SClfNCf INSTRUCTION . IN THE M:~DDlf \AND S{CON'DkRYSCHOOLS , . '.,. L. CHIAPPETTA THOMAS R. KOBALLA, JR. ALfRED 1. COLLETTE EUGENE ' CHAPTER 13 • PLANNING A SCIENCE ,. > UNIT Teaching units are carefully organized instructional plans that sequence content and experience for students. 177 . ,. Effective teachers plan well. They have a good idea of what they want to occur in the classroom before they begin instructing students. Consequently, teachers who organize their courses into units and plan them will be better able to provide meaningful learning experiences for their students than science teachers who fol­ Iowa curriculum that others have organized and planned The process of plan­ ning science units gives teachers opportunities to think deeply about what they are going to teach, how to actively engage students, and how to assess their per­ formance. In addition, planning gives teachers ownership of the curriculum and empowers them to be creative in their teaching. Few activities are as useful for science teachers as organizing their own instruction through unit planning. OBJECTIVES This chapter is deSigned to help the reader meet the following objectives: i.;l ~I Review some of the recommendations aimed at reforming science teaching in order to improve the scientific and technological literacy of students in the United States. Develop an awareness of many resources that a science teacher can go to for ideas in planning for instruction. Examine a science unit that was planned by a science teacher and assess its potential to promote scientific literacy among high school students. (. II Ii Become familiar with many elements that should be used to construct an effective science unit. ~ Plan a science unit that actively engages students in learning about funda­ mental science principles and important topics that are relevant to their lives. ~ i! ., .~ ~~ $' ~ '0 " I-i 178 314 PART 3 PL,-\NNINC FOR IN STRUCTION INTRODUCTION A unit organizes the curriculum inw a cohesi ve and meaningful instructional plan Units of instruction break up a cOllrse of study mw segmems that are larger than a lesson plan. A unit ma), comprise one or more wpics Each wpic conSlsts of facts, concepts, principles. theo­ ries , and skills Perhaps the most effICient units are those of short rather than long duration . Two types of unit plans can be used in science teaching-resource units and teachmg uni ts. Resource units are deSigned w iden­ tifya variety of resources that can be used w teach a par­ ticular topic. The resources can be drawn from many sources and organized in a variety of ways . Teaching units are s peCifically designed w contain only those resources that are used for teaching a particular wpic . The), are carefully organized teaching plans that sequence content and experiences for students. Teaching units that are designed around relevam wpics will most likely stimulate student interest and motivate them w achieve the intended learning outcomes . The Science Reform and Planning Science Instruction As discussed at the beginning of this textbook, the sci­ ence education reform is aimed at reshaping science pro­ grams in grades K-12 . A major goal of the reform is to alter the contem, instruction, and assessmem associated with traditional sc ience courses. A traditional science course is conceived w be one in which a great deal of subject matter is covered over the school year, and the content is dictated by a science textbook. Teachers spend a great deal of instructional time presenting infor­ mation and gelting students to leam terms. Laboratory work is interspersed among class periods and is generally used to verify ideas discussed in class. Assessment relies heavily on paper-and-pencil tests . The national science education reform documents recommend that science courses cover fewer wpics and give students more time to study a smaller number of ideas in greater depth (A merican Association for the Advancement of Science [MAS], 1990). The curriculum should be approached in a multidisciplinary manner by using many fields of science to study topics, drawing from biology, chemistry, earth/space science, and phYSics (National Science Teachers Association , 1992). In addi­ tion, mathematics, technology, social sciences, history of science, and personal perspective should be integrated into courses in order for them to become rich learning experiences, An important aim is to help all students to understand science concepts within the context of every­ day life .... 179 Science teaching should ta ke on <I differem form [rom th e one where studen.ts Sit in s[I ;,ight rol\'S, receive information during most cl ass periods. and ta ke part in laborawry work once 3 week instruction must be cen­ tered arollnd ques[lons that are meal1lngful to studems, stlmulating them w search fo r answers O\'er extended period s of time . Science should be taught as inquiry, which centers arollnd learning ideas that can be tested against established scientifi c knowledge (N ational Research Council [NRC] , 1996) Thus, students ,vill be constructing their own kno wledge and explanations, testing these Ideas against reality, and comparing them ,vith established conceptions The evaluation of student achievement and progress should be based on a more au thentic assessmem system than that which prese ntly eXIsts (Clark &" Star, 1996). Many learning outcomes should be measured in situa­ tions Il1 which the knowledge and skills will actually be used If studems are expected w become famillar with metric measuremem in everyday situations , they should be assessed using 2-liter soft dnnk bottles, for example, which they encounter frequently in grocery stores and homes . Assessment must occur with real-life objects rather than substituting paper-and-pencil measures for the sake of convenience . Proje cts should be common products in science courses and judged using rubrics and criteria that are agreed upon by teachers and Stu­ dems. Portfolios should also be used [0 show students' work, evidencing their achie ve ment and charting their academic growth. Resources to Consider for Unit Plans Ideas for what [0 (each are most important when plan­ ning lessons , units, or courses of study. For those indi­ viduals with many years of teaching and curriculum experiences, these ideas come [0 mind quickly For those who are new [0 teaching, however, ideas do nor just appear; [hey are produced only after a great deal of searching and thinking The follOwing list includes some people and places [hal may serve as useful resources for unit planning. Experienced science teachers UniverSity science and science education professors Sciemists working in industry Public relations managers for science and technol­ ogy related industries Innova[ive curriculum project materials High school and college science textbooks Laboratory manuals Science paperbacks CHAPTER 13 PLANNING Pro[esslonalorganlzations Aq uariums Museums Planerariums Nature centers Public libraries Internet Local utilHY companies and municipal treatment plants National Science Teachers Association publications SCience magazines such as ChemMatters, SCientific SCIence News, Th e New Scientisl, Science Digest, Discover, and Technology Review Amel~ican, SClence magazines for secondary school students, such as Cun-enl Science f Newspapers and other periodicals (e.g., "Science Times " section of the New York Ttmes ) Television programs such as Nova and those on the Discovery Channel A SCIENCE UNIT 315 relevant context. In oth er words, teach baSIC ide s and make them mean ingful to students With fundam entals and relevance on his mind, Mr limble decided to form a list of Unlt topics that he cou ld draw from to fonn the new science course . Me limble began to brainstonn ideas for the course. In the process he contacted many science teachers for their recommendations. He talked with biology, chem­ istry, and physics teachers in his school buildtng as well as a few high school science teachers in other schools Mr. limble also contacted a middle school sC ien ce teacher who had given a dynamic district inservice work­ shop at the beginning of the sc hool year He borrowed as many