Defence Weapons, Ordnance, Munitions and Explosives (WOME) Functional Skills Framework Version 3.1 CONTENTS Page Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Explosives Substances & Articles (ESA) National Occupational Standards (NOS) 3 3 Section 2 How to use the WOME Skills Framework and record your details on Peoplesoft HRMS 2.1 Job Families and Job Codes 2.2 Recording Levels of proficiency against Functional Competences 2.3 Role Profiles 2.4 Guidelines for Evidencing Competency 2.5 Career Development and Training 2.6 Further Information Annex A – ESA NOS B - Guidance for aligning WOME roles profiles against HRMS Job Families & Job Codes C - Role Profiles D - Guidelines for Evidencing Competence 4 4-5 5 5-6 6 6 Weapons, Ordnance, Munitions & Explosives (WOME) Functional Skills Framework Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction It is widely recognised within the MOD that a person is deemed competent when management has proof of them working over a period of time to a required standard. The proof or evidence must show that they can bring the many parts of a job together, ie competences provide a means of bringing together the various components of effective performance, experience, knowledge, attributes, skills and behaviours. The WOME Functional Skills Framework has been produced to give guidance to staff and their Line Managers on how to capture, evidence and record WOME skills and functional competences. In DE&S, the Engineering Skills Framework (ESF) provides a common standard and expectation for DE&S engineers, and to help promote a sense of identity amongst the engineering community. It is aimed at all staff working in DE&S that have an engineering responsibility or who have an engineering background and want to develop or maintain engineering competence. It describes a set of common engineering competencies that cover the overarching responsibilities of all engineers within DE&S, together with a set of ‘Standard Engineering Roles’, which are template roles that cover every engineering activity in DE&S. The WOME Functional Competence Framework describes how this generic approach to engineering across DE&S is tailored to the need of the WOME Domain. Functional competences reflect the skills required to deliver the outputs of a task or job. They enable on-the-job performance to be identified, measured and assessed within MOD. This is usually to assist with workforce planning, determining an individual’s ability, gaps in knowledge, experience and skills, which will help to develop and retain a highly skilled, motivated and flexible workforce, but within WOME they have the added requirement of providing the Secretary of State, via the regulator, assurance that those working or controlling WOME are competent. 1 The WOME Skills Framework uses Explosives Substances & Articles (ESA) National Occupational Standards (NOS), to assess competence, these not only benefit the MOD but provide a criterion of good practice across the whole sector thereby enabling all employers to engage in a national strategy to sustain national WOME capability. The MOD has joined with major employers from the ESA sector to form the ESA Sector Skills Strategy Group (SSSG) facilitated through the Institute of Explosives Engineers (IExpE). This group will use the ESA NOS as a common requirement to set direction and strategies for meeting future skill demands. All competences within this framework are copies of the industry standard. 1.2 Explosives Substance and Articles (ESA) National Occupational Standards (NOS) – ANNEX A The ESA NOS are external standards approved by the Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA) which sit as part of the wider National Occupational Standards framework. The ESA national standards were launched in May 2006 by the Standard Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations (SSB for EMSO), and have been adopted by the WOME sector. Each area of the ESA NOS cascades into more specific units of competence which are divided into Performance Criteria & Knowledge Requirements with 1 JSP 482 Ch 3 requires Management to demonstrate competence of the WOME workforce against the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Explosives Substances and Articles (ESA). statements of the contexts in which users should demonstrate their competence, making it easier to match a role or a person to a specific standard. Line Managers will use the performance criteria, knowledge requirements and contexts to assess individuals profile and development plans against the job requirements. See ANNEX A to view the ESA NOS. Units of the ESA NOS which are available to record on HRMS are highlighted in red. HRMS does not list all the units within each ESA NOS functional area because some are not relevant while others duplicate those within other frameworks. Managers may use all NOS where needed and should not constrain their use to those listed on HRMS. Sub-units/elements of ESA NOS are not listed on HRMS, therefore when a unit from the ESA NOS is recorded on HRMS this will indicate competency/non-competency in the sub units/elements. Section 2 How to use the WOME Skills Framework and record your details in Post and Personal Skills Profiles on Peoplesoft HRMS 2.1 Job Families and Job Codes – ANNEX B The skills planning functionality on HRMS is based on a selection of agreed Job Families which are in turn supported by a variety of Job Codes. Line Managers must assign at least one job code to the posts they manage. This is the primary Job Code. In addition to this, HRMS provides the facility to assign an additional three job codes to any given post. This facility reflects that many posts, while having a primary role associated with one Job Code, may also require skills related to other codes. See ANNEX B to view a guide for aligning WOME Role Profiles against HRMS job codes/families and a link to the job codes/families listed on HRMS. Note. The WOME Skills framework will remain within the Engineering & Science Job Family although it is recognised that some posts will not be an engineering activity. 2.2 Recording Levels of Proficiency against Functional Competences The descriptions below used on HRMS have been taken from the Core Competence Framework, but because of an historical anomaly are described in the WOME skills framework and on HRMS as a ‘blank, II, III and IIII’, instead of ‘0,I, II and III’. To correct this would result in the loss of all current captured WOME competences in the post/personal profiles, therefore original levels remain unchanged. The table below gives definitions that are to be used to determine the levels of proficiency against a person or a job role. Blank - Requires Competence II - Basic Application III - Skilful Application IIII - Expert Has been identified as a competence you do not currently have, but need to develop. Displays understanding of what effective performance looks like. Demonstrates some application at work. Displays detailed knowledge and understanding and is capable of providing advice/guidance to others. Demonstrates application in a range of work situations. Displays extensive knowledge and understanding and is seen as a role model for others. Demonstrates consistent application in a wide range of work situations. Staff must identify the Functional Competences that are applicable to them in their current role and any that they developed in previous posts. They must then assess and record the level of proficiency they have against each NOS/WOME Functional Competence in their Personal Skills Profile, through a process of self assessment validated by their Line Manager. Line Managers shall establish levels of proficiency for the NOS/WOME Functional Competences that they set for each post they manage and record them in the relevant Post Skills Profile(s). They shall also validate the self assessments of staff that they manage in support of their completion of a Personal Skills Profile. Validation should be undertaken as a discussion with the individual providing a valuable opportunity to discuss the individual’s strengths and identify any development needs. If the level of proficiency that an individual records against a NOS/WOME Functional Competence in their personal profile does not meet at least the level of proficiency assigned to their post profile then this will indicate that the individual is not competent in that area. This must be recorded as a development need on HRMS and the individual will need to carry out the necessary training or development to become fully competent in the area required. In the intervening period, when an individual is still developing the required level of competence, the Line Manager must put in place mechanisms to address the impact of the competence shortfall, including an appropriate level of specialist supervision. Line Managers and staff might find it helpful to review their Post and Personal Profiles when setting objectives at the beginning of the report year, or as part of the mid year development review, although it can be completed or reviewed at any time. It is important to follow up the assessment by completing a Personal Training and Development plan which can be accessed through HRMS. 2.3 Role Profiles – ANNEX C The ESF describes Standard Engineering Roles that are common across DE&S, covering Governance and day to day engineering activities. They relate to the common engineering skills (SQEP1) described in the ESF; WOME domain specific skills (SQEP2) have been included in the tailored profiles presented at ANNEX C. The role profiles have been published to give advice to individuals and management regarding the responsibilities, functional competences, training and development that would be expected in a role. It is Line Management’s responsibility to translate this in to more specific Terms of Reference (TOR) and HRMS Post Profiles as required for each individual post. It should be noted that more than one role profile may be required to complete a TOR which is job specific and may incorporate several roles, but not all competences from each role profile will be required. It is recommended that the reasons for excluding an activity or competence are recorded. Role Profiles are used by various business areas as an aid to providing consistency across the functional areas. They are included in this document only as advice. TLBs should refer to their own local Role Profile policies. The role profiles can be viewed at ANNEX C 2.4 Guidelines for Evidencing Competency – ANNEX D The information at ANNEX D is for guidance only and is intended to provide assistance in collecting evidence and producing a portfolio that demonstrates competence within a job/role. Evidence is a collection of materials that demonstrate practical abilities. Such materials will depict a range of skills and competences required to meet the standards and outcomes expected of the job and the knowledge needed to underpin those skills. Once evidence is collated it can then be used to assess competence and to review achievements at an appraisal interview. This portfolio of evidence may also be used towards gaining a nationally recognised qualification such as an NVQ/QCF or Professional Registration. 2.5 Career Development and Education The ESA NOS concentrates on very specific areas of knowledge and performance. This enables personnel and their Line Managers to assess competences and easily identify gaps where training and/or development may be required. This could be in the form of training courses, e-Learning, on the job training, mentoring, and shadowing. The Defence Academy is the UK’s Defence higher educational establishment for members of the UK Armed Forces and MOD Civil Servants. It provides a full range of educational courses relating to the WOME profession. For further information regarding the Defence Academy access the link below: Defence Academy Home Page Training to undertake a specific job is the responsibility of local management. For Defence Academy Online learning, access the following link: WOME Online learning Further courses can be found under Short Course Listings at Cranfield University web site. If you are unable to access the above information online you can use the contacts below: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom Shrivenham Wiltshire SN6 8LA Tel: +44 (0)1793 785615 (Main Reception) For Course Information: College of Management & Technology Shrivenham Tel: 01793 314485 Option 4 Mil: 96161 4485 2.6 Further Information For further information on ESA National Occupational Standards access the following link Use of ESA NOS For more information or any questions about the new Defence WOME Skills Framework, please contact Rob Parry (DES WpnsEng-HOPDP) ABW ext 35547 or Joan Munro (DES WpnsEng-HOPDP1) ABW ext 35323. For assistance in using Peoplesoft HRMS with regards to using the framework please contact Defence Business Service (DBS) for guidance on 0800 345 7772 or (mil) 93345 7772. ANNEX A to WOME Skills Framework EXPLOSIVES SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES (ESA) NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS (NOS) LISTED BY FUNCTIONAL AREAS Units of the ESA NOS which are available to record on HRMS are highlighted in red. The reason HRMS does not list all the units within each ESA NOS functional area is to avoid duplication with other skills frameworks and core competences. Sub-units/elements of ESA NOS are not listed on HRMS, therefore when a unit from the ESA NOS is recorded on HRMS this will also indicate competency/non-competency in the sub units/elements. Research, Design & Development (1) (14 competences) Safety Management (2) (22 competences) Test & Evaluation (3) (20 competences) Manufacture (4) (14 competences) Maintenance (5) (16 competences) Procurement (6) (3 competences) Storage (7) (18 competences) Transport (8) (14 competences) Facilities Management (9) (5 competences) NOT USED (10) Disposal (11) (27 competences) NOT USED (12) General (13) (9 competences) ESA KS1 Research & Development.doc SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS: EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES (ESA) RESEARCH, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT (KEY ROLE 1) February 2006 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS CONTENTS Introduction ........................................................................................................1 1.1 Create the complex specification for explosive substances and/or articles ..............................................................................................2 1.2 Create the specification for an explosive substance or article ........... 3 1.3 Assimilate and evaluate the information on explosive substances and/or articles ................................................................. 4 1.3.1 Identify sources and gather the information on explosive substances and/or articles.....................................................................5 1.3.2 Evaluate and present the information on explosive substances and/or articles........................................................................................6 1.4 Gather and interpret the information on explosive substances and/or articles..................................................................................... 7 1.4.1 Gather information from identified sources on explosive substances and/or articles.....................................................................8 1.4.2 Interpret and present the information on explosive substances and/or articles........................................................................................9 1.5 Identify and gather the information on explosive substances and/or articles....................................................................................10 1.6 Prepare the research strategy for explosive substances and/or articles....................................................................................11 1.7 Prepare the research programme for explosive substances and/or articles....................................................................................12 1.8 Submit proposals for research work for explosive substances and/or articles....................................................................................13 1.9 Plan the research into explosive substances and/or articles ............14 1.9.1 Decide the research protocols for explosive substances and/or articles.................................................................................................15 1.9.2 Draw up research plans for explosive substances and/or articles.................................................................................................16 1.10 Carry out the research strategy and analyse the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles .........................17 1.10.1 Carry out investigations into explosive substances and/or articles ..............................................................................................18 1.10.2 Analyse and evaluate research information on explosive substances and/or articles ................................................................19 SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 ii SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS 1.11 Carry out investigations and analyse the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles .........................20 1.11.1 Carry out investigations into explosive substances and/or articles ...........................................................................................21 1.11.2 Analyse and evaluate research information on explosive substances and/or articles .............................................................22 1.12 Contribute to carrying out investigations and analysing the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles.............................................................................................23 1.12.1Contribute to investigations into explosive substances and/or articles ................................................................................24 1.12.2 Contribute to analysing research information on explosive substances and/or articles .............................................................25 1.13 Evaluate and document complex research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles..............................................26 1.13.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of results in meeting complex research objectives for explosive substances and/or articles ........27 1.13.2 Document the research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles .............................................................28 1.14 Assess and document research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles ..............................................................29 1.14.1 Assess the effectiveness of results in meeting research objectives for explosive substances and/or articles .......................30 1.14.2 Document the research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles .............................................................31 1.15 Develop a dissemination plan for explosive substances and/or articles .................................................................................32 1.16 Carry out small scale processing for explosive substances and/or articles .................................................................................33 1.17 Design the scale up process for explosive substances and/or articles.............................................................................................34 1.18 Create the specification for the design of complex explosive articles.............................................................................................35 1.19 Create the specification for the design of an explosive article ........36 1.20 Identify and analyse the factors applicable to the explosive article design specification..............................................................37 1.21 Generate design options for explosive articles................................38 1.22 Evaluate design options for explosive articles.................................39 1.23 Gather information to assist in generating design options for explosive articles ..................................................................................40 SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 iii SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS 1.24 Build prototype(s) of selected complex design(s) for explosive articles ............................................................................41 1.24.1 Prepare drawings for complex explosive article prototype(s) .........42 1.24.2 Carry out assembly-related activities to build complex explosive article prototype(s) .........................................................43 1.25 Build prototype(s) of selected design(s) for explosive articles ........44 1.25.1 Prepare drawings for the explosive article prototype(s) .................45 1.25.2 Carry out assembly-related activities to build the explosive article prototype(s) .........................................................................46 1.26 Comply with statutory regulations and organisational safety requirements (LATA 1.01) ................................................................. 1.27 Develop and maintain working relationships (LATA 1.02).................. 1.28 Use laboratory information systems (LATA 1.03)............................... 1.28.1 Use laboratory information systems ................................................... 1.28.2 Communicate information .................................................................. 1.29 Take laboratory measurements (LATA 1.04). .................................... 1.29.1 Prepare measuring equipment........................................................... 1.29.2 Take and record laboratory measurements. ...................................... 1.30 Perform basic laboratory activities (LATA 1.05). ................................ 1.30.1 Prepare laboratory equipment and materials ..................................... 1.30.2 Contribute to laboratory activities....................................................... 1.31 Carry out simple testing operations (LATA 2.03)................................ 1.31.1 Prepare for simple testing. ................................................................. 1.31.2 Prepare test sample ........................................................................... 1.31.3 Conduct simple tests.......................................................................... 1.31.4 Record test results. ............................................................................ 1.32 Carry out simple sampling operations (LATA 2.04). .......................... 1.32.1 Prepare for simple sampling. ............................................................. 1.32.2 Obtain representative sample ............................................................ 1.32.3 Maintain integrity of sample ............................................................... 1.33 Prepare laboratory materials, equipment and resources (LATA 2.05) ....................................................................................... 1.33.1 Prepare equipment for use................................................................. 1.33.2 Prepare materials............................................................................... 1.34 Calibrate equipment (LATA 2.06). ...................................................... 1.34.1 Perform calibration ............................................................................. 1.34.2 Report on and record calibration........................................................ 1.35.Calibrate equipment (LATA 2.06) ....................................................... 1.35.1 Perform calibration ............................................................................. 1.35.2 Report on and record calibration........................................................ SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 iv SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS 1.36 Control stocks of laboratory materials and equipment (LATA 2.07)................................................................................................... 1.36.1 Order stock ........................................................................................ 1.36.2 Receive and order stock .................................................................... 1.36.3 Maintain stock levels .......................................................................... 1.36.4 Issue stock ......................................................................................... 1.37 Prepare laboratories for learning activities (LATA 2.08)..................... 1.37.1 Prepare and equip laboratories for learning activities ........................ 1.37.2 Clean and tidy laboratories after learning activities............................ 1.38 Maintain laboratory and associated resources (LATA 2.09) .............. 1.38.1 Carry out routine maintenance checks............................................... 1.38.2 Undertake routine maintenance ......................................................... 1.39 Process requests to support learning (LATA 2.10)............................. 1.39.1 Comply with the necessary conditions for an effective and safe working environment. ................................................................. 1.39.2 Ensure the availability of resources ................................................... 1.39.3 Prepare materials in response to requests......................................... 1.40 Contribute to the support of student activities (LATA 2.11)................ 1.40.1 Assist students to prepare for learning activities ................................ 1.40.2 Monitor and promote good working practices amongst students. ............................................................................................ 1.41 Trial laboratory methods for use in learning activities (LATA 2.12)................................................................................................... 1.41.1 Prepare laboratory methods for use in learning activities................... 1.41.2 Test laboratory methods .................................................................... 1.42 Carry out testing operations (LATA 3.03). .......................................... 1.42.1 Establish requirements for testing...................................................... 1.42.2 Prepare for testing. ............................................................................ 1.42.3 Prepare test sample. .......................................................................... 1.42.4 Conduct routine tests. ........................................................................ 1.42.4 Record test results ............................................................................. 1.43 Assess data and produce report (LATA 3.04). ................................... 1.43.1 Collate and validate data.................................................................... 1.43.2 Present results ................................................................................... 1.44 Provide technical support (LATA 3.05)............................................... 1.44.1 Evaluate the requirements for technical assistance ........................... 1.44.2 Utilise information .............................................................................. 1.44.3 Implement technical assistance plan.................................................. 1.45 Plan delivery of sampling and testing (LATA 3.06)............................. 1.45.1 Plan sampling requirements............................................................... 1.45.2 Plan testing requirements. ................................................................. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 v SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS 1.46 Carry out complex testing operations (LATA 3.07)............................. 1.46.1 Evaluate the requirements for complex testing .................................. 1.46.2 Prepare for complex testing. .............................................................. 1.46.3 Prepare test sample ........................................................................... 1.46.4 Conduct complex test......................................................................... 1.46.5 Evaluate test results........................................................................... 1.47 Carry out complex sampling operations (LATA 3.08)......................... 1.47.1 Evaluate the requirements of complex sampling................................ 1.47.2 Prepare for complex sampling. .......................................................... 1.47.3 Obtain representative samples .......................................................... 1.47.4 Maintain integrity of sample ............................................................... 1.48 Carry out investigations (LATA 3.09).................................................. 1.48.1 Plan investigation ............................................................................... 1.48.2 Conduct investigation......................................................................... 1.48.3 Record and evaluate results of investigations.................................... 1.49 Carry out small scale processing (LATA 3.10). .................................. 1.49.1 Prepare for small scale processing. ................................................... 1.49.2 Carry out small scale processing ....................................................... 1.49.3 Evaluate results of small scale processing......................................... 1.50 Identify and monitor calibration requirements for equipment (LATA 3.16) ....................................................................................... 1.50.1 Identify calibration system requirements ............................................ 1.50.2 Monitor adherence to calibration requirements .................................. 1.51 Improve the quality and reliability of the laboratory (LATA 3.17)................................................................................................... 1.51.1 Identify and recommend improvements. ............................................ 1.51.2 Implement improvements................................................................... 1.52 Diagnose faults, repair and maintain laboratory equipment (LATA 3.18)................................................................................................ 1.52.1 Diagnose faults .................................................................................. 1.52.2 Organise repairs ................................................................................ 1.53 Develop and trial laboratory methods and equipment (LATA 3.19)................................................................................................... 1.53.1 Propose and develop new laboratory methods. ................................. 1.53.2 Trial new laboratory methods............................................................. 1.54 Contribute to the planning of teaching and learning (LATA 3.21)................................................................................................... 1.54.1 Evaluate the technical requirements for teaching and learning.............................................................................................. 1.54.2 Develop operating procedures for learning resources and activities ............................................................................................. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 vi SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS 1.55 Demonstrate laboratory methods to facilitate learning (LATA 3.22)................................................................................................... 1.55.1 Prepare demonstrations..................................................................... 1.55.2 Demonstrate methods........................................................................ 1.56 Assist colleagues in particular laboratory techniques (LATA 3.23)................................................................................................... 1.56.1 Develop and monitor plans and procedures....................................... 1.56.2 Monitor quality procedures................................................................. 1.57 Develop and monitor plans and procedures (LATA 4.03). ................. 1.571 Develop and monitor plans and procedures........................................ 1.57.2 Monitor quality procedures................................................................. 1.58 Devise and agree an overall technical plan (LATA 4.05). .................. 1.58.1 Identify customer requirements.......................................................... 1.58.2 Ensure ability of organisation to meet customer requirements...................................................................................... 1.59 Write technical reports (LATA 4.07).................................................... 1.59.1 Prepare to write the technical report .................................................. 1.59.2 Write the technical report ................................................................... 1.59.3 Issue the technical report ................................................................... 1.60 Develop and deliver teaching and learning activities (LATA 4.11)................................................................................................... 1.60.1 Develop teaching and learning activities. ........................................... 1.60.2 Deliver and monitor teaching and learning activities. ......................... SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 vii SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS INTRODUCTION The standards defined here describe the required competences of people working in the Design, Research and Development of explosive substances and/or articles. The functions of Technicians working in explosives laboratories are described elsewhere, by the Laboratory and Associated Technical Activities (LATA) National Occupational Standards. The LATA NOS are not repeated here, although the unit and element titles are listed in the contents page, for ease of reference. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 1 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.1 ESA - R, D&D NOS Create the complex specification for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Requirements: where a complex detailed technical requirement is provided; where a general requirement is provided • Constraints: resource limitations; possible conflicts of interest • Solutions for addressing needs: existing; adaptations to existing solutions; novel solutions Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l m work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify or confirm accurately the underlying needs of the customer assess objectively the feasibility of the customer’s requirement determine objectively the best methods by which these needs can be addressed explain fully and clearly to the customer, and any other relevant people, the basis for any decisions identify accurately any operational constraints that could affect the research and development of the explosive substance and/or article provide relevant advice to the customer, expressed in a way that meets their requirements alert the customer promptly to any additional information or implications that may be in their best interests consult others who may be affected, and build their feedback into your specification create a specification that clearly addresses all the customer’s requirements and your success criteria create a clear and concise specification that contains sufficient detail to enable research planning to take place confirm the customer’s level of satisfaction, and use the information to make further improvements maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s strategic and operational policies and objectives how to carry out a feasibility study how to establish success criteria alternative options for meeting the customer’s needs the underlying needs of the customer’s requirements when and how to challenge a customer’s brief when and how to advise a customer to pursue a different course of action the constraints that may affect your decisions and plans your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work the requirements of confidentiality 2 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.2 ESA - R, D&D NOS Create the specification for an explosive substance or article Contexts • Customer requirements: where a detailed technical requirement is provided; where a general description of requirements is provided • Constraints: resource limitations; possible conflicts of interest • Solutions for addressing customer needs: existing; adaptations to existing solutions Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify or confirm accurately the customer’s underlying needs assess objectively the feasibility of the customer’s requirement determine objectively the best methods by which these needs can be addressed explain fully and clearly to the customer, and any other relevant people, the basis for any decisions identify accurately any operational constraints that could affect the research and development of the explosive substance or article provide relevant advice to the customer, expressed in a way that meets their requirements alert your manager promptly to any additional information or implications that may be in the customer’s best interests consult others who may be affected, and build their feedback into your specification create a specification that clearly addresses all the customer’s requirements create a clear and concise specification that contains sufficient detail to enable research planning to take place maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s operational policies and objectives how to carry out a feasibility study alternative options for meeting the customer’s needs when and how to challenge a customer’s brief when and how to advise your manager that the customer should pursue a different course of action the constraints that may affect your decisions and plans the intellectual property requirements for the build processes your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work the requirements of confidentiality 3 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.3 ESA - R, D&D NOS Assimilate and evaluate the information on explosive substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 1.3.1 1.3.2 Identify sources and gather the information on explosive substances and/or articles Evaluate and present the information on explosive substances and/or articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 4 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.3 ESA - R, D&D NOS Assimilate and evaluate the information on explosive substances and/or articles 1.3.1 Identify sources and gather the information on explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Information sources: databases; from your own informal network; from formal sources outside your own organisation; published sources • Range of information: from your own specialism; from other specialisms • Obstacles: when information is not readily available; legal considerations; confidentiality Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify the type and range of information to be examined, in line with the research specification identify accurately any sources that can provide the necessary information utilise your own professional network of contacts to generate information, in line with the specification take action to generate contacts most likely to provide suitable information explain clearly the purpose of the enquiry to potential providers of information, whilst maintaining confidentiality identify and follow organisational procedures when accessing information identify any obstacles to the collection of information, and take steps to deal with them ensure that the information you gather is accurate and up to date record the information, and its source i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s strategic and operational policies and objectives the different types of information, and how to access them the action needed to generate contacts (networking, membership of professional groups, conference speaking) techniques for accessing and interrogating information the nature and extent of the research specification ethical and legal issues about the interrogation and use of information your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work the requirements of confidentiality 5 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.3 1.3.2 ESA - R, D&D NOS Assimilate and evaluate the information on explosive substances and/or articles Evaluate and present the information gathered on explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Additional information: from sources already interrogated; from new sources • Presentations: within your organisation; outside your organisation; written reports; group presentations • Evaluation techniques: quantitative; qualitative Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines assess the information you have gathered for its currency, completeness, validity and value identify any gaps, and take action to find additional information to fill or answer them use methods correctly and consistently to analyse the information make evaluations and conclusions, based on the information record all conclusions accurately, in the correct format for subsequent use assess accurately the impact of conclusions on the research specification present the information gathered, in the appropriate format acknowledge all sources of information maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times make a clear distinction between the information gathered and your evaluation of it i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s strategic and operational policies and objectives techniques for accessing and interrogating information techniques for evaluating information presentation techniques the nature and extent of the research specification the ethical and legal issues about the use of information your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work the requirements of confidentiality the requirements of record keeping 6 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.4 ESA - R, D&D NOS Gather and interpret the information on explosive substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 1.4.1 1.4.2 Gather information from identified sources on explosive substances and/or articles Interpret and present the information on explosive substances and/or articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 7 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.4 1.4.1 ESA - R, D&D NOS Gather and interpret the information on explosive substances and/or articles Gather information from identified sources on explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Information sources: databases; from formal sources outside your own organisation; published sources • Obstacles: when information is not readily available; confidentiality Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify the type and range of information to be examined, in line with the research specification identify the sources that can provide the necessary information explain clearly the purpose of the enquiry to potential providers of information, whilst maintaining confidentiality identify and follow the procedures when accessing information identify any obstacles to the collection of information, and take steps to deal with them ensure that the information you gather is accurate and up to date record the information, and its source i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s operational policies and objectives the different types of information, and how to access them techniques for accessing, interrogating and validating information the nature and extent of the research specification the ethical and legal issues about the use of information your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work the requirements of confidentiality 8 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.4 1.4.2 ESA - R, D&D NOS Gather and interpret the information on explosive substances and/or articles Interpret and present the information on explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Additional information: from sources already interrogated; from new sources • Presentations: within your team; to other colleagues beyond your own team; written reports; group presentations • Information analysis techniques: quantitative; qualitative Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines assess the information you have gathered for its currency, completeness and value identify any gaps, and take action to find additional information to fill or answer them use methods correctly and consistently to analyse the information make justified interpretations and conclusions, based on the information record all conclusions accurately and fully, in the correct format for subsequent use assess the relevance of your conclusions on the research specification present the information gathered, in the appropriate format acknowledge all sources of information maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times make a clear distinction between the information gathered and the interpretation you place upon it i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s operational policies and objectives techniques for analysing information techniques for accessing, interrogating and validating information presentation techniques the nature and extent of the research specification the ethical and legal issues about the use of information your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work the requirements of confidentiality the requirements of record keeping 9 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.5 ESA - R, D&D NOS Identify and gather the information on explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Information sources: databases; published sources • Obstacles: when information is not readily available; confidentiality • Reporting formats: written; verbal Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the type and range of information to be gathered, in line with the research specification identify all sources that can provide the necessary information explain clearly the purpose of the enquiry to potential providers of information, whilst maintaining confidentiality follow the correct procedures when accessing information identify and report promptly any obstacles to the collection of information ensure that the information you gather is accurate and up to date record the information, and its source report your findings in the correct format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your team’s objectives, and the purpose of the research specification the different types of information, and how to access them to whom to report problems and issues your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work the requirements of confidentiality the correct format for reporting information 10 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.6 ESA - R, D&D NOS Prepare the research strategy for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • • • • Research requirements: current business needs; likely future requirements Constraints: resources (human, financial, facilities); technology; suppliers; legislative changes Expertise: from your own specialism; from other specialisms Stakeholders; within your organisation; outside your organisation Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines keep records of the ideas considered, and the justification for their selection or dismissal, acknowledging input from others assess realistically the potential utility and impact of further study ensure that your strategy addresses the current and likely future needs of your customer identify and address any operational constraints that could affect the research strategy consult customers and other stakeholders who have a legitimate interest, and build their feedback into the strategy ensure that your strategy clearly addresses your customers’ and stakeholders’ requirements, and your organisation’s strategic objectives validate the final strategy through a peer review ensure compatibility between the research strategy and the business plan identify and express clearly in the research strategy the aims, objectives and expected outcomes prioritise and justify your research strategy maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s strategic and operational policies and objectives the business risks associated with the research strategy the potential uses of the research the current and likely future strategic and operational requirements of your customers current trends and policies, and forecasted changes in your area of the explosives substances and articlesrelated industry current trends and forecasted changes in your area of specialism and related areas your stakeholders, and the nature of their interest the requirements of the business plan, and the business planning cycle the required format for the strategy the peer review process your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work the requirements of confidentiality 11 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.7 ESA - R, D&D NOS Prepare the research programme for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Constraints: resources (human, financial, facilities); technology; suppliers; legislative changes • Stakeholders; within your organisation; outside your organisation Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines keep records of the ideas considered, and the justification for their selection or dismissal, acknowledging input from others ensure that your programme addresses the research strategy identify and address any operational constraints that could affect the research programme identify and express clearly in the research programme the aims, objectives, expected outcomes, timescale and resources to be used ensure that your outline budgets are realistic ensure that colleagues and stakeholders are fully involved in research programme preparation, and are briefed prioritise your proposed research activities within the programme, in line with the research strategy maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s operational policies and objectives the requirements of the research strategy the business risks associated with the research programme current trends in your area of specialism and related areas your stakeholders, and the nature of their interest the requirements of the programme planning cycle the different ways in which you might overcome any operational constraints any required formats for the research programme the peer review process your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work the requirements of confidentiality 12 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.8 ESA - R, D&D NOS Submit proposals for research work for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Funding: for new projects; for continuations to existing projects • Proposals: for individual research; for collaborative ventures Criteria Knowledge You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines state the aims and objectives of the research in the proposal present the significance and value of the proposed research and its outcomes, with reference to previous and ongoing research work specify the main stages and tasks of the research, and the method to be used justify the selection of particular methods, and the setting of priorities in the research state the required contribution of all parties toward achieving the goals of the research set timescales, resources, staffing and budgets for the work, in sufficient detail to enable decisions to be made record and communicate any amendments to the proposal obtain the appropriate authorisation prior to submitting the proposal ensure that the proposal arrives at its destination, in the correct format, within the required timescale maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s operational policies and objectives the requirements of the research strategy the nature of funding body interest the staff, facilities and equipment needed to carry out the research what needs to be costed in the proposal, and how to calculate those costs the strengths and weaknesses of your team or partners the required format for presenting your proposal, and the timetable for doing so any possible opposition to the research, and its potential impact the existence of any similar research in explosives being carried out elsewhere current trends in your area of specialism and related areas planning techniques ethical and legal issues the requirements of confidentiality 13 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 1.9 ESA - R, D&D NOS Plan the research into explosive substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 1.9.1 1.9.2 Decide the research protocols for explosive substances and/or articles Draw up research plans for explosive substances and/or articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 14 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.9 Plan the research into explosive substances and/or articles 1.9.1 Decide the research protocols for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Scope of the research; individually; collaboratively • Resources: with limited resources; with full resources Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines establish the evaluation criteria to determine the success of the research review critically and assess the suitability of existing methods, techniques and apparatus select the methods, techniques and apparatus for the purpose of the research adapt existing methods, techniques and apparatus before new ones are developed pilot new methods, techniques and apparatus, testing and evaluating their fitness for purpose and making modifications develop new methods, techniques and apparatus, in line with regulatory guidelines report your findings, in the correct format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s operational policies and objectives the requirements of the research strategy the business risks of the research strategy the range of possible methods to achieve the desired outcomes, and their relative advantages and disadvantages methods for evaluating the fitness for purpose of the methods, techniques and apparatus methods for evaluating the success of the research problem solving techniques the impact of the cost of developing or adapting new methods, techniques and apparatus 15 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.9 Plan the research into explosive substances and/or articles 1.9.2 Draw up research plans for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Scope of the research; individually; collaboratively • Resources: with limited resources; with full resources Criteria Knowledge You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines record the details of all methods, techniques and apparatus to be used specify in the plan the time and resource requirements of the research identify factors that might affect the timescale of the research, and incorporate this information into the research plan specify the relationship or dependencies between research tasks make provision for compliance with any regulatory constraints include detailed evaluative success criteria report your findings, in the correct format maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s operational policies and objectives the requirements of the research programme and protocol the business risks of the research programme the resources available (including expertise) project management techniques the deadline for each research task the significance and impact of any relationships or dependencies between research tasks any specific requirements for the format of the research plan methods for evaluating the success of the research problem solving techniques the requirements of confidentiality 16 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.10 Carry out the research strategy and analyse the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 1.10.1 1.10.2 Carry out investigations into explosive substances and/or articles Analyse and evaluate research information on explosive substances and/or articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 17 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.10 Carry out the research strategy and analyse the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles 1.10.1 Carry out investigations into explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Scope of the investigation; individually; collaboratively with internal colleagues; collaboratively with external colleagues • Interested parties: research team; project Steering Groups; external collaborators • Risks relating to: people; the organisation; the research programme; confidentiality; facilities; materials; equipment; services failure Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines set up the investigation, in line with the research plan manage relationships with interested parties, in accordance with agreements made use methods, techniques and apparatus, in line with the relevant procedures utilise a network of contacts to generate information document all unexpected outcomes or incidents as they occur, making reports and modifying the research report any delays or problems experienced to interested parties, and adjust the research plan accordingly pay attention to hazards and risks arising from the investigation, and take steps to minimise them document the details of the investigation and its outcomes, in the format suitable for further use maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v your organisation’s strategic and operational policies and objectives vi the requirements of the research strategy, programme and plan vii how to generate contacts viii project management techniques ix the availability and suitability of equipment x the availability, strengths and limitation of the research team xi the deadline for each research task xii the significance and impact of any relationships or dependencies between research tasks xiii problem solving techniques xiv the courses of action to minimise risks or hazards xv your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work xvi reporting lines xvii the requirements of confidentiality i 18 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.10 Carry out the research strategy and analyse the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles 1.10.2 Analyse and evaluate research information on explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Analytical and evaluation techniques: established; adapting established techniques • Resources: human; financial; time • Scope of the evaluation: individually; collaboratively with internal colleagues; collaboratively with external colleagues • Conduct of the evaluation: by yourself; by colleagues Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines select, adapt or devise new techniques of analysis and evaluation manage the evaluation when it is carried out by others, providing a clear and specific brief ensure that the analysis and evaluation techniques are cost-effective and can be applied using the available resources confirm your conclusions through the peer review process, and act on the resulting feedback meet your deadlines, taking action in the event of delays deliver the agreed outputs within budget, or take action in the case of expected overspends report your findings, in the correct format maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v your organisation’s strategic and operational policies and objectives vi the requirements of the research strategy, programme and objectives vii the basis on which you would carry out the evaluation yourself, delegate it to your team or contract out to an external organisation viii your role in sub-contracting the evaluation ix the nature of any conflicts of interest x any specific quality requirements xi the deadline for the evaluation phase xii your available budget, and any constraints xiii problem solving techniques xiv the peer review process xv your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work xvi reporting lines xvii the requirements of confidentiality i 19 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.11 Carry out investigations and analyse the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 1.11.1 1.11.2 Carry out investigations into explosive substances and/or articles Analyse and evaluate research information on explosive substances and/or articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 20 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.11 Carry out investigations and analyse the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles 1.11.1 Carry out investigations into explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Scope of the investigation: individually; collaboratively • Interested parties: team colleagues; other colleagues beyond your team; externally • Risks relating to: materials; equipment; services failure Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines set up the investigation, in line with the research plan manage relationships with interested parties, in accordance with agreements made use methods, techniques and apparatus, in line with the procedures document any unexpected outcomes or incidents, as they occur report any delays or problems experienced, to all interested parties, and adjust the research plan pay attention to hazards and risks arising from the investigation, and take steps to minimise them report your findings, in the correct format maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v your organisation’s operational policies and objectives vi the requirements of the research programme and plan vii the stakeholders, and the nature of their interest viii project management techniques ix the availability and suitability of equipment x the availability, strengths and limitation of the research team xi the deadline for each research task xii the significance and impact of any relationships or dependencies between research tasks xiii problem solving techniques xiv the possible courses of action open to you to minimise risks or hazards xv your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work xvi reporting lines xvii the requirements of confidentiality i 21 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.11 Carry out investigations and analyse the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles 1.11.2 Analyse and evaluate research information on explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Analytical and evaluation techniques: established; adapting established techniques • Scope of the evaluation: individually; collaboratively with internal colleagues • Reporting results: in writing; verbally Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines select techniques of analysis and evaluation that are fit for purpose ensure the consistency of the evaluation obtain confirmation to your conclusions, and act on the resulting feedback verify the correctness and quality of the analysis, using accepted and valid techniques record the results of the analysis, in the correct format maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s operational policies and objectives the requirements of the research programme and plan any specific quality requirements the deadline for the evaluation phase problem solving techniques your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work reporting lines the requirements of confidentiality 22 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.12 Contribute to carrying out investigations and analysing the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 1.12.1 1.12.2 Contribute to investigations into explosive substances and/or articles Contribute to analysing research information on explosive substances and/or articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 23 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.12 Contribute to carrying out investigations and analysing the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles 1.12.1 Contribute to investigations into explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Scope of the investigation: individually; collaboratively with team members Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines follow the research plan collaborate as a team member use all methods, techniques and apparatus, in line with the procedures document and report all unexpected outcomes or incidents, as they occur pay attention to hazards and risks arising from the investigation report any delays, problems, hazards and risks experienced to your manager document the details of the investigation, and its outcomes, in the required format maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your team’s objectives the requirements of the research plan the roles of those involved in the project the availability and serviceability of equipment the consequences of equipment or service failure the deadline for each research task problem solving techniques the courses of action to minimise risks or hazards your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work reporting lines the requirements of confidentiality 24 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.12 Contribute to carrying out investigations and analysing the information collected on explosive substances and/or articles 1.12.2 Contribute to analysing research information on explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Analytical techniques: manual calculations; using a computer; graphically; tabular • Reporting results: in writing; verbally Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the research information collected is accurate, complete and up to date apply correctly the analytical techniques confirm the appropriateness of the techniques with your manager collate, record and analyse information, to produce justifiable results, in line with the research objectives check that the analysis is correct, using accepted and valid techniques record the results of the analysis, in the correct format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your team’s objectives the requirements of the research plan any specific quality requirements the deadline for the analysis and evaluation phase analytical techniques (eg calculating means, variances, ranges) problem solving techniques your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work reporting lines the requirements of confidentiality 25 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.13 Evaluate and document complex research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 1.13.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of results in meeting complex research objectives for explosive substances and/or articles 1.13.2 Document research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 26 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.13 Evaluate and document complex research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles 1.13.