The Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality By Michael J. Goss, Kimberley S. Rollins, Kenneth McEwan, J. Ralph Shaw, and Helen Lammers-Helps Toronto 2002 © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2002 Published by Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General This paper and other Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Papers are available on the Walkerton Inquiry CD-ROM and at <> with the complete final report. General editor, Commissioned Papers: Sheila Protti Editor: Rosemary Tanner, with Lynda Lyons Proofreader: Lynda Lyons Design: Madeline Koch, Wordcraft Services; Brian Grebow, BG Communications The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality i Abstract This paper provides an account of current manure management in Ontario with reference to impacts on the quality of water sources used for drinking. Section 1 highlights those manure components that have the potential to result in the contamination of drinking water. Section 2 covers the regulatory framework governing manure management and the biophysical processes that govern the potential risks to water resources. We compare current regulations in Ontario with those in other parts of Canada, North America, and Europe. In section 3, we identify the current understanding of how the quality of water resources can be impacted by manure at different stages of the management system. And section 4 provides an assessment of the potential changes in manure production in Ontario over the next decade, both in terms of amount and its distribution. In documenting the information that underpins management options, we have taken account of the literature from other areas of North America and Europe. ii Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 About the Authors Dr. Michael J. Goss, a specialist on the impact of agriculture on the environment, is Professor and Chair of Land Stewardship, Centre for Land and Water Stewardship, University of Guelph, Ontario. Dr. Kimberly S. Rollins, a specialist in environmental and natural resource economics, is Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Business at the University of Guelph. Kenneth McEwan, B.Sc.(Agr), M.Sc., a specialist in agricultural production economics, is a College Professor in the Agricultural Economics and Business Department at Ridgetown College, University of Guelph. J. Ralph Shaw, is President of J & R Shaw Inc., an agri-food management consulting company. He was formerly a branch director with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, responsible for advisory services related to all aspects of crop production and soil management. Helen Lammers-Helps, B.Sc. (Agr.) is a freelance writer. She was the Assistant Manager of the Soil and Water Conservation Information Bureau at the University of Guelph and worked as a soil conservation adviser for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality iii Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 1 2 Regulations, Policies, and Management Guidelines Governing Manure Management and Water Protection ......... 14 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................. 14 2.2 Goals of Regulation and Types of Regulatory Devices .................. 16 2.2.1 Goals of Regulation ......................................................... 16 2.2.2 Types of regulatory instruments ....................................... 21 Command-and-control direct regulation ........... 22 Voluntary approaches ........................................ 22 Market-based economic instruments ................. 25 2.2.3 The Role of Individual Producer Discretion..................... 27 2.2.4 Coordinated Strategies ..................................................... 28 2.3 United States ................................................................................ 30 2.3.1 Overview of Relevant U.S. Environmental Regulations ...................................................................... 31 2.3.2 U.S. Regulations, Acts, and Programs Designed to Protect Groundwater ....................................................... 34 2.3.3 Animal Feeding Operations Guidelines and Regulations ...................................................................... 35 2.3.4 Livestock Waste Runoff and Non-point Source Pollution Policies ............................................................................. 36 2.3.5 Regulation of Point Source Pollution from Livestock Waste ....................................................... 37 2.3.6 USDA-USEPA Unified National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs) ............................................. 39 Voluntary programs for AFOs ........................... 40 2.3.7 Federal Financial Assistance for Animal Waste Management .................................................................... 41 2.3.8 Best Management Practices (BMPs) Recommended in the United States .............................................................. 45 2.3.9 State-level Regulations for Non-point Source Pollution77 ...................................................................... 51 2.3.10 State Livestock Waste Management Regulations in Kentucky ..................................................................... 52 2.3.11 State Livestock Waste Management Regulations in New York ..................................................................... 55 2.4 Regulations and Policies in Europe ............................................... 57 iv Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 2.5 Regulations and Policies in Canada .............................................. 59 2.5.1 New Brunswick ............................................................... 60 2.5.2 Quebec ............................................................................ 61 2.5.3 Ontario ............................................................................ 63 Best Management Practices in Ontario .............. 68 Key statements from OMAFRA publications ...... 72 Siting of livestock facilities in relation to land under different usage ......................................... 72 Manure handling and storage ............................ 73 Types of storage ............................................................... 74 Land application ............................................... 75 3 Biophysical Aspects of Manure Management ............................ 83 3.1 Background .................................................................................. 83 3.2 Potential Contamination and Manure Management Phase ........... 85 3.2.1 Feed manipulation ........................................................... 85 Summary........................................................... 93 3.2.2 Excretion ......................................................................... 93 Direct excretion into water resources ................. 94 Excretion in confined or sheltered areas ............. 95 Mineral nutrients and labile carbon compounds ....................................................... 96 Metals ............................................................... 98 Pathogens ........................................................ 100 Endocrine-disrupting substances ..................... 108 Summary......................................................... 110 3.2.3 Initial handling of manure and its short-term storage..... 110 Nutrients ......................................................... 111 Pathogens ........................................................ 112 Summary......................................................... 112 3.2.4 Long-term manure storage ............................................. 113 Fate of manure nutrients during storage .......... 116 Fate of pathogens ............................................ 121 Metals ............................................................. 122 Summary......................................................... 123 3.2.5 Processing and treatment ............................................... 124 Composting .................................................... 124 Other processing treatments ............................ 126 Summary......................................................... 127 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 3.2.6 v Direct deposition and application of manure to the land ..................................................................... 127 Direct deposition ............................................ 128 Application to land ......................................... 129 Summary......................................................... 139 3.2.7 Fate of manure components applied to the soil .............. 140 Nitrogen ......................................................... 140 Phosphorus and other nutrients ...................... 143 Metals ............................................................. 145 Bacteria ........................................................... 146 Viruses ............................................................ 148 Endocrine-disruptive compounds .................... 149 Summary......................................................... 150 3.2.8 Contamination of water resources .................................. 151 Nitrate ............................................................ 151 Phosphorus ..................................................... 152 Bacteria ........................................................... 153 Endocrine-disruptive compounds .................... 155 Summary......................................................... 156 3.3 Transport Processes ..................................................................... 157 3.3.1 Water partitioning at the soil surface .............................. 157 Summary......................................................... 159 3.3.2 Basic equations governing transport through the soil ..... 159 Summary......................................................... 160 3.3.3 Contaminant characteristics relevant to their transport ................................................................ 161 Summary......................................................... 162 3.3.4 Preferential flow and solute transport ............................. 162 Summary......................................................... 167 3.3.5 Transport of contaminants from manure........................ 167 Nitrogen ......................................................... 168 Phosphorus ..................................................... 171 Metals ............................................................. 173 Bacteria ........................................................... 174 Protozoa .......................................................... 178 Endocrine-disrupting compounds ................... 179 Summary......................................................... 179 vi Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 3.3.6 Predicting contamination of water resources by components of manure ............................................. 179 Summary......................................................... 180 3.4 Future Research Needs ............................................................... 181 3.4.1 Summary ....................................................................... 183 4 Manure Production in Ontario ..................................................... 184 4.1 Background ................................................................................ 184 4.2 Objectives .................................................................................. 184 4.3 Methodology .............................................................................. 185 4.4 Results ........................................................................................ 187 4.4.1 Farm Structure ............................................................... 187 4.4.2 Livestock Farm Numbers ............................................... 189 4.4.3 Historical Livestock Numbers ........................................ 189 4.4.4 Livestock Units and Manure Production per County/Municipality ..................................................... 192 4.4.5 Manure Application ....................................................... 203 4.5 Livestock and Manure Projections .............................................. 205 4.5.1 Dairy Farmers of Ontario .............................................. 205 Animal Numbers in Next 5–10 Years .............. 205 Future Production Facilities ............................ 206 Manure Production ......................................... 206 Technological Advances ................................... 206 Demand for Product ....................................... 207 4.5.2 Ontario Pork Producers’ Marketing Board ..................... 207 Animal Numbers in Next 5–10 Years .............. 207 Future Production Facilities ............................ 207 Manure Production ......................................... 207 Technological Advances ................................... 208 Demand for Product ....................................... 208 4.5.3 Chicken Farmers of Ontario .......................................... 209 Animal Numbers in Next 5–10 Years .............. 209 Future Production Facilities ............................ 209 Manure Production ......................................... 209 Technological Advances ................................... 210 Demand for Product ....................................... 210 4.5.4 Ontario Egg Producers................................................... 210 Animal Numbers in Next 5–10 Years .............. 210 Future Production Facilities ............................ 210 Manure Production ......................................... 211 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality vii Technological Advances ................................... 211 Demand for Product ....................................... 211 4.5.5 Ontario Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board .................. 212 Animal Numbers in Next 5–10 Years .............. 212 Future Production Facilities ............................ 212 Manure Production ......................................... 212 Technological Advances ................................... 212 Demand for Product ....................................... 212 4.5.6 Ontario Cattleman’s Association .................................... 213 Animal Numbers in Next 5–10 Years .............. 213 Future Production Facilities ............................ 213 Manure Production ......................................... 213 Technological Advances ................................... 214 Demand for Product ....................................... 214 4.5.7 Conclusion .................................................................... 214 4.5.8 National Perspective....................................................... 214 Beef ................................................................. 215 Swine .............................................................. 215 Poultry and Egg .............................................. 215 Dairy ............................................................... 216 4.5.9 Livestock Projections for Ontario by Industry Analysts .. 216 4.5.10 Industry Trendlines ......................................... 216 Swine Projections ............................................ 218 Cattle Projections ............................................ 218 Poultry Projections .......................................... 218 4.5.11 Ontario Manure Growth Rates ....................... 220 4.6 Summary .................................................................................... 221 Appendix 4.1: Coefficients Used to Calculate Livestock Units .................................................................................. 225 Pigs ..................................................................................................... 225 Cattle (including beef and dairy) ........................................................ 225 Poultry ................................................................................................ 226 Appendix 4.2: Questionnaire for Producer Organizations ...... 227 Producer Organizations ...................................................................... 227 Appendix 4.3: Calculation of Manure, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production .................................. 228 Pigs ..................................................................................................... 228 Cattle.................................................................................................. 228 Poultry ................................................................................................ 229 viii Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Appendix 4.4: Number of Livestock Farms per County/ Municipality, 1996 ........................................................................... 230 Appendix 4.5: Livestock Head, Livestock Units, and Manure Production by County/Municipality in 1986, 1991, and 1996 ............................................................... 231 Appendix 4.6: Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, 1986, 1991, 1996 ...................................................... 239 Appendix 4.7: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production in Ontario Counties/Municipalities, 1986, 1991, 1996 ............................................................................ 254 Appendix 4.8: Livestock Numbers per Tillable Hectare and Manure Application Method as a % of Tillable Land, 1996 ......................................................................................... 259 Appendix 4.9: Livestock Numbers, Livestock Units, and Manure Production Predictions ................................................... 261 References .............................................................................................. 263 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality ix Tables Table 1-1 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 2-5 Table 2-6 Table 2-7 Table 2-8 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 3-4 Table 3-5 Table 3-6 Table 3-7 Table 3-8 Table 3-9 Table 3-10 Annual Water Balance Components (mm) at Four Sites in Ontario for the Period 1961 to 1990 (average ± standard deviation) ............................................................................. 7 Environmental Stringency Ranking of Environmental Regulations for the Hog Industry ....................................... 17 U.S. Programs Providing Financial and Technical Assistance for Animal Waste Management ......................... 43 Selected Practices Installed with EQIP Assistance and Average Installation Costs ($US) ........................................ 45 Penalty Structure for Infractions of Quebec’s Livestock Waste Handling Regulation ............................................... 63 Summary of General BMPs for Applying Nutrients to Crops ............................................................................. 70 BMPs for Timing of Application ........................................ 76 Potential for Surface Water Contamination from Manure Runoff .................................................................. 78 Minimum Separation Distances to Water Sources for Surface Water Contamination Potential from Liquid and Solid Manure Runoff ......................................................... 82 Feed-related Measures Contributing to the Reduction in Pollution Caused by Animal Production ............................ 86 Characteristics of Different Types of Manure in Ontario .... 96 Manure Production and Characteristics (per 1,000 kg Live Animal Weight per Day)† .................................................. 97 Range of Metal Content of Manure from Swiss Farms ....... 98 Copper and Zinc Content of Liquid Manure from Different Animal Categories .............................................. 99 Examples of Pathogenic Bacteria Found in Animal Manure ........................................................... 100 Frequency of Detection of Pathogenic Organisms in Cattle ........................................................................... 101 Examples of Bacterial and Protozoa Numbers in Some Animal Manure ................................................................ 102 The Frequency of Detection of E. coli O157 in Animals from Different Groups ..................................................... 103 Relative Potency of Some Endocrine-disruptive Substances ........................................................................ 108 x Table 3-11 Table 3-12 Table 3-13 Table 3-14 Table 3-15 Table 3-16 Table 3-17 Table 3-18 Table 3-19 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 Table 4-4 Table 4-5 Table 4-6 Table 4-7 Table 4-8 Table 4-9 Table 4-10 Table 4-11 Table 4-12 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Concentration of Endocrine-disruptive Substances in Animal Manure ................................................................ 109 Characteristics of Fresh and Anaerobically Fermented Pig Slurry ......................................................................... 118 Composition of Animal Dungs: Fresh and After Seven Months’ Aerobic or Anaerobic Storage ................... 118 Characteristics of Poultry Manure Sampled at Different Depths in Deep-pit Storage .............................................. 119 Survival of Potentially Pathogenic Organisms in Manure . 121 Typical Nutrient Content of Finished Compost from Manure ................................................................... 124 Comparison of Different Methods of Manure Application on the Losses of Ammonia by Volatilization ..................... 132 Sinks for N Following Application of Slurry .................... 136 Average Migration Velocity and Velocity Relative to Average Pore Water for Bacteria from Contrasting Manures .............. 176 Profile of Ontario Farms by Revenue Class, 1997 ............ 188 Total Number of Livestock Farms by Region ................... 189 Livestock Units and Top-ten Counties/Municipalities in Terms of Manure Production, 1996 ............................. 192 Livestock Units and Manure Production by Township, 1996 ................................................................................ 195 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Levels Excreted in Manure in 1986 and 1996 in the Top-ten Counties/ Municipalities (in million kg/yr) ...................................... 199 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Excreted in Manure in 1986 and 1996, at the Township Level (in thousand kg/yr) .......................................................... 201 Livestock Farms and Manure Production by Region ........ 202 Tillable Land and Amount of Land under Liquid Manure and Solid Manure Applications (as % of tillable hectares) in Six Counties/Municipalities in Ontario† ...................... 203 Forecasted Livestock Units and Manure Production: Swine ............................................................................... 219 Forecasted Livestock Units and Manure Production: Cattle ............................................................................... 219 Forecasted Livestock Units and Manure Production: Poultry ............................................................................. 219 A Comparison of Manure Production Forecasts ............... 220 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality xi Table A4.1.1 Coefficients Used to Calculate Livestock Units for Pigs .... 225 Table A4.1.2 Coefficients Used to Calculate Livestock Units for Cattle ......................................................................... 225 Table A4.1.3 Coefficients Used to Calculate Livestock Units for Poultry ....................................................................... 226 Table A4.3.1 Calculation of Manure, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production for Pigs .......................................... 228 Table A4.3.2 Calculation of Manure, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production for Cattle ...................................... 229 Table A4.3.3 Calculation of Manure, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production for Poultry..................................... 229 Table A4.4.1 Dairy, Beef, Hog, Poultry/Egg, and Livestock Combination Farms ......................................................... 230 Table A4.5.1 Livestock Head, Livestock Units, and Manure Production by County/Municipality, in 1986, 1991, and 1996 .......... 231 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, 1986, 1991, 1996 ............................................................ 239 Table A4.7.1 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production in Ontario Counties/Municipalities, 1986, 1991, 1996 ....... 254 Table A4.7.2 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Produced per Year, Six Counties/Municipalities ............................................. 256 Table A4.8.1 Livestock Numbers per Tillable Hectare and Manure Application Method as a % of Tillable Land, 1996 .......... 259 Table A4.9.1 Livestock Numbers, Livestock Units, and Manure Production Predictions for Swine ..................................... 261 Table A4.9.2 Livestock Numbers, Livestock Units, and Manure Production Predictions for Cattle ..................................... 261 Table A4.9.3 Livestock Numbers, Livestock Units, and Manure Production Predictions for Poultry ................................... 262 Table A4.9.4 Total Manure Production (millions L/yr) ......................... 262 xii Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Figures Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2 Figure 3-1 Figure 3-2 Figure 3-3 Figure 3-4 Figure 3-5 Figure 3-6 Figure 3-7 Figure 3-8 Figure 4-1 Figure 4-2 Figure 4-3 Figure 4-4 Figure 4-5 Figure 4-6 Schematic Diagram of the Hydrological (Water) Cycle ........ 6 Schematic Diagram of the Sources and Movement of Contaminants from Manure to Water Resources .................. 8 The Main Parts of a Manure Management System that are Relevant to Environmental Contamination by Manure Constituents ...................................................................... 84 Model to Predict N- and P-output in Pig Manure from the Feed Input and That Used for Pig Growth ................... 88 Probability that Cows and Calves Will Void Urine or Feces into a Stream ............................................................ 95 Survival of E. coli O157:H7 in Soils of Different Texture ............................................................................. 148 Presence of Fecal Coliforms in Test Wells ......................... 154 Partitioning of Precipitation into Surface Runoff and Drainage after the Application of Liquid Swine or Solid Beef Manure .................................................................... 158 Evidence for Preferential Movement of E. coli Bacteria from Manure Applied to a Column of Clay-loam Soil ..... 164 Variation in the Depth of Soil Required to Filter Bacteria in Manure ........................................................................ 178 Historical Inventory of Cattle, Pigs, and Poultry in Ontario from July 1, 1976 to July 1, 2000 ....................... 190 Ontario Beef and Dairy Inventory Values......................... 191 Cattle Inventory Trendline, 1976–2010 ........................... 217 Poultry Inventory Trendline, 1976–2010 ......................... 217 Pig Inventory Trendline, 1976–2010 ............................... 218 Potential Future Manure Production ................................ 221 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality xiii Maps Map 4-1 Map 4-2 Map 4-3 Map 4-4 Map 4-5 Map 4-6 Map 4-7 Map 4-8 Map 4-9 Map 4-10 Map 4-11 Total Number of Livestock Farms by County/ Municipality, 1996 ........................................................... 190 Total Number of Livestock Units by County/ Municipality, 1996 ........................................................... 194 Total Manure Production by County/Municipality, 1996 ................................................................................ 196 Huron County: Livestock Units by Township, 1996 ........ 196 Huron County: Manure Production (000 L/yr) by Township, 1996 ............................................................... 197 Niagara Region: Livestock Units by Township, 1996........ 197 Niagara Region: Manure Production (000 L/yr) by Township, 1996 ............................................................... 198 Total Nitrogen by County/Municipality, 1996 ................. 200 Total Phosphorus by County/Municipality, 1996 ............. 200 Total Tillable Land by County/Municipality, 1996 .......... 202 Percent of Tillable Land Receiving Liquid Manure, 1996 ................................................................................ 205 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 1 1 Introduction Manure management is a multi-faceted issue. Manure handling practices, water quality, and livestock concentrations vary across regions because of different biophysical, economic, and demographic factors. Biophysical factors influence the nature and properties of manure and its components as they impact on water quality. Social and economic factors influence the benefits and costs that flow from animal agriculture and water quality impairment. Regulatory policy must address both biophysical and social economic aspects as it attempts to minimize the impact of animal agriculture on rural residents and the environment. The biophysical, social, and economic factors combine to determine where animal agriculture can flourish, and hence where and how much manure will be produced. Prepared for the Walkerton Inquiry, this document is an issue paper describing basic information on manure production and handling as it affects water quality in selected jurisdictions. The information is presented within an analytical framework that encompasses the social and economic considerations which govern regulatory policy. Objectives The objectives of this document are: • To describe regulatory policy for manure management in Ontario relative to other jurisdictions, and to explain why different policy instruments exist to achieve similar goals. • To describe what is known about the potential for contamination of water resources from manure production and handling, and to consider effects of various livestock feeding, nutrient transport, and cropping practices. • To describe the distribution of animal agriculture in Ontario and associated manure production with an emphasis on trends over the next ten years. Within the second objective, we indicate where information is still needed to protect water resources while allowing efficient agricultural production to continue on Ontario farms. This paper has been prepared for discussion purposes only and does not represent the findings or recommendations of the Commissioner. 2 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Procedures We reviewed the literature on regulatory mechanisms governing the protection of water quality and public health. The literature was selected to cover those public documents that describe policies, laws, regulations, and programs as they pertain to livestock waste and water. Information was selected to exclude impacts on water resources by agricultural contaminants that do not originate in livestock waste. In addition, documents that describe strategies and approaches for the selection of regulatory mechanisms were also included. Documents available to the public in electronic form through government sources were also considered. Included in this report are regulatory policies governing manure management for water protection in jurisdictions including Quebec, New Brunswick, Ontario, New York State, Kentucky, and some European Union countries with a focus on the Netherlands. No attempt is made to evaluate these approaches. It is important to remember that what works well in one jurisdiction may not work at all in another. The reader is encouraged to keep in mind that the more strict regulatory approaches are not necessarily the most effective from the perspective of achieving set water quality goals at least cost to society. Similarly, what appear to be the least expensive approaches from a regulatory standpoint might actually be the most expensive from society’s standpoint, if they are very inefficient at achieving water quality goals. We also reviewed the literature on the biophysical aspects of manure handling, together with that on the presence of microbial pathogens and natural hormones in animal manure. We selected information that contributed to the understanding of those processes taking place during manure handling that affected the potential loading of contaminants at any time. Further selection focused only on aspects related to the potential for the contamination of drinking water. To meet the necessary time-lines, the depth of this review varied depending on the current information pertinent to Ontario. Original material has been included to provide clarification on factors affecting the potential for surface and groundwater contamination by materials from manure. In evaluating manure production in Ontario, the focus has been on swine, dairy, beef, and all poultry enterprises. We developed estimates at the township level and aggregated them to the county and provincial scales. Forward projection has involved consultation with industry as well as evaluating the future demand for meat and animal products. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 3 Background As world demand for animal protein continues to increase, so too do the problems associated with handling manure, the byproduct of the livestock industry. The potential for environmental contamination from the large volumes of manure produced has been a major concern, and became a reality for the residents of Walkerton, Ontario, in May 2000.1 The issue for Walkerton residents was contamination of groundwater, which was used as a source of drinking water, with the bacterial pathogens Escherichia coli O157:H7, which causes hemorrhagic colitis and (in some patients) can result in hemolytic-uremic syndrome, and Campylobacter jejuni. In addition to pathogens, the water regularly showed elevated levels of nitrate. Section 2 of this paper presents a thorough review of the regulations, policies, and management guidelines governing manure management and water protection. The goals of environmental regulations are: • to provide private decision makers (whose actions contribute to water quality impairment) with the incentives necessary to consider the full cost of their production activities and • to achieve specific water quality goals at the least cost to society, including producers and regulators. Regulatory instruments include voluntary or non-voluntary, command-andcontrol or market-based approaches, design-based or performance-based instruments, and those that aim to distinguish between regulatory differences (point source or non-point source). Environmental regulations vary dramatically between regions. Those with more severe problems would be more likely to implement stricter, more expensive regulations, while regions with relatively minor problems might rely on less costly voluntary measures. However, most regions are introducing new, more stringent policy instruments. 1 M.H. Miller, 1991, “Environmental considerations in land application of animal manure-water pollution,” Proceedings of the National Workshop on Land Application of Animal Manure, CARC, Ottawa, Ontario, June 11–12, p. 125; M.H. Miller, T.C. Martin, E.G. Beauchamp, R.G. Kachanoski, and H.R. Whiteley, 1990, Impacts of Livestock Manure on Water Quality in Ontario: An Appraisal of Current Knowledge (Guelph, ON: Centre for Soil and Water Conservation). 4 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Regulatory Instrument • • • • Command and Control Laws (legislative acts and zoning) Standards (setbacks, public health rules/guidelines Permits (by-laws, building permits) Mandatory manure handling practices Description • create a legally enforceable environment in which producers are expected to comply or face consequences of non-compliance • attempts to influence producer decisions on the use Market Instruments of production inputs that are correlated to potential • Design-based (includes subsidies, low-interest loans, water quality impairment. cost-sharing agreements, taxes, tradeable permits, • attempts to influence producer behaviour by the manure rights, and quotas) use of economic charges and subsidies indexed to • Performance-based (includes charges and subsidies, regional ambient levels of pollutants. liability rules • creating and fostering markets for manure and • Contracts, leases, and transferring manure rights treatment • • • • Voluntary Best management practices Education Certification Farm plans • any measure a producer may chose to participate in with no repercussion for non-compliance and no final incentives for compliance • regulation without education is less effective than a combined approach. Successful policies are well-integrated combinations of individual components. Factors that determine the best mix of policies for any given area include: • • • • • • • • existing legislation and levels of government responsibility, the severity of existing water quality problems, costs imposed on society, costs of monitoring and enforcement, costs of providing necessary incentives for voluntary programs, watershed-specific geological features, costs to farmers for altering practices, and expectations of long-term industry trends. In the late 1990s, a review of the state of U.S. water bodies estimated that onethird of all surface water continues to be affected by some degree of impairment. Surface runoff is now the most significant factor affecting water quality, and agriculture is the largest contributor to water pollution caused by runoff. Regulations aimed at reducing agricultural runoff would deliver a greater response at less cost than regulations aimed at industries causing point source water quality problems. Section 3 presents an intensive review of the biophysical aspects of manure management in Ontario. Farm manure is a potentially valuable source of The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 5 nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other inorganic nutrients for plants. Organic carbon compounds in manure can be transformed by microbial activity into materials that are effective binding agents in the soil. Organic compounds in manure also enter the nutrient cycles within the soil in which nutrients are mineralized into forms that are readily available to plants. The sustainable use of resources requires that the most effective use be made of animal manure to enhance soil structure and productivity.2 But manure can cause contamination of groundwater. Potential contaminants include pathogenic microorganisms; nitrogen; phosphorus, which can cause eutrophication of fresh water; dissolved organic carbon, which contributes to turbidity in water; endocrine-disrupting compounds; and metals such as copper. Turbidity appears to be important for the survival of some pathogens in water supplies.3 Identifying the risk of environmental contamination from manure is complex. It is impossible to predict precisely what will happen to manure under any given set of conditions. Many factors impact the fate of manure constituents: • the nature of manure itself, which varies considerably depending on the type, diet, and age of the livestock; the type of livestock housing and use of bedding; type and length of manure storage; and the method, timing, and rate of manure application on fields; • the characteristics of the land receiving the manure, including soil texture, slope, depth to water table, proximity to water resources, and tillage; and 2 H. Kirchmann and E. Witter, 1992, “Composition of fresh, aerobic and anaerobic farm animal dungs,” Bioresource Technology, 40, p. 137; A. Krogdahl and B. Dahlsgard, 1981, “Estimation of nitrogen digestibility in poultry: Content and distribution of major urinary nitrogen compounds in excreta,” Poultry Science, 60, p. 2480; L.E. Lanyon and D.B. Beegle, 1989, “The role of on-farm nutrient balance assessments in an integrated approach to nutrient management,” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 44, p. 164; N.K. Patni and P. Y. Jui, 1987, “Changes in solids and carbon content of dairy-cattle slurry in farm tanks,” Biological Wastes, 20, p. 11; F.J. Stevenson, 1982, “Origin and distribution of nitrogen in soil,” Nitrogen in Agricultural Soils (Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy); A. Wild, 1988, “Plant nutrients in soil: Nitrogen,” Russell’s Soil Conditions and Plant Growth, 11th ed. (New York: Wiley), p. 652; J.C. Zubriski and D.C. Zimmerman, 1974, “Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and plant density on sunflower,” Agronomy Journal, 66, p. 798. 3 J. Aramini, M. McLean, J. Wilson, J. Holt, R. Copes, B. Allen, and W. Sears, 2000, Drinking Water Quality and Health Care Utilization for Gastrointestinal Illness in Greater Vancouver, < ehp/ehd/catalogue/bch_pubs/vancouver_dwq.htm>. 6 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 • the weather (e.g., wind speed during application and rainfall intensity, frequency, and duration before and after manure application), which determines if potential contaminants move off-site in surface runoff, tile drainage flow, groundwater, or air or remain in the rooting zone where nutrients can be taken up by crops. Two major water resources are recognized as sources of drinking water: • surface water, which includes streams, municipal drains, rivers and lakes and • groundwater, which consists of saturated zones in various strata of subsoil and rock. The water or hydrological cycle (figure 1-1) is a major driver in determining the movement of contaminants. It affects the distribution of contaminants in the surface and groundwater as well as losses in gaseous form. The main components of the hydrological cycle are precipitation, evapotranspiration, Figure 1-1 Schematic Diagram of the Hydrological (Water) Cycle Evapotranspiration Runoff Unsaturated Zone Tile drain Water table Infiltration Saturated Zone Ground water flow by overland flow The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 7 drainage, and runoff. The thirty-year average annual values for these components have been estimated for three sites in Southern Ontario (Harrow, Guelph, and Ottawa) and Kapuskasing in Northern Ontario (table 1-1). Evapotranspiration, drainage, and runoff represent the fate of the precipitation component of the cycle. Averaged across the four Ontario sites, evapotranspiration accounted for 64% of precipitation, drainage 23%, and runoff 12%. Some of the drainage water moves laterally in the near-surface layer of the soil (interflow) and then to streams. Where tile drains are present, some proportion of drainage enters the drains and is consequently emitted to surface water instead of recharging groundwater. Contaminants from manure can enter surface water bodies in the surface runoff from fields and yards, in interflow, in discharge from tile drains, and in groundwater. Contaminants enter groundwater by direct transport through rock and overlying soil or through man-made ducts such as abandoned, improperly sealed, or poorly maintained wells. In the process called leaching, materials are dissolved from the soil or rock as the water moves through. Runoff in this document is restricted to mean surface runoff, but other authors have included interflow and discharge from tile drains as part of the runoff from agricultural land. Strictly speaking, surface runoff and direct entry into wells do not contain soil leachate, although some leaching will occur as rain or Table 1-1 Annual Water Balance Components (mm) at Four Sites in Ontario for the Period 1961 to 1990 (average ± standard deviation) Harrow Guelph Ottawa Kapuskasing Precipitation 902±138 863±126 871±117 860±131 Evapotranspiration 675±68 74% 497±50 58% 562±38 64% 505±37 59% Drainage 163±90 18% † 283±108 33% 201±137 23% 153±85 18% Runoff 46±56 5% 81±64 9% 100±74 11% 206±53 24% † Evapotranspiration, deep drainage, and runoff are also given as a percentage of precipitation. Source: G.W. Parkin, C. Wagner-Riddle, D.J. Fallow, and D.M. Brown, 1999, “Estimated seasonal and annual water surplus in Ontario,” Canadian Water Resources Journal, 24(4), p. 277. 8 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 meltwater moves to a surface or groundwater source via the other routes. Both surface and groundwater can therefore be impacted by runoff that picks up contaminants on the surface of the soil or on yards, as well as from manure that has been incorporated into shallow soil layers. The ways in which potential contaminants can be lost from manure or made immobile greatly influence the likelihood that a given water resource may become affected. This is summarized in figure 1-2. To assess the potential impact of manure on water quality, it is important to recognize the possibility for changes in the contaminant content at different stages of the management system. Pathogens may not survive a period of storage or the concentration of some nutrients may diminish. Nitrogen in manure is generally present in organic and inorganic forms. The main inorganic form is the ammonium ion, which can be transformed into ammonia and released as a gas or converted to nitrate (NO–3) with nitrite as an intermediate. Nitrite and nitrate Figure 1-2 Schematic Diagram of the Sources and Movement of Contaminants from Manure to Water Resources Point source Point source e.g., Barnyard e.g., Barnyard Storage Storage Diffuse source Diffuse source Surface Runoff Surface runoff e.g., Field: e.g., Field: Manure application Manure application Grazing Grazing Surface Surface water water Infiltration Infiltration Infiltration Infiltration Drain Drain tile tile Ground water Groundwater The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 9 are of concern in potable water because of methemoglobinemia. Bacteria at the back of the tongue, or if present in the stomach, convert nitrate to nitrite. When nitrite enters the blood stream, it reacts with hemoglobin to form methemoglobin, which is incapable of releasing the bound oxygen for use in other tissues. This irreversible binding of oxygen to methemoglobin results in a cyanosis, which mainly affects newborn infants.4 Such infants do not secrete sufficient acid into the stomach to give the pH of about 2 (high acidity) found in older people. Agricultural land, particularly if it is under row crops or is used for intensive animal production, is often associated with groundwater having NO3– concentrations near or above 10 mg N/L.5 In contrast, the upper limit of NO3– concentrations in groundwater not influenced by anthropogenic activity is considered to be 3 mg N/L.6 Gaseous losses of nitrogen lead to enhanced concentrations of ammonia and oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere.7 Ammonia release to the atmosphere has importance because it subsequently contributes to acidification of soils. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas. Both gases are soluble in water. Ammonia can be returned in precipitation and, together with NO2 (nitrogen dioxide), in dry deposition, thus adding to the soil mineral nitrogen fraction in an uncontrolled manner. Release of ammonia into the atmosphere through volatilization of fertilizer nitrogen and animal wastes is almost entirely due to agricultural activities. Ammonia is not a greenhouse gas. It is, however, of concern since releases of ammonia to the atmosphere have both local and long4 P. Fraser and C. Chilvers, 1981, “Health aspects of nitrate in drinking water,” The Science of the Total Environment, 18, p. 103; R. Rajagopal and G. Tobin, 1989, “Expert opinion and groundwater quality protection: The case of nitrate in drinking water,” Ground Water, 27, p. 835; A.P.S. Terblanche, 1991, “Health hazards of nitrate in drinking water,” Water SA, 17, p. 77. 5 M.J. Goss, D.A.J. Barry, and D.L. Rudolph, 1998, “Groundwater contamination in Ontario farm wells and its association with agriculture: 1. Results from drinking water wells,” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 32, p. 267; J.D. Toth and R.H. Fox, 1998, “Nitrate losses from a core-alfalfa rotation: Lysimeter measurement of nitrate leaching,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 27, p. 1027. 6 R.J. Madison and J.O. Brunett, 1985, “Overview of the occurrence of nitrate in groundwater of the United States,” National Water Summary 1984, USGS Water Supply Paper No. 2275 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office), p. 93. 7 C.B. Kresge and D.P. Satchell, 1960, “Gaseous loss of ammonia from nitrogen fertilizers applied to soils,” Agronomy Journal, 52, p. 104; J.W. McGarity and J.A. Rajoratham, 1972, “Apparatus for the measurement of losses of nitrogen as gas from the field and simulated field environments,” Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 4, p. 1; J.A. Ryan and D.R. Keeney, 1975, “Ammonia volatilization from surface applied sewage sludge,” Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation), 47, p. 386; J.A. Ryan, D.R. Keeney, and L.M. Walsh, 1973, “Nitrogen transformations and availability of an anaerobically digested sewage sludge in soil,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 2, p. 489. 10 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 range effects. Locally, impingement with crops and other vegetation may give rise to foliar damage. At longer range, ammonia deposition gives rise to nitrogen inputs with eutrophication effects on sensitive ecosystems.8 Ammonia also plays an important role in the atmospheric chemistry of sulphur dioxide as it increases the loading rate of SO2 in cloud water droplets, thereby contributing to acidification of soils and surface waters.9 Ammonia is also involved in reactions with other pollutants, such as oxides of nitrogen (NOx), in the atmosphere. Ammonia dissolved in surface runoff from yards or manure stores can enter surface water and negatively impact aquatic life. Phosphorus in manure does not pose a direct threat to humans. However, when it enters freshwater bodies it enriches them, making them more productive – a process known as eutrophication. The effect is to increase the growth of algae within the habitat. The death of these algae and their breakdown by microorganisms can greatly deplete the oxygen concentration in the water so that the animal population is subject to oxygen deprivation. In extreme conditions fish can be asphyxiated.10 Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) grow rapidly in the presence of phosphorus. Some of these organisms produce toxins that can cause illness in humans. Although it is unlikely that drinking water containing the toxins would result in acute illness, long-term exposure may be associated with the development of cancer.11 Some metals, such as copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), are used to promote growth in animals, but their concentration in drinking water is restricted mainly for aesthetic reasons. Although metals and nutrients such as phosphorus are not lost from manure in gaseous form, the breakdown of organic carbon compounds during storage can greatly decrease the dry matter content of the manure. Hence, the final concentration of contaminants per unit weight of dry matter can be much greater 8 M.A. Sutton, C.J. Place, M. Eager, D. Fowler, and R.I. Smith, 1995, “Assessment of the magnitude of ammonia emissions in the United Kingdom,” Atmospheric Environment, 29, p. 1393. 9 H.M. ApSimon, M. Kruse, and J.N.B. Bell, 1987, “Ammonia emissions and their role in acid deposition,” Atmospheric Environment, 21, p. 1939. 10 P.A. Chambers, M. Guy, E.S. Roberts, M.N. Charlton, R. Kent, C. Gagnon, G. Grove, and N. Foster, 2001, Nutrients and their Impact on the Canadian Environment (Ottawa: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Health Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Public Works, and Government Services Canada), p. 233. 11 W.W. Carmichael, 1994, “The toxins of cyanobacteria,” Scientific American, January, p. 78; I.R. Falconer, 1991, “Tumor promotion and liver injury caused by oral consumption of Cyanobacteria,” Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality, 6, p. 177. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 11 when manure is applied to land than it was at the time of excretion. Manure treatment by composting has a similar result. Appropriate application rates may therefore need to be relatively small, less than equipment can deliver reliably. Fecal coliform, streptococci, and sometimes salmonella are the main pathogenic bacteria of concern. Important protozoan pathogens include Cryptosporidium and Giardia. The more animals on a farm, the greater the likelihood of pathogens in the manure. The survival of non-indigenous bacteria following land application of manure depends on soil pH, soil water content, organic matter content, soil texture, temperature, availability of nutrients, adsorption properties of the soil, and biological interactions in the soil (earthworms can reduce bacteria populations). Populations of microorganisms are dynamic – they are influenced by factors that affect their survival. Many are also motile. Farm animals also excrete natural hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, which are known to affect human development through interference with endogenous production and action. Hormone implants are also used to increase growth rates, and the metabolic breakdown products are also excreted. Antibiotics are applied to treat disease, but may also be given prophylactically in feed. These compounds can also be excreted, but little has been written about their transfer to water resources. Of the 229 listed spills recorded by the Southwestern Region of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 17% were attributed to problems with manure storage. Where storages hold less than 180 days worth of manure production, manure is often spread on partly frozen ground, which risks endangering surface water supplies. Manure storages themselves, either earthen or concrete, in areas with shallow bedrock, pervious soils, or shallow water tables, can endanger water supplies. However, as long as Ontario guidelines for construction are followed, the self-sealing nature of manure can prevent major contamination from small cracks. Problems can become acute, however, if the leak intercepts an unsealed tile drain. Manure can then move directly to a water course. If leaks have occurred, the time of major concern is when the structures are decommissioned. The water in stored manure will help maintain saturated conditions in the soil near the point of the leak. As the soil dries after storage stops, ammoniacal nitrogen can be nitrified and organic nitrogen mineralized, resulting in nitrate that can then move to the groundwater. The movement of liquid manure to tile lines is the most frequently reported type of manure spill. Researchers have documented the movement of liquid 12 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 manure to tile lines through macropore or preferential flow. In this process, water and its constituents move by preferred pathways through a porous medium. It means that part of the matrix is effectively bypassed, as flow occurs through large pores and channels in the soil created by earthworms, roots, freeze-thaw, and cracking. Macropores have been shown to allow manure liquids to move to subsurface drains within an hour of application. One study showed that as a result of preferential flow, 96% of the infiltrating water moved through only 0.32% of the soil volume. Preferential flow occurs when rainfall or the liquid application rate exceeds the infiltration rate of the soil or when the soil is already saturated at the time of the rainfall or application. Flow through the larger macropores occurs much more quickly than through smaller pores. Pre-tillage (tilling the land prior to manure application) has been shown to limit macropore flow by severing the continuous cracks, worm holes, root channels etc. Pre-tillage tines have been added to injection machinery to achieve the same effect. Some no-till farmers who want to preserve the beneficial soil conditions created by continuous no-till systems on their land, argue that it should be sufficient to till a swath over the tile lines while leaving the area in between undisturbed. This area needs to be addressed by further research. Equipment manufacturers have been working on ways to reduce compaction caused by large tankers. Compaction can encourage surface runoff of manure, which may then enter adjacent water courses. Manufacturers have also been improving the uniformity with which liquid manure is spread. Uniform distribution is essential if farmers are to rely solely on the nutrients contained in manure for their crop’s nutrient needs. In addition to the choice of application method, producers also have to make decisions on the timing of their land application. Factors to consider include the risks from soil compaction, likelihood of runoff, and nutrient loss though ammonia volatilization. The timing of manure applications is critical for the availability of nitrogen both to crops and on the potential for environmental impacts. As manure storage on many farms is limited, the common periods for application are the fall, winter, and spring. In spring, applications may be as a pre-plant fertilization or as a side- or top-dressing. The experimental evidence shows that compared with spring applications, manuring land in fall or winter results in lower recovery of applied nitrogen by the crops, greater risk of leaching and denitrification, and longer survival of bacteria. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 13 Although it is impossible to accurately predict the fate of manure constituents following land application of manure, the development and use of agricultural best management practices minimize the risk of environmental contamination. Significant research is needed in the field of manure management if water resources are to be protected from contaminants originating in manure. Both basic and applied research is required as well as machinery development. These needs cover aspects of: • • • • feeding regimes animal husbandry manure treatment field application Section 4 provides an overview of manure production in Ontario in terms of distribution, volume, and spreading practices. Statistics Canada census data and livestock inventory numbers show current manure production levels. Future industry growth and manure management technologies are discussed. About 67% of Ontario’s agricultural sales comes from 20% of its farms, i.e., farms with annual gross revenue greater than $250,000. The majority of Ontario’s livestock farms are located in the OMAFRA’s Southern and Western regions. Based on 1996 estimates, cattle produced 63% of the manure, swine 31%, and poultry 6%. Estimated manure production for the whole province declined by 7.5% between 1986 and 1996. Poultry manure production increased by 13.8% while cattle and swine decreased by 8.3% and 9.3% respectively. Manure production is projected to drop by 12% by 2010. Based on 1996 census data, the top five counties in terms of manure production are Perth, Huron, Wellington, Oxford, and Bruce. Provincially, 19% of the tillable land receives manure. Even in Perth County, which has a relatively high livestock concentration, only 30% of the tillable land receives manure. If all of Ontario’s agricultural land could receive equal amounts of manure, Ontario could support a much larger livestock industry. However, given current manure technologies and its current economic value, it is not feasible to transport manure over long distances. Section 4 discusses how to balance society’s need for safe, high-quality potable water with the needs of livestock farms to remain competitive and not be unduly burdened with extensive regulations. 14 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 2 Regulations, Policies, and Management Guidelines Governing Manure Management and Water Protection 2.1 Introduction This section provides a comparative summary of the regulations governing manure management for water protection. The scope includes Quebec, New Brunswick, Ontario, New York State, Kentucky, and some European Union countries with a focus on the Netherlands. These jurisdictions were selected because they have similar geographical features to those of Ontario, similar legal and institutional frameworks, or a variety of regulatory devices that have been recently developed to take into account specific challenges associated with manure management and water protection. Market forces, technological changes, and industry restructuring continue to cause significant changes in the livestock industry. One result of these changes is a trend toward a concentration of livestock and poultry production in all the major livestock producing nations, and a commensurate geographic concentration of livestock waste products. Concerns about environmental impacts have arisen in most of the affected countries, especially in areas where the environmental capacity to absorb the additional nutrients is limited.12 Accordingly, most livestock-producing jurisdictions have developed and enacted new policies to control environmental impacts. While many of the new policies rely, in part, on pre-existing regulatory mechanisms, there is a clear and growing trend towards evaluating policy needs to specifically target livestock waste management. The published literature includes several studies that compare the efficacy of various policy instruments with regard to features such as impact on pollution levels, costs of implementation, effect on the industry, and institutional requirements for successful implementation. Policy mechanisms have also been compared across different industries and water impairment sources. From examining the research and practices in this area, one can conclude that: • • a successful policy is made up of a well-integrated combination of individual components, no one policy is optimal for all situations, and 12 U.S. General Accounting Office (USGAO), 1999, Animal Agriculture: Waste Management Practices, (Washington, D.C.). The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality • 15 a specific component that works well in one context may be inadequate in another. Jurisdictions vary in how the different levels of government interact. The level and type of authority exercised by each level of government differs when dealing with the severity of water impairment problems. Differences across regions also exist in other factors, such as geological and physical features, the costs of complying with a given standard or practice, demographics, and other social and economic activities that may mitigate or exacerbate water quality issues associated with animal agriculture. Section 2 is divided into several subsections. The goals of regulatory policy, in the context of livestock waste management are discussed in section 2.2 which also considers a number of reasons why policies and regulatory mechanisms that are targeted to similar goals can exhibit such a variety of differences. Results of studies that analyze differences between policy approaches are summarized. Several examples illustrate basic points, but details of these examples are left for later subsections that describe specific policies used in the various jurisdictions. The jurisdictional reviews start with the United States (section 2.3), which has seen several new initiatives to regulate animal waste impacts on water in the last five years alone. Development of these initiatives has been coordinated among the different branches of government and levels of government, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA). Such coordinated and integrated efforts have not yet been seen to the same scale in Ontario. Section 2.4 discusses regulations in selected jurisdictions in Europe, where the European Union (EU) helps to play an integrating role. European policies in general are more stringent than those in Canada and the United States, in part because the severity of existing water quality problems is greater. It means that to meet similar ambient nutrient standards, many European nations have to make bigger improvements, and that the waste per animal unit can create greater environmental stress than is the case in North America. European policies are especially interesting in that they tend to rely on a combination of marketoriented regulatory mechanisms. Section 2.5 reviews the approaches of New Brunswick (which has a relatively new set of policies), Quebec, and Ontario. Ontario is considered last so that 16 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 there is a context for the reader to consider the existing approach in this province relative to potential alternatives. Ontario has yet to see implementation of new regulations that specifically target livestock waste management for water resource protection. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) recently initiated a process to review existing policies. The Ontario subsection concludes with a list of existing best management practices that are currently recommended for livestock producers in the province. 2.2 Goals of Regulation and Types of Regulatory Devices Regulatory approaches vary widely across jurisdictions and, due to the industry trend toward concentration, have recently undergone significant changes within jurisdictions. In their assessment of the impacts of regulation on the hog industry in several European nations and 25 U.S. states, Beghin and Metcalf review recent trends in new environmental regulations aimed at livestock waste management.13 Their review emphasizes “the evolving and heterogeneous nature of environmental regulation, which varies dramatically from state to state and across countries. Despite the geographical disparity in regulations, there is everywhere a common trend toward introducing more stringent and new policy instruments.”14 Table 2-1 illustrates the variety in type and stringency of regulatory mechanisms across the jurisdictions included in their study. 2.2.1 Goals of Regulation The conceptual basis of environmental regulation is to provide private decision makers, whose actions contribute to water quality impairment, with the incentives necessary to consider the full cost of their production activities. Water quality impairment can impose costs on all members of society. These costs include increased municipal water treatment costs, costs of greater risk of illness caused by changes in water quality, and costs to society from loss of fish and wildlife habitat. In many cases, producers are unaware of the full extent of these costs and have little incentive to consider them as they do other production 13 J. Beghin and M. Metcalf, 2000, “Market hogs? An international perspective on environmental regulation and competitiveness in the hog market,” Choices, First Quarter, p. 28. 14 Ibid. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 17 Table 2-1 Environmental Stringency Ranking of Environmental Regulations for the Hog Industry Jurisdiction Types of Regulatory Instruments Used Very Restrictive The Netherlands MPRs (Manure production rights), ammonia rights, nutrient standards for phosphate and nitrogen, nutrient management plan, facility design requirements, waste system approval, setbacks, reduction in MPRs, reduction of output, taxes on excess nutrients, scheduling and technical restrictions on manure spreading, odor permit. Denmark Nutrient standards for nitrogen, restrictions on spreading techniques and scheduling, facility design and waste system requirements and approval, setbacks, nutrient management plan, fines on excess nutrient, land cover requirements, land ownership requirement increasing with farm size, moratorium on farms exceeding 15,000 head. Georgia Local regulations, public hearings, geological testing, strict setbacks, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements exceed EPA criteria. Kansas Public hearings, setbacks facility approval, waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards bonding, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements, required training. Maryland Local regulation, public hearings, geological testing, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, bonding, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements, required training. Iowa Public hearings, geological testing, strict setbacks, facility approval, extensive waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements exceed EPA criteria, required training. South Carolina Public hearings, geological testing, strict setbacks, approval for facility, extensive waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements exceed EPA criteria, required training. South Dakota Local regulation, public hearings, geological testing, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements exceed EPA criteria, required training. Restrictive Belgium Nutrient standards for nitrogen and phosphate, facility and waste system approval, manure shipping for non-family farms, restrictions on manure spreading techniques and scheduling, nutrient management plan, taxes on excess nutrient. Arkansas Public hearings, geological testing, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, discharge requirements exceed EPA criteria, required training, moratorium. PPublic ublic hearings, hearings,geological geologicaltesting, testingsetbacks, , setbackswaste , wastsystem e systeapproval, m approvfees, al, fenutrient es, nutristandards, ent sbonding, tandards,groundwater bonding, gromonitoring, undswater mdischarge onitoring, requirements discharge requexceed iremenfederal ts exceeEPA d fedcriteria, eral Erequired PA critertraining. ia, required training. Illinois Indiana Local regulation, geological testing, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, discharge requirements. Kentucky Geological testing, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, discharge requirements, moratorium. 18 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Table 2-1 Environmental Stringency Ranking of Environmental Regulations for the Hog Industry, cont’d. Jurisdiction Types of Regulatory Instruments Used Restrictive (continued) Minnesota Local regulation, geological testing, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, nutrient standards, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements, moratorium. Mississippi Local regulation, public hearings, geological testing, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, nutrient standards, discharge requirements, moratorium. Missouri Local regulation, public hearings, geological testing, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, bonding, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements, required training. North Carolina Local regulation, public hearings, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, discharge requirements, required training, moratorium. Ohio Public hearings, geological testing, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards discharge requirements exceed EPA criteria. Oklahoma Public hearings, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, bonding, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements exceed EPA criteria, required training, moratorium. Oregon Geological testing, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements exceed EPA criteria. Pennsylvania Local regulation, geological testing, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, nutrient standards, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements exceed EPA criteria, required training. Tennessee Public hearings, geological testing, setbacks, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, discharge requirements, required training. Virginia Local regulation, public hearings, facility and waste system approval, fees, nutrient standards, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements, required training. Moderate Taiwan Waste system approval and requirements, concentration standards for waste pollution (BOD, COD, SS), manure spreading prohibited, zoning. Arizona Local regulation, geological testing, approval for waste system, nutrient standards, discharge requirements. Colorado Local regulation, setbacks, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements, local level moratorium. Nebraska Local regulations, public hearings, geological testing, setbacks, facility approval, fees, nutrient standards, groundwater monitoring, discharge requirements. Negligible Poland New York State Local regulation, discharge requirements. Source: Beghin and Metcalf, 2000. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 19 costs. The role of well-designed regulatory instruments is to make these costs explicit to the producer, thereby providing the incentive to alter their practices and reduce potential financial costs. As a result, water quality impairment can be reduced. As an ideal, a perfect regulatory instrument would increase the producer’s marginal cost of water impairment by exactly the marginal cost that is imposed on society. In this way, the cost of water impairment would be treated as any other cost of production, and producers would choose practices that result in optimal levels of water quality for society.15 In reality, it is often not possible for regulators or producers to determine the exact costs imposed on society as a result of the activities of a given producer. In addition, regulation imposes additional costs on society: administrative, monitoring, and enforcement costs. Therefore, a more realistic goal of environmental policy and regulation is to achieve specific water quality goals at least cost to society, including producers and regulators. Much of the economics literature about the environmental regulation of agriculture assumes this practical goal. The objective of many empirical studies is to determine least-cost approaches to achieving set environmental goals.16 The relative severity of regional water quality problems affects the regulatory goals and the types of regulatory instruments needed to achieve those goals. The variable of concern is not necessarily the water quality standard that is set, but the magnitude of the difference between existing quality and the standard, as well as the costs of achieving incremental improvements. Regions with more severe problems would be more likely to implement stricter, more expensive regulations, while regions with relatively minor problems might rely on less 15 Thus, well-designed regulations would not necessarily have zero-impact on water quality as a goal, but rather would act to strike a balance between society’s costs for food production and the benefits of improved water quality. 16 R.A. Fleming, B.A. Babcock, and E. Wang, 1998, “Resource or waste? The economics of swine manure storage and management,” Review of Agricultural Economics, 20, p. 96; R.A. Kramer, W.T. McSweeny, W.R. Kerns, and R.W. Stavros, 1984, “An evaluation of alternative policies for controlling agricultural nonpoint source pollution,” Water Resources Bulletin, 20, p. 841; A. Lintner and A. Weersink, 1996, Evaluating Control Instruments for Improving Water Quality from Multicontaminants in an Agricultural Watershed (Guelph, ON: Department of Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph); M. Ribaudo, R.D. Horan, and M.E. Smith, 1999, Economics of Water Quality Protection from Nonpoint Sources: Theory and Practice (USDA/Economic Research Service, Publication 782); D. Rigby and T. Young, 1996, “European environmental regulations to reduce water pollution: an analysis of their impact on UK dairy farms,” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 23, p. 59. 