




A. The Work of this Section shall be included as a part of the Contract

Documents of each Contractor on this Project. Where such Work applies to only one Contractor, it shall be defined as to which

Contractor the Work belongs.

B. Reference Section 01811-1.4 Sustainable Design Requirements for the

LEED Submittal process. Each contractor is also responsible for complying with those requirements as well as the process outlined in this section.


A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for submittals required for performance of the Work, including the following:

1. Shop drawings.

2. Product data.

3. Samples.


A. Submittals, including those specified herein to be submitted to the

Architect or designated Consultant, shall be submitted directly to the

Construction Manager for his review. Construction Manager will forward required submittals to the Architect for his review and approval.

B. Contractors on this Project shall provide all submittals in strict accordance with the requirements of this Section. Where a submittal is required by a Contractor but assistance needed from others,

Contractors shall participate and cooperate to expedite each submittal.

C. Where submission of samples, shop drawings, or other items are required from suppliers or subcontractors, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor for whom the subcontractor is executing the work to


see that the submittal items required are complete and properly submitted, and corrected and resubmitted at the time and in the order required so as not to delay the progress of the Work. All Submittals shall be made through the Prime Contractor.

D. The Contractor shall check shop drawings, samples, and other submittals and submit them to the Construction Manager with a letter of transmittal giving his approval, comments, and suggestions. Each transmittal shall include the following information:

1. Date submitted.

2. Project title and number.

3. Contractor's name and address.

4. Identification by Specification Section and quantity submitted for each submittal including name of subcontractors, manufacture or supplier.

5. Notification of deviations from the Contract Documents for each submittal.

6. Contractor's written approval marked on each submittal.

E. The Contractor shall prepare, review and stamp with his approval and submit, with reasonable promptness or within the specified time periods and in orderly sequence so as to cause no delay in the Work or in the Work of anther Contractor, submittals required by these Contract

Documents or subsequently required by modifications.

F. Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities.


Coordinate each submittal with fabrication, purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals, and related activities that require sequential activity.


Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittals for related parts of the Work so processing will not be delayed because of need to review submittals concurrently for coordination.

a. Architect reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until related submittals are received.


Coordinate all finish submittals to be reviewed simultaneously.

Color selections for individual materials will not be reviewed without coordination with all other finishes. Upon receipt of all


finish sensitive submittals, Color options will be discussed and selected by the architect and reviewed with the owner for final approval. This process may take up to (3) three weeks. (15 business days). Early submittal of these items will expedite this process. Additional time will not be granted due. to delinquent submittal of finish submittals.

G. The Construction Manager and Architect shall review and take action on submittals with reasonable promptness, so as to cause no delay in the work progress. A reasonable period of time in accordance with approved project schedule for review of and action taken on submittals shall be as specified herein / but in no case shall it be less than (10) calendar days from the time the submittal is received by the

Architect until the time the submittal is marked and forwarded or returned. Contractors shall allow sufficient mailing time for submittals.

a. Upon approval of finishes by the owner, the material legend in the construction documents will be completed and re-issued to the contractor as an addendum to the drawings.


A. Collect Product Data into a single submittal for each element of construction or system. Product data includes printed information, such as manufacturer's installation instructions, catalog cuts, standard color charts, roughing-in diagrams and templates, standard wiring diagrams and performance curves.

1. Mark each copy to show applicable choices and options. Where printed Product Data includes information on several products that are not required, mark copies to indicate the applicable information.

Include the following information.

a. Manufacturer's printed recommendations.

b. Compliance with trade association standards.

c. Compliance with recognized testing agency standards.

d. Application of testing agency labels and seals.

e. Notation of dimensions verified by field measurement.


Notation of coordination requirements.

2. Do not submit Product Data until compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents has been confirmed.

3. Distribution: Furnish copies of final submittal to installers, subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, fabricators and others


required for performance of construction activities. distribution on transmittal forms.