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of results in meeting complex research objectives for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Presentation of recommendations: orally; in writing • Appropriate people: research team; project Steering Groups; external collaborators • Evaluation carried out by: yourself; colleagues; third parties Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that the results have been validated verify that any work carried out by third parties has delivered its objectives evaluate the results, using valid and consistent methods ensure that the evaluation of the results is logical and objective evaluate the conclusions of the research, in comparison with the original objectives and strategy identify any area(s) in which the research fails to meet its objectives explain any identified causes for failure present the recommendations for areas of further work make arguments for changes in the research strategy, where your findings indicate a need for changes i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the validation process the range of evaluative methods that could be used the requirements of the research strategy, programme and plan how to establish the criteria against which to evaluate the significance of the research the particular strengths, specialisms or weaknesses of any third party carrying out the evaluation the uses to which the information will be put the deadline for the evaluation of the research findings the impact of your recommendations on the organisation’s research strategy your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work reporting lines the requirements of confidentiality 27 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.13 Evaluate and document complex research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles 1.13.2 Document the research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Audiences: colleagues; sponsors; Steering Groups; technical experts; non-technical • Format for dissemination: internal reports; reports to sponsors; publications; presenting at conferences Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the research documentation is complete and up to date (including details of the original objectives, the activities undertaken, and contributors to the research) ensure that all findings, results and views have been recorded, whether they are positive or negative make distinctions between the results and your interpretation explain in full the rationale for your conclusions and recommendations record the research and findings, in the correct format for further use disseminate your research and findings to the audience, in line with the dissemination plan ensure that the documentation complies with legal requirements i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of the research strategy, programme and plan the research dissemination strategy and plan the particular strengths, specialisms or weaknesses of everyone involved in the reporting and dissemination processes the deadline for the dissemination phase communication techniques your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work reporting lines the requirements of confidentiality 28 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.14 Assess and document research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 1.14.1 Assess the effectiveness of results in meeting research objectives for explosive substances and/or articles 1.14.2 Document research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 29 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.14 Assess and document research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles 1.14.1 Assess the effectiveness of results in meeting research objectives for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Presentation of recommendations: verbally; in writing • People: colleagues; superiors; sponsors Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that the results have been validated interpret the results, using valid and consistent methods ensure that the interpretation of the results is logical and objective evaluate the conclusions of the research, in comparison with the original objectives identify any area(s) in which the research fails to meet its objectives explain any identified causes for failure present your recommendations for areas of further work i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the validation process the range of interpretative methods that could be used the requirements of the research programme and plan the deadline for the assessment of the research findings your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work reporting lines the peer review process the requirements of confidentiality 30 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.14 Assess and document research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles 1.14.2 Document the research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Audiences: colleagues; sponsors; technical experts; non-technical • Format for dissemination: verbal; written Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that your research documentation is complete and up to date (including details of the original objectives, the activities undertaken, and contributors to the research) record all findings, results and views, whether they are positive or negative make distinctions between the results and your interpretation explain the rationale for your conclusions and recommendations record the research and findings, in a suitable format for further use disseminate your research and findings to the audience, in line with the dissemination plan ensure that the documentation complies with legal requirements SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of the research programme and plan the deadline for the reporting phase the format required for the report communication techniques your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work reporting lines the requirements of confidentiality 31 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.15 Develop a dissemination plan for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Approval from: your manager; your sponsor; collaborators • Target audiences: colleagues; sponsors; technical experts; non-technical Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines define the dissemination plan, containing specific, measurable and timely objectives ensure that the dissemination plan objectives are consistent with those of the research strategy, and with intellectual property rights ensure that the dissemination plan meets regulatory requirements ensure that your plans are achievable, within the allocated resources and specified timescale select dissemination methods that are capable of reaching your target audience obtain approval for your plan, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of the research programme and plan the research dissemination strategy the different dissemination methods, and their respective advantages and disadvantages regulatory requirements affecting the dissemination and publication of information the information needs of your target audience constraints relating to intellectual property planning techniques who may be affected by the dissemination plan, and in what way your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work reporting lines the requirements of confidentiality 32 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.16 Carry out small scale processing for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: facilities; equipment; services; consumables; other people • Reporting: verbally; in writing Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the suitability and correct set-up of the equipment, prior to use ensure that the resources are available and are serviceable, prior to use establish and maintain the required controlled conditions produce the required quantities, within specification, in accordance with the processing plan recommend modifications to the procedures reinstate the work area to a safe condition after processing take action in the event of unplanned occurrences, and record and report them in the correct format record information, using the correct documentation i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the small scale processing procedure to be followed the risks and consequences inherent in the processing procedure the necessary conditions, and how to maintain them how to calibrate and operate the equipment the action to be taken in the event of deviations or problems the documentation requirements reporting line and procedures how to consign waste and other products for disposal 33 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.17 Design the scale-up process for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Suitability: cost; safety • Resources: limited; full Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines establish the evaluation criteria, to determine the success of the scale-up assess the suitability of existing processes, techniques, and plant and equipment explore the possibility of adapting existing processes, techniques and equipment, before new ones are developed develop and validate new processes, techniques and equipment, in line with regulatory guidelines ensure that your scale-up design demonstrates reproducibility, with the required properties write clear and concise process procedures document fully the rationale, and the choice of processes, techniques and equipment report your findings, in the correct format SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the research programme and plan vi the required properties of the substance(s) being scaled up vii the range of possible processes, and their advantages and disadvantages viii the critical factors in scale-up processes ix the available facilities and equipment, and their constraints x the competences of the personnel involved xi the information needed to draw up processing procedures xii whom to consult, and where to go for further advice xiii methods for evaluating the fitness for purpose of the processes, techniques, plant and equipment xiv methods for evaluating the success of the scale-up xv problem solving techniques xvi the impact of the cost of developing or adapting new processes, techniques, plant and equipment xvii the documentation requirements xviii how to consign residues and other products for disposal i 34 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.18 Create the specification for the design of complex explosive articles Contexts • People: customers; colleagues; sponsors; collaborators • Presentation: verbally; in writing • Environmental factors: pressure; temperature; humidity; vibration; shock Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the technical requirements are understood and specified verify that the requirements are interpreted correctly determine how your organisation can best respond to the requirements, in terms of workload and resources identify and prioritise the key aspects of the design specifications specify the quality assurance requirements, referencing relevant regulations and standards record information, in accordance with organisational requirements prepare and present specifications, using the correct format maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v your organisation’s business and research strategies vi the customer’s needs (including component interfaces and specifications) vii information sources, and document types viii the environmental factors relating to the intended use of the explosive article ix your organisation’s requirements for the specification, in terms of structure, format and content x analytical methods and techniques xi evaluation methods and techniques xii your organisation’s capabilities, capacity and constraints xiii the roles and responsibilities, strengths and weaknesses of your collaborative partners xiv the requirements of quality standards and guidelines xv reporting lines xvi communication techniques xvii your own level of authority, and that others you work with xviii the requirements of confidentiality i 35 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.19 Create the specification for the design of an explosive article Contexts • People: customers; colleagues, sponsors • Presentation: verbally; in writing • Environmental factors: pressure; temperature; humidity; vibration; shock Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the technical requirements are understood and specified check and obtain agreement that the requirements are interpreted correctly determine how best your team can respond to the requirements, in terms of workload and resources specify the quality assurance requirements, referencing relevant regulations and standards record information, in accordance with organisational requirements prepare and present specifications, using the correct format maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the customer’s underlying needs information sources and document types the environmental factors relating to the intended use of the explosive article your organisation’s requirements for the specification, in terms of structure, format and content of specifications analytical methods and techniques evaluation methods and techniques your teams’ capabilities, capacity and constraints the requirements of any relevant quality standards and guidelines reporting lines communication techniques your own level of authority, and that of others you work with the requirements of confidentiality 36 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.20 Identify and analyse the factors applicable to the explosive article design specification Contexts • Input: from within own specialism; from outside own specialism • Information sources: informal; internal reports; external publications Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm your understanding of the design requirements decide, prioritise and document the factors that will affect the design specification, using appropriate methods of analysis, supported by relevant evidence prepare and present recommendations for any further investigation and analysis, in the correct format show clearly where the analysis suggests the need for further investigation maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the required functioning of the explosive substance or article the requirements of the explosive article design specification the appropriateness of analytical methods and techniques, and their impact on the design information sources and document systems current thinking within your own area of specialism communication techniques reporting lines your own level of authority, and that of others you work with the requirements of confidentiality 37 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.21 Generate design options for explosive articles Contexts • Information sources: informal; internal specifications; external publications • People: your manager; the customer • Format: verbal; written Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm your understanding of the design requirements deal with problems relating to the design requirements identify and develop design options, in sufficient detail to enable evaluation prepare costings and timescale, in accordance with the specification document all generated design options present your findings, in the correct format maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the required functioning of the explosive substance or article current thinking within your own specialism information sources and document systems the requirements of the structure and content of the design specification, and the factors that may impact on your design communication techniques reporting lines your own level of authority, and that of others you work with the requirements of confidentiality 38 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.22 Evaluate design options for explosive articles Contexts • Appropriate persons: your manager; the customer • Format: verbal; written • Evaluation techniques: established; adapting established techniques Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm and agree your understanding of the design requirements and identified factors evaluate and prioritise design options, against the specification recommend the most appropriate design option, detailing supporting evidence confirm that the costings and timescale for the most appropriate design option are in accordance with the specification prepare recommendations for any further investigation and analysis present the evaluation, in the correct format maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the required functioning of the explosive substance or article current thinking and policies for the design of explosive articles the requirements of the structure and content of the design specification, and the factors that may impact on the design evaluation techniques communication techniques reporting lines your own level of authority, and that of others you work with the requirements of confidentiality 39 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.23 Gather information to assist in generating explosive article design options Contexts • Information sources: informal; internal reports; external publications • Format: verbal; written; graphic Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm your understanding of the design requirements obtain and review information that will affect the design document the information, in the correct format present the information, acknowledging all sources show where any gaps in the information suggest the need for further investigations maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the required functioning of the explosive substance or article information sources and document systems the requirements of the structure and content of design specifications how to present the information reporting lines your own level of authority, and that of others you work with the requirements of confidentiality 40 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.24 Build prototype(s) of selected design(s) for complex explosive articles This unit comprises the following elements: 1.24.1 1.24.2 Prepare drawings for complex explosive article prototype(s) Carry out assembly-related activities to build complex explosive article prototype(s) SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 41 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.24 Build prototype(s) of selected complex design(s) for explosive articles 1.24.1 Prepare drawings for complex explosive article prototype(s) Contexts • Drawings: assembly of discrete parts; complex assembly of multi-part components • People: colleagues; your manager; quality control representative; design manager/authority Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines use up-to-date standards and technical requirements identify the features required for the drawings and material specifications identify the formats and conventions to be used deal with any problems associated with the technical information and its interpretation produce drawings, assembly procedures or sequences, that are clear and concise use codes and other references that follow the required conventions obtain approval to drawings, within agreed timescales, by authorised people ensure that drawings are properly registered and stored securely maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your team’s capabilities, capacity and constraints component assembly methods, tools and techniques the deadline for the work your organisation’s requirements in terms of quality, the structure, format and content of drawings, designs and materials the type and sources of technical information required for drawings and assembly procedures reporting lines your own level of authority, and that of others you work with the requirements of confidentiality 42 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.24 Build prototype(s) of selected complex design(s) for explosive articles 1.24.2 Carry out assembly-related activities to build complex explosive article prototype(s) Contexts • Type of components to be assembled: explosive; non-explosive • Resources: yourself; your team Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the requirements of the specification, and ensure that you have upto-date documentation confirm the availability and suitability of any resources required obtain the required components, where available, and manufacture new ones where required by the specification take adequate precautions to prevent damage to components, tools and equipment during assembly construct the prototype(s), in the correct sequence, using the approved tools and techniques report any inaccuracies or discrepancies in drawings, specifications or components, and take action within your level of authority record and make any necessary adjustments to the components required during construction of the prototype maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the design specification for the explosive article how to read a technical drawing component assembly methods, tools and techniques, as prescribed in the relevant documentation the methods of preventing damage to the prototype the precautions required to prevent unintentional functioning of the prototype your organisation's procedures for quality and configuration control strengths, weaknesses and competences of your team the documentation requirements reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority, and that of others you work with the requirements of confidentiality 43 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.25 Build prototype(s) of selected design(s) for explosive articles This unit comprises the following elements: 1.25.1 1.25.2 Prepare drawings for explosive article prototype(s) Carry out assembly-related activities to build explosive article prototype(s) SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 44 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.25 Build prototype of selected design(s) for explosive articles 1.25.1 Prepare drawings for explosive article prototype(s) Contexts • Drawing: discrete part; assembly of discrete parts • People: colleagues; your manager; quality control representative Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines use up-to-date standards and technical requirements identify the features required for the drawings and material specifications identify the formats and conventions to be used report, to your manager, any problems with the technical information and its interpretation produce drawings and assembly procedures or sequences, that are clear and concise use codes and other references that follow the required conventions obtain approval to drawings, within agreed timescales, by authorised people ensure that drawings are properly registered and stored securely maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the deadline for the work the structure, format, content and quality of designs, materials and conventions used for drawings types and sources of technical information required for drawings selection of data and features for inclusion in the technical information reporting lines and organisational procedures your own level of authority, and that of others you work with the requirements of confidentiality 45 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - R, D&D NOS Unit 1.25 Build prototype of selected design(s) for explosive articles 1.25.2 Carry out assembly-related activities to build explosive article prototype(s) Contexts • Type of components to be assembled: explosive; non-explosive • Adjustments: minor1; major2 Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k 1 2 work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the requirements of the specification and ensure that you have up-to-date documentation confirm the availability and suitability of any resources required obtain the required components, where available, and manufacture new ones where required by the specification take adequate precautions to prevent damage to components, tools and equipment during assembly construct the prototype(s), in the correct sequence, using the approved tools and techniques report any inaccuracies or discrepancies in drawings, specifications or components record and make any necessary minor adjustments to the components required during construction of the prototype report promptly any problems or major adjustments required maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the explosive article design specification how to read a technical drawing component assembly methods, tools and techniques, as prescribed in the relevant documentation the methods of preventing damage to the prototype the precautions required to prevent unintentional functioning of the prototype your organisation's procedures for quality and configuration control the documentation requirements reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority the requirements of confidentiality ie within the tolerances of the design specification ie requiring authorisation SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 46 STANDARDS SETTING BODY IN EXPLOSIVES, MUNITIONS AND SEARCH OCCUPATIONS EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS 23 October 2008 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc CONTENTS Introduction ........................................................................................................1 2.1 Formulate national policy for explosives substances and articles................2 2.2 Determine the classification of explosive substances and/or articles...........3 2.2A Make recommendations for the classification of explosive substances and/or articles ...........................................................................4 2.3 Review the factors affecting the safety of specific explosive substances and/or articles ...........................................................................5 2.3A Make recommendations on the factors affecting the safety of specific explosive substances and/or articles ..............................................6 2.4 Analyse the acceptability of safety control measures for specific explosive substances and/or articles ...........................................................7 2.4A Review safety control measures for specific explosive substances and/or articles ..............................................................................................8 2.5 Review an organisation’s safety management system for explosives....................................................................................................9 2.5A Assess an explosives safety management system....................................10 2.6 Develop the organisational safety policy and/or strategy for explosives..................................................................................................11 2.7 Implement the organisational safety policy and/or strategy for explosives..................................................................................................12 2.8 Analyse and identify aggregated hazards and risks for explosives............13 2.8A Assess the suitability of explosives facilities ..............................................14 2.9 Determine and implement aggregated risk control measures for explosives..................................................................................................15 2.9A Implement risk control measures for explosive substances and/or articles .......................................................................................................16 2.10 Develop and implement assurance systems for explosives safety ............17 2.10A Carry out assurance audit of systems for explosives safety.....................18 2.11 Develop emergency response systems and procedures for explosives safety........................................................................................19 2.12 Investigate explosives-related safety incidents..........................................20 2.12A Contribute to the investigation of explosives safety incidents ..................21 2.13 Assess explosives licence applications .....................................................22 2.14 Prepare and submit an explosives licence application...............................23 Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd i ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc INTRODUCTION The development and implementation of task-related safety cases is described within each relevant functional area of the National Occupational Standards in Explosive Substances and Articles (eg manufacturing risk assessments are described in the Manufacturing key role, maintenance risk assessments are described in the Maintenance key role etc). This suite describes the relationship and interface between different elements of an organisation’s safety management system for explosives, and is therefore aimed at those with special responsibilities. These standards are aimed at policy makers and explosives safety managers/advisers. Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 1 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.1 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Formulate national policy for explosive substances and articles Contexts • National policy: where no policy exists; where amendments are needed • Potential impact: safety; environmental; societal; financial; feasibility of the policy Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines establish the extent to which a relevant national policy currently exists identify areas for improvement in the existing national policy identify the need for new policy where none currently exists recommend changes that address the areas for improvement establish the constraints that may influence the policy evaluate the potential impact of the proposed policy secure commitment from appropriate stakeholders to the proposed policy review periodically the extent to which the policy delivers requirements confirm that your recommendations and their implications are clearly understood publish the policy in the appropriate format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the interface between the explosives safety policy and other relevant safety and environmental policies the nature of any constraints (including international requirements) best practice in explosives safety management the acceptability of risk to society relating to explosives key organisations in the explosives industry and the nature of their interest the stakeholders and the nature of their interest the potential impact of your recommendations the role and mechanisms of the consultative process Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 2 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.2 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Determine the classification of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Applications: with complete information; with incomplete information • Caveats: when caveats should be applied; when no caveats are needed Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify and gather available information, relevant to the explosive substance or article and its packaging to be classified evaluate the accuracy, completeness and validity of the information identify the nature and scale of the hazards posed by the explosive substance or article ensure that the classification is consistent with the information provided specify unambiguously caveats that are proportionate to the hazards obtain confirmation of the correctness of your classification inform applicants promptly of the classification decision and caveats maintain records appropriately i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s classification application process the information needed in order to classify explosive substances and articles sources of information and relevant guidance how to evaluate and validate information the hazard assessment process packaging characteristics the different hazard divisions and compatibility groups and their significance when and why caveats should be applied the role of peer review the documentation requirements the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 3 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Unit 2.2A Make recommendations for the classification of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Information: complete; incomplete • Classifications: new; re-classification Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify and gather information relevant to the explosive substance or article and its packaging identify the nature and scale of the hazards posed by the explosive substance or article confirm the accuracy and completeness of the information ensure that your recommendations for the classification submission are consistent with the information provided maintain records in accordance with your organisation’s procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s classification application process the information needed in order to classify explosive substances and articles sources of information and relevant guidance how to validate information the hazard assessment process packaging characteristics the different hazard divisions and compatibility groups and their significance the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 4 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.3 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Review the factors affecting the safety of specific explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Information: complete; incomplete • Hazards and risks relating to: the complexity of the explosive substance or article; secondary hazards; operational environment; age; condition • Reviews: planned; unplanned Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify and gather all available information relevant to the safety of the explosive substance and/or article evaluate the accuracy, currency, completeness and validity of the information, obtaining further information to fill any gaps establish the design, intended use and operation/functioning of the explosive substance and/or article establish the intended environments of the explosive substance and/or article throughout its life establish the requirements specific to the explosive substance and/or article identify hazards and assess risks associated with the environments and/or use of the explosive substance and/or articles give your customer timely advice or feedback on developments during the course of your review inform your customer promptly of the findings of your review i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the safety design requirements of the explosive substance or article the potential interface with other equipments/systems that might compromise safety the functioning of the explosive substance or article the current point in the life of the explosive substance or article (concept, development, in use, etc) sources of information and relevant guidance how to evaluate and validate information the hazard assessment process any specific requirements (eg handling, configuration, maintenance, storage, legislative etc) the tolerances of the explosive substance or article, in terms of the environment your customer and their needs your organisation’s documentation requirements the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale Note: this standard is relevant to the following areas: design of ESA; test programmes; mitigations, cautions, constraints, restrictions of use, transport, storage or any other functional area; facilities required/requirements; incident management and emergency procedures; changes to ESA policy and/or legislation. Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 5 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Unit 2.3A Make recommendations on the factors affecting the safety of specific explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Information: complete; incomplete • Explosive safety management system: where requirements are met; where requirements are not met • Reviews: planned; unplanned Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify and gather information relevant to the safety of the explosive substance and/or article confirm the accuracy, currency and completeness of the information confirm the intended use and operation/functioning of the explosive substance and/or article confirm the intended environments of the explosive substance and/or article identify hazards and assess risks associated with the environments and/or use of the explosive substance and/or articles give timely advice or feedback on explosives safety-related matters take appropriate action commensurate with the identified risk report your recommendations and actions in the appropriate format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the safety design requirements of the explosive substance or article the hazard assessment process the potential interface with other equipments/systems that might compromise safety the functioning of the explosive substance or article the current point in the life of the explosive substance or article (eg shelf life, concept, development, in use, etc) any specific requirements (eg handling, configuration, maintenance, storage, legislative, climatic, vibration etc) sources of information and relevant guidance how validate information your organisation’s reporting requirements the importance of documenting your recommendations, actions and your rationale Note: this standard is relevant to the following areas: design of ESA; test programmes; mitigations, cautions, constraints, restrictions of use, transport, storage or any other functional area; facilities required/requirements; incident management and emergency procedures; changes to ESA policy and/or legislation. Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 6 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.4 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Analyse the acceptability of safety control measures for specific explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Information: complete; incomplete • Hazards and risks relating to: the complexity of the explosive substance or article; secondary hazards; operational environment; age; condition • Assessments: planned; unplanned Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines establish any discrepancies between the intended and actual environments in which the explosive substance and/or article is exposed to during its life ensure that the information provided is current, complete, accurate and valid evaluate the risks as presented by the customer against the agreed criteria evaluate the customer’s proposed mitigation strategies against the agreed risk tolerability criteria give your customer feedback on developments, during the course of your assessment confirm the acceptability of the proposed safety control measures or make recommendations according to the findings of your analysis inform your customer promptly of the findings of your assessment Note: this standard is relevant to the following areas: design of ESA; test programmes; mitigations, cautions, constraints, restrictions of use, transport, storage or any other functional area; facilities required/requirements; incident management and emergency procedures; changes to ESA policy and/or legislation. the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the safety design requirements of the explosive substance or article vi the potential interface with other equipments/systems that might compromise safety vii the functioning of the explosive substance or article viii the current point in the life of the explosive substance or article (concept, development, in use, etc) ix sources of information and relevant guidance x how to evaluate and validate information xi the hazard assessment process xii any specific requirements (eg handling, configuration, maintenance, storage, legislative, etc) xiii the tolerances of the explosive substance or article in terms of the environment xiv the agreed criteria against which to carry out your evaluation xv the factors affecting risk tolerability (eg safety, societal, cost, environment, etc) xvi how the risk tolerability criteria are established xvii the acceptability of the proposed control measures xviii the requirements of the organisation’s safety management system xix your customer, their level of technical understanding, and their needs xx the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale i Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 7 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Unit 2.4A Review safety control measures for specific explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Information: complete; incomplete • Explosive safety management system: where requirements are met; where requirements are not met • Reviews: planned; unplanned Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the currency, completeness and accuracy of the information identify the explosive substance or article document any discrepancies between the intended and actual environments confirm the risks/hazards against the agreed criteria make recommendations according to the findings of your review give timely advice or feedback on explosives safety-related matters take appropriate action commensurate with the identified risk report your recommendations and actions in the appropriate format Note: this standard is relevant to the following areas: design of ESA; test programmes; mitigations, cautions, constraints, restrictions of use, transport, storage or any other functional area; facilities required/requirements; incident management and emergency procedures; changes to ESA policy and/or legislation. i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the safety design requirements of the explosive substance or article the hazard assessment process the potential interface with other equipments/systems that might compromise safety the functioning of the explosive substance or article the current point in the life of the explosive substance or article (eg shelf life, concept, development, in use, etc) any specific requirements (eg handling, configuration, maintenance, storage, legislative, climatic, vibration etc) sources of information and relevant guidance how to validate information the requirements of the organisation’s local explosives safety management system your customer’s level of explosives technical understanding the importance of documenting your recommendations, actions and your rationale Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 8 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.5 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Review an organisation’s safety management system for explosives Contexts • Reviews: with complete information; with incomplete information • Potential impact: safety; environmental; societal; financial Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the information provided is current, complete, accurate and valid establish the extent to which legislative requirements are being met by the safety management system for explosives establish any constraints that may influence the organisation’s ability to comply with legislation evaluate the potential impact of compliance and non-compliance with the relevant explosives-related legislation and policy review periodically the extent to which the organisation complies with explosivesrelated legislation and policy according to the agreed review criteria secure commitment from appropriate stakeholders to the need for and value of your review of the safety management system for explosives identify and prioritise areas for improvement highlight areas where the minimum requirements are exceeded make recommendations for change to address identified needs i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the purpose of the safety management system for explosives and how it interfaces with the safety management system as a whole the relationship of the safety management system for explosives with those of others the constraints under which the organisation is working the information needed to carry out the review how to validate the information provided evaluation techniques (eg audit tables, cost-benefit analysis, etc) the stakeholders and the nature of their interest the requirements of the agreed review criteria the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 9 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.5A ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Assess an explosives safety management system Contexts • Assessments: planned; unplanned • Information: complete; incomplete • Explosives safety management system: where requirements are met; where requirements are not met Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the information provided is current, complete and accurate establish the extent to which explosives safety management system requirements are being met against the agreed criteria establish any constraints that may influence the ability to comply fully with the explosives safety management system assess the potential impact of compliance and non-compliance with the explosivesrelated safety management system identify and record instances of best practice identify areas for improvement and make practicable recommendations to address these take appropriate action commensurate with identified non-compliance give timely advice or feedback on your assessment report the outcome of your assessment in the appropriate format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the purpose of the explosives safety management system the information needed to carry out the assessment how to validate the information provided the criteria against which to make your assessment the importance of documenting your recommendations, actions and your rationale Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 10 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.6 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Develop the organisational safety policy and/or strategy for explosives Contexts • Explosive safety policy or strategy: where no policy or strategy exists; where amendments are needed • Impact on the business: business processes/products; management structure/arrangements; financial implications; licensing arrangements Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines establish the extent to which your organisation currently meets statutory and its own requirements and best practice identify areas for improvements in the current explosives safety policy or strategy of your organisation recommend changes that address the areas for improvements in the explosives safety policy or strategy of your organisation establish the constraints which may influence the explosives safety policy or strategy of your organisation evaluate the potential impact of the proposed policy or strategy on the business secure commitment to your proposed explosives policy or strategy from your key stakeholders review periodically the extent to which the policy or strategy delivers requirements confirm that your recommendations and their implications are clearly understood ensure that your recommendations address the customer’s requirements and the degree of risk i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the purpose of the safety management system for explosives and how it interfaces with the safety management system as a whole the relationship of the safety management system for explosives with those of others best practice in explosives safety management your organisation’s explosives-related business objectives and activities your organisation’s explosives-related structure and systems the nature of any constraints the stakeholders and the nature of their interest the potential impact of your recommendations the role of peer review Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 11 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.7 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Implement the organisational safety policy and/or strategy for explosives Contexts • Approval and commitment: where there is commitment; where resistance to change is encountered • Resources: fully equipped; with limited resources; from other organisations Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines draw up a clear implementation plan which specifies objectives, method, allocated resources, budget and timescale obtain approval and commitment to your proposed or amended implementation plans implement the plan within the agreed timescale and resources amend the plan in the light of changing circumstances or information provide advice that addresses the customer’s requirements and the degree of risk confirm that your advice and its implications have been understood evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation, making practical recommendations for future use i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the purpose of the safety management system for explosives and how it interfaces with the safety management system as a whole the relationship of the safety management system for explosives with those of others best practice in safety management for explosives your organisation’s explosives-related business objectives and activities your organisation’s explosives-related structure and systems the way in which any constraints affect you the stakeholders and the nature of their interest the timescale for implementation your available resources and any constraints attached to them the competence of the personnel involved planning techniques Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 12 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.8 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Analyse and identify aggregated hazards and risks for explosives Contexts • Hazards and risks caused: by the complexity of the activity; to the explosive; from the explosive • Hazards and risk: high negative consequence; low negative consequence Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that all the information is current, complete and accurate validate the separate risk assessments determine whether there are interactions between the individual risks evaluate the potential safety consequences of identified interactions ensure that all hazards have been identified obtain any necessary approval to your analysis report your findings in the appropriate format in accordance with organisational procedures maintain the documentation requirements i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the safety management system for explosives your organisation’s explosives-related business objectives and activities your organisation’s explosives-related structure and systems information sources and documentation that pertain to the explosive substance and/or article and the relevant risk assessment(s) the hazard and risk assessment priorities your available resources and any constraints attached to them the competence of the personnel involved hazard identification and analysis techniques risk assessment techniques the role of peer review the importance of documenting your actions and rationale Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 13 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Unit 2.8A Assess the suitability of explosives facilities Contexts • Information: complete; incomplete • Fitness for purpose: suitable; not suitable • Facilities: proposed/new; change of requirements Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the currency, completeness and accuracy of information ensure that all identified hazards and risks have been recorded evaluate the suitability of the facilities against the agreed criteria obtain the necessary approval to your assessment report your findings in the appropriate format in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the organisation’s explosives-related activities relevant to the facility what might constitute a hazard how to apply risk assessment criteria the importance of documenting your assessment and rationale Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 14 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.9 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Determine and implement aggregated risk control measures for explosives Contexts • Approval and commitment: where there is commitment; where resistance to change is encountered • Hazards and risks caused: by the complexity of the activity; to the explosive; from the explosive • Resources: fully equipped; with limited resources; from other organisations Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines select the risk control measure(s) that best meet your organisation’s priorities and objectives draw up a clear implementation plan which specifies objectives, method, allocated resources, budget and timescale obtain approval and commitment to your proposed or amended implementation plans implement the plan, within the agreed timescale and resources amend the plan in the light of changing circumstances or information provide advice that addresses the customer’s requirements and the degree of risk confirm that your advice and its implications have been understood evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation, making practical recommendations for future use obtain authorisation as a result of your implementation measures when appropriate maintain the appropriate documentation correctly the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the safety management system for explosives vi your organisation’s explosives-related business objectives and activities vii your organisation’s explosives-related structure and systems viii the results of the aggregated risk analysis and the basis on which it has been derived ix the risk control priorities x your available resources and any constraints attached to them xi the timescale for completion xii the competence of the personnel involved xiii the range of mitigatory measures that are available and their respective advantages and disadvantages xiv the stakeholders and the nature of their interest xv planning techniques xvi the role of peer review xvii the documentation requirements i Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 15 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Unit 2.9A Implement risk control measures for explosive substances and/or articles safety Contexts • • • • Resources: fully equipped; with limited resources Contribution: individually; collaboratively Risk control measures: planned; unplanned Explosives safety system: facilities; people Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines implement your responsibilities to the agreed timescale and resource constraints implement control measures that are commensurate with identified risk recommend amendments to the plan in the light of changing circumstances or information take appropriate action commensurate with identified risks give timely advice or feedback on explosives safety-related matters make practicable recommendations for improvement report your recommendations in the appropriate format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the purpose of the explosives safety management system best practice in explosives safety management your organisation’s explosives-related business objectives and activities relevant to the risk control measures your organisation’s explosives-related structure and systems the way in which any constraints affect you your level of authority the competence of the personnel affected by the risk control measures for explosives Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 16 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.10 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Develop and implement assurance systems for explosives safety Contexts • Approval and commitment: where there is commitment; where resistance to change is encountered • Hazards and risks caused: by the complexity of the activity; to the explosive; from the explosive • Resources: fully equipped; with limited resources; from other organisations Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines draw up a documented assurance plan, which specifies objectives, method, allocated resources, and addresses the identified priorities set appropriate key performance indicators document your rationale for your assurance plan obtain approval and commitment to your proposed or amended assurance plan implement the assurance plan within the specified timescale respond to developing events and priorities, in accordance with procedures resolve any inconsistencies in the assurance plan review periodically the extent to which the assurance plan delivers requirements use feedback to recommend improvements to the safety management system confirm that the systems in place meet regulatory requirements the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the purpose of the safety management system for explosives and how it interfaces with the safety management system as a whole vi the relationship of the safety management system for explosives with those of others vii what should be included in the explosives assurance plan (ie monitoring, audit or review) viii your organisation’s explosives-related business objectives and activities ix your organisation’s explosives-related structure and systems x the risk control priorities xi your available resources and any constraints attached to them xii the competence of the personnel involved xiii the stakeholders and the nature of their interest xiv planning and analysis techniques xv the different features of monitoring, audit and review and how they interface xvi the requirements of the assurance process you are carrying out (ie monitoring or audit or review) xvii the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale in accordance with your organisation’s procedures i Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 17 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Unit 2.10A Carry out assurance audit of systems for explosives safety Contexts • Resources: fully equipped; with limited resources • Contribution: individually; collaboratively • Explosives safety system: facilities; people; processes; documentation Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines implement your responsibilities within the plan to the agreed timescale and within resource constraints recommend amendments to the plan in the light of changing circumstances or information investigate any non-compliance and unresolved discrepancies, prioritising them in an order commensurate with the degree of risk take appropriate action commensurate with identified non-compliance give timely advice or feedback on explosives safety-related matters make practicable recommendations for improvement report your recommendations in the appropriate format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the purpose of the explosives safety management system best practice in explosives safety management the organisation’s explosives-related business objectives and activities relevant to your area of work the organisation’s explosives-related structure and systems the way in which any constraints affect the audit the competence of the personnel affected by the assurance systems for explosives Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 18 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.11 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Develop emergency response systems and procedures for explosives safety Contexts • Emergencies: explosives incident; fire; critical equipment failure; breach of safety area; unintended release • Explosives effects: contained within your own boundaries; beyond your own boundaries Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines establish the scope and parameters of the emergency response system for explosives, ensuring that it is consistent with the level of risk establish the compatibility of your emergency response systems with that of the emergency services ensure the fitness for purpose of your response plan, amending it in the light of feedback obtained document coherent explosives procedures that are consistent with your organisation’s overall emergency response plans obtain approval to your emergency response plan communicate the emergency response system effectively to stakeholders i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the safety management system for explosives what should be included in your emergency response system for explosives your organisation’s overall emergency response plan how to test the effectiveness of your explosives emergency procedures your organisation’s explosives-related business activities your organisation’s explosives-related structure and systems the emergency response priorities who or what beyond your boundaries might be affected by an emergency how and why external events might affect you your available resources and any constraints attached to them the competence of the personnel involved your own level of authority and that of others you work with the stakeholders and the nature of their interest planning techniques the emergency services’ response plans the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 19 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Unit 2.12 Investigate explosives-related safety incidents Contexts • Those involved: management; colleagues; design authority; witnesses; experts • Scope of the investigation: individually; collaboratively with internal colleagues; collaboratively with external bodies Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines implement an appropriate investigation plan in accordance with your organisation’s procedures interview those involved in or affected by the incident in accordance with the plan use effective interview and evidencegathering techniques substantiate your conclusions on a sound analysis of the available evidence establish the potential root causes of the incident make recommendations for future improvements report the results of your investigation in the appropriate format through the appropriate channels the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the purpose of the safety management system for explosives and how it interfaces with the safety management system as a whole vi the relationship of the safety management system for explosives with those of others vii best practice in explosives safety management viii your organisation’s investigation procedures ix the organisation’s explosives-related activities x the organisation’s explosives-related structure and systems xi the competence of the personnel involved xii sources of information that might inform your investigation and how to access them xiii the process being operated when the incident occurred and any constraints attached to that process xiv the stakeholders and the nature of their interest xv the potential effects of the incident xvi the potential impact of the incident on the business xvii incident investigation and analysis techniques xviii your own level of authority and that of others you work with xix reporting lines and procedures i Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 20 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Unit 2.12A Contribute to the investigation of explosives safety incidents Contexts • Those involved: management; colleagues; witnesses; experts • Scope of the investigation: individually; collaboratively Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines implement your responsibilities in accordance with the investigation plan identify those people who should be interviewed in accordance with the investigation plan interview those involved in or affected by the incident in accordance with the plan and your organisation’s procedures obtain valid information and evidence in accordance with the plan and your organisation’s procedures substantiate your findings from an objective analysis of the available evidence establish the likely root cause(s) of the incident in accordance with your role in the investigation plan make practicable recommendations for improvement report the results of your investigation in the appropriate format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the purpose of the safety management system for explosive substances and/or articles best practice in explosives safety management the relevance of any explosives-related activities and how these might affect the incident the organisation’s explosives-related structure and systems relevant to the investigation the competence of the personnel involved in the incident sources of information that might inform your investigation and how to access them the process being operated when the incident occurred the potential effects of the incident reporting lines and procedures Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 21 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.13 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Assess explosives licence applications Contexts • Licences: granting; withdrawal; amendment • Applications: straightforward; not straightforward Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations and guidelines confirm that the information to support the application is complete confirm the acceptability of the separation distances to all exposed sites obtain confirmation from experts that the facility is fit for purpose impose appropriate conditions and/or caveats ensure that your assessments are based on an analysis of the available information recommend granting, withdrawal or amending the licence according to your organisation’s procedures document your decisions according to your organisation’s requirements obtain appropriate approval to your submission i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your own licensing authority’s policy and procedure the applicant organisation’s business objectives and modus operandi the purposes of the explosives facility the purpose of safeguarding when to refer the application to another licensing authority the licensing criteria when and why it might be appropriate to impose conditions and/or caveats or amend or withdraw the licence the sanctions available to your licensing authority when and why it might be appropriate to consult local authorities your level of authority in granting, amending or withdrawing the licence Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 22 ESA Safety Management National Occupational Standards Unit 2.14 ESA KR 2 Safety Mgmt NOS v2.doc Prepare and submit an explosives licence application Contexts • Applications: straightforward; not straightforward; amended Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations and guidelines confirm the uses of the facility and its associated explosives-related hazards confirm the appropriate plant, equipment and facility layout requirement confirm siting options and identify the optimum consult relevant local authorities and the licensing authority ensure that your application is complete and presented in the appropriate format, and addresses the licensing authority’s requirements represent your organisation at any public enquiries respond promptly and fully to any queries about the application submit an appropriate safeguarding map when requested i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the licensing authority’s policy and procedure your organisation’s business objectives and modus operandi the purposes of the explosives facility the purpose of safeguarding the licensing criteria when and why it might be appropriate to consult local authorities your level of authority in preparing and submitting the licence the licensing process and timetable Copyright: Standards Setting Body for Explosives, Munitions and Search Occupations Prepared by Denise Clarke Ltd 23 SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS: EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES (ESA) TEST & EVALUATION (KEY ROLE 3) February 2006 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS CONTENTS 3.1 Establish the performance criteria for explosive substances and/or articles........................................................................................ 1 3.2 Determine the existence of a suitable trial or test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles .................................................... 2 3.3 Design a new trial procedure for explosive substances and/or articles........................................................................................ 3 3.4 Design a new test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles........................................................................................ 4 3.5 Adapt an existing trial procedure for explosive substances and/or articles........................................................................................ 5 3.6 Adapt an existing test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles........................................................................................ 6 3.7 Validate a trial or test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles........................................................................................ 7 3.8 Plan the trial of explosive substances and/or articles ........................... 8 3.9 Plan the test of explosive substances and/or articles .......................... 9 3.10 Manage the trial of explosive substances and/or articles ................... 10 3.11 Manage the test of explosive substances and/or articles ...................11 3.12 Carry out pre-trial or pre-test tasks relating to explosive substances and/or articles .................................................................. 12 3.13 Contribute to pre-trial or pre-test tasks relating to explosive substances and/or articles .................................................................. 13 3.14 Carry out trials of explosive substances and/or articles...................... 14 3.15 Carry out tests of explosive substances and/or articles...................... 15 3.16 Contribute to conducting a trial or test of explosive substances and/or articles ..................................................................................... 16 3.17 Evaluate the results of trials of explosive substances and/or articles...................................................................................... 17 3.18 Evaluate the results of tests of explosive substances and/or articles ..................................................................................... 18 3.19 Carry out post-trial or post-test tasks relating to explosive substances and/or articles .................................................................. 19 Contribute to post-trial or post-test tasks relating to explosive substances and/or articles ................................................................. 20 3.20 SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page ii ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.1 Establish the performance criteria for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Explosive substances and/or articles: immediately identifiable; those that require further investigation • Information: with access to full information; with access to limited information • Range and complexity of technical requirements: single item; part of a complex system • Technical, legal and cost implications: safety; environmental impact; value; internal resources; external resources • Hazards and risks caused by: complexity of the explosive substances or articles; condition of the explosive substances or articles; primary hazards; secondary hazards Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines obtain sufficient information to understand the customer’s objectives identify or confirm the identity and condition of explosive substances or articles ensure that the technical requirements are understood and specified determine how your organisation can respond to the requirements, in terms of workload and resources characterise the hazards pertaining to the test or trial quantify the risks of the test or trial record information, in accordance with organisational procedures check and obtain agreement that the requirements are interpreted correctly adhere to the relevant quality standards maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the functioning of the explosive substance or article vi how to carry out a risk assessment vii how to identify the hazards (condition, primary and secondary) viii the relevant performance specifications for the explosive substances and/or articles ix information sources and documents that pertain to the performance criteria x previous test results, simulated test results, and manufacturer, design authority and scientific literature xi how to interpret, collate and translate data, and manipulate information into suitable formats for comparison xii analysis methods and techniques xiii the competences of the personnel involved xiv your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work xv when and how to challenge a customer’s requirement xvi the different courses of action you might suggest xvii the requirements of confidentiality xviii the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale xix the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xx your organisation’s recording procedures i Page 1 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.2 Determine the existence of a suitable trial or test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Technical, legal and cost implications: safety; environmental impact; value to the customer; value to your organisation; resources • Test and evaluation activities relevant to the test or trial being conducted: test methods; analysis methods • Sources of information: databases; publications; informal sources of information • Information: with access to complete information; with access to incomplete information Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify the information and factors relevant to the trial or test select the most likely trials or tests that meet your criteria decide whether an existing trial or test procedure is suitable, on the basis of an analysis of the available evidence obtain agreement to your proposal, through a peer and customer review identify other potentially valuable tasks that could be carried out concurrently determine that this approach meets the customer’s requirements, through negotiation adhere to the relevant quality standards document the agreed process, for audit purposes, in the appropriate format SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the factors relevant to the trial or test vi the test or trial objectives vii the range of test methods that may be relevant viii sources of relevant information ix analysis methods and techniques x the test facilities and resources available locally and elsewhere xi the resources needed to carry out the trial or test (people, facilities, equipment, etc) xii your own level of authority xiii when and why a customer and/or peer review would be appropriate xiv what might constitute value to your customer and/or your organisation xv when and how to advise the customer to pursue a different course of action xvi when and why it might be appropriate to carry out other tasks concurrently xvii the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale xviii the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xix your organisation’s recording procedures i Page 2 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.3 Design a new trial procedure for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Technical, legal and cost implications: safety; environmental impact; value to the customer; value to your organisation; resources • Complexity: high negative consequence; numerous interrelated tests or activities; variable outcomes • Sources of information: databases; publications; informal sources of information • Information: with access to complete information; with access to incomplete information Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm with the customer the requirement for the trial to be carried out identify the information and factors relevant to the trial confirm that there are no suitable existing trial procedures ensure that your procedure meets the customer’s requirement (including validation protocols and procedures) include organisational factors, in addition to the customer’s requirements, that are likely to add value to the outline design obtain agreement, through a peer and customer review design a trial that is fit for purpose (including contingencies, and the disposal of products and residues) develop a safe system of work identify other potentially valuable outcomes that could be delivered concurrently adhere to the relevant quality standards document the agreed process, in the appropriate format SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the functioning of the explosive substance or article vi the information and factors relevant to the trial vii the trial objectives viii sources of relevant information (eg technical publications) ix the basis on which explosives trial procedures are designed x why an existing procedure is not suitable xi document control procedures xii the resources needed to carry out the trial (people, facilities, equipment, etc) xiii the features and benefits of cost-benefit analysis xiv how to dispose of explosive substances and/or articles residues arising from the trial xv what might constitute value to your customer and/or your organisation xvi the role of peer and customer review xvii your own level of authority xviii the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xix the impact of the hazards and risks associated with the procedure and conditions i Page 3 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.4 Design a new test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Technical, and legal implications: safety; environmental impact • Sources of information: databases; publications; informal sources of information • Information: with access to complete information; with access to incomplete information Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm with the customer the requirement for the test to be carried out identify the information and factors relevant to the test confirm that there are no suitable existing test procedures ensure that the procedure meets the customer’s requirement (including validation protocols and procedures) include organisational factors, in addition to the customer’s requirements, that are likely to add value to the outline design obtain agreement through a peer and customer review design a test that is fit for purpose (including contingencies, and the disposal of products and residues) develop a safe system of work identify other potentially valuable outcomes that could be delivered concurrently adhere to the relevant quality standards document the agreed process, in the appropriate format SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the functioning of the explosive substance or article vi the information and factors relevant to the test vii the objectives viii sources of relevant information (eg technical publications) ix the basis on which explosives test procedures are designed x why an existing procedure is not suitable xi document control procedures xii the resources needed to carry out the test (people, facilities, equipment, etc) xiii how to dispose of explosive substances and/or articles residues arising from the test xiv the role of peer and customer review xv what might constitute value to your customer and/or your organisation xvi your own level of authority xvii the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xviii the impact of the hazards and risks associated with the procedure and conditions i Page 4 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.5 Adapt an existing trial procedure for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Technical, legal and cost implications: safety; environmental impact; value to the customer; value to your organisation; resources • Sources of information: databases; publications; informal sources of information • Information: with access to complete information; with access to incomplete information • Complexity: high negative consequence; numerous inter-related tests or activities; variable outcomes Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm with the customer the requirement for the trial to be carried out identify the information and factors relevant to the trial confirm that there is a suitable existing adaptable trial procedure ensure that your adaptation meets the customer’s requirement (including validation protocols and procedures) include organisational factors, in addition to the customer’s requirements, that are likely to add value to the outline changes obtain agreement through a peer and customer review design a trial that is fit for purpose (including contingencies, and the disposal of products and residues) identify other potentially valuable outcomes that could be delivered concurrently adhere to the relevant quality standards document the agreed process, in the appropriate format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the functioning of the explosive substance or article the information and factors relevant to the trial the trial objectives sources of relevant information (eg technical publications) the basis on which explosives trial procedures are designed why an existing procedure is not suitable document control procedures the resources needed to carry out the trial (eg people, facilities, equipment) how to dispose of explosive substances and/or articles residues arising from the trial the role of peer and customer review what might constitute value to your customer and/or your organisation your own level of authority the relevant quality standards and compliance regime how and why the adaptations proposed will impact on the hazards and risks associated with the procedure and conditions Page 5 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.6 Adapt an existing test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Technical, legal and cost implications: safety; environmental impact; value to the customer; value to your organisation; resources • Sources of information: databases; publications; informal sources of information • Information: with access to complete information; with access to incomplete information • Complexity: proven tests; tests not fully proven Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm with the customer the requirement for the test to be carried out identify the information and factors relevant to the test confirm that there is a suitable, existing, adaptable test procedure ensure that your adaptation meets the customer’s requirement (including validation protocols and procedures) include organisational factors, in addition to the customer’s requirements, that are likely to add value to the outline changes obtain agreement, through a peer and customer review design a test that is fit for purpose (including contingencies, and the disposal of products and residues) identify other potentially valuable outcomes that could be delivered concurrently adhere to the relevant quality standards document the agreed process, in the appropriate format SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the functioning of the explosive substance or article vi the information and factors relevant to the test vii the test objectives viii sources of relevant information (eg technical publications) ix the basis on which explosives test procedures are designed x why an existing procedure is not suitable xi document control procedures xii the resources needed to carry out the test (eg people, facilities, equipment) xiii how to dispose of explosive substances and/or articles residues arising from the test xiv the role of peer and customer review xv what might constitute value to your customer and/or your organisation xvi your own level of authority xvii the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xviii how and why the adaptations proposed will impact on the hazards and risks associated with the procedure and conditions i Page 6 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.7 Validate a trial or test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Trial or test procedures: new procedures; adapted procedures; existing procedures • Technical and legal implications: safety; environmental impact; value to the customer; value to your organisation; resources • Relevant people: safety officers; test designer; peer review panel Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines draft protocols for the conduct of the validation trial or test in accordance with organisational procedures adhere to the requirements of the validation protocols record the results of the validation in a way that makes the results clear and meaningful identify any problems or faults and their causes investigate any deviations from expected results and report them to the relevant people evaluate the results for completeness and validity make clear recommendations to address problems and faults adhere to the relevant quality standards inform those who need to know of your analysis and recommendations i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the factors and information relevant to the validation how to set objective success criteria the potential deviations that may result from using scaled or inert substitute how to write validation protocols, and what they should cover documentation control procedures the resources needed to carry out the validation (eg people, facilities, equipment) the expected outcome(s) of the validation your own level of authority what might constitute value to your customer and/or your organisation the relevant quality standards and compliance regime when and how to recommend changes to the trial or test plan Page 7 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.8 Plan the trial of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Complexity: high negative consequence; numerous interrelated tests or activities; variable outcomes • Resources: fully equipped; with limited resources; from other organisations • Reviews: where the customer agrees the plan; where changes are needed following discussions with the customer • Hazards and risks caused by: complexity of the explosive substances and/or articles; condition of the explosive substances and/or articles; primary hazards; secondary hazards Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the appropriate trials procedure make effective use of appropriate modelling tools confirm the fitness for purpose of the proposed trial site incorporate the requirements of additional tasks to be carried out concurrently into the trials plan identify and obtain resource requirements that are appropriate to the trial allocate responsibilities appropriately produce a clear and accurate trials plan ensure that hazard and risk assessments are carried out agree deliverables with the customer, with agreed interim reviews obtain the approval to changes made to the plan in the correct format develop contingencies to accommodate identified difficulties ensure that any issues relating to the segregation and disposal of process residues and products have been addressed in the plan maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times adhere to the relevant quality standards take action to resolve and record problems SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the anticipated results of the trial vi the factors relevant to the trial (eg location, meteorological, environmental) vii the agreed trials procedure viii the objectives of the trial ix trial resources needed, and any constraints attached to them (eg people, facilities, equipment) x the competences of the personnel involved xi the types of test equipment, and their application xii planning tools and project management principles xiii how to write trial plans (including the disposal of items remaining at the end of the trial) xiv why hazard and risk assessments are required, and how to get them produced pre- and post-trial xv the control of business risk and contingency/emergency planning xvi how to dispose of explosive substances and/or articles residues arising from the trial xvii the role of peer review xviii your own level of authority, and that of others with whom you work xix any confidentiality requirements xx the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xxi when to refer to others for more information or a second opinion i Page 8 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.9 Plan the test of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: fully equipped; with limited resources • Complexity of the test: new tests; existing tests • Reviews: where the customer agrees the plan; where changes are needed following discussions with the customer • Hazards and risks caused by: condition of the explosive substances and/or articles; primary hazards; secondary hazards Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure you have the correct test procedure confirm the fitness for purpose of the proposed trial site incorporate into the test plan the requirements of additional tasks to be carried out concurrently identify and obtain resource requirements that are appropriate to the test ensure that the facilities are fit for purpose allocate responsibilities appropriately produce a clear and accurate test plan, that is capable of delivery within the constraints of cost and timescale ensure that hazard and risk assessments are carried out confirm the deliverables with the customer, with agreed interim reviews ensure that any issues, relating to the segregation and disposal of process residues and products, have been addressed in the plan obtain agreement to the plan maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times adhere to the relevant quality standards take action to resolve and record problems SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the anticipated results of the test vi the factors relevant to the test (eg location, meteorological, environmental) vii the agreed test procedure viii the objectives of the test ix test resource constraints x the competences of the personnel involved xi the types of test equipment, and their application xii planning tools and project management principles xiii how to write test plans (including how to dispose of items remaining at the end of the trial) xiv why hazard and risk assessments are required, and how to get them produced xv contingency/emergency planning xvi how to dispose of explosive substances and/or articles residues arising from the test xvii the role of peer review xviii your own level of authority and those of others with whom you work xix the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xx any confidentiality requirements xxi when to refer to others for more