1 SYLLABUS MICROBIOLOGY Biology 342 Spring 2007 Lectures: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10:30-11:30 Room: 201 Irving 1 Lab: Tuesday 9:45-12:45 (F01) or 14:00-17:00 (F02) Room: 207 Irving Instructors: Dr. Patrick Kuss Email: ffhpk1@uaf.edu Office phone: 474-2459 Office: 254 Arctic Health Hours: 12:00-1:00 MW, or by appointment T.A.s: Alexis Hansen (fsamh5@uaf.edu) Prof. Dr. Karsten Hueffer Email: karsten.hueffer@uaf.edu Office phone: 474-6313 Office: 302 A Irving 1 Hours: 12:00-1:00 MW, or by appointment NA @uaf.edu Web resources: Lab Manual: Bauman, Robert W. (2007) Microbiology. 2nd edition. Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco, USA. The Microbiology Place (www.microbiologyplace.com) Microbiology Lab Manual, Spring 2004. Martinson. Other materials: Black permanent marker, old shirt/lab coat for lab (recommended). Text: Course objectives/goals: 1. To provide students with a foundation in the fundamentals of microbiology 2. To provide students with skills in basic microbiol. lab techniques (aseptic technique, microscopy, staining, identification, and control/assessment of microbial growth) Course outline: Lecture and lab topics are coordinated so that the concepts introduced in lecture are reinforced through the lab exercises. The lecture portion of the course is divided into 4 main sections: 1. The biology of bacteria: a. Structure of bacterial cells b. Microbial nutrition and growth 2. Microbial genetics: a. Basics of DNA replication, transcription, and translation in prokaryotes b. Recombinant DNA technology c. Viruses and prions 3. Controlling microbial growth 4. Microbial diseases: a. Principles of infectious disease and epidemiology b. The innate and adaptive immune responses c. Overview of microbial diseases 2 Prerequisites: Biology 105, 106, and Chem 105 are prerequisites for this course. Grading: There are two parts to this course: lecture and lab, worth a total of 900 points. The lecture portion of the course accounts for 520 points (58%), while the lab portion accounts for 380 points (42%). Breakdown of assignments: Lecture Student project: Poster/brochure: Presentation (~5 min): Weekly journal assignments: Weekly concept maps: Problem sets: Exams: Final exam: Lab Lab exercises/handouts: Lab practical: Lab quizzes: 1 @ 15 points 1 @ 15 points 10 @ 1 point each 10 @ 2 points each 3 @ 20 points each 2 @ 100 points each 1 @ 200 points 15 points 15 points 10 points 20 points 60 points 200 points 200 points varies with exercise 160 points 1 @ 100 points 100 points 12 @ 10 points each 120 points Explanation of assignments: Lecture: 1. Student Project: At the beginning of the semester, you will be assigned a disease to study. Towards the end of the semester, you will turn in either a poster or a brochure covering certain aspects of your disease (more details later). In addition, you will give a brief (5 minute) presentation to the class on your disease during the last few lectures of the semester when we are covering diseases. 2. Weekly journal assignments: To help ensure steady progress on your Disease Project, weekly journal assignments will be given. Each journal assignment will address one of the aspects required for your poster/brochure and presentation. Journal assignments will be due on Monday. Late journals will be docked 50% (0.5 point). 3. Concept maps: Every Monday (except after spring break), you will be given a list of 1020 terms from the material we are covering in lecture that week. You will create a concept map that relates these terms to each other in some creative way, and provide a brief, one-paragraph summary of your concept map. The goal here is to help you form the “Big Picture” in your mind. Note that there are very few wrong ways to do this. We all think and learn differently. The only unacceptable concept maps would be ones that consist merely of definitions, or contain large portions of figures/tables from the text. If you completely misunderstand a term and relate it incorrectly to the other terms, I will make corrections but will not dock you points unless I feel that you have not made an honest effort to understand the material and create your map. Please remember that the maps are not collaborative. In your map, feel free to use flow-charts, arrows, drawings, etc. Be creative! This is meant to be a learning tool. Concept maps will be due on Monday the following week. Late concept maps will be docked 50% (1 point). 