IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 40, NO. 8, AUGUST 2012 2035 Arc Movement Inside an AC/DC Circuit Breaker Working With a Novel Method of Arc Guiding: Part II—Optical Imaging Method and Numerical Analysis Malik I. Al-Amayreh, Harald Hofmann, Ove Nilsson, Christian Weindl, and Antonio R. Delgado Abstract—This paper aims at understanding the design concept and behavior of the ionized gases inside a new electrical contactor. The switching device is designed for ac and dc operations up to 3.5 kV and nominal currents up to 800 A. The contactor consists of five electrodes: two anodes, two cathodes, and a moving electrode or bridge which works as an anode and a cathode simultaneously. In order to increase the safety, the electrical contactor includes two contact points. The line current can be diverted into an arc between the electrode and the bridge and an arc between the runner electrodes. The movement of the ionized gases is controlled by two permanent magnets and two coils installed near the electrodes. The arc plasma itself feeds the coils with current. The arc plasma velocity increases if more current is allocated in the arc plasma. The dynamics of ionized gases in the contactor is analyzed using two optical methods, viz., optical imaging method and high-speed camera (HSC). The optical imaging software has been developed to generate dynamic images of the high-speed ionized gases at a rate of 50 000 frames/s. The results of this method have been compared with those obtained using an HSC. A transient numerical model has been developed to simulate the arc plasma inside the main runner for the case of dc current. The properties of the air plasma are considered variable with temperature and pressure. The calculation shows the position and temperature of the arc plasma as a function of time. Index Terms—Arc plasma simulation, electrical contactor, optical imaging method. N OMENCLATURE A B Vector magnetic potential (in volt seconds per meter). Magnetic flux density (in teslas). Manuscript received December 22, 2011; revised March 12, 2012; accepted May 8, 2012. Date of publication June 18, 2012; date of current version August 7, 2012. This work was supported by the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung under project AZ 746-07. M. I. Al-Amayreh and A. R. Delgado are with the Institute of Fluid Mechanics (LSTM), Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany (e-mail:; H. Hofmann and C. Weindl are with the Institute of Electrical Power Systems, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, 91058 Erlangen, Germany (e-mail:; weindl@ O. Nilsson is with Schaltbau GmbH, D-81829 Munich, Germany (e-mail: Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2012.2200698 cP D Specific heat (in joules per kilogram kelvin) . Dielectric displacements (in ampere seconds per square meter). E Electrical field (in volts per meter). F Lorentz force (in newtons). I Current (in amperes). j Electric current density (in amperes per square meter). H Magnetic field intensity (in amperes per meter). k Thermal conductivity (in watts per meter kelvin). N Number of turns. P Pressure (in pascals). P0 Atmospheric Pressure = 101.325 kPa. q Electric charge density (in coulombs per cubic meter). R Electrical resistance (in ohms). Rspecific Specific gas constant (in joules per kilogram kelvin). Magnetic reluctance (in ampere-turns per weber). Rm r Covered distance of the arc plasma (in millimeters). T Temperature (in kelvins). Ambient temperature = 300 K. To t Time (in seconds). Δt Time required for the arc plasma to move from a point to another (in milliseconds). Cartesian velocity components where i = 1, 2, 3. Ui Velocity of the arc plasma (in meters per second). Varc xi Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) Greek Symbols ρ Fluid density (in kilograms per cubic meter). α Stefan–Boltzmann constant (α = 5.67057 ∗ 10−8 W · m · K−4 ). μ Dynamic viscosity (in newton seconds per square meter). Magnetic permeability of free space (μ0 = 4π × μ0 10−7 N · A−2 ). Magnetic permeability (in newtons per square μm ampere). φ Electrical potential (in volts). ε Permittivity of free space (ε ≈ 8.8541 × 10−1 F · m−1 ). σ Electrical conductivity (in siemens per meter). Kronecker’s delta (δij = 1 if i = j and δij = 0 if i = j). δij 0093-3813/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE 2036 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 40, NO. 8, AUGUST 2012 Fig. 1. Illustration of the new contactor model. Abbreviations ac Alternating current. CAD Computer-aided design. CV Control volume. dc Direct current. HSC High-speed camera. FFT Fast Fourier transform. I. I NTRODUCTION T HE OPTICAL imaging