 , SnO2 , Co2 O3 and MnO). The SnO2 system has a composition corresponding to 98.9% SnO2 + 1% CoO + 0.05% Nb2 O5 + 0.05% Cr2 O3 (named here as SCNCr). All these proportions are given in mol%. The pellets were prepared in an adequate area/volume ratio (A/V ) [6, 20] from analytical grade raw materials employing mixed oxide procedures as described in previous works [4, 5]. After the sintering process, the pellet samples were polished until the faces became flat and parallel. Silver electrodes were deposited onto these faces and treated at 400 ◦ C for 30 min. A critical event is the encapsulation of the ceramic disc since the selected material might influence the electrical response. In this work, the encapsulation was done according to the procedure related in [21]. The high voltage circuit to generate the pulses of 8/20 µs was based on three capacitors having a total capacitance of 2.25 µF and a maximum voltage and energy of 200 kV and 45 kJ, respectively. The response of the devices was registered with a Tektronix (8 bits, 100 MHz) digital oscilloscope. The sample blocks of both systems were degraded by directly applying a series of individual current pulses as shown in figure 1(a) with different magnitudes of current (from 100 A up to 5 kA). The time between the pulses was fixed at 20 s. For each sample, 0 where v is the voltage, i is the current and t is the time for which current is applied. The capacity to absorb energy is usually expressed as the maximum energy absorbed per volume unit before the sample fails and it is measured in J cm−3 . Before and after the degradation process, each sample was electrically characterized by J –E and impedance spectroscopy (IS) analysis. The electrical parameters that determine the varistor’s behaviour, i.e. the electrical breakdown field (Eb ), the non-linearity coefficient (α) and the leakage current (IL ) were obtained from the J –E characteristic curves [1]. The measurements were carried out under room temperature conditions with a Keithley 237 (60 Hz) source-measurement unit with a maximum current value of 10 mA. The IS was carried out using a frequency response analyzer 4192 LF HP covering frequencies from 5 Hz to 110 MHz with an oscillation amplitude of 0.5 V. There was also a continuous current potential (Vcc up to 38 V) superimposed over the alternating potential. Considering the variation of the capacitance as a function of the applied dc voltage for each varistor system, the parameters of the potential barrier such as height (φb ), width (ω), donor (ND ) and superficial state density (NIS ) 2 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 122002 Fast Track Communication were calculated according to the model of the methodology proposed in [22]. 3. Results and discussion Figures 1(a) and (b) show current and voltage waves (oscillographs) before degradation and for the last current pulse that generated the degradation in the ZnO system. Note that in the last voltage pulse, a drastic decrease was observed related to the short-circuit mode reached by the system due to the atmospheric dielectric breakdown (surface flashover phenomena), i.e. due to the encapsulation failure or, in other words, due to thermo-mechanical failure which is classified (or best known) as puncturing and/or cracking failure. Equation (1) was applied to each oscillograph to calculate the total energy for the degradation and the average value is given in table 1. The energy absorbed by the SCNCr system is about twice the energy value absorbed by the ZnO system. This result is closely and accordingly related to the fact that the SCNCr system exhibits approximately double the thermal conductivity [8] compared with the ZnO system. As a result, the SCNCr system can dissipate heat more easily, which avoids the thermal avalanche regime. Figure 2(a) shows the J –E behaviour for the ZnO system before and after the degradation. From this figure, it can be observed that the systems change from a highly nonohmic feature (α = 68) to a completely ohmic feature (α = 1) after degradation. The breakdown electric field Eb (V cm−1 ) was taken as the applied field at a current density of 1 mA cm−2 , as is commonly used. Strictly, Eb is defined as the point of maximum change in a slope of a log J –log E plot. Nevertheless, values at 1 mA cm−2 provided a consistent comparison between the different samples. In the degraded ZnO system, electrical breakdown, which is one of the main characteristics of a varistor, was not observed. The slope of the J –E characteristic curves gives information on the total resistivity of the system. The resistivity of the degraded ZnO system was estimated as ρ = 1.0 cm. This value is in agreement with recent values found [21] according to the slope of the J –E curves in high-current regions, i.e. a J –E region named and known as region III (see [21] for more