3 4. Problem sets: There will be 3 problem sets given over the course of the semester, worth 20 points each. The problem sets are due ~2 weeks after they are handed out (see lecture schedule). You may work together on the problems, but each student must turn in their own answers. 5. Exams: There will be two exams during the semester and one final exam. The final exam will be split between new material (100 points) and material from the first two exams (100 points). Please make every attempt to be present for exams. Make-up exams will consist of all essay questions. If you are going to be absent, you must take the exam prior to the regular exam time. If you are sick, please contact me as soon as possible so we can make other arrangements. Lab: Lab exercises are an integral part of this course. Missing three labs (unexcused) is equivalent to dropping the lab portion of the class, and a grade of F will be given. In general, missed labs cannot be made up due to the extensive amount of prep work that goes into setting up for the lab. If you are going to miss a lab, please let myself and/or your T.A. know as soon as possible so that we can attempt to accommodate you. Keep in mind that many of the exercises are completed over the course of two or more lab periods. Completion of the lab exercises (recording results and observations), as well as developing good lab techniques are critical to successful completion of this course. Please come to lab prepared (review the lab exercise(s) beforehand), and be on time. Short quizzes are given at the beginning of lab. I have tried to arrange the labs so that they correlate with lecture topics as much as possible (e.g. we will do experiments on microbial growth at the same time we are learning about it in class). You are responsible for completing all parts of your lab manual. This includes recording results and observations, and answering brief questions about your results. Since each lab exercise is different, the number of points varies for each exercise. Basically, if you do all the exercises, record your results, and provide thoughtful answers to all questions, you will receive full credit. Failure to completely answer questions will result in partial credit being given. Your lab manuals will be due twice during the semester: Tuesday, March 6 and Tuesday, May 1. When a handout is used for the lab, it is due at the end of the lab period. Handouts will be given out in class the week before the lab. Your proficiency in and understanding of general microbiological techniques will be assessed during the lab practical, given at the end of the semester (May 1). It is important to thoroughly understand the concepts covered in lab, as well as to be proficient in standard methods such as pure culture techniques, Gram staining, and microscopy. So as you go through the lab exercises, take your time and make sure you understand what you are doing. You will have plenty of opportunities to practice your techniques, as well. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Lecture outlines and exams: Lecture outlines are provided at the beginning of each lecture. I include a series of questions on the key points of the lecture. On exams, my questions come from the key points section of the lecture outlines. This is the best tool for studying. The online quizzes/interactive learning tools provided by The Microbiology Place may be of use to you, as well, but if you have limited time, I would focus on the lecture outlines and your notes. Another good study tool is to review the Summaries and Review Questions at the end of each chapter. I generally do not hold review sessions. There is