innovative cuniculum materials as he could find as well as the state 's new sci ence curriculum framewor k and the national science reform guidelines Benchmadcs for Sc ience Litera cy (MAS , 1993) and National SCLence Education Standards (NRC, 1996) It did not take long before ideas for the course topics and units began to flow. The following is a list of science related to pics that represents his initial thinking. electrical power generation bUilding supplies and materials AN city parks and gardening EXAMPLE OF A TEACHER­ PLANNED SCIENCE UNIT water in the community dry cleaning and laundering medical diagnosis \vith X-rays and MRls beauty supplies and cosmetics • Mr. 11mble had only two years of teaching experi­ ence when hiS principal asked him to plan a new science course, primarily for high school freshmen . For over twenty-five years, mos t of the freshmen have taken physical science, which consists of a half-year of basic physics and a half-year of basic chemistry. The principal feels that a change is needed in order to provide students with a more interesting interdisciplinary experience as an intro­ duction to high school science. Another reason for this change is to encourage more students to take high school chemistry and perhaps even physics after their introductory course. • After the shock of being given the big assignment to deve lop a new course, Mr. limble began to reflect on this task He recalled the science methods course that he Was required to take for certificarion and the unit plan that he had to prepare for the course. One idea that stuck in his mind was the instructor saying repeatedly to the class Teach s tudents fundamental science within a climate, weather, and atmosphere vehicles, transportation, and safery health and sanitation With these topical ideas for starters, Mr. limble realized their potential to integrate biology, chemistry, earth sci­ ence, and physics for teaching fundamental science con­ cepts that relate to phenomena that are familiar to Stu­ dents. Mr. Zimble could not wait to finalize the course list­ ing of topics because he wanted to start planning Imme­ diately a unit on water He felt that water would be the ideal topic to begin the new integrated science course Mr. Zimble qUickly gathered many resources for ideas with which to plan the first unit. Instructional Activities One of the recommendations that Mr. limble recalled from his methods course was the instructor emphaSizing the importance of first identifying activities for students that would teach them important ideas. This prompted 180 31 . PAR I' 3 PLANNI I' l C FOR INSTRU CTI ON Time Frame "Water in Our Community" Day 1 Day 2 • Initiate the study of water with a puzzling situation for students to figure out , which will stimulate student interest in water and illustrate important properties of this che mical compound. All students are requested to place a drop of water on a piece of wax paper and to determine if the water rolls or slides across the waxed surface. • Discuss structural, chemical, and physical properties of water. • Conduct a brainstorming session to list all of the uses of water in the community, leading to the purpose and overview of the water unit. • Continue the study of water with a laboratory exercise to study adhesive and cohesive properties of water. Each student is requested to predict how far the water will rise in glass tubes of different diameters, then to test their predictions while working in small groups. ,.j 'i 'j, • Continue to discuss structural , chemical, and physical properties of water. • Present the class with the assertion from an angry citizen who claims the local drinking water is not fit to drink. Use this situation to plan investigations to study water in many areas of the commun ity. Day 3 • Continue the study of surface tension of water with a laboratory activity. Each student is given the challenge : Determine if you can float a small, medium, and large paper clip on the surface of water. • Continue to discuss structural , chemical, and physical properties of water. • Continue planning activities to study water in the community and formalize the investigative groups. • Plan for a laboratory exercise to filter dirty water. Ask students to bring some of the equipment and materials needed for the lab in order to increase their involvement. Day 4 , • Discuss the class field trip to the municipal water treatment plant. 1' : 1 • Ask students to list the steps in the water purification process , which represent those used at the municipal water treatment plant. Urge students to think logically, express themselves clearly, and then build on what students say. Day 5 • Conduct a laboratory exercise to purify dirty water. • Discuss the filtration and purification of water from the laboratory exercise of the day before and relate it to what is likely to be observed on the field trip to the municipal water treatment plant. Conduct a lecture/discussion of structure of water molecules and solution chemistry. Day 6 Day 7 • Continue to conduct the laboratory exercise to purify dirty water. • Review the chemical and physical properties of water to check on students' understanding of these ideas. Place students in their investigative groups and help them to plan their water studies. • Prepare for the field trip to the water purification plant. Ensure that all students know what to do and have ready the questions they want to ask. Check for signed parental approval forms, permitting students to take the field trip. J. I ..,. •. ; 1 i . Day 8 • Take field trip to the municipal water treatment plant. Bus leaves school at 8:30 back at school for the last lunch period at 12:20 P.M . Day 9 • Discuss the field trip by reviewing the treatment plant's filtration process and the properties of water. Address student beliefs and issues associated with the sanitary conditions of the community'S drinking water. A.M. and arrives • Plan for students to collect water samples throughout the city and community to analyze in their science laboratory. Day 10 • Present a short lecture on the importance of water on earth that leads into acid/base chemistry. • Conduct a short laboratory exercise on determining the acidity and basiCity of solutions. Day 11 • Continue with a lecture/discussion of the importance of water on earth and acid/base chemistry. I I , /' I!. FIGURE 13.1 This time frame shows the scope and sequence of instructional activities for the science unit centered around water in a community. ! I i i' _· 1'. ·181 d C HAPTER -I J PLANNING A SCIENCE UNIT 317 Day 12 • Conduct a laboratory activity to determine the pH of an assortment of items found In the home, e. g., soft drinks, fruit juices, liquid detergents, hand soaps, shampoos, floor cleaners, etc. • Lecture on ions in solution, focusing on metal ions, salts, cations, and anions. Day 13 • Conduct a laboratory on the identification of metal ions in solution. • Review the properties of water, water purification, pH, and ions in solution . • Remind students to bring in water samples from various parts of the city and rural areas. 1 Day 14 • Administer the quiz on properties of water, water purification, pH, and ions in solution. • Begin the laboratory investigation to determine the impurities, pH, ions, etc., of the water samples taken from various parts of the city and adjoining areas. 1 Day 15 • Continue the laboratory to determine the impurities, pH, ions, etc. of the water samples taken from various parts of the city and adjoining areas. 