Show a. Do not proceed with installation until a copy of Product Data is in the Installer's possession.

b. Do not permit use of unmarked copies of Product Data in connection with construction.

B. In compliance with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (1910.

1200, 08-24-1987) Contractors are required to submit to the

Construction Manager MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) for ALL products classified as hazardous that their firm has knowledge that they will be furnishing, using or storing on the jobsite during the duration of this Project in accordance with OSHA standards.


A. The Contractor shall submit to the Architect, through the Construction

Manager, three (3) samples to illustrate materials or workmanship, colors and textures, and establish standards by which the work will be judged.

1. Submit full size, fully fabricated samples cured and finished as specified and physically identical with the material or product proposed. Samples include partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components, cuts or containers of materials, color range sets, and swatches showing color, texture and pattern.

a. Mount or display samples in the manner to facilitate review of qualities indicated. Prepare samples to match the Architect's sample. Include the following:

1) Specification Section number and reference.

2) Generic description of the sample.

3) Sample Source.

4) Product name or name of the manufacturer.

5) Compliance with recognized standards.

6) Availability and delivery time.

b. Submit samples for review of size, kind, color, pattern and texture. Submit samples for final check of these characteristics with other elements and a comparison of these characteristics between the final submittal and the actual component as delivered and installed.

1) Where variation in color, pattern, texture and other characteristic is inherent in the materials or product represented, submit at least 3 multiple units that show approximate limits of the variations.


2) Refer to other Specification sections for requirements for samples that illustrate workmanship, fabrication techniques, details of assembly, connections, operation and similar construction characteristics.

B. By approving and submitting samples, the Contractor thereby represents that he has determined and verified materials, catalog numbers and similar data, and that he has checked and coordinated each sample with the requirements of the work and of the Contract

Documents prior to submitting to the Architect.

C. The Contractor shall resubmit the required number of correct or new samples until approved. The Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing or on resubmitted samples to revisions other than the changes requested by the Architect on previous submissions.

D. The Architect will review samples but only for conformance with the design concept of the Project and with the information given in the

Contract Documents. The Architect's review of a separate item shall not indicate approval of an assembly in which the item functions.

E. The Architect's action shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for deviations from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless the Contractor has informed the Architect in writing of the deviation at the time of submission and the Architect has given written approval to the specific deviation, nor shall the Architect's action relieve the

Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions in the samples.

F. Unless otherwise specified, samples shall be in triplicate and of adequate size to show function, equality, type, color, range, finish and texture of material. When requested, full technical information and certified test data shall be supplied.

1. Each sample shall be labeled, bearing material name and quality, the Contractor's name, date, project name and other pertinent data.

2. Transportation charges to and from the Architect's office must be prepaid on samples forwarded. The Architect shall retain samples until the Work for which they were submitted has been accepted.

G. Materials shall not be ordered until final review is received in writing from the Construction Manager. Materials shall be furnished, equal in every respect to reviewed samples. Where color or shade cannot be guaranteed, the manufacturer shall indicate the maximum deviation.

Work shall be in accordance with the final reviewed samples.



A. Submit newly prepared information drawn accurately to scale.

Highlight, encircle or otherwise indicate deviations from the Contract

Documents. Do not reproduce Contract Documents or copy standard information as the basis of Shop Drawings. Standard information prepared without specific reference to the Project is not a Shop


B. Shop Drawings are drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, performance charts, brochures and other data which are prepared by the Contractor or subcontractor, manufacture, supplier or distributor to illustrate some portion of the Work.

1. Advertising brochures will not be accepted as shop drawings.

2. Erection and setting drawings as referred to in these Specifications will be considered as shop drawings and shall be submitted along with detailed shop drawings.

3. Where schedules are required to indicate locations, they shall be submitted as part of the shop drawings package for that item.

4. Shop drawings and schedules shall repeat the identification shown on the Contract Drawings.

5. The Contractor shall check all shop drawings, samples and other submittals and submit them to the Construction Manager, giving his approval and/or comments and suggestions.