20 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 costly, voluntary measures. The principal is that the poorer the existing water quality, the greater the cost to society of an additional unit of waste material. Therefore, in areas of Europe where water quality is already stressed by activities of the densely concentrated human population, the waste products of an additional animal unit impose greater water quality costs than in many regions of North America, which have yet to experience the same overall levels of stress to water quality. This trend is also apparent as changes within regions over time. Thus we see that in the last decade, the industry tended toward increasingly concentrated livestock facilities, and new regulatory measures, aimed at reducing the impact of livestock agriculture on water quality, have also increased. The rates at which different jurisdictions develop new guidelines vary, due to the change in development of the industry among regions, the physical features of the watersheds, other human activities that affect regional water quality, and changes in the uses of local water supplies. Often, a jurisdiction may have focused heavily on reducing water quality impairment from specific sources over time. As a result, the additional benefit to society from increasing stringency of regulation for those sources becomes quite small relative to increasing the focus on other sources, which had previously not received the same level of attention. This principal is seen in the United States where, for the two decades after the Clean Water Act was initially enacted in 1977, regulators focused on point source pollution from industrial and municipal effluent. By the late 1980s, a formal review of the state of the nation’s waters estimated that one-third of all surface water continues to be affected by some degree of impairment, but that surface runoff was the single most significant factor affecting water quality.17 Agriculture has generally been recognized as the largest contributor to water pollution caused by runoff in the United States.18 Therefore, the costs of regulation aimed at reducing runoff from agricultural operations would, at the margin, be expected to deliver a greater response than regulatory actions with similar costs aimed at industries causing point source water quality problems. It is not surprising, therefore, that in the last decade important new regulatory and market-based initiatives 17 U.S. General Accounting Office (USGAO), 1999. Ibid; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Office of Water, 1999a, B1. Management Measure for Facility Wastewater and Runoff from Confined Animal Facility Management (Large Units) [online], [cited: last updated Oct 4, 1999], < ch2-2b1.html>; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Office of Water, 1999b, B2: Management Measure for Facility Wastewater and Runoff from Confined Animal Facility Management (Small Units), [online],[cited February 12, 2002], < ch2-2b2.html>. 18 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 21 have been developed in the United States to reduce the impacts of livestock agriculture on water quality. 2.2.2 Types of regulatory instruments There are a wide variety of regulatory instruments and the various studies use different criteria to classify them. Criteria include voluntary versus nonvoluntary instruments,19 command-and-control regulation versus market-based approaches, design-based versus performance-based instruments,20 and those studies that aim to distinguish between regulatory differences presented by point source versus non-point source pollution.21 However, underlying most analytical frameworks is some measure of the incentive necessary for producer compliance as compared with the level of water quality change achieved and other regulatory costs. Existing policy instruments range from those that produce relatively weak incentive mechanisms, such as education programs that attempt to use moral suasion to induce producers to voluntarily alter practices, to those with strong incentive mechanisms, such as issuing permits only after provision of proof that practices have been altered, levying fines for failure to comply with recommended practices, and charging fees for increasing livestock holdings. Policies with weaker incentive mechanisms are often less costly to administer: monitoring costs may be small or absent, and enforcement costs are, by definition, lacking entirely. Conversely, stricter regulations incur greater administrative and monitoring costs and include costly enforcement mechanisms. Innovations that reduce these associated regulatory costs can alter the feasibility of different mechanisms. 19 N. Anders Norton, T.T. Phipps, and J.J. Fletcher, 1994, “Role of voluntary programs in agricultural nonpoint pollution policy,” Contemporary Economic Policy, XII, p. 113; D.J. Bosch, Z.L. Cook, and K.O. Fuglie, 1995, “Voluntary versus mandatory agricultural policies to protect water quality: Adoption of nitrogen testing in Nebraska,” Review of Agricultural Economics, 17, p. 13; D.P. Stonehouse, 1996, “A targeted policy approach to inducing improved rates of conservation compliance in agriculture,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 44, p. 105. 20 A. Conway, 1991, “A role for economic instruments in reconciling agricultural and environmental policy in accordance with the Polluter Pays Principle,” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 18, p. 467; A. Weersink and J. Livernois, 1996, “Introduction,” in Exploring Alternatives: Potential Application of Economic Instruments to Address Selected Environmental Problems in Agriculture. Edited by A. Weersink and J. Livernois (Ottawa: Environment Bureau, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada). 21 Kramer et al., 1984; M. Ribaudo and R.D. Horan, 1999, “The role of education in nonpoint source pollution control policy,” Review of Agricultural Economics, 21, p. 331. 22 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Command-and-control direct regulation Command-and-control regulations create a legally enforceable environment wherein producers are expected to comply with a standard practice or face consequences if they are found to be in non-compliance. Generally, direct regulation implies that the standard is applied at the individual level and is the same for all producers, and that monitoring and enforcement are feasible. An example is the U.S. Clean Water Act, which classifies Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) in the same manner as point source industrial and municipal polluters. Point source polluters are generally held to strict zerotolerance rules and must apply for permit renewal every five years. An exception is made for CAFOs in the special circumstances of a 25-year 24-hour storm event, when the owner or operator would not be held liable for water quality impairment. Otherwise, permits are not granted unless the operation can produce evidence that its activities do not impair water quality. In this case, the burden of proof is on the permit applicant, and non-compliance could result in fines or closure of an operation.22 Because many water quality impairment problems emanating from livestock waste management are characterized by its diffuse non-point nature, use of direct regulation is limited and, as a stand-alone mechanism, is unlikely to achieve regulatory objectives.23 Voluntary approaches Voluntary approaches include educational programs to raise producer awareness of their impacts on water quality on-farm and off-farm and development of ‘codes of practice,’ which specify combinations of best management practices (BMPs) that are consistent with reducing water impairment in a given region. It is generally recognized that the effectiveness of such programs is limited to those situations in which the recommended practices can achieve water quality goals without affecting on-farm profit. Given that off-farm impacts on water quality are generally greater than on-farm impacts, the situations in which voluntary programs alone would be effective are quite rare.24 Therefore, many voluntary programs include subsidies to increase the incentives for compliance.25 In this case, the farmers for whom compliance would be least costly are those most likely to participate. However, these farmers may not be those whose 22 The Clean Water Act, definitions of CAFOs, and terms of permits are discussed later. Stonehouse, 1996; Ribaudo, Horan, and Smith, 1999; Weersink and Livernois, 1996. 24 Anders Norton, Phipps, and Fletcher, 1994; Ribaudo, Horan, and Smith, 1999. 23 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 23 change in practices would make the largest contribution to water quality improvement. In other words, resources spent on subsidies might be better employed otherwise to achieve the same goal. For this reason, Anders Norton et al. suggest that in cases where water impairment costs are mostly borne offfarm, policy-makers should prefer regulation or other alternatives.26 Bosch et al. generally concur, but point out that their empirical research indicates that regulation without education is less effective than a combined approach.27 In situations where the greatest contribution to a local water quality problem is due to diffuse, non-point source runoff and the water quality costs are not severe, voluntary approaches are still popular when used in combination with other mechanisms. However, many approaches that are often classified as ‘voluntary’ actually include positive or negative incentive mechanisms to induce compliance. For example, in many jurisdictions including Ontario and many U.S. states, livestock producers who can demonstrate that they have used recommended codes of practice protect themselves from legal liability in any potential case where their diligence may have nevertheless resulted in unavoidable water quality impairment. Protection from liability carries a real value to producers and so provides an incentive to alter practices and maintain documentation. In many jurisdictions, voluntary programs include measures that reduce costs to producers’ for participation and altering practices. These typically consist of tax breaks and financial assistance to cover some part of those costs. An example is the USDA’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), specifically designed to assist producers with the support necessary to alter production practices. In all, U.S. federal agencies estimated that they spent $498.7 million, as well as providing technical assistance to producers for animal waste management during fiscal years 1996 through 1999.28 Voluntary approaches also include “cross-compliance” mechanisms, which typically tie a producer’s access to other agricultural support programs to their participation in conservation programs. In the United States, where crosscompliance had been used for many years, recent trends in agricultural commodity 25 Kramer et al., 1984. Anders Norton, Phipps, and Fletcher, 1994. 27 Bosch, Cook, and Fuglie, 1995. 28 The EQIP program and others are discussed in more detail later in this chapter; USGAO, 1999. 26 24 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 income-support programs have weakened incentives to participate in environmental programs. In addition, uncertainty about the future of farm support programs due to domestic and international trade policy changes reduces the economic leverage that cross-compliance programs require. Finally, while farm income-support programs are diminishing, the importance of environmental programs to reduce off-farm costs of agriculture is increasing. In general, agricultural income and commodity policies have different purposes and goals from environmental regulation, and the economic inefficiencies and policy problems associated with combining them have brought many researchers to conclude that the future role of cross-compliance approaches will be limited in the United States.29 While voluntary approaches are subject to the above limitations, an important feature of water pollution caused by livestock waste is that much of it comes from non-point sources. This means that the effect of any given producer’s actions on the overall level of water quality is not observable either by the producer or the regulator. The direct impact of a given activity by a given producer is affected by timing, duration and amount of rainfall, the water table, slope, proximity to waterways, location in a watershed, and numerous other geographic and physical variables that are affected by random climatic events. In many situations, no obvious cause and effect may be apparent between land-use activities and localized water quality problems. Thus, the best that one can do is to estimate the probability that a given activity will cause an impact and estimate the expected costs of the impact on water quality impairment. The informational problems create tremendous difficulties in regulatory design.30 A single regulatory rule applied to every producer (perhaps with systematic and observable differences in producer type) will likely have different outcomes and be excessively expensive to monitor and enforce. 29 R.E. Heimlich and R. Claassen, 1998, “Agricultural conservation policy at a crossroads,” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 27, p. 95. 30 K. Segerson, 1988, “Uncertainty and incentives for nonpoint pollution control,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 15, p. 87; K. Segerson, 1990, “Incentive policies for control of agricultural water pollution,” Agriculture and Water Quality: International Perspectives (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner), p. 39; R. Cabe and J. Herriges, 1992, “The regulation of nonpointsource pollution under imperfect and asymmetric information,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 22, p. 134; J.B. Braden and K. Segerson, 1993, “Information problems in the design of nonpoint-source pollution policy,” Theory, Modeling and Experience in the Management of Nonpoint-source Pollution (Boston: Kluwer Academic), p. 1; J.S. Shortle and D.G. Abler, 1994, “Incentives for nonpoint pollution control.” Nonpoint Source Pollution Regulation: Issues and Analysis ( Boston: Kluwer Academic), p. 137; Weersink and Livernois, 1996. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 25 Market-based economic instruments Because of the challenges presented by non-point source problems, some regulatory approaches attempt to use economic instruments that indirectly provide the farmer with the incentives necessary to alter manure-handling practices. This approach has received a tremendous amount of interest due to theoretical studies that suggest economic instruments can achieve a given environmental goal at a lower cost than other policy alternatives. Futhermore, it is used throughout Europe as a cornerstone for livestock waste management policies. Weersink and Livernois, and Braden and Segerson evaluate several economic instruments for their potential to reduce water pollution from agriculture.31 Economic instruments are of two forms: performance-based and design-based. Performance-based instruments are applied to target ambient levels of pollutants. Those feasible for livestock agriculture include charges and subsidies, based on the ambient environmental quality of the target water bodies or the watershed in a given region, and liability rules. The levels of the charges or subsidies depend on changes in ambient levels. As the measured ambient levels increase relative to water quality objectives, producer charges are increased. If ambient levels decrease below objectives, farmers may receive reward payments. Farmers compare their costs of complying with the potential costs of ignoring the ambient standards, and choose practices that are likely to maximize profit. Such a policy theoretically provides producers with the incentive to determine the lowest-cost practices for their operations to attain a given overall regional standard. The correlation between individual farmers’ practices and ambient nutrient concentrations is greater, and the instrument more effective, when there are shorter time lags between on-farm activities and their associated effects on water quality and when the number of producers in the region is relatively small. However, in practice it is difficult to design and implement performancebased instruments in complex, multi-use watersheds. Liability rules, as performance-based instruments, make producers responsible for the costs of any water quality damages that they cause. These are only suitable for cases in which there is clear evidence that a given water quality damage event can be traced to a specific producer, for example, when manure lagoons leak or overflow. But since most livestock waste and water quality problems are diffuse, liability rules are most useful as a complementary mechanism to other instruments. 31 Braden and Segerson, 1993; Weersink and Livernois, 1996. 26 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Design-based instruments, which include subsidies for adopting more benign manure management or land-use management practices, tradeable permits, and charges on outputs, are intended to affect production decisions by targeting production inputs and outputs that are correlated with potential water quality damages. Targeted subsidies (grants, loans, and tax allowances) may be granted to producers who demonstrate that they have adopted management practices to reduce their contribution to water quality problems. As discussed above, subsidies have to be set at levels consistent with the corresponding impact on water quality goals. Otherwise a single rate for all producers may encourage some to incur costs that are more than the associated increase in water quality while providing too low an incentive to others who could have a relatively greater impact on water quality. Practical problems also include equity considerations in cases where producers who had already been using recommended practices are not eligible for subsidies that are intended as incentives to encourage those who are still using undesirable practices to change. The associated instrument of a tax or a charge for practices and inputs that are considered detrimental to water quality objectives is considered to be problematic for several reasons, including the infeasibility of charging differential taxes to different producers based on farm type, region, and location in the watershed. These differentials may be considered unconstitutional in some jurisdictions, and producers may be able to substitute among inputs and practices to avoid the tax in ways that simply change the water quality problem without correcting it.32 Tradeable permits grant producers rights to produce at specific levels that are correlated with expected levels of non-point water quality impairment. For example, in the Netherlands, producers are granted Manure Production Rights (MPRs) based on historical farm production records and land holdings. Producers are able to buy and sell MPRs within regions, and between regions if the sale is from a manure-surplus region to a manure-deficit region. Some restrictions apply to markets for MPRs between livestock species and the government can impose a “fee” on each transaction (a percent of the MPRs traded). The effect of such a system is that farmers are allowed some degree of discretion in how they manage their individual transitions in production practices. Meanwhile the overall effect over time is to channel the market for 32 Lintner and Weersink, 1996. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 27 MPRs so as to achieve overall water quality goals within and between regions. The regulator can gradually reduce the number of MPRs in the system, thereby providing producers with a process that allows some individual adjustment over time. 2.2.3 The Role of Individual Producer Discretion Regulatory instruments vary in the degree of individual choice given to the producer with regard to practices used to reduce impairment and the level of diligence. However, as discussed above, using approaches that allow for greater degrees of producer discretion does not necessarily imply that incentives are weaker. Market-based economic instruments can be used to achieve water quality goals in a given region while allowing producers the choice of how and when to alter practices to achieve these goals. Livestock waste management plans in the United States are another approach that leaves some degree of producer discretion. These plans are developed by producers with the support of specially trained USDA soil-conservation-service staff members. These plans are developed to fit a combination of farm-specific and watershed-specific goals. In some states, such plans are required in order for producers to obtain permits for their livestock operations. The details of each plan can be tailored to meet waste-management objectives in ways that may differ substantially from farm to farm, yet be equally effective in reducing water quality impacts. The underlying idea is that so-called ‘best management practices’ are not necessarily ‘best’ in the sense of achieving water quality goals at least cost when applied to all farm operations. Differences in watershed features, farm locations, existing combinations of practices, and regional water quality needs and goals may result in different estimations of the ‘best’ combinations of practices at any given farm. An advantage of discretionary decision making is that farmers have incentives to innovate and find the most cost-effective means to meet regulated standards. Individual innovations contribute to technological advances that benefit the industry, while reducing water impairment costs to society. The existing Environmental Farm Plan program might be a starting point for similar regulatory programs in Ontario, although at this time Environmental Farm Plans are not required, nor are producers required to follow their plans. 28 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 2.2.4 Coordinated Strategies There is an increasing trend toward the achievement of explicit water quality goals through strategic policies that incorporate combinations of mechanisms. The USEPA recommends that policies be developed and examined at regional levels.33 Similarly, a main recommendation of the most recent review of the state of groundwater stocks and protection in the United States is greater coordination of policies among institutions, within and among levels of government, and across localities.34 The regional and explicit watershed approach used at the federal and state levels is an example of coordination strategies. Federal cost-share programs have had a significant coordination impact both vertically between federal, state, and local levels of government, and to a lesser degree horizontally between land-use and water quality policies.35 An interesting example of local strategic water-quality-policy development is that of New York City. The purpose of the strategy was to maintain quality of drinking water supplies so as to meet federal standards mandated by the USEPA under authority of the Safe Drinking Water Act.36 Failure to meet federal standards would require the city to implement expensive filter treatments or be found in non-compliance with federal law. The first step in the strategy was to conduct a systematic assessment of how existing regulations could be used to protect water in the source watersheds and to identify the gaps in the existing regulations, relative to their needs. Development of new mechanisms focused on those situations that were not already adequately covered, which included livestock waste handling by the region’s dairy producers. New livestock waste management policies, developed as part of the strategy, are therefore integrated into an overall plan for water quality protection. The type of strategy employed by New York City involves integrating policy in a systematic fashion over a combination of federal, state, county, and municipal levels of government. Different levels of government often have limited sets of 33 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Office of Wastewater Management and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1999, U.S. Department of Agriculture/U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Unified National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations, March 9, 1999 [online], [cited February 12, 2002] <>. 34 Ibid. 35 C. Johns, 2000, Non-point Source Water Pollution Management in Canada and the U.S.: A Comparative Analysis of Institutional Arrangements and Policy Instruments, [unpublished dissertation, McMaster University]. 36 U.S. National Research Council (NRC), 1999, Watershed Management for Potable Water Supply: Assessing the New York City Strategy, Report by the Committee to Review the New York City Watershed Management Strategy (Washington D.C.: National Academy Press). The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 29 policy tools, which can overlap or leave gaps. For example, in Ontario, municipal governments may enact zoning by-laws, regulatory statutes are developed and implemented at the provincial level, and water quality guidelines are set at the federal level, which has limited authority to impose regulation. Overcoming institutional barriers to achieve a systematic approach to regulation can be a difficult and expensive process in itself. However, the administrative costs would be apportioned over the relative efficiencies gained in water quality protection from all types of impairments over the region for which the strategy is developed. Similarly, such a strategy is more likely to result in apportioning the private costs of regulation over the range of contributors to water quality impairment problems (consistent with the “polluter pays” principle). Finally, it must be noted that well-designed policies can justifiably combine different regulatory instruments. The best combination of mechanisms for a given jurisdiction depends on many features, such as: • • • • • • • • existing legislation and levels of government responsibility, the severity of existing water quality problems, the costs imposed on society, the costs of monitoring and enforcement, the costs of providing necessary incentives for voluntary programs, watershed-specific geological features, the costs to farmers of altering practices, and expectations of long-term industry trends toward increasing concentration of livestock operations with attendant increases in the volumes of animal waste per unit land area. Where the benefits of minimizing water quality impairment are very large and the desire to minimize risk is great, higher-cost regulatory devices are more justifiable. Where the cost of water quality impairment is less, the use of cheaper mechanisms with a larger voluntary component is more justified. In some cases, the costs of treating municipal water may be cheaper than developing and implementing policies to maintain water quality at levels that do not require treatment. In other cases, the opposite may be true. Since regions differ in their characteristics, optimal livestock waste management policies will necessarily vary. Thus, while it is reasonable for a strategy to include a variety of regulatory instruments, the combinations of instruments is likely to differ among jurisdictions. The analogy is similar to the notion that the efficacy of individual farm-level management practices is difficult to assess without the context of the combination of practices that are used on the same 30 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 farm, and the particular features of the region where the farm is located. Achieving a given water quality goal at least cost could be attained by vastly different combinations of practices at the farm level. Similarly, it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of a given regulatory instrument outside the context of its use, especially given the data limitations related to water quality that exist in most jurisdictions. The remainder of this section reviews several approaches used by different jurisdictions. Different regions use different combinations of regulatory devices, voluntary approaches, and market-based mechanisms. The section describes what is in use today, according to written documentation, but does not attempt to evaluate which approaches are ‘best.’ Some of these approaches result from recent policy assessments, which can be time-consuming, research-intensive, and expensive processes. Some regions, including Ontario, may not have yet undergone or completed such processes. But because one approach works in a particular region, it does not necessarily mean it is the optimal approach for another. So while it may be tempting to suggest that a particularly innovative idea that works in Europe might work as well in Ontario, such a conclusion is not justified without the appropriate investment in research of the the needs and circumstances that face Ontario producers and that apply to Ontario citizens who bear the costs of impaired water quality from livestock production. The reader is encouraged to keep in mind that stricter regulatory approaches are not necessarily the most effective from the perspective of achieving set water quality goals at least cost to society. Similarly, what appear to be the least expensive approaches from a regulatory standpoint might actually be the most expensive from society’s standpoint, if they are very inefficient at achieving water quality goals. Reviewing different jurisdictions can provide some practical context by which to compare various regulatory devices, voluntary approaches, and market-based instruments and to consider their potential applicability in Ontario. 2.3 United States Environmental impacts of livestock waste have recently received a lot of attention in the United States. During the latter half of the 1990s, federal and state governments initiated a number of studies to investigate the impacts of livestock The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 31 operations on water quality and to assess the ability of existing regulations and strategies to control these impacts.37 This sub-section describes the basic structure of the federal and state laws that govern the regulation of water quality and the potential threat from manure handling, and concludes with brief summaries of New York State and Kentucky livestock waste policies. Kentucky was chosen because it has geological features similar to those in parts of Ontario, namely fissured limestone, which potentially allow surface water to affect groundwater stocks relatively more quickly than is typical. And like Ontario, the majority of rural and small-municipal water supplies in Kentucky come from groundwater. New York State has a similar livestock agricultural industry as Ontario and also shares a common border. 2.3.1 Overview of Relevant U.S. Environmental Regulations The system of institutional and legal authority in the United States differs substantially from that in Canada. For example, the U.S. federal government has greater authority to enact laws that regulate activity within local jurisdictions than has the federal government in Canada. This structure allows a greater degree of coordination between jurisdictions than is typically seen in Canada. The greater level of federal authority in the United States generates greater federal responsibility and support for local programs. Federal power over water quality is, in part, mandated by the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act. The USEPA is authorized by Congress to ensure that the provisions of these Acts are met across the country. In general, all states must adhere to USEPA standards and regulations, through either direct USEPA administration or state administration under USEPA authorization. However, states may develop water quality and manure management standards and regulations that are stricter than the federal ones. For example, table 2-1 refers to states in which discharge requirements exceed USEPA criteria. The U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) provides the authority for environmental regulations that directly target public health and the quality of 37 U.S. General Accounting Office (USGAO), 1995, Animal Agriculture: Information on Waste Management and Water Quality Issues (Washington, D.C.); USGAO, 1999; USEPA, Wastewater Management and USDA, 1999. 32 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 drinking water at or near the point of use. The U.S. Clean Water Act (CWA) focuses on the quality of source waters and discharges into those waters. The USEPA administers both acts. Within the considerations of the CWA, water quality programs are further divided into point source and non-point source programs. The SDWA, passed in 1974, sets allowable maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for finished drinking water. The safe water treatment rule (SWTR), under the SDWA, describes the criteria that must be met by surface water supplies that exempt them from expensive water filtration requirements. Most regulations specifically aimed at groundwater tend to fall under the authority of the SDWA. The Clean Water Act requires U.S. waters to meet quality levels that are fishable and swimmable.38 States must classify waters according to their use and set specific water quality criteria for those classifications. For waters not meeting the standards, the CWA requires that sources of pollution be identified, total maximum daily loads be developed, and mechanisms for reducing pollution be described.39 Point source pollution is defined in the U.S. Clean Water Act to include any “discernable, confined, and discrete conveyance” and specifically includes “concentrated animal feeding operations” (CAFOs). The definition of point source exempts agricultural stormwater discharges. This exemption does not apply when the discharge is associated with the land disposal of animal manure originating from a CAFO or is not the result of proper agricultural practices. For water quality problems that are identified as point source in nature, the CWA authorizes the USEPA to administer the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The NPDES defines CAFOs as point sources, thus requiring such operations to qualify for permits that ensure that standards are maintained and best available control strategies are used.40 Technically, the term non-point source (NPS) is defined to mean any source of water pollution that does not meet the legal definition of point source in section 502(14) of the Clean Water Act of 1987. “Non-point source pollution results from precipitation, land runoff, infiltration, drainage, seepage, hydrologic 38 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 1977, Clean Water Act, < defs/html/cwa.htm> and <>. 39 U.S. NRC, 1999. 40 Ibid. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 33 modification, or atmospheric deposition. As runoff from rainfall or snowmelt moves, it picks up and transports natural pollutants and pollutants resulting from human activity, ultimately depositing them into rivers, lakes, wetlands, coastal waters, and groundwater.” Regulation that targets surface NPS pollution tends to fall under the authority of the CWA. Surface runoff from non-point sources has been identified as the current largest contributing factor to water quality problems in the United States, with livestock agriculture singled out as a significant problem. Although CAFOs fall under the NPDES permit program, the majority of livestock operations that contribute to runoff problems are smaller than the definition of a CAFO and are therefore not considered point sources and do not require permits. Several states have provided stricter definitions for granting permits to livestock operations. In response to the Clean Water Action Plan released in 1998, the USEPA and the USDA developed a Unified Strategy to address livestock waste management.41 The Strategy elaborates and strengthens the requirements for CAFOs that are regulated under NPDES permits, and provides numerous guidelines for voluntary measures for smaller operations. The voluntary programs are supported by a number of incentive mechanisms, including technical support, financial assistance, and limited liability for operators who demonstrate appropriate management measures. Details of this strategy are described later. The distinctions between point source and non-point source, surface waters and groundwater, and drinking water quality protection for public health and water quality protection for broader environmental mandates can become rather vague in many places. Provisions of the CWA and SDWA may overlap or not provide even coverage. In such cases, individual states and municipalities may develop specialized strategies to achieve water quality protection goals. For example, the 1997 New York City Watershed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) outlines the watershed management strategy that protects drinking water for nine million residents of New York City. The MOA creates watershed rules and regulations that “fill in the gaps between the CWA and the SDWA.”42 The MOA addresses non-point pollution generated by livestock agriculture within its Watershed Agricultural Program. 41 42 USEPA, Wastewater Management and USDA, 1999. U.S. NRC, 1999. 34 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 2.3.2 U.S. Regulations, Acts, and Programs Designed to Protect Groundwater Federal financial and technical support to municipalities and states for developing groundwater protection plans is available through the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act. While the CWA targets surface waters, groundwater is included as it affects surface water through interconnected groundwater stocks. Provisions of the CWA that relate specifically to livestock agricultural wastes will be discussed in more detail below. Section 1429 of the SDWA authorizes the USEPA to give grants to individual states for the development and implementation of groundwater protection programs.43 The USEPA is required to evaluate state-funded programs and report to Congress every three years on the status of groundwater quality and on the effectiveness of state programs to protect groundwater. Amendments to the SDWA in 1996 authorized Congress to spend up to $15 million per year from 1997 through 2003 to support the state programs.44 As of 1999, 47 states had approved wellhead protection programs that are being expanded under the provisions of the 1996 SDWA amendments. Almost every state has begun to implement comprehensive groundwater protection programs, including enacting legislation and regulations, monitoring groundwater quality, developing data management systems, and implementing remediation and protection programs. The majority of federal funds allocated for groundwater have been devoted to remediation as opposed to planning or protection. The assessment of state programs resulted in recommendations for more effective coordination of groundwater protection programs at the federal, state, and local levels.45 While the SDWA has no specific provisions for the creation of groundwater protection programs that relate to livestock waste, individual state programs supported under the SDWA vary depending upon regional problems and features. For example, Kentucky’s Agriculture Water Quality Act (1994) was passed to protect surface and groundwater from agricultural pollution. The act requires all land owners with 10 or more acres to develop and implement a farm water quality plan. 43 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Office of Water. 1999c. Safe Drinking Water Act, Section 1429: Ground water Report to Congress, Final Report (Washington, D.C.), < gwreport/GWRindex.htm>. 44 Ibid. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 35 2.3.3 Animal Feeding Operations Guidelines and Regulations Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs) are agricultural enterprises where animals are kept and raised in confined situations. Feed is brought to the animals, rather than the animals grazing or otherwise seeking feed in pastures, fields, or rangeland. Most livestock operations fall within this broad definition. For regulatory purposes, it is useful to make distinctions between AFO types. The USEPA definition46 considers that an AFO facility meets the following criteria: • • animals have been, are, or will be stabled, confined and fed, or maintained for a total of 45 days or more in any 12-month period and crops, vegetation, forage growth, or post-harvest residues are not sustained in the normal growing season over any portion of the lot or facility. A Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) is defined as an AFO facility that • • confines more than 1,000 Animal Units (AUs)47 OR confines between 301 to 1,000 AUs and discharges pollutants into waters of the United States through a man-made ditch, flushing system, or similar man-made device, or directly into waters of the United States that originate outside of and pass over, across, or through the facility or otherwise come into direct contact with the animals confined in the operation. According to the 1992 Agricultural Census, about 450,000 farm operations nationwide met the conditions for AFOs. The vast majority are small farms, with about 85% having fewer than 250 AUs.48 About 6,600 farms had more than 1,000 AUs and are thus considered to be CAFOs by the USEPA. Between 1987 and 1992, the total number of AUs in the US increased by about 3%, or 4.5 million units. During this period, the number of AFOs decreased, indicating a consolidation within the industry overall and greater production from fewer, larger AFOs. Given industry trends, the USEPA and USDA believe that as many as 10,000 CAFOs may exist in 2000. 45 Ibid. Individual states may have slightly different definitions of AFOs and CAFOs, but any state-level differences would result in regulatory control that is at least as strict as the federal definition. 47 1,000 Animal Unit equivalents: 1,000 slaughter and feeder cattle, 700 mature dairy cattle, 2,500 swine, 30,000 laying hens or broilers (if a liquid manure system) or 100,000 laying hens or broilers if a facility uses continuous overflow watering. 48 USGAO, 1995. 46 36 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Wastes from AFOs can affect public health and water quality through direct discharge into a surface water body or through runoff, either directly from the facility or from manure applied to land. The USGAO estimates that 90% of CAFO-generated waste is applied to land.49 The USEPA is currently revising its guidelines for CAFOs as a result of the 1999 USDA-USEPA Unified National Strategy for AFOs. Existing regulations affect about 2,000 operations defined as CAFOs (having 1,000 or more AUs). New regulations will likely increase the number of farms classified as CAFOs by including restrictions for operations with unacceptable conditions and those that are found to contribute significantly to water quality impairment within a specific watershed. USEPA anticipates completing these guidelines by December 2001 for hog and poultry, and for beef and dairy operations in December 2002. The USEPA anticipates that the new regulations will increase the number of operations requiring federal permits from 5,800 to up to 20,000.50 A major impetus for these reforms is the regulatory objective set by the Clean Water Act. 2.3.4 Livestock Waste Runoff and Non-point Source Pollution Policies The Clean Water Action Plan (CWAP), released in February 1998, identified runoff as the most important remaining source of water pollution in the United States, with agricultural runoff from livestock waste listed as a specific target for future action. The action plan noted that nationwide, 130 times more animal waste than human waste is produced, or roughly 5 tons for each citizen. The U.S. General Accounting Office reports that AFOs are widely recognized to pose a number of risks to water quality and public health, due to the amount of animal manure and wastewater they generate. Animal waste runoff can impair surface and groundwater by introducing pollutants, such as nutrients (including nitrogen and phosphorus), organic matter, heavy metals, sediments, pathogens (including bacteria and viruses), hormones, antibiotics, and ammonia. Excess nutrients in water can contribute to eutrophication, anoxia, and toxic algal blooms, and have been associated in the United States with outbreaks of microbes such as 49 50 Ibid. USGAO, 1999. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 37 Pfiesteria piscicida. Pathogens such as Crytosporidium have been linked to impairments in drinking water supplies and threats to human health. Pathogens in manure can also create a food safety concern if manure is applied directly to crops at inappropriate times. Nitrogen, in the form of nitrate, can contaminate groundwater stocks. These pollutants are transported by rainwater, snowmelt, or irrigation water through or over land surfaces and are eventually deposited in rivers, lakes, and coastal waters or introduced into groundwater. These can affect water quality and public health in several ways, such as contaminating drinking water supplies and killing fish and wildlife.51 Runoff from agricultural sources is a form of non-point source pollution. Nonpoint sources (NPS) are not subject to federal NPDES permit requirements under the Clean Water Act. The USEPA strategy to abate non-point sources focuses on land and runoff management practices, rather than on effluent treatment.52 A 1987 amendment to the CWA created section 319, which is intended to provide a national framework to address NPS pollution. Section 319 requires states to assess NPS pollution and implement management programs. It also authorizes USEPA to issue grants to states for assistance in implementing management programs. A recently published USEPA report gives technical assistance to state program managers and others on “the best available, economically achievable means of reducing non-point source pollution of surface and groundwater from agriculture.”53 Finally, in addition to increasing funding to the USDA programs by $100 million, the CWAP doubled federal funding for the federal NPS Program to $200 million annually. 2.3.5 Regulation of Point Source Pollution from Livestock Waste The primary device for point source pollution regulation in the United States is the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), administered by the USEPA under the authority of the Clean Water Act. The program defines and classifies categories of point source pollution, and based on these definitions, firms may be required to apply for a permit. Depending upon the nature of the 51 Ibid. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Office of Water, Nonpoint Source Control Branch, 2000, National Measures to Control Non-point Source Pollution from Agriculture, Draft Report. 53 Ibid. 52 38 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 activity and the pollutant, the permits specify the circumstances under which the firm is allowed to operate. The USEPA issues NPDES permits directly, or individual states may be authorized to implement the NPDES program provided that the state NPDES program requirements are as at least as stringent as those imposed under the federal program. NPDES permits are for five years. The general public may participate in NPDES permit decisions. The procedures require that the public be notified and allowed to comment on NPDES permit applications. The federal NPDES requirements specifically include regulation of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). CAFOs are defined as point sources for the purposes of the NPDES program; no such facility may discharge pollutants from a point source to waters of the United States without an NPDES permit, except for discharges resulting from a 25-year, 24-hour storm event. The current USEPA policy treats only those AFOs that meet the regulatory definition of a CAFO as a point source, and thus are subject to the NPDES program.54 About 2,000 CAFOs have been issued NPDES permits by the USEPA and individual states under section 402 of the CWA. These permits limit conditions under which discharges may be made from point sources and may also impose best management practices (BMPs). For example, poultry operations that remove waste from pens and stack it in areas exposed to rainfall or adjacent to a watercourse may be considered to have established a liquid manure system and therefore CAFOs are subject to the NPDES program. USEPA expects that between 15,000–20,000 CAFOs require permitting and enforcement under NPDES permits.55 Under authorization of USEPA, individual states may implement their own programs. The federal program targets CAFOs, but state regulations may be more stringent and include AFOs as well. State non-NPDES programs (state AFO programs) are typically more stringent than the federal NPDES program, thus many states authorized to implement the federal program choose not to. While state AFO programs vary, most regulate facilities through permitting programs that require animal waste disposal systems to be constructed to prevent the discharge of wastes to surface waters. As of 1999, more than 45,000 nonNPDES permits have been issued via state-level AFO programs.56 54 Another regulatory program that addresses AFOs is the Coastal Non-point Pollution Control Program, implemented under the authority of the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990. 55 USEPA, Wastewater Management and USDA, 1999; USGAO, 1999. 56 USEPA, Wastewater Management and USDA, 1999. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 39 Currently 43 states have AFO program requirements that are as stringent as the federal requirements. Their CAFO requirements are often more stringent than the federal requirements. CAFO permit conditions may also address land application of wastes. CAFO operators are typically required to apply waste at agronomic rates and to develop waste management plans. The waste management plan requirements vary by state. About 2,000 NPDES permits for CAFOs have been issued in the U.S.57 2.3.6 USDA-USEPA Unified National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs) The 1998 Clean Water Action Plan (CWAP) recommended the development of a unified USDA-USEPA national strategy to minimize the impacts of AFOs on water quality and public health. The unified strategy was released in March 1999. At present, the USEPA, USDA, and state-level agencies are revising their guidelines to reflect its recommendations. The USDA-USEPA Unified National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations includes several guiding principles:58 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To focus on AFOs that represent the greatest risks to the environment and public health. To ensure that measures to protect the environment and public health complement the long-term sustainability of livestock production in the United States. To establish a national goal and environmental performance expectation for all AFOs. To promote, support, and provide incentives for the use of sustainable agricultural practices and systems. To make appropriate use of diverse tools including voluntary, regulatory, and incentive-based approaches. To focus technical and financial assistance to support AFOs in meeting national goals and performance expectations established in the Strategy. The USDA-USEPA unified national strategy recommends a combination of voluntary and regulatory programs to serve complementary roles in helping AFO 57 58 Ibid. USEPA, Wastewater Management and USDA, 1999. 40 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 operators to achieve individual business goals, protection of water quality, and public health objectives. The regulatory program focuses on permitting and enforcement priorities on high-risk operations, which are a small percentage of AFOs. For most AFOs, a variety of voluntary programs provide the technical and financial assistance to help producers meet technical standards and remain economically viable.59 Voluntary programs for AFOs The strategy sets a national performance expectation that by 2009, all of the approximately 450,000 AFOs nationwide should develop and implement technically sound, economically feasible, and site-specific Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMPs) to minimize impacts on water quality and public health. The CNMPs would address feed management, manure handling and storage, land application of manure, land management, record keeping, and other utilization options. The plans should address risks from pathogens and other pollutants as well as nutrients. The owner or operator is ultimately responsible for the development and implementation of CNMPs regardless of who provides technical assistance. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Field Office Technical Guide for any given region is the primary technical reference for the development of CNMPs for AFOs. Specific management practices would be expected to vary to reflect site-specific conditions or needs of the watershed.60 These plans should include provisions to • • • • 59 modify animal diets to reduce nutrients in manure; improve manure handling and storage to reduce chances of leaks or spills; apply manure to cropland in a manner that does not introduce an excess of nutrients and minimizes runoff; and/or employ alternative uses of manure such as selling it to other farmers, composting it and selling compost to homeowners, and generating power on the farm where the potential for land application is limited.61 Ibid. A more detailed listing and description of the various practices that livestock and poultry AFO operators may use to manage animal wastes are found in USDA publications, including the National Handbook of Conservation Practices (USDA/NRCS, April 26, 1999), < nhcp_2.html>, and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Field Office Technical Guides (derived from the handbook) at NRCS field offices in each state. The NRCS is part of the USDA. 61 USEPA, Wastewater Management and USDA, 1999. 60 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 41 The primary effort of the voluntary strategy will be to assist operators in developing CNMPs. While these are not mandatory for AFOs in voluntary programs, they are strongly encouraged as the best possible means to manage potential water quality and public health impacts. States are expected to support development of voluntary CNMPs consistent with other clean water program priorities. AFO operators are expected to be full partners in the development and implementation of CNMPs through voluntary programs. The successful implementation of voluntary programs is expected to require the support of local leadership. A key feature will be environmental education of AFO operators adhering to older BMPs, who are unintentionally contributing to runoff problems due to lack of access to new information. Financial cost-share and loan programs are recommended to provide AFO operators with incentives to participate in voluntary programs. Many states have financial assistance programs that supplement Federal assistance.62 AFO owners/operators are encouraged to participate in other state and federal programs to improve water quality and implement runoff abatement activities, including state cost-share programs and the USEPA’s National Agriculture Compliance Assistance program authorized under the Clean Water Act. All USDA, USEPA, federal, state, and local programs are expected to be used together as tools to leverage resources to help AFO owners to voluntarily address water quality and public health impacts. 2.3.7 Federal Financial Assistance for Animal Waste Management The USDA administers the major federal programs that deliver financial and technical support to producers to manage animal wastes. Most assistance is provided through the USDA’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), established by the 1996 Farm Bill to provide a voluntary conservation program for farmers and ranchers. Half the funds must be directed toward livestock-related concerns. Cost-sharing may pay up to 75% of the costs for certain practices. Incentive payments may be made to encourage producers to adopt nutrient and manure management practices. Funding priorities are based on the importance of the environmental problem addressed and the ability to address the problem with the available funds, with the goal of maximizing the environmental benefits for each EQIP dollar spent.63 62 63 Ibid; USGAO, 1999. USGAO, 1999. 42 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 The EQIP program shares costs of implementing waste management strategies with farmers through direct payments. Additional programs are administered by the USEPA or the Fish and Wildlife Service of the Department of Interior. Producers generally learn about programs and assistance through local officials, who help them select waste management practices and apply for financial assistance. For fiscal years 1996 through 1998, federal agencies provided $384.7 million plus technical assistance to producers; they estimated they would provide about $114 million in fiscal year 1999. USDA provides about 85% of the available financial assistance, while the USEPA provides about 10% and the Fish and Wildlife Service provides most of the remaining 5%. Table 2-2 shows the breakdown of funding for animal waste management by program. Individual animal waste management practices supported by the USDA EQIP program and the costs of implementing them are summarized in table 2-3. The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) was authorized by the 1985 Farm Bill. It is a voluntary program that offers annual rental payments, incentive payments, and cost-share assistance for long-term cover-crops on highly erodible land. Land is accepted into the CRP through a competitive bidding process where all offers are ranked using an environmental benefits index.64 Federal expenditures for animal waste management research in the United States is largely funnelled through the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES). The ARS research is done primarily through its National Program for Manure and By-Product Utilization, which has focused on non-structural practices such as alternative feeds and land-based manure management practices. Between 1996 and 1998, ARS spent $13.5 million for research related to animal waste management, and estimates that $9.1 million was spent in 1999. The growth in funding allocations is a result of public concern about environmental and health issues. CSREES provides funds to state agricultural experiment stations, universities, and other institutions. Nearly 400 projects in 1997, costing about $6.9 million, were related in part to animal waste management. Research included combining aerobic and anaerobic methods to treat wastes, and combustion of poultry litter for electricity generation. Estimates for 1998–1999 costs are not available. Individual states and private organizations also fund research on animal waste management practices.65 64 65 Ibid. Ibid. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 43 Table 2-2 U.S. Programs Providing Financial and Technical Assistance for Animal Waste Management Program Program Description Amount Amount Provided Estimated FY 1996–98 FY 1999 ($ million US) ($ million US) USEPA Programs National Nonpoint Source Program Provides grants to states to (1) assess the extent to which non-point sources cause water quality problems and (2) develop management programs to address these problems. Several states have used these USEPA grants to assist livestock and poultry producers install animal waste management practices. 17.6 Not available a Clean Water State Revolving Fund Provides capitalization grants to states, which must provide a matching amount equal to 20% of the total grant and agree to use the money first to ensure that wastewater treatment facilities are in compliance with the deadlines, goals, and requirements of the Clean Water Act. All states have met their priority wastewater infrastructure needs, and some have begun using this revolving fund to support programs to deal with nonpoint source pollution, including animal waste runoff. Some states use this funding to make low-interest loans to producers for implementing animal waste management practices. 20.3 b Not available a AgSTAR Provides technical assistance to producers interested in installing waste management systems, such as covered lagoons and anaerobic digesters that reduce odours and recover methane gas for use as an on-farm power source.The program has established several projects on farms in at least five states. 1.9 0.4 208.9 87.0 USDA Programs Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) a Provides financial and technical assistance to producers who agree to enter 5- to 10- year contracts to implement conservation practices. Generally shares up to 75% of the costs to install practices, with a maximum of $10,000 for any fiscal year, or $50,000 for any multiyear contract. Program also provides incentive payments for nutrient management initiatives. Focuses on priority areas such as watersheds with environmental concerns. At least 50% of EQIP funding is reserved to assist livestock and poultry producers; these producers must have fewer than 1,000 animal unit equivalents. These program funds are distributed by state and local governments according to local priority needs. As a result, USEPA is unable to estimate the portion of these funds that will be used to assist producers in managing their animal wastes. b States have only reported to USEPA the aggregate amount of loans made for animal agricultural runoff since they began using these funds for non-point source pollution-related activities. Hence, some states may have been providing loans for this purpose since 1988. However, USEPA officials said that most states began using these funds for non-point source projects in the mid-1990s. 44 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Table 2-2 U.S. Programs Providing Financial and Technical Assistance for Animal Waste Management, cont’d. Program Program Description Amount Amount Provided Estimated FY 1996–98 FY 1999 ($ million US) ($ million US) USDA Programs (continued) Small Watershed Program Provides financial and technical assistance through state and local agencies to producers who usually enter 5- to 10- year contracts to implement management practices. Generally shares from 50 to 75% of the actual costs associated with installing management practices, with a maximum of $100,000 per participant for the life of the program. Focuses on watersheds smaller than 250,000 acres. 49.6 17.9 Agricultural Conservation Program A terminated program that provided financial and technical assistance to producers who entered multiyear contracts to install conservation practices. Generally shared up to 50% of the costs to implement practices, with a maximum of $3,500 annually and $35,00 for a 10year contract. USDA is still making payments under some of these contracts. 62.0 Not available Conservation Provides land rental payments, for 10 to 15 years, to Reserve Progam producers who agree to convert highly erodible or other environmentally sensitive land to approved vegetated cover (such as grasses or trees). Program also offers costshare assistance to establish vegetated cover and fencing on enrolled land. 5.9 Not available Farm ownership Provides direct loans of up to $200,000, or guaranteed loans loans of up to $300,000 for up to 40 years to, among other things, purchase land, construct buildings or make other structural improvements, and develop farmland to promote soil and water conservation. c c Farm operating Provides direct loans of up to $200,000, or guaranteed loans loans of up to $400,000 for up to 7 years to, among other things, purchase livestock, poultry, equipment, feed, and other farm supplies; develop and implement soil and water conservation practices; and refinance debt. c c Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior Partners for Fish Provides cost-share and technical assistance to private and Wildlife landowners, including livestock and poultry producers, who are interested in implementing practices that improve habitat for federal trust speciesd, decrease overland runoff, reduce stream degradation, and improve forage production and management. Cost-share assistance under the partners program generally requires a 50% match from the landowner. However, the program has the flexibility to share costs of more or less than 50%, on a case-by-case basis. c 18.3 8.7 Loans not tracked for specific soil and water conservation practices, or whether the loan recipient is an animal producer. d Federal trust species include migratory birds, threatened and endangered species, anadromous fish (fish that migrate between fresh and salt waters, such as salmon), and marine mammals. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 45 Table 2-2 U.S. Programs Providing Financial and Technical Assistance for Animal Waste Management, cont’d. Program Programy Description Farm Assessment System (Farm*A*Syst) Supports a network of 45 state programs. The program provides producers with state-specific worksheets to help them identify and assess the causes of non-point source pollution, pinpoint pollution risks on their property, and identify site-specific actions to reduce the causes of nonpoint source pollution, such as nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients, pesticides, and pathogens. This assessment can assist producers in developing feasible plans to prevent pollution and in locating sources of financial assistance through other programs, such as EQIP, to implement practices such as those for managing animal wastes. Amount Amount Estimated Provided FY 1999 FY 1996–98 ($ million US) ($ million US) 0.2 e 0.06 e TOTAL e According to Farm*A*Syst officials, no USEPA funds have been directed toward animal waste management activities, only USDA funds have been used. Source: USGAO, 1999. 2.3.8 Best Management Practices (BMPs) Recommended in the United States The USDA-USEPA Unified National Strategy for AFOs sets a national performance expectation: all AFO owners and operators must develop and implement technically sound and economically feasible, site-specific, comprehensive nutrient management plans (CNMPs) by 2009.66 A CNMP identifies actions that will be implemented to meet clearly defined nutrient management goals at an agricultural operation. Components of a CNMP include feed management, manure handling and storage, land application of manure, land management, record keeping, and other options for manure use such as composting and power generation.67 The National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center (NACAC) provides an outline and source material that describes the basic components of the USEPA’s guidelines for recommending specific management practices to control the impact of livestock waste on water resources.68 The USDA-USEPA unified 66 USEPA, Wastewater Management and USDA, 1999. USGAO, 1999. 68 This outline, plus links to additional resources on best management practices, is available online at <>. 67 46 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Table 2-3 Selected Practices Installed with EQIP Assistance and Average Installation Costs ($US) Average Installation cost $US per unit Practice Definition/purpose Composting Facility for the biological stabilization of waste organic material. Cover and green manure crop Close-growing legumes or small grain to control erosion during periods when the major crops do not furnish adequate cover. Possesses filtering qualities. $24.90/acre Diversion Channel constructed to divert excess water from one area for use or safe disposal in other areas. $3.10/foot $8,409/facility Fence Constructed barrier to livestock, wildlife, or people. $1.54/foot Filter strip Area of vegetation for removing sediment, organic matter, and other pollutants from runoff and wastewater. May require a constructed ditch (‘ setting basin‘ ) between a barnyard and the vegetative strip to ensure that solids do not reach surface waters. $4,650/acre Grassed waterway Natural or constructed channel that is shaped and established in vegetation to convey runoff from water concentrations without causing erosion or flooding and to improve water quality. $2,644/acre Manure transfer* Conveyance system, such as pipelines and concrete-lined ditches, that transfer animal waste (manure, bedding material, spilled feed, process and wash water, and other residues associated with animal production) to (1) a storage or treatment facility, (2) a loading area, and (3) agricultural land for final utilization. $10,932/system Nutrient management Managing the amount, form, placement, and timing or applications of nutrients, such as farm animal waste, for optimum crop yields while minimizing the entry of nutrients to surface water and ground water. Roof runoff management Gutters, downspouts, and drains for controlling roof runoff water to prevent this runoff from flowing across feedlots, barnyards, or other areas to reduce pollution and erosion; improve water quality; and prevent flooding. $17.10/acre $3,098/facility Streambank and Vegetation or structures used to stabilize and protect banks of streams, lakes, shoreline protection and estuaries to reduce sediment loads – including nutrients from animal waste – causing downstream damage and pollution. $27.11/foot Trough or tank $905/trough or tank Provides drinking water for livestock, which can eliminate the need for livestock to be in streams; this, in turn, reduces the amount of livestock waste entering streams. Waste management Planned system in which all necessary components are installed for system managing liquid and solid waste, including runoff from concentrated waste areas, in a manner than does not degrade air, soil, or water resources. A system may consist of a single component, such as a diversion, or of several components. $20,477/system Waste storage facility Impoundment made by constructing an embankment and/or excavating a pit or dugout or by fabricating a structure to temporarily store wastes, such as manure, wastewater, and contaminated runoff. $19,141/facility Waste treatment lagoon* Impoundment made by excavation or earthfill for biological treatment of animal or other agricultural waste. $20,777/lagoon Waste utilization Agricultural waste applied to land in an environmentally acceptable manner while maintaining or improving soil and plant resources. $17.10/acre *Because fewer than 30 of these systems or facilities have been completed under EQIP, the average cost may not reflect a statistically valid estimate. Source: USGAO, 1999. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 47 national strategy is currently developing guidance and assessment tools, numerical criteria, software, and other support for regions to develop their management measures. The USEPA will assist states in adopting the criteria into their water quality standards by 2003. The strategy does not prescribe specific best management practices, but rather specifies “management measures,” defined as “economically achievable measures to control the addition of pollutants to our coastal waters, which reflect the greatest degree of pollutant reduction achievable through application of the best available non-point pollution control practices, technologies, processes, siting criteria, operating methods, or other alternatives.”69 Individual states are expected to specify the particular practices and technologies that achieve pollution control measures, appropriate for the site conditions, climate, geography, type of operations, and other features that are particular to the region. Thus, management measures are broad goals, and the individual regions are expected to determine what practices are most appropriate given specific features of their areas. The principle is to avoid defining particular management practices as BMPs, because ‘best’ is a potentially subjective term, depending upon individual goals, and is highly site-specific. Even within regions, a management practice that may be considered ‘best’ in one area may be inappropriate in another, depending upon priorities, goals, and site-specific and watershed-specific features. Management practices may be structural (waste treatment lagoons) or managerial (nutrient management). Management practices generally do not stand alone in solving water problems, but are used in combinations to build management practice systems. Each practice should be selected, designed, implemented, and maintained in accordance with site-specific considerations to ensure that the practices function together to achieve overall management goals.70 69 U.S. National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center (NACAC), 2000, Best Management Practices (Animals), <>. 70 USGAO, 1999. 48 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 The emphasis is to develop coordinated groups of affordable management practices that can be used together as a system to achieve comprehensive goals at specific sites, without recommending any particular practice outside the context of an overall goal. A group of practices is termed a “management measure.” USGAO71 suggests that the factors that should influence the choice of management practices for a management measure include: • site-specific factors, type and volume of waste, and proximity to surface or groundwater; cost considerations; and state and local regulations. • • Recommended components of management measures for AFOs include: • Divert clean water: Siting or management practices should divert clean water (run-on from uplands, water from roofs) from contact with holding pens, animal manure, or manure storage systems. • Prevent seepage: Buildings, collection systems, conveyance systems, and storage facilities should be designed and maintained to prevent seepage to ground and surface water. • Provide adequate storage: Liquid manure storage systems should be (a) designed to safely store the quantity and contents of animal manure and wastewater produced, contaminated runoff from the facility, and rainfall from the 25-year, 24-hour storm, and (b) consistent with planned use and schedules. Dry manure should be stored in production buildings or storage facilities, or otherwise covered to prevent precipitation from coming into direct contact with the manure. • Application: Apply manure in accordance with a nutrient management plan that meets the performance expectations of the management measure. • Address lands receiving wastes: Areas receiving manure should be managed in accordance with the erosion and sediment control, irrigation, and grazing management measures as applicable, including practices such as crop and grazing management practices to minimize movement of applied materials, and buffers or other practices to trap, store, and ‘process’ materials that might move during precipitation events. 71 Ibid. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 49 • Record keeping: AFO operators should keep records that indicate the quantity of manure produced and its use or disposal method, including land application. • Consider the full range of environmental constraints and requirements: When siting new facilities or expanding existing ones, operators should consider the proximity to surface waters, areas of high leaching potential, and sink holes or other sensitive areas. The same study compared practices used in other countries with those in the United States and found general similarities.72 Most practices are based on the eventual application of waste to agricultural land as a fertilizer or soil conditioner. Reviewed waste management practices functioned to • limit runoff by cementing and curbing animal confinement areas or planting grassed buffers around these areas; • collect and store waste, e.g., with scraping or flushing systems, storage tanks, or retention ponds; • alter or treat waste, e.g., by reformulating feed mixes or composting; • use waste, e.g., as an organic fertilizer, as an additive to animal feed, or for on-farm energy generation, using methane produced from anaerobic decomposition of wastes in covered lagoons or tanks.73 The study noted some differences in approach and emphasis between countries that relate to differences in political and economic circumstances. The use of anaerobic digesters to produce methane for on-farm energy generation is more prevalent in Europe than in the United States. Germany alone has approximately 400 digesters, compared with 28 on U.S. farms. USEPA, USDA, and Dept. of Energy officials indicate that the relatively low cost of energy in the United States as compared to Europe make these options less attractive to U.S. farmers. Some European countries, such as Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands, have quasi-government or commercial companies that operate centralized plants that accept organic waste material for anaerobic digestion. These plants produce 72 73 Ibid. Ibid. 50 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 and market the by-products of digestion, including methane gas, nutrient-rich fertilizers, and compost. The plants collect user fees from farms, firms, and municipalities that supply the waste. Some receive government subsidies to cover operating expenses. By 1997, about 40 such plants in Europe received animal wastes, compared with only two plants in the United States. The discrepancy is due in large part to the relative differences in energy prices, costs of regulatory compliance, and the amount of available land for application of organic wastes.74 Animal waste is used for commercial energy production in some European countries. These plants require government subsidies to remain competitive with plants that use fossil fuels.75 Some countries have imposed specific nutrient management regulations. Denmark, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the UK regulate and limit application of animal wastes to agricultural lands. Denmark requires that farmers meet specific cropland acreage-to-animal ratios. USEPA officials have investigated municipal sewage treatment technologies for the treatment of wastewater and sewage from large dairy and hog operations. They concluded that the technologies would require significant modifications to handle the more concentrated wastes from farm operations. Also, the capital investment and operating and maintenance costs would be very high. The construction of such on-farm treatment plants may require financial assistance, as is often the case for municipal facilities. Producers may have access to specialized funds and loans through the Clean Water Act. The USEPA notes that municipal sewage systems with excess capacity may handle animal wastes, such as one facility in southern California that accepts animal wastes from a nearby dairy farm. Such treatment processes still result in a residual sludge that must either be landfilled, incinerated, or applied to agricultural lands.76 74 Ibid. Ibid. 76 Ibid. 75 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 51 2.3.9 State-level Regulations for Non-point Source Pollution77 A study prepared for the USEPA by the Environmental Law Institute examined the laws of all 50 states to identify and analyze enforceable mechanisms for the control of non-point source water pollution.78 The study highlighted the great diversity in legislation among states. The study also emphasized that it is not possible to assess the effectiveness of enforceable mechanisms to deal with specific problems in a state outside the context of the state’s entire program. Agriculture was noted as the most problematic area for enforceable mechanisms, in part because many laws and regulations include exemptions for agriculture. State laws regarding water pollution from agriculture often rely on incentives, cost-sharing, and voluntary programs instead of enforceable regulatory mechanisms.79 State laws tend to delegate standard setting, implementation, or enforcement duties to units of local government or conservation districts. About a quarter of the states authorize individual soil and water conservation districts to adopt enforceable “land-use regulations.” However, most of these require approval by landowner referenda, with approval requiring a 66% to 90% majority vote. Kentucky, for instance, requires approval from at least 90% of the landowners.80 Some examples of these are described in Section 2.4. Agricultural nutrient regulation is typically through state CAFO regulations, similar to the federal requirements but with variations on the number of animal units or with the addition of siting requirements. Some states have adopted enforceable codes of accepted agricultural practices or nutrient regulations. Some provisions allow districts to order abatement of agricultural pollution. Several of these laws provide that abatement cannot be ordered unless state or federal cost-share money is provided to help pay for the required action.81 77 Another source that discusses state-level regulations is W.R. Lowry, 1992, The Dimensions of Federalism: State Governments and Pollution Control Policies (Durham, NC: Duke University Press). 78 Environmental Law Institute (ELI), 1997, Enforceable State Mechanisms for the Control of Nonpoint Source Water Pollution (Washington, D.C.), <>. 79 Ibid. 80 Ibid. 81 Ibid. 52 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Many states have mechanisms to make BMPs, if not enforceable, at least more than voluntary by linking them to other enforcement mechanisms. The study identified five approaches currently in use by various states: • • • • • make BMPs directly enforceable in connection with required permits and planning approval; make BMPs enforceable after the fact, when a “bad actor” is causing pollution; make BMPs the basis for an exemption from a regulatory program; make compliance with BMPs a defence to a regulatory violation; and make compliance with BMPs a defence to nuisance actions. The study noted that the most sophisticated state regulations appear to be arising on a targeted watershed basis. For example, Wisconsin integrates soil and water conservation districts into the planning, administration, and enforcement scheme. 2.3.10 State Livestock Waste Management Regulations in Kentucky The USEPA’s State Compendium Programs and Regulatory Activities Related to Animal Feeding Operations provides details about individual state regulations that are in addition to the federal USEPA requirements. This subsection, featuring Kentucky and New York, is largely based on the Compendium and on information provided by the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection Web site.82 The state of Kentucky issues Kentucky No Discharge Operational Permits to AFOs, with more than 1,200 being issued to beef, dairy, and swine operations by 1999. In 1998, Kentucky imposed a moratorium on the expansion of hog AFOs until state management and regulatory plans could be developed. Regulation 401 KAR 5:009 (permits for swine-feeding operations) went into effect in November 1998, but was later found to be too restrictive. It was to be replaced during 2000. As of 1999, about 50 livestock facilities in Kentucky met or exceeded the USEPA CAFO definition and therefore required NPDES program permits. In addition, 82 Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection (KDEP), 2000, An Overview of Kentucky’s Waters [online], [cited February 12, 2002], <>. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 53 a state-level non-NPDES individual permit is required of CAFOs. Permit conditions cover effluent, management, and land application of wastes. Land application permits cover both agronomic rates and offsite disposal. The Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water, administers Kentucky’s NPDES program under authority of the USEPA. The Division of Water is also responsible for issuing waste permits and administers the voluntary non-point source pollution grant program. The NPDES program issues permits and is administered through the Kentucky Division of Water’s Discharge Elimination System. In addition to the NPDES permits, the Division of Water issues two types of state permits that directly affect AFOs: • Wastewater Facility Construction Permits are required prior to beginning construction or modification of any sewage system used for treatment of wastewater. This permit requires detailed plans that describe discharge points and highlight new construction features. An engineering report must be submitted before construction is authorized. After construction, the applicant must submit certification by a registered engineer that the facility was constructed according to the approved plans. • Swine Waste Management Permits, part of the emergency swine-feeding operations regulation, is required of all new swine-feeding operations with over 1,000 animals, and of any existing operations that increase capacity. The regulations include construction and operational requirements for swine waste lagoons and the land applications of waste from the lagoons. The regulations also provide siting regulations for waste lagoons, restrictions on land applications, and monitoring and testing requirements. Each operation must develop a waste management plan that describes the crop nutrient requirements, how waste will benefit the surrounding land, and when and where it will be applied. A monitoring plan requires the permittee to conduct groundwater monitoring and maintain records for 10 years. A barn or waste lagoon cannot be located in a 100-year floodplain or a jurisdictional wetland, nor within 150 feet of a lake or river. Land application of livestock waste is not allowed within 150 feet of water wells. Waste management system operators who intend to apply liquid hog manure must take soil samples from the fields to be treated and complete an analysis of swine waste nutrient content. Land application is not allowed on saturated ground, during precipitation, or on frozen ground, and waste must not be 54 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 applied at a rate that exceeds infiltration. All swine waste application areas must have a filter strip on its lowest side. Kentucky prohibits the discharge of any pollutant or substance that shall cause or contribute to water pollution “in contravention of any rule, regulation, permit, or order” (Ky. Rev. St. 224.70-110). The law provides that if a violation is traceable to an agricultural operation, it is handled under the state’s enforceable Agriculture Water Quality Act, rather than under the stricter water pollution control act (Ky. Rev. St. 224.120(10)).83 The Agriculture Water Quality Act (1994) was passed to protect surface and groundwater from agricultural pollution. The act requires all landowners with 10 or more acres to develop and implement a farm water quality plan based on guidance from a Statewide Water Quality Plan (Ky. Rev. Stat. 224.71-100 to 71–145). Some technical and financial assistance is available during development. Section 319 Non-point Source Implementation Grants, under the CWA, can cover up to 60% of the total cost of voluntary pollution control projects. Landowners must use BMPs for their plans under the Statewide Water Quality Plan and implement those BMPs within five years. Kentucky establishes that a person engaged in an agricultural operation in a water quality priority protection region where pollution has been documented “shall be presumed in compliance” if BMPs have been implemented as required by plan (Ky. Rev. Stat. 224.71-120(9)). Conducting an agricultural operation in violation of the plan in a manner that results in water pollution is a violation of law; failure to comply after receipt of written notice and provision of technical assistance and financial assistance “when possible” renders a person a “bad actor” subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000 (Ky. Rev. Stat. 224.71-130). Kentucky is part of USEPA Region 4 with includes Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Region 4 is developing a regional strategy to include objectives of the U.S. Clean Water Action Plan and the USEPA/USDA Unified Strategy for AFOs. 83 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Office of Wastewater Management, 1999, State Compendium: Programs and Regulatory Activities Related to Animal Feeding Operations, August, 1999, <>. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 55 2.3.11 State Livestock Waste Management Regulations in New York The following information about New York State was collated as part of the USEPA’s State Compendium: Programs and Regulatory Activities Related to AFOs.84 As of 1999, there were approximately 150 large CAFOs (over 1,000 AUs) and 850 medium CAFOs (between 300 to 999 AUs) in New York. No state level non-NPDES approval is required for construction and operation of an AFO. A general NPDES permit is required for those operations that fall under USEPA regulations, and the permit conditions cover waste management. The USEPA Region that includes New York is currently drafting a regional level AFO program. Historically, New York did not issue state-level pollutant discharge permits for CAFOs. This policy was based upon the belief that effluent guidelines could be achieved without permits through voluntary programs, augmented by enforcement of existing laws and nuisance laws in severe cases. By 1996, after a federal court decision regarding a New York CAFO, and in part due to the changing nature of dairy production toward fewer but larger farms, the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) formed the CAFO Working Group. The premise of the group was that the non-regulatory approach may no longer be viable. Its role was to examine the legal, regulatory, policy, environmental, and economic issues to be considered in developing a more comprehensive approach for CAFOs.85 Based on options brought forward by the CAFO Working Group, NYSDEC focused on developing a general State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit for CAFOs of over 1,000 animal units and for AFOs of between 300 and 999 AUs that discharge through a man-made conveyance. These size categories correspond to the existing USEPA regulations. AFOs not covered under the state permit program would be encouraged to participate in the voluntary Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) program, 84 USEPA, Wastewater Management 1999. New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee and New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, 2000, Guide to Agricultural Environmental Management in New York State. Specific details about the SPDES permit programs, and access to publications are available through an associated Web site: <>. 85 56 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 administered by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. Voluntary programs are detailed in the New York Guide to Agricultural Environmental Management in New York State. New York Farm Service Agencies, including the New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee, the County Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and Cornell Cooperative Extension, are responsible for delivering many of the programs related to CAFOs. The SPDES permit holders must develop and implement an Agricultural Waste Management Plan (AWMP). CAFOs must develop their plan within 18 months after the date of coverage and must implement the plan within 60 months of coverage. Medium-sized CAFOs must develop the AWMP within 24 months of the coverage date, and fully implement it within 60 months. The AWMP must be developed or reviewed by a qualified Agricultural Environmental Management Planner (AEMP), who must certify that the plan has been developed in accordance with Natural Resources Conservation Service guidelines. The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets trains and qualifies Agricultural Environmental Management Planners. The New York City Memorandum of Agreement includes the Watershed Agriculture Program (WAP),86 intended to improve environmental practices among watershed farmers. WAP is voluntary, a substitute for regulations, and is required by the USEPA to avoid filtration orders for New York City’s water supply. The goal of WAP is to develop and implement comprehensive farm management plans for each farm in the watershed. Because dairy farms are the most common, phosphorus and pathogens are the pollutants of concern. WAP suggests common BMPs, including stormwater management and improved manure storage. The required goal of WAP is to document a farmer participation rate of over 95%. As well, an ongoing monitoring program has been established to determine BMP effectiveness.87 A review of the New York City Watershed Memorandum of Agreement recommended that lands within the watershed that are enroled in the USDA Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) be prioritized based on frequency of flooding, vegetation type, and whether the landowner will voluntarily exclude livestock from riparian zones. It also recommended that where prioritization was not possible, rental and cost-share incentives offered by the CRP be increased 86 87 U.S. NRC, 1999. Ibid. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 57 to retire frequently flooded farmland into riparian forest buffers and to exclude livestock from streams.88 New York prohibits the direct or indirect discharge of any substance that “shall cause or contribute to” a condition in violation of water quality standards (NY Env. Cons. L. 17-0501). New York state law exempts agricultural activities only from nuisance actions, and subjects the exemption to various exceptions such as increased activities and activities causing conditions dangerous to life or health (NY Pub. Health L. 1300-c).89 New York law requires “every owner or occupier of agricultural land” (defined as 25 or more acres and certain smaller concentrated operations) to apply to the local soil and water conservation district for a “soil and water conservation plan for the land” and requires such districts to prepare such plans (NY Soil and Water Cons. Dist. L. 9(7-a)). These requirements are enforceable; however, the law does not make the implementation of the required plan enforceable.90 2.4 Regulations and Policies in Europe Concerns in the European Union (EU) about the effects of livestock waste disposal have lead to regulations that require producers either to use costly waste management techniques or to scale back production. In 1991, the EU Nitrate Directive was enacted as the central water quality regulatory act that applies to all member countries. This act sets a nitrate concentration of 50 parts per million (ppm) in surface water, and requires that land applications of manure not result in an excess (after plant intake) of more than 170 kg of residual nitrogen per hectare per year. Regions in the EU that do not meet these standards are declared “vulnerable” and are therefore subject to more stringent policies as necessary to bring about compliance. The newer policies targeted to vulnerable regions limit livestock production and expansions for export markets.91 Denmark requires farmers either to meet a given manure-to-land ratio for their own holdings, or to document that they have spread the excess manure on neighbouring lands that are in deficit. Both Danish and Dutch farmers must register their nutrient balance sheets and maintain fertilizer management plans 88 Ibid. ELI, 1997. 90 Ibid. 91 Beghin and Metcalf, 2000. 89 58 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 with the government. They face fines if they produce surplus nitrogen. No operations larger than 15,000 hogs are permitted. Hog farmers are required to obtain permits and construct hog manure storage facilities that have the capacity to hold one year of accumulated waste.92 Some of the most severe problems and most drastic regulatory measures have been felt in the Netherlands. With 15.5 million people, the country is among the most densely populated in the world.93 Livestock agriculture is an important Dutch industry and remains an important contributor to Dutch exports. Many regions have manure surpluses, which occur when more manure is produced in the region than there is the land capacity to absorb it without exceeding environmental standards. The options left to producers are to alter livestock diets to reduce environmental impacts, transport manure to other regions of the Netherlands, process manure, or export it elsewhere in the EU. In a letter to parliament, the Minister of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries, L.J. Brinkhorst, describes the “manure problem” as one of great significance to society that has been crying out for years for a solution.94 Manure Production Rights (MPRs) are used to regulate phosphate levels in the Netherlands. A farm’s holdings of MPRs cap the number of animal units and thus its phosphate levels. MPRs may be sold and bought according to market prices, although MPR trading is restricted among livestock sectors. Each transaction is registered, and the government imposes a ‘fee’ in the form of 25% of the MPRs that are exchanged in each transaction. Farms can trade MPRs within regions. Between-region trades can occur as long as the MPRs flow from regions with manure surpluses to those with manure deficits.95 MPRs were initially distributed among farms based on their 1987 production levels and available land holdings. In 1995, the Dutch government issued an across-the-board reduction in MPRs by 30% for hog farms, and reduced them for all livestock herds by 10% in 1998–1999. A minimum 20% further decrease 92 Ibid. The Netherlands, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries, 2001, “Policy theme: The environment” [online], [cited August 10, 2001], <>. 94 L.J.Brinkhorst and J.P. Pronk, 1999, “Integrated Approach to Manure Problem,” Letter to the Dutch Parliament, 10 September 1999, <>. 95 Beghin and Metcalf, 2000. 96 G. Fox and J. Kidon, 2000, [unpublished manuscript]. 93 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 59 was planned by 2000, but controversial judicial cases have resulted in limits to these reductions. However, without the planned reductions in MPRs, the goal to achieve a balanced manure market by 2002 cannot be met. A balanced market would have MPR levels that correspond with the available land base, meaning no net surplus in manure production. The inability to meet the target is problematic, since the European Commission had found that the country was in violation of EU nitrogen targets. In September 1999, the Dutch government approved a proposal for a new manure policy, to be phased in for all livestock farms to bring Dutch farmers into compliance with EU directives. Farmers must dispose of livestock waste according to set maximum animal manure deposits of 170 kg nitrogen per hectare per year for arable land, 210 kg nitrogen for fodder crops and 300 kg per year for grassland. Farmers in surplus would be fined according to a levy of Dfl 20 per kg of phosphate and Dfl 5 per kg of nitrogen. Fines have been increased to reduce the incidences of surpluses. Individual farmers would be required to enter into contracts with other landowners to prove that they can deposit their manure according to these standards. Farmers unable to produce such contracts would be in violation of the law and could apply for financial assistance to cease operations. This system will be phased in so the new system of manure contracts would only be fully operational by 2005. At that time, the MNRs, pig production rights, and poultry production rights would expire. The new policy does not differentiate between livestock sectors; it would apply to all livestock farmers. The proposals are expected to reduce livestock numbers by 25–30% for pigs, 15–20% for poultry, 25–30% on finishing farms, and 10% for veal calves. The policy would have a drastic impact on farm income. For this reason, the Dutch government recognizes that social and economic support programs should accompany the restructuring of the livestock sector. 2.5 Regulations and Policies in Canada Approaches to water quality protection from livestock agriculture in New Brunswick and Quebec are summarized. Although both approaches have been designed relatively recently to deal specifically with increasingly concentrated livestock facilities, they are quite different. 60 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 2.5.1 New Brunswick New Brunswick’s approach combines voluntary mechanisms provided by manure management guidelines that were revised in 1997 plus regulatory mechanisms under the authority of the province’s Clean Water Act and Health Act.96 The New Brunswick Health Act prevents locating livestock facilities less than 90 m from a waterway or dwelling, on marshy or swampy land, or in a flood plain. The Watercourse Setback Act (under the Clean Water Act) allows municipalities to designate as protected areas those watersheds that serve as municipal water supplies. Land uses in designated protected areas are subject to regulatory restrictions beyond the normal provincial environmental and health provisions. For example, the setback restricts establishment of any new agricultural land use within 75 m of a watercourse, and allows no agricultural activity, including grazing livestock, within 30 m. Tillage must be managed to prevent surface runoff from entering the watercourse. Up to 80% of the costs of materials and foregone income within the 30 m are available from a joint federal-provincial subsidy. As of 1999, 31 watersheds were designated as protected areas in New Brunswick.97 The province’s new manure management guidelines, approved in 1997, replaced the 1983 Guidelines for Livestock Manure and Waste Management in New Brunswick.98 The guidelines provide recommended practices and are not regulations. They do not supersede land-use acts and regulations such as New Brunswick’s Clean Environment Act, the Clean Water Act, the Health Act, and the Agricultural Land Protection and Development Act. The guidelines aim to reduce odour and water contamination from livestock operations. The use of manure as valuable fertilizer is emphasized through adoption of management practices that promote removal of nutrients by cultivated crops. The recommended minimum separation distances are in part based on hydrogeological information such as groundwater sources, quality, and quantity; depth to the water table; depth to bedrock; and surface slope. Manure storage facilities must be designed to avoid contamination of the ground, and contaminated surface water must be prevented from leaving the property. Non-earthen manure storage structures (concrete and glass-lined 97 Ibid. New Brunswick, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Land Development Branch, 1997, Manure Management Guidelines for New Brunswick (Fredericton, NB), < afa-apa/20/10/2010005e.htm>. 98 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 61 metal manure storage structures) are to be constructed according to the latest editions of the National Building Code of Canada and the National Farm Building Code of Canada. The design and construction of less-costly earthen structures must minimize potential pollution of surface and groundwater. The guidelines provide a set of recommendations for earthen structure construction. The guidelines provide recommendations for the design and construction of solid manure storages, including minimum capacities of 210 days of manure accumulation or a greater volume as required to assure that the operator can spread manure on land at optimal times for maximum nutrient uptake by crops. The guidelines provide recommendations on the spreading of manure to optimize crop performance while minimizing water contamination. Requirements for a minimum land-base and application rates are supplied in tabular form. There are recommendations that land suitable for spreading manure should be either owned by the operator or under formal contractual arrangements with neighbouring landowners. The New Brunswick Clean Water Act requires that manure should not be spread within 75 m of a private well or drinking water supply, other than that of the owner. The Motor Vehicle Act legislates that transportation and application of manure must be carried out so asto prevent spillage on public properties. 2.5.2 Quebec Quebec enacted its regulations to reduce pollution from agricultural sources in July 1997. The goal is to minimize environmental impacts of animal agriculture by providing for leak-proof storage of livestock waste and regulating spreading activities on cultivated land.99 The regulation is a command-and-control style. It requires farmers to maintain an agro-environmental fertilization plan and document all manure spreading. Livestock waste spreading is restricted to growing periods before October 1 and after March 1, and the use of sprinklers and liquid manure cannons was prohibited after October 1998. At no time is animal waste accumulating in a livestock raising facility allowed to come into contact with the soil. Animal waste storage facilities must be leakproof, and the floor must be above the highest level of the water table. Storage 99 Quebec, Environment Quebec, Reduction of Pollution from Agricultural Sources, Regulation Highlights, [online], [cited July 5, 2001] <>. 62 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 facilities must be situated so as to prevent infiltration by runoff. Certain solid manure storage facilities are exempt from leak-proof requirements. These facilities can only be used where there are smaller livestock populations than the limits provided by the regulation. Storage facility capacity must allow accumulated waste for a minimum period of 250 days, and 200 days for facilities built before 1997. The maximum amount of waste material that can be stored cannot exceed a facility’s limit or the quantity that can be spread on the land at the facility’s disposal. Surplus waste must be transported in a closed watertight container to a manure management organization. The regulation specifies conditions under which solid manure coming from a building is exempt from watertight storage requirements. These include a minimum distance of 300 m from groundwater sources or municipal water supplies; 150 m from a lake, watercourse, natural marsh, swamp or pond; and 30 m from a ditch. In addition, such facilities must be secure from runoff infiltration, on a slope of less than 5%, not located in the 20-year floodplain of a watercourse or lake, and not located on the same site for two consecutive years. A waterproof covering must cover manure from a group of facilities comprising 35 or more animal units. The goal of the agro-environmental fertilization plans is to ensure that livestock wastes are spread in such a manner as to minimize water pollution. The plans, which are mandatory, limit spreading by parcel. They must be prepared and signed by an agrologist who is a member of the Ordre des agronomes du Québec, a professional technologist who is a member of the Ordre des technologies professionnels du Québec, or an owner or shareholder in the operation who has completed an authorized training course. Copies of plans must be retained for two years after the activities it documents have been completed. Spreading registers must be maintained, using a downloadable template. All receipts and shipments of livestock wastes between facilities must be registered. Owners of livestock facilities have four options for managing livestock waste: it can be spread on lands belonging to the owner or neighbouring farmers, it can be sent to a manure management organization, it can be treated by an authorized establishment, or it can be sent to a storage facility for later spreading or treatment. The regulation requires that owners and operators enter into and honour written agreements with those individuals who undertake to use the livestock waste that cannot be spread on the owners’ own lands. All changes must be filed with the Minister of Environment, and all parties must retain copies of the agreements for at least two years. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 63 Failure to comply with the regulation is subject to fines that depend upon the nature of the offence, the number of repeat offences and the legal nature of the offender, as shown in table 2-4. 2.5.3 Ontario Ontario has not yet seen the specialized regulations and targeted guidelines for manure management practices and water quality impairment that we have documented for other jurisdictions. There are no mandatory provincial regulations that require the completion of a nutrient management plan. Instead, the province has adopted a series of eight position statements based on the best available technical expertise and designed to provide clear direction.100 These statements include • • • • • recommendations on nutrient management planning, size of agricultural operations, land ownership, distance for hauling manure, manure sale and transfer of ownership, Table 2-4 Penalty Structure for Infractions of Quebec’s Livestock Waste Handling Regulation Nature of Offence Administrative Offence Environmental Offence First offence $1,000 to $15,000 $2,000 to $20,000 Repeat offence $4,000 to $40,000 $5,000 to $50,000 First offence $1,000 to $90,000 $2,000 to $150,000 Repeat offence $4,000 to $120,000 $5,000 to $500,000 Fines for a Natural Person* Fines for a Legal Person* * The difference between a natural and a legal person could be interpreted as the difference between a person and an incorporated entity. But due to differences between Quebec law and Ontario common law, these differences may not be exactly analogous. Source: Quebec, Environment Quebec, Reduction of Pollution from Agricultural Sources, Regulation Highlights [online], [cited July 5, 2001] <>. 100 Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AA-FC), Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), and Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), 1998, Best Management Practices, Nutrient Management Planning (Toronto, ON: OFA). 64 • • • Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 manure storage capacity (for which the current version recommends a capacity of 240 days), manure storage type, and minimum distances separation. Since these statements and the associated BMPs form the backbone of the Ontario manure management policy, they will be more thoroughly reviewed following this general overview of Ontario regulations and guidelines. During 2000, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) initiated a process for reviewing agricultural guidelines that govern the siting of concentrated livestock facilities and the expansion of existing facilities, with the view to determine whether a new policy is recommended.101 This process includes the review of manure management practices in Ontario. A Task Force on Intensive Agricultural Operations was struck to develop options that would meet the needs of rural residents and the production and environmental needs of the agricultural sector. Consultations were held throughout Ontario. How other jurisdictions handle intensive agricultural operations was also reviewed, including other provinces, several U.S. states, and some countries in Europe. Documents associated with this process, including the discussion paper and comments, can be found at the OMAFRA Web site. This section will concern itself specifically with the existing policies of Ontario. The 1994 Agricultural Pollution Control Manual outlined the codes and regulations that are most likely to apply to livestock producers in the province.102 This document is currently under revision, since a number of the regulations and statutes have been revised since 1994. Current statutes and laws that apply to manure handling in Ontario, as originally identified in the Agricultural Pollution Control Manual, are updated and summarized below. Farming and Food Production Protection Act (1998) In the words of this act, “it is in the provincial interest that in agricultural areas, agricultural uses and normal farm practices be promoted and protected in a way that balances the needs of the agricultural community with provincial health, safety, and environmental concerns.” This act, administered by OMAFRA, is designed to protect farm 101 Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), 2001, Discussion Paper on Intensive Agricultural Operations in Rural Ontario [online], [cited July 2001] < OMAFRA/english/agops/discussion.html>. 102 Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), 1994a, Agricultural Pollution Control Manual (Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer). The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 65 operations from nuisance actions. The act states that any person who carries on an agricultural operation that does not violate land-use control laws, the Environmental Protection Act, the Pesticides Act, the Health Protection and Promotion Act, or the Ontario Water Resources Act is not liable in nuisance to any person for any odour, noise, or dust from the agricultural operation as a result of normal farming practices. This act, along with the Agricultural Code of Practice, defines a standard of reasonable practice for resolving nuisance actions. The Environmental Protection Act (1990) The part of this act that deals with spills is most likely to affect the agricultural community. A spill is defined as a discharge into the natural environment from or out of a structure, vehicle, or other container that is abnormal in quantity or quality in light of the circumstances of the discharge. However, the exception is that the act does not apply to animal wastes disposed of in accordance with normal farming practices. The act requires that the Ministry of Environment be notified immediately when a spill occurs, and that the owner and person who had control of the material at the time is required to contain, clean up, and dispose of the pollutant in a timely manner. Everything must be done to prevent adverse effects of the spill and to restore the natural environment. The Ontario Water Resources Act (1990) The Ontario Water Resources Act is administered by the Ministry of Environment. Its purpose is to preserve the supply and purity of the natural waters. The act states that any person or municipality that discharges material of any kind, into any water body or watercourse, that impairs the quality of that water is guilty of an offence. Any discharge that is not in the normal course of events must be reported to the Minister of Environment. The Environmental Assessment Act (1990) The purpose of the Environmental Assessment Act is to benefit the people of Ontario or of any part thereof by providing for the protection, conservation, and wise management of the environment. An environmental assessment, if required to be submitted for a proposed project, includes the purpose of the undertaking, the rationale for the undertaking, a consideration of alternatives, a description of environmental effects, and an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages. The proponents pay the costs of the assessment. The Ministry of Environment reviews the assessment and the process may involve public hearings and appeals. The Canada Fisheries Act Under the Fisheries Act, no person shall carry on any activity that results in the harmful alteration, disruption, or destruction of fish habitat. The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources administers the act. 66 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 The Conservation Authorities Act (1990) This act created conservation authorities to conserve, restore, develop, and manage watersheds. Conservation authorities may purchase, lease, or expropriate land and control the flow of surface water and later watercourses. The Drainage Act (1980) Administered by OMAFRA, this act stipulates that no person may discharge, deposit, or permit to be discharged into any drainage works any liquid material other than unpolluted drainage water. Any person who contravenes this provision is guilty of an offence with a fine of not more than $1,000. The Planning Act (1995) This act is administered by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to empower municipalities to create zoning bylaws to restrict the use of the land and regulate the location, type, and dimensions of buildings and structures. Water management objectives can be incorporated into municipal planning documents.103 Recently, some municipalities have more aggressively exercised their authority to implement bylaws and zoning in ways that target livestock facilities and nutrient management goals. For example, Oxford County adopted a nutrient management strategy in 1999. The goal of this strategy is to protect groundwater and surface water supplies in accordance with the requirements of Oxford County’s Official Plan. Prior to being granted a permit for a new or expanded livestock facility on an intensive livestock farm, the operator must document that the following three elements are in place: • a nutrient management plan, • satisfaction of OMAFRA’s Minimum Distance Separation Formula II guidelines, and • proper containment of agricultural nutrients during storage and storage capacity for a minimum of 240 days. Oxford County’s strategy requires that permits be renewed every three years, at which times the farmer must obtain a third-party review of the nutrient management plan by OMAFRA or an agricultural consultant. 103 Ontario, Ministry of Environment and Energy (OMEE) and Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR), 1993, Integrating Water Management Objectives into Municipal Planning Documents (Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer). The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 67 The Ontario Building Code Act (1990) This act deals with the issuance of building permits, the powers and duties of building officials and inspectors. It is necessary to obtain a building permit for all agricultural construction projects in Ontario. Manure storages utilizing concrete, wood, or steel components fall under the definition of farm buildings and require building permits. In addition to the acts listed above, the following codes apply. Minimum Distance Separation Guidelines The purpose of this code is to assist farmers to reduce the potential of their livestock operations to pollute water, air, and soil. The guidelines for the “rational” use of land in relation to the livestock industry include: • guidelines for assessing the design, location, and manure management system of new livestock buildings and the renovation or expansion of existing livestock operations; • guidelines for evaluating the design of the manure management system on established livestock operations; • comprehensive manure management plans for all livestock operations; • methods to control water pollution caused by livestock watering at streams, ponds, or lakes; and • flexibility in interpretation to cover special cases without being overly restrictive. The MDS guidelines are intended to fill the void in the Environmental Protection Act. The program is voluntary unless municipalities have passed bylaws requiring permits and compliance. Permit applicants have the right to appeal to municipal committees of adjustment (which are appointed at the municipal level to hear appeals to bylaw requirements on a case-by-case basis) if the standards cannot be met. An increasing number of municipalities (such as Oxford County, described above) have developed municipal bylaws affecting livestock manure management. 68 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Best Management Practices in Ontario Best management practices (BMPs) are designed to be practical, affordable approaches to conserving soil, water, and other natural resources in rural areas. Manure management issues are covered by a variety of BMPs for soil and nutrient management, as well as livestock and poultry waste management, which consists of activities relating to the collection, transfer, storage, and land application of waste materials, plus restriction of livestock access to watercourses. It is recognized that manure applied at excessive rates, or that leaches or runs off following applications, can damage the environment through: • excessive growth of aquatic plants resulting from phosphorus contamination of surface water, • contamination of water with disease-causing organisms, • excessive nitrate levels in surface or groundwater, • poisoning of fish and other aquatic organisms from ammonia toxicity, • oxygen depletion of water from the addition of organic matter, and • physical and biological damage from organic material. BMPs have been developed for manure handling in the barn, long-term storage, and land application. There are recommendations about the transfer of manure from the barn to the storage facility. In addition to the BMPs, regulations and guidelines may apply that determine the appropriate siting and setbacks (minimum distance separation) for barns and storages. The general framework is presented in OMAFRA’s Guide to Agricultural Land Use.104 The advocated approach to manure management is to use the manure as a resource that can help reduce input costs for crop production and optimize crop production and quality, while protecting soil and water resources.105 The framework that guides nutrient management on farms stresses that farmers who practice good nutrient management can save time and money by: 104 Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), 1995a, Guide to Agricultural Land Use (Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer). 105 Canada, AA-FC, OMAFRA, and OFA, 1998. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 69 • purchasing and applying only what is needed; • making better use of on-farm nutrients; • identifying opportunities for using lower-cost alternative sources of nutrients, e.g., manure from a neighbouring farm, sewage sludge, or other forms of commercial fertilizers; • considering more efficient fertilizer application practices; and • using rotation, cover crops, residue management, and sound soil management practices to conserve the nutrients in the soil. When meeting crop nutrient requirements, farmers are reminded in the BMPs that: • final yields are not determined by fertility alone. They must also consider soil management, climate, plant population, timing, pest and weed management, and variety selection. • some high-value crops have unique fertility requirements for quality. • some legume crops provide some nitrogen for crops in following years, so they must include an estimate of the amount available to those crops in the overall nutrient management plan. (Legumes have bacteria in their roots which convert gaseous nitrogen into ammonium.) • it may not be desirable to supply all of a crop’s requirements from organic sources (manures, sludges, legumes, etc.) as some nutrients may be oversupplied. • they need to know fertility levels and crop requirements in order to apply appropriate rates. • timing is everything – if a crop can access nutrients when needed, quality and yields are higher. • the maximum yield that can be obtained is usually not the most profitable yield. 70 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Farmers are advised by the BMPs to test for nutrient levels and follow the recommended rates whether the testing is for soil fertility, soil pH, soil nitrate levels, plant tissue content, or nutrient content of manure or other organic wastes. The BMPs suggest that the best way to estimate the fertility of the soil is to use a reliable soil test. They point out that if too little nutrient is added the yield will suffer; if too much is added, time and money are wasted and there is a risk of polluting the environment. Nonetheless, it is pointed out that nutrients are applied to meet the crop’s annual needs and to quickly raise the soil test into the range where no further additions of nutrients are required (high range). Fertilizer recommendation is constrained only for soils testing in the high range or above, so that soil test levels should not change. Farmers should test their manure every time the manure storage area is emptied, because the quantity of nutrients and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in manure varies greatly from farm to farm, depending on the diet of the animals and the amount of bedding and liquid added to the manure. Table 2-5 summarizes the BMPs for applying nutrients. Farmers are advised not to provide all nutrients for a crop with manure, because it is not likely that manure will release its nutrients at the right balance and time, nor is it likely that all manure has the correct composition to meet crop requirements. For nitrogen, the amount of nitrate-nitrogen present in the soil at planting or side-dress time can indicate a soil’s capacity to supply nitrogen. At present the soil nitrate-nitrogen test is available only for corn (maize) and barley. The results of soil nitrate-nitrogen tests from variable fields should be interpreted with caution. Table 2-5 Summary of General BMPs for Applying Nutrients to Crops Purpose Practice For Production and Profit Apply exactly what crops need when they need it, maximize the benefit of nutrients by reducing losses, and apply where the nutrients will be used most efficiently. For Practicality Rotation may use nutrients not taken up by previous crop. For Protection of the Environment If the crop’ s needs are met by applying nutrients in the right amount at the right time, there is no detriment to the environment. Source: Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AA-FC), Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), and Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), 1996, Best Management Practices, Livestock and Poultry Waste Management (Toronto, ON: OFA; Canada, AA-FC et al.). The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 71 The nitrate-nitrogen levels can vary widely within some fields because of differences in past management, soil texture, organic matter content, drainage, or slope. In many fields it is impractical, if not impossible, to sample and fertilize different areas separately. The use of the soil nitrate-nitrogen test in such fields has not proven satisfactory. Because of the specific issues around ammoniacal-nitrogen and nitrate in water, farmers are expected to consider the following factors when applying nitrogen: • account for nitrogen available from all sources: soil, crop residues, manures, fertilizers, and carryover. • where practical, soil-test for nitrate-nitrogen to determine crop requirements. • when crop requirements are based on yield goals, set goals that are achievable in most years. • apply most of the nitrogen near the time when the crop is growing most rapidly. • avoid applying large amounts of material containing nitrogen in the late summer, fall, or winter. (Nitrogen can run off when it is applied to frozen ground and leaching or denitrification can be excessive if it is applied when no crop uptake is occurring.) • on soils likely to have high nitrate levels, consider planting cover crops during periods when a commercial crop is not being grown. • incorporate within 24 hours. • nitrate is mobile and, if not quickly used by the crop, may be lost to the air or groundwater. • it is recommended that no more than 75% of the crop needs for nitrogen come from manure. • it is advantageous to include some nitrogen from mineral fertilizers, for the following reasons: 72 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 – – – nitrogen release from organic materials is dependent on the weather. In cool, damp seasons, the crop may not receive enough nitrogen from organic sources for optimum growth and yield. manure application is often uneven, so parts of the field may receive insufficient manure to meet crop requirements. A blanket application of mineral N fertilizer helps to increase overall yields by ensuring all the field has received sufficient nitrogen. reducing the N application rate from manure also reduces the amount of phosphorus being applied to rates closer to crop renewal or crop requirements. For phosphorus, BMPs aim to • • • reduce soil erosion, incorporate manure to reduce the impact of any runoff, and halt the application of manure where the soil already tests excessive. Key statements from OMAFRA publications The following subsections highlight key statements from various publications that provide substance to the approach advocated. Where possible, the appropriate Web site address is provided. Siting of livestock facilities in relation to land under different usage Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) is a land-use planning tool to determine a recommended distance between a livestock facility and another land use. The objective is to prevent land-use conflicts and minimize nuisance complaints that arise from incompatible land uses. MDS is primarily a zoning tool that does not explicitly account for noise and dust or the potential for ground or surface water contamination. Ontario’s MDS I guidelines provide minimum distance separation for new non-agricultural development from existing livestock facilities.106 Ontario’s 106 Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), 1995b, Minimum Distance, Separation 1, (MDS I) (Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer). The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 73 MDS II guidelines provide minimum distance separation for new or expanding livestock facilities from existing or approved development.107 The differences between MDS I and MDS II applications are based on whether the proposed change in land use is due to a non-agricultural development in an area with existing agricultural operations (MDS I) or on whether the change is due to proposed changes in livestock operations in the area of an existing or already approved non-agricultural land-use activity. Thus, the distinctions recognize rights of prior uses. Manure handling and storage There are many good reasons to properly store and handle manure and other organic wastes. Farmers can profit because manure is a resource that will improve soil and supply nutrients to their crops. Animal and human contact with diseases and parasites found in wastes can be avoided. Drinking water supplies and fish habitats will not be contaminated. As well, properly stored manure and contaminated liquids are more efficient to manage. Farmers are made aware that potential pollutants from manure include: • • • • coliform bacteria and nitrates that can contaminate water supplies; pathogenic bacteria that can cause disease in humans and livestock in extreme cases; phosphorus, which increases algae growth in watercourses, which can use up oxygen and kill fish; and manure odours that often bother neighbours. Manure can pollute air and water in a variety of ways, such as: • • • 107 contaminated liquid can run from storage areas and exercise yards into surface and groundwater; manure stored on gravelly soils or shallow, cracked bedrock can pollute groundwater; and bacteria and other microorganisms in stored manure can produce gases when little or no oxygen is present. Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), 1995c, Minimum Distance, Separation II, (MDS II) (Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer). 74 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Options for collecting manure in the barn: • BMP requires at least 240 days storage capacity Types of storage Liquid Manure Covered Rectangular Storage Advantages include the storage facility can act as a foundation for a barn, has good odour control, and reduces the addition of precipitation. Disadvantages include a potential manure gas hazard, a high cost for installation, and difficulty in agitation. Covered Circular Storage Advantages include odour control and ease of agitation. However, this is also a costly system and impossible to expand. Open Circular Storage Advantages include low cost, usable on all soil types, easy agitation and easily retrofitted with a cover. Disadvantages include limited odour control, difficulty in expansion, and precipitation adds to the volume. Open Earthen Storage This is a low cost, easy-to-expand system. Disadvantages include poor odour control, a large surface area resulting in a high volume of precipitation entering, installation dependent on soil type, and difficult maintenance. Solid Manure Roofed Rectangular Storage Advantages include a smaller manure volume because of no added precipitation, and only solid-manure handling equipment is required. Disadvantages include high cost, the difficulty of keeping the manure solid enough, the large amounts of bedding required, the possible deterioration of the roof, and the inability to accommodate extra liquids such as milkhouse wastes. Mixed Storage Open Rectangular Storage with Separate Liquid Runoff Advantages include the ability to handle high volumes of bedding, a lower cost option if earthen liquid storage is used, and the ability to handle extra liquids such as milkhouse and parlour wastes. Disadvantages include the requirement for two manure handling systems, possible high cost if concrete liquid storages are required, and the difficulty of sizing if a portion of manure from livestock enters the liquid storage directly. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 75 Additions of Non-manure Materials to Stored Manure It is important to manage all liquids. One of the greatest pollution risks comes from liquid manure around livestock housing facilities. Contaminated liquids other than urine include livestock housing washwater, runoff from the exercise yard, silo seepage, runoff from solid manure, milking centre washwater, and livestock watering wastes. Including bedding with the manure has several benefits: • • • • it increases organic matter and improves soil-conditioning capabilities; it soaks up liquid and reduces loss of nitrogen to the atmosphere; it increases the carbon-nitrogen ratio and reduces the risk of organic nitrogen escaping into the air as manure breaks down; and it reduces the moisture content and allows more aeration which encourages composting. Composting manure before application reduces the nutrients immediately available to crops. When manure is composted, it becomes a stable, humus-like material. Manure should not be composted on bare soil in open fields. It should be done on concrete in a roofed structure to prevent excessive leaching of nitrate. Land application A given field’s suitability for manure application depends on a combination of topography, soil type, and vegetative cover. Application rates should include consideration of the total nutrient management requirements for the farm, according to crop and soil fertility. BMPs suggest the optimal timing of applications, as summarized in table 2.6. In general, factors to be considered when spreading manure include: • • • • • • • preventing the loss of nutrients in surface runoff; reducing the loss of nitrogen into the atmosphere; minimizing soil compaction and problems with soil structure; eliminating oversupply of nutrients in soil caused by spreading manure on same ground each year; preventing leaching of nitrate into groundwater; reducing pollution of waterways by manure runoff or direct livestock access; minimizing odours during spreading; 76 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Table 2-6 BMPs for Timing of Application Months BMP Watch For January to March Manure should be going into storage, not onto fields. Do not spread manure onto frozen, bare or snow-covered land. Do not spread manure on land with a history of floods or run-off. Apply only in case of emergency onto grass or winter cover crops or on areas of high crop residue where there is no danger of run-off floods. Runoff can pollute surface water. Use common sense and apply only on level, non-sensitive areas but only in emergencies. April to May Apply to land growing annual crops before seeding. Apply to row crops as a side dressing after plants come up. Irrigate or inject manure before planting corn to minimize soil compaction. Work manure into soil immediately (same day) after application to avoid loss of nitrogen. If application will cause excessive delays to planting because conditions are too wet, apply manure to white bean or soybean fields where yield will not be hurt as much by planting days. Wet or surface-dry soil where the risk of compaction is high. Apply on coarsetextured best-drained fields first. Excessive application can create a pollution hazard. Very dry soil with large cracks where liquid manure can flow into drainage systems. Till over drains to avoid the problem. Seedbeds that do not dry quickly because of heavy surface residue. These soils will take that much more time to dry following application of liquid manure. Planting too soon after heavy manure application. This can create ammonia toxicity and reduce germination and seedling growth. Delay planting to the extent possible. Phosphorus in manure that is applied to soil surface after a crop is seeded may not be available to that crop. A soil test will indicate if another source of phosphorus is needed. June and July Apply to grasslands. Inject into grassland that will be plowed later. Inject liquid manure between rows of growing corn (June only) with a modified tanker. Apply solid and liquid cattle manure lightly onto hay fields after cuttings. Apply early enough to avoid tramping regrowth. Completely or partially compost manure before applying to reduce odour and break up clumps. Do not use manure on orchard grass/alfalfa mixtures. Orchard grass can crowd out alfalfa if manure is applied at this time. Loss of nitrogen if there is no rainfall within 72 hours. Rain will help manure soak in. Consider an alternative application system like injection. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 77 Table 2-6 BMPs for Timing of Application, cont’d. Months BMP Watch For August to October Apply to grassland with no history of runoff and floods. Apply to annual crop lands that will be planted with winter cover crops. Denitrification in cold, wet soils. Apply to best-drained soils only or to land that will be seeded to cover crops. Mature crops that are not growing and do not need nutrients. Very dry soil with large cracks where fields have tile drainage system. Liquid manure may leach into drains very quickly. Till over drains before applications to break up deep cracks and pores in soil. Wet or surface-dry soil with a high risk of compaction. Apply to best-drained fields first. Manure should be going into storage, not onto fields. Do not spread onto frozen, bare or snow-covered land. Apply, only in cases of emergency, on grassland, fields with high crop residue levels or winter cover crops where there is no risk of floods or runoff. Sources: Canada, AA-FC et al., 1996, 1998. Runoff. Manure will soak in too slowly on wet fields. It will run off with excess water. Compaction. Soils are wet and prone to compaction at this time of year. November and December • • slowing the build-up of nutrients and bacteria in ponds, wells, and other waterways; spreading of manure on forage and pasture appropriately to avoid rejection by animals. All crops will benefit from soil conditioning from adding manure. Some, however, make better use of nutrients that are changed to forms available to plants immediately after incorporation. • Corn uses the nutrients in manure best because of its high demand for nitrogen. • Grass hay and pasture respond well to manure because they demand nitrogen. These crops also reduce soil compaction and risk of surface runoff. • Legumes such as alfalfa, trefoil, and soybeans can benefit from added phosphorus, potassium, and micro-nutrients if soil tests show low levels; however nitrogen is wasted. 78 • Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Cereals do not use as much nitrogen as grass and corn but still have significant needs. Protection of water resources from land application All operations need to consider the protection of water resources. In addition, there is an increasing use of irrigation in Ontario. Irrigation, the practice of adding water to moisture-deficient soils, depends on reliable supplies of fresh, clean water from surface and groundwater sources. Farmers must be aware of the potential impacts of their irrigation systems on the quantity and quality of groundwater and surface water. Cover crops are often recommended to protect soil from erosion and take up residual nitrogen left in the soil when cash crops are not normally growing. Green manure crops are short-term cover crops, used particularly after shortseason crops such as peas. Surface water Runoff causing soil erosion carries particulate and dissolved substances into surface water. Table 2.7 summarizes the relationships between soil type, land topography and the potential for surface water contamination from manure runoff.108 Several BMPs are aimed at preventing surface runoff and erosion: • reduced tillage systems, which include no-till (the practice of planting crops with no primary or secondary tillage separate from the planter operations), ridge-till (an alternative to no-till, a cultivator forms a ridge Table 2-7 Potential for Surface Water Contamination from Manure Runoff Soil Infiltration Rate (soil texture) Surface Water Contamination Potential Topography water Topography (Land (Land Slope) Slope) within within 150 150m (500 (500ftft.) .) Ooff w ater <0.5% 0.5–2% 2–5% >5% Fast (sand) VL VL VL L Moderate (loam) VL L L M Slow (clay loam) L M M H Very slow (clay) M H H H H = high risk, M = moderate risk, L = low risk, VL = very low risk Sources: Canada, AA-FC et al., 1996, 1998. 108 Canada, AA-FC, OMAFRA, and OFA, 1998. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 79 in early summer and the next year’s crop is planted directly onto the ridge), and simplified tillage such as chisel plowing or ‘soil saving.’ • residue management, leaving at least 30% crop residue on the soil surface after planting. Residue cover moderates soil temperature and encourages higher earthworm populations which benefit the soil structure. • crop rotations that alternate forage or cereal crops with row crops. The forage or cereal crops leave less soil exposed over the year, while the row crops leave the soil exposed for much of the year and return little residue to the soil. • drainage of wet fields. Some soils in Ontario are naturally low lying or have high water tables and need drainage. Drainage also benefits crops and adds value to agricultural land. Surface drains remove water in shallow open ditches but have limited effect on the water table. They are usually used in fine-textured soil. Subsurface drains (tile drains) remove excess water from the soil profile. Water moves down to the tile drains by gravity. • construct erosion-control structures, e.g., grassed waterways, water and sediment control basins, and diversion terraces, to manage concentrated flows of water. • use strip cropping and buffer strips. Strip cropping is the practice of planting alternating strips of row crops with forages or cereal crops. • till and plant crops across the slope where possible or use a system of contour cropping. Soil erosion due to wind can also impact surface watercourses. The key BMP here is the formation of windbreaks. Trees are planted in strategic areas on the farm to act as barriers to the wind. Groundwater The main approach of BMPs is to carry out good nutrient management planning. To avoid risk of bacterial contamination of wells and groundwater, the following guidelines for separation distances are followed: • • 15 m (50 ft.) for drilled wells with a steel casing greater than 30 m (100 ft.) in depth, and 30 m (100 ft.) for all other wells. 80 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 In fields with shallow soil (<1 m) over bedrock, or if the water table is less than 1 m from the soil surface at the time of manure application, it is recommended that farmers: • • • • schedule nutrients to meet crop needs, use lower rates, pre-till to reduce excess percolation, and monitor carefully following application. Some fields are naturally slowly draining, and the water table can be found within the top metre of soil in the spring. BMPs that deal with such soils recommend that farmers: • • • • • • • • • • • • install drainage tile and/or surface drains; grow crops suited to wetter soil conditions or crops that are planted later in the growing season (e.g., soybeans, winter wheat); use seed treatment; use disease-resistant/tolerant crop varieties; use a reduced tillage system such as ridge tillage, which creates a zone of drier soil for plant growth; use tillage carefully to expose soil to the air for evaporation and soil warming; use crop rotations; include deep-rooted crops such as alfalfa, clover etc.; encourage earthworm population for macropore development by leaving residue on the soil surface; use timely tillage and field operations; minimize the tillage passes to reduce compaction; and consider planting the area to pasture or trees. Methods To ensure proper application rates of manure and commercial fertilizers, farmers are advised to calibrate their nutrient application equipment in combination with soil and manure testing and nutrient management planning. To do this calibration, farmers must take into account not only the number of loads being applied to a field but also the different densities of the manure or whether the spreader is being filled according to the manufacturer’s specifications. In addition, they must consider soil compaction that may occur under spreaders, since this can increase runoff. BMPs that lessen the impact of compaction on soil structure recommend: The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality • • • • • • • • • 81 timely tillage and field operation: stay off wet fields, soil should be at proper moisture conditions at tillage depth; good drainage: tile drainage should be installed in fields with variable drainage; longer crop rotations that include forages/cereals; leaving forage crops in for longer than one year; that tillage equipment lifts and shatters soil (coulter chisel, cultivator) as opposed to pulverizing and grinding (disk); alternating tillage depth so tillage pans aren’t created; limiting the amount of traffic, including tillage across a field; restricting compaction: create a long narrow “footprint” with tire arrangement, e.g., radials, large tires, tracks; and limiting axle loads to less than five tonnes per axle. Soils shouldn’t be worked in the spring until the soil moisture conditions drop below the ‘lower plastic limit.’ This is the minimum moisture point at which soils begin to puddle and the maximum point at which soils remain friable. • In spring, manure should be applied before planting the most valuable crop. • In summer, plan to side-dress growing row-crops on cereal stubble or between cuts of forages. To avoid crop damage, manure should not be spread on crop foliage. • In winter, manure should go into storage. Winter application should only be considered if the storage is full (all recent livestock operations should have adequate storage). There is considerable risk of runoff with snowmelt, and no nutrient demand from crops at this time. The following must be taken into consideration: • manure should not be spread on frozen bare (no cover crop) land; • manure should not be spread when it is likely to run off, e.g., if a period of mild temperatures, rainfall, or wet snow is forecast for the ensuing 48 hours; and • manure should be spread on a level field and kept away from watercourses. Ontario BMPs recommend separation distances between applied manure and surface water sources based on surface water contamination potentials 82 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 given in table 2-7. Table 2-8 summarizes the recommended distances by type of application (surface-applied and incorporated) and by contamination potential. Also as a general rule, the distances recommended for spreading in other seasons should be doubled when spreading is done in winter. Buffer zones and setbacks for watercourses Buffer strips or buffer zones are permanent borders on field boundaries or along watercourses that help reduce soil input into streams. Generally, narrower separation distances to watercourses are acceptable where: • • P levels are lower, and the risk of erosion and runoff due to soil type, cropping and tillage practices, slope, and distance to the watercourse is lower. Contingency planning for manure spills A contingency plan includes the following: • • a list of emergency telephone numbers; a map showing surrounding dwellings and land uses; Table 2-8 Minimum Separation Distances to Water Sources for Surface Water Contamination Potential from Liquid and Solid Manure Runoff Surface Water Contamination Potential Separation Distance to Surface Water Sources metres (ft.) Surface-applied Incorporated liquid solid liquid solid High 30 (100) 15 (50) 18 (60) 9 (30) Moderate 23 (75) 11 (37) 14 (45) 7 (22) Low 15 (50) 8 (25) 9 (30) 4.5 (15) Very Low 9 (30) 4.5 (15) 9 (30) 4.5 (15) Note: the above minimum separation distances may be reduced to 9 m or 30 ft. (liquid) and 4.5 m or 15 ft. (solid) where the following practices are implemented. Soil conservation techniques (e.g., mulch tillage, strip cropping, forages) are practised AND a minimum 3 m (10 ft.) wide vegetated buffer strip (measured from top of bank) exists along the perimeter of the surface water source. For commercial fertilizers, a minimum separation distance of 3m (10 ft.) composed of a vegetable buffer strip should be established between the area of application and any water course. Sources: Canada, AA-FC et al., 1996, 1998. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality • • • • 83 a list of available emergency equipment and supplies and their locations; a sketch of the farmstead and immediate surroundings, including emergency water supplies; a sketch of the area surrounding the farm, indicating where surface and subsurface drainage water would flow; and specific plans outlining the action to be followed in the event of a manure or fertilizer spill. One tool to help farmers develop sound manure management practices is the Environmental Farm Plan developed by the Ontario Farm Environmental Coalition (OFEC). The Ontario Farm Environmental Coalition recommends that farmers carry out self-assessment of their activities, identify those that result in environmental losses, and consider specific actions for reducing impacts on the environment.109 The program is a voluntary educational program with limited financial resources to assist farmers in carrying out recommended actions. While a large number of farmers in Ontario have undertaken selfassessments as part of the Environmental Farm Plan, it is unknown as to the extent to which these farmers have undertaken activities that would reduce environmental impacts on their farms. An electronic decision support system, Nutrient Management 2000 (NMAN 2000), has been developed by OMAFRA and the University of Guelph to help producers develop good manure management skills. The field application component has been widely adopted by local municipalities to ensure that the land area available to a producer for applying manure allows all nutrients to be applied appropriately. The completion of such a nutrient management plan is commonly required before new barns can be built. 