details). In fact, this region III is an upturn that corresponds to the high current region where the electrical conduction behaviour is governed by the resistivity of the grains. The ohmic feature observed in the ZnO system after degradation, in which the total resistivity of the system coincides with the value of the grain resistivity, is an important indication that there is total degradation of the grain-boundary potential barrier. After degradation, the grain boundary does not contribute to the total resistivity, which is then controlled by the bulk. The degradation of the non-ohmic property occurs due to multiple causes and the main ones are: (1) macrostructural failures whose occurrence depends on the microstructure and the thermo-mechanical features of the sample, (2) local structural changes governed by bulk compositional rearrangement and/or by grain-boundary chemistry changes, which determine the characteristics of the potential barrier. To elucidate the degradation mechanisms at a macrostructural Figure 2. J –E plot before and after the degradation. (a) ZnO system (photographs of the sample before and after degradation are shown in the inset and they show the thermo-mechanical failures) and (b) the SCNCr system (photographs of the sample before and after degradation are shown in the inset and they show the insulation failure). level, photographs of the ZnO varistor surface were taken before and after degradation and are shown in the inset of figure 2(a). After the degradation, the partial fusion of the silver electrodes (black regions) is shown and the thermomechanical puncturing and cracking failures are also observed. These are usually observed in ZnO degradation tests [1–3]. It is important to stress that the ZnO-based varistors here presented concomitantly exhibited both types of failures, which is in disagreement with the observations made by Eda [23] and Vojta [24]. Both authors reported a correlation between the duration of the pulse and the type of failure. According to them, short pulses typically generate cracking failures, while long pulses (100 µs) lead to puncturing failure. Recently [9], it was proposed that the type of failure is associated with thermomechanical behaviour instead of the pulse-duration type. Figure 2(b) shows the J –E behaviour before and after the degradation in the SnO2 -based system, i.e. the SCNCr composition. Similarly to the ZnO system, the SCNCr system degradation was monitoring by following the values of Eb , α, as well as the increase in the IL parameter. More details are given in table 1. It is clearly observed that the degradation 3 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 122002 Fast Track Communication Table 1. Non-ohmic electrical features of ZnO and SCNCr (SnO2 -based) systems before and after degradation. Sample ZnO before ZnO after SCNCr before SCNCr after E (J cm−3 ) 5560 13 800 Eb (V cm−1 ) 2945 — 4720 2590 IL (µA) α 1.0 2620 1.2 235 68 1 75 4 in the SCNCr system is less severe than that seen in the ZnO system. After the degradation in the SCNCr system, nonohmic behaviour is still present, which was not observed in the case of ZnO system degradation. The IL value after degradation is 235 µs for SCNCr. One of the most relevant changes observed after the degradation of the SCNCr system is the increasing range of the pre-breakdown regions (elbow), which gives information regarding the effectiveness of the potential barrier and the amount of leakage current. According to non-ohmic parameters, it can be concluded that the potential barriers have lost their efficiency after degradation. However, as there are non-ohmic features after degradation, it is possible to conclude that there are still either an active potential barrier or electrically active grain–grain junctions, which are particularly evident due to the presence of a breakdown field after degradation (see table 1). To confirm this, electrostatic force microscopy was performed according to the procedures described in [21, 27]. In figure 2(b), the photograph of the SCNCr samples is shown before and after the degradation stress. There is no puncture and/or cracking failure in the SCNCr system. This feature can be related to the fact that the SnO2 -based varistor system has a very good thermo-mechanical behaviour [9]. Indeed, the only macroscopic failure observed in this system is the rupture of the lateral insulation, as indicated in figure 2(b). The potential barrier degradation mechanism can be inferred by means of complex impedance measurements, which allow us to separate the electrical features of the grains themselves and the grain boundaries [22]. Figure 3(a) shows the Nyquist diagram at 0 V bias at room temperature before and after the current stress pulses. The Nyquist diagram gives evidence that before degradation, the total resistance of the system is high, which