Lehman College, CUNY Department of Physics and Astronomy

Lehman College, CUNY
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Curriculum Change
1. Type of Change: New Course
2. Course Description:
PHY 145: Light and Color 5 hours (3 lecture, 2 lab), 4 credits. Introduction to the
nature of light and color and its applications in science, technology, and in art. Light as
an electromagnetic wave phenomenon, interference, geometrical optics, polarization, the
laser, holography, fiber optics, reproduction of sound with light, vision, visual illusions,
color theory, light and color in nature and art.
3. Rationale:
The Department of Physics Astronomy offers several courses of an elementary nature on
various aspects of physical science including conceptual physics, astronomy, and a
recently added course in the physics of sound. Although some aspects of the nature of
light are discussed in the astronomy and conceptual physics course, the discussions are
usually very brief and do not cover the full range of topics listed in the above course
description. As light is one of the primary ways we have of connecting to the external
world and is of importance in all branches of science and technology as well as in the
visual arts, we believe that this would be an attractive course by which undergraduates
could fulfill the science distribution requirement.
4. Academic Objectives and Justification of the Course
According to Samuel Johnson, “We all know what light is, but it is not so easy to tell
what it is”. This is to be a descriptive course on the nature of light. The student should
emerge from for the course knowing that light is an electromagnetic wave phenomenon,
knowing how light is generated from electronic transitions in atoms and molecules,
knowing why light emitted from ordinary thermal sources, such as light from the sun, is
quite different in nature from light emitted by extraordinary sources such as lasers. The
student should gain a qualitative understanding of the applications of laser light in
communications and other areas of technology such as the reproduction of sound (i.e. the
operation of a CD player) among other things. The course is justified because the nature
of light is of interest in its own right, but also because there are overlaps with many other
disciplines. Light plays a role in all the sciences: physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy,
and atmospheric science, and in technology: LED lighting, fiber optics and optical
communication, medical applications of lasers, holography and information storage, to
name just a few.
5. Syllabus/Text
A typical syllabus for the course would run as follows:
I. Early ideas about light
Greek optics
Optics in the middle ages
II. Classical theories
Corpuscular theory of Newton
Wave theory of Huygens
Young’s double slit interference experiment
Speed of light measurements
Color and wavelength
III. Modern theories of light
Blackbody radiation
Early quantum theory
The Bohr theory of the atom and origin of spectral lines
Photo-electric effect
Wave-particle duality
IV. Geometrical optics
Pinhole camera
Refraction-Snell’s law
Lenses and Mirrors
Simple optical instruments—telescopes, microscopes
V. Polarization of light
Transverse waves and polarization
Polarization by reflection and by scattering
Double refraction (birefringence) via calcite crystals
Circular polarization
VI. The LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)
Absorption and emission
Population inversion
The coherence of laser light
The ruby laser
The He:Ne gas laser
Applications of lasers: fiber optics, bar coding, CD players, medicine, welding, etc.
VII. Holography
Three dimensional imaging
Photography versus holography
VII. The Eye and Seeing
Physiology of the eye
Retina, rods, cones
Spectral response
Information processing and pathways to the brain
Optical illusions
Depth perception, especially in art.
VIII. Light and Color in Nature
Natural light
Forced oscillators
Rayleigh scattering in the atmosphere (Why is the sky blue?)
Dispersion—rainbows and halos
Coronas and the glory
Pigments in nature—chlorophyll, etc.
IX. Color Science
Primary colors
Adding and subtracting colors
Color solid and color atlas
There will be a set of about 10 laboratory experiments that will be performed in support
of the ideas discussed in class. Also, there will be many in-class demonstrations.
The text for the course will be chosen from among the following:
Introduction to Light: The Physics of Light, Vision, and Color, by G. Waldman (1983,
Prentice Hall, 2002, Dover)
Light Science: Physics and the Visual Arts, by T.D. Rossing and C.J. Chiaverina
(Springer, 1999).
Light and Color in Nature and Art, by S.J. Williamson and H.Z. Cummins (Wiley, 1983).
Some library books that will be placed on reserve:
Light and Color in the Outdoors, by M.G.J. Minnaert (Springer, 1993).
Light by M.I. Sobel (University of Chicago Press, 1987).
Colour: Art and Science, edited by T. Lamb and J. Bourriau (Cambridge University
Press, 1995).
Color and Light in Nature, by D.K. Lynch and W. Livingston (Cambridge University
Press, 2001).
The Fire Within the Eye, by David Park (Princeton University Press, 1997).
What is Light? by A.C.S. van Heel and C.H.F Velzel (McGraw-Hill, 1968).
6. Effect on Curriculum Offerings outside of the Department: none
7. Faculty: The course will be taught by faculty currently in the department. Professor
Gerry, whose research work is in quantum optics, will be the primary instructor of the
8. Estimated Enrollment and Frequency: Anticipated enrollment is 20-25 students.
The course would be offered once a year.
9. Date of Department Approval: November 4, 2004.