Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington 4 AIRPORT FACILITY REQUIREMENTS AIRPORT DESIGN FACTORS This chapter identifies the long-range airfield and terminal area facilities needed to satisfy the 20-year forecast of aviation demand at the Bowers Field Airport. Airport facilities have been identified based on the accumulation of inventory information and forecast demand elements, as planned in accordance with FAA airport design standards and airspace criteria. It should be noted, the identification of needed facilities does not constitute a requirement in terms of absolute design standards or goals, but rather an option for facility improvements to resolve various types of facility or operational inadequacies, or to make improvements as demand warrants. Airfield facility components include runways, taxiways, navigational aids, airfield marking/signage and lighting. Terminal area facility components comprises hangars, terminal building, apron parking area, fuel quantity and storage size, public vehicle parking, and airport access requirements. AIRPORT REFERENCE CODE (ARC) CLASSIFICATION Table 4.1 identifies the airport reference code (ARC) at the Bowers Field Airport during each of the planning periods. The FAA has established airport design criteria based on the ARC designation, which provides minimum safety standards in accordance with the performance characteristics of the family of aircraft represented by the airport's critical aircraft. This particular aircraft, as determined with respect to approach speed and wingspan, is within a design category of airplanes that conduct at least 500 annual itinerant operations (combination of landings and takeoffs) per year. AIRFIELD DESIGN STANDARDS The airfield design and site layout has been determined by application of airport design standards contained in the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13 Change #6, Airport Design, Version 3.0, Computer Airport Design Program Model. The model calculates the minimum separation distance between the following airfield components: 4 Runway/taxiway distance separations; 4 Surface grade and airspace slope; 4 Runway threshold distances; K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC 4 Airfield safety areas (RSA, OFA, OFZ); 4 NAVAID siting and safety areas; 4 Runway protection zone (RPZ) size. Page - 71 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington Table 4.1 Existing and Ultimate Airport Reference Code (ARC) Bowers Field Airport Runway Existing ARC Phase 1 ARC (0-5 Years) Phase 2 ARC (5-10 Years) Phase 3 ARC (10-20 Years) Runway 11-29 (Primary) B-II B-II B-II+10 B-II+10 Runway 7-25 (Crosswind) B-II (Non-Stand) B-II (Non-Stand) B-I B-I Note: Note: The most demanding (greatest) runway ARC per planning phase indicates the airport's ARC. (Non-Stand): Non-standard FAA airport design criteria. Note: ARC B-I classification has the following performance characteristics: Aircraft Approach Category B = an approach speed of 91 knots or more, but less than 121 knots. Airplane Design Group I = a wingspan of less than 49 feet Note: ARC B-II+10 (+10 passenger seats) classification has the following performance characteristics: Aircraft Approach Category B = an approach speed of 91 knots or more, but less than 121 knots. Airplane Design Group II = a wingspan of 49 feet up to, but not including 79 feet. Source: BWR, Designated Airport Reference Code (ARC) Forecast, May 2001. RUNWAY LENGTH STANDARDS By design, the primary runway normally has the longest runway length, most favorable wind coverage, greatest pavement strength, and lowest straight-in instrument approach minimums. Its length is determined from the greater of the takeoff or landing performance characteristics required by the composite family of airplanes, as represented by the critical aircraft’s airport reference code (ARC). Table 4.2 shows recommended runway length requirements for the Bowers Field Airport computed from the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5325-4A, Runway Length Requirements, Computer Program Version 4.1. Recommended runway lengths, which for minimum safety purposes, are based on the most demanding aircraft and runway conditions, have been determined for the Bowers Field Airport using the following site factors: 1) the airport elevation (1,763 feet mean sea level - compensating for the affects of density altitude and no wind); 2) the average mean maximum daily temperature (83°F) for the hottest month (July); 3) the effective runway gradient between runway ends (0.3 percent with a 16 foot elevation difference between the primary runway ends); 4) dry versus wet runway pavement; and 5) the critical aircraft family of airplanes forecast to use the runway. It should be noted that these performance factors are used for the design of airport runways, and not as a substitute for calculations required by airplane operating rules. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 72 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington Table 4.2 Airport Runway Length Data – FAA Advisory Circular 150/ 5325-4A Bowers Field Airport Airport and Runway Data Input Input Airport elevation Mean daily maximum temperature of the hottest month Maximum difference in runway centerline elevation 1,763 feet 83° F 16 feet 1,763 feet 83° F 16 feet Recommended Primary Runway Length / Corresponding ARC Length-Dry Length-Wet Small airplanes with less than 10 passenger seats: 75 percent of these small airplanes (ARC A-I) 95 percent of these small airplanes (ARC B-I) 100 percent of these small airplanes (ARC B-II) Small airplanes with 10 or more passenger seats (ARC B-II+10) 3,070 feet 3,670 feet 4,300 feet 4,560 feet 3,070 feet 3,670 feet 4,300 feet 4,560 feet Large airplanes less than 60,000 pounds: 75 percent of these large airplanes at 60 percent useful load 5,100 feet 5,500 feet Recommended Ultimate Runway Design / Corresponding ARC Length Width Primary Runway (ARC B-II / B-II+10) Secondary-Crosswind Runway (ARC B-I) 4,600’ 3,700’ 75’ – 150’ (note) 60’ – 100’ (note) Note: crosswind runway not required for current wind coverage standards (continue to monitor ELN ASOS). Note: ultimate primary width contingent upon benefit/cost analysis per FAA construction project. Note: crosswind runway length and width dependent upon instrument approach capabilities ultimately allowable to primary runway. Note: The recommended runway length is rounded to the next 100-foot increment beyond 30 feet. Note: Wet & slippery apply to landing distance/runway end elevation applies to takeoff distance. Note: Useful load – includes all usable fuel, passengers and cargo. Source: AC 150/ 5325-4A (FAA Computer Model), Runway Length Requirements For Airport Design. PRIMARY RUNWAY LENGTH/WIDTH REQUIREMENTS Based on the FAA runway length model, the ultimate design length for the primary runway at Bowers Field Airport is 4,600 feet. This length accommodates 100 percent of all small airplanes with ten (10) or more passenger seats within the ARC B-II+10 family of aircraft during wet and slippery conditions. Because the representative critical aircraft (Cessna Citation ‘Ultra’) is not anticipated to be based at the airport in the immediate future, the “composite” aircraft runway length was used for planning purposes. The unconstrained 4,600-foot length accommodates all small single-engine recreational/training aircraft, agricultural aircraft, all pressurized twin-piston airplanes, and the vast majority of large ARC B-II turbine aircraft operating during the hottest months at gross weight. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 73 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington Small to medium-cabin business jets in the ARC B-I to B-II category operate on 4,600 with few payload restrictions, while large ARC C-II to D-II business jets would be very load restricted (fuel and/ or passengers) in order to allow sufficient accelerate-stop distance (balanced field length) as per FAR Part 91, but particularly Part 135 operations. Note: By airport design standards, the recommended runway width to accommodate ARC B-II / B-II+10 aircraft is 75 feet. However, cost considerations are reviewed as part of FAA grant projects to assess the cost/benefit analysis of complying with standards, as was the case when Runway 11-29 was reconstructed in 1998 (pavement removal, lighting, grades, drainage, etc.). The pavement life of Runway 11-29 will likely exceed the 20-year Airport Master Plan development program. However, any future improvements to the Runway 11-29 length and threshold locations should be consistent with the current runway width based on pavement integrity and ability to provide operational flexibility for large aircraft use. CROSSWIND RUNWAY LENGTH/WIDTH REQUIREMENTS Crosswind runways are normally constructed to accommodate wind conditions and/or increase airfield capacity and safety. A review of local wind conditions confirms that Runway 11-29 provides sufficient crosswind capabilities for all aircraft based on a single runway configuration, therefore, a crosswind runway is not a design requirement to satisfy standards for wind conditions. Runway 7-25 currently accommodates nearly 40 percent of the 55,000 annual airport operations as a crosswind runway. Responses from the Bowers Field Airport Survey indicate the crosswind and condition of the crosswind are an important consideration to localarea users. Due to the significant traffic levels on Runway 7-25, the crosswind will be evaluated in the Alternatives Chapter of the Airport Master Plan as to recommended design options for maintaining appropriate crosswind function. TAXIWAY/TAXILANE REQUIREMENTS By design, taxiways provide airfield and terminal area access, and enhance airport operational safety and capacity by minimizing runway occupancy. From a cost-benefit standpoint, taxiways are normally constructed progressively, with a full-parallel taxiway system planned for runways with 20,000 annual runway operations, and partial-parallel systems normally constructed to the most active runway end. Both Runways 11-29 and 7-25 currently experience greater than 20,000 annual operations. The following is a discussion of taxiway design standards: Primary Runway 11-29 Taxiway System: Based on FAA design standards, for Design Group II aircraft, a 35-foot taxiway width and 75-foot turning radius is required for the Runway 17-35 taxiway system. Given the operational activity of Runway 11-29, a fulllength parallel taxiway is recommended for future planning and design considerations. The minimum separation distance between the runway and full-length parallel taxiway centerline for an ARC B-II/B-II+10 non-precision instrument runway with greater than ¾mile visibility (1-mile) is 240 feet, with hold position line markings at 200 feet perpendicular to the runway centerline. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 74 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington At Bowers Field, instrument approach capabilities (precision and non-precision with vertical guidance) are planned for Runway 29 with minimum visibility not less than ½-mile. The minimum runway to taxiway centerline separation for this design option would be 300 feet, with hold position line markings at 250 feet perpendicular to the runway centerline. The present Runway 11-29 taxiway system, served by a single entrance and exit/crossover taxiway, provides an inadequate taxiway system for a primary runway. Crosswind Runway 7-25 Taxiway System: Based on FAA design standards for Design Group I aircraft, a 25-foot taxiway width and 50-foot turning radius is required for the crosswind runway taxiway system. The minimum separation distance between the runway and taxiway centerline for an ARC A-I / B-I visual and non-precision instrument runway with greater than ¾ -mile visibility (1-mile) visibility is 225 feet, with hold position line markings at 125 feet perpendicular to the runway centerline. TAXILANE REQUIREMENTS Taxilanes provide access to airplane parking areas, fueling areas, and hangars. Typically, taxilanes are 20 to 25 feet wide at general aviation airports. Taxilane locations are shown on the Airport Layout and Terminal Area Drawings. RUNWAY AND TAXIWAY PAVEMENT STRENGTH STANDARDS Pavement design, strength, and condition are critical planning considerations that represent a major capital investment and maintenance responsibility. All pavements must have sufficient stability to continuously withstand, without damage, adequate to support the loads imposed by aircraft, the abrasive action of traffic, adverse weather conditions and other deteriorating influences. Pavement design is primarily determined with respect to the projected aircraft types (wheel gear type), operating frequency, and operating conditions (aircraft weights). Strength is normally achieved through adequate initial design and periodic overlays, with strength maintained through routine crackseal, slurry seal maintenance and upkeep projects. The overlay can also be used to restore crown, grade, and pavement integrity. Pavements designed in accordance with the standards set out in FAA AC 150/ 5320-6D are intended to provide a structural life of 20 years that is free of major maintenance or rehabilitation, providing no significant changes occur in the forecast aircraft operations. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 75 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington AIRCRAFT PAVEMENT STRENGTH DEMANDS Table 4.3 lists common ARC B-I to C-II business aircraft using Bowers Field. The ARC B-II/BII+10 category of aircraft1 includes small and large general aviation airplanes having a widerange of performance capabilities and maximum operating weights ranging between 14,000 to 45,000 pounds; with most aircraft over 20,000 pounds configured with dual-wheel gear. The aircraft fleet mix forecast indicates the most demanding large aircraft (over 12,500 lbs.) anticipated to operate at Bowers Field would have a maximum takeoff weight of less than 25,000 pounds, with the majority of the ARC B-II/B-II+10 operations expected to be conducted by aircraft with weights ranging between 8,000 pounds and 20,000 pounds (single-wheel gear). It is expected that most ARC C-II operations would likely operate at less than maximum gross, with weights averaging less than 30,000 pounds (swg). Table 4.3 Common ARC B-I to C-II Business/ Corporate Aircraft Bowers Field Airport Aircraft Type Aircraft ARC Gear Type Percent of Fleet Take-off Weight Current and Forecast Aircraft Use- Small Aircraft (Less than 12,500 lbs.) Beechcraft Baron B-58 Small Twin Piston B-I Single Wheel N/A 5,500lbs. Cessna 400 Series Small Twin Piston B-I Single Wheel N/A 6,300-10,000 lbs. Cessna Grand Caravan Single Turboprop B-I Single Wheel N/A 8,785 lbs. Piper Cheyenne II Twin Turboprop B-II Single Wheel N/A 12,050 lbs. Beech King Air Series (C90B, 200, 300) Large Twin Turboprop B-II Single Wheel N/A 9,650-12,500 lbs. Current and Forecast Aircraft Use- Large Aircraft (Greater than 12,500 lbs.) Beech Super King 350 (✰) Large Twin Turboprop B-II Single Wheel 75% 15,000 lbs. Beechjet 400 Series Business Turbofan B-I Singe Wheel 75% 16,400 lbs. Cessna Citation Series (✯) Corporate Turbofan B-II Single Wheel 75% 13,300-22,000 lbs. Learjet Series Aircraft Corporate Turbofan C-I Dual Wheel 75% 13,000-23,000 lbs. IAI Westwind/ Astra Corporate Turbofan C-I Single Wheel 75% 16,800-23,500 lbs. Hawker Series Jet Corporate Turbofan C-II Dual Wheel 75% 23,000–28,000 lbs. Falcon Series Jet Corporate Turbofan C-II Dual Wheel 75% 26,000–48,300 lbs. Note: Existing Critical Aircraft (✰) Note: Future Critical Aircraft (✯) Note: “Percent of Fleet” ” FAA Advisory Circular 150/5325-4A - a common performance distinction for “large” business jet aircraft with maximum gross operating weights ranging between 12,500 and 60,000 pounds. Source: FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, Change #6, Airport Design, 2000; FAA Advisory Circular 150/5325-4A, Runway Length Requirements For Airport Design, 1990. 1 The ARC B-II + 10 runway category was initially designed to accommodate small twin propeller commuter aircraft which are, today, similar in size to many smaller ARC B-II executive and cargo carrying aircraft. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 76 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington Table 4.4 identifies ultimate runway and taxiway strengths recommended for each major pavement surface at the Bowers Field Airport. Taxiways and primary aprons are considered critical areas and should be constructed to the same strength as the adjacent runway. Note: Finalization of the Airport Master Plan Alternatives Analysis is required to determine the pavement strength requirements for the crosswind runway and taxiway system. Table 4.4 Ultimate Pavement Strength Bowers Field Airport Pavement Area Ultimate ARC Design Category Existing Pavement Strength (lbs.) Ultimate Pavement Design Strength (lbs.) Primary Runway 11-29 ARC B-II+10 35,000 lbs. (swg) 57,000 lbs. (dwg) 100,000 lbs. (dtg) 35,000 lbs. (swg) 57,000 lbs. (dwg) 100,000 lbs. (dtg) Crosswind Runway 7-25 ARC B-I 28,000 lbs. (swg) Alternatives Analysis Terminal Apron A1 ARC B-II+10 28,000 lbs. (swg) 30,000 lbs. (swg) Terminal Apron A2 ARC B-II+10 28,000 lbs. (swg) 35,000 lbs. (swg) 57,000 lbs. (dwg) 100,000 lbs. (dtg) Terminal Apron A3 ARC B-II+10 28,000 lbs. (swg) 30,000 lbs. (swg) Taxiway Alpha ARC B-II+10 28,000 lbs. (swg) Alternatives Analysis Taxiway Bravo (East End) ARC B-II+10 28,000 lbs. (swg) 35,000 lbs. (swg) 57,000 lbs. (dwg) 100,000 lbs. (dtg) Taxiway Bravo (West End) ARC B-II+10 28,000 lbs. (swg) Alternatives Analysis Taxiway Charlie ARC B-II+10 28,000 lbs. (swg) 12,500 lbs. (swg) Taxiway Delta ARC B-II+10 28,000 lbs. (swg) 35,000 lbs. (swg) 57,000 lbs. (dwg) 100,000 lbs. (dtg) Taxiway Echo ARC B-II+10 28,000 lbs. (swg) Alternatives Analysis Taxiway Foxtrot ARC B-II+10 28,000 lbs. (swg) 35,000 lbs. (swg) 57,000 lbs. (dwg) 100,000 lbs. (dtg) Note: The gear type and configuration dictate how the aircraft weight is distributed to the pavement and determines the pavement response to aircraft loadings. (swg): single-wheel gear aircraft – each landing gear is supported by a single tire. (dwg): dual-wheel gear aircraft – each landing gear consists of a single axle with two tires per axle that equally share the weight of the aircraft and provide for greater weight distribution. Source: FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, Change #6, Airport Design , 2000. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 77 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington AIRFIELD SAFETY AREA REQUIREMENTS Compliance with airport design standards is required to maintain a minimum level of operational safety. The major airport design elements, as follows, are established from FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, Change #6, Airport Design and FAR Part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace, and should conform with FAA airport design criteria without modification of standards. Runway Safety Area (RSA): The RSA is a two-dimensional area surrounding, and extending beyond the runway and taxiway centerlines. This safety area is provided to reduce the risk of damage to airplanes in the event of undershoot, overshoot, or excursion from the runway. Under dry conditions, the RSA must support an airplane without causing structural damage to the airplane or injury to the occupants. The runway and taxiway safety areas must be cleared and free of objects except those required for air-navigation, and graded to transverse and longitudinal standards to prevent water accumulation, as consistent with local drainage requirements. The entire RSA should be owned by the airport in fee-simple. All Runway Safety Areas at Bowers Field are currently on airport property and depicted on the Airport Layout Drawing. Object Free Area (OFA): The OFA is a two-dimensional area surrounding runways, taxiways and taxilanes. This area shall remain clear of objects except those fixed by function (allowable for air navigation or aircraft ground maneuvering purpose), and requires clearing of above-ground objects protruding higher than the closest runway elevation, or safety area edge elevation. An object is considered any ground structure, navigational aid, people, equipment, terrain or parked aircraft. The entire OFA areas are currently owned by the airport in fee-simple – as required by FAA airport design criteria. Building Restriction Line (BRL): The BRL represents the boundary that separates the airside and landside of the airport, and identifies suitable building area locations based on airspace and visibility criteria. The BRL, recommended to provide at 35.0-foot clearance, is established with reference to FAR Part 77 criteria, in addition to other design factors. The FAR Part 77 transitional surface extends outward and upward (7:1) from the edge of the runway surfaces, as determined from the type of runway (utility) and the minimum visibility requirement. The airport currently controls all property within the BRL, as depicted on the Airport Layout Plan. Runway Protection Zone (RPZ): The RPZ is a two-dimensional trapezoid area beginning 200 feet beyond the paved runway end, and extends along the runway centerline. The purpose of the RPZ is to enhance the protection of people and property on the ground, and to prevent obstructions from being a potential hazard to aircraft. The RPZ size is determined by the type of airplanes expected to operate at the airport (small or large) and the type of approach planned for the runway ends (visual; non-precision K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 78 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington and precision with not lower than 1-mile; ¾-mile; or as low as ½-mile). The existing Runway 25 RPZ extends beyond airport property. At Bowers Field the planned RPZ is a consideration of the ultimate runway ARC, instrument approach capabilities, airfield and airspace design standards, instrument meteorological wind conditions, and physical constraints (approach slope clearance) beyond the extended runway centerline. The FAA recommends that airports own the RPZ property in fee simple, and that the RPZ be clear of any non-aeronautical structure or object that would interfere with the arrival and departure of aircraft. If fee simple is not feasible, avigation easements to the ground should be obtained by the Airport Sponsor to control the land uses within the RPZ to protect people, property, and structures on the ground. Typically, aviation/avigation easements vary upon the extent to which they restrict structures, control right-of-way entry, and limit electromagnetic interference. Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ): The OFZ is airspace above a surface centered on the runway centerline, and precludes taxiing and parked airplanes, and object penetrations except for frangible post mounted NAVAIDS expressly located in the OFZ by function. The runway, inner transitional and inner approach OFZ are applicable design requirements at Bowers Field. FAR Part 77 Approach Slope / Surface: The approach slope is a three-dimensional FAR Part 77 trapezoid area beyond each runway end having a defined slope for clearance over structures and objects beyond the runway threshold. The purpose of the approach surface/ slope is to provide proper clearance for the safe approach and landing of aircraft. The runway end approach surface/ slope is shown on the Airspace Drawing, as well as the Inner Approach Drawings. Runway Visibility Zone (RVZ): The RVZ is used to establish an acceptable line-of-sight that permits mutually visible points to be seen from along the runway centerline, based on the distances between all runway ends (paved and turf), taxiway locations, and the nearest runway intersection. By design standards, the area within the RVZ should be owned by the airport in fee-simple. The RVZ is depicted on the Airport Layout Drawing. Crop Restriction Line (CRL): The CRL is a boundary used to control concurrent onairport agricultural areas in order to achieve unobstructed safety standards. Restricting agricultural operations to areas outside the RSA, ROFA, TOFA, OFZ and RVZ will normally provide the minimum object clearances. Agricultural operations are also excluded from critical areas associated with the establishment of navigational and visual approach aids. The CRL is depicted on the Airport Land Use Drawing. Exhibit 4.1 depicts the airport safety areas (RPZ, OFA, RSA and BRL). Exhibit 4.2 depicts the FAR Part 77 imaginary airspace surfaces and design criteria. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 79 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington EXHIBIT 4.1: RUNWAY SAFETY AREA REQUIREMENTS K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 80 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington EXHIBIT 4.2: FAR PART 77 - IMAGINARY AIRPORT SURFACES 4,000’ A E SITIONA L SURFAC E D B 5,000' C 7:1 TRAN 7:1 TRAN SITIONA L SURFAC E 7:1 A 16,000' 7:1 40:1 40:1 50:1 (0 TO 10,000') (10,000 TO 50,000) 7:1 7:1 7:1 7:1 7:1 7:1 7:1 7:1 5,000' 7:1 TRAN 7:1 TRAN L SURFAC SITIONA E HORIZONTAL SURFACE 150 FEET ABOVE ESTABLISHED AIRPORT ELEVATION E L SURFAC SITIONA E 20:1 CONICAL SURFACE DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS (FEET) 1/2 C - 8,000 DIM 5,000 VISUAL APPROACH ITEM WIDTH OF PRIMARY SURFACE & APPROACH SURFACE AT INNER END A B RADIUS OF HORIZONTAL SURFACE PRECISION INSTRUMENT RUNWAY B A B A C D 250 500 500 500 1,000 1,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 VISUAL APPROACH 7:1 40 NON-PRECISION INSTRUMENT APPROACH NON-PRECISION INSTRUMENT APPROACH PRECISION INSTRUMENT RUNWAY B A B A C D C APPROACH SURFACE WIDTH AT END 1,250 1,500 2,000 3,500 4,000 D APPROACH SURFACE LENGTH 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 * E APPROACH SLOPE 20:1 20:1 20:1 34:1 34:1 * 16,000 00 5,0 :1 CONICAL SURFACE PRECISION INSTRUMENT APPROACH 7:1 1,200 VISUAL OR NON-PRECISION APPROACH (SLOPE - E) 1/2 C 20:1 40 :1 7:1 HORIZONTAL SURFACE 50 ,00 0 10 ,00 0 7:1 7:1 50 :1 D 0 4,0 0 B 1/2 A RUNWAY CENTERLINES 1/2 A Source: FAA FAR Part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace, 1978 K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 81 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington AIRPORT LIGHTING AND MARKING REQUIREMENTS Table 4.5 lists recommended lighting systems for Bowers Field Airport based on runway and instrument approach capabilities. Airport lighting is used to help maximize the utility of the airport during day, night and adverse weather conditions. FAA Order 7031.2C, Airport Planning Standard Number One - Terminal Air Navigation Facilities and Air Traffic Control Services specifies minimum activity levels to qualify for visual and electronic navigational aids and equipment. The following lighting systems are recommended. Runway Lighting/Pavement Marking: Medium intensity runway lighting (MIRL) defines the lateral and longitudinal limits of the runway. MIRL, with pilot-controlled system, is the recommended standard lighting system for runways with a straight-in instrument approach procedure, or which serve turbine aircraft. Distance to go edge markers and lighting (white/orange omni-directional lens along the final 2,000 feet of runway) should be installed on a precision instrument runway. Runway pavement markings should follow requirements as prescribed in FAA Advisory Circular 150/53401H, Standards for Airport Markings. Runway end designations (numbers) should be updated based on the most recent epoch year trend for magnetic variation. Approach Lighting System (ALS): Runway ends with a straight-in instrument approach procedure with visibility minimums less than 1-mile require a standard approach lighting system (ALS) to identify the airport environment during instrument meteorological conditions. The existing non-standard ODALS system on Runway 29 does not provide appropriate capabilities for visibility minimums as low as ½-mile (precision or non-precision with vertical guidance). Note: The 1998 Bowers Field Airport Layout Drawing was revised to depict an ultimate precision instrument capability to Runway 29 accommodating ½-mile visibility. The recommended approach lighting system was the Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights (MALSR; 2,400-foot light system), which violates airport design standards by extending beyond Look Road. Taxiway Lighting/Pavement Marking: Medium intensity taxiway lights (MITL) are recommended as the replacement lighting system for all taxiway sections serving a runway with minimums below 1-mile and runways accommodating turbine aircraft. Centerline reflectors are recommended for all other taxiways and taxilanes. MITL can also be pilot-controlled and connected to the same remote system as the runway lights. All paved taxiways should be painted with standard taxiway markings as prescribed in FAA Advisory Circular 150/5340-1H, Standards for Airport Markings. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 82 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington Runway End Identifier Lights (REILs): This lighting system provides rapid and positive identification of the runway approach end, consisting of a pair of white synchronized high-intensity photo-strobe lights located laterally along the runway threshold. REIL are recommended for runway ends with a straight-in instrument approach procedure or runways accommodating turbine aircraft - particularly for runways with approach procedures in cases which there is a lack of visual acuity and contrast with the surrounding landscape. Visual Guidance Indicators: Visual guidance units (VASI or PAPI) emits a sequence of colored light beams providing continuous visual descent guidance information along the desired final approach descent path (normally at 3 degrees for 3 nautical miles during daytime, and up to 5 nautical miles at night) to the runway touchdown point. The system normally consists of two or four lamp housing units installed 600 to 800 feet down the runway and offset 50 feet to the left side. It is recommended each paved runway end have visual guidance indicators, particularly those ends with a published straight-in instrument approach procedure and runway ends accommodating heavy flight training traffic. Airport Signage: Standard airport signs provide runway and taxiway location, direction and mandatory instructions, as well as airport situational awareness for aircraft maneuvering on the ground. A standard signing system plan that appears to be consistent with FAA airport design criteria was implemented in 1995 to indicate runway, taxiway and aircraft parking information. FAA Advisory Circular 150/534544F, Specifications for Taxiway and Runway Signs and FAA Advisory Circular 150/5340-18C, Standards for Airport Sign Systems, should be followed for continued proper implementation and maintenance of airport signs. Wind Indicator/Segmented Circle and Airport Beacon: A segmented circle with a lighted wind indicator is recommended as the standard indication of the winds and visual airport traffic pattern. Segmented circles should be appropriately identified in order to be easily identified by overflying aircraft. The airport beacon provides visual airport identification during night-time operations, as well as during inclement weather conditions (IFR). Beacons require periodic maintenance and replacement of parts (Bower Field beacon recently replaced/ relocated). K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 83 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington NAVIGATION SYSTEMS AND WEATHER AIDS Airport navigation aids (NAVAIDS) are installed on or near the airport to increase an airport's reliability during night and inclement weather conditions, and to provide electronic guidance and visual references for executing an approach to the airport or runway. FAA Order 7031.2C, Airport Planning Standard Number One - Terminal Air Navigation Facilities and Air Traffic Control Services specifies minimum activity levels to qualify for instrument approach equipment and approach procedures. The existing instrument approaches provide Bowers Field are inadequate for all category of aircraft (A, B, C and D) and suffer severe penalty restrictions. Improvements should be investigated for possible lower minimums to more consistently accommodate larger aircraft categories (B and C). Bowers Field experiences approximately 425 “actual” instrument approaches, and forecast to reach around 575 during the 20-year planning period. Typically, precision instrument approach capabilities are planned when actual airport instrument approaches exceed 200. The following describes the status of existing and new NAVAIDS used at general aviation airports: Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Radio Range (VOR/ VORTAC): The VOR/ VORTAC system emits a high frequency radio signal utilized for both point-to-point enroute navigation and non-precision instrument approaches. It provides pilots and aircrews with 360 degrees of azimuth information oriented to magnetic north in order to navigate an aircraft along a predetermined aerial route. The Ellensburg VORTAC (ELN VORTAC) is located approximately 2.5 miles east of the airfield, supporting two circling non-precision instrument procedures to the airport. Note: The FAA, in 2003, proposed a newly published procedure for a VOR-DME A circling approach to the airport with minimum visibilities to be as low as 1-mile with minimum decision altitudes (MDA) at 2,280 feet above mean sea level (MSL)/ 517 feet above ground level (AGL). Also, the FAA proposed a new published VOR-B circling approach with minimum visibilities to be as low as 1¼ -mile with an MDA 3,260 feet MSL/ 1,497 feet AGL. Global Positioning System (GPS): GPS is a highly accurate worldwide satellite navigational system that, unaffected by weather, provides point-to-point navigation by encoding transmissions from multiple satellites and ground-based datalink stations using an airborne receiver. GPS is presently FAA certified for en-route and non-precision instrument navigation. The current program provides for GPS stand-alone and overlay approaches (GPS overlay approaches published for runways with existing VOR/DME, RNAV and approaches). A nationwide development program is currently underway by the FAA to provide Category I stand-alone GPS approaches with a 200 foot decision height and ½-mile visibility minimums. Although GPS stand-alone technology is available and will eventually be enhanced by the development of a network of ground reference stations (Wide Area and Local Area Augmentation Systems- WAAS and K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 84 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington LAAS) a case-by-case airport assessment will be needed to determine Category I approach capabilities in the future. It is possible this development program might require a differential system located at or near the airport utilizing the system for instrument approaches thereby allowing simultaneous instrument approaches to multiple airports and minimizing the equipment needs currently required to provide precision instrument approach capabilities. Note: The FAA, in 2003, also proposed a published straight-in Non-Precision Instrument (NPI) approach procedure for Runway 29 will minimum visibilities as low as 1-mile and an MDA of 2,180 feet MSL/ 421 feet AGL. Additionally, Runway 25, already having a straight-in NPI procedure was improved to accommodate minimums of 2,240 feet MSL/ 485 feet AGL. OTHER AIRFIELD REQUIREMENTS LAND ACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS The acquisition of airport property is largely defined by the building restriction line (BRL) and runway protection zones (RPZ). The FAA mandates fee-simple ownership of the “landing area” including the runway safety area (RSA), object free area (OFA), obstacle free zone (OFZ) and runway visibility zone (RVZ). Fee-simple ownership is also strongly encouraged for the entire runway protection zone (RPZ). However, RPZ areas beyond natural property boundaries (roads, streams, etc.) is sometimes more practical through the conveyance of avigation/aviation easements. Easements for the RPZ (formally identified as “Clear Zone”) should be positive easements with appropriate access and maintenance rights. Acquisition of land to the southeast of Look Road for purposes of expanding Runway 11-29 is an option in the future should the land become available for fee simple purchase. This course of action would be recommended should the County decide to keep the runway ends for Runway 11-29 at or near their current positions. Land acquisition in this case would be necessary to accommodate primarily the ultimate RPZ, as well as the Inner Approach OFZ. AIRFIELD FENCING REQUIREMENTS Perimeter fencing, gates, and terminal fencing between airport property and public areas are recommended to discourage access of people and wildlife to the runways and taxiways. For general aviation airports such as Bowers Field, the specific location, type and height normally depends upon local security requirements and fencing established by adjacent property owners, otherwise, the fence line usually is situated along the property line. During 2002, seven (7) foot high security/ wildlife fencing was erected around the perimeter of the aviation operations area which included electronic key pad vehicle gates with loop detectors, as well as electronic keypad pedestrian gates providing ingress/ egress to select portions of the airside and landside areas of the airport. In addition to the fence encompassing the airport K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 85 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington operations areas, future seven foot high wildlife/ security fence is recommended to replace the existing barbed wire fence and to enclose the perimeter of the airport property boundary from unauthorized entry into the airport environment by individuals or wildlife. AIRFIELD/TERMINAL AREA DRAINAGE The airfield design should be planned to utilize existing drainage patterns and not increase storm-water runoff onto adjacent properties and areas that include adjacent aircraft parking aprons, taxiways, and taxilanes. On-airport farming practices should be managed to lessen the accumulation of silt and other debris in, and around, storm-water inlets. At current, the airport sponsor is considering creating a watershed area in the northeast quadrant of the airfield to lessen the impacts of flooding in areas adjacent to the airport property boundary. When planning for such a solution consideration should be given to the affects of storm-water holding basins. Storm water basins, by design and nature, are a migratory waterfowl attractant, hence a potential wildlife hazard to aircraft operating in the vicinity of the airport. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 86 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington SUMMARY OF AIRSIDE FACILITY REQUIREMENTS Table 4.5 provides a summary of runway facility requirements to accommodate the level of activity projected for the Bowers Field Airport for each of the three planning phases spanning the 20-year planning period. Table 4.5 Summary of Airside Facility Requirements Bowers Field Airport Existing (2001) Phase 1 Short-Term (0-5 Years) Phase 2 Mid-Term (6-10 Years) Phase 3 Long-Term (11-20 Years) 4,300' x 150' 35,000 lbs. (swg) NPI: 1-mile MIRL REIL – 29 VASI-2L – 29 ODALS – 29 Connector MITL 4,600' x 75' 35,000 lbs. (swg) NPI: 1-mile MIRL PAPI-4L – 11 & 29 REILs – 11 & 29 Taxiway System Taxiway Lighting 4,300' x 150' 35,000 lbs. (swg) Visual MIRL REIL – 29 VASI-2L – 29 ODALS – 29 Connector Reflectors Parial-Parallel MITL 4,600' x 75' 35,000 lbs. (swg) NPI: 1-mile MIRL PAPI-4L – 11 & 29 REILs – 11 & 29 MALSF – 29 Full-Parallel MITL RUNWAY 7-25 Runway Strength Runway Marking Runway Lights Visual Guidance 5,590' x 150' 28,000 lbs. (swg) NPI: 1-mile Threshold None Taxiway System Taxiway Lighting Full-Parallel None 3,700’ x 60’ 12,500 lbs. (swg) NPI: 1-mile MIRL PAPI-2L – 7 & 25 REILs – 7 & 25 Full-Parallel MITL 3,700’ x 60’ 12,500 lbs. (swg) NPI: 1-mile MIRL PAPI-2L – 7 & 25 REILs – 7 & 25 Full-Parallel MITL 3,700’ x 60’ 12,500 lbs. (swg) NPI: 1-mile MIRL PAPI-2L – 7 & 25 REILs – 7 & 25 Full-Parallel MITL Airport Navigational & Weather Aids VOR/GPS AWOS-3 VOR-DME/GPS AWOS-3 VOR-DME/GPS AWOS-3 VOR-DME/GPS AWOS-3 Airport Component RUNWAY 11-29 Runway Strength Runway Marking Runway Lights Visual Guidance Acronyms: Source: (AWOS) Automated Weather Observation System (MIRL) Medium Intensity Runway Lights (PAPI) Precision Approach Path Indicators (NPI) Non-Precision Instrument (GPS) Global Positioning System (MIRL) Medium Intensity Taxiway Lights (REIL) Runway End Identifier Lights (PI) Precision Instrument BWR, Airport Facility Requirement Summary, May 2001; FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, Change #6, Airport Design, 2000. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 87 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington TERMINAL AREA DESIGN FACTORS The terminal area, or landside, is defined as that portion of the airport other than the landing area, and includes facilities relating to the accommodation of people and the servicing of aircraft. A separate analysis was prepared for each terminal area component to determine future development requirements, which have been assessed as a cumulative total of airfield activity and demand levels. The general aviation, airport terminal area typically includes the following structures, services and activities: ¾ Airport terminal/administration building; ¾ Automobile parking areas and access; ¾ Aircraft ramp and parking areas for based and itinerant aircraft; ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Aircraft hangars and storage areas; Fuel storage facilities; FBO/ commercial activities areas; and Weather-related facilities/services. AIRPORT PEAKING CHARACTERISTICS Table 4.6 summarizes the 20-year airport peaking characteristics calculated from the forecast of annual operations. Peaking characteristics quantify spatial requirements and facility capacities needed to accommodate aircraft operations and pilot/visitor processing levels. For design purposes, the “peak month” provides an absolute performance standard for facility requirements, with other peaking periods providing reference to planning needs. The “design hour passenger” refers to the average number of pilots and passengers (visitors) expected to use the terminal area during the average day of the peak month (design day). Peaking at general aviation airport often occurs during the summer months (June, July and August) as typically consistent with fuel sales and heavier periods of flight training and practice. The ratio of passengers per aircraft operation was determined by pilot surveys and common usage with respect to “smaller-cabin” general aviation airplanes, as consistent with national figures. Table 4.6 Airport Demand Peaking Characteristics Bowers Field Airport Design Peaking Operations 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 Annual Aircraft Operations 55,000 60,500 65,000 70,600 75,200 Peak Month Operations Design Day Operations Peak Hour Operations Passenger/ Operation Ratio 6,039 201.3 8.3 2.54 6,655 221.8 9.1 2.54 7,150 238.3 9.9 2.52 7,766 258.8 10.7 2.53 8,261 275.3 11.4 2.54 Design Peak Hour Passengers 21.1 23.2 25.0 27.1 28.9 Peak Month = (Annual operations ) * (12% when under 10,000 operations, or 11% when over 10,000 operations) Design Day (Average Day of Peak Month) = (Peak Month Operations) / (30 Days Per Month) Average Peak Design Hour Passenger = (Peak Month Operations) * (10.5%, 12%) / (30.4 Days) Source: BWR Terminal Area Forecast - Airport Demand Peaking Characteristics, May 2001. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 88 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington TERMINAL AREA REQUIREMENTS Table 4.9 summarizes the landside facility requirements for Bowers Field throughout the 20year planning period. A summary of individual terminal area calculations is provided in the appendix. The major, terminal area facility requirements, as depicted on the Airport Layout and Terminal Area Drawings, are in concert with the following general design concepts: ¾ Future terminal area development should be centralized, allow for incremental linear expansion of facilities and services in modular fashion along an established flight line, avoid flooding without substantial earthwork, and avoid unnecessary and capitalization of future development. ¾ Future terminal area development should enhance safety, visibility and be aesthetically pleasing. TERMINAL BUILDING REQUIREMENTS Table 4.9 summarizes the existing and future public-use terminal building space requirements projected over the 20-year planning period. At general aviation airports, the terminal building provides a functional and social capacity central to the operation, promotion, and visible identity of the airport. Based on an assessment of general aviation demands, the following individual terminal building components were identified for Bowers Field based upon the accommodation of average peak-hour activity and demand forecasted throughout the planning period: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Retail / reception area; Foyer / waiting area; Public restrooms; Utility / mechanical storage area; Executive / business meeting rooms; ¾ Fixed Base Operator office space; ¾ Pilot lounge / flight planning room; ¾ Classrooms / conference rooms; ¾ Aircraft storage space; and ¾ Break room / dining area. Site planning of the terminal building should take in the following considerations: ¾ The recommended terminal building floor area, based on ultimate peak hour passenger forecasts is approximately 3,200 square. The current terminal building space is 2,550. The existing terminal building is in good condition and currently provides adequate public functions. ¾ However, as flight training expands, a dedicated airport terminal building might ultimately be considered for the processing of pilots and passengers associated more with transient business / corporate aircraft users. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 89 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington ¾ Future terminal building considerations should include a public or civic area for flying patrons and the general public, including 24-hour access to public amenities and ADA compliant public access. ¾ The proposed site for a future dedicated passenger terminal building is located to the east of the airport fueling facilities situated immediately adjacent to the aircraft parking apron. The proposed terminal building location provides optimum airside and landside visibility, roadway and terminal area access, and airfield line-of sight. FIXED BASE OPERATOR (FBO) / COMMERCIAL FRANCHISE REQUIREMENTS The fixed base operator (FBO), typically requires space for pilot and passenger needs, in addition to space to accommodate the variety of line services and staff activities offered at and that take place at the airport during normal operating hours. Reasonable expectations of future FBO / commercial space and facility requirements at Bowers Field include: ¾ Additional aircraft hangar storage (T-hangars and clear-span hangar space); ¾ Terminal building office space with 24-hour public access restrooms and fuel facilities, telephone, and flight planning resources; ¾ Dedicated apron space to accommodate larger transient aircraft tie-downs; ¾ Additional paved auto parking areas for local and transient patrons of the airport; ¾ Dedicated helipad(s) / landing areas. AIRPORT STORAGE AREA REQUIREMENTS A dedicated general storage building for airport equipment and parts is recommended and should be in close proximity to the terminal building with paved access. The building should be able to store small airport equipment and tools, provide a work area, and house mowing and snow removal equipment. It would be preferable for the building to have bi-directional doors to accommodate two-way access for mowing and snow removal equipment and heavy machinery. A detached self-sustained medium sized structure accommodating approximately 2,000 square feet of space is recommended for Bowers Field. AIRCRAFT HANGAR REQUIREMENTS Table 4.9 lists the existing and future hangar space requirements for the Bowers Field Airport throughout the 20-year planning period. Future hangars should accommodate at least 95 to 100 percent of all based aircraft. Typically, single-engine planes demand 1,000 to 1,250 square feet, 1,400 to 2,500 square feet for twin-propeller aircraft, about 2,000 square feet for helicopters, and approximately 3,000 square feet for corporate aircraft, including small to medium sized turbo-prop and business jet aircraft. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 90 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington General hangar design considerations include: ¾ Hangars must be constructed outside of the building restriction line (BRL) located adjacent to the runway and taxiway areas. ¾ The Taxiway Object Free Area (TOFA) clearance criteria between T-hangars should be 79 feet for one-way traffic, and 131 feet for two-way traffic. ¾ The Taxilane Object Free Area (TOFA) clearance criteria between T-hangars should be 57.5 feet for one-way traffic, and 115 feet for two-way traffic. ¾ All future T-hangar and clear-span hangars should have, at minimum, interior and exterior lighting and electrical connections. Block-style straight-unit T-hangars occupy more space, but are generally preferred over nested T-hangars, and can be extended more easily. Totally enclosed hangar storage is recommended to prevent unauthorized entry by persons, as well as protection from inclement harsh weather environment. ¾ Hangar development should allow adequate drainage with minimal slope differential between the hangar door and taxilane. A concrete slab surface hangar floor is recommended, with less than one (1) percent downward slope to the taxilane. ¾ Future hangar development, to the extent possible, should be segregated based on the hangar size, type, and function. From a planning standpoint, hangars should be centralized in terms of auto access, and located along the existing flight line to minimize the potential costs associated with access, drainage, utility and auto parking expansion. ¾ Future hangar areas should balance the need between maintaining an unobstructed and unconstrained expansion area, minimizing unnecessary taxilane and taxiway development, and allowing convenient access for hangar occupants. AIRCRAFT APRON FACILITY REQUIREMENTS Table 4.9 lists the existing and future apron space requirements for Bowers Field throughout the 20-year planning period. Table 4.7 indicates the itinerant aircraft tie-down area/space requirements. Table 4.8 indicates the aircraft apron facility requirements for the 20-year planning period. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 91 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington Paved aircraft parking apron and tie-down areas should be provided for approximately 40 percent of the peak/design day itinerant aircraft, plus approximately five (5) percent of the based aircraft. FAA airport planning criteria recommends 360 square yards (3,240 square feet) per itinerant aircraft space, and approximately 300 square yards (2,700 square feet) per based aircraft. Other site specific apron planning and design considerations include: ¾ The airport apron/ramp area must remain beyond all airfield safety areas per airport design requirements and criteria (RSA, OFA, RPZ, OFZ and RVZ). ¾ ARC B-II/B-I+10 design standards require a minimum of 300 feet between the runway centerline and aircraft parking areas for a non- precision instrument approach (NPI) runway accommodating C and D category aircraft with minimum visibilities not lower than ¾-mile . ¾ The aircraft parking and tie-down area (paved or non-paved) should provide sufficient taxiing and maneuvering space to egress and exit the area without risk of structural damage to the aircraft or existing structures, and to allow two-way passing of aircraft along the main apron. Ideally, the main apron/ramp area should be centralized along the runway mid-section, and allow for a continuation of building and hangar expansion adjacent to the terminal area flight line when demand warrants. Table 4.7 Itinerant Aircraft Tie-Down Space Requirements Bowers Field Airport Design Operations (Percentage) Existing 2001 2006 2011 2021 Peak Day Operations 201 222 238 275 Peak Day Itinerant Operations (45%) 90 100 107 124 Transient Itinerant Operations (45%) 41 45 48 56 Transient Aircraft (50%) 20 22 24 28 Transient Aircraft at One Time (40%) 8 9 10 11 Source: BWR Facility Requirements-Itinerant Aircraft Tie-Down Space Requirements, May 2001. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 92 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington Table 4.8 Airport Aircraft Apron Facility Requirements Bowers Field Airport Existing 2001 S.Y. A/C Transient Aircraft 2,880 Based Aircraft 8 2006 S.Y. A/C 3,240 49 9 2011 S.Y. A/C 3,600 54 10 2021 S.Y. A/C 3,960 58 11 67 Based Aircraft Tie-Downs (5%) 600 2 900 3 900 3 1,200 4 Total S.Y./ Tie-Downs Required 3,480 10 4,140 12 4,500 13 5,160 15 Total Tie-Down Spaces 9 (Apron A2) 18 (Apron A3) 3 (Apron A2) 9 (Apron A3) 3 (Apron A2) 10 (Apron A3) 4 (Apron A2) 11 (Apron A3) Total Required Apron Area 75,970 S.Y. (683,730 S.F.) 4,140 S.Y. (37,350 S.F.) 4,500 S.Y. (40,500 S.F.) 5,160 S.Y. (46,440 S.F.) Source: BWR Facility Requirements-Airport Aircraft Apron Facility Requirements, May 2001. FUEL STORAGE REQUIREMENTS Table 4.9 lists the existing and future, fuel storage capacity requirements for the Bowers Field Airport throughout the 20-year planning period. Fuel storage requirements are based on the forecast of annual operations, aircraft utilization, and the average fuel consumption rates for general aviation aircraft. In addition, the fuel storage calculation is a function of the domicile or local (65%) and itinerant (35%) consumption, expressed as a percent of the total annual operations. At Bowers Field, the typical single-engine aircraft consumes an average of 12.0 gallons of fuel per hour per flight, while a turbine aircraft consumes greater than 100 gallons of fuel per hour. Other recommended fuel facility planning and design considerations include: ¾ Aircraft fueling facilities should remain visible, as well as periodically maintained, and for security reasons, within close proximity to the terminal building. Fueling systems should maintain a circumference of wing-tip clearance to other structures, designated aircraft parking areas (tie-downs), aircraft maneuvering areas, and required object free area (OFA) separation from the taxilane and taxiway centerlines. ¾ 24-hour self-service fuel capabilities have been encouraged by airport users as discovered during the inventory phase of the Master Plan process and is a recommendation for future terminal area development. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 93 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington ¾ Fuel storage capacity should be provided for an average peak-hour month activity, which normally occurs during the months of June, July and August predominantly for local and itinerant operators. However, CWU flight training aircraft fuel demand is relatively constant throughout the year and peak fueling periods occur mainly during the fall and spring months when university flight training more intensive. ¾ Fuel facilities should be located beyond the runway safety areas and, as recommended by the FAA, should remain behind the building restriction line (BRL). All fuel storage tanks should be equipped with monitors to meet current state and EPA regulations, and sited in accordance with local fire codes. ¾ A dedicated fueling truck system is generally utilized for Jet A fueling in lieu of towing an aircraft and having aircraft maneuvering around fuel islands. However, an aircraft tug is also a viable option to assist with large business aircraft. Eventually, fueling trucks might also be considered for 100LL. AUTO PARKING, CIRCULATION AND ACCESS REQUIREMENTS Table 4.9 lists the existing and future auto parking requirements for Bowers Field throughout the 20-year planning period. The number of parking spaces is calculated using 1.5 spaces per design hour passenger, which is typical for non-towered general aviation airports, such as Bowers Field. For based aircraft owners, pilots commonly park in their individual hangars while flying for extended periods. Other recommended auto access and parking facility planning and design considerations include: ¾ It is recommended that the dedicated gravel public auto parking lot adjacent to the Midstate Aviation flight building be paved. ¾ A system of airport directional/location signs should be established along U.S. Interstate 90, Bender Road, Sanders Road, and Airport Road, as well as Cascade Way to provide airport patrons assistance in locating the airport. Additionally, signage at the airport entrance to identify based airport businesses, business type, and their location on the airport should be created to assist airport patrons and customers. ¾ Roadway accommodations for transport truck traffic to-and-from Bowers Field should be considered with improvements to airport access and entrance, including aviation fuel trucks and cargo delivery. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 94 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington ¾ The proposed extension of Bowers Field Road to Look Road, as part of proposed improvements to the airport industrial park, must remain beyond airport safety areas as appropriate with a future instrument system for Runways 11-29 and 7-25. TERMINAL AREA FENCING / SECURITY REQUIREMENTS Perimeter fencing, gates and terminal fencing between airport property and public areas is recommended to discourage access of people and wildlife to the runway, taxiways, and terminal area. The specific terminal area fence location, type and height normally depends upon FAA security requirements, and fencing previously established by adjacent property owners. Other recommended facility planning and design considerations include: ¾ Restrictive signs and pavement markings should be posted in appropriate locations or “Hot Spots” in various locales on the airport property to prevent potential runway incursions between aircraft, automobiles, wildlife and unwanted public access. ¾ An electronic terminal area access gate utilizing a digital keypad is recommended to be installed to replace the existing manual gate located adjacent to the airport terminal area building to further restrict unauthorized access to the air operations area, as well as provide enhanced terminal area security and safety. ¾ Routine security patrol checks should be conducted by the airport staff to ensure security breaches are identified and corrected so as to prevent potential runway incursions, as well as prevent unauthorized access to the terminal and airside operations areas. ¾ During 2002, seven (7) foot high security/ wildlife fencing was erected around the perimeter of the aviation operations area which included electronic key pad vehicle gates with loop detectors, as well as electronic keypad pedestrian gates providing ingress/ egress to select portions of the airside and landside areas of the airport. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 95 Bowers Field Airport Airport Master Plan Update, Kittitas County, Washington SUMMARY OF TERMINAL AREA FACILITY REQUIREMENTS Table 4.9 summarizes terminal area facility requirements to accommodate activity projected for the Bowers Field Airport for each of the three phases spanning the 20-year planning period. Table 4.9 Summary – Landside/ Terminal Area Facility Requirements Bowers Field Airport Facility Existing Phase 1 (0-5) Short-Term Phase 2 (6-10) Mid-Term Phase 3 (11-20) Long-Term Based Aircraft 49 54 58 67 Annual Operations 55,000 60,600 65,100 75,200 Peak Hour Passengers 21.1 23.2 25.0 28.9 Apron Tie-Down Area: Public-Use Apron TieDowns 27 (S) / 0 (L) 27 (S) / 0 (L) 27 (S) / 2 (L) 27 (S) / 3 (L) Total Apron Tie-Down Area: 683,730 S.F. (75,970 S.Y) 683,730 S.F. (75,970 S.Y) 683,730 S.F. (75,970 S.Y) 683,730 S.F. (75,970 S.Y) 13,775 S.F. 3,900 S.F. 38,900 S.F. 26,275 S.F. 13,500 S.F. 38,900 S.F. (+26,000 S.F.) 26,275 S.F. 13,500 S.F. 41,900 S.F. (+3,000 S.F.) 38,775 S.F. 16,700 S.F. 41,900 S.F. (+15,700 S.F.) 56,575 S.F. 78,675 S.F. 81,675 S.F. 97,375 S.F. Terminal Building Size 2,550 S.F. 2,550 S.F. 2,900 S.F. 3,200 S.F. Airport Storage Building 2,000 S.F. 2,000 S.F. 2,000 S.F. 3,000 S.F. Airport Fuel Storage: Total Storage (100LL) Total Storage (Jet A) 24,000 Gallons 12,000 Gallons 12,000 Gallons 24,000 Gallons 12,000 Gallons 12,000 Gallons 24,000 Gallons 12,000 Gallons 12,000 Gallons 24,000 Gallons 12,000 Gallons 12,000 Gallons Total Fuel Storage Volume 24,000 Gallons 24,000 Gallons 24,000 Gallons 24,000 Gallons Public Auto Parking: Auto Parking Area Auto Parking Spaces 7,200 S.F. 32 spaces 7,900 S.F. 35 spaces 8,450 S.F. 37 spaces 11,250 S.F. 50 spaces Total Hangar Space: Public T-Hangars Common/ Maint. Hangars Corp./ Clear Span Hangars (Total Hangar Area Added During Planning Period) Total Hangar Space: Note: (S) - Small aircraft (single and light twin-propeller aircraft less than 12,500 lbs). Note: (L) - Large aircraft (twin propeller and business jets greater than 12,500). Source: BWR, Bowers Field Facility Requirement Summary, May 2001. K:\2000-312\AMP\AMP-REPORT\KIT-FAC_REQUIREMENTS.DOC Page - 96