1 ~ • Return the quiz and discuss basic chemistry and the chemistry of water. Day 16 • Conduct a lecture discussion of elements, compounds, ions, and the periodic chart. Practice naming some common elements and compounds. • Set out examples of elements, compounds, and ions for students to examine and identify. • Give students a homework sheet for naming elements, compounds, and ions, and for writing symbols and formulas. Day 17 • Continue lecture/discussion of elements, compounds, ions, and the periodiC chart. Practice naming some common elements and compounds. Day 18 • Continue building students' knowledge of elements, compounds, and ions. • Plan for a mock town hall meeting regarding the water purity of the drinking water in the community. : Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Conduct a laboratory investigation to examine and identify the microorganisms in the water samples collected from ponds, drainage ditches, rivers, and streams. Permit the investigative groups to plan for the town hall meeting. Urge students to construct charts and tables to convey their data and to present logical arguments. • Conduct a recitation and review session on the properties of water, steps in the water purification process, ions in solution, microorganisms living in water, and naming and writing the formulas for basic elements and compounds. Day 22 • Continue to review the important ideas studied during the unit. Help students to find personal meaning in what they have been learning. Day 23 • Administer the unit test. • Plan for the town hall meeting to address the purity of the municipal water supply. Day 24 • Conduct the town hall meeting to discuss the municipal water supply and the claim by one of the citizens that the water is unsafe to drink. him [Q examine the resources that he had gamered and [0 begin [0 lis t instructional activities, sequencing them as shown in the time frame in Figure 13.1. He wanted to start me unit with an attention grabber that he remem­ bered from his science methods class. For his introduc­ tion to the study of water, Mr. 11mble would conduct the "Drop of Water" activiry, whereby all of the students are given a piece of wax paper and requested to place one large drop of water on it. Students are then instructed to tilt the wax paper in order for the water drop to move over me paper. Mr. limble would pose the following question Does the drop of water roll or slide across the wax paper? He felt strongly that the students would be challenged by this puzzling situation and they would want [0 figure out the answer to the question. Further, he felt that the exercise would stimulate student interest and the desire to study water. (Refer to AppendiX A for a detailed deSCription of how to conduct this simple activiry, which you should try out and include in your science teaching resource file.) On Day 1, Mr. limble would follow the "Drop of Water" activity with a discussion of structural, chemical , and physical properties of water. He planned a question­ and-answer session on adhesive and cohesive properties of water that would help students to understand the action of water on the surface of the wax paper and its 182 31 8 P RT 3 PI '-\NNI N C FOR INSTR UCTION abdiry [Q nsc Up narrow gl 5S rubes, wh ich Ilill oceul III the laborator y exercise scheduled (,-:. Da)' 2 Along with introducing the p roperties of wate r, Mr 11mble would address common usc,; of wa ter It1 every­ day life, which woul d open up the learning environment for considering sCience and societal issues that might be relevant to the study of wa ter tn their community Note that this new science teacher has severa l science educa­ tion strands runnlllg throughout the Unit, such as knowledge of fundamental chemistry, investigation of ideas, and consideration of societal issues. Mr limble feels strongly about requiring students to participate in group in vestigative projects, because he believes this will make the srudy of water more meaning­ ful and serve to Integrate fundamenta l science into the instruction. Aiter conSiderable thought, he came up with a plan for the group projects He would bring up the assertion o[ an irate citizen who claims that the city's tap water is not fit to drink because it IS contaminated. Aiter students react to this issue, Mr limble will ask the class to examine all o[ the water in the entire community. During this process, they will collect data to deba te the drinking water purity question For this investigative inquiry, he will organize the class into five groups on Day J and inform them that the)' \\il/ ana lyze samp les of water from a particular part of th e communl[ j'. The results discovered by the entire class will provid e an overall picture of the contents and quality of the Water for the entire community. Further, each group vvlil per­ form many basic water tests, which Vlrill give them prac­ tice with a vanety of analytical procedures Th e follOWing are the group inves tigative projects that the teacher con­ ceived . 1. lap water group. This group lvill obtain sam­ ples of water from homes in various pans of the city The students can ascertain the sta tus of the drinking water and make a case for or against its suitability for dlinking 2. River group . There are several rivers and streams in and around the city from which samples can be taken The data can be used to provide a measure of the comamination that might be found in th ese waters, thus determining if industry, farming, or other human activities might be contributing to this pollution 3, Lake group. The muniCipal water treatment plant receives the water that it processes for the commu­ nity from an l8-mile long lake on the northeast side of· the city This lake also serves as a recreational area fo r residents. The investigation of water from the lake lvi ll prOVide information regarding th e suitability o[ th e lake's water for swimming and fishing 4, Pond group. Several large ponds can be found in the my's parks and on private lands on the edge of the ci ty Ponds gen erally have a large variety of macro­ scopic and microscopic organisms living in harmon y that illus trate ecological relationships 5. Swimming pool group. There are several municipal swimming pools and many private pools from which water samples can be taken [or analysis . The Stu­ dents can determine whether or not these svvimming environments are up [Q standards Effective planning often begins with identifying activities that can be used to help students construct meaningful understandings. In order [Q personalize this activity> Mr Zimble plans to give students some say about which group they would like [Q Join . On Day 3, Mr Zimble planned to conduct another hands-on laboratory activity> also pertaining to adhesive properties of water and surface tension. For this exercise, students will be challenged to float paper clips of di[fer­ ent sizes on the surface of water. This activity will require manual dexterity. It will also cause students to think more deeply about the bonding of water molecules , especially after they are instructed to add a drop o[ liq­ uid detergent to the water and observe what happens to objects that are floating on its surface 183 CHAPTER 13 319 PLANNING A SCIENCE UNIT Gathering materials in sufficient quantities and organizing them for students to use is an impor­ tant aspect of efficient planning. , I . Following the lab, Mr. Zimble plans [0 carry out another laboratory exercise [0 filter dirry water. Before reading on or discussing the filtration process, he will ask students to list a series of processes that they believe are used w filter and purify muddy water. He will show the class a sample of disgusting looking water that he has placed in a large glass container on the demonstra­ tion table. Studenes will be urged (0 use their common sense to figure out ways [0 remove debris and contami­ nanes from the muddy water. They will be requested to order the steps in the process of purifying the water, sim­ ilar [0 the process used at the municipal water rreatment plant. Mr. Zimble will permit students (0 change their proposed filtration process many times. After giving stu­ dents time [0 modify their steps, he will present the fol­ lowing transparency: STEP 1: SCREENING LARGE OBJECTS Use a screening material w remove large objeces from the water, such as soda cans, plastic bNdes, sticks, and fish, so mat they do nO[ clog the filtration system. STEP 2: PRECHLORlNATION OF WATER Add chlorine to the water w kill organisms that might cause disease. STEP 3: FLOCCULATION OF SUSPENDED PARTICLES Add chemicals to settle out suspended panicles . This process begiD5 [0 clear up the water. .STEP 4: SE1TLING OF PARTICLES Let particles settle out so that they fall [0 the bottom of the collection tanks. STEP 5: SAND FILTRATION OF