Level Five Excursion – Scienceworks Museum

774 High Street Road
P.O. Box 6
Glen Waverley 3150
Telephone: 9802 9938
Web: www.glenps.vic.edu.au
9 October, 2015
Level Five Excursion – Scienceworks Museum
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Throughout Term Four the students in Level Five are completing the inquiry science unit “Change Detectives”.
During this unit, students will investigate chemical science and the ways in which gases, solids and liquids change
state. An important aspect of this unit is developing students’ understanding of the way in which science
experiments are conducted. Students will also be provided with the opportunity to engage in independent inquiry,
in which they can investigate the different forms of chemical science.
In order to provide depth and breadth to the students learning, all Level Five students, together with their
teachers and learning assistants, will be participating in an excursion to Scienceworks Museum, Melbourne. The
educational program, “Cool Stuff”, is delivered by educational officers and, is designed to give students the
opportunity to learn about the chemical changes of state including demonstrations of expansion and contraction
using fog, froth and liquid nitrogen. Curriculum science areas that will be addressed include: physical and chemical
reaction, solids, liquids and gases and changes of state.
The excursion is being held on Thursday 19 November. We will be transported by bus from school at 9:00 a.m.
sharp to Scienceworks. We will return by bus at approximately 3:00 p.m. The cost of the excursion is $15.00.
Please be aware that the students will board the bus at the Mountain View Hotel car park. As we are required
to mark the roll at school and then walk over to the Mountain View Hotel car park, the children will need to be
at school by 8:30 a.m.
Students will be required to bring a bag with lunch, morning snack and a full water bottle in addition to their
school hat and sunscreen. Students are advised to wear runners with their full school uniform as we will be
walking around Scienceworks for the majority of the excursion. We would greatly appreciate parent volunteers for
this excursion, please speak to your classroom teachers if you are interested in joining us.
Please complete the attached permission form and return this to the school, along with your payment by Friday
6th November 2015. Should you have any questions please contact your child’s teacher, Mr. Catalano, Mr. Kitch
or Mrs. Gough.
Yours sincerely,
Pippa Davis, Simone Ryan, Elisha Park and Paul Austin
 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GLEN WAVERLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL: Level 5 Excursion – Excursion to Scienceworks Museum
Thursday, 19 November, 2015
I give permission for my child ___________________________________________ in class __________________
to participate in the Level Five Excursion to Scienceworks Museum on Thursday 19 November, 2015. Enclosed is
the $15.00 to cover the costs for the event. I understand that my child will be transported to and from
Scienceworks Museum by bus. I authorise the teacher in charge to consent, where it is impracticable to
communicate with me, to my child receiving such medical/surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary.
Best contact telephone number on the day of excursion (19/11/2015):
I am available to assist at the excursion. Parent’s name: