1 Overview of CAHSEE Blueprint Algebra 1 Rescue! Correlations Document First, it’s important to note that Algebra 1 Rescue! was written to answer the question, “How do I meet the needs of all my students so they experience success in algebra?” With the increased mathematics requirements for graduation, teachers are faced with a different population of students taking higher-level mathematics. Algebra 1 Rescue! provides the materials for small group intervention, as a supplement to your basal series program, or as a standalone program for students who need another chance to succeed at algebra. Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra concepts and skills. The objectives, or outcomes, are specified for each chapter; with approximately five objectives for each chapter. There are 8 to 10 activities per lesson covering a range of mathematical content strands with the main focus of supporting the algebra objective in the lesson. Students use problem-solving and critical thinking methods to gain conceptual understanding of the content area. As you look at the correlations document, you will see that there are different types of connections between the materials and the exit exam blueprint. For each of the main content areas (highlighted in gray with the total number of items indicated), we provide a quick-glance correlation of lessons to the strand. Then in the sub-headings under the main strand, we provide one or more examples of problems used in the materials to support the particular standard in question. Sometimes, Algebra 1 Rescue! is a direct match with the item in the blueprint document (e.g. in the 7th grade and Algebra 1 level standards), and sometimes it provides a preskill or definition necessary for understanding the item. We list the main objective of the lesson and then provide an example of how the activity within the lesson supports the objective. Because the materials are based on the algebra standards, there are some content areas that are not covered in as much depth. We have noted these areas in the document. However, many of the other mathematical strands, such as geometry, measurement, data, probability and statistics, are introduced in the lessons as supporting activities. This provides students with rich opportunities to use the algebra skills in contextual and application activities. In the area of Mathematical Reasoning and Proof, we provide a paragraph describing the way in which the program uses the process strands in virtually every lesson – communication, problem solving, representation, connections and reasoning. These process strands are an important part of teaching for conceptual understanding. Students do a lot with informal proof and derivation of formulas and mathematical ideas and procedures, as well as checking for validity and appropriateness within the context in which the problem is framed. Cambium Learning 4093 Specialty Place Longmont, CO 80504 United States of America (303) 651-2829 2 Correlations Document for Algebra 1 RESCUE! and the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Mathematics Blueprint – Revised July 2003 California Content Strand Algebra 1 RESCUE! Coverage Grade 6 – Statistics, Data Analysis, and The following Algebra 1 Rescue! Lessons cover Probability (TOTAL of 8 Items) Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability topics: 2-1, 2-3, 3-5, 4-2, 4-3, 5-3, 9-1 1.0 Students compute and analyze statistical measurements for data sets. 1.1 Compute the range, mean, median, and mode of data sets (3 items) NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 2-1 Objective: Graph rational numbers on the number line. Sample Supporting Activity: Students collect information from classmates regarding random rolling of dice. Students compute the average number of rolls to reach a certain benchmark. 1.2 Understand how additional data added to data 5-3 Objective: Draw a best-fit line and find the sets may affect these computations of measures equation of the best-fit line for a scatter plot. of central tendency. (0 items) Sample Supporting Activity: Students collect data about boys’ heights in the class and compare the data. Then they collect data from other classes. They look at averages of these different data sets. 1.3 Understand how the inclusion or exclusion of outliers affects measures of central tendency (0 items) 5-3 Objective: Draw a best-fit line and find the equation of the best-fit line for a scatter plot. Sample Supporting Activity: Students discuss the best positioning of the line for a scatter plot. Some of the discussion points include why it’s not drawn through the point at the top or the point at the bottom. 1.4 Know why a specific measure of central tendency (mean, median, mode) provides the most useful information in a given context. (0 items) Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra standards. Therefore, some of the other math strands that are not directly connected to algebra and/or do not provide support of specific algebra topics are not covered in these materials. 3 2.0 Students use data samples of a population and describe the characteristics and limitations of the samples: NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 2.1 Compare different samples of a population with the data from the entire population and identify a situation in which it makes sense to use a sample. (0 items) 5-3 Objective: Draw a best-fit line and find the equation of the best-fit line for a scatter plot. Sample Supporting Activity: Students compare data they collect themselves re: boys’ heights from their class and from other classes. Students compare the collection of this data with projections about how data is collected for growth charts used in a doctor’s office. 2.2 Identify different ways of selecting a sample (e.g., convenience sampling, responses to a survey, random sampling) and which method makes a sample more representative for a population. (0 items) 5-3 Objective: Draw a best-fit line and find the equation of the best-fit line for a scatter plot. Sample Supporting Activity: Students compare data they collect themselves re: boys’ heights from their class and from other classes; and then make predictions about the data. Then the discussion is extended to how growth charts are created for doctors’ offices dealing with a larger population. 2.3 Analyze data displays and explain why the way in which the question was asked might have influenced the results obtained and why the way in which the results were displayed might have influenced the conclusions reached. (0 items) Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra standards. Therefore, some of the other math strands that are not directly connected to algebra and/or do not provide support of specific algebra topics are not covered in these materials. 2.4 Identify data that represent sampling errors and explain why the sample (and the display) might be biased. (0 items) Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra standards. Therefore, some of the other math strands that are not directly connected to algebra and/or do not provide support of specific algebra topics are not covered in these materials. 4 2.5 Identify claims based on statistical data and, in simple cases, evaluate the validity of the claims. (1 item) 3.0 Students determine theoretical and experimental probabilities and use these to make predictions about events: 9-1 Objective: Find the greatest common factor through prime factorization for integers and sets of monomials. Sample Supporting Activity: collect data and make predictions in class experiment and then analyze the results. NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 3.1 Represent all possible outcomes for compound events in an organized way (e.g., tables, grids, tree diagrams) and express the theoretical probability of each outcome. (1 item) 2-3 Objective: Compare/Order Rational Numbers. Sample Supporting Activity: Find the average monthly temperatures for many different cities (using an almanac or other reference book on climate) and make a chart that shows average high and low temperature. Graph, rank, and compare the average temperatures. 3.2 Use data to estimate the probability of future events (e.g., batting averages or number of accidents per mile driven). (0 items) 5-3 Objective: Draw a best-fit line and find the equation of the best-fit line for a scatter plot. Sample Supporting Activity: Make predictions about data. 3.3 Represent probabilities as ratios, proportions, decimals between 0 and 1, and percentages between 0 and 100 and verify that the probabilities computed are reasonable; know that if P is the probability of an event, 1 –P is the probability of an event not occurring. (2 items) 3-5 Objective: Solve a proportion with a missing part. Sample supporting Activity: Students look at outcomes of events and collect, record, and graph data. Students use a proportion to solve for missing parts of probabilities. 3.4 Understand that the probability of either of two disjoint events occurring is the sum of the two individual probabilities and that the probability of one event following another, in independent trials, is the product of the two probabilities. (0 items) Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra standards. Therefore, some of the other math strands that are not directly connected to algebra and/or do not provide support of specific algebra topics are not covered in these materials. 5 3.5 Understand the difference between independent and dependent events. (1 item) 4-3 Objective: Determine the range for a given domain of a relation. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at independent vs. dependent variables. Grade 7 – Number Sense (TOTAL of 14 items) The following Algebra 1 Rescue! Lessons cover Number Sense Topics: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 4-1, 4-2, 43, 4-4, 4-5, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 91, 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 9-5, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 11-1, 112, 11-3, 11-4, 11-5, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12-4, 12-5. 1.0 Students know the properties of, and compute with, rational numbers expressed in a variety of forms: NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 1.1 Read, write, and compare rational numbers in scientific notation (positive and negative powers of 10) with approximate numbers using scientific notation. (1 item) 8-2 Objective: Write numbers in scientific notation and find products and quotients of these numbers. Sample Supporting Activity: Students review place value with large numbers and with small numbers (the places to the right of the decimal). Students review the terms scientific and standard notation. Students are involved in problem-solving activities that support the topic – “magic chessboard” and “bacteria growth” 1.2 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers (integers, fractions, and terminating decimals) and take positive rational numbers to whole-number powers. (3 items) 2-2 Objective: Add and subtract rational numbers. Sample Supporting Activity: Students work with the rules for rules for adding and subtracting rational numbers and graph the results on a number line. 2-4 Objective: Multiply and divide rational numbers. Sample Supporting Activity: Students work with the rules for multiplying and dividing rational numbers 6 by proving or disproving through the use of examples. 8-1 Objective: Multiply and divide monomials and simplify expressions. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at powers as repeated multiplication; rules about performing operations on powers. 1.3 Convert fractions to decimals and percents and use these representations in estimations, computations, and applications. (2 items) 3-6 Objective: Use proportions to solve percent problems Sample Supporting Activity: Students convert fraction to decimal to percent; problem solving real-life percent problems; use newspapers and magazines to collect data to make up percent problems. 1.4 Differentiate between rational and irrational numbers. (0 items) 11-5 Objective: Solve rational equations. Sample Supporting Activity: Students review the definition of rational numbers. 1.5 Know that every rational number is either a terminating or repeating decimal and be able to convert terminating decimals into reduced fractions (0 items) 11-1 Objective: Simplify rational expressions. Sample Supporting Activity: Students review the definition of rational expressions and review reducing fractions. 1.6 Calculate the percentage of increases and decreases of a quantity. (1 item) 10-4 Objective: Graph exponential functions and solve problems using the graphs. Sample Supporting Activity: Students discuss exponential growth and decay; as well as, investment problems. 1.7 Solve problems that involve discounts, markups, commissions, and profit, and compute simple and compound interest. 3-6 Objective: Use proportions to solve percent problems. Sample Supporting Activity: Students are given the 7 (2 items) opportunity to do some problem solving with real-life percent problems. Students use newspapers and magazines to collect data to make up percent problems of their own. 2.0 Students use exponents, powers, and roots, and use exponents in working with fractions: NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 2.1 Understand negative whole-number exponents. Multiply and divide expressions involving exponents with a common base. (1 item) 8-1 Objective: Multiply and divide monomials and simplify expressions. Sample Supporting Activity: Students review rules about performing operations on powers. 10-4 Objective: Graph exponential functions and solve problems using the graphs. Sample Supporting Activity: Students review zero and negative powers. 2.2 Add and subtract fractions by using factoring to find common denominators. (1 item) 9-1 Objective: Find the greatest common factor through prime factorization for integers and sets of monomials. Sample Supporting Activity: Students review the terms factor and greatest common factor (GCF). 11-4 Objective: Add and subtract rational expressions. Sample Supporting Activity: Students review common denominators and least common denominators. 11-5 Objective: Solve rational equations. Sample Supporting Activity: Students continue to review least common denominators. 2.3 Multiply, divide, and simplify rational numbers 8-1 Objective: Multiply and divide monomials by using exponent rules. (1 item) and simplify expressions. 8 Sample Supporting Activity: Students review rules about performing operations on powers. 2.4 Use the inverse relationship between raising to a power and extracting the root of a perfect square integer; for an integer that is not square, determine without a calculator the two integers between which its square root lies and explain why. (1 item) 2-5 Objective: Find the principal square root of a number. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at the inverse relationship between raising a power and extracting the root of a perfect square by examining the inputs and outputs of operations in an imaginary “computing machine”. Another Sample Supporting Activity (within the same lesson): Students practice estimating square roots by finding benchmarks on each side of an integer that is not a perfect square. Students use a number line to help find the benchmarks. 2.5 Understand the meaning of the absolute value of a number; interpret the absolute value as the distance of the number from zero on a number line; and determine the absolute value of real numbers. (1 item) Grade 7 – Algebra & Functions (TOTAL of 17 items) 1.0 Students express quantitative relationships by using algebraic terminology, expressions, equations, inequalities, and graphs 1.1 Use variables and appropriate operations to 6-4 Objective: Solve and graph the solution set of compound inequalities and inequalities involving absolute value. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at a problem such as |x| = 4 on a number line. Which numbers on the number line are 4 units from 0? Students discuss absolute value and distance. The following Algebra 1 Rescue! Lessons cover Algebra & Functions Topics: : 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 41, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 84, 8-5, 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 9-5, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 11-1, 11-2, 11-3, 11-4, 11-5, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12-4, 12-5. NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 1-1 Objective: Translate verbal expressions into 9 write an expression, an equation, an inequality, or a system of inequalities that represents a verbal description (e.g., three less than a number, half as large as area A). (2 items) mathematical expressions and vice versa. Sample Supporting Activity: Students translate verbal statements to numeric expressions and vice versa. 3-4 Objective: Solve problems that can be represented as equations. Sample Supporting Activity: Students translate word problems to equations and vice versa. 6-3 Objective: Solve and graph the solution set of inequalities using more than one operation. Sample Supporting Activity: Students translate word problems to inequalities and vice versa. 7-5 Objective: Solve systems of inequalities by graphing. Sample Supporting Activity: Students translate word problems to systems of inequalities, and vice versa. 1.2 Use the correct order of operations to evaluate algebraic expressions such as 3 (2x + 5)². (1 item) 1-2 Objective: Evaluate expressions by using the order of operations. Sample Supporting Activity: Students begin solving numeric expressions using the order of operations. 10-3 Objective: Solve quadratic equations by … using the quadratic formula. Sample Supporting Activity: Students work with order of operations and algebraic expressions throughout the materials. Applying order of operations to solve quadratics is the high-end of this concept. 1.3 Simplify numerical expressions by applying properties of rational numbers (e.g., identity, inverse, distributive, associative, commutative) and justify the process used. (0 items) 1-4 Objective: Use mathematical properties to evaluate expressions. Sample Supporting Activity: Most of the properties are introduced in this lesson. The properties are discussed in more depth in the following lessons : - additive identity – Lessons 1-4 and 2-2 associative – Lessons 1-4 and 8-4 10 - 1.4 Use algebraic terminology (e.g., variable, equation, term, coefficient, inequality, expression, constant) correctly. (0 items) 1.5 Represent quantitative relationships graphically and interpret the meaning of a specific part of a graph in the situation represented by the graph. commutative – Lessons 1-4, 2-4, and 8-4 density – Lesson 2-1 distributive – Lessons 1-4, 8-5, 9-1, 9-2, 10-4 and 12-1 multiplicative identity – Lessons 1-4 and 10-3 multiplicative inverse – Lessons 1-3 and 1-4 properties of equality – Lessons 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-5, and 5-4 zero product property - Lessons 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 10-2, and 10-3 Algebraic terminology is defined and used throughout the materials. For example, the following words are defined in the indicated lessons: - “variable” and “expression” – Lessons 1-1 - “equation” – Lesson 3-1 - “coefficient”, “constant”, “term” – Lesson 3-1 - “inequality” – first defined in Lesson 2-3 and then used extensively in 6-1 through 6-5. 5-1 Objective: Determine the slope of a line from a graph or given two points on the line. Sample Supporting Activity: Students find linear graphs in a newspaper or magazine and interpret them. 5-5 Objective: Use the slope of lines to determine if two lines are parallel or perpendicular. Sample Supporting Activity: Students determine whether lines are parallel or perpendicular by associating parts of the equation with parts of the graph. 2.0 Students interpret and evaluate expressions involving integer powers and simple roots. NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 2.1 Interpret positive whole-number powers as repeated multiplication and negative wholenumber powers as repeated division or multiplication by the multiplicative inverse. Simplify and evaluate expressions that include 1-1 Objective: Translate verbal expressions into mathematical expressions and vice versa. Sample Supporting Activity: Students discuss the mathematical terms “powers”, “squared”, and “cubed”. 11 exponents. (1 item) 8-1 Objective: Multiply and divide monomials and simplify expressions. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at the rules for operating with powers. They simplify and evaluate expressions with exponents, such as: • 5³ · 5² = (5 · 5 · 5) · (5 · 5); and • x³/x³ = x³ ¯ ³ = xº = 1 (x ≠ 0) 2.2 Multiply and divide monomials; extend the process of taking powers and extracting roots to monomials when the latter results in a monomial with an integer exponent. (1 item) 8-1 Objective: Multiply and divide monomials and simplify expressions. Sample Supporting Activity: Students extend the process of taking powers and extracting roots by writing and exchanging problems to solve. Students are given directions to write algebraic expressions for the multiplication and/or division of two monomials, with the following criteria: • each must have a coefficient • each may have up to three variables • and must have exponents from 1 to 10 Students work in groups and each student should work all the problems his/her group created. Multiplication Example: (7x³ y²)(-2xy) Division Example: 6xy² 2x³y 3.0 Students graph and interpret linear and some nonlinear functions. NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 3.1 Graph functions of the form y = nx² and y = nx³ and use in solving problems. (1 item) 10-4 Objective: Graph exponential functions and solve problems using the graphs. Sample Supporting Activity: Students discuss the shape of the graph for a problem like y = 2ⁿ. Students solve problems involving exponential growth and decay. 12 3.2 Plot the values from the volumes of threedimensional shapes for various values of the edge lengths (e.g., cubes with varying edge lengths or a triangle prism with a fixed height and an equilateral triangle base of varying lengths). (0 items) 12-4 Objective: Find the distance between two points in the coordinate plane. Sample Supporting Activity: Students draw triangles on a coordinate grid and show the distance formula generalized from the Pythagorean theorem as a preskill activity [students do not look at 3-D shapes plotted on a graph]. 3.3 Graph linear functions, noting that the vertical change (change in y value) per unit of horizontal change (change in x value) is always the same and know that the ratio (“rise over run”) is called the slope of a graph. (2 items) 5-1 Objective: Determine the slope of a line from a graph or given two points on the line. Sample Supporting Activity: Students explore the concept of slope using 2 rulers. They discuss slope as being the ratio represented by “rise over run”. 3.4 Plot the values of quantities whose ratios are always the same (e.g., cost to the number of an item, feet to inches, circumference to diameter of a circle). Fit a line to the plot and understand that the slope of a line equals the quantities. (1 item) 5-3 Objective: Draw a best-fit line and find the equation of the best-fit line for a scatter plot. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at average costs for phone rates and compare one long-distance company to another. Student plot the results on a graph and get a scatter plot. Students are asked to draw the “best fit line. Students determine the slope from the line they draw. 4.0 Students solve simple linear equation sand inequalities over the rational numbers. NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 4.1 Solve two-step linear equations and inequalities in one variable over the rational numbers, interpret the solution or solutions in the context from which they arose, and verify the reasonableness of the results. (3 items) 3-3 Objective: Solve linear equations using one or more operations. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve linear equations using the properties of equality. Students identify the principal operator in a problem. The problems include a variety of numbers – fractions, decimals, signed numbers, whole numbers. 6-3 Objective: Solve and graph the solution set of inequalities using more than one operation. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve two-step inequalities and discuss changes in the properties from working with linear equations, particularly when to reverse the relation. Students substitute the 13 values for the variable back into the problem to check it. Is the statement of inequality true? Students solve inequality word problems. 4.2 Solve multistep problems involving rate, average speed, distance, and time or a direct variation. (2 items) 5-4 Objective: Write linear equations in the slopeintercept form to find the slope, x-intercept, and y-intercept, and sketch the graph. Sample Supporting Activity: Students are asked a series of questions given the following data about a long-distance phone service: the phone rates for company D are computed by using the formula R = .07t +.26, where R is the rate and t is the time in minutes. Grade 7 – Measurement and Geometry (TOTAL of 17 items) The following Algebra 1 Rescue! Lessons cover measurement and geometry topics: 1-2, 2-5, 3-4, 3-5, 4-1, 4-3, 4-4, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 6-1, 6-2, 63, 6-4, 6-5, 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 8-1, 8-4, 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 10-1, 10-2, 11-1, 11-5, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12-4, 12-5. 1.0 Students choose appropriate units of measure and use ratios to convert within and between measurement systems to solve problems: NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 1.1 Compare weights, capacities, geometric measures, times, and temperature within and between measurement systems (e.g., miles per hour and feet per second, cubic inches to cubic centimeters). (2 items) Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra standards. Therefore, some of the other math strands that are not directly connected to algebra and/or do not provide support of specific algebra topics are not covered in these materials. 1.2 Construct and read drawings and models made to scale. (1 item) 12-5 Objective: Find the unknown measures of the sides of similar triangles. Sample Supporting Activity: Students create models to scale that connect similarity with proportions and ratios. We also define the “constant of proportionality” in this lesson. 1.3 Use measures expressed as rates (e.g., speed, density) and measures expressed as products 5-3 Objective: Draw a best-fit line and find the equation of the best-fit line for a scatter plot. 14 (e.g., person-days) to solve problems; check the units of the solutions; and use dimensional analysis to check the reasonableness of the answer. (2 items) Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at average costs for phone rates and compare one long-distance company to another. Students measure using products and dimensional analysis to check the reasonableness of the answer. 2.0 Students compute the perimeter, area, and volume of common geometric objects and use the results to find measures of less common objects. They know how perimeter, area and volume are affected by changes of scale: NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 2.1 Use formulas routinely for finding the perimeter and area of basic two-dimensional figures and the surface area and volume of basic three-dimensional figures, including rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, squares, triangles, circles, prisms, and cylinders. (3 items) 1-2 Objective: Evaluate expressions by using the order of operation. Sample Supporting Activity: Students review solving formulas for perimeter and area. 8-1 Objective: Multiply and divide monomials and simplify expressions. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at how changes in dimension of a square affect perimeter and area. 11-5 Objective: Solve rational equations. Sample Supporting Activity: Students determine a missing dimension given the perimeter of a parallelogram and triangle. 12-3 Objective: Use the Pythagorean theorem to solve problems. Sample Supporting Activity: Students calculate the measurements for a 3-dimensional shape. 2.2 Estimate and compute the area of more complex or irregular two- and threedimensional figures by breaking the figures down into more basic geometric objects. (2 items) 12-3 Objective: Use the Pythagorean theorem to solve problems. Sample Supporting Activity: A quadrilateral is drawn inside a square with dimensions a, b, and c. Students are asked to show that the area of the larger square is equal to the sum of the areas of the four triangles plus the area of the smaller square. 2.3 Compute the length of the perimeter, the surface area of the faces, and the volume of a three-dimensional object built from rectangular Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra standards. Therefore, some of the other math strands that are not directly 15 solids. Understand that when the lengths of all connected to algebra and/or do not provide support dimensions are multiplied by a scale factor, the of specific algebra topics are not covered in these surface area is multiplied by the square of the materials. scale factor and the volume is multiplied by the cube of the scale factor. (1 item) 2.4 Relate the changes in measurement with a change of scale to the units used (e.g., square inches, cubic feet) and to conversions between units (1 square foot = 144 square inches or [1 ft²] = [144 in²], 1 cubic inch is approximately 16.38 cubic centimeters or [1 in³] = [16.38 cm³]). (1 item) Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra standards. Therefore, some of the other math strands that are not directly connected to algebra and/or do not provide support of specific algebra topics are not covered in these materials. NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of 3.0 Students know the Pythagorean theorem and the specific standards below, where applicable. deepen their understanding of plane and solid geometric shapes by constructing figures that meet given conditions and by identifying attributes of figures: 3.1 Identify and construct basic elements of geometric figures (e.g., altitudes, mid-points, diagonals, angle bisectors, and perpendicular bisectors; central angles, radii, diameters, and chords of circles) by using a compass and straightedge. (0 items) 12-3 Objective: Use the Pythagorean theorem to solve problems. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at the concept of a diagonal in a 3-dimensional figure. 3.2 Understand and use coordinate graphs to plot simple figures, determine lengths and areas related to them, and determine their image under translations and reflections. (2 items) Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra standards. Therefore, some of the other math strands that are not directly connected to algebra and/or do not provide support of specific algebra topics are not covered in these materials. 3.3 Know and understand the Pythagorean theorem and its converse and use it to find the length of the missing side of a right triangle and the lengths of other line segments and, in some 12-3 Objective: Use the Pythagorean theorem to solve problems. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at the Pythagorean theorem geometrically. Next, students 8-1 Objective: Multiply and divide monomials and simplify expressions. Sample Supporting Activity: Students review definitions surrounding circles; and find the area of a circle. 16 situations, empirically verify the Pythagorean theorem by direct measurement. (2 items) 3.4 Demonstrate an understanding of conditions that indicate two geometrical figures are congruent and what congruence means about the relationships between the sides and angles of the two figures. (1 item) 3.5 Construct two-dimensional patterns for threedimensional models, such as cylinders, prisms, and cones. (0 items) 3.6 Identify elements of three-dimensional geometric objects (e.g., diagonals of rectangular solids) and describe how two or more objects are related in space (e.g., skew lines, the possible ways three planes might intersect). (0 items) draw triangles and squares on graph paper and look at the concept there, deriving the formula. Students then solve problems involving the Pythagorean theorem. Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra standards. Therefore, some of the other math strands that are not directly connected to algebra and/or do not provide support of specific algebra topics are not covered in these materials. Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra standards. Therefore, some of the other math strands that are not directly connected to algebra and/or do not provide support of specific algebra topics are not covered in these materials. Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra standards. Therefore, some of the other math strands that are not directly connected to algebra and/or do not provide support of specific algebra topics are not covered in these materials. Grade 7 – Statistics, Data Analysis, and The following Algebra 1 Rescue! Lessons cover Probability (TOTAL of 4 Items) Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability topics: 2-1, 2-3, 3-5, 4-2, 4-3, 5-3, and 9-1. 1.0 Students collect, organize, and represent data sets that have one or more variables and identify relationships among variables within a data set by NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 17 hand and through the use of an electronic spreadsheet software program: 1.1 Know various forms of display for data sets, including a stem and leaf plot or box and whisker plot; use the forms to display a single set of data or to compare two sets of data. (2 items) 9-1 Objective: Find the greatest common factor through prime factorization for integers and sets of monomials. Sample Supporting Activity: Students collect data and make predictions in class experiment and then analyze the results. 1.2 Represent two numerical variables on a scatterplot and informally describe how the data points are distributed and any apparent relationship that exists between the two variables (e.g., between time spent on homework and grade level). (2 items) 5-3 Objective: Draw a best-fit line and find the equation of the best-fit line for a scatter plot. Sample Supporting Activity: Students discuss the best positioning of the line for a scatter plot. Some of the discussion points include why it’s not drawn through the point at the top or the point at the bottom. 