WATER In this process water moves downward due to graviry through a bed of sand, which removes any particles that were not taken out of the water in the settling process. STEP 6: POSTCHLORlNATION OF WATER Adjust the chlorine concentration w ensure that harmful microorganisms cannot live in the water. STEP 7: ADDITIONAL TREATMENTS OF WATER Other treatments can be used with water, such as fluorida­ tion, pH adjustment, and aeration, in order to make it fit for drinking and other uses. Mr. Zimble imagined that the laborawry exercise sched­ uled for Day 4 would run smoothly, given the advance preparation. Let's skip over to Days 10, 11, and 12 when Mr. Zimble plans [0 address acids and bases because of their direct relationship with water and solution chemistry He saw this as an opportuniry [0 present a short lecture on the importance of water and its intimate relationship with fundamental chemistry Mr. Zimble's organized lecture on water follows. • Water plays a key role in the support of life. If you consider where the great societies of the past have flourished over the past one thousand years, you will note that many of their major cities have existed near bodies of water where they are connected to '( .f :: . .' ~ 320 PART 3 PLAI'iNING f O R INSTRUCT ION mher pans of civilization through travel by ship For example, Athens , Venice, Barcelona, New York , San Francisco, Hong Kong, and Bom bay are port cities that are served by sea travel that brings people and goods co these locations. In addition [0 seapons, many of the great cities of the world are located on major rivers, for example, Rome, London , Cairo, and Shanghai. Water is the pan of the biosphere that coneains the majority of the life on our planet, where an enormous variety of planes and animals exisc. Marine biomes cover most of the eanh. Fish, whales, and algae suppon life as chief sources of food for humans and aquatic animals. People in many pans of the world ea t fish as their major source of prmein A large perceneage of the human body is made up of warer. Water canies nuniems co all pans of the body Ie facilitates chemical reaction s in cells and in the bloodstream. Funhermore , water assists in the elimination of waste from the body Without water, neither plane nor animal life can be sustained Water serves as the medium through which acids and bases manifest their characteristics. When an acid or a base dissolves in water, it forms ions in solution that have many functions. For example, acids playa central role in our everyday lives Many of the foods that we eat are .characterized by their acidity The sour taste that you experience when you eat citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges is an example. Vinegar contains acetic acid. Malic acid is found in apples. Lactic acid in found in butter­ milk. HydrochloriC acid is one of the active ingredi- TABLE 13.1 enes m the gastric Juices in the scomach that break down food dunng digestion In industry, h),droch lo­ nc, sulfuric , and nimc acids are manufactured and used in enormous quaneitles They are used as cleaning agenes and for making plastiCS , metals, tex­ tiles , explosives, dyes, drugs , fenili ze rs, and many mher chemicals. In one sense, bases are the opposite of acids and they play an essemial role in the body as well as in everyday life . In many situations, bases act [0 bal­ ance acids in our living sys tems. Bases are used in industry to make a va riety of products, including household cleaners. They are used to produce soaps, paper, and syn thetic products. For a list of common acids and bases, along with their formulas, common names, and uses, examine the table [Table 13.1l that I have constructed on the overhead trans­ parency • One of the activities that Mr. Zimble plans to con­ duct with students is [0 assess the concentration of acid and base solutions . No te in Table 13.2 that the students will be using at least seven indicators to produce color reactions . For this activity, Mr. Zimble will ask each group of studenes to prepare the color indicators that they will be using . In this manner, the students will gain experience in co mbining chemicals He suspects the stu­ dents will be interested in the vivid colors that are pro­ duced from acidlbase indicators derived from common food products , such as grape Juice, tea, and red cabbage juice. Further, students will be amazed at the color reac- Common Acids and Bases Acid Formula Common name Use Acetic Boric HC 2H3 0 2 H3 B0 3 Vinegar Boric acid Cooking Medicines Carbonic H2C03 Carbonated water Soft drinks Citric Hydrochloric Lemon juice Muriatic acid Cleaning agents and chemicals Nitric H3 CS HS 0 7 HCI HN0 3 Aquafortis Dyes and chemicals Sulfuric H2SO 4 Oil of vitriol Automotive batteries and chemicals Base Formula Common name Use Ammonium hydroxide Calcium hydroxide NH 4 0H Magnesium hydroxide Potassium hydroxide Sodium bicarbonate Ca(OH)2 Mg(OH)2 KOH NaC03 Sodium hydroxide NaOH . Ammonia Welter Slaked lime Foods Household cleaners Make mortar Neutralize stomach acid Milk of magnesia Caustic potash Manufacture of soap and glass Baking soda Lye or caustic soda Cooking, baking, and household use Manufacture of rayon and soap 185 1 I I CHA PTI R 13 TABLE 13.2 P LANNI NG 1\ SCIENCe UNIT Color Reactions from Acid and Base Indicators Approximate pH of solution I Indicator Very acid Slightly acid Neutral Slightly basic Very basic Flower petals from Grape juice Litmus paper: red blue Phenolphthalein Red cabbage juice Other indicators tions produced from acid and base solutions by indica­ [Ors made from the petals of flowers that can be found in a home garden, at the supennarket, or from the Gorist shop Me Zimble will gather several water quality and water testing manuals that the students can use for refer· ence when they study their water samples. These manu­ als will help them in their analytical chemistry work on Days 11, 12, and 13. He will also borrow a few water analyses test kits from a science teacher who teaches an environmental science course in another high school in the district. Some of the tests that the students can carry OUt are as follows j. . II f4 t J' " . '1" ,. ~. .. iron color magnesium turbidity nitrate acidlty nitrite alkalinity phosphate ammonia-nitrogen salinity calcium sulfate carbon dioxide sulflde chlorides zinc chromium ­ dissolved oxygen hardness ". ' : - \0\ . odor '~'. Mr. Zimble will make available microscopes and refer· ence material for students to use in identifying pond life and microorganisms that may be in their water samples. In addition, he will ask the municipal water treatment plant lab supervisor [0 perform the fecal coliform tests on the water samples collected by all of the groups . tvlr. Zimble expects that by the time Days 19 and 20 arrive, the students will be prepared to demonstrate their knowledge of fundamental water chemistry and also address the question regarding the purity of drinking water. Remember, he organized the group investigations so that the class would study water from many places in the community-water pipes, rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, and swimming pools. Further, students would examine many aspects of water, fTOm its structural prop­ erties to the microorganisms that often inhabit it. Me Zimble felt that the mock tovm hall meeting would be an excellent activity to end the water unit. Instructional Objectives Many educators find it useful to state learning outcomes in instructional objective form . They believe these state­ ments provide succinct deSCriptions of what students should be able to know and do by the end of the instruction. lnstructional objectives are used to gUide instruction as well as assessment. Few teachers are able to list all of the in~tructional objectives for a lesson or unit first, then produce the insouctional activities that result in their achievement. Usually teachers find it eas­ ier to lay dovm some of the insouction, then begin to construct the objectives to reGect the desired learning outcomes. Writing and modifying instructional objec· tives is a continual process The follOwing list of objec­ 186 -- ,... --­ 322 PART 3 PLANNING FOR INSTRUCTION tives were constructed by Mr. limble for his water Unit , after he had developed many of his instructional aClivi­ ties. 1. Predict the behavior of water moving across , up, or . , down various surfaces and explain the reasons for these occurrences based on the structural and mole­ cular properties of water. , 2. Demonstrate capillary action of water and its ten­ dency lO rise Up in narrow tubes and explain this aClion based on structural and molecular properties of water. (properties of water, water purification, pH, and ions) 15% Laboratory exercise (capillary action of water) 5% LaboralOryexercise (filtration and purification of water) 5% Laboratory exercise (determination of pH In common solutions) 5% Unit test (water, basic chemistry, and purification and analysis) 35% Group investlgation 35% QUlZ Total 100% 3. Show the effects of surface tension of water and how it can permit objects lO floaL Assessment and Testing 4. Given a list of water filtering and purification .processes, order them in a sequence that most likely would be used by muniCipal water treatment plants lO make water safe for drinking. 