6. Include the following information: a. Dimensions and clearances required.

b. Identification of products and materials with reference to sheet and detail number.

c. Compliance with specified standards.

d. Notation of coordination requirements.

e. Notation of dimensions established by field measurements.


Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinent materials.

g. Show performance characteristics and capacities.

h. Note variances from the Contract Documents including manufacturer's recommended changes to sequencing and to piping and control diagrams.

7. A complete list of required shop drawings, samples, warranties, product data, etc. as described in Article 1.02.A.2 above, will be submitted by the Construction Manager for use as a checklist. Each

Contractor shall review the dates they are required to submit each item, and dates they need to be returned, to meet the schedule of progress for the Project. Submittals shall be submitted in adequate


time for required review so as to not adversely affect the schedule.


A. Qualification Data: Prepare written information that demonstrates capabilities and experience of firm or person. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified.

B. Product Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that product complies with requirements.

C. Manufacturer Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that manufacturer complies with requirements. Include evidence of manufacturing experience where required.

D. Material Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that material complies with requirements.

E. Material Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting test results of material for compliance with requirements.

F. Preconstruction Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and

Interpreting results of tests performed before installation of product, for compliance with performance requirements.


Field Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of field tests performed either during installation of product or after product is installed in its final location, for compliance with requirements.


Product Test Reports: Prepare written reports indicating current product produced by manufacturer complies with requirements. Base reports on evaluation of tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency, or on comprehensive tests performed by a qualified testing agency.


Maintenance Data: Prepare written and graphic instructions and procedures for operation and normal maintenance of products and


equipment. Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Closeout


J. Manufacturer's Instructions: Prepare written or published information that documents manufacturer's recommendations, guidelines, and procedures for installing or operating a product or equipment.

Include name of product and name, address, and telephone number of manufacturer. Include the following, as applicable:


Preparation of substrates.


Required substrate tolerances.


Sequence of installation or erection.


Required installation tolerances.


Required adjustments.


Recommendations for cleaning and protection.

K. Insurance Certificates and Bonds: Prepare written information indicating current status of insurance or bonding coverage. Include name of entity covered by insurance or bond, limits of coverage, amounts of deductibles, if any, and term of the coverage.

L. Material Safety Data Sheets: Submit information directly to the

Construction Manager. If submitted to Architect, Architect will not review this information but will return it with no action taken.


A. Provide permanent marking on each submittal to identify project, date,

Contractor, Subcontractor, submittal name and similar information to distinguish it from other submittals. Indicate date required on jobsite and material lead time. Show Contractor's executed review and approval marking and provide space for Architect's "action" marking.

Package each submittal appropriately for transmittal and handling.

Package each submittal according to applicable specification section.

Use a separate transmittal for each submittal.

B. By approving and submitting shop drawings, the Contractor thereby represents that he has determined and verified field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, quantities, catalog numbers, and


similar data, and that he has checked and coordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of the Work and of the Contract

Documents prior to submitting to the Architect. Submittals that are received from sources other than through the Construction Manager will be returned without review, requiring re-submittal.

C. The Contractor shall make corrections required by the Architect and shall resubmit the required number of corrected copies of shop drawings until approved or accepted. The Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing or on resubmitted shop drawings to revisions other than the corrections requested by the Architect on previous submissions.


A. The Architect will review shop drawings only for conformance with the design concept of the Project and with the information given in the

Contract Documents. The Architect's review of a separate item shall not indicate review of an assembly in which the item functions.

1. Only shop drawings, product data and samples marked "No

Exceptions Taken" or " Note Marking/Confirm" shall be considered

"Final" and used in conjunction with the work of the Project.

B. The Architect's review of Shop Drawings shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for any deviation from the requirements of the Contract

Documents, unless the Contractor has informed the Architect in writing of such deviation at the time of submission and the Architect has given written approval to the specific deviation, nor shall the Architect's action relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings.

