PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL Volume 99, Number 3, March SOCIETY 1987 MARX-STROHHÄCKER DIFFERENTIAL SUBORDINATION SYSTEMS SANFORD S. MILLER AND PETRU T. MOCANU ABSTRACT. Let f(z) = z + aiz2 + ■■■be analytic in the unit disc U and let k(z) = z/(l — 2). The classic Marx-Strohhäcker result, that a convex (univalent) function / is starlike of order ^, can be written in terms of differential subordinations as zf"(z)/f'(z) < zk"(z)/k'(z) =* zf'(z)/f(z) < zk'(z)/k(z). The authors determine general conditions on k for which this relation holds. They also determine a different set of general conditions on k for which zf'(z)lf(z) Finally, differential < zk'(z)/k(z) subordinations =* }(z)/z < k(z)/z. with starlike superordinate functions are considered. 1. Introduction. Let / be analytic in the unit disc U — {z: [z\ < 1}. The function /, with /'(0) 7^ 0, is convex (univalent) if and only if Re[zf"(z)/f'(z) + l] > 0 in U. The function /, with /(0) = 0 and /'(O) ^ 0, is starlike (univalent) if and only if Re[zf'(z)/f(z)} > 0 in U. If, in addition, Re[z/'(z)//(,z)] > ± then / is said to be starlike of order | [1, Vol. 1, p. 137]. The classic result of Marx [3] and Strohhäcker is starlike of order ^, that is (1) Re[zf"(z)/f'(z) [10] asserts that a convex function + 1] > 0, z £ U => Re[zf'(z)/f(z)} >\, z£U. We can simplify this relation by expressing it in terms of subordination. If F and G are analytic in U, then F is subordinate to G, written F < G or F(z) < G(z), if G is univalent, F(0) = G(0) and F(U) C G(U). If we let k(z) = z/(l —z), then (1) can be rewritten as (2) zf"(z)/f'(z) < zk"(z)/k'(z) => zf'(z)/f(z) < zk'(z)/k(z). This Marx-Strohhäcker differential subordination system of first type holds for other functions k; in [5, p. 194] and in [7, Corollary 2.3] it is shown that (2) also holds when k(z) = z/(l — z)2 is the Koebe function. In §2 of this article we determine general conditions on k for which (2) holds. If k is the Koebe function, then Marx [3] and Strohhäcker [10] also showed that (3)_ zf'(z)/f(z) < zk'(z)/k(z) => f(z)/z < k(z)/z. Received by the editors December 30, 1985. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification (1985 Revision). Primary 30C80; Secondary 30C45, 34A20, 34A40. Key words and phrases. Differential subordination, superordinate, convex function, starlike function, univalent function. The first author acknowledges support received from the International Research Exchange Board through its exchange program with the Romanian National Council of Science and Technology. ©1987 American 0002-9939/87 527 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see Mathematical Society $1.00 + $.25 per page 528 S. S. MILLER AND P. T. MOCANU §3 deals with general first order differential subordinations of the form ip(p(z),zp'(z)) < h(z), where h is a starlike function. In addition, as a special application of these results we determine conditions on k for which the Marx-Strohhäcker differential subodination system of second type, as given in (3), holds. We close this section with two lemmas that will be used in subsequent sections. LEMMA 1. Let F be analytic in U and let G be analytic and univalent on U, with F(0) = G(0). If F is not subordinate to G, then there exist points zq £ U and Ço€ dU, and an m > 1 for which F(\z\ < \z0\) C G(U), (i) F(z0) = G(ço), and (n)z0F'{z0) = mçi)G'{Ço)The proof of a more general form of this lemma may be found in [4, Lemma 1]. The second lemma deals with the concept of a subordination chain. A function L(z, t), z £ U, t > 0, is a subordination chain if L(-,t) is analytic and univalent in U for all t > 0, L(z,-) is continuously differentiable on [0, oo) for all z £U, and L(z,ti) < L(z,t2) when 0 < £i < t2. LEMMA 2 [8, p. 159]. The function L(z,t) = ai(t)z-\-, with ai(t) ^ 0 for all t > 0, is a subordination chain if and only if Re[z(dL/dz)/(dL/dt)} > 0 for z £U and t > 0. 2. Marx-Strohhäcker differential subordination systems of first type. THEOREM 1. Let q be univalent in U, with q(0) = 1. Set Q(z) = zq'(z)/q(z), h(z) — q(z) + Q(z) and suppose that (i) Q is starlike in U (logç is convex in U), and (ii) Re[zh'(z)/Q(z)[ = Re[q(z) + zQ'(z)/Q(z)\ >Q,z£U. If B is an analytic function (4) on U such that B(z)<q(z) + zq'(z)/q(z) then the analytic solution p of the differential (5) zp'(z) + B(z)p(z) = 1 = h(z), equation (p(0) = 1) satisfies p -< l/q. PROOF. Conditions (i) and (ii) imply that the function h is univalent (close- to-convex) [1, Vol. 2, p. 2], h(0) = 1, and hence (4) is well defined with 7?(0) = 1. If we let b(z) = /02[77(í) — l]í_1cíí, then (5) has an analytic solution given by p(z) = j* eb^ at)zeb<-z). Condition (i) implies that q(z) ^ 0 in U. Hence the function l/q is analytic and univalent in U. Without loss of generality we can assume q is univalent and q(z) ^ 0 on U. If not, then we can replace q, B, and p by qr(z) = q(rz), Br(z) = B(rz), and pr(z) = p(rz) respectively, where 0 < r < 1. These new functions satisfy the conditions of the theorem on U. We would then prove pr < l/qr, and by letting r —►1~ we obtain P < !/<?• The function (6) L(z, t) = h(z) + tQ(z) = q(z) + (1 + t)zq'(z)/q(z) License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see MARX-STROHHACKER is analytic z£U. DIFFERENTIAL SUBORDINATION in U for all t > 0, and it is continuously SYSTEMS differentiable Since Q'(0) = q'(0) ^ 0 we have dL/dz(0,t) 529 on [0, oo) for all = <?'(0)(2+1) ¿ 0 for t > 0. From (ii) we obtain dL I dL Z~dz~ lk Re Re MHi +t)«™ Q(z) Q(z) for z £ U and t > 0. Hence by Lemma 2, L(z, t) is a subordination chain and so we have L(z,ti) < L(z,t2) for 0 < ii < t2. From (6) we have L(z,0) = /i(z) and so we obtain (7) L(c,t)#h(U) for |ç| = 1 and t > 0. Now assume that p -^ l/q. From Lemma 1 there exist points zq £U and ço G dU, and an m > 1 such that p(z0) = l/q(Ço) and z0p'(zo) = -mçoL/(co)/q2(oj). Using these results together with (5) and (6) we obtain or \ 1 zop'(zo) P(zo) p(zo) ß(zo) = -t—t-i~^- , s mÇo9'(ç0) = <?to +-t-t— <7Ko) ,, ,> = Mfo, m - 1 . By using (7) we deduce that 7?(zo) ^ /i(í7), which contradicts (4). Hence p -< 1/g, completing the proof of the theorem. We now turn our attention to considering the Marx-Strohhäcker differential subordination system of first type as given in (2). If we let p(z) = zf'(z)/f(z) and q(z) = zk'(z)/k(z) then (2) becomes p(z) + zp'(z)/p(z) < q(z) + zq'(z)/q(z) =» p(z) < q(z). This differential subordination result was considered in [5, Theorem 3]. Before using this general result to prove (2), however, we have to first prove that zf'(z)/f(z) is analytic in U, a condition which does not follow directly from the left side of (2). THEOREM 2. Let q satisfy the conditions of Theorem 1 and let (8) k(z) = 2exp / Jo [q(t) - l]i_1 dt. If f(z) = z + a2z2 + ■■■ is analytic in U, and (9) zf"(z)/f'(z) then zf'(z)/f(z) < zk"(z)/k'(z), is analytic in U and zf'(z)/f(z) -< zk'(z)/k(z). PROOF. From (8) we obtain . . zk'(z) q(z) = y k(z) , and ,. , , , zq'(z) t zk"(z) h(z) = q(z) + -—^r = 1 + w ^ ' q(z) k'(z) ' Thus zk'(z)/k(z) is univalent, and by (ii) of Theorem 1 we see that zk"(z)/k'(z) is also univalent. Since condition (9) implies f'(z) ^ 0, the function B(z) = 1 + zf"(z)/f'(z) is analytic in U, and satisfies B < h. For this particular B equation (5) has the analytic solution p(z) = f(z)/zf'(z). Since all the conditions of Theorem 1 are satisfied, we have p < l/q. Since l/q ^ 0 this implies that p / 0, and so l/p(z) — zf'(z)/f(z) is analytic in U. In addition, from p ■< l/q and l/q ^ 0 we obtain 1/p < q, which yields the desired conclusion zf'(z)/f(z) -< zk'(z)/k(z). License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see S. S. MILLER AND P. T. MOCANU 530 EXAMPLES, (a) The function q(z) = [1 + (1 - 2a)z]/(l satisfies (i) and (ii) of Theorem z/(l-z)2^^ and 1. From Theorem zf"(z) zk"(a,z) f'(z) < k'(a,z) zf'(z) f(z) - z), with 0 < a < 1, 2 we obtain k(z) — k(a,z) — _ 2z(l - a)(2 + (1 - 2a)z) : (l-*)(l + (l-2a)«) zk'(a,z) _ l + {l-2a)z k(a,z) 1 —z The cases a = ^ and a — 0 correspond to the functions z/(l — z) and z/(l — z)2 respectively, which were mentioned in §1. (b) The function q(z) — z/(l — e~z), which is a convex (univalent) function [6, p. 70] satisfies q(0) = 1 and Q(z) = zq'(z)/q(z) = 1 + z/(l -ez) = l- q(~z). Since q is convex we conclude that Q is also convex. By using (1) we obtain RezQ'(z)/Q(z) > A, which implies condition (i) of Theorem 1. Condition (ii) also holds since Re[q(z) + zQ'(z)/Q(z)\ > l/(e - 1) + 1/2 > 0. Hence by Theorem 2 we obtain k(z) = ez — 1 and zf"(z)/f'(z) < zk"(z)/k'(z) = z => zf'(z)/f(z) -< zk'(z)/k(z) = z/(l - e~*). (c) The function q(z) = [(1 + z)/(l - z)]ß, with 0 < ß < 1, satisfies (i) and (ii) of Theorem 1 and by Theorem 2 we have 1+ z f'(z) . z2 + 2ßz-l 1-z2 1+ z 1-z zf'(z) f(z) * (d) Employing the function q(z) = eXz in Theorem 1 we obtain Q(z) = Xz and q(z) + zQ'(z)/Q(z) = eXz + 1. Condition (i) is satisfied and condition (ii) will be satisfied if Re[eA2: + 1] > 0. A simple calculation shows that this condition holds for |A| < rp. = 2.183..., where ro = yo/SÏNyo and yo is the smallest root of COS y + exp(yCOTy) = 0. Hence by Theorem 2, for |A| < r0 = 2.183..., we obtain k(z) = zexp JQz(eXt—l)t_1 dt and zf"(z)/f'(z) < zk"(z)/k'(z) => zf'(z)/f(z) = eXz+ Xz - 1 -< zk'(z)/k(z) = eXz. (e) The function q(z) = 1 4- Xz, \X\ < 1, satisfies the conditions and 2 and we obtain k(z) = zeXz and */"(*) . £^M _ A^(2+ Xz) f'(z) k'(z) (1 + Xz) z_f(zl f(z) of Theorems 1 z_k^l * k(z) + • In the special case A = 1 this simplifies to zf"(z)/f'(z) < z(2 + z)/(l + z)^ \zf'(z)/f(z) This is an improvement of the result \f"(z)/f'(z)\ proved in [7, Theorem 3] and the result \zf"(z)/f'(z) - 1| < 1. < 3/2 => \zf'(z)/f(z) - 1| < 1 + l\ <2=> \zf'(z)/f(z)-l\ < 1 proved in [5, Theorem 5]. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see MARX-STROHHACKER 3. Differential DIFFERENTIAL subordinations with SUBORDINATION starlike THEOREM 3. Let H(z) = z + a2z2 -\-be a function SYSTEMS superordinate function. starlike in U and let i¡j: C2 -* C be of the form iß(r, s) as w(r) ■sa with a > 0. In addition, (10) i>(q(z),zq'(z)) = w(q(z)) 531 ■(zq'(z))a suppose that = H(z) has a univalent solution q. If p is analytic in U, with p(0) = q(0), then (11) w(p(z)) ■(zp'(z)r < H(z) =>p(z) < q(z). PROOF. If p -/i,q then by Lemma 1 there exist points zo £U and Ço& dU, and an m > 1 such that p(zo) — g(Ço) and zop'(zo) = rafoç''((.o)■ Using these results in (10) we obtain w(p(zo)) ■(z0p'(z0))a = w(q(ç0)) ■(mç0q'(io))a = maH(ç0). Since H(U) is starlike and ma > 1 we obtain w(p(z0)) ■(zop'(zo))a & H(U). This contradicts (10) and so we must have p < q. Note that (10) requires t/>(<j(0),0) = 0. The special case ip(r,s) = r1~asa, with 0 < a < 1, satisfies Theorem 3, with p(0) = g(0), and was considered in [4, p. 169]. For the purposes of this paper, Theorem 3 is most interesting when tp(r,s) = s/r. Applying the theorem in this case we obtain THEOREM 4. Let H(z) = z + a2z2 + ■• ■ be starlike in U and suppose that (12) Q(z) = exp / Jo is univalent. (13) H(t)t~xdt If p is analytic in U, with p(0) = 1, then zp'(z)/p(z) < zQ'(z)/Q(z) = H(z) => p(z) < Q(z). COROLLARY 4.1. If H is a convex (univalent) and ReH(z) given in (12) is univalent > —1, then Q as and (13) holds. PROOF. From (1) and (12) we obtain Re[l + zQ"(z)/Q'(z)] = Re[77(¿) + zH'(z)/H(z)\ > -1 + £ = -¿, which shows that Q is univalent [9, Corollary 3]. If we set 77(a) = q(z) — 1 and p(z) = f(z)/z we obtain COROLLARY4.2. Let q be convex with Req(z) > 0 and let k(z) = zexp / Jo [q(t) - l]t~l dt. U f{z) — z + a2z2 + ■■■is analytic in U, then zf'(z)/f(z) < zk'(z)/k(z) => f(z)/z < k(z)/z. REMARKS. 1. This relation is precisely the one that the Koebe function satisfied in (3) of §1. The corollary lists sufficient conditions on k to ensure that the MarxStrohhäcker differential subordination system of second type holds. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 532 S. S. MILLER AND P. T. MOCANU 2. The fonctions q used in Examples (a), (b), (c), and (e) also satisfy the conditions of the corollary, whereas q in (d) does not for |A| > 1. As a result, for Example (a) we have zf"(z) zk"(a,z) f'(z) ' k'(a,z) zf'(z) f(z where k(a,z) = z/(l - z)2'1"^ For Example (b) we have zf"(z)/f'(z)<z f(z) <Zk'(a,z) k'(a,z) ,k(a,z) and 0 < a < 1. =►zf(z)/f(z)<z/(l-e ■■)=> f(z)/z < (ez - l)/z, and for Example (c) we have the extension zf'(z) f{z) f(z) 1+ z 1-z < < exp 1+ t i rldt /" Jo for 0 < ß < 1. In the special case ß = \ this simplifies to zf'(z) f(z) 1/2 < f(z) 1 2exp(SENT1z) i + (i-z2y/2 QU From the last corollary we know that Re(l + zQ"(z)/Q'(z)) > —\ and that Q is univalent. To show that the function Q is also convex it is sufficient to show Re(l + zQ"(z)/Q'(z)) 1 + zQ"(z)/Q'(z) > 0 for |z| = 1. Since = [(1 + z)/(l - z)]1'2 - 1 + ¿[(1 - z)"1 + (1 - z2)"1/2], if we let z = elt, 0 < t < n, we obtain (1 + z)/(l - z) = iCOT(i/2), 1 - z2 = -2¿e¿tSINí, and Re[l + zQ"(z)/Q'(z)\ = (\ COT(t/2))1/2 - | + [COS(í/2) + SIN(í/2)]/4(SINí)1/2. If we let x = (COT(i/2))1/2 > 0, we obtain Re[l + zQ"(z)/Q'(z)\ = (5x2 - 3^2x + l)/4\^i > 0. We close this section by considering another differential subordination having a starlike superordinate function. In [4, p. 170] and in [2, p. 192] it is shown that if h is convex and p is analytic in U, then p(z) + zp'(z) <h(z) => p(z) < z'1 / Jo h(t)dt. We can replace the superordinate function h with a function of the form [(1 + z)/(l — z)]a. For a > 1 this function is not convex, but