1.3 Understand the meaning of, and be able to compute the minimum, the lower quartile, the median, the upper quartile, and the maximum of a data set. (0 items) Algebra 1 Rescue! is an intervention program based specifically on algebra standards. Therefore, some of the other math strands that are not directly connected to algebra and/or do not provide support of specific algebra topics are not covered in these materials. Grade 7 – Mathematical Reasoning (TOTAL of The following Algebra 1 Rescue! Lessons cover 8 Items Plus Integrated Into Other Strands) Mathematical Reasoning: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-1, 3-2, 3-6, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 54, 5-5, 6-1, 6-5, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 8-5, 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 9-5, 10-2, 11-1, 11-2, 11-3, 1-4, 11-5, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12-4, 12-5. 1.0 Students make decisions about how to approach problems: NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 1.1 Analyze problems by identifying relationships, distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information, identifying missing information, sequencing and prioritizing information, and Every lesson has Problem-Solving Activities where the problem solving process is directly or indirectly applied and/or reinforced. 18 observing patterns. (2 items) 1.2 Formulate and justify mathematical conjectures based on a general description of the mathematical question or problem posed. (1 item) Every lesson has Problem-Solving Activities where the problem solving process is directly or indirectly applied and/or reinforced. 1.3 Determine when and how to break a problem into simpler parts. (0 items) Every lesson has Problem-Solving Activities where the problem solving process is directly or indirectly applied and/or reinforced. 2.0 Students use strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions: NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 2.1 Use estimation to verify the reasonableness of calculated results. (2 items) 2-5 Objective: Find the principal square root of a number. Sample Supporting Activity: Students estimate square roots and check them with perfect square benchmarks above and below. 2.2 Apply strategies and results from simpler problems to more complex problems. (0 items) 1-2 Objective: Evaluate expressions by using the order of operation. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve numeric expressions using order of operations and then in the next lesson (1-3) they extend these strategies and results to expressions with variables. 2.3 Estimate unknown quantities graphically and solve for them by using logical reasoning and arithmetic and algebraic techniques. (1 item) 5-2 Objective: Write the equation of a line in standard form given two points on the graph of the line. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at a graph representing the miles flown by an airplane in one day. Students answer questions about how far the plane will fly in certain amounts of time by analyzing the slope and what it represents in the graph. Students then find the equation of the line and 19 explain what the equation means. Students do a similar activity with average heights of girls from ages 2 -14 years. 2.4 Make and test conjectures by using both inductive and deductive reasoning. (1 item) 8-5 Objective: Multiply two binomials and simplify the expressions, including special products of (a + b)(a + b) and (a + b)(a – b) Sample Supporting Activity: Students first use algebra tiles to find the product (x + 1) (x – 1). Then they move to (x + 2) (x – 2) and (x + 3) (x – 3) and so on. Once they have made these observations, students are asked to generalize what happens when (a + b) and (a – b) are multiplied. During this exploration the following vocabulary is developed “a sum times a difference equals a difference of two squares”. 2.5 Use a variety of methods, such as words, numbers, symbols, charts, graphs, tables, diagrams, and models, to explain mathematical reasoning. (0 items) 6-5 Objective: Graph inequalities in the coordinate plane. Sample Supporting Activity: Students make and test conjectures about a line on a plane (e.g. the solution to an inequality with 2 variables is represented by all the points on one side or the other side of a line). And other kinds of point and line observations on a number line and on a plane. They do this by drawing the point, the line, the inequality, finding coordinates of the points in an x/y table, and drawing the line on the plane and looking on the line, below the line, and above the line. 2.6 Express the solution clearly and logically by using the appropriate mathematical notation and terms and clear language; support solutions with evidence in both verbal and symbolic work. (0 items) 1-3 Objective: Solve open sentences by performing arithmetic operations. Sample Supporting Activity: Students determine if a mathematical statement is true, false, or open. They work in a group and come to a consensus. One member of the group is selected randomly to share the answer with the entire class. The entire group earns points for the correct answer. 3-1 Objective: Solve linear equations with addition and subtraction. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve linear equations and then check their answers through 20 substitution and/or estimation. 2.7 Indicate the relative advantages of exact and approximate solutions to problems and give answers to a specified degree of accuracy. (0 items) 10-2 Objective: Estimate the roots of a quadratic equation by graphing the associated quadratic function. Sample Supporting Activity: Students find the roots of quadratic equations by graphing the associated functions. If the roots are not exact, students are asked to name the consecutive integers between which the roots lie. Students see the advantage of finding these benchmarks prior to solving for the exact solution on a calculator. 2.8 Make precise calculations and check the validity of the results from the context of the problem. (0 items) 10-4 Objective: Graph exponential functions and solve problems using the graphs. Sample Supporting Activity: Students estimate which problem would amount to more money in each pair of compounded interest problems given and then students work the problems to determine the accuracy of the estimate. 3.0 Students determine a solution is complete and move beyond a particular problem by generalizing to other situations: NOTE: One or more examples are given for each of the specific standards below, where applicable. 3.1 Evaluate the reasonableness of the solution in the context of the original situation. (0 items) 5-3 Objective: Draw a best-fit line and find the equation of the best-fit line for a scatter plot. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at the concept of “best-fit line” in the context of comparing average costs of phone rates. Students check several rates to be sure that they have found the “average”. 