5. Define an acid and a base and give uses for at least four common acids and four common bases. 6. Given a list of common household products, match the products with their corresponding pH values. 7. Explain what an ion is and give an example of a TO: · , metal, a salt, an acid, and a base ion. 8. Given the symbol of a common element or the for­ mula for a common compound, name the element or compound, Also, when given the name of a com­ pound, write the formula. 9. Participate in a group investigation lO analyze water taken from a particular place(s) in the community Provide a written report of the investigation, giving the reason for conducting the inquiry, the proce­ dures followed, the information gathered, the analy­ ses of the data, and the conclusions. 10. When presented with an article from a newspaper or magazine, or one that would likely appear in these printed sources, interpret the information and evaluate it for factual accuracy and usefulness lO the general public. Grading Specification I I:: I . i I Mr. limbIe planned lO evaluate the success of the water unit by assessing student performance in a variety of ways. He believes that bfusing many assessment tech­ niques, a realistic idea of student learning can be ascer­ tained, Further, he believes that the measures he was going to use would reinforce authentic learning as well as help him to evaluate how much students gained from the study of water. The assessment scheme that Mr. lim­ ble was planning to use is as follows: 187 Mr. Zimble had to think deepl)! abou t the assessment process, because it must help him lO achieve the goals of the new interdiSCiplinary course that he was aSSigned to develop . One of the main goals of the course is to help students gain more positive attitudes toward science dur­ ing their first year in high schooL In order to accomplish this aim, the first unit [hat the freshmen study must set the tone for their high school science course experiences. If the testing and grading are lOO easy, the students will take science too lightly and they will not be challenged intellectually If the testing and grading are too difficult, many of the students will be turned off to science. As Mr. limb Ie reflected on the discussions that occurred dunng his teacher education courses, the words authentic assessment and portfolio assessment came to mind. He remembered that instruction and assessment should be closely associated and they should reflect real-life situations . He realized that the group investigation could serve as a vehicle to begin a portfolio for the students that would contain evidence of what they had learned during their high school science courses (Collins, 1991) Students would be assembling many items for their group investigations that would Start a good portfolio, such as photographs, maps, and diagrams of where they obtained their water samples; charts and tables constructed to present water analysis data; sketches of microorganisms that live in the water samples collected; written arguments regarding the purity of the community's water used during the mock town meeting; and an overview of the inquiry Mr. lim­ ble felt that the investigations and the town hall meering would prOvide an- ideal stimulus to motivate students lO do their best work; thus, he would give students as many points for their participation in the group investi­ gation as he would for the unit test. With the help of another teacher and after some dLScussion with students, he arrived at a point system for grading each student's work and contribution to the group investigation . CHAPTER '13 PLANNING In order to make his paper-and-pencil tests promote sciemiflc literacy, Mr. Zimble would proVlde some realis­ tic situarions to which students could apply their knowl­ edge and evaluate information that they might encoumer in real life The thought came to mind to either find a newspaper anicle for srudents [0 examine or to create an anicle that might appear in a newspaper and require the students [Q analyze it. Figure 13.2 is a connived newspa- . per anicle that Mr. Zimble wrote for hiS smdenrs [Q examine and evaluate based on their study of water in the community In addition [0 the newspaper article analysis, he included a few test items that involved read­ ing graphs, because he wanted to reinforce science thinking skills throughout the course. A in his unit plan Do you believe the teacher included enough baslC chemistry in thiS Unit, which was designed [0 familiarize students with some fundamemal terms and concepts of solutions chemistry and basic chemistry7 In addition, will the students learn some valuable informa­ tion about water in generaP • When all is said and done, what will the students learn from the water unit 7 Mr. Zimble pondered this question as he thought about the new science course he was responsible for planning and the fifS[ unit that he had just developed He wondered if there were too many activities in the water unit, which might cause the stu­ dents to focus on the excitemem of doing and finding out but miss the science he was attempting to teach them. This inrrospeClion motivated him to construct a concept map (shown in Figure 13.3), giving a visual pic­ ture of the important coment that he felt was embedded STOP AND REFLECT! • As you think about the water unit that Mr. Zimble developed, what is your reaction to his instructional plan? k:j A Concept Map 323 SCIENCE UNIT Does the "Water in Our Community" unit illus­ trate the type of high school science education recommended in the reform documents (see Chapter 2), or does it represent a repackaging of traditional science instruction with few changes? To what extent does the unit introduce students to fundamental chemistry and teach these facts, concepts, and principles? How relevant is the water unit to a high school freshman? To what extent does the unit develop scientific literacy? MEADVIL Vol. 85 NO.6 Residents Cautioned No Swimming in Green Lake .By Max Pringle Staff Reporter Due to recent weather conditions and heavy rains, . the bacterial count in Green Lake has risen. The Health Department warns residents against swim­ ming in the lake. Their lab reports show that the col­ iform count is over 1,000 FC/100 mL, which is higher . than normal. Some children and adults may get ear infections at this level of contamination from swimming in the lake. Officials feel this condition is temporary and the bacterial count should go back down in the near future. They advise that swimming in properly chlorinated swimming pools should be safe. Read the article that appeared in our local newspaper last summer. Based on what you have learned about water and water analysis, respond to the following questions. Does the article provide adequate information to average citizens to inform them whether they should or should not go swimming in Green lake? Circle Yes or No. Then explain your response in a short paragraph. Should the coliform count information~1 ,000 FC/100 ml-be given in parts per million or s.ome other way to convey concentration? Circle Yes or No. Then explain your response in a short paragraph. This contrived newspaper article was presented on a paper-and-pencil to students, requiring them to apply what they learned during the study of water in community. 