information or a second opinion i Page 9 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.10 Manage the trial of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • • • • Resources: full; limited; external Maintaining the integrity of the process: quality assurance; trial plan Relationships: the customer; external organisations; your organisation; the trial team Complexity: high negative consequence; numerous inter-related tests or activities; variable outcomes Performance Criteria Knowledge requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines b ensure that safe systems of work are in place c approve and/or authorize trial plans that are fit for purpose and meet the specified requirements d review the conduct of the trial and deliverables with the customer e communicate the plan appropriately f allocate responsibilities appropriately g deliver the objectives within budget and/or timescale h respond to developing events and priorities in accordance with procedures i obtain approval to amendments made to the trial plan j co-ordinate the activities of other resources k segregate and dispose of the process residues and products in accordance with approved procedures l ensure that the site is suitably remediated and the equipment recovered post-task m give clear and accurate technical advice n maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times o adhere to the relevant quality standards p report your findings in the correct format a SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the trial objectives v the functioning of the item being trialled vi how to assess hazards and mitigate risk vii how to adapt, design and validate trial procedures viii the competences of the personnel involved ix the availability of resources and any constraints attached to them x monitoring techniques relevant to the trial xi the actions that may be appropriate in response to unplanned or developing events and imperatives xii who needs to be informed of the trial plan, and the nature of their interest xiii how to consign residues and other products for disposal xiv your own level of authority xv the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xvi any confidentiality requirements xvii the factors relevant to assuring quality i Page 10 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.11 Manage the test of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • • • • Resources: full; limited; external Maintaining the integrity of the process: quality assurance; test plan Relationships: the customer; external organisations; your organisation; the test team Complexity: new tests; existing tests Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that safe systems of work are in place approve and/or authorise test plans, that are fit for purpose and meet the specified requirements review the conduct of the test and deliverables with the customer communicate the plan appropriately allocate responsibilities appropriately deliver the objectives, within budget and/or timescale respond to developing events and priorities, in accordance with procedures obtain approval to amendments made to the test plan co-ordinate the activities of other resources segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures ensure that the site is suitably remediated, and the equipment recovered post-task give clear and accurate technical advice maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times adhere to the relevant quality standards report your findings, in the correct format SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the test objectives v the functioning of the item being tested vi how to assess hazards and mitigate risk vii how to adapt, design and validate test procedures viii the competences of the personnel involved ix the availability of resources, and any constraints attached to them x monitoring techniques relevant to the test xi the actions that may be appropriate in response to unplanned or developing events and imperatives xii who needs to be informed of the test plan, and the nature of their interest xiii how to consign residues and other products for disposal xiv your own level of authority xv the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xvi any confidentiality requirements xvii the factors relevant to assuring quality i Page 11 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.12 Carry out pre-trial or pre-test tasks relating to explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: equipment; consumables; services; work environment • Trial or test plan: where no changes are needed; where minor changes are needed1; where significant changes are needed2 Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines allocate responsibilities appropriately confirm the availability and suitability of the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete the task ensure that any necessary tests of the equipment have been carried out correctly check that the work environment is suitable for the trial or test ensure that any necessary logistic arrangements are in place, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures and the trial or test plan confirm the fitness for purpose of the trial or test plan, and make any necessary amendments in the light of changes required, within your level of authority adhere to the relevant quality standards obtain approval or authorisation for any necessary changes to the plan, beyond your level of authority i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii 1 2 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the trial or test objectives the trial or test plan the way in which the trial or test plan may need to be changed, and the process for doing so the competences of the personnel involved the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete the task the potential hazards associated with the trial or test the relevant quality standards and compliance regime your level of authority ie where changes may be made within the agreed level of authority ie where referral to management is needed SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 12 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.13 Contribute to pre-trial or pre-test tasks relating to explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: equipment; consumables; services; work environment Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the suitability of the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete the task carry out any necessary tests of the equipment advise on the use and disposition of equipment, within your level of authority check that the work environment is suitable for the trial or test, as directed, and make recommendations contribute to the trial or test plan (including the hazard and risk assessments) make logistic arrangements, as directed, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures and the trial or test plan maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times adhere to the relevant quality standards report problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the trial or test plan, and your role in it the objectives of the trial or test the roles and responsibilities of team members the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete the task how to assemble, check and use the equipment the correct functioning of equipment, and how to identify when it does not work properly why hazard and risk assessments are required, and your role in contributing to them reporting lines and procedures the relevant quality standards and compliance regime any confidentiality requirements your own level of authority Page 13 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.14 Carry out trials of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Complexity: high negative consequence; numerous interrelated tests or activities; variable outcomes • Resources: fully equipped; with limited resources • Level and extent of responsibility: completing trials yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged upon multiple or other inter-related tasks Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines b ensure that all preparatory work has been carried out c ensure that all safety precautions are in place d take suitable precautions to prevent damage to test and monitoring equipment e confirm that the correct explosive substances and/or articles have been selected for testing ensure that all explosive substances and/or articles are protected from all forms of contamination and/or damage f g ensure that you and those under your control carry out the trial procedure and the plan correctly h respond to developing events and priorities, in accordance with procedures i segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures j adhere to the relevant quality standards maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times k l maintain documentation in accordance with organisational procedures SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the characteristics and nature of other hazardous materials with which you are working vi the customer’s objectives and needs vii the trial procedure and plan viii the design, characteristics and potential hazards of the trial ix safety constraints x types of equipment relevant to the task, and their application, capabilities and limitations xi procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment xii special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) xiii environmental controls (eg temperature, humidity) xiv how to consign residues and other products for disposal xv trials reporting documentation xvi the roles and responsibilities of team members xvii the competences of the personnel involved xviii reporting lines and procedures xix how to communicate clear instructions xx your own level of authority xxi the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xxii the requirements of confidentiality i Page 14 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.15 Carry out tests of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: fully equipped; with limited resources • Complexity of the test: new tests; existing tests • Level and extent of responsibility: completing tests yourself; supervising other competent personnel Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines b ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the test procedure and the plan correctly c ensure that all preparatory work has been carried out d ensure that all safety precautions are in place e confirm that the correct explosive substances and/or articles have been selected for testing ensure that all explosive substances and/or articles are protected from all forms of contamination and/or damage f g take suitable precautions to prevent damage to the test and monitoring equipment h respond to developing events and priorities, in accordance with procedures i segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures j adhere to the relevant quality standards maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures k l maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the characteristics and nature of other hazardous materials with which you are working vi the customer’s objectives and needs vii the test procedure and plan viii the design, characteristics and potential hazards of the test ix safety constraints x types of equipment relevant to the task, and their application, capabilities and limitations xi procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment xii special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) xiii environmental controls (eg temperature, humidity) xiv how to consign residues and other products for disposal xv test reporting documentation xvi the competences of the personnel involved xvii reporting lines and procedures xviii how to communicate clear instructions xix your own level of authority xx the roles and responsibilities of team members xxi the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xxii the requirements of confidentiality i Page 15 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.16 Contribute to conducting trial or test of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: equipment; consumables; services; work environment Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that you have the correct trial or test plan carry out final pre-task checks, as directed use the equipment, consumables and services correctly during the task confirm that the correct explosive substances and/or articles have been selected protect explosive substances and/or articles from all forms of contamination and/or damage identify and label explosive substances and/or articles, according to the plan ensure that the controlled conditions are as specified in the trial or test plan record data and information, as directed adhere to the relevant quality standards maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times report problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the nature of other hazardous materials with which you are working vi the trial or test plan and procedures, and your role in them vii the expected outcomes of the task viii the roles and responsibilities of team members ix the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete the task x how to use the equipment xi types of labelling used xii the consequences of incorrect/adverse conditions xiii the consequences of taking wrong actions xiv the importance of adhering to clear instructions, and of seeking clarification when necessary xv reporting lines and procedures xvi the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xvii your own level of responsibility and competence xviii the documentation requirements xix any confidentiality requirements i Page 16 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.17 Evaluate the results of trials of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Analytical techniques: application to the trial; application to inter-related tests • Information: where there are inconsistencies; where there are no inconsistencies Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you have the necessary data on which to conduct the analysis resolve any inconsistencies in the data analyse the data, using accepted methods and procedures check that the data analysis is accurate, and takes account of the trial conditions reach valid and logical conclusions from the available evidence, and make appropriate recommendations record the results of the analysis, in the correct format, and report your findings report the evaluation, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures adhere to the relevant quality standards maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the design of the item vi the customer’s objectives and needs vii the composition and functioning of explosive substances and articles under trial viii the relevant performance specifications for the explosive substances and articles ix the tolerances defined by the performance specification x the trial criteria xi the limitations of test/trial equipment xii the capabilities and limitations of data analysis methods and techniques xiii how to interpret, collate information from different sources into suitable formats for comparison xiv trial documentation and procedures xv reporting lines and procedures xvi any confidentiality requirements xvii the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xviii your own level of competence i Page 17 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.18 Evaluate the results of tests of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Information: where there are inconsistencies; where there are no inconsistencies Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you have the necessary data on which to conduct the analysis resolve any inconsistencies in the data analyse the data, using accepted methods and procedures check that the data analysis is accurate, and takes account of the test conditions reach valid and logical conclusions from the available evidence, and make appropriate recommendations record the results of the analysis, in the correct format, and report your findings report the evaluation, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures adhere to the relevant quality standards maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the design of the item vi the customer’s objectives and needs vii the composition and functioning of the explosive substances and articles under test viii the relevant performance specifications for the explosive substances and articles ix the tolerances defined by the performance specification x the test criteria xi the limitations of the test equipment xii the capabilities and limitations of the data analysis methods and techniques xiii how to interpret, collate information, from different sources, into suitable formats for comparison xiv test documentation and procedures xv reporting lines and procedures xvi the relevant quality standards and compliance regime xvii your own level of competence xviii the requirements of confidentiality i Page 18 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.19 Carry out post-trial or post-test tasks relating to explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: people; equipment; consumables; services • Trial or test plan: where no changes are needed; where significant changes are needed3; where minor changes are needed4 Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guideline confirm that your test or trial objectives have been met, and take follow-up action allocate tasks appropriately allocate the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete post-trial or post-test tasks ensure that the equipment is maintained, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures ensure that the work environment has been remediated ensure that explosive substance and/or article residues and products have been disposed of correctly ensure that the arrangements for recovery have been carried out, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures and the trial or test plan write the post-trial or post-test report, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv 3 4 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the trial or test plan and procedure(s) how to confirm that the trial or test objectives have been met the actions you should take if the trial or test objectives have not been met the roles and responsibilities of team members the importance of completing post-trial or posttest tasks the purpose and format of the trial or test report the procedures for disposing of explosive substance and/or article residues and products, and any associated restrictions the condition in which the site must be left the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete post-trial or post-test tasks reporting lines and procedures your level of authority, and that of others with whom you work ibid ibid SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 19 ESA - Test & Evaluation NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 3.20 Contribute to post-trial or post-test tasks relating to explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: equipment; consumables; services; work environment Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines carry out final post-trial or post-test checks, as directed use the equipment, consumables and services correctly during post-trial or posttest tasks maintain the equipment, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures remediate the work environment, as directed, disposing of explosive substance and/or article residues and products, within the limits of your responsibility recover, return and report faulty equipment, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures and/or the manufacturer’s instructions report data and information, as directed segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures adhere to the relevant quality standards deal with any problems, within your level of authority report problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the trial or test plan and procedures, and your role in them the roles and responsibilities of team members post-trial or post-test tasks how to collect and dispose of residues and products the condition in which the site must be left the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete post-trial or test tasks how to recover, return, and report faults in, the test equipment how to use, maintain, and report faults in, the post-trial equipment how to consign residues and other products for disposal reporting lines and procedures the relevant quality standards and compliance regime your level of responsibility Page 20 SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS: MANUFACTURE OF EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES (ESA) (KEY ROLE 4) February 2006 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS CONTENTS 4.1 Develop and update explosives standard operating procedure/s...... 1 4.1.1 Draft explosives procedure/s...............................................................2 4.1.2 Obtain approval for new or amended procedure/s...............................3 4.2 Contribute to the validation and optimization of new or modified explosives processes and equipment.....................................................4 4.2.1 Validate new or modified explosives processes and equipment .........5 4.2.2 Optimise new or modified explosives processes and equipment ........6 4.3 Resolve explosives operational problems ......................................... 7 4.3.1 Identify explosives manufacturing problems........................................8 4.3.2 Implement and evaluate the chosen solution ......................................9 4.4 Prepare the explosives process area and equipment...................... 10 4.5 Move materials within the explosives process ................................. 11 4.6 Prepare explosives process materials ............................................. 12 4.7 Supervise the preparation of explosives processing operation ........13 4.8 Monitor and control explosives processing ..................................... 14 4.9 Supervise explosives processing ..................................................... 15 4.10 Solve explosives process problems ............................................... 16 4.10.1 Identify explosives processing problems .........................................17 4.10.2 Implement and evaluate solutions ...................................................18 4.11 Shut down the explosives process.................................................. 19 4.12 Supervise the shutdown of explosives processing ........................ 20 4.13 Separate recoverable materials and waste produced by the explosives process......................................................................... 21 4.14 Contribute to explosives standard operating procedures ............... 22 SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page ii SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.1 Manufacture of ESA Develop and update explosives standard operating procedure/s This unit comprises the following elements: 4.1.1 4.1.2 Draft explosives procedure/s Obtain approval for new or amended procedure/s SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 1 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.1 Develop and update explosives Standard Operating Procedure/s 4.1.1 Draft explosives procedure/s Contexts • Procedures: new procedures; modifications to existing procedures • Personnel: team members; colleagues beyond your team Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that you have accurate details concerning the process specification for which the procedures are being drafted assess the suitability of existing process methods set quality, quantity, cost and time objectives that are likely to be met by any new and/or changed procedure/s identify the resources that are necessary for the procedure/s select appropriate operations to implement the process methods for the procedure/s ensure that all relevant health, safety and environmental considerations are covered confirm the fitness for purpose of the procedure, by ensuring that appropriate evaluation and testing have been carried out record the draft process method accurately and clearly consult relevant personnel, and build their feedback into your draft develop a safe system of work for any new and/or changed procedure maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v work area hazards vi the process objectives vii your organisation’s structure, and who needs to be consulted viii the advantages and disadvantages of the potential process methods ix the criteria against which you will select the most appropriate process method x how to identify the resources needed for the procedure xi your organisation’s drafting procedures xii the importance of consulting the relevant people xiii the importance of covering all health, safety and environmental considerations xiv the requirements and importance of the testing and evaluation processes xv problem solving techniques xvi whom to contact in the case of problems beyond your responsibility or capability xvii the requirements of confidentiality i Page 2 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.1 Develop and update explosives standard operating procedure/s 4.1.2 Obtain approval for new or amended procedure/s Contexts • Procedures: new procedures; modifications to existing procedures • Presenting recommendations: in writing; verbally Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that your recommendations are based on factual, validated evidence ensure that your documentation is presented in sufficient time to enable readers to give proper consideration to the matter submit your recommendations to the relevant authority, in the correct format, within the accepted timescale present your recommendations clearly and concisely, and spell out the impact on the business record information accurately using correct documentation maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event work area hazards your organisation’s business objectives the likely impact of your recommendations on the business the importance of substantiating your recommendations with validated evidence the importance of keeping all relevant personnel informed the importance of accurate record keeping the required content, and appropriate format, for making recommendations the information requirements of the approving authority good practice in presentation techniques how to handle objections to whom to submit recommendations, and the importance of gaining approval the requirements of confidentiality Page 3 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.2 Manufacture of ESA Contribute to the validation and optimisation of new or modified explosives processes and equipment This unit comprises the following elements: 4.2.1 4.2.2 Validate new or modified explosives processes and equipment Optimise new or modified explosives processes and equipment SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 4 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.2 Contribute to the validation and optimisation of new or modified explosives processes and equipment 4.2.1 Validate new or modified explosives processes and equipment Contexts • Explosive environments: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Constraints: safety; cost; quality; yield Performance Criteria You need to: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that you have the correct operating instructions ensure that the operating parameters are established confirm that the equipment to be used is in a safe and functional condition confirm the suitability of the equipment for the process deal promptly with any problems that arise, reporting any that you cannot solve and/or are not your responsibility complete the validation within the required constraints complete correctly the required documentation maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times Knowledge Requirements You need to know and understand: i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event work area hazards the requirements of the processing plan for the validation, and any specific security requirements the relevance and importance of monitoring process conditions (eg temperature; pressure; flow; level; humidity; density; pH) the importance of critical operating parameters the functions and uses of the different types of equipment used in the operation, and how to confirm the status of equipment the corrective action to take on discovering defective conditions, materials and/or equipment problem solving techniques reporting lines and procedures the requirements of documentation Page 5 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.2 Contribute to the validation and optimisation of new or modified equipment and processes 4.2.2 Optimise new or modified explosives processes and equipment Contexts • Explosive environments: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Optimisation relating to: safety; cost; quality; yield • Evaluation against: performance norms; performance targets; historical performance Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines define the process to be optimised, and your optimisation objectives ensure that your final measurements indicate an improvement over your control measurements design and implement systems that can sustain the improvements ensure that appropriate action is taken to minimise waste in the process complete correctly the required documentation maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event work area hazards the requirements of the processing plan for the validation, and any specific security requirements the limitations of the equipment the relevance and importance of monitoring process conditions (eg temperature; pressure; flow; level; humidity; density; pH) the importance of critical operating parameters the functions and uses of the different types of equipment waste management procedures problem solving techniques reporting lines and procedures the documentation requirements Page 6 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.3 Manufacture of ESA Resolve explosives operational problems This unit comprises the following elements: 4.3.1 4.3.2 Identify explosives manufacturing problems Implement and evaluate the chosen solution SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 7 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.3 Resolve explosives operational problems 4.3.1 Identify explosives manufacturing problems Contexts • Explosive environments: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Problems relating to: safety; cost; quality; yield Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that the appropriate operating instructions are being used correctly confirm that the equipment being used is in a safe and functional condition confirm the integrity of the materials being used ensure that the specified operating parameters have been maintained identify the possible stage(s) in the process where the problem has occurred identify the likely cause(s) of the problem evaluate the likely impact of the problem identify the most appropriate solution to the problem report immediately any significant problems or abnormal events that require the attention of senior managers or specialists complete correctly the required documentation i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives. and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event work area hazards the required condition of the materials being used the characteristics and nature of the materials being processed the importance of the operating parameters the functions and uses of the different types of equipment used, and how to confirm the status of the equipment the interaction between the materials and the equipment being used problem solving techniques the importance of an appropriate response to the situation the action to be taken to minimize loss and damage the importance of communication the documentation requirements Page 8 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.3 Resolve explosives operational problems 4.3.2 Implement and evaluate the chosen solution Contexts • Explosive environments: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Solutions relating to: safety; cost; quality; yield Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you have the necessary authority to implement the solution implement the chosen solution, with a minimum amount of disruption evaluate the implementation of the solution, and make recommendations for further improvements deal promptly with any problems that arise report on the implementation of your solution to the appropriate people complete correctly the required documentation i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment ( PPE) the characteristics and nature of the materials being processed work area hazards the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the importance of the operating parameters the functions and uses of the different types of equipment used, and how to confirm the status of the equipment the interaction between the materials and the equipment being used the authorisation process how to implement the chosen solution how to minimise disruption, loss and damage problem solving techniques the different courses of action open to you to deal with problems the importance of communication the documentation requirements Page 9 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.4 Prepare the explosives process area and equipment Contexts • Explosive environments: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Cleaning technique to preclude ignition hazards: impact; friction; static • Relevant personnel: team members; colleagues beyond your own team Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines b ensure that you have the required authorisation to proceed c ensure that you have the process instructions detailing the work to be carried out d comply with the process instructions e confirm that you have the correct tools f ensure that the process area is cleared of all unnecessary equipment g clear and clean all residual materials and/or waste from the area to the required standard h re-assemble equipment ready for the next operation, when required i ensure that all equipment is confirmed as being clean and operational j confirm that the area is in a suitable condition for the next activity k deal promptly with problems, reporting any that you cannot solve and/or are not your responsibility l explain to relevant personnel about any problems and the current status of the equipment m complete correctly the required documentation a SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) work area hazards the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the nature of the materials being processed the importance of having the necessary authorisation to proceed the process instructions for the work to be carried out the importance of identifying the correct equipment to be prepared the equipment layout, and connection to other systems the importance of using the correct preparation method appropriate to different pieces of equipment (eg cleaning) the importance of dismantling and reassembling equipment correctly how to recognise when there is a potential problem the limits of your responsibility reporting procedures the requirements of the documentation Page 10 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.5 Move materials within the explosives process Contexts • Explosive environments: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Transfer: by hand; by mechanical means Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that you have the required materials prepare the materials correctly for transfer and/or use in the processing confirm that the equipment to be used is in a safe and functional condition deal promptly with any problems that arise, reporting any that you cannot solve dispose of waste, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures transfer unused materials to designated areas for reprocessing, storage or disposal, and label accordingly complete correctly the required documentation i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) work area hazards the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the nature of the materials being processed the importance of adhering to explosives compatibility procedures and explosives limits methods of loading, unloading and transferring materials the functions and uses of the different types of equipment used in moving materials how to handle equipment safely, in ways that protect yourself and others from risk the corrective action to take on discovering defective conditions, materials and/or equipment the types of equipment problems that can occur, and how to recognise and deal with them your organisation’s procedures for waste disposal the documentation requirements Page 11 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.6 Prepare explosives process materials Contexts • Explosive environments: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Dispensing: by weight; by volume; by unit • Condition of materials: in good condition; in poor condition Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines b confirm that you have the required process instruction c ensure that the necessary equipment is correctly prepared, and is ready for use d confirm that you have the specified materials e verify the materials against the process instructions f use the correct process method for the materials g control material preparation so that the environmental process conditions are met h ensure that all the correct environmental conditions are maintained i ensure that appropriate action is taken to minimise waste j deal promptly with problems, reporting to the appropriate person any that are beyond your control k report accurately and promptly any damage, spillage or contamination to materials, within your responsibility, and prevent the materials from being used until the problem has been dealt with l clean the area and equipment correctly m reconcile materials and make accurate records, using the correct documentation a i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) work area hazards the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the nature of the materials being processed the hazards to people and the environment arising from mishandling and mis-processing of materials the process instructions the precautions and procedures that should be applied when handling materials, at each stage of the process and in storage the importance of checking materials against the process instructions methods of dispensing materials, and the equipment to be used the importance of segregating conforming and non-conforming components and waste the compatibility mixing rules the types of containment and storage to be used the documentation requirements Page 12 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.7 Supervise the preparation of the explosives processing operation Contexts • Explosive environment: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Tasks: single operations; multiple operations Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that the correct operating instructions have been issued obtain the necessary authorisation to proceed organise your own work. and that of others, effectively ensure that the specified operating parameters have been maintained confirm that the area and equipment to be used is in a safe and functional condition confirm that the materials to be used are of the correct identity, quality and quantity report any problems, beyond your authority, to the appropriate person complete correctly the required documentation SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv work area hazards v the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event vi what constitutes an abnormal event vii the interaction between the materials and the equipment being used viii the compatibility mixing rules ix how to interpret and check operating parameters x the functions and uses of the different types of equipment in the operation xi the importance of confirming the status of equipment xii the importance of checking the materials against specification xiii how to deal with deviations xiv the importance of communication xv the limits of your responsibility xvi the competences of team members xvii how to handle equipment safely, in ways that protect yourself and others from risk xviii problem solving techniques xix reporting lines xx the documentation requirements i Page 13 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.8 Monitor and control explosives processing Contexts • Explosive environment: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Process: by hand; by machine • Monitoring: visually; using equipment Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that you have the correct process instructions monitor the process to ensure that the it runs effectively, to the process parameters recognise deviations, and take action to maintain normal operating conditions deal promptly with problems, reporting promptly any that are not within your authority complete correctly the required documentation i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event work area hazards the nature of the materials being used in the process the process parameters methods of monitoring the process the deviations that may occur, and how to recognise them the action to take to maintain normal operating conditions the limits of your authority the importance of communication reporting lines the documentation requirements Page 14 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.9 Supervise explosives processing Contexts • • • • Explosive environment; low negative consequence; high negative consequence Tasks: single operation; multiple operation Process: by hand; by machine Monitoring: visually; using equipment Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that the correct operating instructions have been issued organise your own work, and that of others, effectively confirm that the process is running within the process parameters confirm that all the equipment remains in a safe and functional condition confirm that any samples have been taken, in accordance with the plan identify any deviations, and take action to restore normal operating conditions deal promptly with problems, reporting promptly any that are not within your authority ensure that the required documentation is correctly completed SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v work area hazards vi the interaction between the materials and the equipment being used vii the compatibility mixing rules viii how to interpret and check operating parameters in the process ix the importance of correctly set controls x how to adjust the process to meet the specified quality xi the importance of communication xii reporting lines xiii the competences of team members xiv how to handle equipment safely, in ways that protect yourself and others from risk xv problem solving techniques xvi sampling requirements xvii the documentation requirements i Page 15 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Manufacture of ESA Unit 4.10 Solve explosives process problems This unit comprises the following two elements: 4.10.1 4.10.2 Identify explosives processing problems Implement and evaluate solutions SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 16 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.10 Solve explosives process problems 4.10.1 Identify explosives processing problems Contexts • Explosive environments: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Problems relating to: safety; quality; yield Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that the correct process instructions are being used confirm that the equipment being used is in a safe and functional condition confirm the integrity of the materials being used ensure that the specified operating parameters have been maintained identify the possible stage(s) in the process where the problem has occurred identify the likely cause(s) of the problem evaluate the likely consequence(s) of the problem identify the most appropriate and costeffective solution to the problem report problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person complete correctly the required documentation i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event work area hazards the required condition of the materials being used the importance of the operating parameters the functions and uses of the different types of equipment used, and how to confirm the status of the equipment problem solving techniques the importance of an appropriate response to the situation the action to be taken to minimise loss and damage the importance of communication the limits of your authority the documentation requirements Page 17 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.10 Solve explosives process problems 4.10.2 Implement and evaluate solutions Contexts • Explosive environments: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Solutions relating to: safety; quality; yield Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines b ensure that you have the necessary authority to implement the solution c implement the chosen solution, with a minimal amount of disruption ii d evaluate the implementation of the solution, and make recommendations for further improvements iii e report problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person f report on the implementation of your solution to the appropriate people g complete correctly the required documentation i iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event work area hazards the importance of the operating parameters the functions and uses of the different types of equipment used, and how to confirm the status of the equipment the authorisation process how to implement the chosen solution how to minimise disruption, loss and damage problem solving techniques the different courses of action open to you to deal with problems the impact of any changes made the limits of your authority the importance of communication the requirements of documentation Page 18 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.11 Shut down the explosives process Contexts • Explosive environment: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Shutdown: routine; emergency Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that you have the correct shutdown instructions ensure that you have the authorisation to shut down organise your own work and that of others effectively input and set accurately the shutdown settings, process variables and services shut down the process system, in accordance with the process instructions monitor the shutdown effectively, and correct faults and problems as authorised ensure that all unprocessed and partprocessed materials are correctly packed control effectively any residual and/or waste materials report to the right person on completion of shutdown complete correctly the required documentation i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) work area hazards the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event what constitutes an abnormal event routine and emergency shutdown procedures the nature of the materials being processed the functioning of process equipment equipment layout, and its connection with other systems the importance of minimising loss and/or damage during shutdown how to pack unprocessed and partprocessed materials how to organise your own work, and brief the relevant people methods of dealing with waste and/or residual materials reporting lines the documentation requirements Page 19 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.12 Supervise the shutdown of explosives processing Contexts • Explosive environment; low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Shutdown: routine; emergency • Tasks: single operations; multiple operations Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the correct shut down operating instructions have been issued confirm that the equipment is in an appropriate condition for shutdown to commence inform all relevant personnel that shutdown is imminent ensure that all services not required are shut down, according to operating instructions ensure that all unprocessed, part-processed materials and products are correctly dealt with ensure that all residual and/or waste materials are correctly dealt with ensure that all equipment is correctly cleaned deal promptly with any problems that arise, reporting any that are not within your authority complete correctly the required documentation confirm that all shutdown procedures have been completed, and ensure that all relevant personnel have been informed when shutdown is complete SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v work area hazards vi compatibility mixing rules vii how to confirm that the equipment is ready for shutdown to commence viii routine and emergency shutdown procedures ix the importance of shutting down services x the importance of communication xi why it is important to minimise any loss/damage during shutdown xii how to deal with unprocessed and partprocessed materials and products xiii methods of dealing with waste and/or residual materials xiv how to handle equipment safely, in ways that protect yourself and others from risk xv the types of problems that can occur. and how to recognise and deal with them xvi reporting lines xvii the documentation requirements i Page 20 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.13 Separate recoverable materials and waste produced by the explosive process Contexts • Explosive environments: low negative consequence; high negative consequence • Waste: explosive substances and/or articles; materials contaminated with explosives Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that you have the correct procedures concerning operational requirements for the process ensure that processed, part processed, excess and recoverable materials are separated and removed at the correct stages in the process, and are identified accordingly ensure that any spillages and contamination are cleaned up promptly, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures ensure that the recoverable materials and waste are dealt with, according to your organisation’s procedures ensure that materials and waste are handled in ways that prevent them from being damaged, spilled or contaminated report any problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person complete correctly the required documentation i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) work area hazards the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the nature of the recoverable materials and waste how to segregate different kinds of recoverable materials and waste, and why it is necessary to do so the requirements for packing, storing and transporting recoverable materials and waste the requirements of the relevant standard operating procedure (SOP) the importance of the procedures for dealing with spillages and contamination the potential impact of your actions on the environment reporting lines the documentation requirements Page 21 Manufacture of ESA SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 4.14 Contribute to explosives standard operating procedure/s (SOP) Contexts • Procedures: contributing to draft new procedures; suggesting amendments to existing procedures Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that you have the correct procedures concerning operational requirements for the process to be reviewed ensure that you have sufficient and accurate information to enable you to carry out your task identify the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities of the current standard operating procedure/s (SOP) ensure that your review results in practical recommendations for improvement ensure that your review addresses objectives relating to quality, quantity, resource implications, fitness for purpose and time record your proposed operational method accurately and clearly ensure that all relevant health, safety and environmental considerations are covered in your proposals i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event work area hazards why you are carrying out the task the importance of covering all health, safety and environmental considerations the importance of reviews of procedures how to obtain details of operational requirements for the process how to analyse operational methods the importance of ensuring that all objectives are addressed how to identify the resources needed to implement the proposed procedure the importance of communication reporting lines Page 22 SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES MUNITIONS AND SEARCH OCCUPATIONS NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS: EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES (ESA) MAINTENANCE (KEY ROLE 5) February 2006 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS CONTENTS 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 Plan the maintenance programme for explosive substances and/or articles ........................................................................................................................1 Manage the maintenance programme for explosive substances and/or articles ........................................................................................................................2 Manage the maintenance plan for explosive substances and/or articles.........3 Implement the inspection of explosive substances and/or articles ...................4 Implement the adjustment of explosive substances and/or articles ..................5 Implement the complex removal of explosive substances and/or articles .......6 Implement the routine removal of explosive substances and/or articles ..........7 Implement the complex assembly of explosive substances and/or articles.....8 Implement the routine assembly of explosive substances and/or articles .......9 Assess the feasibility of repair of an explosive substance or article ...............10 Implement the complex repair of explosive substances and/or articles .........11 Implement the routine repair of explosive substances and/or articles ............12 Plan configuration activities for explosive substances and/or articles ...........13 Manage configuration activities for explosive substances and/or articles ....14 Implement configuration activities for explosive substances and/or articles..15 Audit the effectiveness of configuration activities for explosive substances and/or articles ..........................................................................................................16 SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page i ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.1 Plan the maintenance programme for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: manpower (internal and external); facilities (internal and external); tools and equipment; time • Criticality: critical maintenance; non-critical maintenance • Maintenance activities: routine maintenance of explosive articles; fault repair of explosive articles • Complexity of activity: where routine inspection is required; where maintenance of complex systems and more than one role is required for the task Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines assess the amount and type of resources needed assess the technical and business risks involved agree the deliverables with the customer produce a clear and accurate maintenance programme and contingency plan, in accordance with your organisation’s explosives maintenance policy take into account in your programme any maintenance, configuration or repair recommendations build in an appropriate review process communicate your maintenance programme clearly, in the approved manner maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the specification and classification of the explosive substances and/or articles (including labelling requirements) your organisation’s maintenance and repair policy your customer’s objectives and needs the constraints of the business plan resource planning methods and techniques your available resources, and any constraints attached to them how to carry out a technical and business risk assessment the timescales involved the configuration management system the reporting lines and procedures for reporting problems any confidentiality requirements the relevant quality standards and compliance regime Page 1 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.2 Manage the maintenance programme for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Maintenance activities: routine maintenance of explosive articles; fault repair of explosive articles; effectiveness of maintenance programme • Complexity of activity: where numerous routine inspections are required; where maintenance of complex systems or high consequence risk is involved • Resources: people; facilities; tools and equipment; time Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines obtain and allocate resources to priorities and tasks, to optimum effect take prompt and effective action to deal with actual and predicted changes to the planned use of resources make sure that those using resources are aware of their responsibilities for the care and use of the resources allocate and manage the resources to optimum effect, to complete the maintenance activities manage the implementation of maintenance programme, according to its requirements, in accordance with organisational procedures respond to developing priorities and events, in accordance with procedures deal with problems within your responsibility, reporting any beyond your authority to the appropriate person record all maintenance actions taken, in accordance with organisational procedures review and report on the effectiveness of the maintenance programme maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the functioning of the explosive substances and/or articles covered by the maintenance programme v the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event vi your organisation’s maintenance policy vii sources of information relating to potential improvements, performance and quality (eg historical data, customer feedback, the maintenance process, etc) viii work improvement methods and techniques ix your customer’s objectives and needs x resource planning methods and techniques xi information and documentation systems xii changes affecting the planned use of resources xiii reporting lines and procedures xiv the limitations of the environment, facilities and available resources (eg contract terms of outsourced personnel and equipment) xv the competences of the personnel involved xvi the requirements of the maintenance policy and plan xvii your organisation’s and your customer’s requirements xviii the timescales involved xix how to carry out a risk assessment xx how to develop a contingency plan, and control the programme risks xxi any confidentiality requirements i xxii the relevant quality standards and compliance regime SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 2 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.3 Manage the maintenance plan for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Maintenance activities: routine maintenance of explosive articles; fault repair of explosive articles • Resources: manpower; facilities; tools and equipment; time Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines take prompt and effective action to deal with actual and predicted changes to the planned use of resources make sure that those using resources are aware of their responsibilities for the care and use of the resources allocate and manage the resources to optimum effect to complete the maintenance activities ensure that hazard and risk assessments are carried out manage the implementation of maintenance tasks, according to requirements, in accordance with organisational procedures respond to developing priorities and events, in accordance with procedures deal with problems within your responsibility, reporting any beyond your authority to the appropriate person record all maintenance actions taken, in accordance with organisational procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the functioning of the explosive substances and/or articles covered by the maintenance task the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event resource planning methods and techniques information and documentation systems changes affecting the planned use of resources reporting lines and procedures the limitations of the environment, facilities and available resources your own level of authority the competences of the personnel involved the requirements of the maintenance plan the timescales involved how to carry out a risk assessment how to implement a contingency plan the actions that may be appropriate in response to developing priorities, events or imperatives any confidentiality requirements the relevant quality standards and compliance regime Page 3 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.4 Implement the inspection of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: inspection of the lowest sub-assembly and routine testing; carrying out routine inspection tasks on complex systems under the supervisor’s direction • Types of inspection procedures and activities: non-critical routine inspection of explosive articles; critical routine inspection where sign-off by a supervisor is required Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines follow the correct operating specifications for the explosive articles being inspected ensure that the tools used are fit for purpose carry out inspections, within the limits of your authority make the required inspections, in the specified sequence, and in an agreed timescale confirm that the inspection equipment meets the required operating specification report any instances where the equipment fails to meet the required operating performance after inspections maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the functioning, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles covered by the maintenance programme iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v reporting lines and procedures vi the requirements of the maintenance task and procedures vii the timescales involved viii the tools and test equipment to be used, and how to use them ix inspection methods and techniques, as prescribed in the relevant documentation, using the appropriate tools and in the correct sequence x the risks associated with your work, and their potential consequences xi the implications, for the process or system as a whole, of the quality of the different components within it xii equipment operating, and care and control procedures xiii the implications of test results xiv the requirements of configuration activities xv your own level of authority xvi any confidentiality requirements xvii the relevant quality standards and compliance regime i Page 4 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.5 Implement the adjustment of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: adjustment of the lowest sub-assembly and routine testing; carrying out routine adjustment tasks on complex systems under the supervisor’s direction • Types of adjustment procedures and activities: non-critical routine adjustment of explosive articles; critical routine adjustment where sign-off by a supervisor is required Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: i follow the correct operating specifications for the explosive articles being adjusted the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii ensure that the tools used are fit for purpose the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii d carry out adjustments, within the limits of your authority the functioning, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles covered by the maintenance programme iv e make the required adjustments, in the specified sequence, and in an agreed timescale f confirm that the adjusted equipment meets the required operating specification the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event reporting lines and procedures the requirements of the maintenance task and procedures the timescales involved g report any instances where the equipment fails to meet the required operating performance after adjustments, or where there are identified faults outside the required adjustments a work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines b c h dispose of waste materials, in accordance with safe working practices and approved procedures i maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational requirements maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times j k comply with the appropriate quality standards v vi vii viii the tools and test equipment to be used, and how to use them ix waste streams, and disposal procedures x adjustment methods and techniques, as prescribed in the relevant documentation, using the appropriate tools, and in the correct sequence xi the risks associated with your work, and their potential consequences xii the implications, for the process or system as a whole, of the quality of the different components within it xiii equipment operating, and care and control procedures xiv the implications of test results xv the requirements of configuration activities xvi your own level of authority xvii any confidentiality requirements xviii the relevant quality standards and compliance regime SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 5 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.6 Implement the complex removal of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: fault diagnosis of complex systems; testing and evaluating equipment and interpreting results; coaching others in removal tasks • Assets or equipment to be removed: non-complex explosive articles; complex explosive articles • Types of removal procedures and activities: critical routine and non-routine removal tasks; fault diagnosis and repair; authorisation of work to be carried out by others; sign off of work carried out by others Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines follow the relevant maintenance procedures to carry out the required removal work ensure that the tools used are fit for purpose carry out the removal activities, within the limits of your authority check the condition of the removed components, and record those that may require replacement take suitable precautions to prevent damage to components, tools and equipment during removal report any instances where the removal activities cannot be fully met, or where there are identified faults outside the planned task label, store or discard the removed components, in accordance with approved procedures complete the relevant maintenance records accurately, and pass them on to the appropriate person dispose of waste materials, in accordance with safe working practices and approved procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the functioning of the explosive substances and/or articles covered by the maintenance programme v the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event vi waste streams, and disposal procedures vii reporting lines and procedures viii the competences of the personnel involved ix the requirements of the maintenance policy, plan and procedures x component removal methods and techniques, as prescribed in the relevant documentation, using the appropriate tools and in the correct sequence xi your organisation’s and your customer’s requirements xii the timescales involved xiii the tools and test equipment to be used, how to use them, and additional diagnostic methods relevant to the test being carried out xiv equipment operating, and care and control procedures xv the risks associated with your work ,and their potential consequences, and how the contingency plan addresses these xvi the implications, for the process or system as a whole, of the quality of the different components within it xvii configuration management procedures xviii any confidentiality requirements xix the relevant quality standards and compliance regime i Page 6 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.7 Implement the routine removal of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: removal of the lowest sub-assembly and routine testing; carrying out routine removal tasks on complex systems under the supervisor’s direction • Types of removal procedures and activities: non-critical routine removal of explosive articles; critical routine removal where sign-off by a supervisor is required Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines follow the relevant maintenance procedures to carry out the required removal work ensure that the tools used are fit for purpose carry out the removal activities, in the specified sequence, and in an agreed time scale take suitable precautions to prevent damage to components, tools and equipment during removal report any instances where the removal activities cannot be fully met, or where there are identified faults outside the planned task check the condition of the removed components, and record those that require replacement label, store or discard the removed components, in accordance with approved procedures complete the relevant maintenance records accurately, and pass them on to the appropriate person dispose of waste materials, in accordance with safe working practices and approved procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the functioning, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles covered by the maintenance programme iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v waste streams, and disposal procedures vi reporting lines and procedures vii the requirements of the maintenance task and procedures viii the timescales involved ix the tools and test equipment to be used, and how to use them x component removal methods and techniques, as prescribed in the relevant documentation, using the appropriate tools and in the correct sequence xi the risks associated with your work, and their potential consequences xii the implications, for the process or system as a whole, of the quality of the different components within it xiii equipment operating, and care and control procedures xiv the implications of test results xv the requirements of configuration activities xvi your own level of authority xvii any confidentiality requirements xviii the relevant quality standards and compliance regime i Page 7 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.8 Implement the complex assembly of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: fault diagnosis of complex systems; testing and evaluating equipment and interpreting results; coaching others in assembly tasks • Assets or equipment to be assembled: non-complex explosive articles; complex explosive articles • Types of assembly procedures and activities: critical routine and non-routine assembly tasks; fault diagnosis; authorisation of work to be carried out by others; sign off of work carried out by others Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines b follow the relevant maintenance procedures to carry out the required assembly work c ensure that the tools used are fit for purpose d carry out the assembly activities, in the specified sequence, and in an agreed time scale e obtain all the required components, and ensure that they meet the required specification f take suitable precautions to prevent damage to components, tools and equipment during assembly g make necessary settings or adjustments to the components, to ensure that they will function correctly h report any instances where the assembly activities cannot be fully met, or where there are identified faults outside the planned task i label, store or discard any removed components, in accordance with approved procedures j complete the relevant maintenance records accurately, and pass them on to the appropriate person k dispose of waste materials, in accordance with safe working practices and approved procedures l maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times m comply with the appropriate quality standards a SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the functioning of the explosive substances and/or articles covered by the maintenance programme v the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event vi waste streams, and disposal procedures vii reporting lines and procedures viii the competences of the personnel involved ix the requirements of the maintenance policy, plan and procedures x component assembly methods and techniques, as prescribed in the relevant documentation, using the appropriate tools and in the correct sequence xi your organisation’s and your customer’s requirements xii the timescales involved xiii the tools and test equipment to be used, how to use them, and additional diagnostic methods relevant to the test being carried out xiv equipment operating, and care and control procedures xv the risks associated with your work, and their potential consequences, and how the contingency plan addresses these xvi the implications, for the process or system as a whole, of the quality of the different components within it xvii configuration management procedures xviii any confidentiality requirements xix the relevant quality standards and compliance regime i Page 8 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.9 Implement the routine assembly of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: assembly of the lowest sub-assembly and routine testing; carrying out routine assembly tasks on complex systems under the supervisor’s direction • Types of assembly procedures and activities: non-critical routine assembly of explosive articles; critical routine assembly where sign-off by a supervisor is required Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines follow the relevant maintenance procedures to carry out the required assembly work ensure that the tools used are fit for purpose carry out the assembly activities, in the specified sequence, and in an agreed time scale take suitable precautions to prevent damage to components, tools and equipment during assembly report any instances where the assembly activities cannot be fully met, or where there are identified faults outside the planned task obtain the required components, and ensure that they meet the required specification label, store or discard any removed components, in accordance with approved procedures complete the relevant maintenance records accurately, and pass them on to the appropriate person dispose of waste materials, in accordance with safe working practices and approved procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the functioning, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles covered by the maintenance programme iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v waste streams, and disposal procedures vi reporting lines and procedures vii the requirements of the maintenance task and procedures viii the timescales involved ix the tools and test equipment to be used, and how to use them x component assembly methods and techniques, as prescribed in the relevant documentation, using the appropriate tools, and in the correct sequence xi the risks associated with your work, and their potential consequences xii the implications, for the process or system as a whole, of the quality of the different components within it xiii equipment operating, and care and control procedures xiv the implications of test results xv the requirements of configuration activities xvi your own level of authority xvii any confidentiality requirements xviii the relevant quality standards and compliance regime i Page 9 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.10 Assess the feasibility of an explosive substance or article repair Contexts • Types of component to be assessed for repair: standard repairs; non-standard repairs • Recommendations: to be repaired to full operational standard; to be repaired to a lower requirement for restricted use; to be disposed of Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines follow the relevant process for the explosive substance or article to be repaired assess the amount and level of wear or damage to the component, and determine the work required to bring the component back to the specified condition report on findings and conclusions on the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of repairs seek or grant approval to conduct the repair, through the appropriate channels maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the design and functioning of the explosive substance or article v the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event vi the customer’s objectives and needs vii how to interpret engineering specifications, and how these inform your recommendations viii how to assess the condition of components for re-use ix how to determine the feasibility and viability of repairs x component repair methods and techniques xi reporting lines and procedures xii maintenance procedures and related specifications xiii maintenance records and documentation procedures xiv equipment operating, and care and control procedures xv maintenance authorisation procedures xvi waste streams, and disposal procedures xvii the tools and test equipment to be used, how to use them, and any additional diagnostic methods that might be needed to support your recommendations xviii how to carry out a risk assessment xix the implications, for the process or system as a whole, of the quality of the different components within it xx configuration management procedures xxi any confidentiality requirements xxii the relevant quality standards and compliance regime i Page 10 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.11 Implement the complex repair of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: fault diagnosis of complex systems; testing and evaluating equipment and interpreting results; coaching others in repair tasks • Assets or equipment to be repaired: non-complex explosive articles; complex explosive articles • Types of repair procedures and activities: critical routine and non-routine repair tasks; fault diagnosis; authorisation of work to be carried out by others; sign off of work carried out by others Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines follow the relevant maintenance procedures to carry out the required repair ensure that the tools used are fit for purpose carry out the repair activities, in the specified sequence, and in an agreed time scale take suitable precautions to prevent damage to components, tools and equipment during repair ensure that the repaired component meets the specified operating conditions report any instances where the repair activities cannot be fully met, or where there are identified faults outside the planned task label, store or discard any removed components, in accordance with approved procedures complete the relevant maintenance records accurately, and pass them on to the appropriate person dispose of waste materials, in accordance with safe working practices and approved procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the functioning of the explosive substances and/or articles covered by the maintenance programme v the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event vi waste streams, and disposal procedures vii reporting lines and procedures viii the competences of the personnel involved ix the requirements of the maintenance policy, plan and procedures x component repair methods and techniques, as prescribed in the relevant documentation, using the appropriate tools. and in the correct sequence xi the requirements of your organisation and your customer xii the timescales involved xiii the tools and test equipment to be used, how to use them, and additional diagnostic methods relevant to the test being carried out xiv equipment operating, and care and control procedures xv the risks associated with your work, and their potential consequences, and how the contingency plan addresses these xvi the implications, for the process or system as a whole, of the quality of the different components within it xvii configuration management procedures xviii any confidentiality requirements xix the relevant quality standards and compliance regime i Page 11 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.12 Implement the routine repair of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: routine repair of the lowest sub-assembly and routine testing; carrying out routine repair tasks on complex systems under the supervisor’s direction • Types of repair procedures and activities: non-critical routine repair of explosive articles; critical routine repair where sign-off by a supervisor is required Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines follow the relevant maintenance procedures to carry out the required repair ensure that the tools used are fit for purpose carry out the repair activities, in the specified sequence, and in an agreed time scale take suitable precautions to prevent damage to components, tools and equipment during repair ensure that the repaired component meets the specified operating conditions report any instances where the repair activities cannot be fully met, or where there are identified faults outside the planned task label, store or discard any removed components, in accordance with approved procedures complete the relevant maintenance records accurately, and pass them on to the appropriate person dispose of waste materials, in accordance with safe working practices and approved procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the functioning, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles covered by the maintenance programme iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v waste streams, and disposal procedures vi reporting lines and procedures vii the requirements of the maintenance procedures and procedures viii the timescales involved ix the tools and test equipment to be used, and how to use them x component repair methods and techniques, as prescribed in the relevant documentation, using the appropriate tools, and in the correct sequence xi the risks associated with your work, and their potential consequences xii the implications, for the process or system as a whole, of the quality of the different components within it xiii equipment operating, and care and control procedures xiv the implications of test results xv the requirements of configuration activities xvi your own level of authority xvii any confidentiality requirements xviii the relevant quality standards and compliance regime i Page 12 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.13 Plan configuration activities for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: people; facilities; tools and equipment; time • Access to resources: with access to sufficient and suitable resources; with access to limited resources Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the customer’s configuration requirements assemble and allocate suitable resources to complete the configuration activities ensure that the current configuration of the explosive substances and/or article is established accurately produce a clear and accurate configuration plan ensure that a business risk assessment has been carried out agree deliverables with the customer report any problems and/or nonconformities promptly, to the appropriate authority record all configuration agreements made, in accordance with organisational procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your customer’s requirements the functional requirements of the configured components the specification and standards of the explosive article and/or substance, and acceptable tolerances the interchangeability of the explosive article and/or substance the available resources, and the timescale for the configuration task how to carry out a technical and business risk assessment the reporting lines and procedures for reporting problems and non-conformities your organisation’s procedures for record keeping configuration management procedures any confidentiality requirements the relevant quality standards and compliance regime Page 13 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.14 Manage configuration activities for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: people; facilities; tools and equipment; time • Access to resources: with access to sufficient and suitable resources; with access to limited resources Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines manage the resources to optimum effect, to complete the configuration activities take prompt and effective action to deal with actual and predicted changes to the planned use of resources make sure that those using resources are aware of their responsibilities for the care and use of resources verify that the current and previous configuration of the explosive substance and/or article is established accurately, and is available manage the implementation of the configuration plan, according to its requirements report any problems and/or nonconformities promptly, to the appropriate person record configuration actions taken, in accordance with organisational procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your customer’s requirements the functional requirements of the configured components the specification and standards of the explosive article and/or substance, and acceptable tolerances the interchangeability of the explosive article and/or substance the available resources, and the timescale, for the configuration task the limitations of the environment, facilities and available resources how to verify the accuracy of configuration the reporting lines and procedures for reporting problems and non-conformities your organisation’s procedures for record keeping configuration management procedures any confidentiality requirements the relevant quality standards and compliance regime Page 14 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.15 Implement configuration activities for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: facilities; tools and equipment; time Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines i b use the resources to optimum effect, to complete the configuration activities c establish the required configuration of the explosive substance and/or article accurately ii d implement the configuration plan, according to its requirements iii e report any problems and/or non-conformities promptly, to line management iv f record configuration actions taken, in accordance with organisational procedures v g maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times h comply with the appropriate quality standards vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the specification and standards of the explosive article and/or substance and acceptable tolerances the resources and timescale for the configuration task the limitations of the environment, facilities and available resources the reporting lines and procedures for reporting problems and non-conformities your own level of authority your organisation’s procedures for record keeping the requirements of configuration activities any confidentiality requirements the relevant quality standards and compliance regime Page 15 ESA - Maintenance NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 5.16 Audit the effectiveness of configuration activities for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Audit: compliance; conformance • Practices and procedures: identifying shortcomings in existing practices and procedures; scoping recommendations for new practices and procedures • Presentation techniques: formal written reports; formal verbal presentation to an individual or group Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the fitness for purpose of the configured explosive substance or article, by ensuring that appropriate checks are carried out against the configuration criteria gather, analyse and evaluate current and reliable information ensure that your audit highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the configuration activities make suggestions for improvement that are realistic, and which indicate the benefits that might be achieved present suggestions for improvements, in accordance with organisational procedures ensure that all relevant master documentation has been correctly updated maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times comply with the appropriate quality standards i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the functioning of the explosive substances and/or article covered by the configuration management documentation the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of the explosive substance or article configuration plan the checks to confirm fitness for purpose of the explosive substance or article how to extract, use and record information from the configuration documentation best practice in presentation of configuration information for explosive substances or articles reporting lines and procedures configuration management procedures any confidentiality requirements the relevant quality standards and compliance regime Page 16 SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS: EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES (ESA) PROCUREMENT (KEY ROLE 6) February 2006 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS CONTENTS Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1 6.1 Identify the requirement and specification for explosive substances and/or articles ....................................................................................... 