is in agreement with the nonohmic feature under this condition. After degradation, the total resistance is lower, as is expected and this is in agreement with the increase in the leakage current. In the inset of figure 3(a) is shown the Mott–Schottky pattern constructed according to [22] and the capacitance of the grain boundary was obtained at 1 MHz for both systems. The potential barrier parameters obtained are indicated in table 1. The values found here are in agreement with those found for this kind of system [15, 22]. After degradation, there is no Mott–Schottky pattern for this system, and hence it is impossible to calculate the potential barrier parameters. Figure 3(b) shows the complex impedance pattern for the 0 V bias of the SCNCr system before and after degradation measured at room temperature. It can be observed that the complex impedance pattern changes after applying the pulses. The changes indicate a decreasing total resistance and this is associated with the increasing leakage current. In comparison φb (eV) ND (m−3 ) 1.03 — 1.65 0.52 6.86 × 10 — 1.50 × 1024 1.10 × 1024 23 NIS (m−2 ) ω (nm) 2.50 × 10 — 6.19 × 1016 2.98 × 1016 18.2 — 20.6 13.5 16 (a) (b) Figure 3. Nyquist plot at 0 V bias and room temperature before and after the degradation for (a) ZnO system. A typical Mott–Schottky behaviour after degradation is shown in the inset. (b) SCNCr (SnO2 -based) system. A typical Mott–Schottky behaviour after degradation is shown in the inset. with previous result for the ZnO system, it can be seen that the degradation of the potential barrier in the SCNCr system is partial. In contrast to what is observed in the ZnO system, the Mott–Schottky pattern of the degraded SCNCr system still remains, which indicates the presence of space charges in the grain boundaries. This means that there is still an active 4 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 122002 Fast Track Communication potential barrier in the grain-boundary region. In this case, it is possible to compare the potential barrier parameters before and after degradation, as indicated in table 1. It can be observed from table 1 that the potential barrier height and width and the density of the superficial state decrease. The ac and dc results are consistent and in agreement with the models proposed to explain the degradation of the barriers. The most accepted models in the literature [2, 15– 17] are based on the electro-migration of meta-stable defects (defect positively charged with high mobility and located in the • •• • •• depletion layer, Zni , Zni , VO , VO in ZnO-based varistors [16] • • •• and VO , VO , NbSn in the SCNCr system [26]). These defects migrate to the grain boundaries where they are capable of recombining with negatively charged defects (Oads , Oads in both systems). Therefore, the electro-migration model is valid for the traditional ZnO non-ohmic system as well as for the SCNCr system. The better performance of the SnO2 non-ohmic devices compared with the ZnO system may be related to the greater number of active potential barriers. The proportion of active grain–grain junctions was 85% for SnO2 [25, 26] against 35% for the ZnO [21]. Also up to this moment, the metastable interstitial defects in SnO2 had not been identified. For •••• example, Sni is capable of helping in the degradation of the potential barrier. Furthermore, the high thermal conductivity of the SCNCr system is capable of avoiding the diffusion processes related to the degradation. A more detailed study of the comparative degradation in SnO2 and ZnO systems in terms of the degradation mechanism will be the subject of a future work. The main goal of this paper was to report degradation features of the SCNCr compositional varistor system with 8/20 µs pulses. In particular, this system showed slow degradation kinetics that favour the stability of the material when compared with ZnO under the same stress conditions. of its superior thermo-mechanical properties when compared with the traditional ZnO system. Acknowledgment The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Brazilian financing agency FAPESP. References [1] Clarke D R 1999 J. Am. Ceram. 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The change in the non-ohmic behaviour of the system was associated with the degradation of the potential barrier. The observed changes in the non-ohmic behaviour were associated with the fact that the current stress pulses have sufficient energy to active diffusion via electro-migration of the meta-stable defects adjacent to the grain boundary region where they are capable of combining with negative defects. Finally, we can infer that the degradation kinetics are different and slower in the SCNCr system when compared with the ZnO system. Furthermore, the SCNCr system does not present failures due to puncturing and/or cracking because 5