and numerical analysis are investigated in this paper which is a follow-up to the experimental work in Part I. The electrical contactor under discussion in this paper was designed for the use in ac and dc railway networks. The possibility for both ac and dc operations is very much in demand for the interoperability, i.e., when the trains go through countries with different operating system, ac, or dc. This was accomplished using a new blowout technique combining permanent magnets and electromagnetic blowout coils. The single-pole contactor enables switching of both extremely low and very high loads and can also be used in several industrial applications. The breaker contacts are separated from each other, thus allowing an electrical potential difference between the contacts, which leads to the establishment of arc plasma [Part I]. The applied magnetic field forces the arc plasma to move in a certain path or runner until it is finally divided by splitting plates as shown in Fig. 1. An effective electrical contactor should be able to decrease the switching time as well as the thermal stresses of the arc plasma on the electrodes and the splitter plates. One technique toward achieving this goal is to elongate the arc plasma in the divergence runners of the contactor [2]. Other methods involve stretching of the arc plasma between splitting plates [3], [4]. Use of many splitter plates leads to a reduction of thermal stresses inside the body of the contactor [5]. The fast blowout of the ionized gas can be achieved by using external magnetic field sources such as the magnets and the coils. The former case was studied in detail by Lindmayer and Springstubbe [6], where a simple model of two parallel ferromagnetic materials adhered to the arc chamber. The metallic vapor and gassing material of the electrodes decrease the temperature and thermal stresses of the arc plasma [7]. In this paper, the arc plasma feeds the coils with current, which means that a part of the arc plasma energy dissipates into the coils as a magnetic energy and thermal energy. The desired magnetic field has been generated using the coils described in Fig. 1 and in the patent [8]. The magnetic field accelerates the arc plasma, thus reducing the breaking times. As the contactor starts to switch, the bridge in the middle of the contactor moves downward. Consequently, the current flows between these electrodes due to the arc plasmas established at contact points 1 and 2. The first arc moves along line 1 between electrode A1 and the bridge and then between the electrode B1 and the bridge until it finally elongates between B1 and B2 to continue its path to the splitter plates. It should be noted that there is no current in the coils, when the arc is only burning between electrodes A1/A2 and the bridge. During the arc motion between plates B1 and B2, a current passes through the coil 1 then the coil 2. This would induce a magnetic field normal to the flow direction of the arc. The second arc plasma moves along line 2, as shown in Fig. 1, and dies out as the bridge gets zero current. Recently, many methods have been developed to study the movement of ionized gases. Optoelectronic devices were used to study the movement and structure of the arc plasma inside the divergence region of the electrical breaker [2] or inside narrow insulating channels [4]. The root of the arc plasma in low-voltage electrical contactors was successfully visualized using this method [9]. Measuring the electric arc induction using Hall-effect probes is another option to study the dynamic behavior of the arc [5]. Similarly, HSCs are another optical diagnostic method used by many authors [10]–[12]. In the present study, an optical imaging method has been used in addition to the HSC to visualize the movement of the ionized gases between the five electrodes inside the body of the contactor. The thermal arc plasma heats the contact material after many shots with a high repetition rate that produces a microscopic damage of the contact surfaces. Sometimes, the contacts weld, thus causing damage to the contactor [13]. The design of the electrical contactor incorporates the use of two contact points. In case that one of the contacts welds, the electrical contactor still continues to work. II. O PTICAL I MAGING M ETHOD With the purpose to study the movement of the arc plasma in the body of the contactor, 112 holes were drilled into one side of the contactor. Fig. 2(a) shows a map of the holes and the fiberoptic heads, whereas Fig. 2(b) shows these fiber-optic heads embedded in the body of the contactor. The light is converted into an electrical signal using a photodetector amplifier circuit explained and