18B 324 PART 3 PLANNING FOR INSTRUCTION A Study of Water ­ water analysis FIGURE 13.3 This concept map highlights the important content contained in the unit, "Water in Our Community." IDEAS AND ELEMENTS TO CONSIDER FOR PLANNING A SCIENCE UNIT As stated frequently in this textbook, planning instruc­ tion is a key factor in effective teaching. The typical sci­ ence class contains from eighteen to twenty-five stu­ dents; some even have over thirty students. These are adolescents, many of whom attend school for reasons other than the desire to learn science. They are con­ cerned about their appearance and how they relate to their friends. These teenagers frequently watch television and are accustomed to entertainment with a great deal of action and sound . Because of their lifestyle, many of the srudents place little value in studying what they perceive to be science . Given this situation, what type oCscience course would you present to these students that would engage them in the learning process whereby they con­ struct meaningfullmowledge) New and even experienced science teachers are faced with an enormous challenge to gain students' attentlon and keep them interested in learning topiCS that are useful to their lives. How do science teachers organize their courses so that they appeal to students, yet follow school district and state curriculum guidelines and produce authentic science learning) This is not a trivial question, and it has occupied the thinking of sci­ ence educators for decades The responsibility for planning one's course or even a unit is large, because it requires considerable time , effort, thought , and creativity These factors often cause teachers to freeze up when engaging in planning. Conse­ quently, they end up follOwing the teaching plans of more experienced colleagues and hastily outline text­ book chapters, which the), "cover" rather rapidly in the classroom, teaching primarily by definition and explana­ tion to convey a body of science content. Should science teachers adopt the approach taken by Mr. Zimble) Recall that he began planning by listing many possible tOpics to include in the new science course. When he identified one of them that he thought would be of high interest to students, he spent a great deal of time selecting activities that would support inter­ est, yet develop students' knowledge of fundamental chemistry He believed that beginning a unit of study with engagmg activities is a good way to get started . After Mr. Zimble identified many student-centered activities , he then incorporated many other instructional 189 CH A PTER l3 PLANI'-JIN C elemen ts into the unit plan. Figure 13.4 shows a lis t or elements that Me Zimble and other science teachers can use to fonn a complete teaching plan . Again, it must be emphasized that the ten elements listed in the rigure are not developed in the order presented during the con­ struction of a unit plan However, these elements eventu­ ally end up as pan of [h e plan after a co nsiderable A SCIENC E UNIT amount of adding, changing, or omitting material Glven this list of instructional elements, what wou ld yo u add, change, and omit as you thmk about the next sCience unit that you will plan in order to improve the scientific literacy of students and contribute to the science educa­ [ion reform movement that is under way in the United States t Elements of a Science Teaching Unit Plan 1. Place a cover page at the front that gives the title of the unit, the subject, and grade level for which it is intended. Also include your name, professional affiliation, and address. 2. On the next page, write one or more paragraphs giving the purpose and scope of the unit. 3. Construct a concept map or a visual representing the concepts and skills to be learned . 4. Present a list of instructional objectives , which state all of the learning outcomes for the unit. 5. Provide a list of special materials/equipment so that they will be on hand when teaching the unit . 6. Construct a time frame that lists the major activities for each day of instruction. Begin with Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and so on. 7. Present the grading specifications for all aSSignments, labs, tests, effort, and ·so on with their respective points or percentages . 8. Describe the instructional activities. a. Partition the unit into sections, each of which includes all of the instruction for a given period or day. b. Produce a detailed instructional plan, ready to be used without further preparation. c. Include many of the following instructional activities plus others that you believe are useful. • lecture notes • pre- and postlab discussions that engage students in thinking, planning, and connecting what they know with the laboratory work • laboratory exercises that you develop or are developed by others • readings from textbooks, journals, magazines, and the like • videos and films • computer simulations, microcomputer-based labs, and so on • demonstrations • Internet and Web addresses • quizzes • role-playing and games • review and recitation sessions • remedial instruction (feedback and correctives) • 325 assignments Note: You may photocopy items to be included in the unit, such as laboratory exercises, work sheets, games, and the like. However, do not photocopy more than 30-50 ·percent of the pages in the unit. Remember to describe in your own words how each day of instruction will begin, the instructional activi­ ties (even if accompanied with photocopied material), questions for review, and pre- and postlaboratory discussions, and so on. 9 . . Prepare a unit test, complete and ready to administer to students. Construct your own quizzes and tests , which must assess the instructional objectives of the unit. Do not use a commercially prepared test or quiz that comes with the textbook! 10. Other assessment instruments such as those that address attitudes, interests, and projects should be included if they pertain to the unit. FIGURE 13.4 These elements should be considered when planning and constructing a science teaching unit plan . 190 326 PART 3 PLANNING FOR INSTRUCTION ASSESSING AND REVIEWING 3. Either working alone, with another member of [he class, Or with a colleague, reorganize a [radl[ional SClence course in a manner that betler renects a science experience that will Significantly improve [he sciemific literacy of the students for whom it is imended. 1. SciemifIc literacy is a cemral idea discussed m this middle and secondary school science methods textbook because sciemific literacy has been used by educa[Qrs for over fifry years [Q promote the ideals of science education. In Chapter 1, "The Nature of Science ," a definition for science is pre­ semed along with four themes of scientific literacy For the definition of science and each of the themes, identify key terms [Q help you recall their meaning. Then, evaluate the extent [Q which Mr. Zimble's water unit reflects these aspects of science teaching , which are a. List the major topiCS [Q be studied and order them in the sequence they will be [aught during the school year b. Select one of the [Qpics that you would like [Q develop imo a teaching unit . a. What is science) e. Seek out ideas on the unit plan from as many people as possible b. Science as a way of thinking d. Assemble a large number of resources [or ideas of activities and coment [Q include in the unit. c. Science as a way of investigating d. Science as a body of knowledge e. Science and its imeractions with technology and sociery e. Plan the entire unit so that it IS ready to use when the time arrives to implemenr It Although you can pho[Qcopy some of the material for the unit, it is best to design as many of the activities yourself as possd,le in order to give the unit your own personal flavor. 