Investigation of High Frequency Injection Method for Surface-mounted PMSM Sensor-less Drive Yu Zhang, Jie Gu, Zhigan Wu, Jianping Ying Delta Power Electronics Center (DPEC) 238 Minxia Road, CIMIC Industry Zone, Pudong, Shanghai, 201209, China Abstract – A novel sensor-less position detection scheme for surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM) at standstill and low speed is investigated in this paper. For synchronous motor’s sensor-less drive, there is phase error between the synchronous reference frame and the estimated synchronous reference frame. High frequency voltage signal is injected into the estimated d-axis voltage, and the position can be demodulated from estimated q-axis current due to the small salient-ratio caused by saturation. High frequency model of the motor is analyzed with projective geometry between the estimated synchronous reference frame and the synchronous reference frame. The complex mutual inductance and stator voltage need not to be introduced. Feasibility of the proposed scheme is verified with experiments with a sample motor. I. INTRODUCTION Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives have been widely accepted in many application fields such as industry, transportation and elevator traction because of their high efficiency, high power density and fast respondency. However, traditional drives with position transducers have problems such as high price, special maintenance and complexity. So, position sensor-less drives have caused great investigation interest with the development of electronics and power electronics. Generally, position sensor-less control strategy can be classified into two types. One is based on EMF observation. In this type, EMF can be observed with voltage model, observer or Kalman Filters. Angular position can be decided with EMF information. The performance of this scheme is fairly good at medium and high speed. However, the position can hardly be detected at standstill or very low speed because the magnitude of EMF is proportional to speed. So high frequency injection scheme is introduced to solve this problem. The injection scheme has been applied in reluctance and interior Permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) drive, and great progress has been made [1]. For surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM), high frequency injection scheme is more and more interested because salient-pole does exist in many SPMSMs although it is not the dominant. [2] and [3] have proposed an injection/demodulation scheme which can solve the problem of small signal-to-noise ratio, low spatial 306 resolution and additional hardware or voltage sensor. This paper proposes some further investigation progress about high frequency injection scheme for SPMSM. A simplified analysis method is deduced considering estimated phase error between the synchronous reference frame and the estimated synchronous reference frame. The measurement experiments are the important part of verification procedure and reference to select injection voltage and frequency. II. HIGH FREQUENCY MODEL AND CONTROL SCHEME A. Model of High Frequency Injection Signal The voltage equations of SPMSM on the synchronous reference frame are represented as follows. ud Rs + Ls p − ω r Ls id 0 (1) + u = Rs + Ls p iq ω r Ψm q ω r Ls Where, p= d dt When the rotor speed of SPMSM is relatively small compared to the injected frequency, only the high frequency component of voltages and currents are considered. By assuming that the high frequency resistance is sufficiently smaller than the high frequency inductance, the voltage equations can be represented as followed. 0 idh udh l dh p u = 0 l p i qh qh qh (2) In order to describe the investigation method, injection voltages is just the same as [2] and [3]. High frequency voltage signal is injected only on the d-axis in the estimated synchronous reference frame whose relationship with synchronous reference frame is shown in fig.1. uˆ dh Vc cos(ω c t ) uˆ = 0 qh (3) Symbols with ‘^’ represent parameters in the estimated synchronous reference frame. Its position θˆ is derived by position estimation method. In order to make position sensor-less operation possible, it is necessary to eliminate estimation phase error ∆θ = θ − θˆ , where θ is position of synchronous reference frame. Since currents in synchronous reference frame cannot be observed in estimated synchronous reference frame, currents in estimated synchronous reference frame can also be derived with projective geometry as followed. q̂ q iˆdh l avg − 12 l diff cos( 2 ∆θ ) Vc sin(ω c t ) ˆ = (6) 1 − 2 l diff sin( 2 ∆θ ) i qh ω c l dh l qh ω Where, d lavg = d̂ ∆θ Fig. 1. Relation between synchronous reference frame and estimated one (4) ωref If there exists anisotropy or saturation in the magnet circuit of SPMSM, there is high frequency inductance difference between d- and q- axis, that is, ldiff is not zero. With the former injection method, the rotor position estimation error can be obtained from the high frequency component of current on the q-axis in the estimated synchronous frame. (5) + Vccos(ωt) iq_ref + - + + - ω̂ iq_fdb Udc - + uq_out d,q SV PWM α,β id_ref (7) B. Demodulation of the Carrier Signal According to (2) and (4), high frequency currents in synchronous reference frame can be derived as followed. 