is starlike with respect to 1. THEOREM 5. Let ß0 = 1.21872... be the solution of ß-K = 3tt/2 - TAN-1/? and let a = a(ß) = ß + 2TAN-1 ß/n for 0 < ß < ßQ- If p is analytic in U, with p(0) = 1, then p(z) + zp'(z) < 1 p(z) < License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 1 + z 1/3 MARX-STROHHACKER DIFFERENTIAL SUBORDINATION SYSTEMS 533 PROOF. Note that ßu < 3tt/2 - TAN"1 ß and ß < 3 - a for 0 < ß < ß0. If we let h(z) = [(1 + z)/(l - z)]a and q(z) = [(1 + z)/(l - z)}ß then h(U) and q(U) are domains given by the sectors |arg/i| < q7t/2 and |argg| < ßir/2 respectively. We need to show that p < q. If this is not true, then there exist points zo £ U and ço £ dll such that p(zo) = q(Ço) and p(|z| < |zo|) C q(U). We need to consider separately the case p(zo) ^ 0 which corresponds to a point on one of the rays on the sector q(U), and the case p(zo) = 0 which corresponds to the corner of the sector. Case (i). If p(zo) ¥" 0 tnen çb ^ ±1. If we let ri = (1 + Ço)/(l - Ço) and "se Lemma 1 we obtain p(zo) + zop'(zo) = q(Ço)+ mçor/to) = (n)ß ~ (ri)ß-xmß(l + r2)¡2 = (ri)0[l + imß(l + r2)/2r\, and arg(p(z0) + zop'(zo)) = ßir/2 + TAN"1 (m/3(r + l/r)/2). Since TAN- is an increasing function and m > 1, by considering the cases r > 0 and r < 0 we obtain ßn/2 + TAN-1/3 < |arg(p(z0) + z0p'(z0))\ < ßix/2 + tt/2. Using the fact that ßn < 3tt/2 - TAN-1 ß for 0 < ß < ß0 and the definition of a we obtain qtt/2 < |arg(p(z0) + z0p'(z0))| < 2tt - aw/2. This implies that p(zo) + ^oP'(^o) hes outside the sector h(U), and since this contradicts the hypothesis of the theorem we must have p < q. Case (ii). The case p(zo) = 0 can occur only if ß > 1, since ß < 1 implies that the sector angle of q(U) is less than 7r and p(|z| = |zo|) cannot pass through such a corner without itself having a corner. If p'(zo) / 0, then the smallest possible value of arg(zop'(2o)) is given by (27r — ßir/2) — tt/2, which occurs when p(|z| = |zo|) is tangent to the lower ray of the sector q(U). The largest possible value of arg(zop'(zo)) is given by /?7r/2 + 7r/2, which occurs when p(|z| = |zo|) is tangent to the upper ray of the sector q(U). Using these limitations and the fact that ß < 3 —a we obtain Q7T/2 < arg(p(z0) + zp'(z0)) < 2n - an/2, which gives the same contradiction as Case (i). The subcase p'(zo) = 0 also yields a contradiction since p(zo) + zop'(zo) —0^. h(U). REMARKS. If we take ß = 1 in Theorem 5 we obtain a(l) = | and p(z) + zp'(z) < 1 + Z 3/2 1-z p(z) < 1 In this case the angle of the sector h(U) is 270°. The case with the largest angle corresponds to Qo = a(ßo) — o(1.218...) = 1.781 — In this case the angle of the sector h(U) is 320.62...°, while the angle of sector q(U) is 219.36...°. References 1. A. W. Goodman, 2. D. J. Hallenbeck Univalent functions. and S. Ruscheweyh, Vols. 1, 2, Mariner, Tampa, Florida, 1983. Subordination by convex functions, Proc. Math. Soc. 52 (1975), 191-195. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see Amer. S. S. MILLER AND P. T. MOCANU 534 3. A. Marx, Unteruchungen über schlicht Abbildungen, Math. Ann. 107 (1932/33), 40-67. 4. S. Miller and P. Mocanu, Differential subordinations and univalent functions, Michigan Math. J. 28 (1981), 151-171. 5. _, On some classes of first-order differential subordinations, Michigan Math. J. 32 (1985), 185-195. 6. P. 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