1. The Architect's review of such submittals is not conducted for the purpose of determining the accuracy and completeness of other details such as dimensions and qualities, or for substantiating instructions or performance of equipment or systems, all of which remain the responsibility of the Contractor as required by the Contract Documents.

2. The Architect's review shall not constitute approval of safety or, unless otherwise specifically stated by the Architect, of any construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. The Architects approval of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly of which it is a component.

C. Notations and remarks added to shop drawings by the Architect are to


insure compliance to Contract Documents and do not imply a requested or approved change to contract cost.

D. Should deviations, discrepancies or conflicts between shop and contract drawings and Specifications be discovered, either prior to or after review, Contract Documents shall control and be followed.

E. Shop drawings not requested by the Architect/Engineer may be returned without action.

F. Shop drawings will be marked as follows: Contractor shall take the following action for each respective marking:

1. "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" - Copies will be distributed as indicated under above schedule.

2. "NOTE MARKINGS" - Final but Restricted Release; Contractor may proceed with fabrication, taking into account the necessary corrections on submittal and with Contract Documents.

3. "RESUBMIT" - Contractor may proceed with fabrication, taking into account the necessary corrections. Corrected shop drawings shall be resubmitted before fabrication of this work is complete to obtain a different action marking. Do not allow drawings marked

"Resubmit" to be used in connection with installation of the Work.

4. "REJECTED" - Contractor will be required to resubmit shop drawings in their entirety. No fabrication or installation shall be started until shop drawings so marked have been completely revised, resubmitted and marked by Architect according to preceding

Paragraphs a. or b.


The following number of shop drawings and product data submittals shall be made on the Project. Where an insufficient number of copies are submitted, no action will be taken until the proper number of copies has been received. Additional copies beyond the number required are acceptable and will be returned.

A. Schedule of Required Shop Drawings and Product Data

1. Quantity to Submit: Minimum of (6); maximum of (10) copies.


2 copies - Architect

1 copy Architect's Office File

1 copy Consulting Engineer's Office File

3 copies - Construction Manager

- 1 copy — CM Office File


- icopy —CM Field Copy

- 1 copy

1 -4 copies —

—Commissioning or Maintenance Plan

Prime Contractor



1 copy

1 copy

I copy

- Contractor's Office File

—Contractor' Field Copy (Job Record)

- Supplier or Subcontractor

B. Contractor will be responsible for reproduction of any additional quantity of shop drawings and product data submittals for its own needs beyond the contract quantities set forth above. Reproduction shall be by means of printing reproducible or photocopying returned copy. Reproduction must bear all stamps and notations by Architect.


A. Coordination drawings shall be produced to ensure all Work required will be installed. All Contractors shall address interference issues as they are found by means of Request for Information. Coordination Meetings will be convened following each weekly progress meeting until the M/E/P

Coordination Drawings are complete, with all parties to resolve interference issues. Contractors shall anticipate minor modifications to their systems to accommodate installation of more restrictive systems or components. Minor modifications shall include any deviations to a system layout as shown on reviewed drawings in order to accommodate other more restricted systems or components. Minor modifications will be made at no additional cost.

B. This section further describes the process of creating, editing, distributing and signing-off on MEP Coordination Drawings. As defined within the OSFC General Conditions 4.6.2 and the Summary of Works specification sections, the 1513 Bid Package is the originator of these drawings. However, each contractor is responsible to coordinate their work within the limits of the building finishes, structure and with respect to the other contractors work identified on these drawings.

1) 155 Bid Package shall begin creating computer aided coordination drawings immediately following their receipt of Notice to Proceed. The Architect will provide the building plans electronically (provided the CAD Transfer Agreement is completed by Contractor) to be used as a template from which to begin their layouts. Lighting & ceiling layouts shall be as indicated on the

Contract Documents. Prepare coordination drawings a minimum scale of 1/4" = 1'-0" and submit on standard 30" X 42" size white paper and electronic media in AutoCAD version 2000 file format or acceptable format as agreed as follows (spilt areas as necessary).