shown in Fig. 3. The illumination of the silicon photodiode causes a current to flow through the amplifier’s circuit. Resistance R3 prevents the photodetector amplifier’s circuit from overload in the case of high-energy plasma arcs. The photodiode circuit in Fig. 3 was calibrated by supplying a fixed-amplitude light pulse to the photodiode. The output voltage was adjusted using the variable resistance R1 to set a level equal to the amplitude of the inlet light pulse. This AL-AMAYREH et al.: ARC MOVEMENT INSIDE AN AC/DC CIRCUIT BREAKER—PART II 2037 Fig. 2. Map of the hole numbers and the fiber-optic heads inside the body of the contactor. (a) Shaded holes filled with fiber-optic heads. (b) Thirty-two fiber-optic heads embedded inside the contactor. Fig. 3. Fiber-optic head through the walls of the contactor connected to the photodiode circuit. r = 4 mm, R2 = 2 kΩ, R3 = 5 kΩ, R4 = 1 kΩ, R5 = 2 kΩ, C2 = 100 nF, and C1 = 100 μF. procedure was repeated for all the photodiodes. The photodiode signals are recorded by a National Instruments data acquisition device at a sample rate of 50 kHz. A LabVIEW program has been developed to control the work of all the sensors and the storage of the data. A C++ software has been developed to postprocess the optical readings which yield the positions and light emissions of the ionized gases. The HSC is capable of capturing 10 000 frames/s and fixed in front of the contactor (for more details refer to Part I). III. R ESULTS OF THE O PTICAL M ETHODS The optical imaging and the HSC results are shown in Figs. 4–7 for the case 280 A ac and 3.5 kV. The curves of the breaking current and voltage as a function of time alongside the calculation of the arc speed for this example were discussed in Part 1. The optical imaging results present the strength of the signals measured by the photodiodes, and the HSC results show the light from the arc shining through the drilled holes. Fig. 4(b) shows that the right and left arc plasmas are ignited near to the holes 144 and 190, respectively. The gray-scale bar shows that the light emission ranges from black shades (no emission) to white shades (high emission). The magnetic field in this contactor base arises due to the magnets. The magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the plasma field and is shown in the simplified model [Fig. 4(a)]. The right arc plasma moves toward the vertical runner, whereas the left arc plasma moves out of the contactor. As the right arc plasma in Fig. 5 reaches the beginning of the vertical runner (i.e., when the right arc appears between the bridge and the electrode B1), the current appears in coil 1. In addition, the arc plasma shows an oscillation in this region. Then, the right arc plasma, which appears in Fig. 6 between the electrodes B1/B2, carries the current between these electrodes. Consequently, the current passes between the two coils. The crescent arc plasma in Fig. 7 shows an elongation before reaching the splitter plates. The previous example shows that the contactor can be used for ac currents. Next paragraphs illustrate an example for case dc current to show the calculation of arc speed. Later in this paper, these results will be compared with the numerical results. The curves of the arc current and arc voltage for this example appear in Fig. 8 for an operating current of 750 A and voltage of 400 Vdc . The ignition occurs at the time 41 ms, and the current appears in the first coil then in the second coil. 2038 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 40, NO. 8, AUGUST 2012 Fig. 4. Ignition of the arcs for case line current of 280 A ac and 3.5 kV at t = 78.1 ms. (a) Arc plasma in the contactor base. (b) Optical imaging results. (c) HSC results. Fig. 5. Movement of the right arc plasma from the contactor base to the vertical runner for case line current of 280-A ac and 3.5 kV at t = 82.2 ms. (a) Deflection of the right arc. (b) Optical imaging results. (c) HSC results. Fig. 6. Right arc plasma runs between the electrodes B1/B2 for case line current of 280 A ac and 3.5 kV at t = 82.6 ms. (a) Right arc between electrodes B1/B2. (b) Optical imaging results. (c) HSC results. Fig. 7. Elongation of the right arc plasma for case line current of 280 A ac and 3.5 kV at t = 82.9 ms. (a) Arc lengthening. (b) Optical imaging results. (c) HSC results. The signals of four photodiodes measured along the centerline of the contactor are shown in Fig. 9. It should be noted that these results display the first arc ignition within this switching process. Also, all curves are filtered with FFT low-pass filter to decrease the noise. The arc speed can be calculated as Varc = r Δt (1) where r is the covered distance by the arc plasma; in this example, r is the distance between the two fiber-optic heads. Δt is the shift time between the peaks of the curves that are marked in Fig. 9. The arc speed calculation results in Table I show an acceleration of the arc plasma along the centerline. The velocity of the arc plasma increases if more current is allocated in the arc plasma and the coils, since the Lorentz force AL-AMAYREH et al.: ARC MOVEMENT INSIDE AN AC/DC CIRCUIT BREAKER—PART II 2039 source, and i, j, k = 1, 2, 3. The values of these variables in each equation are summarized in Table III, where Fj is the Lorentz force j × B. The heat radiation Qradiation defined by Karetta and Lindmayer [16] is given as k T 4 − To4 Qradiation = 4α Fig. 8. Measured currents in the coils, arc plasma, and the arc voltage for 750 A/400 Vdc . (3) where k = 13 [m−1 ] · p · p−1 0 is the absorption coefficient. The viscous dissipation Qdissipation is given by ∂Uj ∂Ui 2 ∂UK ∂Ui Qdissipation = μ + − δij . (4) ∂xi ∂xj 3 ∂xK ∂xj The resistive heating or ohmic heating is the energy spent through the arc written as Qohmic = j • E. (5) The equations governing the electric and magnetic fields are the Maxwell’s equations which are = − ∂B ∇×E ∂t = j + ∇×H Fig. 9. Example used to show the calculation of the arc plasma speed between selected fiber-optic heads for 750 A and 400 Vdc . =q ∇•D TABLE I C ALCULATION OF THE A RC P LASMA S PEED FOR C ASE L INE C URRENT 750 DC AT 400 Vdc ∂D ∂t (Faraday’s law) (Ampere’s law) (Poisson’s law) =0 ∇•B (6) (7) (8) (9) where = εE D and = μH. B is proportional to the current. The results for different current loads are shown in Table II, where the velocity of the arc plasma Varc_152,153 was measured between the two fiber-optic heads 152 and 153. In this mathematical model, the displacement current in Am pere’s law ∂ D/∂t and the electric charge density q in Poisson’s law are neglected [18]. These simplifications in Maxwell’s equations often are considered for describing a low-frequency phenomenon [19]. Ohm’s law can be used to calculate the current density inside the ionized gas fluid flow IV. M ODELING AND D ISCRETIZATION +U × B). j = σ(E The flow of ionized gases and heat transfer inside the vertical runner of the contactor are governed by Maxwell’s equations and the compressible Navier–Stokes equations [14]–[17], [23]. Some simplifications were considered in order to simulate the plasma. The mathematical model does not consider the ablation of the contact material, and the air plasma is assumed to be in a local thermodynamic equilibrium. The governing equations can be represented in differential form as ∂Φ ∂(ρΦ) ∂(ρUi Φ) ∂ + = ΓΦ + QΦ (2) ζ ∂t ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi The relation between the electrical potential φ and the elec is written as trical field E where ζ and Φ represent the transported quantities in each equation, ΓΦ is a diffusion coefficient, QΦ is a distributed = grad φ. E (10) (11) The current continuity is the divergence of the current density div j = 0. (12) correlates with the magnetic The vector magnetic potential A as follows: induction flux B = curl A. B (13) 2040 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 40, NO. 8, AUGUST 2012 TABLE II S PEED OF THE A RC P LASMA B ETWEEN THE O PTICS 152 AND 153 A LONG THE C ENTERLINE FOR D IFFERENT DC C URRENTS AND A VOLTAGE OF 400 Vdc TABLE III D ESCRIPTION OF THE Q UANTITIES AND S OURCES U SED IN (2) Fig. 10. Mathematical model. (a) Structural grid and the coordinates. [(b)–(f)] Boundary conditions used in the mathematical model. and the magnetic vector potential The magnetic field H relation can be written as = curl curl H 1 + B). curl A = σ grad φ + σ(U (14) μo The resistance of the arc is Rarc = h/ Sa σds, where h is the separation distance between the electrodes B1/B2 and Sa is the section corresponding to the conducting zone [17]. The equation of state is given in the form P = ρRspecific T. (15) The thermodynamic coefficients of thermal plasma are very sensitive to the temperature and pressure. In this paper, the thermodynamic and transport properties are defined as a function of temperature and pressure and obtained from [1] and [20]. Fig. 11. Average arc voltage drop and average currents in the coils are taken from the experiments as input data for the numerical model. The mathematical model described earlier has been solved using the finite volume method. This method transforms the partial differential equations into linear continuous equations AL-AMAYREH et al.: ARC MOVEMENT INSIDE AN AC/DC CIRCUIT BREAKER—PART II 2041 Fig. 12. Simplified magnetic circuit. (a) Description of the magnetic circuit. (b) Magnetic field calculated