3.2 Note the method of deriving the solution and demonstrate a conceptual understanding of the derivation by solving similar problems. (0 7-5 Objective: Solve systems of inequalities by graphing. Sample Supporting Activity: Students are shown a series of graphs of inequalities. Students 21 items) determine which graphs contain certain points in the solution region. Then students do the reverse to show conceptual understanding. They write two inequalities of the form y __ mx + b, where one blank is replaced with > and the other with <. Students then form groups and graph the systems of inequalities created by all of the students in the group. 3.3 Develop generalizations of the results obtained and the strategies used and apply them to new problem situations. (1 item) 12-3 Objective: Use the Pythagorean theorem to solve problems. Sample Supporting Activity: Students derive the Pythagorean Theorem geometrically placing three squares to form a right triangle in the middle. Students then solve problems using the derived formula. Algebra 1 (Total 12 Items) The following Algebra 1 Rescue! Lessons cover Algebra: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 51, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 94, 9-5, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 11-1, 11-2, 11-3, 11-4, 11-5, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12-4, 12-5. 1.0 Students identify and use the arithmetic properties of subsets of integers and rational, irrational, and real numbers, including closure properties for the four basic arithmetic operations where applicable: 1.1 Students use properties of numbers to demonstrate whether assertions are true or false. (0 items) 2.0 Students understand and use such operations as taking the opposite, finding the reciprocal, and 1-4 Objective: Use mathematical properties to evaluate expressions. Sample Supporting Activity: Most of the properties are introduced in this lesson. The properties are discussed in more depth in the following lessons : - additive identity – Lessons 1-4 and 2-2 associative – Lessons 1-4 and 8-4 commutative – Lessons 1-4, 2-4, and 8-4 density – Lesson 2-1 distributive – Lessons 1-4, 8-5, 9-1, 9-2, 10-4 and 12-1 multiplicative identity – Lessons 1-4 and 10-3 multiplicative inverse – Lessons 1-3 and 1-4 properties of equality – Lessons 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-5, 5-4 zero product property - Lessons 9-2 – 9-4, 10-2, 10-3 8-1 Objective: Multiply and divide monomials and simplify expressions. 22 taking a root, and raising to a fractional power. They understand and use the rules of exponents (1 item). Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at powers as repeated multiplication; rules about performing operations on powers. 3.0 Students solve equations and inequalities involving absolute values. (1 item) 6-4 Objective: Solve and graph the solution set of 4.0 Students simplify expressions before solving linear equations and inequalities in one variable, such as 3 (2x – 5) + 4 (x -2) = 12. (2 items) 8-5 Objective: Multiply two binomials and simplify the expressions, including special products of (a + b)(a + b) and (a + b)(a – b) Sample Supporting Activity: Students review the distributive property and simplify expressions. 5.0 Students solve multistep problems, including word problems, involving linear equations and linear inequalities in one variable and provide justification for each step. 3-4 Objective: Solve problems that can be represented as equations. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve multistep word problems involving linear equations. compound inequalities and inequalities involving absolute value. Sample Supporting Activity: Students discuss the definition of the absolute value of a number as the distance of the number from 0 and solve inequalities involving absolute values. 6-3 Objective: Solve and graph the solution set of inequalities using more than one operation. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve inequality word problems. 6.0 Students graph a linear equation and compute the x- and y-intercepts (e.g., graph 2x + 6y = 4). They are also able to sketch the region defined by linear inequality (e.g., they sketch the region defined by 2x + 6y < 4). (2 items – 1 graphing item; 1 computing item) 4-4 Objective: Graph linear equations. Sample Supporting Activity: Students graph linear equations and learn how to find x and y intercepts. 7.0 Students verify that a point lies on a line, given an equation of the line. Students are able to derive linear equations. by using the point-slope formula. (1 item) 5-1 Objective: Determine the slope of a line from a graph or given two points on the line. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at an equation of a line and graph it and then are asked to name some points on the line. 23 8.0 Students understand the concepts of parallel lines and perpendicular lines and how their slopes are related. Students are able to find the equation o f a line perpendicular to a given line that passes through a given point. (1 item) 5-5 Objective: Use the slope of lines to determine if two lines are parallel or perpendicular. Sample Supporting Activity: Students are given three equations for lines and they are asked to graph all three lines. Then they are asked “which two graphs are parallel lines?” Next, students are given equations and they are asked to give a parallel graph to each of these equations. 9.0 Students solve a system of two linear equations in two variables algebraically and are able to interpret the answer graphically. Students are able to solve a system of two linear inequalities in two variables and to sketch the solution sets. (1 item) 7-1 Objective: Solve systems of equations by graphing. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve 2 equations with 2 unknowns by graphing them. 7-2 Objective: Determine whether a system of equations has one solution, no solutions, or infinitely many solutions. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at the graph of 2 equations with 2 unknowns and ask “how many times do the lines intersect?” 7-3 Objective: Solve systems of equations by using the substitution method. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve 2 equations with 2 unknowns by solving one equation for one of the variables and substituting that value into the other equation. 7-4 Objective: Solve systems of equations by eliminating one variable. Sample Supporting Activity: Given 2 equations with 2 unknowns, students add the 2 equations together to eliminate one of the variables. For example, 2x – y = 7 and x + y = 2, we can add the 2 equations together and the –y + y eliminates the variable y. 7-5 Objective: Solve systems of inequalities by graphing. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve a system of 2 linear inequalities by sketching the solution on a graph. 24 10.0 Students add, subtract, multiply, and divide monomials and polynomials. Students solve multistep problems, including word problems, by using these techniques. (1 item) 8-3 Objective: Add and subtract polynomials and express the answer so the powers of the terms are in descending order. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve problems adding and subtracting polynomials. 8-4 Objective: Multiply a polynomial by a monomial and arrange the power of the terms in descending order. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve word problems involving operations with polynomials. 11.0 Students apply basic factoring techniques to second- and simple third- degree polynomials. These techniques include finding a common factor for all terms in a polynomial, recognizing the difference of two squares, and recognizing perfect squares of binomials. (0 items) 9-3 Objective: Factor quadratic trinomials of the form ax² + bx + c and solve equations by factoring. Sample Supporting Activity: Students factor polynomials in an activity Making Area Rugs. 12.0 Students simplify fractions with polynomials in the numerator and denominator by factoring both and reducing them to the lowest terms. (0 items) 11-1 Objective: Simplify rational expressions. Sample Supporting Activity: Students simplify rational expressions. 13.0 Students add, subtract, multiply and divide rational expressions and functions. Students solve both computationally and conceptually challenging problems by using these techniques. (0 items) 11-2 Objective: Multiply and divide rational expressions. Sample Supporting Activity: Students perform operations on complex expressions and indicate any excluded values (e.g., x ≠ some value). 14.0 Students solve a quadratic equation by factoring or completing the square. (0 items) 9-3 Objective: Factor quadratic trinomials of the form ax² + bx + c and solve equations by factoring. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve quadratics by factoring. 9-4 Objective: Factor quadratic polynomials that are perfect squares or differences of squares and solve equations by factoring. Sample Supporting Activity: Students factor polynomials in an activity Perfect Square Trinomial Area Rugs. Then students move to the activity Difference of Squares Area Rugs. Students also play a game called Perfect Squares Jeopardy. 9-4 Objective: Factor quadratic polynomials that 25 are perfect squares or differences of squares and solve equations by factoring. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve quadratics by factoring. 9-5 Objective: Solve quadratic equations by completing the square. Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve quadratics by completing the square. 15.0 Students apply algebraic techniques to solve rate problems, work problems, and percent mixture problems. (1 item) 3-6 Objective: Use proportions to solve percent problems Sample Supporting Activity: Students solve rate problems and percent problems using algebraic and proportional thinking. 16.0 Students understand the concepts of a relation and a function, determine whether a given relation defines a function, and give pertinent information about given relations and functions. (0 items) 4-5 Objective: Determine whether a relation is a function and find a value for a given function. Sample Supporting Activity: In small groups and in large class discussions, students discuss “what is a function?” and “what is not a function?” 17.0 Students determine the domain of independent variables and the range of dependent variables defined by a graph, a set of ordered pairs, or a symbolic expression. (0 items) 4-3 Objective: Determine the range for a given domain of a relation. Sample Supporting Activity: Students discuss independent and dependent variables. 18.0 Students determine whether a relation defined by a graph, a set of ordered pairs, or a symbolic expression is a function and justify the conclusion. (0 items) 4-5 Objective: Determine whether a relation is a function and find a value for a given function. Sample Supporting Activity: In small groups and in large class discussions, students discuss “what is a function?” and “what is not a function?” 19.0 Students know the quadratic formula and are familiar with its proof by completing the square. 10-3 Objective: Solve quadratic equations by factoring or using the quadratic formula. 26 (0 items) Sample Supporting Activity: Students complete the square of a quadratic of the form ax² + by + c = 0. Students look at the derivation of the quadratic formula. 20.0 Students use the quadratic formula to find the roots of a second-degree polynomial and to solve quadratic equations. (0 items) 10-2 Objective: Estimate the roots of a quadratic equation by graphing the associated quadratic function. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at the graph of a quadratic function and find the zeros. Students then look at the relationship of roots to an equation and zeros of a function. 21.0 Students graph quadratic functions and know that their roots are the x-intercepts. (0 items) 10-2 Objective: Estimate the roots of a quadratic equation by graphing the associated quadratic function. Sample Supporting Activity: In this lesson, we reinforce the concept that another name for the xintercepts is the zeros of the function. 22.0 Students use the quadratic formula or factoring techniques or both to determine whether the graph of a quadratic function will intersect the x-axis in zero, one, or two points. (0 items) 10-3 Objective: Solve quadratic equations by factoring or using the quadratic formula. Sample Supporting Activity: Students look at a variety of solutions to quadratics and determine where and how many places the graph will cross the x-axis. 23.0 Students apply quadratic equations to physical 10-3 Objective: Solve quadratic equations by problems, such as the motion of an object under the factoring or using the quadratic formula. Sample Supporting Activity: Solve problems force of gravity. (0 items) involving quadratic equations. 24.0 Students use and know simple aspects of a *Students informally use logical argument throughout the materials. Formal statements of 27 logical argument. 24.1 Students explain the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning and identify and provide examples of each. (0 items) 24.2 Students identify the hypothesis and conclusion in logical deduction. (0 items) 24.3 Students use counterexamples to show that an assertion is false and recognize that a single counterexample is sufficient to refute an assertion. (0 items) 25.0 Students use properties of the number system to judge the validity of results, to justify each step of a procedure, and to prove or disprove statements. 25.1 Students use properties of numbers to construct simple, valid arguments (direct and indirect) for, or formulate counterexamples to, claimed assertions. (0 items) 25.2 Students judge the validity of an argument according to whether the properties of the real number system and the order of operations have been applied correctly at each step. (0 items) 25.3 Given a specific algebraic statement involving linear, quadratic, or absolute value expressions or equations or inequalities, students determine whether the statement is true sometimes, always, or never. (0 items) hypothesis, conclusion, inductive/deductive reasoning and counterexamples, however, are not part of the program. *Students informally use proof throughout the materials. Formal statements of proof, however, are not part of the program.