(a) Ductwork layout shall include duct sizes, elevation to bottom of duct and dimension off nearest wall. This also includes all air distribution equipment. Any VAV boxes, grilles, diffusers, dampers, thermostats, fan terminal units, air handler units, pumps, etc.

(b) Hydronic piping layout shall include pipe sizes, elevation to center of pipe and dimension off nearest wall. This also includes all hydronic distribution equipments and geo-thermal equipment.

Any pumps, expansion loops, valves, drains, cabinet/unit heaters, unit ventilators, and connection details.

(c) Identify the bottom elevation of all structural and/or architectural elements from finished floor that will be within six inches (61 of any system component.

(d) Drawings shall include section cuts through corridors or areas where careful coordination is required. Mechanical rooms shall be drawings to 1/2" = 1'-0" scale and provide exact dimensions of equipment and pads per manufacturer's recommendations.

(e) Drawings should indude views of the interactions and connections to geo-thermal equipment and piping.

(f) 15B Contractor shall have these CAD disks complete and made available to allow the other Prime Contractors to overlay their work.

Distribution shall take place no later than (20) calendar days after Notice to Proceed.

C. CAD disks shall be provided by the

Construction Manager, to each:

15B Bid Package, through the

15A, 15C


16A Contractors. Each

Contractor shall review the disk and overlay their work onto the disk provided.

1. 1.5A Bid Package shall include all above ceiling storm, sanitary, acid waste, domestic, gas and air lines. Include cleanouts, drains, valves, sinks and vent piping. Layout shall include pipe sizes, elevation to center line and dimension off nearest wall.

2. 15C Bid Package shall include all fire suppression piping, valves, auxiliary drains and include head locations for coordination with lighting and diffusers. Layout shall include pipe sizes, elevation to center line and dimension off nearest wall.

3. 16A Bid Package shall include all above ceiling feeder distribution conduit (or any conduit greater than or equal to 2"), cable tray, ladder racks and larger junction boxes (1`-0" square and larger).

Confirm lighting layout and electrical equipment. Any distribution panels, transformers, etc. Layout shall include pipe sizes, elevation to center line and dimension off nearest wall.


D. Each Contractor shall identify penetrations requiring lintels or other such support through walls including but not limited to ducts, fire dampers, louvers, cable trays, consolidate piping runs, consolidate conduit runs, etc., and all roof penetrations for coordination with structural components.

This information must be available on separate drawings for the work of others.


Each Contractor shall identify underground sanitary, storm and electrical conduit layout for coordination with initial building trades (footings, below grade masonry, slab on grade, etc.). This information must be available on separate drawings for the work of others.

F. Each contractor shall complete their overlays no later than 20 calendar days after receipt of the coordination disk. If any conflicts arise during the overlay process, layouts should be adjusted to eliminate. These disks shall be returned to 15B Contractor, transmitted via the CM. 156

Contractor will incorporate the individual overlays onto one coordination drawing. This drawing shall be plotted in color at 1/4" = 1 1-0" scale with each trade's work shown in a different color. 15B Contractor shall produce five (5) sets for distribution and review no later than 7 calendar days after receipt of the returned overlay disks.

G. Once plotted drawings are distributed, each trade shall review the drawings to insure no conflicts exists. Any conflicts that cannot be worked out should be brought to the attention of the Construction Manager via the RFI process. C.M. will schedule Coordination Drawing Meetings where conflicts can be addressed by the Architect. Once all conflicts are resolved, each Contractor shall sign-off on the Final Coordination Drawing

Revision. 156 Contractor shall provide eight (8) sets of final drawings.

These will be distributed to: 2A, 9A, 15A, 15C, 16A, CM, and two sets to the Architect/Engineer.

PART 2 PRODUCTS (Not Applicable)