from the magnetic circuit for case 750 A at 400 Vdc . and enables to solve even complex geometries. The geometry of the calculation domain was generated in the CAD program ProEngineer. Fig. 11 shows the calculation domain which is divided into about 350 000 structured hexahedral cells; each cell represents a CV, and all the cells describe the geometry of the contactor. The complex geometry in the base of the contactor has not been included. The 3-D domain has been discretized using the program ANSYS ICEM. The computational model is divided into 22 blocks to handle the geometry. The commercial CFD program ANSYS CFX [21] has been used to solve the system of partial differential equations with Fortran subroutines to implement the sources. The shear stress transport k − ω-based model was used to simulate the turbulent flow and near walls [21], [22]. The high-resolution advection scheme is applied in the computations. As shown in Fig. 10, adiabatic and no-slip conditions are assumed at the walls. Zero static pressure and the average of the temperature are considered in the case of opening conditions, whereas a zero electric field flux is defined at the nonmetallic wall. Furthermore, it is assumed that the ignition position is at the lower point between the electrodes B1/B2. A voltage drop is given between the electrodes B1/B2 to treat the transfer of current [23]. The arc voltage drop and currents in the coils are taken from the experiments as input data for the numerical model. In order to smoothen the experimental data, about 16 experimental results are averaged for a current of 750 A dc and a voltage of 400 V. These curves are shown in Fig. 11. The external magnetic field is applied in the z-direction and perpendicular to the symmetry plane. All computations involved in this study were performed by using 16 parallel processors. To start with, the task was solved as a steady-state calculation with zero external magnetic fields. This steady-state case was, in turn, used as an initial condition for the unsteady case. The computing time for the unsteady solution was 11 h. The external magnetic field imposed in the plasma domain is generated by the permanent magnets and the two coils. With the aim of generating a more homogeneous magnetic field which is acting perpendicular to the plasma domain, the coils and the magnets were connected with pole plates [see Fig. 12(a)]. Without operational current, a constant magnetic field from the permanent magnets was measured with a Gauss meter to Fig. 13. Numerical calculation of the temperature profiles along the centerline at different times. Fig. 14. Comparison between the numerical and experimental results of the arc speed along the centerline for 750 A and 400 Vdc . be 12 mT at contact points 1 and 2, as shown in Fig. 1. The magnetic fields from the coils change with the coil current. Fig. 12(a) shows a coil of 200 turns and a magnetic core of mean length L = 44 mm and diameter D = 16 mm. The core of the coil is connected to two pole plates. The distance between the pole plates is the length of the coil core. This system can be modeled as a simplified magnetic circuit. Assuming that the size of the device and the operation frequency are such that the displacement current in Maxwell’s equations is negligible, the magnetic flux in webers can be written as φm = Bgap Agap = NI . 2Rm plate + Rm coil + Rm Gap (16) 2042 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 40, NO. 8, AUGUST 2012 Fig. 15. Temperature and speed contours in the contactor for a line current of 750 A and a voltage of 400 Vdc . The magnetic reluctance Rm can be calculated from the equation Rm = L . μm A (17) The materials of the plates and the core of the coils are steel. The values of the magnetic permeability μm can be calculated from the magnetic induction current equation μm = ΔB . ΔH (18) The relation between the magnetic field B and the magnetic field intensity H for steel becomes nonlinear for H > 500 A/m as described by the B–H curve in the manufacturer’s datasheet. Fig. 12(b) shows the results of (16) obtained by using the fitting of the coil current in Fig. 11. First, the magnetic field is generated by the magnetic circuit of the first coil, and the magnetic field from the magnetic circuit of the second coil is delayed. V. R ESULTS A. Mathematical Model Verification To verify the mathematical model, the arc voltage drop and currents in the coils were taken from Fig. 8 as input data for the numerical model. Fig. 13 shows the temperature profile in the centerline of the contactor which changes with time due to the propagation of the arc plasma and the decrease of the arc current. Assuming that the position