3 Biophysical Aspects of Manure Management 3.1 Background Feed and water for livestock are the sources for mineral nutrients, metals, and pathogenic bacteria that are present in manure. If animals drink contaminated water, diarrhea can result,110 which modifies the concentration of materials 109 More information about the Ontario Farm Coalition is available at < english/environment/ofec/coalition.htm>. More information on the Environmental Farm Plan is available at <>. 110 D. Peer and W. Merritt, 1997, Water quality and pig performance. Factsheet (Guelph, ON: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs). 84 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 within the manure. Water quality guidelines exist to protect animal health.111 However, other than considering the transmission of pathogens between animals, there is little information on the impacts of animal manure on water quality. Manure management should, and increasingly does, start with the formulation of the animal diets (figure 3-1). A properly designed diet provides all the nutrients and roughage required for growth, body maintenance, and reproductive capacity, while preventing unnecessary excess. Excess nutrients either pass through the alimentary tract and are excreted in the feces or are absorbed and then removed from the body, together with metabolic breakdown products, via the kidneys. In mammals, materials removed from the bloodstream by the kidneys are excreted along with water as urine. Avian species conserve water, and waste products separated by the kidneys are voided through the same opening as undigested feed. Figure 3-1 The Main Parts of a Manure Management System that are Relevant to Environmental Contamination by Manure Constituents Animal nutrition Feed Excretion Manure transfer Long-term storage Short-term storage Manure transfer and field application Crop nutrition and soil structure stabilization 111 Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), 1999, “Canadian water quality guidelines for the protection of agricultural water uses: Summary table,” Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines, 1999 (Winnipeg: CCME). The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 85 The alimentary tracts of animals provide ideal environments for microbial growth, including species and strains that are parasitic or pathogenic in humans. Part of the microbial population is voided along with the feces. The fate of these microbes, as well as that of the nutrients in manure, is considered in this section. Most farm animals in Ontario spend significant time in confinement or at least under cover, so that most manure (the mix of urine and feces for mammals and the droppings of avian species) is deposited in barns or exercise yards. These locations provide an initial temporary store of the manure. In some cases, the manure is removed from the point of defecation and transferred into longer-term storage. Alternatively, it may be moved into short-term storage within the same area before being moved into longer-term storage. Sometimes, the manure undergoes treatment as part of long-term storage. The manure of animals that graze or range freely is deposited directly on the land. Land application is also the main way to use stored manure. Spreading on the land is an important way to conserve the nutrients in the manure for crop production and reduce dependence on mineral fertilizers. The fixed facilities where manure is deposited or stored can be considered as distinct potential point sources for the contamination of the environment and of water resources in particular. Fields where manure is deposited or purposely spread represent potential non-point or diffuse sources of contamination. In this section, we consider all aspects of the potential for contamination of water resources from manure management systems, from feed manipulation to the production of crops, with a separate section for each component of the system (figure 3-1). A major section deals with the natural processes responsible for the movement of contaminants to water resources. 3.2 Potential Contamination and Manure Management Phase 3.2.1 Feed manipulation The traditional approach of animal nutrition has been to ensure that a given feed regime supplied sufficient energy and protein to support metabolic energy and growth demands, and that other production functions (e.g., eggs laid, milk produced) were optimized. Manure was a waste product of this endeavour. Nutrients excreted were indicative of an inefficiency, but they could be recycled, 86 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 at least in part, if manure was used to fertilize crops. The main nutrients in manure that are of concern for crop production are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and carbon (C). With the exception of K, these same elements are important for water quality. The feed provided for farm animals largely determines the potential for the contamination of water resources in subsequent phases of manure management. Large variations in the nutrient content of manure can be related to differences in levels of animal performance, feed intake, type and quality of diet and feed management, and environment factors affecting water and food intake.112 Environment factors can also alter water and food intake by animals.113 Depending on the type of livestock and their feeding regime, the typical recovery of feed N in manure has ranged from 72–89%.114 Obviously, the efficiency of N-utilization could be improved and thereby result in less N in manure. For example, while corn grain is an energy feedstuff for pigs, it is deficient in several amino acids needed for growing animals. The main limiting amino acids are lysine and tryptophan, followed by threonine and isoleucine. Adding soybean meal to meet the lysine needs results in an excess of other amino acids in the diet. The excess amino acids are digested and the nitrogen is excreted via the kidneys. By feeding the synthetic amino acid L-lysine monohydrochloride, less soybean meal is required and less N enters the manure. Animals have a much greater requirement for P than do plants. Some 80–85% of P in corn grain and about 75% in soybean meal is unavailable to nonruminants (e.g., pigs and poultry) because they lack the enzyme phytase which cleaves the orthophosphate groups from the phytate molecule to release the P in a more easily digested form. P-needs are met by the addition of monosodium or dicalcium phosphate. Upwards of 65–75% of the total P in the diet may then be excreted. Over the past decade, animal nutrition has focused on nutrient-use efficiency. Major strides have been made in understanding the impact of feed on the 112 American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE), 1998, ASAE Standards 1998: Standards, Engineering Practices, and Data, 45th ed., (St. Joseph, MI: ASAE); J.B. Holter and W.E. Urban Jr., 1992, “Water partitioning and intake prediction in dry and lactating Holstein cows,” Journal of Dairy Science, 75, p. 1472; H.H. Van Horn, A.C. Wilkie, and W.J. Powers, 1994, “Components of dairy manure management systems,” Journal of Dairy Science, 77, p. 2008. 113 Holter and Urban, 1992; Van Horn, Wilkie, and Powers, 1994. 114 J. Azevedo and P.R. Stout, 1974, “Farm animal manures: an overview of their role in the agricultural environment,” Manual (California Agricultural Experiment Station), 44. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 87 nutrient content of animal excreta. Consequently, the feed industry has been changing rations and hence modifying the characteristics of manure. Some of the potential impacts of improving feed management are shown in table 3-1. Increased efficiency in livestock production through improved feed conversion (essentially the amount of animal protein formed from a given amount of plant protein) can reduce the time that the animals are on the farm before being sent to market, and consequently reduce the amount of manure excreted per unit weight of meat produced. The impact of this on the total and regional production of manure is considered further in section 4. By knowing the nitrogen content of the animal feed, one can predict the quantity of nitrogen excreted by the principal groups of farm animals.115 The total Table 3-1 Feed-related Measures Contributing to the Reduction in Pollution Caused by Animal Production Changes in feeding regime Possible reduction in nutrient content (%) Nitrogen Phosphorus 20–25 – 5 – – 25–30 Supplements Increase use of supplementary amino acids and related compound combined with reduced levels of protein in feed. Enzymes: Cellulase Phytases Modified grains: high-available-P corn 25 5 5 10–15 10–15 Phase feeding 15 15 Increased use of highly digestible raw materials 5 5 Growth-promoting substances Systems Precise feed formulation to animal needs Sources: P. Williams, 1993 [personal communication]; C.F.M. de Lange, 1996, “Animal and feed factors determining N and P excretion with pig manure,” Managing Manure for Dairy and Swine. Towards Developing a Decision Support System, M.J. Goss, D.P. Stonehouse, and J.C. Giraldez (eds.), (Fair Haven, NJ: SOS Publications). 115 Kirchmann and Witter, 1992. 88 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 manure-N may be calculated by apportioning the nitrogen in the feed between the nitrogen assimilated by the animal and that excreted. For example, Charles developed a model that correlates the feed intake of hens to the numbers of eggs produced.116 By analysing the feed and calculating the amount eaten, one can determine the nutrients available and predict egg production. The nutrient content of the manure is assumed to be the difference between the nutrient intake and that required for egg production. In Ontario, hogs may be bred and raised for slaughter at the same unit (farrowto-finish operations) or may be born in a farrowing unit, moved to a separate nursery unit and thence to a grower-finisher barn (segregated operations). On average, each sow farrows twice a year and produces 18 market pigs per year. This family unit excretes a total of 114 kg of N, 23 kg of P, and 70 kg of K. Approximately 70% of the nutrients are excreted by the grower-finisher animals. Feed intake can be used to predict the nutrient content of the manure (figure 3-2). The efficiency of nitrogen utilization by grower-finisher pigs can be best improved by making the dietary balance of amino acids closer to the pigs’ required balance. More closely meeting the nutrient requirements during the various stages of growth (phase feeding) also improves the efficiency. For Figure 3-2 Model to Predict N- and P-output in Pig Manure from the Feed Input and That Used for Pig Growth N and P in feed No. pigs removed in each category Total feed usage N and P content in bodies of animals removed (according to category, type, and lean yield) Total N and P usage N and P removed in animals N and P excreted by pigs as manure and gases Source: de Lange, 1996. 116 D.R. Charles, 1984, “A model of egg production,” British Poultry Science, 25, p. 309. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 89 example, by manipulating the dietary amino acid balance, N-excretion in manure was reduced by 35% in grower pigs and 20% in finisher pigs without affecting animal performance.117 The largest improvements in phosphorus utilization by pigs are expected from phase feeding and improving P-digestibility.118 As stated earlier, much of the P present in feed grains is in the form of phytates, which are not readily digested by non-ruminants. Although supplementary-P is commonly included in the diet of these animals to ensure an adequate supply, an alternative is to add the enzyme phytase to the diet to break down the phytate. At the University of Guelph, a genetically modified pig has been developed that secretes the phytase enzyme in its saliva. It is anticipated that commercial herds of such animals would not require supplementary-P in their diet. Another approach is the use of newly developed corn hybrids. These store P in a more available form in the grain. Feeding these “high-available-P” (HAP) hybrids can also reduce the need for supplementary-P and reduce the P excreted. For ruminant animals such as cattle and sheep, the approach to promoting efficient feed conversion has been to vary the amount of protein and carbohydrate and improve the degradability (ease with which materials are broken down in the digestive tract) of components in the feed. This not only affects the amount of N, P, and K voided in manure, but also the proportion of N in feces relative to that in urine. Tamminga concluded that 10–15% of the total N-intake is not utilized because of inefficiencies in amino acid utilization.119 Microbial fermentation in the hindgut can result in more N being absorbed across the intestinal wall, thereby shifting the partitioning of N-excreted between feces and urine toward the latter. The N in urine is readily converted into mineral-N, whereas the N in feces is in a form that is converted only slowly to mineral forms. Fecal excretion of P is primarily due to the unavailability of the phosphorus source in the diet and its turnover in the animal’s body. P is an important 117 J.K. Tuitoek, L.G. Young, B.J. Kerr, and C.F.M. de Lange, 1993, “Digestible amino acid pattern for growing finishing pigs fed practical diets,” Journal of Animal Science, 71 (suppl. 1), p. 167. 118 A.W. Jongbloed, 1991, “Developments in the production and composition in manure from pigs and poultry,” Mest & Milieu in 2000, H.A.C. Verkerk (ed.), (Wageningen, Netherlands: Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek) (Dutch). 119 S. Tamminga, 1992, “Nutrition management of dairy cows as a contribution to pollution control,” Journal of Dairy Science, 75, p. 345. 90 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 constituent of all cells, where it participates in energy-storing and transporting processes. It is secreted in saliva and bile into the alimentary canal. Efficiency of P-absorption from feed, about 50%, varies with the feed source, amount of feed intake, calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, vitamin D status, intake of other minerals, intestinal pH, and age of the animal.120 The availability of phosphorus decreases with the increasing complexity of the molecules containing it.121 For dairy cattle, one must consider the partitioning of nutrients into milk, calf, and metabolic maintenance. The improved genetic potential of dairy cows has resulted in increased milk production with increased feed intake.122 If digestive parameters are similar, manure production would be expected to increase along with feed intake. Morse et al. compared estimates of total manure production, calculated using milk produced, feed intake, and either manure-N concentrations or total dietary nitrogen, with actual amounts collected from highly productive cows.123 They found that the calculated values underestimated those observed by approximately 25%. Diet digestibility, moisture content, and level of intake influence the amounts of manure produced. Stress from heat and humidity increases water consumption, resulting in an increase in urine production.124 Equations developed to predict nutrient requirements for milk production can be reconfigured to estimate nutrient excretion into manure, using dietary intake, milk production, and stage of gestation of milking cows.125 To derive information for the herd, one must also account for the growth of calves and young heifers and the body retention of nutrients in dry cows. Metals derived from the diet are also present in some animal manures. Copper sulphate is used as a feed additive in swine and poultry to promote weight gain 120 D. Morse, H.H. Head, C.J. Wilcox, H.H. Van Horn, C.D. Hissem, and B. Harris, Jr., 1992, “Effects of concentration of dietary phosphorus on amount and route of excretion,” Journal of Dairy Science, 75, p. 339. 121 U.S. National Research Council (NRC), 1989, Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press). 122 Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AA-FC), 1995, Dairy Animal Improvement Statistics (Ottawa: Market and Industry Services Branch). 123 D. Morse, R.A. Nordstedt, H.H. Head, and H.H. Van Horn, 1994, “Production and characteristics of manure from lactating dairy cows in Florida,” Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 37, p. 275 124 Holter and Urban, 1992; Morse et al., 1994; M.R. Murphy, 1991, “Water metabolism of dairy cattle,” Journal of Dairy Science, 75, p. 326. 125 U.S. NRC, 1989; J. Cant, 1999, Algorithms in MCLONE4, < Software.htm>. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 91 and feed efficiency.126 Some of the increased feed efficiency is considered to result from a reduction in disease because of copper sulphate’s fungicidal and bactericidal properties.127 Supplemental zinc (Zn) for swine and poultry reduces the excessive accumulation of copper (Cu) in the liver and enhances general health and growth.128 Generally, Zn is considered a safe mineral supplement, the animals tolerating high intakes. It is excreted primarily in feces.129 Pigs utilize Cu with variable efficiency (20 to 40%), depending on its forms in the feed and animal age. Most excess Cu is eliminated through biliary excretions and hence into the feces.130 To act as growth promotants, Cu and Zn levels in swine diets are much higher than the minimum requirements for normal performance (5–25 ppm for Cu and 50–125 ppm for Zn, depending on the particular class of swine). In Canada, the federal Feeds Act limits the maximum level of Cu and Zn in the diet to 125 ppm and 500 ppm respectively, but in the United States, higher levels are common. In some countries, such as the Netherlands, growth-promoting levels of Cu and Zn are no longer allowed in finisher pig diets due to the impact on the environment. Some other plant micronutrients are also added to feed, such as selenium (Se) and chromium (Cr). The latter may be added to pig feed (in the form of chromium picolinate) to reduce fat in the carcass. The amount of microbial production in the hindgut of animals depends on the availability of fermentable carbohydrates and protein.131 Diets that have slower rumen degradability of carbohydrates or faster passage rates provide greater quantities of these materials. 126 B. O’Dell, E.R. Miller, and W.J. Miller, 1979, Literature Review on Copper and Zinc in Poultry, Swine and Ruminant Nutrition (West Des Moines, IA: National Feed Ingredients Association); E.R. Miller, X. Lei, and D.E. Ulley, 1991, “Trace elements in animal nutrition,” Micronutrients in Agriculture, 2nd ed., J.J. Mortvedt, F.R. Cox, L.M. Shuman, and R.M. Welch (eds.), (Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America), p. 601. 127 J.R.J. Sorenson, 1979, “Therapeutic uses of copper,” Copper in the Environment. Part II: Health Effects, J.O. Nriagu (ed.), (New York: John Wiley & Sons), p. 83. 128 I. Bremner, 1979, “Copper toxicity studies using domestic and laboratory animals,” Copper in the Environment. Part II: Health Effects, J.O. Nriagu (ed.), (New York: John Wiley & Sons), p. 285. 129 Miller, Lei, and Ulley, 1991. 130 Miller, Lei, and Ulley, 1991. 131 E.R. Orskov, C. Frazer, V.C. Mason, and S.O. Mann, 1970, “Influence of starch digestion in the large intestine of sheep on caecal fermentation, caecal microflora and faecal nitrogen excretion,” British Journal of Nutrition, 24, p. 671. 92 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Pathogenic bacteria can infect animals through contaminated feed and water supplies.132 Contamination can come from the manure of other herd members or from other animals such as rodents. Diet, or at least changes in diet, appear to influence the shedding of E. coli O157:H7.133 Antibiotic drugs are used as feed supplements for poultry, swine, and beef and dairy cattle to improve the feed conversion to animal growth and production as well as to prevent and control disease. The antibiotics used, both subtherapeutically and for treating disease, include penicillin and tetracycline compounds. Ionophores, a type of antibiotic, depress or inhibit the growth of specific microorganisms in the rumen of cattle. This selective inhibition alters rumen processes, including changing the types of volatile fatty acids produced and decreasing the breakdown of feed protein. The improved animal performance associated with the use of ionophores results from the increased energy retention associated with the change from acetic acid to propionic acid production.134 The concern about the subtherapeutic use of antibiotics in animal husbandry hinges on the fact that some of these drugs are also used to treat humans. Antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria has been the main focus of attention. Strains of Clostridium perfringens in manure (both pig and cattle) were found to have a high resistance to antibiotics. Their spread through the environment was related to land application of livestock waste.135 Significant amounts of the ingested antibiotic can also be excreted in an active form.136 There is also evidence that some antibiotics can increase shedding of E. coli O157:H7.137 132 D.E. Herriott, D.D. Hancock, E.D. Ebel, L.V. Carpenter, D.H. Rice, and T.E. Besser, 1998, “Association of herd management factors with colonization of dairy cattle by shiga toxin-positive Escherichia coli O157,” Journal of Food Protection, 61, p. 802; J.A. Shere, K.J. Bartlett, and C.W. Kaspar, 1998, “Longitudinal study of Escherichia coli O157:H7 dissemination on four dairy farms in Wisconsin,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64, p. 1390. 133 J.B. Russell, F. Diez-Gonzalez, and G.N. Jarvis, 2000, “Effects of diet shifts on Escherichia coli in cattle,” Journal of Dairy Science, 83, p. 863. 134 W.G. Bergen, and D.B. Bates, 1984, “Ionophores: Their effect on production efficiency and mode of action,” Journal of Animal Science, 58, p. 1465. 135 R. Van Stappen, F. Huysman, and W. Verstraete, 1990, “Land application of piggery manure: The need for adequate expert systems to evaluate and control manuring practices,” Fertilization and the Environment, R. Merckx, H. Vereecken, and K. Vlassak (eds.), (Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press), p. 264. 136 H. Gamal-El-Din, 1986, “Biogas production from antibiotic-contaminated cow manure,” Biogas, Technology, Transfer and Diffusion, M.M. El-Halwagi, (ed.), (New York: Elsevier), p. 720. 137 C. Gyles, 2000, “E. coli O157:H7 – Global perspective,” Canadian Cattleman’s Association (CCA) E. coli O157:H7 Workshop, 27 and 28 Nov. 2000, Calgary, Alberta, p. 9. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 93 Summary Feed and water for livestock are the sources of the mineral nutrients, metals, and pathogenic bacteria that are present in manure. Research aimed at improving feed utilization has, as one consequence, shown how the nutrient loading into manure can be modified by diet and how the form of N may change with the partitioning between urinary and fecal excretion. Diet can also affect the microbial activity in the hindgut of cattle, which could influence the survival of pathogens. The potential role of antibiotics in the diet (either at therapeutic or subtherapeutic levels) in the release of pathogens into manure is of considerable importance. Adding Cu and Zn to animal feed helps improve feed utilization, but these elements are also excreted in manure. 3.2.2 Excretion Nutrients, microbes, endocrine-disrupting substances, and metals – all potential contaminants of water resources – are excreted by animals in their manure. Nitrogen is an important nutrient for plants and animals. In the form of nitrates (NO–3) or nitrites (NO2–), it is an important contaminant of drinking water. Excreted in both feces and urine, nitrogen occurs in many forms ranging from urea and uric acid to complex cellular constituents. The major form of urineN is urea (uric acid in birds), although up to 35% may be present in other forms such as allantoin, hippuric acid, and creatinine.138 The relative agronomic importance of these different forms of N is unknown. Soon after excretion, urea and uric acid are thought to change rapidly to ammonium nitrogen. Carbon compounds in feed are broken down during aerobic cell respiration to provide energy for the animals. However, if such compounds enter a water course as manure, they generate a large demand for oxygen in the microorganisms that feed on them (biological oxygen demand or BOD). Swine manure, for example, generates a very large BOD, ranging between 70,000 and 200,000 mg/L. This strong demand for oxygen by microorganisms can seriously deplete the amount in water bodies so that fish die through lack of oxygen. 138 D.C. Whitehead, D.R. Lockyer, and N. Raistrick, 1989, “Volatilization of ammonia from urea applied to soil: Influence of hippuric acid and other constituents of livestock urine,” Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 21, p. 803; R.J. Thomas, K.A.B. Logan, A.D. Ironside, and G.R. Bolton, 1988, “Transformations and fate of sheep urine -N applied to an upland U.K. pasture at different times during the growing season,” Plant and Soil, 107, p. 173. 94 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Little is known about the amount of carbon excreted in relation to its level in feed. Beauchamp and Voroney estimated that 15–50% of the feed-C is excreted, depending largely on the kind of feed, livestock, and feed quality (digestibility).139 The ability of ruminants to break down cellulose and complex starches in the alimentary tract also means that their manure tends to have a higher bacterial content than that of non-ruminants. The risk of contamination of water resources depends, at least in part, on where the manure is excreted, which depends on whether the animals are confined or allowed to graze freely. Direct excretion into water resources In Ontario, an attempt has been made to reduce manure contamination by reducing the opportunity for animals to defecate directly into rivers and streams. Nonetheless, many animals are allowed access to flowing water courses to drink. Seasonal behavioural studies show that animals do not spend extended periods of time in the water and usually void little urine or feces there (figure 3-3).140 However, this normal pattern was not always followed, and on one day at each experimental site, considerably more direct defecation did take place.141 Once voided, bacteria rapidly become attached to sediment on the stream bed, where they can survive for at least two months.142 Few are present in the water beyond 50 m from the point of entry.143 Access to streams also allows animals to disturb the sediment, causing the release of coliforms and other bacteria into the water. These coliforms likely originate from direct defecation into the stream, in runoff and sediment from the adjacent fields, or from other sources such as waste treatment plants. Enhanced flow associated with major rainstorms also moves bacteria downstream.144 139 E.G. Beauchamp and R.P. Voroney, 1993, “Crop carbon distribution to soil with different cropping and livestock systems,” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 49, p. 205. 140 I.J.H. Duncan, E.A. Clark, and K. Maitland, 1998, Livestock Behavior in and near Watercourses in Ontario: 3 Year Summary, [unpublished report] (Guelph, ON: Animal and Poultry Science and Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph); H.L. Gary, S.R. Johnson, and S.L. Ponce, 1983, “Cattle grazing impact on surface water quality in a Colorado front range stream,” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 38, p. 124. 141 Duncan, Clark, and Maitland, 1998. 142 C.M. Davies, J.A.H. Long, M. Donald, and N.J. Ashbolt, 1995, “Survival of fecal microorganisms in marine and freshwater sediments,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 61, p. 1888. 143 H. Whiteley, 1998, Effects of cattle access on bacteria concentrations in streams, [unpublished report], School of Engineering, University of Guelph. 144 Ibid. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 95 Alternative methods to keep cattle away from water courses have been investigated. Fencing is effective but expensive. Providing drinking water in the field discourages access, as does preventing the animals from forming trails along stream banks. Providing shade away from streams may also help.145 Constructing low-level crossings at locations normally used by animals to enter water can prevent collapse of banks and the disturbance of sediment. Excretion in confined or sheltered areas Ammonia from urine and bird droppings can be released into the atmosphere as a gas (volatilize) very rapidly after excretion, especially in areas where animals are confined. More nitrogen is lost by volatilization from within the barn than from other phases of cattle manure management in the UK.146 Considerable volatilization of ammonia also occurs from uncovered yards if manure is not removed frequently. Figure 3-3 Probability that Cows and Calves Will Void Urine or Feces into a Stream 100 Calves Cows Percentage of site-days 80 60 40 Urinate Urinate Deficate Defecate 20 0 <5 5–10 >10 <5 5–10 >10 Probability (%) Data for 52 site-days over three years from Ontario. Source: Duncan et al., 1998. 145 I.J.H. Duncan, 1996, Observations of Cattle at Four Sites in Ontario during Summer 1995: Interim report, [unpublished report] (Guelph, ON: Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph). 146 S.C. Jarvis, 1990, “Ammonia volatilization from grazed grassland: Effects of management on annual losses,” Fertilization and the Environment, R. Merckx, H. Vereecken, and K. Vlassak (eds.), (Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press), p. 297. 96 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Up to 23% of the ammonia may come from animal urine.147 The release and volatilization of ammonia shortly after excretion reduces the final loading of N in the manure that is subsequently stored and eventually applied to the land. Once manure is excreted, any pathogens it contains become subject to environmental stresses that can affect their survival. Some can still reproduce even though they are outside the body of the host animal. Some, such as Clostridium perfringens, form spores while others enter a resistant phase in which they fail to form colonies when attempts are made to culture them.148 Other potential contaminants of water resources are unlikely to undergo transformation or growth, but their concentrations in manure may change as the carbon compounds are used as an energy source by microbes and other organisms. Mineral nutrients and labile carbon compounds Most of the information on the nutrient content of manure (see table 3-2) comes from stored rather than freshly excreted material. Values for BOD concentration in fresh or stored manure are rare, but a few people have reported values in the range of 20,000 to 30,000 mg/L. Based on Table 3-2 Characteristics of Different Types of Manure in Ontario Animal Category Range of dry matter content % Range of values for nutrient content % N P K NH4-N mg/L Beef cattle solid liquid 18–63 1–13 0.45–1.00 0.10–0.50 0.10–0.25 0.02–0.25 0.30–1.00 0.10–0.25 30–1050 700–2100 Dairy cattle solid liquid 17–32 1–13 0.55–0.85 0.10–0.40 0.10–0.20 0.02–0.20 0.35–0.60 0.10–0.40 950–1350 650–1900 Pig solid liquid 17–51 1–13 0.80–1.75 0.20–0.85 0.40–1.25 0.05–0.35 0.25–1.25 0.10–0.35 1700–4000 1500–5450 Poultry solid 16–90 0.90–3.20 0.40–1.45 liquid 0.5–12 0.15–0.90 0.02–0.35 Source: C. Brown, 2000 [personal communication], November. 0.35–1.60 0.01–0.35 3221–6450 900–6250 147 B.F. Pain, S. Jarvis, and B. Clements, 1991, “Impact of agricultural practices on soil pollution,” Outlook on Agriculture, 20, p. 153. 148 Davies et al., 1995. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 97 the amount of manure per 1,000 kg live animal weight, swine and poultry contribute more material that generates BOD than do dairy and beef cattle (table 3-3). A significant amount of the N lost by volatilization of ammonia immediately after excretion may be redeposited on fields surrounding the barn, while some is deposited at a much greater distance. In both cases, no control can be exercised over the deposition, which is also recognized as a part of acid rain. The proportion of phosphorus (P) in organic form is greater in solid manure than in liquid manure. Liquid manure-P can occur as particulates such as trimagnesium phosphate149 or as soluble components such as orthophosphates and low-molecular-weight organic phosphorus compounds. Poultry manure tends to contain the largest concentration of total-P while cattle manure tends to contain the lowest level.150 Leinweber found that the total-P in dry poultry manure is less than in liquid swine manure, but the proportion of soluble-P was greater in poultry manure.151 Swine slurry tends to contain more than double the amount of P present in cattle slurry.152 The total-P excreted per 100 Table 3-3 Manure Production and Characteristics (per 1,000 kg Live Animal Weight per Day) Dairy Beef Swine Poultry Layer Broiler Total Total manure manure (feces (faeces++urine) urine)(kg) (kg) 86 58 84 64 85 Total solids (kg) 12 8.5 11 16 22 BOD (kg) 1.6 1.6 3.1 3.3 NA* * No data available. Source: after ASAE, 1998. 149 A.W. Fordham and U. Schwertmann, 1977, “Composition and reactions of liquid manure (gülle), with particular reference to phosphate: II Solid phase components,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 6, p. 136. 150 C. Tietjen, 1987, “Influence of faecal wastes on soil, plant, surface water and ground water,” Animal Production and Environmental Health, D. Strauch (ed.), (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science), p. 203. 151 P. Leinweber, 1997, “The concentrations and forms of phosphorus in manures and soils from the densely populated livestock area in north-west Germany,” [poster], Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water, H. Tunney, O.T. Carton, P.C. Brookes, and A.E. Johnston (eds.), (Wallingford UK: CAB International), p. 425. 152 P. Schweiger, V. Binkele, and R. Traub, 1989, Nitrat im Grundwasser: Erhebungen und Untersuchungen zum Nitrataustrag in das Grundwasser bei unterschiedlicher Nutzung, Massnahmen zur Reduzierung und Verhalten von Nitrat im Untergrund (Stuttgart: E. Ulmer). 98 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 kg live animal weight per year was also greatest for poultry (approximately 12.8 kg/y), followed by pigs (6.2 kg/y), beef cattle (4 kg/y), sheep (2.6 kg/y), and dairy cattle (2 kg/y).153 The use of phytase or high-available-P corn results in less P being excreted in pig manure compared with manure from pigs given a normal diet supplemented with mineral-P (table 3-1). Metals Manure may contain extra copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) derived from feed additives. Evidence from Europe shows significant amounts of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in manure (table 3-4). Menzi and Kessler systematically Table 3-4 Range of Metal Content of Manure from Swiss Farms Animal Category Manure Type Copper Zinc Cadmium Lead µg/g dry matter Cattle Dairy Liquid 13–160 (88) 102–395 (267) <0.08–3.2 1.3–50 Solid 2.5–80 (42) 40–412 0.04–3.1 0.09–15.6 Liquid 36–870 88–938 <0.08–0.80 0.3–14.2 Solid 15–51 48–448 <0.08–0.62 1.3–11.9 Finishers Liquid 30–376 (774) 337–2490 (1806) <0.08–0.51 0.9–15.8 Nursery Liquid 2281 2365 Sows+litter Liquid 12–1459 146–5832 0.06–1.3 0.34–12.8 Dry sows Liquid 467 2067 Sheep Solid 13 104 Layers Solid (deep litter) 17–486 237–789 0.09–0.42 1.5–4.1 Broilers Solid 80 320 Beef Swine Poultry Data in brackets are sample values obtained in Ontario. Source: Brown, 2001. Source: after Menzi and Kessler, 1998. 153 E.P. Taiganides, 1987, “Animal waste management and wastewater treatment,” Animal Production and Environmental Health, D. Strauch (ed.), ( Amsterdam: Elsevier Science), p. 91. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 99 investigated the metal content of manure from 1992 to 1997 in Switzerland.154 Their results show considerable variation between the sources and types of manure (table 3-4). Values from the United Kingdom for metal content lie within the range of those reported for Switzerland.155 There has been no systematic analysis of metals in manure from Ontario, and those values, which have been collected by OMAFRA, suggest that for dairy manure the results are within the same range as those in European samples. However, Cu values for swine appear to be well above the range reported for Europe (table 3-4). Other studies have also reported variability in the metal content of manure similar to that shown in table 3-4. For example, the total amount of Cu was found to be similar or even slightly greater in fresh poultry manure compared with fresh liquid swine manure,156 but on a dry matter basis the percentage was over six times greater in swine manure.157 More soluble Cu was present in liquid swine manure than in poultry manure. Cu and Zn are found in equal proportions within swine manure, but the level of Zn may be more than four times that present per unit of dry matter Table 3-5 Copper and Zinc Content of Liquid Manure from Different Animal Categories Animal Category Copper mg/L Zinc mg/L Dairy Trace (4) 0.1–0.2 (14) Beef 0–0.1 0.1–0.3 Poultry 0–1.0 0.1–0.3 Swine 0.1–2.2 (29) 0.4–1.8 (50) Source: Taiganides, 1987. 154 H. Menzi and J. Kessler, 1998, “Heavy metal content of manures in Switzerland,” RAMIRAN 98. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the FAO ESCORENA Network on Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal, and Industrial Residues in Agriculture, Rennes, France, 26–29 May 1998, J. Martinez and M. Maudet (eds.), (FAO and Cemagref, France), p. 495. 155 B.J. Chambers, F.A. Nicholson, D.R. Soloman, and R.J. Unwin, 1998, “Heavy metal loadings from animal manures to agricultural land in England and Wales,” RAMIRAN 98. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the FAO ESCORENA Network on Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal, and Industrial Residues in Agriculture, Rennes, France, 26–29 May 1998, J. Martinez and M. Maudet (eds.), (FAO and Cemagref, France), p. 475. 156 J. Japenga and K. Harmsen, 1990, “Determination of mass balances and ionic balances in animal manure,” Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, 38, p. 353. 157 D. Strauch, 1987, “Hygiene of animal waste management,” Animal Production and Environmental Health, D. Strauch (ed.), (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science), p. 155; Taiganides, 1987. 100 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 in poultry and cattle manure. Taiganides also found that cattle in the USA excrete only trace amounts of these metals (table 3-5).158 As long as dietary levels of Cu and Zn meet the minimum requirements for animal health, the excretion of these metals in pig manure is not generally considered an environmental concern. The concentration of Cu in swine manure from Ontario (table 3-4) would suggest, however, that more than the minimum requirement is being provided in the feed. Pathogens Animal manure can be the source of pathogenic organisms such as bacteria (tables 3-6, 3-7), viruses, protozoa, and helminthic worms.159 The microbial population in the animal alimentary tract comprises both long-term colonizers as well as more transitory strains. As a result it is not always easy to identify the source of a contamination event in the environment. This may influence the design and selection of appropriate policy instruments to protect water quality (see section 2.2.2). As well, relatively few pathogenic organisms are found in manure compared with organisms that have no effect on human health. Furthermore, pathogens may be present in manure even if the animals present no symptoms, and a few infected animals can contaminate a whole source of manure.160 Consequently the more animals on a farm, the greater the likelihood of pathogens being present in the manure. Table 3-6 Examples of Pathogenic Bacteria Found in Animal Manure Manure Type Bacteria Species Cattle Brucella sp., Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), Leptospira sp., Salmonella sp., Mycobacterium sp., Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens Swine Brucella sp.., Leptospira sp., Treponema sp., Clostridium tetani, Mycobacterium sp., Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp. Poultry Salmonella sp., Pasteurella sp., Campylobacter sp. Clostridium sp., Listeria sp., Mycobacterium sp. Source: after Strauch, 1988. 158 Taiganides, 1987. Strauch, 1987. 160 D. Strauch, 1988, “Krankheitserreger in Fäkalien und ihre epidemiologische Bedeutung,” Tierarztliche Praxis, Suppl., 3, p. 21. 159 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 101 Bacteria Very large numbers of bacteria are present in manure, and may total 1010 organisms/mL in liquid manure. The greatest numbers are of fecal coliforms and streptococci (table 3-8). While bacteria species from these two groups are always present in manure, Salmonella (another important group of bacterial pathogens) is present occasionally, mostly in swine and poultry manure. The prevalence of bacterial pathogens, particularly Salmonella, is thought to be greater in swine and poultry manure than in cattle manure.161 However, the numbers may be similar across species when comparisons are made per unit of dry matter. Due to the greater mobility of bacteria in the liquid phase compared with the solid phase, liquid manure tends to be more uniformly contaminated than solid manure. Table 3-7 Frequency of Detection of Pathogenic Organisms in Cattle Study Description Organism Proportion of Carriers USA, two national studies and two E. coli O157:H7 studies at state level (Wisconsin and Washington) of cow feces a Feces of mature cows: usually under 1% of the animals but as high as 5% Quebec, Canada, feces from slaughtered cows b 18% of animals 99% of animals 18% of animals Calves under 24 mths: 2.8% Salmonella sp. E. coli Yersinia sp. Review of literature, based on fecal Campylobacter content c UK, three dairy cow herds d Switzerland, 67 larger cow herds e 0% to 19% of animals Campylobacter 37% to 81% of animals VTEC VTEC (verotoxin (verotoxin producing producing E. E. coli) coli) 78% of the farms; 43% of the animals Campylobacter jejuni 32% of the farms Campylobacter coli 19% of the farms; 3% of the animals Yersinia sp. 22% of the farms; 1.7% of the animals (infection limited to animals younger than 8 months) Sources: a Pell, 1997; b A.A. Mafu, R. Hjiggins, M. Nadeau, and G. Cousineau, 1989, “The incidence of Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Yersinia enterocolitica in swine carcasses and the slaughterhouse environment,” Journal of Food Protection, 52, p. 642; c M.J. Blaser, D.N. Taylor, and R.A. Feldman, 1983, “Epidemiology of Campylobacter jejuni infections,” Epidemiological Reviews, 5, p. 157; d H.I. Atabay, and J.E.L. Corry, 1998, “The isolation and prevalence of campylobacters from dairy cattle using a variety of methods,” Journal of Applied Microbiology, 84, p. 733; e A. Busato, D. Hofer, T. Lentze, C. Caillard, and A. Burnens, 1999, “Prevalence and infection risks of zoonotic enteropathogenic bacteria in Swiss cow-calf farms,” Veterinary Microbiology, 69, p. 251. 161 Strauch, 1987. 102 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 As pathogenic species or strains are present in far fewer numbers than are the benign or beneficial ones, the non-pathogenic organisms are commonly used as indicators of fecal contamination in water resources. Total coliform counts, numbers of fecal coliforms, and the presence of Escherichia coli (E. coli) are all used in this way. Some strains of E. coli can cause disease. These strains are recognized by the presence of particular proteins or polysaccharides on the surface of the bacteria. One serogroup, the enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), Table 3-8 Examples of Bacterial and Protozoa Numbers in Some Animal Manure Manure Type Fecal Coliforms 3 Fecal Streptococci Salmonella Salmonella spp. spp. a Liquid swine manure 4.3x10 to 1.3x10 b 2.4x103 c 4 9.5x10 to 1.1x10 E. coli 7.2x10 to 4.5x10 Streptococci-D 0 to 1.5x103 (S. infantis) b Liquid cattle manure 2.4x103 9.3x103 0 c 4.5x102 to 1.5x106 E. coli 4.5x102 to 9.5x105 Streptococci-D 0 1.5x107 0 d Dairy slurry b Solid beef manure 2.4x105 a 6 9.3x103 6 0 5 6 1.9x10 to 6.8x10 Solid dairy manure 2.0x105 to 1.0x107 Enterobacteria e Fresh cow manure g 4 6.3x104 to 1.0x107 Enterobacteria d f Protozoa 5 up to 1.0x109 up to 1.0x109 Cryptosporidium parvum From 25 to 1.8x104 in healthy animals, 1x1010 in sick animals Sources: a A. Unc, 1999, Transport of Faecal Bacteria from Manure through the Vadose Zone, M.Sc. thesis, University of Guelph, Ontario; b T. Weigel, 1995, Untersuchungen des Infiltrationsverhaltens von Mikroorganismen in Böden mittels Gruben- und Laborversuchen sowie eines selbst entwickelten Prototyps zur probennahme ohne Sekundärkontamination, PhD dissertation, University of Hohenheim, Germany; c A. Rüprich, 1994, Felduntersuchungen zum Infiltrationsverömgen und zur Lebensfähigkeit von Fäkalkeimen in Boden nach Gülledüngung, PhD dissertation, University of Hohenheim, Germany; d Östling and Lindgren, 1991; e J.L. Mawdsley, R.D. Bargett, R.J. Merry, B.F. Pain, and M.K. Theodorou, 1995, “Pathogens in livestock waste, their potential for movement through soil and environmental pollution,” Applied Soil Ecology, 2, p. 1; f N.A. Clinton, R.W. Weaver, L.M. Zibilske, and R.J. Hidalgo, 1979, “Incidence of salmonellae in feedlot manure,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 8, p. 480; g C.A. Scott, H.V. Smith, and H.A. Gibbs, 1994, “Excretion of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts by herd of beef suckler cows,” Veterinary Record, 134, p. 172; K.W. Angus, 1987, “Cryptosporidiosis in domestic animals and humans,” In Practice, 9, p. 47. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 103 have given rise to E. coli O157:H7 which contains the genes for ‘Shiga toxin’ or ‘Verotoxin.’ These genes are thought to have been introduced through infection with bacteriophage (a virus that attacks bacteria), which carried the genes together with a virulence plasmid. Other disease-causing strains, developed from the enteroaggregative serogroup of E. coli, have also acquired the same toxin-forming genes and virulence plasmids. The Verotoxin-forming E. coli (VTEC) may therefore conform to O157 or non-O157 serogroups. Not all E. coli with the O157 serotype actually give rise to disease in humans. However, cattle and other ruminants appear to carry those that do cause illness (table 3-9). Concentrations of E. coli O157:H7 in cattle feces range from 102 to 105 cfu/g fresh weight. The lower amounts are common in younger animals. Infection in an individual animal is not continuous; rather, animals experience a series of reinfections, the frequency declining with age. Furthermore, the release of E. coli O157:H7 in the feces shows a strong seasonality, being greatest in July and August. Consequently, the concentration of colony-forming units in feces is expected to be highly variable with time. Based on the surveillance of Table 3-9 The Frequency of Detection of E. coli O157 in Animals from Different Groups Animal Category Cattle: Dairy Beef feedlot Cow-calf Sheep Pigs Poultry Range of reported frequency of detection (%) 0–68 0.3–88 0.7–20 0–31 0–1.4 * 0–1.3 Deer 1.9–9.0 Birds 0.5 Rodents 0–40 Flies 3.3 Horses 1.1 Pet dogs 3.1 * Not E. coli O157:H7. Source: J. Van Donkersgoed, 2000, “North American primary production perspective,” Canadian Cattleman’s Association (CCA), E. coli O157:H7 Workshop, 27 and 28 Nov. 2000, Calgary, Alberta, p. 24. 104 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 beef carcass contamination, the concentration of E. coli O157:H7 in feces may vary between years as well as between seasons. E. coli O157:H7 has been detected infrequently in swine or poultry (table 3-9), probably giving less risk of human infection from these sources. Other pathogenic bacteria Leptospira, a waterborne pathogen spread through urine, has been found in pigs. Survival is enhanced by warm temperatures (19–30°C) and alkaline media. Yersinia enterocolitica in humans is thought to come mainly from infected pigs. In Canada, its prevalence appears to be about 20% in finisher pigs. Campylobacter spp. are commonly found in swine (66% to 95%) and poultry manure, but are of lesser concern in cattle. The frequency of infection in sheep tends to be less than in other farm animals.162 C. jejuni has been isolated from chickens, pigs, and cattle in Ontario. Isolates from chickens and cattle were of the same serotypes that occur in humans. Most of the pigs that tested positive for Campylobacter carried a serotype of C. coli that was uncommon in humans.163 Using laboratory-based microcosms (long-term testing units), Thomas et al. identified that water systems could act as a reservoir for Campylobacter infections.164 To prevent the colonization of poultry chicks by C. jejuni, ‘competitive exclusion’ can be used.165 In this technique, a specific mixture of other intestinal bacteria, taken from adult birds, is introduced into the cecum of one-day-old chicks. Listeria monocytogenes can be carried by healthy animals. Shedding of the bacterium is greater in winter than summer, and it can grow over a wide range of temperatures from 3–42°C. It is pH tolerant in the range of pH 5.5–9.0.166 162 P.A. Manser and R.W. Dalziel, 1985, “A survey of Campylobacter in animals,” Journal of Hygiene, (London), 95, p. 15. 163 D.L. Munroe, J.F. Prescott, and J.L. Penner, 1983, “Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli serotypes isolated from chickens, cattle, and pigs,” Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 18, p. 877. 164 C. Thomas, D.J. Hill, and M. Mabey, 1999, “Evaluation of the effect of temperature and nutrients on the survival of Campylobacter spp. in water microcosms,” Journal of Applied Microbiology, 86, p. 1024. 165 C.A. Phillips, 1995, “Incidence, epidemiology, and prevention of foodborne Campylobacter species,” Trends in Food Science and Technology, 6, p. 83. 166 A.N. Pell, 1997, “Manure and microbes: Public and animal health problem?” Journal of Dairy Science, 80, p. 2673. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 105 Salmonella spp. are known to represent a risk to water supplies.167 Clostridium perfringens is a spore-forming bacterium whose spores are resistant to environmental stresses including disinfecting agents. It is excreted in the feces of many animals, but is not present in samples of sludge taken from septic tanks. Antibiotic-resistant strains of C. perfringens can be used to distinguish the source of fecal contamination of domestic farm wells; the presence of C. perfringens together with fecal coliforms indicated that animal manure was the source.168 Viruses Although viruses are common manure contaminants, information about their occurrence and longevity in manure is very limited. Many animal viruses that are likely to be excreted in manure do not cause disease in humans.169 Enteroviruses and adenoviruses in animals are not thought to represent a significant threat to humans.170 Swine vesicular disease does not appear to pose a threat to water supplies. Survival outside the host appears to be relatively short. Bovine parvoviruses do not appear to be related to those that affect humans. Some viruses, which do give rise to diseases in humans, can be found in large numbers in manure.171 For example, coronaviruses, which cause diarrhoea in calves and pigs, are found in manure. Reoviruses excreted by cattle are found mainly in manure.172 Rotaviruses cause diarrhoea in neonates of humans and a number of other animals.173 The closeness of the human and swine forms of rotaviruses, together with the analysis of associated antigens and antibodies, suggest a crossover 167 Ibid. M.J. Conboy and M.J. Goss, 2001, “Identification of an assemblage of indicator organisms to assess the timing and source of bacterial contamination in groundwater,” Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 29, p. 101. 169 Pell, 1997. 170 G.N. Stelma and L.J. McCabe, 1992, “Nonpoint pollution from animal sources and shellfish sanitation,” Journal of Food Protection, 55, p. 649. 171 P.B. Addis, T. Blaha, B. Crooker, F. Diez, J. Feirtag, S. Goyal, I. Greaves, M. Hathaway, K. Janni, S. Kirkhorn, R. Moon, D.E. Morse, C. Phillips, J. Reneau, J. Shutske, and S. Wells, 1999, Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Animal Agriculture: A Summary of the Literature Related to the Effects of Animal Agriculture on Human Health, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA, p. 134. 172 Strauch, 1987. 173 M.K. Estes and J. Cohen, 1989, “Rotavirus gene structure and function,” Microbiological Reviews, 53, p. 165. 168 106 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 between the two hosts.174 Large numbers of these viruses can be excreted in feces from infected pigs, with sows being an important source of contamination of young piglets.175 Bovine rotaviruses may be isolated from cattle manure, but it is not thought to be common.176 Swine hepatitis E is closely allied to the human form of the virus. The virus is common in animals of three months or older throughout the mid-western U.S. states. The human form of the virus is known to be transmitted through contaminated water.177 Influenza virus is very widespread, and pigs may be a potential reservoir of human strains. The virus can survive outside the host for a prolonged period. For example, the infectious avian influenza virus can survive in water for 207 days at 17°C.178 Other animal viruses that can cause disease in humans, such as cowpox and paravaccinia, are not likely to be found in manure. Protozoa Protozoan organisms, such as Cryptosporidium parvum, can also cause severe disease symptoms in humans. In one-third of the diarrheal outbreaks in 1993 to 1994 for which the causal agent was positively identified, C. parvum and Giardia species were the pathogens involved. River-water samples in the Ottawa region contained significant numbers of C. parvum oocysts and G. lamblia cysts, but the origin was likely from sewage treatment plants.179 Cryptosporidium parvum requires the ingestion of between 1 and 100 oocysts to cause disease in humans. It is considered a threat to surface water supplies, but 174 R.E. Holland, 1990, “Some infectious causes of diarrhea in young farm animals,” Clinical Microbiology Review, 3, p. 345; N. Santos, R.C.C. Lima, C.M. Nozawa, R.E. Linhares, and V. Gouvea, 1999, “Detection of porcine rotavirus type G9 and of a mixture of types G1 and G5 associated with Wa-like VP4 specifically: Evidence for natural human-porcinegenetic reassortment,” Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 37, p. 2734. 175 D.A. Benfield, I. Stotz, R. Moore, and J.P. McAdaragh, 1982, “Shedding of rotavirus in feces of sows before and after farrowing,” Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 16, p. 186. 176 Pell, 1997. 177 X.J. Meng, R.H. Purcell, P.G. Halbur, J.R. Lehman, D.M. Webb, T.S. Tsareva, J.S. Haynes, B.J. Thacker, and S.U. Emerson, 1997, “A novel virus in swine is closely related to the human hepatitis E virus,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 94, p. 9860. 178 I.H. Brown and D.J. Alexander, 1998, “Influenza,” Zoonoses: Biology, Clinical Practice, and Public Health Control, Lord Soulsby and D.I.H. Simpson (eds.), (Oxford: Oxford University Press), p. 365. 179 C. Chauret, N. Armstrong, J. Fisher, R. Sharma, V.S. Springthorpe, and S.A. Sattar, 1995, “Cryptosporidium and Giardia in water in the Ottawa (Canada) region: Correlation with microbial indicators of water quality,” Journal of the American Water Works Association, 87, p. 76. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 107 recent evidence suggests that the oocysts can move through macropores in the soil and contaminate shallow groundwater.180 C. parvum cannot be controlled by chlorination at levels that are safe for use in domestic water supplies.181 Oocysts of C. parvum have been found in manure from dairy farms and swine farms in Ontario, although more were present in liquid manure from the swine farms. In the UK, oocysts were found on 59% of dairy farms and 22.4% of heifers and a similar number of beef calves were infected.182 Fleming et al. examined the manure on 60 farms in southwestern Ontario on three occasions over one year.183 C. parvum was found on 90% of the swine farms. Evidence suggests, however, that the strain associated with swine does not cause disease in humans.184 Giardia lamblia requires only about 10 cysts to cause disease in a human. It is the most commonly isolated intestinal parasite. In one study, 3% of young pigs and 19% of adult animals were infected.185 G. lamblia has been found on 7–67% of swine operations.186 There is evidence that G. lamblia from grazing cattle contributed to the contamination of a piped domestic water supply in British Columbia.187 A surface reservoir was the source of the water. Worms Ascaris suum, a helminthic worm, appears to be able to pass from pigs to humans, although evidence from China suggests that the strains that infect pigs are genetically different from those isolated from humans. Prevalence in swine may be as high as 50%. Up to 2 million eggs can be shed per day by infected animals. 180 D.M. Endale, M.H. Young, D.S. Fisher, J.L. Steiner, K.D. Pennell, and A. Amirtharajah, 2000, “Subsurface transport of Cryptosporidium from pastures to surface waters: 1. Rationale and site description,” Annual Meeting Abstracts, ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 5–9, p. 206. 181 Pell, 1997. 182 Ibid. 183 R. Fleming, J. McLelland, D. Alves, D. Hilborn, K. Pintar, and M. MacAlpine, 1997, Cryptospiridium in Livestock Manure Storages and Surface Waters in Ontario. Final report to Ontario Federation of Agriculture. 184 M. Olson, 2000, “Transmission and survival of Esherichia coli O157:H7.” Canadian Cattleman’s Association (CCA) E. coli O157:H7 Workshop, 27 and 28 Nov. 2000, Calgary, Alberta, p. 28. 185 M. E. Olson, C.L. Thorlakson, L. Deselliers, D.W. Morck, and T.A. McAllister, 1997, “Giardia and Cryptosporidium in Canadian farm animals,” Veterinary Parasitology, 68, p. 375. 186 L. Xiao, R.P. Herd, and G.L. Bowman, 1994, “Prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia infections on two Ohio pig farms with different management systems,” Veterinary Parasitology, 52, p. 331. 187 J. Issac-Renton, W. Moorehead, and A. Ross, 1995, “Giardia cyst concentrations and infectivity: Longitudinal community drinking water studies,” Protozoan Parasites and Water, W.B. Betts, D. Casemore, C. Fricker, H. Smith, and J. Watkins (eds.), (Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, UK). 108 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Tenia solium, the human tapeworm, is very uncommon in North America, and is not thought to pose a risk to water supplies. Endocrine-disrupting substances Compounds with endocrine-disruption activity alter or affect various hormonal systems in animals, hence they are also referred to as hormonally active agents.188 Long-term exposure can impair growth, development, and reproduction in fish, wildlife, and possibly even humans. A number of synthetic compounds, such as alkylphenols and alkylphenolethoxylates, have endocrine-disruptive activity. They are variously referred to as environmental estrogens or xenoestrogens. They appear to mimic the action of natural estrogens, which function to stimulate the growth of female structures and the development of secondary female characteristics. Relatively little work has been done to determine the environmental impact of natural estrogens. However, animal manure is known to contain significant amounts of these substances, which are produced mainly during reproductive phases. An assessment of relative estrogenic potency suggests that estradiol-17β ranked first among a list of naturally occurring estrogens.189 A soybean constituent, genistein, was given a potency of 1, but the potency of estradiol-17β was 10,000 to 20,000 times greater (table 3-10). Table 3-10 Relative Potency of Some Endocrine-disruptive Substances Compound Relative hormonal potency based on oral dosing Estradiol-17β 1–2x104 Estrone 6.9x103 Coumesterol 35 Genistein 1 Biochanin-A 188 0.46 L. Ritter, P. Sibley, K. Solomon, and K. Hall, 2002, Sources, Pathways and Relative Risks of Contaminants in Water, (Toronto: Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General), Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 10, Walkerton Inquiry CD-ROM. <>. 189 G.W. Ivie, R.J. Christopher, and C.E. Munger, 1986, “Fate and residues of (4-14C) estradiol-17β after intramuscular injection into Holstein steer calves,” Journal of Animal Science, 62, p. 681. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 109 Estrogens are excreted in both urine and feces. Most of the estradiol-17β injected into steer calves was metabolized before being excreted in feces (57% of initial material) or urine (42% of initial material).190 However, the metabolites also had estrogenic activity. Estradiol-17β is excreted by mature laying hens191 in larger quantities than by non-laying birds (table 3-11).192 Table 3-11 Concentration of Endocrine-disruptive Substances in Animal Manure Animal Category Compound Concentration (µg/g) Poultry a Layer Estrogen 1.6 a Layer Estrogen 0.81 b Laying Estradiol 0.53 da Broiler Broiler Estrogen 0.33 ec Broiler Broiler Estradiol 0.13 fd Estradiol-17β† Estradiol-17β 0.01 fd Estrone† Estrone† 0.02 hd Equol† Equol† 40 Estradiol plus estrone 91 je Equol† Equol† 3 Beef No data Pigs Cattle ib DDairy airy Horse‡ kf Estradiol-17β 40 † Soluble fraction only, approximate dry-matter content used to obtain concentration ‡ Bedding present Sources: a C.C. Calvert, L.W. Smith, and T.R. Wrenn, 1978, “Hormonal activity of poultry excreta processed for livestock feed,” Poultry Science, 57, p. 265; b L.S. Shore, M. Shemesh, and R. Cohen, 1998, “The role of oestrodiol and oestrone in chicken manure silage in hyperoestrogenism in cattle,” Australian Veterinary Journal, 65, p. 68; c Nichols et al., 1997; d Servos et al., 1998; e Burnison et al., 2000; f Busheé et al., 1998. 190 Ibid. H.F. MacRae, W. Zaharia, and R.H. Common, 1959, “Isolation of crystalline estradiol-17 from droppings of laying hens,” Poultry Science, 38, p. 318. 192 R.S. Mathur, and R.H. Common, 1969, “A note on the daily urinary excretion of estradiol-17 and estrone by the hen,” Poultry Science, 48, p. 100. 191 110 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Estrone excretion was also greater in laying hens, and showed a peak at or near the day that the first egg was laid.193 Manure from broiler chickens contained a mixture of estrogen (0.065 µg/g) and the male hormone testosterone (0.13 µg/g).194 The detection of equol (a metabolite of the plant-derived estrogens daidzein and formononetin) in swine and dairy manure indicates that some endocrinedisruptive compounds in the diet can contribute to the total loading in manure. Although relatively large concentrations of equol were found in manure, its relative potency is considered to be much smaller than that of estradiol-17β.195 Summary Although manure can be excreted directly into streams by grazing animals, this is not a general phenomenon even in cattle with access to the streams. Nonetheless, it appears that cattle entry into streams can be limited without fencing if producers provide shelter and water away from the stream banks. Data on the amounts of nutrients in animal manure is well documented for Ontario, but there is little information on the content of metals, pathogens, endocrine-disruptive compounds, and labile carbon compounds that might be associated with turbidity in water supplies. There is considerable seasonality in the release of E. coli O157:H7 into manure, with largest numbers being shed in July and August. 3.2.3 Initial handling of manure and its short-term storage Nutrients are conserved best when the manure is deposited on a slatted floor. Barn ventilation does not strip the ammonia as quickly as when it is deposited on flat floors. The hydrolysis of urea to ammonia usually takes about two days, so the length of time the manure remains on the floor before being moved into storage is one factor affecting the N-loss at this stage. 193 R.S. Mathur, P.A. Anastassiadis, and R.H. Common, 1966, “Urinary excretion of estrone and of 16-epi-estriol plus 17-epi-estriol by the hen,” Poultry Science, 45, p. 946. 194 L.S. Shore, D. Correll, and P.K. Chakraborty, 1995, “Sources and distribution of testosterone and estrogen in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed,” Impact of Animal Manure and the Land-Water Interface, K. Steele (ed.), (Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publisher, CRC Press), p. 155. 195 B.K. Burnison, T. Neheli, D. Nuttley, A. Hartmann, R. McInnis, A. Jurkovic, K. Terry, T. Ternes, and M. Servos, 2000, Identification of Estrogenic Substances in Animal and Human Waste, 27th Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop: St. John’s, Newfoundland, Oct. 1–4, 2000. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 111 The current information available through the Canada Plan Service (CPS) shows the latest designs for slatted floors and short-term storage (< english/plan.htm>). The internal arrangements of pens, ventilation fans, animal walk alleys, feeders, and waterers are all aimed at keeping the defecation area as small as possible. As indicated in section, nitrogen concentration in manures differs between species, feed, and the health of the animals. As well, the type, amount, and nutrient content of the bedding used and the amount of water added to manure from drinking water can modify the quality of the manure after defecation.196 The consistency of manure depends on the type of animal as well as the feed contents, the water intake, and the amount of water and bedding mixed with the urine and feces. If the mixture contains less than 12% dry matter it can usually be handled as a liquid. Manure with a dry matter content of 10–16% may behave as a semi-solid material, making it difficult to handle. Above about 14% dry matter, manure generally behaves as a solid material and is more readily handled. Surface water courses need to be protected from any runoff that might carry manure from feedlots and exercise yards. Many modern feedlots have lagoons to collect any runoff. Of the 229 manure spills recorded by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (OMOE) that impacted surface water bodies in the Southwestern Region of Ontario between 1988 and 1999, 216 related to liquid manure systems and only three to solid manure systems.197 Manure type was not recorded for the remaining spills. Nutrients Nitrogen The transformation of urea and possibly other compounds to ammonium occurs relatively rapidly, so substantial quantities of ammonia are lost in swine barns before the manure reaches storage. The loss varied from 5 to 27% of the excreted-N, depending on the duration of the residence period in the barn, the temperature, and the extent of ventilation.198 Only limited information is available on the extent of ammonia losses from different manure management systems and how these losses may be reduced. 196 E.G. Beauchamp, 1983, “Response of corn to nitrogen in preplant and sidedress applications of liquid dairy cattle manure,” Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 63, p. 377. 197 M. Blackie, 2000, [Personal communication.] Agricultural Impact Specialist, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, London, Ontario. 112 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Carbon It is expected that microbial degradation processes continue following the voiding of feces and urine, but little is known about the C-transformations that occur in the short term. For example, liquid manures contain more readily decomposable C-compounds199 although little is known of differences in decomposition between liquid and solid manure. These readily decomposable C-compounds are, presumably, decomposed rapidly in ‘aerobic’ solid manure systems. Pathogens Bacteria Barn cleaning is aimed at improving animal welfare. However, alleyflushing systems resulted in an 8-fold higher rate of contamination with E.coli O157:H7 in dairy animals than was found for other cleaning systems.200 Salmonella agona was found in 84% of swine fecal samples in an open-flush gutter barn compared with only 9% from pigs on a partly slotted floor.201 Viruses Once outside the host, viruses are unable to multiply. Their survival depends on the pH of their environment, temperature, and whether they are adsorbed onto suspended solids or embedded in them.202 Viruses tend to be inactivated more rapidly in summer than in winter. Summary Initial handling of the manure of confined animals is a major factor in determining the final consistency of the manure. Gaseous losses of N can be significant at this stage. Although carbon compounds are known to undergo further degradation, little is known about the actual processes. 198 E.G. Beauchamp and D.L. Burton, 1985, Ammonia losses from manures, OMAF Agdex 538. J.W. Paul, 1991, Corn Yields and Potential for Nitrate Leaching From Manures and Inorganic N Fertilizer, Ph.D. thesis. University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. 200 L.P. Garber, S.J. Wells, L. Schroeder-Tucker, and K. Ferris, 1999, “Factors associated with fecal shedding of verotoxin-producing Escerichia coli O157 on dairy farms,” Journal of Food Protection, 62, p. 307. 201 P.R. Davies, W.E. Morrow, F.T. Jones, J. Deen, P.J. Fedorka-Cray, and I.T. Harris, 1997, “Prevalence of Salmonella in finishing swine raised in different production systems in North Carolina, USA,” Epidemiology and Infection, 119, p. 237. 202 Pell, 1997. 199 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 113 3.2.4 Long-term manure storage Manure has to be stored for at least part of the year. There are two basic storage methods: • • keep the manure as dry as possible and store as solid or semi-solid material; add cleaning water and produce a slurry that can be handled as a liquid. Implications for engineering and economics and the possibilities for treating the manure during storage differ markedly between solid and liquid systems.203 Solid manure can be composted during storage or simply allowed to break down.204 Major changes in the composition and the form of the nutrient fractions can result.205 Liquid manure can also undergo transformations, particularly resulting in the release of gaseous products.206 The consistency of liquid manure and the concentration of nutrients may be further modified on transfer to long-term storage if washwater from barn or milkhouse cleaning is added. Various types of liquid storage are popular in Ontario. The majority are open top storage systems, considered to be the most economical construction. However, such storage facilities collect rain and snow while allowing free volatilization of ammonia. Cracks in liquid manure tanks and earthen storages can lead to groundwater pollution, although this may be small.207 While clean water infiltrated through unsealed cracks into concrete storages from high water 203 S.F. Barrington and M. Piché, 1992, “Research priorities for the storage of solid dairy manures in Quebec,” Canadian Agricultural Engineering, 34, p. 393; J.W. Paul, G. Hughes-Games, and B.J. Zebarth, 1992, Manure Management Workshop, Presented by: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, British Columbia, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Soils and Engineering Branch, and Canada-British Columbia Soil Conservation Program. 204 Anon.,1991, “The many views of composting,” The Biocycle Guide to the Art and Science of Composting, The Staff of Biocycle (eds.), (Emmaus, PA. Jerome Goldstein Press Inc.), p. 270; G. Guidi and G. Poggio, 1987, “Some effects of compost on soil physical properties,” Compost: Production, Quality and Use, M. De Bertoldi, M.P. Ferranti, P. L’Hermite, and F. Zucconi, (eds.), (Pisa, Italy: C.N.R. Institute for Soil Chemistry, Italy), p. 577. 205 C.S. Baldwin, 1981, A Barnyard Manure Story. A Summary of 20 Years Research (Ridgetown, ON: Soil Section, Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology); P.O. Ngoddy, J. Haper, R.K. Robert, G.D. Wells, and F.A. Heidar, 1971, Closed System Waste Management for Livestock (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency); A. Wild, 1988, “Plant nutrients in soil: Nitrogen,” Russell’s Soil Conditions and Plant Growth (New York: John Wiley and Sons), p. 652. 206 L.R. Webber and T.H. Lane, 1969, “The nitrogen problem in the land disposal of liquid manure,” Cornell University Conference on Agricultural Waste Management, p. 124. 114 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 tables, the reverse flow was not as great.208 When manure with 10% solids was in the tank, the leakage was greatly reduced (by more than 10:1). Even though leakage was slow, the products remained in the soil through which they flowed.209 Once all the soil surrounding a well became contaminated, it was not practicable to clean it up. Jofriet has developed new plans for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) which attempt to present best practices in the design and construction of concrete underground storage.210 Earthen storage, in areas with shallow bedrock, pervious soils, and shallow water tables, also endanger water supplies. Some townships require soils engineering to determine the depth of suitable soil; otherwise artificial liners are needed. Placing a storage tank above ground is not really a solution because of cost and the difficulty of filling and agitation. Particular concern for groundwater quality relates to clay-lined lagoon storage units located on sandy loam or loamy sand soils with shallow water tables.211 Unless properly constructed using impervious liners, manure liquids can leak into the subsoil.212 If cracks develop in the walls of the liner after the lagoon has been emptied, newly added manure can seep out before solids can effect a reseal. Leaks can also develop if plant roots are allowed to penetrate the liner. Once manure has leaked out, ammoniacal nitrogen can be nitrified and organic nitrogen mineralized in the soil, resulting in nitrate that can move to the groundwater. Problems with liquid manure storage systems contributed 17% of the 229 listed manure spills mentioned above.213 The failures of storages in terms of cracks or collapse, although small in number, are of concern. Cracks in storage walls 207 J.G. Rowsell, M.H. Miller, and P.H. Groenevelt, 1985, “Self-sealing of earthened liquid manure storage ponds: II. Rate and mechanism of sealing,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 14, p. 539; S.F. Barrington, J. Denis, and N.K. Patni, 1991, “Leakage from two concrete manure tanks,” Canadian Agricultural Engineering, 32, p. 137. 