2 6.2 Define the procurement strategy for explosive substances and/or articles ................................................................................................. 3 6.3 Contribute to the identification of the requirement and specification for explosive substances and/or articles............................................... 4 6.4 Identify potential suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles .... 5 6.4.1 Announce the requirement to potential suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles .............................................................................. 6 6.4.2 Shortlist potential suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles ....... 7 6.5 Provide explosives-related technical input to assist in identifying potential suppliers and/or articles ......................................................... 8 6.5.1 Compile technical information for the explosive substances and/or articles requirement ......................................................................................... 9 6.5.2 Assess the capability of potential suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles, and/or of articles to be supplied............................................. 10 6.6 Negotiate and award contracts for explosive substances and/or articles................................................................................................. 11 6.6.1 Draft technical sections of explosives-related invitations to tender ...... 12 6.6.2 Evaluate and make recommendations for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles ............................................................................. 13 6.7 Place orders for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles . 14 6.7.1 Confirm the fitness for purpose of the explosive substances and/or articles ........................................................................................................... 15 6.7.2 Place an order for explosive substances and/or articles ....................... 16 6.8 Manage the contract for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles................................................................................................. 17 6.8.1 Monitor the performance of suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles ........................................................................................................... 18 6.8.2 Manage relationships with suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles............................................................................................................ 19 6.9 Ensure compliance with contract terms for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles .................................................................. 20 6.9.1 Collate contractual information for explosive substances and/or articles ............................................................................................................ 21 6.9.2 Compare information on explosive substances and/or articles with contractual requirements ............................................................................... 22 SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 1 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS INTRODUCTION The standards that follow in this booklet refer solely to the procurement of explosive substances and/or articles. The procurement of other goods or services is covered elsewhere. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 1 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 6.1 ESA - Procurement NOS Identify the requirement and specification for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Requirement: where compromises may be made; where compromises cannot be made • Specification: where compromises may be made; where compromises cannot be made • Constraints: time; operating environment; cost Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines interpret accurately the customer’s performance parameters confirm the absence of inconsistencies or anomalies in the information specify relevant constraints identify the scope for, and nature of, possible compromise agree with your customer and other stakeholders the requirements and specifications that provide an acceptable balance define explosives requirements and specifications that meet the customer requirements define explosive logistics requirements that meet the customer requirements obtain approvals, relevant to the requirement and specification for explosive substances and/or articles maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of technical risk assessment and management for explosives your organisation’s procurement policies and procedures for explosives your customers and stakeholders, and their current and likely future needs the desired effects of the explosive substance or article the environments in which the explosive substances and/or articles are intended for use when, why and in what way compromises may be appropriate the nature of any constraints the requirements for packaging, handling, transport and storage your organisation’s approval process for the requirement and specification for explosive substances and/or articles the requirements of confidentiality and intellectual property rights (IPR) 2 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 6.2 ESA - Procurement NOS Define the procurement strategy for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Customer requirements: static procurement needs; changing procurement needs • Operating environment: storage; transportation; packaging Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines keep up to date with current explosives procurement policy draw up an explosives procurement strategy, within budget, that offers the best value for money take into account (in your explosives procurement strategy) the relevant factors that are likely to influence (it including safety, risk and environmental management) support your explosives procurement strategy with reasoned arguments align the explosives procurement strategy with your organisation’s explosives procurement policies and procedures, and with legislation ensure that your explosives procurement strategy meets identified customer needs maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the explosives and business risks, safety and environmental factors the requirements of technical risk assessment and management for explosives your organisation’s explosives procurement policies and procedures the nature of your customers’ current and likely future needs the factors likely to influence the explosives procurement strategy the review process for options studies, and investment appraisals the requirements of relevant standards (eg health and safety, quality, environmental, etc) how to carry out an options study how to carry out an investment appraisal the requirements for packaging, handling, transport and storage the requirements of confidentiality and intellectual property rights (IPR) 3 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 6.3 ESA - Procurement NOS Contribute to the identification of the requirement and specification for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Information on: the requirement; the specification Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines maintain the currency of databases relating to explosive substances and/or articles identify inconsistencies or anomalies in the information, and resolve them to the customer’s satisfaction provide current information for the explosives requirements and specifications build the feedback, from the appropriate specialists, into the technical requirement and specification record changes agreed with the customer and/or stakeholder, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures compile and submit the requirement and specification business cases, through the appropriate channels, within the timescale maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of technical risk assessment and management for explosives, within your area of responsibility your organisation’s explosives procurement policies and procedures your customer’s and stakeholders’ current and likely future requirements the characteristics of the explosive substances and/or articles being procured, and their associated hazards the information needed to draw up the technical requirement and specification the nature of any constraints from whom to seek advice, and the nature of their expertise the requirements for packaging, handling, transport and storage 4 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 6.4 ESA - Procurement NOS Identify potential suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 6.4.1 Announce the requirement to potential suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles 6.4.2 Shortlist potential suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 5 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS Unit 6.4 Identify potential explosive substances and/or articles suppliers 6.4.1 Announce the requirement to potential suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Suppliers: new; existing • Medium: newsletters/letters; website; advertisements Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines obtain information about potential suppliers from valid and reliable sources, according to your organisation’s policies and legal requirements use the most appropriate medium to promote the requirement consult appropriate colleagues, to ensure that the requirement is promoted to the right audience maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v your organisation’s explosives procurement policies and procedures vi the current and likely future requirements of your customers and stakeholders vii the advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of information on potential new suppliers viii the requirements of security and confidentiality ix the requirements of your organisation’s codes of conduct x the requirements for packaging, handling, transport and storage i 6 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS Unit 6.4 Identify potential suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles 6.4.2 Shortlist potential suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Suppliers: new; existing • Information: samples; product information; supplier information; references Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines obtain information about suppliers from valid and reliable sources, in accordance with your organisation’s policies sift out those suppliers who do not meet your organisation’s explosives procurement policies and standards confirm the capability and track record of suppliers, and that part of their product range that meets your specification confirm the stability of the supply chain take up relevant references from third parties evaluate the technical capability of suppliers against the agreed specification inform the appropriate people of the results of your evaluation of supplier capability, and your recommendations maintain accurate records of your decisions maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of technical and business risk assessment and management for explosives your organisation’s explosives procurement policies, procedures and standards the current and likely future requirements of your customers and stakeholders how to establish the sifting criteria (eg potential suppliers’ facilities and infrastructure, their strengths and weaknesses) how to evaluate the technical capability of potential suppliers the requirements of your specification the requirements for packaging, handling, transport and storage the nature of any other factor that might affect your choice of potential supplier (eg political or financial considerations, etc) who needs to know the results of the shortlisting, and the appropriate format for doing so 7 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 6.5 ESA - Procurement NOS Provide explosives-related technical input to assist in identifying potential suppliers and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 6.5.1 Compile technical information for the explosive substances and/or articles requirement 6.5.2 Assess the capability of potential explosive substances and/or articles suppliers, and/or articles to be supplied SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 8 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS Unit 6.5 Provide explosives-related technical input to assist in identifying potential suppliers and/or articles 6.5.1 Compile technical information for the requirement of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Suppliers: new; existing • Information: samples; product information; supplier information; references Performance Criteria You need to: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the parameters within which you should operate obtain information about suppliers from valid and reliable sources, in accordance with your organisation’s policies collect explosives-related technical information, to enable the optimum likely suppliers to be recommended compile the information within the timescale ensure that information is complete and accurate, progress-chasing if necessary, and qualifying any discrepancies to the customer’s satisfaction collate the documentation from other sources into the final technical dossier for your manager maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Knowledge Requirements You need to know and understand: the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the requirements of technical risk assessment and management for explosives, within your area of responsibility vi your organisation’s explosives procurement policies, procedures and standards vii the current and likely future needs of your customers and stakeholders viii the requirements of the sifting criteria ix the requirements for packaging, handling, storage and transport x the information needed to compile the final technical dossier xi the advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of information on potential suppliers xii the requirements of security and confidentiality xiii the requirements of your organisation’s codes of conduct xiv your level of authority i 9 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS Unit 6.5 Provide explosives-related technical input to assist in identifying potential suppliers and/or articles 6.5.2 Assess the capability of potential suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles, and/or articles to be supplied Contexts • Suppliers: new; existing Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines b obtain information about suppliers from valid and reliable sources, in accordance with your organisation’s technical requirements for explosives ii liaise with suppliers’ explosives experts on technical matters iii sift out those suppliers that do not meet your organisation’s explosives technical requirements, or time and/or cost requirement iv c d e assess the capability and track record of suppliers, and that part of their product range that meets your specification f assess the stability of the supply chain g take up relevant references from third parties h inform your manager of the results of your evaluation of suppliers’ capability, and your recommendations i maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i v vi vii viii ix x SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s explosives procurement policies, procedures and standards the requirements of technical risk assessment and management for explosives, within your area of responsibility how to apply the sifting criteria the requirements for packaging, handling, storage and transport how to evaluate the technical capability of potential suppliers how to apply qualification requirements to potential suppliers 10 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 6.6 ESA - Procurement NOS Negotiate and award contracts for explosives substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 6.6.1 Draft technical sections of explosives-related invitations to tender 6.6.2 Evaluate and make recommendations for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 11 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS Unit 6.6 Negotiate and award contracts for explosives substances and/or articles 6.6.1 Draft technical sections of explosives invitations to tender Contexts • Requirements: new explosive substances and/or articles; existing explosive substances and/or articles Performance Criteria Knowledge You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that your explosives-related technical sections are unambiguous, and meet the requirement ensure that your explosives-related technical sections reflect the explosives requirements (including those for safety, environmental and disposals) devise a weighting system for the assessment of the technical section of suppliers’ proposals obtain sufficient information in your technical section to enable you to produce a shortlist establish a programme for the tender evaluation process, that meets your organisation’s explosives procurement policies and procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of technical risk assessment and management for explosives your organisation’s explosives procurement policies, procedures and standards the procurement requirement for explosive substances and/or articles the requirements for packaging, handling, transport and storage whom to approach for advice, and the nature of their expertise the requirements of the tender evaluation process for explosives how to devise a suitable weighting system 12 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS Unit 6.6 Negotiate and award contracts for explosives substances and/or articles 6.6.2 Evaluate and make recommendations for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Procurement: new explosive substances and/or articles; existing explosive substances and/or articles • Requirement: time; operating environment; cost Performance Criteria Knowledge requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines b confirm the supplier’s capability to deliver, by validating the information provided in the tender c evaluate tenders against the agreed criteria (including stakeholder involvement) d ensure that your evaluation meets the requirements of your organisation’s explosives procurement policies and procedures e ensure that your choice of supplier meets the explosives technical requirement f confirm the stability of the supply chain g ensure that safety is not compromised unacceptably by explosives technical performance considerations h ensure that the explosive substance or article meets the explosives technical requirement, balancing any conflicting priorities i ensure that all explosives-related risks and risk mitigation measures have been identified j carry out technical negotiations on contractual issues, according to the requirements of your negotiating plan k justify your recommendations for the award of a contract l record your conclusions, and the results of your negotiations m inform those who need to know of the final outcome of the negotiations n maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times a SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of technical risk assessment and management for explosives your organisation’s explosives procurement policies, procedures and standards the explosives procurement requirement the requirements of the evaluation criteria the requirements for packaging, handling, storage and transport the nature of any conflicting priorities, and how to deal with these whom to approach for advice, and the nature of their expertise the roles and responsibilities of others in the contracting process the requirements of the explosives tender evaluation process the requirements of the negotiating plan the appropriate format for recording your conclusions your level of authority, and scope for conducting negotiations 13 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 6.7 ESA - Procurement NOS Place orders for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 6.7.1 Confirm the fitness for purpose of the explosive substances and/or articles 6.7.2 Place an order for explosive substances and/or articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 14 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS Unit 6.7 Place orders for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles 6.7.1 Confirm the fitness for purpose of the explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Requirement: time; operating environment; cost Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the requirement for explosive substances and/or articles ensure that the choice of supplier meets the explosives technical requirement ensure that the explosive substance or article meets the explosives technical requirement, balancing any conflicting priorities ensure that legal requirements have been met maintain accurate records of your decisions maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event any specific legal requirements the requirements of technical risk assessment and management for explosives, within your area of responsibility the requirements for packaging, handling, transport and storage how to identify suitable potential suppliers the nature of any conflicting priorities, and how to deal with these your organisation’s explosives procurement policies, procedures and standards from whom to seek advice, and the nature of their expertise your level of authority the required format for recording information 15 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS Unit 6.7 Place orders for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles 6.7.2 Place an order for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Constraints: time; operating environment; cost Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the requirement for explosive substances and/or articles obtain the authority to place the order confirm that the supplier has the capability to deliver your requirements confirm that the explosive substance or article meets the explosives technical requirement confirm with the customer that any alternatives proposed by the supplier meet the explosive technical requirement, providing an agreed acceptable balance of requirements obtain the optimum value for money within the constraints agree the terms of the order with the supplier, in the format prescribed by your organisation maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of technical risk assessment and management for explosives your organisation’s procurement policies, procedures and standards for explosives from whom to seek advice, and the nature of their expertise the roles and responsibilities of others in the contracting process the requirements for packaging, handling, storage and transport your level of authority the required format for recording agreements and contracts 16 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 6.8 ESA - Procurement NOS Manage the contract for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 6.8.1 Monitor the performance of suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles 6.8.2 Manage relationships with suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 17 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS Unit 6.8 Manage the contract for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles 6.8.1 Monitor the performance of suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Performance: quantity; quality; time; cost Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines develop a monitoring plan, to ensure compliance with the contract implement correctly the agreed monitoring plan and compliance monitoring systems resolve or report promptly any instances of non-compliance with the contract identify actual or potential improvements in supplier performance, and communicate these promptly to the supplier give early indication to the supplier and your customers of any foreseeable changes or problems, to enable effective planning to take place refer any problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person maintain accurate records of agreements and changes, in accordance with your organisation’s requirements maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of technical risk assessment and management for explosives the terms of the contract, and any known factors likely to affect it your organisation’s explosives procurement policies, procedures and standards the supplier’s structure, organisation, objectives, culture and values the roles and responsibilities of others in the contract the information needed to monitor the contract appropriate methods of monitoring the contract the actions that may be appropriate in the event of problems, shortcomings or noncompliance the requirements for packaging, handling, storage and transport your level of authority the required format for recording agreements and changes 18 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS Unit 6.8 Manage the contract for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles 6.8.2 Manage relationships with suppliers of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Performance: quantity; quality; time; cost • Supplier: new; existing Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines give appropriate technical support to help suppliers achieve the technical requirement provide regular constructive feedback on the technical aspects of the execution of the contract share technical information with the supplier, and keep them up to date with technical developments, for your mutual benefit investigate, and discuss constructively, any technical problems, with the relevant people reach mutually acceptable resolutions in the event of technical problems arising agree any changes to the contract, and record them, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures give early indication to the supplier and your customers of foreseeable technical changes or problems, to enable effective planning to take place incorporate any technical changes or improvements to the contract, into future contracts, where possible, and inform others maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of technical and business risk assessment and management for explosives the technical terms of the contract, and any known factors likely to affect it the requirements for packaging, handling, storage and transport your organisation’s explosives procurement policies, procedures and standards the supplier’s organisation, business, objectives, culture and values the roles and responsibilities of others in the contract appropriate methods of monitoring the contract the importance of communication the actions that may be appropriate in the event of technical problems your level of authority the required format for recording agreements and changes 19 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 6.9 ESA - Procurement NOS Ensure compliance with contract terms for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles This unit comprises the following elements: 6.9.1 Collate contractual information for explosive substances and/or articles 6.9.2 Compare information on explosive substances and/or articles with contractual requirements SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 20 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS Unit 6.9 Ensure compliance with contract terms for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles 6.9.1 Collate contractual information for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Information: quantity; quality; time; cost Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines collect technical contractual information, in accordance with the monitoring plan, and collate it accurately ensure that the technical contractual information is valid and reliable identify and resolve any inconsistencies in the technical information present the collated technical information in the required format, within the deadline, to the correct distribution list identify foreseeable technical problems, and recommend suitable remedial actions keep your manager up to date with progress reports record technical changes to the contract accurately, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the requirements of technical and business risk assessment and management for explosives, within your responsibility vi the technical terms of the contract vii your organisation’s explosives procurement policies, procedures and standards viii from whom within the supplier’s organisation to obtain technical information ix the roles and responsibilities of others in the contract x the requirements of the monitoring plan xi appropriate methods of capturing information xii how to recognise potential problems xiii the requirements for packaging, handling, storage and transport xiv your level of authority xv the required format for presenting information i 21 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Procurement NOS Unit 6.9 Ensure compliance with contract terms for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles 6.9.2 Compare information on explosive substances and/or articles with contractual requirements Contexts • Information: quantity; quality; time; cost Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines carry out comparisons of technical information, in accordance with the monitoring plan, to ensure compliance with the contract provide feedback to your manager/colleagues on the extent to which the technical contractual requirements are being met report any instances of non-compliance with the contract. and recommend appropriate action propose any technical improvements to assist in future decision making give early warning to your manager/colleagues of foreseeable technical problems, to enable effective planning to take place inform your manager/colleagues of instances of non-compliance and/or issues that give cause for concern, identified by your review of the information maintain accurate records, in accordance with your organisation’s requirements maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of technical and business risk assessment and management for explosives, within your responsibility the terms of the contract your organisation’s explosives procurement policies, procedures and standards from whom within the supplier’s organisation to obtain technical information the roles and responsibilities of others in the contract the requirements of the monitoring plan appropriate methods of capturing information the importance of communication how to recognise potential problems the requirements of explosives packaging, transport and storage your level of authority the required format for recording information 22 SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS: EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES (ESA) STORAGE (KEY ROLE 7) February 2006 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - Storage NOS CONTENTS 7.1 Move explosive substances and/or articles manually ................................ 1 7.2 Supervise the placing of explosive substances and/or articles into storage................................................................................................. 2 7.3 Put explosive substances and/or articles into storage ............................... 3 7.4 Supervise the receiving of explosive substances and/or articles into storage........................................................................................................ 4 7.5 Supervise the maintenance of storage conditions for explosive substances and/or articles.......................................................................... 5 7.6 Maintain the quality of explosive substances and/or articles in storage .... 6 7.7 Select and prepare explosive substances and/or articles for despatch .... 7 7.8 Despatch explosive substances and/or articles ......................................... 8 7.9 Supervise the selection, preparation and despatch of explosive substances and/or articles.......................................................................... 9 7.10 Manage the receipt of explosive substances and/or articles ................... 10 7.11 Manage the storage of explosive substances and/or articles .................. 11 7.12 Manage the despatch of explosive substances and/or articles................ 12 7.13 Manage stock levels and stock inventories of explosive substances and/or articles........................................................................ 13 7.14 Audit stock levels and stock inventories of explosive substances and/or articles ........................................................................................... 14 7.15 Carry out stock checks of explosive substances and/or articles.............. 15 7.16 Maintain stock control systems for explosive substances and/or articles ........................................................................................... 16 7.17 Operate specialised plant and machinery to performance requirements for explosive substances and/or articles .................................................. 17 7.18 Lift, transfer and position explosive substance and/or article loads......... 18 SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page ii ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.1 Move explosive substances and/or articles manually Contexts • Handling: manually; using manual handling equipment Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines use the right equipment correctly take prompt and appropriate action to prevent accidents and hazards take prompt and effective action to deal with actual and predicted changes to the planned use of resources provide and receive constructive feedback on performance, to make improvements ask for advice or assistance when a matter is beyond your capability or level of authority ensure that all documentation is correctly completed i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, risks and hazards of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of the task manual handling techniques what could go wrong with the equipment, and the action you should take what could go wrong with the explosive substances and/or articles, and the action you should take reporting lines and procedures your level of authority when and from whom to seek advice or assistance Page 1 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.2 Supervise the placing of explosive substances and/or articles into storage Contexts • Storage requirements: compatibility of explosive substances and/or articles; security Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that the location and conditions are appropriate for the storage of explosive substances and/or articles co-ordinate alternative suitable storage locations, when required allocate and brief appropriate staff manage the allocation of handling equipment to meet all tasking requirements resolve any problems, within your level of authority, in placing explosive substances and/or articles in the right locations ensure that all documentation is correctly completed i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s security requirements how to assess the storage needs and any environmental conditions required the rules governing mixing hazard divisions, compatibility groups the staff and resource requirements of the task, and the information they need to perform effectively how to implement contingency plans how to give and receive constructive feedback your level of authority when and from whom to seek advice or assistance how to run stock receipt, recording and controlling systems Page 2 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.3 Put explosive substances and/or articles into storage Contexts • Items: in good order; suspect or damaged • Storage requirements: volume; accessibility; ease of identification Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that the transit, stabling and storage locations are suitable adhere to the storage plan use handling equipment correctly, to meet all tasking requirements resolve any storage or resource problems, within your level of authority confirm that the type, quality and quantity of the goods is in accordance with receipts documentation, and report any discrepancies take action, in accordance with procedures, where explosive substances and/or articles are received in a suspect or damaged state ensure that all documentation is correctly completed i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the storage needs, and any environmental conditions required the rules governing mixing hazard divisions and compatibility groups the resource requirements of the task what could go wrong with the explosive substances and/or articles, and the action you should take how to implement contingency plans stock receipt, recording and controlling systems how to give and receive constructive feedback your level of authority when and from whom to seek advice or assistance Page 3 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.4 Supervise the receiving of explosive substances and/or articles into storage Contexts • Deliveries: planned; unscheduled • Items: in good order; suspect or damaged • Storage requirements: volume; accessibility; ease of identification Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines b identify correctly the storage requirements for forecasted receipts of explosive substances and/or articles c confirm that suitable storage locations are available d produce a projected storage plan e co-ordinate suitable transit, stabling, unloading and storage locations, as required f identify appropriate staff, and ensure their availability g manage the allocation of handling equipment, to meet all tasking requirements h develop and implement a suitable routine for checking stock and storage, and for carrying out spot checks i resolve any problems, within your level of authority j confirm that the type, quality and quantity of the goods is in accordance with receipts forecast k manage and control the resolution of any discrepancies identified on receipt l ensure the appropriate response, in accordance with organisational procedures, where explosive substances and/or articles are received in a suspect or damaged state m ensure that all documentation is correctly completed a SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, risks and hazards of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how to assess the storage needs, and any environmental conditions required planning techniques mixing hazard divisions and compatibility groups explosives licence limitations and conditions the staff and resource requirements for the task, and the information they need in order to perform effectively how to contribute to and implement contingency plans how to run the stock receipt, recording and controlling system how to give and receive constructive feedback your level of authority when and from whom to seek advice or assistance Page 4 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.5 Supervise the maintenance of storage conditions for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • • • • Storage requirements: compatibility of explosive substances and/or articles; security Storage: environmental control systems; storage systems Items: in good order; suspect or damaged Storage conditions: fit for purpose; not fit for purpose Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the correct storage conditions are maintained at all times develop and maintain a system, to record that storage conditions fully meet the requirements identify and manage any remedial actions necessary to restore required storage conditions take prompt, appropriate action to maintain the quality of explosive substances and/or articles in storage report any shortfalls and excursions outside the required standards, to the relevant authority take appropriate action, in accordance with organisational procedures, in the case of suspect explosive substances and/or articles, pending further investigation ensure regular reviews of the status of segregated and suspect items i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, risks and hazards of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s security procedures the importance of monitoring and maintaining storage conditions how to maintain records to ensure full compliance with required storage conditions the operation and user maintenance of associated environmental recording equipment the items in storage, and their optimum storage conditions and constraints sources of information how to maintain the right storage conditions how to recognise signs of damage or deterioration the action to take in the event of deterioration of the item or of storage conditions Page 5 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.6 Maintain the quality of explosive substances and/or articles in storage Contexts • Storage requirements: compatibility of explosive substances and/or articles; security • Storage: environmental control systems; storage systems • Items: in good order; suspect or damaged Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines check that the correct storage conditions are maintained at all times maintain the system to record that storage conditions fully meet the requirements take prompt appropriate action to maintain the quality of explosive substances and/or articles in storage report any shortfalls and excursions outside the required standards, to the relevant authority take appropriate action, in accordance with organisational procedures, in the case of suspect explosive substances and/or articles, pending further investigation i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s security procedures the importance of monitoring and maintaining storage conditions how to maintain records to ensure full compliance with required storage conditions the operation and user maintenance of associated environmental recording equipment the items in storage, and their optimum storage conditions and constraints sources of information how to maintain the right storage conditions how to recognise signs of damage or deterioration the action to take in the event of deterioration of the item or of storage conditions Page 6 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.7 Select and prepare explosive substances and/or articles for despatch Contexts • Orders: single orders; mixed orders Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines select the items for despatch, in accordance with the order fulfil orders accurately, and on time pick and label the order accurately and clearly place the orders in the correct location for despatch report any problems beyond your level of authority, to the appropriate person use handling equipment correctly complete the necessary documentation correctly i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the importance of fulfilling orders accurately and on time customer requirements how to read an order whom to tell if you cannot fulfil an order where to find the stock how to select and assemble an order how to update control records, and why it is important the information and documentation to be included with the order Page 7 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.8 Despatch explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Consignments: single; multiple Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the serviceability of the loading equipment report faulty equipment to the right person make sure that the vehicles are in the right place, and are properly prepared for loading confirm the consignment details, by checking against documentation report any defects or shortfalls in the consignment make sure that you are clear about your own responsibilities ensure appropriate segregation, in accordance with organisational procedures distribute the load evenly, securely, and in accordance with the loading plan complete the necessary documentation correctly i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, risks and hazards of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event methods of loading, and when to use each method the handling equipment you need, and where to find it how to recognise faulty equipment to whom to report faulty equipment the importance of vehicle preparation, prior to loading load planning techniques and preparation the documentation requirements your role and responsibilities, and those of others with whom you work Page 8 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.9 Supervise the selection, preparation and despatch of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • • • • Orders: single; mixed Consignments: single; multiple Fulfilment of orders: in part; in full Resources: full; limited Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the correct items are selected, prepared and despatched, in accordance with the order report any shortfalls in the order, to the right person ensure that sufficient manpower and equipment are available, to enable the goods to be selected and despatched on time determine accurately any requirements for pre-issue inspection, fractioning, re-work and repackaging ensure that any pre-issue activity is completed to meet pipeline times ensure that appropriate action is taken, in accordance with organisational procedures, where explosive substances and/or articles are reported to be in a suspect or damaged state ensure that all documentation is fully and accurately completed ensure that the order is correctly packaged and labelled, to comply with relevant legislation resolve any problems, within your level of authority i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how to identify alternative sources of supply, to accommodate any potential shortfalls the importance of fulfilling orders accurately and on time how long it takes to assemble orders how to identify if pre-issue activity is required how to progress pre-issue activity the procedure to follow if an order cannot be fulfilled or discrepancies exist the rules governing mixing hazard divisions and compatibility groups the staff and resource requirements for the task, and the information they need in order to perform effectively how to implement contingency plans how to give and receive constructive feedback your level of authority, and to whom to refer for advice or decisions Page 9 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.10 Manage the receipt of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Receipts: single; mixed • Storage considerations: capacity (duration and volume); compatibility; environmental; explosive limit criteria; security • Resources: full; limited Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the receipt function complies with the organisational explosive safety and security management systems confirm that your organisation can receive the incoming explosive substances and/or articles identify the storage requirements for the nature and quantities of explosive substances and/or articles to be received allocate storage, in accordance with the storage strategy allocate appropriate resources to tasks ensure that systems are in place that result in the prompt notification of any discrepancies and delivery problems ensure that the receipt is completed, within agreed timescales carry out regular reviews of the storage plan, to ensure continuing optimised use of the storage facility respond to developing events and priorities, in accordance with procedures develop and communicate an appropriate storage contingency plan maintain accurate records, in accordance with organisational procedures SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, risks and hazards of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the organisation’s safety management system for explosives vi your organisation’s security management system vii the rules governing mixing hazard divisions, compatibility groups and explosive licence limitations viii your organisation’s procedures for receiving and accepting explosive substances and/or articles ix the schedule of receipts and despatches, and the overall storage capacity x the resources available, and the tasks required xi with which organisations you need to liaise, and why xii the roles and responsibilities of staff xiii reporting lines and procedures xiv the types and quantity of stock xv the importance of, and how to draw up, a contingency plan xvi resource planning methods and techniques xvii how to implement and direct corrective actions resulting from reported discrepancies xviii the role of your unit, and where it fits into the wider organisation xix documentation systems xx the limitations of the environment, facilities and available resources i Page 10 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.11 Manage the storage of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Storage: single; mixed • Storage considerations: capacity (duration and volume); compatibility; environmental; explosive limit criteria; security • Resources: full; limited Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the storage function complies with the organisational explosive safety and security management systems identify the storage requirements for the nature and quantities of explosive substances and/or articles allocate storage, in accordance with the storage strategy allocate appropriate resources to tasks ensure that systems are in place that result in the prompt notification of any discrepancies and delivery problems ensure that the duration of storage is managed, within agreed timescales carry out regular reviews of the storage plan, to ensure continuing optimised use of the storage facility ensure the continuing optimum condition of the explosive substances and/or articles in storage respond to developing events and priorities, in accordance with procedures develop and communicate an appropriate storage contingency plan maintain accurate records, in accordance with organisational procedures SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, risks and hazards of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the organisation’s safety management system for explosives vi your organisation’s security management system vii the rules governing mixing hazard divisions, compatibility groups and explosive licence limitations viii your organisation’s procedures for receiving and accepting explosive substances and/or articles ix the schedule of receipts and despatches, and the overall storage capacity x the resources available, and the tasks required xi with which organisations you need to liaise, and why xii the roles and responsibilities of staff xiii reporting lines and procedures xiv the types, quantity and shelf-life of explosive stock xv any specific maintenance requirements for explosive stock in storage xvi the importance of, and how to draw up, a contingency plan xvii resource planning methods and techniques xviii how to implement and direct corrective actions from reported discrepancies xix the role of your unit, and where it fits into the wider organisation xx documentation systems xxi the limitations of the environment, facilities and available resources i Page 11 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.12 Manage the despatch of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Despatches: single; mixed • Storage considerations: capacity (duration and volume); compatibility; environmental; explosive limit criteria; security • Resources: full; limited Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the despatch function complies with the organisational management systems for explosives safety and security confirm that the destination organisation can receive the explosive substances and/or articles being despatched allocate appropriate resources to tasks ensure that systems are in place that result in the prompt notification of any discrepancies and delivery problems ensure that the despatch is completed, within agreed timescales carry out regular reviews of the storage plan, to ensure continuing optimised use of the storage facility respond to developing events and priorities, in accordance with procedures develop and communicate an appropriate storage contingency plan maintain accurate records, in accordance with organisational procedures SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, risks and hazards of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the organisation’s safety management system for explosives vi your organisation’s security management system vii the rules governing mixing hazard divisions, compatibility groups and explosive licence limitations viii your organisation’s procedures for despatching explosive substances and/or articles ix the schedule of despatches x the resources available, and the tasks required xi with which organisations you need to liaise, and why xii the roles and responsibilities of staff xiii reporting lines and procedures xiv the types and quantity of stock xv the importance of, and how to draw up, a contingency plan xvi resource planning methods and techniques xvii how to implement and direct corrective actions resulting from reported discrepancies xviii the role of your unit, and where it fits into the wider organisation xix documentation systems xx the limitations of the environment, facilities and available resources i Page 12 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.13 Manage stock levels and stock inventories of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Stock levels and inventories: planned; unplanned • Stock level: full; partial • Resources: full; limited Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines consult effectively all relevant external organisations, to achieve strategic goals design an appropriate stock control programme allocate appropriate resources to meet the needs of the stock control programme ensure that the stock control system delivers to agreed timescales review stock control reports, and recommend corrective actions communicate the stock control programme to the stock control team and appropriate staff collate and distribute stock control reports, to appropriate people provide constructive feedback on the stock control, to the appropriate people SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, risks and hazards of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the importance of stock levels and stock inventories vi how often stock controls are required by your organisation vii the types and quantity of explosive substances and/or articles stocked viii the scope of the stock control, and the information to be included in the stock control plan ix resource planning methods and techniques x how to implement and direct corrective actions resulting from reported discrepancies xi the role of your unit, and where it fits into the wider organisation xii the roles and responsibilities of staff xiii reporting lines and procedures xiv documentation systems xv communication methods and techniques xvi the limitations of the environment, facilities and available resources xvii the timescales involved xviii the problems you might expect to encounter i Page 13 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.14 Audit stock levels and stock inventories for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Audit level: full; partial • Resources: full; limited • Discrepancies: type; quantity; location; condition Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the requirements of the audit confirm the available resources to carry out the audit take prompt and appropriate action to resolve any problems allocate responsibilities appropriately communicate the requirements of the audit plan clearly adhere to entry, exit and security procedures check on audit progress at appropriate intervals, and resolve any problems investigate any discrepancies, prioritising and resolving them, within the level of your authority complete and distribute the audit report, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, risks and hazards of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the importance of auditing stock levels and stock inventories vi the requirements of the audit plan vii how often audits are required by your organisation viii the information held in the stock inventory, and how to access it ix how to investigate discrepancies revealed by the audit x how to interpret information, and recommend corrections to the stock inventory xi how to anticipate and prevent difficult situations xii the resources you need to be able to carry out an audit xiii the importance of communicating the audit programme, and how it is likely to affect the work of colleagues xiv the roles and responsibilities of audit team members xv audit management techniques xvi entry, exit and security procedures xvii audit reporting procedures i Page 14 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS 7.15 Carry out stock checks of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Stock controls: planned; unplanned; full; partial • Movement of stock: when stock needs to be moved; when stock does not need to be moved Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines gain appropriate authorisation for access, in order to stock check explosive substances and/or articles adhere to entry, exit and security procedures identify all explosive substances and/or articles, within scope of the stock check identify any movement requirements before carrying out the stock check, and make arrangements for the movement carry out the stock check accurately report the findings from stock check promptly, to the relevant person i ii iii iv v vi vii viii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how to determine whether items need to be moved before the stock check, and any special requirements to do so stock checking procedures for explosive substances and/or articles the importance of auditing stock levels, and stock investigations the resources needed to carry out the stock check entry, exit and security procedures Page 15 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.16 Maintain stock control systems for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Discrepancies: type; quantity; location; condition • Maintaining the stock control system: in real time; at a later date Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines review stock control systems regularly, and evaluate their performance authorise appropriate people to use the stock control systems, and keep records which are regularly checked ensure that the information on the explosive substances and/or articles stock control system is up to date and accurate ensure that colleagues know when and how to report stock control problems, so that these can be dealt with promptly, accurately and completely resolve stock control problems, within your level of authority, and report those beyond it to the appropriate person i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, risks and hazards of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how the stock control systems work the procedures to overcome problems relating to stock control system downtime the system to maintain the currency of stock information how to resolve stock control system problems the importance of ensuring security and confidentiality how to issue authorisations and/or passwords for stock control of explosive substances and/or articles Page 16 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.17 Operate specialized plant and machinery to performance requirements for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Equipment: in good order; damaged/defective • Hazards and conditions: machinery stability; load stability; restricted access; neighbouring work and traffic activities; encroaching personnel • Post-stop maintenance: routine checks; visual wear and tear inspection; damage assessment; energy supplies; safety checks Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines b confirm the work requirements with the appropriate person(s) confirm that the appropriate equipment you require to carry out your work is available for use prepare, set up and adjust the equipment for the work activity, in accordance with instructions, safety and work requirements record any defects and damage to the equipment, and take appropriate action to correct them monitor the equipment, to maintain safety of operation throughout the work activity report any problems and conditions that are beyond your level of authority, to the appropriate person conclude the work activity, shutting equipment down and leaving it secure, in accordance with approved procedures and practices ensure that you follow the post-stop maintenance requirements, and confirm that the equipment is left in a suitable condition c d e f g h i SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the types of equipment needed for the work activity how to set up the equipment the methods to adjust the plant and machinery for varying equipment performance the routine checks to be carried out at start up the common types of defect relating to the equipment used parking and securing requirements for the equipment post-stop maintenance requirements for the equipment Page 17 ESA - Storage NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 7.18 Lift, transfer and position explosive substances and/or articles loads Contexts • Equipment: in good order; damaged/defective • Hazards and conditions: machinery stability; load stability; restricted access; neighbouring work and traffic activities; encroaching personnel Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify the load to be moved, from the work instructions confirm that the area of work is safe, and is secure for the movement and transfer of loads identify potential difficulties in carrying out the operation, and resolve them with the appropriate person(s) confirm that equipment to be used is operational select the load, and confirm that it is suitable for lifting lift and transfer the load to its designated location, securely and without damage report any damage to the load, to the appropriate person(s) complete all documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the characteristics of different types of explosive substances and/or article loads to be moved, and how they need to be moved the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the type of equipment used in moving and transferring these loads, within context of operations and the work activity the action to take in the event of problems arising reporting lines and procedures Page 18 SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS: EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES (ESA) TRANSPORT (KEY ROLE 8) February 2006 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - Transport NOS CONTENTS Introduction 8.1A 1 Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by road of explosive substances and articles ............................................................. 3 8.1.1A Plan the safe and secure transportation by road of explosive substances and articles ........................................................................................................4 8.1.2A Manage the safe and secure transportation by road of explosive substances and articles..................................................................................................5 8.1B Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by rail of explosive substances and articles ............................................................. 6 8.1.1B Plan the safe and secure transportation by rail of explosive substances and articles.................................................................................................7 8.1.2B Manage the safe and secure transportation by rail of explosive substances and articles ..............................................................................8 8.1C Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by sea of explosive substances and articles ............................................................. 9 8.1.1C Plan the safe and secure transportation by sea of explosive substances and articles ......................................................................................................10 8.1.2C Manage the safe and secure transportation by sea of explosive substances and articles ............................................................................11 8.1D Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by air of explosive substances and articles ............................................................12 8.1.1D Plan the safe and secure transportation by air of explosive substances and articles................................................................................................13 8.1.2D Manage the safe and secure transportation by air of explosive substances and articles ............................................................................14 8.2 Obtain information on the explosive substances and articles load...........15 8.3A Plan the route and timings for the delivery and collection of explosive substances and articles by road ...............................................16 8.3.1A Obtain information on the destination and schedule .................................17 8.3.2A Identify a route to the destination ..............................................................18 8.3.3A Estimate driving distances and times for the route....................................19 8.3.4A Plan driving stages....................................................................................20 8.3B Obtain information on the destination and schedule of the explosive load by rail.................................................................................21 8.3C Obtain information on the destination and schedule of the explosive load by sea................................................................................22 8.3D Obtain information on the destination and schedule of the explosive load by air .................................................................................23 8.4 Load the vehicles with explosive substances and articles........................24 8.4.1 Prepare the vehicle for loading....................................................................25 8.4.2 Load the vehicle ..........................................................................................26 8.5 Supervise the loading of the vehicle with explosive substances and SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page i SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - Transport NOS articles by others .......................................................................................27 8.6 Unload explosive substances and articles from the vehicle .....................28 8.6.1 Comply with proof-of-delivery requirements ................................................29 8.6.2 Assist in the unloading of the vehicle ..........................................................30 8.7 8.8 Supervise the unloading of explosive substances and articles from the vehicle by others .......................................................................................31 Complete pre-driving preparations (DGV 6) .............................................32 8.8.1 Identify vehicle instruments and controls.....................................................33 8.8.2 Complete vehicle and safety checks ...........................................................34 8.8.3 Complete vehicle and load documentation..................................................35 8.9 Maintain the safety and the security of the load, self and property (DGV 7) .....................................................................................................36 8.9.1 Identify the legal, safety and operating requirements for the vehicle and the load .................................................................................................37 8.9.2 Protect the vehicle and load from security risks ..........................................38 8.10 Maintain awareness of driving conditions (DGV 8)...................................39 8.10.1 Assess the effects of driving conditions.....................................................40 8.10.2 Monitor the load during driving ..................................................................41 8.10.3 Contribute to the safety of self, vehicle, load and other road users...........42 8.11 Operate the vehicle systems (DGV 9) ......................................................43 8.11.1 Operate and monitor vehicle instruments and controls .............................44 8.11.2 Ensure the efficient and careful use of the vehicle....................................45 8.12 Drive the vehicle on public roads (DGV 10)..............................................46 8.12.1 Position the vehicle on the road ................................................................47 8.12.2 Control the speed of the vehicle................................................................48 8.12.3 Overtake other vehicles ............................................................................49 8.12.4 Brake the vehicle within a limited space ...................................................50 8.12.5 Control the vehicle in an emergency situation...........................................51 8.13 Drive the vehicle in restricted spaces (DGV 11) .......................................52 8.13.1 Select a space for manoeuvring the vehicle .............................................53 8.13.2 Manoeuvre the vehicle in restricted spaces ..............................................54 8.14A Couple and uncouple the vehicle (DGV 12) .............................................55 8.14.1A Couple the vehicle ..................................................................................56 8.14.2A Uncouple the vehicle..............................................................................57 8.14 B Couple and uncouple the train ..................................................................58 8.14.1B Couple the train.......................................................................................59 8.14.2B Uncouple the train...................................................................................60 8.15 Escort the explosive substances and articles load ...................................61 Glossary of DGV terms.......................................................................................................62 SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page ii SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - Transport NOS INTRODUCTION The standards that follow comprise those brought in from the suite of Driving Goods Vehicles standards (referenced “DGV” after the standard), and those that have been developed specifically for those activities involving the transportation of explosive substances and articles. These explosive-specific standards do not contain a reference number after the standard title. They are closely aligned to the DGV standards. DRIVING GOODS VEHICLES STANDARDS The Road Haulage & Distribution Training Council developed the revised occupational standards (some of which imported here) for driving goods vehicles. They replace those approved by PSAG in August 2001, following the pilot use of those standards between September 2001 and March 2002. These occupational standards are designed along the following principles: • they are for drivers of Large Goods Vehicles (LGV) (although in many ways they might also be applicable to other types of goods vehicle driver); • they are meant to be generic, in that they do not reflect requirements for any particular class of LGV, including rigid or articulated vehicles; • they do not contain details of assessment methods; guidance on assessment will be available for qualifications containing the units; and • they are not designed for a particular type of qualification. Application of the units NOTE: where the word “vehicle” has been used, this could equally refer to other forms of transport, including rail, water- and air-borne vehicles. Transportation by rail Most of the units describing the competences relating to preparatory work, loading and unloading of explosive loads are also relevant to rail transportation. However, there are specific requirements for the rail transportation of explosive loads, which are described by the “A” series of this key role. The following units are also relevant to the transportation of explosive loads by rail: 8.2, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7 The units relevant to rail transportation are aimed at transfer shed staff, marshalling yard staff, and any others who load, unload and marshal trains. They do not describe the competences relating to driving trains. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 1 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - Transport NOS Transportation by sea Many of the units describing the competences relating to preparatory work, loading and unloading of explosive loads are also relevant to sea transportation. However, there are specific requirements for the sea transportation of explosive loads, which are described by the “B” series of this key role. The following units are also relevant to the transportation of explosive loads by sea: 8.2, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7 The units relevant to sea transportation are aimed at staff at the dockside and in ships or boats, who load and unload explosive cargoes. They do not describe the competences relating to piloting ships or boats. Transportation by air As for rail and sea transportation, many of the units describing the competences relating to preparatory work, loading and unloading of explosive loads are also relevant to air transportation. However, there are specific requirements for the transportation by air of explosive loads, which are described by the “C” series of this key role. The following units are also relevant to the transportation of explosive loads by air: 8.2, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7 The units relevant to air transportation are aimed at staff on airfields, who load and unload explosive cargoes. They do not describe the competences relating to aircrew. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 2 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.1A ESA - Transport NOS Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by road of explosive substances and articles This unit comprises the following elements: 8.1.1A Plan the safe and secure transportation by road of explosive substances and articles 8.1.2A Manage the safe and secure transportation by road of explosive substances and articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 3 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.1A Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by road of explosive substances and articles 8.1.1A Plan the safe and secure transportation by road of explosive substances and articles Contexts • Resources (vehicles; equipment; facilities; people; time): full access; limited access • Sources of information: electronic; publications Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify correctly the quantity and type of explosive to be moved, and the compatibility requirements carry out an appropriate risk assessment identify correctly the point of origin, destination and delivery date identify correctly the resources needed to transport the explosive load inform relevant external authorities prepare a comprehensive briefing pack, in line with organisational policies and procedures assemble the information to prepare the consignment and transport documentation complete and issue consignment and transport documentation to approved carriers, in line with legal and organisational policies and procedures maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the quantity of the explosive load, and any additional hazards associated with the transportation how to carry out a risk assessment factors affecting route planning (eg drivers’ hours regulations and vehicle requirements) which external authorities should be informed, and why the information needed to compile a briefing pack the information needed to compile consignment and transport documentation any confidentiality requirements Page 4 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.1A Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by road of explosive substances and articles 8.1.2A Manage the safe and secure transportation by road of explosive substances and articles Contexts • Managing transportation: in normal situations; when an emergency or breakdown occurs; in the case of delays Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that there is a system in place to confirm the arrival, at staging points and final destination log escort calls, stating the explosive load destination, in accordance with organisational procedures invoke appropriate procedures if escorts or drivers do not report in when expected liaise with internal and/or external colleagues in the event of an emergency or breakdown ensure that complete and accurate records are maintained report any difficulties promptly to the appropriate authorities i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the quantity of the explosive load, and any additional hazards associated with the transportation the route plan, and the expected timetable the possible courses of action that could be taken if drivers do not report in on time with which agencies to liaise, and why the effect on the customer of delays to whom to refer any difficulties Page 5 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.1B ESA - Transport NOS Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by rail of explosive substances and articles This unit comprises the following elements: 8.1.1B Plan the safe and secure rail transportation by rail of explosive substances and articles 8.1.2B Manage the safe and secure rail transportation by rail of explosive substances and articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 6 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.1B Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by rail of explosive substances and articles 8.1.1B Plan the safe and secure transportation by rail of explosive substances and articles Contexts • Resources (vehicles; equipment; facilities; people; time): full access; limited access • Sources of information: electronic; publications Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify correctly the quantity and type of explosive to be moved, and the compatibility requirements carry out an appropriate risk assessment identify correctly the point of origin, destination and delivery date identify correctly the resources needed to transport the explosive load inform relevant external authorities prepare a comprehensive briefing pack, in line with organisational policies and procedures assemble the information, to prepare consignment and transport documentation complete and issue consignment and transport documentation to approved carriers, in line with legal and organisational policies and procedures maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the quantity of the explosive load, and any additional hazards associated with the transportation how to carry out a risk assessment factors affecting route planning (eg availability of rolling stock, geographical limitations, train capacity) which external authorities should be informed, and why the information needed to compile a briefing pack the information needed to compile consignment and transport documentation any confidentiality requirements Page 7 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.1B Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by rail of explosive substances and articles 8.1.2B Manage the safe and secure transportation by rail of explosive substances and articles Contexts • Managing transportation: in normal situations; when an emergency or breakdown occurs; in the case of delays Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines i b ensure that deliveries are made within the prescribed timescale ii c ensure that complete and accurate records are maintained iii d report any difficulties promptly to the appropriate authorities iv v vi vii viii ix x SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the quantity of the explosive load, and any additional hazards associated with the transportation the route plan, and the expected timetable the possible courses of action that could be taken if drivers do not report in on time, and consignments do not arrive on time with which agencies to liaise, and why the effect on the customer of delays to whom to refer any difficulties Page 8 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.1C ESA - Transport NOS Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by sea of explosive substances and articles This unit comprises the following elements: 8.1.1C Plan the safe and secure transportation by sea of explosive substances and articles 8.1.2C Manage the safe and secure transportation by sea of explosive substances and articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 9 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.1C Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by sea of explosive substances and articles 8.1.1C Plan the safe and secure transportation by sea of explosive substances and articles Contexts • Resources (vehicles; equipment; facilities; people; time): full access; limited access • Sources of information: electronic; publications Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify correctly the quantity and type of explosive to be moved, and the compatibility requirements carry out an appropriate risk assessment identify correctly the relevant points of origin, destinations and delivery dates identify correctly the resources needed to transport the explosive load inform relevant external authorities prepare a comprehensive briefing/briefing pack, in line with organisational policies and procedures assemble the information, to prepare consignment and transport documentation complete and issue consignment and transport documentation to approved carriers, in line with legal and organisational policies and procedures maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the quantity of the explosive load, and any additional hazards associated with the transportation how to carry out a risk assessment factors affecting load planning (eg vessel capabilities, loading priorities, multiple drops, other cargo) which external authorities should be informed, and why the information needed to compile a briefing/briefing pack the information needed to compile consignment and transport documentation any confidentiality requirements Page 10 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.1C Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by sea of explosive substances and articles 8.1.2C Manage the safe and secure transportation by sea of explosive substances and articles Contexts • Managing transportation: in normal situations; when an emergency occurs; in the case of delays Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines i b ensure that there is a system in place to confirm the arrival at the destination ii c liaise with internal and/or external authorities in the event of an emergency or delay iii d ensure that complete and accurate records are maintained iv e report any difficulties promptly to the appropriate authorities v vi vii viii ix SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the quantity of the explosive load, and any additional hazards associated with the transportation the route plan and the expected timetable with which agencies to liaise, and why the effect on the customer of delays to whom to refer any difficulties Page 11 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.1D ESA - Transport NOS Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by air of explosive substances and articles This unit comprises the following elements: 8.1.1D Plan the safe and secure transportation by air of explosive substances and articles 8.1.2D Manage the safe and secure transportation by air of explosive substances and articles SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 12 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.1D Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by air of explosive substances and articles 8.1.1D Plan the safe and secure transportation by air of explosive substances and articles Contexts • Resources (vehicles; equipment; facilities; people; time): full access; limited access • Sources of information: electronic; publications Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify correctly the quantity and type of explosive to be moved, and the compatibility requirements carry out an appropriate risk assessment identify correctly the relevant points of origin, destinations and delivery dates identify correctly the resources needed to transport the explosive load inform relevant external authorities prepare a comprehensive briefing pack, in line with organisational policies and procedures assemble the information, to prepare consignment and transport documentation complete and issue consignment and transport documentation to approved carriers, in line with legal and organisational policies and procedures maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the quantity of the explosive load, and any additional hazards associated with the transportation how to carry out a risk assessment factors affecting load planning (eg aircraft type, loading priorities, other cargo) which external authorities should be informed, and why the information needed to compile a briefing pack the information needed to compile consignment and transport documentation any confidentiality requirements Page 13 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.1D Plan and manage the safe and secure transportation by air of explosive substances and articles 8.1.2D Manage the safe and secure transportation by air of explosive substances and articles Contexts • Managing transportation: in normal situations; when an emergency occurs; in the case of delays Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines i b ensure that there is a system in place to confirm the arrival of the load at the destination ii c liaise with internal and/or external authorities, in the event of an emergency or delay d ensure that complete and accurate records are maintained e report any difficulties promptly to the appropriate authorities iii iv v vi vii viii ix SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the quantity of the explosive load, and any additional hazards associated with the transportation the destination, and expected timetable with which agencies to liaise, and why the effect on the customer of delays to whom to refer any difficulties Page 14 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.2 Obtain information on explosive substances and articles load Contexts • Information on the explosive load: type of explosive; quantity; packaging type Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify where information on the load can be obtained identify any problems with obtaining the information on the load, and take appropriate action identify any special requirements for loading and unloading identify any special requirements for monitoring the load during transport communicate, in an appropriate manner, with the relevant people check and complete the consignment and transport documentation, in line with legal requirements and organisational policies and procedures SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the required information on the load the types of special requirement that could be requested typical problems that could occur with the load the information needed to compile consignment and transport documentation v vi vii viii Page 15 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.3A ESA - Transport NOS Plan the route and timings for the delivery and collection of explosive substances and articles by road This unit comprises the following elements: 8.3.1A 8.3.2A 8.3.3A 8.3.4A Obtain information on the destination and schedule Identify a route to the destination Estimate driving distances and times for the route Plan driving stages SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 16 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.3A 8.3.1A Plan the route and timings for the delivery and collection of explosive substances and articles by road Obtain information on the destination and schedule Contexts • Destination: delivery point; collection point • Schedule: collection time; delivery time, stops Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify where information on the destination and schedule can be obtained identify any problems with obtaining the information on the destination and schedule, and take appropriate action identify any special requirements for reaching the destination identify any special requirements for timing the delivery or collection assess any recent information that could affect the achievement of the destination and schedule communicate, in an appropriate manner, with the relevant people SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the required information on the destination and schedule the special requirements that could be requested typical problems that could occur with the destination and schedule Page 17 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.3A Plan the route and timings for the delivery and collection of explosive substances and articles by road 8.3.2A Identify a route to the destination Contexts • Destination: single delivery and/or collection; multiple delivery and/or collection • Explosive loads: type of explosive; quantity Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines review all relevant information on the destination identify any effect that the load might have on the selection of the route obtain relevant maps and information needed to reach the destination identify correctly the main and minor roads for reaching the destination identify any potential problems with using the roads identify correctly any prohibited areas, and identify any possible alternative routes ensure that your plan contains suitable contingency arrangements identify the timescale needed to complete the task plan staging points on the route, and confirm their availability maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the quantity of the explosive load, and any additional hazards associated with the transportation how to carry out a risk assessment any special requirements for staging points why a particular route might be required, preferred or prohibited factors affecting route planning (eg drivers’ hours regulations and vehicle requirements) how to obtain relevant maps and information the possible effect a load might have on the selection of a route the height and weight of the laden vehicle how to identify low bridges and other restrictions how to work out routes any confidentiality requirements Page 18 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.3A Plan the route and timings for the delivery and collection of explosive substances and articles by road 8.3.3A Estimate driving distances and times for the route Contexts • Schedule: collection time; delivery time; stops • Destination: single delivery and/or collection; multiple delivery and/or collection Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines review the relevant information on the route and the schedule obtain the information needed to estimate the driving distance identify the potential average speed for the different roads on the route estimate the driving distances and time required to achieve the route and schedule maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how to obtain relevant information on the route requirements for overnight stops/halts how to estimate driving distances how to estimate driving times any confidentiality requirements Page 19 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.3A Plan the route and timings for the delivery and collection of explosive substances and articles by road 8.3.4A Plan driving stages Contexts • Explosive loads: type of explosive; quantity • Stops: where stops are required; where stops are not required Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines review the relevant information on the driving distances and times identify any load requirements that may have an impact on the driving stages determine the most effective way to use the available driving time identify appropriate stops that have the facilities required for self, vehicle and load ensure that your plan contains suitable contingencies inform the relevant people of the driving stages i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how to obtain relevant information on the driving distances and times load requirements that could affect the driving stages when stops might be required the types of facility required at stops how to plan for contingencies Page 20 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.3B Obtain information on the destination and schedule of the explosive load by rail Contexts • Destination: delivery point; collection point • Schedule: collection time; delivery time Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify where information on the destination and schedule can be obtained identify any problems with obtaining the information on the destination and schedule, and take appropriate action identify any special requirements for reaching the destination identify any special requirements for timing the delivery or collection assess any recent information that could affect the achievement of the destination and schedule communicate, in an appropriate manner, with the relevant people SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the required information on the destination and schedule the special requirements that could be requested typical problems that could occur with the destination and schedule Page 21 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.3C Obtain information on the destination and schedule of the explosive load by sea Contexts • Destination: loading point; discharge point • Schedule: loading time; discharge time Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify where information on the destination and schedule can be obtained identify any problems with obtaining the information on the destination and schedule, and take appropriate action identify any special requirements on reaching the destination identify any special requirements for timing the loading or discharge report any factors that could affect the achievement of the destination and schedule communicate, in an appropriate manner, with the relevant people SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the required information on the destination and schedule any special requirements (eg berthing, cranage) typical of problems that could occur with the destination and schedule Page 22 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.3D Obtain information on the destination and schedule of the explosive load by air Contexts • Destination: loading point; unloading point • Schedule: loading time; unloading time Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify where information on the destination and schedule can be obtained identify any problems with obtaining the information on the destination and schedule, and take appropriate action identify any special requirements for reaching the destination identify any special requirements for timing the loading or discharge report any factors that could affect the achievement of the destination and schedule communicate, in an appropriate manner, with the relevant people i ii iii iv v vi vii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the required information on the destination and schedule any special requirements (eg licensed parking arrangements, specialised handling equipment) typical problems that could occur with the destination and schedule Page 23 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.4 ESA - Transport NOS Load the vehicle with explosive substances and articles This unit comprises the following elements: 8.4.1 8.4.2 Prepare the vehicle for loading Load the vehicle SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 24 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.4 Load the vehicle with explosive substances and articles 8.4.1 Prepare the vehicle for loading Contexts • Explosive loads: type of explosive; quantity • Loading: complete; partial; sequential Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you have the correct transport documentation ensure the vehicle is ready to receive the load identify and address any special requirements for loading ensure that the correct safety equipment is available, and that it is fit for purpose ensure that the loading area is suitable and safe ensure that the vehicle is in a suitable position for loading identify any problems with the loading, and take appropriate action SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of transport documentation how to prepare different vehicles for different types of load the potential special requirements for loading the special safety equipment needed how vehicles should be positioned for loading Page 25 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.4 Load the vehicle with explosive substances and articles 8.4.2 Load the vehicle Contexts • Explosive loads: type of explosive; quantity • Restraints for explosive loads: unitised; loose • Loading: complete; partial; sequential Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you have the correct transport documentation ensure that compatibility group and segregation requirements are met, in loading the vehicle ensure that the load is secured, with the correct restraints ensure that any loose materials and restraints are secured, and not able to shift or come loose during transport ensure that all safety requirements for transporting the explosives load are followed apply the relevant security procedures and guidelines for protecting the explosive load identify any problems with the loading, and take appropriate action i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the quantity, nature and risks of the explosive load and any additional hazards associated with the transportation the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of transport documentation compatibility and segregation requirements mixing rules how to stow and secure different types of load how to ensure that the load is secure and stable typical problems that could occur with the loading Page 26 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.5 Supervise the loading of the vehicle with explosive substances and articles by others Contexts • Explosive loads: type of explosive; quantity • Loading: complete; partial; sequential • Restraints for explosive loads: unitised; loose Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you have the correct transport and consignment documentation establish whether the vehicle is compatible with the load ensure that the vehicle is ready to receive the load ensure that any special requirements for loading are addressed ensure that the correct safety equipment is available, and that it is fit for purpose ensure that the loading area is suitable and safe ensure that the vehicle is in a suitable position for loading identify any problems with the loading, and take appropriate action ensure that compatibility group and segregation requirements are met, in loading the vehicle ensure that the load is secured with the correct restraints ensure that any loose materials and restraints have been secured ensure that the relevant security procedures and guidelines are followed for protecting the load confirm that the loaded vehicle complies with legal requirements SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the requirements of transport and consignment documentation vi compatibility and segregation requirements vii mixing rules viii the quantity of the explosives load ix how to prepare different vehicles for different types of load x the potential special requirements for loading xi the special safety equipment needed xii how vehicles should be positioned for loading xiii how to monitor the loading of different types of load xiv the importance of the security and stability of the explosive load xv the security risks associated with different loads xvi typical problems that could occur with the loading xvii how to confirm compliance with legal requirements xviii your responsibilities as the competent person i Page 27 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.6 ESA - Transport NOS Unload explosive substances and articles from the vehicle This unit comprises the following elements: 8.6.1 8.6.2 Comply with proof-of-delivery requirements Assist in the unloading of the vehicle SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 28 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.6 Unload explosive substances and articles from the vehicle 8.6.1 Comply with proof-of-delivery requirements Contexts • Explosive loads: type of explosive; quantity Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify the person authorised to receive the load ensure that the load is delivered according to the documentation complete all proof-of-delivery documentation, once unloading has been completed communicate, in an appropriate manner, with the relevant people identify any problems with obtaining the proof-of-delivery, and take appropriate action SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how to ensure that the load is delivered according to the documentation what to do if no-one is available or no-one takes responsibility for receiving the load Page 29 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.6 Unload explosive substances and articles from the vehicle 8.6.2 Assist in the unloading of the vehicle Contexts • Unloading: complete; partial; sequential • Explosive loads: type of explosive; quantity • Restraints for explosive loads: unitised; loose Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you have the correct transport documentation identify any special requirements for unloading ensure that the unloading area is suitable and safe for the unloading ensure that the vehicle is in a suitable position for unloading ensure that the vehicle is prepared correctly for unloading identify correctly the part of the load to be unloaded confirm that the unloading has been correctly completed communicate, in an appropriate manner, with the relevant people identify any problems with the unloading, and take appropriate action i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the quantity, nature and risks of the explosive load and any additional hazards associated with the transportation the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of transport documentation the potential special requirements for unloading how different vehicles should be prepared for unloading where vehicles should be positioned for unloading the requirements for unloading different types of explosive load typical problems that could occur with the unloading the action to take in the event of damaged or suspect loads Page 30 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.7 Supervise the unloading of explosive substances and articles from the vehicle by others Contexts • Explosive loads: type of explosive; quantity • Unloading: complete; partial; sequential • Restraints for explosive loads: unitised; loose Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you have the correct transport and consignment documentation ensure that the vehicle is correctly prepared for unloading ensure that any special requirements for unloading are addressed ensure that the correct safety equipment is available, and that it is fit for purpose ensure that the unloading area is suitable and safe ensure that the vehicle is in a suitable position for unloading identify any problems with the unloading, and take appropriate action report any infringements of compatibility, safety or security i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the requirements of transport and consignment documentation compatibility and segregation requirements mixing rules the quantity of the explosives load how to prepare different vehicles for unloading the potential special requirements for unloading the special safety equipment needed how vehicles should be positioned for unloading how to monitor the unloading of different types of load the importance of the security and stability of the explosive load the security risks associated with different loads typical problems that could occur with the unloading the action to take in the event of damaged or suspect loads how to confirm compliance with legal requirements your responsibilities as the competent person Page 31 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.8 ESA - Transport NOS Complete pre-driving preparations (DGV6) This unit comprises the following elements: 8.8.1 8.8.2 8.8.3 Identify vehicle instruments and controls Complete vehicle and safety checks Complete vehicle and load documentation Purpose of this unit The purpose of this unit is to define the competences required in employment to carry out the necessary checks on and to the goods vehicle before driving it. These checks include making sure that the various driving instruments and controls are functioning correctly. The unit also covers completing the documents relating to the load and the vehicle. Where any problems are found, either during the checks or while completing the documents, they should be dealt with appropriately. An important part of the standard is the requirement for relevant legal, safety and operating requirements to be met. This unit can, amongst other uses, be used as an outcome of training, or in the assessment of occupational competence in carrying out pre-driving checks to goods vehicles and completing the documents relating to the vehicle and its load. This unit has been imported from Skills for Logistics’ suite of National Occupational Standards in Driving Goods Vehicles (unit DGV 6), and has been tailored to the needs of the explosives industry. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 32 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.8 Completing pre-driving preparations (DGV6) 8.8.1 Identify vehicle instruments and controls Contexts • Instruments: gauges; warning lights; displays; audible alerts • Controls: accelerator; clutch; footbrake; handbrake; steering wheel; gears; indicators; lights; windscreen wipers; demisters; heating and ventilation • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify the location of instruments and controls confirm the functions of instrumentation and controls obtain information on unfamiliar instrumentation and controls i ii iii iv v SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the typical instrumentation and controls found on different vehicles where to find information on the operation of instrumentation and controls Page 33 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.8 Complete pre-driving preparations (DGV6) 8.8.2 Complete vehicle and safety checks Contexts • Routine checks: tyres; fluid levels (fuel, oil, coolant, brake, hydraulic, washer); seat belts; mirrors; windscreen and glass; wipers and washers; lights; reflectors; indicators; wheel nuts • Instruments: gauges; warning lights; displays; audible alerts • Controls: accelerator; clutch; footbrake; handbrake; steering wheel; gears; indicators; lights; windscreen wipers; demisters; heating and ventilation • Vehicle systems: ignition; electrical; lights; brakes; transmission; engine; fuel; tyres • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that all instruments, controls, and vehicle systems are functioning correctly adjust mirrors, seat, and steering wheel for optimum control and observation verify the vehicle and load height and weight identify any new or previously reported problems with the vehicle, and take appropriate action i ii iii iv v vi vii viii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how to check instruments, controls, and vehicle systems how to obtain information on previouslyreported problems the risks associated with ‘blind spots’ inside or outside the vehicle how to recognise the indications of any problems the procedures for reporting defects Page 34 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.8 Complete pre-driving preparations (DGV6) 8.8.3 Complete vehicle and load documentation Contexts • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify the person responsible for officially releasing the vehicle and load ensure that the correct vehicle is identified for use complete all vehicle and load documentation ensure that insurance, road tax, vehicle plate, and other legal documents are correct identify any problems with the vehicle and load documentation, and take appropriate action SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the documentation to be carried the responsibilities of the driver for the vehicle and load Page 35 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.9 ESA - Transport NOS Maintain the safety and the security of the load, self and property (DGV 7) This unit comprises the following elements: 8.9.1 8.9.2 Identify the legal, safety and operating requirements for the vehicle and the load Protect the vehicle and load from security risks Purpose of this unit The purpose of this unit is to define the competences required in employment to contribute to security in the work role. This is achieved by knowing and applying the relevant legal, safety and operating requirements before driving. As would be expected, the emphasis is on applying appropriate safety and security measures to load and vehicle and to property. This includes knowing the checks that you should make of your own fitness to drive in the context of legal requirements and operational procedures. This unit can, amongst other uses, be used as an outcome of training, or in the assessment of occupational competence to know, understand and apply safety and security practices and procedures relating to goods vehicle driving. This unit has been imported from Skills for Logistics’ suite of National Occupational Standards in Driving Goods Vehicles (unit DGV 7), and has been tailored to the needs of the explosives industry. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 36 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.9 Maintain the safety and the security of the load, self and property (DGV7) 8.9.1 Identify the legal, safety, and operating requirements for the vehicle and the load Contexts • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines obtain information on the legal, safety, and operating requirements that apply to driving the vehicle, carrying the load, and the roads to be used observe the legal, safety, and operating requirements of the vehicle and the load, before and during driving ensure that you hold the correct driving licence for the vehicle being driven check that your are fit to drive safely, in compliance with all relevant legal, safety, and operating requirements at all times identify any problems with complying with legal, safety, and operating requirements, and take appropriate action SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event where to obtain information on legal, safety, and operating requirements typical problems with legal, safety, and operating requirements that could occur Page 37 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.9 Maintain the safety and the security of the load, self and property (DGV7) 8.9.2 Protect the vehicle and load from security risks Contexts • Locations: overnight parking; daytime parking; refuelling; while driving; during loading and unloading • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines apply the organisational security procedures to the vehicle and load, in different locations demonstrate the correct emergency procedures report any theft or damage, according to organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the security risks associated with the vehicle and load the security risks associated with different loads the security risks of different locations the organisation’s procedures relating to the security of the vehicle the actions that should be taken for different types of security risk Page 38 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.10 ESA - Transport NOS Maintain awareness of driving conditions (DGV 8) This unit comprises the following elements: 8.10.1 8.10.2 8.10.3 Assess the effects of driving conditions Monitor the load during driving Contribute to the safety of self, vehicle, load and other road users Purpose of this unit The purpose of this unit is to define the competences required in employment to be aware of and prepared to respond to driving conditions. These conditions relate to the road, traffic, activities of other road users, and the load being carried. The possible effect of these conditions should be assessed, and appropriate responsive action taken. These actions could relate directly to driving techniques, the loads, or the collection or delivery of load. This standard, therefore, requires driving conditions to be consistently monitored, for action to be taken to avoid or minimise loss of control of the vehicle, damage to the vehicle or the load, or danger to other road users. An important part of the standard is the requirement for relevant legal, safety and operating requirements to be met. This unit can, amongst other uses, be used as an outcome of training, or in the assessment of occupational competences to be aware of and be prepared to respond appropriately to driving conditions. This unit has been imported from Skills for Logistics’ suite of National Occupational Standards in Driving Goods Vehicles (unit DGV 8), and has been tailored to the needs of the explosives industry. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 39 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.10 Maintain awareness of driving conditions (DGV8) 8.10.1 Assess the effects of driving conditions Contexts • Behaviour of the vehicle: handling; braking; acceleration; stability • Road conditions: weather (rain, snow, sleet, ice, wind, fog); road surface (cracks and pot-holes, standing water, spillage, leaves); light (darkness, strong sunlight, dusk/dawn) • Road layout: single carriageway; multiple carriageway; hills and dips; bridges; height and width restrictions; road works; pavement and kerbs; traffic furniture; walls and hedges • Traffic conditions: stopping or queuing; overtaking by other road users; acceleration of traffic; turns • Loss of control: collision; skidding; roll over • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Criteria Knowledge You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines obtain information on the likely driving conditions monitor any changes in driving conditions during driving inform the relevant people of changes in the schedule resulting from driving conditions i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event where to obtain information on driving conditions the restrictions on driving in difficult conditions the relevant legal, safety, and operating requirements types of delay that could occur, and who to inform how driving conditions could affect the behaviour of the vehicle while driving at different speeds how road conditions and the road layout could affect traffic conditions how the driving conditions could cause the loss of control of the vehicle Page 40 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.10 Maintain awareness of driving conditions (DGV8) 8.10.2 Monitor the load during driving Contexts • • • • Driving conditions: road conditions; traffic conditions; road layout Condition of the load: movement; change in weight; loss of material Loss of control: collision; skidding; roll over Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines obtain information on current and future driving conditions, before and during driving monitor the condition of the load at regular intervals identify any damage to the load report any change in the condition of the load, according to organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event where to obtain information on driving conditions the restrictions to transporting different loads how changing driving conditions could affect the condition of the load how changes in the condition of the load could cause a loss of control how to monitor the condition of different loads Page 41 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.10 Maintain awareness of driving conditions (DGV 8) 8.10.3 Contribute to the safety of self, vehicle, load and other road users Contexts • Hazards: road conditions; traffic conditions; road layout • Road users: motor vehicles; motor bikes; bicycles; pedestrians; animals • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines respond to changes in road conditions, traffic regulations and traffic conditions respond effectively to actions of other road users that could affect the safety of the vehicle, the load or other road users ensure that road users are aware of any changes in your vehicle direction or manoeuvres, before they are carried out take preventative action to avoid harm to any road users demonstrate the correct procedure during any breakdowns, to ensure the safety of self, others, and the vehicle SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the type of road changes, traffic regulations and traffic conditions that could occur while driving the signs that would indicate that other road users are aware of your intended changes in vehicle direction or manoeuvres the actions that should be taken for different types of emergency Page 42 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.11 ESA - Transport NOS Operate the vehicle systems (DGV9) This unit comprises the following elements: 8.11.1 8.11.2 Operate and monitor vehicle instruments and controls Ensure the efficient and careful use of the vehicle Purpose of this unit The purpose of this unit is to define the competences required in employment to operate the systems and equipment that are used in driving goods vehicles. This standard requires the correct operation of vehicle controls, and monitoring of instruments such as gauges, warning lights, displays, audible alerts and tachographs, where fitted. The standard also requires the vehicle to be driven in a way that conserves fuel, wherever possible, and minimises wear and tear on the various systems. Any problems in operating vehicle systems that occur should be identified and dealt with. An important part of the standard is the requirement for relevant legal, safety and operating requirements to be met. This unit can, amongst other uses, be used as an outcome of training, or in the assessment of occupational competences to operate goods vehicle systems and equipment in order to drive on public roads. This unit has been imported from Skills for Logistics’ suite of National Occupational Standards in Driving Goods Vehicles (unit DGV 9), and has been tailored to the needs of the explosives industry. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 43 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.11 Operate the vehicle systems (DGV9) 8.11.1 Operate and monitor vehicle instruments and controls Contexts • Controls: accelerator; clutch; footbrake; handbrake; steering wheel; gears; indicators; lights; windscreen wipers; demisters; heating and ventilation • Instruments: gauges; warning lights; displays; audible alerts • Vehicle systems: ignition; electrical; lights; brakes; transmission; engine; fuel; tyres • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines operate the vehicle controls monitor the vehicle instruments at suitable times during driving operate the vehicle controls to maintain the safety and security of self, the vehicle and others identify any problems with the vehicle systems, and take appropriate action SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how to operate different vehicle systems typical problems that could occur with different systems Page 44 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.11 Operate the vehicle systems (DGV9) 8.11.2 Ensure the efficient and careful use of the vehicle Contexts • Vehicle systems: ignition; electrical; lights; brakes; transmission; engine; fuel; tyres • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the vehicle has the correct type and amount of fuel monitor the fuel levels of the vehicle regularly operate the vehicle in a way that conserves fuel, wherever possible minimise wear and tear on the vehicle systems identify any problems affecting the efficiency of the vehicle, and take appropriate action SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the fuel requirements of the different vehicles being driven the impact of driving technique on vehicle wear and tear and fuel consumption how to operate fuel delivery systems Page 45 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.12 ESA - Transport NOS Drive the vehicle on public roads (DGV 10) This unit comprises the following elements: 8.12.1 8.12.2 8.12.3 8.12.4 8.12.5 Position the vehicle on the road Control the speed of the vehicle Overtake other vehicles Brake the vehicle within a limited space Control the vehicle in an emergency situation Purpose of this unit The purpose of this unit is to define the minimum competences required in employment to drive goods vehicles on public roads. The emphasis of this unit is on safety, rather than fuel efficiency and minimal vehicle wear and tear. The unit is, therefore, intended to apply to someone having recently demonstrated basic skills in driving goods vehicles, for example having just passed the appropriate driving test. This unit does differ from Driving Standards Agency tests, in that it requires competence to be demonstrated whilst driving a goods vehicle that is laden with a typical load. The standard covers the skills required to maintain appropriate road position and speed, overtake other vehicles, brake the vehicle, and control the vehicle in emergency situations. It is required that these actions take account of other road users and the prevailing driving conditions. The standard also requires hazards and emergencies to be recognised, and appropriate action to be taken. An important part of the standard is the requirement for relevant legal, safety and operating requirements to be met. This unit can, amongst other things, be used as an outcome of training, or in the assessment of occupational competences to drive goods vehicles on public roads. This unit has been imported from Skills for Logistics’ suite of National Occupational Standards in Driving Goods Vehicles (unit DGV 10), and has been tailored to the needs of the explosives industry. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 46 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.12 Drive the vehicle on public roads (DGV 10) 8.12.1 Position the vehicle on the road Contexts • Change in direction: right and left turns; lane changes; filters; negotiating roundabout; manoeuvring • Road users: motor vehicles; motor bikes; bicycles; pedestrians; animals • Driving conditions: road conditions; traffic conditions; road layout • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines respond to potential hazards on the road or surrounding areas identify any change in direction required to maintain the route position the vehicle to maintain the safety of self and other road users in both directions position the vehicle according to the prevailing driving conditions position the vehicle in a suitable way for the vehicle and its load use and cancel signals appropriately when changing direction, and check that other road users have observed them maintain lane discipline wherever possible SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how changing driving conditions could affect other road users how the actions of other road users could cause a loss of control how to spot when other road users are about to change direction and speed when to use signals to indicate a change of position Page 47 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.12 Drive the vehicle on public roads (DGV 10) 8.12.2 Control the speed of the vehicle Contexts • • • • • Change in speed: acceleration; deceleration Road users: motor vehicles; motor bikes; bicycles; pedestrians; animals Driving conditions: road conditions; traffic conditions; road layout Braking systems: footbrake; handbrake; engine Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify quickly any change in speed required to maintain the route control the speed of the vehicle correctly to maintain the safety of self and road users in both directions control the speed of the vehicle, according to the prevailing driving conditions control the speed of the vehicle in a suitable way for the vehicle and its load apply the braking systems of the vehicle correctly i ii iii iv v vi vii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how speed should be altered to meet different types of road conditions and schedule requirements how to use the controls of the vehicle to adjust speed how to assess and maintain safe separation distances the factors affecting vehicle stopping distances Page 48 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.12 Drive the vehicle on public roads (DGV 10) 8.12.3 Overtake other vehicles Contexts • • • • Other vehicles: moving; stationary Driving conditions: road conditions; traffic conditions; road layout Road users: motor vehicles; motor bikes; bicycles; pedestrians; animals Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines overtake other vehicles when necessary identify potential hazards affecting the overtaking manoeuvre identify a suitable point to overtake vehicles, and ensure that driving conditions are still suitable signal the intention to overtake, in sufficient time for road users in both directions to take appropriate action control the position and speed of the vehicle to safely overtake other vehicles i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event when it is safe to overtake vehicles the types of hazard involved in overtaking when signals should be used when overtaking should occur, and when it should not the relevant legal, safety, and operating requirements factors affecting the distance required to overtake other vehicles Page 49 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.12 Drive the vehicle on public roads (DGV 10) 8.12.4 Brake the vehicle within a limited space Contexts • • • • Driving conditions: road conditions; traffic conditions; road layout Braking systems: footbrake; handbrake; engine Road users: motor vehicles; motor bikes; bicycles; pedestrians; animals Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines brake the vehicle in a manner appropriate to the driving conditions and the distance available for braking the vehicle slow or bring the vehicle to a complete stop apply braking systems effectively control the deceleration of the vehicle to maintain the safety of self and other road users in both directions control the deceleration of the vehicle in a suitable way for the vehicle and its load confirm the roadworthiness of the vehicle after severe braking i ii iii iv v vi vii viii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the types of hazard that could occur on the road the braking characteristics of different types of vehicle, when laden and unladened how to use the controls of the vehicle to adjust braking in different road conditions the possible effects of severe braking on the roadworthiness of a vehicle the effects of brake fade Page 50 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.12 Drive the vehicle on public roads (DGV 10) 8.12.5 Control the vehicle in an emergency situation Contexts • • • • Emergencies: loss of control of the vehicle; mechanical failure; accidents Primary controls: accelerator; clutch; footbrake; steering wheel; gears Road users: motor vehicles; motor bikes; bicycles; pedestrians; animals Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify immediately any emergencies that require action identify the appropriate action to take assess the distance available for braking the vehicle apply the primary controls of the vehicle effectively to respond to the emergency control the behaviour of the vehicle to maintain the safety of self and other road users confirm the roadworthiness of the vehicle after the emergency SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the types of emergency that could occur the actions that should be taken for different types of emergency how to use the controls of the vehicle during emergencies the effect that different emergencies could have on the roadworthiness of a vehicle Page 51 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.13 ESA - Transport NOS Drive the vehicle in restricted spaces (DGV 11) This unit comprises the following elements: 8.13.1 8.13.2 Select a space for manoeuvring the vehicle Manoeuvre the vehicle in restricted spaces Purpose of this unit The purpose of this unit is to define the competences required in employment to manoeuvre goods vehicles in restricted spaces. These manoeuvres would be those normally required in the delivery or collection of loads, including refuelling, parking or for maintenance purposes. The manoeuvres could be carried out in such places as industrial, retail or commercial sites, parking areas, public roads or garages. Before any manoeuvre is attempted, the space should be assessed for its suitability and safety for the manoeuvre. An important part of the standard is the requirement for relevant legal, safety and operating requirements to be met. This unit can, amongst other things, be used as an outcome of training, or in the assessment of occupational competence to manoeuvre goods vehicles safely in restricted spaces. This unit has been imported from Skills for Logistics’ suite of National Occupational Standards in Driving Goods Vehicles (unit DGV 11), and has been tailored to the needs of the explosives industry. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 52 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.13 Drive the vehicle in restricted spaces (DGV 11) 8.13.1 Select a space for manoeuvring the vehicle Contexts • Activities: loading; unloading; refuelling; parking; maintenance • Manoeuvre: forward movements; reverse movements; turns • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify a suitable space for the vehicle and the manoeuvring activities to be undertaken determine whether the vehicle can be manoeuvred safely within the available space identify alternative spaces, if necessary i ii iii iv v vi vii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the dimensions of the vehicle the clearances that are necessary for the vehicle and different activities the type of damage that could occur during manoeuvring the possible problems of using other people to assist during manoeuvring Page 53 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.13 Drive the vehicle in restricted spaces (DGV 11) 8.13.2 Manoeuvre the vehicle in restricted spaces Contexts • • • • Manoeuvre: forward movements; reverse movements; turns Road users: motor vehicles; motor bikes; bicycles; pedestrians; animals Activities: loading; unloading; refuelling; parking; maintenance Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that the space is clear of obstructions signal the intention to manoeuvre, in sufficient time for other road users to take appropriate action monitor the actions of other road users throughout the manoeuvre manoeuvre the vehicle at an appropriate speed for the vehicle and its load manoeuvre the vehicle to maintain the safety of self and other road users manoeuvre the vehicle to avoid damage to the vehicle and the surrounding environment complete the manoeuvre so that the vehicle is in a suitable position for the required activities SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the types of hazard that could occur during manoeuvring when to use signals to indicate manoeuvring the effects of inappropriate speed during manoeuvring Page 54 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.14A ESA - Transport NOS Couple and uncouple the vehicle (DGV 12) This unit comprises the following elements: 8.14.1 8.14.2 Couple the vehicle Uncouple the vehicle Purpose of this unit The purpose of this unit is to define the competences required in employment to couple and uncouple tractor units and trailers. Coupling the trailer will require the tractor unit to be manoeuvred into position to carry out the coupling, preparing the unit and trailer for coupling, all connections to be made effectively, and the vehicle’s systems be checked ready for driving. Uncoupling will require a safe site to be selected, preparing the unit and trailer for uncoupling, the appropriate connections to be released, and the vehicle checked ready for driving away. An important part of the standard is the requirement for relevant legal, safety and operating requirements to be met. This unit can, amongst other things, be used as an outcome of training, or in the assessment of occupational competence to couple and uncouple tractor units and trailers. This unit has been imported from Skills for Logistics’ suite of National Occupational Standards in Driving Goods Vehicles (unit DGV 12), and has been tailored to the needs of the explosives industry. SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 55 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.14A Couple and uncouple the vehicle (DGV 12) 8.14.1A Couple the vehicle Contexts • Manoeuvre: forward movements; reverse movements; turns • Connections: air line; electrical lines • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines manoeuvre the unit in relation to the trailer, ready for coupling prepare the unit and trailer for coupling ensure that the trailer’s brakes are applied during coupling test the coupling to ensure that it has been established correctly make all the connections that need to be established ensure that unit and trailer systems are functioning ensure that the coupled vehicle is safe for driving SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how different types of coupling work when and how different connections have to be made Page 56 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.14A Couple and uncouple the vehicle (DGV 12) 8.14.2A Uncouple the vehicle Contexts • Manoeuvre: forward movements; reverse movements; turns • Connections: air line; electrical lines • Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes; transport regulations; load restrictions; alcohol limits and drug restrictions; drivers’ hours Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines select a safe site for uncoupling the vehicle manoeuvre the vehicle ready for uncoupling prepare the unit and trailer for uncoupling ensure that the trailer’s brakes are applied during uncoupling release the connections between the unit and trailer correctly drive away from the trailer carefully, and ensure that uncoupling has been achieved ensure that unit and relevant trailer systems are functioning ensure that the unit is safe for driving SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how different types of coupling work how to uncouple different connections Page 57 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.14B ESA - Transport NOS Couple and uncouple the train This unit comprises the following elements: 8.14.1B 8.14.2B Couple the train Uncouple the train SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 58 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.14B Couple and uncouple the train 8.14.1B Couple the train Contexts • Manoeuvre: forward movements; reverse movements • Connections: air line; mechanical connections Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines marshal the train into the correct position, ready for coupling ensure that appropriate preparations have been carried out, prior to coupling confirm that the coupling has been established correctly i ii iii iv v vi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how different types of coupling work when and how different connections have to be made Page 59 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.14B Couple and uncouple the train 8.14.2B Uncouple the train Contexts • Manoeuvre: forward movements; reverse movements • Connections: air line; mechanical connections Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines select a safe site for uncoupling the train marshal the train into the area correctly ensure that appropriate preparations have been carried out, prior to uncoupling confirm that the uncoupling has been established correctly i ii iii iv v vi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how different types of coupling work how to uncouple different connections Page 60 ESA - Transport NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 8.15 Escort the explosive substances and articles load Contexts • Situations: in normal conditions; in the event of an emergency or breakdown Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you understand the brief and your responsibilities in this task ensure that the vehicle is never left unattended at any time during the journey contact the emergency services promptly, in the event of a breakdown or emergency, if appropriate assist the driver, as necessary, in the event of an emergency or breakdown confirm your safe arrival at the correct destination maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the nature of the load, and the hazards and risks attached to it the relevant safety precautions for the load the safety issues relating to the load (eg ignition sources and electronic equipment, such as lighters and mobile ‘phones) the requirements of confidentiality Page 61 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - Transport NOS GLOSSARY OF DGV TERMS On this and the following page is a list of some of the key phrases used in the Driving Goods Vehicles standards (ie the units referenced “DGV”). These are used as “contexts” to emphasize the breadth of activity that occurs. Activities: loading, unloading, refuelling, parking, maintenance Behaviour of the vehicle: handling, braking, acceleration, stability Braking systems: footbrake, handbrake, engine Change in direction: right and left turns, lane changes, filters, negotiating roundabouts, manoeuvring Change in speed: acceleration, deceleration Condition of the load: movement, change in weight, loss of material Connections: air line, electrical lines Controls: accelerator, clutch, footbrake, handbrake, steering wheel, gears, indicators, lights, windscreen wipers, demisters, heating and ventilation Destination: delivery point, collection point Driving conditions: road conditions, traffic conditions, road layout Emergencies: loss of control of the vehicle, mechanical failure, accidents Hazards: road conditions, traffic conditions, road layout Instruments: gauges, warning lights, displays, audible alerts Legal, safety, and operating requirements: highway codes, transport regulations, load restrictions, alcohol limits and drug restrictions, drivers’ hours Loading: complete, partial, sequential Loading area: industrial/commercial sites, public road Locations: overnight parking, daytime parking, refuelling, while driving, during loading and unloading Loss of control: collision, skidding, roll over, engine failure, brake failure Manoeuvre: forward movements, reverse movements, turns Other vehicles: moving, stationary Primary controls: accelerator, clutch, footbrake, steering wheel, gears Restraints: straps, battens and chocks, chains, ropes Road conditions: weather (rain, snow, sleet, ice, wind, fog), road surface (cracks and potholes, standing water, spillage, leaves), light (darkness, strong sunlight, dusk/dawn) SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 62 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - Transport NOS Road layout: single carriageway, multiple carriageway, hills and dips, bridges, height and width restrictions, road works, pavement and kerbs, traffic furniture, walls and hedges Road users: motor vehicles, motor bikes, bicycles, pedestrians, animals Routine checks: tyres, fluid levels (fuel, oil, coolant, brake, hydraulic, washer), seat belts, mirrors, windscreen and glass, wipers and washers, lights, reflectors, indicators, wheel nuts Schedule: collection time, delivery time, stops Stops: overnight, rests, refuelling, changeovers Traffic conditions: stopping or queuing, overtaking by other road users, acceleration of traffic, turns Unloading: complete, partial, sequential Unloading area: industrial/commercial sites, public road Vehicle systems: ignition, electrical, lights, brakes, transmission, engine, fuel, tyres SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 63 SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES EXPLOSIVES, MUNITIONS AND SEARCH OCCUPATIONS NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS: EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES (ESA) FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (KEY ROLE 9) February 2006 ESA - Facilities Management NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS CONTENTS 9.1 Define explosives facilities requirement ................................................. 1 9.2 Ensure explosives facilities are fit for purpose ...................................... 2 9.3 Conduct safety checks on explosives facilities ...................................... 3 9.4 Develop and implement the explosives facility decommissioning plan ............................................................................. 5 9.5 Conduct decommissioning tasks on explosives facility ........................ 6 SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page ii ESA - Facilities Management NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 9.1 Define explosives facilities requirement Contexts • Explosive event: protecting from and against internal explosive event; withstanding an external explosive event Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations and guidelines confirm the uses of the facility, and its associated explosives-related hazards identify the plant, equipment and facility layout requirement assess the siting options, and identify the optimum consult the relevant external authorities on your preliminary design and siting ensure that your specification meets the business and regulatory requirements obtain the necessary internal approval for your specification submit any associated safety documentation to obtain the necessary approvals SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 i the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v your organisation’s business objectives and activities vi the purpose for which the explosives facility is being designed vii security requirements viii when and why re-commissioning may be appropriate (eg change of use) ix the resources available, and any constraints attached to their use x separation distance requirements xi the features of good explosives facility design xii which authorities should be consulted xiii the requirements for obtaining approval from within your organisation xiv the external licensing process and timetable Page 1 ESA - Facilities Management NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 9.2 Ensure explosives facilities are fit for purpose Contexts • Maintenance and inspection: explosive site; equipment • Recommendations to address: shortcomings; non-conformities; improvements Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations and guidelines ensure that your explosives facilities maintenance and inspection plans are complete, up to date and practicable ensure that your explosives facilities maintenance and inspection plans confirm the performance of the safety features specified in the design, and address any shortcomings and/or nonconformities communicate the requirements of your plans to those concerned confirm that the appropriate tools and equipment needed to carry out the checks are available ensure that competent people are carrying out the checks ensure that the explosives facilities maintenance and inspection plans are implemented correctly recommend or take appropriate remedial action in the event of failures within the limits of your authority ensure that all recommended actions have been carried out draft clear, concise inspection reports, in the appropriate format ensure that the current activities are covered by the licence take prompt corrective action in the case of encroachments SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s explosives safety management system the purposes for which the explosives facility will be used or is being used the original design of the building, and any changes from this when specialist assessment is required sources of information any specific conditions of the licence the safety features and requirements of the facility the information needed to draw up the explosives elements of the facilities inspection and maintenance plan who might be affected by the inspection and maintenance plan your level of authority reporting lines and procedures the licensing and safeguarding requirements and process Page 2 ESA - Facilities Management NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 9.3 Conduct safety checks on explosives facilities Contexts • Inspection and maintenance: scheduled; unscheduled Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations and guidelines ensure that you are working to the correct explosives facilities maintenance and inspection plans communicate the requirements of the plan and tasks to those concerned confirm that the appropriate tools and equipment needed to carry out the checks are available, and use them correctly implement the requirements of the explosives facilities maintenance and inspection plan correctly recommend or take appropriate remedial action in the event of failures, within the limits of your authority ensure that all recommended actions have been carried out draft clear, concise inspection reports, in the appropriate format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event your organisation’s explosives safety management system the safety features and requirements of the facility the requirements of the explosives facilities maintenance and inspection plan who might be affected by the tests being carried out your level of authority and competence reporting lines and procedures Page 3 ESA - Facilities Management NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 9.4 Develop and implement the explosives facility decommissioning plan Contexts • De-commissioning: explosive site; equipment • Purpose: prior to change of use for another explosives use; prior to change of use for nonexplosives use; for disposal Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations and guidelines ensure that the explosives decommissioning plan is complete and practicable use relevant information to inform the decommissioning plan (including historical information) ensure that the plan includes checks that all contaminants and hazards have been identified and will be suitably addressed obtain appropriate approval to the decommissioning plan communicate the requirements of the decommissioning plan to those concerned confirm that the appropriate tools and equipment needed to carry out the decommissioning tasks are used confirm that competent people carry out the decommissioning tasks ensure that the explosives decommissioning plan is implemented correctly report on the decommissioning tasks carried out, and the findings recommend or take appropriate remedial action in the event of problems, within the limits of your authority SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 i the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substance and/or article used in the facility iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v your organisation’s decommissioning process vi the purposes for which the explosives facility has been used vii the original specification to which the facility was designed, and any changes from this viii the next intended use of the facility or site ix how the facility or site has been affected by explosives and their residues x the information needed to draw up the explosives elements of the decommissioning plan, and how this fits into the overall decommissioning plan xi the tools and equipment needed to carry out decommissioning tasks xii the competence of the people carrying out the decommissioning tasks xiii your level of authority Page 4 ESA - Facilities Management NOS SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 9.5 Conduct decommissioning tasks on explosives facility Contexts • De-commissioning: explosive site; equipment • Level of responsibility: conducting tasks yourself; supervising others Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations and guidelines confirm that you have the correct explosives decommissioning plan confirm that competent people are carrying out the decommissioning tasks confirm that the appropriate tools and equipment needed to carry out the decommissioning tasks are used ensure that all contaminants and hazards have been identified and removed ensure that the explosives decommissioning plan is implemented correctly report on the decommissioning tasks carried out, and the findings recommend or take appropriate remedial action in the event of problems, within the limits of your authority maintain appropriate records, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 i the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles used in the facility iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v the de-commissioning plan vi the purposes for which the explosives facility has been used vii the original specification to which the facility was designed, and any changes from this viii how the facility or site has been affected by explosives and their residues ix how to collect and dispose of residues and products x the tools and equipment needed to carry out decommissioning tasks xi the competence of the people carrying out the decommissioning tasks xii your level of authority xiii the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale Page 5 SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES EXPLOSIVES, MUNITIONS AND SEARCH OCCUPATIONS NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS: EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES (ESA) DISPOSAL (KEY ROLE 11) February 2006 SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - Disposal CONTENTS 11.1 Assess the explosive substances and/or articles for disposal .......................................................................................... 