2. Sharpen your analytical skills further by taking a unit from a science textbook or a teacher-made unit and examining it carefully. From the ideas in this chapter on unit planning, construct a matrix to use in the analysis. Then, analyze the unit based on the extem [Q which it promotes sciemific literacy. ," i: ,/ • J · I ·I · i'/ 1 .. RESOURCES TO EXAMINE Carolina Science and Math Catalog. Carolina Bio­ lOgical Supply Company. 2700 York Road, Burlington, NC 27215-3398. Phone (800)334-5551 Carolina is an established science supply company that has a wealth of materials, equipmenr, and sup­ plies for most every science teaching program This company also prOvides a large range of living speci­ mens, which are shipped by air [Q schools. The company has an extensive list of primed material for instructing students in science. Their catalog will offer many ideas to teach a variety of science wpics and prinCiples Chemistry in the Community (ChemCom). 1993 . Produced by the American Chemical Associatlon and published by KendalVHunt Publishing Company in _Dubuque, Iowa 52004-1840 . Phone (800)258-5622 ' 11 191 This course is designed [Q help students reaGze the important role that chemistry will play m [heir per­ sonallives and perhaps in their work Knowledge of chemistry is used during instruction to assist stu­ dents to make informed decisions about science and technology. The textbook [Qpics are relevanr w everyday living. The instructional activities and labo­ ratory exercises can be used in other SClence courses C~IAI- I l i< 13 PI '\ NI'JINC SCIENCE UNIT :J / This 24 3-page booklet gives an overVlew of what should take place to achieve a success[ul sCie nce education reform . [t gives science standards for teaching, professional development, assessment, science content, and science programs . All sc ience teachers should have a co py of this booklet for fre­ quent reference in addition to chemistry Because of the useful ac tIVI­ ties and mformation It contains, the ChelJ1Col1l text­ book is one that all mlddle and high sc hool sCience teachers should have in their professional library Lawrence Hall of Science. Registration Office, Uni­ versiry of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 Phone (510)642-5134 The Lawrence Hall of SCience has produced a large number of innovative instructional materials for the science classroom. The Lawrence Hall of Science has many other instructional materials to examine for use in improving the scientific and mathematics literacy of students. A Science For All Americans. 1990 Produced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York: Oxford Universiry Press. Read the first chapter, "The Nature of SCience." This important document offers a ve ry clear presencation on what science is. All sCience teach ers should have a co py of this book in their professional library and refer to it for guiding their understanding of science teaching. National Science Education Standards. 1996. National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Ave. N\'-Z Box 285, Washington, DC 20055. Phone (800)624­ 6242 or (202)334-3313 (in the Washmgton area) II REFERENCES American Associa[ion for [he Advancement of Science. (1993) Benchmarks for science literacy . New York Oxford Univer· siry Press. Amencan Association for [he Advancement of Science. (1990) . Science for all Americans. New York: Oxford Universi r}' Press. Clark, L H., &: Star, L 5. (1996). Secondary and middle school teaching methods. Upper Saddle River, NJ Memll/Prentice Hall. Collins, A (1991). Ponfolios for assessing student leamlllg in science: A new name for a familiar idea] [n G. Kulm &: 5. M. Malcolm (Eds.l , Science assessment in the service of ,·eform (pp. 291-300) Washington, DC American Associ­ arion for [he Advancement of Science. Na[ional Research Council. (1996) . National science education standards. VJashington, DC National Academy Press . Na[ional Science Teachers Associa[ion. (1992) Scope, sequence and coordination of secondw)' schoo! science. Volume 1.' The content core. Arlington, VA: Author. 192 Standards-Based Science Curriculum: Introduction SCIENCE CONTENT STANDARDS· National Research Council National Academy Press The content standards presented in this chapter outline what students should know, understand, and be able to do in natural science. The content standards are a complete set of outcomes for students; they do not prescribe a curriculum. These standards were designed and developed as one component of the comprehensive vision of science education presented in the National Science Education Standards and will be most effective when used in conjunction with all of the standards described in this book. Furthermore, implementation of the content standards cannot be successful if only a subset of the content standards is used (such as implementing only the subject matter standards for physical, life, and earth science). This introduction sets the framework for the content standards by describing the categories of the content standards with a rationale for each category, the form of the standards, the criteria used to select the standards, and some advice for using the science content standards. Rationale The eight categories of content standards are Unifying concepts and processes in'science. Science as inquiry. Physical science. Life science. Earth and space science. Science and technology. Science in personal and social perspectives. History and nature of science. The standard for unifying concepts and processes is presented for grades K-12, because the understanding and abilities associated with major conceptual and procedural schemes need to be developed over an entire education, and the unifying concepts and processes transcend disciplinary boundaries. The next seven categories are clustered for grades K-4, 5-8, and 9-12. Those clusters were selected based on a combination of factors, including cognitive development theory, the classroom experience of teachers, organization of schools, and the frameworks of other disciplinary-based standards. The sequence of the seven grade-level content standards is not arbitrary: Each standard subsumes the knowledge and skills of other standards. Students' understandings and abilities are grounded in the experience of inquiry, and inquiry is the foundation for the development of understandings and abilities of the other content standards. The personal and social aspects of science are emphasized increasingly in the progression from science as inquiry standards to the history and nature of science standards. Students need solid knowledge and understanding in physical, life, and earth and space science if they are to apply science. "Reprinted with permission from National Science Education Standards (pp. 103-113). Copyright 1996 by the National Academy of Sciences. Courtesy of the National Academy Press, Washington, D. C. Standards-Based Science Curriculum: Introduction Table 1. Science as InQuiry Standards Levels 5-8 Levels 9-12 • Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry • Understanding about scientific mqurry • Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry • Understanding about scientific mqurry Levels K-4 • Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry • Understanding about scientific mqurry PHYSICAL SCIENCE, LIFE SCIENCE AND EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE STANDARDS. The standards for physical science, life science, and earth and space science describe the subject matter of science using three widely accepted divisions of the domain of science. Science subject matter focuses on the science facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models that are important for all students to know, understand, and use. Tables 2, 3, and 4 are the standards for physical science, life science, and earth and space science, respectively. Table 2. Physical Science Standards Levels K-4 • Properties of objects .and materials • Position and motion of.objects • Light, heat, electricity, and magnetism Levels 5-8 • Properties and changes of properties in matter • Motions and forces • Transfer of energy Levels 9-12 • Structure of atoms . • Structure and properties of matter • Chemical reactions • Motions and forces • Conservation of energy and increase in disorder • Interactions of energy