of the arc plasma coincides with the peak of the temperature profile, the velocity of the arc can be calculated from the shift of the peak temperature position r in time. It should be noted that the amplitude of the temperature profile decreases as the arc plasma moves along the centerline. The comparison between the numerical and experimental results is shown in Fig. 14, which shows the speed of the arc plasma at different times for a current of 750 A and a voltage of 400 Vdc . The numerical results agree well with the measurements. These results show that the arc plasma accelerates due to the rise of the magnetic forces. However, the acceleration or the slope of the curve decreases with time due to the reduction of the arc current. B. Arc Plasma Propagation A visualization of the arc plasma propagation is made in Fig. 15, which shows the variation of the temperature contours at the symmetry plane. The right side of Fig. 15 shows the velocity distribution at the midplane at different times. The highest temperature is seen in the lower point of the vertical runner at time 43.5 ms with a value of more than 12 500 K. At this particular time, the external magnetic field from the coils is very low, and the source of external magnetic field is only from the magnets in the contactor base. The arc plasma temperature decreases with time due to the decrease of the arc current, stretching of the arc, and the cooling by radiant heat. The transient response of the arc root position to the imposed magnetic field is shown in Fig. 16. The position of the arc plasma root is defined by the center of the highest temperature at the surface of the runners using the following equation: y • T dydz surface . (19) ya = T • dydz surface The magnetic force from the first coil is greater, because the current first appears in that coil. As a result, the vertical position AL-AMAYREH et al.: ARC MOVEMENT INSIDE AN AC/DC CIRCUIT BREAKER—PART II 2043 R EFERENCES Fig. 16. Calculated vertical position of the arc plasma root determined at the highest temperature at cathode (electrode B2) and anode (electrode B1), respectively. of the arc root in the anode is higher than that of the arc root in the cathode. Consequently, the curvature and stretching of the arc plasma increase with time due to the unbalanced applied magnetic fields as well as the shape of the electrode runners. VI. C ONCLUSION Optical imaging software has been developed to generate 50 000 frames/s to study the movements of the ionized gases inside a new electrical contactor. The optical results show that the position of the plasma arcs inside the body of the contactor can be controlled by using two coils and two magnets. The results clearly indicate that the ionized gases accelerate in the vertical runner. In addition, the velocity of the arc plasma increases with the increase of the total current. The optical imaging results have been compared with the results of the HSC. Furthermore, a 3-D numerical study of an industrial electrical contactor has been carried out. Here, the arc plasma itself feeds two coils beside the runner with electrical current in order to generate a magnetic pressure. This pressure moves the arc plasma from the contactor base to the splitter plates. The arc plasma accelerates inside the runner due to the magnetic field of the coils. The magnetic field from the first coil is higher than the magnetic field from the second coil, which leads to a curvature of the arc plasma. However, the results of the numerical simulations should be taken with caution. Apart from the simplifications assumed in Section IV, the numerical model has neglected the influence of the bridge inside the contactor base which works as anode and cathode at the same time. The simulations of the arc plasma can be improved by studying the ablation and evaporation of the contacts. 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Al-Amayreh was born in Erlangen, Germany, on October 09, 1981. He received the B.S. degree and M.S. degree (with honors) from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, in 2004 and 2007, respectively. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics (LSTM), Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Erlangen. In 2007–2008, he was a Lecturer with the Engineering Technology College, Al-Balqa’ Applied University, Amman, Jordan. In 2008–2010, he was a Researcher with the LSTM, University of Erlangen–Nuremberg. His research interests include the applications of the flow-field-ionized gases and gasification of oil shale using plasma. Mr. Al-Amayreh is a member of the European Mechanics Society. He was a recipient of the Alexander Mayer scholarship. Harald Hofmann was born in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1968. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the FriedrichAlexander University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, in 2002. In the same year, he was recruited by the Modern Drive Technology GmbH as a Design Engineer and became the Head of Development in 2005. Since 2008, he has been with the Institute of Electrical Power Systems, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen–Nuremberg. His primary research interests are electrical measurement engineering, switching behavior of ac/dc circuit breakers, and novel measurement methods for the estimation of the remaining lifetime of electrical distribution systems. Ove Nilsson was born in Tavelsjö, Sweden, in 1956. He received the B.Sc. degree in material physics from Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden, in 1980 and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Experimental Physics, Umeå University, in 1986, with a thesis on developing a new hot-wire method for the determination of thermal conductivity and heat capacity under high pressure. From 1987 to 1991, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher with the University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, where he continued in the field of thermal physics. In 1992, he joined the newly founded Bavarian Center of Applied Energy Research, Würzburg, where he was an Administration Manager and a Scientist until 1998. After a period as a Sales Manager for Vitec GmbH, Würzburg, he joined Schaltbau GmbH, Munich, in 2001, where he is a Research Engineer. The company produces contactors, snap-action switches, connectors, and master controllers. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 40, NO. 8, AUGUST 2012 Christian Weindl was born in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1965. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering and the Dr.-Ing. degree (cum laude) from the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Germany, in 1993 and 1999/2000, respectively. From 1993 to 1995, he was with the High-Voltage Transmission and Distribution Department (Group System Planning), Siemens AG, Erlangen, and since 1994, he has been with the Institute of Electrical Power Systems, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen–Nuremberg. Since 2005, he has headed an international project in the field of the artificial aging of power cables and estimation of the remaining lifetime of electrical distribution systems. His primary research interests are harmonic stability, control of converters and FACTS equipment, and the interactions of these devices with the surrounding network. Dr. Weindl was a recipient of the Literature Award of ETG/VDE in 1999, and in 2002, his Ph.D. work was a recipient of a research price by a major German utility (E-ON Bayern AG). Antonio R. Delgado was born in Sevilla, Spain, on April 17, 1956. He received the Diploma (with honors) in process technology and the Dr.-Ing. degree (1986) from the University of Duisburg–Essen, Essen, Germany. In 1987–1992, he was the Head of “Fluid Mechanics and Exploitation of Microgravity” with the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany), in which he also achieved the postdoctoral lecture qualification (1993). Then, he became the Head of Predevelopment in industry (1992–1996) and got offered two chair professorships (1994) for thermofluid dynamics (University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany) and for fluid mechanics and process automation (Technical University Munich, Munich, Germany). In the latter, he was a Full Professor Chair (1995–2006) as well as the Head of the Information Technology Group, the Study Dean, the First Pro Dean, and the Director of the Department of Food and Nutrition Sciences. Since 2006, he has been a Full Professor with the Institute of Fluid Mechanics (LSTM), Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany. His research interests in different areas include those that are connected to particle technology, nucleation of nanoparticles in supercritical gases, and the fluid mechanical transport of particulate drugs in the human body. He has a track record of more than 120 publications in peer-reviewed journals and books and is the holder of more than 30 patents. He is a Member of the Editorial Board of the “Journal of Fluid Mechanics” and a Peer Reviewer in more than ten scientific journals and cooperates with leading research groups in the fields of fluid mechanics and critical phenomena. Twenty Ph.D. candidates finished their thesis under his guidance. He supervises 18 Ph.D. students and 13 postdoctoral students.