1 11.2 Determine the existence of a suitable disposal procedure for explosive substances and/or articles ......................................... 2 11.3 Adapt an existing explosive substances and/or articles disposal procedure.......................................................................... 3 11.4 Design a new disposal procedure for explosive substances and/or articles ................................................................................ 4 11.5 Plan the disposal of explosive substances and/or articles (complex) ........................................................................................ 5 11.6 Plan the disposal of explosive substances and/or articles (non-complex) ................................................................................. 6 11.7 Manage tasks for the disposal of explosive substances and/or articles ................................................................................. 7 11.8 Carry out pre-disposal tasks for explosive substances and/or articles................................................................................. 8 11.9 Contribute to pre-disposal tasks for explosive substances and/or articles ................................................................................ 9 11.10 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex mechanical breakdown procedures.............................. 10 11.11 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex chemical breakdown procedures................................... 11 11.12 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex biological breakdown procedures.................................. 12 11.13 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex burning procedures........................................................ 13 11.14 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex incineration procedures ................................................. 14 11.15 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex deflagration procedures................................................. 15 11.16 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex detonation procedures.................................................. 16 11.10A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by noncomplex mechanical breakdown procedures............................ 17 11.11A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by noncomplex chemical breakdown procedures................................ 18 11.12A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by noncomplex biological breakdown procedures............................... 19 SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page ii SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS ESA - Disposal 11.13A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by noncomplex burning procedures..................................................... 20 11.14A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by noncomplex incineration procedures .............................................. 21 11.15A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by noncomplex deflagration procedures.............................................. 22 11.16A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by noncomplex detonation procedures................................................ 23 11.17 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by function as intended procedures ................................................. 24 11.18 Contribute to the disposal task for explosive substances and/or articles.............................................................................. 25 11.19 Carry out post-disposal tasks for explosive substances and/or articles............................................................................. 26 11.20 Contribute to post-disposal tasks for explosive substances and/or articles ............................................................................. 27 SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page iii ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.1 Assess the explosive substances and/or articles for disposal Contexts • Explosive substances and/or articles: immediately identifiable; those which require further investigation • Hazards and risks caused by: complexity of the explosive substances or articles; condition of the explosive substances or articles; primary hazards; secondary hazards • Information: with access to full information; with access to limited information Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines establish the identity and condition of the explosive substances or articles characterize accurately the hazards pertaining to the disposal quantify the risks of the disposal record relevant information in accordance with your organisation’s procedures maintain the requirements of confidentiality at all times SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 i the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v information sources and documents that might identify the explosive substances and/or articles vi how to identify the hazards (eg condition, primary and secondary) vii how to carry out a risk assessment viii any previous results of tests, trials or disposals, and any manufacturer’s, design authority or scientific literature ix your organisation’s recording procedures x any confidentiality requirements xi your own level of authority xii when to refer to others for more information or a second opinion Page 1 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.2 Determine the existence of a suitable disposal procedure for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Technical, legal and cost implications: safety; environmental impact; value to the customer; value to your organisation • Sources of information: databases; publications Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify the vital information and factors relevant to the disposal verify the assessment of the explosive substances and/or articles for disposal identify the most likely disposal procedures that meet your criteria decide whether an existing disposal procedure is suitable, on the basis of an analysis of the available evidence obtain agreement to your proposal identify other potentially valuable tasks that could be carried out concurrently document the agreed process in the appropriate format SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v how to verify the assessment of the explosive substances and/or articles vi the factors vital to the disposal (eg location, meteorological conditions, etc) vii how to carry out a risk assessment viii the disposal objectives ix sources of relevant information (eg technical publications) x the resources needed to carry out the disposal (people, facilities, equipment, etc) xi your own level of authority xii when to refer to others for more information or a second opinion xiii when and why a customer and/or peer review would be appropriate xiv what might constitute value to your customer and/or your organisation xv when and how to advise the customer to pursue a different course of action xvi when and why it might be appropriate to carry out other tasks concurrently xvii the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale xviii your organisation’s recording procedures i Page 2 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.3 Adapt an existing disposal procedure for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Technical, legal and cost implications: safety; environmental impact; value to the customer; value to your organisation • Sources of information: databases; publications; informal sources of information Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify the vital information and factors relevant to the disposal verify the assessment of the explosive substances and/or articles for disposal identify the most likely disposal procedures that meet your criteria determine the procedure that has the closest fit to your requirement on the basis of an analysis of the available evidence adapt the procedure to meet the requirement develop a safe system of work obtain agreement to your proposal through a customer and/or peer review ensure that your adaptation meets the validation criteria identify other potentially valuable tasks that could be carried out concurrently document the agreed process in the appropriate format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx xxi xxii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the results of the assessment how to carry out a risk assessment the basis on which disposal procedures are designed why a procedure is not suitable but might be adapted the factors vital to the disposal (eg location, meteorological conditions, etc) the disposal objectives sources of relevant information (eg technical publications) the resources needed to carry out the disposal (people, facilities, equipment, etc) your own level of authority when to refer to others for more information or a second opinion the validation process and criteria when and why a customer and/or peer review would be appropriate what might constitute value to your customer and/or your organisation when and how to advise the customer to pursue a different course of action how and why the adaptations proposed will impact on the hazards and risks associated with the procedure and conditions configuration and control procedures the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale your organisation’s recording procedures Page 3 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.4 Design a new disposal procedure for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Technical, legal and cost implications: safety; environmental impact; value to the customer; value to your organisation • Sources of information: databases; publications; informal sources of information Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify the vital information and factors relevant to the disposal verify the assessment of the explosive substances and/or articles for disposal confirm that there are no suitable existing disposal procedures ensure that your procedure meets the requirement develop a safe system of work obtain agreement to your procedure through a customer and/or peer review ensure that your procedure meets the validation criteria document the agreed process in the appropriate format i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx xxi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the results of the assessment how to carry out a risk assessment the basis on which disposal procedures are designed why an existing procedure is deemed not suitable the format and approval process for the design of disposal procedures the factors vital to the disposal (eg location, meteorological conditions, etc) the disposal objectives sources of relevant information (eg technical publications) the resources needed to carry out the disposal (people, facilities, equipment, etc) your own level of authority when to refer to others for more information or a second opinion what might constitute value to your customer and/or your organisation when and why a customer and/or peer review would be appropriate configuration and control procedures the validation process and criteria the importance of documenting your actions and your rationale your organisation’s recording procedures Page 4 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.5 Plan the disposal of explosive substances and/or articles (complex) Contexts • Resources: fully equipped; with limited resources • Complexity: single complex procedures; multiple non-complex procedures • Technical, legal and cost implications: safety; environmental impact; value to the customer; value to your organisation • Sources of information: databases; publications Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the identity of the explosive substances and/or articles for disposal and their condition confirm that you have the appropriate procedure(s) for the explosive substances and/or articles to be disposed of ensure that any integration of different disposal procedures meets the requirements of a safe system of work identify any other disposal or test-related tasks that could be incorporated into your plan identify resource requirements that are appropriate to the disposal ensure that the facilities are fit for purpose for the disposal task to be carried out develop contingencies to accommodate any anticipated difficulties produce a clear and accurate plan in the appropriate format obtain agreement to your plan i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the quantity and condition of the explosive substances and/or articles(s) for disposal the disposal procedure(s) to be used the factors vital to the disposal (eg location, meteorological, environmental conditions, etc) the disposal objectives the resources needed to carry out the disposal (people, facilities, equipment, etc), and any constraints attached to them safe systems of work and supporting risk assessments what might constitute value to your customer and/or your organisation your own level of authority when to refer to others for more information or a second opinion Page 5 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.6 Plan the disposal of explosive substances and/or articles (noncomplex) Contexts • Technical, legal and cost implications: safety; environmental impact; value to the customer; value to your organisation • Sources of information: databases; publications Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the identity of the explosive substances and/or articles for disposal, and their condition confirm that you have the appropriate procedure for the explosive substances and/or articles to be disposed of identify resource requirements that are appropriate to the disposal ensure that the facilities are fit for purpose for the disposal task to be carried out produce a clear and accurate plan in the appropriate format obtain agreement to your plan i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the quantity and condition of the explosive substances and/or articles(s) for disposal the disposal procedure to be used the factors vital to the disposal (eg location, meteorological, environmental conditions, etc) the disposal objectives the resources needed to carry out the disposal (people, facilities, equipment, etc), and any constraints attached to them what might constitute value to your customer and/or your organisation safe systems of work and supporting risk assessments your own level of authority when to refer to others for more information or a second opinion Page 6 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.7 Manage tasks for the disposal of explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • • • • Disposal: complex; non-complex Resources: full; limited Maintaining the integrity of the process: quality assurance; the disposal Communication: the customer; your organisation’s structure; the disposal team Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that safe systems of work are in place approve and/or authorize disposal plans that are fit for purpose and meet the specified requirements agree deliverables with the customer, with interim reviews as appropriate communicate the plan, in accordance with organisational procedures allocate responsibilities appropriately respond to developing events and priorities, in accordance with procedures give clear and accurate technical advice record your decisions, actions and rationale, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal objectives how to assess hazards and mitigate risk how to adapt, design and validate disposal procedures the competences of the personnel involved the availability of resources and any constraints attached to them monitoring techniques who needs to be informed of the disposal plans, and the nature of their interest your own level of authority the relevant quality standards and compliance regime the factors vital to assuring quality Page 7 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.8 Carry out pre-disposal tasks for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: people; equipment; consumables; services • Disposal plan: where no changes are needed; where significant changes are needed1; where minor changes are needed2 Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h 1 2 work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines allocate responsibilities appropriately confirm the availability and suitability of the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete the task ensure that any necessary tests of the equipment have been carried out correctly check that the work environment is suitable for the disposal task ensure that any necessary logistic arrangements are in place, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures and the disposal plan confirm the fitness for purpose of the disposal plan, and make any necessary amendments in the light of changes required, within your level of authority obtain approval or authorisation for any necessary changes to the plan beyond your level of authority i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal objectives the disposal plan, and its limitations the date, time and location of the disposal the way in which the disposal plan may need to be changed, and the process for doing so the competences of team members the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete the task your level of authority where referral to management is needed where changes may be made within the agreed level of authority SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 8 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.9 Contribute to pre-disposal tasks for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: equipment; consumables; services; work environment Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the serviceability of the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete the task carry out correctly any necessary tests of the equipment check that the work environment is suitable for the disposal task, as directed make any necessary logistic arrangements, as directed, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures and the disposal plan contribute to the disposal plan (including the hazard and risk assessments) report problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal plan, and your role in it the roles and responsibilities of team members the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete the task how to assemble, check and use the equipment why hazard and risk assessments are required, and your role in contributing to them reporting lines and procedures your level of authority Page 9 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.10 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex mechanical breakdown procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged upon multiple or other inter-related tasks • Complexity: of the procedure; the explosive substances and/or articles • Types of components: explosive; other hazardous components Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out ensure that any stored energy or substances are released safely and correctly remove the required explosive substances and/or articles, using approved tools and techniques, in accordance with procedures take suitable precautions to prevent damage to components, tools and equipment during removal segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be broken down the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure(s), and the plan the safety constraints of mechanical breakdown relevant and alternative breakdown techniques and procedures types of breakdown equipment, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to breakdown (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work how to consign residues and other products for disposal clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the breakdown Page 10 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.11 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex chemical breakdown procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged upon multiple or other inter-related tasks • Complexity: of the procedure; the explosive substances and/or articles • Types of substances: explosive; other hazardous substances Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out ensure that any substances are released safely and correctly process the required substances, using approved equipment, chemicals and/or techniques, in accordance with procedures take suitable precautions to prevent unintended release during the process segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) and COSHH the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be broken down the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure(s), and the plan the safety constraints of chemical breakdown relevant and alternative breakdown techniques and procedures types of breakdown equipment or chemicals, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to breakdown (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority, and of those with whom you work how to consign residues and other products for disposal clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the disposal Page 11 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.12 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex biological breakdown procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged upon multiple or other inter-related tasks • Complexity: of the procedure; the explosive substances and/or articles • Types of substances: explosive; other hazardous substances Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you and, where those under your control carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out ensure that any substances are released safely and correctly process the required substances using approved equipment, organisms and enzymes and/or techniques, in accordance with procedures take suitable precautions to prevent unintended release during the process segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of PPE and COSHH the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be broken down the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure(s), and the plan the safety constraints of biological breakdown relevant and alternative breakdown techniques and procedures types of breakdown equipment or organisms and enzymes and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorization of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to breakdown (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work how to consign residues and other products for disposal clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the disposal Page 12 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.13 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex burning procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged upon multiple or other inter-related tasks • Complexity: of the procedure; the explosive substances and/or articles • Types of substances or articles: explosive; other hazardous materiel Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out ensure that any stored energy or substances are released safely and correctly segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be burnt the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedures, and the plan the safety constraints of burning relevant and alternative burning techniques and procedures types of equipment relevant to the task, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to burning (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work how to consign residues and other products for disposal clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the disposal Page 13 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.14 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex incineration procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged upon multiple or other inter-related tasks • Complexity: of the procedure; the explosive substances and/or articles • Types of substances or articles: explosive; other hazardous materiel Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out ensure that the incineration equipment continues to work correctly throughout the task ensure that any stored energy or substances are released safely and correctly take suitable precautions to prevent unintended release during the process segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be incinerated the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure(s), and the plan the safety constraints of incineration relevant and alternative incineration techniques and procedures types of equipment relevant to the task, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to incineration (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the disposal how to consign residues and other byproducts for disposal Page 14 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.15 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex deflagration procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged upon multiple or other inter-related tasks • Complexity: of the procedure; the explosive substances and/or articles • Types of substances or articles: explosive; other hazardous materiel Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out ensure that the deflagration equipment continues to work correctly throughout the task ensure that any stored energy or substances are released safely and correctly take suitable precautions to prevent unintended release during the process segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be deflagrated the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure(s), and the plan the safety constraints of deflagration relevant and alternative deflagration techniques and procedures types of equipment relevant to the task, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to deflagration (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the disposal how to consign residues and other products for disposal Page 15 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.16 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by complex detonation procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged upon multiple or other inter-related tasks • Complexity: of the procedure; the explosive substances and/or articles • Types of substances or articles: explosive; other hazardous materiel Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be detonated the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure(s), and the plan the safety constraints of detonation relevant and alternative detonation techniques and procedures types of equipment relevant to the task, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to detonation (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the disposal how to consign residues and other products for disposal Page 16 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.10A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex mechanical breakdown procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing non-complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged in completing non-complex tasks • Types of components: explosive; other hazardous components Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out ensure that any stored energy or substances are released safely and correctly remove the required explosive substances and/or articles, using approved tools and techniques in accordance with procedures take suitable precautions to prevent damage to components, tools and equipment during removal segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation and control components, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be broken down the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure, and the plan the safety constraints of mechanical breakdown relevant and alternative breakdown techniques and procedures types of breakdown equipment, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to breakdown (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs how to consign residues and other products for disposal the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures how to communicate clear instructions your own level of authority and of those with whom you work Page 17 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.11A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex chemical breakdown procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing non-complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged in completing non-complex tasks • Types of substances: explosive; other hazardous substances Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out ensure that any substances are released safely and correctly process the required substances, using approved equipment, chemicals and/or techniques, in accordance with procedures take suitable precautions to prevent unintended release during the process segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of PPE and COSHH the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be broken down the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure, and the plan the safety constraints of chemical breakdown relevant and alternative breakdown techniques and procedures types of breakdown equipment or chemicals, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to breakdown (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work how to consign residues and other products for disposal clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the disposal Page 18 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.12A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex biological breakdown procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing non-complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged in completing non-complex tasks • Types of substances: explosive; other hazardous substances Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out ensure that any substances are released safely and correctly process the required substances, using approved equipment, organisms and enzymes and/or techniques, in accordance with procedures take suitable precautions to prevent unintended release during the process segregate and dispose of the process residue and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of PPE and COSHH the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be broken down the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure, and the plan the safety constraints of biological breakdown relevant and alternative breakdown techniques and procedures types of breakdown equipment or organisms and enzymes, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to breakdown (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work how to consign residues and other products for disposal clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the disposal Page 19 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.13A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex burning procedures Contexts 1 2 Level and extent of responsibility: completing non-complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged in completing non-complex tasks Types of substances or articles: explosive; other hazardous materiel Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out ensure that any stored energy or substances are released safely and correctly segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be burnt the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure, and the plan the safety constraints of burning relevant and alternative burning techniques and procedures types of equipment relevant to the task, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to burning (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work how to consign residues and other products for disposal clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the disposal Page 20 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.14A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex incineration procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing non-complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged in completing non-complex tasks • Types of substances or articles: explosive; other hazardous materiel Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out ensure that the incineration equipment continues to work correctly throughout the task ensure that any stored energy or substances are released safely and correctly take suitable precautions to prevent unintended release during the process segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be incinerated the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure, and the plan the safety constraints of incineration relevant and alternative incineration techniques and procedures types of equipment relevant to the task, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to incineration (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work how to consign residues and other products for disposal clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the disposal Page 21 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.15A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex deflagration procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing non-complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged in completing non-complex tasks • Types of substances or articles: explosive; other hazardous materiel Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out ensure that the deflagration equipment continues to work correctly throughout the task ensure that any stored energy or substances are released safely and correctly take suitable precautions to prevent unintended release during the process segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be deflagrated the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure, and the plan the safety constraints of deflagration relevant and alternative deflagration techniques and procedures types of equipment relevant to the task, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to deflagration (eg temperature, humidity) deflagration reporting documentation the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work how to consign residues and other products for disposal clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the disposal Page 22 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.16A Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by non-complex detonation procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing non-complex tasks yourself; supervising other competent personnel engaged in completing non-complex tasks • Types of substances or articles: explosive; other hazardous materiel Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly check that all preparatory work and all safety precautions have been carried out segregate and dispose of the process residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be detonated the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedure, and the plan the safety constraints of detonation relevant and alternative detonation techniques and procedures types of equipment relevant to the task, and their application, capabilities and limitations procedures for calibration and authorisation of equipment special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to detonation (eg temperature, humidity) the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work how to consign residues and other products for disposal clearance and remedial actions to be taken on completion of the disposal Page 23 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.17 Dispose of explosive substances and/or articles by function as intended procedures Contexts • Level and extent of responsibility: completing tasks yourself; supervising others completing tasks Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that you, and those under your control, carry out the disposal procedure and the plan correctly carry out all preparatory work and safety precautions take suitable precautions to prevent damage to equipment during disposal segregate and dispose of the residues and products, in accordance with approved procedures maintain documentation, in accordance with organisational procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles to be disposed, and its firing platform the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal procedures, and the plan procedures for the authorisation and use of equipment and location special designated responsibilities (eg emergency response) environmental controls relating to disposal the reporting documentation to be used the customer’s objectives and needs the competences of the personnel involved reporting lines and procedures your own level of authority and of those with whom you work clearance and remedial actions on completion of the disposal how to consign residues and products for disposal Page 24 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.18 Contribute to the explosive substances and/or articles disposal task Contexts • Resources: equipment; consumables; services; work environment Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guideline carry out any final pre-disposal checks, as directed use the equipment, consumables and services correctly during the task maintain the work environment, as directed record data and information, as directed carry out the task, as directed report any problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal plan, the procedure, and your role in it the expected outcomes of the task the roles and responsibilities of team members the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete the task how to use the equipment reporting lines and procedures your level of responsibility Page 25 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.19 Carry out post-disposal tasks for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: people; equipment; consumables; services • Disposal plan: where no changes are needed; where significant changes are needed3; where minor changes are needed4 Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health & safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guideline confirm that your disposal objectives have been met allocate tasks appropriately allocate the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete the postdisposal tasks ensure that the equipment is maintained, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures ensure that the work environment has been appropriately remediated ensure that residues and products have been disposed of correctly ensure that the logistic arrangements for recovery have been carried out, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures and the disposal plan write the post-disposal report, according to your organisation’s procedures, highlighting your recommendations i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv 3 4 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal plan and procedure(s) how to confirm that the disposal objectives have been met the actions you should take if the disposal objectives have not been met the roles and responsibilities of team members the importance of completing postdisposal tasks the purpose and format of the disposal report the procedures for disposing of residues and products, and any associated restrictions the condition in which the site must be left the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete post-disposal tasks reporting lines and procedures your level of authority and of those with whom you work ibid ibid SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 Page 26 ESA - Disposal SEMTA NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Unit 11.20 Contribute to post-disposal tasks for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Resources: equipment; consumables; services; work environment Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines carry out final post-disposal checks, as directed use the equipment, consumables and services correctly during post-disposal tasks maintain the equipment, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures remediate the work environment, as directed, disposing of residues and products, within the limits of your responsibility report faulty equipment, in accordance with your organisation’s procedures and/or the manufacturer’s instructions report the data and information, as directed report any problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards – February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations, safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the disposal plan, the procedure, and your role in it the roles and responsibilities of team members the importance of completing postdisposal tasks how to collect and dispose of residues and products the condition in which the site must be left the equipment, consumables and services needed to complete post-disposal tasks how to use, maintain and report faults in the equipment reporting lines and procedures your level of authority and of those with whom you work Page 27 SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS FOR EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES (ESA): GENERIC FUNCTIONS (KEY ROLE 13) February 2006 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS CONTENTS 13.1 Work effectively in a team involved in activities for explosive substances and/or articles ..............................................................................1 13.2 Manage your own resources (Management & Leadership A1) ................2 13.3 Manage your own resources and professional development (Management & Leadership A2) ....................................................................5 13.4 Manage continuous improvement in activities for explosive substances and articles ...................................................................................8 13.5 Allocate and check work in your team (Management & Leadership D5) .................................................................................................9 13.6 Provide leadership for your team (Management & L’ship B5) .................13 13.7 Provide leadership in your area of responsibility (Management & Leadership B6) ...............................................................................................16 13.8 Conduct an assessment of the risks in the workplace (CPPCO 3.13).................................................................................................19 13.8.1 Identify hazards in the workplace ..........................................................24 13.8.2 Assess the level of risk and recommend action.....................................25 13.8.3 Review your workplace assessment of risks .........................................26 13.9 Provide technical or safety advice and/or guidance to others on explosives ........................................................................................................27 13.10 Make presentations on matters relating to explosives..............................28 13.10.1 Prepare presentations on matters relating to explosives .....................29 13.10.2 Deliver presentations on matters relating to explosives.......................30 13.11 Hand over explosive substances and/or articles .......................................31 13.12 Pack or re-pack explosive substances and/or articles..............................32 13.13 Unpack explosive substances and/or articles ............................................33 13.14 Manage equipment in an explosives environment ....................................34 13.15 Prepare and care for equipment in an explosives environment ..............35 13.16 Manage explosives safety.............................................................................36 13.17 Certify as Free From Explosives (FFE).......................................................37 13.18 Supervise explosives safety .........................................................................38 SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page i SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.1 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Work effectively in a team involved in activities for explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Communication: one to one; group/team; one to group Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that your colleagues have received the necessary information offer help to colleagues, within the limits of your responsibility ask for help from colleagues, within the limits of their responsibility confirm the responsibilities of your job carry out your responsibilities within the team, according to procedures obtain feedback and find opportunities to make improvements in your performance take appropriate action when disagreement occurs report problems beyond your level of responsibility to the right person use the most appropriate method of communication work within agreed time schedules complete any required documentation, according to procedures SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the limits of your responsibility, and of team members communication protocols within the organisation and within your team the typical problems that may arise within the team, and how to overcome them reporting lines and procedures the importance of keeping to the agreed time schedules the requirements of documentation Page 1 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.2 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Manage your own resources (Management & Leadership A1) This unit is imported from the Management & Leadership suite of National Occupational Standards. Unit Summary What is the unit about? This unit is mainly about making sure you have the personal resources (particularly knowledge, understanding, skills and time) to undertake your work role and reviewing your performance against agreed objectives. It also covers identifying and undertaking activities to develop your knowledge, skills and understanding where gaps have been identified. Who is the unit for? The unit is recommended for team leaders. Links to other units This unit is linked to unit A2. Manage your own resources and professional development in the overall suite of National Occupational Standards for management and leadership. Skills Listed below are the main generic ‘skills’ which need to be applied in managing your own resources. These skills are explicit/implicit in the detailed content of the unit and are listed here as additional information. • Setting objectives • Communicating • Planning • Time management • Evaluating • Reviewing • Learning • Obtaining feedback • Self-assessment SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 2 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.2 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Manage your own resources (Management & Leadership A1) Contexts • Not included in the original standard Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i identify and agree the requirements of your work-role with those you report to discuss and agree personal work objectives with those you report to and how you will measure progress identify any gaps between the requirements of your work-role and your current knowledge, understanding and skills discuss and agree, with those you report to, a development plan to address any identified gaps in your current knowledge, understanding and skills undertake the activities identified in your development plan and discuss, with those you report to, how they have contributed to your performance get regular and useful feedback on your performance from those who are in a good position to judge it and provide you with objective and valid feedback discuss and agree, with those you report to, any changes to your personal work objectives and development plan in the light of performance, feedback received, any development activities undertaken and any wider changes check, on a regular basis, how you are using your time at work and identify possible improvements ensure that your performance consistently meets or goes beyond agreed requirements i. why managing your resources (particularly knowledge, understanding, skills and time) is important ii. how to identify the requirements of a workrole iii. how to set work objectives which are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) iv. how to measure progress against work objectives v. how to identify development needs to address any identified gaps between the requirements of your work-role and your current knowledge, understanding and skills vi. what an effective development plan should contain vii. the type of development activities which can be undertaken to address identified gaps in knowledge, understanding and skills viii. how to identify whether/how development activities have contributed to your performance ix. how to get and make effective use of feedback on your performance x. how to update work objectives and development plans in the light of performance, feedback received, any development activities undertaken and any wider changes xi. how to record the use of your time and identify possible improvements Industry/sector specific knowledge and understanding i. SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 industry/sector requirements for the development or maintenance of knowledge, understanding and skills Page 3 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Context specific knowledge and understanding i. the agreed requirements of your work-role including the limits of your responsibilities ii. your agreed personal work objectives iii. the reporting lines in your organisation iv. your current knowledge, understanding and skills v. identified gaps in your current knowledge, understanding and skills vi. your personal development plan vii. your organisation’s policy and procedures in terms of personal development viii. available development opportunities and resources in your organisation ix. possible sources of feedback in your organisation Behaviours which underpin effective performance 1. You recognise changes in circumstances promptly and adjust plans and activities accordingly 2. You prioritise objectives and plan work to make best use of time and resources 3. You take personal responsibility for making things happen 4. You take pride in delivering high quality work 5. You agree achievable objectives for yourself and give a consistent and reliable performance 6. You find practical ways to overcome barriers 7. You make best use of available resources and proactively seek new sources of support when necessary SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 4 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.3 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Manage your own resources and professional development (Management & Leadership A2) This unit is imported from the Management & Leadership suite of National Occupational Standards. Unit Summary What is the unit about? This unit is about managing your personal resources (particularly knowledge, understanding, skills, experience and time) and your professional development in order to achieve your work objectives and your career and personal goals. You need to understand your work role and how it fits into the overall vision and objectives of the organisation whilst also understanding what is driving you in terms of your values and your career and wider personal aspirations. Identifying and addressing gaps in your skills and knowledge and understanding is an essential aspect of this unit. Who is the unit for? The unit is recommended for first line managers, middle managers and senior managers. Links with other units This unit is linked to units A1. Manage your own resources and A3. Develop your personal networks in the overall suite of National Occupational Standards for management and leadership. If your organisation is a small firm, you should look at unit A3 Check your own skills which has been developed by the Small Firms Enterprise and Development Initiative (SFEDI) specifically for small firms and which may be more suitable to your needs. You can obtain information on the unit from SFEDI on tel. 0114 241 2155 or at the SFEDI website ( Skills Listed below are the main generic ‘skills’ which need to be applied in managing your own resources and professional development. These skills are explicit/implicit in the detailed content of the unit and are listed here as additional information. • • • • • • Setting objectives Evaluating Planning Learning Reviewing Communicating SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 • • • • • • Self-assessment Time management Stress management Obtaining feedback Reflecting Prioritising Page 5 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.3 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Manage your own resources and professional development (Management & Leadership A2) Contexts • Not included in the original standard Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j evaluate, at appropriate intervals, the current and future requirements of your work-role taking account of the vision and objectives of your organisation consider your values and your career and personal goals and identify information which is relevant to your work role and professional development discuss and agree personal work objectives with those you report to and how you will measure progress identify the learning styles which work best for you and ensure that you take these into account in identifying and undertaking development activities identify any gaps between the current and future requirements of your work-role and your current knowledge, understanding and skills discuss and agree, with those you report to, a development plan to address any identified gaps in your current knowledge, understanding and skills and support your own career and personal goals undertake the activities identified in your development plan and evaluate their contribution to your performance review and update your personal work objectives and development plan in the light of performance, any development activities undertaken and any wider changes get regular and useful feedback on your performance from those who are in a good position to judge it and provide objective and valid feedback ensure that your performance consistently meets or goes beyond agreed requirements i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the principles which underpin professional development the importance of considering your values and career and personal goals and how to relate them to your job role and professional development how to evaluate the current requirements of a work role and how the requirements may evolve in the future how to set objectives which are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) how to identify development needs to address any identified gaps between the requirements of your work-role and your current knowledge, understanding and skills what an effective development plan should contain and the length of time that it should cover. the range of different learning style(s) and how to identify the style(s) which work(s) best for you the type of development activities which cab be undertaken to address identified gaps in your knowledge, understanding and skills how to identify whether/how development activities have contributed to your performance how to update work objectives and development plans in the light of performance, feedback received, any development activities undertaken and any wider changes monitoring the quality of your work and your progress against requirements and plans how to evaluate your performance against the requirements of your work-role how to identify and use good sources of feedback on your performance Page 6 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Industry/Sector specific knowledge and understanding i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii industry/sector requirements for the development or maintenance of knowledge, skills and understanding and continuing professional development the requirements of your work-role including the limits of your responsibilities the vision and objectives of your organisation your own values and career and personal goals your personal work objectives your preferred learning style(s) your current knowledge, understanding and skills identified gaps in your current knowledge, understanding and skills your personal development plan available development opportunities and resources in your organisation your organisation’s policy and procedures in terms of personal development reporting lines in your organisation possible sources of feedback in your organisation Behaviours which underpin effective performance 1. You address multiple demands without losing focus or energy 2. You recognise changes in circumstances promptly and adjust plans and activities accordingly 3. You prioritise objectives and plan work to make best use of time and resources 4. You take personal responsibility for making things happen 5. You take pride in delivering high quality work 6. You show an awareness of your own values, motivations and emotions 7. You agree achievable objectives for yourself and give a consistent and reliable performance 8. You recognise your own strengths and limitations, play to your strengths and use alternative strategies to minimise the impact of your limitations 9. You make best use of available resources and proactively seek new sources of support when necessary 10. You reflect regularly on your own experiences and use these to inform future action SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 7 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.4 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Manage continuous improvement in activities for explosive substances and articles Contexts • • Relevant people: within your team; beyond your team Improvements: product/service; processes Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines agree with relevant people the scope and objectives of a system which monitors and evaluates performance and identifies where improvements could be made develop a system which takes account of all critical factors, trends, developments and implications and obtain buy-in with relevant people identify appropriate performance measures, assessment tools and techniques obtain sufficient resources, and implement the agreed system ensure that the system includes agreed criteria and is documented according to your organisation’s procedures give relevant people adequate and accurate information about the system and the impact it may have ensure that your approach is justifiable in terms of technique, cost and the data likely to be obtained produce recommendations for improvements, based on the data obtained ensure that your recommendations clearly show the benefits which improvements could bring implement approved recommendations, within your level of responsibility adhere to the relevant quality standards SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 i. the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii. the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii. the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks associated with your activities involving explosive substances and/or articles iv. the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v. the range of appropriate assessment tools and techniques, their relative advantages and disadvantages, and how to decide which to use vi. existing and potential source of information, and how to access them vii. the importance of clear, accurate and comprehensive documentation and communication, and how to achieve this viii. performance measures, and how to develop them ix. relevant people to be involved in continuous improvement, and how to influence them and secure their involvement x. the critical factors which need to be taken into account when developing the system, and how to identify them xi. how to identify the resources needed for the system, and how to obtain them xii. how to conduct a cost-benefit analysis xiii. how to assess the implications of the results of monitoring and evaluation xiv. how to assess the impact of trends and developments Page 8 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.5 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Allocate and check work in your team (Management & Leadership D5) This unit is imported from the Management & Leadership suite of National Occupational Standards. Unit Commentary What is the unit about? This unit is about ensuring that the work required of your team is effectively and fairly allocated amongst team members. It also involves checking on the progress and quality of the work of team members to ensure that the required level or standard or performance is being met. Who is the unit for? The unit is recommended for team leaders. Links to other units This unit is linked to units B5. Provide leadership for your team, D1. Develop productive working relationships with colleagues and D6 Allocate and monitor the progress and quality of work in your area of responsibility in the overall suite of National Occupational Standards for management and leadership. Skills Listed below are the main generic ‘skills’ which need to be applied in allocating and checking work in your team. These skills are explicit/implicit in the detailed content of the unit and are listed here as additional information. • • • • • • • • • • Communicating Providing feedback Planning Reviewing Motivating Valuing and supporting others Problem solving Monitoring Decision making Prioritising SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 9 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.5 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Allocate and check work in your team (Management & Leadership D5) Contexts • Not included in the original standard Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k confirm the work required of the team with your manager and seek clarification, where necessary, on any outstanding points and issues plan how the team will undertake its work, identifying any priorities or critical activities and making best use of the available resources allocate work to team members on a fair basis taking account of their skills, knowledge and understanding, experience and workloads and the opportunity for development brief team members on the work they have been allocated and the standard or level of expected performance encourage team members to ask questions, make suggestions and seek clarification in relation to the work they have been allocated check the progress and quality of the work of team members on a regular and fair basis against the standard or level of expected performance and provide prompt and constructive feedback support team members in identifying and dealing with problems and unforeseen events motivate team members to complete the work they have been allocated and provide, where requested and where possible, any additional support and/or resources to help completion monitor the team for conflict, identifying the cause(s) when it occurs and dealing with it promptly and effectively identify unacceptable or poor performance, discuss the cause(s) and agree ways of improving performance with team members recognise successful completion of significant pieces of work or work activities by team members and the overall team and advise your manager SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 General knowledge and understanding i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii different ways of communicating effectively with members of a team the importance of confirming/clarifying the work required of the team with your manager and how to do this effectively how to plan the work of a team, including how to identify any priorities or critical activities and the available resources how to identify and take due account of health and safety issues in the planning, allocation and checking of work why it is important to allocate work across the team on a fair basis and how to do so why it is important to brief team members on the work they have been allocated and the standard or level of expected performance and how to do so ways of encouraging team members to ask questions and/or seek clarification and make suggestions in relation to the work which they have been allocated effective ways of regularly and fairly checking the progress and quality of the work of team members how to provide prompt and constructive feedback to team members how to select and apply a limited range of different methods for motivating, supporting and encouraging team members to complete the work they have been allocated, improve their performance and for recognising their achievements the additional support and/or resources which team members might require to help them complete their work and how to assist in providing this why it is important to monitor the team for conflict and how to identify the cause(s) of conflict when it occurs and deal with it promptly and effectively why it is important to identify unacceptable or poor performance by Page 10 SEMTA National Occupational Standards l ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS use information collected on the performance of team members in any formal appraisal of performance xiv xv members of the team and how to discuss the cause(s) and agree ways of improving performance with team members the type of problems and unforeseen events that may occur and how to support team members in dealing with them how to log information on the ongoing performance of team members and use this information for performance appraisal purposes Industry/sector specific knowledge and understanding i ii industry/sector specific legislation, regulations, guidelines, codes of practice relating to carrying out work industry/sector requirements for the development or maintenance of knowledge, understanding and skills Context specific knowledge and understanding i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the members, purpose and objectives of your team the work required of your team the available resources for undertaking the required work the organisation’s written health and safety policy statement and associated information and requirements your team’s plan for undertaking the required work the skills, knowledge and understanding, experience and workloads of team members your organisation’s policy and procedures in terms of personal development reporting lines in the organisation and the limits of your authority organisational standards or levels of expected performance organisational policies and procedures for dealing with poor performance organisational grievance and disciplinary policies and procedures organisational performance appraisal systems Page 11 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Behaviours which underpin effective performance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. You make time available to support others You clearly agree what is expected of others and hold them to account You prioritise objectives and plan work to make best use of time and resources You state your own position and views clearly and confidently in conflict situations You show integrity, fairness and consistency in decision-making You seek to understand people’s needs and motivations You take pride in delivering high quality work You take personal responsibility for making things happen You encourage and support others to make the best use of their abilities You are vigilant for possible hazards and risks SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 12 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.6 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Provide leadership for your team (Management & Leadership B5) This unit is imported from the Management & Leadership suite of National Occupational Standards. Unit Overview What is the unit about? This unit is about providing direction to the members of your team and motivating and supporting them to achieve the objectives of the team and their personal work objectives. Who is the unit for? The unit is recommended for team leaders. Links to other units This unit is linked to units D1. Develop productive working relationships with colleagues, B6. Provide leadership in your area of responsibility and D5. Allocate and check work in your team in the overall suite of National Occupational Standards for management and leadership. Skills Listed below are the main generic ‘skills’ which need to be applied in providing leadership for your team. These skills are explicit/implicit in the detailed content of the unit and are listed here as additional information. • Communicating • Planning • Team building • Leading by example • Providing feedback • Setting objectives • Motivating • Consulting • Problem solving • Valuing and supporting others • Monitoring • Managing conflict • Decision making • Following SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 13 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.6 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Provide leadership for your team (Management & Leadership B5) Contexts • Not included in the original standard Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k set out and positively communicate the purpose and objectives of the team to all members involve members in planning how the team will achieve its objectives ensure that each member of the team has personal work objectives and understands how achieving these will contribute to achievement of the team’s objectives encourage and support team members to achieve their personal work objectives and those of the team and provide recognition when objectives have been achieved win, through your performance, the trust and support of the team for your leadership steer the team successfully through difficulties and challenges, including conflict within the team encourage and recognise creativity and innovation within the team give team members support and advice when they need it especially during periods of setback and change motivate team members to present their own ideas and listen to what they say encourage team members to take the lead when they have the knowledge and expertise and show willingness to follow this lead monitor activities and progress across the team without interfering General knowledge and understanding i. different ways of communicating effectively with members of a team ii. how to set objectives which are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) iii. how to plan the achievement of team objectives and the importance of involving team members in this process iv. the importance of and being able to show team members how personal work objectives contribute to achievement of team objectives v. that different styles of leadership exist vi. how to select and successfully apply a limited range of different methods for motivating, supporting and encouraging team members and recognising their achievements vii. types of difficulties and challenges that may arise, including conflict within the team, and ways of identifying and overcoming them viii. the importance of encouraging others to take the lead and ways in which this can be achieved ix. the benefits of and how to encourage and recognise creativity and innovation within a team Industry/sector specific knowledge and understanding i. legal, regulatory and ethical requirements in the industry/sector Context specific knowledge and understanding i. ii. iii. iv. SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the members, purpose, objectives and plans of your team the personal work objectives of members of your team the types of support and advice that team members are likely to need and how to respond to these standards of performance for the work of your team Page 14 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Behaviours which underpin effective performance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. You create a sense of common purpose You take personal responsibility for making things happen You encourage and support others to take decisions autonomously You act within the limits of your authority You make time available to support others You show integrity, fairness and consistency in decision-making You seek to understand people’s needs and motivations You model behaviour that shows respect, helpfulness and co-operation SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 15 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.7 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Provide leadership in your area of responsibility (Management & Leadership B6) This unit is imported from the Management & Leadership suite of National Occupational Standards. Unit Summary What is the unit about? The unit is about providing direction to people in a clearly and formally defined area or part of an organisation and motivating and supporting them to achieve the vision and objectives for the area. The ‘area of responsibility’ may be, for example, a branch or department or functional area or an operating site within an organisation. Who is the unit for? The unit is recommended for first line managers and middle managers. Links to other units This unit is linked to units B1. Develop and implement operational plans for your area of responsibility, B5 Provide leadership for your team, B7. Provide leadership for your organisation and D6. Allocate and monitor the progress and quality of work in your area of responsibility in the overall suite of National Occupational Standards for management and leadership. Skills Listed below are the main generic ‘skills’ which need to be applied in providing leadership in your area of responsibility. These skills are explicit/implicit in the detailed content of the unit and are listed here as additional information. • Communicating • Coaching • Influencing and persuading • Mentoring • Leading by example • Valuing and supporting others • Motivating • Empowering • Consulting • Learning • Planning • Following • Setting objectives • Managing conflict • Providing feedback • Obtaining feedback SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 16 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.7 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Provide leadership in your area of responsibility (Management & Leadership B6) Contexts • Not included in the original standard Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d create a vision of where your area is going and clearly and enthusiastically communicate it, together with supportive objectives and operational plans, to the people working within your area ensure that people working within your area understand and can see how the vision, objectives and operational plans link to the vision and objectives of the overall organisation steer your area successfully through difficulties and challenges, including conflict within the area i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. create and maintain a culture within your area which encourages and recognises creativity and innovation vii. e develop a range of leadership styles and select and apply them to appropriate situations and people viii. f communicate regularly, making effective use of a range of different communication methods, with all the people working within your area and show that you listen to what they say g give people in your area support and advice when they need it especially during periods of setback and change h motivate and support people in your area to achieve their work and development objectives and provide recognition when they are successful i empower people in your area to develop their own ways of working and take their own decisions within agreed boundaries j encourage people to give a lead in their own areas of expertise and show willingness to follow this lead k win, through your performance, the trust and support of people within your area for your leadership and get regular feedback on your performance SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 ix. x. the fundamental differences between management and leadership how to create a compelling vision for an area of responsibility how to select and successfully apply different methods for communicating with people across an area of responsibility a range of