and matter Table 3. Life Science Standards Levels K-4 • Characteristics of organisms • Life cYcles of organisms • Organisms and environments Levels 5-8 • Structure and function in living systems • Reproduction and heredity • Regulation and behavior • Populations and ecosystems • Diversity and adaptations of orgarusms 061 Levels 9-12 • The cell • Molecular basis of heredity • Biological evolution • Interdependence of organisms • Matter, energy, and organization in living systems • Behavior of organisms Standards-BlUed Science Curriculum: Introduction STANDARDS. In learning science, students need to understand that science reflects its history and is an ongoing, changing enterprise. The standards for the history and nature of science recommend the use of history in school science programs to clarify different aspects of scientific inquiry, the human aspects of science, and the role that science has played in the development of various cultures. Table 7 provides an overview of this standard. HrsrORY AND NATURE OF SCIENCE Table 7. History and Nature of Science Standards Levels K-4 • Science as a human endeavor Levels 5-8 • Science as a human endeavor • Nature of science • History of science Levels 9-12 • Science as a human endeavor • Nature of scientific knowledge • Historical perspectives Form ofthe Content Standards Following is an example of a content standard. Each content standard states that, as .the result of activities provided for all students in the grade level .discussed, the content of the standard is to be understood or the abilities are to be developed. Physical Science (Example) Content Standard B: As a result of the activities in grades K-4, all students should develop an understanding of Properties of objects and materials Position and motion of objects Light, heat, electricity, and magnetism . After each content standard is a section entitled Developing Student Understanding (or abilities and understanding, when appropriate), which elaborates upon issues associated with opportunities to learn the content. This section describes linkages among student learning, teaching, and classroom situations. This discussion on developing student understanding, including the remarks on the selection of content for grade levels, is based in part on educational research. It also incorporates the experiences of many thoughtful people, including teachers, teacher educators, curriculum developers, and educational researchers. The next section of each standard is a Guide to the Content Standard; which describes the fundamental ideas that underlie the standard. Content is fundamental if it Represents a central event or phenomenon in the natural world. Represents a central scientific idea and organizing principle. Has rich explanatory power. Guides fruitful investigatiops. Applies to situations and contexts common to everyday experiences. Can be linked to meaningful learning experiences. Is developmentally appropriate for students at the grade level specified. Standards-Balled Science Curriculum: Introduction Table 9. Content Standards, Grades 5-8 Unifying Concepts and Processes • Systems, order, and organization • Evidence, models, and explanation • Change, constancy, and measurement • Evolution and equilibrium • Form and function Science as Inquiry Physical Science Life Science • Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry • Understandings about scientific inquiry • Properties and changes of properties in matter • Motions and forces • Transfer of energy • Structure and function in living systems . • Reproduction and heredity • Regulation and behavior • Populations and ecosystems • Diversity and adaptations of orgarusms Science and Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Earth and Space Science • Structure of the earth system • Earth history • Earth in the solar system • Abilities of teclmological design • Understandings about science and technology • Personal health • Populations; resources, and environments • Natural hazards • Risks and benefits • Science and technology in society History and Nature of Science • Science as a human endeavor • Nature of science • History of science The third criterion is an obligation to present standards in a usable form for those who must implement the standards, e.g., curriculum developers, science supervisors, teachers, and other school personnel. The standards need to provide enough breadth of content to define the domains of science, and they need to provide enough depth of content to direct the design ofscience curricula. The descriptions also need to be understandable by school personnel and to accommodate the structures of elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as the grade levels used in national standards for other disciplines. Use ofthe Content Standards Many different individuals and groups will use the content standards for a variety of purposes. All users and reviewers are reminded that the content described is not a science curricuLum. Content is what students should learn. Curriculum is the way content is organized and emphasized; it includes structure, organization, balance, and presentation of the content in the classroom. Although the structure for the content standards organizes the understanding and abilities to be acquired by all students K-12, that structure does not imply any particular organization for science curricula. Standards-Based Science Curriculum: Introduction The content standards must be used in the context of the standards on teaching and assessment. Using the standards with traditional teaching and assessment strategies defeats the intentions of the National Science Education Standards . As science advances, the content standards might change, but the conceptual organization will continue to provide students with knowledge , understanding, and abilities that will improve their scientific literacy. CHANGING EMPHASES The National Science Education Standards envision change throughout the system. The science content standards encompass the following changes in emphases: Less Emphasis on Knowing scientific facts and information Studying subject matter discip lines (physical, life earth sciences) for their own sake Separating science knowledge and science process Covering many science topics Implementing inquiry as a set of processes More Emphasis on Understanding scientific concepts and develop­ ing abilities of inquiry Learning subject matter disciplines in the context of inquiry, technology, science in personal and social perspectives, and history and nature of science Integrating all aspects of science content Studying a few fundamental science concepts Implementing inquiry as instructional strategies abilities, and ideas to be learned CHANGING EMPHASES TO PROMOTE INQUIRY Less Emphasis on Activities that dem<?nstrate and verify science content Investigations confmed to one class period Process skills out of context Emphasis on individual process skills such as observation or inference Getting an answer Science as exploration and experiment Providing answers to questions about science content lndividuals and groups of students ana1yzing and synthesizing data without defending a conclusion Doing few investigations in order to leave time to cover large amounts of content Concluding inquiries with .the result of the experiment Management of materials and equipment Private communication of student ideas and conclusions to teacher More Emphasis on Activities that investigate and ana1yze science questions Investigations over extended periods of time Process skills in context Using multiple process skills-manipulation, cognitive, procedural Using evidence and strategies for developing or revising an explanation Science as argument and explanation Communicating science explanations Groups of students often analyzing and synthe­ sizing data after defending conclusions Doing more investigations in order to develop understanding, ability, values of inquiry and knowledge of science content Applying the results of experiments to scientific arguments and explanations Management of ideas and information Public communication of student ideas and work to classmates O.G t­