208 S.F. Barrington., P.J. Jutras, and R.S. Broughton, 1987a, “The sealing of soils by manure. I. Preliminary investigations,” Canadian Agricultural Engineering, 29, p. 99; S.F. Barrington, P.J. Jutras, and R.S. Broughton, 1987b, “The sealing of soils by manure. II. Sealing mechanisms,” Canadian Agricultural Engineering. 29, p. 105. 209 Barrington, Denis, and Patni, 1991. 210 J.C. Jofriet, 1992, Structural Components for Concrete Manure Storage Tanks, Report to OMAF, Guelph, ON. 211 W.F. Ritter and A.E.M. Chirnside, 1990, “Impact of animal waste lagoons on ground water quality,” Biological Wastes, 22, p. 39. 212 Barrington, Denis, and Patni, 1991. 213 Blackie, 2000. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 115 have allowed manure to enter the soil. In the most prominent cases, manure entered a tile drain and flowed into a watercourse. Both earthen and concrete storages have been involved, but concrete storages were involved in the most prominent cases.214 In 1999, Ontario Pork investigated 50 concrete storages for liquid manure. Eight of these warranted further detailed investigation to identify whether leakage or spills during transfer of manure to tankers was responsible for elevated nutrients in the soil close to the tanks. Fleming et al. reviewed the leakage of manure from storage facilities.215 They concluded that as long as Ontario guidelines216 were adhered to, significant leakage was unlikely from either concrete or earthen storage facilities because of the self-sealing properties of manure. Engineering solutions are available to prevent problems associated with the transfer of manure from gutters in a barn to the long-term storage; this has been the cause of some spills. The size of storage has been an important issue in relation to water quality. Inadequate storage volume was involved in 34 of 38 manure spills associated with problems from stored manure in the Southwestern Region of Ontario between 1988 and 1999. Three times as many reports were related to concrete storage facilities as to earthen ones.217 Too little long-term storage (e.g., storage capacity of less than 180 days) also requires the spreading of manure on partly frozen ground and risks endangering surface water supplies (see Timing of manure applications, Solid manure can be stored where it is produced and then transferred to the field. Such a system rarely allows storage for more than six months. Another possibility is to regularly transfer the manure to a concrete pad, which may also have side walls and a roof to keep out snow and rain. If the storage is not roofed, runoff might develop. This must be addressed, preferably by containment in a liquid storage. Some farmers still store solid manure in windrows directly on the soil. These piles can be leached by precipitation, leading to nitrate contamination of groundwater. Phosphorus can also enter the soil and give rise to elevated concentrations close to the soil surface. 214 J. Johnson and D. Hilborn, 1999, Interim Recommendations Regarding Tile Drains and Manure Storage Structures. Infosheet, September, 1999 (Guelph, ON: OMAFRA), < OMAFRA/english/livestock/swine/facts/info_interim.htm>. 215 R. Fleming, J. Johnston, and H. Fraser, 1999, Leaking of Liquid Manure Storages: Literature Review [for Ontario Pork] (Ridgetown,ON: Ridgetown College, University of Guelph). 216 Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), 1994b, “Earthen Storage Design and Construction,” Agricultural Pollution Control Manual (Guelph, ON: OMAFRA). 217 Blackie, 2000. 116 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Fate of manure nutrients during storage Liquid or slurry manure undergoes anaerobic decomposition unless it is artificially aerated. Solid manure undergoes mainly aerobic decomposition if loosely packed or anaerobic decomposition if tightly packed. Aerobic decomposition of manure organic matter results in the release of CO2 and the formation of compounds that are more resistant to breakdown by microbes. When free oxygen is not present, organic matter is converted to low-molecularweight C-compounds, mainly volatile fatty acids (VFA). Methane gas (CH4) is also produced. VFA are a readily available carbon source for microorganisms under aerobic conditions. Nitrogen Addition of straw to poultry manure caused no significant immobilization of N under anaerobic conditions.218 Loss of N by volatilization from anaerobic manure was only 1% of initial N-content. During anaerobic incubation, pH ranged from 5.0 to 6.2, which may be the main reason for the very small amount of NH3 volatilization losses. Kirchmann and Witter point out that addition of straw may therefore increase NH3 volatilization loss if it results in improved aeration and a change from predominantly anaerobic to aerobic decomposition.219 Using more straw in barns may also result in greater absorption of urine and a greater capture of N. Depending on the total amounts of these nutrients, there may be little change in the C:N ratio of the collected manure. A clear relationship has been identified between the C:N ratio of a mixture of cattle manure and straw, and the N-loss occurring during three months’ storage over the summer. Losses of N from manure with various C:N ratios were 39% for a C:N of 16, 27% for a C:N of 22, and 10% for a C:N of 33.220 In a review of N-losses from farmyard cattle manure piled on the soil, Kirchmann found that N-losses by leaching ranged from 4 to 6% from solid manure under a tarpaulin cover and 10 to 14% from unprotected piles.221 For piles of solid cattle manure, between 71 and 87% of the N-leaching took place in the first 218 H. Kirchmann and E. Witter, 1989, “Ammonia volatilization during aerobic and anaerobic manure decomposition,” Plant and Soil, 115, p. 35. 219 Ibid. 220 H. Kirchmann, 1985, “Losses, plant uptake and utilisation of manure nitrogen during a production cycle,” Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Supplementum, 24, p. 77. 221 Ibid. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 117 20 days, and the concentration of N in the leachate gradually decreased over the 177 days of the investigation.222 Covering the piles with plastic sheeting did not greatly reduce the total amount of N leached. However, the volume of leachate due to precipitation was very small during the first 20 days of the study, but increased with time. Dewes postulated that covering a manure pile would make it drier, and consequently N-loss by NH3 volatilization would probably be increased by much more than the N-loss by leaching was decreased.223 For liquid manure, temperatures in outdoor, below-ground, covered storage tanks in Ontario follow an annual cyclic pattern. Slurry temperature in the storage tanks ranged from 2 to 25°C.224 For cattle and pig slurry in outdoor tanks in Denmark, Husted found that a surface crust decreased the rate of CH4 emission by an order of magnitude.225 The crust was less effective when slurry temperature was high, apparently because the crust dried and became porous. Paul also reported greatly increased loss of N as nitrous oxide (N2O) when there was a surface crust.226 Mineralization of organic-N in slurry during anaerobic decomposition increases NH4+-N concentrations in the slurry if little NH3 is lost by volatilization. About 73% of the N in anaerobically fermented pig slurry was present as NH4+ compared with 49% in fresh slurry (table 3-12). In anaerobically fermented cattle slurry, about 58% of the N was present as NH4+.227 Concentrations of NO3– and nitrite (NO2–) were zero in the pig and cattle slurries (table 3-13). Patni and Jui also reported that almost no NO–3 and NO–2 occurred in dairy cattle slurry stored in outdoor tanks, however, NH4+ concentrations increased by 10 to 20%.228 This slurry had been stored in the barn for six weeks before 222 T. Dewes, 1995, “Nitrogen losses from manure heaps,” Nitrogen Leaching in Ecological Agriculture (Bicester, Great Britain: A B Academic Publishers), p. 309. 223 Ibid. 224 Patni and Jui, 1987. 225 S. Husted, 1994, “Seasonal variation in methane emission from stored slurry and solid manures,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 23, p. 58. 226 J. Paul, 1999, “Nitrous oxide emission resulting from animal manure management,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Reducing Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Agroecosystems, 3–5 March 1999, Banff, Alberta, R.L. Desjardins, J.C. Keng, and K. Haugen-Kozyra (eds.), (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Alberta, Agriculture, Food and Rural Development), p. 216. 227 H. Kirchmann and A. Lundvall, 1993, “Relationship between N immobilization and volatile fatty acids in soil after application of pig and cattle slurry,” Biology of Fertile Soils, 15, p. 161. 228 N.K. Patni and P.Y. Jui, 1991, “Nitrogen concentration variability in dairy-cattle slurry stored in farm tanks,” Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 34, p. 609. 118 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Table 3-12 Characteristics of Fresh and Anaerobically Fermented Pig Slurry Characteristics Fresh Dry matter (%) Fermented 10.1 9.8 pH 7.4 7 Total N (g/L) 8.8 9.6 Organic N (g/L) 4.3 2.5 NH4-N (g/L) 4.5 7.0 Fatty acids (g/L) 24.0 37.3 Ratio C:total N 5. 6 5.7 Ratio C:organic N 11.5 21.4 Source: Kirchmann and Lundvall, 1993 Table 3-13 Composition of Animal Dungs: Fresh and After Seven Months’ Aerobic or Anaerobic Storage Organic Matter Org. C Org. N Water Soluble C:N C N mg/g ash-free dry matter Cattle Fresh manure 526 28.4 18.6 75.9 6.1 Anaerobic 500 25.2 19.9 3.7 27.3 Aerobic 517 37.9 8.5 3.6 Fresh manure 542 34.2 15.8 117.0 10.3 Anaerobic 551 25.9 21.3 36.7 26.4 Aerobic 499 52.0 9.6 68.1 8.0 Fresh manure 492 61.8 7.9 148.0 7.5 Anaerobic 452 25.2 17.9 20.7 73.2 Aerobic 478 40.8 11.7 60.9 10.1 13.6 Pig Poultry Source: Kirchmann and Witter, 1992 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 119 transfer into outdoor storage. In the colder seasons, NH4+ accumulated, while the warmer seasons resulted in increased rates of NH3 volatilization.229 Distribution of nutrients in storage facilities is an important issue (e.g., table 3-14). In this example of under-floor storage, top-loading maintained larger concentrations of ammonia-N in the upper layer. Using fans to dry the manure in Barn B conserved nitrogen and reduced the amount that was at immediate risk of loss by volatilization.230 For liquid manures, mixing before removal from storage is a normal procedure, but it is a time when odours are released. Even if mineral nitrogen is uniformly distributed in the storage, this may not be true for other forms. Concentrations of NH3-N in an earthen storage receiving dairy manure and milkhouse washwater in New York State Table 3-14 Characteristics of Poultry Manure Sampled at Different Depths in Deep-pit Storage Sample Location Dry Matter (%) Total Kjeldahl N Ammonia-N pH % dry weight Barn A Top 38.2 ± 3.8 6.1 ± 0.6 3.0 ± 0.8 8.0 ± 0.6 Middle 48.3 ± 9.4 3.5 ± 1.1 1.0 ± 0.3 8.3 ± 0.2 Bottom 46.5 ± 14.2 4.1 ± 1.3 1.2 ± 0.8 8.0 ± 0.7 Top 57.2 ± 18.7 7.9 ± 1.8 1.7 ± 0.8 8.1 ± 0.3 Middle 56.6 ± 33.6 5.3 ± 1.2 1.7 ± 1.3 8.3 ± 0.2 Bottom 82.3 ± 3.4 5.4 ± 0.8 0.8 ± 0.2 7.7 ± 0.7 Top 27.7 ± 0.5 6.1 ± 0.6 3.3 ± 1.0 7.9 ± 0.7 Middle 31.3 ± 3.1 3.6 ± 0.7 0.8 ± 0.1 8.0 ± 0.3 Bottom 32.5 ± 1.5 3.0 ± 0.5 0.7 ± 0.3 8.1 ± 0.2 Barn B Barn C Source: Bulley and Lee, 1987. 229 Patni and Jui, 1987. N.R. Bulley and K.W. Lee, 1987, “Effects of management on the nitrogen content of poultry manure,” Canadian Agricultural Engineering, 29, p. 81. 230 120 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 were uniform with depth in the spring. Volatilization from the storage was probably inhibited by a surface crust layer that was several cm thick. Settling of solids caused elevated concentrations of total solids, fixed solids, and Kjeldahl-N at the bottom of the storage.231 Solid manure in open storage tends to lose NH4+ from the outer layers, which then provide less nitrogen when applied to the field.232 Mixing solid manure before application is time-consuming for the operator. Other mineral nutrients Patni and Jui concluded the following from their investigation of the mineral content of dairy cattle liquid manure during anaerobic storage:233 • The total solids concentration in slurry can decrease during prolonged storage because of volatilization of some organic materials. • In the absence of dilution, concentrations of dry ash and macronutrients increase due to a decrease of total solids. The dry mineral concentrations therefore vary as a function of age and the loss of total solids. • Concentrations of P, K, Ca, and Mg on a dry-weight basis have a strong negative correlation with total solids in slurry. • About 40 % of slurry ash consists of P, K, Ca, and Mg. Annual NH3-N loss from manure storages in Denmark have been estimated at 4.2 kg per beef animal and 25.5 kg per dairy animal. Losses from outdoor slurry storage accounted for 28% of the loss from the beef system and 47% of the loss from the dairy system.234 These results were obtained using an empirical model, which also indicated that decreasing the NH3 loss during storage might be of little benefit because it increased the NH3 loss during the field application phase. 231 R.E. Muck, G.W. Guest, and B.K. Richards, 1984, “Effects of manure storage design on nitrogen conservation,” Agricultural Wastes, 10, p. 205. 232 R.G. Kachanoski, D.A.J. Barry, D.P. Stonehouse, and E.G. Beauchamp,1997, Nitrogen and Carbon Transformations in Conventionally Handled Livestock Manure, COESA Report No. RES/ MAN-002/97 prepared for Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 233 N.K. Patni and P.Y. Jui, 1984, Changes in Mineral Content of Dairy Cattle Liquid Manure during Anerobic Storage, Paper No. 84 (Saskatoon, SK: CSAE). 234 N.J. Hutchings, S.G. Sommer, and S.G. Jarvis, 1996, “A model of ammonia volatilization from a grazing livestock farm,” Atmospheric Environment, 30, p. 589. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 121 Organic carbon compounds It has been observed that about one-quarter to one-third of manure-C may be lost as CO2 or CH4 during normal storage periods.235 Thus C-transformations are obviously occurring, but the processes are poorly understood. Aeration of the manure is an important factor in determining carbon loss (table 3-13). Further research is needed to determine the magnitudes of C losses with different manure storage systems. Importantly, the loss of carbon at this stage contributes either carbon dioxide (CO2) or methane (CH4) to the atmosphere, and both are greenhouse gases. Fate of pathogens The temperature, water content, and aeration status of manure are important for the survival of potential pathogens (table 3-15). In solid manure stores, pathogens close to the outside of a pile may be subject to cooler temperatures than are those near the centre. Consequently, the former may survive, even if those at the centre do not, and form the source for contamination when spread on the land.236 Bacteria The microbiological population in excreta undergoes considerable change during storage. Decomposition processes in manure are aerobic if free Table 3-15 Survival of Potentially Pathogenic Organisms in Manure Organism Survival under experimental conditions (days) Frozen 5° C 30° C Liquid manure Compost Dried E. coli >100 >100 10 100 7 1 Salmonella >150 150 28 75 14 7 Campylobacter 50 21 7 100 7 1 Giardia <1 7 7 300 14 1 >300 50 28 >300 28 1 5° C 22° C 37° C 70 56 49 Cryptosporidium E. coli O157:H7 Sources: G. Wang, T. Zhao, and M.P. Doyle, 1996, “Fate of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 in bovine feces,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62, p. 2567; Olson, 2000. 235 Patni and Jui, 1987; P.J. Vanerp and T.A. Vandiyk, 1992, “Fertilizer value of pig slurries processed by the Promest procedure,” Fertilizer Research, 32, p. 61. 236 M.D. Sutton, 1983, “Phytopathogens and weed seeds in manure,” Farm Animal Manures in the Canadian Environment, (Ottawa: National Research Council of Canada Associate Committee on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality), p. 109. 122 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 oxygen is present and anaerobic if free oxygen is not present. Aerobic microorganisms produce about 5.5 times more microbial biomass per unit of organic substrate than do anaerobic microorganisms. Both cattle slurry and poultry excreta contain a high density of microorganisms.237 The concentration of microorganisms (number per unit volume) in these manures is about 10¥ greater than in pig slurry. At the beginning of slurry storage, the population of viable organisms in most microbial groups abruptly declined.238 Denitrifying and sulphate-reducing microbes, together with algae, increased during this time. Thereafter, the total population multiplied rapidly, becoming five-fold greater than the initial value after 14 weeks. The increase was mainly attributed to anaerobic bacteria (proteolytic, ammonific, amylolytic, anaerobic-cellulytic and anaerobic-nitrogen fixing species). Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi showed little change. Viruses Rotaviruses are stable in feces for up to nine months. The longevity of other viruses can be adversely affected by some bacteria present in manure. These bacteria have developed various strategies to inactivate viruses, including the formation of proteases.239 Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts were found to survive in liquid manure storages, despite the high levels of ammonium.240 Giardia appears to be sensitive to freezing, whereas survival of other pathogens is enhanced. Temperatures above 30°C reduce survival times for these organisms, with the possible exception of Giardia (table 3-15). None of the organisms appear to survive for long in dried manure. Metals The percentage of Cu in the liquid fraction of swine manure increases slightly with storage time.241 This is consistent with the loss of carbon and nitrogen in gaseous form (see section 237 R. Nodar, M.J. Acea, and T. Carballas, 1990, “Microbial composition of poultry excreta,” Biological Wastes, 33, p. 95. 238 R. Nodar, M.J. Acea, and T. Carballas, 1992, “Poultry slurry microbial population: Composition and evolution during storage,” Bioresource Technology, 40, p. 29. 239 Pell, 1997. 240 Flemming et al., 1997. 241 Japenga and Harmsen, 1990. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 123 Summary Liquid manure can be stored in earthen lagoons or concrete storage facilities. Many of the latter are open-topped. Solid manure may be stored on concrete pads or in the open. There is good evidence that if liquid manure stores leak, unless they are located in very coarse material, the solids in the manure effect a self-sealing and greatly limit the likelihood of groundwater contamination. Nonetheless, care must be taken to prevent drying out of the banks or bottoms of earthen lagoons so that shrinkage cracks do not form and allow obvious leak points to develop. During construction of concrete storages, care must be taken to ensure that any potential leak cannot intersect an open tile drain and thereby be diverted into a surface water source. There has been considerable concern over the integrity of concrete storages for liquid manure, but the evidence suggests that this is not a widespread problem in Ontario. Engineering solutions exist to deal with leakage from pipes that connect the barn with the storage. Nitrogen is lost in gaseous form from manure storage. Ammonia escaping in this way can be deposited in surface water resources. Other gases contribute to the greenhouse gas effect. These losses not only reduce the nutrient value of manure to the producer, but losses from solid manure take place preferentially from the surface layers so that there is considerable variability in concentration with depth in the pile. This variability is not easily rectified since mixing solid manure before spreading is not readily achieved. Variability of nutrients with depth occurs in liquid manure, but mixing before spreading is relatively easy. Bacterial populations can change significantly during storage. Their survival rates differ, depending on whether the manure is anaerobic or aerobic. Temperature also affects survival rate of pathogens, but not always in the same direction. Survival of E. coli O157:H7 is enhanced by cooler temperatures. The concentration of metals tends to increase during storage because of the loss of organic matter. 124 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 3.2.5 Processing and treatment There may be some risk to water resources from the processing or treatment of manure on farms. The microorganism content may also change during treatment. However, the main change is in nutrient content, particularly changes in nitrogen. These changes can affect the potential risk to water resources when the products are eventually applied to the land. Composting Solid manure is being composted (the most common treatment for manures) on some Ontario farms.242 Composting greatly reduces the bulk volume of the material, allowing economic transportation over greater distances than with untreated manure. While the basic requirements for composting are known, many on-farm operations do not achieve complete stabilization. Various recipes exist to mix the various carbon- and nitrogen-contributing materials. Table 3-16 shows the range of nutrient contents in compost. It is commonly believed that up to 50% of the manure-C may be lost during the composting process. It is not clear what factors are involved in C loss or associated N-losses or the extent of their effects. Applying raw (fresh or non-composted) manure to soil and allowing decomposition to occur in the soil adds more carbon, particularly in compounds that are readily assimilated by microorganisms. This would be expected to stimulate the microbial population, thereby improving soil structural development and stability. Table 3-16 Typical Nutrient Content of Finished Compost from Manure Nutrient Content (% dry weight) Nitrogen <1–4.5 Potassium 0.5–1 Phosphorus 0.8–1 Calcium 2–3 Magnesium 2–3 Source: British Columbia, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (BCMAFF), 1993, Composting Factsheet (Victoria: Province of British Columbia), Agdex 537/727. 242 R.J. Fleming, 1993, Impacts of Manure Composting, Water Facts (Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, April). The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 125 Nitrogen The availability of N in composted cattle manure is much lower than in untreated manure, although release of N appears to continue at a greater rate for several years.243 N-transformations and ammonia losses occur during the composting process. It is not clear how composting conditions and the composting mixture affect these transformations and hence N-availability to crops. It is believed that significant N-losses may occur if the C:N ratio is too low (e.g., 20–30) but the optimum is not known. During composting, about 50% of the organic matter, 20–30% of the nitrogen, and 40% of the potassium content can be lost if manure is windrowed without covering.244 Composting cattle manure in the open resulted in leaching losses of N ranging from 2% to 10% of the NO–3-N. However, NO–3-N concentrations generally did not exceed 0.05% of dry matter.245 Composting is often cited as a way of stabilizing the nitrogen in manure and improving its handling characteristics, but the loss of N in the process has to be considered against these potential benefits. Phosphorus and other nutrients The availability of phosphorus and other nutrients may also change during composting or other processing. Little information is available to address this issue but the change is probably much less than that for nitrogen. Bacteria One benefit of properly controlled composting is that harmful bacteria and unwanted weed seeds can be killed (table 3-15). However, it is important to ensure that all the material is subject to temperatures above 55°C, which is difficult in the absence of forced aeration.246 Viruses Neither bovine enterovirus nor bovine parvovirus survived aerobic composting for 28 days. Temperature in the pile was maintained at 60°C from day 3.247 243 Paul, 1991. H. Vogtmann and J.M. Besson, 1978, “European composting methods: Treatment and use of farm yard manure and slurry,” Compost Science/Land Utilization, 19, p. 15; N. Lampkin, 1990, Organic Farming, (Ipswich UK: Farming Press Books) 245 Kirchmann, 1985. 246 R. St. Jean, 1997, On-farm Manure Composting Techniques: Understanding Nitrogen and Carbon Conservation, Research Report 1.3, COESA Report No. RES/MAN-003/97, Prepared for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, London Research Centre, London, Ontario (Prepared by Ecologistics Limited, Waterloo, Ontario. < rep13sum.html>. 247 H.D. Monteith, E.E. Shannon, and J.B. Derbyshire,1986, “The inactivation of bovine enterovirus and a bovine parvovirus in cattle manure by anaerobic digestion, heat treatment, gamma irradiation, ensilage and composting,” Journal of Hygiene, 97, p. 175. 244 126 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Other processing treatments Other processing treatments commonly address odour formation or gas production, including the volatilization of ammonia. Mechanical separation of coarse solids from slurry results in a material that can be stacked and composted. The liquid can also be treated more readily because crusts and solid settlement are less of a problem. Such liquids can be aerated in storage to reduce odour release during land application. Simply separating solids by passing a slurry through a mesh screen can have a significant effect on NH3 volatilization. However, for cattle slurry, the solids need to be separated using a 0.1 mm mesh to reduce ammonia volatilization by 50%.248 Acidification of the same slurry to pH 5.5 decreased volatilization by about 85%. Read and Svoboda introduced Cryptosporidium oocysts to the liquid remaining after solids were separated from cattle slurry.249 The material was kept at 15°C with minimal aeration. The dissolved oxygen in the liquid was 0%. The oocysts became non-viable after 4.1 days. During biogas production (another option for processing manure), much of the manure-N is converted to the ammonium form and is still available in the residues from the process. The anaerobic digesters operate either at ambient temperatures, at which bacteria are not killed, or at elevated temperatures, at which pathogens do not survive if the minimum temperature is at least 55°C. However, the efficiency of digesters can be reduced if the manure contains levels of antibiotics concomitant with therapeutic doses supplied in feed.250 Digestion at temperatures below 40°C may not control pathogens, and 10% of E. coli and C. jejuni may survive for periods in excess of 50 days.251 However, 248 J.P. Frost, R.J. Stevens, and R.J. Laughlin, 1990, “Effect of separation and acidification of cattle slurry on ammonia volatilization and on the efficiency of slurry nitrogen for herbage production,” Journal of Agricultural Science, 115, p. 49. 249 I.A. Read and I.F. Svoboda, 1995, “The effect of aerobic treatment on the survivial of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in cattle slurry,” Protozoan Parasites and Water, W.B. Betts, D. Casemore, C. Fricker, H. Smith, and J. Watkins (eds.), (Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, UK). 250 Gamal-El-Din, 1986. 251 T.E. Kearney, M.J. Larkin, J.P. Frost, and P.N. Levett, 1993, “Survival of pathogenic bacteria during mesophilic digestion of animal waste,” Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 75, p. 215. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 127 bovine enterovirus and bovine parvovirus survived for only 30 minutes during thermal anaerobic digestion at 55°C, but at 35°C the enterovirus survived for 13 days.252 Aerobic treatments to reduce manure odours have been much studied.253 These treatments are costly, and N-losses are enhanced by ammonia stripping or denitrification of nitrate formed by nitrifiers in liquid manures. This loss of N is agronomically important and represents less sustainable use of resources. Patent formulas have been promoted as ways to “stabilize” N in manures during storage. No scientific evidence shows that such products are effective to any significant extent for this purpose but there may be some benefits from the reduction of odour. Summary Composting is the most widespread process for manure treatment. Composting stabilizes the remaining nitrogen and improves the manure’s handling characteristics, but any loss of N in the process has to be considered against these potential benefits. It is difficult to ensure that all the manure reaches 55°C during the composting process, thereby killing all pathogens. Other treatments can ensure that manure reaches a sufficiently high temperature to kill pathogens, but in the past these approaches have been too expensive to establish on farms of the size typical in Ontario. 3.2.6 Direct deposition and application of manure to the land In Ontario, some manure reaches the soil by direct deposition from grazing animals, but the majority is applied as part of the fertilizer requirement for crops. The various stages in manure management to this point determine the concentration and form of nutrients reaching the land, as well as the likelihood that potential microbial contaminants of water will be present. 252 Monteith, Shannon, and Derbyshire, 1986. 128 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Direct deposition Grazing animals defecate directly onto soil and vegetation. The runoff or leaching of contaminants from grazed fields in Ontario has not been systematically investigated. Runoff water from grazed and ungrazed grass pastures can contain large numbers of bacteria.254 However, surface runoff does not constitute an important pathway for water or pathogens from pastures to enter streams. Most runoff appears to originate close to the stream bank rather than from the main area of the field.255 Cattle access to water courses can also contribute to the collapse of banks and entry of soil, nutrients, and pathogens into the water.256 Once in surface water, the survival of E. coli (ETEC), Campylobacter jejuni and Yersinia enterocolitica is such that this could be a persistent site of transmission between animals and humans.257 If drinking water wells in shallow aquifers are poorly maintained or badly located, they can be impacted by surface runoff. There is evidence of a child being infected with E. coli O157:H7 from dairy cattle through drinking water from such a well.258 Ammonia volatilization and N-leaching was greater from grassland grazed by cattle than by sheep.259 Some NH3 volatilized from urine patches is intercepted by vegetation downwind. This reduces the total gaseous loss of N. 253 E.g., J. Pos, R.G. Bell, and J.B. Robinson, 1971, “Aerobic treatment of liquid and solid poultry manure,” Livestock Waste Management and Pollution Abatement, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Livestock Wastes, Columbus, Ohio (St Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers); T. Al-Kanani, E. Akochi, A.F. Mackenzie, I.A. Ali and S.F. Barrington, 1992a, “Odour control in liquid hog manure by added amendments and aeration,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 21, p. 704. 254 H. Kirchmann, 1994, “Animal and municipal organic wastes and water quality,” Advances in Soil Science: Soil Processes and Water Quality, R. Lal and B.A. Stewart (eds.), (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press), p. 163. 255 J.C. Buckhouse and C.C. Bohn, 1983, “Response of coliform bacteria concentration to grazing management: Livestock grazing systems in relation to fecal contamination of rangelands, watersheds, runoff, non-point source pollution, stream monitoring,” Research in Rangeland Management, Special Report 682, Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, p. 1. 256 E.A. Clark, 1998, “Landscape variables affecting livestock impacts on water quality in the humid temperate zone,” Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 78, p. 181. 257 S.I. Terzieva and G.A. McFeters, 1991, “Survival and injury of Escherichia coli, Campylobacter jejuni and Yersinia enterocolitica in stream water,” Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 37, p. 785. 258 S.G. Jackson, R.B. Goodbrand, R.P. Johnson, V.G. Odorico, D. Alves, K. Rahn, J.B. Wilson, M.K. Welch, and R. Khakhria, 1998, “Escherichia coli O157:H7 diarrhoea associated with well water and infected cattle on an Ontario farm,” Epidemiology and Infection, 120, p. 17. 259 S.C. Jarvis, D.J. Hatch, and D. H. Roberts, 1989a, “The effects of grassland management on nitrogen losses from grazed swards through ammonia volatilization; the relationship to excretal N The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 129 Evidence from the UK suggests that leaching of NO–3 from grazed pastures is greater than for cut forage because the urine is excreted in patches. Soil under these patches can contain large amounts of N that cannot be adsorbed by the vegetation at a rate sufficient to prevent leaching.260 In this respect, fertilized pastures do not appear to differ much from pastures comprised of a mixture of grass and legumes.261 Groundwater loadings of N by leaching from these pastures are comparable with or even exceed those from arable land.262 However, grazed land in Ontario is likely used by fewer animals and for a shorter period each year than that in the UK, so the leaching loss of N is likely to be significantly less. Application to land On most livestock farms the manure is applied to land, particularly cropped land.263 Solid manure lends itself only to surface spreading which then requires a second tillage operation for incorporation. Liquid manure can be spread from a tanker, applied by irrigation, or injected using hollow tines. After spreading, liquid manure may also be incorporated by tillage. Application of liquid manure adds solids plus water, thereby increasing soil water content. This effect may be sufficient to result in flow through tile drains. Applying solid manure causes little change in soil water content. Almost all of the incidents of water course contamination in the Southwestern Region of Ontario were related to land application of manure. Results from the Ontario Farm Groundwater Quality Survey indicated that farmstead drinkingwater wells were more likely to be contaminated where manure was spread.264 returns from cattle,” Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge), 112, p. 205; S.C. Jarvis, J.H. Macduff, J.R. Williams, and D.J. Hatch, 1989b, “Balances of forms of mineral N in grazed grassland soils: Impact on N losses,” Proceedings of the XVI International Grassland Congress, Nice, p. 151. 260 S.P. Cuttle and D. Scholefield, 1995, “Management options to limit nitrate leaching from grassland,” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 20, p. 299. 261 N.J. Hutchings and I.S. Kristensen, 1995, “Modelling mineral nitrogen accumulation in grazed pasture: Will more nitrogen leach from fertilized grass than unfertilized grass/clover?” Grass and Forage Science, 50, p. 300. 262 J.C. Ryden, P.R. Ball, and E.A. Garwood, 1984, “Nitrate leaching from grassland,” Nature (London), 311, p. 50. 263 Baldwin, 1981. 264 Goss, Barry, and Rudolph, 1998a, D.L. Rudolph, D.A.J. Barry, and M.J. Goss, 1998b, “Contamination in Ontario farmstead domestic wells and its association with agriculture: 2. Results from multilevel monitoring well installations,” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 32, p. 295. 130 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Volatilization of ammonia represents the largest loss of N from manure. Beauchamp et al. and Paul et al. found that the three most important variables that influence NH3 volatilization appear to be temperature, soil pH, and soil texture.265 Other gaseous losses primarily influence the amount of NO–3-N that remains in the soil, available to plants or for leaching to groundwater. The gaseous loss, together with the rate at which organic nitrogen is mineralized, result in considerable uncertainty about the availability of manure-N once it is incorporated in the soil. For example, Pratt et al. observed that a greater proportion of N could not be accounted for at an application of 1750 kg/ha N than at 500 kg/ha N.266 Beauchamp found that only about three-quarters of the ammonium-N fraction was as available as an equivalent mass of fertilizer-N.267 Transportation of manure to sites of application Liquid manure is transported via pipelines, tanker-trailers, or custom truck-spreaders. Equipment manufacturers have increased tanker size to meet market demands. The mass of tanker and contents often exceeds the capacity of the tractor brakes to stop a fully loaded unit, which could lead to a spill. Semi-solid manure is not easily transported and can result in spillage in transit. Solid manure is somewhat easier to transport. The cost of transportation is high because of the large volume-to-weight ratio and the relatively small concentration of nutrients. Poultry manure tends to be the exception, and poultry producers have greater opportunities to have the manure taken by other farmers. The cost of transportation has also resulted in manure being spread more regularly on fields close to the barn or storage than on more distant fields. The nutrient levels, particularly of nutrients such as phosphorus that are less mobile in the soil, can become excessive if such practices have continued over many years. Nutrient management strategies are designed to ensure that excess nutrients are not applied to the land, thereby reducing the risk to water resources. However, implementing such strategies also means that manure needs to be transported 265 E.G. Beauchamp, G.E. Kidd, and G. Thurtell, 1982, “Ammonia volatilization from liquid dairy cattle manure in the field,” Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 62, p. 11; J.W. Paul, E.G. Beauchamp, H.R. Whiteley, and J.K. Sakupwanya, 1990, Fate of Manure Nitrogen at the Arkell and Elora Research Stations 1988–1990, Report on Special Research Contract No. SR8710-SW001, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 266 P.F. Pratt, A.E.M. Chirnside, and R.G. Scarborough, 1976, “A four-year field trial with animal manures,” Hilgardia, 44, p. 99. 267 E.G. Beauchamp, 1986, “Availability of nitrogen from three manures to corn in the field,” Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 66, p. 713. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 131 farther from the storage sites, which may mean increased transportation from one farm to another. Transportation of manure to the field has been a factor in some manure spills, but it is the application, mainly of liquid manure, that is the most frequently reported cause of manure entering surface water bodies. Impacts of application techniques There are three main methods of application: broadcasting (solid, semi-solid, and liquid manure), irrigation, and injection (liquid manure). The mode of application has the greatest effect on the amount of volatilization of ammonia. Importantly, the more nitrogen lost through this route, the less that is potentially available to be lost to water resources, but the impacts on the environment are more extensive and associated odour issues greater. Liquid manure is applied to the soil surface of arable land either from a tanker (broadcasting) or by using a sprayer linked to pipes that are connected to the storage system (irrigation). Broadcasting has traditionally used a splash-plate to distribute the manure, but low-level or low-pressure nozzles on booms are increasingly used. These give a more even distribution or can be used to apply the manure in bands between rows, thereby reducing odour release. Liquid manure can also be directly injected below the soil surface (injection), using hollow tines preceded by coulters to cut through crop residues. The injector system can be mounted directly behind a tanker or set on a tool bar connected to the three-point hitch of a tractor and linked to a stationary tanker via a flexible hose. Broadcast application of liquid manure from a tanker has resulted in fewer than a third of the problems encountered when using spray irrigation, a practice that is declining in popularity. Equipment failure has been the cause of 27% of spills associated with the land application of manure. The techniques for both irrigation and injection are well developed, and manufacturers continue to improve the equipment for surface-spreading liquid manure from tankers. They are improving the uniformity of application, which also helps to reduce odour. Flow meters enable operators to apply liquid manure more judiciously. The availability of nutrients, particularly nitrogen, to a subsequent crop differs between these two systems for manure application, mainly because of differences 132 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 in the potential for gaseous losses (table 3-17).268 Ammonia loss during sprinkler irrigation of pig manure ranged from 14–37% of total Kjeldahl nitrogen present in the slurry.269 The pH of the slurry also increased, which would promote greater volatilization once the manure reached the soil. Band-spreading reduces NH3 volatilization compared with splash plates. Up to 100% of the ammonia present in applied manures may be lost within a few days to a few weeks if left on the soil surface.270 When liquid cattle manure was injected as a side-dressing for corn, the N was 60% as available fertilizer-N. When the manure was surface-applied as a side dressing, its N was only 33% as available fertilizer-N. The reduced availability was attributed to ammonia volatilization.271 The total nitrogen available to crops is generally greater after injection than after surface spreading, with injection reducing ammonia volatilization by 85–95% compared with surface spreading.272 Furthermore, the possibility of surface runoff immediately after application is greater with surface spreading than injection. Table 3-17 Comparison of Different Methods of Manure Application on the Losses of Ammonia by Volatilization Method of Application Type of Waste % Nitrogen lost 0–7 days Broadcast Solid Liquid 15–30 10–27 Broadcast with immediate cultivation Solid Liquid 1–5 1–8 Injection Liquid 1–5 Sprinkler irrigation Liquid 14–37 Sources: R.J. Fleming, 1988, An Expert System for the Selection/Design of Swine Manure Handling Methods, M.Sc. Thesis, Univ. of Guelph; J.J. Meisinger and G.W. Randall, 1991, “Estimating nitrogen budgets for soil-crop system,” Managing Nitrogen for Groundwater Quality and Farm Profitability, R.F. Follet, D.R. Keeney, and R.M. Cruse (eds.) (Madison, WI: SSSA), p. 85; J. Van der Molen, H.E. Van Faasen, M.Y. Leclerc, R. Vriesma, and W.J. Chardon, 1990a, “Ammonia volatilisation from arable land after application of cattle slurry: 1. Field estimates.” Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, 38, p. 145. 268 Ibid. L.M. Safley Jr., J.C. Baker, and P.W. Westerman, 1992, “Loss of nitrogen during sprinkler irrigation of swine lagoon liquid,” Bioresource Technology, 40, p. 7. 270 Beauchamp, Kidd, and Thurtell, 1982; Paul et al., 1990. 271 Beauchamp, 1983. 272 Paul, 1991. 269 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 133 Incorporating manure by tillage immediately after application dramatically reduces runoff losses. In trials using simulated rainfall, King et al. found that more NH4+ and phosphorus were lost in surface runoff immediately following surface spreading than after incorporation or injection of manure.273 Generally, runoff-N losses are small, 3 kg/ha N annually or less.274 However, a considerable amount of runoff may occur in the presence of a shallow hardpan.275 Large losses of N can occur by subsurface flow through tile drains.276 On arable land in the Netherlands, losses of N through tile drains averaged as much as 22 kg N/ha/y during a 10-year period.277 Although injection has been recommended to reduce the losses from volatilization, gaseous loss associated with this technique mainly results from denitrification rather than NH3 volatilization.278 The denitrification occurred mainly in the region immediately around the slit. 279 Compared with broadcasting, injection requires greater tractor power and less manure can be applied per hour. Therefore, cost and the small window of time available to most farmers in the spring often limit the potential use of injection. 273 D.J. King, G.C. Watson, G.J. Wall, and B.A. Grant, 1994, The Effects of Livestock Manure Application and Management on Surface Water Quality, Summary Technical Report (London, ON: GLWQP-AAFC Pest Management Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada). 274 D.J. Nichols, T.C. Daniel, and D.R. Edwards, 1994, “Nutrient runoff from pasture after incorporation of poultry litter of inorganic fertilizer,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 58, p. 1224; Meisinger and Randall, 1991; D.W. Blevins, D.H. Wilkison, B.P. Kelly, and S.R. Silva, 1996, “Movement of nitrate fertilizer to glacial till and runoff from a claypan soil,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 25, p. 584; G.J. Gascho, R.D. Wauchope, and J.G. Davis, 1998, “Nitrate-nitrogen, soluble, and bioavailable phosphorus runoff from simulated rainfall after fertilizer application,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 62, p. 1711. 275 M.J. Goss, K.R. Howse, P.W. Lane, D.G. Christian, and G.L. Harris, 1993, “Losses of nitratenitrogen in water draining from under autumn crops established by direct drilling or mouldboard ploughing,” Journal of Soil Science, 44, p. 35; R.K. Hubbard, R.A. Leonard, and A.W. Johnson, 1991, “Nitrate transport on a sandy coastal plain soil underlain by plinthite,” Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 34, p. 802; R. Lowrance, 1992, “Nitrogen outputs from a field-size agricultural watershed,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 21, p. 602. 276 A.J.A. Vinten, 1999, “Predicting nitrate leaching from drained arable soils derived from glacial till,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 28, p. 988. 277 G.J. Kolenbrander, 1969, “Nitrate content and nitrogen loss in drainwater,” Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, 17, p. 246. 278 R.B. Thompson, J.C. Ryden, and D.R. Lockyer, 1987, “Fate of nitrogen in cattle slurry following surface application or injection to grassland,” Journal of Soil Science, 38, p. 689; S.D. Comfort, K.A. Kelling, D.R. Keeney, and J.C. Converse, 1990, “Nitrous oxide production from injected liquid dairy manure.,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 54, p. 421. 279 S.O. Petersen, 1992, “Nitrification and denitrification after direct injection of liquid cattle manure,” Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant Science, 42, p. 94. 134 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Poor distribution patterns result from all types of manure spreaders due largely to the nature of the material. Using injection on rolling topography has also resulted in problems. The most frequently reported route by which liquid manure can contaminate surface water courses is in outflow from tile-drain systems. Fleming and Bradshaw identified macropore flow of manure liquids into subsurface drains after spreading.280 Pre-tillage tines have been incorporated into injection machinery to limit macropore flow (J. Houle & Fils Inc., Drummondville, Quebec; Husky Farm Equipment Ltd., Alma, Ontario). Large tankers can cause problems with soil compaction in the field. Compaction is a significant concern because it can increase surface runoff as well as decrease crop yield. This problem is also being reduced by new machine design (e.g., tankers with tracks now made by Husky Mfg.). Solid manure is applied by spreader machines that propel the manure to the rear or to the side. Although new machines operate effectively, the spread tends to become less uniform with use. The more variable nature of solid manure also tends to reduce the uniformity of nutrient application. Bacteria Evidence from the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority indicates that bacteriological contamination from tile drains can be greater after injection than after surface spreading.281 Transport of bacteria in surface runoff was similar for surface spreading, incorporation, or injection of manure.282 When the system was modified by placing a cultivating tine ahead of the injector tine, there was a significant reduction in bacterial transport through runoff. Pre-tillage of soil before spreading liquid manure minimized the direct impact of manure on the quality of tile-drain effluent.283 280 R.J. Fleming and S.H. Bradshaw, 1991, Macropore Flow of Liquid Manure (Saskatoon, SK: Canadian Society Agric. Eng.), Paper No. 91-241; R.J. Fleming and S.H. Bradshaw, 1992a, Detection of Soil Macropores Using Smoke (Saskatoon, SK: Can. Soc. Agric. Eng.), Paper No. 92-103; R.J. Fleming and S.H. Bradshaw, 1992b, Contamination of Subsurface Drainage Systems during Manure Spreading (St. Joseph, MI: Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.), Paper No. 92-2618. 281 M.E. Foran, D.M. Dean, and H.E. Taylor, 1993, “The land application of liquid manure and its effect on tile drain water and groundwater quality,” Agricultural Research to Protect Water Quality: Proceedings of the Conference. February 21–24, Minneapolis, MN (Ankeny, IA: Soil and Water Conservation Society), p. 279. 282 King et al., 1994. 283 Fleming and Bradshaw, 1992b. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 135 Bacteria from poultry manure were not detected in runoff when the manure was applied to bare soil, but was present when the manure was applied to grassland.284 In the first day after applying liquid manure, more bacteria may be lost in overland flow from no-till land than from ploughed land, but the rate of decline in the concentration of bacteria in the runoff water can also be greater.285 Timing of manure applications When determining when to apply manure, producers have to consider several factors including the risk of soil compaction, likelihood of runoff, and nutrient loss through NH3 volatilization. The timing of manure applications is critical both for the availability of nitrogen to crops and for potential impacts on the environment. As manure storage on many farms is limited, the common periods for application are the fall, winter, and spring. In spring, applications may be as a pre-plant fertilization or as a side- or top-dressing. The experimental evidence shows that compared with spring applications, manuring land in fall or winter results in lower recovery of applied nitrogen by the crops and greater risk of leaching or surface runoff and denitrification (table 3-18).286 Current guidelines in Ontario state that manure should “not be spread on frozen or ice-covered soil.” If the soil is unfrozen, then winter spreading should not occur on land with more than a slope of 3%. In an emergency, winter spreading is permitted, but only on land with residues or vegetation and only where there is no danger of runoff or flooding. Fleming and Fraser have reviewed the literature on winter spreading of manure in Ontario.287 In general, winter spreading of manure results in greater nutrient losses than at other times. As many soils are impervious when frozen, manure spread on the surface is likely to be carried off in runoff from snow-melt or rain. The likelihood of surface runoff does not appear to differ whether the manure is spread on frozen soil or snow or onto a cover crop. 284 J. Giddens and A.P. Barnett, 1980, “Soil loss and microbiological quality of runoff from land treated with poultry litter,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 9, p. 518. 285 King et al., 1994 286 Thompson, Ryden, and Lockyer, 1987; M.J. Goss, W.E. Curnoe, E.G. Beauchamp, P.S. Smith, B.D.C. Nunn, and D.A.J. Barry, 1995a, An Investigation into the Management of Manure Nitrogen to Safeguard the Quality of Groundwater, COESA Report No. LMAP- 013/95 prepared for Research Branch. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 287 R. Fleming and H. Fraser, 2000, Impacts of Winter Spreading of Manure on Water Quality: Literature Review (Ridgetown, ON: Ridgetown College, University of Guelph). 136 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 The effect of slope has received little critical attention. Losses to the environment depend on whether the first snow-melt or rainfall event results in runoff or infiltration, which is greatly influenced by weather factors. However, solid manure may reduce the amount of runoff. Loss of NH3 by volatilization may be reduced if the manure is covered by snow after application. Clearly, as current weather patterns are critical, it is difficult to predict whether there will be significant environmental contamination in any one winter. Local weather records might be used to identify locations where the risks are greatest, but Fleming and Fraser concluded that the evidence supports the adherence to the current guidelines for spreading.288 Table 3-18 Sinks for N Following Application of Slurry Nitrogen Sinks† Application Apparent Recovery NH3 Volatilization Loss in Herbage Denitrification Loss Total Sinks kg N/ha (%) Winter E xperiment Surface spread slurry 49.0 (19.8) 77.1 (30.8) 29.9 (12.1) 156.1 (62.9) Injected slurry 82.7 (33.4) 2.1 (0.9) 52.7 (21.3) 137.5 (55.4) Injected slurry † plus nitrapyrin (nitrification inhibitor) 90.1 (36.3) 2.1 (0.9) 22.7 (9.2) 114.9 (46.3) 17.0% 25.3% 98.2% (42.6%) – Surface spread slurry 66.9 (25.5) 53.0 (20.2) 4.5 (1.7) 124.4 (47.5) Injected slurry 93.9 (35.5) 2.4 (0.9) 17.7 (6.8) 114.0 (43.5) Injected slurry † with nitrapyrin 109.9 (42.0) 2.4 (0.9) 14.0 (5.3) 126.3 (48.2) 13.8% 21.1% 182% (74.8%) – CV‡ Spring E xperiment CV‡ † In both experiments leaching losses from all treatments were negligible ‡ Coefficients of variation determined as follows: Apparent recovery: from the total apparent recoveries for each of the four plots for the three treatments in each experiment. NH3 volatilization: from the total NH3 loss determined for each of the three tunnels used for the surface application treatment. Denitrification: the average coefficient of variation for all denitrification measurements in each experiment. In parentheses, the average for values greater than 0.10 kg N/ha/d. Source: Thompson et al., 1987. 288 Ibid. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 137 Effect of manure treatment and soil conditions on NH3 volatilization As indicated above, much research has been devoted to examining the loss of ammonia to the atmosphere due to volatilization after surface applications of manure. Loss from bare soil is less than losses from grassland,289 arable land with surface residues, or growing crops.290 Key factors that influence the volatilization from surface-applied slurries are wind speed, temperature, the pH at the surface of the slurry, and its dry matter content.291 After adjusting for pH and temperature, Sommer and Olesen found a sigmoid relationship between the cumulative loss of ammonia and the dry matter content, such that the loss was greatest for a dry matter content between 4% and 12%.292 A transfer model related the rate of ammonia volatilization to the concentration of the gas at the surface of a layer of slurry and the background concentration in the atmosphere.293 The model takes into account the depth of soil in which the slurry is distributed, evaporation of soil water, and infiltration of rain. Before it can be used by farmers, the model needs to be extended to predict pH at the volatilizing surface since this also affects the rate of loss. The effect of mechanically removing particulate organic matter from slurry applied to grassland has been examined. Thompson et al. found that in the initial 5 h, the rate of NH3 volatilization was slower from cattle slurry that had passed through a 3 mm mesh than from unseparated slurry.294 Later the relative rates were reversed, so that the losses from the two treatments over 6 days were 289 R.B. Thompson, J.C. Ryden, and D.R. Lockyer, 1990, “Ammonia volatilization from cattle slurry following surface application to grassland,” Plant and Soil, 125, p. 109. 290 H.-G. Bless, R. Beinhauer, and B. Sattelmacher, 1991, “Ammonia emissions from slurry applied to wheat stubble and rape in North Germany,” Journal of Agricultural Science, 117, p. 225. 291 R. Van den Abbeel, D. Paulus, C. De Ruysscher, and K. Vlassak, 1990, “Gaseous N losses after the application of slurry: Important or not?” Fertilization and the Environment, R. Merckx, H. Vereecken, and K. Vlassak (eds.), (Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press), p. 241; S.G. Sommer, J.E. Olesen, and B.T. Christensen, 1991, “Effects of temperature, wind speed and air humidity on ammonia volatilization from surface-applied cattle slurry,” Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge), 117, p. 91. 292 S.G. Sommer and J.E. Olesen, 1991, “Effects of dry matter content and temperature on ammonia loss from surface-applied cattle slurry,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 20, p. 679. 293 J. Van der Molen, A.C.M. Beljaars, W.J. Chardon, W.A. Jury, and H.G. Van Faasen, 1990b, “Ammonia volatilisation from arable land after application of cattle slurry: 2. Derivation of a transfer model,” Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, 38, p. 239. 294 Thompson, Ryden, and Lockyer, 1990. 138 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 35% and 38% respectively. Stevens et al. investigated particle separation, dilution, and a washing treatment for cattle slurry applied to grassland.295 A 50% reduction in NH3 volatilization, compared with untreated slurry, could be obtained by removing solids using a 0.4 mm mesh, or using a 10 mm mesh and diluting the strained material with 86% by volume of water, or by using a 2 mm mesh and washing with a 53% volume of water after manure application. Acidification of manure is potentially one way of reducing volatilization of ammonia and hence nitrogen loss. Stevens et al. observed a 90% decrease in volatilization by acidifying cattle slurry to pH 6.296 Acidifying cattle slurry to pH 5.5 reduced volatilization by 14 to 57%.297 Acidifying pig slurry and adding sphagnum peat moss also decreased ammonia volatilization by at least 74.6%.298 Elemental sulphur and calcium carbonate increased the volatilization. While acidification alone did not reduce the effectiveness of the slurry nitrogen for wheat growth, the combination of 1% sphagnum moss and calcium carbonate impaired plant growth. Adding 1.4% by volume of 10 molar nitric acid to slurry reduced volatilization by 75% compared with unamended slurry, and increased the nitrogen content of the slurry by 2 g N/L. The acidified slurry had a superior balance of mineral N, P, and K for fertilizing grass. However, in practice, acidification of manure has not been found to be cost-effective.299 A combination of acidification and solids separation can produce benefits. Stevens et al. obtained the same 90% decrease in volatilization by acidification to pH 6.5 together with dilution with a 50% volume of water, and by acidification to 6.5 following removal of solids using a 0.4 mm mesh.300 For acidified whole slurry, the efficiency of nitrogen use was only 54% of that for mineral fertilizer.301 However, after removal of solids using a 1.1 mm mesh and acidification, the efficiency of 295 R.J. Stevens, R.J. Laughlin, and J.P. Frost, 1992a, “Effects of separation, dilution, washing and acidification on ammonium volatilization from surface applied cattle slurry,” Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge), 119, p. 383. 296 Ibid. 297 B.F. Pain, R.B. Thompson, Y.J. Rees, and J.H. Skinner, 1990, “Reducing gaseous losses of nitrogen from cattle slurry applied to grassland by the use of additives,” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 50, p. 141. 298 T. Al-Kanani, E. Akochi, A.F. Mackenzie, I.A. Ali, and S.F. Barrington, 1992b, “Organic and inorganic amendments to reduce ammonia losses from liquid hog manure,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 21, p. 709. 299 R.J. Stevens, 1997, [personal communication]. 300 Stevens, Laughlin, and Frost, 1992a. 301 R.J. Stevens, R.J. Laughlin, J.P. Frost, and R. Anderson, 1992b, “Evaluation of separation plus acidification with nitric acid and separation plus dilution to make cattle slurry a balanced, efficient fertilizer for grass and silage,” Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge), 119, p. 391. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 139 nitrogen use from the slurry was 88%. The lower efficiency of the whole slurry was attributed to enhanced denitrification and contamination of plant leaves. Some other manure treatments appear to have little effect on the conservation of ammonia after land application. Volatilization of ammonia from grassland was the same for unamended pig slurry and pig slurry treated by anaerobic digestion.302 Summary There has been no systematic investigation of the runoff or leaching of contaminants from grazed fields in Ontario. It is considered that surface runoff is not an important pathway for water or pathogens from pastures to enter streams. Most runoff originates close to the stream bank rather than from the main area of the field. Cattle accessing watercourses also contribute to soil, nutrients, and pathogens entering the water. Because grazing animals excrete urine and feces in patches, nitrate leaching from grazed pastures is greater than from cut forage. Groundwater loading of N by leaching from grazed land can compare with or even exceed that from arable land, but current stocking rates in Ontario make this loading unlikely to be a significant source of groundwater contamination. Most manure is applied to cropped land. Solid manure is surface spread. Transporting manure to the field has been a factor in some manure spills, but the application of (mainly liquid) manure has been the most frequently reported cause of manure entering surface water bodies. Liquid manure may be surface spread from a tanker, applied by irrigation, or injected using hollow tines. The mode of application greatly affects the volatilization of ammonia. Sprinkler irrigation tends to result in the greatest gaseous loss on application, but failure to incorporate liquid manure after application can also result in large losses. The type of application can influence the loss of potential contaminants to surface and groundwater. Potential for NO–3 leaching after application can be influenced by the volatilization of NH3 at application. Incorporating the manure after application helps conserve nitrogen, but manure treatment has little effect on gaseous loss. Application to no-till land provides greater opportunity for gaseous loss, but leaving manure on the surface of bare soil can also encourage runoff. Bacterial movement into tile lines can be greater after injection than after surface application. 302 Pain et al., 1990. 140 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 The timing of application also affects the risk of water contamination, with fall, winter, and early spring applications likely to have the most negative impacts. 3.2.7 Fate of manure components applied to the soil The producer applies manure to meet the nutrient demands of the crop. However, because the ratio of N, P, and K in manure is not identical to crop requirements, additional mineral fertilizer may be required if excess application of P or K is to be avoided. After field application, manure forms a diffuse source. The nutrients in the manure may be taken up by the crops or become available for transport. Nitrogen can be lost in gaseous form as ammonia or nitrified to nitrate which is then subject to leaching or denitrification. Nitrogen The proportion of the total-N present in the ammoniacal (NH3 and NH4+) form is a key manure characteristic for two reasons: it can be lost as gaseous ammonia and it is generally thought of as being as available as the N in granular fertilizer.303 However, when mixed in soil, ammoniacal-N is not quite as available as fertilizer-N. It may be immobilized by being taken up by soil microbes or adsorbed onto clays.304 To preserve nutrients following surface spreading, the material needs to be tilled into the soil as soon as possible after application, particularly to minimize the loss of ammonia by volatilization. Incorporating manure reduced the ammonia volatilization from 32% of total ammoniacal nitrogen to about 16%.305 Nevertheless, incorporation is not always possible. Overall, our ability to predict losses following application is far from complete. 303 E.G. Beauchamp and J.W. Paul, 1989, “A simple model to predict manure nitrogen availability to crops,” Nitrogen in Organic Wastes Applied to Soils, J.A. Hansen and and K. Henrikson (eds.), (London: Academic Press), p. 140; Beauchamp, 1983. 304 T.H. Flowers and P.W. Arnold, 1983, “Immobilization and mineralization of nitrogen in soils incubated with pig slurry or ammonium sulphate,” Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 15, p. 329; T.Z. Castellanos and P.F. Pratt, 1981, “Mineralization of manure nitrogen: Correlation with laboratory indexes,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 45, p. 354; Beauchamp, 1986; J.W. Paul and E.G. Beauchamp, 1994, “Short-term nitrogen dynamics in soil amended with fresh and composted cattle manures,” Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 74, p. 147. 305 Van der Molen et al., 1990a. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 141 Within the soil, the ammonium ions in the manure are added to those resulting from mineralization of organic nitrogen in soil organic matter and from organic forms in the manure. The NH4+ ions undergo oxidative reactions first to form nitrite (NO–2) and then nitrate (NO–3), but some convert into dissolved ammonia and are subject to volatilization.306 Very little NO–2 is present in most soils in Ontario because it is rapidly converted to NO3–. Both NO–3 and NH4+ can be taken up by plants, but are also subject to further transformations. NO–3 can be converted to gaseous nitrous oxide and nitrogen gas under anaerobic conditions. This denitrification process occurs more readily with organic nitrogen sources such as livestock manure. The amount of subsurface denitrification is a function of manure type, soil type, time of application, and depth to groundwater.307 In contrast, the remaining organic-N fraction of manure may be only marginally available in the year of application.308 The degradability of the organic fraction of manure is not well understood in terms of the N-release dynamics in the field. Few researchers have reported losses of nitrous oxide from cropped land fertilized with manure, but losses under corn were comparable with losses from grassland given much greater nitrogen applications.309 The organic matter in cattle manure provides additional carbon substrate for denitrifying bacteria in the soil. This can stimulate denitrification for long periods after slurry applications. The emission of gases such as N2O, NO, and NO2 due to denitrification from manured soils is likely to be greater than that from soils receiving mineral nitrogen fertilizers.310 Effect of the application of 306 Beauchamp, 1983; Thompson, Ryden, and Lockyer, 1987. Just as ammonia volatilization can reduce the amount of N available for leaching, denitrification below the root zone, or in riparian zones and wetlands, can reduce the amount of NO3– available to move to a water resource. However, the proportion of NO3– that is reduced to nitrogen gas (N2) (rather than to N2O, a greenhouse gas) is uncertain and not easily controlled. Consequently, it is still better to minimize leaching of NO3– rather than encouraging denitrification to protect water resources; D.L. Burton, E.G. Beauchamp, R.G. Kachanoski, and R.W. Gillham, 1991, “Impact of livestock manure and fertilizer application on nitrate contamination of groundwater,” Proceedings – Environmental Research: 1991 Technology Transfer Conference, Volume I. Toronto, ON, November 1991, Research and Technology Branch, Environment ON, p. 180. 308 Beauchamp, 1986; Paul, 1991. 309 M.J. Eichner, 1990, “Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilized soils: Summary of available data,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 19, p. 272. 310 R.B. Thompson and B.F. Pain, 1990, “The significance of gaseous losses of nitrogen from livestock slurries applied to agricultural land,” Fertilization and the Environment, R. Merckx, H. Vereecken, and K. Vlassak (eds.), (Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press), p. 290. 307 142 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 unamended cattle slurry to grassland was tested by Burford et al.311 The air in the soil under a layer containing slurry was found to contain up to 680 ppm of N2O. The actual gaseous loss of nitrogen was not determined, but was deemed significant. It was suggested that further work be carried out investigating gaseous transfer. Paul et al. showed that manured soil produced N2O and NO due to nitrification and denitrification processes.312 Production of the gases was greater when the manure was applied as slurry than as compost. As a minimum water content of the soil was important for denitrification losses from manure,313 the additional water applied could have been an important factor in generating losses from the slurry. Pain et al. observed a rate of 0.91 kg N/ha/day for denitrification a few weeks after slurry application to a freely drained loam soil in the fall.314 The total losses were about 29% of the ammoniacal-N applied. Acidification of the manure increased the loss to 41% of the applied ammonium-N. The nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide, reduced denitrification to an extent depending on the concentration applied in the slurry. Another nitrification inhibitor, nitrapyrin, had little effect on the rate of denitrification (table 3-18). Denitrification after a spring application was much less than that after a fall application on this soil, and little took place from a poorly drained loam after applying manure at either time. Surface application of manure in summer was associated with smaller losses of nitrogen by denitrification.315 Clearly, the information already presented establishes that volatilization of NH3 is a major route for N-loss during and immediately after manure application. The magnitude of all the gaseous losses of N is difficult to estimate. Consequently, reports suggest (see section 3.2.8) that ground-water contamination with NO–3 is 311 J.R. Burford, D.J. Greenland, and B.F. Pain, 1976, “Effects of heavy dressings of slurry and inorganic fertilizers applied to grassland on the composition of drainage waters and the soil atmosphere,” Agriculture and Water Quality. Technical Bulletin. No. 32 (London: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food), p. 432. 312 J.W. Paul, E.G. Beauchamp, and X. Zhang, 1993, “Nitrous and nitric oxide emissions during nitrification and denitrification from manure-amended soil in the laboratory,” Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 73, p. 539. 313 S.G. Nugroho and S. Kuwatsuka, 1990, “Concurrent observation of several processes of nitrogen metabolism in soil amended with organic materials. I. Effect of different organic materials on ammonification, nitrification, denitrification, and N2 fixation under aerobic and anaerobic conditions,” Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 36, p. 215. 314 Pain et al., 1990. 315 Van den Abbeel et al., 1990. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 143 greater in areas where animal manure is applied regularly compared with areas receiving predominantly mineral-N fertilizer.316 Phosphorus and other nutrients Many fields in Ontario that have received regular applications of manure contain large amounts of phosphorus. Applying increasing amounts of cattle manure to soils in Alberta over 11 years enhanced the total phosphorus content of the soil and the available phosphorus.317 From agronomic considerations, one would want to apply only as much phosphorus, either as manure or fertilizer, as is required for most economic crop production. Current recommendations assume that 40% of the phosphorus in manure is as available in the year of application as from commercial fertilizer.318 However, this assumption has not been tested thoroughly and probably underestimates the actual value. A 50–60% availability of manure-P is usually assumed in the UK.319 While 29–39% of P in liquid manure from cattle, poultry, and swine was apparently recovered in plants under greenhouse conditions, 42% of fertilizer-P was recovered.320 This means that manure-P would be up to 93% as available as from commercial fertilizer. The phosphorus applied may be combined in inorganic or organic molecules. The organic-P in cattle, swine, and poultry slurries was 1–15% of the total-P, with the rest being inorganic (as orthophosphate).321 The proportion of organicP was 5–15% of the total-P after various manures were stored for two months; 316 W.F. Ritter and A.E.M. Chirnside, 1987, “Influence of agricultural practices on nitrates in the water table aquifer,” Biological Wastes, 19, p. 165; R. Fleming, M. MacAlpine, and C. Tiffin, 1998, Nitrate Levels in Soil, Tile Drainage Water and Shallow Groundwater under a Variety of Farm Management Systems (Vancouver, B.C.: CSAE), Paper 98-101. 317 C. Chang, T.G. Sommerfeldt, and T. Entz, 1991, “Soil chemistry after eleven annual applications of cattle feedlot manure,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 20, p. 475. 318 Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), 1999a, Field Crop Recommendations 1999–2000, Publication 296 (Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer), p. 154. 319 K.A. Smith, R.J. Unwin, and J.H. Williams, 1985, “Experiments on the fertilizer value of animal waste slurries,” Long Term Effects of Sewage Sludge and Farm Slurries Applications, J.H. Williams et al. (eds.), (New York: Elsevier Science); R.J. Unwin, 1987, “The accumulation of manure-applied phosphorus and potassium in soils,” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 40, p. 315. 320 K.A. Smith and T.A. Van Dijk, 1987, “Utilization of phosphorus and potassium from animal manures on grassland and forage crops,” Animal Manure on Grassland and Fodder Crops: Fertilizer or Waste?, H.G. Van Der Meer et al. (eds.), (Boston: Martinus Nijhoff ). 321 R.G. Gerritse and R. Vriesema, 1984, “Phosphate distribution in animal waste slurries,” Journal of Agricultural Science, 102, p. 159. 