1 sin(ω c t ) cos( ∆θ ) i dh Vc l dh i = 1 qh ω c − sin(ω c t ) sin( ∆θ ) l qh , ldiff = ldh − lqh 2 So, current response of high frequency voltage signal can be derived without introduction of mutual inductance. Currents in estimated synchronous reference frame include information about inductance difference between d- and q- axis. With projective geometry, high frequency voltages can be represented as followed. udh cos(ω c t ) cos( ∆θ ) u = Vc − cos(ω c t ) sin( ∆θ ) qh ldh + l qh 6 + ud_out id_fdb - - θˆ - d,q Observer BPF a,b,c SPMSM 3~ iA iB iC sin(ωt) Fig. 2. Block diagram of high frequency injection method With high frequency injection methods for sensorless control, the signal demodulation constitutes a major demand for signal processing. From (7), the input signal to position estimation circuit can be obtained via signal process as in (8). [ ] i∆θ = LPF iˆqh sin(ω c t ) = − Vc ldiff 2ω c l dh l qh If position estimation error is sufficiently small, (8) can be simplified as followed. i ∆θ = − Vc l diff ω c ldh l qh ⋅ ∆θ = K err ⋅ ∆θ (9) So, estimated position can be inferred from the estimation error by the estimation circuit. sin( 2∆θ ) (8) 307 Fig.3 shows the procedure of signal processing. The high frequency component of current on the q-axis + Udc - iˆqh is derived with the BPF from the q-axis feedback current iq_fdb. The output of the PI regulator is the estimated rotational speed. The estimated position θˆ is the integration of estimated speed. sin(ω c t ) BPF I SIN GEN 6 SV PWM uβh LPF Ic' iˆqh iˆq _ fdb uαh Vc' f' PI iαh x2 + y2 iah ibh ich α,β iβh a,b,c i ∆θ PMSM 3~ Fig. 4. Block diagram of measurement algorithm θˆ With rotating field excited by high frequency voltage, currents can be measured to get inductances. By measuring inductances in one electrical period, ldh and lqh can be measured. The magnitude of high frequency current and voltage, and the high frequency inductance on the measurement axis can be obtained as followed. Fig.5 and fig.6 show the measurement results of high frequency inductance of SPMSM at various currents and various injection frequencies. For the measurement, a 700W SPMSM is used with parameters listed in table.1. In the figures, ‘Test angle’ is the assumed electrical angular position of measurement axis. dθˆ dt Fig. 3. Block diagram of position and speed observer C. Overall Control Algorithm of the Method Fig.2 shows the block diagram of the sensor-less drive system including the proposed high frequency injection algorithm. It consists of the basic field oriented vector control system, proposed injection method and demodulation observer shown in fig.3. It can be implemented with microprocessor-based circuit and power inverter. Cooperating with proper algorithm to observe position from EMF at medium and high speed, high frequency injection method can be constructed into a overall solution for high performance sensor-less SPMSM drive. 2 Vc ' = uαh + u βh 2 I c ' = iαh + iβh X dh = max( III. INVESTIGATION OF HIGH FREQUENCY MODEL WITH EXPERIMENTS 2 2 V' Vc ' ), l qh = min( c ) Ic ' Ic ' 3.5 High frequency injection method is mainly based on the inductance difference between d- and q- axis. So the existence of that difference in SPMSM is very important. With the increase of frequency, the flux tends to propagate through the leakage paths in the stator and rotor. That is called skin effect. It decreases the inductance difference between d- and q- axis. So, motor properties should be considered in the model at the injection frequency due to the skin effect [3]. To verify the high frequency inductance difference of SPMSM, and possibility to detect the accurate position with simulation methods, some measurement has been performed to get the high frequency inductances. The method of measurement is to exploit the SVPWM inverter to supply the SPMSM with high frequency voltage. The block diagram of the measurement algorithm is shown in Fig.4. By properly adjusting the voltage and frequency, the amplitude and frequency of the current can be used to estimate high frequency inductances. Reactance X (p.u.) Vc=0.354(p.u) 3 Vc=0.265(p.u) Vc=0.177(p.u) 2.5 2 0 42.4 84.7 127.1 169.4 211.8 254.1 296.5 338.8 Test angle (deg.) Fig. 5. High frequency inductances at various voltage supplies 308 (10) (11) (12) feasibility of high frequency injection scheme for SPMSM’s position detection at zero and low speed are analyzed. For injecting and demodulating the high frequency signal, a proper and simplified model is proposed. Except the simplified voltage equation and projective process, no additional variables or equations should be considered. With the proposed experimental method, feasibility of the target motor can be verified. The injection voltage’s magnitude and frequency can be selected with the reference of those experimental results. Reactance X (p.u.) 3 f=750Hz 2.5 f=600Hz 2 1.5 0 f=450Hz 62.6 125.2 187.8 250.4 TABLE I Parameters of Sample SPMSM Rated Power 700 [W] Rated Torque 2.2 [Nm] Number of Poles 6 Rated Current 3.65 [A] Rated Speed 3000 [rpm] Resistance (per phase) 1.21 [Ω] Inductance (per phase) 11.2 [mH] 313.0 Test angle (deg.) Fig. 6. High frequency inductances at various frequencies Fig.5 shows the high frequency inductance characteristics at various supplied voltages where the frequency is 600Hz. As is shown in the figure, the d- axis high frequency inductance is a bit larger than that of q- axis. The high frequency inductance difference (ldiff) between dand q- axis is about 5% of the average (lavg) at all current supply but it varies while voltage supply is being adjusted. In fig.6, the ratio of voltage and frequency supply maintains the same value. It shows that the ratio of inductance difference varies very slightly at different frequencies. As in fig.5, the high frequency inductance difference (ldiff) between d- and q- axis is about 5% of the average (lavg) at all current supply. From fig.6, it can be known that higher frequency injection method is used because the magnitude of impedance increases as the injection frequency increases. REFERENCES [1] Ryoji Mizutani, Takaharu Takeshita and Nobuyuki Matsui, "Current Model-Based Sensorless Drives of Salient-Pole PMSM at Low Speed and Standstill", IEEE-IAS 1997, Conference Record of the 1997 IEEE Ind. Appl. Conference [2] Ji-Hoon Jang, Seung-Ki Sul, Jung-Ik Ha, Kozo Ide and Mitsujiro Sawamura, "Sensor-less Drive of SMPM Motor by High Frequency Signal Injection”, IEEE-APEC 2002, Conference Record of the 2002 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference [3] Macro Linke, Ralph Kennel and Joachim Holtz, "Sensorless Position Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines without Limitation at Zero Speed”, IEEE-IAS 2001, Conference Record of the 2001 IEEE Ind. Appl. Conference [4] Ji-Hoon Jang, Jung-Ik Ha and Seung-Ki Sul, “Vector Control of Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Motor without any Rotational Transducer”, IEEE-APEC 2001, Conference Record of the 2001 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference IV. CONCLUSION In this paper, the high frequency model and 309