curriculum vitae

Name: Pedro Cantista (António Pedro Pinto Cantista)
Nationality: Portuguese.
Born in Porto, 1956.
Lives in Porto, Portugal.
Medical School: 1973-1979 (University of Porto- Portugal).
Post Graduation in Medical Hydrology: 1981 (first classified).
Speciality: Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 1986 – 1990 in the
Hospital de Santo António, Porto, Portugal.
(During his education period he accomplished several stages in his
country and also abroad, namely at the Mayo Clinic Rehabilitation
Department, Rochester - Minnesota, USA)
Clinical Activity:
Consultant Senior Doctor at the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine’s
Department of the “Hospital Geral de Santo António”, Porto.
Chair of the Amputee Unit of this Department.
Member of the Diabetic Foot Multidisciplinary Team of the Hospital.
Member of the Pain Unit of the Hospital.
Consultant of the Rheumatology Unit of the Hospital.
Clinical Director of the “Termas de S. Jorge” (Balneology)
Clinical Director of the “Termas de S. Vicente” (Balneology)
Clinical Director of the “Termas de Luso” (Balneology)
Teaching Activity
Professor in the Porto University (Curso de Medicina do Instituto de
Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar).
Chairman of the discipline of Medical Hydrology and member of the
PRM teaching team.
Also teaches in several other Faculties (in different Universities in
Portugal and abroad), in fields such as Rehabilitation, Pain,
Osteoporosis, Sports Medicine, Medical Hydrology.
Responsible for the Education Program of the Residents in the PRM
Scientific Societies
ISPRM - International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation
Medicine’s Regional Vice President for Europe (nominated and elected
in June 2008 during the ISPRM Bruges meeting. - President Prof. Joel
DeLisa) (till 2010)
Member of ISPRM WHO Committee, together with the other Regional
Vice Presidents - President of the Committee Prof. Gerold Stucki).
Member of the Board of Governors of the International Society of
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, since 2003
Member of the Executive Board of the ESPRM - European Society of
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (President Prof. Alessandro
Former Secretary General of the Executive Board of the extinguished
European Federation and also in the period of the foundation of the
European Society - ESPRM, under the Presidency of Prof. Henk
Portuguese Delegate to the UEMS-PRM Section since 1999.
Delegate for Europe of the International Society of Medical Hydrology.
President of the Portuguese Society of PRM from 2001 till 2007.
(Vice President from 1998 till 2001).
President of the General Assembly of the Portuguese Society of PRM
since 2007
President of the Portuguese Society of Medical Hydrology since 2007.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Portuguese Society of
Osteometabolic Diseases.
Member of the “Sociedade Portuguesa das Ciências Médicas –
Academia Portuguesa de Medicina”.
Member of the Portuguese Society of Sports Medicine
Member of the Portuguese Association of Arthroscopy
Member of the Portuguese Society of the Knee
Member of the Portuguese Society of Stroke
Member of the Portuguese Association for the Study of Pain
(National Chapter of the International Association for the Study of
Pain - IASP)
Organizing Activities
Responsible for the Project of the new Rehabilitation Hospital of the
North of Portugal (Head of the Executive Group).
President of the “Portuguese National Action Network of the Bone and
Joint Decade 2000-2010” (World Campaign), between the years 2003
and 2004. Delegate of the UEMS-PRM Section for the International
Steering Committee of this “Bone and Joint Decade” campaign.
President of the International Congress for the Commemoration of
the 50th year of the Portuguese Society of PRM (October/2003, Santa
Maria da Feira - Portugal).
President of the 36th Congress of the International Society of Medical
Hydrology (June/2008, Porto- Portugal,)
President of Honour of the PRM Mediterranean Congress of 2007.
(October 2008, Vilamoura - Portugal) and also of the Portuguese
Society of PRM.
President or Organizer of more than thirty national and international
congresses and other scientific meetings, including participation in
scientific committees of ESPRM, ISPRM and Mediterranean
Congresses of PRM.
Member of the Committee of Private Medicine in the Portuguese
Medical Association- “Ordem dos Médicos”)
Member of Balneology Commission of the Portuguese Health Ministry.
During his career he developed some clinical research activity mainly
in the fields of Amputee Rehabilitation and Pain. He participated in
some projects of prostheses development, namely in the clinical
application of pressure transducers commands devices and in an
active extension knee prototype development (back in 1991).
Currently is preparing a PhD theses under the title “Determinant
factors of disability in Amputees: an ICF Model approach”.
In pain he developed some studies mainly in Phantom limb pain.
He has been working in the ICF Development project since 2001, by
invitation of Prof Gerold Stucki, integrating the initial group for the
establishment of the first ICF Core sets consensus.
He published a significant number of papers in Portuguese Journals
and also a few in International Index Journals.