144 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 this was considered to be an end-result equilibrium following microbial transformations.322 The inorganic-P was present as crystals or precipitates of calcium phosphates. Barnett indicated that the proportions of organic-P and inorganic-P in manure affected the fertilizing value, noting that crop response is directly related to the inorganic-P content.323 On the other hand, the organicP fraction (inositols, phospholipids, and nucleic acids) is marginally available but to varying extents. Barnett also noted that the manures from monogastric animals (swine, poultry) usually contained much more P (22–23 g/kg P dry matter) than those from ruminant animals (cattle, sheep) (4–6 g/kg P dry matter) although there may be large variations in concentration. Only a small part of the organic-P appears to move readily through the soil and is probably of microbial origin, of high molecular weight, and only slightly adsorbed by soils. Most of the P occurs in feces. Organic-P in the nucleic acid and phytate (inositol) forms can be persistent since mineralization of these forms is a slow process.324 Van Faassen and Van Dijk argued that the differences in the fertilizing value of manure-P and fertilizer-P cannot be due to the presence of organic-P because it constitutes only 10–20% of the total-P in manure.325 The concentration of P in the soil solution is a dynamic function of physical and chemical processes that control the solubility of mineral P, the release of P from organic forms, and the amounts removed by plants and microorganisms.326 The organic forms of P can be sub-divided into labile and resistant fractions, with the labile fraction tending to remain constant unless severely depleted by mineralization.327 The maximum amount of P that is present in solution in 322 H.G. Van Faassen and H. Van Dijk, 1987, “Manure as a source of nitrogen and phosphorus in soils,” Animal Manure on Grassland and Fodder Crops: Fertilizer or Waste? H.G. Van der Meer et al. (eds.), (Boston: Martinus Nijhoff ). 323 G.M. Barnett, 1994a, “Phosphorus forms in animal manure,” Bioresource Technology, 49, p. 139; G.M. Barnett, 1994b, “Manure P fractionation,” Bioresource Technology, 49, p. 149. 324 Van Faassen and Van Dijk, 1987. 325 Ibid. 326 A.N. Sharpley, S.J. Smith, O.R. Jones, W.A. Berg, and G.A. Coleman, 1992, “The transport of bioavailable phosphorus in agricultural runoff,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 21, p. 30. 327 A.N. Sharpley and S.J. Smith, 1985, “Fraction of inorganic and organic phosphorus in virgin and cultivated soils,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 49, p. 127. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 145 soil water is related to the natural level of labile-P and how much additional P has been applied as fertilizer in organic and inorganic form.328 Metals Because copper and zinc are included in feed, considerable amounts can be applied to soil in manure.329 The Zn content of soil increased in proportion to the amount of manure applied, but the Cu content did not show a significant change.330 Soil became more acid with the application of cattle manure331 and pig slurry.332 Long-term application of pig slurry to grassland was investigated to establish how metals such as copper and zinc from feed additives might affect the soil metal content.333 Total nickel and the lead content were not increased by slurry application. However, the copper and zinc content of the soil was increased and the availability of the metal to the herbage was enhanced. The application of 200 m3/ha/y of pig slurry acidified the soil, tending to reduce the soil microbial biomass, but the increase in copper could also have affected the microbial population. The effect of cattle manure was much smaller. Verloo and Willaert concluded that the actual impact of slurry on heavy metal accumulation in soils and in the crops growing on them depended on acidity.334 Continued application at high rates may 328 K.P. Raven and L.R. Hossner, 1993, “Phosphorus desorbtion quantity-intensity relationships in soil,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 57, p. 1501; A.N. Sharpley and S.J. Smith, 1989, “Mineralization and leaching of phosphorus from soil incubated with surface-applied and incorporated crop residue,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 18, p. 101. 329 A.L. Sutton, D.W. Nelson, V.B. Mayrose, and D.T. Kelly, 1983, “Effect of copper levels in swine manure on corn and soil,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 12, p. 198. 330 Chang, Sommerfeldt, and Entz, 1991. 331 Ibid. 332 M.P. Bernal, A. Roig, A. Lax, and A.F. Navarro, 1992, “Effects of the application of pig slurry on some physico-chemical and physical properties of calcareous soils,” Bioresource Technology, 42, p. 233. 333 P. Christie, 1990 “Accumulation of potentially toxic metals in grassland from long-term slurry application,” Fertilization and the Environment, R. Merckx, H. Vereecken, and K. Vlassak (eds.), (Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press), p. 124. 334 M. Verloo and G. Willaert, 1990, “Direct and indirect effects of fertilization practices on heavy metals in plants and soils,” Fertilization and the Environment, R. Merckx, H. Vereecken, and K. Vlassak (eds.), (Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press), p. 79. 146 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 result in toxic levels of copper in the long term,335 but this is not likely to occur on neutral to alkaline soils.336 Organic matter amendments are thought likely to lead to increases in the water-soluble forms of Zn rather than of Cu, due to the direct effects of the organic matter and dissolved carbon and to indirect effects on other soil properties (e.g., pH and redox status).337 The application of manure resulted in a decrease in soil pH which, even two months later, was an important factor in the dissolution of weakly bound metals.338 Thus, even if the water-solubleCu content of fresh liquid swine manure is relatively small,339 application of manure to soil may mobilize some of the Cu and Zn already present from previous applications.340 The fate of metals in manured soils is related to the fate of organic matter, with little difference due to the type of manure.341 Bacteria The potential for movement to, and eventual contamination of, water resources by microorganisms depends on their concentration in manure at the time of application and their survival. Manure may affect survival of bacteria: Östling and Lindgren found that 20–40 times more indigenous Bacillus spores were present on manured crops than on un-manured crops, and these numbers 335 K. Meeus-Verdinne, G. Neirinckx, X. Monseur, and R. de Borger, 1980, “Real or potential risk of pollution of soil, crops, surface and groundwater due to land spreading of liquid manure,” Effluent from Livestock, J.K.R. Gasser (ed.), (London: Applied Science), p. 399. 336 M.A. Anderson, J.R. McKenna, D.C. Martens, S.J. Donohue, S.T. Kornegay, and H.D. Lindemann, 1991, “Long-term effects of copper rich swine manure application on continuous corn production,” Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 22, p. 993. 337 L.M. Shuman, 1991, “Chemical forms of micronutrients in soil,” Micronutrients in Agriculture, 2nd ed., J.J. Mortvedt, F.R. Cox, L.M. Shuman, and R.M. Welch (eds.), (Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America). p. 113; P. Del Castilho, W.J. Chardon, and W. Salomons, 1993a, “Influence of cattle-manure slurry application on the solubility of cadmium, copper and zinc in a manured acidic, loamy-sand soil,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 22, p. 686. 338 W. Salomons and U. Förstner, 1984, Metals in the Hydrocycle (Berlin, New York: SpringerVerlag). 339 W.P. Miller, D.C. Martens, L.W. Zelazny, and E.T. Kornegay, 1986, “Forms of solid phase copper in copper-enriched swine manure,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 15, p. 69. 340 P. Del Castilho, J.W. Dalenberg, K. Brunt, and A.P. Bruins, 1993b, “Dissolved organic matter, cadmium, copper and zinc in pig slurry- and soil solution-size exclusion chromatography fractions,” International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 50, p. 91. 341 J. Japenga, J.W. Dalenberg, D. Wiersma, S.D. Scheltens, D. Hesterberg, and W. Salomons, 1992, “Effect of liquid animal manure application on the solubilization of heavy metals from soil,” International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 46, p. 25. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 147 remained constant with time to harvest.342 However, this was not the case for bacteria originating in the manure itself, such as Clostridium, some coliforms, and E. coli, all of which declined with time after manure application. The survival of any non-indigenous bacteria depends on several factors including soil pH, soil water content, organic matter content, soil texture, temperature, availability of nutrients, adsorption properties of the soil (MacLean found that soils containing clays with a large surface area can adsorb bacteria),343 and biological interactions in the soil.344 Soil fauna can also be highly competitive. Pathogenic bacteria associated with manure may not accumulate in soils containing earthworms. After 48 h, a population of Salmonella introduced to soil containing earthworms was reduced by a factor of four compared with Salmonella in a worm-free soil. Earthworms also caused a small reduction in the population of the normal bacteria. Freeliving protozoa, nematodes, and the soil bacterium Bdellovibrio are also predators of bacteria in the soil.345 Presence of these organisms may reduce or limit bacterial numbers. Nonetheless, introduced bacteria may still be able to survive for an extended period after manure application. On average, 10% of fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci were still present in the soil 11 and 14 days respectively after application of pig manure.346 The survival in soil of E. coli, including E. coli O157:H7, has received particular attention. In cold soils (<5°C) the bacteria can survive for up to 100 days. Survival periods are shorter in coarse-textured soils than in finer-textured soils (figure 3-4). Campylobacter species appear to have somewhat shorter survival times. C. jejuni survived in soil for at least ten days but this number could double when the ambient temperature decreased to 6°C.347 342 C.E. Östling and S.E. Lindgren, 1991, “Bacteria in manure and on manured and NPK fertilized silage crops,” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 55, p. 579. 343 A.J. MacLean, 1983, “Pathogens of animals in manure: Environmental impact and public health,” Farm Animal Manures in the Canadian Environment (Ottawa: National Research Council of Canada Associate Committee on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality), p. 103. 344 J. Abu-Ashour, D.M. Joy, H. Lee, H.R. Whiteley, and S. Zelin, 1994b, “Transport of microorganisms through soil,” Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 75, p. 141. 345 T.C. Peterson and R.C. Ward, 1989, “Development of a bacterial transport model for coarse soils,” Water Resources Bulletin, 25, p. 349. 346 D.S. Chandler, I. Farran, and J.S. Craven, 1981, “Persistence and distribution of pollution indicator bacteria on land used for disposal of piggery effluent,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 42, p. 453. 347 R.W. Lindenstruth and B.Q. Ward, 1948, “Viability of Vibrio fetus in hay, soil and manure,” Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 113, p. 163. 148 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 One area of concern is manure from animals routinely treated with antibiotics. Current research in Ontario has failed to identify increased antibiotic resistance in bacteria from fields regularly augmented with this manure.348 This suggests that, if manure is properly applied, land application does not pose an additional threat to water resources from antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Viruses Viruses near the soil surface are rapidly inactivated by the combination of stresses imposed by sunlight, soil drying, predation, and other soil-based factors such as pH. Kowal reviewed the literature on virus survival.349 Moisture content appears to be a major factor once the virus has penetrated the soil surface. About 100 days is the longest survival time of enteric viruses. Figure 3-4 Survival of E. coli O157:H7 in Soils of Different Texture 8.0 Sandy soil Loam soil log10 cfu/g soil 6.0 Clay 4.0 2.0 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (weeks) Source: Redrawn from D.R. Fenlon, I.D. Ogden, A. Vinten, and I. Svoboda, 2000, “The fate of Escherichia coli and E. coli O157 in cattle slurry after application to land,” The Society for Applied Microbiology, 88, p. 149S. 348 E. Topp, 2000, [personal communication]. N.E. Kowal, 1985, Health Effects of Land Application of Municipal Sludge (Triangle Park, NC: Health Effects Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 349 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 149 The movement of viruses from manure in surface runoff has not received significant attention. Movement to groundwater has been investigated in model systems or has been inferred from studies on wastewater application. Penetration of virus particles was deeper in sandy soil (with movement to 17.4 m) than in loamy or clay soils. It was also greater under conditions of saturated flow than under unsaturated flow.350 Endocrine-disruptive compounds The fate of estradiol-17β excreted onto Kentucky bluegrass bedding by mares between 12 and 16 weeks gestation was investigated by Busheé et al.351 The concentration of estradiol-17β was 35.1 µg/kg in the bedding, almost 7 times greater than the value found in municipal sewage sludge (5.2 µg/kg). However, the water content of the sewage sludge (80%) was much greater than that of the bedding (7%), so on a dry-weight basis the differences were much less (40 µg/kg and 30 µg/kg, respectively). The bedding material was applied to a tall fescue pasture at a rate of 9.1 t/ha, providing an equivalent of approximately 100 kg/ha N. The pasture was then irrigated to generate runoff. The average concentration of estradiol-17β in the runoff (adjusted for flow) was 0.6 µg/L. In a similar experiment, litter from a broiler chicken barn was applied at rates of 1.76–7.05 t/ha.352 The estradiol-17β concentration in the litter was 131 µg/ kg (dry-weight basis). Concentrations of estradiol-17β in runoff ranged from 0.2 to 1.3 µg/L. Pretreatment with alum (aluminium sulphate) increased the acidity of the manure and reduced the concentration of estradiol-17β in runoff from the poultry litter by 40%, but had no effect on the hormone in the horse bedding runoff, perhaps because of inadequate mixing. Once incorporated into the soil, natural hormones in the manure do not appear to persist. They may be readily broken down by soil microbes,353 but Shore et al. 350 J.C. Lance and C.P. Gerba, 1984, “Virus movement in soil during saturated and unsaturated flow,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 47, p. 335; J.C. Lance, C.P. Gerba, and D.S. Wang, 1982, “Comparative movement of different enteroviruses in soil columns,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 11, p. 347. 351 E.L. Busheé, D.R. Edwards, and P.A. Moore, 1998, “Quality of runoff from plots treated with municipal sludge and horse bedding,” Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 41, p. 1035. 352 D.J. Nichols, T.C. Daniel, P.A. Moore, D.R. Edwards, and D.H. Pote, 1997, “Runoff of estrogen hormone 17-Estradiol from poultry litter applied to pasture,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 26, p. 1002. 353 Topp, 2000. 150 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 suggested that physicochemical processes were important.354 However, five months after the application of manure from broiler chickens containing 0.03 µg/g testosterone and 0.03 µg/g estrogen, no estrogen could be identified in soil to which manure had been applied 5 months earlier, but testosterone was present.355 Summary Some of the NH4+ in manure can be taken up directly by the crop or may be nitrified to the much more mobile NO–3 form, which can also be used by the crop. The aim of the producer is to have the crop remove as much of these mineral-N forms as possible from the soil. Some of the NO–3 may undergo denitrification to N2O or even N2 gas. The additional organic carbon applied in manure increases the likelihood of N being lost by denitrification. However, NO–3 in the soil is at risk of leaching when rainfall exceeds the transpiration of water by the crop and evaporation from the soil. The P content of manure can be in mineral or organic form. In liquid manure the larger fraction is in mineral form. The amount of P available to a crop in the year of application is still in dispute, but over successive years, all eventually becomes available. Much of the P applied is found as crystals or precipitates, so is largely immobile within the soil profile. Cu and Zn tend to accumulate in soils given regular applications of manure. Acidification of the soil tends to increase their mobility, but in Ontario’s calcareous soils this is not considered a major threat to water resources. Bacteria can survive longer in cold soils than in warm soils, and longer in finetextured than in coarse-textured soils. Biological as well as physical factors influence the survival. There is no evidence that bacteria in soils subject to regular manure applications have developed more antibiotic resistance because of the feeding of subtherapeutic antibiotic doses to enhance growth of livestock and poultry. Estrogenic endocrine-disrupting compounds in manure do not appear to persist in soil. 354 355 Shore, Correll, and Chakraborty, 1995. Ibid. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 151 3.2.8 Contamination of water resources The majority of research to date has failed to quantify the maximum manure loading that does not cause a negative environmental impact. For example, an application of 36,000 L/ha of manure had a more deleterious impact on water quality than did an application of 140,700 L/ha.356 Nitrate There is little information available for Ontario on the impact of manure application on nitrate leaching. In part this is because the potential for animal manure to contaminate groundwater with nitrate is difficult to determine due to: • • • the possible losses by NH3 volatilization, the need for the ammoniacal and organic forms of nitrogen to be converted to the more mobile NO–3 form, and the other possible transformations of NO–3. For example, after a heavy application of slurry to light-textured soil, a significant amount could not be accounted for in either the soil or drainage water.357 The nitrate in the drainage water was less than 1% of the total N applied. Nonetheless, the average nitrate concentrations in tile-drainage water from land receiving swine manure was 26.5 mg/L N (from five swine farms), significantly greater than the 13.8 mg/L N measured for 15 cash-crop farms.358 Nitrate levels in the shallow groundwater were also significantly higher for manured fields (5.77 mg/L N) compared with non-manured fields (2.46 mg/L N). One reason for greater nitrate leaching from manured land than from land on which mineral fertilizer is applied could be that producers make no allowance for the mineralization of the organic nitrogen in the manure.359 356 D.M. Dean and M.E. Foran, 1991, The Effect of Farm Liquid Waste Application on Receiving Water Quality. Final Report RAC Projects 430G and 512G (Exeter, ON: Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority). 357 Burford, Greenland, and Pain, 1976. 358 Fleming, MacAlpine, and Tiffin, 1998. 359 I.K. Thomsen, J.F. Hansen, V. Kjellerup, and B.T. Christensen, 1993, “Effects of cropping system and rates of nitrogen in animal slurry and mineral fertilizer on nitrate leaching from a sandy loam,” Soil Use and Management, 9, p. 53. 152 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 The changes in soil structure resulting from reduced tillage may modify significantly the impacts of agricultural practices on the environment. In particular, the consequences for manure application need to be considered. The reduction in air-filled porosity can limit the volume of liquid manure that could be applied without inducing drain flow because of a greater likelihood of transport through macropores. Consequently, the potential for nitrate contamination of groundwater and bacterial contamination of rivers could increase.360 However, Beven and Germann suggested that macropores do not always increase infiltration because water may move from these pores into the soil matrix, but at a slightly deeper depth in the soil rather than at the soil surface.361 Phosphorus Some 10 years ago, phosphorus contribution to surface water in runoff from agricultural land was the major focus of the Federal-Provincial Soil and Water Environmental Enhancement Program (SWEEP). Studies during the 1970s under the Pollution from Land Use Activities Reference Group (PLUARG) of the International Joint Commission for the Great Lakes (IJC) showed that runoff from agricultural land was responsible for about 70% of the phosphorus reaching Lake Erie from the tributaries in Ontario.362 About 20% of this amount (15% of the total) was estimated to be due to direct inputs from livestock operations, including runoff from storage areas and surface runoff from manure applied close to streams and not incorporated. The remainder was due largely to phosphorus associated with eroded sediment. Manure application may have two opposing effects on this latter contribution: it increases the P-content of the soil and hence the concentration on the eroded sediment, while on the other hand manure tends to improve soil structure and hence reduce erosion. One poorly understood aspect of phosphorus in runoff is the bioavailability of different forms of phosphorus.363 While manure application may not increase the total phosphorus in runoff, it may increase the amount of bioavailable 360 Dean and Foran, 1991. K. Beven and P. Germann, 1982, “Macropores and water flow in soils,” Water Resources Research, 18, p. 1311. 362 M.H. Miller, J.B. Robinson, D.R. Coote, A.C. Spires, and D.W. Draper, 1982, “Agriculture and water quality in the Canadian Great Lakes Basin: III. Phosphorus,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 11, p. 487. 363 Sharpley et al., 1992 361 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 153 phosphorus. In Delaware, continual land application of animal manures has resulted in an accumulation of P in the surface soil.364 These authors concluded that the bioavailability of P in runoff water from land following manure application increased because of the increased transport of low-density organic material together with the high solubility of manure-P. The magnitude of the increase would be expected to vary, depending on the density of the manure, the water, and P-content, for different animal sources.365 There is some evidence that P in the manure from animals fed HAP corn (see section 3.2.1) is more bioavailable than that from conventionally fed animals.366 Although the phosphorus leaching is considered less important than the leaching of nitrate, particularly with respect to water resources used for drinking water supplies, the right combination of agricultural management practices, soil properties, and climatic conditions can lead to significant losses of solubleand particulate-P through leaching.367 Bacteria The Ontario Farm Groundwater Quality Survey found that the proportion of wells contaminated with bacteria was significantly greater on farms where manure was spread than where only mineral fertilizers were used.368 Soil type was important in this result: less contamination resulted under coarse, gravelly soils and fine-textured soils than under loams.369 The results of the Ontario Farm Groundwater Quality Survey showed that contamination of drinkingwater wells was similar to that under fields where the farmers were carrying out their normal cropping practices.370 This clearly indicated that groundwater could be contaminated by bacteria moving through the soil, rather than by surface water entering poorly-maintained wells. Evidence of repeated 364 A.N. Sharpley and A.D. Halvorson, 1994, “The management of soil phosphorus availability and its impact on surface water quality,” Advances in Soil Science: Soil Processes and Water Quality, R. Lal and B.A. Stewart (eds.), (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press), p. 7. 365 Ibid. 366 J.S. Paschold, B.J. Wienhold, and R. Ferguson, 2000, “Crop utilization of N and P from soils receiving manure from swine fed low phytate and traditional corn diets,” Annual Meeting Abstracts, ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Nov. 5–9, p. 352. 367 J.T. Sims, R.R. Simard, and B.C. Joern, 1998, “Phosphorus loss in agricultural drainage: Historical perspective and current research,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 27, p. 277. 368 Rudolph, Barry, and Goss, 1998. 369 Goss, Barry, and Rudolph, 1998. 370 Rudolph, Barry, and Goss, 1998. 154 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 groundwater contamination has been observed under land where manure was regularly applied (figure 3-5). Liquid manure adversely affected tile-water quality when applied to the land following the current farming guidelines. Of the manure spreading events investigated, 75% resulted in water quality impairment.371 Bacteriological contamination from tile drains can be greater after injection than after surface spreading.372 It is difficult to determine an acceptable rate of liquid manure application, due to the numerous factors which affect the contamination of watercourses.373 The importance of soil macropores for the rapid transport of bacteria to tile drains was highlighted in their studies. The likelihood of bacteria moving into water resources declines with time after manure application because the organisms die off, but this takes longer in manure applied in late fall, shortly before freeze-up. Application as a sidedressing for corn (which generally occurs in mid-June, when soils are relatively Figure 3-5 Presence of Fecal Coliforms in Test Wells Fecal coliforms (cfu/100 mL) 150 100 50 0 9 12 13 03-03-97 23-04-97 10-9-97 Dean and Foran, 1991. Ibid. 373 Foran, Dean, and Taylor, 1993. 372 21 19-02-97: before chlorination Source: Goss and Unc, unpublished. 371 16 22 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 155 dry and warm) results in the shortest period of survival. Later applications might further reduce the likelihood of bacterial contamination, but increase the risk of nitrate contamination of groundwater because the crop has insufficient time to acquire the nutrient from the soil. Thelin and Gifford showed that if a sample of freshly voided manure was subject to water from a rainfall simulator within 5 days, the concentration of fecal coliform bacteria in runoff was in the order of 104/mL, but this number declined to 400/mL after 30 days.374 Endocrine-disruptive compounds Most studies have only reported the transport of the natural hormones from manure in surface runoff. The most detailed investigation375 showed that the concentration of estradiol-17β (y µg/L) in runoff was related to the rate of broiler chicken litter application rate (x t/ha) by the equation: y = –0.0096 + 0.1674x (1) The concentration of estradiol-17β in runoff from litter left on the surface for 7 days was only 10% of that from the freshly applied litter. Shore et al. reported that surface runoff from fields receiving broiler chicken manure contained 14 to 20 ng/L estrogen and 0.9 to 34.2 ng/L testosterone.376 Levels of natural hormones above 10 ng/L in water can have measurable effects on both plants and animals.377 Servos et al. reported the detection of endocrine-disruptive compounds in tiledrainage water, indicating that they may also be moving directly into the tile drains through preferential flow paths.378 374 R. Thelin and G.F. Gifford, 1983, “Fecal coliform release patterns from fecal material of cattle,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 12, p. 57. 375 Nichols et al., 1997. 376 Shore, Correll, and Chakraborty, 1995. 377 Ibid. 378 M. Servos, K. Burnison, S. Brown, T. Mayer, J. Sherry, M. McMaster, G. Van Der Kraak, R. McInnis, J. Toito, A. Jurkovic, D. Nuttley, T. Neheli, M. Villella, T. Ternes, E. Topp, and P. Chambers, 1998, “Runoff of estrogens into small streams after application of hog manure to agricultural fields in southern Ontario,” 19th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Charlotte, NC, Nov. 15–19. 156 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Estrogens may bind to soil more readily than testosterone and in consequence may be more likely to leave manured field in surface runoff. Testosterone may be more readily leached, and may explain the presence of at least ten-times more testosterone (1 ng/L) than estrogen (<0.1 ng/L) in water from a well on a farm applying chicken manure to the land.379 Summary Little information is available for Ontario on the impact of manure application on nitrate leaching. Nitrate leaching can be greater from manured land than from land receiving mineral fertilizer. However, this could be because producers are uncertain about making any allowance for the mineralization of the organic nitrogen in the manure. Tillage may affect the potential for leaching of NO3–, resulting in greater losses with no-till, but evidence is lacking for Ontario. Manure applications increase the P-content of the soil and hence the concentration on the eroded sediment. However, manure also tends to improve soil structure and hence reduce erosion. A major problem is associated with applying manure to land with tile drains. After liquid manure application, bacteria move rapidly to the tile drains if the soil is close to field capacity. The likelihood of bacteria moving into water resources declines with time because the organisms die off. The shortest period of survival would be expected for bacteria in the summer-applied manure. However, manure applications later than the time of side-dressing for corn might reduce the likelihood of bacterial contamination, but increase the risk of nitrate contamination of groundwater. Endocrine-disruptive compounds are found in runoff from land with manure on the surface as well as in tile-drain discharge, and at concentrations that are considered appreciable. 379 Shore, Correll, and Chakraborty, 1995. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 157 3.3 Transport Processes Substances in manure move to water resources by a variety of transport processes, reviewed in this section.380 Contaminants originating in manure that affect water resources can be divided into three basic classes: • • • simple inorganic ions (e.g., NH4+, NO–3, H2PO4+), more complex organic molecules (e.g., phytates and endocrine-disrupting substances), and particulates (e.g., microorganisms). The concentration of simple inorganic ions is controlled by the equilibrium between the solids and their solution phases in soil water. This may involve the formation of sparingly soluble precipitates and adsorption reactions with soil particles. For organic molecules and some inorganic species such as NH4+, the final concentration of contaminants in soil water depends on their vapour pressure and their solubility in water and in soil organic matter. In contrast, particulates are generally affected by surface charge. In all cases, transport varies greatly depending on soil structure, especially the size distribution and continuity of soil pores. For inorganic nitrogen compounds and bacteria, the soil is itself a source and may also contain one or more sinks. 3.3.1 Water partitioning at the soil surface As water is the primary factor determining the movement of contaminants, its partitioning at the soil surface into runoff and infiltration (drainage) is of fundamental importance. During precipitation (rainfall or irrigation), the surface of the soil becomes wet and water starts to move down through the soil. If the rate of precipitation exceeds the ability of the soil to transmit water to its depths, ponding occurs. Ponding allows water to fill very large pores at the soil surface, therefore promoting preferential flow (flow in areas of the soil that offer the least resistance – see section 3.3.4). On land with any slope, the depth of ponding is likely to be very small before the water starts to flow down the slope. The rate of flow of surface runoff can be slowed by crop residues and soil clods. As the flow 380 For comprehensive reviews of solute transport, readers are referred to T.M. Addiscott and R.J. Wagenet, 1985, “Concepts of solute leaching in soils: A review of modelling approaches, “ Journal of Soil Science, 36, p. 411; and N.J. Jarvis, P.E. Jansson, P.E. Dik, and I. Messing, 1991, “Modelling water and solute transport in macroporous soil. I. Model descriptions and sensitivity analysis,” Journal of Soil Science, 42, p. 59. 158 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 slows, the depth of water increases or the ponded area gets larger. In either case it enhances infiltration into the soil and restricts transport off the field. Increased infiltration into vegetated buffer strips also increases their efficiency of contaminant removal from surface runoff.381 All fecal coliform bacteria were removed by passage through a 6.1-m vegetated buffer strip, although concentrations of sediment, organic-N, NH4+-N, and ortho-phosphate were reduced by only about 70%. Preferential infiltration by the bacteria was cited as the reason for the difference.382 Manure can affect the partitioning of water in the period immediately after land application, but the direction of the change depends on both the manure type and the soil type. In coarse-textured soils, there is no effect because rainfall intensity is not likely to exceed the infiltration rate. In loamy and finer-textured soils, the application of dilute liquid manure can both encourage surface runoff and enhance Figure 3-6 Partitioning of Precipitation into Surface Runoff and Drainage after the Application of Liquid Swine or Solid Beef Manure Runoff Loam/Sandy Loam Loam/Silt Loam (0–50 cm profile) (0–100 cm profile) +20 +10 0 Soil depth –10 (mm) –20 –30 Drainage –40 Liquid swine manure –50 Solid beef manure 0.24 0.25 0.34 0.35 0.24 0.24 0.32 0.34 Soil volumetric water content Note: In general, the application of liquid manure resulted in more drainage than did solid manure. In the finertextured material, liquid manure also promoted more surface runoff. Source: After A. Unc and M.J. Goss, 2000, “Effect of manure application on soil properties relevant to bacterial transport,” Paper presented at the ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meetings, 5–9 Nov 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy). 381 M.S. Coyne, R.A. Gilfillen, A. Villalba, Z. Zhang, R. Rhodes, L. Dunn, and R.L. Blevins, 1998, “Fecal bacteria trapping by grass filter strips during simulated rain,” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 53, p. 140. 382 T.T. Lim, D.R. Edwards, S.R. Workman, B.T. Larson, and L. Dunn, 1998, “Vegetated filter strip removal of cattle manure constituents in runoff,” Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 41, p. 1375. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 159 preferential flow. Until solid manure has been incorporated, it acts as a mulch and encourages infiltration rather than surface runoff (figure 3-6). Summary Conditions at the soil surface affect the partitioning between surface runoff and drainage. Liquid manure appears to encourage the development of surface runoff, whereas solid manure encourages drainage. Preferential flow paths are important for rapid transport. 3.3.2 Basic equations governing transport through the soil Water movement through the unsaturated zone toward an aquifer can be described by the Richards equation, assuming one-dimensional flow in a homogeneous soil: δθ = δ δt δz K(θ) δÏ• δz – U(z,t) (2) where θ K(θ) δÏ•δz U z t = = = = = = volumetric water content the water content-dependent hydraulic conductivity the hydraulic gradient a sink term covering extraction or uptake of water by plant roots depth, taken as positive downwards time To develop a solvable form of the equation, a term called the hydraulic diffusivity, D (2), is introduced, defined as: D(θ) = K(θ) δÏ• δθ (3) where Ï• = the matric potential δÏ•/δθ = the slope of the moisture release characteristic curve. 160 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Equation 2 becomes: δÏ• δ δθ = D(θ) – K(θ) – U(z,t) δt δz δz (4) A quantitative description of the transport of contaminants that only dissolve in water usually assumes the convection-dispersion equation (CDE): qs = qwCl – De dCl dC – Dh l dz dz (5) where qs Cl De Dh qw = the mass of the solute moving through unit-cross-sectional area per unit time = the concentration of the solute in the soil water = the effective diffusion coefficient of the solute in the soil, adjusted for the water content and tortuosity of the pore system = the mechanical dispersion coefficient that includes the effect of local variation in the velocity of water in large and small pores = the water flux density Thus, the transport of contaminants depends on factors governing their concentration in the soil solution and the flux of water available to move them. If a contaminant undergoes transformations in the soil, is subject to die-off, or is absorbed by plants, additional sink terms have to be added to the continuity equation, as in equation 2. Further refinements are needed to include exchange of a contaminant between the liquid and solid phases in the soil. Summary Basic equations, which describe the movement of water and pollutants through soil, highlight the importance of the concentration of a potential contaminant in the soil solution and the amount of water available to move it. To provide an adequate description of the movement, knowledge is needed of other sources of the contaminant in the soil, any potential sinks, and factors affecting its survival. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 161 3.3.3 Contaminant characteristics relevant to their transport It is important to consider the features of different contaminants that affect their transport. Nitrate travels in solution with infiltrating water. Plant uptake and denitrification remove nitrate from solution, but these processes are likely less important when infiltration is rapid. Once nitrate enters a preferential flow path, there is little chance of it being removed from solution. In contrast, NH4+ and H2PO4+ can be removed from the water through interaction with the soil matrix. Volatile organic compounds can also move as vapours, so additional terms must be added in the equations given in section 3.3.2 to take account of the diffusive and dispersive fluxes in this phase. Although NH3 can form from NH4+ and then be lost by volatilization, it may also move in the gaseous phase within the soil. As already described, much of the ammoniacal nitrogen present in the manure shortly after excretion may be lost to the atmosphere before field application. Another feature is the variation in N-deposition from the atmosphere. The considerable variation between monitoring sites observed in studies of N-deposition from the atmosphere383 may be due to the impact of ammonia volatilization from livestock operations.384 Transport of particulates such as microorganisms follows that of colloids, although viruses exhibit little filtration and are adsorbed onto low-molecularweight organic molecules in soil.385 It is reasonable to assume that the concentration of a solute will tend to become uniformly distributed within each pore space, but this may not be true of colloids. Bacteria are much larger than nitrate ions and their movement is more likely to be affected by the flow associated with the pore size in which they are transported. They have variable surface charge which allows stronger adsorption of the bacteria to soil particles. Bacteria also have very large surface-area-to-volume ratios that provide a large proportion of sites for adsorption. A third consideration with microorganisms is that their populations are dynamic. They are alive and influenced by factors that affect their survival. Many are also motile. 383 D.A.J. Barry, D. Goorahoo, and M.J. Goss, 1993, “Estimation of nitrate concentration in groundwater using a whole farm nitrogen budget,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 22, p. 767. 384 M.J. Goss, E.G. Beauchamp, and M.H. Miller, 1995b, “Can a farming systems approach help minimize nitrogen losses to the environment?” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 20, p. 285. 385 Kowal, 1985. 162 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Summary It is not sufficient to describe the transport of contaminants in the water phase without first identifying other factors that can affect mobility. 3.3.4 Preferential flow and solute transport Soil pore characteristics are important for transport. However, the transport of contaminants in soils with strongly aggregated structures or with large and continuous pores is not well described by models based on equation 5, because preferential flow occurs.386 Preferential flow is the process whereby water, and materials contained in it, move by preferred pathways through a porous medium. This means that part of the matrix is effectively bypassed. The term preferential flow does not itself convey a mechanism for the process,387 whereas the often-used “macropore flow” implies transport through relatively large pores, channels, fissures, or other semi-continuous voids within the soil. Although there is no standardized definition for macropores, some pore classification has been proposed. Luxmoore suggested the classes of micro-, meso-, and macropore, defined by equivalent pore diameters of less than 10 µm, 10 to 1000 µm, and more than 1000 µm (1 mm), respectively.388 Skopp defined macroporosity as that pore space which provides preferential paths of flow so that mixing and transfer between such pores and the remaining pore space is limited.389 Some other classifications of soil pore size and their functions with respect to water movement or root penetration have been summarized by Helling and Gish.390 Pore size and the corresponding capillary potential was given by Beven and Germann.391 386 G.W. Thomas and R.E. Phillips, 1979, “Consequences of water movement in macropores,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 8, p. 149; R.J. Wagenet, 1990, “Quantitative prediction of the leaching of organic and inorganic solutes in soil,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences, 329, p. 321. 387 C.S. Helling and T.J. Gish, 1991, “Physical and chemical processes affecting preferential flow,” Preferential Flow, T.J. Gish and A. Shrimohammadi (eds.), (St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers), p. 77. 388 R.J. Luxmoore, 1981, “Micro-, meso-, and macroporosity of soil,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 45, p. 671. 389 J. Skopp, 1981, “Comment on ‘Micro-, meso-, and macroporosity of soil,’” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 45, p. 1246. 390 Helling and Gish, 1991. 391 Beven and Germann, 1982. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 163 Macropores may develop by physical (e.g., swell-shrink, freeze-thaw, or tillage) or biological (e.g., burrowing by earthworms, insects, and other soil fauna or the growth of roots) processes in the soil. Continuous macropores can be formed by the activity of soil macro-fauna, especially earthworms.392 In soils with significant swell-shrink behaviour, cracking may be important in the development of a preferential flow domain, and the extent of crack development is generally related to water extraction by roots. The channels created by roots can also dominate the transport process once the original roots have decayed.393 Freeze-thaw cycles may also result in fractures. The installation of tile drains also provides some continuous porosity between the soil surface and the drain. The macropores therefore provide a rapid conduit between the field and the surface water body into which the tile drains discharge. Macropore flow allowed manure liquids to move into subsurface drains within an hour after application.394 The essential feature of preferential flow is that percolating water can bypass a large fraction of the soil matrix, thus moving deeper and with less displacement of the initial soil solution than would have been predicted by piston displacement.395 Watson and Luxmoore found that under ponded conditions, 73% of the flux was conducted through macropores (pore diam. >1 mm).396 Furthermore, they estimated that 96% of the water was transmitted through only 0.32% of the soil volume. As much as 70–90% of applied chemicals may be moving preferentially through macropores.397 392 W. Ehlers, 1975, “Observations on earthworm channels and infiltration on tilled and untilled loess soil,” Soil Science, 119, p. 242. 393 K.P. Barley, 1954, “Effects of root growth and decay on the permeability of a synthetic sandy loam,” Soil Science, 78, p. 205. 394 Fleming and Bradshaw, 1991, 1992a, 1992b. 395 Beven and Germann, 1982; J. Bouma, 1981, “Soil morphology and preferential flow along macropores,” Agricultural Water Management, 3, p. 235; V.L. Quisenberry and R.E. Phillips, 1976, “Percolation of surface-applied water in the field,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 40, p. 484; V.L. Quisenberry and R.E. Phillips, 1978, “Displacement of soil water by simulated rainfall,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 42, p. 675; V.L. Quisenberry, B.R. Smith, R.E. Phillips, H.D. Scott, and S. Nortcliff, 1993, “A soil classification system for describing water and chemical transport,” Soil Science, 156, p. 306; A. Shirmohammadi, T.J. Gish, A. Sadeghi, and D.A. Lehman, 1991, “Theoretical representation of flow through soils considering macropore effect,” Preferential Flow, T.J. Gish and A. Shirmohammadi (eds.), (St Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers), p. 233. 396 K.W. Watson and R.J. Luxmoore, 1986, “Estimating macroporosity in a forest watershed by use of a tension infiltrometer,” Soil Science Society of America Journal., 50, p. 578. 39 7 L.R. Ahuja, B.B. Barnes, and K.W. Rojas, 1993, “Characterization of macropore transport studied with the ARS root zone water quality model,” Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 36, p. 396. 164 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Preferential flow may occur even in coarse-textured soils that are considered to be homogeneous.398 Macropore flow commenced at the tilled-untilled boundary in a cultivated Maury silt loam399 and in a Cecil sandy clay loam in the Piedmont of South Carolina.400 Transport of bacteria is concentrated in regions of preferential flow. Unc and Goss applied liquid swine manure to an undisturbed column of clay-loam soil.401 They found that about 90% of bacteria moved through only 15% of the available cross-sectional area. The same proportion from solid beef manure were transported through less than 25% of the cross-sectional area of soil (figure 3-7). Jardine et al. found that solutes were transported by convection and diffusion from small-pore to large-pore regions in undisturbed soil as a result of hydraulic and Figure 3-7 Evidence for Preferential Movement of E. coli Bacteria from Manure Applied to a Column of Clay-loam Soil 100 Percentage of bacteria transported 80 60 Liquid swine manure Solid beef manure 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Percentage area Source: Unc and Goss, 2000. 398 K.J.S. Kung and S.V. Donohue, 1991, “Improved solute-sampling protocol in a sandy vadose zone using ground-penetrating radar,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 55, p. 1543; M.S. Andreini, J.-Y. Parlange, and T.S.Steenhuis, 1990, “A numerical model for preferential solute movement in structured soils,” Geoderma, 46, p. 193. 399 Quisenberry and Phillips, 1976. 400 W.A. Hatfield, 1988, Water and Anion Movement in a Typic Hapludult, Ph.D. dissertation, Clemson Univ. Clemson, SC. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 165 concentration gradients, respectively.402 Small pores were a major source of the solute transported rapidly by large pores. A diffusion-based mechanism described by Luxmoore,403 in which new water entering a soil gains the chemical attributes of old water, could explain the results reported by Jardine et al.404 According to Luxmoore, a large surface area of interaction, combined with a short diffusion path between mesopore channels and micropores, allows diffusion to be a significant contributor to chemical transport during preferential flow events.405 Whether macropore flow increases or decreases, the residence time of solutes in soil, including those in manure, depends on the location of solutes relative to the macropores.406 However, macropore flow has been shown to be a major factor in groundwater contamination. For example, leaching of nitrate added to the soil surface as fertilizer was more rapid than leaching of nitrate formed by mineralization of organic matter within soil aggregates.407 The rainfall pattern after manure application is critical for the subsequent movement of solutes. An initial small rain (5–10 mm) may move the solute into the soil matrix, thereby reducing the potential for transport in macropores during subsequent rainfall events.408 401 A. Unc and M.J. Goss, 2000, “Effect of manure application on soil properties relevant to bacterial transport,” Paper presented at the ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meetings, 5–9 Nov. 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy). 402 P.M. Jardine, G.V. Wilson, and R.J. Luxmoore, 1990, “Unsaturated solute transport through a forest soil during rain storm events,” Geoderma, 46, p. 103. 403 R.J. Luxmoore, 1991, “On preferential flow and its measurement,” Preferential Flow, T.J. Gish and A. Shrimohammadi (eds.), (St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers), p. 113. 404 Jardine, Wilson, and Luxmoore, 1990. 405 Luxmoore, 1991. 406 A. Wild, 1972, “Nitrate leaching under bare fallow at a site in northern Nigeria,” J. Soil Science, 23, p. 315; D.R. Edwards, V.W. Benson, J.R. Williams, T.C. Daniel, J. Lemunyon, and R.G. Gilbert, 1994, “Use of the EPIC model to predict runoff transport of surface-applied inorganic fertilizer and poultry manure constituents,” Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 37, p. 403; S. Chen, R.E. Franklin, and A.D. Johnson, 1997, “Clay film effects on ion transport in soil,” Soil Science, 162, p. 91; S. Chen, R.E. Franklin, V. Quisenberry, and P. Dang, 1999, “The effect of preferential flow on the short and long-term spatial distribution of surface applied solutes in a structured soil,” Geoderma, 90, p. 229. 407 Wild, 1972; M.J. Goss, P. Colbourn, G.L. Harris, and K.R. Howse, 1987, “Leaching of nitrogen under autumn-sown crops and the effects of tillage,” Nitrogen Efficiency in Agricultural Soils. EEC Seminar, D. S. Jenkinson and K. A. Smith (eds.), Edinburgh, September 1987 (London: Elsevier Applied Science), p. 269. 408 M.J. Shipitalo, W.M. Edwards, W.A. Dock, and L.B. Owens, 1990, “Initial storm effects on macropore transport of surface-applied chemicals in no-till soil,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 54, p. 1530; M.H. Golabi, D.E. Radcliffe, W.L. Hargrove, and E.W. Tollner, 1995, “Macro effects in conventional tillage and no-tillage soils,” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 50, p. 205. 166 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 The initial location of potential contaminants in the soil may affect their movement.409 Materials at the soil surface may move into macropores open at the soil surface, and then downward through the topsoil and subsoil to the water table. However, material that has been incorporated into large soil aggregates within the topsoil may be protected from being leached by macropores because most water will move in these pores and bypass the aggregates rather than move through them. Initial soil moisture content and rainfall intensity and duration may affect solute distribution and movement among small and large pores.410 During high rainfall intensity (when water application exceeds the soil infiltration rate) or under conditions of saturated flow, preferential flow can be initiated. Soil morphology,411 clay films,412 and surface condition413 affect water and solute distribution or transport. Among these factors, those related to pedogenetic processes, such as soil morphology and structure, require longer time periods to show effects. Other factors such as moisture content, tillage, and cultural practices may be relatively transient in their effect. Understanding the effects of these factors on water and solute transport may ultimately lead to a more reliable prediction of transport processes in soil414 including the movement of contaminants.415 Helling and Gish described some factors affecting the process of preferential flow, including soil porosity, pore characteristics, structure, initial moisture content, and soil management.416 Flow through tubes is proportional to the fourth power of their radii, therefore drainage is much more rapid through large continuous macropores than through pores of smaller diameter. Mouldboard ploughing may destroy the continuity of pores between the plough layer and the deep horizons. Long-term no-tillage plots, on the other hand, often develop a high density of continuous, relatively large vertical channels.417 Manure application may 409 Jardine, Wilson, and Luxmoore, 1990; Shipitalo et al., 1990; D.J. Timlin, G.C. Heathman, and L.R. Ahuja, 1992, “Solute leaching in crop row vs. interrow zones,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 56, p. 384; Golabi et al., 1995; Chen, Franklin, and Johnson, 1997; Chen et al., 1999. 410 Jardine, Wilson, and Luxmoore, 1990. 411 Bouma, 1981. 412 Quisenberry et al., 1993; Chen, Franklin, and Johnson, 1997. 413 R.E. Phillips, V.L. Quisenberry, J.M. Zeleznik, and G.H. Dunn, 1989, “Mechanism of water entry into simulated macropore,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 53, p. 1629; Quisenberry et al., 1993. 414 Andreini, Parlange, and Steenhuis, 1990; Ahuja, Barnes, and Rojas, 1993. 415 Quisenberry et al., 1993. 416 Helling and Gish, 1991. 417 Goss et al., 1993. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 167 encourage the activity of earthworms which may result in a greater continuity of macropores. Hence, contaminants may break through faster than predicted.418 A relatively large water content at the time of application might result in deeper movement of contaminants,419 but the opposite effect has also been reported.420 Understanding the mechanism of bypass flow through convection and diffusion from regions with small pores to those with large pores may help to explain such differences. Summary For contaminants in manure, preferential flow is important to their transport through the soil and hence into water resources. 3.3.5 Transport of contaminants from manure Little detailed information is available on the transport of contaminants from manure other than N and P. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic compounds from manure can be removed by surface runoff, affecting surface water quality, and can be leached from the soil, contaminating groundwater. Runoff generally accounts for only a small portion of applied-N compared with the leached portion.421 For example, after two growing seasons, less than 2% of fertilizer-N was lost to runoff whereas 30% had moved below 1 m in the soil.422 The actual proportions of nutrients lost vary according to cropping practices and the type and timing of manure application. Sharpley investigated N- and P-runoff on ten Oklahoma soils amended with poultry litter.423 Increasing the time between litter application and rainfall from 418 E. Munyankusi, S .C. Gupta, J.F. Moncrief., and E.C. Berry, 1994, “Earthworm macropores and preferential transport in a long-term manure applied Typic Hapludalf,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 23, p. 733. 419 Quisenberry and Phillips, 1976. 420 R.E. White, J.S. Dyson, Z. Gerstl, and B. Yaron, 1986, “Leaching of herbicides through undisturbed cores of a structured clay soil,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 50, p. 277. 421 B. Burgoa, R.K. Hubbard, R.D. Wauchope, and J.G. Davis-Carter, 1993, “Simultaneous measurement of runoff and leaching losses of bromide and phosphate using tilted beds and simulated rainfall,” Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 24, p. 2689. 422 Blevins et al., 1996. 423 A.N. Sharpley, 1997, “Rainfall frequency and nitrate and phosphorus runoff from soil amended with poultry litter,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 26, p. 1127. 168 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 1 to 35 days reduced total-N in runoff from 7.54 to 2.34 mg/L, NH4+-N from 5.53 to 0.11 mg/L, dissolved-P from 0.74 to 0.45 mg/L, and bioavailable-P from 0.99 to 0.65 mg/L. When litter was applied 7 days prior to the first rain, runoff N- and P-concentrations decreased with each of 10 successive rains. However, NO–3 concentrations were unaffected by rainfall frequency and timing. Nitrogen N in manure solids left on the soil surface, or associated with fine particles that are readily moved during soil erosion, can be lost through surface runoff to a watercourse. The factors that determine N-loss by erosion are: • • • the amount of sediment moved, the N-content of the soil moved, and the N-content of the manure solids. N dissolved in runoff water is also subject to loss to surface water. Although this portion is usually small,424 it is very variable and depends on a number of factors, such as the degree of soil cover, source of N applied, application rate, and timing and duration of the application. Surface conditions are also important, and are affected by slope, soil characteristics, and land management. Finally, runoff is highly dependent on the intensity of rainfall after application. The largest losses occur if a soluble-N source is applied to a bare soil surface and a significant rainfall event occurs soon after application.425 In many cases, most of the dissolvedN is transported into the soil with the initial infiltration that precedes runoff.426 Intensive rainfall shortly after fertilizer application generates the largest loss of NO–3 in runoff.427 However, in the lower southern coastal plain of the United States, most of the loss of NO–3 in runoff was from sub-surface flow in the top 30 cm of soil rather than from surface flow. Over a 10-year period, 20% of the N in the applied fertilizer was lost via surface and subsurface flow.428 This was 424 Blevins et al., 1996; Meisinger and Randall, 1991. D.R. Edwards and T.C. Daniel, 1993, “Effects of poultry litter application rate and rainfall intensity on quality of runoff from fescue grass plots,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 22, p. 361; Sharpley, 1997. 426 Meisinger and Randall, 1991. 427 R.K. Hubbard and R.G. Sheridan, 1983, “Water and nitrate losses from a small upland coastal plain watershed,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 12, p. 291; Hubbard, Leonard, and Johnson, 1991; Lowrance, 1992. 428 Hubbard and Sheridan, 1983. 425 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 169 comparable with the loss in runoff reported by Edwards and Daniel for conditions of high rainfall intensity.429 Such results suggest that tile-drainage systems can greatly reduce groundwater contamination at the expense of surface water contamination. However, not all drainage water may be intercepted by pipe drains, even during major flow events, so groundwater contamination is still likely. The major N species lost by leaching is NO–3. If economically optimum rates of N are applied to row crops such as corn, NO–3-N losses by leaching from the root zone may be in excess of 10 mg/L, the maximum acceptable concentration in drinking water.430 Only when plants were visibly deficient in N were the average NO–3 concentrations (corrected for flow rate) in the leachate below 10 mg N/ L.431 A study on optimum nitrogen and irrigation inputs for corn found that by applying urea-based fertilizer at 95% of that required for maximum yield, nitrate leaching could be reduced by 30 to 40%; and by using a variable deficit trigger for scheduling irrigation, nitrate leaching could be reduced by 50 to 55%.432 At equivalent N rates, turkey manure produced equal or better crop yields than urea applications and NO–3 leaching was equal to or less than that with urea.433 Dairy manure applied to a corn field resulted in similar or slightly smaller NO–3 loading than agronomically equivalent rates of fertilizer-N.434 In contrast, Nielsen and Jensen reported that NO–3-N losses from the rooting zone in soils amended with liquid manure were greater than those from a similar soil to which the same amount of N had been applied as inorganic fertilizer.435 Jemison and Fox found very little difference in NO–3 concentrations or mass of NO–3 leached between non-manured corn and corn manured at the economically optimum rate.436 The different results for the amount of NO–3 leached following manure applications highlights the importance of N-transformations, such as mineralization and denitrification, that influence the availability of nitrate in the soil. 429 Edwards and Daniel, 1993. J.M. Jemison and R.H. Fox, 1994, “Nitrate leaching from nitrogen B fertilized and manured corn measured with Zero-tension pan lysimeters,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 23, p. 337; Toth and Fox, 1998. 431 Jemison and Fox, 1994. 432 B.T. Sexton, J.F. Moncrief, C.J. Rosen, S.C. Gupta, and H.H. Cheng, 1996, “Optimizing nitrogen and irrigation inputs for corn based on nitrate leaching and yield on a coarse-textured soil,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 25, p. 982. 433 Ibid. 434 W.E. Jokela, 1992, “Nitrogen fertilizer and dairy manure effects on corn yield and soil nitrate,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 56, p. 148. 435 N.E. Nielsen and H.E. Jensen, 1990, “Nitrate leaching from loamy soils as affected by crop rotation and nitrogen fertilizer application,” Fertilizer Research, 26, p. 197. 436 Jemison and Fox, 1994. 430 170 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Loss of N is affected greatly by soil water content.437 Nitrate leaching tends to be greatest when the soil is wet during the late fall, before the soil freezes, and again in the early spring. It may be minimized by applying manure during the late spring and early summer when crops can compete for NO–3 with the smaller volume of water that moves downward through the unsaturated layers of the soil.438 Alfalfa crops, or including alfalfa in the crop rotation, considerably reduced the amount of NO–3 leaving a farm in leachate.439 This effect is attributed to a longer period of evapotranspiration resulting in less drainage, as well as greater uptake and immobilization of N by the perennial crop. In a dry year when plant growth and N-uptake are limited and percolation of soil water is negligible, mineralization continues to occur. Mineral-N accumulates in the soil profile and will be subject to leaching when precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration. Large soil pores increase the movement of NO–3 when it is mixed with infiltrating water. The greater the initial soil water content, the deeper the penetration within the macropores because less water moves laterally into the micropore system.440 When the soil water content is close to field capacity, the micropore space is filled with water and application of more solution, such as liquid manure, tends to encourage flow in the macropore space.441 Few studies compare the potential for nitrate leaching of different manure types. Younie et al. found that nitrate leaching was higher where liquid cattle manure was the source of nitrogen than where solid beef manure was used.442 Ritter et al. studied soil-nitrate profiles under 16 sites, some of which received fertilizer-N alone or in combination with either broiler manure or liquid swine manure.443 Although direct comparison of manure types was not made on the same site, N-application rate was found to be the major determinant of N in the soil profile. It appears that manure from poultry, cattle, or pig operations has the potential to contaminate groundwater if it is applied at excessive rates. 437 G.W. Randall and T.K. Iragavarapu, 1995, “Impact of long-term tillage system for continuous corn on nitrate leaching to tile drainage,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 24, p. 360. 438 P.L. Adams, T.C. Daniel, D.R. Edwards, D.J. Nichols, D.H. Pote, and H.D. Scott, 1994, “Poultry litter and manure contributions to nitrate leaching through the vadose zone,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, 58, p. 1206. 439 Toth and Fox, 1998. 440 Beven and Germann, 1982. 441 Unc and Goss, 2000. 442 M.F. Younie, D.L. Burton, R.G. Kachanoski, E.G. Beauchamp, and R.W. Gilham, 1996, Impact of Livestock Manure and Fertilizer Application on Nitrate Contamination of Groundwater, Final report for the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy, RAC No. 488G. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 171 Liquid manure adversely affected tile-water quality when applied to the land following the current Ontario farming guidelines. Dean and Foran found that 75% of the manure-spreading events they investigated resulted in water quality impairment.444 It appears difficult to determine an acceptable application rate of liquid manure due to the numerous factors which affect the contamination of watercourses.445 Pre-tillage is the management technique best able to minimize the potential for contamination of tile drains from liquid manure.446 Phosphorus More P is likely to be lost in surface runoff than by leaching.447 Where liquid or solid manure was not incorporated after application, the loss of phosphorus in surface runoff was greater from ploughed soil than from land that was under no-till. Loss from no-till land was similar to that from land where the manure had been incorporated after application.448 As P is a reactive ion, soil enrichment generally decreases sharply with depth. Application of cattle feedlot waste resulted in an increased proportion of available-P in the first 30 cm, but with little increase below 50 cm.449 Decreasing enrichment or only slight enrichment with depth does not necessarily indicate no leaching because the residence time of some drainage water in the subsoil may have been too short, perhaps because of preferential flow, to allow adsorption of P onto soil particles.450 Furthermore, some subsoils (e.g., sandy soils) may have limited capacity to retain P. 443 W.F. Ritter, A.E.M. Chirnside, and R.W. Scarborough, 1990, “Soil nitrate profiles under irrigation on coastal plain soils,” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 116, p. 738. 444 D.M. Dean and M.E. Foran, 1992, “The effect of farm liquid waste application on tile drainage,” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 47, p. 368. 445 Foran, Dean, and Taylor, 1993. 446 Fleming and Bradshaw, 1992b. 447 A.N. Sharpley and P.J.A. Withers, 1994, “The environmentally-sound management of agricultural phosphorus,” Fertilizer Research, 39, p. 133; K.A. Smith, A.G. Chalmers, B.J. Chambers, and P. Christie, 1998, “Organic manure phosphorus accumulation, mobility and management,” Soil Use and Management, 14, p. 1549. 448 King et al., 1994. 449 L.B. Campbell and G.J. Racz, 1975, “Organic and inorganic P content, movement and mineralization of P in soil beneath a feedlot,” Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 55, p. 457. 450 A.E. Johnston and P.R. Poulton, 1997, “The downward movement and retention of phosphorus in agricultural soils,” Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water, H. Tunney, O.T. Carton, P.C. Brookes, and A.E. Johnston (eds.), (Wallingford, UK: CAB International), p. 422. 172 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Leaching of P from manure may occur in both inorganic and organic forms.451 Complexation of P with mobile organic compounds may favour the deep transport of P in organic forms even through layers with a great P-adsorption capacity, such as carbonate soil layers. Experimental results showed that P from mineral fertilizer did not move under the carbonate layer (0.9 m) of soil even after 40 years of mineral-P fertilization, while organic-P from manure moved up to 1.8 m.452 The P-movement in this soil was found to be unaffected by the P-adsorption of the soil. Phosphorus association with low-molecular-weight organic acids favoured increased mobility through both decreased adsorption and increased dissolution of P-compounds leading to greater bioavailability453 and to an enhanced risk of leaching. Increasing labile, weakly bound-P results in a greater vulnerability of manure-treated soils to lose phosphorus by leaching.454 This results in deeper penetration of P-compounds after manure application.455 Leaching of P from soil in water-soluble and particulate forms is enhanced by the presence of tile drainage.456 If a critical concentration of soluble-P in the ploughed layer was exceeded, an enhanced contribution of P-losses resulted through tile drains in clay loam soils.457 P-losses in tile-drain effluent were increased where manure was applied, compared with unfertilized control plots.458 Subsurface transport of P may occur as water-soluble-P and as particulate-P in both undrained and tile-drained plots.459 451 Campbell and Racz, 1975; B. Eghball, G.D. Binford, and D.D. Baltensperger, 1996, “Phosphorus movement and adsorption in a soil receiving long-term manure and fertilizer application,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 25, p. 1339. 452 Eghball, Binford, and Baltensberger, 1996. 453 N.S. Bolan, R. Naidu, S. Mahimairaja, and S. Baskaran, 1994, “Influence of low-molecularweight organic acids on the solubilization of phosphates,” Biology and Fertility of Soils, 18, p. 311. 454 R.E. Stephenson and H.D. Chapman, 1931, “Phosphate penetration in field soils,” Journal of the American Society of Agronomy, 23, p. 759.; J.S. Robinson, A.N. Sharpley, and S.J. Smith, 1995, “The effect of animal manure applications on the forms of soil phosphorus,” Animal Waste and Land-water Interface, K. Steele (ed.), (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press), p. 43; Johnston and Poulton, 1997. 455 Campbell and Racz, 1975. 456 A.F. Harrison, 1987, Soil Organic Phosphorus: A Review of World Literature (Wallingford: CAB International). 457 G. Heckrath, P.C. Brookes, P.R. Poulton, and K.W.T. Goulding, 1997, “Phosphorus losses in drainage water from an arable silty clay loam,” Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water, H. Tunney, O.T. Carton, P.C. Brookes, and A.E. Johnston (eds.), (Wallingford, UK CAB International), p. 367. 458 G.W. Hergert, D.R. Bouldin, S.D. Klausner, and P.J. Zwerman, 1981, “Phosphorus concentrationwater flow interactions in tile effluent from manured land,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 10, p. 338. 459 R.M. Dils and A.L. Heathwaite, 1997, “Phosphorus fractionation in grassland hill-slope hydrological pathways,” Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water, H. Tunney, O.T. Carton, P.C. Brookes, and A.E. Johnston (eds.), (Wallingford, UK: CAB International), p. 349. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 173 At a field scale, even when sorption capacities in the surface horizon are exceeded and the water-soluble-P concentration become elevated, lower soil horizons may be able to sorb the leaching-P and minimize the potential for water-soluble-P movement to surface waters via drainage.460 Similarly, immobilization of P on metal oxides (which can be present on the surface of particles within an aquifer) can decrease as the P-loading of soil increases.461 However, preferential flow can be an important factor in tile-drain losses of particulate-P.462 The importance of preferential flow for P-transport was confirmed by the fact that P was leached from the soil despite the large adsorption potential of some subsoils.463 Although water-extractable-P was concentrated in the uppermost layer of the soil profiles at the time of most peaks in flow, P-concentrations in tile-drain effluents strongly increased with increasing flow rates.464 Phosphorus was mainly transported as soluble-reactive and particulate-P through preferential flow paths extending from the soil surface to the drains. On clayey soils in an intensively cropped area in Quebec, up to 50% of the P lost through tile-drain effluent was in particulate forms, with less than 30% in soluble forms.465 Metals Transport of metals through a soil is mostly a function of its acidity and concentration of dissolved oxygen. Accumulation of organic material close to the surface may possibly decrease the availability of Zn while increasing the solubility of iron and manganese.466 Other studies show that although 460 T.L. Provin, B.C. Joern, D.P. Franzmeier, and A.L. Sutton, 1995, “Phosphorus retention in selected Indiana soils using short-term sorbtion isotherms and long-term aerobic incubations,” Animal Waste and Land-water Interface, K. Steele (ed.), (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press), p. 35. 461 D.A. Walter, B.A. Rea, K.G. Stollenwerk, and J. Savoie, 1996, Geochemical and Hydrologic Controls of Phosphorus Transport in a Sewage-contaminated Sand and Gravel Aquifer near Ashumet Pond, Cape Cod, Massachusetts (Washington, D.C.: United States Geological Survey), Water-supply paper 2463. 462 Heckrath et al., 1997; J.D. Gaynor and W.I. Findley, 1995, “Soil phosphorus loss from conservation and conventional tillage in corn production,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 24, p. 734. 463 Eghball, Binford, and Baltensperger, 1996; D. Thomas, G. Heckrath, and P.C. Brookes, 1997, “Evidence of phosphorus movement from Broadbalk soils by preferential flow,” Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water, H. Tunney, O.T. Carton, P.C. Brookes, and A.E. Johnston (eds.), (Wallingford UK: CAB International), p. 369. 464 C. Stamm, H. Fluhler, R. Gachter, J. Leuenberger, and H. Wunderli, 1998, “Preferential transport of phosphorus in drained grassland soils,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 27, p. 515. 465 S. Beauchemin, R.R. Simard, and D. Cluis, 1998, “Forms and concentration of phosphorus in drainage water of twenty-seven tile-drained soils,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 27, p. 721. 466 L.M. Shuman, 1988, “Effect of organic matter on the distribution of manganese, copper, iron, and zinc in soil fractions,” Soil Science, 146, p. 192. 174 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 the addition of organic material (in manure) to soil tends not to alter the total dissolved Zn, the Zn changes from being linked with low-molecular-weight organic particles to being associated with heavy organic particles. These heavy particles tend to be adsorbed by the soil complexes.467 On the other hand, Cu interacts with dissolved organic carbon of low molecular weight, which is more likely to stay in solution and thereby increase the percentage of mobile Cu.468 Increases in the ionic concentration of the soil solution, as happens shortly after manure application, may decrease the percentage of metallic ions attached to soil mineral and organic particles by increasing the competition for adsorption sites.469 Bacteria Bacterial transport is affected by soil pH. Long-term land application of cattle or pig manure can result in a decrease in soil pH.470 This potentially reduces bacterial transport due to an increase in the number of binding sites available for bacterial adsorption. It may also affect bacterial survival. Cattle manure induced smaller soil pH changes compared with pig manure. The moisture content of the soil prior to rainfall is another important factor in water movement and consequently contaminant transport. Abu-Ashour et al. conducted a series of experiments to determine factors influencing bacterial transport through soil.471 Their findings indicated that initial soil moisture was the critical variable in determining the extent of bacterial migration. In dry soil, none of the marked bacteria (biotracer) were detected below 87.5 mm. However, the biotracer travelled the full length of the soil columns (175 mm) if the soil was wet. If water was added after biotracer inoculation, the biotracer moved deeper into the soil. The actual depth depended upon how close to saturation the soil became after the addition of a given volume of water. The water may have increased 467 Del Castilho et al., 1993b. N. König, P. Baccini, and B. Ulrich, 1986, “Der Einfluß der naturlichen organischen Substanzen auf die Metallverteilung zwischen Boden und Bodenlösung in einem sauren Waldboden,” Zeitschrift Für Pflanzenernärung und Bodenkunde, 149, p. 68; Del Castilho et al., 1993b. 469 F.J. Stevenson, 1991, “Organic matter-micronutrient reactions in soil,” Micronutrients in Agriculture, 2nd ed., J.J. Mortvedt, F.R. Cox, L.M. Shuman, and R.M. Welch (eds.), (Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America), p. 145. 470 Chang, Sommerfeldt, and Entz, 1991; Bernal et al., 1992. 471 J. Abu-Ashour, C. Etches, D.M. Joy, H. Lee, C.M. Reaume, C.B. Shadford, H.R. Whiteley, and S. Zelin, 1994a, Field Experiment on Bacterial Contamination from Liquid Manure Application, Final Report for RAC Project No. 547G (Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy). 468 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 175 the soil water content sufficiently to allow the bacteria to move through the soil with percolating water. However, bacteria can be transported to depth even if the soil is not saturated.472 A further factor influencing bacteria transport following liquid manure application is the large concentration of salts present in manure. The salts may act as “bridges,” allowing negatively charged bacteria to adsorb to negatively charged soil particles. High salt concentrations can also decrease the thickness of the diffuse double layers around soil colloids, thereby allowing bacteria access to surfaces to which they can adhere. The addition of rainwater dilutes the salt concentration, thus increasing the thickness of the double layer and possibly causing the flushing out of adsorbed bacteria.473 This increases the number of bacteria that remain mobile in the soil solution and increases the risk to groundwater. Harvey has shown that the transport of bacteria may be faster, slower, or similar to that of tracers, such as chloride or bromide, that are not transformed into other compounds.474 Bacteria move through soils and aquifers by several mechanisms, including continuous, discontinuous, and chemotactic migration.475 Much of the modelling effort has treated transport as a continuous process, which assumes passive transport of bacteria. However, bacterial movement through the subsurface, especially over substantial distances, may be discontinuous because of processes that temporarily remove bacteria from solution. Bacteria are removed from the flowing water by straining or by reversible sorption on solid surfaces. They are remobilized later. Discontinuous transport creates an apparent retardation of the bacteria relative to conservative tracers. Retardation factors as large as 10 have been reported for bacterial populations travelling through porous aquifers.476 472 S.W. McMurry, M.S. Coyne, and E. Perfect, 1998, “Fecal coliform transport through intact soil blocks amended with poultry manure,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 27, p. 86; A. Unc, 1999, Transport of Faecal Bacteria from Manure through the Vadose Zone, M.Sc. thesis, University of Guelph, Ontario. 473 Y. Tan, W.J. Bond, A.D. Rovira, P.G. Brisbane, and D.M. Griffin, 1991, “Movement through soil of a biological control agent, Pseudomonas fluorescens,” Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 23, p. 821. 474 R.W. Harvey, 1991, “Parameters involved in modelling movement of bacteria in groundwater,” Modelling the Environmental Fate of Microorganisms, C.J. Hurst (ed.), (Washington D.C.: American Society for Microbiology), p. 89. 475 G. Bitton and R.W. Harvey, 1992, “Transport of pathogens through soil and aquifers,” Environmental Microbiology, R. Mitchell (ed.), (Toronto, ON: Wiley-Liss Inc.), p. 103. 476 G. Matthess, A. Pekdeger, and J. Schroeter, 1988, “Persistence and transport of bacteria and viruses in groundwater: A conceptual evaluation,” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2, p. 171. 176 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Bacteria may also travel significantly faster than chloride or bromide due to motility. Movement due to taxis (self-propulsion) is faster than that caused by random thermal (Brownian) motion. Motile bacteria penetrated Berea sandstone cores in the presence of a nutrient gradient up to eight times faster than non-motile ones.477 Bacteria may also appear to travel faster than conservative tracers for other reasons. Bacterial transport is restricted to macropores, whereas conservative tracers diffuse into the soil matrix as well as the larger pores. This may cause the average peak in bacterial concentrations to appear earlier than that of the conservative tracer. The bacteria are exploiting faster paths but can travel only during peak flow, whereas the average tracer concentration, moving through the soil matrix and macropores, would not peak until the majority had infiltrated through the soil matrix.478 The impact of preferential flow on the velocity of bacterial transport, relative to the average pore water velocity, is evident from table 3-19. Near the soil surface, where the structure is more uniform because of tillage, bacteria move at a rate similar to the average pore water. Deeper in the soil profile, bacterial movement is much faster than the average pore water because they are concentrated in the preferential flow paths. In addition to transport processes, the kinetics of bacterial population growth and decay must be considered in relation to the timing and numbers of Table 3-19 Average Migration Velocity and Velocity Relative to Average Pore Water for Bacteria from Contrasting Manures Manure Liquid swine Solid beef Depth (m) 0.3 0.75 1 Average bacterial migration velocity (cm/d) 3 9.4 34.8 Migration velocity relative to average pore water velocity 0.7 3.8 23.0 Average bacterial migration velocity (cm/d) 3.4 6.3 11.9 Migration velocity relative to average pore water velocity Soil profile was loam over silt-loam. Source: after Unc, 1999. 477 1.3 3.8 7.1 G.E. Jenneman, M.J. McInerney, and R.M. Knapp, 1985, “Microbial penetration through nutrient-saturated Berea sandstone,” Applied Environmental Microbiology, 50, p. 383. 478 Bitton and Harvey, 1992. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 177 organisms reaching a water resource. Microorganisms adsorbed to soil particles may survive longer than those in the liquid phase, as organic substrate and nutrients are more readily available to them.479 The Ontario Farm Groundwater Quality Survey demonstrates the importance of preferential flow for bacterial transport since bacteria were found in properly maintained drilled wells greater than 30 m deep.480 Preferential flow can thus facilitate the transport of contaminants to aquifers at depths that might be expected to remain unaffected by surface contaminants. This presents an important concern for predictions of bacterial transport. For example, when flow parameters in the theoretical model described by Corapcioglu and Haridas were taken to the permissible limits, the predicted extent of bacterial transport through unsaturated soil over 2 weeks was 0.2 m.481 Tamási reported that E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium, applied in liquid manure, rarely penetrate deeper than 1.6 m in packed columns of either a sand or a garden soil.482 But Smith et al. observed that E. coli penetrated through a column of undisturbed soil to a depth of 0.3 m in 20 minutes.483 Harvey et al. observed that bacterial-sized microspheres were transported through several metres of aquifer material.484 Unc estimated the depth of soil necessary to filter out bacteria from manure applied under field conditions.485 Based on bacterial counts measured at 0.75 m, values ranged from 0.1 m to more than 20 m (figure 3-8), demonstrating the importance of preferential flow paths. The vertical distribution of beneficial microorganisms applied to the soil also depends on preferential flow.486 479 M.D. Sobsey, 1983, “Transport and fate of viruses in soils,” Microbial Health. Considerations of Soil Disposal of Domestic Wastewaters, L.W. Canter, E.W. Akin, J.F. Kreissl, and J.F. McNabb (eds.), (Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), p. 175. 480 Goss, Barry, and Rudolph, 1998. 481 M.Y. Corapcioglu and A. Haridas, 1985, “Microbial transport in soils and groundwater: A numerical model,” Advances in Water Resource, 8, p. 188. 482 G. Tamási, 1981, “Factors influencing the survivial of pathogenic bacteria in soils,” Acta Veterinaria Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae, 29, p. 119. 483 Smith, Unwin, and Williams, 1985. 484 R.W. Harvey, L.H. George, R.L. Smith, and D.R. Leblanc, 1989, “Transport of microspheres and indigenous bacteria through a sandy aquifer: Results of natural and forced-gradient tracer experiments,” Environmental Science & Technology, 23, p. 51. 485 Unc, 1999. 486 A. Natsch, C. Keel, J. Troxler, M. Zala, N. Von Albertini, and G. Defago, 1996, “Importance of preferential flow and soil management in vertical transport of a biocontrol strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens in structured field soil,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62, p. 33. 178 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Protozoa The transport of protozoa has been studied in far less detail than bacterial transport has. The movement of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts through saturated columns of glass spheres, coarse sand, or shale aggregate has been modelled. The oocysts (from dairy calves) did not adhere to sand or glass spheres, moving throughout the system of pores between the particles. The oocysts moved preferentially in the larger pores between shale aggregates. Sand was more effective at removing oocysts than were the other particles, probably by filtration. The authors suggested that their results indicated that significant transport was possible in both surface runoff and with infiltrating water.487 Figure 3-8 Variation in the Depth of Soil Required to Filter Bacteria in Manure Initial volumetric soil moisture 0.25 0.24 0.17 0.34 0 -2 Soil depth (m) -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 Loam over silt loam Loam over sandy loam Soil type Liquid swine manure Solid beef manure Liquid swine and solid beef manure were applied to loam over sandy-loam and loam over silt-loam soils. The drier conditions on the loam/silt-loam soil when liquid manure was applied likely increased preferential flow because of channel formation by shrinkage. Source: Unc, 1999. 487 C.F. Brush, W.C. Ghiorse, I.J. Annguish, J.Y. Parlange, and H.G. Grimes, 1999, “Transport of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts through saturated columns,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 28, p. 809. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 179 Endocrine-disrupting compounds If manure containing endocrine-disrupting compounds is left on the soil surface, it can move to surface water in runoff (see section The identification of equol in tile-drainage water is evidence that these compounds can at least leach from soil and move into surface water. Given that similar compounds are not readily identified in the soil,488 it seems likely that the movement to the tile drains is mediated by preferential flow. Therefore, it is also possible for these compounds to move to groundwater via similar pathways. Summary Only a small part of the nitrogen from manure is likely to be lost in surface runoff from arable fields. More P is likely to be lost in runoff than by leaching. Leaching to groundwater is a significant pathway for NO–3 loss. Mobility of metals in soil is likely to be increased when they are applied in animal manure. Bacteria can impact surface water through runoff and in tile drainage. They can also be transported to groundwater. The movement through soil of all potential contaminants from manure is enhanced by preferential flow. 3.3.6 Predicting contamination of water resources by components of manure Many models have been developed to predict the NO–3 concentration in water leaving the rooting zone of crops and the impact or risk of contamination from agricultural practices.489 The NLEAP model predicts the risk of groundwater contamination by nitrate for applications of manure.490 However, predictions of nitrogen mineralization from manure and of gaseous losses lacks validation for Ontario. 488 M. Colucci, H. Bork, and E. Topp, 2001, “Persistence of estrogenic hormones in agricultural soils I:17beta-Estradiol and estrone,” Journal of Environmental Quality, [In Press]. 489 M.J. Shaffer, A.D. Halvorson, and F.J. Pierce, 1991, “Nitrate leaching and economic analysis package NLEAP model description and application,” Managing Nitrogen for Groundwater Quality and Farm Profitability, R. Follett, D.R. Keeney, and R.M. Curse (eds.), (Madison WI: Soil Science Society of America), p. 85; Ahuja, Barnes, and Rojas, 1993. 490 Shaffer, Halvorson, and Pierce, 1991. 180 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Although the presence of pathogenic bacteria in both manure and receiving waters is well documented, and the phenomena influencing bacterial transport are known, the actual effect of manure on the quality and quantity of bacterial contamination is less well understood. Aspects of bacterial transport have been studied, but mainly under laboratory conditions. Such experiments have mostly evaluated the effects of various individual factors on the bacterial transport. Thus, while many predictive models for the transport of soluble forms of contaminants have been developed, few models exist that describe bacteria transport. Those that are available are still in the formative phase (e.g., the LEACHB routine of the LEACHM program491). No account is taken of the potential effect of the manure on the bacterial transport, despite the fact that manure is one of the major sources of pathogens contaminating groundwater and surface waters. The possibility for preferential flow needs to be included in such models. The microbial model in LEACHB considers microbial dynamics as affected by substrate availability and prey-predator interaction. Bacterial growth and distribution can influence the transport of solutes. The model, however, does not refer to physical movement of bacteria. The only movement between locations is considered in the context of the distribution of available substrates. The model also does not allow for a bacterial population to die. All these characteristics make the model suitable for describing the movement of indigenous soil bacteria that are in a dynamic equilibrium, but not the transport of fecal bacteria introduced in an application of manure. Summary While many models exist to describe nitrate leaching, the concentration of NO–3 (the important determining factor) is difficult to predict because of the factors that influence the final concentration, such as mineralization of organic nitrogen and the gaseous loss of ammonia and gases such as N2O. Bacterial transport in the unsaturated zone is poorly described in existing models because they largely ignore the component of movement associated with preferential flow. 491 J.L. Hutson and R.J. Wagenet, 1992, LEACHM – Leaching estimation and chemistry model, Version 3. Research Series No. 92-3 (Ithaca, NY: Dept. of Soil, Crop and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University). The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 181 3.4 Future Research Needs This review of manure management practices highlights the significant knowledge gaps that limit our ability to prevent contaminants from manure reaching water resources. Producers recognize the potential benefits of using the crop nutrients in manure, both because it is a means of reducing costs and it contributes toward the sustainable use of resources. Most of the guidance from government and researchers is aimed at conserving nutrients during manure storage and optimizing their availability to crops after field application. It is assumed that this approach will minimize environmental contamination from nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and other N-containing gases) and phosphate. Little attention has been given to developing manure management practices for field application that are specifically designed to deal with pathogens. Nonetheless, there is a Best Management Practice (BMP) to identify the minimum safe distance between a well and the point where manure is spread to minimize contamination by pathogens, and another aimed at preventing liquid manure from flowing directly into a tile drain (see section 2). Environmental aspects of other potential contaminants identified in this section have not been incorporated into recommended manure management practices. Two reports have made recommendations on manure-related research.492 Both concentrated on aspects of nutrient management. Researchers have made significant progress toward meeting those recommendations, particularly those that relate to water quality. Based on the limitations presented in this section, however, some recommendations still require a significant research effort to safeguard water resources from contamination by nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon compounds in manure. The following research recommendations are related to the availability of crop nutrients in manure and the protection of water resources. • 492 Establish the relationship between environmentally safe and most profitable rates of manure application to cropland, taking account of the method and timing of applications. This also requires the development of more acceptable manure application methods in conservation tillage systems.493 Miller et al., 1990; M.J. Goss, J.R. Ogilvie, E.G. Beauchamp, D.P. Stonehouse, M.H. Miller, and K. Parris, 1994, Current State of the Art of Manure/Nutrient Management, COESA Report No. RES/ MAN-001/94 prepared for Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 493 Miller et al., 1990; Goss et al., 1994. 182 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 • Complete the means of predicting the composition of the major types of manures, based on feeding regimes, and investigate the long-term effects of feed additives on manure management. This should include studies on the dynamics of carbon compounds from feed and the impacts of different handling systems.494 • Investigate and develop the ability to predict the transformations of manure-N during storage (including composting) and following addition to soil to characterize the mineralization, immobilization, and N-gas forming processes that impact on the availability of N to crops and the loss of ammonia and nitrous oxide.495 • Leaching of nitrate from grazed pastures and fields receiving regular applications of manure needs to be determined for Ontario conditions.496 Further research is also warranted on the amount of metals being applied to Ontario fields, especially in swine manure. As the use of copper in feed is related to perceived reductions in the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry, research efforts need to be integrated in these areas. Continued research on manure management in relation to pathogens is clearly required. From the perspective of animal husbandry, clear knowledge gaps surround the shedding of E. coli O157:H7, particularly about seasonality, the influence of diet, and dietary changes. Information on the shedding of other pathogens is also not well documented. Vaccines to prevent the colonization of cattle by E. coli O157:H7 need to be developed. The link between the different serotypes of several pathogens found in animals and the incidence of disease in humans needs to be clarified. Economically viable treatments of manure in storage, which can effectively conserve nutrients and reduce the loading of pathogens, need to be developed. These must be considered in conjunction with odour control. 494 Goss et al., 1994. Miller et al., 1990; Goss et al., 1994. 496 Goss et al., 1994. 495 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 183 In Ontario, few practising agricultural engineers work on machinery, particularly that for land application of manure. However, improved application equipment is needed to ensure that the appropriate rates of manure are applied to meet crop requirements indicated by nutrient management planning, while protecting water resources from contamination. There is a specific need for manure injectors with more rapid throughput capacity. Application techniques need to be developed to reduce the likelihood of preferential flow when liquid manure is applied. This should be coupled with the development and evaluation of predictive models for the transport to groundwater of dissolved and particulate contaminants, such as bacteria and other pathogens, that take hydrological factors into account. The fate of organic compounds, such as antibiotics and natural estrogens, needs to be determined quantitatively, including the possibilities of reducing the content in manure during storage as well as considering transport to water resources once manure has been applied to the land. Application techniques that discourage preferential flow would probably reduce the likelihood of groundwater contamination. Few BMPs for manure management have been evaluated under commercial farming. These activities need to be accelerated to ensure that the best advice is available to producers. 3.4.1 Summary There are significant needs for research in the field of manure management if water resources are to be protected from contaminants originating in manure. These needs cover aspects of feeding regimes, animal husbandry, manure treatment, and field application. They include both basic and applied research and machinery development. The contaminants to be considered include nitrate, phosphorus, metals, pathogens, antibiotics, and natural endocrinedisrupting compounds. 184 4 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Manure Production in Ontario 4.1 Background This section provides basic information on the distribution of livestock farms in Ontario, the species of animals involved, and the amounts of manure produced. It focuses on the likely changes in manure production over the next 5–10 years within the province. When looking at manure production in the future, many factors have been taken into consideration, including: • • • • market trends in both the domestic and export markets; the possible impact of new manure-management technologies; international trade agreements, e.g., the World Trade Organization which has as its long-term goal tariff reductions and ensuring fair trading practices; and the level of competition from other provinces and the United States. 4.2 Objectives The overall objective of this section is to benchmark manure production levels within the province and to forecast growth for the major livestock industries in Ontario by geographic region. The specific objectives are: • to describe Ontario’s livestock industries in terms of farm numbers, amount of crop land, manure spreading practices, and economic scale. • using Statistics Canada census data, to catalogue historical and current animal numbers at both a county/municipality and township level for the species of beef, dairy, swine, turkey, chicken, and laying hens. • based on the animal numbers, to calculate historical and existing manure production at both the county/municipality and township level. • using the manure production calculations, to determine the total amount of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in livestock manure. • to develop livestock growth predictions for the major livestock industries of beef, dairy, swine, turkey, chicken, and laying hens. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality • 185 using this information, to forecast the amount of manure likely to be produced in the next 5–10 years. 4.3 Methodology The livestock and poultry inventory numbers were obtained from Statistics Canada’s census years of 1986, 1991, and 1996.497 Data were also obtained from Statistics Canada to graph historical cattle and pig inventories. Breakdowns by animal size for cattle and swine were obtained from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) statistics.498 The OMAFRA numbers for swine were identical to the Statistics Canada numbers. Although the beef numbers differed slightly for July 1999 between Statistics Canada and OMAFRA, the OMAFRA numbers were used for determining inventory percentages. This method provided a reasonable and recent allocation of animal sizes for the purpose of calculating manure production. The OMAFRA data were not used to generate animal number forecasts. To calculate the number of animals per livestock unit, we used the guidelines set by OMAFRA for calculating minimum distance separations.499 A livestock unit is defined as the “equivalent value for various types of animals including poultry, based on manure production and production cycles.”500 Minimum distance separation calculations are used to determine the recommended distance between a livestock operation and another land use, such as a neighbour.501 This distance is influenced by the type and amount of livestock in the facility and the type of manure handling system. The intent of minimum distance separations is to reduce the number of complaints related to odour and land use. Appendix 4-1 shows these calculations by livestock type. Census and MDS II categories for calculating livestock units are not always the same. In these cases, 497 Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture Division, 1987, Census of Canada, 1986 – Agriculture – Ontario (Ottawa: StatsCan); Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture Division, 1992a, Agricultural Profile of Ontario, Part 1: 1991 Census (Ottawa: StatsCan); Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture Division, 1997, Agricultural Profile of Ontario: 1996 Census (Ottawa: StatsCan). 498 Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 1999b, Number of Cattle, Ontario [by County], <>; Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 1999c, Number of Pigs, Ontario [by County], < OMAFRA/english/stats/livestock/index.html>. 499 OMAFRA, 1995b; OMAFRA, 1995c. 500 OMAFRA, 1995c. 501 Ibid. 186 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 the census category was matched to the MDS II category that would result in a maximum number of livestock units. For example, a census category called “all other pigs” includes pigs from birth to market weight, excluding sows and boars. MDS II categories include weaner pigs (20 pigs/LU) and feeder pigs (4 pigs/LU). In order to estimate manure production at the upper end, it was assumed that the category “all other pigs” are entirely feeder pigs, with 4 animals per livestock unit. While this practice likely overstated the actual number of livestock units for each livestock type, it is preferable to underestimating. This approach was also used to calculate manure production, as it provides information on the maximum amount of manure produced. To predict livestock numbers and manure production in the future, we sought input from various producer organizations. This information is summarized in section 4.5 and the questionnaire used is found in appendix 4-2. Each commodity group was asked the same questions, which focused on livestock growth predictions and new manure-management technologies. Other methods used to predict future animal numbers included baseline projections supplied by Agriculture and AgriFood Canada, input from industry analysts, and computer-generated linearregression trendlines based on historical livestock numbers. There are several limitations to the manure projections presented here. • Manure estimates are based on the average daily volumes of fresh material excreted by the various animal groupings reported by OMAFRA (see appendix 4-3). No allowance has been made in the manure calculation for water used in washing, frequently used in the swine and dairy industries. Typically, stored swine manure is more than 95% water. As well, no allowance has been made for straw, shavings, or other bedding material which is used extensively by some livestock production systems (e.g., dairy). While straw and shavings do not increase the concentration of manure, they do increase the volume to be utilized. • The manure calculations fail to include manure generated from sheep, horses, and nontraditional livestock such as deer, elk, bison, and llamas. This exclusion may mean that the total amount of manure produced is somewhat underestimated. • The volume of manure generated does not take rainwater into account. Rainwater can add a significant volume if the manure is stored outside in The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 187 an uncovered tank. Recall that Ontario receives about 750–900 mm of rainfall annually (the 30-year average for Ridgetown College, University of Guelph, for the eight-month period between April 1 and November 30 is 645.4 mm). • Many areas of the province have been amalgamated in recent years. However, most of the census data at the township level used in this report was collected before amalgamation and does not reflect recent municipal restructuring. • Livestock numbers are not based on an average of beginning and ending animal numbers, but rather the number of animals on hand at given points in time (e.g., census or Statistics Canada inventory dates). This assumes a consistent number of animals in the province and does not allow for fluctuations in production. Manure production (litres/day/ animal) is based on these actual inventory levels on each date and is multiplied by 365 days to provide an annual value. • The most recent census in 2001 has not been analyzed, so recent increases or declines in animal numbers at the county/municipality and township level are not known. Occasionally, animal numbers in a provincially designated region may not equal the total provided for that particular region. This is due to rounding errors in the calculations and because some data were not included at the township (or even county/municipality) level due to confidentiality concerns. 4.4 Results 4.4.1 Farm Structure Table 4-1, which depicts Ontario farms by revenue class for 1997, shows three main trends. Firstly, the dependence of the farm family on off-farm income is largely related to farm revenue. In 1997 for example, farm income contributed negatively to the total family income in the $10,000 to $24,999 farm revenue class. In Canada as a whole, 68% of dairy farms depend entirely on farm income. Exclusive dependence on farm income for other farm types are: hog: 51%, poultry and egg: 49%, and beef cattle: 12%. 188 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 The second trend seen is that the bulk of Ontario’s agricultural sales comes from relatively few farms. Only about 20% of the farms were in the top two revenue classes ($250,000 and up) but those farms produced some 67% of all agricultural sales. Although important in terms of numbers, farms with revenues below $50,000 (38.6% of all farms in 1997) generally contribute very little to overall production (a total of 5.2%). Thirdly, it appears that high-revenue farms require significant capital investment. Farms in the top revenue class had average net worths of $1,812,608 while those in the lowest class had net worths of $313,718. These high-revenue farms are also investing for the future, with an average net investment of 5.4%, while low-revenue farms invested only 1.5% of assets. In summary, a relatively small number (20.2%) of farms produce the majority (67.1%) of total Ontario agricultural sales. Operators of these high-revenue farms are committed to commodity-based production and invest in the future of their farming enterprises. Table 4-1 Profile of Ontario Farms by Revenue Class, 1997 Gross Revenue Class Average Average Off-Farm Net Average Number Operating Income per Income of Number Farm*($) ($) of Farms Operators Farms (%) Production (%) Net InvestNet ments Worth as % per Farm of Assets ($) $10,000 to $24,999 7,632 1.5 (344) 45,136 18.8 1.6 313,718 1.5 $25,000 to $49,999 8,055 1.5 1,716 34,847 19.8 3.6 370,554 3.5 $50,000 to $99,999 6,810 1.5 12,900 35,059 16.8 6.2 516,952 2.9 $100,000 to $249,999 9,924 1.7 32,384 18,374 24.4 21.5 784,531 3.2 $250,000 to $499,999 5,073 1.9 60,060 16,168 12.5 23.0 1,144,058 4.7 $500,000 and over 3,121 2.2 225,387 19,733 7.7 44.1 1,812,608 5.4 All Classes 40,616 1.7 35,174 29,296 1100.0 00 100.0 693,005 3.9 * Off-farm income was reported for the operator (and his family) responding to the survey. Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 189 4.4.2 Livestock Farm Numbers In 1996, Ontario had 28,885 livestock farms (dairy, beef, hog, poultry/egg, and livestock combinations).502 The bulk (60%) of these farms are located in the two regions of Western and Southern Ontario. Northern Ontario has the fewest livestock farms (1,309, less than 5%). The average number of livestock farms per county/municipality in the regions of Southern, Western, Central, and Eastern Ontario was 726. Table 4-2 shows a regional breakdown of livestock farms. For a breakdown by county/municipality, see appendix 4-4. Map 4-1 shows livestock farm numbers by county/municipality, based on 1996 census data. The five counties with the most livestock farms are Bruce, Grey, Huron, Perth, and Wellington. Those with the lowest number of livestock farms are in the extreme southern part of the province (Essex, Kent, and Elgin), the Golden Horseshoe, and more northerly regions such as Muskoka District. We do not consider the Northern region because of the sparse livestock numbers. 4.4.3 Historical Livestock Numbers Figure 4-1 shows the historical livestock numbers in Ontario between July 1, 1976 and July 1, 2000. Statistics Canada Livestock Inventories are taken either quarterly or biannually. (No inventory numbers are available for poultry.) The Table 4-2 Total Number of Livestock Farms by Region Ontario Region Total Number of Livestock Farms Southern 5,329 Western 11,910 Central 4,761 Eastern 5,576 Northern 1,309 Total Ontario Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997. 502 Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997. 28,885 190 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Map 4-1 Total Number of Livestock Farms by County/Municipality, 1996 Livestock Farms 0–400 400–800 800–1,200 1,200–1,600 1,600–2,000 100 0 100 kilometres Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997. Pig Inventory Census Data - Pigs Cattle Inventory July 1/00 Nov 1/99 July 1/98 Mar 1/98 July 1/96 Mar 1/97 Nov 1/97 Nov 1/95 July 1/94 Census Data - Cattle Mar 1/95 Nov 1/93 July 1/92 Mar 1/93 Nov 1/91 July 1/90 Mar 1/91 Nov 1/89 July 1/88 Mar 1/89 Poultry Census Data Numbers are expressed in million head. Beef and dairy cattle are combined. Both Statistics Canada census and inventory data are used. Poultry (million head) 34 Nov 1/87 0 July 1/86 35 Mar 1/87 .5 Nov 1/85 36 July 1/84 1.0 Mar 1/85 37 Nov 1/83 1.5 July 1/82 38 Mar 1/83 2.0 Nov 1/81 39 July 1/80 2.5 Mar 1/81 40 Nov 1/79 3.0 July 1/78 41 Mar 1/79 3.5 Nov 1/77 42 July 1/76 4.0 Mar 1/77 Cattle, Pigs (million head) Figure 4-1 Historical Inventory of Cattle, Pigs, and Poultry in Ontario from July 1, 1976 to July 1, 2000 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 191 alignment between the Livestock Inventory numbers and the five-year census data for cattle and pigs lends credibility to the projected manure production calculations as both sets of data are used in forecasting inventory levels for cattle and pigs. The Inventory shows 62% beef cattle and 38% dairy cattle. The cattle inventory has shown a downward trend over the past 24 years, from a high of 3.1 million head in 1976 to 2 million in the year 2000. This 35% decline plays an important role in the amount of manure produced annually in the province. The 24-year trendline for pigs is relatively flat, with inventory fluctuating between 3 and 3.5 million head. Poultry has shown some growth, with a low of 37 million in 1986 expanding to 41.5 million in 1996, a 12% increase. Figure 4-2 provides a more recent snapshot of beef and dairy cattle numbers from Statistics Canada, Livestock Division. Between July 1995 and July 1999, the dairy inventory has remained relatively constant but beef numbers have increased and decreased yearly, with total inventory numbers trending downward. The dairy cattle inventory ranged between 911,000 (July 1996) and 811,000 head (July 1999). The beef cattle inventory ranged between 1.4 million (July 1995) and 1.2 million head (January 1999). Probable reasons Figure 4-2 Ontario Beef and Dairy Inventory Values (million head) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 Jul 95 Jan 96 Jul 96 Jan 97 Total Inventory Jul 97 Jan 98 Total Dairy Jul 98 Jan 99 Jul 99 Total Beef Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, Livestock and Animal Products Section, 2000, Livestock Statistics, 1976–2000 (Ottawa: StatsCan). 192 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 why Ontario’s beef numbers have declined include: strong competition from Western Canada, natural fluctuations caused when farmers retire, and poor profitability caused by rising costs of production. Between 1995 and 1999, the average beef farm had about 60 head while the average dairy farm had close to 100 head. 4.4.4 Livestock Units and Manure Production per County/Municipality Table 4-3 shows the ranking of the top ten counties/municipalities in terms of manure production in 1996. These county/municipality rankings changed only slightly in the three census years. Huron County was ranked first in 1986 and second in 1996. Other areas changing ranking between 1986 and 1996 were: Middlesex (moved from 5th to 6th), Waterloo (8th to 7th), Bruce (6th to 5th), and Grey (7th to 8th). Most counties in Ontario experienced a decline in manure production between 1986 and both 1991 and 1996. Increases did occur in Kent (10.3% in 1991, Table 4-3 Livestock Units and Top-ten Counties/Municipalities in Terms of Manure Production, 1996 % Change 1991 Versus 1986 % Change 1996 Versus 1986 Area Total Livestock Units: 1996 (000s) Total Manure (million L/yr, 1996) Perth 206 2678 2.1 6.8 Huron 212 2655 –2.5 4.1 Wellington 164 2010 –3.2 –4.2 Oxford 142 1848 –10.8 –6.7 Bruce 146 1781 –9.1 –7.0 Middlesex 131 1596 –6.1 –15.9 Waterloo Region 118 1521 –1.0 –5.3 Grey 125 1399 –8.3 –10.1 Lambton 95 1204 –9.4 –9.0 Simcoe 86 1012 –17.5 –18.6 Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 193 35.4% in 1996); Perth (2.1% in 1991, 6.8% in 1996), Renfrew (1.8% in 1991, 6.6% in 1996), and Huron (4.1% in 1996). For the province as a whole, manure production between 1986 and 1991 decreased by 5.9% and between 1986 and 1996 by 7.5%. Eight counties or municipalities showed manure production decreases of over 20% between 1986 and 1996. Listed in order from the largest decrease to smallest, they are: Halton, Muskoka District, York, Haliburton, Essex, Dufferin, Prince Edward, and Niagara. The decreases in manure production tended to be more dramatic for the 10-year period of 1986 to 1996 than for the five-year period of 1986 to 1991. It can also be seen from table 4-3 that the Western and Southern regions of Ontario have by far the most livestock units and hence the most manure production. For a complete listing of animal numbers, livestock units, manure production, and percent change in manure production for all 39 Ontario counties/municipalities, please see appendix 4-5. An interesting trend is the changes in the numbers of livestock units between the three species: poultry, cattle, and swine. This, of course, affects the amounts of manure produced. In Bruce County, for example, manure production from swine and cattle has decreased (by 33% and 1% respectively) while poultry manure has increased some 61% between 1986 and 1996. In Huron and Perth Counties, cattle manure production has decreased while swine and poultry manure has increased. The Niagara Region shows manure production declining in all three species, with swine decreasing some 45% over the 10-year period. Wellington County has seen its poultry and cattle manure production increase (by 23% and 1% respectively), while swine manure production decreased (14%). Map 4-2 summarizes the total number of livestock units by county/municipality in 1996. The map illustrates table 4-3, showing that Huron, Perth and Wellington have the greatest number of livestock animal units. As one would expect, few livestock units are shown in the County of Essex, the Golden Horseshoe, parts of the Eastern region, and more northerly parts of southern Ontario. Map 4-3 depicts total manure production by county/municipality for 1996. Not surprisingly, the distribution of manure production is very similar to the distribution of livestock units seen in Map 4-2. Table 4-4 summarizes animal units and manure production at the township level in six counties/municipalities: Niagara, Oxford, Wellington, Perth, Huron, and Bruce. The counties/municipalities were selected because of their 194 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 traditionally high livestock numbers. Only the two townships in each area with the greatest manure production are reported here. At the township level, the changes in manure production tend to be more dramatic. For example, Grey Township in Huron County saw manure production increase by 12.1% between 1986 and 1991, while the 10-year growth between 1986 and 1996 was a huge 75.3%. Of these six counties/municipalities, the townships in the Niagara region showed the largest reduction in manure production. It is worth noting that even within counties such as Huron and Perth, not all townships experienced increases in manure production (see appendix 4-6). For example, manure production in Blanshard Township in Perth County decreased by 34% over the 10-year study period. For a complete breakdown of manure production in the six counties/ municipalities at the township level, see appendix 4-6. When looking at manure production by species type at the township level, some caution must be exercised. It is possible to have rapid manure production growth on a percentage basis but still have a relatively limited expansion in livestock units. For example, Kincardine township’s poultry units grew from 33 in 1986 to 528 in 1996, small by comparison with other townships, thus Map 4-2 Total Number of Livestock Units by County/Municipality, 1996 Total Livestock Units 500–40,000 40,000–80,000 80,000–120,000 120,000–160,000 160,000–200,000 200,000–240,000 100 0 100 kilometres The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 195 manure production increased by close to 1,363%. Still these percent changes can be used to see general trends. By and large, the swine, poultry, and cattle livestock units in most townships in the Niagara region have declined while townships in the heavy livestock counties of Huron and Perth have increased their swine and poultry livestock units. Maps 4-4, 4-5, 4-6, and 4-7 show 1996 livestock units and manure production at the township level for Huron County and Niagara Region. These two areas were selected because they represent two different geographic regions of the province. No obvious trends can be seen about locations of the different species: one township doesn’t have all the pigs while others have all the cattle. Perhaps Table 4-4 Livestock Units and Manure Production by Township, 1996 Total Livestock Units (000s) Total Manure (million L/yr) Change 1991 vs 1986 Change 1996 vs 1986 25.1 244.9 -20% -23% 6.9 79.8 -17% -21% Zorra 39.9 539.3 -5% -3% East Zorra-Tavistock 28.4 381.4 -9% 5% Peel 42.3 545.6 -1% <1% Maryborough 26.3 309.3 -9% 1% Elma 28.5 354.6 -9% -5% Ellice 25.7 341.4 13% 30% Grey 30.1 402.7 12% 75% Howick 24.2 315.4 2% 12% Carrick 17.5 223.0 -6% -8% Elderslie 16.3 213.8 -12% 12% Township Niagara West Lincoln Wainfleet Oxford Wellington Perth Huron Bruce Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997. 196 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Map 4-3 Total Manure Production by County/Municipality, 1996 Total TotalManure Manure (million (million L/y) L/yr) 5–200 200–400 400–600 500–800 800–1,000 1,000–2,000 2,000–3,000 100 Map 4-4 0 100 kilometres Huron County: Livestock Units by Township, 1996 22,695 Poultry 90,340 Cattle 98,851 Swine 3 0 3 kilometres Note: Township animal numbers may not equal the total provided for the county/municipality due to rounding error and confidentiality concerns. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality Map 4-5 197 Huron County: Manure Production (000 L/yr) by Township, 1996 148,244 Poultry 1,126,736 Cattle 1,380,411 Swine 3 0 3 kilometres Note: Township animal numbers may not equal the total provided for the county/municipality due to rounding error and confidentiality concerns. Map 4-6 Niagara Region: Livestock Units by Township, 1996 36,816 Poultry 16.406 Cattle 9,315 Swine 7 0 7 14 kilometres Note: Township animal numbers may not equal total provided for the county/municipality due to rounding error and confidentiality concerns. 198 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 one exception to this statement is the low poultry numbers in the northern townships in Huron County. Niagara Region livestock units and manure production are lowest in townships along Lake Ontario (a fruit farming area) and those surrounding the Welland Canal (a housing area). Table 4-5 shows the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium excreted in livestock manures at the county/municipality level. The data are calculated from the information in appendix 4-5 and N, P, and K values in appendix 4-3.503 For the province as a whole, the amount of nitrogen excreted decreased by 5.6% between 1986 and 1991 and 6.7% between 1986 and 1996. Phosphorus and potassium levels also decreased over both the 5- and 10-year periods: 5.5% and 6.2% for phosphorus and 6.6% and 8.2% for potassium. The decreases in these nutrient amounts are not surprising. As was mentioned previously, manure production decreased by 7.5% between 1986 and 1996. Table 4-5 shows that the quantities of nitrogen produced decreased in all counties except for Perth and Huron. These results track well with the previous tables which showed manure production levels decreasing in most counties/ municipalities. The county/municipality with the largest increase in nitrogen Map 4-7 Niagara Region: Manure Production (000 L/yr) by Township, 1996 231,568 Poultry 213,739 Cattle 129,429 Swine 7 503 OMAFRA, 1995c. 0 7 14 kilometres The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 199 was Kent with 28.2% (over 10 years) (with a 35% increase in manure production) while Halton had the largest decline at 40.3% (with a 42% reduction in manure) (see appendices 4-5 and 4-7). Maps 4.8 and 4.9 display nitrogen and phosphorus levels by county/municipality for 1996. On a regional basis, nitrogen excretion in manure declined in both Southern and Western regions 1986 and 1996 (6.8% and 4.0% respectively). These two regions account for 70% of Ontario’s livestock units and hence, manure production. Table 4-6 shows the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium amounts excreted annually in livestock manure in 1986 and 1996 for two townships in each of the six counties/municipalities listed earlier. Of the 71 townships in these counties/ municipalities, 46 experienced a decrease in nitrogen excretion between 1986 and 1996 while 25 had an increase. Niagara Region had the most townships showing a decrease (10 of 12 townships) while Perth County had the fewest townships with a decrease (only 4 of 11). As one would expect, urban townships showed significant nitrogen declines (e.g., St. Catharines, 98.5% and Guelph, Table 4-5 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Levels Excreted in Manure in 1986 and 1996 in the Top-ten Counties/ Municipalities (in million kg/yr) Area 1986 N 1986 P 1986 K 1996 N 1996 P 1996 K % Change in N million kg/yr Perth 8.8 4.5 7.3 9.3 4.9 7.2 5% Huron 9.4 4.8 7.9 9.8 5.0 7.8 5% Wellington 7.9 4.0 6.9 7.8 3.9 6.8 –2% Oxford 7.2 3.7 6.3 6.5 3.3 5.7 –9% Bruce 7.4 3.6 8.1 7.0 3.4 7.8 –5% Middlesex 7.0 3.7 5.9 5.8 3.1 4.7 –17% Waterloo 5.9 3.1 4.9 5.7 2.9 4.8 –5% Grey 6.0 2.9 6.4 5.6 2.8 6.1 –7% Lambton 4.5 2.4 3.4 4.1 2.2 3.0 –9% Simcoe 4.7 2.3 5.0 3.8 1.8 4.0 –21% Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997. 200 Map 4-8 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Total Nitrogen by County/Municipality, 1996 Total NN(thousand kg./yr) Total (million kg/y) 0–1.5 1.5–3.0 3.0–4.5 4.5–6.0 6.0–7.5 7.5–9.0 9.0–10.5 100 Map 4-9 0 100 kilometres Total Phosphorus by County/Municipality, 1996 Total PN(thousand Total (millionkg./yr) kg/y) 0–1.0 1.0–2.0 2.0–3.0 3.0–4.0 4.0–5.0 5.0–6.0 100 0 100 kilometres The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 201 50.9%), while townships in counties traditionally rich in livestock showed the most growth (e.g., Grey in Huron County, 64%). Appendix 4-7 provides detailed data of the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium excreted in manure in all counties and municipalities across Ontario. Map 4-10 shows the amount of tillable land by county/municipality for the southern portion of Ontario, as reported in the 1996 census data. Tillable land is defined as land in crops and tame or seeded pasture. Notice that Huron, Lambton, Middlesex, and Kent Counties have greater amounts of tillable land. Table 4-6 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Excreted in Manure in 1986 and 1996, at the Township Level (in thousand kg/yr) Area 1986 N 1986 P 1986 K 1996 N 1996 P 1996 K % Change in N thousand kg/yr Niagara West Lincoln 1599 868 1131 1402 732 954 -12% Wainfleet 372 204 303 346 170 260 -7% Zorra 1975 995 1904 1894 947 1642 -4% East Zorra -Tavistock 1242 633 1095 1308 666 1063 5% Maryborough 1227 601 1019 1374 702 1064 12% Peel 1973 995 1583 1998 993 1733 1% Ellice 849 436 667 1031 537 672 22% Elma 1484 762 1236 1385 692 1181 -7% Grey 791 401 720 1297 665 959 64% Howick 997 498 955 1115 554 1038 12% Carrick 888 432 951 820 396 903 -8% Elderslie 738 353 847 833 397 974 13% Oxford Wellington Perth Huron Bruce Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997. 202 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Table 4-7 summarizes the information presented in the preceding sections. It highlights, in particular, the fact that the Southern and Western regions of Ontario have the majority of the total provincial livestock units (71%) and also two-thirds of the total Ontario tillable land (69%). One way to put Ontario’s livestock industry into perspective is to compare livestock densities (livestock numbers per tillable hectare, 1 hectare (ha) = 2.47 acres) with Map 4-10 Total Tillable Land by County/Municipality, 1996 Tillable Land (acres) 2,000–100,000 100,000–200,000 200,000–300,000 300,000–400,000 400,000–500,000 500,000–600,000 600,000–700,000 Table 4-7 Livestock Farms and Manure Production by Region Ontario Region Number of Livestock Farms Livestock Units (000s) Manure Production (billion L/yr) % of Total Livestock Units Tillable Land (million hectares) Southern 5,329 684 8.1 27% 1.39 Western 11,910 1,121 13.8 44% 1.28 Central 4,761 293 3.3 11% 0.47 Eastern 5,576 373 4.6 14% 0.57 Northern 1,309 95 1.1 4% 0.18 2,568 30.9 100% 3.89 Total Ontario 28,885 Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 203 other jurisdictions, e.g., Denmark. Denmark is viewed as a strong competitor in the international pork market yet maintains a strong environmental conscience. It has 2.7 million tillable hectares (about 69% that of Ontario) but has a swine density five times larger than in Ontario, a beef density about the same, and a poultry density about 70%. Overall, Ontario’s livestock densities in head per tillable hectare are: swine – 0.7; cattle – 0.6; and poultry – 10.7. Denmark’s livestock densities are: swine – 4.1; cattle – 0.8; and poultry – 7.2. In terms of global pork production density, countries such as Taiwan, Holland, Belgium, and Denmark are thought to be at the high end of the scale while most of North America is at the low end. One exception is North Carolina, which has pig densities 2–5 times those found in most other states and provinces. Livestock densities were also compared between Ontario and the state of Indiana. Pig and cattle densities are similar while Ontario has a higher poultry density. Appendix 4-8 shows complete details of livestock densities in the different counties/municipalities of Ontario, plus those of Denmark and Indiana. 4.4.5 Manure Application Table 4-8 shows manure application on farmland as a percent of the total tillable land in six counties/municipalities in Ontario. The relative amounts of Table 4-8 Tillable Land and Amount of Land under Liquid Manure and Solid Manure Applications (as % of tillable hectares) in Six Counties/Municipalities in Ontario† Area Total Tillable Land (000 ha) Area Given Liquid Manure (% tillable ha) Area Given Solid Manure (% tillable ha) Niagara 68 4.8% 15.8% Oxford 152 11.6% 12.3% Wellington 157 9.0% 20.5% Perth 180 12.3% 16.9% Huron 249 7.0% 12.9% Bruce 182 3.5% 21.3% † Manure applied to land comes from all animal species raised in Ontario, e.g., including horses and sheep, not just those highlighted in this paper. Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997. 204 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 liquid and solid manure applied per tillable hectare vary considerably across the province. For example, in Bruce County, the amount of tillable land receiving liquid manure (3.5%) is relatively small compared with Perth (12.3%). In Bruce County, however, more tillable land had solid manure applied (21.3%). These differences are probably due to differences in livestock unit composition: Bruce County has more beef animals and fewer swine, and thus is more likely to use solid manure. Appendix 4-8 shows data on the percent of tillable land under each type of manure application in all counties/municipalities of Ontario. Table 4-8 and appendix 4-8 highlight the fact that even in counties with large livestock numbers (such as Perth), the amount of tillable land receiving manure application is modest (e.g., 30% in Perth). In Ontario as a whole, only 18.9% of the tillable land receives manure. One could assume that the number of livestock in the province could increase tremendously before running out of tillable land on which to apply the manure. This calculation does not, however, consider the amount of manure received on a per-hectare basis. In 1996, the total estimated volume was 30.8 billion litres and there were 3.9 million tillable hectares in Ontario.504 Simple division results in each hectare receiving 7900 litres. This amount is low considering that many operators apply approximately 34,000 litres per hectare.505 Given this information it appears that if manure could be evenly distributed on all tillable land across the province, then manure production could increase significantly. The major obstacle to overcome would be the logistics involved with the transportation of the manure to that tillable land. Map 4-11 shows the percentage of tillable land receiving liquid manure in Ontario. Liquid manure is more problematic than solid manure since it is more likely to travel into field drains and ditches. It is not known why the Ottawa-Carleton/Prescott/Russell region has a large amount of land receiving liquid manure. The most likely explanation is that the region has a relatively small land base with a substantial number of dairy farms, a large number of which use liquid manure systems. 504 505 Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997. D. Young, [Personal communication]. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 205 4.5 Livestock and Manure Projections The information and data in this section come from the appropriate producer organizations. See appendix 4-2. 4.5.1 Dairy Farmers of Ontario Animal Numbers in Next 5–10 Years The demand for milk has been increasing by about 1–2% per annum. This increased demand has been met primarily with increased cow productivity, i.e., the same number of cows producing more milk per cow. The amount of milk sold per cow rose by 18.3% between 1988 and 1999. The average producer attrition rate is about 3% annually (1989: 9,408 dairy farms versus 1999: 6,806), thus the overall trend is toward fewer, larger dairy farms. The amount of milk sold per farm increased by 49.7% between 1988 and 1999. The vast majority of Ontario’s milk production comes from family farms. Map 4-11 Percent of Tillable Land Receiving Liquid Manure, 1996 % Receiving Liquid Manure 0–2 2–4 4–6 6–8 8–10 10–15 206 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Production has shifted somewhat from Peel and the Central region to the Eastern and Western regions. The reasons for this shift include a higher frequency of producers in Peel and the Central region nearing retirement age; a large number of job options available for young people living in central Ontario; and a recent influx of immigrant dairy farmers moving into Huron, Oxford, and Perth Counties. It has been suggested that cow and heifer numbers will remain the same in the foreseeable future. Currently, a strong export demand for breeding heifers will keep the number of tie-stall barns at current levels because they allow farmers to provide more individual attention to the animals. Future Production Facilities The average herd size is about 55 cows, and the majority of farms have 50–80 cows. Presently, a farm with 600 cows is considered to be a “large dairy farm” whereas just a decade ago, 200 was viewed as large. Most rural communities seem receptive to larger dairy barns. Approximately 25–30% of dairy farms have milking parlours while the remaining operations use tie-stalls. In the next 5–10 years, the number of milking parlours may increase to 35–40% of operations. Manure Production It was estimated that about 50% of the manure produced on a dairy farm is liquid while the remaining 50% is solid. The most commonly used bedding materials are straw, shavings, and sand. Technological Advances Not much change was anticipated in terms of technological advances that may impact on either the quantity or quality of dairy manure produced in Ontario. Farmers may have to become more conscious of matching the nutrients applied with crop uptake. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 207 Demand for Product It was speculated that World Trade Organization (WTO) talks would have no impact on the domestic market for milk over the next 5–10 years. However, WTO talks can potentially have an impact on the export market, since this is where the trade challenges occur because of Canada’s supply-management system. This round of talks will likely attempt to better define the existing trade rules and limits rather than focus on reducing tariffs. The domestic milk market accounts for 97% of the milk produced while exports only account for 3%. 4.5.2 Ontario Pork Producers’ Marketing Board Animal Numbers in Next 5–10 Years It is expected that animal numbers may grow by 1–5% as Ontario processors try to optimize kill numbers to match plant efficiencies. In the past 10 years or so, hog sales have varied from a low of 3.77 million in 1996 to a high of 4.65 million in 1988. The long-term trend in producer numbers has been toward consolidation, with fewer, larger farms. Producer numbers have declined steadily over the past 20 years from 18,000 in 1978 to 5,500 in 1998. Between 1971 and 1998, producer numbers declined by about 6% annually. Producer numbers in the hogmarketing class of greater than 501 hogs have increased by 2.2% per annum. Future Production Facilities It is anticipated that production facilities will continue to become more specialized, with fewer small farrow-to-finish operations. The feeling expressed on manure handling was that manure will be stored outside the barn to reduce odour concerns, with a minimum storage requirement of 240 days (and possibly 365 days). Manure Production Presently, most swine farms use a liquid manure system and this is not expected to change. However, more farms will likely use some system of manure separation, e.g., mechanical, in the future. 208 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Technological Advances There is currently a great deal of experimentation and research on manure production, treatment, and application. Considerable progress has been made regarding manure production (e.g., the Enviropig: pigs capable of maximizing the uptake of phosphorus and other nutrients on their own)506 and phytase feeding (which can reduce the amount of phosphorus in swine manure by 30–35% and the amount of nitrogen by 5%). Considerable interest is being expressed in anaerobic digestion (without air) for manure treatment. This might be applicable to large farms. Aerobic treatments include composting (industry analysts estimate that only 5% of farms use this treatment technique), high-rise barns with pigs on a carbon base (e.g., straw), and a floating aerator. Research may improve manure spreading techniques in terms of site-specific variable rates, e.g., the use of global positioning surveillance technology, manure injection, and manure placement. Demand for Product North American pork consumption patterns have been relatively stable over the last decade. Ontario normally exports 30–40% of its domestic pig production to the global market place. The United States represents the biggest export market, taking over 50% of all Canadian exports. One Canadian processor currently exports over 60% of its pork product out of Canada. Recent investments in the U.S. pork industry increased the number of megafarms and consolidated packing plants there, improving their production efficiency and making the United States a net exporter of pork. In the early 1990s, the United States was a net importer of pork (354,000 tonnes of net imports in 1990) but in 1997/98, it became a net exporter. By 2006, U.S. net pork exports are projected to increase to 622,000 tonnes annually. The Asian pork market is expected to be very favourable to North American exporters. Japanese imports are projected to rise by 15% in the next 5 years. Also, South Korea’s net pork imports are projected to almost double by 2006, to 200,000 tonnes per year. 506 I. Lang, 2000, “Taking the next step: The Enviropig has arrived,” Pig Pens: News from the Univ. of Guelph/OMAFRA Swine Research Program, Vol. VI, no. 2 (Spring), < spark/pigpens/>. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 209 4.5.3 Chicken Farmers of Ontario Animal Numbers in Next 5–10 Years The growth rate in chicken production is expected to be about 3–4% annually for the next 5–10 years, based on current per-capita consumption levels. The number of registered producers is relatively stable at about 1,100 (1998: 1,093, 1999: 1,150) because production growth is distributed equally to all producers based on quota holdings. Of the producers, 72% own 10,001–40,000 units of quota (1 quota unit = 2 kg of chicken). The average production size is 20,000– 30,000 quota units. Production is expected to increase in the traditional, land-based areas of southwestern Ontario (Drayton, Clinton, and London), with production shifting from the Niagara region where it is becoming more difficult to raise chickens due to high land values and strict zoning legislation. Production has not shifted to the Eastern region because of higher production costs there (farther from the feed mills, hatcheries, processing, etc.). Corporate ownership is not an issue with virtually all quota units held by traditional family farms. Future Production Facilities Slight changes in production facilities might include more concrete in manure storage, covered pads, and an aeration system to reduce the potential for fire. Manure Production Most chicken farms use a solid manure system; very few use a liquid system. The manure is either applied to the soil as fertilizer or sold to mushroom farms. In chicken barns using in-floor heating, the waste product is more like sand. This means the manure volume is reduced, since very little straw or shavings are needed. The Ontario industry is part of a national Certified Quality Assurance (CQA) program which emphasizes manure management. CQA enforcement is through a producer-driven board which can revoke an individual’s chicken-production licence. 210 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Technological Advances Little research emphasis is being placed on manure production or handling within the chicken industry. Demand for Product In Ontario, the demand for live chicken is currently 60 million kg every 8 weeks. The supply-management system prevents the flow of U.S. chicken into the province. If this changed, it could severely damage Ontario’s domestic production, given the large size of U.S. chicken farms. 4.5.4 Ontario Egg Producers Animal Numbers in Next 5–10 Years Bird numbers are expected to remain constant with any demand increases met by productivity gains. The table market consumes 80% of the total output while the industrial market consumes 20%. The industrial market is anticipated to grow about 1% per annum. At any one time, there are about 7 million hens (greater than 19 weeks of age) and 8 million pullets (less than 19 weeks of age). Some consolidation is occurring due to economies of scale and the natural retirement of older farmers. The 1,200 producers in 1980 has declined to about 400. The average size of operation is estimated at 17,000 hens, up from 10,000 hens 10 years ago. Some egg farms now have more than 80,000 birds. The average flock size is estimated to rise to 25,000 hens in five years, raised by some 300 producers. Future Production Facilities The industry expects little change over present facilities. The three building choices for hens are: • high-rise: two storeys with chickens upstairs, manure drops into a pit 8–10 feet high below the birds, with storage up to 1 year. The manure dries The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 211 down (moisture is 75% when produced). All the manure is moved out at once at 50–70% moisture. • traditional (1/3 of hens): birds are in cages over shallow pits, which are cleaned daily, weekly, or every 3–5 weeks with a scraper moving the liquid manure. • 3 or 4 tiers of birds: beneath each row of cages is a moving plastic belt which moves manure to the end of the row. Frequently the manure is then moved with a stable cleaner and into a spreader. Some facilities are changing from the traditional to the tiered system since it permits higher densities of birds and lowers the cost of manure storage. Manure Production The majority of layer farm operators also grow crops, thus in most situations the manure is spread on crop land. However, some producers may sell the manure. Technological Advances Little manure technology is currently being developed. Phytase feeding may be used in the future but it is at least 5 or 10 years away. Most hen feed is pelleted and phytase cannot handle the heat used in the pelleting process. The development of an Enviro-chicken is being considered at the University of Guelph, but that is also about 5–10 years away. Composting has been discussed but there has been limited uptake of this technology. Demand for Product Demand is flat and hens are producing more eggs. Any real demand changes will come from the industrial side of the market. 212 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 4.5.5 Ontario Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board Animal Numbers in Next 5–10 Years The 165 turkey producers in Ontario have a quota distribution as follows: 16 own greater than 907,000 kg (9.6% of producers) while 71 have 1,000 to 113,400 kg (42.5% of producers). Currently, most production is in Perth, Wellington, and Waterloo Counties. The Niagara area used to be the prime location for turkey production but has declined due to rural-urban pressures. Most operations remain family farms with only seven quota holders having corporate ownership outside of family members. There has been no trend to consolidation (i.e., fewer, larger farms). Future Production Facilities Little change is anticipated from the current systems. Turkeys are raised in long, single-floor buildings, usually larger than 24,000 square feet. Manure is normally stored in the barn until application time (usually spring). However, some fall application can occur depending on the tillage system used. Manure Production Turkey manure is not piled outside for long periods because of bio-security risks (e.g., rats). Turkey manure can be used for growing grapes, mushrooms, or other crops. Technological Advances Limited research is being done on turkey manure. One feed company is trying a feed additive to reduce phosphorus in manure. Also, one producer is composting manure on a trial basis. Demand for Product The demand for the product is likely to remain constant over the next 5–10 years. The major fear is the importation of U.S. product. In the United States, The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 213 one corporate farming entity produces over 1 billion kg of turkey, while the whole country of Canada produces only 131 million kg. 4.5.6 Ontario Cattleman’s Association Animal Numbers in Next 5–10 Years The removal in 1995 of the Western Grain Transportation Act (WGTA), which subsidized the export of prairie grains, had a positive effect on the western Canadian livestock industry. The maximum grain freight rates more than doubled (from $14.72/tonne to $30.63/tonne), resulting in lower feed prices in the Prairies. As a result, Ontario has experienced a declining feedlot industry, because calves now stay out west for finishing. Ontario’s largest feedlots are estimated to have 3,000–4,000 head and 1996 census data calculates the average size to be only 140 head. Cow-calf operations are mainly spread across the province on marginal land, i.e., the Eastern and Northern regions. However, growth is not expected in the next five years in this component of the industry despite the recent high calf prices. The average cow-calf operation in 1996 had 23 cows, with only 20 farms having more than 270 cows. Predominantly, most operations sell the weaned calves but some finish them out to market weight. Future Production Facilities A trend to larger farms is expected as a result of alliances. However, cattle feeding and manure handling systems are not expected to change. Manure Production Beef production systems vary, depending on economic size. Large feedlots tend to store feed in bunkers, use a mixer wagon or truck to mix/distribute feed, and use liquid manure systems. It is estimated that currently about 30% of cattle manure systems are liquid. Small- to medium-sized farms normally use a solid manure system. 214 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Technological Advances Limited change regarding manure technologies is anticipated. New corn hybrids that reduce the excreted N, P, and K levels may be developed, but this is not likely to have much impact on manure production in the medium term. Demand for Product Bilateral, regional, and international trade agreements have liberalized meat markets in Mexico, Japan, and South Korea over the last twelve years. As a result, meat exports to these countries have increased rapidly. Consumption has risen slightly in Ontario. There has been movement toward shelf-ready products rather than sending whole carcasses to retailers. 4.5.7 Conclusion The various livestock organizations anticipate limited change or implementation in manure technologies for the main livestock commodity groups. Perhaps the commodity group most likely to use new technologies is swine. Producer groups were asked about trade agreements, particularly the World Trade Organization talks. These talks could lower tariffs and impact negatively on the supply-management commodities by allowing foreign imports into Canada. All supply-management groups felt confident that this was unlikely to happen in the short to medium term. Animal numbers for dairy, swine, turkeys, and eggs are anticipated to remain stable with limited growth. Chicken numbers are expected to increase by 3–4% per year. It is unclear what will happen to beef cattle inventory numbers, however expansion seemed unlikely. 4.5.8 National Perspective The following comments on the national livestock situation were prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in their international and domestic market outlook.507 507 Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2000, Medium Term Policy Baseline – International and Domestic Markets (Ottawa: AA-FC), < septindx.htm>. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 215 Beef Following the North American cattle markets, Canadian prices of feeder cattle will remain strong until 2003 and then begin to decline. After a peak in 1996, Canadian cattle inventories declined steadily as prices declined. Inventories are projected to increase beginning in 2001 and continuing until 2006, which is anticipated to be the peak of the cycle. Almost 70% of the increase in beef production between 2001 and 2006 is expected to be exported. By 2006, Canadian cattle farm output is expected to be 60% higher than the level observed in 1995, before the elimination of the Western Grain Transportation Act. Swine The peak prices for Canadian hogs are projected to occur in 2000 and 2004. The cyclical bottom will occur in 2003. Growing environmental concerns and an anticipated tight market for feed barley are projected to slow the expansion of hog production in Western Canada. Hog marketings in Eastern Canada are expected to remain more stable than those in Western Canada. Almost two thirds of the increase in pork production between 2000 and 2006 will be exported. Canadian hog farm output at the end of 2006 is anticipated to be 53% higher than the level observed in 1995. Poultry and Egg The demand for poultry meat in Canada is projected to remain strong. Annual per-capita consumption of chicken in 2006 is projected to be 6.2 kg above the 1996–1999 average. However, per-capita turkey consumption is projected to remain unchanged at 4.3 kg. Canadian egg production at the end of 2006 is projected to be 12% higher than the 1996–1999 average. Growth is stimulated by a strong demand for breaker eggs from the agri-food processing industry. In 1990, breaker eggs accounted for 20% of all eggs produced in Canada. By 1999, this share had grown to more than 26% and is projected to increase to over 30% by 2006. The growth in table egg consumption is projected to be modest over the next few years. 216 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Dairy Canadian fluid milk production in 2000/2001 is projected to increase 1.6% from 1999/2000 as rising low-fat milk sales offset the decline of standard milk sales. This trend is projected to continue into the future. Thus in conclusion, beef and swine inventories are expected to increase but only in the West, chicken and eggs could experience modest growth, while turkey will remain constant. Fluid milk production is expected to increase by about 1.6% per annum. 