different leadership styles and how to select and apply these to different situations and people how to get and make use of feedback from people on your leadership performance types of difficulties and challenges that may arise, including conflict within the area, and ways of identifying and overcoming them the benefits of and how to create and maintain a culture which encourages and recognises creativity and innovation the importance of encouraging others to take the lead and ways in which this can be achieved how to empower people effectively how to select and successfully apply different methods for encouraging, motivating and supporting people and recognising achievement Industry/sector specific knowledge and understanding i. leadership styles common in the industry/sector ii. legal, regulatory and ethical requirements in the industry/sector Context specific knowledge and understanding i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. your own values, motivations and emotions your own strengths and limitations in the leadership role the strengths, limitations and potential of people that you lead your own role, responsibilities and level of power the vision and objectives of the overall organisation the vision, objectives, culture and operational plans for your area of responsibility Page 17 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS vii. types of support and advice that people are likely to need and how to respond to these viii. leadership styles used across the organisation Behaviours which underpin effective performance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. You articulate a vision that generates excitement, enthusiasm and commitment You create a sense of common purpose You take personal responsibility for making things happen You make complex things simple for the benefit of others You encourage and support others to take decisions autonomously You act within the limits of your authority You make time available to support others You show integrity, fairness and consistency in decision-making You seek to understand people’s needs and motivations You model behaviour that shows respect, helpfulness and co-operation You encourage and support others to make the best use of their abilities SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 18 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.8 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Conduct an assessment of the risks in the workplace (CPPCO 3.13) This unit is imported from the Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Petrochemical Manufacturing suite of National Occupational Standards (unit 3.13) Unit Commentary NB This unit is a tailored version of a Health and Safety unit produced by the Employment NTO, which was originally designated Unit G. This means that the wording of the unit differs slightly from the rest of the COGENT suite. This unit addresses the competence needed to identify hazards in the workplace, assess the level of risk resulting from those hazards, make recommendations to control the risk and review the results. There are three elements in this unit, each of which has performance standards and a knowledge base associated with it. 13.8.1 Identify hazards in the workplace 13.8.2 Assess the level of risk and recommend action 13.8.3 Review your workplace assessment of risks Fundamental to this unit is an understanding of the process of carrying out a risk assessment. A person competent in this unit should be able to carry out risk assessments according to regulatory requirements. This unit is for: a person required to, or who has been asked to, carry out a risk assessment in the workplace. This could be an employer, line manager, supervisor, safety representative or employee. This unit is about the competences needed to identify hazards in the workplace, assess the level of risk resulting from those hazards, make recommendations to control the risk and review the results. This is what you need to show: In element 1: that you understand the process of identifying hazards in the workplace. You should be prepared for the hazard identification process, and investigate both those areas where risks are most likely to occur and those who might be harmed. You should be able to identify when to make use of expert advice and guidance on identifying hazards. In element 2: that you understand the criteria for assessing the level of risk. You should show you know the criteria for acceptable risks and understand when risks are acceptable. You should show you can prepare and present a report on the results of the risk assessment to include those significant findings of your risks assessment. In element 3: that you understand the importance of reviewing your assessment from time to time. This will include understanding when changed circumstances might affect your current assessment There is also a glossary of terms which appear within the unit and have a specific meaning. SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 19 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Glossary of terms The following terms have a specific meaning in this unit and are highlighted where they appear in the performance standards. In the context of NVQ/SVQ assessment, awarding bodies are required to make sure that a candidate’s evidence of performance from the workplace demonstrates that their work is consistent with these terms as defined here. Procedures Specifications of how to carry out work activities in a manner that will ensure the required outcomes if the procedure is followed accurately. All workplace policies, practice and procedures should be specified. Resources A range of resources which are used in any activity. These could include: • Information, documentation and specifications • manufacturer/supplier data for equipment and materials • materials • tools • equipment Hazard/risk The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have defined two important concepts as follows: a hazard is something with the potential to cause harm: a risk is the likelihood of a hazard’s potential being realised. The hazards covered by this unit are relating to: • the use of plant and equipment • the use of substances hazardous to health • the workplace layout • the working practices • the job role • people with special needs Each organisation will have its own risk control strategy, the candidate will be required to work within this. Risk Almost anything may be a hazard, but may or may not become a risk. For example: • a trailing electrical cable from a piece of equipment is a hazard. If it is trailing across a passageway there is a high risk of someone tripping over it, but if it lies along a wall out of the way, the risk is much less • toxic or flammable chemicals stored in a building are a hazard, and by their nature may present a high risk. However, if they are kept in a properly designed secure store, and handled by properly trained and equipped people, the risk is much less than if they are left about in a busy workshop for anyone to use - or misuse. • a failed light bulb is a hazard. If it is just one bulb out of many in a room it presents very little risk, but if it is the only light on a stairwell, it is a very high risk. Changing the bulb may be a high risk, if it is high up, or if the power has been left on, or low risk if it is in a table lamp which has been unplugged. • a box of heavy material is a hazard. It presents a higher risk to someone who lifts it manually than if a mechanical handling device is properly used. SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 20 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Relevant people People who have expertise in and/or responsibility for the areas of work affected by the procedure. This is likely to include colleagues with production, safety, health, environment and quality specialisms. Problems Problems with others, and/or working practices. • working policies which do not conform to laid down policies • unsafe behaviour • accidental breakages • accidental spillages • environmental factors Work place This is the single or multiple areas in which you carry out your work. Changes in the workplace covered by this unit are in relation to: • layout of workplace • new facilities and services Working practices These are any activities, procedures , use of materials or equipment and working techniques used in carrying out your job. In this unit it also covers any omissions in good working practice which may pose a threat to health and safety. Previous and new working practices covered by this unit are relating to: • plant, machinery and equipment • substances or materials • people Workplace policies The Workplace Policies covered by this unit are documentation prepared by the employer on the procedures to be followed regarding health and safety matters. It could be the employer’s safety procedures covering aspects of the workplace that should be drawn to the employees’ (and “other persons”) attention. Other persons This refers to everyone covered by the Health and Safety at Work Act including: visitors, members of the public, colleagues, contractors, clients, customers, patients, students, pupils. Personal presentation The includes: personal hygiene; use of personal protection equipment; clothing and accessories suitable to the particular workplace. Responsible persons The persons or persons at work to whom you should report any health and safety issues or hazards. This could be a supervisor, line manager or your employer. Responsible persons covered by this unit are: • management associated with the examined activities • employees associated with the examined activities • decision makers • union representatives • staff representatives SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 21 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Information sources ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Information sources covered by this unit are: • internal Health and Safety experts • HSE offices • relevant industry publications • external organisations SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 22 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Key points regarding Health and Safety legislation and regulations “Health and Safety at Work Act 1974” The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the main piece of legislation under which nearly all other regulations are made . It is for this reason that only this piece of legislation is specifically referred to in this Unit. Employers have a legal duty under this Act to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of the people for whom they are responsible and the people who may be affected by the work they do. Under this Act it is also important to be aware that all people at work, not just employers, have a duty to take reasonable care to avoid harming themselves or others through the work they do. Risks should be reduced “so far as is reasonably practicable”. This term means the dutyholder (in most instances the employer) can balance the cost against the degree of risk although obviously any Health and Safety Inspectors would expect that relevant good practice is followed. According to the Act: Employers must safeguard so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at works of all the people who work for them and “other persons”. This applies in particular to the provision and maintenance of safe plant and systems of work, and covers all machinery, equipment and substances used. People at work also have a duty under the Act to take reasonable care to avoid harm to themselves or to others by their working practices, and to co-operate with employers and others in meeting statutory requirements. The Act also requires employees not to interfere with or misuse anything provided to protect their health, safety or welfare in compliance with the Act. Other Legislation There is an array of health and safety regulations and codes of practice which affect people at work. There are regulations for those who, for example, work with electricity, or work on construction projects, as well as regulations covering noise at work, manual handling, working with VDUs, or dealing with substances hazardous to health, etc. The specific requirements for all or any of these can be obtained from HSE local offices. As many of the regulations are only relevant to certain workplaces or working practices no specific reference has been made in the Knowledge Requirements to any of these regulations. The phrase “your responsibilities for health and safety as required by any specific legislation covering your job role” is intended to relate to those specific pieces of SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 23 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS legislation important to your workplace and/or working practices which you should be able to find out about. SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 24 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.8 13.8.1 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Conduct an assessment of the risks in the workplace (CPPCO 3.13) Identify hazards in the workplace Contexts • Not included in the original standard Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i define clearly, why and where the risk assessment will be carried out confirm that all the information available to you on statutory health and safety regulations is up-to-date and from recognised and reliable information sources recognise your own limitations and seek expert advice and guidance on risk assessment when appropriate select a method of identifying hazards appropriate to the workplace being assessed ensure your investigation fully identifies those areas in the workplace where hazards with a potential for serious harm to health and safety are most likely to occur identify hazards which could result in serious harm to others record those hazards in a way which meets legal, good practice and workplace requirements report the results of the process to the responsible persons in an agreed format and timescale work safely at all times i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 your legal duties for health and safety in the workplace as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 your duties for health and safety as defined by any specific legislation covering your job role methods of identifying hazards including direct observation, examining records, or interview hazards that are most likely to cause harm to health and safety the particular health and safety risks which may be present in your own job role and the precautions to be taken the work areas and people for whom you are carrying out the assessment work activities of the people in the workplace where you are carrying out the risk assessment resources required for a risk assessment to take place information sources for risk assessments (e.g. HSE publication) the importance of dealing with or promptly reporting risks where to find expert advice and guidance Page 25 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.8 13.8.2 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Conduct an assessment of the risks in the workplace (CPPCO 3.13) Assess the level of risk and recommend action Contexts • Not included in the original standard Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h review all legal requirements that are appropriate to your workplace and working practices to ensure effective control measures are in place confirm that industry standards and all other reasonable precautions are in place identify hazards that could be eliminated start your risk assessment for hazards that cannot be eliminated, with those hazards that are most likely to cause serious harm to others assess the level of risk/s and consider how the risk/s can be controlled to minimise harm list unacceptable risk/s in priority order including all breaches of relevant health and safety legislation and workplace procedures prepare a risk/s assessment report containing recommendations for minimising risk/s present the results of the risk/s assessment to responsible persons in the agreed format and timescale i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the responsibilities for risk assessments as required by the management of health and safety at work regulations 1992 and other related regulations your legal duties for health and safety in the workplace as required by the health and safety at work act 1974 your duties for health and safety as defined by any specific legislation covering your job role your own limitations, job responsibilities and capabilities the work areas and people for whom you are carrying out the assessment effective procedures for carrying out a risk assessment the purpose, legal implications and importance of carrying out a risk assessment work activities of the people in the workplace where you are carrying out the risk assessment resources required for a risk assessment to take place what to do with the results of the risk assessment effective communication methods Page 26 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.8 13.8.3 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Conduct an assessment of the risks in the workplace (CPPCO 3.13) Review your workplace assessment of risks Contexts • Not included in the original standard Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f compare the latest risk/s assessment to current workplace and working practices identify accurately any significant differences between previous and new working practices investigate the action taken as a result of your recommendations specified in the latest risk assessment identify accurately new hazards arising from changes in the workplace or working practices make changes to your risk/s assessment in line with the review inform promptly everyone affected by the changes SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii your legal duties for health and safety in the workplace as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 your duties for health and safety as defined by any specific legislation covering your job role methods of identifying hazards your own limitations, job responsibilities and capabilities the work areas and people for whom you are carrying out the assessment work activities of the people in the workplace where your are carrying out the risk assessment how to communicate effectively Page 27 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.9 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Provide technical or safety advice and/or guidance to others on explosives Contexts • • • Recipients: within your team; beyond your team Forms of communication: verbal; written Referrals: where you need to refer to others; where you can answer the query yourself Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines identify and confirm the recipient’s needs communicate in a way that the recipient can understand obtain and provide complete and up-to-date information to the recipient, in a timely manner confirm that you have met the recipient’s information needs direct the enquirer to other sources of help if you cannot meet their needs maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the explosive substances and/or articles and/or related services for which the advice or guidance is required how to find out what information the recipient needs how to give clear and accurate information and check the recipient’s understanding where to get guidance or assistance if you cannot provide the information or advice yourself resource or time constraints reporting lines and procedures your own personal level of authority and that of those with whom you work any confidentiality requirements Page 28 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.10 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Make presentations on explosives matters This unit comprises the following elements: 13.10.1 Prepare presentations on explosives matters 13.10.2 Deliver presentations on explosives matters SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 29 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.10 13.10.1 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Make presentations on explosives matters Prepare presentations on explosives matters Contexts • • Audiences: small groups; large groups Medium: written; verbal; using visual aids Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the purpose and objectives of the presentation base your presentation on relevant and accurate information tailor the information to fit the timescale of the presentation plan the presentation in a logical and structured way prepare the content of the presentation to meet the needs of the target audience and the required level of confidentiality rehearse your presentation, and amend it if required prepare appropriate supporting materials prepare answers to anticipated questions take any relevant factors into account that may affect the presentation check that the equipment has been set up correctly adhere to confidentiality requirements i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event who is your audience and their needs the purpose of the presentation, and your key messages the time available to make your presentation what constitutes relevant and accurate information how to ensure the content of the presentation will meet the needs of the target audience different methods of presentation, and their respective advantages and disadvantages what materials are appropriate to support the presentation (eg handouts, samples, etc) how to use the equipment best practice in preparing and giving presentations the questions you might expect to receive as a result of the presentation any other factor that may be relevant (eg room configuration, audio-visual systems (including microphones), dress code, etc) Page 30 SEMTA National Occupational Standards ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Unit 13.10 Make presentations on explosives matters 13.10.2 Deliver presentations on explosives matters Contexts • • Audiences: small groups; large groups Medium: written; verbal; using visual aids Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines deliver the presentation in a logical and structured way present your message, capturing and retaining your audience’s attention by the quality of your delivery ensure that the presentation contains a clear and concise introduction and summary ensure that the delivery of the presentation meets the brief use the equipment correctly, enabling a fluent delivery respond to questions appropriately deal effectively with confidentiality issues adhere to confidentiality requirements i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event who is your audience and their needs the purpose of the presentation and your key messages the time available to make your presentation the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen method of delivery which materials are appropriate to support the presentation (eg handouts, samples, etc) how to use the equipment best practice in giving presentations the questions you might expect to receive as a result of the presentation any other factor that may be relevant (eg room configuration, audio-visual systems (including microphones), dress code, etc) Page 31 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.11 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Hand over explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • • Hand over: issuing; receiving Hand over condition: when in an acceptable condition; when not in an acceptable condition Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the identity of explosive substances and/or articles against the specification/documentation confirm that the condition of the explosive substances and/or articles is in an acceptable handover condition ensure that the information exchanged at handover is accurate, up to date and complete obtain additional information if there are any areas of doubt or lack of clarity to complete the handover ensure that handover recipients are authorised and qualified to receive the explosive substances and/or articles ensure that safety and quality requirements are met report any problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person ensure that complete, clear and accurate records are made of the handover, and are exchanged i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the health, safety and environmental legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the specification and classification of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the limitations, and any specific requirements, of the explosive substances and/or articles (eg transport, storage, etc) labelling requirements any environmental considerations affecting or prohibiting handover any operational considerations affecting or prohibiting handover how to carry out a risk assessment the moment of transfer of responsibility the information needed to complete the handover the possible courses of action open to you (eg locating sources of information, refusal of handover) recipients’ qualification requirements the requirements of handover documentation reporting lines and procedures Page 32 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.12 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Pack or re-pack explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • Packages: single/loose items; multiple items Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the identity and condition of the explosive substances and/or articles to be packed, and their packaging requirements confirm that the work environment and conditions under which the packing is carried out meet regulatory requirements adhere to the packaging instructions report any problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person mark and label the explosive substances and/or articles clearly, in accordance with instructions i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event any specific requirements relevant to the task the classification of the explosive substances and/or articles the importance of marking and labelling requirements how packages should be put together to form a load the meaning and importance of a valid UN mark the procedures covering packaging and/or their components the availability of appropriate equipment/components the correct use of tools and equipment the importance of re-using packaging the importance of maintaining appropriate security standards reporting lines and procedures the limits of your personal authority Page 33 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.13 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Unpack explosive substances and/or articles Contexts • • Packages: single/loose items; multiple items Packaging and contents: where the contents meet expectations; where the contents are not as expected Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm the identity and condition of the explosive substances and/or articles to be unpacked, and their handling requirements confirm that the work environment and conditions under which the unpacking is carried out meet regulatory requirements adhere to unpacking instructions report any problems beyond your level of authority to the appropriate person ensure that the explosive substances and/or articles are clearly labelled, in accordance with instructions SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work ii the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) iii the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles iv the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event v any specific requirements relevant to the task vi the classification of the explosive substances and/or articles vii the importance of marking and labelling requirements viii how the package has been put together to form a load ix the procedures covering unpacking and/or their components x the availability of appropriate equipment/components xi the correct use of tools and equipment xii when something unexpected should be treated as potentially hazardous xiii packaging disposal procedures, and associated restrictions xiv the importance of re-using packaging xv the importance of maintaining appropriate security standards xvi reporting lines and procedures xvii the limits of your personal authority i Page 34 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.14 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Manage equipment in an explosives environment Contexts • Equipment management: routine; non-routine Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines ensure that equipment is suitable, and fit for purpose in an explosive environment ensure that equipment is correctly maintained, calibrated and used, in accordance with procedures confirm that the equipment meets the required standard of cleanliness ensure that fully serviceable equipment is available, when required arrange for repair or replacement of defective equipment monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of the equipment, and respond to trends in equipment behaviour ensure that equipment care and control is conducted, in accordance with procedures adhere to the appropriate quality standards maintain records, in accordance with the organisation’s requirements i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the purpose for which the equipment is to be used the importance of using the correct equipment the physical environment in which the equipment is to be used equipment operation, pre- and post-use procedures maintenance and calibration procedures, and their importance when, why and how to confirm that the equipment is clean the maintenance schedule the relevant quality standards and compliance regime reporting lines and procedures in making recommendations for improvement the correct functioning of equipment, and how to identify if it does not work properly equipment record keeping procedures Page 35 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.15 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Prepare and care for equipment in an explosives environment Contexts • Equipment preparation and care: routine; non-routine Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm that the equipment meets the required standards of cleanliness set up correctly and check the equipment in accordance with procedures record and report the outcomes of the set-up according to procedures monitor the continuing functioning of equipment within its specified range report any defective equipment through the correct channels adhere to equipment care and control procedures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the purpose for which the equipment is to be used the physical environment in which the equipment is to be used and stored how to monitor the condition of equipment equipment operating, pre- and post-use procedures the importance of correct maintenance and calibration why, when and how to confirm that the equipment is clean the maintenance schedule reporting lines and procedures in making recommendations for improvement the correct functioning of equipment, and how to identify if it does not work properly equipment record keeping procedures the equipment required, and set-up procedures Page 36 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.16 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Manage explosives safety Contexts • • • Explosives safety: initial planning; continuing management Plans to address: hazards; risks Resources: time; people; equipment Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l m work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines develop an explosives safety plan for your area of responsibility, that is fit for purpose ensure that a risk assessment, that addresses the explosives risks identified relevant to the activities conducted, is available ensure that organisational emergency procedures are tested and evaluated communicate the explosives safety plan to those involved or who may be affected provide opportunities for staff to make constructive suggestions on explosives safe systems of work implement the explosives safety plan, within the agreed timescale and resources ensure that safe systems of work are in place respond to developing events and priorities, in accordance with procedures ensure that a review of the explosives safety plan is carried out at the required intervals, by suitably experienced and/or qualified personnel ensure that identified mitigations and controls are in place and are understood amend the explosives safety plan in the light of changing circumstances and/or information adhere to the appropriate quality standards SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the organisation’s explosives safety management system best practice in explosives safety management the risk assessment process, and how to carry out a risk assessment how to implement risk management and/or mitigation controls your own personal level of authority and that of those with whom you work the competence of the personnel involved the communication channels your available resources, and any constraints attached to them the explosives activities being carried out planning techniques the relevant quality standards and compliance regime Page 37 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.17 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Certify as free from explosives (FFE)1 Contexts • Absence of: explosive substances; explosive articles Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines confirm what is to be certified establish the process for confirming the item as free from explosives establish the nature of the explosive substances and/or articles that you may encounter adhere to the correct procedure for the safe removal of any explosive substances and/or articles found take appropriate precautions, proportionate to any explosive substances and/or articles found report problems or findings to the right person create or complete the FFE certification comply with appropriate quality standards maintain the appropriate records i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event how to identify the likely contaminant the correct procedures to be followed, and the potential consequences of not doing so when and why it may be appropriate to seal the item your personal level of authority when, why and to whom to report problems the importance of communication and documentation the requirements of documentation and certification the relevant quality standards and compliance regime Note: this standard is relevant to the certification as ‘free from explosives’ of: land, articles, containers, packaging, vehicles (road, rail and air), buildings, equipment, laundry, waste, contraband, etc, etc, formerly containing or in contact with explosives. 1 ie free from explosive hazard SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 Page 38 SEMTA National Occupational Standards Unit 13.18 ESA - Generic Supporting Functions NOS Supervise explosives safety Contexts • Explosives safety: as planned; unexpected deviations from the explosives safety plan • Plans to address: hazards; risks • Resources: time; people; equipment Performance Criteria Knowledge Requirements You need to: You need to know and understand: a b c d e f g h i j k l work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, legislation and guidelines adhere to the explosives safety plan ensure that a risk assessment that addresses the explosives risks identified relevant to the activities conducted is available ensure that your team complies with organisational emergency procedures ensure that your team complies with the explosives safety plan provide opportunities for staff to make constructive suggestions on explosives safe systems of work implement the explosives safety plan within the agreed timescale and resources ensure that safe systems of work are in place respond to developing events and priorities in accordance with procedures make changes to the explosives safety plan within your level of responsibility in the light of changing circumstances and/or information recommend changes to the explosives safety plan when these are beyond your level of responsibility adhere to the appropriate quality standards SEMTA Final Standards - February 2006 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii the health, safety and environmental and other statutory legislation, regulations and safe working practices and procedures governing explosives, and their implications for your area of work the relevance of personal protective equipment (PPE) the nature, characteristics, hazards and risks of the explosive substances and/or articles the actions to be taken in response to an unplanned event the organisation’s explosive safety management system the organisation’s emergency procedures the risk assessment process your own personal level of authority and that of those with whom you work the competence of the personnel involved the communication channels your available resources, and any constraints attached to them the explosives activities being carried out the relevant quality standards and compliance regime Page 39 ANNEX B to WOME Skills Framework GUIDANCE FOR ALIGNING WOME ROLE PROFILES AGAINST HRMS JOB FAMILIES AND JOB CODES HRMS Job Family HRMS Job Code Engineering & Science WOME Safety (000367) Engineering & Science WOME Production (000245) Engineering & Science WOME Assets (000395) Engineering & Science Land Sys Eng (Weapons) (000368) WOME Roles DOSG Safety Advisor IPT Safety & Environmental Manager Safety Management Office IE Inspectors DCIE IE Staff Licensing Officer Licensing Manager Explosive Safety Representative General Munitions Processing Supervised Processor General Munitions Processing Unsupervised Processor General Munitions Processing Processing Manager General Munitions Processing Planning Manager General Munitions Processing Production Manager Complex Weapons Processing Production Operative Complex Weapons Processing Process Manager Complex Weapons Processing Planning Manager Complex Weapons Processing Production Manager WOME Storage Manager WOME Logistics Manager WOME Logistics Operatives WOME Logistic Supervisor WOME Movements Manager WOME Commodity Manager Requirements Engineer In-Service Support Engineer Project Engineer Link to Job Families and Job Codes on HRMS ANNEX C to WOME Skills Framework Role Profiles The purpose of role profiles is to provide a consistent method for identifying which Engineering Role Profiles apply to each WOME post. The following role profiles are templates that describe role activities and responsibilities and the requirements for the roleholder in terms of competence, qualifications, experience and training. They are intended to: ƒ ƒ ƒ Act as a starting point to define specific requirements of a post. Provide an aid to career planning. Provide ‘currency’ for work force planning, assuming that all WOME engineering can be mapped to them. The requirements for each role outline an expected standard (at any grade), and an individual may perform a role whilst working towards meeting the standard under supervision. In addition, the Qualification and Experience requirements for each role are to some degree interchangeable, to take into account the different backgrounds of Engineers in DE&S. However, in the future, all B2 level Engineers will be expected to be a Chartered Engineer. The ESF explains the common competencies for all DE&S engineers, so all engineers are expected to be at (or working towards) Awareness level for all the ESF competences. In addition, each role will highlight several competences which are particularly important, and so a higher level of competence will be required against these. Role profiles tailored to the needs of the WOME Domain are: Links to Profiles Governance WOME Principal Engineer WOME Chief Engineer WOME Senior Engineer Head of Specialism – Science and Technology Head of Specialism – Electro-Explosive Devices and Fuzing Head of Specialism – Energetic Materials Head of Specialism – Life Assessment Head of Specialism – OME Risk Assessment Head of Specialism – Statistics and Modelling Head of Specialism – Vulnerability Generic WOME Requirements Engineer WOME In Service Engineer WOME Project Engineer WOME Domain Specialist – Science and Technology WOME Domain Specialist – Electro-Explosive Devices and Fuzing WOME Domain Specialist – Energetic Materials WOME Domain Specialist – Life Assessment WOME Domain Specialist – OME Risk Assessment WOME Domain Specialist – Statistics and Modelling WOME Domain Specialist – Vulnerability WOME Systems Safety and Environmental Manager WOME Systems Safety and Environmental Officer WOME Systems Safety and Environmental – Project Leader WOME Functional Specialist Engineer (Safety Advisor) WOME Supply Chain Management Role Title: Governance - WOME Principal Engineer 1 • The Principal Engineer (PE) is accountable to the Operating Centre (OC) Director for the 2 delivery of Engineering in the OC - the ‘what’ - and responsible3 to Director Technical (D Tech) for the provision of Engineering governance and assurance across the OC, in accordance with DE&S Policy - the ‘how’. • In undertaking the PE’s role, assurance is to be provided to D Tech that the OC is sustainably safe and professional, based on the PE’s professional assessment of the competence of the Engineering capability. Grade Range: Minimum B1 / OF5, but ideally 1* Key Responsibilities Engineering Strategy • Champion the implementation of the DE&S Engineering Strategy, and related strategies (including Safety, Management of Quality, Standardisation and Technology Management). • Promote the benefits of the Systems of Systems Approach (SOSA) Design Principles. • Follow policy set by the Heads of Specialism and SOSA Domain Authorities, and/or utilise their specialist resources to achieve delivery. • Promote the use of Guide for Engineering Activities & Review (GEAR) to the OC as an acceptable approach to Engineering Planning and Review and Assurance. Operating Centre Structure • Implement and maintain effective Engineering governance arrangements in the OC, and provide assurance to D Tech on the ‘safe and professional’ status of the OC; this shall include the nomination of people for Chief Engineer and Senior Engineer positions. • Provide advice to the OC on Engineering policy, rules and guidance to ensure that repeatable successful outcomes are achieved. • Provide advice to the OC on Engineering policy, rules and guidance to ensure that repeatable successful outcomes are achieved. Skills Development • Proactively ensure that the OC attains the correct levels and currency of SQEP1 and SQEP2 for its Chief and Senior Engineers, including those appointments decided to be Safety-Critical and Safety-Enabling; areas of risk/concern should be highlighted to the OC Director, Technical Development Partner (TDP) and D Tech. • Act as a mentor for the Chief Engineers, both within and outside the OC; identify and develop 3 potential successors to your PE post, one of which should be outside your immediate line management chain. • Support and champion the TDP roles and responsibilities and, in conjunction with the TDP, define the OC domain-specific engineering competences (SQEP2). • Ensure Role Profiles for Engineering posts are identified and implemented, and SQEP levels and Professional Registrations are recorded and properly managed. • Identify and raise to D Tech emerging or future skills requirements associated with anticipated technology trends that might benefit from being developed outside of the OC delivery plan. • Manage the delegated approval from D Tech for payment of Special Bonuses relating to 1 Accountability, hence Accountable. The requirement for a Post Holder to account to their Line Superior for effective and economic achievement of all their Purposes. Accountability is the exact reciprocal of Line Authority, which acts downwards organisationally. 2 To include Management of Quality, Safety and Technology Management. 3 Responsible, hence Responsibility: liable to be called upon to answer (to); answerable (for); morally answerable (for); governed by a sense of Responsibility; and trustworthy. Responsibility and Accountability frequently are confused: the latter is specific and always used in Systematic Management to define the duty owed by a Post Holder to the Line Superior. the attainment of Engineering Professional Qualifications and Registrations. Risks • Identify and manage OC Engineering Risks and Issues, escalating them to the OC Director and D Tech as required - especially if they may be cross-cutting to a number of OCs. • Ensure that the OC has a visible escalation chain for the resolution and reporting of Engineering Risks and Issues that cannot be managed at OC level. Learning from Experience (LFE) • Develop a culture of reflection amongst the engineering cadre by engaging in LFE activities, and offering up ‘Good Practice’ examples at relevant forums/meetings. Represent the OC Director • Attend bi-monthly PE routine meetings with D Tech or his representatives. • Define an annual objective that reflects the functional responsibilities to D Tech. • Attend the DE&S Engineering Committee as a Full Member. • Attend the DE&S Safety Improvement Group, and input as required to the DE&S Safety Board. Qualification Requirements: Experience Requirements: As a minimum, the PE is a Chartered Engineer or Scientist registered with the Engineering or Science Councils and a Member of a Professional Engineering Institution. Ideally, the PE possesses a Masters Degree in a relevant engineering subject, and is a fellow of a Professional Engineering Institution. As a minimum, the PE has 8 years experience with 5 years of domainspecific experience, and they are a LoD / LoA holder. Ideally, the PE has 10 years experience with 7 years of WOME experience. Key Competencies Number Title ESF1.1 Understanding the Engineering Context ESF2.3 Analysing Different Solutions ESF3.2 Integrating & Managing Interfaces ESF5.1 Integration of Specialism ESF5.2 Engineering Planning and Review ESF5.3 Identifying and managing Engineering Risk ESF5.4 Applying Policy and Standards Relevant Training Mandatory or Code Course Desirable Introduction to WOME (On-line) D System Safety D OME Intermediate D OME MSc – dependant upon the complexity of the D platform/WOME interface Project Orientated Environmental Management D Systems (POEMS) Engineering Development Course D Additional Courses TBD D Role Title: Governance - WOME Chief Engineer The Chief Engineer is accountable1 to the Programme Manager for the delivery of Engineering2 in the programme (or major project) - the ‘what’ - and responsible3 to Principal Engineer (PE) for the provision of Engineering governance and assurance across the Programme, in accordance with DE&S Policy - the ‘how’. In undertaking the Chief Engineer’s role, assurance is to be provided to the PE that the Programme is sustainably safe and professional, based on the Chief Engineer’s professional assessment of the competence of the Engineering capability. Grade Range: Minimum B2 / OF4, but ideally B1 / OF5 Key Responsibilities Engineering Strategy • Support the implementation of the DE&S Engineering Strategy, and related strategies (including Safety, Management of Quality, Standardisation and Technology Management). • Promote the benefits of the Systems of Systems Approach (SOSA) Design Principles. • Follow policy set by the Heads of Specialism and SOSA Domain Authorities, and/or utilise their specialist resources to achieve delivery. • Promote the use of Guide for Engineering Activities and Review (GEAR) to the Programme as an acceptable approach to Engineering Planning and Review and Assurance. Programme Structure • Implement and maintain effective Engineering governance arrangements in the Programme, and provide assurance to the PE on the ‘safe and professional’ status of the programme; this shall include the nomination of people for Senior Engineer positions. • Provide advice to the Programme on Engineering policy, rules and guidance to ensure that repeatable successful outcomes are achieved. Skills Development • Proactively ensure that the Programme attains the correct levels and currency of SQEP1 and SQEP2 for its Senior Engineers, including those appointments decided to be SafetyCritical and Safety-Enabling; areas of risk/concern should be highlighted to the Programme Manager and PE. • Act as a mentor for the Senior Engineers, both within and outside the Programme; identify and develop 3 potential successors to your Chief Engineer post, one of which should be outside your immediate line management chain. • Define the Programme domain-specific engineering competences (SQEP2). • Ensure Role Profiles for Engineering posts are identified and implemented, and SQEP levels and Professional Registrations are recorded and properly managed. • Identify and raise to the PE emerging or future skills requirements associated with anticipated technology trends that might benefit from being developed outside of the Programme delivery plan. • Manage the delegated approval from the PE for payment of Special Bonuses relating to the attainment of Engineering Professional Qualifications and Registrations. Risks • Identify and manage Programme Engineering Risks and Issues, escalating them to the 1 Accountability, hence Accountable. The requirement for a Post Holder to account to their Line Superior for effective and economic achievement of all their Purposes. Accountability is the exact reciprocal of Line Authority, which acts downwards organisationally. 2 To include Management of Quality, Safety and Technology Management. 3 Responsible, hence Responsibility: liable to be called upon to answer (to); answerable (for); morally answerable (for); governed by a sense of Responsibility; and trustworthy. Responsibility and Accountability frequently are confused: the latter is specific and always used in Systematic Management to define the duty owed by a Post Holder to the Line Superior. Programme Manager and the PE as required - especially if they may be cross-cutting to a number of Programmes. • Ensure that the Programme has a visible escalation chain for the resolution and reporting of Engineering Risks and Issues that cannot be managed at Programme level. Learning from Experience (LFE) • Develop a culture of reflection amongst the engineering cadre by engaging in LFE activities, and offering up ‘Good Practice’ examples at relevant forums/meetings. Represent the PE • Define an annual objective that reflects the functional responsibilities to the PE. • Attend meetings and committees as delegated by the PE. Qualification Requirements: As a minimum, the Chief Engineer is a Chartered Engineer or Scientist registered with the Engineering or Science Councils and a Member of a Professional Engineering Institution. Ideally, the Chief Engineer possesses a Masters Degree in a relevant engineering subject, and is a fellow of a Professional Engineering Institution. As a minimum, the Chief Engineer has 6 years of engineering knowledge and expertise. Experience Requirements: Ideally, the Chief Engineer will have 8 years of WOME engineering knowledge and expertise, and they are a LoD / LoA holder. Key Competencies Expected Number Title Level ESF1.1 Understanding the Engineering Context E ESF2.3 Analysing Different Solutions P ESF3.2 Integrating and Managing Interfaces E ESF5.1 Integration of Specialism P ESF5.2 Engineering Planning and Review E ESF5.3 Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk E ESF5.4 Applying Policy and Standards P Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Expert (E) Practitioner (SP) Level: It is expected that the Chief Engineer is at Practitioner level for all the other ESF competencies as a minimum. This is a Governance Role and so SQEP1 requirements should not be tailored. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable Introduction to WOME (On-line) D System Safety M OME Intermediate M OME MSc – dependant upon the complexity of the D platform/WOME interface Project Orientated Environmental Management Systems M (POEMS) Engineering Development Course D Additional Courses TBD D Role Title: Governance - WOME Senior Engineer The Senior Engineer is accountable1 to the Project Manager for the delivery of Engineering2 in the Project (or Technology Area) - the ‘what’ - and responsible3 to the Chief Engineer for the provision of Engineering governance and assurance across the Project, in accordance with DE&S Policy - the ‘how’. In undertaking the Senior Engineer’s role, assurance is to be provided to the Chief Engineer that the Project is sustainably safe and professional, based on the Senior Engineer’s professional assessment of the competence of the Engineering capability. Minimum C1, but ideally B2 Grade Range: Key Responsibilities Engineering Strategy • Support the implementation of the DE&S Engineering Strategy, and related strategies (including Safety, Management of Quality, Standardisation and Technology Management). • Promote the benefits of the Systems of Systems Approach (SOSA) Design Principles. • Follow policy set by the Heads of Specialism and SOSA Domain Authorities, and/or utilise their specialist resources to achieve delivery. • Promote the use of Guide for Engineering Activities and Review (GEAR) to the Project as an acceptable approach to Engineering Planning and Review and Assurance. Project Structure • Implement and maintain effective Engineering governance arrangements in the Project, and provide assurance to the Chief Engineer on the ‘safe and professional’ status of the Project; this shall include the nomination of people for Project Engineer positions. • Provide advice to the Project on Engineering policy, rules and guidance to ensure that repeatable successful outcomes are achieved. Skills Development • Proactively ensure that the Project attains the correct levels and currency of SQEP1 and SQEP2 for its Project Engineers, including those appointments decided to be Safety-Critical and Safety-Enabling; areas of risk/concern should be highlighted to the Project Manager and Chief Engineers. • Act as a mentor for the Project Engineers, both within and outside the Project; identify and develop 3 potential successors to your Senior Engineer post, one of which should be outside your immediate line management chain. • Define the Project domain-specific engineering competences (SQEP2). • Ensure Role Profiles for Engineering posts are identified and implemented, and SQEP levels and Professional Registrations are recorded and properly managed. • Identify and raise to the Chief Engineer emerging or future skills requirements associated with anticipated technology trends that might benefit from being developed outside of the Project delivery plan. Risks • Identify and manage Project Engineering Risks & Issues, escalating them to the Project Manager and the Chief Engineer as required - especially if they may be cross-cutting to a 1 Accountability, hence Accountable. The requirement for a Post Holder to account to their Line Superior for effective and economic achievement of all their Purposes. Accountability is the exact reciprocal of Line Authority, which acts downwards organisationally. 2 To include Management of Quality, Safety and Technology Management. 3 Responsible, hence Responsibility: liable to be called upon to answer (to); answerable (for); morally answerable (for); governed by a sense of Responsibility; and trustworthy. Responsibility and Accountability frequently are confused: the latter is specific and always used in Systematic Management to define the duty owed by a Post Holder to the Line Superior. number of Projects. • Ensure that the Project has a visible escalation chain for the resolution and reporting of Engineering Risks and Issues that cannot be managed at Project level. Learning from Experience (LFE) • Develop a culture of reflection amongst the engineering cadre by engaging in LFE activities, and offering up ‘Good Practice’ examples at relevant forums/meetings. Represent the PE • Define an annual objective that reflects the functional responsibilities to the Chief Engineer. • Attend meetings and committees as delegated by the Chief Engineer. Qualification Requirements: Experience Requirements: As a minimum, the Senior Engineer is an Incorporated Engineer registered with the Engineering Council and a Member of a Professional Engineering Institution. Ideally, the Senior Engineer is a Chartered Engineer and possesses a Masters Degree in a relevant engineering subject. As a minimum, the Senior Engineer has 3 years of engineering knowledge and expertise. Ideally, the Senior Engineer will have 5 years of engineering knowledge and expertise, and they are a LoD / LoA holder. Key Competencies Expected Number Title Level ESF1.1 Understanding the Engineering Context P ESF2.3 Analysing Different Solutions E ESF3.2 Integrating and Managing Interfaces E ESF5.1 Integration of Specialism P ESF5.2 Engineering Planning and Review P ESF5.3 Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk E ESF5.4 Applying Policy and Standards P Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Expert (E) Practitioner (SP) Level: It is expected that the Senior Engineer is at Practitioner level for 8 of the other ESF competencies as a minimum. This is a Governance Role and so SQEP1 requirements should not be tailored. Relevant Training Mandatory or Code Course Desirable Introduction to WOME (On-line) D System Safety M OME Intermediate M OME MSc – dependant upon the complexity of the D platform/WOME interface Project Orientated Environmental Management Systems M (POEMS) Engineering Development Course D Additional Courses TBD D Role Title: Head of Specialism – WOME Science and Technology WOME1 Specialist Scientist/Technologists are subject matter experts who provide direct advice and guidance on the scientific and technical aspects of OME safety and suitability to Stakeholders within and outside DE&S. This knowledge is applied at all stages of the CADMID cycle; in particular to safety, performance, storage and transport, and operational deployments. WOME Scientists and Technologists develop policy, standards and guidance for the DE&S and wider customers, both UK and internationally, and initiate research and experimental programmes to support these activities. They play a key role in informing, shaping and contributing to the DE&S wider MOD technology development as a part of the overall Weapons Domain Business Strategy. They provide technology assurance to D Weapons and D S&E. They are a recognised authority with a unique skills/knowledge that is highly valued by the Domain, and are referred to by the Project Engineer in high risk / high complexity situations. Specialism within the domain include: • Energetic Materials • WOME Risk Assessment • Electrical Safety and RADHAZ • Munition Life Assessment • Statistics and Modelling • Munition Vulnerability Head of Specialism – WOME Science and Technology is responsible for leading the promotion of the professional identity of WOME Science and Technology specialists, and the skills development of those scientists/engineers/practitioners. They are additionally responsible to D Tech for the provision of Policy, Rules and Guidance for WOME Science and Technology. HoS WOME Science and Technology aids Principle Engineers in identifying and supplying Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel (SQEP) to fulfil roles within the Operating Centres. . Grade Range: Minimum B2 / OF4, but ideally B1 / OF5 Responsibilities Engineering Strategy • Champion the implementation of the DE&S Engineering Strategy, and related strategies (including Safety and Environment, Management of Quality, Standardization and Technology Management). • Provide specialist Policy, Rules and Guidance for WOME Science and Technology. Structure • Provide advice to the DE&S on WOME Science and Technology policy, rules and guidance to ensure that repeatable successful outcomes are achieved. • Where appropriate, provide specialist resources to the PEs to assist them in achieving the required engineering deliverables. Skills Development • Proactively ensure that the WOC attains the correct levels of specialist SQEP2 for its engineers/practitioners. • Sponsor a Specialist Functional Competence Framework and associated Training 1 One of 6 domain areas (also known as ‘Engineering System Anchors’): Land, Maritime, Air, Nuclear, WOME, C4ISTAR. • • • • Portfolios to establish and maintain SQEP2 competences. Act as a mentor for functional specialists; identify and develop 3 potential successors to HoS post, one of which should be outside immediate line management chain. Develop initial and continuous professional development programmes (including Training Needs Analysis). Encourage professional registration. Providing advice and input from a functional specialist perspective on future skills and manpower planning for OC workforce planning. Risks • Identify and manage risks & opportunities to the attainment and maintenance of SQEP2 in WOME Vulnerability Learning from Experience (LFE) • Develop a culture of reflection amongst the science and engineering cadre by engaging in LFE activities, and offering up ‘Good Practice’ examples at relevant forums/meetings. Representation • Attend the Engineering Committee as a Full Member • As required, represent the functional specialism externally with the professional institutes, academia, and pan-defence. As a minimum be a Chartered Scientist or Engineer registered with the Science or Engineering Councils and be a Member of a Professional Minimum Institution Qualification Requirements: Ideally be a Fellow with a Professional Institution and possess a Masters Degree in a relevant subject. As a minimum, the HoS has 6 years experience with 3 years of specialismMinimum specific experience. Experience Ideally, the HoS has 8 years experience with 5 years of specialism-specific Requirements: experience. Key Competencies Number Title ESF 1.1 Understanding the Engineering Context E ESF 2.3 Analysing Different Solutions P ESF 3.2 Integrating and Managing Interfaces P ESF 5.1 Integration of Specialism E ESF 5.2 Engineering Planning and Review P ESF 5.3 Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk P ESF 5.4 Applying Policy and Standards E S&EPF 1 Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical E expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge E S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession E S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others E Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Expert (E) Practitioner (SP) It is expected that the Head of Specialism is at Level: • Expert level for WOME Domain scientist/technologist competences; • Practitioner level for all the other ESF competencies as a minimum. This is a Governance Role and so SQEP1 requirements are not tailored. Relevant Training Code Course Engineering Development Course Additional Courses TBD Mandatory or Desirable D D Role Title: Head of Specialism – Electro-explosives and Fuzing Electro-explosives and Fuzing is concerned with the understanding of initiation/firing systems and components, the application in WOME1 and their response to external environmental effects in order to assure the intended and safe operation across the manufacture to target or disposal sequence. This specialism necessitates in-depth understanding of the operation of these systems, the technologies employed, and the response to both intended and inadvertent initiation or firing stimuli. Accordingly it requires thorough knowledge of potential sources of inadvertent initiation, the hazards posed by external environmental effects and practicable mitigation techniques and measures. This knowledge is applied at all stages of the CADMID cycle. Head of Specialism – Electro-explosives and Fuzing is responsible to Head of Specialism WOME Science and Technology for leading the promotion of the professional identity of Electro-explosives and Fuzing specialists, and the skills development of those scientists/engineers/practitioners. They are additionally responsible to D Weapons and D Tech for the provision of Policy, Rules and Guidance for Electro-explosives and Fuzing. HoS Electro-explosives and Fuzing aids Principle Engineers in identifying and supplying Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel (SQEP) to fulfil roles within the Operating Centres. Grade Range: Minimum B2 / OF4, but ideally B1 / OF5 Responsibilities Engineering Strategy • Champion the implementation of the DE&S Engineering Strategy, and related strategies (including Safety and Environment, Management of Quality, Standardization and Technology Management). • Provide specialist Policy, Rules and Guidance for Electro-explosives and Fuzing. Structure • Provide advice to the DE&S on Electro-explosives and Fuzing policy, rules and guidance to ensure that repeatable successful outcomes are achieved. • Where appropriate, provide specialist resources to the PEs to assist them in achieving the required engineering deliverables. Skills Development • Proactively ensure that the WOC attains the correct levels of specialist SQEP2 for its engineers/practitioners. • Sponsor a Specialist Functional Competence Framework and associated Training Portfolios to establish and maintain SQEP2 competences. • Act as a mentor for functional specialists; identify and develop 3 potential successors to HoS post, one of which should be outside immediate line management chain. • Develop initial and continuous professional development programmes (including Training Needs Analysis). • Encourage professional registration. • Providing advice and input from a functional specialist perspective on future skills and manpower planning for WOC workforce planning. Risks • Identify and manage risks and opportunities to the attainment and maintenance of SQEP2 in WOME Electro-explosives and Fuzing 1 One of 6 domain areas (also known as ‘Engineering System Anchors’): Land, Maritime, Air, Nuclear, WOME, C4ISTAR. Learning from Experience (LFE) • Develop a culture of reflection amongst the science and engineering cadre by engaging in LFE activities, and offering up ‘Good Practice’ examples at relevant forums/meetings. Representation • Attend the Engineering Committee as a Full Member • As required, represent the functional specialism externally with the professional institutes, academia, and pan-defence. Master degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism. Minimum Fellow of a Professional Institution directly relevant to specialism. Qualification Registered Chartered Engineer/Scientist with the Engineering/Science Requirements: Councils, or equivalent. As a minimum, the HoS has 6 years experience with 3 years of specialismMinimum specific experience. Experience Ideally, the HoS has 8 years experience with 5 years of specialism-specific Requirements: experience. Key Competencies Expected Number Title Level ESF 1.1 Understanding the Engineering Context E ESF 2.3 Analysing Different Solutions P ESF 3.2 Integrating and Managing Interfaces P ESF 5.1 Integration of Specialism E ESF 5.2 Engineering Planning & Review P ESF 5.3 Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk P ESF 5.4 Applying Policy and Standards E Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical E S&EPF 1 expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge E Understanding and complying with statutory requirements and E S&EPF 3 standards S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession E S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others E SYSSAF 2 Complies with the principles of System Safety management. P Adoption of a safety risk management process consistent with E SYSSAF 4 the level of safety risk. Complies with MOD requirements for System Safety P SYSSAF 3 Management through life, monitoring arrangements, and required documentation. Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Expert (E) Practitioner (SP) It is expected that the Head of Specialism is at Level: • Practitioner level for all the other ESF competencies as a minimum. This is a Governance Role and so SQEP1 requirements should not be tailored. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable Engineering Development Course M Role Title: Head of Specialism – Energetic Materials Energetic Materials is concerned with the understanding of energetic materials, including propellants, explosives and pyrotechnics in historic, current and future weapons systems, their application in WOME1 and their response to environmental effects, in order to assure their safety and suitability for service across the manufacture to target or disposal sequence. This specialism necessitates in-depth understanding and practical experience of Energetic Materials, their manufacture, testing, evaluation and application in WOME. This knowledge is applied at all stages of the CADMID cycle, in particular through Qualification of Energetic Materials in accordance with the requirements of STANAG 4170, and UN Classification of Explosives for Storage and Transportation. Competence in performance of these duties is essential to the regulation and management of all OME in MOD custody. Head of Specialism – Energetic Materials is responsible to Head of Specialism WOME Science and Technology for leading the promotion of the professional identity of Energetic Materials specialists, and the skills development of those scientists/engineers/practitioners. HoS Energetic Materials is additionally responsible to D Weapons and D Tech for the provision of Policy, Rules and Guidance for Energetic Materials. HoS Energetic Materials aids Principal Engineers in identifying and supplying Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel (SQEP2) to fulfil roles within the Operating Centres. Grade Range: Minimum B2 / OF4, but ideally B1 / OF5 Responsibilities Engineering Strategy • Champion the implementation of the DE&S Engineering Strategy, and related strategies (including Safety and Environment, Management of Quality, Standardization and Technology Management). • Provide specialist Policy, Rules and Guidance for Energetic Materials. Structure • Provide advice to the DE&S on Energetic Materials policy, rules and guidance to ensure that repeatable successful outcomes are achieved. • Where appropriate, provide specialist resources to the PEs to assist them in achieving the required engineering deliverables. Skills Development • Proactively ensure that the WOC attains the correct levels of specialist SQEP2 for its engineers/practitioners. • Sponsor a Specialist Functional Competence Framework and associated Training Portfolios to establish and maintain SQEP2 competences. • Act as a mentor for functional specialists; identify and develop 3 potential successors to HoS post, one of which should be outside immediate line management chain. • Develop initial and continuous professional development programmes (including Training Needs Analysis). • Encourage professional registration of appropriate bodies such as the Royal Society of Chemistry and/or the Institute of Explosive Engineers. • Providing advice and input from a functional specialist perspective on future skills and manpower planning for WOC workforce planning. Risks • Identify and manage risks and opportunities to the attainment and maintenance of SQEP2 in WOME Energetic Materials 1 One of 6 domain areas (also known as ‘Engineering System Anchors’): Land, Maritime, Air, Nuclear, WOME, C4ISTAR. Learning from Experience (LFE) • Develop a culture of reflection amongst the science and engineering cadre by engaging in LFE activities, and offering up ‘Good Practice’ examples at relevant forums/meetings. Representation • Attend the Engineering Committee as a Full Member • As required, represent the functional specialism externally with the professional institutes, academia, and pan-defence. Master degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism. Minimum Fellow of a Professional Institution directly relevant to specialism. Qualification Registered Chartered Engineer/Scientist with the Engineering/Science Requirements: Councils, or equivalent. As a minimum, the HoS has 6 years experience with 3 years of specialismMinimum specific experience. Experience Ideally, the HoS has 8 years experience with 5 years of specialism-specific Requirements: experience. Key Competencies Expected Number Title Level ESF 1.1 Understanding the Engineering Context E ESF 2.3 Analysing Different Solutions P ESF 3.2 Integrating and Managing Interfaces P ESF 5.1 Integration of Specialism E ESF 5.2 Engineering Planning & Review P ESF 5.3 Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk P ESF 5.4 Applying Policy & Standards E Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical E S&EPF 1 expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge E Understanding and complying with statutory requirements and E S&EPF 3 standards S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession E S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others E Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Expert (E) Practitioner (SP) It is expected that the Head of Specialism is at Level: • Practitioner level for all the other ESF competencies as a minimum. This is a Governance Role and so SQEP1 requirements should not be tailored. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable Engineering Development Course M Role Title: Head of Specialism – WOME Life Assessment 1 WOME Life Assessment is concerned with estimating the safe life of munitions after exposure to the environments they might encounter in service. It involves understanding both mechanical and climatic environments and how the structure and materials of munitions might respond to those environments. This requires knowledge of the methods for measuring and analysing the environments, and testing those environments in a controlled but representative manner. This includes understanding how the design and any packaging might both affect and be affected by those environments. This knowledge is applied at all stages of the CADMID cycle and includes assessing Safety and Suitability for Service and In Service Surveillance. Head of Specialism – WOME Life Assessment is responsible to Head of Specialism WOME Science and Technology for leading the promotion of the professional identity of WOME Life Assessment specialists, and the skills development of those scientists/engineers/practitioners. They are additionally responsible to D Tech for the provision of Policy, Rules & Guidance for WOME Life Assessment. HoS WOME Life Assessment aids Principle Engineers in identifying and supplying Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel (SQEP) to fulfil roles within the Operating Centres. . Minimum B2 / OF4, but ideally B1 / OF5 Grade Range: Responsibilities Engineering Strategy • Champion the implementation of the DE&S Engineering Strategy, and related strategies (including Safety and Environment, Management of Quality, Standardization and Technology Management). • Provide specialist Policy, Rules and Guidance for WOME Life Assessment. Structure • Provide advice to the DE&S on WOME Life Assessment policy, rules and guidance to ensure that repeatable successful outcomes are achieved. • Where appropriate, provide specialist resources to the PEs to assist them in achieving the required engineering deliverables. Skills Development • Proactively ensure that the WOC attains the correct levels of specialist SQEP2 for its engineers/practitioners. • Sponsor a Specialist Functional Competence Framework and associated Training Portfolios to establish and maintain SQEP2 competences. • Act as a mentor for functional specialists; identify and develop 3 potential successors to HoS post, one of which should be outside immediate line management chain. • Develop initial and continuous professional development programmes (including Training Needs Analysis). • Encourage professional registration. • Providing advice and input from a functional specialist perspective on future skills and manpower planning for OC workforce planning. Risks 1 One of 6 domain areas (also known as ‘Engineering System Anchors’): Land, Maritime, Air, Nuclear, WOME, C4ISTAR. • Identify and manage risks and opportunities to the attainment and maintenance of SQEP2 in WOME Vulnerability Learning from Experience (LFE) • Develop a culture of reflection amongst the science and engineering cadre by engaging in LFE activities, and offering up ‘Good Practice’ examples at relevant forums/meetings. Representation • Attend the Engineering Committee as a Full Member • As required, represent the functional specialism externally with the professional institutes, academia, and pan-defence. Minimum Qualification Requirements: As a minimum be a Chartered Scientist or Engineer registered with the Science or Engineering Councils, and be a Member of a Professional Institution. Ideally be a Fellow with a Professional Institution and possess a Masters Degree in a relevant subject. As a minimum, the HoS has 6 years experience with 3 years of specialism-specific Minimum experience. Experience Ideally, the HoS has 8 years experience with 5 years of specialism-specific Requirements: experience. Key Competencies Number Title ESF 1.1 Understanding the Engineering Context E ESF 2.3 Analysing Different Solutions P ESF 3.2 ESF 5.1 ESF 5.2 ESF 5.3 ESF 5.4 S&EPF 1 S&EPF 2 S&EPF 4 S&EPF 5 Integrating and Managing Interfaces Integration of Specialism Engineering Planning and Review Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk Applying Policy and Standards Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical expertise Applying scientific and technical knowledge Sustaining and developing the profession Overseeing the technical work of others Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Practitioner (SP) P E P P E E E E E Expert (E) It is expected that the Head of Specialism is at Level: • Expert level for WOME Life assessment Specialist competences; • Practitioner level for WOME Domain scientist/technologist competences; • Practitioner level for all the other ESF competencies as a minimum. This is a Governance Role and so SQEP1 requirements are not tailored. Relevant Training Code Course Engineering Development Course Mandatory or Desirable D Role Title: Head of Specialism – Ordnance Risk Assessment Ordnance Risk Assessment specialists are subject matter experts who provide scientific and technical advice and guidance for all aspects of explosives safety and risk assessment to stakeholders within and outside DE&S, including DOSG Safety Advisors, Project Teams (within and outside the WOC), Front Line Commands (FLC), DSTL, Industry and other Government departments, Nuclear Weapons Regulator and the Defence Ordnance Safety Regulator (DOSR), the Explosives Storage and Transport Committee (ESTC) and Defence Munitions (DM). This specialism requires extensive expertise in explosives science and technology, ammunition design, explosives use, explosives effects, consequence analysis, numerical simulation, Preliminary Risk Identification (PRI), Threat, Hazard And Risk Assessment (THARA), Hazard and Operability Studies (HazOps), site safety and Technical Assessments (TA), Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), nuclear weapon safety, Radiological Risk Assessment (RRA), explosives trials specification/management and Military Operations. Head of Specialism – Ordnance Risk Assessment is responsible to Head of Specialism WOME1 Science and Technology for leading the promotion of the professional identity of Ordnance Risk Assessment specialists, and the skills development of those scientists/engineers/practitioners. They are additionally responsible to D Weapons and D Tech for the provision of Policy, Rules and Guidance for Ordnance Risk Assessment. Head of Specialism – Ordnance Risk Assessment aids Principle Engineers in identifying and supplying Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel (SQEP) to fulfil roles within the Operating Centres. Grade Range: Minimum B2 / OF4, but ideally B1 / OF5 Responsibilities Engineering Strategy • Champion the implementation of the DE&S Engineering Strategy, and related strategies (including Safety and Environment, Management of Quality, Standardization and Technology Management). • Provide specialist Policy, Rules and Guidance for Ordnance Risk Assessment. Structure • Provide advice to the DE&S on Ordnance Risk Assessment policy, rules and guidance to ensure that repeatable successful outcomes are achieved. • Where appropriate, provide specialist resources to the PEs to assist them in achieving the required engineering deliverables. Skills Development • Proactively ensure that the WOC attains the correct levels of specialist SQEP2 for its engineers/practitioners. • Sponsor a Specialist Functional Competence Framework and associated Training Portfolios to establish and maintain SQEP2 competences. • Act as a mentor for functional specialists; identify and develop 3 potential successors to HoS post, one of which should be outside immediate line management chain. • Develop initial and continuous professional development programmes (including Training Needs Analysis). • Encourage professional registration. • Providing advice and input from a functional specialist perspective on future skills and manpower planning for WOC workforce planning. Risks • Identify and manage risks & opportunities to the attainment and maintenance of SQEP2 in Ordnance Risk Assessment. 