He was Editor and Director of the Portuguese Journal of PRM –
“Revista Portuguesa de Medicina Física e de Reabilitação”
(official organ of the Portuguese Society of PRM) during 9 years. He
remains as reviewer and member of the scientific committee of this
He also integrated the editor board of other journals, namely the
“Acta Fisiátrica”, from Brazil, (International indexed), being the
only non-Brazilian element of this board
Some recent published papers:
“ICF Cores Sets for depression”.
A.Cieza Somnad Chatterji, Christina Andersen, Pedro Cantista,
Malvina Herceg, John Melvin, Gerold Stucki, Rob de Bie, J
Rehabilitation Medicine, 2004 Jul.(44 suppl) 128-34, 15370760
“Determinants of disability in Chronic Musculoskeletal health
Conditions: a literature review”,
M Weigl, A Cieza, P Cantista, J Reinhardt, G Stucki,
Europa Mediciphysica, 2007. Nov 9; 1798642
“Physical disability due to musculoskeletal conditions".
M Weigl, A Cieza, P Cantista, G Stucki, Best Pract Res Clin
Rheumatol. 2007 Feb ;21 (1):167-90 17350551
“White book on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in
Christoph Gutenbrunner1, Anthony B Ward2 and M Anne Chamberlain3, editors
Chairman, Professional Practice Committee, UEMS Section of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine,
President, UEMS Section of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine and President, Académie Européenne
de Médecine de Réadaptation
Issue: Volume 39, Issue 45, January 2007
Pages: 1-48
DOI: 10.2340/16501977-0028
(He was one of the contributors of the white book having written the
original chapter “Epidemiology of the function” He collaborated in the
preparation of this book published by the mentioned editors)
Prof. André Bardot (FR)
Prof. Michel Barat (FR)
Dr. Laurent Bensoussan (FR)
Prof. Mihai Berteanu (RO)
Dr. Pedro Cantista (PT)
Prof. M Anne Chamberlain (UK)
Dr. Nicolas Christodolou (CY)
Dr. Alarcos Cieza (DE)
Prof. Alain Delarque (FR)
Prof. Jean-Pierre Didier (FR)
Prof. Veronika Fialka-Moser (AU)
Prof. Franco Franchignoni (IT)
Prof. Alessandro Giustini (IT)
Prof. Christoph Gutenbrunner (DE)
Prof. Gustaaf Lankhorst (NL)
Prof. Lindsay McLellan (UK)
Dr. Fernando Parada (PT)
Prof. João Páscoa Pinheiro (PT)
Prof. Michael Quittan (AU)
Prof. Bengt Sjölund (SE)
Prof. Henk Stam (NL)
Prof. Gerold Stucki (DE)
Prof. Guy Vanderstraeten (BE)
Dr. Anthony B Ward (UK)
Dr. Jiri Votava (CZ)
Prof. Jean-Michel Viton (FR)
Aulas de Fisiatria
(Author of two of the chapters of this book used in undergraduate
studies in Portuguese Universities)
Scientific Prizes and Awards
Prize “Arquivos de Fisiatria 1997” with his work “Contributo
Fisiátrico para o sucesso das Reimplantações de Membros
Amputados”. (“Physiatric contribution for the success on the
reimplantation of amputee limbs”)
Prize for the best vídeo in the Spanish Congress of PRM1998 with the
work “Reimplantação de Membro Inferior Amputado”.
(“Reimplantation of an amputee lower limb”)
“Menção Honrosa” Arquivos de Fisiatria 1995 with “Primeira
Aplicação de Joelho Protético Inteligente em Desarticulação
da Anca”.(First aplication of the intelligent knee in thehip
“Menção Honrosa” Arquivos de Fisiatria 1996 with “Prótese de
Comando Proporcional por Transdutores de Pressão para
Agenesia do Membro Superior”.(Prosthese with proportional
movement control by pressure transducers for upper limb
“Menção Honrosa” in the “Jornadas Internacionais de Medicina Física
e de Reabilitação do Hospital de S João 2004 (Porto)” with
“Ectrodactilia das Mãos e Pés- A propósito de um Caso Clínico”
(Ectrodactily of the hands and feet: some considerations from
a case report)
Hospital de Santo António Award due to “First aplication in
Portugal of the Utah Arm” (March 1990)
Hospital de Santo António Award for the “Presentation in Portugal
of the first Active Extension Electronic Knee” (November 1991)
He was jury for awards and scientific prizes in more than ten times
He was also Jury in public examinations and concourses
Conferences, Scientific Talks, Oral Presentations and posters
More than 400 oral presentations, including keynote lectures,
conferences some of them in International Congresses, namely the
European Congress of PRM, the Congress of the ISPRM. and the
Mediterranean Congress of PRM
Lectures in international courses (Example Mediterranean PRM Forum
School, Syracuse 2006)
Other activities
He created a TV program in the Portuguese Cable TV dedicated to
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He prepared those programs
and presented them on TV