ample time during lecture to ask questions and have things clarified. If you review your lecture outlines, you will be fine. 4 Attendance: It is strongly recommended that you attend lectures every week. I have found that students who attend class do far better than those who do not. In addition, depending on the lecture topic, there may be some hands-on learning activities and demonstrations. Remember, journal assignments and concept maps are due in lecture every Monday. I do not take attendance as a rule, but I make a point of getting to know each of my students. Attendance will be noted in lab. Courtesy issues: Food: Food and drink are strictly prohibited in lab. Please do not bring food into the lecture, as it is a distraction to other students. Drinks may be brought in to lecture, but please try to avoid making a lot of noise. Cell phones: Cell phones may not be brought into the lab, where they could easily become contaminated with pathogens and/or chemicals. Please do not bring cell phones into lecture. This is your time to listen and learn. Few things are more important than that. Laptop computers: I prefer it if students do not bring laptop computers to class for note taking, as some students are distracted by the clicking of the keyboard. Disabilities Services: The Office of Disability Services insures that UAF students have equal access to campus and course materials. I will work with the Office of Disabilities Services (Whitman Bldg., room 203, 474-7043) to provide reasonable accommodation to students with documented disabilities. Academic integrity: It is assumed that the work you do for this course is your own, and not that of someone else. All aspects of the UAF Student Code of Conduct apply (UAF catalog 2006-2007 www.uaf.edu/catalog/current/academics/regs3.html). In lab we will sometimes be working with partners, and it is expected that each partner will contribute equally to the exercise. Grades: Grades are given as follows: A B C D F 90% or higher 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% <60% I generally do not curve grades because I do not write my exams based on a curve. I provide current grade information at regular intervals during the semester (generally every time something is graded and returned to you). Extra credit options: Opportunities for extra credit will likely be available during the course of the semester. These may include additional questions on exams, a short summary of a seminar on some aspect of microbiology, and/or a short report to the class on a current event involving some aspect of microbiology. I will make announcements regarding seminars, but keep in mind that there may not be any this semester that deal with microbiology. 5 Biology 342 Microbiology Spring 2007 Tentative lecture and lab schedule Instructors: Dr. Patrick Kuss (PK), Prof. Dr. Karsten Hueffer (KH) Date Jan 17W Lecture 1 Jan 19F Lecture 2 Jan 22M Lecture 3 Jan 23T Lab 1 Jan 24W Lecture 4 Topic Introduction: history of microbiology Introduction (cont.) Assignment of study topics Review of chemistry and macromolecules Introduction, Lab safety Microscopy Structure of prokaryotic cells Jan 26F Lecture 5 Structure of prokaryotic cells Jan 29M Lecture 6 Microbial metabolism: Basic principles, enzymes Jan 30T Lab 2 Jan 31W Lecture 7 Aseptic technique Staining Microbial metabolism: Carbohydrate catabolism, lipid and protein catabolism Microbial metabolism: electron transport, ATP production, fermentation, Microbial nutrition: environmental requirements, biofilms, quorum sensing Microbial ubiquity Identification of bacteria Culturing microorganisms, pure cultures, culture media Culturing microbes and measuring microbial growth Survey of prokaryotes Feb 2F Lecture 8 Feb 5M Lecture 9 Feb 6T Lab 3 Feb 7W Lecture 10 Feb 9F Lecture 11 Feb 12M Lecture 12 Feb 13T Lab 4 Feb 14W Feb 16F Lecture 13 Pure culture techniques Bacterial population counts Exam I Microbial genetics I: Replication Text pages Chapter 1: Pp 1-11 Chapter 1: Pp 11-24 Chapter 2 Assignment(s) due Exercise 1 Quiz 1 Chapter 3: Pp 55-67; 88 ff Chapter 3: Pp 67-76; 88ff Chapter 5: Pp 123-133 Exercise 2+3 Inst. PK KH PK PK PK PK PK Concept map 1 Journal assignment 1 Hand out Problem set #1 Quiz 2 Chapter 5: Pp 133-140, 147-149 Chapter 5: Pp 142-147, PK PK PK PK Chapter 6: Pp 166-174 Concept map 2 Journal assignment 2 PK Exercise 4+5 No quiz PK Chapter 6: Pp 174-184 Chapter 6: Pp 184-192 Chapter 11: Pp 313-318 Exercise 6+7 Covers Chapters 1-6 Chapter 7: Pp 197-205 PK Problem set #1 due PK Concept map 3 Journal assignment 3 Quiz 3 PK PK PK PK 6 Date Feb 19M Lecture 14 Feb 20T Lab 5 Feb 21W Lecture 15 Topic Microbial genetics II: transcription and translation Microbial growth curves Text pages Chapter 7: Pp 205-219 Exercise 8 Microbial genetics III: control of transcription, mutations Microbial genetics IV: Mutation demo, Transformation, transduction, conjugation Recombinant DNA technology I Chapter 7: Pp 219-227 PK Chapter 7: Pp 227-234 PK Feb 27T Lab 6 Feb 28W Lecture 18 Mar 2F Lecture 19 Mar 5M Lecture 20 Mar 6T Lab 7 Bacterial transformation Handout Recombinant DNA technology II Polar microbiology Guest: Dr. Derek Mueller Controlling microbial growth I Chemical control of microbial growth Chapter 8 Pp. 250-258 www.ipy.org Mar 7W Lecture 21 Mar 9F Lecture 22 Mar 12-16 Mar 19M Controlling microbial growth II Antimicrobial drugs Chapter 9: Pp 276-281 Chapter 10: Pp 287-304 Mar 20T Lab 8 Mar 21W Lecture 23 Mar 23F Lecture 24 Mar 26M Lecture 25 Mar 27T Lab 9 Mar 28W Lecture 26 Mar 30F Lecture 27 Tobacco mosaic virus lab Feb 23F Lecture 16 Feb 26M Lecture 17 Spring Break Exam 2 Viruses I Viruses II Processes of infection Flora of the oral and nasal tract Epidemiology Innate immunity Chapter 8: Pp 240-250 Chapter 9: Pp 261-276 Exercise 9 Chapters 711 Handout Chapter 13 Pp 375-389 Chapter 13 Pp 389-403 Chapter 14 Pp 404-419 Exercise 10 Chapter 14 Pp 419-436 Chapter 15 Pp 437-447 Assignment(s) due Concept map 4 Journal assignment 4 Quiz 4 Concept map 5 Journal assignment 5 Hand out problem set #2 Quiz 5 Inst. PK PK PK PK PK Concept map 6 Journal assignment 6 Quiz 6 Turn in lab manual for grading PK DM PK PK PK Problem set #2 due PK Concept map 7 Journal assignment 7 No quiz! PK KH KH KH Concept map 8 Journal assignment 8 No quiz! KH KH KH KH 7 Date Apr 2M Lecture 28 Apr 3T Lab 10 Apr 4W Lecture 29 Apr 6F Lecture 30 Topic Innate immunity Apr 9M Lecture 31 Immunization Chapter 17 Pp 486-493 Concept map 10 Journal assignment 10 KH Apr 10T Lab 11 Ice-nucleating bacteria Handout Quiz 8 Turn in lab manual for final grading KH Apr 11W Lecture 32 Immune testing Chapter 17 Pp 493-506 Apr 13F Lecture 33 Apr 16M Lecture 34 Apr 17T Lab 12 Apr 18W Lecture 35 Apr 20F Lecture 36 Apr 23M Lecture 37 Apr 24T Lab 13 Immune system disorders Chapter 18 Pp 508-516 Chapter 18 Pp 516-528 Handout Hand out problem set #3 KH Concept map 11 KH Quiz 9 KH Pathogenic gram-positive cocci and bacilli Pathogenic gram-negative cocci and bacilli Miscellaneous bacterial infections Synthetic epidemic Disease tracking using ELISA Parasitic protozoa, helminthes + arthropod vectors Pathogenic DNA viruses Chapter 19 Poster/brochure due for all Student presentations Student presentations KH Pathogenic RNA viruses Apr 25W Lecture 38 Apr 27F Lecture 39 Apr 30M Lecture 40 May 1T Lab 14 May 2W Lecture 41 May 4F Flora of the GI tract Specific immune response Specific immune response Immune system disorders Synthetic blood typing Text pages Chapter 15 Pp 445-460 Exercise 11 Assignment(s) due Concept map 9 Journal assignment 9 Quiz 7 Chapter 16 Pp 462-472 Chapter 16 Pp 472-484 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Inst. KH KH KH KH KH KH Concept map 12 Student presentations Quiz 10 KH Chapter 23 Problem set #3 due Student presentations KH Chapter 24 Student presentations KH Chapter 25 Student presentations KH Handout KH Lab practical exam KH Topics in applied and Chapter 26 environmental microbiology No class KH 8 Date May 9W Topic Final exam Text pages 1st half: Ch. 13-18, plus diseases 2nd half: material from first two exams Assignment(s) due 10:15-12:15 Inst. KH