4.5.9 Livestock Projections for Ontario by Industry Analysts Industry analysts felt that hog prices will be in a downward slide for the next 2–3 years. This downtrend is caused by a gradual expansion of the U.S. breeding herd and continued strides in productivity. Thus, Ontario pig numbers are expected to remain stable. Long-term production could shift from Ontario to Western Canada because of rising environment-related costs. Beef cattle numbers in Ontario are expected to continue their downward trend. This is driven by cheaper feed costs in Western Canada, greater environmental costs in Ontario, and the move to case-ready product. These general comments are consistent with the projections made by both producer groups and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 4.5.10 Industry Trendlines Future livestock inventory levels were projected by drawing an industry linearregression trendline, using data from July 1, 1976 to July 1, 2000. The trendlines for poultry and cattle have relatively good statistical significance, with R2 levels of 1 and 0.867 respectively. The reason for the high predictability for poultry (100%) is because anticipated annual growth was expected to be 1.01% per year. However, the future predictability for hogs was not as accurate, with only 15.04% of the variability in pig numbers explained by historical inventory levels. The trendlines for cattle, poultry, and pigs are shown in figures 4-3, 4-4, and 4-5. Refer to Appendix 4-9 for specific livestock forecasts. Recall the study limitations discussed previously in the Methodology when interpreting these forecasts. Poultry Census Data Forecast for Poultry Linear (Poultry Census Data) July 1/10 July 1/09 July 1/08 July 1/07 July 1/06 July 1/05 July 1/04 July 1/03 July 1/02 July 1/01 July 1/00 July 1/99 Forecast for cattle July 1/98 July 1/97 July 1/96 July 1/95 July 1/94 July 1/93 July 1/92 Cattle Inventory July 1/91 July 1/90 July 1/89 July 1/88 July 1/87 July 1/86 July 1/85 July 1/84 July 1/83 July 1/82 July 1/81 July 1/80 July 1/79 July 1/78 July 1/77 July 1/76 million head July 1/10 July 1/09 July 1/08 July 1/07 July 1/06 July 1/05 July 1/04 July 1/03 July 1/02 July 1/01 July 1/00 July 1/99 July 1/98 July 1/97 July 1/96 July 1/95 July 1/94 July 1/93 July 1/92 July 1/91 July 1/90 July 1/89 July 1/88 July 1/87 July 1/86 July 1/85 July 1/84 July 1/83 July 1/82 July 1/81 July 1/80 July 1/79 July 1/78 July 1/77 July 1/76 million head The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 217 Figure 4-3 Cattle Inventory Trendline, 1976–2010 3.5 3.0 2.5 y = -3.5249x + 2972.6 R2 = 0.8671 2.0 1.5 1.0 .5 0 Linear (Cattle Inventory) Figure 4-4 Poultry Inventory Trendline, 1976–2010 60 y = 40.617x + 3180-9 R=1 50 2 40 30 20 10 0 218 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Swine Projections From table 4-9 it can be seen that pig numbers are expected to increase modestly from 3.3 million head to 3.5 million head (5.2%) over the next 10 years. Thus, manure production from pigs is anticipated to increase by approximately 600 million L over the forecasted time frame. Cattle Projections Forecasted cattle numbers are presented in table 4-10. Total cattle numbers are expected to decrease by about 20% over the 10-year time frame, resulting in a corresponding 20% decrease in manure production. Poultry Projections Table 4-11 displays projected poultry numbers and manure production. Poultry numbers are forecasted to increase by 10% over the 10-year period, thus annual manure production will increase from 1.97 billion litres to 2.17 billion litres. Figure 4-5 Pig Inventory Trendline, 1976–2010 4.0 3.5 3.0 y = 1.602x + 2845.6 R2 = 0.1504 2.0 1.5 1.0 Pig Inventory Forecast for pigs Linear (Pig Inventory) July 1/10 July 1/09 July 1/08 July 1/07 July 1/06 July 1/05 July 1/04 July 1/03 July 1/02 July 1/01 July 1/00 July 1/99 July 1/98 July 1/97 July 1/96 July 1/95 July 1/94 July 1/93 July 1/92 July 1/91 July 1/90 July 1/89 July 1/88 July 1/87 July 1/86 July 1/85 July 1/84 July 1/83 July 1/82 July 1/81 July 1/80 July 1/79 July 1/78 0 July 1/77 0.5 July 1/76 million head 2.5 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 219 In summary, using the trendlines, total provincial manure production is forecasted to decrease from 29.5 billion litres in 2001 to 27.1 billion in 2010, mainly due to the decrease in cattle manure. Table 4-9 Forecasted Livestock Units and Manure Production: Swine Year Total Head (000) Livestock Units (000) Manure (million L/yr) 2001 3,328 815 11,328 2002 3,347 820 11,394 2003 3,366 824 11,459 2004 3,385 829 11,525 2005 3,405 832 11,610 2010 3,501 856 11,938 Table 4-10 Forecasted Livestock Units and Manure Production: Cattle Year Total Head (000) Livestock Units (000) Manure (million L/yr) 2001 1,912 1,322 16,242 2002 1,869 1,303 15,883 2003 1,827 1,273 15,523 2004 1,785 1,244 15,164 2005 1,742 1,206 14,749 2010 1,531 1,060 12,958 Table 4-11 Forecasted Livestock Units and Manure Production: Poultry Year Total Head (000) Livestock Units (000) Manure (million L/yr) 2001 44,008 311 1,973 2002 44,494 314 1,994 2003 44,979 317 2,016 2004 45,465 321 2,038 2005 45,950 324 2,060 2010 48,378 341 2,168 220 4.5.11 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Ontario Manure Growth Rates The following are the weighted growth rates for the average annual swine and cattle herd size in Ontario (supplied by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada). The estimated coefficients for the next four years are 2000 – 0.97; 2001 – 0.96; 2002 – 0.98; 2003 – 1.01; and 2004 – 1.03. These rates were also applied to poultry inventory numbers, since proportionately they generate smaller amounts of manure. When these coefficients were applied against the estimated 1999 Statistics Canada inventory numbers, the manure production amounts found in table 4-12 were generated. These manure production amounts are compared to the trendline projections completed in section 4.5.10. The Agriculture and AgriFood Canada projections decrease during 2001 and 2002 but increase in 2003 and 2004. This is driven primarily by the cattle cycle which is expected to peak in 2004. Thus, the trendline for manure production decreases each year, based on the continuing decline in cattle numbers (despite the higher prices forecast for 2000 and 2001). Graphically, the difference in short-run manure production estimates can be seen in figure 4-6. The largest gap between the two estimates is in 2002 when the difference is about 890 million L. For the remainder of the time, the difference is about 200–300 million L. In conclusion, using linear-regression trendline projections, the estimated total volume of manure is expected to decrease from the 30.9 billion L produced in 1996 to a forecasted 27.1 billion L in 2010. Forecasts from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to 2004 report similar results. These results project decreases Table 4-12 A Comparison of Manure Production Forecasts Year Ag Canada Inventory (000 head) Ag Canada Manure Production Forecast (million L/yr) Trendline Inventory (000 head) Trendline Manure Production Forecast (million L/yr) 2000 46,788 30,168 48,802 30,314 2001 44,916 28,961 49,248 29,543 2002 44,018 28,382 49,710 29,271 2003 44,458 28,666 50,173 28,999 2004 45,792 29,525 50,635 28,727 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 221 from 30.2 billion L in 2000 to 29.5 billion in 2004 while the trendline analysis projects a decrease from 30.3 in 2000 to 28.7 in 2004. 4.6 Summary Unquestionably, there is increased concern from the general public about the environmental impact of animal agriculture. Members of the agricultural community not only have to be aware of their rights and responsibilities to the environment but they should also be proactive in taking action to protect the land and water they themselves rely on. The primary objective of this section has been to benchmark Ontario’s current manure production levels and to project future growth predictions for the major livestock industries in Ontario. The main data source was Statistics Canada’s census data and livestock inventory numbers for beef, dairy, swine, turkey, chicken, and laying hens. Input was sought from the producer groups regarding industry growth and future manure technologies. The livestock manure projections were done by using either using a simple historic trendline or Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s future livestock predictions. Figure 4-6 Potential Future Manure Production 31,000 30,000 (million L/yr) 29,000 28,000 27,000 26,000 25,000 2000 2001 Ag Can Forecast 2002 2003 Forecast from Trendlines 2004 222 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Limitations to the manure projections include failing to include wash and rain water, and excluding some of the nontraditional livestock species (e.g., deer) from the manure calculations. Further, the manure calculations do not include any carbon-based materials (e.g. straw, shavings, etc.) which would add to the total volume of manure produced. To recognize these limitations, manure production was frequently estimated on the high side for several livestock categories. The majority of livestock farms are in the Western and Southern regions of Ontario (17,239 out of 28,885 total livestock farms). The bulk of Ontario’s agricultural sales comes from relatively few farms. Only about 20.2% of farms have gross revenues over $250,000; however, these farms produce some 67% of all agricultural sales. These statistics are not known for Ontario livestock farms specifically, but it can be assumed that the same general trend holds true. Current inventory levels of cattle (dairy and beef ) are about 2 million head, pigs 3.3 million head, and poultry 41.5 million head. The general trend in cattle numbers is downward (beef cattle down, dairy cattle constant), while swine numbers have been stable to increasing and poultry numbers have been increasing. Based on 1996 census data, the top five ranking counties in terms of manure production are Perth, Huron, Wellington, Oxford, and Bruce. The province as a whole actually saw its manure production decrease between 1986 and 1996, from an estimated 33.3 billion L to 30.9 billion L (a decrease of 7.5% over the 10-year period). Poultry manure production increased by 13.8% between 1986 and 1996, while cattle and swine manure decreased by 8.3% and 9.3% respectively. In Huron and Perth Counties, the two heaviest livestock counties, manure production for swine and poultry has increased while cattle volumes have decreased. Another county/municipality of interest is Wellington which has seen its poultry and cattle manure production numbers increase (23.1% and 1.3% respectively) while swine manure production decreased (13.9%). When manure production was reviewed at the township level, the swings in manure production were sometimes dramatic. (‘Townships’ were the historical townships, not those formed by recent township mergers.) For example, Grey Township in Huron County saw manure production between 1986 and 1991 increase by 12.1% while the 10-year growth was 75.3%. No obvious trends appeared, such as certain townships experiencing all the swine growth while others showed all the cattle growth. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 223 Given the 7.5% decline in manure production for the whole province between 1986 and 1996, it is not surprising that nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium levels decreased as well. In the 10 years between 1986 and 1996, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium decreased by 6.7%, 6.2% and 8.2% respectively. The two regions that account for the bulk of Ontario’s livestock production (Southern and Western) had nitrogen production declines of 6.8% and 4.0% respectively. In six selected counties/municipalities, 46 of the 71 townships experienced a decrease in nitrogen production between 1986 and 1996, while 25 had an increase. The relative amounts of liquid and solid manure application vary considerably by county/municipality. The main reason for this variance is the different livestock unit composition (areas with more beef and fewer swine have more solid manure to spread). More land in Perth and Oxford Counties received liquid manure (approximately 12%) while Bruce and Wellington had more land receiving solid manure (about 20%). It is interesting to note that even in a heavy livestock county such as Perth, only about 30% of the tillable land receives manure (in either liquid or solid form; 12.3% and 16.9% respectively). In the province as a whole, the amount of tillable land receiving either liquid or solid manure is 18.9% (5.2% and 13.7% respectively). The fact that only 19% of all tillable land in the province receives manure suggests that from a nutrient management perspective, Ontario could increase its livestock inventories substantially before running out of tillable land on which to spread manure. The general consensus of farm organizations anticipated little wide-spread farm application of new manure technology in the near future, although many innovations are currently under development. When asked about the potential impact of World Trade Organization talks that could lower tariffs and allow foreign imports into Canada, producer groups felt that this was unlikely in the short to medium term. Consumer demand for livestock proteins is expected to remain relatively unchanged, with some growth in chicken consumption. Future livestock manure projections were estimated in two ways: by drawing a linear-regression trendline through historical livestock numbers and by using growth coefficients supplied by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. From the trendline, future pig numbers will increase over the next 10 year. Hence the manure production is anticipated to increase by some 600 million L over 224 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 the same timeframe. The most significant projection is total cattle numbers, which are expected to decrease by about 20% over the next 10 years. Thus, manure volumes should fall by some 3.3 billion L in that time. The inventory increases expected for poultry and the manure production are both expected to increase by about 10% over the next 10 years. Total provincial manure production is forecasted to decrease from 29.5 to 27.1 billion L in the 10 years from 2001 to 2010. These projections track reasonably well with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s projections to 2004. They differ by some 890 million L in 2002 but for the remainder of the time the difference is about 200–300 million L. In conclusion, contrary to common belief, results indicate that Ontario’s manure production has actually decreased by 7.5% between 1986 and 1996 (down 7.5%, from 33.4 to 30.9 billion L). Based on 1996 manure estimates, cattle produced 63%, swine 31%, and poultry 6% of Ontario’s livestock manure. Based on assumptions of falling beef cattle numbers, stable dairy numbers, and increasing swine and poultry numbers, manure production is projected to drop to 27.1 billion L in 2010 (a decrease of 12% from 1996 levels). The ranking of counties/municipalities in terms of manure production changed little over the 1986–1996 time period. At the township level, livestock numbers did change, some rather dramatically, but no obvious trends appeared in which types of livestock changed. With respect to manure application at the provincial level, it would seem that there is room for significantly more manure production based on estimated manure levels and tillable acres. However, site-specific nutrient-management planning should also be considered. There is little doubt that Ontario livestock farms are consolidating into fewer, larger farms. The real question becomes how to balance society’s need for safe, high-quality potable water versus the needs of livestock farms to remain competitive (low costs of production) and not unduly burdened with extensive regulations. It would appear that Ontario’s landbase could support about four times the amount of manure currently produced if all tillable acres were to receive manure application. However, given current manure technologies and manure economic values (nutrient value plus cost of transportation), the movement of manure over large distances does not seem feasible. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 225 Appendix 4.1 Coefficients Used to Calculate Livestock Units The calculations for livestock units were performed using the census data allocations of animals per livestock unit (LU) and the MDS II guidelines.508 Pigs By using four livestock units for the category “all other pigs,” the most extreme scenario was created. This assumes that this group of pigs consisted of only feeder hogs and no weaner pigs. This heavier weighting in livestock units was used for each year. Cattle (including beef and dairy) The census methodology also provides a biased scenario for it assumes that all calves weigh more than 150 kg. Bulls have been assigned as 1 head/LU given that no separate classification was provided in the MDS II guidelines. Table A4.1.1 Coefficients Used to Calculate Livestock Units for Pigs MDS II Guidelines # animals/LU Census Category # animals/LU Sows/boars 5 Sows 5 Weaners (4–30 kg) 20 Boars 5 Feeder hogs (30–120 kg) 4 All other pigs 4 Table A4.1.2 Coefficients Used to Calculate Livestock Units for Cattle MDS II Guidelines # animals/LU Census Category # animals/LU Beef cow (including calf to 150 kg) 1 Bulls 1 Beef feeders 2 Beef/dairy cows 1 Dairy cow (including calf to 150 kg) 1 Heifers (beef and dairy) 2 Dairy heifers 2 Steers 2 Calves 2 508 OMAFRA, 1995c: Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture Division, 1992b, Census Overview of Canadian Agriculture: 1971-1991 (Ottawa: StatsCan); Canada, Statistics Canada, Livestock and Animal Products, 2000. 226 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Poultry Note that these allocations assume the category “Other poultry” is similar to large meat turkeys in terms of livestock units. Turkeys have been assigned livestock units assuming they are all greater than 10 kg in weight. Table A4.1.3 Coefficients Used to Calculate Livestock Units for Poultry MDS II Guidelines # birds/LU Census Category Chicken, caged layers 125 Laying hens 19 wks+(laying hens, pullets 19 wks+)* 125 Chicken, breeder layers 125 Broilers, roasters, Cornish (other hens, pullets, other chickens)* 200 Chicken, broilers/roasters 200 Pullets, pullet chicks 500 Chicken, pullets (replacement layers) 500 Hatchery flock birds 125 Meat turkeys (>10 kg) 50 Turkeys 50 Meat turkeys (5–10 kg) 75 Other poultry 50 Turkey breeder layers 75 Meat turkeys (< 5 kg) 100 Turkey pullets (replacement breeders) 500 * Listing in brackets is category used in 1986 and 1991 census. # birds/LU The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 227 Appendix 4.2 Questionnaire for Producer Organizations 1. What will happen to animal numbers for your industry in the next 5 to 10 years? In what regions of Ontario is this expansion or contraction likely to occur? 2. What will the production facilities of the future look like with respect to size, feed storage, and manure storage ? 3. What is likely to happen to manure production from this industry? 4. Are any advances in technology likely to affect manure production (e.g., feed, odour)? 5. What is expected to happen to demand for your industry’s product (e.g., shrink, expand)? 6. Do you have any industry descriptive stats we could use (e.g., number of farms, number of animals, regional or county/municipality breakdown of these animals)? 7. Do you have any production trends we could use (e.g., graphs depicting recent production trends, statistics on ownership (corporate vs family), shifts in farm size, types of feeding systems used, types of manure storage and spreading systems used, etc.)? Producer Organizations The following producer organizations were contacted to gain a better understanding of current and future production trends as well as potential technological events that could affect production. The names of the individual(s) who participated are included. Producer Organization Dairy Farmers of Ontario Ontario Pork Producers’ Marketing Board Chicken Farmers of Ontario Ontario Egg Producers Ontario Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board Ontario Cattleman’s Association Name of Contact Gordon Coukell Sam Bradshaw Chris Vanderkooy, John Maaskant Dr. Peter Hutton Greg Morrison Mike McMorris 228 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Appendix 4.3 Calculation of Manure, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production Values for annual manure production, plus annual nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content, were calculated.509 These calculations are used in later projections. Pigs Swine manure production and N, P, and K content were calculated using the following data categories for pig type. There is no separate category for boars in the Best Management Practices,510 so we assumed that all boars fall into the same category as sows. To create a scenario that estimates the largest amount of manure production, the category “all other pigs” assumes that all of these pigs are in the largest weight range and therefore produce the maximum amount of manure.This category was also allocated the N, P, and K production of 75% of a feeder hog since the sow category in the census data includes the litter to weaning. Cattle Manure production and N, P, and K content were calculated using the following categories for animal type, based on census data.511 There is no separate category for bulls in the Best Management Practices,512 so we assumed that all bulls fall into the beef cow category, which is higher in manure per animal than the beef feeder category. Beef and dairy cows produce different amounts of manure. The calculations for total manure production were based on the number of each in the census data. Heifers and steers were assigned the value corresponding to beef feeder/dairy heifer Table A4.3.1 Calculation of Manure, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production for Pigs Manure Produced per Animal (L/day) N (kg) P (kg of P2O5) Sows 11.3 16 9 5.5 Boars 11.3 11 6 4.5 All other pigs 9.1 4.5 3.4 Census Category 509 8.25 K (kg of K2O) Canada, AA-FC, OMAFRA, and OFA, 1996; Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1987, 1992a, 1992b, 1997. 510 Ontario, Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs [n.d.], “Manure Characteristics,” OMAFRA Factsheet, Agdex 528, order #85-109. 511 Ibid. 512 Ibid. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 229 (15–24 mos) to provide an upper limit of manure produced by this group of animals. It was assumed that all calves fall into the 3–6 month age category (upper range for calves). The N, P, and K production values for the category “Calves” were assumed to be 50% of those of a beef feeder. Poultry Manure production and N, P, and K content were calculated using the following categories for poultry type, based on census data.513 Turkeys and “other poultry” are assumed to be the same as turkey breeders to give an extreme, upper-limit scenario. Table A4.3.2 Calculation of Manure, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production for Cattle Manure Produced per Animal (L/day) N (kg) P (kg of P2O5) K (kg of K2O) Bulls 28.3 32 15 40 Beef cows 28.3 32 15 40 Dairy cows 45.3 64 30 80 Heifers (beef and dairy) 21.2 32 15 40 Steers 21.2 32 15 40 Calves 7.1 16 7.5 20 Census Category Table A4.3.3 Calculation of Manure, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production for Poultry Volume of manure per bird N (kg) P (kg of P2O5) K (kg of K2O) Laying hens 19 wks+ (laying hens, pullets 19 wks+)* 0.14 0.53 0.42 0.23 Broilers, roasters, Cornish (other hens, pullets, other chickens)* 0.08 0.35 0.16 0.14 Pullets, pullet chicks 0.08 0.35 0.16 0.14 Hatchery flock birds 0.14 0.53 0.42 0.23 Turkeys 0.34 0.53 0.42 0.23 Other poultry 0.34 0.53 0.42 0.23 Census Category * Listing in brackets is category used in Canada. Sources: Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1987, 1992a, 1992b. 513 Ibid. 230 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Appendix 4.4 Number of Livestock Farms per County/ Municipality, 1996 Table A4.4.1 Dairy, Beef, Hog, Poultry/Egg, and Livestock Combination Farms Number of Livestock Farms County/Municipality Number of Livestock Farms Hamilton-Wentworth Reg. Mun. 373 Prince Edward County 255 Niagara Regional Municipality 551 Northumberland County 656 Haldimand-Norfolk Reg. Mun. 630 Peterborough County 766 Brant County 241 Victoria County 977 Oxford County 1,232 County/Municipality Durham Regional Municipality 932 Elgin County 349 York Regional Municipality 314 Kent County 269 Muskoka District Municipality 61 Essex County 106 Haliburton County 24 Lambton County 585 Parry Sound District 139 Middlesex County Southern Ontario Region Peel Regional Municipality Dufferin County Wellington County Halton Regional Municipality 993 5,329 Central Ontario Region 4,761 Stormont,DDundas undas &&GGlengarry lengarry UU.C. .C. Stormont, 1,165 262 Prescott & Russell U.C. 729 463 Ottawa-Carleton Reg. Mun. 642 Leeds & Grenville U.C. 759 Lanark County 526 1,634 188 Waterloo Regional Municipality 1,132 Frontenac County 423 Perth County 1,744 Lennox and Addington County 392 Huron County 1,696 Renfrew County 940 Bruce County 1,711 Eastern Ontario 5,576 Grey County 1,919 Northern Ontario 1,309 1,161 Total Ontario 28,885 Simcoe County Western Ontario Region 11,910 Hastings County 637 Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997. Average Number of Farms per County/municipality Excluding Northern Ontario 726 39 Swine 27 69 Cattle Swine 47 90 Cattle Swine 24 37 Cattle Swine 86.4 1,766.4 119.5 194.2 14.9 328.7 243.6 371.0 109.7 24.2 169.1 229.9 250.0 649.0 100.7 10% –11% –4% –8% 16% –6% –21% –12% 42% –10% –28% –12% 3% –12% –24% –11% 1,898 28 20 366 414 63 41 2,558 2,662 38 22 5,877 5,937 22 21 2,650 2,692 71.9 984.5 97 66.5 268 99 13.7 136.6 8.6 15.0 2.4 26.0 17.4 29.1 17.9 64.4 12.1 17.2 40.8 70.0 7.2 61.9 161.6 –13% –9% 1,440 1,768 35 22 407 464 71 40 2,320 2,432 50 23 5,768 5,841 29 13.0 10.2 324.1 Livestock Head (000) –10% 118.8 1,979.9 124.3 211.8 12.9 349.1 309.0 422.1 77.1 808.2 234.6 261.8 242.3 738.7 132.7 18 1,861 30.4 Manure Production (million L/yr) 893.2 108 18.8 153.4 8.9 15.9 2.1 27.0 22.1 32.1 12.4 66.6 16.8 19.4 39.1 75.3 9.5 56.4 181.9 1,909 Livestock Units (000s) 1991 Swine 257 62.7 876.6 231 56.4 786.8 Note: The percent change in amount of manure between 1986 and 1991, and between 1986 and 1996 are also shown. Cattle 9.3 14.3 371.0 Manure Production (million Livestock L/yr) Head (000) 1,531 1,744 Poultry 2,109 337 Poultry 397 1,837 Poultry 1,974 5,565 Poultry 5,661 21 33.1 Livestock Units (000s) 1986 –27% Oxford County Brant County Haldimand–Norfolk Regional Municipality Niagara Regional Municipality 1,600 Cattle 1,659 Livestock Head (000) Poultry Hamilton-Wentworth Hamilton–Municipal HRegional amiltonMunicipality Wentworth Regional Municipality County/Municipality Manure chg. vs 1986 65.5 67.7 8.9 142.2 6.8 13.9 1.5 22.1 15.6 29.6 16.8 61.9 9.3 16.4 36.8 62.5 5.3 14.0 18.9 38.2 Livestock Units (000s) 1996 912.1 882.1 53.6 1,847.8 94.5 175.8 8.7 279.0 214.9 362.3 104.3 681.6 129.4 213.7 231.5 574.7 73.5 158.6 114.9 347.0 Manure Production (million L/yr) 4% –10% –55% –7% –24% –17% –33% –20% –30% –14% 35% –16% –45% –18% –4% –22% –45% –13% 100% –7% Manure chg. vs 1986 Table A4.5.1 Livestock Head, Livestock Units, and Manure Production by County/Municipality, in 1986, 1991, and 1996 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 231 Appendix 4.5 Livestock Head, Livestock Units, and Manure Production by County/ Municipality in 1986, 1991, and 1996 Southern Ontario Region Middlesex County Lambton County Essex County Kent County Elgin County County/Municipality 35 83 Cattle Swine 24 114 Cattle Swine 38 Swine 106 261 Cattle Swine 15,781 456 1,218 Poultry Cattle Swine 17,455 2,142 Poultry 2,509 36.0 58 231 Cattle Swine 297.5 297.5 118.3 713.3 63.7 66.5 16.6 146.7 56.5 10.5 103.0 9.2 5.0 2.2 16.3 27.8 13.4 3.1 44.2 20.3 23.1 3.8 47.2 1,229 Poultry 7 Cattle 1,518 267 Poultry 312 450 Poultry 588 578 Poultry 696 Livestock Head (000) Livestock Units (000s) 1986 4,157.7 3,983.0 750.6 8,891.3 893.4 894.9 110.0 1,898.4 786.4 466.7 69.7 1,322.8 128.2 69.5 14.1 211.8 387.7 176.4 20.8 584.9 284.9 313.1 25.1 623.1 1,135 403 17,065 18,603 266 86 2,254 2,606 204 55 1,230 1,490 34 6 346 386 138 20 548 706 76 36 799 911 Manure Production (million Livestock L/yr) HHead ead ((000) 000s) 277.3 271.9 132.6 681.8 65.0 56.4 22.5 143.8 50.1 34.4 10.6 95.1 8.3 3.9 3.8 16.0 33.7 11.8 3.8 49.3 18.5 24.6 5.6 48.6 Livestock Units (000s) 1991 3,870.2 3,538.6 833.2 8,242.0 909.8 729.7 143.5 1,783.0 695.5 431.5 70.9 1,197.9 116.5 52.8 24.1 193.5 469.9 149.1 26.3 645.3 258.8 325.6 36.9 621.3 Manure Production (million L/yr) –7% –11% 11% –7% 2% –19% 30% –6% –12% –8% 2% –9% –9% –24% 71% –9% 21% –16% 27% 10% –9% 4% 47% <–1% Manure chg. vs 1986 1,137 394 18,520 20,051 226 86 1,983 2,295 218 49 1,259 1,526 27 6 392 425 188 17 613 819 59 33 613 70 4 Livestock Head (000) 278.1 266.4 139.8 684.2 55.3 56.8 19.1 131.2 53.3 31.4 10.6 95.3 6.7 4 .0 2.1 12.9 46.0 10.0 4.0 60.0 14.3 22.6 4.6 41.5 Livestock Units (000s) 1996 3,872.8 3,350.9 881.1 8,104.8 768.9 705.6 121.4 1,595.9 741.9 392.1 70.0 1,204.1 93.2 51.1 13.2 157.5 643.2 120.9 27.8 791.9 201.2 288.6 29.0 518.7 Manure Production (million L/yr) –7% –16% 17% –9% –14% –21% 10% –16% –6% –16% <–1% –9% –27% –27% –6% –26% 66% –31% 34% 35% –29% –8% 16% –17% Manure chg. vs 1986 Table A4.5.1 Livestock Head, Livestock Units, and Manure Production by County/Municipality, cont’d. 232 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Perth County Waterloo Regional Municipality Halton Regional Municipality Wellington County Dufferin County Peel Regional Municipality County/Municipality 30 Swine 12 Swine 81.1 95.0 122 388 Cattle Swine 188.9 12.8 2,500 1,990 Poultry 52.5 85 230 Cattle Swine 56.4 15.5 124.4 3.0 11.3 5.4 19.6 2,150 Poultry 17 Cattle 2,466 831 Poultry 860 82.3 125 268 Cattle Swine 65.3 16.9 164.6 7.4 29.9 0.7 38.0 2,920 Poultry 45 Cattle 3,313 111 Poultry 187 8 1.8 18.2 26 Cattle Swine 20.3 0.3 101 67 Poultry Livestock Head (000) Livestock Units (000s) 1986 1,322.8 1,101.8 82.8 2,507.4 784.8 719.4 101.7 1,605.9 41.4 146.2 32.1 219.7 914.6 1,079.9 104.7 2,099.1 104.3 367.6 4.2 476.1 25.5 238.6 1.7 265.9 417 117 2,191 2,725 227 89 1,945 2,260 14 17 698 729 245 128 2,581 2,955 22 38 163 223 8 24 192 224 Manure Production (million Livestock L/yr) Head (000) 102.2 79.3 13.9 195.4 55.4 54.0 12.8 122.1 3.4 10.9 3.5 17.8 59.9 85.9 16.4 162.3 5.4 26.2 1.0 32.5 2.0 16.9 1.2 20.0 Livestock Units (000s) 1991 1,419.3 1,051.8 89.7 2,560.9 774.2 734.7 81.0 1,589.9 47.6 144.3 21.7 213.6 835.2 1,096.5 100.5 2,032.3 75.7 306.1 5.8 387.6 27.0 220.7 7.0 254.6 Manure Production (million L/yr) 7% –5% 8% 2% –1% 2% –20% –1% 15% –1% –33% –3% –9% 2% –4% –3% –27% –17% 39% –19% 6% –8% 310% –4% Manure chg. vs 1986 46 0 112 2,592 3,165 207 89 1,921 2,216 3 13 401 417 230 131 3,290 3,651 13 39 225 277 5 24 93 122 Livestock Head (000) 112.7 76.6 17.0 206.3 50.4 55.2 12.3 117.9 0.7 8.6 1.8 11.1 56.1 87.6 20.6 164.3 3.1 26.6 1.0 30.8 1.1 16.7 0.6 18.5 Livestock Units (000s) 1996 1,568.9 1,001.0 107.7 2,677.6 705.6 737.8 77.6 1,521.0 9.2 108.8 10.5 128.6 787.5 1,093.8 128.8 2,010.1 44.0 305.4 6.1 355.5 15.5 213.9 3.8 s233.2 Manure Production (million L/yr) 19% –9% 30% 7% –10% 3% –24% –5% –78% –26% –67% –42% –14% 1% 23% –4% –58% –17% 47% –25% –39% –10% 120% –12% Manure chg. vs 1986 Table A4.5.1 Livestock Head, Livestock Units, and Manure Production by County/Municipality, cont’d. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 233 Hastings County Western Ontario Region Simcoe County Grey County Bruce County Huron County County/Municipality 98 Swine 84 1,016 1,596 Cattle Swine 230 51 11 Poultry Cattle Swine 292 13,806 Poultry 16,419 74.6 112 Cattle Swine 2.6 36.9 1.5 41.0 390.0 651.9 88.6 1,130.5 20.6 6.8 102.0 24.0 98.2 6.1 128.3 894 1,090 150 Cattle Poultry 981 Poultry 1,229 113 27.6 114.4 189 Cattle Swine 145.2 3.3 929 627 Poultry 88.8 89.4 145 364 Cattle Swine 196.0 17.8 3,571 3,062 Poultry Livestock Head (000) Livestock Units (000s) 1986 36.1 452.6 9.7 498.4 5,446.3 8,446.6 568.6 14,461.4 287.1 914.0 42.6 1,243.7 336.6 1,179.3 41.0 1,556.9 387.4 1,505.4 21.5 1,914.2 1,241.6 1,194.5 115.9 2,552.0 7 49 212 268 1,544 959 14,303 16,806 66 94 706 866 79 141 1,261 1,481 94 178 832 1,104 372 133 3,564 4,068 Manure Production Livestock (million L/yr) Head (000) 1.7 35.6 1.3 38.6 377.6 628.3 90.6 1,096.6 16.3 64.0 4.8 85.0 19.4 95.3 7.8 122.4 22.9 111.6 4.5 139.0 90.9 84.2 21.8 196.9 Livestock Units (000s) 1991 23.9 431.8 8.1 463.8 5,263.7 7,901.1 574.0 13,738.9 225.4 770.8 29.6 1,025.8 270.5 1,106.8 50.5 1,427.8 321.6 1,390.5 27.9 1,740.0 1,267.2 1,078.8 141.0 2,487.0 Manure Production (million L/yr) –34% –5% –17% –7% –3% –7% 1% –5% –22% –16% –31% –18% –20% –6% 23% –8% –17% –8% 30% –9% 2% –10% 22% –3% Manure chg. vs 1986 6 49 167 220 1,511 987 15,718 18,216 64 95 675 834 49 149 1,346 1,545 76 193 1,032 1,300 4 05 14 4,057 4,604 Livestock Head (000) 1.4 34.2 0.7 36.3 369.1 651.8 99.7 1,120.6 15.6 66.9 3.8 86.3 12.0 101.2 11.9 125.0 18.5 122.0 5.2 145.7 98.9 90.3 22.7 211.9 Livestock Units (000s) 1996 19.9 408.0 4.4 432.3 5,155.4 8,002.9 635.0 13,793.3 217.0 772.9 22.5 1,012.4 168.5 1,154.6 76.2 1,399.3 258.6 1,487.9 34.6 1,781.1 1,380.4 1,126.7 148.2 ssss2,655.4 Manure Production (million L/yr) –45% –10% –55% –13% –5% –5% 12% –5% –24% –15% –47% –19% –50% –2% 8 6% –10% –33% –1% 61% –7% 11% –6% 28% 4% Manure chg. vs 1986 Table A4.5.1 Livestock Head, Livestock Units, and Manure Production by County/Municipality, cont’d. 234 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 York Regional Municipality Durham Regional Municipality Victoria County Peterborough County Northumberland County Prince Edward County County/Municipality 22 6 Cattle Swine 50 27 Cattle Swine 52 22 Cattle Swine 70 33 Cattle Swine 56 Swine 19.4 28 23 Cattle Swine 5.7 1.8 27.0 13.8 49.9 6.4 70.1 7.2 47.5 0.7 55.4 5.4 37.4 2.9 45.7 6.5 35.6 3.9 46.0 1.4 15.6 1.3 18.3 591 Poultry 73 Cattle 643 1,150 Poultry 1,279 132 Poultry 235 549 Poultry 623 774 Poultry 851 354 Poultry 382 Livestock Head (000) Livestock Units (000s) 1986 79.8 248.3 10.9 338.9 191.9 628.7 39.4 860.0 95.8 551.7 4.6 652.2 75.5 432.4 17.7 525.5 91.2 440.5 27.6 559.2 19.9 207.4 7.5 234.8 16 21 792 829 34 68 1,326 1,428 21 64 166 251 16 52 556 624 23 48 790 861 3 19 412 433 Manure Production Livestock (million L/yr) Head (000) 4.0 14.8 4.5 23.3 8.3 47.5 8.6 64.4 5.2 44.8 0.9 50.9 3.9 37.4 2.9 44.2 5.6 34.1 4.6 44.4 0.7 13.9 2.2 16.8 Livestock Units (000s) 1991 55.7 181.3 26.8 263.8 115.9 584.9 52.4 753.2 72.7 490.3 5.6 568.6 54.7 430.7 17.4 502.9 78.9 420.1 30.9 530.0 9.6 180.9 13.3 203.9 Manure Production (million L/yr) –30% –27% 150% –22% –40% –7% 33% –12% –24% –11% 21% –13% –28% <–1% –2% –4% –13% –5% 12% –5% –54% –13% 75% –13% Manure chg. vs 1986 11 21 727 75 9 37 65 1,205 1,308 15 67 126 209 11 50 588 649 26 45 543 613 2 18 239 25 8 Livestock Head (000) 2.7 14.8 4.5 22.0 9.1 46.6 7.3 63.0 3 .7 47.9 0.8 52.4 2.6 36.2 4.2 43.0 6.4 32.4 3 .8 42.6 0. 4 13.3 1.4 15.1 Livestock Units (000s) 1996 37.5 180.4 27.1 245.0 125.1 563.3 45.3 733.6 51.8 526.3 4.9 583.1 36.2 4 0 8 .9 25.9 471.0 88.8 389.8 24.8 503.4 5.5 167.6 8.4 181.5 Manure Production (million L/yr) –53% –27% 150% –28% –35% –10% 15% –15% –46% –5% 6% –11% –52% –5% 47% –10% –3% –16% –10% –10% –73% –19% 11% –23% Manure chg. vs 1986 Table A4.5.1 Livestock Head, Livestock Units, and Manure Production by County/Municipality, cont’d. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 235 3 0 Cattle Swine 1 0 Cattle Swine 9 2 Cattle Swine 361 180 Cattle Swine 568 104 29 Poultry Cattle Swine 700 4,327 Poultry 4,867 28 Poultry 39 1 Poultry 3 5 8 Livestock Head (000) Poultry Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties Central Ontario Region Parry Sound District Haliburton County Muskoka District Municipality County/Municipality 6.9 77.0 2.9 86.8 43.9 252.1 30.6 326.5 0.4 6.7 0.2 7.4 0.01 1.0 0.01 1.0 0.04 2.0 0.04 2.1 Livestock Units (000s) 1986 98.4 1,067.0 21.2 1,186.6 612.7 3,066.6 193.9 3,873.2 6.2 72.9 1.4 80.4 0.1 9.6 0.1 9.7 513.4 22.6 235.1 23.3 30 101 626 757 123 332 4,496 4,950 2 9 26 37 0 2 1 2 0 3 3 5 Manure Production Livestock (million L/yr) Head (000) 7.4 74.8 3.5 85.7 30.0 237.7 29.0 296.8 0.4 6.5 0.2 7.1 0.02 1.2 0.01 1.2 0.1 1.9 0.02 2.0 Livestock Units (000s) 1991 103.9 1,031.7 24.2 1,159.9 419.4 2,821.6 179.9 3,420.9 5.9 69.8 1.3 77.0 0.3 11.9 0.05 12.1 1.5 7.7 116.6 9.3 Manure Production (million L/yr) 6% –3% 14% –2% –32% –8% –7% –12% –4% –4% –4% –4% 360% 23.5% –23% 25.4% 185% –66% –50% –60% Manure chg. vs 1986 19 99 523 641 109 323 4,014 4,447 2 7 36 44 0 1 1 2 1 2 4 6 Livestock Head (000) 4.6 73.8 3.0 81.5 26.8 233.1 32.6 292.5 0.4 5.5 0.3 6.1 0 0.7 0.01 0.7 0 1.5 0.03 1.6 Livestock Units (000s) 1996 64.5 1,001.1 19.2 1,084.8 372.1 2,725.2 202.8 3,300.2 5.3 58.1 1.7 65.1 0 7.0 0.05 7.0 0 15.9 0.2 16.1 Manure Production (million L/yr) –34% –6% –9% –9% –39% –11% 5% –15% –14% –20% 25% –19% –100% –27% –29% –28% –100% –29% –31% –31% Manure chg. vs 1986 Table A4.5.1 Livestock Head, Livestock Units, and Manure Production by County/Municipality, cont’d. 236 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 12 Renfrew County Lennox and Addington County Frontenac County 24.6 0.3 26.9 34 1 399 Cattle Swine 51.4 74 8 Cattle Swine 2.0 0.2 53.6 37 118 16 Poultry 23.0 32 Cattle Swine 3.8 0.03 351 Poultry 0.2 25.1 23 58 13 Poultry 43.6 61 Cattle Swine 3.2 0.08 46.9 3.0 687 Poultry 761 48.7 68 Cattle Swine Leeds and Grenville United Counties 0.9 131 Poultry 6.6 52.6 27 211 54.0 Swine 71 Cattle 3.2 63.7 Livestock Units (000s) 1986 Ottawa–Carleton Regional Municipality 498 596 Livestock Head (000) Poultry Prescott and Russell United Counties County/Municipality 27.9 581.6 1.6 611.1 54.0 280.8 0.2 335.0 5.0 300.7 1.1 306.8 45.3 560.8 0.5 606.6 42.1 638.4 6.2 686.7 92.4 760.8 21.8 875.1 6 76 43 125 16 31 459 507 2 31 22 54 27 57 820 904 11 65 99 175 17 70 783 870 Manure Production Livestock (million L/yr) Head (000) 1.6 54.4 0.04 56.0 4.0 22.4 3.0 29.4 1.1 28.6 0.05 29.8 6.6 42.4 0.1 49.1 2.8 47.5 0.7 50.9 4.1 53.1 4.6 61.8 Livestock Units (000s) 1991 21.9 600.3 0.2 622.4 55.6 268.2 21.5 345.4 15.6 330.1 0.3 346.0 91.7 533.7 0.9 626.3 38.5 610.6 4.2 653.3 57.9 747.5 32.2 837.5 Manure Production (million L/yr) –22% 3% –86% 2% 3% –5% 1,200% 3% 210% 10% –73% 13% 100% –5% 83% 3% –9% –4% –33% –5% –37% –2% 48% –4% Manure chg. vs 1986 5 79 28 112 12 30 433 476 1 32 21 54 7 56 868 931 10 58 136 205 11 65 691 768 Livestock Head (000) 1.3 57.6 0.02 58.9 3.0 22.3 2.7 28.0 0.3 27.6 0.1 28.0 1.8 41.2 0.02 42.9 2.4 43.3 0.5 46.2 2.8 49.7 4.1 56.5 Livestock Units (000s) 1996 18.3 632.8 0.1 651.3 42.3 263.6 18.9 324.9 3.5 312.5 0.7 316.7 24.6 502.8 0.1 527.5 33.5 552.7 3.3 589.5 38.8 685.2 27.4 751.5 Manure Production (million L/yr) –35% 9% –91% 7% –22% –6% 1,000% –3% –31% 4% –32% 3% –46% –10% –77% –13% –20% –13% –47% –14% –58% –10% 26% –14% Manure chg. vs 1986 Table A4.5.1 Livestock Head, Livestock Units, and Manure Production by County/Municipality, cont’d. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 237 112 Swine 13 36,686 2,442 3,119 Poultry Cattle Swine 42,246 90.9 125 Cattle Swine 761.8 1,643.3 254.6 2,659.7 3.2 2.4 96.5 27.2 350.9 14.3 392.4 348 487 483 Cattle Poultry 2,364 Poultry 2,959 Livestock Head (000) Livestock Units (000s) 1986 10,645.5 21,092.9 1,634.8 33,373.2 45.0 1,069.6 16.2 1,130.8 383.9 4,527.1 102.4 5,013.4 2,925 2,286 39,113 44,324 9 123 270 402 114 46 9 2,878 3,461 Manure Production Livestock (million L/yr) Head (000) 715.1 1,573.2 272.1 2,560.3 2.2 89.5 2.0 93.8 27.9 345.7 17.0 390.7 Livestock Units (000s) 1991 9,974.9 19,691.7 1,726.8 31,393.4 31.3 1,030.8 13.4 1,075.5 390.3 4,399.7 121.1 4,911.1 Manure Production (million L/yr) –6% –7% 6% –6% –32% –4% –18% –5% 2% –3% 18% –2% Source: Derived and calculated from census data (Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1987, 1992a, 1992b,1997). Total Ontario Northern Ontario Region Eastern Ontario Region County/Municipality Manure chg. vs 1986 2,831 2,286 41,519 46,636 8 124 288 420 67 45 8 2,767 3,291 Livestock Head (000) 692.2 1,582.3 293.0 2,567.5 1.9 91.2 2.1 95.1 16.3 339.9 17.2 373.4 Livestock Units (000s) 1996 9,654.0 19,349.5 1,861.0 30,864.6 26.0 1,033.5 13.9 1,073.4 227.7 4,237.0 117.4 4,582.1 Manure Production (million L/yr) –9% –8% 14% –8% –42% –3% –14% –5% –41% –6% 15% –9% Manure chg. vs 1986 Table A4.5.1 Livestock Head, Livestock Units, and Manure Production by County/Municipality, cont’d. 238 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 19.4 16.8 Cattle Swine 0.8 0 Cattle Swine 0.8 0.3 Cattle Swine 3.2 3.6 Cattle Swine 17.3 10.3 5.2 Poultry Cattle Swine 32.7 0.9 Poultry 7.7 1.3 Poultry 2.3 0 Poultry 0.8 39.1 75.3 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. West Lincoln Wainfleet Port Colborne Fort Erie Niagara Regional Municipality AREA NAME Livestock Units (000) 71.8 139.7 107.3 318.8 50.0 44.5 5.7 100.3 3.6 9.8 7.4 20.8 0 11.1 <0.1 11.1 234.6 261.8 242.3 738.7 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 3.6 8.3 14.7 26.6 2.7 2.7 1.5 6.9 <0.1 0.7 1.3 2.1 0.5 0.9 <0.1 1.4 12.1 17.2 40.8 70.0 Livestock Units (000) 1996 50.1 114.5 90.3 254.9 37.8 36.0 9.8 83.6 0.5 9.1 7.7 17.3 6.7 11.2 <0.1 18.0 169.1 229.9 250.0 649.0 –30% –18% –16% –20% –25% –19% 71% –17% –85% –7% 4% –17% 1% 1,800% 62% –28% –12% 3% –12% 3 .5 8.5 13.1 25.1 2 .4 2 .6 1.8 6.9 0 0.9 0.7 1.6 <0.1 0.5 0.7 1.2 9 .3 16.4 36.8 62.5 48.7 114.2 82.0 244.9 33.0 35.9 10.9 79.8 0 9.4 4.2 13.6 0.7 7.2 3.9 11.7 129.4 213.7 231.5 574.7 –32% –18% –24% –23% –34% –19% 90% –21% –100% –4% –43% –35% –36% 131,000% 5% –45% –18% –4% –22% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, 1986, 1991, 1996 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 239 Appendix 4.6 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, 1986, 1991, 1996 AREA NAME 25.0 –22% 1.2 <0.1 0.3 1.0 <0.1 0.2 Swine 1.6 Cattle Swine 0.1 0.2 2.1 Poultry Cattle Swine 2.5 1.1 0.8 Poultry 3.5 0.4 0.7 Cattle 2.4 29.6 0.8 0.7 31.1 22.3 3.3 6.6 32.3 3.0 9.1 0.6 1.8 0.4 2.0 4.2 0 0.6 1.0 1.6 0.2 0.6 3.4 25.5 4.4 11.6 41.5 0 7.3 6.0 13.3 2.2 7.1 39% –14% 440% 1,600% 33% –100% 120% –9% –59% –27% –22% 1.2 0.3 <0.1 1.5 0 0.4 0.8 1 .2 0 0.6 0.2 0.8 0 –13% –42% 24% –100% 0 12.7 7.0 17.9 <0.1 Cattle Poultry 1996 16.3 1.0 <0.1 17.4 0 5.0 4.8 9.8 0 7.5 1.1 8.6 0 0 <0.1 <0.1 3.5 12.4 0.1 16.0 –45% 25% –94% –44% –100% 50% –28% –70% –100% –18% –55% –41% –71% –14% –99% –50% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Swine 1.3 0.5 1.4 <0.1 1.9 Livestock Units (000) <0.1 14.5 12.1 14.4 5.6 32.1 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 Poultry 1.3 1.1 0.9 Cattle Swine 2.9 1.0 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. Niagara–on–the–Lake Niagara Falls Thorold Welland Pelham Livestock Units (000) Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. 240 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 AREA NAME 0 Swine 1.0 2.2 Cattle Swine 0.5 0 Cattle Swine 71.9 62.7 Cattle Swine 1.7 12.1 10.9 Poultry Cattle Swine 24.7 18.8 Poultry 153.4 0.7 Poultry 1.2 8.5 Poultry 11.6 0 <0.1 Cattle <0.1 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. Norwich Oxford County Grimsby Lincoln St. Catharines Livestock Units (000) 153.1 152.2 10.6 315.9 876.6 984.5 118.8 1,979.9 0 6.2 4.3 10.5 30.5 12.3 53.5 96.4 0 0.5 0 0.5 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 9.3 12.7 0.5 22.4 56.4 66.5 13.7 136.6 0 0.2 0.9 1.1 2.0 1.2 11.6 14.8 0 0.3 <0.1 0.3 Livestock Units (000) 1996 129.8 161.6 3.7 295.1 786.8 893.2 86.4 1,766.4 0 0.7 5.2 6.0 27.7 16.0 70.6 114.3 0 1.0 <0.1 1.0 –15% 6% –65% –7% –10% –9% –27% –11% –88% 22% –43% –9% 30% 32% 19% 96% 97% 10.2 13.7 1 .8 25.7 65.5 67.7 8.9 142.2 0 0.3 <0.1 0.38 1.2 1.1 3.6 5.9 0 0 0 0 142.2 152.0 10.8 305.0 912.1 882.1 53.6 1,847.8 0 4.1 0.1 4.2 16.4 11.9 22.8 51.1 0 0 <0.1 <0.1 –7% <–0.1% 1% –4% 4% –10% –55% –7% –34% –97% –60% –46% –3% –58% –47% –100% –100% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 241 AREA NAME 14.5 Swine 22.7 16.3 Cattle Swine 12.5 13.4 Cattle Swine 11.7 7.5 Cattle Swine 16.9 82.3 65.3 Poultry Cattle Swine 164.6 0.5 Poultry 19.7 0.5 Poultry 26.3 1.0 Poultry 40.0 0.5 13.0 Cattle 28.0 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. Wellington County Blandford–Blenheim East Zorra–Tavistock Zorra South–West Oxford Livestock Units (000) 914.6 1,079.9 104.7 2,099.1 105.2 154.6 3.2 263.0 188.4 172.2 3.1 363.7 227.1 321.1 6.3 554.5 202.8 184.4 3.4 390.6 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 59.9 85.9 16.4 162.3 8.5 12.2 6.2 26.9 11.9 11.9 0.5 24.3 18.5 17.9 3.1 39.4 8.3 11.8 0.4 .5 Livestock Units (000) 1996 835.2 1,096.5 100.5 2,032.3 118.9 155.9 37.9 312.7 165.4 162.3 2.8 330.6 256.9 249.3 19.4 525.7 115.7 164.1 2.6 282.4 –9% 2% –4% –3% 13% 1% 1,100% 19% –12% –6% –11% –9% 13% –22% 210% –5% –43% –11% –24% –28% 56.1 87.6 20.6 164.3 7.0 11.4 1.5 19.9 15.5 11.4 1 .5 28.4 19.3 18.4 2.3 39.9 13.6 12.7 0.6 26.9 787.5 1,093.8 128.8 2,010.1 97.4 140.9 9.1 247.4 215.8 156.8 8.8 381.4 268.4 257.6 13.3 539.3 188.3 174.7 3.3 366.3 –14% 1% 23% –4% –8% –9% 180% –6% 15% –9% 180% 5% 18% –20% 110% –3% –7% –5% –4% –6% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. 242 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 AREA NAME 1.9 Swine 4.1 2.2 Cattle Swine 5.7 3.5 Cattle Swine 1.3 Cattle Swine <0.1 4.3 4.7 Poultry Cattle Swine 9.0 0.1 5.2 Poultry 6.6 <0.1 Poultry 9.3 <0.1 Poultry 6.3 0.1 3.6 Cattle 5.6 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. West Garafraxa Erin Eramosa Guelph Puslinch Livestock Units (000) 65.9 57.0 <0.1 122.9 18.8 63.7 0.5 83.1 49.4 75.7 0.1 125.3 31.2 50.4 0.1 81.7 27.2 39.9 0.6 67.8 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 4.5 4.1 0.8 9.4 0.5 5.1 0.5 6.1 3.8 5.2 0.1 9.2 1.4 3.3 0.1 4.8 1.6 4.9 0.4 6.9 Livestock Units (000) 1996 s63.0 49.7 4.9 117.6 7.9 59.0 2.8 69.8 51.9 67.2 0.9 120.0 19.6 42.9 0.5 63.0 23.0 51.7 2.3 77.0 –4% –13% 41,000% –4% –58% –7% 410% –16% 5% –11% 540% –4% –37% –15% 330% –23% –16% 30% 250% 14% 4.2 3.6 0.3 8.1 0.5 5.2 0.6 6.3 0.8 4.6 <0.1 5.4 1 .1 1 .9 0.1 3 .1 2.7 3.1 0.3 6.2 60.2 42.9 1.9 105.0 7.2 59.4 3.7 70.4 11.0 57.8 0.2 69.0 15.9 22.9 0.6 39.4 38.6 34.3 1.9 74.7 –9% –25% 16,000% –15% –62% –7% 570% –15% –78% –24% 37% –45% –49% –55% 420% –52% 42% –14% 180% 10% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 243 AREA NAME 5.2 5.6 Cattle Swine 21.0 Cattle Swine 11.1 9.5 Cattle Swine 2.1 9.8 5.9 Poultry Cattle Swine 17.8 3.6 Poultry 24.2 3.5 16.7 Poultry 41.2 0.3 Poultry 11.1 3.3 2.4 Cattle Swine 5.7 <0.1 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. Minto Maryborough Peel Pilkington Nichol Livestock Units (000) 83.3 129.0 12.8 225.1 133.3 153.1 20.8 307.2 293.8 228.4 21.7 544.0 78.2 68.9 1.8 148.9 32.9 43.4 0.3 76.6 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 5.7 11.2 1.3 18.2 8.4 10.9 3.0 22.3 20.1 18.2 2.3 40.7 5.3 5.8 0.3 11.4 2.1 3.6 <0.1 5.7 Livestock Units (000) 1996 80.0 143.2 7.7 230.9 117.9 145.2 17.7 280.8 280.7 244.1 13.8 538.6 73.4 74.2 1.9 149.5 29.3 47.5 0.3 77.1 –4% 11% –40% 3% –12% –5% –15% –9% –5% 7% –37% –1% –6% 8% 3% <1% –11% 9% –1% 1% 5.0 11.2 0.7 16.9 8 .5 11.3 6 .5 26.3 18.6 20.8 2.9 42.3 5.8 5.6 1.0 12.4 3.2 3.7 0 6.9 70.6 139.4 4.4 214.3 118.9 149.2 41.2 309.3 259.4 268.3 17.9 545.6 81.4 72.8 6.4 160.7 45.2 43.8 <0.1 88.9 –15% 8% –66% –5% –11% –3% 98% 1% –12% 17% –18% <0.1% 4% 6% 250% 8% 37% 1% –100% 16% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. 244 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 AREA NAME 9.0 4.8 Cattle Swine 4.4 2.4 Cattle Swine 81.1 95.0 Cattle Swine 4.4 3.9 Cattle Swine 0.6 6.8 7.8 Poultry Cattle Swine 15.2 0.8 Poultry 9.0 12.8 Poultry 188.9 <0.1 Poultry 6.8 1.6 15.4 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. North Easthope South Easthope Perth County West Luther Arthur Livestock Units (000) 109.1 90.1 4.0 203.2 54.2 59.3 5.3 118.8 1,322.8 1,101.8 82.8 2,507.4 33.7 55.0 0.1 88.8 66.8 115.3 11.1 193.2 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 8.2 6.7 1.0 15.9 3.8 4.4 0.7 8.9 102.2 79.3 13.9 195.4 1.3 3.0 <0.1 4.4 5.0 10.7 1.6 17.2 Livestock Units (000) 1996 114.6 88.2 6.4 209.2 53.5 60.1 4.0 117.6 1,419.3 1,051.8 89.7 2,560.9 18.7 36.9 0.3 55.9 69.8 134.8 9.3 213.9 5% –2% 60% 3% –1% 1% –24% –1% 7% –5% 8% 2% –45% –33% 300% –37% 5% 17% –16% 11% 9.3 6.3 0.8 16.3 3.3 4.2 <0.1 7.5 112.7 76.6 17.0 206.3 1.4 3 .8 0.1 5.3 4.2 11.3 2 .8 18.4 128.5 80.7 4.4 213.7 46.1 56.8 0.2 103.1 1,568.9 1,001.0 107.7 2,677.6 19.8 42.0 0.8 62.7 59.3 140.5 18.1 217.9 18% –10% 10% 5% –15% –4% –97% –13% 19% –9% 30% 7% –41% –24% 1,100% –29% –11% 22% 63% 13% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 245 AREA NAME 7.4 8.2 Cattle Swine 4.2 4.3 Cattle Swine 8.9 Cattle Swine 4.3 6.9 Cattle Swine 0.2 7.5 14.8 Poultry Cattle Swine 22.5 <0.1 Poultry 11.2 0.2 4.8 Poultry 13.9 1.0 Poultry 9.5 0.3 15.9 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. Logan Hibbert Fullarton Blanshard Downie Livestock Units (000) 206.0 100.2 1.4 307.7 94.9 60.6 0.1 155.7 123.4 67.1 1.2 191.7 59.4 57.1 7.5 124.0 113.3 101.9 2.2 217.4 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 15.4 7.0 0.2 22.6 8.3 3.8 <0.1 12.1 10.0 4.1 0.2 14.3 5.0 5.2 2.0 12.3 10.4 6.8 <0.1 17.2 Livestock Units (000) 1996 213.0 91.6 1.2 305.7 113.7 53.2 <0.1 166.9 138.5 54.5 1.3 194.4 69.2 65.8 14.5 149.5 143.4 92.6 <0.1 236.0 3% –9% –14% –1% 20% –12% –76% 7% 12% –19% 8% 1% 17% 15% 94% 21% 27% –9% –99% 9% 17.0 7.0 0 .2 24.3 9.4 2.5 <0.1 11.9 12.2 3.5 <0.1 15.7 2.7 3.2 0.5 6.4 10.4 7.1 0.8 18.3 236.5 93.1 1.4 331.0 135.0 31.5 0.1 166.6 170.4 46.7 <0.1 217.2 38.3 40.1 3.3 81.7 142.7 96.3 4.5 243.5 15% –7% –2% 8% 42% –48% –19% 7% 38% –30% –97% 13% –36% –30% –56% –34% 26% –6% 110% 12% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. 246 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 AREA NAME 7.2 11.9 Cattle Swine 10.4 Cattle Swine 13.5 11.2 Cattle Swine 10.7 6.8 Cattle Swine 17.8 89.4 88.8 Poultry Cattle Swine 196.0 0.4 Poultry 17.9 5.1 Poultry 29.7 0.8 10.4 Poultry 21.6 0.5 19.7 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. Huron County Wallace Elma Mornington Ellice Livestock Units (000) 1,241.6 1,194.5 115.9 2,552.0 93.9 142.9 2.7 239.5 156.9 185.9 31.8 374.6 147.6 141.2 6.1 294.9 164.1 95.5 3.3 262.9 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 90.9 84.2 21.8 196.9 6.4 10.5 1.4 18.3 9.5 13.6 3.6 26.7 10.0 10.8 0.9 21.6 15.3 6.5 0.4 22.2 Livestock Units (000) 1996 1,267.2 1,078.8 141.0 2,487.0 89.3 134.7 8.5 232.4 134.3 182.5 22.8 339.6 139.6 144.9 6.3 290.9 210.3 83.8 2.5 296.5 2% –10% 22% –3% –5% –6% 220% –3% –14% –2% –28% –9% –5% 3% 5% –1% 28% –12% –25% 13% 98.9 90.3 22.7 211.9 6.8 11.2 <0.1 18.0 10.2 13.6 4 .7 28.5 12.2 12.1 0.5 24.8 19.1 5.9 0.7 25.7 1,380.4 1,126.7 148.2 2,655.4 94.5 138.0 <0.1 232.5 143.7 182.6 28.2 354.6 171.4 s159.3 2.9 333.7 261.7 75.7 4.0 341.4 11% –6% 28% 4% 1% –3% –100% –3% –8% –2% –11% –5% 16% 13% –52% 13% 60% –21% 19% 30% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 247 AREA NAME 5.7 5.3 Cattle Swine 5.3 7.4 Cattle Swine 2.2 3.1 Cattle Swine 3.6 6.8 Cattle Swine 0.7 3.2 4.2 Poultry Cattle Swine 8.1 1.5 Poultry 11.9 0.4 Poultry 5.7 0.1 Poultry 12.7 0.7 11.7 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. Stanley Tuckersmith Hay Stephen Usborne Livestock Units (000) 57.7 43.0 4.4 105.1 94.6 47.2 10.9 152.7 43.1 27.2 2.4 72.6 103.9 72.6 0.5 177.0 73.6 84.4 4.3 162.3 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 3.0 2.5 0.7 6.3 7.8 3.2 1.8 12.7 3.2 1.8 0.8 5.8 7.4 3.8 <0.1 11.2 4.3 3.6 0.7 8.7 Livestock Units (000) 1996 42.2 32.2 4.8 79.2 108.4 41.5 12.7 162.6 44.2 21.3 5.0 71.0 104.2 50.7 0.3 155.1 59.7 50.3 5.1 115.0 –27% –25% 8% –25% 15% –12% 17% 7% 4% –22% 110% –2% <1% –30% –41% –12% –19% –41% 17% –29% 3.4 2 .7 1.3 7 .5 6.2 4.9 1.2 12.4 4.6 2.0 1.0 7.6 9.6 4.2 <0.1 13.8 6.5 4 .8 <0.1 11.3 47.5 34.1 7.5 89.0 87.0 66.8 9.1 162.9 64.2 21.6 6.9 92.7 136.3 54.9 0.1 191.3 90.0 64.8 <0.1 154.7 –18% –21% 70% –15% –8% 42% –17% 7% 49% –21% 200% 28% 31% –24% –89% 8% 22% –23% –100% –5% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. 248 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 AREA NAME 4.1 4.2 Cattle Swine 2.4 Cattle Swine 5.1 6.6 Cattle Swine 5.4 8.1 Cattle Swine 0.3 8.7 7.8 Poultry Cattle Swine 16.8 0.9 Poultry 14.4 3.4 Poultry 15.1 0.7 2.9 Poultry 6.0 2.6 10.9 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. Grey McKillop Hullett Colborne Goderich Livestock Units (000) 110.0 117.8 1.9 229.7 113.1 66.9 5.2 185.2 91.7 68.5 22.2 182.5 34.2 39.5 4.1 77.7 59.7 54.5 16.7 130.9 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 9.5 9.1 0.7 19.3 10.0 5.7 0.8 16.4 6.7 5.2 4.9 16.8 1.5 2.6 0 4.2 5.4 3.9 2.8 12.1 Livestock Units (000) 1996 131.3 122.0 4.1 257.5 138.4 70.7 4.5 213.6 94.3 65.9 32.2 192.5 21.4 35.2 0 56.6 75.3 49.3 17.7 142.3 19% 4% 120% 12% 22% 6% –14% 15% 3% –4% 45% 5% –37% –11% –100% –27% 26% –10% 6% 9% 19.2 10.1 0.8 30.1 8.7 5.0 0 .5 14.2 4.6 4.5 4.3 13.4 2.0 2.7 0 4 .7 5.9 2 .7 3.0 11.6 268.5 129.4 4.8 402.7 121.8 58.0 2.9 182.8 64.2 ssss56.5 28.1 148.8 27.7 33.7 <0.1 61.4 82.0 33.5 17.9 133.4 144% 10% 152% 75% 8% –13% –44% –1% –30% –18% 26% –19% –19% –15% –100% –21% 37% –39% 7% 2% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 249 AREA NAME 8.5 Swine 4.6 2.9 Cattle Swine 6.8 Cattle Swine 4.0 Cattle Swine 0.2 4.8 2.5 Poultry Cattle Swine 7.5 0.1 6.3 Poultry 10.3 0.2 8.2 Poultry 15.3 <0.1 Poultry 7.5 0.4 11.9 Cattle 20.8 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. West Wawanosh East Wawanosh Morris Turnberry Howick Livestock Units (000) 35.1 61.7 1.0 97.9 55.0 83.8 0.4 139.3 95.1 107.5 1.2 203.8 40.8 62.2 <0.1 103.0 118.8 160.8 2.6 282.2 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 2.4 5.6 0.2 8.2 3.7 6.1 0.1 9.8 7.3 8.5 0.2 16.0 2.4 3.8 2.3 8.5 9.2 11.7 1.1 22.0 Livestock Units (000) 1996 33.0 68.2 1.1 102.3 51.4 78.0 0.3 129.7 101.7 108.5 1.2 211.4 33.5 46.2 14.1 93.8 128.4 151.8 6.8 287.0 –6% 10% 7% 5% –7% –7% –18% –7% 7% 1% –6% 4% –18% –26% 37,000% –9% 8% –6% 170% 2% 2.5 5.7 0.3 8.5 2.0 6.7 0 8.8 7.1 8.7 <0.1 15.8 2.4 4.5 0.6 7.5 10.1 13.4 0.7 24.2 34.5 66.7 1.6 102.8 28.4 78.9 <0.1 107.3 99.7 108.1 0.2 207.9 34.0 55.5 3.3 92.7 140.9 170.4 4.1 315.4 –2% 8% 57% 5% –48% –6% –100% –23% 5% 1% –86% 2% –17% –11% 8,500% –10% 19% 6% 63% 12% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. 250 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 AREA NAME 7.4 8.3 Cattle Swine 114.4 27.6 Cattle Swine 13.3 4.9 Cattle Swine 3.9 Cattle Swine 0.1 5.3 2.8 Poultry Cattle Swine 8.1 0.1 8.5 Poultry 12.5 <0.1 Poultry 18.2 3.3 Poultry 145.2 0.6 16.3 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. Kinloss Culross Carrick Bruce County Ashfield Livestock Units (000) 39.5 66.4 0.3 106.2 55.2 113.4 0.6 169.2 68.6 174.0 0.3 242.9 387.4 1,505.4 21.5 1,914.2 115.2 96.9 3.6 215.7 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 2.3 5.2 0.3 7.8 3.3 7.5 0.1 10.8 4.6 13.0 <0.1 17.6 22.9 111.6 4.5 139.0 7.1 7.0 0.6 14.8 Livestock Units (000) 1996 32.0 63.1 1.9 96.9 46.2 90.9 0.3 137.5 63.9 164.5 0.2 228.6 321.6 1,390.5 27.9 1,740.0 99.2 87.1 3.7 190.1 –19% –5% 480% –9% –16% –20% –39% –19% –7% –6% –31% –6% –17% –8% 30% –9% –14% –10% 4% –12% 0.9 6.0 <0.1 6.9 3.2 9 .0 <0.1 12.2 3.8 13.6 <0.1 17.5 18.5 122.0 5.2 145.7 3 .8 7 .6 0.6 12.1 12.5 70.6 0.1 83.2 45.4 106.8 0.1 152.3 53.6 169.3 0.2 223.0 258.7 1,487.9 34.6 1,781.1 53.7 94.0 3.8 151.5 –68% 6% –82% –22% –18% –6% –87% –10% –22% –3% –42% –8% –33% –1% 61% –7% –53% –3% 5% –30% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 251 AREA NAME 9.0 2.8 Cattle Swine 7.3 1.9 Cattle Swine 8.6 2.4 Cattle Swine 0.2 13.5 3.1 Poultry Cattle Swine 16.8 <0.1 Poultry 10.9 <0.1 Poultry 9.3 <0.1 Poultry 11.8 7.5 1.9 Cattle Swine 9.3 <0.1 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. Brant Greenock Bruce Kincardine Huron Livestock Units (000) 43.3 177.8 1.3 222.5 33.3 113.6 <0.1 146.9 26.6 102.8 0.3 129.6 39.9 116.3 0.2 156.4 26.2 99.4 0.1 125.6 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 2.2 13.8 1.0 17.0 1.2 8.5 0.7 10.5 1.4 6.6 <0.1 8.0 2.7 8.9 0.4 12.0 2.2 7.8 0.5 10.5 Livestock Units (000) 1996 30.4 174.0 6.2 210.6 16.9 110.7 4.5 132.1 19.9 86.5 0.1 106.6 37.6 109.3 2.4 149.3 30.3 98.3 3.3 132.0 –30% –2% 360% –5% –49% –3% 30,000% –10% –25% –16% –43% –18% –6% –6% 1,000% –5% 16% –1% 5,500% 5% 2 .1 14.1 <0.1 16.2 0.7 9.3 <0.1 9 .9 1 .5 6.7 <0.1 8 .1 1.9 9.3 0.5 11.8 0.5 6.8 0.9 8.2 29.6 174.5 <0.1 204.2 9.6 114.2 <0.1 123.8 20.4 80.7 0.1 101.2 26.6 112.9 3.1 142.6 7.0 84.6 5.9 97.5 –32% –2% –96% –8% –71% 11% 160% –15% –23% –21% –67% –22% –33% –3% 1,400% –9% –73% –15% 9,800% –22% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. 252 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 AREA NAME 2.3 3.9 0.2 Cattle Swine 10.1 0.7 Cattle Swine 4.9 0.4 Cattle Swine <0.1 2.9 0.1 Poultry Cattle Swine 3.0 <0.1 Poultry 5.4 <0.1 Poultry 10.8 <0.1 Poultry 4.1 11.4 Cattle Swine 13.8 <0.1 Poultry Note: Blank areas represent no data available. Albemarle Amabel Arran Saugeen Elderslie Livestock Units (000) 1.0 32.4 <0.1 33.4 5.5 59.0 0.1 64.6 9.2 134.2 0.3 143.7 3.5 53.6 <0.1 57.1 32.2 158.2 0.2 190.5 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 0.3 5.6 <0.1 5.9 0.2 3.9 <0.1 4.2 0.9 10.2 <0.1 11.1 <0.1 3.5 <0.1 3.5 1.7 11.6 <0.1 13.3 Livestock Units (000) 1996 3.9 34.9 0.1 38.9 3.1 44.0 0.1 47.3 12.5 134.9 0.2 147.6 0.1 42.0 <0.1 42.1 23.5 144.7 0.1 168.3 290% 8% 480% 16% –43% –25% 83% –27% 36% 1% –41% 3% –98% –22% –30% –26% –27% –9% –61% –12% <0.1 3.9 <0.1 3.9 0.3 4.8 <0.1 5 .1 1.4 11.7 <0.1 13.1 0 3.6 <0.1 3.6 2 .2 14.1 <0.1 16.3 0.2 39.2 <0.1 39.4 4.0 55.6 <0.1 59.6 18.8 149.6 <0.1 168.4 0 23.6 <0.1 23.6 30.5 183.2 <0.1 213.8 –78% 21% –10% 18% –28% –6% –64% –8% 104% 11% –81% 17% –100% –56% –49% –59% –5% 16% –72% 12% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 253 AREA NAME 0 2.7 <0.1 Poultry Cattle Swine 2.7 5.5 0.2 Cattle Swine 5.7 <0.1 Poultry 0.1 36.3 <0.1 36.5 2.9 68.0 <0.1 71.0 Manure (million L/yr) 1986 0 2.1 <0.1 2.1 0 3.5 <0.1 3.5 Livestock Units (000) 1996 0 24.9 <0.1 24.9 0 25.7 <0.1 25.8 –100% –32% 4,500% –32% –100% –62% –3% –64% 0 3 .2 0 3.2 0 6 .0 0 6.0 0 22.3 0 22.3 0 65.4 0 65.4 –100% –39% –100% –39% –100% –4% –100% –8% Manure % chg Livestock Units Manure Manure Manure % chg (million L/yr) vs 1986 (000) (million L/yr) vs 1986 1991 Note: Blank areas represent no data available. Source: Derived and calculated from census data (Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1987, 1992a, 1992b, 1997). Lindsay Eastnor Livestock Units (000) Table A4.6.1 Total Livestock Units and Manure Produced in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, cont’d. 254 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 7,157 2,271 1,956 742 Oxford County Elgin County Kent County Essex County 9,386 7,369 5,984 4,743 Huron County Bruce County Grey County Simcoe County Prince Edward County Hastings County 966 1,980 54,090 8,813 Western Ontario Region 5,945 Perth County 7,920 Wellington County Waterloo Regional Municipality 1,774 Dufferin County 968 1,035 Peel Regional Municipality Halton Regional Municipality 33,791 Southern Ontario Region 6,978 1,316 Brant County 4,540 3,245 Haldimand–Norfolk Regional Municipality Middlesex County 3,883 Niagara Regional Municipality Lambton County 1,689 Hamilton–Wentworth Regional Municipality Total N (000 kg) 457 958 27,221 2,340 2,936 3,559 4,811 4,538 3,100 479 3,991 860 492 17,678 3,657 2,430 399 1,038 1,164 3,710 657 1,656 2,100 853 Total P (000 kg) 1986 1,091 2,305 50,574 4,971 6,370 8,121 7,881 7,336 4,902 884 6,877 1,942 1,225 27,325 5,890 3,430 538 1,401 1,982 6,304 1,253 2,747 2,472 1,302 Total K (000 kg) 894 1,836 51,342 3,896 5,578 6,763 9,178 8,919 5,868 955 7,615 1,460 1,019 31,613 6,391 4,140 683 2,117 2,337 6,360 1,249 3,058 3,634 1,597 Total N (000 kg) 429 875 25,825 1,906 2,746 3,263 4,750 4,609 3,003 463 3,822 706 486 16,651 3,413 2,216 381 1,156 1,208 3,265 620 1,597 1,961 794 Total P (000 kg) 1991 965 2,168 47,487 4,129 5,925 7,452 7,399 7,200 4,925 872 6,796 1,598 1,154 24,847 5,070 3,143 457 1,370 2,046 5,648 1,164 2,485 2,253 1,189 Total K (000 kg) –8% –7% –5% –18% –7% –8% –2% 1% –1% –1% –4% –18% –2% –6% –8% –9% –8% 8% 3% –11% –5% –6% –6% –5% % chg. in N vs 1986 767 1,681 51,904 3,759 5,565 7,005 9,814 9,296 5,674 579 7,768 1,372 927 31,485 5,762 4,113 529 2,507 1,954 6,485 1,063 3,008 3,534 1,873 Total N (000 kg) 370 807 26,135 1,818 2,769 3,368 5,041 4,856 2,895 272 3,918 653 440 16,696 3,057 2,216 282 1,386 1,002 3,264 517 1,559 1,935 985 Total P (000 kg) 1996 867 2,020 47,914 4,043 6,071 7,838 7,802 7,169 4,845 597 6,838 1,555 1,093 24,184 4,724 2,988 388 1,431 1,762 5,670 1,028 2,432 2,167 1,311 Total K (000 kg) –21% –15% –4% –21% –7% –5% 5% 6% –5% –40% –2% –23% –10% –7% –17% –9% –29% 28% –14% –9% –19% –7% –9% 11% % chg. in N vs 1986 Table A4.7.1 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production in Ontario Counties/Municipalities, 1986, 1991, 1996 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 255 Appendix 4.7 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production in Ontario Counties/ Municipalities, 1986, 1991, 1996 1,379 1,199 1,244 2,351 Lanark County Frontenac County Lennox and Addington County Renfrew County 1986 1991 2,010 9,517 1,111 718 519 621 1,116 1,212 1,708 2,247 6,785 143 9 19 568 1,553 1,026 956 1,085 Total P (000 kg) 22,526 2,898 1,451 1,355 1,608 2,710 3,055 3,922 5,359 14,914 344 24 46 1,066 3,214 2,464 2,211 2,281 Total K (000 kg) –2% <–1% 13% –8% –5% <–1% –6% –1% –2% –10% –5% –45% –55% –13% –9% –12% –4% –5% % chg. in N vs 1986 –6% 4,194 19,580 2,359 1,402 1,099 1,316 2,337 2,540 3,474 4,654 13,887 295 20 40 1,153 3,136 2,147 2,005 2,185 Total N (000 kg) –6% 5,314 23,217 2,861 1,429 1,478 1,669 2,824 3,227 3,986 5,536 16,476 360 44 109 1,366 3,517 2,809 2,264 2,396 Total K (000 kg) 5,061 2,134 9,674 1,111 595 566 654 1,109 1,285 1,720 2,290 7,640 150 17 43 641 1,705 1,167 1,002 1,125 Total P (000 kg) Ontario 127,827 64,372 122,920 120,669 60,830 114,858 Source: Derived and calculated from census data (Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1987, 1992a, 1992b, 1997). 4,443 2,345 Leeds and Grenville United Counties Northern Ontario Region 2,696 Ottawa–Carleton Regional Municipality 19,986 3,511 Eastern Ontario Region 4,768 Prescott and Russell United Counties 15,486 Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties Central Ontario Region 308 Parry Sound District 1,323 York Regional Municipality 36 3,461 Durham Regional Municipality Haliburton County 2,441 Victoria County 90 2,086 Peterborough County Muskoka District Municipality 2,289 Northumberland County Total N (000 kg) 119,234 4,173 18,350 2,452 1,333 1,110 1,208 2,023 2,284 3,117 4,358 13,210 248 27 60 1,088 3,011 2,207 1,890 1,995 Total N (000 kg) 60,337 2,002 8,893 1,153 682 524 569 954 1,088 1,521 2,083 6,523 123 13 28 546 1,491 1,050 914 1,004 Total P (000 kg) 1996 112,866 5,040 21,402 3,023 1,401 1,375 1,498 2,472 2,753 3,562 5,123 14,277 284 33 74 1,038 3,082 2,599 2,088 2,092 Total K (000 kg) –7% –6% –8% 4% 7% –7% –12% –14% –15% –11% –9% –15% –19% –26% –34% –18% –13% –10% –9% –13% % chg. in N vs 1986 Table A4.7.1 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Production in Ontario Counties/Municipalities, cont’d. 256 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 372 Wainfleet 308 408 West Garafraxa Note: Blank areas represent no data available. 435 7,920 Wellington County Erin 945 Blandford–Blenheim Eramosa 1,242 East Zorra–Tavistock 283 1,975 Zorra Guelph 1,317 South–West Oxford 235 1,108 Norwich Puslinch 7,157 76 Grimsby Oxford County 634 Lincoln 205 150 215 139 118 3,991 476 633 995 671 571 3,710 35 360 1 358 337 431 281 226 6,877 915 1,095 1,904 1,162 989 6,304 51 301 2 423 282 406 225 291 7,615 1,142 1,130 1,882 999 1,068 6,360 66 595 5 224 211 135 202 111 141 3,822 607 564 962 493 533 3,265 30 351 2 109 337 306 390 233 288 6,796 999 1,012 1,611 963 1,004 5,648 29 299 6 104 65 4% –8% –7% –21% 24% –4% 21% –9% –5% –24% –4% –11% –13% –6% 180% 150% –34% 358 291 260 13 9 257 7,768 932 1,308 1,894 1,240 1,105 6,485 17 283 <1 46 77 2 39 47 St. Catharines 50 101 1% 89 74 54 59 1,402 346 86 78 3,534 Niagara–on–the–Lake 76 35 –42% –9% –8% –7% 40% –6% Total N (000 kg) 154 74 96 973 262 82 62 2,253 % chg. in N vs 1986 Niagara Falls 60 44 750 201 60 31 1,961 Total K (000 kg) 44 35 90 1,448 344 129 62 3,634 1991 Total P (000 kg) 73 111 1,131 303 88 55 2,472 Total N (000 kg) Thorold 75 868 204 64 21 2,100 Total K (000 kg) <1 157 1986 Total P (000 kg) Welland Pelham 1,599 138 Port Colborne West Lincoln 44 3,883 Fort Erie Niagara Regional Municipality Municipality Total N (000 kg) 181 141 125 70 128 3,918 466 666 947 620 559 3,264 8 197 <1 25 36 20 <1 28 732 170 40 36 1,935 Total P (000 kg) 1996 286 312 299 132 213 6,838 862 1,063 1,642 1,097 1,005 5,670 21 162 <1 23 48 43 <1 65 954 260 66 55 2,167 Total K (000 kg) –12% –5% –40% –51% 9% –2% –1% 5% –4% –6% <–1% –9% –78% –55% –99% –49% –50% –41% –41% –63% –12% –7% –38% 75% –9% % chg. in N vs 1986 Table A4.7.2 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Produced per Year, in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, 1986, 1991, 1996 TheThe Management Management of Manure of Manure in Ontario in Ontario withwith Respect Respect to Water to Water Quality Quality 257 732 470 613 498 966 849 Downie Blanshard Fullarton Hibbert Logan Ellice 585 583 246 567 372 Stephen Hay Tuckersmith Stanley 9,386 Usborne Huron County 856 703 North Easthope Wallace 447 South Easthope 1,484 8,813 Perth County 1,041 312 West Luther Elma 778 Mornington 889 Arthur 1,227 Maryborough Minto 1,973 505 Pilkington Peel 265 Nichol Municipality Total N (000 kg) 201 303 132 298 304 4,811 430 762 535 436 501 253 318 249 374 361 224 4,538 154 382 455 601 995 259 132 Total P (000 kg) 1986 298 392 191 486 531 7,881 836 1,236 906 667 732 411 478 386 645 593 383 7,336 311 709 802 1,019 1,583 440 255 Total K (000 kg) 291 599 259 493 419 9,178 881 1,323 1,035 917 944 514 605 598 751 735 434 8,919 199 840 881 1,111 1,909 516 271 Total N (000 kg) 161 320 137 254 222 4,750 435 673 529 473 489 264 317 330 382 376 214 4,609 97 408 431 544 955 261 134 Total P (000 kg) 1991 229 384 176 374 346 7,399 815 1,157 915 655 694 391 434 463 621 597 380 7,200 202 798 842 941 1,614 463 271 Total K (000 kg) –22% 6% 5% –16% –29% –2% 3% –11% –1% 8% –2% 3% –1% 27% 3% 5% –3% 1% –36% 8% –1% –9% –3% 2% 2% % chg. in N vs 1986 352 610 33 3 596 506 9,814 807 1,385 1,131 1,031 1,016 504 64 5 300 812 715 356 9,296 226 937 803 1,374 1,998 562 291 Total N (000 kg) 174 313 176 310 256 5,041 398 692 576 537 526 267 339 160 409 362 177 4,856 110 462 392 702 993 297 146 Total P (000 kg) 1996 258 479 206 428 431 7,802 797 1,181 999 672 724 310 420 260 656 561 339 7,169 230 858 798 1,064 1,733 477 257 Total K (000 kg) –6% 8% 35% 2% –14% 5% –6% –7% 9% 22% 5% 1% 5% –36% 11% 2% –21% 6% –28% 21% –10% 12% 1% 11% 10% % chg. in N vs 1986 Table A4.7.2 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Produced per Year, in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, 1986, 1991, 1996, cont’d 258 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 997 359 697 488 353 735 7,369 888 617 375 471 575 492 553 846 738 229 577 248 128 278 146 Howick Turnberry Morris East Wawanosh West Wawanosh Ashfield Bruce County Carrick Culross Kinloss Huron Kincardine Bruce Greenock Brant Elderslie Saugeen Arran Amabel Albemarle Eastnor Lindsay 381 3,559 432 303 185 226 279 237 267 410 353 108 273 118 60 131 69 176 241 351 177 498 401 1986 Total P (000 kg) 288 147 402 326 628 8,121 951 637 377 528 626 552 614 949 847 278 698 297 158 341 183 353 483 646 357 955 720 Total K (000 kg) 418 255 547 488 661 6,763 832 493 359 509 566 401 547 849 656 170 582 184 166 113 98 373 454 717 340 1,040 875 Total N (000 kg) 607 197 886 707 330 3,263 404 242 176 256 273 193 261 414 313 80 276 87 79 53 46 184 225 358 186 522 443 1991 Total P (000 kg) 309 97 465 360 563 7,452 893 507 357 540 598 454 600 934 766 212 698 221 197 142 143 382 448 654 300 945 766 Total K (000 kg) 414 197 582 527 Source: Derived and calculated from census data (Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1987, 1992a, 1992b, 1997). 791 Grey Goderich Colborne Hullett McKillop Municipality Total N (000 kg) 579 300 777 638 –10% –8% –6% –20% –4% 8% –2% –18% –1% <1% –11% –26% 1% –26% 29% –59% –33% 6% –7% 3% –5% 4% 11% % chg. in N vs 1986 5% –34% 14% 11% 564 7,005 820 552 308 414 558 374 489 771 833 104 654 226 143 249 97 376 394 694 355 1,115 1,297 Total N (000 kg) 562 204 723 598 276 3,368 396 269 147 215 267 180 232 368 397 49 311 107 67 117 46 189 191 347 173 554 665 1996 Total P (000 kg) 286 101 367 306 542 7,838 903 582 355 454 606 420 590 898 973 130 777 274 179 311 122 378 428 639 333 1,038 959 Total K (000 kg) 339 194 484 441 –23% –5% –8% –10% –18% –12% –3% –24% –12% –9% 13% –55% 14% –9% 12% –11% –33% 6% –19% <–1% –1% 12% 64% % chg. in N vs 1986 –3% –32% –7% –6% Table A4.7.2 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Produced per Year, in Six Counties/Municipalities and Their Respective Townships, 1986, 1991, 1996 TheThe Management Management of Manure of Manure in Ontario in Ontario withwith Respect Respect to Water to Water Quality Quality 259 366 613 392 1,259 1,983 133.0 217.5 132.8 206.0 219.8 1,394.8 Elgin County Kent County Essex County Lambton County Middlesex County Southern Ontario 33.5 1,282.0 1,346 151.9 155.7 Grey County Simcoe County Western Ontario Note: 1 hectare = 2.471 acres. 1,032 249.1 181.8 Huron County Bruce County 1,921 15,718 675 4,057 2,592 78.2 180.4 Waterloo Regional Municipality Perth County 401 3,290 157.0 Wellington County Halton Regional Municipality 93 225 37.0 57.4 Peel Regional Municipality Dufferin County 18,520 613 1,531 58.0 152.2 Brant County Oxford County 5,877 2,558 67.9 162.4 Niagara Regional Municipality Haldimand–Norfolk Regional Municipality 2,650 45.2 Poultry 987 95 149 193 142 112 89 13 131 39 24 394 86 49 6 17 33 99 20 41 22 215 Cattle 1,511 64 49 76 405 461 207 3 230 13 5 1,137 226 218 27 188 59 268 28 63 38 22 Swine Livestock Inventory (000 head) Hamilton–Wentworth Regional Municipality 1996 Total Tillable Hectares (000) 12.3 4.3 8.9 5.7 16.3 14.4 24.6 12.0 21.0 3.9 2.5 13.3 9.0 6.1 3.0 2.8 4.6 10.1 6.3 15.7 86.6 58.6 Poultry 0.77 0.61 0.98 1.06 0.57 1.14 00.6 .62 0.38 0.84 0.67 0.64 0.28 0.39 0.24 0.04 0.08 0.25 0.65 0.35 0.25 0.32 0.45 Cattle 1.18 0.41 0.32 0.42 1.62 2.55 2.64 0.08 1.47 0.22 0.12 0.81 1.03 1.06 0.21 0.87 0.44 1.76 0.48 0.39 0.56 0.48 Swine # Livestock per Tillable Hectare 6.1% 2.7% 2.3% 3.5% 7.0% 12.3% 9.6% 2.3% 9.0% 2.0% 3.4% 4.8% 6.5% 5.3% 1.2% 3.2% 4.0% 11.6% 3.1% 2.5% 4.8% 3.8% 18.3% 14.9% 26.2% 21.3% 12.9% 16.9% 25.8% 10.0% 20.5% 16.0% 15.6% 8.0% 8.2% 5.8% 1.9% 2.5% 8.3% 12.3% 9.2% 13.3% 15.8% 12.5% % of Tillable % of Tillable Land Under Land Under Liquid Manure Solid Manure Table A4.8.1 Livestock Numbers per Tillable Hectare and Manure Application Method as a % of Tillable Land, 1996 260 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Appendix 4.8 Livestock Numbers per Tillable Hectare and Manure Application Method as a % of Tillable Land, 1996 588 126 1,205 727 55.7 76.7 94.4 56.9 4.1 1.0 11.6 Peterborough County Victoria County Durham Regional Municipality York Regional Municipality Muskoka District Municipality Haliburton County Parry Sound District 1 1 12 0.4 0.6 10.8 12.9 0.88 0.87 0.75 0.83 0.74 0.02 0.02 0.31 0.11 0.12 0.13 4.0% 6.2% 11.9% 7.6% 2.4% 2.0% 0.0% 2.2% 1.4% 3.1% 1.3% 3.3% 18.2% 20.2% 12.7% 11.1% 11.0% 16.2% 21.3% 23.8% 17.4% 10.9% 18.7% 17.9% 18.4% 10.7% 13.8% 28 79 5 0.4 1.09 15.0% 14.8% 13.7% 19.9% 72.3 Renfrew County 38 32 30 7 1.7 0.73 0.13 1.7% 2.3% 2.8% 3.0% 17 21 433 43.0 37.1 40.1 56 10 7.7 0.71 0.23 0.13 0.09 0.13 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.39 0.04 0.36 6.0% 5.3% 5.2% 868 67.0 58 11 3.7 0.69 0.63 0.90 0.50 0.37 0.89 0.88 0.69 0.47 0.62 0.07 136 79.1 65 19 8.6 3.1 0.9 0.9 12.8 10.5 1.6 12.8 6.3 7.6 Eastern Ontario 569.7 2,767 458 67 4.9 0.80 0.12 Northern Ontario 178.5 288 124 8 1.6 0.69 0.04 Total Ontario 3,893.4 41,519 2,286 2,831 10.7 0.59 0.73 Denmark (1995 Census) 2,726.0 19,550 2,090 11,083 7.2 0.77 4.07 Indiana (1994) 6,475.1 26,400 1,170 4,500 4.5 0.18 0.69 Note: 1 hectare = 2.471 acres. Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, Agriculture, 1997; Indiana Agricultural Statistics, 1994; Danish Agricultural Council, 1999. 691 90.1 99 109 2 <1 1 11 11 15 37 2 26 21.3% 17.8% 15.0% 523 140.3 323 7 1 2 21 50 67 66 18 45 # Livestock per Tillable Hectare Poultry Cattle Swine 2.9 0.80 0.10 % of Tillable % of Tillable Land Under Land Under Liquid Manure Solid Manure 1.3% 1.6% 3.3% 4,014 468.4 Central Ontario Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties Prescott and Russell United Counties Ottawa–Carleton Regional Municipality Leeds and Grenville United Counties Lanark County Frontenac County Lennox and Addington County 36 1 4 239 543 58.3 38.1 71.6 Hastings County Livestock Inventory (000 head) Poultry Cattle Swine 167 47 6 Prince Edward County Northumberland County 1996 Total Tillable Hectares (000) Table A4.8.1 Livestock Numbers per Tillable Hectare and Manure Application Method, cont’d. The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 261 262 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 Appendix 4.9 Livestock Numbers, Livestock Units, and Manure Production Predictions Table A4.9.1 Livestock Numbers, Livestock Units, and Manure Production Predictions for Swine Swine Boars (000) 1999 Sows (000) 14.0 % of Total Other Pigs (000) Total Head (000) 3,033 3,381 334 0.4% 9.9% 89.7% 100% 2000 Actual 13.4 319 2,897 3,229 2001 Forecast 13.8 329 2,985 3,328 2002 Forecast 13.9 331 3,002 3,347 2003 Forecast 13.9 333 3,020 3,366 2004 Forecast 14.0 335 3,037 3,385 2005 Forecast 14.1 336 3,054 3,405 2010 Forecast 14.5 346 3,140 3,501 Table A4.9.2 Livestock Numbers, Livestock Units, and Manure Production Predictions for Cattle Cattle Beef 1999 % of Total Bulls (000) 26.0 1.3% Dairy Cows (000) Beef Cows (000) All Heifers (000) Steers (000) All Calves (000) Total Head (000) 385 408 406 285 570 2,080 18.5% 19.6% 19.5% 13.7% 27.4% 100% 2000 Actual 25.6 379 402 400 281 562 2,050 2001 Forecast 23.9 354 375 373 262 524 1,912 2002 Forecast 23.4 346 367 365 256 512 1,869 2003 Forecast 22.8 338 358 357 250 501 1,827 2004 Forecast 22.3 330 350 348 245 489 1,785 2005 Forecast 21.8 323 342 340 239 477 1,742 2010 Forecast 19.1 283 300 299 210 420 1,531 The Management of Manure in Ontario with Respect to Water Quality 263 Table A4.9.3 Livestock Numbers, Livestock Units, and Manure Production Predictions for Poultry Laying Hens in Hatchery Flocks Laying (000) Hens (000) Broilers (000) Pullets/ Pullet Chicks (000) 1996 22,775 4,152 8,669 % of Total 54.9% 10.0% 2000 Forecast 23,874 2001 Forecast Turkeys (000) Other Poultry (000) Total Head (000) 1,414 3,447 1,061 41,518 20.9% 3.4% 8.3% 2.6% 100% 4,353 9,088 1,482 3,614 1,112 43,523 24,140 4,401 9,189 1,499 3,654 1,125 44,008 2002 Forecast 24,407 4,450 9,290 1,515 3,694 1,137 44,494 2003 Forecast 24,673 4,499 9,392 1,532 3,735 1,150 44,979 2004 Forecast 24,939 4,547 9,493 1,548 3,775 1,162 45,465 2005 Forecast 25,206 4,596 9,594 1,565 3,815 1,175 45,950 2010 Forecast 26,537 4,838 10,101 1,647 4,017 1,237 48,378 Poultry Table A4.9.4 Total Manure Production (million L/year) Pigs Cattle Poultry Total 2000 10,993 17,418 1,951 30,362 2001 11,328 16,242 1,973 29,543 2002 11,394 15,883 1,994 29,271 2003 11,459 15,523 2,016 28,999 2004 11,525 15,164 2,038 28,727 2005 11,590 14,805 2,060 28,455 2010 11,917 13,008 2,168 27,094 264 Walkerton Inquiry Commissioned Paper 6 References Abu-Ashour, J., C. 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