Syllabus for Physical Science
Academic Year 201516
Bill Sellers, Instructor
Welcome to eighth grade Physical Science. I am looking forward to being your teacher this year as we observe and study the world God has given us.
Texts: First SemesterChemical Building Blocks; Chemical Interactions;
Second SemesterForces, Motion, and Energy; Sound and Light; Electricity and Magnetism
Original sources men/women of physics, not just our textbook. These are a few of the great masters from whom we will learn: Archimedes, Lavoisier, Aristotle, Kepler, Pascal, Bacon, Newton, Galileo, Bernoulli, and
God has given them. Even though the world is sometimes hostile to a Biblical Worldview, we pray that our students will become skilled at using common physical information to further the cause of Christ.
As they begin to use their Rhetorical skills, they must be prepared to defend their position from all angles, as issues from Physics and Chemistry (Forces, motion, energy, matter, toxins, Global
Warming...) continue to be in the forefront of human endeavor. Even though our faith is not based in science, we must learn to glorify Him through His general revelation, the universe.
We will also use known (observed) information to find (calculate) unknowns (variables). We will mix classroom laboratory experiments with outdoor (real world) elements to gain a greater understanding of
the nature of physics and chemistry.
Content: an introduction to Physics. The classes will build on Earth Science concepts from 7 continuing to observe the world objectively and beginning to connect all the "dots." God's General
Revelation brings Him glory and as we learn more about it, we learn more about Him. pray You, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight…" Exodus 33:13
Grades will be calculated from the total points earned on :
Approximately 40%
Approximately 20%
Approximately 20%
Approximately 10%
Classwork/Homework Approximately 10%
Classroom Procedures
Because our class meets in a science classroom,
anything that is out in the room for another class is to be avoided. There may be items in the room that can be touched and played with. I will tell you about those items as they appear in the room.
Students should do all work without help from others. This trains them to be independent and make their work their own. There will be some opportunities for students to work together. During those times they need to acknowledge the group and those that have helped them. When any research is done, students will need to give credit to their sources (i.e. websites, articles, books…).
This avoids plagiarism, which is claiming work or an idea to be your own thought when it is not. I will
help them learn this throughout the year.
When a student is late in completing a large project or paper, the school’s penalty for late projects or papers is 11% per day. Homework can be made up within 24 hours for ½ credit. All work must be completed, even if there are no points available. Students can’t learn from work they don’t do.
If they have not completed the work, they will receive an incomplete on their report card.
When students get sick and miss class, the school absence policy allows two days to complete an assignment for each day missed. After that point deductions will start for turning in late assignments.
A student that is tardy to class will receive a referral and the Dean of Students to discuss the situation.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
I am excited about our year together.
Bill Sellers
Science Teacher