1 One of 6 domain areas (also known as ‘Engineering System Anchors’): Land, Maritime, Air, Nuclear, WOME, C4ISTAR. Learning from Experience (LFE) • Develop a culture of reflection amongst the science and engineering cadre by engaging in LFE activities, and offering up ‘Good Practice’ examples at relevant forums/meetings. Representation • Attend the Engineering Committee as a Full Member • As required, represent the functional specialism externally with the professional institutes, academia, and pan-defence. Master degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism. Minimum Fellow of a Professional Institution directly relevant to specialism. Qualification Registered Chartered Engineer/Scientist with the Engineering/Science Requirements: Council, or equivalent. As a minimum, the HoS has 6 years experience with 3 years of specialismMinimum specific experience. Experience Ideally, the HoS has 8 years experience with 5 years of specialism-specific Requirements: experience. Key Competencies Expected Number Title Level ESF 1.1 Understanding the Engineering Context E ESF 2.3 Analysing Different Solutions P ESF 3.2 Integrating and Managing Interfaces P ESF 5.1 Integration of Specialisms E ESF 5.2 Engineering Planning and Review P ESF 5.3 Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk P ESF 5.4 Applying Policy and Standards E Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical E S&EPF 1 expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge E Understanding and complying with statutory requirements and E S&EPF 3 standards S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession E S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others E Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Expert (E) Practitioner (SP) It is expected that the Head of Specialism is at Level: • Practitioner level for all the other ESF competencies as a minimum. This is a Governance Role and so SQEP1 requirements should not be tailored. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable Engineering Development Course M Role Title: Head of Specialism – Statistics and Modelling WOME Statistics and Modelling is concerned with developing and applying statistical methodology and advanced modelling techniques to a range of weapons safety applications, including explosion effects, ballistics, fragmentation and ranges. The WOME Statistics and Modelling specialist employs a wide range of techniques to assess and characterize weapon and explosion effects to support project and site safety assessments. This includes trials design and support, data analysis and specialist technical assessments Head of Specialism – Statistics and Modelling is responsible to Head of Specialism WOME Science and Technology for leading the promotion of the professional identity of Statistics and Modelling specialists, and the skills development of those scientists/engineers/practitioners. They are additionally responsible to D Weapons and D Tech for the provision of Policy, Rules & Guidance for Statistics and Modelling. Head of Specialism – Statistics and Modelling aids Principle Engineers in identifying and supplying Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel (SQEP) to fulfil roles within the Operating Centres. Grade Range: Minimum B2 / OF4, but ideally B1 / OF5 Responsibilities Engineering Strategy • Champion the implementation of the DE&S Engineering Strategy, and related strategies (including Safety and Environment, Management of Quality, Standardization and Technology Management). • Provide specialist Policy, Rules and Guidance for Statistics and Modelling. Structure • Provide advice to the DE&S on Statistics and Modelling policy, rules and guidance to ensure that repeatable successful outcomes are achieved. • Where appropriate, provide specialist resources to the PEs to assist them in achieving the required engineering deliverables. Skills Development • Proactively ensure that the WOC attains the correct levels of specialist SQEP2 for its engineers/practitioners. • Sponsor a Specialist Functional Competence Framework and associated Training Portfolios to establish and maintain SQEP2 competences. • Act as a mentor for functional specialists; identify and develop 3 potential successors to HoS post, one of which should be outside immediate line management chain. • Develop initial and continuous professional development programmes (including Training Needs Analysis). • Encourage professional registration. • Providing advice and input from a functional specialist perspective on future skills and manpower planning for WOC workforce planning. Risks • Identify and manage risks and opportunities to the attainment and maintenance of SQEP2 in Statistics and Modelling. Learning from Experience (LFE) • Develop a culture of reflection amongst the science and engineering cadre by engaging in LFE activities, and offering up ‘Good Practice’ examples at relevant forums/meetings. Representation • Attend the Engineering Committee as a Full Member • As required, represent the functional specialism externally with the professional institutes, academia, and pan-defence. Master degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism. Minimum Fellow of a Professional Institution directly relevant to specialism. Qualification Registered Chartered Engineer/Scientist with the Engineering/Science Requirements: Council, or equivalent. As a minimum, the HoS has 6 years experience with 3 years of specialismMinimum specific experience. Experience Ideally, the HoS has 8 years experience with 5 years of specialism-specific Requirements: experience. Key Competencies Expected Number Title Level ESF 1.1 Understanding the Engineering Context E ESF 2.3 Analysing Different Solutions P ESF 3.2 Integrating and Managing Interfaces P ESF 5.1 Integration of Specialisms E ESF 5.2 Engineering Planning & Review P ESF 5.3 Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk P ESF 5.4 Applying Policy and Standards E Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical E S&EPF 1 expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge E Understanding and complying with statutory requirements and E S&EPF 3 standards S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession E S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others E Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Expert (E) Practitioner (SP) It is expected that the Head of Specialism is at Level: • Practitioner level for all the other ESF competencies as a minimum. This is a Governance Role and so SQEP1 requirements should not be tailored. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable Engineering Development Course M Role Title: Head of Specialism – WOME Vulnerability WOME Vulnerability is a concerned with the scientific understanding of the responses of munitions to unplanned stimuli, both accidental and arising from deliberate acts. It requires knowledge of how explosives, propellants and pyrotechnics respond to thermal and mechanical stimuli, the violence of the ensuing reactions, and how these are influenced by WOME design, packaging, storage and the environment. This knowledge is applied at all stages of the CADMID cycle, in particular through the formal processes of Insensitive Munitions assessment and UN Hazard Classification. Head of Specialism – WOME Vulnerability is responsible to Head of Specialism WOME Science and Technology for leading the promotion of the professional identity of WOME Vulnerability specialists, and the skills development of those scientists/engineers/practitioners. They are additionally responsible to D Tech for the provision of Policy, Rules and Guidance for WOME Vulnerability. HoS WOME Vulnerability aids Principle Engineers in identifying and supplying Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel (SQEP) to fulfil roles within the Operating Centres. . Grade Range: Minimum B2 / OF4, but ideally B1 / OF5 Responsibilities Engineering Strategy • Champion the implementation of the DE&S Engineering Strategy, and related strategies (including Safety and Environment, Management of Quality, Standardization and Technology Management). • Provide specialist Policy, Rules and Guidance for WOME Vulnerability. Structure • Provide advice to the DE&S on WOME Vulnerability policy, rules and guidance to ensure that repeatable successful outcomes are achieved. • Where appropriate, provide specialist resources to the PEs to assist them in achieving the required engineering deliverables. Skills Development • Proactively ensure that the WOC attains the correct levels of specialist SQEP2 for its engineers/practitioners. • Sponsor a Specialist Functional Competence Framework and associated Training Portfolios to establish and maintain SQEP2 competences. • Act as a mentor for functional specialists; identify and develop 3 potential successors to HoS post, one of which should be outside immediate line management chain. • Develop initial and continuous professional development programmes (including Training Needs Analysis). • Encourage professional registration. • Providing advice and input from a functional specialist perspective on future skills and manpower planning for OC workforce planning. Risks • Identify and manage risks and opportunities to the attainment and maintenance of SQEP2 in WOME Vulnerability. Learning from Experience (LFE) • Develop a culture of reflection amongst the science and engineering cadre by engaging in LFE activities, and offering up ‘Good Practice’ examples at relevant forums/meetings. Representation • Attend the Engineering Committee as a Full Member • As required, represent the functional specialism externally with the professional institutes, academia, and pan-defence. As a minimum be a Chartered Scientist or Engineer registered with the Science or Engineering Councils, and be a Member of a Professional Minimum Institution Qualification Requirements: Ideally be a Fellow with a Professional Institution and possess a Masters Degree in a relevant subject. As a minimum, the HoS has 6 years experience with 3 years of specialismMinimum specific experience. Experience Ideally, the HoS has 8 years experience with 5 years of specialism-specific Requirements: experience. Key Competencies Number Title ESF 1.1 Understanding the Engineering Context E ESF 2.3 Analysing Different Solutions P ESF 3.2 Integrating and Managing Interfaces P ESF 5.1 Integration of Specialism E ESF 5.2 Engineering Planning and Review P ESF 5.3 Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk P ESF 5.4 Applying Policy and Standards E S&EPF 1 Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical E expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge E S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession E S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others E Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Expert (E) Practitioner (SP) It is expected that the Head of Specialism is at • Expert level for WOME Vulnerability Specialist competences; Level: • Practitioner level for WOME Domain scientist/technologist competences; • Practitioner level for all the other ESF competencies as a minimum. This is a Governance Role and so SQEP1 requirements are not tailored. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable Engineering Development Course M Role Title: WOME Requirements Engineer The Requirements Engineer is responsible for the development and maintenance of system requirements throughout the lifecycle. They apply best practice to ensure that the requirements meet the capability need and are explicit, quantified and testable. They ensure the impact of all project decisions is assessed against the requirements and focus is maintained on requirements during all development, testing and acceptance activities. Grade Range: C2 to B2 Typical Responsibilities Engage with sponsors, users, SMEs, and suppliers to ensure that system requirements are correctly elicited, captured, developed and managed through to capability delivery. Maintain traceability between the capability, user requirements, system requirements and the solution throughout the extended project lifecycle. Develop and manage the Integrated Test, Evaluation and Acceptance Plan (ITEAP) to ensure that the solution meets the requirement. Manage the acceptance process understanding any deviation of the solution from the requirements and the impact of any non conformances. Support the process of requirements trading by understanding the trade space and ensuring user implications are considered during trade decisions. Engage with SMEs and other functional roles (e.g. Requirements Manager, Project Manager, Safety Manager) to optimise the requirements management process for the project. Specify the technical requirements to the Through Life Management Plan (TLMP). For all grades an ONC/BTEC (level 3) or above in an Engineering or related discipline. Ideally they should be professionally registered or working Minimum towards it at a minimum: Qualification Grade D at EngTech; Requirements: Grade C2 at IEng; Grade C1 at CEng. The minimum time expected in engineering or similar roles at: Minimum Grade C2 is 4 years; Experience Grade C1 is 5 years; Requirements: Grade is B2 6 years. Key Competencies SQEP 1 Title ESF1.1 Understanding the Engineering Context ESF1.2 Eliciting User Requirements ESF2.1 Architectural Modelling ESF2.2 Developing System Requirements ESF2.3 Analysing Different Solutions ESF3.1 Managing Suppliers’ Development of the Solution ESF3.2 Integrating and Managing Interfaces ESF5.1 Integration of Specialism SQEP 2 Title WOME Create the complex specification for explosive substances and/or articles. RDD1.1 WOME Assimilate and evaluate the information on explosive substances and/or RDD1.3 WOME RDD1.6 WOME RDD1.13 WOME T&E3.1 WOME SM2.3 articles. Prepare the research strategy for explosive substances and/or articles. Evaluate and document complex research and findings on explosive substances and/or articles. Establish the performance criteria for explosive substances. Review the factors affecting the safety of specific explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.4 Analyse the acceptability of safety control measures for specific explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.8 Analyse and identify aggregated hazards and risks for explosives. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable Introduction to WOME (On-line) D OSRP M WOME Intermediate M Engineering Development Course M Additional Courses TBD D WOME Equipments (specific to job) D OME Symposium D Role Title: WOME In Service Engineer The WOME In Service Engineer provides support or leadership on the technical aspects of the in-service phase. They seek to apply engineering best practice, ensure that all stakeholders are effectively managed throughout the engineering activities, involve specialists as required and actively consider safety implications before making decisions. D to B2 Grade Range: Typical Responsibilities Provide technical support through life to the User and other projects, involving and interfacing with Suppliers and specialists as required. Take responsibility to deliver delegated technical work packages, making sure that safety aspects are considered. Work with Users and Suppliers to ensure the overarching capability is realised to its full potential. Minimise and manage the risk to availability, whilst ensuring that the solution remains safe and fit for purpose through life. Manage the obsolescence of components, and ensure that the solution is properly disposed of (or terminated) when appropriate. Follow DE&S guidance on applying a common engineering approach, ensuring the impact of deviation is understood. Support the equipment safety case by referring all build standard changes to the safety case owner. For all grades an ONC/BTEC (level 3) or above in an Engineering or related discipline. Ideally they should be professionally registered or working Minimum towards it at a minimum: Qualification Grade D at EngTech; Requirements: Grade C2 at IEng; Grade C1 at CEng. The minimum time expected in engineering or similar roles at: Grade D is 1 year; Minimum Grade C2 is 2 years; Experience Requirements: Grade C1 is 3 years; Grade is B2 5 years. Key Competencies SQEP 1 Title ESF3.4 Designing for Support ESF4.1 Delivering Support ESF4.2 Maintaining the Solution ESF4.3 Maintenance Planning ESF4.4 Providing Engineering Advice and Guidance ESF5.1 Integration of Specialism SQEP 2 Title WOME SM2.3 Review the factors affecting the safety of specific explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.4 Analyse the acceptability of safety control measures for specific explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.7 Implement the organisational safety policy and/or strategy for explosives. WOME SM2.8 Analyse and identify aggregated hazards and risks for explosives. WOME SM2.9 Determine and implement aggregated risk control measures for explosives. WOME SM2.12 Investigate explosives-related safety incidents. WOME TE3.1 Establish the performance criteria for explosive substances and/or articles. WOME TE3.18 Evaluate the results of trials of explosive substances and/or articles. WOME Provide explosives-related technical input to assist in identifying potential PROC6.5 suppliers and/or articles. Relevant Training Mandatory or Code Course Desirable Introduction to WOME (On-line) D OSRP M WOME Intermediate M Engineering Development Course M Additional Courses TBD D WOME Equipments (specific to job) D OME Symposium D Role Title: WOME Project Engineer The Project Engineer provides support or leadership in the development of the technical solution to meet the customer capability needs. They ensure that the solution is successfully integrated into the current enterprise whilst managing and minimising negative impacts. They seek to apply engineering best practice and ensure that all stakeholders are effectively managed throughout the engineering activities. They involve specialists as required and actively consider performance, safety and quality implications before making decisions. D to B2 Grade Range: Typical Responsibilities When making technical decisions ensure that performance, time, cost, risk and safety factors are taken into consideration. Discuss and agree system design solutions with Suppliers and ensure that the inherent technical risks associated with them are understood and managed. Ensure the solution integrates into defence and manage the system boundaries and interfaces by identifying, engaging and managing specialists as required. Follow all applicable engineering standards, legislation, policy and guidance, ensuring that where there is deviation, the impact understood, planned and managed. Specify the technical and integration aspects in contracts. Specify the technical and integration aspects in the Through Life Management Plan (TLMP) ensuring that all Defence Lines of Development (DLoDs) are addressed. Work with the Project Manager and other engineers to identify the technical stakeholders and ensure that they are identified, engaged and managed throughout the engineering activities. For all grades an ONC/BTEC (level 3) or above in an Engineering or related discipline. Ideally they should be professionally registered or Minimum working towards it at a minimum: Qualification Grade D at EngTech; Requirements: Grade C2 at IEng; Grade C1 at CEng. The minimum time expected in engineering or similar roles at: Grade D is 1 year; Minimum Grade C2 is 2 years; Experience Requirements: Grade C1 is 3 years; Grade is B2 5 years. Key Competencies SQEP1 Title ESF2.3 Analysing Different Solutions ESF3.1 Managing Suppliers’ Development of the Solution ESF3.2 Integrating and Managing Interfaces ESF3.3 Understanding Supplier Capability and Capacity ESF5.1 Integration of Specialism ESF5.3 Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk SQEP2 Title SE1.3 Systems Thinking – Enterprise and Technology Environment WOME PM6.1 Identify the requirement and specification for explosive substances and/or articles. Define the procurement strategy for explosive substances and/or articles. Contribute to the identification of the requirement and specification for explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM 2.4 Analyse the acceptability of safety control measures for specific explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM 2.8 Analyse and identify aggregated hazards and risks for explosives. WOME SM 2.11 Develop emergency response systems and procedures for explosives safety. Relevant Training Mandatory or Code Course Desirable Introduction to WOME (On-line) D Engineering Development Course M System Safety Awareness M System Safety In Action M System Safety Practitioner M System Safety Process Manager M Project Orientated Environmental Management M Systems (POEMS) OME MSc – dependant upon the complexity of the D platform/WOME interface Additional Courses TBD D WOME PM6.2 WOME PM6.3 Role Title: WOME Domain Scientist/Technologist The WOME1 Specialist Scientist/Technologist is a subject matter expert who provides direct advice and guidance on the scientific and technical aspects of OME to Stakeholders within and outside of DE&S. This knowledge is applied at all stages of the CADMID cycle; in particular to safety, performance, storage and transport, and operational deployments. WOME Scientists and Technologists develop policy, standards and guidance for DE&S and wider customers, both UK and internationally, and initiate research and experimental programmes to support these activities. They play a key role in informing, shaping and contributing to the DE&S wider MOD technology development as a part of the overall Weapons Domain Business Strategy. They provide technology assurance to D Weapons and D S&E. They are recognised authorities with unique skills/knowledge that is highly valued by the Domain, and are referred to by the Project Engineer in high risk / high complexity situations. Specialism within the domain include: • Energetic Materials • OME Risk Assessment • Electrical Safety and RADHAZ • Munition Life Assessment • Statistics and Modelling • Munition Vulnerability Grade Range: D to B1 Typical Responsibilities Provides advice and support on matters relating to their specialism. Defines and develops their Domain specialism and ensures consistency across DE&S. Identifies and manages common issues, risks and opportunities associated with their specialism across DE&S as appropriate, taking account of events and trends outside of DE&S, eg in industry and academia. Collaborates with others to promote their specialism as appropriate across DE&S. Band D - an ONC/BTEC (level 3) or above in a relevant scientific, mathematical or engineering discipline. They affiliated to a relevant professionally body and registered as Eng Tech or equivalent. Band C2 – An Honours degree in a relevant scientific, mathematical or engineering discipline. Member of a relevant professional body and Minimum registered as Incorporated Engineer or equivalent. Qualification Band C1 – A Masters degree relevant scientific, mathematical or Requirements: engineering discipline. Chartered scientist, engineer, or relevant profession. NOTE – the minimum requirements for each level are expected to be achieved by those working at the level below within 3 years of entry to that level. The minimum time working in your specialised field at: Band D - 2 years in MOD/Industry or 3 years undergraduate study; Minimum Band C2 - 4 years; Experience Requirements: Band C1 - 5 years; Band B2 - 6 years. Key Competencies Number Title 1 One of 6 domain areas (also known as ‘Engineering System Anchors’): Land, Maritime, Air, Nuclear, WOME, C4ISTAR. S&EPF 1 Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others WOME: RD&D Prepare the research strategy for explosive substances and/or articles 1.6 WOME: RD&D Gather and Interpret Information 1.4 WOME GEN Provide technical or safety advice and/or guidance to others on explosives, 13.9 Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable Engineering Development Course M WOME Intermediate M Technical Report Writing (IET) M DOSG Safety Advisors Course M Role Title: WOME Specialist - Electro-explosives & Fuzing Electro-explosives and Fuzing is concerned with the understanding of initiation/firing systems and components, the application in WOME and their response to external environmental effects in order to assure the intended and safe operation across the manufacture to target or disposal sequence. This specialism necessitates in-depth understanding of the operation of these systems, the technologies employed, and the response to both intended and inadvertent initiation or firing stimuli. Accordingly it requires thorough knowledge of potential sources of inadvertent initiation, the hazards posed by external environmental effects and practicable mitigation techniques and measures. This knowledge is applied at all stages of the CADMID cycle. The WOME1 Specialist - Electro-explosives and Fuzing is a subject matter expert who: • Provides direct advice and guidance on the technical aspects of and safety assurance for Electro-explosives and Fuzing to Stakeholders within and outside the DE&S. • Develops Electro-explosives and Fuzing policy, standards and guidance for the DE&S and wider customers; both nationally and internationally through Defence Standards, Joint Service Publications, service specific publications, NATO, IEC and BS EN. • Initiates and manages research and experimental programmes to support these activities. • Plays a key role in informing, shaping and contributing to the DE&S wider MOD technology development as a part of the overall Weapons Domain Business Strategy. • Provides technology assurance to D Weapons and D Tech. • Is a recognised authority with unique skills/knowledge that is highly valued by the Domain*, and are referred to by the Project Engineer in high risk / high complexity situations. Grade Range: C2 to B1 Responsibilities Provides advice and support on Electro-explosives and Fuzing Defines and develops the Electro-explosives and Fuzing specialism and ensures consistency across DE&S. Identifies and manages common issues, risks and opportunities associated with Electroexplosives and Fuzing across DE&S as appropriate, taking account of events and trends outside of DE&S, eg in industry and academia. Collaborates with others to promote knowledge of Electro-explosives and Fuzing as appropriate across DE&S. Band C2: Honours degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism. Member of a Professional Institution relevant to specialism. Registered Incorporated Engineer with the Engineering Council, or equivalent. Band C1: Honours degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism, ideally Masters level or equivalent. Minimum Member of a Professional Institution relevant to specialism. Qualification Requirements: Registered Chartered Engineer/Scientist with the Engineering/Science Councils, or equivalent. Band B2/B1: Master degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism. Fellow of a Professional Institution relevant to specialism. Registered Chartered Engineer/Scientist with the Engineering/Science Councils, or equivalent. 1 One of 6 domain areas (also known as ‘Engineering System Anchors’): Land, Maritime, Air, Nuclear, WOME, C4ISTAR. NOTE – the minimum requirements for each level are expected to be achieved by those working at the level below within 3 years of entry to that level. The minimum time working in your specialised field at: Minimum Band C2 - 2 years Experience Band C1 - 3 years Requirements: Band B2 - 5 years Key Competencies Expected Number Title Level ESF 2.3 Analysing Different Solutions SP ESF 5.1 Integration of Specialism SP ESF 5.2 Engineering Planning & Review SP ESF 5.3 Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk SP ESF 5.4 Applying Policy and Standards P Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical S&EPF 1 A expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge E Understanding and complying with statutory requirements and S&EPF 3 P standards S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession A S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others SP WOME SM 2.1 Formulate national policy for ESA SP WOME SM 2.3 Review the factors affecting the safety of specific ESA. P Analyse the acceptability of safety control measures for WOME SM 2.4 SP specific ESA. WOME SM 2.8 Analyse and identify aggregated hazards and risks for ESA A WOME T&E Establish the performance criteria for ESA. SP 3.1 WOME T&E Manage the trial of ESA. A 3.10 WOME T&E Evaluate the results of trials of ESA. SP 3.17 WOME GEN Provide technical or safety advice and/or guidance to others P 13.9 on ESA Formulate policy and standards for E3 aspects of MOD EM1 SP acquisition cycle Implementation of policy and standards, creation of strategies EM2 and control plans for E3 dependencies of MOD acquisition P cycle. EM3 Technical authority, advice and guidance on E3 SP Support guidance and advice on E3 assessment and EM4 SP technical investigations Contribute to the improvement of scientific and technical EM5 SP knowledge and practice of E3 Compliance with MOD policy and instructions, legislation, and SYSSAF 1 A procedures that apply to the management of system safety. SYSSAF 2 Complies with the principles of System Safety management. A Adoption of a safety risk management process consistent with SYSSAF 4 A the level of safety risk. SYSSAF 3 Complies with MOD requirements for System Safety A Management through life, monitoring arrangements, and required documentation. Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Expert (E) Practitioner (SP) Level: It is expected that the WOME Specialist - Electro-explosives & Fuzing is: • Working towards supervised practitioner level for all the other ESF competencies. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable Engineering Development Course M EMC Fundamentals of Design and Test (York EMC Services) M Lightning Protection MOD Sites (EA Technology) D Safety Critical Systems Course (The IET) M ATEX Hazardous Area Equipment, Legislation and Safe D Practice (SIRA) OME Intermediate (Cranfield University) M Lightning Protection of Aircraft (Cobham) D Explosives Foundation Course (ISSEE) D ESD Course (Electrostatic Solutions) D Technical Report Writing (IET) M Wiring Regulations - 2382 (City & Guilds) D DOSG Safety Advisors Course D Role Title: WOME Specialist – Energetic Materials Energetic Materials is concerned with the understanding of energetic materials, including propellants, explosives and pyrotechnics in historic, current and future weapons systems, their application in WOME1 and their response to environmental effects in order to assure their safety and suitability for service. This specialism necessitates in-depth understanding and practical experience of Energetic Materials, their manufacture, testing, evaluation and application in OME. This knowledge is applied at all stages of the CADMID cycle, in particular through Qualification of Energetic Materials in accordance with the requirements of STANAG 4170, and UN Classification of Explosives for Storage and Transportation. Competence in performance of these duties is essential to the regulation and management of all OME in MOD custody. The WOME Specialist - Energetic Materials is a subject matter expert who • Provides direct advice and guidance on the technical aspects and safety assurance for Energetic Materials to Stakeholders within and outside the DE&S. • Develops Energetic Materials policy, standards and guidance for the DE&S and wider customers; both nationally and internationally through Defence Standards, Joint Service Publications, service specific publications, NATO, IEC and BS EN. • Initiates and manages research and experimental programmes to support these activities. • Plays a key role in informing, shaping and contributing to the DE&S wider MOD technology development as a part of the overall Weapons Domain Business Strategy. • Provides technology assurance to D Weapons and D Tech. • Is a recognised authority with unique skills/knowledge that is highly valued by the Domain*, and are referred to by the Project Engineer in high risk / high complexity situations. Grade Range: C2 to B1 Responsibilities Provides advice and support on Energetic Materials. Defines and develops the Energetic Materials specialism and ensures consistency across DE&S. Identifies and manages common issues, risks and opportunities associated Energetic Materials across DE&S as appropriate, taking account of events and trends outside of DE&S, eg in industry and academia. Collaborates with others to promote knowledge of Energetic Materials as appropriate across DE&S. Band C2: Honours degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism. Member of a Professional Institution relevant to specialism. Registered Incorporated Engineer with the Engineering Council, or equivalent. Band C1: Honours degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism, Minimum ideally Masters level or equivalent. Qualification Member of a Professional Institution relevant to specialism. Requirements: Registered Chartered Engineer/Scientist with the Engineering/Science Councils, or equivalent. Band B2/B1: Master degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism. Fellow of a Professional Institution relevant to specialism. Registered Chartered Engineer/Scientist with the Engineering/Science 1 One of 6 domain areas (also known as ‘Engineering System Anchors’): Land, Maritime, Air, Nuclear, WOME, C4ISTAR. Councils, or equivalent. NOTE – the minimum requirements for each level are expected to be achieved by those working at the level below within 3 years of entry to that level. The minimum time working in your specialised field at: Minimum Band C2 - 2 years Experience Band C1 - 3 years Requirements: Band B2 - 5 years Key Competencies Expected Number Title Level ESF 2.3 Analysing Different Solutions SP ESF 5.1 Integration of Specialism SP ESF 5.2 Engineering Planning and Review SP ESF 5.3 Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk SP ESF 5.4 Applying Policy and Standards P Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical S&EPF 1 A expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge E Understanding and complying with statutory requirements and S&EPF 3 P standards S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession A S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others SP Compliance with MOD policy and instructions, legislation, and SYSSAF 1 A procedures that apply to the management of system safety. SYSSAF 2 Complies with the principles of System Safety management. A Adoption of a safety risk management process consistent with SYSSAF 4 A the level of safety risk. Complies with MOD requirements for System Safety SYSSAF 3 Management through life, monitoring arrangements, and A required documentation. Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Expert (E) Practitioner (SP) Level: • It is expected that the WOME Specialist - Energetic Materials is working towards supervised practitioner level for all the other ESF competencies. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable Engineering Development Course M Technical Report Writing M DOSG Safety Advisors Course D Minimum 10 (from 18) EOE MSc course modules as agreed M by HoS Role Title: WOME Specialist – Life Assessment WOME Life Assessment is concerned with estimating the safe life of munitions after exposure to the environments they might encounter in service. It involves understanding both mechanical and climatic environments and how the structure and materials of the munitions might respond to those environments. This requires knowledge of the methods for measuring and analysing the environments, and testing those environments in a controlled but representative manner. This includes understanding how the design and any packaging might both affect and be affected by those environments. This knowledge is applied at all stages of the CADMID cycle and includes assessing Safety and Suitability for Service and In Service Surveillance. The WOME1 Specialist – Life Assessment is a subject matter expert who: • Provides direct advice and guidance on the scientific and technical aspects of WOME Life Assessment and Environmental Testing to Stakeholders within and outside the DE&S; • Develops Environmental Testing, Safety and Suitability for Service and in Service Surveillance policy, standards and guidance for the DE&S and wider customers, both UK in JSP 520 and internationally through NATO; • Initiates research and experimental programmes to support these activities; • Plays a key role in informing, shaping and contributing to the DE&S wider MOD technology development as a part of the overall Weapons Domain Business Strategy; • Provides technology assurance to D Weapons and D Tech; • Is a recognised authority with unique skills/knowledge that is highly valued by the Domain, and are referred to by the Project Engineer in high risk / high complexity situations. Grade Range: C2 to B1 Typical Responsibilities Provides advice and support on WOME Life Assessment including Environmental Testing and Characterisation and Safety and Suitability for Service Assessment. Defines and develops the life assessment specialism and ensures consistency across DE&S. Identifies and manages common issues, risks and opportunities associated with WOME Life assessment across DE&S as appropriate, taking account of events and trends outside of DE&S, eg in industry and academia. Collaborates with others to promote knowledge of WOME Life Assessment as appropriate across DE&S. Band C2 – An Honours degree in a relevant scientific, mathematical or engineering discipline. Member of a relevant professional body and registered as Incorporated Engineer or equivalent. Band C1 – A Masters degree relevant scientific, mathematical or Minimum engineering discipline. Chartered scientist, engineer, or relevant profession. Qualification Requirements: NOTE – the minimum requirements for each level are expected to be achieved by those working at the level below within 3 years of entry to that level. The minimum time working in your specialised field at: Minimum Band C2 - 4 years; Experience Band C1 - 5 years; Requirements: Band B2 - 6 years. 1 One of 6 domain areas (also known as ‘Engineering System Anchors’): Land, Maritime, Air, Nuclear, WOME, C4ISTAR. Key Competencies Number Title S&EPF 1 Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others WOME: RD&D Prepare the research strategy for explosive substances and/or articles 1.6 WOME: RD&D Gather and Interpret Information 1.4 WOME GEN Provide technical or safety advice and/or guidance to others on explosives, 13.9 Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable WOME Intermediate Course D Cranfield Aerospace SST Vibration and Shock Course M Technical Report Writing (IET) M DOSG Safety Advisors Course M Role Title: WOME Specialist – Ordnance Risk Assessment Ordnance Risk Assessment specialists are subject matter experts who provide scientific and technical advice and guidance for all aspects of explosives safety and risk assessment to stakeholders within and outside DE&S, including DOSG Safety Advisors, Project Teams (within and outside the WOC), Front Line Commands (FLC), DSTL, Industry and other Government departments, Nuclear Weapons Regulator and the Defence Ordnance Safety Regulator (DOSR), the Explosives Storage and Transport Committee (ESTC) and Defence Munitions (DM). This specialism necessitates extensive expertise in explosives science and technology, ammunition design, explosives use, explosives effects, consequence analysis, numerical simulation, Preliminary Risk Identification (PRI), Threat, Hazard And Risk Assessment (THARA), Hazard and Operability Studies (HazOps), site safety and Technical Assessments (TA), Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), nuclear weapon safety, Radiological Risk Assessment (RRA), explosives trials specification/management and Military Operations. The OME1 Specialist - Ordnance Risk Assessment is a subject matter expert who; • Provides direct advice, guidance and support to MOD duty holders for conventional or nuclear weapons OME risks, assists MOD duty holders with development and content of their safety cases and undertakes expert independent peer review tasks. • Is a recognised authority with unique skills/knowledge that is highly valued by the Domain*, and is referred to by the Project Engineer or Duty Holder in high risk / high complexity situations. • Is able to provide cross-cutting advice and guidance at equipment level, platform level and site level safety cases and for all life cycle scenarios. • Develops Ordnance Risk Assessment standards and guidance for the DE&S and wider customers; both nationally and internationally through Defence Standards and Joint Service Publications. • Develops risk assessment tools and techniques for the DE&S and wider customers, both nationally and internationally. • Initiates and manages research and experimental programmes to support these activities. • Plays a key role in informing, shaping and contributing to the DE&S wider MOD technology development as a part of the overall Weapons Domain Business Strategy. • Provides technology assurance to D Weapons and D Tech. Grade Range: C2 to B1 Responsibilities Provides expert advice and support on Ordnance Risk Assessment. Defines and develops the Ordnance Risk Assessment specialism and ensures consistency across DE&S. Identifies and manages common issues, risks and opportunities associated with Ordnance Risk Assessment across DE&S as appropriate, taking account of events and trends outside of DE&S, eg in industry and academia. Collaborates with others to promote knowledge of Ordnance Risk Assessment as appropriate across DE&S. Band C2: Honours degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism. Member of a Professional Institution relevant to specialism. Minimum Holds Incorporated status with the Engineering Council, or equivalent. Qualification Requirements: Band C1: Post Graduate qualifications in a subject directly relevant to specialism, or equivalent. 1 One of 6 domain areas (also known as ‘Engineering System Anchors’): Land, Maritime, Air, Nuclear, WOME, C4ISTAR. Member of a Professional Institution relevant to specialism. Hold Chartered status with the Engineering Council, or equivalent. Band B2/B1: Post Graduate qualifications in a subject directly relevant to specialism, or equivalent. Fellow of a Professional Institution relevant to specialism. Holds Chartered status with the Engineering Council, or equivalent. NOTE – the minimum requirements for each level are expected to be achieved by those working at the level below within 3 years of entry to that level. The minimum time working in your specialised field at: Minimum Band C2 - 2 years Experience Band C1 - 3 years Requirements: Band B2 - 5 years Key Competencies Expected Number Title Level ESF 2.3 Analysing Different Solutions P ESF 5.1 Integration of Specialism P ESF 5.2 Engineering Planning and Review P ESF 5.3 Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk SP ESF 5.4 Applying Policy and Standards P Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical S&EPF 1 A expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge E Understanding and complying with statutory requirements and S&EPF 3 P standards S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession SP S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others P Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Expert (E) Practitioner (SP) Level: It is expected that the OME Specialist - Ordnance Risk Assessment is at • Working towards supervised practitioner level for all the other ESF competencies. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable Engineering Development Course M Association of Project Managers Practitioner M Explosives Ordnance Engineering MSc D NEBOSH M IOSH Diploma D Introduction to Risk Assessment M Effective Risk Management M HazOp M Human Reliability M Hazard Logs/Cassandra M Goal Structuring Notation M Bowties M Electronic Safety Cases / ASCE M System safety in Action M System Safety Process Management M System safety Practitioner OSRP Training Course DOSG Safety Advisors Course ESAMS Course M M M D Role Title: WOME Specialist – Statistics and Modelling WOME Statistics and Modelling is concerned with developing and applying statistical methodology and advanced modelling techniques to a range of weapons safety applications, including explosion effects, ballistics, fragmentation and ranges. The WOME Statistics and Modelling specialist employs a wide range of techniques to assess and characterize weapon and explosion effects to support project and site safety assessments. This includes trials design and support, data analysis and specialist technical assessments. The WOME1 Specialist - Statistics and Modelling is a subject matter expert who • Provides direct advice, guidance and support on Statistics and Modelling to Stakeholders within and outside the DE&S. • Develops Statistics and Modelling standards and guidance for the DE&S and wider customers; both nationally and internationally through Defence Standards and Joint Service Publications. • Initiates and manages research and experimental programmes to support these activities. • Plays a key role in informing, shaping and contributing to the DE&S wider MOD technology development as a part of the overall Weapons Domain Business Strategy. • Provides technology assurance to D Weapons and D Tech. • Is a recognised authority with unique skills/knowledge that is highly valued by the Domain*, and are referred to by the Project Engineer in high risk / high complexity situations. Grade Range: C2 to B1 Responsibilities Provides advice and support on Statistics and Modelling Defines and develops the WOME Statistics and Modelling specialism and ensures consistency across DE&S. Identifies and manages common issues, risks and opportunities associated with WOME Statistics and Modelling across DE&S as appropriate, taking account of events and trends outside of DE&S, eg in industry and academia. Collaborates with others to promote knowledge of WOME Statistics and Modelling as appropriate across DE&S. Band C2: Honours degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism. Member of a Professional Institution relevant to specialism. Hold Incorporated status with the Engineering Council, or equivalent. Band C1: Masters degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism, or equivalent. Member of a Professional Institution relevant to specialism. Minimum Hold Chartered status with the Engineering Council, or equivalent. Qualification Band B2/B1: Master degree in a subject directly relevant to specialism. Requirements: Fellow of a Professional Institution relevant to specialism. Hold Chartered status with the Engineering Council, or equivalent. NOTE – the minimum requirements for each level are expected to be achieved by those working at the level below within 3 years of entry to that level. The minimum time working in your specialised field at: Minimum Band C2 - 2 years Experience Requirements: Band C1 - 3 years 1 One of 6 domain areas (also known as ‘Engineering System Anchors’): Land, Maritime, Air, Nuclear, WOME, C4ISTAR. Band B2 - 5 years Key Competencies Number ESF 2.3 ESF 5.1 ESF 5.2 ESF 5.3 ESF 5.4 Title Expected Level SP SP SP SP P Analysing Different Solutions Integration of Specialism Engineering Planning & Review Identifying and Managing Engineering Risk Applying Policy and Standards Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical S&EPF 1 A expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge E Understanding and complying with statutory requirements and S&EPF 3 P standards S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession A S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others SP Supervised Awareness (A) Practitioner (P) Expert (E) Practitioner (SP) Level: It is expected that the WOME Specialist – Statistics and Modelling is at • Working towards supervised practitioner level for all the other ESF competencies. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable Engineering Development Course M DOSG Safety Advisors Course M Statistics with R – Introduction (Imperial) D Technical report Writing (IET) M Blast Effects on Structures D Shock Hydrodynamics (Imperial) D Ballistics Short Course M Introduction to Fortran 2003 D Programming in VBA D Role Title: WOME Specialist - Vulnerability WOME Vulnerability is concerned with the scientific understanding of the responses of munitions to unplanned stimuli, both accidental and arising from deliberate acts. It requires knowledge of how explosives, propellants and pyrotechnics respond to thermal and mechanical stimuli, the violence of the ensuing reactions, and how these are influenced by WOME design, packaging, storage and the environment. This knowledge is applied at all stages of the CADMID cycle, in particular through the formal processes of Insensitive Munitions assessment and UN Hazard Classification. The WOME1 Specialist - Vulnerability is a subject matter expert who • Provides direct advice and guidance on the scientific and technical aspects of WOME vulnerability to Stakeholders within and outside the DE&S; • Develops Vulnerability policy, standards and guidance for the DE&S and wider customers, both UK in JSP 520 and internationally through NATO; • • Initiates research and experimental programmes to support these activities; Plays a key role in informing, shaping and contributing to the DE&S wider MOD technology development as a part of the overall Weapons Domain Business Strategy; • • Provides technology assurance to D Weapons and D Tech; Is a recognised authority with unique skills/knowledge that is highly valued by the Domain, and are referred to by the Project Engineer in high risk / high complexity situations. C2 to B1 Grade Range: Typical Responsibilities Provides advice and support on WOME vulnerability. Defines and develops the vulnerability specialism and ensures consistency across DE&S. Identifies and manages common issues, risks and opportunities associated with WOME vulnerability across DE&S as appropriate, taking account of events and trends outside of DE&S, eg in industry and academia. Collaborates with others to promote knowledge of WOME Vulnerability as appropriate across DE&S. Minimum Qualification Requirements: Band C2 – An Honours degree in a relevant scientific, mathematical or engineering discipline. Member of a relevant professional body and registered as Incorporated Engineer or equivalent. Band C1 – A Masters degree relevant scientific, mathematical or engineering discipline. Chartered scientist, engineer, or relevant profession. NOTE – the minimum requirements for each level are expected to be achieved by those working at the level below within 3 years of entry to that level. The minimum time working in your specialised field at: Minimum Band C2 - 4 years; Experience Band C1 - 5 years; Requirements: Band B2 - 6 years. Key Competencies Number Title S&EPF 1 Securing, maintaining and developing relevant technical expertise S&EPF 2 Applying scientific and technical knowledge S&EPF 4 Sustaining and developing the profession S&EPF 5 Overseeing the technical work of others 1 One of 6 domain areas (also known as ‘Engineering System Anchors’): Land, Maritime, Air, Nuclear, WOME, C4ISTAR. WOME: RD&D Prepare the research strategy for explosive substances and/or articles 1.6 WOME: RD&D Gather and Interpret Information 1.4 WOME GEN Provide technical or safety advice and/or guidance to others on explosives, 13.9 Relevant Training Mandatory or Code Course Desirable EOE MSc Insensitive Munitions module M Fundamentals of Shock Hugoniots M Technical Report Writing (IET) M Other TBC Role Title: WOME Systems Safety and Environmental Manager Responsible for setting up, running and maintaining the Safety and Environmental Management System, overseeing and commissioning work and controlling the Systems Safety and Environmental programme. Grade Range: C2 to B2 Typical Responsibilities 1. Interpret and apply health and safety and environmental legislation and MOD policy as it applies to their project(s). 2. Set up tailored safety and environmental management systems and demonstrate (via audits) compliance with current legislation, policy and TLB instructions, and status of the project and ensure they are appropriate and correctly function. 3. Apply principles and techniques of safety risk assessment and environmental impact analysis, interpret the results and provide informed advice to senior managers and stakeholders. 4. Commission, manage and control, work to develop safety and environmental cases, set safety and environmental requirements in specifications. 5. Manage the risks associated with the work, recommend risk mitigation acceptance within delegation. 6. Chair Safety and/or Environmental Committees. For all grades an ONC/BTEC (level 3) or above in an Engineering or related discipline. Ideally they should be professionally Minimum registered or working towards it at a minimum: Qualification Grade D at EngTech; Requirements: Grade C2 at IEng; Grade C1 at CEng. The minimum time expected in engineering or similar roles at: Minimum Grade C2 is 4 years; Experience Grade C1 is 5 years; Requirements: Grade is B2 6 years. Key Competencies SQEP 1 Title Compliance with MOD policy and instructions, legislation, and SYSSAF 1 procedures that apply to the management of system safety. Complies with the principles of System Safety management. SYSSAF 2 SYSSAF 3 SYSSAF 4 SYSSAF 5 SYSENV 1 SYSENV 2 SYSENV 3 Complies with MOD requirements for System Safety Management through life, monitoring arrangements, and required documentation. Adoption of a safety risk management process consistent with the level of safety risk. Applies engineering and scientific knowledge within a domain and complies with applicable specialist safety requirements, procedures and regulations. Formulate Environmental Policy and Procedures. Implementation of policy and procedures, creation of strategies and effective plans for environmental aspects of MOD acquisition cycle. Technical authority, advice and guidance on environmental issues SQEP 2 in the acquisition cycle. Title WOME SM2.2 Determine the classification of explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.3 Review the factors affecting the safety of specific explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.4 Analyse the acceptability of safety control measures for specific explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.5 Review an organisation’s safety management system for explosives. WOME SM2.7 Implement the organisational safety policy and/or strategy for explosives. WOME SM2.8 Analyse and identify aggregated hazards and risks for explosives. Determine and implement aggregated risk control measures for explosives. WOME SM2.9 WOME SM2.10 Develop and implement assurance systems for explosives safety. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable DA CMT System Safety In Action (On-Line) M DA CMT System Safety In Action (Workshop) M DA CMT System Safety Process Management (On-Line) M DA CMT System Safety Process Management (Workshop) M DA CMT System Safety Practitioner (On-line) D DA CMT System Safety Practitioner (Workshop) D DA CMT Environmental Awareness and Compliance In Defence M DA CMT POEMS Practitioner M Sustainable Development In Defence Acquisition M DA CMT Introduction to OME (On-line) M DA CMT OME Intermediate M HAZOP M DOSG DOSG Safety Advisors course M Wpns Eng DOSG OSRP M DA CMT IM M DA CMT MSc modules as appropriate D Role Title: WOME Systems Safety and Environmental Officer Responsible for undertaking Systems Safety and Environmental management activities in small projects governed through an established Systems Safety and Environmental Management System, or undertaking day to day work in a larger project, working to achieve the Systems Safety and Environmental Programme. Grade Range: D to B2 Typical Responsibilities 1. Interpret and apply health and safety and environmental legislation and MoD policy as it applies to their project(s). 2. Work within an established safety and environmental management system, ensuring that it complies with current legislation, policy and TLB instructions, and status of the project. 3. Apply principles and techniques of system safety and environmental management. 4 . Undertake and develop basic assessment and analysis of safety and environmental risk, safety and environmental cases, and safety environmental requirements in specifications and changes to the SMS/EMS to ensure it is current. 5. Manage the risks associated with the work, recommend risk mitigation acceptance within delegation. 6. Organise and co-ordinate safety. For all grades an ONC/BTEC (level 3) or above in an Engineering or related discipline. Ideally they should be Minimum professionally registered or working towards it at a minimum: Qualification Grade D at EngTech; Requirements: Grade C2 at IEng; Grade C1 at CEng. The minimum time expected in engineering or similar roles at: Minimum Grade C2 is 4 years; Experience Grade C1 is 5 years; Requirements: Grade is B2 6 years. Key Competencies SQEP 1 Title Compliance with MOD policy and instructions, legislation, and SYSSAF 1 procedures that apply to the management of system safety. Complies with the principles of System Safety management. SYSSAF 2 SYSSAF 3 SYSSAF 4 SYSSAF 5 SYSENV 1 SYSENV 2 Complies with MOD requirements for System Safety Management through life, monitoring arrangements, and required documentation. Adoption of a safety risk management process consistent with the level of safety risk. Applies engineering and scientific knowledge within a domain and complies with applicable specialist safety requirements, procedures and regulations. Formulate Environmental Policy and Procedures. Implementation of policy and procedures, creation of strategies and effective plans for environmental aspects of MOD acquisition cycle. SYSENV 3 SQEP 2 Technical authority, advice and guidance on environmental issues in the acquisition cycle. Title WOME SM2.2 Determine the classification of explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.3 Review the factors affecting the safety of specific explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.4 Analyse the acceptability of safety control measures for specific explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.5 Review an organisation’s safety management system for explosives. WOME SM2.7 Implement the organisational safety policy and/or strategy for explosives. Analyse and identify aggregated hazards and risks for explosives. Determine and implement aggregated risk control measures for explosives. WOME SM2.8 WOME SM2.9 WOME SM2.10 Develop and implement assurance systems for explosives safety. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable DA CMT System Safety In Action (On-Line) M DA CMT System Safety In Action (Workshop) M DA CMT System Safety Process Management (On-Line) M DA CMT System Safety Process Management (Workshop) M DA CMT System Safety Practitioner (On-line) D DA CMT System Safety Practitioner (Workshop) D DA CMT Environmental Awareness and Compliance In Defence M DA CMT POEMS Practitioner M Sustainable Development In Defence Acquisition M DA CMT Introduction to OME (On-line) M DA CMT OME Intermediate M HAZOP M DOSG DOSG Safety Advisors course M Wpns Eng DOSG OSRP M DA CMT IM M DA CMT MSc modules as appropriate D Role Title: WOME Systems Safety and Environmental – Project Leader Project Team Leader with responsibilities for delivery and support of military systems. Grade Range: B2 to B1 Typical Responsibilities Discharge their safety responsibilities iaw law and MOD policy and that is specific to their area of work. Sign off of project Safety and Environmental Case Reports. Provide leadership and take a proactive approach to ensuring a high level of System Safety and Environmental performance within their area of responsibility. Work within their Safety and Environmental Letter of Delegation, referring up when necessary. They may sub delegate to appropriately competent people. For all grades an ONC/BTEC (level 3) or above in an Engineering or related discipline. Ideally they should be Minimum professionally registered or working towards it at a minimum: Qualification Grade D at EngTech; Requirements: Grade C2 at IEng; Grade C1 at CEng. The minimum time expected in engineering or similar roles at: Minimum Grade C2 is 4 years; Experience Grade C1 is 5 years; Requirements: Grade is B2 6 years. Key Competencies SQEP 1 Title Compliance with MOD policy and instructions, legislation, and SYSSAF 1 procedures that apply to the management of system safety. Complies with the principles of System Safety management. SYSSAF 2 SYSSAF 3 SYSSAF 4 SYSSAF 5 SYSENV 1 SYSENV 2 SYSENV 3 SQEP 2 WOME SM2.3 Complies with MOD requirements for System Safety Management through life, monitoring arrangements, and required documentation. Adoption of a safety risk management process consistent with the level of safety risk. Applies engineering and scientific knowledge within a domain and complies with applicable specialist safety requirements, procedures and regulations. Formulate Environmental Policy and Procedures. Implementation of policy and procedures, creation of strategies and effective plans for environmental aspects of MOD acquisition cycle. Technical authority, advice and guidance on environmental issues in the acquisition cycle. Title Review the factors affecting the safety of specific explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.5 Review an organisation’s safety management system for explosives. WOME SM2.7 Implement the organisational safety policy and/or strategy for explosives. Determine and implement aggregated risk control measures for WOME SM2.9 explosives. Relevant Training Mandatory Code Course or Desirable DA CMT System Safety In Action (On-Line) M DA CMT System Safety In Action (Workshop) M DA CMT Introduction to OME (On-line) M Role Title: WOME Functional Specialist Engineer (Safety Advisor) The Defence Ordnance Safety Group (DOSG) is the UK MOD focal point for Ordnance, Munitions and Explosives (OME) Safety. The DOSG provides policy, advice and guidance on behalf of the Secretary of State for Defence in support of the implementation of OME safety management within the MOD. The primary function of a DOSG Weapons Systems (WS) Safety Advisor (SA) is to provide timely safety advice and guidance on Safety and Suitability for Service (S3) aspects of OME. Grade Range: D to C1 Typical Responsibilities 1. Provide timely and accurate advice and guidance to DOSG Customers regarding the S3 of OME weapon systems, achieved by providing: • Advice on the development of OME safety requirements. • Advice on the completion of an Environmental Questionnaire. • Advice prior to and during any Invitation to Tender assessment process. • Advice on OME hazard analysis and risk assessment. • Advice on compliance with OME safety design requirements. • Advice on OME safety implications of design changes and modifications. • Advice on safety and environmental trials and assessment requirements including Insensitive Munitions (IM) assessment trials. • Review and advise on OME Trial plans. • Analysis and interpretation of trials results and assessments. 2. Provide advice and guidance to DOSG Customers on MOD OME Safety Management Systems (SMS, JSP520), to include: • Advice on Project Safety Case (SC) and Safety and Environmental Case Reports (SECR). • Advice on requirements of OME Safety Review Panel (OSRP). • Advice on requirements of the Project Oriented Safety Management System (POSMS). • Advice on the MOD IM Policy and assistance in its application, including the requirements of Insensitive Munitions Assessment Panel (IMAP). 3. Provide support to the OSRP process, acting as OSRP chair or member. For all grades an ONC/BTEC (level 3) or above in an Engineering or related discipline. Ideally they should be Minimum professionally registered or working towards it at a minimum: Qualification Grade D at EngTech; Requirements: Grade C2 at IEng; Grade C1 at CEng. The minimum time expected in functional engineering or similar roles at: Minimum Grade C2 is 2 years; Experience Requirements: Grade C1 is 3 years; Grade is B2 5 years. Key Competencies Number Title WOME SM2.3 Review the factors affecting the safety of specific explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.4 Analyse the acceptability of safety control measures for specific explosive substances and/or articles. WOME SM2.5 Assess an explosives safety management system. WOME TE3.2 Determine the existence of a suitable trial or test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles. WOME TE3.7 Validate a trial or test procedure for explosive substances and/or articles. Evaluate the results of trials of explosive substances and/or articles. WOME TE3.17 WOME TE13.9 Plan the test of explosive substances and/or articles. Relevant Training Code Course Mandatory or Desirable DA CMT Insensitive Munitions M DOSG DOSG Safety Advisors course M Wpns Eng DOSG OSRP M HAZOP D DA CMT OME Intermediate Course D DA CMT MSc modules as appropriate D DA CMT System Safety In Action (On-Line) D DA CMT System Safety In Action (Workshop) D DA CMT System Safety Process Management (On-Line) D DA CMT System Safety Process Management (Workshop) D DA CMT System Safety Practitioner (On-line) D DA CMT System Safety Practitioner (Workshop) D Role Title: WOME Supply Chain Management To ensure the optimisation of Supply Chain Management (SCM) performance, time and cost at platform, equipment and commodity level. Grade Range: C2 to B2 Typical Responsibilities Responsibility for ensuring inventory levels are in accordance with Inventory plans/ contractors in service support plans, Munitions Total Stock Requirement (TSR) and aligned with the soft contracts with the Front Line Commands. Ensure that inventory is managed in a manner which is compliant with all applicable national and international legislative and regulator requirements. Maintain the stock to ensure its Safety and Suitability for Service through appropriate management intervention and maintenance activities (eg in-service surveillance and calibration) taking mitigation action where necessary. Ensure that stock segmentation and modelling techniques are utilised to optimise stockholdings. Ensure and manage integrity of data on the inventory information systems and reconcile anomalies between multiple systems. Ensure that inventory plans are developed and maintained or contribute towards the inventory planning process. Maintain materiel and financial accounts to satisfy NAO requirements. Operate within budgetary constraints and engage early with all relevant stakeholders where required. Manage suppliers to optimise supply chain agility to meet customer requirements, to include addressing cost and performance issues. Participate in incident, accident and defect rectification and appropriate escalation. Contribute to the aggregation of management information and utilise to drive business improvements and measure performance. Provide essential insight into how management information can be improved. Lead on SCM issues within area of responsibility, providing advice and guidance to relevant stakeholders and provide essential insight to influence the Weapons OC SCM strategy. Minimum Supply Chain Management Skills Certificate level 1-3 Qualification Requirements: The minimum time expected in engineering or similar roles at: Minimum Grade C2 is 4 years; Experience Grade C1 is 5 years; Requirements: Grade is B2 6 years. Key Competencies SQEP 1 Title SCM 1 Specify the IM Business requirement SCM 2 Plan, develop and monitor the inventory plan SCM 3 Account for the MOD inventory SCM 4 Measure the supplier/supply chain interface SCM 5 Maintain Data Standards SCM 6 Manage the Joint Supply Chain interface SCM 7.1-7.3 SQEP 2 WOME SM2.12a Logistics analysis and modelling Title Contribute to the investigation of explosives safety incidents. WOME SM2.9a Implement risk control measures for explosive substances and/or articles safety. WOME PR6.7.2 Place orders for the supply of explosive substances and/or articles. WOME ST7.13 Audit stock levels and stock inventories of explosive substances and/or articles. Relevant Training Code Course Logistics systems specific training (TBC depending on role) Mandatory or Desirable M Integrated Logistics Support introduction (On-line) M WOME Foundation for Inventory Managers (On-line) M Material and Financial Accounting: Basic and Advanced D GUIDELINES FOR EVIDENCING COMPETENCES ANNEX D WOME Skills Framework General Principals of Collecting and Presenting Evidence 1. Experience has shown that good evidence draws from information recorded at the time the work was done, not retrospectively, and that it is more likely to be sufficient in demonstrating competency if drawn from more than one experience. 2. It is recommended that while you undertake the various tasks within your role, you should continually ask yourself “What do I need to show someone to convince them that I have the ability to undertake this task?” However, it is important to ensure that the evidence earns its place in the portfolio – Quality is more important than quantity. 3. Collecting evidence need not be the cause of additional work and can be done within existing daily tasks ie photocopying or printing additional copies that can be used within the portfolio. 4. A piece of evidence can be used to demonstrate competency in more than one individual standard. Where this occurs you will need to ensure that all your evidence is clearly labelled and cross referenced. 5. If the evidence in your portfolio is not either by you or about you then it is not admissible as a piece of evidence. 6. There are many ways that an individual can create a portfolio of their evidence. Some people may prefer a paper based collection of evidence such as a folder that is clearly organised and marked so relevant evidence can be discussed. Alternatively, it is possible to store the information electronically using different files to record evidence for different standards. Either way, the key thing for an individual is that they establish a system that works for them and which ensures that the evidence presented conveys an individual’s knowledge, values and ability in the workplace. Types of Evidence There are many types of evidence that can be collected to evidence competency and it will vary according to the activity undertaken. Some forms of evidence could include: • Completed documentation that demonstrate ability such as: o reports o formal documentation of experiences o emails and internal memos o minutes of meetings (highlighting contribution and action point areas) o commendations o risk assessments and other assessments o presentations o dated referral documentation o training plans • A signed testimony (observed practice notes) by a manager, colleague or service user of work undertaken. • A signed statement from your manager following the successful completion of a ‘question and answer’ session to test knowledge where competency cannot be evidenced by any other means. • A copy of supervision notes where specific achievements have been discussed. • A qualification or certificate of training undertaken or programmes of courses attended, supported by further evidence of how the knowledge acquired during this process has been put in to practise. • Reflective logs to capture informal learning (please see annexes for a template). • Notes of any reading undertaken (a template Reading Log can be found in the annexes). All evidence should be signed and dated by you and your manager and should be: • Relevant to the current post or career progression discussed. • Current (although a historic picture will build up over time. Evidence should relate to activities currently undertaken in the job, and should be as recent as possible, but no more than 3 years old). Stages in Preparing Evidence Compiling evidence can be broken down into a number of stages which will overlap at different times. 1) Consult your role profile from this WOME Skills Framework or HRMS Look to obtain evidence that supports the HRMS/NOS (ESA) competence contained within your role profile. When doing so, make sure you consult the breakdown of the standard, in particular the ‘Performance Criteria’ and ‘Knowledge and Understanding’; do not solely rely on the standard titles by way of explanation. It is important that you are able to evidence competency in the full breakdown of the standard and not just the standard’s title. 2) Gather evidence Referring to the ‘Performance Criteria’ and ‘Knowledge and Understanding’ of each standard in your role profile, seek to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and performance against these criteria. Where possible, select evidence covering as many of the ‘Performance Criteria’ as possible in order to ensure the evidence contained within the portfolio is highly relevant. Tip Many standards contain active verbs such as ‘Assess’ or ‘Refer’. These verbs are indicative of the types of evidence you will need to evidence your competency in the specified standard. 3) Sort and reference the evidence The evidence that you collect in Stage 2 can be used to create an ‘Evidencing Competency Portfolio’. By creating a central portfolio, the evidence can be referred to in a coherent and consistent manner, either by you or by your manager. The first items to be entered into your portfolio should be: I. Your role profile and/or TOR II. Copies of the full breakdowns of each standard in your role profile The way that each piece of evidence in your portfolio relates to a standard must be made clear. The easiest way to do this is by compiling a record or log. You will find a template for an evidence log in the annexes to these Guidelines. You should complete a log for every standard in your role profile. If possible, keep an electronic record of this log as it is likely to change and be up-dated over time. 4) Review portfolio There are certain occasions when it will be necessary and useful to review your portfolio. These include: • Upon completion of your portfolio when you can review it to assess its quality and relevance, and to determine whether you would be better served by more recently available evidence, ie, evidence that has become available in the time between starting and completing your portfolio due to increased competence over this period of time. • Prior to your performance appraisal/review with your manager, it will be informative and useful to review your portfolio to conduct a self-assessment of your competency. • When you are applying for a new job you can use your portfolio to demonstrate your suitability for the new role. 5) Monitor and review evidence annually It is important that evidence is updated regularly. If you plan to use your portfolio to gain a nationally recognised qualification it will be necessary to ensure all evidence in your portfolio relates to your performance in the last three years. This is because evidence is generally not considered to be admissible after a period of three years. It is necessary to undertake an annual review of your evidence portfolio to ensure that any evidence you deem to be irrelevant or outdated is removed. An accurate picture of the competencies that you need to focus on evidencing will then emerge. Responsibility for collecting evidence The stages described above should initially be carried out jointly in supervision by you and your manager. You should aim to prepare the evidence and compile your portfolio independently, using supervision/appraisal sessions as a feedback or discussion opportunity with your manager. Your Evidencing Competency Portfolio belongs to you and you will be able to use it should you wish to develop in to new roles. Reading List Appendix A Use this reading list to keep a record of any texts, articles, documents, JSPs, legislations or manuals you read. Name: ---------------------------------------Role: Author ---------------------------------------- Title Publisher & Country Year What Key Points Have I Learned? To Which Standard/s Does this Relate? Evidence Log Appendix B Use this Evidence Log to list the evidence you collect. Name: ---------------------------------------- Not yet Competent Requires further Development Competent Statement of Evidence Evidence Number in Portfolio Title Date Created ---------------------------------------Performance Criteria Number NOS Code Role: What needs development? Performance Criteria Number NOS Code Date Created Title Not yet Competent Requires further Development Competent Evidence Number in Portfolio Statement of Evidence What needs development? Reflective Log Appendix C Use the form below to record events that have occurred that you feel have afforded you an insight or learning opportunity. This Reflective Log can be used to evidence your competency in certain circumstances. Name: ---------------------------------------Role: ---------------------------------------- Date: ---------------------------------------What happened? What did you learn? What worked well? What could have been improved? / Lessons learned? Actions: